
完形填空练习题一"The headmaster wants you in his office." The ( 1) boy to whom a friend says one of these things gets to ( 2) about and suddenly everyone around ( 3) and shouts, "April Fool!" ( 4) this is April 1, or Allfools' Day. In Britain and in some other countries, it is ( 5) to play tricks on people on that day. Children are ( 6) to play harmless jokeson their friends until twelve o'clock at night. Usually they ( 7) totrick other children (child的复数形式) into ( 8) foolish things. It is not only children ( 9) like such jokes. Grown-ups also enjoy tricking others. Even newspapers and radios (10) try to fool the (11) with a clever April Fools' story (故事,新闻报道).Some time ago, for example, a very (12) BBC TV program did aten-minute (13) about spaghetti (实心面条) trees in Italy (意大利). The reporter (记者) said that (14) the recent bad weather, trees weren't (15) as much spaghetti as they (16) did. He said the (17) of spaghetti would (18). A lot of TV viewers who didn't know what spaghetti is made of actually (19) the story. Some housewives hurried to buy (20) food that was going to become in short supply.1.clever poor good excited2.frighten consider fear worry3.jumps speaks laughs quarrels4.For As Such So5.easy common comfortable moral (道德上的,道德,寓意)6.forbidden let madepermitted7.imagine manage try order8.having doing taking making9.whatever however that those10.in time at times all the time for a time11.public readers listenerschildren12.curious famous popular serious13.report announcement show news14.about with to for15.collecting planting producinggathering16.normally possibly seldom before17.price quantity quality tastee over go off come down go up19.realized believed acceptedunderstood20.a / the all答案:BDCAB DCBCB ADABC AADBC完形填空练习题二A Frenchman had arrived at a small Italian (意大利的,意大利人) town and was staying with his wife at the best hotel there. One evening he went out for a walk ( 1). It was late and the small street was dark and ( 2). Suddenly he ( 3) some footsteps behind him. He ( 4) his head and saw an Italian young man quickly walk ( 5) him. The man was nearly ( 6) sight when the Frenchman suddenly found his ( 7) was gone. He thought ( 8) it was the Italian who ( 9) his watch. He decided to follow him and force him (10) the watch. Soon the Frenchman (11) up with the Italian. They didn't understand (12) language. The Frenchman threatened(威胁) the Italian (13) signs and pointed to his watch-pocket. (14) thought that the Frenchman was demanding his (15) watch. The Italian, in the end, (16) his watch to the Frenchman. When he returned to the hotel the Frenchman told his wife (17) had happened. He was greatly (18) when his wife pointed to the watch on the table. (19) he realized that by mistake he had (20) the Italian of his watch.ually lonely together alone2.clean alone quietly lonely3.looked at saw heard listened to4.raised turned shook threw5.on past over through6.out of in out away from7.clock watch glasses walking-stick8.who which what that9.had taken took got had brought10.to give return to return give back11.kept caught put ran12.each other's each others' the other's others'e in with by14.The Italian An Italian A Frenchman The Frenchman15.lovely gold new own16.gave up giving up giving back gave back17.that what which /18.disappointed moved interestedsurprised19.Then However So As20.stolen taken robbed bought答案:DDCBB ABDAC BACAD ABDAC。

2020年公共英语五级考试完型填空模拟练习(2)Section II Use of English(15 minutes)Read the following text and fill each of the numbered spaces with ONE suitable word.Write your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1."Down-to-earth" means someone or something that is honest, realistic and easy to deal with. It is a pleasure tofind (31)__________who is down-to-earth. A person who is down-to-earth is easy to talk (32) __________and acceptsother peopleas equals. A down-to-earth person is just the (33)__________of someone who acts important or proud.Down-to-earth persons may be (34) __________members of society, of course. But they do not let their impor-tance "(35)__________to their heads". They do not consider themselves to be better persons than (36) __________ofless importance. Someone who is filled with his own importance and pride, (37) __________ without cause, is said tohave "his nose in the air". There is (38) __________way a person with his nose inthe air can be down-to-earth.Americans (39) __________another expression that means almost the same as "down-to-earth". The expressionis "both-feet-on-the-ground". Someone (40) __________ both-feet-on-the-ground is a person with a good understand-ing (41)__________ reality. He has what is called "common sense, " he may have dreams, (42) __________ he doesnot allow them toblock his knowledge of (43) __________is real.The opposite kind of (44) __________is one who has his "head-in-the-clouds". A man with his head-in-the-clouds is a dreamer (45) __________mind is not in the real world.(46) __________, such a dreamer can be brought back to earth. Sharp words from teacher can usually(47) __________a day-dreaming student down-to-earth.Usually, the person who is down-to-earth is very (48)__________to have both feet on the ground.(49)we have both our feet on the ground, when we are down-to-earth, we act honestly and openly(50) __________others. Our lives are like the ground below us, solid and strong.Section Ⅲ Reading Comprehension(50 minutes)Part A:Read the following texts and answer the questions which accompany them by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.Text 1When it comes to the slowing economy, Ellen Spero isn' t biting her nails just yet. But the 47-year-old mani-curist isn' t cutting, filling or polishing as many nails as she' d like to, either. Most of her clients spend $12 to$ 50 weekly, but last month two longtime customers suddenly stopped showing up. Spero blames the softening e-conomy. "I'm a good economic indicator, " she says, "I provide a service that people can do without whenthey' re concerned about saving some dollars. " So Spero is downscaling, shopping at middle-brow Dillard' s de-partment store near her suburban Clevelandhome, instead of Neiman Marcus. "I don' t know if otherclients are go-ing to abandon me, too. " she says.Even before Alan Greenspan' s admission that America' sred-hot economy is cooling, lots of working folks hadalready seen signs of the slowdown themselves. From car dealershipsto gap outlets, sales have been lagging formonths as shoppers temper their spending. For retailers, who last year took in24 percent of their revenue betweenThanksgiving and Christmas, the cautious approach is coming at a crucial time. Already, experts say, holiday salesare off 7 percent from last year' s pace. But don' t sound any alarms just yet. Consumers seemonly concerned, notpanicked, and many say they remainoptimistic about the economy' s long-term prospects, even as they do somemodest belt-tightening.Consumers say they' re not in despair because, despitethe dreadful headlines, their own fortunes still feel prettygood. In Manhattan, "there' s a new gold rush happening in the $ 4 million to $10 million range, predominantlyfed by Wall Street bonuses, " says broker Barbara Corcoran. In San Francisco, prices are still rising even as fren-zied overbidding quiets. "Instead of 20 to 30 offers, now maybeyou only get two or three, " says John Deadly, aBay Areareal-estate broker. And most folks still feel pretty comfortable about their ability to find and keep a job.Many folks see silver linings to this slowdown. Potential homebuyers would cheer for lower interest rates. Em-ployers wouldn' t mind a little fewer bubbles in the job market. Many consumers seem to have been influenced bystock-market swings, which investors now view as a necessary ingredient to a sustained boom. Diners might see actupside,, too. Getting a。

A Frenchman had arrived at a small Italian (意大利的,意大利人) town and was staying with his wife at the best hotel there. One evening he went out for a walk ( 1). It was late and the small street was dark and ( 2). Suddenly he ( 3) some footsteps behind him. He ( 4) his head and saw an Italian young man quickly walk ( 5) him. The man was nearly ( 6) sight when the Frenchman suddenly found his ( 7) was gone. He thought ( 8) it was the Italian who ( 9) his watch. He decided to follow him and force him (10) the watch. Soon the Frenchman (11) up with the Italian. They didn’t understand (12) language. The Frenchman threatened (威胁) the Italian (13) signs and pointed to his watch-pocket. (14) thought that the Frenchman was demanding his (15) watch. The Italian, in the end, (16) his watch to the Frenchman. When he returned to the hotel the Frenchman told his wife (17) had happened. He was greatly (18) when his wife pointed to the watch on the table. (19) he realized that by mistake he had (20) the Italian of his watch.ually lonely together alone2.clean alone quietly lonely3.looked at saw heard listened to4.raised turned shook threw5.on past over through6.out of in out away from7.clock watch glasses walking-stick8.who which what that9.had taken took got had brought10.to give return to return give back11.kept caught put ran12.each other’s each others’ the other’s others’e in with by14.The Italian An Italian A Frenchman The Frenchman15.lovely gold new own16.gave up giving up giving back gave back17.that what which /18.disappointed moved interested surprised19.Then However So As20.stolen taken robbed bought答案:DDCBB ABDAC BACAD ABDAC。

公共英语五级完型填空模练习题及答案(1)R e a d t h e f o l l o w i n g t e x t a n d f i l l e a c h o f t h en u m b e r e d s p a c e s w i t h O N E s u i t a b l e w o r d.W r i t e y o u r a n s w e r s o n A N S W E R S H E E T 1.T h e m o s t o b v i o u s p u r p o s e o f a d v e r t i s i n g i s t o i n f o r m t h e c o n s u m e r o f a v a i l a b l e p r o d u c t s o rs e r v i c e s.T h e s e c o n d(31)___i s t o s e l l t h ep r o d u c t.T h e s e c o n d p u r p o s e m i g h t b e m o r e i m p o r t a n t t o t h e m a n u f a c t u r e r s t h a n t h e(32)___.T h em a n u f a c t u r e r s g o b e y o n d o n l y t e l l i n g c o n s u m e r sa b o u t t h e i r p r o d u c t s.T h e y a l s o t r y t o p e r s u a d ec u s t o m e r s t o b u y t h e(33) ___b y c r e a t i n g ade s i r e(34) ___i t.B e c a u s e of a d v e r t i s e m e n t,c o n s u m e r s t h i n kt h a t t h e y w a n t s o m e t h i n g t h a t t h e y d o n o tn e e d.A f t e r b u y i n g s o m e t h i n9,t h e p u r c h a s e r c a n n o t a l w a y s e x p l a i n w h y i t w a s(35)___.E v e n(36)___—t h e p u r c h a s e r p r o b a b l y d o e s n o t k n o w w h y h e o r s h e b o u g h t s o m e t h i n g,t h em a n u f a c t u r e r s(37)___.M a n u f a c t u r e r s h a v ea n a l y z e d t h eb u s i n e s s o f(38)___a n d b u y i n9.T h e y k n o w a l l t h e d i f f e r e n t m o t i v e s t h a t i n f l u e nc e a c o n s u m e r’s p u r c h a s e--s o m e r a t i o n a l a n d(39)___e m o t i o n a l.F u r t h e r m o r e,t h e y t a k e a d v a n t a g e o f t h i s(40)___.W h y(41)___s o m a n y p r o d u c t s d i s p l a y e d a t t h e c h e c k o u t c o u n t e r s i n g r o c e r y s t o r e s?T h e s t o r em a n a g e m e n t h a s s o m e g o o d(42)___.B y t h e t i m e t h e c u s t o m e r i s(43) ___t o p a y f o r a p u r c h a s e,h e o r s h e h a s a l r e a d y m a d e r a t i o n a l,t h o u g h t—o u td e c i s i o n s(44) ___w h a t h e o r s h e n e e d s a n d w a n t s t o b u y.T h e(45) ___f e e l s t h a t h e o r s h e h a s d o n e a g o o d j o b o f c h o o s i n g t h e i t e m s.T h e s h o p p e r i s e s p e c i a l l y v u l n e r a b l e a t t h i s p o i n t.T h e(46)___o f c a n d y,c h e w i n g g u m,a nd m a g a z i ne s a r e v e r y a t t r a c t i v e.T h e y p e r s u a d e t h e p u r c h a s e r t o b u y s o m e t h i n gf o re m o t i o n a l,n o t(47)___m o t i v e s.F o r e x a m p l e,t h ec u s t o m e r n e i t h e r n e ed s n o r p l a n s t o b u y c a n d y.b u t w h i le t h e c u s t o m e r i s s t a n d i n g,w a i t i n g t o p a ym o n e y,h e o r s h e m a y s u d d e n l y d e c i d e t o b u y(48)___.T h i s i s e x a c t l y(49)___t h e s t o r e a n d t h em a n u f a c t u r e r h o p e t h a t t h e c u s t o m e r w i l l(50)___.T h e c u s t o m e r f o l l o w s h i s o r h e r p l a n.答案及解析:31.p u r p o s e【解析】从文中的第一句话“T h e m o s t o b v i o u s p u r p o s e...”可以看出后面还有别的目的,而不是仅仅有最明显的目的。

The headmaster wants you in his office. The ( 1) boy to whom a friend says one of these things gets to ( 2) about and suddenly everyone around ( 3) and shouts, April Fool! ( 4) this is April 1, or All fools Day. In Britain and in some other countries, it is ( 5) to play tricks on people on that day. Children are ( 6) to play harmless jokes on their friends until twelve oclock at night. Usually they ( 7) to trick other children (child的复数形式) into ( 8) foolish things. It is not only children ( 9) like such jokes. Grown-ups also enjoy tricking others. Even newspapers and radios (10) try to fool the (11) with a clever April Fools story (故事,新闻报道).Some time ago, for example, a very (12) BBC TV program did a ten-minute (13) about spaghetti (实心面条) trees in Italy (意大利). The reporter (记者) said that (14) the recent bad weather, trees werent (15) as much spaghetti as they (16) did. He said the (17) of spaghetti would (18). A lot of TV viewers who didnt know what spaghetti is made of actually (19) the story. Some housewives hurried to buy (20) food that was going to become in short supply.1.clever poor good excited2.frighten consider fear worry3.jumps speaks laughs quarrels4.For As Such So5.easy common comfortable moral (道德上的,道德,寓意)6.forbidden let made permitted7.imagine manage try order8.having doing taking making9.whatever however that those10.in time at times all the time for a time11.public readers listeners children12.curious famous popular serious13.report announcement show news14.about with to for15.collecting planting producing gathering16.normally possibly seldom before17.price quantity quality tastee over go off come down go up19.realized believed accepted understood20.a / the all答案:BDCAB DCBCB ADABC AADBC。

Thank you means that you recognize that someone has done something for you. Thus we thank people all day ( 1) even for the smallest, most ( 2) things. If a waitress brings you a ( 3) of coffee, you say Thank you. When you ( 4) your food and get your ( 5), you say Thank you to the ( 6). If someone gives you ( 7) in the street, you say Thank you. If someone ( 8) you to dinner, you say Yes, thank you, I'd ( 9) to come. However, that's more than (10). Excessive expressions of gratitude (11) Westerners extremely (12) and gives a sense of (13) thanks, a sense of formal or required Kowtowing (叩头) which does not (14) gratitude but insincerity. For example, if your advisor spends a half-hour of his time (15) you edit some letter you've just written, you will (16) to say Thank you, I really (17) your time. But one or two phrases of that (18) is enough. If you go on and on (19) statements about his kindness, the person will feel not thanked but (20) and will not be anxious to help you again.1.long round over about2.ordinary tiny usual often3.bottle tin can cup4.pay back pay off pay up pay for5.coins change bills charge6.customer cashier principal postman7.suggestion direction hints interview8.orders brings demands invites9.want love need move10.efficient enough full certain11.take do make cause12.unhappy unlucky unlikely uncomfortable13.empty full grateful troubled14.indicate tell signify direct15.helping to help on helping helped16.want use need bother17.waste appreciate spend cost18.sort type variety style19.to through with by20.dissatisfied annoyed hated disturbed答案AADDB BBDBB CDACA CBACB2012年公共英语五级完形填空专项练习2阅读下面的短文,从短文后所给各项的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。

1. In the experiment we kept a watchful eye the developments and recorded every detail.A) in B) at C) for D) on2. There’s little chance that mankind would a nuclear war.A) retain B) endure C) maintain D) survive3. Nuclear science be developed to benefit the people harm them.A) more than B) other than C) rather than D) better than4. The French pianist who had been praised very highly to be a great disappointment.A) turned up B) turned in C) turned out D) turned down5. Many difficulties have as a result of the change over to a new type of fuel.A) risen B) arisen C) raised D) arrived6. He made such a contribution to the university that they are naming one of the new buildings after him.A) genuine B) minimum C) modest D) generous7. In the advanced course students must take performance tests at monthly .A) gaps B) intervals C) length D) distance8. We regret to inform you that the materials you ordered are .A) out of work B) out of stock C) out of reach D) out of practice9. Our pany decided to the contract because a number of the conditions in it had not been met.A) destroy B) resist C) assume D) cancel10. She is a musician than her brother.A) much of B) much as C) more of D) more as11. Having been found guilty, the man was given a severe by the judge.A) service B) sentence C) crime D) crisis12. is known to the world, Mark Twain is great American writer.A) That B) Which C) As D) It13. You can’t afford to let the situation get worse. You must take to put it right.A) decisions B) directions C) sides D) steps14. Before he left for his vacation he went to the bank to some money.A) pull B) pick C) gain D) draw15. Frankfurt, Germany, is in one of the most populated regions of Western Europe.A) densely B) vastly C) enormously D) largely16. The police set a to catch the thieves.A) plan B) device C) trap D) trick17. We have to try every means to the costs of the construction project.A) bring off B) bring forth C) bring down D) bring back18. The students were participating an international energy-saving petition between towns in New England and Canada.A) for B) in C) to D) at19. When she was criticized, she claimed that it was outside her of responsibility.A) field B) limit C) extent D) range20. We wele rain, but a(an) large amount of rainfall will cause floods.A) extensively B) extremely C) specially D) constantly1-5 DDCCB6-10 DBBDA11-15 BCDDA16-20 CCBDB。

A superstar usually is someone who has become famous in sports or popular music, someone like folk (人们,民间的) ( 1) Michael Jackson. ( 2) the middle of 1980's Michael made a record album (相片册,邮票簿) ( 3) "Thriller (激情)". It quickly became the most ( 4) recording in the history of music and it made Michael Jackson a ( 5).The word "super" means ( 6) that is extremely good. And of course, a ( 7) is a person who is famous. So people use "superstar" to describe the ( 8) people in sports, acting and ( 9).One of the most famous sports superstars in the United States (10) boxer Muhammed Ali. (11) a young man, he won a (12) medal (奖章,纪念章) in the Olympics as a boxer. (13) he became the heavy-weight boxing champion of (14). (15) long, he was known as one of the greatest (16) most famous boxers in sports (17).Muhammed Ali claimed (18) he was a champion that he was more famous than the president of the United States, the (19) of the Soviet (苏维埃) Union, (20) the secretary-general of U.N. He is a true superstar. Everyone knows his name.1.business sportsman (运动员)film-star singer2.At On In For3.referred known thought called4.good popular valuable excellent5.superstar expert (专家,内行的)star rich man6.somebody thing something all7.singer star master winner8.top well-trained tall good9.music boxing play film10.are was were is11.Because of Like Because As12.silver gold bronze (青铜,青铜色,青铜制品)best13.Hopefully However Still Then14.the world America the United States the whole country15.After Before For Since16.then but and rather17.history field games affair18.however that whether when19.director head manager official20.but or and yet答案:DCDBA CBAAD DBDAB CADBB。

Europeans tend (14) their cars. But Americans treat their cars (15) as vehicles which are important (16) their lives — to take them to work, to shopping (购物) places, to picnics or to their friends. (17) when they take a vacation they rarely (稀少地,难得地) drive long distances.
18.other another the other some other
19.has had have has have had
20.other countries either also as well
12.All None No Every
13.more greatly highly wonderfully
14.to love to loving to be loving loving
15.really only actually usually
16.for to with on

Section Ⅲ Reading Comprehension
(50 minutes)
Part A:Read the following texts and answer the questions which accompany them by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.
Consumers say they’re not in despair because, despite the dreadful headlines, their own fortunes still feel prettygood. In Manhattan,“there’s a new gold rush happening in the $ 4 million to $10 million range, predominantlyfed by Wall Street bonuses,“says broker Barbara Corcoran. In San Francisco, prices are still rising even as fren-zied overbidding quiets.“Instead of 20 to 30 offers, now maybe you only get two or three,“says John Deadly, aBay Area real-estate broker. And most folks still feel pretty comfortable about their ability to find and keep a job.Many folks see silver linings to this slowdown. Potential homebuyers would cheer for lower interest rates. Em-ployers wouldn’t mind a little fewer bubbles in the job market. Many consumers seem to have been influenced bystock-market swings, which investors now view asa necessary ingredient to a sustained boom. Diners might see actupside,, too. Getting a table at Manhattan’s hot new Alain Ducasse restaurant need to be impossible. Not anymore.For that, Greenspan but at least two attempts, according to the hospital, could have been vital. Their reasons seemed as mundane asthe other happen-stances of suburban life.“I was just sick of it all,“one told a reporter,“Everything in life.“Mostalarming, emergency-room doctor Frederick Lohse told a local reporter that several girls said they were part of a sui-cide pact. The. ter backed away from this remark. But coming in the wake of at least sixteen suicide at-tempts over the previous few months, this sudden cluster--along with the influx of media--has set this well-groomedsuburb of 23,000 on edge. At a town meeting last Wednesday night, Dr Simon Sobo, chief of psychiatry at the hospi-tal, told more than 200 parents and kids,“We’re talking about a crisis that has really gotten outof hand.“Later headded,“There have been more suicide attempts this spring than I have seen in the 13 years I have been here.“

全国英语等级考试PETS五级完型填空考试题及解析全国英语等级考试PETS五级完型填空考试题及解析None are so deaf as those who wont hear.以下是我为大家搜寻整理的全国英语等级考试PETS五级完型填空考试题及解析,期望能给大家带来帮忙!更多精彩内容请准时关注我们应届毕业生考试网!Impatience characterizes young intellectual workers.They want to make their mark(31) ___.So its important to get(32)___to them in a challenging manner the idea(33) ___big achievements rarely come easily and quickly.Point out that the little successes are essential.Show that they(34) ___turn become the foundation on(35) ___reputations are built and from which mole important tasks can be accomphished.A variety of job assignments,including job Or project rotation,also keep a job(36) ___becoming dull.Whereas its natural for some individuals to want to move ahead immediately to more difficult assignments,(37) ___proper guidance they call continue to learn and to gain versatility by working ona number of jobs that are essentially(38)the same complexity.This way they gain breadth,if not depth.Probably the greatest offense to guard(39) ___when dealing with younger specialists is to reject ideas out of hand.You must listen--and listen objectively~to theirsuggestions.Avoid(40)0vercritical.You want to nurture an inquiring mind with a fresh approach. Youll frustrate it quickly if you revert too often(41) ___"Weve tried that beforeand it wont(42) ___here.'One sure way to disenchant(43) ___college graduates is flagrantly misusing their talents.Expect them to do some routine work,of course.But dont make their(44) ___work just one long series of errands.This ineludes such breakin assignments(45) ___performing routine calculations,digging up(46) ___material,(47) ___0perating reproduction equipment.One large manufacturing company recently interviewed a number of(48) ___engineers who had left them.The company found that the overwhelming complaint was that the company not only did not offer work that(49) ___challenging but also expected(50) ___too little from them in the way of performance.参考译文不急躁是年轻的脑力工的特点。

历年公共英语五级训练题阅读填空题及答案Read the following text and fill each of the numbered spaceswith ONE suitable word.Write your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.The most obvious purpose of advertising is to inform the consumer of available products or services.The second (31)___is to sell the product.The second purpose might be more important to the manufacturers than the (32) ___.The manufacturers go beyond only telling consumers about their products.They also try to persuade customers tobuy the(33) ___by creating a desire(34) ___it.Because of advertisement,consumers think that they want something that they do not need.After buying somethin9,the purchaser cannot always explain why it was(35) ___.Even(36) ___—the purchaser probably does not know why he or she bought something,the manufacturers (37) ___.Manufacturers have analyzed the business of(38) ___and buyin9.They know all the different motivesthat influence a consumer’s purchase--some rational and(39)___emotional.Furthermore,they take advantage of this(40) ___.Why(41) ___so many products displayed at the checkout counters in grocery stores? The store management has some good(42) ___.By the time the customer is(43) ___to pay for a purchase,he or she has already made rational,thought—out decisions(44) ___what he or she needs and wantsto buy.The(45) ___feels that he or she has done a good job of choosing the items.The shopper is especially vulnerable at this point.The(46)___of candy,chewing gum,and magazines are very attractive.They persuade the purchaser to buy something for emotional,not(47)___motives.For example,the customer neither needs nor plans to buy candy.but while the customer is standing,waiting to pay money,he orshe may suddenly decide to buy(48) ___.This is exactly(49) ___the store and the manufacturer hope that the customer will(50) ___.The customer follows his or her plan.答案及解析31.purpose 解析】从文中的第一句话“The most obvious purpose...”可以看出后面还有别的目的,而不是仅仅有最明显的目的。

公共英语五级阅读的精读材料公共英语五级阅读的精读材料Passage Seven (Forecasting of Statistics)Nearly two thousand years have passed since a census decreed by Caesar Augustus become part of the greatest story ever told. Many things have changed in the intervening years. The hotel industry worries more about overbuilding than overcrowding, and if they had to meet an unexpected influx, few inns would have a manager to accommodate the weary guests. Now it is the census taker that does the traveling in the fond hope that a highly mobile population will stay long enough to get a good sampling. Methods of gathering, recording, and evaluating information have presumably been improved a great deal. And where then it was the modest purpose of Rome to obtain a simple head count as an adequate basis for levying taxes, now batteries of complicated statistical series furnished by governmental agencies and private organizations are eagerly scanned and interpreted by sages and seers to get a clue to future events. The Bible does not tell us how the Roman census takers made out, and as regards our more immediate concern, the reliability of present day economic forecasting, there are considerable differences of opinion. They were aired at the celebration of the 125th anniversary of the American Statistical Association. There was the thought that business forecasting might well be on its way from an art to a science, and some speakers talked about newfangled computers and high-falutin mathematical system in terms of excitement and endearment which we, at least in our younger years when these things mattered, would have associated more readily with the description of a fair maiden. But others pointed to the deplorable record of highly esteemed forecasts and forecasters with a batting average below that of the Mets, and the President-elect of the Association cautioned that “high powered statistical methods are usually in order where the facts are crude and inadequate, the exact contrary of what crude and inadequate statisticians assume.” We left his birthday party somewhere between hope and despair and with the conviction, not really newly acquired, that proper statistical methods applied to ascertainable facts have their merits in economic forecasting as long as ne【公共英语五级阅读的精读材料】相关文章:1.公共英语五级阅读题材料20173.2017年公共英语五级阅读备考材料5.2017年公共英语五级阅读热点材料搜集7.公共英语五级备考阅读材料精选2017。
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“Thank you”means that you recognize that someone has done something for you. Thus we thank people all day ( 1) even for the smallest, most ( 2) things. If a waitress brings you a ( 3) of coffee, you say“Thank you”. When you ( 4) your food and get your ( 5), you say“Thank you”to the ( 6). If someone gives you ( 7) in the street, you say“Thank you”. If someone ( 8) you to dinner, you say“Yes, thank you, I’d ( 9) to come.”However, that’s more than (10). Excessive expressions of gratitude (11) Westerners extremely (12) and gives asense of (13) thanks, a sense of formal or required Kowtowing (叩头) which does not (14) gratitude but insincerity. For example, if your advisor spends a half-hour of his time (15) you edit some letter you’ve just written, you will (16) to say“Thank you, I really (17) your time.”But one or twophrases of that (18) is enough. If you go on and on (19) statements about his kindness, the person will feel not thanked but (20) and will not be anxious to help you again.
19.tothrough with by
20.dissatisfied annoyed hated disturbed
1.long round over about
2.ordinary tiny usual often
3.bottletin can cup
4.pay back pay off pay uppay for
5.coins changebills charge
6.customer cashier principal postman
13.empty full grateful troubled
14.indicate tell signify direct
15.helping to help on helpinghelped
16.want use need bother
17.waste appreciatespend cost
18.sort type variety le
7.suggestiondirection hints interview
8.ordersbringsdemands invites
9.want love need move
10.efficient enoughfull certain
11.take domake cause
12.unhappy unlucky unlikely uncomfortable