computer 中文翻译

computer 中文翻译computer 中文翻译是:计算机一、computer词汇分析n. 计算机;电脑;电子计算机二、短语computer language [计] 计算机语言 ; 电脑语言Computer Architecture 计算机系统结构; [计] 计算机体系结构computer hardware 硬件; [计] 计算机硬件; 电脑硬件Apple Computer 苹果电脑; 苹果电脑公司 ; 苹果计算机home computer 家用电脑; [计] 家用计算机; 个人用计算机三、例句1、The data are then fed into a computer.这些数据之后被输入一台计算机。
2、The company installed a $650,000 computer system. 该公司安装了一套65万美元的计算机系统。
扩展资料computer的近义词有calculating machine , computing machine。
一、calculating machine计算机1、I began as a calculating machine in France in 1642.我开始时是1642年在法国作为一个计算的机器。
2、And it saysthat financial markets act, essentially, like a giant calculating machine它说,金融市场行为,本质上,像一个巨大的计算机二、computing machine计算机(等于computer)1、Coming in third, yetanother ultra fast Chinese computing machine called Nebulae. 紧随其后的是中国的另外一台超快速计算机器,名叫星云。
2、At the time of its release, the Cray-1,above, was the fastest computing machine at the world.在其发布的那段时间,Cray - 1是世界上运行最快的计算机。

英语教案computer【篇一:unit3_computer_教学设计】unit 3 computers 教学设计(warming up&reading)教材分析本堂课包括warming up 和 reading 两部分。
warming up部分利用guessing game 激发学生对电脑的兴趣,从而展开对“what can we do with computers in our daily life”问题的讨论。
教学策略与手段1.任务型教学2.课堂操练和小组讨论3.多媒体教学教学过程step 1 lead—in(热身活动)1. guessing gamet: good afternoon, class. before our lesson, i would like to play a guessing game with you. if you know the answers, please say it out. are you ready? ok, here we go.i am very old now. i was born in china. many people used me for calculating in the past, but now i am a bit lonely because they don’t like me now.abacusin china, a lot of students use me when solving mathematical problems.calculatori can be used for calculating, sending e-mails, watching movies online. however, i am not a pc, because i am small enough for you to take me with you.t:no.3 there is no words description, only pictures. so look at these pictures, do you know who am i?yes, very good. you are really clever. and today we are going to learn a new unit. unit 3 computers.2. the history of computers.t: my dear class, nowadays nearly everyone uses computers at home or in their office. but do you know the history of computers? look at these inventions. can you put them in an order according to the time when they appeared?( ) analytical machine ( ) laptop( ) calculating machine( ) robot( ) pc ( ) universal machinet: computers develop with a long history, and i think many scientists devote themselves to improving the functions of computers. right? therefore, we can use computers conveniently. so my next question is “what can we use computers to do in our daily life?”设计意图:通过围绕电脑这一主题展开,话题贴近我们生活,容易调动学生的积极性,激活他们的思维。
computer是什么意思 computer常见词组短语-专有名词

computer是什么意思 computer常见词组短语-专有名词computer【释义】英 [kmpjut(r)] 美 [kmpjutr]n.电脑;计算机【词组短语】Computer Architecture 计算机系统结构 ; 计算机系统结构 ; 计算机体系结构 ; 计算机结构computer language 计算机语言 ; 计算机语言 ; 电脑语言 ; 计算器语言Apple Computer 苹果电脑 ; 苹果电脑公司 ; 苹果计算机 ; 苹果公司computer program 计算机程序 ; 电脑程式 ; 电脑程序 ; 计算程序computer programming 计算机编程 ; 计算机程序computer hardware 硬件 ; 计算机硬件 ; 电脑硬件 ; 硬件home computer 家用电脑 ; 家用电脑 ; 家用计算机 ; 个人用计算机Computer literacy 计算机文化 ; 计算机文化 ; 电脑素养 ; 计算机素养computer memory 电脑记忆体 ; 计算机存储器 ; 计算机内存 ; 内存条【双语例句】用作名词 (n.)Im getting a new computer for birthday present.我得到一台电脑作生日礼物。
This computer company was established last year.这家电脑公司是去年成立的.。
In addition to giving a general introduction to computer, the course also provides practical experience.课程除了一般介绍电脑知识外,还提供实际操作的机会。
I am a computer operator.我是一名计算机操作人员。
We should be watchful of computer viruses.我们应该警惕计算机病毒。

计算机英语名词及其缩写关于计算机相关的英语名词词汇,大家知道有多少呢?下面是小编给大家带来的计算机英语名词及其缩写,欢迎大家阅读参考,我们一起来看看吧!计算机英语名词及其缩写PC:Personal Computer,个人计算机、个人电脑,又称微型计算机或微机。
NC: Network Computer,网络计算机。
MPC: Multimedia1 Personal Computer,多媒体个人电脑。
MMX: 是MultiMedia extensions(多媒体扩展)的缩写,是第六代CPU芯片的重要特点。
MMX技术是在CPU中加入了特地为视频信号(Video Signal),音频信号(Audio Signal)以及图像处理(Graphical Manipulation)而设计的57条指令,因此,MMX CPU极大地提高了电脑的多媒体(如立体声、视频、三维动画等)处理功能。
Intel Pentium 166MHz MMXTM: Intel Pentium是英特尔(Intel)公司生产的“奔腾”CPU。
166MHz指CPU时钟频率,MHz即Mega Hertz的缩写。
MMXTM 中的TM是“Trade Mark”的简写,意为“注册商标”。
OOP: Object Oriented Programming,面向对象的程序设计。
28VGA: 28是指彩色显示器上的黄光网点间距(点距),点距越小的显示器,图像就越细腻、越好,这是因为彩色屏幕上的每个像点都是由一组红、绿、蓝光汇聚而成的,由于在技术上三束光还不能100%地汇聚在一点上,因此会产生一种黄光网点的间隔,这种间隔越小,屏幕上显示的图像越清晰。

known as 通常所说的,以……著称
ENIAC(Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) 电子数字积分计算机,ENIAC计算机 EDSAC (Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Computer) 延迟存储电子自动计算机 BINAC (Binary Automatic Computer) 二进制自动计算机
abstraction n. 抽象化
class n. 类
inheritance n. 继承
encapsulation n. 封装
polymorphism n. 多型
entity n. 实例,实体
insertion n.插入
deletion n.删除, 删除部分
pop 退栈
push 进栈
backtrack v.回溯
pseudocode n.[计]伪代码
retrieve v.重新得到;n.找回
pointer n.指针
pertinent adj.有关的, 相干的, 中肯的
extract vt. 取,引
UNIVAC (Universal Automatic Computer) 通用自动计算机
2.1 Basic Organization of Computers
New Words & Expressions: instruction cycle 指令周期 bus n. 总线 uppermost adj.最高的;adv.在最上 data bus 数据总线 multibit 多位 unidirectional 单向的 microprocessor n.微处理器 timing n.定时;时序;时间选择 assert vt.主张,发出 trigger vt.引发, 引起, 触发 port n.端口

电脑图片(19张)人类的生产活动和社会活动产生了极其重要的影响,并以强大的生命力飞速发展。它的应用领域从最初的军事科研应用扩展到目前社会的各个领域,已形成规模巨大的计算机产业,带动了全球范围的技术进步,由此引发了深刻的社会变革。计算机已遍及学校、企事业单位,进入寻常百姓家,成为信息社会中必不可少的工具。它是人类进入信息时代的重要标志。 计算机是由早期的电动计算器发展而来的。1946年,世界上出现了第一台电子数字计算机“ENIAC”,用于计算弹道。是由美国宾夕法尼亚大学莫尔电工学院制造的。1956年,晶体管电子计算机诞生了,这是第二代电子计算机。只要几个大一点的柜子就可将它容下,运算速度也大大地提高了。1959年出现的是第三代集成电路计算机。最初的计算机由约翰·冯·诺依曼发明(那时电脑的计算能力相当于现在的计算器),有三间库房那么大,后逐步发展。 1946年面世的“ENIAC”,它主要是用于计算弹道。是由美国宾夕法尼亚大学莫尔电气工程学院制造的,它的体积庞大,占地面积170多平方米,重量约30吨,消耗近150千瓦的电力。显然,这样的计算机成本很高,使用不便。这个说法被计算机基础教科书上普遍采用,事实上在1973年根据美国最高法院的裁定,最早的电子数字计算机,应该是美国爱荷华州立大学的物理系副教授约翰·阿坦那索夫和其研究生助手克利夫·贝瑞(Clifford E. Berry ,1918-1963)于1939年10月制造的"ABC"(Atanasoff- Berry-Computer)。之所以会有这样的误会,是因为“ENIAC”的研究小组中的一个叫莫克利的人于1941年剽窃了约翰·阿坦那索夫的研究成果,并在1946年时,申请了专利。由于种种原因直到197望大家记住ABC和约翰·阿坦那索夫,希望以后的教科书能够修改这个错误)。后来为了表彰和纪念约翰·阿坦那索夫在计算机领域内作出的伟大贡献,1990年美国前总统布什授予约翰·阿坦那索夫全美最高科技奖项----“国家科技奖”。

IPC 工业控制
可编程序控制器 (PLC)
掌上电脑 电脑一体机
笔记本电脑 平板电脑
2.电脑一 体机
4.掌上电脑 (PDA)
1、对实时和多任务有很强的支持能力,能完成多任务 并且有较短的中断响应时间。
3、能迅速地扩展出满足应用的高性能的嵌入式微处理器。 4、嵌入式微处理器的功耗必须很低。
信息管理 过程控制 辅助技术 翻译 多媒体应用 计算机网络
发展趋势 概括
随着科技的进步计算机已经从功能单一、体积较大发展到了功能复杂、 体积微小、资源网络化等。 计算机从出现至今,经历了机器语言、程序语言、简单操作系统和 Linux、Macos、BSD、Windows等现代操作系统四代,运行速度也得到 了极大的提升。未来计算机性能应向着微型化、网络化、智能化和巨型化 的方向发展。
计算精 确度高
逻辑运算 能力强
计算机不仅能进行精确计算,还具有逻辑运 算功能,能对信息进行比较和判断。
存储容 量大
计算机内部的存储器具有记忆特 性,可以存储大量的信息,这些信 息,不仅包括各类数据信息,还包 括加工这些数据的程序。
发 展 历 史

computer n.电脑,电子计算机arithmetic logic unit 算术逻辑部件manipulate vt. 操纵,操作keyboard n.键盘information n.消息,知识printer n.打印机hand-hold a.使携,手拿的skitter n.磁盘calc u lator n.计算器statistical a 统计的system n.系统,体系joystick n.游戏棒,操纵杆scientific a.科学的,系统的software n.软件electronic a.电子的category n.种类machinery a.机器,机关,simulate n.模拟,模仿equipment n.装备,设备handle vt.控制dull a.单调的,呆滞的interpret vt.解释network n.网络feedback n.反馈circuit n.电路,一圈,巡回instrument n.工具switch n.开关,电闸manufacture vt.制造level n.水平,标准CAD 计算机辅助设计status n.状态engineer n.工程师binary a.二进位的draft n.草稿store vt.储存,储藏graphics n.图形process n.程序,过程video n.影像character n.字符robotic a./n 机器人学sound n.声音automation n.自动化image n.影像,图像word processing 字处理programme n.程序,计划text n.文衣logic inference 逻辑推理communication n.通讯aid vt.帮助,援助electronic-mail 电子邮件instruction n.指令teleconferencing 电话会议convert vt.转变telccommunicating 远程通讯originality n.创造力database n.数据库operate vt.操作,运转CAI 计算机辅助教学ENIAC 电子数值积分计算机transistor n.晶体管vacuum 真空DOS 磁盘操作系统resistor n.电阻器RAM 随机存取存储器capacitor n.电容器mouse n.鼠标interference n.干预intense 妙n.强烈,紧张technology n.技术floppy a.松软的internal a.内部的fix a.牢固的symbolic n.代号write-protect 写保护language n.语言drive n.驱动器span v t.跨越mechanics n.机械学reliable a.可靠的access vt.访问efficient a 一有效率的byte n.比特magnetic a.一有磁性的、mega n.兆Auxiliary a./n.附加的,辅助物decimal n.十进制media n.媒体octal n.八进制storage n.存储器headecimal n.十六进制punched card tape n.磁带weight n.权memory n.记忆,存储code n.代码silicon n.硅,硅元素ASCII 美国信息交换标准代chip n.芯片extended a.扩充的,长期的terminal n.终端机,终点,总站voltage n.伏特,device n.设备integer n.整数innovation n.改革,创新negative a.负的external a.外部的absence a.缺席feature n.特征convenience n.便利component n.元件,组件waveform n.波形com b inati on n.联合,合并zone n.区microprocessor n.微处理器vendor n.厂商,自动售货机packed a.包装的implement n.工具,器具package n.包裹,套装软件quantity n.数量digital a.数字的rigid n.硬的analog a.模拟的fragile a.易脆的hybrid a.混合的susceptible a.易受影响的discrete a.离散的medium n.媒体Vital a.重要的,关键的shutter n.快门monitorn.显示器g eneral-purpose 通用overwhelm v.制服theory proving 定理证明application n.应用information retrieval 信息检索wire n.电线,电报persona computer 个人计算机model n.模型time-consuming a.费时的Versatility n.多种变化,变通routine task 日常工作lump vt.使成块logical decision 逻辑判断hardware n.硬件programmable a.可编程的stream n.流rewire vt.重新接线resource n.资源generation n.代desktop n.桌面unreliable a.不可靠的cabinet n.文件柜auxiliary storge 辅助存储器supercomputer n.超级计算机minicomputer n.小型计算机I/0 device 输入/输出设备system unit 系统部件cell n.单元floppy disk 软盘consecutively a.连续的,连贯的fix disk 硬盘CPU 中央处理器transmission n.传送,传输library 库,程序库linkage 连接to load 装入,寄存,写入,加载location 存储单元logger 登记器,记录器loop 循环machine language 机器语言magnetic storage 磁存储器magnetic tape 磁带matrix 矩阵memory 存储器message 信息,报文microcomputer 微型计算机module 组件,模块monitor 监视器,监督程序,管程nanosecond 毫微秒network 网络,网numeric, numerical 数字的,数值的octet 八位位组,八位字节operator 操作员optical character reader 光符阅读机optical scanner 光扫描器output 输出overflow 溢出,上溢panel 平板parameter 参数,参量perforator 穿孔机peripheral equipment 外围设备,外部设备personal computer 个人计算机printed circuit 印制电路printer 打印机printout 打印输出to process 处理processing unit 处理部件program 程序to program 程序编制programme r 程序设计员programming 程序设计,程序编制pulse 脉冲punch 穿孔to punch 穿孔punched card, punch card 穿孔卡片punched tape, punch tape 穿孔纸带punch hole 孔,穿孔random access 随机存取to read 读reader 阅读程序reading 阅读realtime 实时record,register 记录redundancy 冗余routine 例行程序selector 选择器,选择符sentinel 标记sequence 序列,顺序sequential 顺序的serial 串行的.连续的shift 移位,移数signal 信号simulation 模拟simulator 模拟器,模拟程序software 软件,软设备sort 分类,排序sorter 分类人员,分类机,分类程序,排序程序storage 存储器to store 存储subroutine, subprogram 子程序switch 开关symbol 符号symbolic language 符号语言system 系统tabulator制表机teleprinter 电传打字机terminal 终端terminal unit 终端设备timer 时钟,精密计时器time sharing 分时timing 定时track 磁道transducer 传感器,翻译机translator 翻译程序,翻译器to update 更新Winchester disk drive 温彻斯特磁盘机,硬盘机working storage 工作存储器PC(Personal Computer,个人计算机)IBM(International Business Machine,美国国际商用机器公司简称,最早的个人计算机品牌)Intel(美国英特尔公司,以生产CPU 芯片著称)Pentium(Intel 公司,X86 CPU 芯片,中文译名为“奔腾”)IT(Information Technology,信息产业)E-Commerce Eelectronic Business(电子商务)B2C(Business To Customer,商家对顾客, 电子商务的一种模式,还有B2C、C2C 模式)Y2K(2k year,两千年问题,千年虫)IC(Integrate Circuit,集成电路)VLSI(Very Large Scale Integration,超大规模集成电路)DIY(Do It Yourself,自己装配计算机)Bit(比特,一个二进制位,通信常用的单位)Byte(字节,由八个二进制位组成,是计算机中表示存储空间的最基本容量单位)K(千,存储空间的容量单位, kilobyte,1K=1024 字节)M(兆,megabyte,1M=1024K)G(吉,gigabyte,1G=1024M)T(太,1T=1024G)Binary(二进制,计算机中用的记数制,有0、1 两个数字)ASCII(American Standard Code for Information Interchange,美国信息交换标准代码,成为了一个为世界计算机使用的通用标准)CAI(Computer-Assisted Instruction,计算机辅助教学)CAD(Computer-Aided Design,计算机辅助设计)CAM(Computer- Aided Manufacturing,计算机辅助制造)AI(Artificial Intelligence,人工智能)Program(程序,由控制计算机运行的指令组成)Driver(驱动程序或驱动器)Compatibility(兼容,指电脑的通用性)PnP(Plug and Play,即插既用,指计算机器件一装上就可以用)Hardware(硬件,构成计算机的器件)Software(软件,计算机上运行的程序)Courseware(课件,用于教学的软件)DOS:Disk Operating System,磁盘操作系统。

关于computer的句子英语句子computern. 计算机;电脑;电子计算机Therefore, computer games arcades should be banned from cities and towns.因此,电脑游戏厅应该从城镇取缔。
来自:电脑游戏Computer GamesI sincerely hope that you will replace this computer as soon as possible.我真诚地希望能尽快换一台电脑。
来自:A Letter of Complaint(一封投诉信)As the result of that, people spent hours on the equations that a computer can solve in just a minute.由此,人们在方程式上花费多个小时,而电脑只需一分钟。
来自:关于科技进步对社会发展影响We have a computer lesson every week.我们每周都有一节电脑课。
来自:关于老师的英语作文The use of the mouse are operated in order to make the computer more convenient, to replace keyboard commands that cumbersome.鼠标的使用是为了使计算机的操作更加简便,来代替键盘那繁琐的指令。
来自:鼠标的作用The Role of The MouseThe computer game would also do harm to us if we are reduced to its prisoners.电脑游戏并不仅仅局限于“收缩”的游戏,但是来自:关于电脑游戏的优点I wish I could be a computer program designer in the future.我希望将来我能够成为一名计算机程序员。

17.track 磁道 disk 视盘
19.airfoil 机翼,螺旋桨
20.airtight 密封的
21.concentric 同圆心的,共轴的
22.consecutive 相邻的,连接的
23.cushion 缓冲气垫
24.eliminate 删去,省略,排除,消除
mand processor 命令处理程序
5.input/output control system or IOCS I/O控制系统
6.operating system 操作系统
7.primitive command 原始命令
8.prompt 提示
9.protocol 协议
10.system software 系统软件
35.mouse 鼠标
36.mundane 现世的,世界的,世俗的
37.medium 介质 media
38.plamsized 手掌大的
39.plotter 绘图仪
40.peripheral 外部(围)的
41.solid 固体的,实心的
42.table 小平板
43.Universal Product Code (UPC) 通用商品代码
3.debug 调试
4.documentation 文档
5.interpreter 解释程序,翻译员
6.library 库
7.load module 装入模块
8.machine language 机器语言
9.maintenance 维护
10.nonprocedural language 非过程语言

甚至几十位、几 百位有效数字的精度。这样的计算精度能满足一般实 际问题的需要。1949年瑞特威斯纳 (Reitwiesner)用ENIAC机把圆 周率π算到小数点后27703位,打破了著名数学家商克斯(W.Shanks) 花了15年时间于1873年创下的小数点后707位的记录。这样的计算精 度 是任何其他工具所不可能达到的。
1、计算机概念: 计算机(Computer)是一种电子器件构成的、具有计
算能力和逻辑判断能力、具有自动控制和记忆功能的 信息处理设备。
(1) 运算速度快 计算机能以极快的速度进行运算和逻辑判断,现在高性能计算机
每秒能进行1 0亿 加减运算。由于计算机运算速度快,使得许多过去 无法处理的问题都能得以及时解决。例如天气预报问题,要迅速分析 大量的气象数据资料,才能作出及时的预报。若手工计算需十天半月 才能发出,事过境迁,消息陈旧,失去了预报的意义。现在用计算机 只需十几分钟就可完成一个地区内数天的天气预报。
4、计算机辅助设计、辅助制造、辅助教育 计算机辅助设计(CAD —— Computer Aided Design)是利 用计算机的计算、逻辑判断等功能,帮助人们进行产品设计和 工程技术设计。 计算机辅助设计(CAM —— Computer Aided Manufacturing) 计算机集成制造系统(CIMS —— Computer Integrated Manufacturing System)集工程设计、生产过程控制、生产 经营管理为一体的高度计算机化、自动化和智能化的现代化生 产大系统。 计算机辅助教育(CBE——Computer Based Education) 包括 计算机辅助教学(CAI)、计算机辅助管理教学(CMI)。

雅思写作范文:Computer and EducationIntroduction shows main ideaComputers are now essential in many areas of life modern banking, retail and information exchange among others. However, this is not true for education. At a simple level some subjects may be better taught using computers, but to explain important concepts a human teacher is still indispensable.Why computers do well, with examplesThere are some subjects in which a computer can be used successfully to teach. Elementary mathematics, elementary language leaning, any area which requires a student to memorize basic facts through repetition is well suited to computer learning. The computer can be programmed to provide an endless number of simple questions, and as the student answers these questions the facts are learned and reinforced.What computers cannot be, with an exampleHowever, in the learning and practice of more complex ideas, the computer is not adequate. A computer can evaluate an answer as right or wrong, but it cannot determine why. It cannot find out why a student is making mistakes, and then re-present important concepts in a different way so the student will understand. It cannot determine at what stage in a mathematics problem the student has made an error, it can only indicate that the final answer is wrong. Tasks involving reasoning cannot be taught by computers, as there are too many variables for a computer to deal with successfully.Conclusion re-states main ideasThus, while computers may be useful as a tool for practicing simple skills, they are not an essential feature of modern education, because they cannot monitor a student’s grasp of concepts, nor evaluate a student’s reasoning. Until further developments in computers are made the human teacher will remain indispensable.雅思写作高分范文:人们不懂电脑的坏处The one who do not know how to use computer become more and more disadvantageous. Show the disadvantages and what action should government take?Computer plays such an important role nowadays that it undeniably becomes the biggest concern of the present-day world as a whole. With the steady growth in the hi-tech, as well as computer, there is a growing tendency that man who does not know how to use the computer will become an illiterate. As far as I am concerned, there are several major disadvantages for these people.In the first place, without computer's help, someone may waste a large amount of precious time to pay attention to complex calculation. It is believed that computer can do almost everything. It was gradually used not only in mathematics, physics, chemistry and astronomy, but in places like library hospital and military army to replace the works of man. Besides, a computer works much faster and more accurately than man. Therefore, one who cannot use the computer always fails to keep up with the development of modern society.In addition, these kinds of people may lose opportunities that make new friends or contact with outside world and new technology. It is very clear that lots of changes have taken placein many aspects of people's lives because of the coming of the computer era. Multi-media and surfing on-line provide people with chances to learn more about the world and up-dated information. Moreover, sending E-mail seems to be the most convenient and efficient way to communicate with families, relatives and best friends. Unfortunately all above will never happen in the life of the layman.In order to let everyone know about the computer skills, government should set forth solutions to eliminate the number of these kinds of illiterates. First and foremost, it is suggested to open more free related training classes, which can encourage people to cultivate the interesting of using computers. What's more, it is stylish to advertise the benefits to learn the computer.All in all, the future for the computer is very promising. We hardly imagine what our world would be like without the computers.雅思写作大作文真题及参考范文:玩电脑对孩子有益?2月16号雅思写作大作文真题Nowadays, children spend too much time watching TV and playing computer games. Some people believe this has negative effects on children's mental abilities.T o what extent do you agree or disagree? (20190216)第1步:什么是mental abilities?mental:与智力、脑力相关,也就是跟大脑发展一切相关的能力,比如听说读写看的能力我们就可以认为是mental abilities。

这个说法被计算机基础教科书上普遍采用,事实上在1973年根据美国最高法院的裁定,最早的电子数字计算机,应该是美国爱荷华州立大学的物理系副教授约翰·阿坦那索夫和其研究生助手克利夫·贝瑞(Clifford E.Berry ,1918-1963)于1939年10月制造的"ABC"(Atanasoff- Berry-Computer)。

Categories of Computer
• 硬體種類
– – – – 超級電腦 大型電腦 微電腦 嵌入式電腦
• 軟體
– 系統軟體 – 應用軟體
• 超級電腦(Super Computer)
– 功能最強大的,也是最貴的。 – 每秒執行上兆個(108)指令。 – 主流應用:股票分析,汽車 設計,電影特效,複雜的藝 術圖案。 – 特定應用:政府單位處理巨 量的資料。如,全世界性的 天氣預測和武器研發。
• 系統軟體
– 作業系統:Windows, Linux,Unix, OS2… – 工具軟體:防毒軟體、壓縮軟體、磁碟 重組…
Mr. Gates
• 高中電腦(上、下) 旗立資訊 • 計算機概論-資訊時代的利器 松崗
– 個人電腦(Personal Computer,PC) – 筆記型電腦(notebook computer) – 個人數位助理(PDA)
• 嵌入式電腦(Embedded Computer)
• 應用軟體
文書處理、排版軟體:如,Word 電子試算表:如,Excel 資料庫管理系統:如,Access 電腦繪圖:如,PhotoShop, PhotoImpact – 通訊應用:如,IE, CuteFTP, … – – – –

The System Unit
Key Words & Terms
• • • • • • • • • • • • Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU):算术逻辑单元 arithmetic operation:算术运算 binary system:二进制系统 bit:二进制位 bus:总线 bus width:总线宽度 byte:字节 cache memory:高速缓冲存储器 carrier package:载体 Central Processing Unit (CPU):中央处理器 chip:芯片 complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS):互 补金属氧化半导体
Page 157
Binary Coding Schemes
• Three types of binary coding schemes
– ASCII - American Standard Code for Information Exchange – EBCDIC - Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code – Unicode – handles languages with large numbers of characters
Key Words & Terms
• • • • • • • • • • • • control unit:控制单元 coprocessor: 协处理器 dial-core chip:双核芯片 expansion bus:扩展总线 expansion card:扩展卡 expansion slot:扩展槽 FireWire bus:火线总线 FireWire port:火线端口 flash memory:闪存 graphics card:图形卡 graphics coprocessor:图形协处理器 industry standard architecture (ISA):工业标准体系结 构
Computer 电脑 英语作文 3篇

Computer《电脑》 3篇优秀作文The computer is one of the biggest inventions of science. That’s why it is really important in our life.Using a computer has lots of good sides. The best thing about this amazing device is it has made the communication system so much easier for everyone. You can get connected with anyone anywhere in the world with your internet-connected computer. It has improved the business opportunity and opened a huge door for learning new things. Anyone can be skilled in anything. It has changed the entire education, medical, business, banking, and governmental works. It has made our life easier. We can dolots of things way faster than before. I love this device a lot.I have a computer that my father bought for me when I was in class six. I used to play games and practice typing on this computer. I love playing games a lot. Sometimes I read books too. Now I have started using the internet. A few weeks back, my mother brought an internet connection. Now I can browse YouTube and see lots of beautiful videos. Most of them are funny and educational. But I don’t waste too much time with the computer. I try to use my leisure time in this case. The computer is a good and useful invention of science. It has changed the education system a lot. Now our teachers teach us through the computer. They prepare the lesson before the class and show it on the projector. A computer is an electric device that isused to do lots of different types of tasks. It has brought a huge revolution in the world of science. There is lots of argument on when exactly the computer started to be used. But at the beginning that was a very large machine withlots of other components. But now you can carry a much more complex laptop on your side bag. This is a huge revolution. It is being used in almost every sector of our life. We can’t think a single day without its touch. As a student, I usea computer to read books and playing games. There are almost one thousand books on my computer that were pretty much impossible to buy and store in my bookshelf. So you can assume it has been a really important tool for me. I suggest everyone use a computer properly.ComputerThe computer is a very useful invention of science. I would love to address this device as the biggest wonder of science. It has lots of amazing sides that surprised the entire world. It is a device based on different types of programs. According to your needs, you can install the program in that. Suppose when you are using a computer for education purpose, you need an Office Management software and PDF Reader software. In your office management software, you can make a really beautiful and informative presentation for your class. It is easy to explain a lesson with graphical charts and diagrams. And students love to see what types of presentations. On the other hand, if you are going to use a computer in the engineering sector then you need a software where you candesign and read building drawings and plans. AutoCAD is a good option for that. So in the same device different types of programs can change the entire motive of using. In the business and banking computer is being used widely. It helps to keep the account clear. In the medical sector, experts use a computer to find deadly diseases and it has been so much helpful for this industry. The overall computer is a so much important thing in our life.The ComputerThe computer is one of the biggest inventions in the history of science. The entire world has been changed due to this amazing invention. It is a device that worked with lots of commands. It can’t work itself. An operator needs to control this. The computer has a huge impact on humanlife. It has changed lots of scenarios. A computer works with three steps; these are input, process, and output. First of all, you have to give a command as input, the machine will process this and will show you output. It works a lot faster than any other device. When the computer was invented, that a heavy, large and costly device. But now everyone can get a computer. Before then, it was strictly used for storing data and most of the time only the government used that. The world has been way easier now to use a computer. A computer can open a new world in front of you. When you get internet access on your computer, you can access billions of web content such as articles, images, videos, and audios. You can learn anything from there. It is a huge thing. Whatever information you need you can search that on Google with your internet-connected computer. It becomes easy to getconnected with other people through social media. This amazing communication system has improved business and relationships overseas. People can exchange languages, cultures and they can learn lots of new things. You can read books on your computer and spend quality time. Even you can play games, watch movies and many more things to get entertained.。

计算机英语单词1. 电脑 - computer2. 软件 - software3. 硬件 - hardware4. 操作系统 - operating system5. 运行 - run6. 键盘 - keyboard7. 鼠标 - mouse8. 屏幕 - screen9. 打印机 - printer10. 网络 - network11. 互联网 - internet12. 网页 - webpage13. 安装 - install14. 外接硬盘 - external hard drive15. 内存 - memory16. 硬盘 - hard drive17. 数据库 - database18. 编程 - programming19. 编辑器 - editor20. 比特率 - bitrate21. 单元测试 - unit testing22. 集成测试 - integration testing23. 软件测试 - software testing24. 编程语言 - programming language25. HTML - HTML26. CSS - CSS27. JavaScript - JavaScript28. Python - Python29. Java - Java30. C++ - C++31. PHP - PHP32. - 33. SQL - SQL34. 计算机科学 - computer science35. 人工智能 - artificial intelligence36. 机器学习 - machine learning37. 神经网络 - neural network38. 数据科学 - data science39. 数据挖掘 - data mining40. 云计算 - cloud computing41. 虚拟现实 - virtual reality42. 嵌入式系统 - embedded systems43. 程序 - program44. 文件 - file45. 文件夹 - folder46. 文本文件 - text file47. 图像文件 - image file48. 视频文件 - video file49. 音频文件 - audio file50. 压缩文件 - compressed file51. 文件格式 - file format52. 数据结构 - data structure53. 算法 - algorithm54. 数据类型 - data type55. 数字 - number56. 布尔值 - boolean57. 字符串 - string58. 数组 - array59. 链表 - linked list60. 栈 - stack61. 队列 - queue62. 散列表 - hash table63. 树 - tree64. 递归 - recursion65. 排序算法 - sorting algorithm66. 搜索算法 - searching algorithm67. 编译器 - compiler68. 解释器 - interpreter69. 程序设计 - software engineering70. 项目管理 - project management71. 版本控制 - version control72. Git - Git73. GitHub - GitHub74. Bitbucket - Bitbucket75. SVN - SVN76. Agile - Agile77. Scrum - Scrum78. 前端开发 - front-end development79. 后端开发 - back-end development80. 全栈开发 - full-stack development81. 响应式设计 - responsive design82. 用户界面 - user interface83. 用户体验 - user experience84. API - API85. RESTful API - RESTful API86. AJAX - AJAX87. JSON - JSON88. XML - XML89. HTTP - HTTP90. HTTPS - HTTPS91. FTP - FTP92. SSH - SSH93. SMTP - SMTP94. POP3 - POP395. IMAP - IMAP96. 数据库管理系统 - database management system97. MySQL - MySQL98. PostgreSQL - PostgreSQL99. MongoDB - MongoDB100. Redis - Redis101. 数据库查询语言 - database query language 102. SQL语句 - SQL statement103. SELECT语句 - SELECT statement104. WHERE语句 - WHERE statement105. JOIN语句 - JOIN statement106. ORDER BY语句 - ORDER BY statement107. GROUP BY语句 - GROUP BY statement108. LIMIT语句 - LIMIT statement109. 数据库备份 - database backup110. 安全 - security111. 防火墙 - firewall112. 加密 - encryption113. 流量监控 - traffic monitoring114. 防病毒软件 - antivirus software115. 垃圾邮件 - spam116. 垃圾邮件过滤 - spam filtering117. 黑客 - hacker118. 网络攻击 - cyber attack119. 网络安全 - cybersecurity120. 漏洞 - vulnerability121. 强制访问控制 - mandatory access control 122. 自由访问控制 - discretionary access control 123. 角色访问控制 - role-based access control 124. 内部网络 - intranet125. 外部网络 - extranet126. 浏览器 - browser127. Google Chrome - Google Chrome128. Safari - Safari129. Firefox - Firefox130. Internet Explorer - Internet Explorer131. Microsoft Edge - Microsoft Edge132. 浏览器扩展 - browser extension 133. cookie - cookie134. 协议 - protocol135. TCP/IP - TCP/IP136. IPv4 - IPv4137. IPv6 - IPv6138. DNS - DNS139. 网址 - URL140. URL编码 - URL encoding141. 网站 - website142. 服务器 - server143. Web服务器 - web server144. Apache - Apache145. Nginx - Nginx146. FTP服务器 - FTP server147. SMTP服务器 - SMTP server 148. POP3服务器 - POP3 server 149. IMAP服务器 - IMAP server 150. 网站托管 - web hosting.。

Do you know who I am? notebook computer
A huge computer
Who am I ?
Skimming: Go over the story to find out
who the speaker is. Write down 3 sentences to support your idea. It is a computer. ● I was built as an Analytical Machine by Charles Babbage.” ●”My real father was Alan Turing ....” ● I was able to share my knowledge with others through the World Wide Web.
• Intelligence: cleverer
• Speed: quicker • Function: calculating----dealing with …, communicating with… • People’ opinion: clever & useful
Consolidation: Retelling
I can be used for calculating. Besides, I can also be used for watching DVD, sending e-mail and communicating through the Internet. However, I am not a PC, because I’m small enough for you to take me with you.

Dialogue 1
N: I guess. M: What will you use your computer for? N: Mostly just to go online, to use Word, and to play some games. M: And you probably don’t need anything too fancy. N: No, but I want it to look nice and I want it to be small so I can carry it around with me. M: Ok, well, I think I know exactly what you need. Shall we go to the store? N: Yeah, let’s go!
1.What kind of computer do you have? 2.What’s the benefit of the computer? 3.Have you ever addict to internet game? 4.How many hours you spend on computer per day? 5.How does the computer change the world?
1.What kind of computer do you have? 2.What’s the benefit of the computer? 3.Have you ever addict to internet game? 4.How many hours you spend on computer per day? 5.How does the computer change the world?
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
This man faced the
Arthur Samuel
亚瑟· 塞缪尔
In 1956, he wanted to get this computer to be able to beat him at checkers(西洋跳棋). How can he write a program,come up with every step , to beat himself?
you have seen som in things and it will show you pictures.
actually what it's doing is it's searching the webpage for the text. this is very different from understanding the images.
So we now know that computers can learn, and computers can learn to do things that we sometimes don't know how to do ourselves or maybe can do them better than us.
But computers can't really think, they don't emote, don't understand poetry……
So what
I love them !
at last, I want to say these words as my end
The future has come just yet to be popular...
father of machine learning,
state champion(州冠
It is possible to find information by using a computer algorithm(算法). Like Taobao J.D. use machine learning to suggest items that you might like to buy. Sometimes ,it is almost creepy,
You should come up
it is said the possible configurations(构造) of the steps is the number of atoms in the universe.
This is
So it needs machine learning to achieve it
this picture showsuter can analyze data collected by camera,with GPS to locate the car's position
If you want to be able to tell the differences between a tree and a pedestrian , that's important for cars.
We don’t know how to write those programs by hand, but with machine learning, this is now possible.
And in fact ,this car has driven over a million miles without any accidents.
introduction example
AlphaGo vs European Champion (Fan Hui 2-Dan)
oh, my confidence
October 5 - 9, 2015
-TIME limit: 1 hour -AlphaGo Wins (5:0)
未来已经来临 只是尚未流行
[1] : https:///wiki/Machine_learning 维基百科 [2] : https:/// 知乎 [3] : /group/262/ 果壳网 [4] : /base/2 CSDN [5] : /15/0601/14/AR1GFSE600162OUT.html 网易数码
Now ,if you want to do something that you don't know how to do yourself,
Then this is going to be a great challenge.
Arthur Samuel
You would have to program it and
code it .
the number of Go's steps are very big!
with every step that you want the computer to do in order to achieve your goal.
above all, there is nothing else we have ever invented has done before.
machine learning
imagination technology concept
in awe of (敬畏)
contents AlphaGo
He had the computer play against himself to learn how to play checkers.
thousands of times
So he came up with an idea.
And indeed it worked, and in fact,by 1962, this computer had beaten the 军),so he was the
Pictures come from Image Text translation comes from Google translator
ENDWe all know , and what you see here in the top left is an image without any an example of a picture that I
words. uploaded to 's deep search databases(数据库) learning system. of hundreds of million of images. And you can see that the system has understood what that picture is and found similar images.
rather than being programmed by hand.
Useful Information
They are
Created by Google This is also why we are now able to see the first self-driving cars.
AlphaGo vs World Champion (Lee Sedol 9-Dan)李世石
March 9 - 15, 2016
-Time limit: 2 hours AlphaGo Wins (4:1)
It used to be that if you wanted to get a computer to do something new.
like tencent(qq), sometimes will tell you about who your friends might be.and you have no idea how it did it,and this is because it is using the power of machine learning. these algorithms have learned how to do this from get useful information ,this is what machine learning means.