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1.Did you see that _____ (小鸟) fly by?
2.The chemical formula for glucose is ______.
3. A bison can weigh over a ________________ (千克).
4.They are building a ________ (房子).
5.The _______ (Opium War) was fought between Britain and China in the 19th century.
6.The unit of measurement for pressure is __________.
7.What is the name of the famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci?
A. The Starry Night
B. The Last Supper
C. Mona Lisa
D. The Scream答案: C
8. A chemical reaction that occurs spontaneously is known as a ________ reaction.
9.The _______ (The American Revolutionary War) established the United States as an independent country.
10.The kitty is _____ (cute/funny).
11. A ______ is a type of energy measured in joules.
12.I find ________ (科学实验) very exciting.
13.What is the capital of Sweden?
A. Oslo
B. Copenhagen
C. Helsinki
D. Stockholm答案:D
14.What do you call the main character in a story?
A. Protagonist
B. Antagonist
C. Hero
D. Villain答案: A
15.I see a _____ in the sky. (cloud)
16. A small ___ (小海龟) returns to the sea.
17.The chemical symbol for thallium is _______.
18.The monkey swings from ________________ (树).
19. A thermometer measures ______.
20.Can you help me _______ (找到) my book?
21.The ________ is a joyful little friend to have.
22.I want to ______ how to bake cookies. (learn)
23.Which of these animals is a fish?
A. Shark
B. Dog
C. Bird
D. Rabbit答案:A Shark
24.What do we call the person who tells stories?
A. Author
B. Chef
C. Teacher
D. Doctor答案: A
25.He loves to ________ pictures.
26.The ______ helps fish to swim.
27.He loves to play ________.
28.I want to create a ________ with my friends.
29. A ___ (小刺猬) searches for food at night.
30.The ________ (lizard) is sunbathing on the rock.
31.I enjoy ______ in the summer. (swimming)
32.The __________ (历史的印记) is felt widely.
33.My favorite toy is a ________ that spins.
34.The lion cub plays with its _________. (兄弟姐妹)
35.I like to _______ (与朋友一起)去看电影.
36.How many sides does a triangle have?
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6答案:A 3
37.The _____ (bicycle/car) is fast.
38. A chemical reaction that requires heat to proceed is called an ________ reaction.
39.We are going to the ___. (theater)
40.The _____ (青蛙) has smooth skin and long legs.
41.I can ___ a kite. (fly)
42.Planting trees can provide ______ (遮荫) and cooling effects.
43.This is my . (这是我的。

44.The rose is a beautiful ______.
45.I want to ___ an artist. (become)
46.My dad drives a _____ (truck/car).
47.In my culture, we often show respect by calling elders __. (在我的文化中,我们通常通过称呼长辈为____来表示尊重。

48.My friend’s favorite game is _______ (游戏名). 她玩得很 _______ (形容词).
49.The fox is very _______ (狡猾) and clever.
50.I enjoy ______ with my family.
51.What is the name of the famous British author known for her mysteries?
A. Agatha Christie
B. J.K. Rowling
C. Charles Dickens
D. Jane Austen答案:A
52.My favorite thing about autumn is _______ (落叶).
53. A ____ is a small animal that loves to climb trees.
54.I think art is a wonderful way to express emotions. I love visiting art exhibits and seeing different styles. My favorite artist is __________ because his/her work is amazing.
55.The __________ (社会结构) influences opportunities.
56.The bear eats berries and fish in the ____.
57.The _______ is a measure of how fast something is moving.
58.I can ______ (保持) a positive attitude.
59.The city of Bangkok is the capital of _______.
60.I enjoy _____ to music in my free time. (listening)
61.The _____ (小兔) hops around happily.
62.The bus driver, ______ (公交车司机), is very friendly.
63.The ______ (植物类型) varies across regions.
64.I call my father _____ (爸爸).
65.The city of Istanbul is located in _______.
66. A _______ can help to measure the speed of a moving car.
67.I have a ___ (cold/headache).
68.What is the name of the famous giant panda in the San Diego Zoo?
A. Bao Bao
B. Mei Xiang
C. Ling Ling
D. Tian Tian答案:B
69.My favorite game is ______ (棋) because it challenges my brain and improves my ______ (思维能力).
70.I have a pet _____ that likes to sleep.
71.The capital of the Bahamas is ________ (拿骚).
72.I can ______ (应对) pressure when studying.
73.What do we celebrate on December 25th?
A. New Year
B. Halloween
C. Christmas
D. Thanksgiving答案: C
74.The _____ (phone) is ringing.
75.The ________ (玩具名称) can fly in the air.
76.The parakeet loves to play with _______ (玩具).
77.My family enjoys watching ____.
78.The ________ (果实成熟) attracts consumers.
79. A _____ (植物展览) can showcase the beauty and diversity of flora.
80.The __________ (人类历史) is filled with triumphs and tragedies.
81. A _______ (马) can be very strong.
82.The _____ (狮子) lives in prides in the savanna.
83.The capital of the Solomon Islands is _______.
84. A nonpolar molecule does not have charged ______.
85.The sun is ______ in the afternoon. (bright)
86.I enjoy ________ (收集) stamps.
87.What do we call a person who helps sick people?
A. Teacher
B. Doctor
C. Engineer
D. Chef答案:b
88. A squirrel gathers _______ in the fall for winter.
89.The elephant is known for its ______ (记忆).
90.The city of Warsaw is the capital of _______.
91.What do we call the study of the earth's physical features?
A. Geography
B. Geology
C. Astronomy
D. Meteorology答案:A
92.I like to _______ (explore) new places.
93.The boiling point of a substance can change with ______.
94.The _____ (弹珠) are colorful and fun to play with.
95. A lion's pride consists of related females and a few ________________ (雄性).
96.What is the main ingredient in pesto sauce?
A. Basil
B. Cilantro
C. Parsley
D. Oregano答案:A
97.She is a _____ (设计师) who focuses on interior spaces.
98.The __________ (法兰西帝国) was established by Napoleon Bonaparte.
99.What is the name of the famous landmark in India?
A. Taj Mahal
B. Colosseum
C. Great Wall
D. Eiffel Tower答案: A
100.What is the name of the famous Italian artist who painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel?
A. Raphael
B. Leonardo da Vinci
C. Michelangelo
D. Donatello答案: C。
