


近年来,这些生产过程更依赖于先进的技 术,其与世界经济的贡献也与日俱增,远 远大于初期阶段的作用。
acetic 【 ə‘sitɪk 】酸的,醋酸的
acetic acid 乙酸
butanol 【 ‘bjutə,nol 】丁醇
acetone【 ‘æsə,ton 】丙酮 contaminate【 kən‘tæmə,net 】污染、毒害
我们无法确定这些微生物生产过程的出现是源于 偶然还是主观实验,但其进一步不断发展的早期 实例证明了人类能够利用微生物的生命活动来满 足自己的需要。
reliant 【 rɪ‘laɪənt 】依赖、依靠 proportion 【 prə‘porʃən 】比例、比率
humble 【‘hʌmb! 】低下的、卑微的 origin【‘ɔrədʒɪn】起源
其他的微生物过程,如奶酪和酸奶等发酵 乳制品的生产,以及酱油和豆豉等各种东 方食品的生产,都同样有悠久的历史。
Of more rencent introduction is mushroom cultivation which probably dates back many hundreds of years for Japanese shii-ta-ke cultivation and about 300 years for the Agaricus mushroom now widely cultivated throughout the temperate world.
formulate 【‘fɔ:mjuleit 】确切地阐述,
Anton van Leeuwenhoek安东尼·列文虎
The recognition that these processes were being affected by living organisms, yeasts, was not formulated until the 17th century, by Anton van Leeuwenhoek.

生物医学工程专业英语 Unit08[69页]

生物医学工程专业英语 Unit08[69页]

comfort zone
Text: Biomedical Sensors
This is an equivalent of monitoring. Monitoring is a necessary activity in risky environments such as mining, diving, mountain climbing, and especially in all sorts of military and security actions. All of these broad application fields have common requirements. The biomedical sensor should be compact and should not force the wearer to leave the comfort zone. These common requirements suggest the smart (intelligent) textiles along with the notion of wearable.
Text: Biomedical Sensors
Biomedical sensors have a vital importance in modern life. We live in an epoch of computerization for every field of life. As we all know, computers can only process the data. Data must be collected, stored if necessary, and transferred to a computer. Biomedical sensors are designed for collecting data. It might be necessary to collect data for inpatients in hospital environment, in home for homebound patients, or for outpatients.


energy from nutrients into ATP, and then release waste products.
第一步,称光反应,水分子裂解 (被氧化),释放氧气,并形成ATP和 NADPH(还原型烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸磷酸)。
光合作用只发生在含有叶绿素的绿色植物细胞、藻类、某些原生生 物和细菌之中。
总体来说,这是一个将光能转化成化学能的过程,其能量以分子 键形式贮存。
但是细胞呼吸作用是高度放能,释放能量的过程,而光合作用需 要能量, 并且是高度吸能的过程。
在光合作用的光反应中,当捕光分子回到基态时,额外的激发能 被转移到其它分子中并且以化学能的形式贮存。
•All photosynthetic organisms contain various classes of
chlorophylls and one or more carotenoid pigments that also contribute to photosynthesis.
captured by biological molecules to do constructive work.
The pigment chlorophyll in plant cells absorbs photons within a particular absorption spectrum—a statement of the amount of light absorbed by chlorophyll at different wavelengths.



但是,另一方面,由于生物医学工程的进 步,高技术的医疗仪器装备层出不穷,使得医 疗保健费用呈指数曲线急剧上升,成为整个社 会越来越沉重的负担。目前这个负担已经沉重 到北美、西欧等经济发达国家都难以承受的地 步。
的新兴边缘学科,是多种工程学科向生 物学、医学渗透并相互作用的结果。虽 然它作为一门独立的学科发展的历史尚 不太长(50年),但由于它在保障人类 健康方面所起的巨大作用,它已经成为 当前医疗保健性产业的重要基础和支柱, 许多国家都将其列为高技术领域。
以人工心脏瓣膜这一典型的生物医学工程项目 为例,为了进行人工心脏瓣膜的设计和制造,人们 需要作如下工作:
第一章 概述
什么叫生物医学工程 生物医学工程(Biomedical Engineering,
BME)是运用自然科学和工程技术的原理和 方法,研究人的生理、病理过程,揭示人体 的生命现象,并从工程角度解决防病治病问 题的一门综合性高技术学科。
我国著名科学家顾方舟先生在“中国生 物医学工程的今天与明天”一书中这样写到 “生物医学工程学是这样一门学科:它把人 体各个层次上的生命过程(包括病理过程) 看作是一个系统的状态变化的过程;把工程 学的理论和方法与生物学、医学的理论和方 法有机地结合起来去研究这类系统状态变化 的规律,并在此基础上,应用各种工程技术 手段,建立适宜的方法和装置,以最有效的 途径,人为地控制这种变化,以达预定的目 标。生物医学工程学的根本任务在于保障人 类健康,为疾病的预防、诊断、治疗和康复 服务。
既为医学、生物学提供技术与装备,又为医学、生物学的 发展开辟新路:因此它是变革医学和生物学本身的一支重 要力量。
社会效益与经济效益的结合。医学注重社会效益,工程学 注重经济效益,生物医学工程才是二者必然的结合。



gene [dʒi:n] 基因
A unit of heredity located on a chromosome and composed a sequence of DNA nucleotides.
heredity [hə‘redɪti:] 遗传 nucleotide ['nu:kli:ə,taɪd] 核苷酸
dihybrid cross [dai‘haibrid]双因子杂种杂交
A cross between individuals that differ with respect to two specified gene pairs.
differ with 与...不一致 specified 指定的 respect 关系
particular 特殊的, 特别的 allelic 等位基因的
homozygous [,hɔmə'zaiɡəus] 纯合的
A diploid organism that has two identical alleles for particular characteristic.
identical 同一的, 同样的
incomplete dominance [, inkəm'pli:t 'dɔmənəns] 不完全显性
The condition in which two allelic genes have a different effect when
they are together as a heterozygote in a diploid cell than either of
germ plasm theory 种质学说
A substance thought to be transmitted in the gametes (germ cells) in an unchanged form from generation to generation. The germ plasm was believed to be unaffected by the environment and to give rise to the body cells.



static sensitivity静态灵敏度
zero drift零点漂移
intercept 截距
manufacturing misalignment 制造误差
ambient temperature环境温度
vibration 振动
shock 冲击
sensitivity drift灵敏度变化
5.7 体内电极
percutaneous electrodes 经皮电极 electrolyte 电解液 electrolyte gel 导电膏 extracellular fluid 细胞外液 strainless steel 不锈钢 insulating varnish 绝缘漆 hypodermic 皮下的 subcutaneous皮下的 cardioscope 心脏镜
vacuum-deposited film 真空沉积薄膜
dummy element 虚拟元件
voltage divider 分压器 null-balance 零平衡 deflection-balance 偏转平衡 adjustment 调整器
effective permeability有效导磁率 self-inductance自感 mutual-inductance互感 differential transformer 差动变压器 parallel connection 并联 dielectric properties 介电特性
muscle spindle肌梭
neuromuscular 神经肌肉的
end-plate region终板区
neurotransmitter 神经递质

生物医学工程专业英语 Unit10[66页]

生物医学工程专业英语 Unit10[66页]

Text: Biomedical Instrumentation
Note, for example, that most voltages are in the microvolt range and that pressures are low (about 100 mm Hg=1.93 psi =13.3 kPa). Also note that all the signals listed are in the audio-frequency range or below and that many signals contain direct current (DC) and very low frequencies. These general properties of medical parameters limit the practical choices available to designers for all aspects of instrument design.
Text: Biomedical Instrumentation
The major difference between medical instrumentation and conventional instrumentation systems is that the source of signals is living tissue or energy applied to living tissue. The principal measurement and frequency ranges for each medical and physiological parameter are major factors that affect the design of all the instrument components. Most of the medical parameter measurement ranges are quite low compared with nonmedical parameters.



Lecture 20Drug Delivery: Controlled Release IIIDelivery Methods1. TransdermalDrug delivery through the skin to systemic circulationtraditional: crèmes/ointmentsnovel: controlled release patchesTransdermal Advantages:¾effective systemic delivery (vs. GI)¾high patient compliance¾constant rate release (membrane-based)¾easily terminated (patch removal)Device Designsa) membrane basedMetallized polymerlaminated layersdrug reservoir(mineral oil orpolymer membrane(PP, PVC, PAN, pressure-sensitiveEVA, silicone) adhesive (PIB)peel strip⇒ Release rate constant (rate-limited by diffusion through membrane) b) monolithic patchMetallized polymer drug reservoir (polymer)pressure-sensitive adhesive (PIB)⇒ C 0 >> C S Drug dissolution in polymer matrix controls release rateDisadvantages to Transdermal Delivery a) low skin permeability to drugsstratum corneum ~10-15 µbilayers) epidermis ~50-100 µm(living cells, nerves)dermis: (cells, nerves, vessels)Stratum corneum is hydrophobic – limits drug penetrationEpidermis is hydrophilicMain entry to vasculature via pores (small % of surface)Methods to enhance permeability:i) penetration enhancers “shield” interactions, i.e., amphiphiles(traditional crèmes: H2O/oil + lipids)ii) iontophoresis – mild electrical current (0.5mA/cm2) applied to skin atdelivery site increases penetration rate of charged therapeutic agentsex., Vyteris lidocainetransdermal deliveryE-field drives chargeddrugs thru skin iii) microneedles – penetrate the stratum corneum or epidermisex., 3M hollow plasticiv) ultrasound needle system for vaccinedelivery (L>100 µm)b) drugs bind to skin – desorption becomes rate-limiting stepc) allergic reaction—triggered by adhesive2. Colloidal Drug Delivery vehiclesSpherical particles of polymers or lipids with dispersed, adsorbed,covalently bound or encapsulated therapeutic agentsnanospheres/ nanocapsules/liposomes microspheres microcapsulesAdministration Routesa) Oralreleased drug is absorbed in small intestinephagocytosis of delivery vehicles (dia. < 10µm) in small intestine via M-cells (lymphatic tissue) of Peyer’s patchesAdvantages: - patient acceptance-convenientIssues: - poor uptake—rapidly metabolized-chemical instability in GI tractb) Subcutaneous injectionphagocytosis, deposition in lymph nodes (dia. < 10µm) particles collect at injection site (dia. > 30µm) Advantages: - patient can administer- does not require digestion (nauseated patients) Issues: - poor distribution to target-local tissue irritation/toxicityc) Intravenous administrationsystemic circulation for dia. < 4 µm (smallest capillary) interaction with reticular endothelial system (RES)phagocytosis in liver, spleen, lungs, lymph nodes Advantages: - effective systemic treatment- does not require digestionIssues: - short circulation times-low penetration of endothelial lining of vasculature(requires dia. < 5nm)Types of Vehiclesa) Nanospheres (10nm-1µm)/microspheres (1-10µm)Drug is dissolved or dispersed in a polymer matrix, or adsorbed topolymer bead surfaceProcessing Methods: Emulsion-basedEmulsion polymerization with drug dispersion-growingoligomerGrowing polymer chains are immiscible in solvent- Micelles form, incorporating the polymer and drug- Can be aqueous or organic based synthesis, depending onpolymer and therapeutic agent- Examples: polyacrylamide/antigen vaccines, biodegradablepoly(alkyl cyanoacrylate)/doxorubicin chemotherapeuticsPMMA/antigen vaccines (influenza, HIV)Emulsification of polymer and drug- Preformed polymer dissolved in volatile organic solvent (ex., chloroform, methylene chloride, ethyl acetate)- Organic solution is mechanically dispersed in aqueous phase containing surfactant or stabilizer, forming an emulsion- Drug incorporated in organic (if lipophilic) or aqueous(if hydrophilic) phase, or later adsorbed- Nanoparticles recovered by evaporation of organic solvent or precipitation through dilution with water- Matrices: PLA, PGA, PLGA, PCL (polycaprolactone), PHB(poly(hydroxybutyrate)), polyorthoesters (acid sensitive) Influences on Nanosphere Release/Degradation Rate•Molecular weight•Crystallinity•Diameter•Water permeability•T g•pH Sensitivityb) Nanocapsules/microcapsulesDrug or drug dispersion in matrix is enclosed by a polymermembrane/outer layerWhat is the advantage ofthis approach?Processing Methods:Interfacial polymerization of polyamides- Emulsion formed with acid dichloride monomer & drug indispersed oil phase, diamine monomer in water phase- monomers migrate to oil/water interface and polymerize bycondensation reaction, encapsulating the drugNH2-R-NH2 + R’(COCl)2 → (ClCO)-R’-CONH-R-NH2 + HClamide bond-trichlorides and triamines added as crosslinking agentsInterfacial Coacervation- encapsulating polymer dissolved in organic phase- drug particles are added to organic solution- a second polymer immiscible with the first (or othernonsolvent) is added to suspension, inducing phase separation - encapsulating polymer precipitates onto the drug particlesurfaces, forming a capsuledrug 2nd polymer/particles nonsolventadded addedComplex Coacervation- two solutions of oppositely charged polyelectrolytes areprepared, one containing drug dispersion- addition of second polyelectrolyte to first results incomplexation and precipation onto drug particles- Examples: gelatin (-) and gum arabic (+), alginate (-) and chitosan (+)Polyelectrolyte Multilayers (recent)- alternate adsorption of polyanions and polycations onto drug-containing particlesc) LiposomesDrug encapsulated in spherical phospholipid bilayers/vesiclesProcessing Method:- Water-in-oil emulsion formed of aqueous drug solution,amphiphiles, and volatile organic phase- Evaporation of organic solvent—lipids deposit around aqueousmicrodroplets, forming vesicles- Ultrasound conversion to unilamellar vesicles- nanofiltration to control size distributionsonicationTherapeutic Agents:- bacterial, viral, parasitic antigens (vaccines)- DNA, DNA fragments (gene therapy)agents-chemotherapeuticTargeted Therapy Mechanisms:- liposome collection in RES (lymph nodes, liver, lungs)cancersofmetastaticCommonsites-incorporation of lipid-bound MAbs for targeting chemotherapy ⇒ “MAGIC BULLET”Ex. MAb for mouse pulmonary endothelial cell surface proteinsused to target metastatic lung cancer-Incorporation of lipid-bound peptidesReceptor-mediated endocytosis- Engineer liposome structure to mimic red blood cell membrane Drug-targeting to regions of high capillarity (ex., tumors,inflammation sites)vaccines-DNAImmunogen or antigen encoded in DNA, cells take up innucleusIn clinical trials: cystic fibrosis, melanomaLiposome Advantages:-low toxicity-uptake by endocytosis (can fuse with cell wall)- high transfection efficiency (gene therapy)Issues:- short circulation time due to phagocytosis ( Strategies to enhance circulation time:•decrease size• increase bilayer rigidity• incorporate PEO-amphiphiles⇒-liposome instability• poor mechanical stability• phospholipids easily hydrolyzed (ester linkages)⇒ drug leachingStrategy to enhance stability:polymer vesicles from amphiphilic block copolymers⇒“Polymersomes” What is a disadvantage of this strategy?- denaturation of therapeutic proteins•in processing: shear forces, solvents, T•in vivo: secondary interactions, pH variationsExample Liposome ProductsProduct Agent UseAmBisomes amphotericin B systemic fungal infectionDOX-SL doxorubicin chemotherapysarcoma DaunoXome daunorubicin Karposi’shepatitis A vaccineEpaxal-Berna inactive3. Externally Controlled Implantable PumpsEnable doctor/patient control of:•Delivery dosage•Flow rate•Dosage scheduleExamplesSynchroMed Infusion System (Medtronic)-percutaneously refillable reservoir-lithium battery-operated peristaltic pump-magnetic telemetry link for computer control-FDA approved for chemotherapeutic agents, morphine sulfate Programmable Implantable Medical System (PIMS) (Johns-Hopkins)-percutaneously refillable reservoir-solenoid-based pump-being developed for insulin delivery for diabetesPhoto of PIMS removed for copyright reasons.ReferencesEncyclopedia of controlled drug delivery vol. 1, E. Mathiowitz, ed., John Wiley & Sons, NY, 1999. Encyclopedia of controlled drug delivery vol. 2, E. Mathiowitz, ed., John Wiley & Sons, NY, 1999. Biomaterials Science: An introduction to materials in medicine, B.D. Ratner et al., eds., Academic Press, NY 1996.。



Review Articles
These articles synthesize and evaluate research on a particular topic, providing an overview of the current state of knowledge.
Technical Reports
Purpose and background
To provide a comprehensive overview of the field of biology, focusing on key concepts, principles, and applications.
Sentence structure and expression
Active Voice
Using active voice, especially in scientific writing, makes sentences more direct and easier to understand.
The study of heredity and the variation of traits within and between species.
Evolutionary Biology
The study of the origin and development of species through natural selection and other mechanisms.
These are written to communicate technical information in a clear and concise manner, often including tables, figures, and appendices.

生物医学工程 英语

生物医学工程 英语

生物医学工程英语Biomedical engineering is a field that combines principles of engineering and medicine in order to develop innovative solutions for healthcare. It involves the design, development, and optimization of medical equipment, surgical devices, prosthetics, and other medical technologies that aid inpatient care. Here are some key points to understand aboutthis interdisciplinary field.1. Biomedical engineering integrates many different fields.In order to create effective medical devices and treatments, biomedical engineers must have a strong foundation in fields such as biology, physics, chemistry, mathematics, andcomputer science. They also need to understand medical research and clinical practices in order to design equipment that can be widely used by healthcare professionals.2. Biomedical engineering has many practical applications.Biomedical engineering is a diverse field with numerous practical applications. Among other things, biomedical engineers design artificial organs and prosthetics, develop diagnostic tools and imaging equipment, and create drugs and vaccines that improve patient outcomes. They also design and optimize medical equipment such as MRI machines, heart monitors, and surgical tools that help medical professionals diagnose and treat illnesses and injuries.3. Biomedical engineering research is constantly pushing the field forward.Scientists and engineers in the field of biomedical engineering are constantly working to develop new medical technologies and strategies. Their work has led to manyground-breaking innovations, such as pacemakers, bionic limbs, and complex imaging technologies that enable doctors tobetter understand the human body.4. Biomedical engineering has a real-world impact on patient health.Perhaps the most important aspect of biomedical engineeringis that it has a direct impact on patient health. By developing new medical technologies and treatments,biomedical engineers are able to improve patient outcomes and quality of life. For example, prosthetics can enable people with disabilities to live full and active lives, and MRI machines and other diagnostic tools can help doctors detect and treat conditions before they become life-threatening.Overall, biomedical engineering is a dynamic and importantfield that has the potential to make a significant impact on people's health and well-being. By combining a deep understanding of medicine with the technical skills of engineering, biomedical engineers are creating innovative solutions to some of the most pressing challenges facing the healthcare industry today.。



organisms at the level of tissues and organs; ecology,
which studies the interactions between organisms
themselves; ethology, which studies the behavior of
Chapter 1 Biology
1.1 What is Biology? 1.2 The Origin of Life 1.3 The Significance of Biology in Your Life 1.4 The History of Biology– Additional Reading
1.1 What is Biology? (Continued)
• In recent years, much excitement in biology has centered on the sequencing of genomes and their comparison, called genomics, and the creation of life with custom-written DNA programming, called synthetic biology. These fields are sure to continue grabbing the headlines in the near future.
Notes to the Difficult Sentences
• Besides classifications based on the category of organism being studied, biology contains many other specialized sub-disciplines, which may focus on just one category of organism or address organisms from different categories.

生物医学工程专业英语 Unit02[73页]

生物医学工程专业英语 Unit02[73页]

Bioinformatics represents a new field at the interface of the ongoing revolutions in molecular biology and computers. Bioinformatics is defined as the use of computer databases and computer algorithms to analyze proteins, genes, and the complete collection of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) that comprises an organism (the genome).
n. 生物信息学
molecular biology 分子生物学
computer algorithm 计算机算法
n. 基因组
computer database 计算机数据库
deoxyribonucleic acid 脱氧核糖核酸
Text: Genomics and Bioinformatics
structural data
biochemical pathway 生化途径
disease process
genome-sequencing projects
结构化数据 疾病过程
Text: Genomics and Bioinformatics
While the discipline of bioinformatics focuses on the analysis of molecular sequences, genomics and functional genomics are two closely related disciplines. The goal of genomics is to determine and analyze the complete DNA sequence of an organism, that is, its genome. The DNA encoding genes can be expressed as ribonucleic acid (RNA) transcripts and then, in many cases, further translated into protein.



• 2.4 • 论文摘要的写作首先要学会模仿,然后是要 遵循规定。可以根据自己的情况,采用翻译 式的写法,即先写好中文摘要,然后翻译成 英文摘要,这是初学者常采用的方法。 • 2.4.1 • 2.4.2 • 2.4.3 《Science》 • 2.4.4 《Nature》 • 2.5 写作摘要的10
• 4.5 专业论文的检索与三大检索——SCI、 EI、ISTP • 三大检索——SCI、EI、ISTP的全称分别如
• SCI——Science Citation Index《科学引文 索引》 • EI——Engineering Index《工程索引》 • ISTP——Index to Scientific & Technical Proceedings《科技会议录索引》 • 4.5.1 科学引文索引SCI
图1.1 IEEE-BMES Information Page-Field of Interest
• 1.2 • 在国家自然科学基金委员会NSFC的分类管 理中,生物医学工程属生命科学部四处管理, 生命科学四处的资助范围包括:神经科学 (神经生物学、神经病学和精神病学)、心 理学、生物医学工程学、医学影像学和放射 医学。 • 1.3 • 1.3.1 • 1.3.2
• 不同的刊物,对论文的结构有不同的要求。 这里以介绍生物医学工程专业期刊的论文结 构为主,适当介绍其他期刊,特别是综合科 技期刊的论文结构。 • 4.2.1 IEEE-EMBS • IEEE-EMBS的出版物(publications)分为 图书和专业期刊。 • 4.2.2 刊物名称和编辑部联系方式 • 刊物名称和编辑部联系方式如表4.1

生物专业英语 lesson 1 inside the living cell(课堂PPT)

生物专业英语 lesson 1 inside the living cell(课堂PPT)
Lesson One
Inside the Living Cell: Structure and Function of Internal Cell Parts
Warming–up Words and phrases Text Analysis Simple exercises Additional Information
6. cytoplasm n.胞质
7. centriole
n. 中心粒
An organelle located close to the nucleus in most animal and lower plant cells but absent from prokaryotes and higher plants.
1.细胞质:动力工厂 与生命相关的大部分特性都来自于胞质中。
绝大多数细胞都由这种质膜包被的半流体胞质组 成。在胞质中悬浮着各种细胞器,并由丝状的细 胞骨架所支撑。营养物质、金属离子、可溶性蛋 白以及维持细胞生理需求的其他物质溶于胞质流 体中。
2. The Nucleus: Information Central
The endoplasmic reticulum, a lacy array of membranous sacs, tubules, and vesicles, may be either rough (RER) or smooth (SER). Both types play roles in the synthesis and transport of proteins. The RER, which is studded with polysomes, also seems to be the source of the nuclear envelope after a cell divides. The SER lacks polysomes; it is active in the synthesis of fats and steroids and in the oxidation of toxic substances in the cell. Both types of endoplasmic reticulum serve as compartments within the cell where specific products can be isolated and subsequently shunted to particular areas in or outside the cell.



② 作者署名(Signature) 作者署名一般应列于标题之下。
③ 作者单位(Department)
④ 摘要( Abstract) 三部分组成: (1)研究目的简要陈述研究目的、内容及需要解决的问题。 (2)研究方法简要介绍研究所采用的实验方法和基本步骤。 (3)结果简要描述实验主要发现和主要结论及论文的价值。 英文稿以1 000印刷符号为宜,原则上不超过全文的3%。
English for Biology 生物学专业英语
(一) 培养科技文献的阅读能力和初步的科技论文 写作能力。
(二)掌握基本的专业英语词汇。 (三)为专业英语学习提供相关文献资料,进一步扩
① 体现科技英语的特点-语言精练,逻辑性强,描述 客观,其中语言精练是其风格,描述客观是其本质。

12. kilo,

kilodalton (KD) 千道尔顿
13. deci,
14. centi,
15. milli,
如: • photosynthesis (光合作用) • microtubule (微管) • microfilament (微丝) • Electrophoresis (电泳) • DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid 脱氧核糖核酸) • CoA (Coenzyme A) • UV (Ultra-violet) • AIDS ( acquired immunodeficiency syndrome)


1.Cytoplasm: The Dynamic, Mobile Factory 细胞质:动力工厂
Most of the properties we associate with life are properties of the cytoplasm. Much of the mass of a cell consists of this semifluid substance, which is bounded on the outside by the plasma membrane. Organelles are suspended within it, supported by the filamentous network of the cytoskeleton. Dissolved in the cytoplasmic fluid are nutrients, ions, soluble proteins, and other materials needed for cell functioning. 生命的大部分特征表现在细胞质的特征上。细胞质大部分由 半流体物质组成,并由细胞膜(原生质膜)包被。细胞器悬 浮在其中,并由丝状的细胞骨架支撑。细胞质中溶解了大量 的营养物质,离子,可溶蛋白以及维持细胞生理需求的其它 物质。
• Systematics The science of animal
and plant classification.系统学
• Virology The science that deals
with the study of viruses.病毒学
• Zoology The science that deals
• Invertebrate(无脊椎的)zoology A branch of zoology concerned with the taxonomy, behavior, and morphology of invertebrate animals.
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➢ Structured abstract
➢ Non-structured
(4、5、6、8 elements)
Lesson2 “Abstract”
第二讲 “摘要”
Lesson2 “Abstract”
❖I. Importance of “abstract” ❖II. Writing about “abstract” ❖III. Reading about “abstract”
I. Background
Importance of Abstract
II. Writing about “abstract”
❖ IfGtheenreeraalrererqeuqirueemstesn,ts
From form:
Writinfgonatb,olouctaatibons,tract in waocrcdonrudmanbecre(w30it0h), trheqeurierFleeermgvos:materonunbtcctjetsoucnr。teitveen, ts: (“call fmoretphoadpse,re”tc. or “aIuntshtrFosurrecosnt”mtieon)lnacenf,ogruteangsee:
Informational Function
(meaning of abstract:refining;miniature;highly condensed summary and conclusion)
A,Read articles on the most rapid, make up for lack of title B,facilitate the establishment of literature database
Be used frequently 摘和补要充又称解概释要,、简内明容、提确要切。地摘记要述是文以献提重供要文内献容内的容短梗文概。为其目基的本,要不素加包评括论研
究采用目的的p手、e段方ri和法od方、ic法结a,果l;得和i出结nt的论er结。n果具at和体io重地na要讲l的就ac结是a论研de,究m有工ic时作c也的o包主nf括要e具对re有象nc情和e报范;价围值, 的其它重要th的e信si息s/d。i摘ss要er应ta具ti有on独;立性s和ub自je明c性t a,p并pl且ic拥at有io与n文;献同等量 的主要信息,即不阅读p全a文te,nt就a能pp获li得ca必ti要o的n;信息et。c.
1. The context for the work. 2. The purpose or objectives of the work (what was the research question or problem and why it is important). 3. Theoretical or experimental methods used. 4. Results (qualitative and quantitative). 5. Conclusions and their limitations (what was the meaning of the results). 6. Safety information concerning dangerous compounds or procedures if relevant. If the paper reports a new instrument or method then the abstract should include a description of its advantages and disadvantages compared to other established techniques. The abstract should not include trivial experimental details, references, figures or equations.
❖ nt requirements ,
Writing about abstract in accordance with the general requirements 。
II. Writing about “abstract”
Part2. Structure and content
Lesson2 “Abstract”
❖I. Importance of “abstract” ❖II. Writing about “abstract” ❖III. Reading about “abstract”
<<Biosensors and Bioelectronics>> Abstract :The abstract is the part of your paper which will be read by the largest number of scientists so it plays a crucial role. The abstract is a condensation of the information (facts) in the paper; it is not a description of the contents of the paper. The abstract should present as much as possible of the qualitative and quantitative information contained in the paper yet it should be brief (150 250 words), specific and self-contained. The abstract may include the following: