E英语教程2Unit1 ppt课件

athlete/personal trainer/bodyguard
judge / policeman / lawyer
Passage A
When I Grow Up
Passage A
In kindergarten, my class was asked, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Crayons danced across sheets of paper to illustrate our dream jobs. Our drawings were hung in the hall way for our parents to see at Back to School Night. I remember looking down the line and seeing pictures of ballet dancers dancing, firefighters putting out a big fire, and spacemen leaping across the moon—jobs that were seen as typical dreams of five-year-olds.
----John Lennon
五岁时,妈妈告诉我,人生的关键在于快乐。”。他们告诉我,我理解错 了题目,我告诉他们,他们理解错了人生。
Passage A
Pre-reading questions
1. Match the interest areas in the left column with the possible careers in the right column.


Difficult sentences
5. What is the attitude of the hotel staff toward Benjamin’s efforts?
( They held his hand and taught him how to insert the
key correctly )
Scan paragraphs1-5 and decide whether the following statements are true or false.
Ways of Learning
A Practical Experiment
Two children are given hula hoops, a toy they are unfamiliar with.
The girl is given a hula hoop with instructions on how to use it.
1. elementary school 2. the most telling lessons 3. be attached to... 4. shake it vigorously 5. tender age 6. be not bothered in the least 7. find one’s way 8. harmless exploratory behavior 9. interesting phenomenon 10. lack of initial success
新生代英语基础教程2教学课件Unit 1

cousin n. 堂兄弟;表兄弟;堂姐妹;表姐妹
e.g. He is a distant cousin of mine. 他是我的远房表亲。
Words & Expressions
frame n. 框架;边框 v. 为(画、照片)装框;围住
e.g. The trees make a pleasant frame to the house. 树环绕着房子,令人心旷神怡。
Words & Expressions
sister-in-law n. 姑子;姨子;嫂子;弟媳;妯娌
e.g. I had never thought of my sister-in-law could be so powerful.
Words & Expressions
Aidan and Marta.
F 5 Naomi is from Japan.
maiden name: 娘家姓。一般是指女性
在结婚前自己的姓氏。在西方(其实在 日本也一样),女方在嫁给男方后,姓 氏就改为丈夫的姓氏。这时候,她原来
的姓氏就称为maiden name。
Script 参考译文
Host: And do you have any brothers or sisters?
Anna: No, I don’t. I’m an (3)_o_n_ly__c_h_il_d_ .
Host: How about cousins? Anna: I have two cousins living
D Match the kinship terms to the English definitions.

E英语教程(第二版)1教学课件U5课程简介本节课将以E英语教程(第二版)1教学课件U5为主题,教授学生关于Unit 5的英语知识。
课程内容1. 家庭成员的英文表达•家庭成员的基本词汇:father, mother, brother, sister, etc.•家庭成员的扩展词汇:grandfather, grandmother, uncle, aunt, cousin, etc.2. 谈论家庭关系•表达亲属关系的词汇:parents, children, siblings, etc.•描述家庭关系的句型:My father is my mother’s husband. My brother is my sister’s sibling.3. 描述家庭成员的外貌和性格特征•描述外貌特征的词汇:tall, short, slim, overweight, etc.•描述性格特征的词汇:friendly, outgoing, serious, funny, etc.•描述家庭成员外貌和性格特征的句型:My father is tall and serious. My sister is short and funny.课堂活动1.情景对话:学生分组进行家庭成员和家庭关系的对话练习,使用学过的词汇和句型。

A: Sure! Who will make friends with those they cannot ___g_e_t__o_n__ well with.
Unit 2 Valuable Friendship
Dialogue 1
B: What kind of qualities do you _l_o_o__k__f_o_r__ in your friends? A: I like to make friends with people who are __a__c_t_i_v_e___.
New Words
Metting Great Friends in College
Unit 2 Valuable Friendship
Watching & Performing
Applied Writing
Text A Intensive Reading
Unit 2 Valuable Friendship
Unit 2 Valuable Friendship
__u_n__d_e__rs__ta__n_d__i_n_g__. ___.
C: That is really important.
M: Besides, communication is vital. When problems occur, talk to your roommates __f_r_a__n_k_l_y____
E英语教程unit 2[优质ppt]
![E英语教程unit 2[优质ppt]](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e2a34c6f10661ed9ad51f3e2.png)
over + crowded = overcrowded (adj.e
1. 前缀over①表示“在…之上” 如:overwhelm压倒,泛滥,overbridge天桥, overlook俯视,疏忽,overcoat
②表示“翻转” 如:overturn颠覆,overthrow推翻, overhaul彻底检修
特里·福克斯(1958-1981)是一位加拿大 的平凡青年。
1977年,他被检查出罹患癌症而 被迫截去右腿。他乐观积极地在医院 里接受各种治疗与康复,鼓励医院里 的其它患者要勇敢地面对病魔。当他 得知加拿大政府对癌症研究的资金投 入仍相当匮乏时,1980年特里·福克斯 发起特里·福克斯义跑(希望马拉松), 目的是号召每人为癌症研究捐赠一元 钱,成为"希望马拉松"的奠基者。
e.g. To his surprise, he passed the exam! To my amazement, he arrived on time.
To his annoyance, he discovered they didn’t waited for him.
Reading—The girl Terry Fox
e.g. I hope to see you again before long. e.g. We had seen that film long before.

Passage A
Word Bank
Birthday Celebrations Tradition of birthday parties started a long time ago. There are some traditions that you can find almost anywhere, anytime, such as sending birthday cards, blowing out the candles on a birthday cake and singing the Happy Birthday song. Others are only found for certain ages and in certain countries. In China, on a child’s second birthday, family members put many things on the floor around the child. According to Chinese tradition, the first thing that the child picks up tells you what profession1 the child will choose later in life.
C) Sending birthday cards.
D) Eating birthday noodle.
B 2.Who will usually organize a party at children’s special birthday celebration in Japan?
A) Priests.
In many English-speaking countries, a twentyfirst birthday cake often has a key on top, or the cake itself is sometimes in the shape of a key. The key means that the young person is now old enough to leave and enter the family home at any time they want to. (283 words)
E英语教程(第二版)3教学课件Unit 1

Listen to some sentences and mark the stressed words in each sentence.
Sample: Is this book yours?
5 It must be a splendid show. I do want to see it.
M: What a marvelous performance! It’s the most beautiful song I’ve heard tonight!
W: Thank you so much. I’m so glad you enjoyed it. M: It’s very impressive. I’m quite sure you’re the most likely winner tonight. W: Oh, thank you. In fact, all the other participants are also very talented and
Word tips
marvelous a. 极好的;绝妙的 participant n. 参加者;参与者 previous a. 先前的 pay off 得到好结果;取得成功
2 Listen to the conversation again and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F). F 1 The woman won the competition through her efforts. F 2 The woman got so much inspiration from the man. T 3 The woman practiced a lot before the competition. T 4 The man thought highly of the woman’s performance.
艺术生英语E英语教程第二册Unit 1

Conversation 2 - Expressing dissatisfaction
1. Listen to a conversation and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).
Word tips
painting. B: Give reasons for your satisfaction. A: Show agreement / thanks.
Conversation 1 - Expressing satisfaction
Role play - Sample conversation
Situation 1
发 /f/ 和 /v/ 这两个摩 擦音时,上齿应接触 下唇。发 /θ/ 和 /ð/ 这 两个摩擦音时,舌尖 应置于上下齿之间。 发 /s/ 和 /z/ 这两个摩 擦音时,舌尖应抵齿 龈。另外,因为 /v/、 /ð/ 和 /z/ 这三个音是 浊辅音,读时声带应 振动。
1 few — vie✔w 3 fin✔e — vine 5 rice — ris✔e 7 sick — th✔ick 9 mous✔e — mouth
quite relaxing to be there. Ann: Yes, I have the same feeling with you. Betty: Moreover, the food is very delicious and the service is
pretty good. Ann: Yeah, I totally agree with you.
Conversation 1 - Expressing satisfaction
英语综合教程2(高职高专英语专业适用)Unit 1课件(text B)

Para 5
Another example is that Americans do not eat dogs, although people from some other cultures regard them as good food. In the United States, dogs are very important to people as pets. They are usually regarded as part of the family, almost like a child in some cases. In addition, dogs have value as protection against criminals. Thieves will not usually enter a house where there is a dog because the dog will bark and possibly attack a stranger who is trying to get into a house. Apparently, the dog’s place in society as a companion and as a protection against criminals makes the dog taboo as food.
Para 7
Anthropologists believe that most food likes and dislikes are a result of the ways of life of different people. Some people live in areas where there are both large animals and many insects. It is difficult for these people to kill large animals, and it requires a lot of energy. It is easier for them to use insects for food because it is not difficult to catch insects and it does not require a lot of energy. Nomadic people who move around will not want to keep pigs for food. People will not eat pets such as dogs. Americans eat a lot of beef because there is plenty of land for raising cattle and their meat can be shipped cheaply for long distances by railroads.

—divorced —married —single
Part 4 Ways of Greetings in Southeast Asian Countries
Check whether each statement is true (T) or false (F).
True False
1. Indonesians tend to greet each other in a quick way.
5. Bruneians like to have a firm handshake.
□□ □□
Part 5 Recognition
You will hear a conversation between a man and a woman. The woman thinks she knows the man, so she starts a conversation. Listen to the recording and briefly answer the questions below.
Part 2 Ask About a Person’s Experiences
Listen to the game Once in a Lifetime. Check if the contestants answered
yes (Y) or no (N) to the host’s questions.
6. visited Chicago?
□ □ □□
Have you ever…?
Part 3 Introduction
You will hear two conversations in which two people are introduced to new friends. The first person is called Kate and the second person is named Kathy. Listen to the recording and tick the information you hear about these two people.

Cultural affairs
Listen to Part 2 and decide whether these
statements are True or False.
☐ 1 Hippies longed for more love and personal freedom in America.
10. I feel young people can change the world.
第五页,编辑于星期四:五点 四十八分。
Active reading 1: Embarkation
Life in the sixties Social affairs
Cultural affairs
第一页,编辑于星期四:五点 四十八分。
Active reading 1: Mapping
Finding out how college life has changed since the 1960s Identifying supporting evidence for opinions
thinking about what job I’d like.
7. I’m crazy about the Beatles.
8. I think no one has ever improved on the miniskirt.
9. I’m not interested in politics.
第九页,编辑于星期四:五点 四十八分。
Active reading 1: Embarkation
Cultural affairs
Listen to recordings about cultural affairs in the US during the 1960s and finish the tasks.
新未来大学英语 综合教程2教学课件Unit 1 Objectives+warming up

Chinese netizens
Warming up
Communication plays a vital role in digital transformation. 1) The first area is _c_o_l_la_b_o_r_a_ti_o_n_. A lot of __u_n_if_ie_d_ communications or unified communications and collaboration (UC&C) projects have been rolled at enabling instant messaging, chat, _c_o_n_fe_r_e_n_c_in_g_, click-to-call audio, and video calls file transfers etc., which are first steps towards new forms of collaboration an • My parents use instant messaging and voice calls frequently, because these methods are convenient.
• My grandparents prefer face-to-face interaction and phone calls. They seldom use instant messaging, voice calls, or emails, because they are not used to using smartphones and computers.

Welcome Speech
Hello, everyone! Today we are very happy to have Mr Brown with us. Mr Brown is from the US. He is your new English teacher. He will work with you this term. Let’s give him a warm welcome.
Jenny William; the secretary of the company
Listening and Speaking
S1: Ms William, let me introduce Mr Green to you. He is the new manager from Australia. Mr Green, this is Ms William, the secretary of the company. She will show you around.
2 4 10
3. Bye. Have a nice day.
4. Good to see you again! 5. I’ve been rather busy.
6. Your dress is so nice. Where did you buy it? 7. Oh, I have to go now.
Mr Brown: Hello, Ms Xie. It’s a great pleasure to meet you.
Ms Xie: Me too. Please follow me, Mr Brown.

The Americans
A. Right on time. C. Half an hour late.
B. Be fashionably late. D. About 5’-10’ earlier.
The Chinese 24
To Visit Friends in the U.S.
Before you go, it’s always best to
Let’s talk about
Cultural Differences ❖Talk a bout stress
Cultural differences exist in the ways of …
1. greetings 2. thinking 3. expressing ideas 4. educating 5. parenting
Paper-cuts and couplets
• They decorate the doors and windows with paper-cuts and couplets with the very popular theme of "happiness", "wealth", "longevity" and "satisfactory marriage with more children".
• Very early the next morning, the family start out to say greetings from door to door, first their relatives and then their neighbors.
E时代高职英语——综合教程(2) 第一单元

甜蜜的痛苦 奇妙的感觉,触电 情人节 七夕 天生一对 一见钟情。
I need him like I need the air to breathe.
Love is a vine that grows into our hearts. 爱是长在我们心里的藤蔓。
Love is a chord in life, not a solo.
A: I think you just have a crush on him. You can’t be serious.
L: Well, this might be silly. But I just can’t get him off my ____m__i_n__d__. And I can’t help missing him.
I don’t want another ___p_r_e_t_ty____ face
I don’t want just anyone to hold I don’t want my love to go to waste I want you and your beautiful soul
A: You mean the boy you met on WeChat?
L: You’re right. He is so ___f_u_n__n_y___ and I think I fall in love with him.
A: You must be joking. You can’t fall in love with someone you’ve never met! L: I know, but I keep thinking of him every day. And I get really depressed ( 沮丧的) when he’s not online.
E时代大学英语读写教程2课件及答案 第一单元

Unit 1 E-Learning
Text A Online Class, Love It or Hate It?
2 Last semester I took another online class and that didn’t go very well either. Both times I found myself struggling with the material, and communicating with others in the class as well as the instructor3, and if your school has a finicky4 web interface5, that can be a problem too.
太料的面“历自c★教a既et选Boh.sgme不,己好的交o练上花…wi.itnrmFh太“正e。选流;学不…sllluottolri友n在fo两取也导仅又期wmaiuikncsece好做.次,都d师要…我artstso”mi,…经同很观…rn参指aygr也…e/s其;历时困前加是eɪnc会l”形除,中难h面f了ˈ,两sod影t还…,在。s提r另o后个eʌi响nkn要…到我课此一面并tgfə上”o闻之的发堂外门(的列的rr课)其外t两/,现上在“的h意质ne香(次如自与线t结i.思hr量。也e在s果己其课构是cm。e)线学总他程。“natt;学e校第是同,发ars此i习二a的纠学感现wl外”的e个网结和觉我和ll经a页于老也ansd界不材师 连e.g接. T的he是co一lle个ge与ju前m面pe并d h列im的f句rom子i,ns这tru个ct并or列to 句ful中l p包ro含fes一so个r. 由if 引导的条件从句。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
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Listening and speaking
Culture express
Pronunciation and listening skills Conversations Passage
Listening and speaking Reading
✔ 1 He has a big office. ✘ 2 He is well-paid. ✔ 3 His boss is open-minded. ✔ 4 His colleagues are helpful. ✘ 5 His job provides good opportunities for promotion. ✘ 6 There is not much pressure at his work.
Listening and speaking Reading
Pronouncing fricatives properly
Culture express
/s/ 和/z/
是齿龈音。发 /s/ 时,舌尖及舌中靠近上齿龈,其间形成 窄缝,气流从窄缝中流出,摩擦成音,但只送气不振动 声带;发/z/ 和发/s/ 时的舌形和口形相同,不同的是发此 音时声带需要振动,但不送气。
companies, which is quite demanding. He’s been working in this company for
3)_o_v_e_r__tw__o__ years. He gets a lot of 4) ____fu_n_____ at work.
Listening and speaking Reading
Culture express
/f/ 和/v/
/f/ 和/v/ 是唇齿音。发/f/ 时,上齿轻轻咬住下唇内侧,将 气流从唇齿的缝隙间轻轻吹出来;/v/ 的发音和/f/ 大致相 同,发此音时,上齿轻轻咬住下唇内侧,再用力将气从 唇齿的缝隙中吹出来,但需要振动声带。
/θ/ 和/ð/
/θ/ 和/ð/是齿间音。发/θ/ 时,双唇微开,舌头伸出来, 上下齿轻咬住舌尖,将气流从牙齿的缝隙中吹出来。发 /ð/ 时,双唇微开,上下齿轻咬住舌尖,让气流尽量被上 下齿堵住,只允许少量气体从牙齿缝隙中吹出来,同时 振动声带发出声音。eaking Reading
Conversation 1 - Expressing satisfaction
Culture express
1. Listen to a conversation and complete the following sentences with what you hear.
Pronouncing fricatives properly
Culture express
The pronunciations of the fricatives ( 摩擦音 ) in each group are difficult to distinguish. Listen carefully and check (✔) the words you hear. Then read these words and try to make clear their differences.
Word tips
demanding adj. 要求高的 colleague n. 同事 open-minded adj. 开明的 complain v. 抱怨
What do you know about Jason?
He is 1) __b_u_s_y_____ with his work as usual. He works in one of the world’s 2) __to_p__5_0_0___
Listening and speaking Reading
Culture express
Conversation 1 Exercises Functional language
Conversation 2 Exercises Functional language
2 saf✔e — save 4 bath — bath✔e 6 bus — buz✔z 8 sin✔g — thing 10 breeze — breath✔e
Listening and speaking Reading
Pronouncing fricatives properly
Listening and speaking Reading
Culture express
Listening and speaking Reading Grammar Writing
Culture express
Listening and speaking Reading
发 /f/ 和 /v/ 这两个摩 擦音时,上齿应接触 下唇。发 /θ/ 和 /ð/ 这 两个摩擦音时,舌尖 应置于上下齿之间。 发 /s/ 和 /z/ 这两个摩 擦音时,舌尖应抵齿 龈。另外,因为 /v/、 /ð/ 和 /z/ 这三个音是 浊辅音,读时声带应 振动。
1 few — vie✔w 3 fin✔e — vine 5 rice — ris✔e 7 sick — th✔ick 9 mous✔e — mouth
Conversation 1 - Expressing satisfaction
Culture express
2. Listen again and check (✔) the reasons why Jason feels satisfied with his present job.