



UDCJGJ中华人民共和国行业标准P JGJ/T 128-2017备案号J XX-2017建筑施工门式钢管脚手架安全技术标准Technical code for safety of frame scaffoldingswith steel tubules in construction(征求意见稿)2017-××-××发布2017-××-01实施中华人民共和国住房和城乡建设部发布中华人民共和国行业标准建筑施工门式钢管脚手架安全技术标准Technical code for safety of frame scaffoldingswith steel tubules in constructionJGJ/T 128-2017批准部门:中华人民共和国住房和城乡建设部施行日期: 2 0 × ×年×月 1 日中国建筑工业出版社2017 北京前言根据住房和城乡建设部《关于印发2016年工程建设标准、规范制订、修订计划的通知》(建标函[2015]274号)的要求,标准编制组经广泛调查研究,认真总结实践经验,参考有关国际标准和国外先进经验,并在广泛征求意见的基础上,编制了本标准。





本标准主编单位:浙江宝业建设集团有限公司宝业湖北建工集团有限公司本标准参编单位:哈尔滨工业大学中国建筑业协会建筑安全分会北京城建集团有限责任公司上海市建工设计研究院有限公司长沙市住房和城乡建设委员会陕西省建设工程质量安全监督总站陕西建工集团有限公司湖南金峰金属构件有限公司中南大学浙江天工建设集团有限公司绍兴市滨海工业区管委会本标准主要起草人员:葛兴杰高林张有闻解金箭任占厚刘明生时炜陈杰刚施仁华杨棣柔杨建军王兰英孙炎云陶冶孙威裘国荣俞国方李鹏倪华君童晓刚黄德海本标准主要审查人员:目录1 总则 (1)2 术语和符号 (2)2.1 术语 (2)2.2 符号 (4)3 构配件 (9)4 荷载 (12)4.1 荷载分类 (12)4.2 荷载标准值 (12)4.3 荷载设计值 (17)4.4 荷载效应组合 (17)5 设计计算 (20)5.1 基本规定 (20)5.2 门式作业脚手架计算 (22)5.3 连墙件计算 (25)5.4 门式支撑架计算 (26)5.5 地基承载力验算 (30)5.6 悬挑脚手架支承结构计算 (31)6 构造要求 (34)6.1 一般规定 (34)6.2 门式作业脚手架 (35)6.3 悬挑脚手架 (38)6.4 门式支撑架 (41)6.5 地基 (45)7 搭设与拆除 (46)7.1 施工准备 (46)7.2 地基与基础 (46)7.3 搭设 (47)7.4 拆除 (48)8 检查与验收 (49)8.1 构配件检查与验收 (49)8.2 搭设检查与验收 (49)8.3 使用过程中检查 (52)8.4 拆除前检查 (52)9 安全管理 (69)附录A 门架、配件质量分类 (71)A.1 门架与配件质量类别及处理规定 (71)A.2 质量类别判定 (71)A.3 标志 (74)A.4 抽样检查 (74)附录B 计算用表 (75)本标准用词说明 (82)引用标准名录 (83)条文说明 (69)Contents1 General Provisions (1)2 Terms and Symbols (2)2.1 Terms (2)2.2 Symbols (4)3 Members And Accessories (9)4 Loads (12)4.1 Loads Classification (12)4.2 Normal Values of Loads (12)4.3 Design Values of Loads (17)4.4 Load Effect Combinations (17)5 Design Calculation (20)5.1 Basic Requirement (20)5.2 Calculation for Frame Operation Scaffold (22)5.3 Calculation for Tie Member (25)5.4 Calculation for Frame Shoring Scaffold (26)5.5 Calculation for Ground Bearing Capacity (30)5.6 Calculation of Supporting Structures for Cantilevered Scaffold (31)6 Detailing Requirements (34)6.1 General Requirements (34)6.2 Frame Operation Scaffold (35)6.3 Cantilevered Scaffold (38)6.4 Frame Shoring Scaffold (41)6.5 Foundation (45)7 Installation and Dismantlement (46)7.1 Construction Preparation (46)7.2 Subgrade and Foundation (46)7.3 Installation (47)7.4 Dismantlement (48)8 Check and Accept (49)8.1 Check and Accept for Members and Accessories (49)8.2 Check and Accept for Installation (49)8.3 Check in The Course of Use (52)8.4 Check before Dismantlement (52)9 Safety Management (54)Appendix A Quality Classification of Frame and Accessories (56)A.1 Quality Classifications and Treatment Specifications of Frames andAccessories (56)A.2 Criteria for Quality Classifications (56)A.3 Markers (59)A.4 Random Sampling Checks (59)Appendix B Tables for Calculation (60)Explanation of Wording in This Code (67)List of Quoted Standards (68)Addition:Explanation of Provisions (69)1 总则1.0.1 为规范门式钢管脚手架的设计、施工、使用与安全管理,做到技术先进、经济合理、安全适用,制定本标准。



ContentsDescription Page Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2Manual introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2Product overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2Safety precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2RSPF series catalog number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3RSPF series product nameplate . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4Pre-installation checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4Warning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4Mounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4Wiring diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6Power up and system checkout . . . . . . . . . . . . .6Alarm silence pushbutton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7Liability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7Ordering guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8Appendix A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9PRL3 provision kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9PRL4 provision kit 1 of 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10PRL4 provision kit 2 of 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11Installation instructions for Eaton RSPF seriessurge protective device (SPD)2Instruction Leaflet IL158004ENEffective September 2023Installation instructions for Eaton RSPF seriessurge protective device (SPD)EATON IntroductionManual introductionThis installation manual describes the installation and operation of the Eaton RSPF series surge protective device (SPD) . This technical document covers most aspects of installation and operation . This document is a guide only for licensed/qualifiedelectricians . If you require further information regarding a particular installation, application, or maintenance activity, please contact your Eaton representative . These instructions do not cover all details, variations or combinations of the equipment, its storage, delivery, installation, check-out, safe operation or maintenance . Care must be exercised to comply with local, state, and national regulations, as well as safety practices for this class of equipment .Please read and understand all installation and operating instructions prior to installation and use of this equipment.Product overviewThe Eaton RSPF series SPD protects critical electrical and electronic equipment from damage by voltage transients and surges when properly installed . This is done by shunting high-energy lightning surges (and other transient disturbances) away from the equipment being protected . It does this in nanoseconds by providing a low-impedance surge path to ground through thermally protected metal oxide varistors while supporting power frequency voltage . Proper installation is critical to ensure the SPD operates as intended .The Eaton RSPF series SPD was designed and developed to fit in the space of an Eaton F-/PD2-frame molded case circuit breaker for retrofit into existing panelboards or switchboards with space or provisions for an additional F-/PD2-frame molded case circuit breaker .This device features internal protection that will disconnect the surge protective component under fault conditions but will maintain power to the load, now unprotected from surge events .The Eaton RSPF series SPD is available in voltage ratings from 208 Vac to 600 Vac and surge current ratings of 50 kA and 100 kA . The enclosure measures 6 .00 x 4 .13 x 3 .81 inches (152 .4 x 104 .8 x 96 .7 mm) with a maximum weight of ~3 lb (~1 .36 kg) .The Eaton RSPF series is available in nine options . See Ordering guidelines on page 8 for more details .Safety precautions3Instruction Leaflet IL158004ENEffective September 2023Installation instructions for Eaton RSPF seriessurge protective device (SPD) EATON RSPF series catalog numberEach Eaton RSPF series SPD is identified by a catalog number, see example in T able 1 . The catalog number identifies the parameters that make up the unit .T able 1. Catalog numbering systemFor example, an RSPF series SPD with a catalog number of RSPF2403MA1A-K3, where:RSP = RSP series F = Surge frame 240 = Voltage code3 = Number of phases MA = Type and current rating of panel1 = Feature package A= ApplicationK3 = Optional panelboard provision kitSee Ordering guidelines on page 8 for additional voltages, features, and service options .RSPF series product nameplateEach Eaton RSPF series SPD has a product nameplate affixed to the front of the unit that identifies the catalog number and operating parameters . The catalog number consists of letters and numbers that identify the RSPF series, surge frame, voltage code, number of phases, panel bus rating, feature package, and application as shown in Figure 1 .Figure 1. RSPF series product nameplateRSP F 240 3 MA 1 A - K3Provision kit Application FeaturePanel busPhase VoltageFrameSeries4Instruction Leaflet IL158004ENEffective September 2023Installation instructions for Eaton RSPF seriessurge protective device (SPD)EATON InstallationPre-installation checklist•Does the panelboard have a 3-pole F-/PD2-frame breaker space available?•Does the panelboard have a panel with an opening that will allow the front of an RSPF series SPD to protrude through after installation?•Does the panelboard have 3-pole F-/PD2-frame phase connectors?If the answer is ‘Y es’ to all three previously listed statements, then the RSPF catalog number will NOT require an optional provision kit . If the answer is ‘No’ to any of the three previous statements, then an optional provision kit ‘- K3’ or ‘- K4’ will need to be included in the RSPF catalog number .1. Select a space to the mount the SPD as close to the incomingpower terminations as possible for optimum performance .2. Confirm that the system voltage is the same as the RSPF seriesSPD that you are installing .3. Check the facility grounding system . All grounding, bonding, andearthing must meet the NEC, CEC, and any other national, state, and local electrical codes .4. The installation consists of mounting and verifying the SPD’sconnections and torque settings on the line-side provision bus and the surge ground terminal .5. Check to ensure the area is clear of dirt, debris, or clutter thatmay hamper the installation .WarningMounting1. Locate the electrical system’s applicable block diagram inWiring diagrams section on page 6 .2. Turn OFF power to the electrical panel that the SPD is beingconnected to in accordance with NEC, CEC, state, county, and local codes for all safety ratings .3. Confirm no voltage is present before continuing .4. Remove the panelboard’s trim/door to assist with installation .5. Remove the four panel mounting screws where the SPD will bemounted . Then remove the black plastic fillers where the SPD will be located . If the existing panel has no openings and is being replaced with a new panel from a connector kit, then discard/recycle the old panel (see Figure 2) .Figure 2. Remove panel6. Remove any accessories that could impede the removalof the rails and panels, such as breaker padlockable handles and/or interlocks .7. Remove the four silver rail mounting screws located in the fourcorners shown in Figure 3 to remove the remaining panels andrails as one complete assembly .5Instruction Leaflet IL158004ENEffective September 2023Installation instructions for Eaton RSPF seriessurge protective device (SPD)EATON Figure 3. Remove panel and rails8. If installing a new PRL3 or PRL4 provision kit, do so nowfollowing the instructions provided (see Appendix A ) .9. View of a panelboard PRL3a with panels and rails removedshowing the phase connectors installed just above the F-/PD2-frame breaker (see Figure 4) .Figure 4. PRL3a with connector kit installed10. Place the RSPF SPD in the panelboard as close to the incomingpower terminations for optimum performance . Mount the RSPF to the bus using the hardware provided in the connector kit . Torque to 35 lb-in (3 .16 N·m) (see Figure 5) .Figure 5. SPD installed—terminal side11. The RSPF series SPD’s surge ground terminal can be wired toeither the ground bar or the neutral bar, whichever bar is closest to the SPD .a. When wiring to the ground bar, preferred method, usea green or green with yellow stripe #10 AWG insulatedconductor . Keep the wire length as short as possible . Torque the surge ground terminal screw to 35 lb-in (3 .16 N·m) (see Figure 6) .b. When wiring to the neutral bar, use a white #10 AWGinsulated conductor . Keep the wire length as short as possible . Torque the surge ground terminal screw to 35 lb-in (3 .16 N·m) .Figure 6. SPD installed—surge ground terminal12. After the SPD has been installed, check all mounting hardware,line terminal hardware, and the surge ground terminal for correct torque loading .13. Re-install the rails and panel assembly using the four silver railscrews . Torque the hardware according to the manufacturer’s specifications .14. Re-install any breaker interlocks or accessories .15.Mount the panel over the SPD .6Instruction Leaflet IL158004ENEffective September 2023Installation instructions for Eaton RSPF seriessurge protective device (SPD)EATON 16. Apply the “Protected by Eaton Surge Protective Device (SPD)Catalog No . RSPFxxxxxxxx” label to the left or right of the SPD (see Figure 7) .Figure 7. Apply label provided with SPD 17. Replace the panelboard’s trim/door .Wiring diagramsFigure 8. Surge ground terminal connected to the ground busFigure 9. Surge ground terminal connected to the neutral busOperationPower up and system checkoutSwitch main panel power to ON . The green LED should light to indicate the phase voltage is being monitored .If the red LED lights, remove power and contact the EatonCareTechnical Resource Center at 1-800-809-2772, option 5, sub-option 2, as the SPD may be damaged .If neither LED lights, remove power, check connections, and test again . Verify that the proper voltage is present . If the panel isenergized properly and the LEDs still do not light, contact EatonCare Technical Resource Center at 1-800-809-2772, option 5, sub-option 2, as the SPD may be damaged .Alarm silence pushbuttonThe RSPF SPD has an alarm silence pushbutton located below the red LED on the front of the SPD . The alarm will sound when the red LED indicates that the SPD has lost one or more phases of protection . To silence the alarm after loss of protection, press and hold the alarm silence pushbutton for at least 1 second . If the alarm silence pushbutton does not silence the alarm, contact EatonCare Technical Resource Center at 1-800-809-2772, option 5, sub-option 2, as the SPD may be damaged .SpecificationsT able 2. SpecificationsDescriptionSpecificationkA per phase50 (on units with filtering), 100Nominal discharge current (I n )20 kASystem voltages240 = 120/208Y, 127/220Y, 240D480 = 220/380Y, 230/400Y, 240/415Y, 277/480Y, 480D600 = 347/600Y, 600D Short-circuit current rating 200 kA Input power frequency 50/60 Hz Protection modesWye L–N, L–L Delta L–G, L–LOperating temperature –40 °F to +140 °F (–40 °C to +60 °C)Relative humidity 5%–95%, noncondensing Maximum altitude 6561 ft (2000 m)Weight~3 lb (~1.36 kg)Certification/listingUL T 1449 5th Edition, CSA T 269.1-17269.2-17, C22.2 No. 8-13 EMI Filter Tested to UL 1283 6th EditionSPD typeUL 1449 5th Edition and CSA type 1 and type 2 SPD RoHS compliant YesEnclosureIndoor use only Designed and tested in accordance with the most recent version of these standards:IEEE T C62.41.1IEEE C62.41.2IEEE C62.43IEEE C62.45IEEE C62.48IEEE C62.627Instruction Leaflet IL158004ENEffective September 2023Installation instructions for Eaton RSPF seriessurge protective device (SPD) EATON MaintenanceThe RSPF series SPD is a self-contained device that requires no maintenance and contains no serviceable parts . If the red LED is illuminated, the unit has lost one or more modes of surge protection and must be replaced . Please contact your localauthorized distributor or EatonCare Technical Resource Center at 1-800-809-2772, option 5, sub-option 2 for additional information and technical assistance, as the SPD may be under warranty .LiabilityThis instruction leaflet is published solely for information purposes and should not be considered all-inclusive . If further information is required, you should consult EatonCare Technical Resource Center at 1-800-809-2772, option 5, sub-option 2 . Sale of the productshown in this literature is subject to terms and conditions outlined in appropriate Eaton selling policies or other contractual agreements between the parties . This literature is not intended to and does not enlarge or add to any such contract . The sole source governing the rights and remedies of any purchaser of this equipment is thecontract between the purchaser and Eaton .In no event will Eaton be responsible to the purchaser or user in contract, in tort (including negligence), strict liability or otherwise for any special, indirect, incidental or consequential damage, or loss whatsoever, including but not limited to damage or loss of equipment use, plant or power system, cost of capital, loss of power, additional expenses in the use of existing power facilities or claims against the purchaser or user by its customers resulting from the use of the information, recommendations, and description contained herein .8Instruction Leaflet IL158004ENEffective September 2023Installation instructions for Eaton RSPF seriessurge protective device (SPD)EATON Ordering guidelinesT able 3. RSP catalog numbering systema Omit if provision kit is not needed.ReferencesProvision kits contain phase connectors, deadfront cover, filler covers, hardware, and instruction sheet . Contact the EatonCare Technical Resource Center at 1-800-809-2772, option 5,sub-option 2, to order the appropriate connector kit listed below for the intended installation .The following references are available at www .eaton .com .• Current Eaton panelboards—Renewal parts RP01400001E •Eaton renewal parts data—Panelboard renewal parts supplement RP01414001E•Vintage Cutler-Hammer panelboards and switchboards— Renewal parts RP01400003E•Vintage Westinghouse panelboards —Renewal parts RP01400002EWarrantyEaton warrants the RSPF series SPD to be free from defects in both workmanship and materials for a period of 2 years from shipment . To register the product, go to www .eaton .com/RSP and click on the warranty registration icon .Eaton assumes no risk or liability for results of the use of the product purchased, including but not limiting the generality of the foregoing:(1) The use in combination with any electrical or electroniccomponents, circuits, systems, assemblies, or any other materials or substances .(2) Unsuitability of any product for use in any circuit or assembly .Purchaser’s rights under the warranty shall consist solely of requiring Eaton to repair, or at Eaton’s sole discretion, replace, free of charge, F .O .B . factory, any defective items received at said factory within said term determined by Eaton to be defective . The giving of or failure to give any advice or recommendations by Eaton shall not constitute any warranty by or impose any liability upon Eaton AND IS IN LIEU OF ANY AND ALL OTHER WARRANTIES EXPRESSED, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY AS TO THE MERCHANTABILITY , FITNESS FOR PURPOSE SOLD, PRODUCTIVENESS, OR ANY OTHER MATTER . In no event shall Eaton be liable for special or consequential damages or for delay in performance of the warranty .This warranty does not apply if the unit has been misused, abused, altered, tampered with, or applied in excess of the specifications other than those written on the nameplate . At the end of thewarranty period, Eaton shall be under no further warranty obligation expressed or implied .The Eaton RSPF series SPD covered by this warranty certificate can only be repaired or replaced by the factory . A RETURN MATERIAL AUTHORIZATION (RMA) number must be obtained . Please enter a Vista warranty claim or contact CORE (Center of Returns Excellence) at 1-800-410-2910 for help with entering a claim or to obtain an update on your claim status . Repair or replacement will be returned collect . If it is determined that the returned product contains manufacturer’s defects, then Eaton will replace the defective product at Eaton’s expense (including shipping charge) .RSP F 240 3 MA 1 A – K3SeriesRSP = RSP series Surge frameF = F framePhase3 = 3-phaseApplicationA = Direct BUS mountedVoltage code options240 = 120/208Y, 127/220Y, 240D 480 = 220/380Y, 230/400Y, 240/415Y, 277/480Y, 480D 600 = 347/600Y, 600DType and current rating of panel optionsMA = Main service up to 2000 A, 100 kA per phase SA = Sub-panel up to 800 A, 50 kA per phaseSB = Sub-panel greater than 800 A, 100 kA per phaseFeature package options1 = Basic (available with SB and MA )2 = Basic plus filtering (available with SA only)Provision kit aK3 = Provision kit for PRL3A panelboard K4 = Provision kit for PRL4A panelboard9Instruction Leaflet IL158004ENEffective September 2023Installation instructions for Eaton RSPF seriessurge protective device (SPD) EATON Appendix APRL3 provision kit10Instruction Leaflet IL158004ENEffective September 2023Installation instructions for Eaton RSPF seriessurge protective device (SPD)EATON PRL4 provision kit 1 of 211Instruction Leaflet IL158004EN Effective September 2023Installation instructions for Eaton RSPF seriesEATON Eaton1000 Eaton Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44122 United StatesEaton .com© 2023 EatonAll Rights ReservedPrinted in USAPublication No . IL158004EN / Z27895 September 2023Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks are propertyof their respective owners.Installation instructionsfor Eaton RSPF series surge protective device (SPD)Instruction Leaflet IL158004ENEffective September 2023For additional information, please call:Eaton’s Power Quality Technical Support1-800-809-2772, option 5, sub-option 2.。

《建筑工程交通设计及停车库(场)设置标准》(DG TJ 08-7-2014) (1)

《建筑工程交通设计及停车库(场)设置标准》(DG TJ 08-7-2014) (1)
4.1 基地总平面布局............................................................................................. 5 4.2 基地出入口.....................................................................................................6 4.3 机动车停车库(场)出入口.......................................................................10 4.4 机动车停车库(场)交通设计................................................................... 11 4.5 非机动车停车库(场)交通设计............................................................... 17 4.6 基地交通设施设计....................................................................................... 18 5 建筑工程配臵停车位指标...................................................................................20 5.1 一般规定.......................................................................................................20 5.2 停车位指标...................................................................................................21 附录 A 总平面交通设计示意图.................................................................................27 本标准用词说明.......................................................................................................... 28 引用标准名录.............................................................................................................. 29 条文说明...................................................................................................................... 31



1 General Provisions ...........................................................................................................................1 2 Terms ................................................................................................................................................2 3 Basic Requirements .........................................................................................................................3
3.1 一般规定 ............................................................................................................................... 3 3.2 评价与等级划分.................................................................................................................... 3 4 节地与室外环境 ....................................................................



目次1总则 (3)2术语和符号 (4)2.1 术语 (4)2.2 符号 (5)3材料及性能 (6)3.1 原材料 (6)3.2 性能 (6)4设计 (8)4.1 一般规定 (8)4.2 性能设计 (8)4.3 结构设计 (9)4.4 附属工程设计 (10)4.5 设计计算 (10)5配合比 (13)5.1 一般规定 (13)5.2 配合比计算 (13)5.3 配合比试配 (14)5.4 配合比调整 (14)6工程施工 (15)6.1 浇筑准备 (15)6.2 浇筑 (15)6.3 附属工程施工 (15)6.4 养护 (16)7质量检验与验收 (17)7.1 一般规定 (17)7.2 质量检验 (17)7.3 质量验收 (18)附录A 发泡剂性能试验 (20)附录B 湿容重试验 (22)附录C 适应性试验 (22)附录D 流动度试验 (24)附录E 干容重、饱水容重试验 (25)附录F 抗压强度、饱水抗压强度试验 (27)附录G 工程质量检验验收用表 (28)本规程用词说明 (35)引用标准名录 (36)条文说明 (37)Contents1.General provisions (3)2.Terms and symbols (4)2.1 Terms (4)2.2 Symbols (5)3. Materials and properties (6)3.1 Materials (6)3.2 properties (6)4. Design (8)4.1 General provisions (8)4.2 Performance design (8)4.3 Structure design (9)4.4 Subsidiary engineering design (9)4.5 Design calculation (10)5. Mix proportion (13)5.1 General provisions (13)5.2 Mix proportion calculation (13)5.3 Mix proportion trial mix (14)5.4 Mix proportion adjustment (14)6. Engineering construction (15)6.1 Construction preparation (15)6.2 Pouring .............................................................. .. (15)6.3 Subsidiary engineering construction (16)6.4 Maintenance (17)7 Quality inspection and acceptance (18)7.1 General provisions (18)7.2 Quality evaluate (18)7.3 Quality acceptance (19)Appendix A Test of foaming agent performance (20)Appendix B Wet density test (22)Appendix C Adaptability test (23)Appendix D Flow value test.................................................................................. .. (24)Appendix E Air-dry density and saturated density test (25)Appendix F Compressive strength and saturated compressive strength test (27)Appendix G Table of evaluate and acceptance for quality (28)Explanation of Wording in this code (35)Normative standard (36)Descriptive provision (37)1总则1.0.1为规范气泡混合轻质土的设计、施工,统一质量检验标准,保证气泡混合轻质土填筑工程安全适用、技术先进、经济合理,制订本规程。

Chemical and isotopic systematics of oceanic

Chemical and  isotopic systematics  of oceanic
From SAUNDERS , eds) , 1989 , Magmatism in the Ocean Geological Socicty Special Publication No. 42 , pp. 313-345.
3 13
3 14
Major issues in the chemical evolution and geodynamics of the mantle
A first-order aim in the study of oceanic basa Its is to improve our understanding of the chemical
S.-s. Sun & W. F. McDonough
contribute to the geochemica\ and isotopic evolution of mantle reservoirs. The nature of mantle convection processes through time (whole mantle or layered mantle) is critical to our understanding of the chemica\ and thermal evo\ution of the Earth. The term ‘ reservoir' is used here in a general sense to refer to a part of the man tI e which has a partícular regíonal chemical and isotopic composítion , whereas the term ‘ componen t' speci缸" ally refers to a reservoir (or many reservoìrs) in thεmantle with an isotopically distinctive composition (eg HIMU , EM , MORB). This use of theterm ‘compone时, is similar to that in Zindler & Hart (1986). In essεnce each mantle reservoir carries an identifiable chemistry and isotopic fingerprínt of the specific processes and environments whích hav已 acted upon it. These composítional fingerprints reflect the responses to such factors as partìal melting under di在'erent P-T-X(C0 2 , water rich , melts or fluids) conditions , sediment subduction , and recycling of oceanic crust and asthenosphere through the subduction zone environment. Mantle differentiation processes through time Our understandin喜 of mantle differentiation 蹈' sociated with the Earth's accretion , core formation and the e挂rly history of man tI e-crust fractionation relies upon chemical and isotopíc studies of Archaean to modern volcanic rocks and other planetary bodies , petrological and chemical experiments carried out under hightemperature and high-prεssure conditions , and numerical modelling of the thermal evolution of the Earth. Even if some thermal models favour the pr出­ ence of upper and lower mantle convection cells at present (eg Richter 1985) , there is no obvious reason to argue against whole-mantle convectÌon during the early history of the Earth. It is generaIl y assumed that the early Earth's man tI e temperature was higher (eg 2000 oC surface potential temperature) (Richter 1985) , which would favour vigorous , and probably chaotic , whole-mantle convection with possible largescale mantle meIting. Consequent1 y , it is very likely that the lower mantle would have been ìnvolved in the formation of the earliest enriched lithosphere , resulting in an incompatibleelement-dεpleted character , ie a non-primitive fractionated Iower mantle. At the same time , dense early-formed severely hydrothermaIl y altered mafic to ultramafic crust and lithospheric mantle may well have been rapidly recycI ed back i 挝o the convective mantle by meteorite

HP ArcSight Management Center Appliance 安装与使用指南说明书

HP ArcSight Management Center Appliance 安装与使用指南说明书

Getting Started with HP ArcSight Management Center ApplianceThe HP ArcSight Management Center Appliance package includes detailed rack installation instructions, which you can use to rack-mount your appliance. After rack-mounting, you can set up your Appliance for first use.This document explains how to configure an IP address on the Appliance, install a license file, and connect to it the first time.Follow these basic steps to install and start using your Appliance:Prepare to Install the ArcSight Management Center AppliancePrior to installation of the ArcSight Management Center Appliance, do each of the following:1Redeem your Management Appliance license key by following the instructions in the enclosed “Hewlett-Packard Entitlement Certificate” document. You will need this key to access Management Appliance functionality.2Apply for an account on Protect 724 ( ), the ArcSight user community. You will need this account to access product documentation and other community-based resources for Management Appliance.1Prepare to Install the ArcSight Management Center Appliance 2Install the ArcSight Management Center Appliance 3Configure a New IP Address 4Accept the End User License Agreement and Log In 5Initialize the ArcSight Management Center Appliance 6Get the Management Appliance Documentation 7Set Up the Management Appliance for Remote AccessInstall the ArcSight Management Center ApplianceTo install the ArcSight Management Center Appliance:1Unpack the appliance and its accompanying accessories.2Follow the rack installation instructions to securely mount it.3Make the rear panel connections.4Power on the appliance.Configure a New IP AddressArcSight Management Center Appliance ships with the default IP address (subnet mask on Eth0. To begin setting up your appliance, use the ArcSight Management Center Appliance Command Line Interface (CLI) to configure a new IP address.To run a command in the CLI, type it at the prompt and then press Enter .To set up a new IP address for Management Appliance:1Select one of the following methods to connect to the Management Appliance CLI:◆Log into iLO and launch the remote console feature. For more information, see “Set Up the Management Appliance for Remote Access” on page 4.◆Connect a keyboard and monitor to the ports on the rear panel of the Appliance.◆Connect a terminal to the serial port on the Appliance using a null modem cablewith DB-9 connector . The serial port requires a standard VT100-compatibleterminal: 9600 bps, 8-bits, no parity, 1 stop bit (8N1), no flow control.2In the CLI, enter the following default credentials to log in as the administrator:Login: adminPassword: password3Enter the IP address in one of the following formats:◆set ip eth0 <ip>/<prefix>(For example, set ip eth0◆set ip eth0 <ip> <subnetmask>(For example, set ip eth0 set defaultgw <ip>, replacing <ip> with your default gateway IP address. 5Enter set hostname <domain_name>.<>, replacing with the fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) of thedesired host.Read carefully through the instructions, cautions, and warnings that areincluded with the appliance shipment. Failing to do so can result in bodily injury or appliance malfunction.6Enter set dns <search_domain_name1>,<search_domain_name2>,…<nameserver1> <nameserver2>, replacing each <search_domain_nameN> witha search domain, and each <nameserverN> with the IP address of a name server. (Forexample, set dns , set ntp <ntp_server> <ntp_server> <ntp_server>, replacing <ntp_server> with the NTP server you want to use to set the time. (For example,Management Appliance> set ntp )8To confirm that the settings are correct for your environment, enter show config.For more information on the Command Line Interface, refer to the HP ArcSightManagement Center Appliance Administrator’s Guide, or enter help at the prompt for a listof available commands.Accept the End User License Agreement and Log In The first time you connect to the ArcSight Management Center Appliance through abrowser, you are directed to the End User License Agreement. Before you can log in andinitialize the appliance, you must review and accept the license agreement.To accept the license agreement and start initializing ArcSight Management CenterAppliance:1Use the following URL to connect to ArcSight Management Center Appliance through a supported browser: https://<IP address>, where <IP address> is the new IPaddress you just configured.Scroll down to the bottom of the screen to review the license. Mark the “I accept theterms of the License Agreement” check box and click Accept.The Login screen is displayed.2Use the following default credentials to log in as the administrator:Username: adminPassword: passwordFor security reasons, be sure to change the default credentials as soon as possible afterconnecting to Appliance for the first time. Refer to the HP ArcSight Management CenterAppliance Administrator’s Guide for instructions.Initialize the ArcSight Management Center ApplianceAfter logging in for the first time, the ArcSight Management Center Appliance Configurationpage appears. In the License field, you can browse for and upload your current license.Once the license is successfully loaded, click Save to save it. Optionally, you may also setyour date and time settings. Once these steps are completed, your Appliance is ready foruse.For instructions on how to operate the ArcSight Management Center Appliance andconfigure it to suit your needs, see the HP ArcSight ArcSight Management CenterAdministrator's Guide. You should also refer to the release notes for any late-breakinginformation.Confidential4Get the Management Appliance DocumentationThe Release Notes and HP ArcSight Management Center Appliance Administrator’s Guide for your Appliance are available for download from the ArcSight Protect 724 Community at https:// .Online Help for ArcSight Management Center Appliance is available through the user interface (UI). The help provides the same information contained in the Administrator's Guide in a contextual format. To access the help, click the help icon in the top right corner of any ArcSight Management Center Appliance UI page.Set Up the Management Appliance for Remote AccessHP ArcSight strongly recommends setting up and configuring your appliance for out-of-band remote access. Doing so ensures that you (as well as HP Customer Support, with your permission and assistance) can remotely access your appliance's console for troubleshooting, maintenance, and power control.All ArcSight Management Center Appliances are equipped with an HP ProLiant Integrated Lights-Out (iLO) Advanced remote management card. Follow the directions in the HP ProLiant Integrated Lights-Out User Guide to set up your appliance for remote access. The guide is available at /go/iLO .Contact InformationCopyright © 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P .Confidential computer software. Valid license from HP required for possession, use or copying. Consistent with FAR 12.211 and 12.212, Commercial Computer Software, Computer Software Documentation, and Technical Data for Commercial Items are licensed to the U.S. Government under vendor's standard commercial license.The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.Follow this link to see a complete statement of copyrights and acknowledgements: /copyrightPhone A list of phone numbers is available on the HP ArcSight TechnicalSupport page: /us/en/software-solutions/software.html?compURI=1345981#.URitMaVwpWI .Support Web Site Protect 724 Community https://。

HG∕T 20538-2016 衬塑钢管和管件选用系列

HG∕T 20538-2016 衬塑钢管和管件选用系列

2016 年第 3 号
工业和信息化部批准《往复真空泵》等 643 项行业标准(标准编
号、名称、主要内容及起始实施日期见附件) ,其中机械行业标准 214 项、汽车行业标准 7 项、航空行业标准 1 项、轻工行业标准 59 项、化工
行业标准 110 项、冶金行业标准 21 项、建材行业标准 6 项、石化行业
本标准共分 8 章,主要内容包括:总则,术语,基本要求,衬塑钢管和管件尺寸系列,技术要求,检 验和试验,标记,包装、运输和储存。
本标准与 HG 20538-1992 、 HG/T 21562-1994 相比,主要变化如下: 1.本标准将原行业标准《衬塑 cpp 、 PE 、 PVC) 钢管和管件 ))HG 20538-1992 及原行业标准《衬聚
基本要求…........…………….......………...............…........…..............…........…................…·……( 3 )
3.1 3.2
四氟乙烯钢管和管件 ))HG/T 21562-1994 合并为一个标准,标准名称改为《衬塑钢管和管件选用系 列》。对其章节进行全面修订,增加了前言、术语、基本要求、制造、包装、运输、储存、用词说明、条文
说明等。增加了内衬材料和内衬管件型式的种类,扩大了管道规格尺寸范围。取消了螺纹法兰、铸 钢管件及涂塑衬塑等内容。对相关的技术要求和检验要求进行了修改。
…………………………………………………………………………………………………(1 0) ………………………………………………………………………………………………(1 2) …………………………………………………………………………………………(1 4)



LAW OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ON CONTROL OF THE ENTRY ANDEXIT OF ALIENSImportant Notice:This English document is coming from" LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA GOVERNING FOREIGN-RELATED MATTERS"(1991.7)which is compiledby the Bureau of Legislative Affairs of the StateCouncil of the People’s Republic of China,and is published by the China Legal System Publishing House.In case of discrepancy,the original version in Chinese sha ll prevail.Whole DocumentLAW OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ON CONTROL OF THE ENTRY AND EXIT OF ALIENS(Adopted at the13th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Sixth National People’s Congress,pro mulgated by Order No.31ofa onthe President of the People’s Republic of ChinNovember22,1985,and effective as of February 1,1986)ContentsChapter I Chapter II Chapter III Chapter IV Chapter V Chapter VI Chapter VII Chapter VIIIGeneral ProvisionsEntry into the Country ResidenceTravelExit from the Country Administrative Organs PenaltiesSupplementary ProvisionsChapter I General ProvisionsArticle 1This Law is formulated with a view to safeguarding the sovereignty of th e People’s Republic of China,maintaining its security andpublic order and facilitating international exchange. This Law is applicable to aliens entering,leaving and transiting the territory of the People’s Re public of China and to those residingand travelling in China.Article 2Aliens must obtain the permission of the competent authorities ofthe Chinese Government in order to enter,transit or reside inChina.Article 3For entry,exit and transit,aliens must pass through ports opento aliens or other designated ports and must be subject toinspection by the frontier inspection offices.For entry,exit andtransit,foreign-owned means of transport must pass through portsopen to aliens or other designated ports and must be subject to inspection and supervision by the front ier inspection offices.Article 4The Chinese Government shall protect the lawful rights a ndinterests of aliens on Chinese territory.Freedom of the person ofaliens is inviolable.No alien may be arrested exc ept with theapproval or by decision of a people’s procuratorate or by decision of a people’s court,and arrest must be made by a public securityorgan or state security organ.Article 5Aliens in China must abide by Chinese laws and may not endanger the state security of China,harm public interests or disrupt public order.Chapter II Entry into the CountryArticle 6For entry into China,aliens shall apply for visas fromChinese diplomatic missions,consular offices or other resi dent agenciesabroad authorized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Inspecific situations aliens may,in complianc e with the provisions of the State Council,apply for visas to visa-granting offices atports designated by the competent authorities of the ChineseGovernment.The entry of nationals from countries having visa agreementswith the Chinese Government shall be handled in accordance with those agreements.In cases where another country has specialprovisions for Chinese citizens entering and transiting thatcountry, the competent authorities of the Ch inese Governmentmay adopt reciprocal measures contingent on the circumstances.Visas are not required for aliens in immedia te transit onconnected international flights who hold passenger ticke ts andstay for no more than24hours in China entirely withinairport boundaries.Anyone desiring to leave the airp ort temporarily must obtain permission from the frontier inspection office.Article 7When applying for various kinds of visas,aliens shall present valid passports and,if necessary, provide pertinent evidence.Article 8Aliens who have been invited or hired to work in China shall,when applying for visas,produce evidence of the invitation oremployment.Article 9Aliens desiring to reside permanently in China shall,wh enapplying for visas,present status-of-residence identifi cation forms.Applicants may obtain such forms from public security or gans atthe place where they intend to reside.Article 10The competent authorities of the Chinese Government shallissue appropriate visas to aliens according to the pu rposes statedin their entry applications.Article 11When an aircraft or a vessel navigating international ro utesarrives at a Chinese port, the captain or his agent m ust submit a passenger name list to the frontier inspection office; a foreign aircraft or vessel must also pr ovide a name list of its crew members.Article 12Aliens who are considered a possible threat to China’s sta tesecurity and public order shall not be permitted to ente r China.Chapter III ResidenceArticle 13文案大全For residence in China,aliens must possess ide ntification papers orresidence certificates issued by the competent authorize s ofthe Chinese Government.The term of validity of ident ificationpapers or residence certificates shall be determined according to the purposes of entry.Aliens residing in China shall submit their certif icates to thelocal public security organs for examination within t heprescribed period of time.Article 14Aliens who,in compliance with Chinese law s,find it necessary toestablish prolonged residence in China for the purpose ofinvesting in China or engaging in cooperative proje cts withChinese enterprises or institutions in the econ omic,scientific,technological and cultural fields, or for other purpo ses,areeligible for prolonged or permanent residence i n China uponapproval by the competent authorities of the Chinese Government.Article 15Aliens who seek asylum for political reasons shall be permi ttedto reside in China upon approval by the comp etent authorities ofthe Chinese Government.Article 16Aliens who fail to abide by Chinese laws may have their period of stay in China curtailed or their status of reside nce in Chinaannulled by the competent authorities of the Chinese Government.For a temporary overnight stay in China,aliens shall completeregistration procedures pursuant to the relevant provisi ons.Article 18Aliens holding residence certificates who wish to chang e theirplace of residence in China must complete removal formalitiespursuant to the relevant provisions.Article 19Aliens who have not acquired residence certificates or whoare on a study programme in China may not seek employmen t in Chinawithout permission of the competent authorities of the C hineseGovernment.Chapter IV TravelAliens who hold valid visas or residence certificates may travel to places open to aliens as designated by the Chinese Government.Article 21Aliens desiring to travel to places closed to aliens must a pply tolocal public security organs for travel permits.Chapter V Exit from the Country Article 22For exit from China,aliens shall present their valid passp orts orother valid certificates.Article 23Aliens belonging to any of the following categories shall n ot be allowed to leave China:(1)defendants in criminal cases or criminal suspe cts confirmedby a public security organ, a people’s procuratorate or a people’scourt;(2)persons who,as notified by a people’s court,shal l be deniedexit owing to involvement in unresolved civil cases;and (3)persons who have committed other acts in violation of Chinese law who have not been dealt with and aga inst whom thecompetent authorities consider it necessary to institute prosecution.Article 24Frontier inspection offices shall have the power to stop aliensbelonging to any of the following categories from leavin g thecountry and to deal with them according to law:(1)holders of invalid exit certificates;(2)holders of exit certificates other than their own; a nd3)holders of forged or altered exit certificates.Chapter VI Administrative Organs Article 25China’s diplomatic missions,consular offices and other re sidentagencies abroad authorized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall be the Chinese Government’s agencies abroad to handle aliens’applications for entry and transit.The Ministry of Public Security,its authorized local public security organs,the Ministry of Fo reign Affairs and its authorizedlocal foreign affairs departments shall be the Chinese Government’sagencies in China to handle aliens’applicatio ns for entry,transit,residence and travel.The authorities handling aliens’applicatio ns for entry,transit,residence and travel shall have the power to refuse to issue visasand certificates or to cancel visas and certificates alread y issued or declare them invalid.The Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Foreig nAffairs may,when necessary,alter decisions made by theirrespectively authorized agencies.Article 27An alien who enters or resides in China illegally ma y bedetained for examination or be subjected to residentialsurveillance or deportation by a public security organ a t or above the countylevel.While performing their duties,foreign affairs police of the publicsecurity organs at or above the county level shall have the powerto examine the passports and other certificates of alien s.Whenconducting such examinations,the foreign affairs police shallproduce their own service certificates,and relevantorganizations or individuals shall have the duty to offer t hem assistance.Chapter VII PenaltiesArticle 29If a person, in violation of the provisions of this Law,en ters orleaves China illegally,establishes illegal res idence or makes anillegal stopover in China,travels to places closed to alienswithout a valid travel document,forges or alters an entry or exitcertificate,uses another person’s certificate as his own or transfers his certificate,he may be penalized by a public security organ ator above the county level with a warning, a fine or d etention fornot more than ten days.If the circumstances of the case areserious enough to constitute a crime,criminal responsibility shall be investigated in accordance with the law.If an alien subject to a fine or detention by a public security organ refuses to accept the penalty,he may,within15days ofreceiving notification,appeal to the public securit y organ atthe next higher level,which shall make the final decision; hemay also directly file suit in the local people’s court.Article 30In cases where a person commits any of the acts stated in Article29 of this Law, if the circumstanc es are serious,the Ministryof Public Security may impose a penalty by ordering h im toleave the country within a certain time or may expel him from the country.Chapter VIII Supplementary ProvisionsArticle 31For the purposes of this Law the term"alien"means any per sonnot holding Chinese nationality according to the Nati onality Lawof the People’s Republic of China.Article 32Transitory entry into and exit from China by aliens who arenationals of a country adjacent to China and who reside in areasbordering on China shall be handled according to any relevantagreements between the two countries or,in the ab sence of suchagreements,according to the relevant provisions of the Chi neseGovernment.Article 33The Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall,pursuant to this Law,formulate rules for its implementation,which shall go into effect after bein g submitted to and approvedby the State Council.Article 34Affairs concerning members of foreign diplomatic miss ions andconsular offices in the People’s Republic of China a nd otheraliens who enjoy diplomatic privileges and immunities, after theirentry into China,shall be administered in accordance wi th therelevant provisions of the State Council and its c ompetentdepartments.Article 35This Law shall go into effect on February 1, 1986.。



HiProvision User Management Technical SupportRelease 4.0DR 10/2019https://User ManualBasic ConfigurationHiProvision User ManagementThe naming of copyrighted trademarks in this manual, even when not specially indicated, should not be taken to mean that these names may be considered as free in the sense of the trademark and tradename protection law and hence that they may be freely used by anyone.© 2019 Hirschmann Automation and Control GmbHManuals and software are protected by copyright. All rights reserved. The copying, reproduction, translation, conversion into any electronic medium or machine scannable form is not permitted, either in whole or in part. An exception is the preparation of a backup copy of the software for your own use.The performance features described here are binding only if they have been expressly agreed when the contract was made. This document was produced by Hirschmann Automation and Control GmbH according to the best of the company's knowledge. Hirschmann reserves the right to change the contents of this document without prior notice. Hirschmann can give no guarantee in respect of the correctness or accuracy of the information in this document.Hirschmann can accept no responsibility for damages, resulting from the use of the network components or the associated operating software. In addition, we refer to the conditions of use specified in the license contract.You can get the latest version of this manual on the Internet at the Hirschmann product site ().Hirschmann Automation and Control GmbHStuttgarter Str. 45-5172654 NeckartenzlingenGermany2 HiProvision User ManagementRelease 4.0DR 10/2019Contents1.INTRODUCTION (5)1.1General (5)1.2Manual References (5)ER DATABASE AT INITIAL STARTUP (6)3.LOGON AND ENTER HIPROVISION UM (6)4.HIPROVISION UM APPLICATION (7)4.1General (7)4.2Group Access Rights (8)4.3Group Actions (8)4.4User Actions (10)4.4.1Create User (10)4.4.2Modify User (11)4.4.3Delete User (12)4.4.4Block User / Deny Access (12)4.4.5Unblock User / Grant Access (12)4.4.6Reset / Clear Saved HiProvision Settings (12)4.4.7Options (13)4.5Users Log (14)5.ABBREVIATIONS (15)List of figuresFigure 1 Initial Dashboard View (6)Figure 2 HiProvision Logon Box (7)Figure 3 Users Tile: Locked/Unlocked (7)Figure 4 HiProvision UM Default View, Groups (7)Figure 5 (Predefined) Users in Groups (8)Figure 6 Group Welcome Message (8)Figure 7 Create User Window (11)Figure 8 Modify User (11)Figure 9 Authentication Providers Tab: Add New RADIUS Provider (13)Figure 10 Limit Configurators Logons (14)List of TablesTable 1 Manual References (5)Table 2 Group Access Rights (9)HiProvision User Management 3 Release 4.0DR 10/20194 HiProvision User ManagementRelease 4.0DR 10/2019HiProvision User Management5Release 4.0DR 10/20191. INTRODUCTION 1.1 GeneralThis document is valid as of Dragon PTN Release 4.0DR.This document covers all the information about the login user management, security, access rights and roles in HiProvision and/or the Dragon PTN network. HiProvision User Management (=HiProvision UM) can be used after clicking the Users tile in the Dashboard. You must be an Administrator to perform HiProvision UM. As a result, this document is only relevant for Administrators. Configurators and Monitors will not be able to perform HiProvision UM actions described further on. If you are not an Administrator, and you need access to HiProvision UM, ask your Administrator for an administrator user account.In a nutshell, HiProvision User Management or HiProvision UM includes the following:Predefined users;Custom users;Organize users in three fixed groups:Administrators;Configurators;Monitors;Language selection per user (license required);Each group has a fixed set of access rights;Access rights are factory set on the HiProvision dashboard tiles and cannot be changed. A group defines what its users are allowed to do in the Dragon PTN network.At the initial start of HiProvision, a user database must be created. This database will only be used for HiProvision UM and is completely separated from the network configuration database. Starting the HiProvision servers is not a prerequisite for performing HiProvision UM.1.2 Manual ReferencesTable 1 is an overview of the manuals referred to in this manual. All these manuals can be found in the HiProvision (=Dragon PTN Management System) Help function.Table 1 Manual References6HiProvision User ManagementRelease 4.0DR 10/20192. USER DATABASE AT INITIAL STARTUPWhen HiProvision is started for the very first time after installation, HiProvision automatically asks for a one-time creation of a user database.The entire initial setup including the setup of the user database has been described in the chapter 'Start Up and Initialize HiProvision' in the manual Ref.[1] in Table 1. After the installation and creation of the user database, go to chapter §3. 3. LOGON AND ENTER HIPROVISION UMPrerequisites:The user database in §2 has been created or selected;HiProvision has started up and the dashboard is visible, see figure below.Login boxFigure 1 Initial Dashboard View1. Log in with an administrator account via the logon box, see figure below. If this is the first time logon (e.g after installation), use the predefined user admin with password admin to log in;2. If the Users tile is still locked after logon, you don’t have sufficient rights to perform HiProvision UM;3. The logged on username is always visible in the Users tile, see figure below;4.Log in/log off is always possible via the buttons/;5. Click the unlocked Users tile to enter the HiProvision UM application;HiProvision User Management7Release 4.0DR 10/2019Figure 2HiProvision Logon Boxlogged in userunlocked tile →access = OK!Figure 3 Users Tile: Locked/UnlockedNOTE: HiProvision UM can be used without running the HiProvision servers behind theServers tile.4. HIPROVISION UM APPLICATION 4.1GeneralAfter entering the Users Tile, the default view below is shown. It has two main sections: Groups and Users: by default, only the groups are visible;Users Log: this is a logging history of all the HiProvision UM actions that are performed.groupsFigure 4 HiProvision UM Default View, Groups8HiProvision User ManagementRelease 4.0DR 10/2019After expanding the Groups and Users section, the available users per group appear. At firsttime use, these are the predefined users with the following userid/password:admin/adminscripting/scripting;config/config; monitor/monitor.Currently logged inusers (=username)AuthenticationFigure 5 (Predefined) Users in Groups4.2 Group Access RightsUsers are organized in three fixed groups with each group a fixed set of access rights. Access rights per group are factory set on the HiProvision dashboard tiles and cannot be changed.An overview of the groups and their rights can be found in the table below. 4.3 Group ActionsIt is possible to assign a Group login welcome message. Just select the group by clicking its row in the table and click to modify the group. The window below pops up. You can fill out a login message. If you enable it, this message will pop up for a user that logs on from that group, on the condition that the user itself has not a personal login message on user level, see further. If the user has a personallogin message, it overrules the group login message and only the personal login message will be shown.Figure 6 Group Welcome MessageTable 2Group Access RightsHiProvision User Management 9 Release 4.0DR 10/201910 HiProvision User ManagementRelease 4.0DR 10/20194.4 User ActionsThe GROUPS and USERS menu bar has the buttons below. Find more information further on.: refreshes all the data in the window;: create a new user, add it to a group (see §4.4.1);: modifies the selected user (see §4.4.2);: deletes the selected user from a group (see §4.4.3);: blocks a user from HiProvision (=deny access) (see §4.4.4);: unblocks a user from HiProvision (=grant access) (see §4.4.5);: resets or clears user specific saved HiProvision settings (see §4.4.6);: options (see §4.4.7):User Authentication via authentication providers (Local, RADIUS); Configure the maximum amount of logged on Configurators. 4.4.1Create User1.In the Groups and Users section, click thebutton. The window below pops up;2. Select a User Group to which the new user must be assigned;NOTE: The amount of users with configuration permission, allowed to login at the sametime in in the Dragon PTN network, can be configured as well via the options button, see §4.4.6. 3. Select an Authentication Provider. If you don't have external user authentication (e.g. RADIUS), just select ‘Local’. 4. Fill out all the other fields. All fields are required except for the Login Message fields. 5. Password fields (only If ‘Local’ was selected as Authentication Provider): fill out the password which is case sensitive. 6.Select the preferred language for this user:English (=default): no voucher or license required;Chinese, Polish: voucher or license required, see 'SERIAL KEY / VOUCHERS / LICENSE PACK ' in Ref. [1] in Table 1.7. When this user logs on later on in HiProvision, HiProvision will be displayed in this selected language; 8. If the Login Message Enabled is checked, a pop-up box with the Login Message will appear at Logon for that specific user; 9. Click the OK button to create the user in the selected User Group.Message shown at LogonLocal, RADIUS, ...Figure 7Create User Window4.4.2Modify User1.In the Groups and Users section, click the button. The window below pops up;2.All the fields, except the User Group and User Name, can be modified. If you change theLanguage and you want HiProvision to run immediately in the new selected language for this user, HiProvision must be restarted first.3.Make your modifications and click the OK button.Read-onlyCan bemodifiedFigure 8Modify UserHiProvision User Management 11 Release 4.0DR 10/201912 HiProvision User ManagementRelease 4.0DR 10/20194.4.3 Delete User1.In the Groups and Users section, expand the groups (= clicking in front of the groups) and select the user that must be deleted;2. Click thebutton to delete the user.4.4.4 Block User / Deny AccessWhen a user must be completely denied access to HiProvision and Dragon PTN, there aretwo options:Delete the user: this is more a permanent solution, see §4.4.3;Block the user: this is more a temporary solution. The user remains in the list but has no access rights at all. Later on, the user can be easily unblocked again if desired.A user has access when its Blocked checkbox is unchecked. This user can be denied access as follows:1.In the Groups and Users section, expand the groups (= clicking in front of the groups) and select the (unblocked) user whom must be blocked;2. Click the button to block the selected user;3. The Blocked checkbox for this user will be checked. As a result, the user will have no access the next time the user logs in in HiProvision.NOTE: It is possible that a Configurator is not able to log in although he has access. Thiscould be because of a limitation on the Configurators logons, see § Unblock User / Grant AccessA user has no access when its Blocked checkbox is checked. This user can be granted access again as follows:1.In the Groups and Users section, expand the groups (= clicking in front of the groups) and select the user whom must be unblocked;2. Click the button to unblock the selected user;3. The Blocked checkbox for this user will be unchecked. As a result, the user will have access again the next time the user logs in in HiProvision;4.4.6 Reset / Clear Saved HiProvision Settingsa. Which HiProvision Settings?See 'Save User HiProvision Settings' in Ref. [1] in Table 1.b. Reset / ClearIt is possible that a user has saved its HiProvision settings as described in the paragraph above.To reset or clear these saved settings (if any) e.g. to start HiProvision again with a default setup:1.Click the user row to select the user;2.Click the button to clear/reset its saved settings;3.If the user logs on again in HiProvision, he will have a default HiProvision setup.4.4.7OptionsClick the button to configure following options:a.Authentication Providers TabAn authentication provider is an instance or mechanism via which HiProvision users can authenticate to log on into HiProvision.The 'Local' provider is by default available. When a user uses this authentication, a userid and password must be configured into HiProvision itself (see §4.4.1).Another provider is ‘RADIUS’. New RADIUS Authenti cation Providers can be created via clicking the Add button. Select the RADIUS Type, fill out a provider Name and click the OK button.RADIUSFigure 9Authentication Providers Tab: Add New RADIUS ProviderFrom now on, the new provider can be selected from the Configured Providers drop-down list to configure it further. Each RADIUS provider includes 4 RADIUS servers that can beconfigured for authentication. When authenticating a user against this provider,the firstserver will be used. When that server does not respond within the specified‘Timeout’ (inms), the second server is used, etc.Host Name (default Fill out the IP address of the RADIUS server;Shared Secret (default = empty): theRADIUS client (=HiProvision) authenticatesto the RADIUS server using the filled out Shared Secret;Port (default = 1812): Port number used for RADIUS authentication;Timeout (ms) (default = 3000 ms): Amount of time that HiProvision (=RADIUS Client) waits for a response from the RADIUS server. When no response has been received, the next server in the list will be used etc…HiProvision User Management 13 Release 4.0DR 10/201914 HiProvision User ManagementRelease 4.0DR 10/2019 Test Button: Click this button to test the connection between the RADIUS client (=HiProvision) and the RADIUS Server.b. General Tab (Logged on Configurators)All Administrators and Monitors can always log in simultaneously onto the Dragon PTNnetwork. The options below can limit the Configurators group log in.Limit Logged on Configurators:Unchecked: the number of simultaneous Configurator logons onto the Dragon PTNnetwork is unlimited;Checked (=default): the number of simultaneous Configurator logons onto the Dragon PTN network is limited up to the value filled out in the field 'Maximum logged onconfigurators';Maximum Logged on Configurators (default=5, range [1..10]): If previous checkbox has been checked, configure the maximum allowed number of simultaneous Configuratorslogons onto the Dragon PTN network.Figure 10 Limit Configurators Logons4.5 Users LogThis section shows all the HiProvision UM events that were performed by which user. The last event appears by default on top of the list.It is also possible to write or log these HiProvision UM events in a log file. This log file can be found in <Hi Prov isi on in s tall p ath >\L ogg ing\Hi Prov is ion Lo ggi ng\Log Eve nts\use re vent s.l og . Followingbutton in the toolbar can be used for this file logging: (normal, disabled): the file logging of HiProvision UM events is disabled. Nothing will be written into the log file. Clicking this button enables the HiProvision UM file loggingand turns the button into an enabled state;(highlighted, enabled): the file logging of HiProvision UM events is enabled. Clicking this button disables the HiProvision UM file logging and turns the button into a disabled state.5.ABBREVIATIONSRADIUS Remote Authentication Dial In User ServicePTN Packet Transport NetworkUM User ManagementHiProvision User Management 15 Release 4.0DR 10/2019。

Allwinner Camera模块开发说明文档说明书

Allwinner Camera模块开发说明文档说明书
第 1 页 共 54 页Biblioteka 文档履历版本号 日期
制/修订人 制/修订记录
补充 device 调试的说明
补充 sensor 器件驱动的格式说明和编写要求,补充 cam_detect 模块,
n CCI_Client 调试节点使用方法 ...........................................................................16
3. 模块体系结构描述.................................................................................................................... 18 4. 模块开发 demo.......................................................................................................................... 19
l 2.3. 源码结构介绍...................................................................................................................5
2.4. 模块配置介绍................................................................................................................... 7


4 通信设备安装的抗震计算....................................................................................................................................... 8
4.1 基本规定........................................................................................................................................................... 8 4.2 地震作用的计算............................................................................................................................................... 8 4.3 架式设备安装的抗震计算 ............................................................................................................................. 11 4.4 设备支撑及地脚螺栓抗震计算 ..................................................................................................................... 12 4.5 抗震防滑铁件的计算 ..................................................................................................................................... 17 4.6 吊挂系统吊杆、吊点螺栓计算 ..................................................................................................................... 18 4.7 屋顶天线安装抗震计算 ................................................................................................................................. 20

Product Labels 扩展安装指南说明书

Product Labels 扩展安装指南说明书

CONTENTPre Installation Steps 3 Installation Steps 4 Module Purchased from MageBees 4-9 Install using Web Wizard Module Manager 4Install using SSH 9 Module Purchased from Magento Marketplace 10 Support 162MageBees a Venture by Capacity Web Solutions Pvt. Ltd.3MageBees a Venture by Capacity Web Solutions Pvt. Ltd.PRE-INSTALLTIONGo to Admin → SYSTEM → Tools → Cache Management, select all caches, click “Disable” from the drop down menu and submit the changes.You also should run the Magento in developer mode when you’re extending or customizingit. You can use this command line to show current mode: Use this command to change to developer mode: Please refer below link for how to set magento mode./guides/v2.2/config-guide/cli/config-cli-subcommands-mode.htmlphp bin/magento deploy:mode:set developer php bin/magento deploy:mode:show4MageBees a Venture by Capacity Web Solutions Pvt. Ltd.INSTALLATION STEPSModule Purchased from MageBees: Install Using Web Wizard Setup:1. Download Zip files from Magebees Account and Upload Files on Your MagentoServer.⇨ Unpack the contents of the “ ” folder that you have downloaded.⇨ Create “Magebees ” folder in your <magento root directory>/app/code directory , if “Magebees ” Folder not exist.⇨ Create “Productlabel” folder in your <magento root directory>/app/code/Magebees directory.⇨ Select the content of “Magebees_Productlabel ” folder in your <magentodirectory>/app/code/Magebees/Productlabel directory and follow the below mentioned step.2.Go toSYSTEM → Tools → Web Wizard Setup. Click on ‘Module Manager’.3.In ‘Module Manager’ section you will find all available modules list. Using Actiondrop-down you can enable/disable module.4.Run readiness check.5MageBees a Venture by Capacity Web Solutions Pvt. Ltd.∙Readiness Check Success:∙Readiness Check Failure:6MageBees a Venture by Capacity Web Solutions Pvt. Ltd.∙Please check your system configuration with magento stack technology requirements.o /guides/v2.2/install-gde/system-requirements-tech.html∙Please make sure you have configured cron job for magento properly.o Here you’ll find the information on how to set up the cron job for Magento.5.If you want to take backup before install module then select “Create Backup” option.6.Enable the module. The installation process takes a couple of minutes.When you click on Enable module, it will redirect to process extensions section.7MageBees a Venture by Capacity Web Solutions Pvt. Ltd.7.After the installation is complete, you’ll see the success page.8MageBees a Venture by Capacity Web Solutions Pvt. Ltd.9MageBees a Venture by Capacity Web Solutions Pvt. Ltd.Install Using SSH:Download Zip files from Magebees Account and Upload Files on Your Magento Server.⇨ Unpack the contents of the “ ” folder that you havedownloaded.⇨ Create “Magebees” folder in your <magento root directory>/app/code directory, if“Magebees” Folder not exist.⇨ Create “Productlabel” folder in your <magento rootdirectory>/app/code/Magebees directory.⇨ Select the content of “Magebees_Productlabel” folder in your <magentodirectory>/app/code/Magebees/Productlabel directory and follow the below mentioned step.⇨ Open command prompt /terminal and change directory to your magento installdirectory.⇨ Run following command :⇨ Go to Admin → SYSTEM → Tools → Cache Management .⇨ Select all caches, click on “refresh ” fromthe drop down menu and submit thechanges.php bin/magento module:enable Magebees_Productlabel php bin/magento setup:upgradephp bin/magento setup:static-content:deployModule Purchased from Magento Marketplace:1.Login Into your market place account.2.Open the ‘My Access Keys’ page from “My Profile”.3.Click on the ‘Access Key’ button and the keys will be generated automatically.10MageBees a Venture by Capacity Web Solutions Pvt. Ltd.4.Log in to your Magento website, go to System →Web Setup Wizard →SystemConfig then sign in using generated keys.5.Click on the ‘Component Manager ’.11MageBees a Venture by Capacity Web Solutions Pvt. Ltd.6.Press the ‘Sync’ button and then install available extensions.7.Select the following extension packages and click ‘Install’.magebees/module-productlabel8.Run readiness check.12MageBees a Venture by Capacity Web Solutions Pvt. Ltd.13MageBees a Venture by Capacity Web Solutions Pvt. Ltd.NOTE: During the readiness check process if you find the above errors, please make sure you’ve configured the cron job for Magento properly. Here you’ll find the information on how to set up the cron job for Magento.9. Create Backup10.Install the Component. The installation process takes a couple of minutes.11.After the installation is complete, you’ll see the success page.14MageBees a Venture by Capacity Web Solutions Pvt. Ltd.Once our extension installed then it will look like below screen.15MageBees a Venture by Capacity Web Solutions Pvt. Ltd.Thank you!Do you need Extension Support? Please create support ticket for quick reply,/Do you have any suggestions? Please contact us,https:///contact-us16MageBees a Venture by Capacity Web Solutions Pvt. Ltd.。


1 增加了对施工单位的质量管理方面的规定。 2 调整了工程质量验收的划分方式。 3 新增了验收合格条款。 4 修订了条文说明。 本标准共 21 章,附录 A 为规范性的附录。 为提高标准质量,请各单位在执行本规程过程中,结合工程实践,认真总结经验,并 将意见和建议寄至北京市政建设集团有限责任公司(邮政编码:100048,地址:北京市海淀 区三虎桥南路 6 号,E-mail:BMECTC@)。 本标准主编单位:北京市政建设集团有限责任公司
北京市道路工程质量监督站 本标准参编单位:北京市市政二建设工程有限责任公司
北京市建设工程安全质量监督总站 北京市市政一建设工程有限责任公司 北京市市政三建设工程有限责任公司 北京市市政四建设工程有限责任公司 北京市市政六建设工程有限责任公司 北京市常青市政工程公司 北京易成市政工程有限责任公司 本标准主要起草人:刘晖、王健中、逯平、孙承万、李达、常亚静、李琳、孟庆龙、 武子荐、尹海明、王文正、李柏青、李华君、许亮、段鹏俊、康玉玺、蔡连军 本标准主要审查人员:孔恒、刘彦林
目次 1 总则 .......................................................................................................................................... 10 2 基本规定 ........................................................................................... 11

编 号:DB11/T 1072—2014 备案号:J ×××—20××

Provisions and contingencies

Provisions and contingencies

AbstractThis article from or had the item concept and the characteristic and so on basic content has carried on the analysis, has analyzed either has the item disclosure form, how the enterprise to or has item accountant to process the existence the question as well as to consummate the enterprise to or has item accountant to process and so on aspects to conduct some related research and the analysis. Should strengthen from our country Government Department concerned to either has item accountant to deal with the issue the research and the enterprise finance and accounting personnel should also enhance unceasingly to or has item accountant aspects and so on question theory level of understanding and practice operation ability proposed some rationalization proposal. Or has the item to take one kind of latency immediate influence enterprise's continually management and to develop, therefore we must treat processing earnestly.1 Liabilities and provisions1.1 Definition of a liabilityA liability is defined by the IASB Framework as a present obligation arising as a result of a past transaction or event. The settlement of a liability will result in an outflow of resources or economic benefit, such as the payment of cash.The main elements in this definition are as follows.Obligation. The entity has an obligation that has arisen from an event or transaction in the past. This is often a legal obligation, such as the contractual obligation to pay a supplier for the purchase of goods or services. An obligation might be a constructive obligation where the obligation arises out of an established past practice or a valid expectation or declared policy of the business entity - such as a promise by the business entity to refund the price of goods to customers if the customers are dissatisfied.The obligation exists now. The obligation is a present obligation.It is not an obligation that will or might occur in the future. The payment will occur in the future, but the obligation to pay already exists. Outflow of economic benefits. The obligation will result in an outflow of economic benefits at some time in the future. This will normally take the form of payments in cash, or the transfer of an asset other than cash.Examples of liabilities are loans from a bank, bonds issued by a company, trade payables, tax payable to the government, and accruedexpenses.1.2 Accounting treatment of liabilitiesIAS 1 states that liabilities should normally be shown in the statement of financial position as either:Current liabilities (payable within 12 months or within the normal trading cycle of the entity)Non-current liabilities: these are all liabilities that are not current.1.3 ProvisionsIAS 37 Provisions, contingent assets and contingent liabilities defines a provision as ‘a liability of uncertain timing or amount’. A provision is therefore a type of liability, and meets the definition of a liability.IAS 37 explains how provisions differ from other liabilities.With a provision, there is uncertainty about the timing or the amount of the future payment that will be required to settle the obligation. With a liability such as a trade payable or a bank loan, the liability is for a certain amount and it is also certain (or fairly certain) when settlement (= payment) will be required.An accrual is a liability for goods or services payable in the future where the actual amount of the payment is usually not yet known (because there has not yet been an invoice from the supplier). For example, accrued electricity charges are an accrued expense for electricity based on an estimate of the amount of the next electricity bill. However, the uncertainty with an accrual is much less than the uncertainty for a provision.1.4 Accounting for provisionsWhen a provision is created:The amount of the provision is recognised as an expense in the income statement for the periodA liability is created in the statement of financial position for the amount of the provision.A provision should be shown in the statement of financial position. It is shown as a liability, but separate from other liabilities. (Whereas accruals are often included with trade payables as a single figure in the statement of financial position, a provision must be shown on a line of its own.)Provisions should also be shown in the statement of financial position as either a current liability or a non-current liability, depending on when settlement of the obligation is expected to occur.1.5 Increasing a provisionIn some cases, a long-term provision that was created in an earlier year might be increased at the end of a subsequent year, when the amount of the obligation is re- assessed. When a provision is increased: The increase in the amount of the provision is recognised as an expense in the income statement for the period, andThe provision in the statement of financial position is increased to its revised, higher amount.1.6 Reducing a provisionSimilarly, in some cases a long-term provision that was created in an earlier year might be reduced at the end of a subsequent year. Whena provision is reduced:The reduction in the amount of the provision reduces expenses in the income statement for the period, andThe provision in the statement of financial position is reduced to its revised, lower amount.1.7 Recognition and measurement of provisionsIn the past, some companies were suspected of using provisions to manipulate their reported annual profits (an example of ‘window dressing’ of financial statements). A company might create a provision in one year, which would have the effect of reducing profits in that year. The next year, the provision would then be used or reduced, which would have the effect of reducing costs and increasing profits for that year. Provisions could therefore be used to move profits and losses from one year to another.IAS 37 seeks to prevent the use of provisions to manipulate or ‘window dress’ financial statements.Recognising provisionsIAS 37 states that a provision should only be recognised if the following conditions are met:The entity has a present obligation arising out of a past event or transaction.It is probable that an outflow of economic resources (such as cash payments) will be required to settle the obligation. ‘Probable’ means more likely than not.Although the amount of the obligation is uncertain, there is a reliable estimate of what it will be. This estimate might be based on a range of probable outcomes.Examples of events or transactions that might result in a provision are:An obligation to settle a legal dispute, where the legal case has already been lost but the amount of the settlement has not yet been decidedAn obligation to pay clean-up costs for causing environmental damage An obligation to pay decommissioning costs to take an asset out of service at the end of its useful life (for example a provision for decommissioning a nuclear reactor).IAS 37 specifically deals with certain situations where provisions may or may not be created.A provision cannot be made for future operating losses. There is no present obligation arising out of past events; therefore a provision cannot be made. If a company expects to make an operating loss in the next financial year, it cannot make a provision and take the loss in the current year instead.A provision can be made for future restructuring costs, when an entity closes down a part of its business operations, or re-organises its management structure, or decides to relocate operations to another country or region. However, a provision may only be made if there is a detailed formal plan for the restructuring and there is an expectation that the restructuring will take place. If the reorganisation plan has been agreed but has not been formally announced and employees have not yet been told, a provision cannot be made.Measurement of provisionsThe amount of a provision should be the best estimate of the amount (before tax) that will be required to settle the obligation.If the obligation is for a single transaction or event, the most likely amount of the obligation should be used.If there are obligations for many similar transactions, an expected value should be calculated for the obligations. An example is a provision for future costs that will be incurred to honour warranty obligations.2 Contingent liabilities and assets2.1 Definition of contingent liabilities and contingent assets‘Contingent’ means ‘dependent on something happening’.A contingent liability is a liability that will only occur if something happens in the future. It can be defined as a possible obligation arising from an event that has already happened, and whose existence will only be confirmed by the occurrence or non-occurrence of an uncertain future event. This uncertain future event should be not wholly within the control of the company to make it happen.A contingent asset is an asset that will arise (such as cash income) or a benefit that will occur only if something happens in the future. It is similar to a contingent liability, except that it is a possible benefitrather than a possible obligation.2.2 Contingent liabilities and actual liabilities or provisionsA contingent liability is different from a liability (or provision) because there is doubt about whether the obligation will lead to an outflow of economic benefits. The liability is ‘contingent’ (dependent) on something that will happen or will not happen in the future.Examples of contingent liabilities include the following.The outcome of a legal dispute, in which the company might be required to make a large payment to settle the dispute (contingent liability) or might receive a substantial amount of money in settlement (contingent asset). The legal decision has not yet been made; therefore it is too soon to make a provision.The possibility of having to pay a fine to a regulating body for a breach of regulations (contingent liability).The possibility of having to meet an obligation under a guarantee given to a bank on behalf of another company. A contingent liability exists when there is a risk that this other company will fail to repay the loan and the bank will call on the guarantee. The guarantee might therefore be a contingent liability.2.3 Recognising contingent liabilitiesA decision has to be made whether an item is a contingent liability or not.Is the item a contingent liability or an actual liability? For example, should the item be a provision? With a provision, the obligation will probably result in an outflow of economic benefits and a reliable estimate can be made of the amount of the obligation. With a contingent liability:− the obligation is a possible obligation, but not a probable obligation (so that it is less than 50% likely to happen), or− there is an obligation but the outflow of economic benefits is not probable (= less than 50% likely to happen), or− there is an obligation but a reliable estimate of the amount of the obligation cannot be made.Is the item a contingent liability, or is there only a remote possibility that it will happen? If the likelihood that an actual obligation will arise is remote, the item should be ignored altogether, and should not be treated as a contingent liability for the purpose of financial reporting.IAS 37 uses the concept of ‘probable’ to distinguish between actual liabilities (or provisions), contingent liabilities and items to be ignored.2.4 Contingent liabilities: the accounting rulesThe accounting rules for contingent liabilities are provided by IAS 37. The rules are set out below:IAS 37 defines probable as ‘more likely than not’, i.e. more than50% probability.Having decided whether an item is a liability (or provision, which is a form of liability), a contingent liability or a remote possibility, the accounting rules are therefore:Recognise a liability or provision in the financial statements and include in the statement of financial position (and as an expense in profit and loss)Do not recognise a contingent liability in the financial statements and do not include in the statement of financial position (or in profit and loss): instead, give details of the contingent liability in a note to the financial statementsIgnore entirely items where the possibility of an obligation arising is remote.2.5 Contingent assetsThere are similar problems with contingent assets. Is the item a contingent asset or not?Is it a contingent asset, or is it an actual asset? If the future benefit is certain or ‘virtually certain’ it is an actual asset and the item should be ‘recognised’ in the financial statements. It should be included as an actual asset in the statement of financial position.Is it a contingent asset, or is the likelihood that it will happen not sufficiently high to treat it as a contingent asset? If the likelihood of future economic benefits is not strong enough, the item should be ignored for the purpose of financial reporting.For example suppose that a company is in a legal dispute and is claiming $10 million from another company for breach of contract. Should this be treated as an asset, a contingent asset, or ignored?IAS 37 uses the concepts of ‘virtual certainty’, ‘probable’ to distinguish between actual assets, contingent assets and items to be ignored. The rules in IAS37 are as follows:or less than 50% probable, the accounting rules are therefore: Recognise an asset in the financial statements and include in the statement of financial position (and as income in profit and loss) Do not recognise an asset in the financial statements and do not include in the statement of financial position (or in profit and loss): instead, give details of the contingent asset in a note to the financial statementsIgnore entirely items where the possibility of economic benefits arising is less than 50%.2.6 Contingent assets and contingent liabilities: disclosure requirementsWhen an item is reported as a contingent liability or a contingent asset, it is not recorded in the main ledger accounts. The note to the financial statements simply gives a narrative description of the item –including the nature of the item and the uncertainties relating to the amount or the timing of the item.IAS 37 also includes the following requirements:When any disclosures required about a provision, a contingent asset or a contingent liability are not possible, because it is not practicable to provide the information, this fact should be disclosed.In the very rare occasions when disclosure of the information could seriously prejudice the entity in a dispute with another person (about the matter to which the provision or contingent item relates), the required information need not be disclosed. However, the note to the accounts should describe the general nature of the dispute and the reason why the required information has not been disclosed.SummaryIn recent years, developed and modern enterprise system's establishment unceasingly along with our country market economy, the enterprise faces such as the pending action, the unsettled arbitration, the bill discount, the security for loan and so on or has the item to be getting more and more. Under the market economy environment, enterprise's production and operating activities can receive the numerous elements of certainty the influences, thus has produced each kind or has the item.Or has the item to take the special uncertainty item, is the uncertainty accountant's important content. Either has the item to take the special uncertainty item, along with our country socialist market economy development, either has the item to exist generally inenterprise's operative activity, the information as well as operating decisions' influence is also getting bigger and bigger to financial inventory accounting, how to process, the reasonable disclosure correctly or have the item to receive the general investors and the management value more and more.。

平战结合人民防空工程设计规范DB11 994-2013

平战结合人民防空工程设计规范DB11 994-2013

3.1 3.2 3.3 3 .4 3.5 3.6 3.7 4
一般规定..........….......….......….......….......….......… ..................9
主体...................................................................................... 11
引用标准名录.............….................................….........................… ..124
条文说明.........................................................….........….........… .....125
配电.............….................................….........….................... 113
线路敷设.............…................................……....................... 照明....................................................................................
防护通风 ...............................................................................83 平战结合及平战...… ..................92 柴油电站通风 .......................................................................96












因此,IT 部门通常需要制定详细的计划和策略来管理这些资源,包括资源的分配、监控、备份和恢复等步骤。





表 A.0.1 投资估算封面 .............................................................................................. 50 表 A.0.2 投资估算签署页 .......................................................................................... 51 表 A.0.3 投资估算编制说明 ...................................................................................... 52 表 A.0.4 投资估算汇总表 .......................................................................................... 53 表 A.0.5 单项工程投资估算汇总表 .......................................................................... 55 附录 B 设计概算成果文件格式..................................................................................... 56 表 B.0.1 设计概算封面 .............................................................................................. 56 表 B.0.2 设计概算签署页 ...................................


1 总则 ............................................................ 1 2 术语 ............................................................ 2 3 基本规定 ........................................................ 4 4 模板与支撑 .......................................................5
北京市建筑工程研究院有限责任公司 本规程参编单位:北京建工集团有限责任公司
北京预制建筑工程研究院有限公司 中国建筑一局(集团)有限责任公司 中建一局集团建设发展有限公司 中建一局集团第三建筑有限公司 中建二局第三建筑工程有限公司 北京城建建材工业有限公司 北京建工博海建设有限责任公司 北京市建设工程安全质量监督总站 北京市建设工程质量第一检测所有限责任公司 北京市建筑设计研究院有限公司
4.1 一般规定 ......................................................5 4.2 模板与支撑安装 ................................................5 4.3 模板与支撑拆除 .................................................................................................6 5 钢筋 .............................................................8 5.1 一般规定 ......................................................8 5.2 钢筋连接 ......................................................8 5.3 钢筋定位 .............................................................................................................9 6 混凝土 ..........................................................10 6.1 一般规定 .....................................................10 6.2 叠合构件混凝土 ...............................................10 6.3 构件连接混凝土 ............................................................................................... 11 7 预制构件安装 ....................................................12 7.1 一般规定 .....................................................12 7.2 场内运输与存放 ...............................................13 7.3 安装与连接 ...................................................13 7.4 防水施工 .....................................................15 7.5 成品保护 ...........................................................................................................16 8 质量验收 ........................................................17 8.1 一般规定 ........................................................................................................... 17 8.2 模板与支撑 .......................................................................................................17 8.3 钢筋 .........................................................18 8.4 混凝土 .......................................................18 8.5 预制构件安装 .................................................19
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– An onerous contract is a contract where the unavoidable costs exceed the expected benefits to be received – Specific assets might be dedicated to a particular contract, in which case, before a separate provision for an onerous contract can be made, it is necessary to recognise any impairment loss for those assets in accordance with the rules set out in IAS 36.
Advanced accounting and international financial statements – Part 5 Ch 1 Pag. 6
Definitions and recognition
• A contingent asset is a possible asset that arises from past events and whose existence will be confirmed only by the occurrence or non-occurrence of one or more uncertain future events not wholly within the control of the enterprise.
– Future operating losses – Onerous contracts – Restructuring plans
• Related interpretations
Advanced accounting and international financial statements – Part 5 Ch 1 Pag. 2
Objective and scope
• Objective
– Ensure appropriate recognition criteria and measurement bases for provisions, contingent liabilities and contingent assets – Ensure that sufficient information is disclosed to enable users to understand nature, timing and amount
– Economic outflow is probable
– More likely than not
– Reliable estimate can be made
– Rebuttable presumption
Advanced accounting and international financial statements – Part 5 Ch 1 Pag. 5
Definitions and recognition
• A liability is a present obligation of the enterprise arising from past events, the settlement of which is expected to result in an outflow from the enterprise of resources embodying economic benefits. • A provision is a liability with uncertain timing and/or amount.
• Scope
– Accounting for provisions, contingent liabilities and contingent assets, except those that result from
– Executory contracts (unless onerous)
– Contracts under which neither party has performed any of its obligations or both parties have partially performed their obligations
– Scope of business – Manner of conducting business
– Recognize provision when the recognition criteria are met
Advanced accounting and international financial statements – Part 5 Ch 1 Pag. 10
Specific applications
• Operating losses
– Do not recognize provisions for future operating losses – Expected operating losses may indicate impairment
• Recognize onerous contract obligations as a provision
– Is a possible obligation as a result of a past event, that may, but probably not, require an outflow of resources – Should be disclosed unless the possibility of outflow is remote
– The amount that an entity would rationally pay to settle the obligation at the end of the reporting period or to transfer it to a third party
Advanced accounting and international financial statements – Part 5 Ch 1 Pag. 8
– Those dealt within another IFRS (IFRS 3, IAS 11, IAS 12, IAS 17, IAS 19, IFRS 4, IAS 18 , IAS 32/39)
Advanced accounting and international financial statements – Part 5 Ch 1 Pag. 3
– a valid expectation to carry out this plan
– Announcement of main features – Start of implementation – Binding sale agreement when restructuring involves sale of an operation
– Legal obligation (contract, law,…) – Constructive obligation
– entity has indicated acceptance of responsibility (e.g. by established pattern, published policies, specific statement) and as a result created valid expectation of discharge
Part 5: Chapter 1 - Provisions, contingent liabilities and contingent assets (IAS 37)
• • • • Objective and scope Definitions and recognition Measurement Specific applications
Defቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱnitions and recognition
• A contingent liability
– Is a present obligation as a result of a past event:
– That probably requires an outflow of economic benefits, but the obligation cannot be measured
Advanced accounting and international financial statements – Part 5 Ch 1 Pag. 9
Specific applications
• Restructuring plan
– Program planned & controlled by management that materially changes either:
Advanced accounting and international financial statements – Part 5 Ch 1 Pag. 7
• The provision should be measured at the best estimate of the expenditure required to settle the present obligation at the end of the reporting period
Advanced accounting and international financial statements – Part 5 Ch 1 Pag. 4