



2006年10月汽车上电气和电子部件一般试验条件 VW 80101标准中心 8M A00 共 49 页第1页主题词:部件,电气部件,电子部件,试验条件目录1应用范围2 一般技术要求2.1 规定和测试顺序2.2 定义2.3 汽车技术要求范围和技术要求种类2.4 工作方式2.5 功能状态2.6 一般试验条件3 电气技术要求3.1 工作电压3.2 工作电压干扰3.3 反馈3.4 电平:高-低状态配合3.5 在欠电压和过电压情况下的功能3.6 工作电流3.7 稳定电流图像和稳定电荷图像3.8 极性变换可靠性3.9 过电流稳定性3.10 长时间工作状态的耐过电压性能3.11 短时间工作状态的耐过电压性能3.12 叠加的交流电压3.13 供电电压缓慢下降和上升3.14 电压扰动时的复位性能3.15 防短路可靠性3.16 击穿强度3.17 绝缘阻抗3.18 中断3.19 电压降3.20 电磁兼容性(EMV)4 机械方面技术要求4.1 振动4.2 机械振动4.3 坠地试验4.4. 卷曲连接和插入连接4.5 汽车上电气组件和电子组件的插接件4.6 导线抗拉强度5 气候环境要求5.1 在恒温状态下的试验5.2 在温度交变情况下的试验5.3 分级温度试验5.4 抗大气腐蚀能力5.5 环境稳定性5.6 水是温度突变的原因6 化学方面的技术要求6.1 抗试剂的稳定性7 疲劳试验7.1 电气和电子系统/元件的疲劳试验7.2 电机系统/元件的疲劳试验7.3 零部件的特殊疲劳试验8 表9相关参考资料修订同VW 801 01:2005-06标准比较,作了如下修改:— 2条,一般技术要求作了补充—表5,注释作了补充—取消了材料技术要求条款— 工作方式3作了补充— 3.4条:电压电平。

表7说明输入状态与电压电平的配合情况,在表8中,说明当接线柱5接通时作采纳的电压电平— 在功能状态C、D和E方面,不允许有不明确的功能— 3.5条,在欠电压和过电压情况下的功能,图3电压波形图,都作了校正— 3.8条,极性变换可靠性、用途作了补充,技术要求作了说明— 3.9.2条,电输出,电流负荷作了规定— 3.15条,防短路可靠性,技术要求作了说明,插图有所补充— 3.18条,断路,插头断开有所补充— 4.1条,振动,第1段有修改— 在空调条款中,工作方式3.2,试验时的机械操纵法有补充— 试验尘埃,美国亚利桑那州尘埃A.2,按ISO 12103-1标准处理— 5.2.1条,温度交变与规定的变化速度,工作方式有补充— 5.2.2条,快速温度交变与规定的转变持续时间,补充了印刷体电路(铂)— 5.5.2条,电动机洗涤,以前是在6.2条中— 简化了温度分布曲线图解,工作方式数据作了补充— 疲劳试验,7.1条以及7.1.1条,工作方式和注释都作了补充以前版本1987-06;1988-08;1992-01;1993-04;1994-05;1995-06;1998-01;1999-06;2000-09;2001-04;2003-05;2004-07;2005-061适用范围VW 801 01标准为汽车电气的、机电的和电子的元件/系统规定了一般试验条件在使用该标准时,如果牵涉到零部件特殊的供货技术条件、图纸及货运手册,通常都要使用第8条表27提供的数据(信息),有时还要就一些相关的补充数据与大众康采恩的一些主管专业科室协商行事。



6Q90-1001-3280 6182-00AN-0180 6Q90-1001-3380 6Q90-1001-3480 6182-00AJ-0180 6182-00AJ-0180
6Q90-1001-3580 6182-00AN-0180 6Q90-1001-3680 6Q90-1001-1980 6Q90-1001-4180 6Q90-1001-6080 6Q90-1001-1880 6Q90-1001-4980 6Q90-1001-5580 6Q90-1001-6680 6Q90-1001-2080 6Q90-1001-5880 6182-00AJ-0180 6182-0096-0180 6182-00BE-0180 6182-0096-0180
外觀檢查(反面) (Back Appearance Inspect) FID001
包裝 (Packing)
6101-00H0-0180 (6Q01-1001-1680)
SFC站別 7 外觀檢查(正面) (Front Appearance Inspect) FID001 8 外觀檢查(反面) (Back Appearance Inspect) FID001 9 包裝 (Packing) 10 11 12
功能測試 (Function Test) ETD006
外觀檢查(反面) (Back Appearance Inspect) FID001 燒機測試 (Burn In Test) ETD003



连接器壳体的安装插入力应当小于100 N.
标准适用时, 不考虑端子的具体数量. 如果必要, 应当综合使用各种适宜的辅助工具, 例如滑快和杠杆等. 插拔时, 必须在连接器的壳体上施加力.
2.9.1 接插错误 为避免接插错误,应当对连接器的保护套进行外形编码。
2.9.2 引导
插座壁外形必须稳定,即使在机械压力和受热的条件下仍保持不变。 连接器接插之前,必须确保其壳体上有可靠的相互导引部件。 增加插座(与接插件导筋或其他筋连接的插座)壁厚以避免由于偶然或蓄意插错插孔而损坏连接器元 件。
Page 5 VW 80106: Issue 2008-5
必须设计保护措施(例如,添加衬隔材料,增加保护套高度)以防止由于接触(甚至匹配性连接)挤 压而造成零件变形。
下列引用文件是本标准应用的必要组成部分。本部分中使用的专业术语也许和原始文件使用的术 语不同。
VW 01155
GQL-PE/7 Jürgen Schneck
Anton Lehner
Tel.: +49-5361-9-29894 Tel.: +49-841-89-33155
Standards EKTC/4 Olaf Guse Tel.: +49-5361-9-32438
Page 1 of 5
EKTC Manfred Terlinden



Group Standard VW 50093Issue 2012-07Class. No.:A6600Descriptors:cast, casting, light metal cast, pore, porosityPorosity of CastingsRequirementsPrefaceThis Standard supersedes Volkswagen Standard VW 50097 "Porosity of metal castings(VDG P201)" (VDG = Association of German Foundry Experts – German abbreviation)Previous issuesVW 50097: 2002-12, 2007-07ChangesThe following changes have been made compared with VW 50097: 2007-07:–Application as per VDG specification P202Contents PageScope .........................................................................................................................2Definitions ..................................................................................................................2Designation ................................................................................................................2Explanation of the designation system .......................................................................2Deviations from and supplements to VDG specification P202 ...................................5Grading of porosity specifications in drawings ...........................................................6Requirements .............................................................................................................6Delivery of components ..............................................................................................6Definition of porosity ...................................................................................................6Testing of porosity (7)Recourse claims .........................................................................................................7Applicable documents (71) that you have the latest issue of the Standard before relying on it.This electronically generated Standard is authentic and valid without signature.The English translation is believed to be accurate. In case of discrepancies, the German version is alone authoritative and controlling.Numerical notation acc. to ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.Page 1 of 7All rights reserved. No part of this document may be provided to third parties or reproduced without the prior consent of the Standards Department of a Volkswagen Group member.© Volkswagen AktiengesellschaftVWNORM-2012-05iPage 2VW 50093: 2012-07ScopeThis Standard defines the requirements for the porosity of castings regardless of the casting proc‐ess used.Definitions Definitions as per VW 50099.Surface to which a porosity specification and the evaluation relates (cor‐responding to VDG P202)Generating a flat, rectangular surface by unfolding the inner surface of ahollow cylinder.Designation The underlying designation system and the definition of the reference surfaces correspond to the BDG guideline (VDG specification) VDG P202. Details on the designation system can be obtained from the specification.Deviations from and supplements to the provisions set forth in the specification are listed in this Standard in section 3.2.The permissible porosity of a casting is entered in the respective finished part drawing.Explanation of the designation system The designation system of the porosities is composed of the following parameters as per the VDG specification VDG P202:–[R z ] – Roughness of the reference surface:[R z ] is specified in μm. If the roughness information is missing, [R z ] = 0 applies automatically.This corresponds to a metallographically polished microsection.–[%] – Pore content:The pore content is defined as the maximum permissible pore volume in percent for theagreed reference surfaces.–[∅] – Pore diameter/pore length:The maximum permissible pore diameter is specified in mm.–[A] – Distance between adjacent pores:The minimum distance to be adhered to between two adjacent pores is described with this pa‐rameter. The distance specification [A] is an integer factor with which the diameter of the smaller of two adjacent pores is multiplied and the minimum distance is calculated.–[U] – Disregarded pores:The value [U] indicates up to which diameter pores are disregarded in the reference surface evaluation.–[Z] – Number of pores :This parameter indicates the maximum permissible number of individual pores per reference surface as an integer value. Pore accumulations are treated as individual pores here.–[H], [H R ], or [H K ] – Pore accumulations:1 2 Reference surface:Unfold rule:3 3.1Page 3VW 50093: 2012-07A pore accumulation is present where the distance between two adjacent pores is less thanthe diameter of the smaller pore.–[H] – (without subscript) refers to pore accumulations in the entire reference surface–[H R] – refers to pore accumulations in the reference surface edge area (outer third of wall)–[H K] – refers to pore accumulations in the reference surface core area (inner third of wall) The value for [H], [H R] and [H K] can have the following binary values:–0 = pore accumulations impermissible– 1 = pore accumulations permissibleIf a maximum pore diameter is specified in addition to the pore accumulation, the pore accu‐mulations are treated as individual pores. That is, pore accumulations with diameters that ex‐ceed the maximum permissible individual pore diameter are not permissible.–[N], [N R], or [N K] – Localized porosities:A localized porosity is present whenever the diameter of a pore accumulation exceeds themaximum permissible diameter for individual pores.–[N] – (without subscript) refers to localized porosities in the entire reference surface–[N R] – refers to localized porosities in the reference surface edge area (outer third of wall)–[N K] – refers to localized porosities in the reference surface core area (inner third of wall) [N], [N R], or [N K] can have the following binary values:–0 = localized porosity impermissible– 1 = localized porosity permissibleIf [N], [N R], or [N K] is listed in the pore key, but a value is not indicated, the value 1 is automati‐cally applicable. That is, localized porosity is permissible in the pertinent area.NOTE 1 The permissibility of localized porosities automatically implies pore accumulation per‐missibility as well. If localized porosities are impermissible, this does not necessarily preclude the permissibility of pore accumulations.Representation: (Standard) – [Parameter 1][Value]/[Parameter 2][Value]/ ... [Parameter n][Value] Information in parentheses must be indicated; information in square brackets may be indicated, in which case the parameters can be arranged in any order.Page 4VW 50093: 2012-07For examples, see figure 1:Figure 1NOTE 2 Due to missing roughness information, the development of a metallographic microsection is also stipulated by this pore key.Page 5VW 50093: 2012-07 Deviations from and supplements to VDG specification P2023.2The following deviations from VDG specification VDG P202 provisions will be mandatory when this Standard becomes final:–[R z] – Roughness:The casting skin and processed surfaces are exempted from surface quality (roughness) spe‐cifications in porosity keys. Even if porosity keys contain roughness specifications for these surfaces (e.g., in the case of collective porosity specifications in terms of the VDG specifica‐tion), the surface quality specified in the drawing applies automatically.–[%] – Pore content:If the specification for a pore content is <5%, then in addition to the provisions set forth in the VDG specification for the reference surface and in addition to the specified pore content of the reference surfaces, the pore content of any sub-section of a reference surface must not be greater than 4%. Here it must be noted that the sub-sections have fixed dimensions of(4 x 3) mm².NOTE 3 This supplement maps the provisions of the predecessor Volkswagen StandardVW 50097 for pore classes D1 to D4.If a pore content of <5% is specified for iron and steel castings, this 4% rule can be overruled by adding an explicit supplement to the drawing note.NOTE 4 The 4% rule cannot be overruled for any other materials.–[∅] – Pore diameter/pore length:This Standard provides exclusively for the use of the comparison diameter (pore length, max.pore dimension, max. Feret). Therefore, the corresponding subscript – the specificationVDG P202 includes the suffix L for this purpose – can be omitted.–[U] – Disregarded pores:Deviating from specification P202, the parameter [U] is provided exclusively for processed sur‐faces. If not indicated, [U] automatically comes from the quality of the test surface and of the optical aid specified for the test.NOTE 5 Specifications of [U] must be used only for processed surfaces that provide a sealing function, with some exceptions.–[Z] – Number of pores:This Standard stipulates the use of this parameter for processed surfaces only.–For porosity specifications for holes and threads, the reference surface is always the entire, contiguous lateral surface of the area, for which a uniform porosity specification has been de‐fined. Exempt from this provision are sealing surfaces in holes. The unfold rule applies tothese areas. The reference surface rule as per PV 6093 "Porosity Determination as perVW 50093" must be applied to the surface that is formed in this way. That is, the smaller of the two edge lengths of the rectangle that is formed by unfolding defines the edge length of the square reference surface.–Deviating from the specification, this Standard is applicable regardless of the metal type and casting process. Following agreement with the appropriate development laboratory, thisStandard can also be applied to injection-molded castings made of polymer materials. A corre‐sponding drawing note is required for this.–An exclusive porosity specification for processed surfaces in the drawing also always containsa standard porosity specification corresponding to section 4.2.Page 6VW 50093: 2012-07Grading of porosity specifications in drawingsThe following grading rules apply to the definition of drawing notes:[%]Integer steps from 1% to 4%; integer steps of five as of 5%. A specificationof 0% is not valid. The specification of values of <5% is only permissible inagreement with the development laboratory, with the exception of steel andcast iron materials.[Ø]This parameter must be indicated in steps of 0,5 mm. The specification ofdiameters of <0,5 mm is not permissible.[U]Specifications of values below the optical resolution capacity of the testmethod stipulated are impermissible. However, if lesser limits are specified,the limiting resolution of the test method is automatically binding, depend‐ing on the quality of the examined reference surface. [U] is graded in stepsof 0,1 mm.RequirementsDelivery of components The supplier must automatically enclose test reports for components presented for testing, first sample inspection, or build sample approval. These reports must clearly identify all component properties required according to this Standard.NOTE 6 Castings that are presented for build sample approval (BMG) must be regarded as boun‐dary samples for future deliveries from the respective supplier. That is, by presenting a casting for the build-sample test, the supplier undertakes to only supply parts of the same or higher quality in the future. This applies to casting porosity in particular.Definition of porosityIf this Standard is cited in a drawing, in other standards, or in performance specifications, or if po‐rosity specifications referencing VW 50093 are cited in a drawing, in other standards, or in perform‐ance specifications, then the following general standard specifications apply to the entire casting:–Castings made of steel and iron cast materials VW 50093–%1–Castings made of zinc base alloys VW 50093–%10–All other castings VW 50093–%5Porosity specifications always refer to a square reference surface (see PV 6093).Deviating requirements must be specified more precisely and must adher to all the specifications of this Standard. An exclusive limitation of porosity specifications to specific test levels or a general exclusion from the standard specifications described here must be done explicitly and in writing in the drawing. Unless otherwise specified, mechanical damage on machined surfaces must be trea‐ted like pores.The specifications for maximum permissible individual pores inside the casting must be dimen‐sioned such that they can also be evaluated in a nondestructive manner – preferably by X-ray test‐ing – without problems. The limiting resolution of the X-ray test is 6% of the wall thicknesses irradi‐ated in total. To that effect, when specifying the permissible individual pore size, the degree to which the casting can be irradiated must be taken into account depending on its geometry.3.3 44.14.2Page 7VW 50093: 2012-07If the build samples are provided by a sole supplier or a first supplier, then the supplier must aim to make the max. porosity specified in the drawing the limit porosity. If the supplier is unable to fulfill this porosity requirement, it must provide suitable documentation and verfication of this. The docu‐mentation must clearly identify all affected areas. The same applies to the first delivery of castings that are not subject to build sample approval.If the test is positive, the porosity of the tested castings must be entered in the finished part draw‐ing, provided the porosity exceeds the drawing specifications and represents the general state of the art. The existing drawing note retains its validity in all other cases.NOTE 7 It is recommended to mark strength- or process-critical areas on castings, in addition to a general porosity specification, as preferred test areas in the drawing. A periodic examination of po‐rosity should always include these areas. The exclusive application of the porosity specification to these testing areas is only permissible if clearly specified in the wording.Testing of porosity The porosity of the castings must be tested in compliance with the drawing notes as per PV 6093.If the supplier uses a test method other than that prescribed to test porosity, the supplier must es‐tablish a correlation between this method and the prescribed method for the respective casting.NOTE 8 When performed correctly, the X-ray CT scan is recognized as an adequately correlating test method. However, a supplier may use any test method for periodic production monitoring. Only those test results produced using the prescribed method or a correlating method will be valid in ar‐bitration cases.Recourse claims Should the supplier violate parts of this Standard, in particular section 4.1 and section 4.2, the sup‐plier may be billed for the resultant additional testing costs.NOTE 9 The same applies to all other material properties of castings specified in drawings.Applicable documentsThe following documents cited in this Standard are necessary to its application.Some of the cited documents are translations from the German original. The translations of Ger‐man terms in such documents may differ from those used in this Standard, resulting in terminologi‐cal inconsistency.Standards whose titles are given in German may be available only in German. Editions in other languages may be available from the institution issuing the standard.PV 6093Porosity Determination as per VW 50093VW 50099Foundry and Casting Technology; Definitions VDG P202Volume Deficits of Castings Made from Aluminum, Magnesium, and ZincCasting Alloys 5 6 7。

大众实验要求VW80101 中

大众实验要求VW80101 中

2.6.1 功能状态A 试件在加载各项试验参数过程中和加载后满足规定中的所有功能。该状态要在具诊断能力的控 制器无任何故障存储记录。
2.6.2 功能状态B 试件在加载各项试验参数过程中和加载后满足规定中的所有功能。但可能有一项或多项功能在 规定的公差范围之外。结束加载试验参数以后试件重新满足所有规定中的所有功能。存储功能 必需保持在功能状态A。
以前的版本 1987-06,1988-08,1992-01,1993-04,1994-05,1995-06,1998-01,1999-06,2000-09,2001-04, 2003-05
1. 适用范围 此标准规定了汽车中电气和电子组件的一般试验条件。 应用本标准时,补充零件专用的技术供货条件、图纸和任务书要应用章节 8 的表格 23 并且与主 管专业部门协商去的对应说明。
汽车中的电气和电子组件 通用试验条件
关键词: 组件,电气组件,电子组件,试验条件
1 适用范围 2 概述 2.1 规则和试验顺序 2.2 定义 2.3 汽车部件的要求范围和其对车辆的要求方式 2.4 材料要求 2.5 工作方式 2.6 功能状态 2.7 通用试验条件 3 电气要求 3.1 工作电压 3.2 反馈 3.3 电平:高-低端配置 3.4 过压和电压不足下的功能 3.5 静态电流记录 3.6 工作电流 3.7 防电极反接 3.8 过流耐抗性 3.9 长时过载耐抗性 3.10 短时过载耐抗性 3.11 叠加的交变电压 3.12 供电电压的缓慢降低和升高 3.13 电压中断情况下的复位性能 3.14 短接耐抗性 3.15 击穿耐抗性 3.16 绝缘电阻 3.17 断路 3.18 电降压 3.19 电磁兼容性(EMV) 4 机械要求 4.1 振动 4.2 机械振动 4.3 落体试验 4.4 卡接和插接 4.5 车辆中电气和电子组件的插接接头 5 气候方面的要求 5.1 恒定温度下的试验 5.2 交变温度下的试验 5.3 大气曝晒试验耐抗性



Seite 2VW 604 24: 2005-10Tabelle 1 – GewindeendenNr. Form Bild/Beispiel Bemerkung1 PF ZapfenNicht für NeukonstruktionenVerwende DIN EN IS O 4753 Form TC oderForm W1)+ Ausrichten der Schrauben+ Bedingtes Finden des Innengewindes+ Preisgünstiger als Formen W, AV, V und TC- zusätzliches Gewicht- Sortenvielfalt 2 WAnsatzspitze lang Vorzugsform 1)+ Finden des Mutterngewindes+ Ausrichten der Schrauben+Bevorzugt bei automatischer Montage bzw. nicht einsehbarer Handmontage - Reduzierung der Einschraubtiefe - zusätzliches Gewicht - teurer als Form TC, PF, K3 VAnsatzspitze kurz Nicht für NeukonstruktionenVerwende Form TC oder Form W1)+ Finden des Mutterngewindes - Teurer als Form TC und W - Reduzierung der Einschraubtiefe - zusätzliches Gewicht4 AVAnsatzspitzemittellang Nicht für NeukonstruktionenVerwende Form TC oder Form W1)+ Finden des Mutterngewindes - Teurer als Form TC und W - Reduzierung der Einschraubtiefe - zusätzliches Gewicht5 KKegelkuppeähnlichDIN EN ISO4753-CHDie Geometrie der Kegelkuppe CH nach DIN EN ISO 4753 ist nicht ausreichend, da im Extremfall keine Fase möglich ist (Ansetzen der Schraube kritisch).Seite 3VW 604 24: 2005-10Tabelle 1 – Gewindeenden (fortgesetzt)Nr. FormBild/Beispiel Bemerkung 6 GFNGewindefurchend(normal) Vorzugsform Beschrieben wird dieser Typ in DIN 267-30, jedoch Festigkeitsklasse 8.8 für Leichtmetall bis 120 HV zulässig7 CF Gewindefurchend(Corflex ®)Gewindeende Induktiv gehärtet (450+150) HVa = Übergangsbereich der Härtezoneein vollausgeformter Gewindegang mussmindestens gehärtet seinmax. 2 x P bei Schraubenlänge = 2 x d 1max. 3 x P bei Schraubenlänge > 2 x d 1b = Furchbereich Härtezone (2 bis 4) x PLochdurchmesser siehe DIN 7500-2 8 ET Gewindefurchend (Extrude-Tite)Gewindeende Induktiv gehärtet (450+150) HVFür Bleche bis 1,5 mm Dicke und Härtemax. 180 HVLochdurchmesser siehe DIN 7500-2Bei Verschraubungen mit diesen Schraubenwird Material nach oben und unten gedrückt,wodurch eine zusätzliche Gewindeüberdeckungerzielt wird (max. 2 x Blechdicke).Übergangsbereich der Härtezone siehe Nr. 6.9 ETLGewindefurchendlang Nicht für Neukonstruktionen Verwende Form ET Für Bleche bis 1,5 mm Dicke und Härte max. 180 HV10 ETKGewindefurchendkurz Nicht für NeukonstruktionenVerwende Form ET Für Bleche bis 1,5 mm Dicke und Härte max. 180 HV11 BSBohrspitzeGewindefurchendGewindeende Induktiv gehärtet (450+150) HV Schraube mit Bohrspitze bohrt und furcht das Gewinde in Blech mit Härte von max. 180 HV Übergangsbereich der Härtezone siehe Nr. 7.Seite 4VW 604 24: 2005-10Tabelle 1 – Gewindeenden (abgeschlossen)Nr. Form Bild/Beispiel Bemerkung12 BSSF (FDS ®) Bohrspitze Spanfrei GewindefurchendHärtezoneGewindeende Induktiv gehärtet (450+150) HVFür nicht vorgebohrte oder gestanzte Bleche bis 0,88 mmStahl mit Härte von max. 180 HV und 1,25 mm Aluminium.Beim Verschrauben dieser Schrauben wird Material nachoben und unten gedrückt, wodurch eine zusätzlicheGewindeüberdeckung erzielt wird (max. 3 x Blechdicke).Übergangsbereich der Härtezone siehe Nr. 6.Schutzrechte beachten SC SchabenutDIN EN ISO4753-CH d 1 M5M6 M8 M10 M12x1,5 l n 4-1,25-1,2 6,3-1,5 7,5-1,5 7,5-1,5 l k 2,4-13-1 3,8-1,2 4,5-1,2 4,5-1,2 d n 3,7-0,3 4,4-0,3 6-0,3 7,6-0,36 9,6-0,361) Vorteile sind mit einem “+“ und Nachteile sind mit einem “-“ gekennzeichnet2) Eindrückung zulässig3) Härtezone4) FurchbereichSeite 5VW 604 24: 2005-10Tabelle 2 – Maße und Gewindeenden (Vorzugsgrößen)Maße in mm Gewinde d1M3 M4 M5 M6 M8 M10 M12x1,5 M14x1,5 M16x1,5 M18x1,5 Steigung P 0,5 0,7 0,8 1 1,25 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 Nennlänge l1siehe ProduktnormenNennmaß - 2,9 3,8 4,5 6,1 7,8 9,6 11,4 13,5 -d2(h13) min. - 2,76 3,62 4,32 5,88 7,58 9,38 11,13 13,23 -max. - - 1,85 2,1 2,6 3,1 3,6 4,25 4,75 -d3min. - - 0,75 1 1,5 2 2,5 3,15 3,65 - Nennmaß - - 3,8 4,5 6 7,6 9,4 11,2 13,2 -d4(h13) min. - - 3,62 4,32 5,82 7,38 9,18 10,93 12,93 - Nennmaß 2,4 3,2 3,9 4,7 6,3 8 9,6 - - -d5(h12) min. 2,3 3,08 3,78 4,58 6,15 7,85 9,45 - - -d6Nennmaß 1,3 1,6 2,3 2,6 3,7 4,8 - - - - (h16) min. 0,7 1 1,7 2 2,95 4,05 - - - -d7Nennmaß - 3 - - - - - - - - (h16) min. - 2,4 - - - - - - - -l21)max. - - 4,5 5,5 7 8,5 10 11,5 13,5 - (-IT18) min. - - 2,7 3,7 4,8 6,3 7,8 8,8 10,8 -l31)max. - - 5 6 8 9,8 10,8 12,6 14,6 - (-IT18) min. - - 3,2 4,2 5,8 7,6 8,1 9,9 11,9 -l41)max. - - 3,6 4 5,2 6,6 8,1 8,8 - - (-IT18) min. - - 1,8 2,2 3,4 4,4 5,9 6,6 - -l51)max. 2,7 3,7 4,4 5,5 6,9 8,3 - - - - (-IT18) min. 1,3 1,9 2,6 3,7 4,7 6,1 - - - -l6max. - 3 - - - - - - - - (-IT16) min. - 2,4 - - - - - - - -z1max. - - 2,75 3,25 4,3 5,3 6,3 7,36 - - (+IT14) min. - - 2,5 3 4 5 6 7 - -max. - - 2 2,3 3 3,5 4 4,5 - -z2min. - - 1 1,3 2 2,5 3 3,5 - -z3max. - - 2,45 2,95 3,8 4,8 5,5 6,66 8,36 - (+IT14) min. - - 2,2 2,7 3,5 4,5 5,2 6,3 8 -z4min. - - 0,5 0,7 1 1,5 2 2,5 - -1) Nennmaße l2, l3, l4 und l5 beschreiben die Länge des Einführungszapfens bis zum 1. vollausgeformten GewindegangSeite 6VW 604 24: 2005-10Tabelle 3 – Maße und Gewindeenden (zu vermeidende Größen)Maße in mmGewinde d1M7 M8x1 M10x1 M12 7/16-20Steigung P 1 1 1 1,75 1,27Nennlänge l1siehe ProduktnormenNennmaß - 6,3 8 9,4 9,1d2(h13) min. - 6,08 7,78 9,18 8,88max. - 2,6 3,1 3,6 3,4d3min. - 1,5 2 2,5 2,3Nennmaß - - - - -d4(h13) min. - - - - -Nennmaß - - - 10,9 -d5(h16) min. - - - 9,8 -d6Nennmaß 3,6 - - 5,9 -(h16) min. 2,85 - - 5,15 -d7Nennmaß - - - - -(h16) min. - - - - -l21)max. - 7 8,5 10 9,1(-IT18) min. - 4,8 6,3 7,8 6,9l31)max. - 7,8 9,4 11,3 10,5(-IT18) min. - 5,6 7,2 8,6 7,8l41)max. - 5,2 6,6 8,1 -(-IT18) min. - 3,4 4,4 5,9 -l51)max. 5,5 - - 9,6 -(-IT18) min. 3,7 - - 7,4 -z1max. 3,8 4,3 5,3 6,3 -(+IT14) min. 3,5 4 5 6 -max. 2,8 3 3,5 4 -z2min. 1,8 2 2,5 3 -z3max. - 4,1 5 5,5 4,1(+IT14) min. - 3,8 4,7 5,2 3,8z4min. - 1 1,5 2 -1) Nennmaße l2, l3, l4 und l5 beschreiben die Länge des Einführungszapfens bis zum1. vollausgeformten GewindegangSeite 7VW 604 24: 2005-10Tabelle 4 – UnterkopfauflagenNr. FormBild/Beispiel Bemerkung 1 Sv System Ripp (Sperrver-riegelung)Rippe läuft im Außen-Ø aus und wird durch den Innen-Ø derAuflagefläche begrenzt (d r )Das Ripp-System reduziert die Gefahr des Lösens.GewindeM5 M6 M8 M10 M12x1,5 M14x1,5 M16x1,5 Rippenzahl28 36 48 48 60 60 72 max. 5,9 7 9,4 11,4 13,9 15,9 17,9 d r(-IT14) min. 5,6 6,64 9,04 10,97 13,47 15,47 17,47 2 SvD SystemDurloc(Sperrver-riegelung)Nicht für NeukonstruktionGewindeM5 M6 M8 M10 M12x1,5 M14x1,5 M16x1,5 Zähnezahl 20 24 30 45 60 70 Anmerkung: Verwende Form Sv (System Ripp) 3 SvTSystemTensiloc(Sperrver-riegelung)Nicht für Neukonstruktionen 24 Zähne bei allen Gewinde-Ø Anmerkung: Verwende Form Sv (System Ripp)4 SveSperrver-riegelungEinseitig aufgebrachtes Verzahnungssystem bei ScheibenGewinde M5M6 M8 M10 M12x1,5 M14x1,5 M16x1,5 Zähnezahl 24 28 40 48 56 68 725 Svd Sperrver-riegelung ohne BildBeispiel siehe Sve Doppelseitig aufgebrachtes Verzahnungssystem bei Scheiben Anzahl der Zähne siehe SveSchutzrechte beachten6 Tm mitTelleran-satzDie Form mit Telleransatz wurde bei Änderung derDIN 962: 2001-12 nicht mehr berücksichtigtd w, min = d c, max – 1,7 mm (bei Flanschprodukten) 7 ToohneTelleran-satz Die Form ohne Telleransatz wurde bei Änderung der DIN 962 nicht mehr berücksichtigt. Wird nur angegeben wenn die Produktnorm mit Telleransatz ausgeführt ist.1) 1) 1) 1)Seite 8VW 604 24: 2005-10Tabelle 4 – Unterkopfauflagen (abgeschlossen)Nr. Form Bild/Beispiel Bemerkung8 RSWRingschweiß-warze Ringschweißwarzen werden bei Schweißmuttern und Schweißschrauben abgewendet9 ITRInnenträger Innenträgerschrauben vermeiden weitgehendStick – Slip - Effekte (Kaltverschweißung unter Kopf beider Montage).Beim Innenträger kommt der Bereich Übergangsradius Auslauf zuerst zur Auflage (Bereich X). (Tragbild von innen nach außen)10 ATRAußenträger Nicht für NeukonstruktionBeim Außenträger kommt der Bereich des Flanschaußendurchmessers zuerst zur Auflage (Bereich X). Gefahr von Stick-Slip-Effekten Anmerkung: Verwende ITR (Innenträger)1) Konstruktiver Hinweis hinsichtlich Gegenlage siehe VW 011 102) Ausführung des Ripp-Profils3) TelleransatzSeite 9VW 604 24: 2005-10Tabelle 5 - ZusatzangabenNr. Form Bild/Beispiel Bemerkung1 Szmit Schlitz Nicht für NeukonstruktionSchlitzbreitentoleranz (n) nach DIN ISO 4759-1.d 1 M3M4 M5 M6 M8 M10 M16x1,5 n 0,8 1,2 1,2 1,6 2 2,5 32 SsSelbstsicherndDieser Sicherungstyp wird vorwiegend bei Schnappmuttern verwendet. 3 KLRKlemmendeRundum-beschichtungohne Bild Die klemmende Beschichtung ist in DIN 267-28 beschrieben. Sie dient als Verliersicherung und auch zum Zwecke der Abdichtung, da immer rundumbeschichtet. 4 KLDDichtendeRundum-beschichtungohne Bild Anforderungen an die dichtende Rundum-beschichtung sind in TL 195 beschrieben. 5 SgSchlussgerolltohne Bild Gewinde wird nach Vergütung gewalzt. Dadurch wird eine Erhöhung der Dauerfestigkeit erreicht. Für überelastische Verschraubung nicht sinnvoll. 6 Gn Gewindenachgerollt ohne Bild Schraubengewicht > 20 gGewinde wird nach der Ofl.-Behandlung nachgerollt um Schlagstellen zu reduzieren. Sinnvoll nur beiVerschraubung in Leichtmetall.7 BeflBeflockung Beflockungsbereich auf Zeichnung vorgeben. Angabe des Farbtons in FAKOM 3).8 MRmit Rastnase Verliersicherung für vormontierte Schnappmutter.Seite 10VW 604 24: 2005-10Tabelle 5 – Zusatzangaben (abgeschlossen)Nr. Form Bild/Beispiel Bemerkung9 a2 Gewinde-auslaufDIN 76-1 kurzGewindeauslauf min. 0,5mm, max. 2 xGewindesteigung (P) bei Schrauben mit geringerSchraubenlängel 1 = 2,5 x d 1 bis M10l 1 = 2 x d 1 größer M10 10 Duo Schrauben mit mindestenszwei AntriebenKurzzeichen für AntriebsartN = Innenvielzahn > M6T = Innensechsrund = M6H = Kreuzschlitz (Nicht für Neukonstruktion)I = Innensechskant (Nicht für Neukonstruktion)Sz = Schlitz (Nicht für Neukonstruktion) 1) 3 Schlitze auf dem Umfang verteilt2) Beflockung3) FAKOM System für Verknüpfung von Farbdaten mit Stücklisten4) Rastnase5) Kopfform beispielhaft (hier dargestellt mit Sechskantflansch)4Mitgeltende Unterlagen TL 195 Schrauben aus Stahl mit abdichtender BeschichtungVW 603 61 Mechanische Verbindungselemente, Teilereduzierung; AllgemeineRichtlinienVW 605 72 SechskantflanschschraubenDIN 76-1 Gewindeausläufe und GewindefreisticheDIN 267-28 Mechanische Verbindungselemente; Schrauben aus Stahl mit klemmenderBeschichtungDIN 267-30 Mechanische Verbindungselemente; TL für m etrische gewindefurchendeSchraubenDIN 962Schrauben und Muttern- Bezeichnungsangaben, Formen und Ausführungen DIN 7500-2Gewindefurchende Schrauben für metrisches ISO-Gewinde; Richtwerte für Kernlochdurchmesser DIN 34803Splintlöcher und Drahtlöcher für Schrauben DIN EN 20225 Mechanische Verbindungselemente Schrauben und Muttern; Bemaßung DIN ISO 4759-1(80.05)Mechanische Verbindungselemente; Toleranzen für Schrauben undMuttern, Produktklasse A, B, C, Ausgabe 1980-05DIN EN ISO 4753Verbindungselemente - Enden von Teilen mit metrischem ISO-Außengewinde DIN EN ISO 10644 Kombi-Schrauben mit flachen ScheibenSeite 11VW 604 24: 2005-10Anhang A (informativ)Tabelle 6 – Formen, Ausführungen und Zusatzangaben die in Normen beschrieben werden.Benennung mit Quelle Ersatz Formen,Ausführungen,ZusatzangabenA Produktklasse A-DIN ISO 4759-1AB Abdichtung – VW 602 61AK Ansatzkuppe – DIN 962ASP Ansatzspitze – DIN 962ASPX 1) Ansatzspitze – ähnlich DIN 962C Spitze – DIN EN ISO 1478 DIN EN ISO 1478 – RCX 1) Spitze – ähnlich DIN EN ISO 1478CFX 1) Gewindeende – ähnlich DIN 267-30KX 1)Kegelkuppe – ähnlich VW 604 24 – KF Zapfen – DIN EN ISO 1478FX 1) Zapfen – ähnlich DIN EN ISO 1478FL Kegelstumpf – DIN EN ISO 4753FLX 1) Kegelstumpf – ähnlich DIN EN ISO 4753Fo ohne Festsitz – DIN 962GF Gewindefurchend – DIN 267 30GZ GewindezapfenHr HaftrilleKL Klemmende Rundumbeschichtung –VW 604 24 – KLRDIN 267-28LD Langer Zapfen – DIN EN ISO 4753 VW 604 24 – PFLDX 1) Langer Zapfen – ähnlich DIN EN ISO 4753MK Gewinde mit klebender Beschichtung –DIN 267-27MKL Klebende Beschichtung mit eingestellterReibungszahl – DIN 267-27OR ohne RastnasePM Permanentmagnet – DIN 910Pow Powerloc-Gewinde – VW 605 59R gerundete Spitze – DIN EN ISO 1478RX 1) Gerundete Spitze mit AbweichungRi Gewindefreistich – DIN 76-1RiA Gewindefreistich (Regel) – DIN 76-1RiB Gewindefreistich (kurz) – DIN 76-1Seite 12VW 604 24: 2005-10Formen,Benennung und Quelle ErsatzAusführungenZusatzangabenRL ohne Kuppe – DIN EN ISO 4753RN Linsenkuppe – DIN EN ISO 4753S Splintloch – DIN 34803SB Schabenut – DIN EN ISO 4753 DIN EN ISO 4753 – SC SBX 1) Schabenut – ähnlich DIN EN ISO 4753SCX 1) Schabenut – ähnlich DIN EN ISO 4753SD Kurzer Zapfen – DIN EN ISO 4753SDX 1) Kurzer Zapfen – ähnlich DIN EN ISO 4753Sk Loch im Schraubenkopf – DIN 34803SkX 1) Loch im Schraubenkopf – ähnlich DIN 34803TCX 1) Spitze abgeflacht – ähnlich DIN EN ISO 4753TmX 1) mit Telleransatz – ähnlich VW 604 24U Hohlkehle – DIN EN ISO 10644VX 1) Ansatzspitze – ähnlich VW 604 24WX 1) Einführzapfen mit Spitze – ähnlich VW 604 241) Abweichungen von der in der Norm beschriebenen Formen und Ausführungen w erden zusätzlich mit einem “X“ (z.B. AVX) ergänzt.。



Confidential. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be transmitted or reproduced without prior permission of a Standards Department of the Volkswagen Group.Parties to a contract can only obtain this standard via the B2B supplier platform “”.VOLKSWAGEN AGF o r m F E 41 - 01.06Page 2VW 10550: 2006-113 RequirementsThe name of the country of origin must be applied to vehicle parts such that it is clearly visible and easily legible on a permanent basis. The country-of-origin marking shall preferably be applied to the part by incorporation in the manufacturing tool.In the case of relocations of manufacturing tools from the originally designated country of origin to other manufacturing countries, the country codes shall be adjusted accordingly.The English form of the country name, e.g. "Mexico", "Belgium", "Spain" according to ISO 3166-1 shall be used.The additional specification "Made in ..." is permissible.In situations where space is limited, the country-of-origin marking may be applied using the 2-letter code according to DIN EN ISO 3166-1, e.g. "DE" for "Germany". The name or code for the country of origin shall be approximately half the size of the brand trademark. However, it shall not directly precede or follow the manufacturer's code. Should the location be at the manufacturer's option, it is recommended that the country-of-origin marking be located below the brand trademark.The necessity of country-of-origin marking must be specified on the drawing, see drawing specification in Section 4.For further requirements concerning the marking of automotive products see VW 10500.specification4 DrawingThe country of origin shall be specified in drawings by means of a text macro according to VW 01014, NO-E2, for example:KennzeichnungVW 10500MarkingVW 10514 – C10MarkenzeichenTrademarkHerstelllandVW 10550 - 5Country of originVW 10540 – 1-5Hersteller-CodeMfr. CodeTeil-Nr.; SchriftDIN 1451-4 - 5Pt.-No; LetteringVW 10560 – A5DatumskennzeichnungDate markingVDA 260 > PP + EPDM <Werkstoff-KennzeichnungMaterial markingPage 3VW 10550: 2006-11Table 1 - Country names and 2-letter codes(excerpt from ISO 3166-1 and DIN EN ISO 3166-1)code German EnglishCountryAR Argentinien ArgentinaAU Australien AustraliaBelgien BelgiumBE Bosnien und Herzegowina Bosnia and Herzegovina BABR Brasilien BrazilBG Bulgarien BulgariaCL Chile ChileCN China ChinaDKDänemark DenmarkDE Deutschland GermanyFJ Fidschi FijiFinnland FinlandFIFR Frankreich FranceGR Griechenland GreeceGroßbritannien (siehe Vereinigtes Königreich) - -IN Indien IndiaID Indonesien IndonesiaIR Iran IranIE Irland IrelandIL Israel IsraelIT Italien ItalyJP Japan JapanSerbien und Montenegro Serbia and Montenegro CSCA Kanada CanadaKorea Korea, Republic of KRHR Kroatien CroatiaLI Liechtenstein LiechtensteinLU Luxemburg LuxembourgMY Malaysia MalaysiaMalta MaltaMTMX Mexiko MexicoMC Monaco MonacoNL Niederlande NetherlandsNG Nigeria NigeriaNO Norwegen NorwayATÖsterreich AustriaPE Peru PeruPL Polen PolandPT Portugal PortugalRO Rumänien RomaniaRussische Föderation Russian Federation RUSG Singapur SingaporeSE Schweden SwedenPage 4VW 10550: 2006-11CH Schweiz SwitzerlandSK Slowakei SlovakiaSI Slowenien SloveniaES Spanien SpainZAAfricaSüdafrika SouthTW Taiwan TaiwanTschechische Republik Czech Republic CZTN Tunesien TunisiaTR Türkei TurkeyHU Ungarn HungaryUA Ukraine UkraineVereinigte Staaten United States USVereinigtes Königreich United Kingdom GBstandards15 ReferencedVW 01014 Technical Drawings; Drawing Frames and Text MacrosVW 10500 Company Designation, Marking of PartsVW 10514 Logos; Marking of Vehicle PartsDIN EN ISO 3166-1 Codes for the Representation of Names of Countries and their Subdivisions -Part 1: Country CodesISO 3166-1 Codes for the Representation of Names of Countries and their Subdivisions -Part 1: Country Codes1 In this Section, terminological inconsistencies may occur as the original titles are used.。



Confidential. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be transmitted or reproduced without the prior written permission of a Standards Department of the Volkswagen Group.Parties to a contract can only obtain this standard via the responsible procurement department.VOLKSWAGEN AGN o r m v o r A n w e n d u n g a u f A k t u a l i t ät p r üf e n / C h e c k s t a n d a r d f o r c u r r e n t i s s u e p r i o r t o u s a g e .T h e E n g l i s h t r a n s l a t i o n i s b e l i e v e d t o b e a c c u r a t e . I n c a s e o f d i s c r e p a n c i e s t h e G e r m a n v e r s i o n s h a l l g o v e r n .Page 2VW 011 05-2: 2004-03Unless otherwise specified in this standard, the following standards apply:DVS 2932-1 Resistance Spot and Roller Seam Welding of Aluminium and Aluminium Alloys from0.35 to 3.5 mm Individual Thickness – Fabrication WeldabilityDVS 2932-3 Resistance Spot and Roller Seam Welding of Aluminium and Aluminium Alloys from0.35 to 3.5 mm Individual Thickness – Fabrication Weldability – Preparation andExecution of the WeldingVW 01105-1 Resistance Spot Welding; Design, Calculation, Process Assurance; Uncoated and Coated Sheet Steelssuitability2 Welding2.1 DefinitionA material possesses welding suitability for resistance spot welding if, in the course of production, the chemical, metallurgical and physical properties and the surface characteristics inherent in the material allow a weld to be made that satisfies the requirements stipulated in the particular case. The less the factors governed by the material have to be taken into account when determining the welding procedure for a given design, the better is the welding suitability of a material within a material group.2.2 MaterialsAluminum and aluminum alloys have distinctly higher electrical and thermal conductivity than steels and therefore require many times higher welding current with shorter weld times. Upon exposure to oxygen, a natural oxide layer is spontaneously formed, which can impair welding to a greater or lesser extent depending on its type and thickness.The electrical conductivity is essentially determined by the chemical composition (see DIN EN 573-3, -4); this conductivity decreases as the alloy component content (e.g., Mg, Mn, Cu, Zn, Sn) increases (see Table 1).Aside from electrical and thermal conductivity, contact resistance is the most important influencing factor in resistance spot welding of aluminum and aluminum alloys.2.3 UnusualaspectsThe risk of hot cracks is less with spot welding than with fusion welding. This is because of the weld nugget (melt) solidifying under the external electrode force.Page 3VW 011 05-2: 2004-03Table 1 – Classification of aluminum materialsElongation at break Averagethermalconductivity Averagespecificelectricalconductivity Meltingtemperature/ solidification rangeTensilestrength R m 0.2% offset proof stress R p0.2 A 5 A 10 Material codeG r o u pW/cm Km/Ωmm 2°C N/mm 2 from/to N/mm 2 from/to % from/to % from/to Al 99.8 2.2 36.0 660 60 – 160≥50 – ≥100 4 – ≥40 3 – ≥35Al 99.5 2.2 34.5 646 – 657 65 – ≥170≥55 – ≥130 3 – ≥40 2 – ≥35Al 99.0 2.2 33.5 644 – 657 75 – ≥180≥60 – ≥140 3 – ≥40 2 – ≥35AlFeSi I2.2 32.5 640 – 655 80 – ≥210 30 – ≥180 3 – ≥35 2 – ≥30AlMn, AlMnCu 1.75 25.0 643 – 654 90 – ≥21035 – ≥170 3 – ≥28 2 – ≥25AlMn 1 Mg 1/Mg 0.5 1.63 34.5 635 – 654 120 – ≥28050 – ≥230 4 – ≥23 1 – ≥17AlMg 0.5 1.95 27.5 635 – 654 90 – ≥19030 – ≥180 3 – ≥26 2 – ≥24AlMg 1 1.85 27.5 630 – 650 105 – ≥21035 – ≥190 3 – ≥24 2 – ≥21AlMg 1.5 – 1.8 1.75 26.0 625 – 650 130 – ≥24045 – ≥200 6 – ≥23 5 – ≥20AlMg 2 Mn 0.3 1.5 24.5 560 – 645 155 – ≥27060 – ≥230 3 – ≥20 2 – ≥17AlMg 2.5 1.5 22.0 607 – 649 170 – ≥29060 – ≥210 3 – ≥20 2 – ≥17AlMg 2 Mn 0.8 1.5 22.0 620 – 650 190 – ≥30580 – ≥250 3 – ≥20 2 – ≥17AlMgSi 0.5 1) 3) 2.0 30.0 585 – 650 130 – ≥24565 – ≥195 10 – ≥198 – ≥16AlMgSi 0.7 1) 3) 1.7 28.0 585 – 650 180 – ≥27090 – ≥2258 – ≥15 6 – ≥12AlMgSi 1 1) 1.85 28.0 585 – 650 205 – ≥315255 8 – ≥188 – ≥15AlMg 0.4 Si 1.2 2) 4) 1.70 27.0 530 – 650 200 – ≥270100 – ≥240 12 – ≥2910 – ≥24AlCuMg 1 2) 1.55 23.5 512 – 650 395110 – ≥265 ≥13≥11AlCuMg 2 2) 1.50 23.0 504 – 640 440130 – ≥290 ≥13≥11AlCuSiMn 1) II1.65 23.5 507 – 638 380 – ≥460200 – ≥400 6 – ≥13 5 – ≥11AlMg 3 6) 1.45 21.0 580 – 650 ≥190 – ≥30580 – ≥250 3 – ≥20 2 – ≥17AlMg 5 5) 6) 1.3 17.0 560 – 630 ≥270 – ≥350≥130 – ≥270 3 – ≥26 2 – ≥22AlMg 2.7 Mn 1.35 20.0 602 – 646 ≥220 – ≥33090 – ≥310 4 – ≥22 3 – ≥22AlMg 4.5 Mn 1.2 17.5 574 – 638 275 – ≥405125 – ≥270 6 – ≥17 5 – ≥15AlZn 4.5 Mg 1 1) 1.3 20.5 600 – 650 310 – ≥350≥200 – ≥290 10 – ≥148 – ≥12AlZnMgCu 0.5 1) 1.35 20.0 485 – 640 310 – ≥450200 – ≥420 7 – ≥14 6 – ≥12AlZnMgCu 1.51)III1.3521.0480 – 640310 – ≥530250 – ≥4607 – ≥146 – ≥121) Values for the normal usage state artificially aged. 2) Values for the normal usage state naturally aged. 3) Available as extruded profiles only. 4) Non-standardized body alloy.5) Values also for non-standardized body panel alloy. 6) Also available as wire material.Page 4VW 011 05-2: 2004-033 Requirements 3.1Standard values for weldingThe electrode force, machine follow-up, welding current, weld time, electrode geometry, material and surface finish of the joining components are decisive for the dimensions and quality of weld spots.A welding range diagram is useful in adapting the setting values (VW 011 05-1). For aluminum and aluminum alloys the nugget diameter is .5t d L ∗= The following designation applies to the spot diameter: L P d d ∗=15.1.The standard values listed in Table 2 refer to an alloy of Group III in Table 1, e.g., AlMg 3. If alloys with a higher electrical conductivity are used, the welding current must be increased. When using pure aluminum, the electrode force must be reduced.Table 2 – Standard values for spot welding with direct currentDimensions in mmWith the standard values given in Table 2, the specific electrical conductivity of the materials to be welded must be taken into account:─ high conductivity – higher welding currents – longer weld times ─lower conductivity– lower welding currents– shorter weld timesPage 5VW 011 05-2: 2004-033.2 Welding equipmentMachines with considerably higher welding current are needed for welding aluminum than for steel of the same thickness.The following equipment is used: welding with alternating currentwelding with an inverter (direct current)Welding can in principle be performed using either alternating or direct current. The range of adjustable welding parameters is narrower when using alternating current. When using direct current, a lower welding current shall generally be used to obtain the same strength.The higher the electrical conductivity of the material of the joining components and the greater the sheet thickness, the greater the difference in the required welding current.It must be taken into account that the positive electrode (anode) is subject to greater thermal load due to the Peltier effect. Furthermore, the weld nugget can shift noticeably in the direction of the anode.3.3 Electrode shapesFor welding according to Table 2, electrode shapes A and B according to Figure 1 with the dimensions listed in the table are recommended .If the main criterion is the durability of the spot weld joints, conical (preferably 130°) electrodes can be used. The crowning radius of the electrodes should then be between 40 and 150 mm (sheet thickness ≤ 1.5 mm). Disadvantages include the increased thermal load on the electrodes, the greater tendency towards electrode pick-up and the deeper electrode indentation in the sheet. If the electrode pick-up tendency is the most important criterion, electrodes with crown radii between 100 and 150 mm should be selected. This also results in shallower electrode indentations. If the depth of the electrode indentation is the main criterion, an electrode with a flat working surface, combined with an electrode with a crowned working surface, is advantageous, Figure 1.Figure 1 – Examples of electrode shapes4 Design See VW 011 05-1.A B C DR 100 t o 150R 40 t o 50R 100 t o 150Page 6VW 011 05-2: 2004-035 TestFor the quality audit of spot weld joints with aluminum materials, the procedures in the Test Specifications PV 6723 and PV 6717 are decisive.entries6 DrawingSee DIN EN 22 553.standards*)7 ReferencedVW 01105-1 Resistance Spot Welding; Design, Calculation, Process Assurance;Uncoated and Coated Sheet SteelsPV 6717 Panels (Deep-Drawn Parts) in Steel Body Construction; Evaluation, Rework, InspectionPV 6723 Spot Weld Joints; Strength Testing; Aluminum MaterialsDIN EN 22553 Welded, Brazed and Soldered Joints – Symbolic Representation on DrawingsDVS 2932-1 Resistance Spot and Roller Seam Welding of Aluminium and Aluminium Alloys from 0.35 to 3.5 mm Individual Thickness – Fabrication Weldability DVS 2932-3 Resistance Spot and Roller Seam Welding of Aluminium and Aluminium Alloys from 0.35 to 3.5 mm Individual Thickness – Fabrication Weldability –Preparation and Execution of the WeldingOther standardsDIN EN 573-3 Aluminium and Aluminium Alloys – Chemical Composition and Form of Wrought Products – Part 3: Chemical CompositionDIN EN 573-4 Aluminium and Aluminium Alloys – Chemical Composition and Form of Wrought Products – Part 4: Forms of ProductsDVS 2936 Resistance Projection Welding of Aluminium Materials from 0.35 to 3.5 mm Individual Thickness*) In this section, terminological inconsistencies may occur as the original titles are used.。

大众汽车标准_VW 01106-1_EN_2004-07-01

大众汽车标准_VW 01106-1_EN_2004-07-01

Gas-Shielded Arc WeldingThe English translation is believed to be accurate. In case of discrepancies the German version shall govern.Sheet Steel Joints Design, Type, Quality AssuranceVW 011 06-1Konzernnorm Descriptors: welding, gas-shielded arc welding, steel, MIG welding, MAG welding, TIG welding, sheet steel, sheet steel joint, sheet metal ContentsPage1 2 2.1 2.2 3 3.1 3.2 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 6 7Scope .................................................................................................................................. 2 Abbreviations and definitions .............................................................................................. 2 Abbreviations ...................................................................................................................... 2 Definitions ........................................................................................................................... 3 Gas-shielded arc welding procedure................................................................................... 4 Tungsten inert-gas welding (TIG)........................................................................................ 4 Gas-shielded metal arc welding (MIG/MAG)....................................................................... 4 General requirements ......................................................................................................... 5 Materials.............................................................................................................................. 5 Design ................................................................................................................................. 8 Weld dimensions............................................................................................................... 10 Requirements for welds and quality assurance of welds .................................................. 12 Weld quality....................................................................................................................... 12 Penetration depths ............................................................................................................ 12 Weld types ........................................................................................................................ 13 Special weld types ............................................................................................................ 18 Evaluation of imperfections ............................................................................................... 23 Drawing entries ................................................................................................................. 23 Referenced standards....................................................................................................... 24Changes The following changes have been made as compared to VW 011 06-1, 2003-05: Referenced standards updated Standard edited Section 5.1 shortened Section 5.4 extended by special weld types (multiple front weld; corner joint) Section 5.4.1: requirements revised Previous issues 1997-01; 2003-05Preface The following basic regulations are based on experience gained with partially and fully mechanized equipment and implemented tests and also on accepted engineering standards such as DIN standards and DVS specifications.Form FE 41 - 01.03Page 1 of 25Fachverantwortung/Responsibility K-QS-32 Herr Dr. Witt Tel.: 7 36 23 Normung/Standards (EZTD, 1733) Fischer Tel.: +49-5361-9-2 79 95 Sobanski© VOLKSWAGEN AGConfidential. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be transmitted or reproduced without the prior written permission of a Standards Department of the Volkswagen Group. Parties to a contract can only obtain this standard via the responsible procurement department.Check standard for current issue prior to usage.Klass.-Nr./Class. No. 04 81 7July 2004Page 2 VW 011 06-1: 2004-07 1 ScopeThis standard applies to the design, layout and quality assurance of arc-welded sheet steel joints which are predominantly subject to dynamic loads. It comprises the following procedures according to DIN EN ISO 4063: Reference no. 131 135 141 for: of: Method Metal inert-gas welding Metal active-gas welding Tungsten inert-gas welding Code MIG MAG TIGbutt and fillet welds, lap welds, plug welds and special weld types bright uncoated and coated sheet steel as well as of both high-alloyed steels and premium steels; for examples see Section 4.1; Workpiece thickness 0.5 mm to 6 mm test characteristics of quality level B (high requirement) according to DIN EN ISO 5817, see also DVS specification 0705.with:All fusion-welded joints to which this scope is not applicable require the clarification of the responsible engineering departments. Special measures made necessary because of the component, e.g. change to the quality level for specific imperfections, are permissible and shall be entered in the drawing. 2 2.1 a f1,2 fL fSt Fi h l L s s1,2 sN t1 t2 HAZ Σt ∅ Abbreviations and definitions Abbreviations Calculated throat thickness Penetrations on sheets 1 and 2 Penetration length Penetration at the face surface Joining plane Gap size Throat length Length Throat thickness Throat thickness with respect to sheets 1 and 2 smallest common throat thickness Thickness of sheet 1 Thickness of sheet 2 Heat-affected zone Sum total of sheet thicknesses Diameter mm mm mm mm or % (of face surface) mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mmPage 3 VW 011 06-1: 2004-072.2DefinitionsFüThe following definitions are valid for the application of this standard: 2.2.1 Weld jointJoint created by fusion welding. It comprises the weld, fusion line, heat-affected zone and unaffected base material (Figure 1).1 2Legend: 1 = weld 2 = heat-affected zone 3 = fusion line, fusion zone344 = unaffected base material Figure 1 – Fusion weld jointNOTE Weld and fusion line may be identical. Weld The area where the workpiece(s) is/are joined at the weld joint. The weld comprises the base material and/or the filler metal. Fusion line Borderline between the base metal and/or filler material melted during welding and the metal that remains solid. Weld metal Material that solidified after welding, comprising either the base material or filler metal and base material. Some elements in the weld metal can come from casings and/or accessory materials (DIN ISO 857-1). Heat-affected zone HAZ Area of the base material that remained solid, but, due to the energy applied during welding, experienced microstructural changes related to temperature.Page 4 VW 011 06-1: 2004- Unaffected base material Area of the base material that experienced no evident microstructural changes as a result of the energy applied during welding. 2.2.2 Same types of materialMaterials which do not differ significantly in terms of their chemical composition and their suitability for welding (DIN 8528-1). 2.2.3 Different types of materialMaterials which differ significantly in terms of their chemical composition and their suitability for welding. 3 Gas-shielded arc welding procedureGas-shielded arc welding is a form of fusion welding. An electrical arc is used as the heat source. It burns between the electrode and the workpiece. In this process, the arc and the weld pool are protected from the atmosphere by a shield of protective gas. The classification into the following procedures depends on the electrode type: 3.1 Tungsten inert-gas welding (TIG)In this procedure, an arc is ignited between a non-consumable tungsten electrode and the workpiece. Argon, helium, mixtures of both and sometimes added active gases, are used to form the protective atmosphere. The filler metal is (as in the case of gas welding) fed from the side. 3.2 Gas-shielded metal arc welding (MIG/MAG)In this procedure, an arc is ignited between the melting end of the wire electrode (filler metal) and the workpiece. The welding current flows via sliding contacts in the electric current guide of the gun to the wire electrode. When inert gases (low-activity gases, e.g. noble gases such as argon, helium or mixtures of both) are used as protective atmosphere, this is called metal inert-gas welding (MIG). When active gases are used (e.g. CO2, or mixtures containing CO2, or, in some cases, mixtures of CO2 and oxygen), this is called metal active-gas welding (MAG). This procedure is used to weld unalloyed and low-alloy steels.Page 5 VW 011 06-1: 2004-074General requirementsWelds that are subject to mandatory documentation shall be evaluated according to the relevant type-specific and/or component-specific test specifications (PV). Deviations with respect to the specified weld geometries and weld layouts shall be detailed in the drawing and verified by testing. They shall be described in test specifications (PV). Further requirements with respect to gas-shielded arc welding are contained in the following documents: VW 011 06-2 VW 011 06-3 VW 011 42 Shielded Arc Welding - Rework on Sheet Metal Connections Gas-Shielded Arc Welding – Part 3: Al Welded Joints Welded Seam Repairs on Aluminum Structures – Product Evaluation and Notes on ProcedureWhen creating arc-welded sheet steel joints, the greatest possible design strength in accordance with the design goal must be realized while also ensuring sufficient reliability and a favorable cost/quality ratio. For this purpose, every weld joint must be suitable for welding, i.e. the dimensions of the welding equipment and the accessibility of the weld according to DVS 0929 must be taken into consideration for design. Weldability for service of a sheet steel joint is given if the component, on the basis of its design (Section 4.2) and with the material used (Section 4.1), remains functional (Section 4.3) under the intended operating stresses (Figure 2).Material Welding suitabilityWeldability of the partWelding capability ManufacturingWeldability for service DesignFigure 2 – Representation of weldability according to DIN 8528-1 4.1 MaterialsThe following list is not complete. The following products and materials have good welding properties: a) Cold-rolled flat products made from soft steels for cold forming: DIN 1623-1 (02.83)1) DIN EN 10130 Material no. St 12 DC01 1.0330 St 13 DC03 1.0347 St 14 DC04 1.0338 1) DIN 1623-1 was replaced in October 1991 by DIN EN 10130.Page 6 VW 011 06-1: 2004-07b) c) d)Cold-rolled strips DC01 to DC04 with the surface finishes BK, RP, RPG according to DIN EN 10139. Hot-rolled strips with ≤ 0.20% C content, e.g. according to TL 1111. Hot-rolled products of structural carbon steels DIN 17100 (01.80)2) DIN EN 10025 Material no. St 37-2 -1.0037 St 37-2 R St37-2 S 235 JR 1.0114 St 37-3 S 235 JO 1.0116 St 52-3 S 355 J2G3 1.0570 Conditionally weldable: St 50-2 E295 1.0050 2) DIN 17100 was replaced in March 1994 by DIN EN 10025.The following products and materials are also weldable:e) f)g)Cold-rolled strip and sheet with higher yield point for cold working made from micro-alloyed steels (SEW 093 of March 1987) Isotropic micro-alloyed cold-rolled strip (according to VW 500 17) is a further development of the traditional micro-alloyed cold-rolled strip ZStE260 to ZStE420 (formerly SEW 093). NOTE VW 500 17 defines the material requirements of isotropic micro-alloyed steels, placing particular emphasis on the mechanical properties. Cold-rolled flat products with high yield point for cold working made from micro-alloyed steels: DIN EN 10268 Material no. H240LA 1.0480 H280LA 1.0489 H320LA 1.0548 H360LA 1.0550 H400LA 1.0556 DIN EN 10292 Material No. H260LAD+Z, +ZF 1.0929 H300LAD+Z, +ZF 1.0932 H340LAD+Z, +ZF 1.0933 H380LAD+Z, +ZF 1.0934 H420LAD+Z, +ZF 1.0935 Hot-rolled flat products made from steels with a high yield point for cold working: DIN EN 10149-2 Material no. S315MC 1.0972 S355MC 1.0976 S420MC 1.0980 S460MC 1.0982 S500MC 1.0984 S550MC 1.0986 S600MC 1.8969 S650MC 1.8976 S700MC 1.8974h)Page 7 VW 011 06-1: 2004-07i)Cold-rolled strip and sheet with higher yield point for cold working made from phosphorus-alloy steels SEW 094 Material no. ZStE220P 1.0397 ZStE260P 1.0417 ZStE300P 1.0448 DIN EN 10 292 Material no. H220PD+Z, +ZF 1.0358 H260PD+Z, +ZF 1.0431 H300PD+Z, +ZF 1.0443 Strip and sheet from stainless steels (DIN EN 10088-2): e.g. austenitic steels X5CrNi18-10 1.4301 or ferritic steels X2CrTi12 1.4512j)Page 8 VW 011 06-1: 2004-074.2DesignFüThe following specifications and the notes on design from the DVS 0929 Specification are used as the basis for the production-friendly design of arc-welded sheet-steel joints. 4.2.1 Joint typesThe weld joint is the area in which the parts are joined by welding. The respective type of joint is determined by the arrangement of the parts with respect to each other (extension, reinforcement, branching), see Table 1. Table 1 – Joint types (DIN EN 12345) Position of parts Description The parts lie in the same plane and touch against each other end to end The parts lie on top of one another in parallel, e.g. in explosive cladding The parts lie in parallel on top of one another and overlap. The parts meet at right angles (Tshaped) and lie on top of one another Two parts lying in the same plane meet on a third part that lies between them at right angles (forming a double T shape) One part meets the other at an angle. The edges of two parts meet at an angle of more than 30° (corner)No. 1 2 3Type of joint Butt joint Edge joint Lap joint4T-joint5Double T-joint6Bevel joint7Corner joint8Front jointThe edges of two parts meet at an angle of 0° to 30°9Multiple jointThree or more parts meet at any angle Two parts, e.g. wires, lie on top of one another in a cross shape10Cross jointPage 9 VW 011 06-1: 2004-074.2.2Weld typesThe weld type is determined by the following: Type of weld joint Type and scope of preparation, e.g. gap optimization (see DIN EN ISO 5817 and DIN EN ISO 9692-1) Material Welding method. Fillet weld The parts lie in two planes with respect to one another, form a fillet joint and are joined by welding. It is possible to differentiate between a fillet weld (Figures 3 and 5) and a double fillet weld (Figure 4) with and without edge preparationFigure 3 - Fillet weld on T-jointFigure 4 – Double fillet weld on T-jointFigure 5 - Fillet weld on bevel joint without edge preparation4.2.2.2 Square butt weld on butt joint, flanged weld The parts lie in one plane, form a gap and are joined by welding, see Figures 6 and 7.Figure 6 - Square butt weld Lap weldFigure 7 – Flanged weldThe parts lie in parallel on top of one another. The face surface of the top sheet and the bottom sheet form a fillet. Both parts are joined by welding. This is termed lap weld (see Figure 8). Variant 1 Variant 2Figure 8 – Lap weldPage 10 VW 011 06-1: 2004- Front weld See Figure 9.Figure 9 – Front weld Plug weld See Figure 10.Figure 10 – Plug weld 4.3 4.3.1 Weld dimensions Throat thicknessThe calculated throat thickness a is required for the calculation of the forces acting on a weld joint. For example, the following applies to the design of a fillet weld: a ≤ 0.7 tmin. In production, the actually measured throat thickness s must always be greater than or the same as the calculated throat thickness a. If the throat thickness s (Figure 11) cannot be determined directly, the smallest common throat thickness sN (Figure 12) can be used for an alternative criterion. The smallest common throat thickness sN is the shortest distance between the contact surfaces of component edge and weld metal and the surface of the weld (see also Figures 13 and 14).sN saaFigure 11 - Fillet weldFigure 12 - Fillet weld with deep penetrationPage 11 VW 011 06-1: 2004-07sNsNFigure 13 – Concave weldFigure 14 – Convex weldThe shortest (common) distance between both components of the weld joint shall be measured in order to determine the shortest common throat thickness sN. Excess weld metal must not be considered for convex welds (see Figure 14). 4.3.2 Weld lengthThe calculated weld length l is the weld length defined for the specific design by the designer. Both the starting and end areas (end crater) are used to determine the weld length. In order to improve the dynamic load capacity, the weld length can exceed the component length (Figure 15).l1 = Calculated weld length e.g. component length l2 = Weld seam length Figure 15 – Magnified weld length Proof of sufficient strength is provided by the component-specific strength tests.Page 12 VW 011 06-1: 2004-075Requirements for welds and quality assurance of weldsIn general, the welding quality requirements according to DIN EN 729-1 shall be taken into consideration together with the comprehensive quality requirements set out in DIN EN 729-2. The design of a weld shall be described clearly by indicating the weld’s length, thickness and quality. These requirements are part of the drawing specifications (also see Section 6). Unless other specifications are noted in the drawing, the requirements of Sections 5.1 to 5.5 shall apply. 5.1 Weld qualityIf there is no component-specific test specification, quality level B, high, specified in DIN EN ISO 5817, shall apply. The imperfections specified there are represented for square butt welds and fillet welds on a T-joint. The limit values for imperfections apply to other weld types, too (e.g., flanged weld, fillet weld on lap joint). Unequal weld leg lengths as an imperfection according to DIN EN ISO 5817 must not be evaluated for the fillet weld in joints of sheet metal in the body-in-white and in exhaust systems. 5.2 Penetration depthsThe weld joint is sufficient once a continuous crystalline joint with a measurable penetration depth of f ≥ 0.2 mm is created between the sheets involved. For certain weld types – e.g. fillet weld on lap joint or flanged weld – the penetrations f cannot always be determined if 100% of the face surfaces is included in the weld. Permissible penetration depths f < 0.2 mm shall be indicated in the drawing or specified in a component-specific test specification. The weld quality and/or strength must be verified by means of a dynamic strength test and a microscopic examination. NOTE: Due to the smaller “welding window” the test intervals for f < 0.2 mm (e.g. using microsections) shall be conducted at shorter time intervals or on smaller batch sizes. The processes shall be coordinated with all the departments involved (Design, Quality Assurance, Production).Page 13 VW 011 06-1: 2004-075.3 5.3.1Weld types Square butt weld on butt jointt1sFigure 16 - Square butt weld on butt joint s = throat thickness fSt = penetration The face surfaces (fSt ) shall be 100% melted. Design as flanged weld: s ≥ tmin. (see Figure 16) fSt ≥ 100 %SNt1Figure 17 – Flanged weld sN = smallest common throat thickness The face surfaces (fSt ) shall be 100% melted. sN ≥ tmin. (see Figure 17)t2t2Page 14 VW 011 06-1: 2004-075.3.2Front weldSNf1 SN fL2sNf2t1t2 t1a) b) Figure 18 – Front weld sN fL2. f1,2 tmin. t1 0.2 mmt2t1c)t2sN = smallest common throat thickness fL2 = penetration length f1,2 = penetration 5.3.3 Fillet weld on lap joints1 sN N af2t1hs2Figure 19 - Lap weld s1,2 sN a f2 h = throat thickness = smallest common throat thickness = calculated throat thickness = side wall penetration on the component t2: = gap size s1,2 0.7 tmin. sN f2 s1,2 and sN 0.7 tmin. a ≤ 0.7 tmin. (design recommendation) 0.2mm (see Figure 19)NOTE: If the throat thicknesses s1,2 cannot be determined directly, the smallest common throat thickness sN may be chosen as an alternative criterion.t2Page 15 VW 011 06-1: 2004-075.3.4Fillet weld with deep penetrationt1 f1 s1 sNt2aTheoretical root pointFigure 20 - Fillet weld with deep penetration s1,2 sN a f1,2 = throat thickness (with deep penetration) = smallest common throat thickness = calculated throat thickness = side wall penetration on component t1,2 s1,2 0.7 tmin. sN s1,2 and sN 0,7 tmin. a ≤ 0.7 tmin. f1,2 0.2 mm (see Figure 20)NOTE: If the throat thicknesses s1,2 cannot be determined on the microsection directly, the smallest common throat thickness sN may be chosen as an alternative criterion. 5.3.5 Fillet weld on bevel jointt1sN≤ 30°Figure 21 - Fillet weld on bevel joint sN = throat thickness f2 = penetration sN f2 tmin. 0.2 mm (see Figure 21)The face surface of the upper sheet must be 100 % melted.f2t2f2 s2Page 16 VW 011 06-1: 2004-075.3.6Multiple jointf1f2lt1t3Figure 22 – Three-sheet-T-joint f1,2,3 = penetration fSt1,2 = face surface penetration of t1,2 fSt3 = face surface penetration of t3 5.3.7 Corner joint f1,2,3 > 0.2 mm fSt1,2 ≥ insertion depth l fSt3 = 100% meltedsNt1t2Figure 23 – Corner joint The face surfaces of both sheets must be 100 % melted. Smallest common throat thickness sN ≥ tmin.t2Page 17 VW 011 06-1: 2004-075.3.8Plug weldFor plug weld see Figure 24. The values in Table 2 serve as reference values for the ratio of the sheet thickness to the hole diameter. Table 2 – Hole diameter and sheet thickness Sheet thickness used t (mm) up to 1.0 > 1.00 to 1.25 > 1.25 to 1.50 > 1.50 to 2.00 > 2.0 to 3.00 > 3.00 to 3.50 Hole diameter ∅ or L (mm) ≥6 ≥7 ≥8 ≥9 ≥ 10 ≥ 14 Optionally, long holes for narrow flanges W x L (mm) 6 x 10 6 x 12 8 x 12 -When there are gaps between the sheets, the length of the penetration fL must be equivalent to the length L or to the diameter of the hole, or exceed it. ∅ or L x Bt1 t2 fLf2fSt1,2 = face surface penetration of t1,2 fL = penetration length, width and/or diameter f2 = penetration depthfSt1,2 = 100 % melted fL ≥ ∅ or L or W f2 ≥ 0.2 mm Figure 24 – Plug weldThe face surfaces of the hole must be 100 % melted.Page 18 VW 011 06-1: 2004-075.4Special weld typesAdequate evaluation criteria shall be used to evaluate any special weld types that are not listed here. 5.4.1 Fillet weld on multiple lap jointS1t1 t2 t3 f3S2Figure 25 - Three-sheet lap weld The cross-sections of the upper sheets t1 and t2 must be 100 % melted and the throat thickness a of t1 and t2 must be met. If no specifications are made in the drawing, the following applies as reference value: a = 0.7 tmin2,3 The penetration depth f3 in sheet t3 shall be minimum 0.2 mm.Page 19 VW 011 06-1: 2004-075.4.2Multiple front weld sN2 sN1 sN3 F1 F2 Fi = joining plane i F3 *1) If it is clear that one sheet arrangement in a multiple-sheet arrangement is to be considered as a single sheet, then this sheet shall not be included in the overall evaluation when determining the throat thickness sN. t1 t2 t3 t4*1)Figure 26 – Four-sheet front weld In the case of multiple-sheet joints, the smallest common throat thickness sN of the relevant joining planes is used to determine the throat thickness s, as is the case for a multiple lap joint. Here the following applies: In the relevant joining plane (in Figure 26 - four-fold front weld with the joining planes F1, F2 and F3) the throat thickness sN must be ≥ Σ of the sheet thicknesses on the right and = Σ of the sheet thicknesses on the left of the joining plane. The following applies to Figure 26 as an example: sN1 ≥ t 1 sN2 ≥ ? t(3+4) sN3 ≥ ? t4 fSt = face surfaces t1 t4 < (t2 + t3 + t4 ) < (t1 + t2 + t3 ) t3 + t4 < (t1 + t2 ) fSt 1,2,3,4 = 100% meltedPage 20 VW 011 06-1: 2004-07sN4sN3sN 2 s N1t1 t t34t2Figure 27 – Multiple front weld For multiple front welds in exhaust systems (e.g., sheet layers on the exhaust pipe, Figure 27) the factor 0.7 applies in the determination of the smallest common throat thickness sN: sN1 ≥ 0.7 t1 sN2 ≥ 0.7 (t1 + t2) sN3 ≥ 0.7 (t1 + t2 + t3) sN4 ≥ 0.7 tpipe or or sN2 ≥ 0.7 (t3 + t4) sN3 ≥ 0.7 t4Page 21 VW 011 06-1: 2004-075.4.3Fillet welds on components with round cross sectionsf1 sNtaFigure 28 - Fillet weldt f1 = = t2 f2Figure 29 - Fillet weld with deep penetrationsFigure 30 – Concave fillet weld For Figures 28 and 30 determine the throat thickness s approximately: On workpieces with different geometrical shapes, the shortest distance of the median line between the two workpieces shall be selected as the dimension s. s = throat thickness s ≥ 0.7 tminFor fillet welds on components with a round cross section it is recommended to determine the smallest common throat thickness sN as shown in Figure 29. sN = smallest common throat thickness sN ≥ a. NOTE: In the event of imperfections, e.g. undercuts, DIN EN ISO 5817 shall apply.f2Page 22 VW 011 06-1: 2004-075.4.4Square butt weld on flanged jointf1 f2 t1 sN t2Figure 31 - Fillet weld on specially shaped workpieces sN = smallest common throat thickness f1,2 = penetration depth sN ≥ tmin. (see Figure 31) f1,2 ≥ 0.2 mmPage 23 VW 011 06-1: 2004-075.5 5.5.1Evaluation of imperfections Weld spatterWeld spatter must be avoided as far as possible. Any globules or welding residues that remain stuck to the parts and which could lead to an impairment of function are not permitted. Spatter-free areas shall be defined in the drawing or in a test specification. 5.5.2 General imperfectionsImperfections such as cracks, pores, lack of fusion, gap sizes shall be evaluated, unless otherwise indicated in the drawing, according to DIN EN ISO 5817, quality level B “high”. Unequal weld leg lengths shall not be evaluated for fillet welds on lap joint. For exhaust systems the gap size must not exceed 1.0 mm. 6 Drawing entriesThe graphical representation (for example see Figure 32), dimensioning and symbols for the welding procedures named in Section 1 shall be carried out according to DIN EN 22553.s8a6n x l (e)131/ VW01106-1/h Legend: s8 = actual throat penetration) 8 mm thickness (with deepva6 = design throat thickness (without deep penetration) 6 mm n = number of welds l = minimum weld length; tolerance +5 mm, unless otherwise indicated e = distance between the welds v = initial dimensionExplanation: Weld produced by means of metal inert-gas welding (code number 131 according to DIN EN ISO 4063); evaluation according to VW 011 06-1; horizontal position h according to DIN EN ISO 6947. Figure 32 - Example of application for interrupted fillet weld with initial dimension; symbolic representationPage 24 VW 011 06-1: 2004-077Referenced standards1 Steel Flat Products; Cold Rolled Sheet and Strip; Technical Delivery Conditions; Mild Unalloyed Steels for Cold Forming Weldability; Metallic Materials, Definitions Steels for General Structural Purposes; Quality Standard Quality Requirements for Welding - Fusion Welding of Metallic Materials – Part 1: Guidelines for Selection and Use Quality Requirements for Welding - Fusion Welding of Metallic Materials – Part 2: Comprehensive Quality Requirements Hot Rolled Products of Non-Alloy Structural Steels; Technical Delivery Conditions Stainless Steels - Part 2: Technical Delivery Conditions for Sheet/Plate and Strip of Corrosion-Resisting Steels for General and Construction Purposes Cold Rolled Low Carbon Steel Flat Products for Cold Forming – Technical Delivery Conditions Cold Rolled Uncoated Mild Steel Narrow Steel Strip for Cold Forming Technical Delivery Conditions Hot Rolled Flat Products Made of High Yield Strength Steels for Cold Forming – Part 1: General Delivery Conditions Hot Rolled Flat Products Made of High Yield Strength Steels for Cold Forming – Part 2: Delivery Conditions for Thermomechanically Rolled Steels Cold-Rolled Flat Products Made of High Yield Strength Micro-Alloyed Steels for Cold Forming - General Delivery Conditions Continuously Hot-Dip Coated Strip and Sheet of Steels with Higher Yield Strength for Cold Forming – Technical Delivery Conditions Welding - Multilingual Terms for Welded Joints with Illustrations Welded, Brazed and Soldered Joints - Symbolic Representation on Drawings Welding – Fusion-Welded Joints in Steel, Nickel, Titanium and Their Alloys (Beam Welding Excluded) – Quality Levels for Imperfections Welding and Allied Processes - Nomenclature of Processes and Reference Numbers Welds - Working Positions - Definitions of Angles of Slope and Rotation Welding and Allied Processes – Recommendations for Joint Preparation Part 1: Manual Metal-Arc Welding, Gas-shielded Metal-Arc Welding, Gas Welding, TIG Welding and Beam Welding of Steels Welding and Allied Processes – Vocabulary - Part 1: Metal Welding Processes Recommendations for Selection of Acceptance Levels according to DIN EN 25 817; Butt Welds and Fillet Welds on Steel Notes on Design for MIG/MAG Welding using Industrial Robots Cold-Rolled Strip and Sheet of Micro-Alloyed Steels with Higher Yield Point for Cold Forming – Technical Supply SpecificationsThe last publication date of withdrawn standards is provided in parentheses. DIN 1623-1 (02.83) DIN 8528-1 DIN 17100 (01.80) DIN EN 729-1 DIN EN 729-2 DIN EN 10025 DIN EN 10088-2 DIN EN 10130 DIN EN 10139 DIN EN 10149-1 DIN EN 10149-2 DIN EN 10268 DIN EN 10292 DIN EN 12345 DIN EN 22553 DIN EN ISO 5817 DIN EN ISO 4063 DIN EN ISO 6947 DIN EN ISO 9692-1 DIN ISO 857-1 DVS 0705 DVS 0929 SEW 093 (03.87)1In this section terminological inconsistencies may occur as the original titles are used.。



防尘防水测试主要考察零部件在防尘防水的功能以及进水进尘后对零部件功能的影响 情况。
参考的测试标准: 测试标准: GB/T 4208-2008
DIN 40050.9-1993 IEC 60529-2001
ISO 20653-2006 SMTC 3 800 001-9.3.11 28401NDS01
6. 温度冲击目的:
温度循环/冲击试验是评估产品在高底温和温度交变的效应。效应:膨胀、减弱结构强度、 化学腐蚀电解所用、增加绝缘体导电作用、可动零件变形、表面涂料鬼裂等。
参考的测试标准: BMW GS95003-4,GMW3172 5.5.5, GMW3431 4.4.2, GM9123P 10.2.1, VW801015.2.2, Etl_82517 8.2.8 , FORD Ds00005 10.9.4 , FORD_WDS00.00EA_D114.5.6/4.5.7 , MGRES6221001 9.3.6, SES E 001-04 6.7, PSAB21 7090 6.6.3, IEC60068-2-14(air to air), MIL-STD-883E 1011.9,MIL-STD-202G/107G,MIL-STD-810F 503.4,GB2324.22,GJB150.5 0)
FORD_WDS 00.00EA_D114.5.1/4.5.2/4.5.3/4.5.4/4.5.5/4.5.8/4.8.1/4.8.4, MGRES6221001 9.3,MGRES6221001 11, SES E 001-04 6.1/6.2/6.3/6.4/6.5/6.8/6.9/6.11, IEC60068-2-30 , SAEJ1455 , JESD22-A103C , JESD22-A100B , EIA-364 , GB2324.1/2/3/4/9/34/4, GJB 150.3/4/9,MIL-STD-810F507.4,MIL-STD-202G 103B/106G,MIL-STD-1004.1



第二部分,国外部材料标准介绍 一,日本常钢材 1,JIS G 3505-2004 低碳钢盘条 2,JIS G 3507-1-2005 冷镦钢 JIS G 3507-2-2005 冷镦钢 3,JIS G 3101-1995普通结构用轧制钢材 4,JIS G 3104-2004 铆钉用圆钢 5,JIS G 3508-2-2005 冷镦加工用硼钢棒 6,JIS G 3509-1-2003 冷镦用低合金钢.第1部分 7,JIS G 4051-2005 机械结构用碳素钢钢材 8,JIS G 4052-2003 保证淬透性结构钢 9,JIS G 4053-2003 机械构造用合金钢
GM 6202M高频淬火TR类(轧制螺纹)自攻螺钉的材料和性 能
3,大宇汽车公司 EDS G-1111-04 钢螺栓螺钉机械性能-附录
EDS G-1112-03 钢螺栓螺钉机械性能 EDS G-1114-02 钢制螺母机械性能 EDS M-1104普通结构钢 EDS M-1501-03-2003(中文版)结构碳钢 EDS M-1502-04易切钢 EDS-M-1503 冷镦冷挤压碳素钢盘条 EDS-M-1504 碳素钢直条与盘条
SAE J 1199-2001 钢制公制外螺纹紧固件的机械性能和材 料要求 SAE J 995-1999 钢制螺帽材料及机械性能要求 SAE J 429-1999 外螺纹紧固件机械性能和材料要求 ASTM A563M-04 碳素钢及合金钢螺母技术规范(米制) ASTM A490M-04a 钢结构用高强度螺栓连接付 ASTM A307-03 Carbon Steel Bolts and Studs, 60 000 PSI Tensile Strength SAE J 933-1998 自攻螺丝机械性能与品质要求 SAE J 1237-2001 米制自攻锁紧螺钉 SAE J 81-1997 自攻螺钉 SAE J 78-1996 钢制自钻螺丝 SAE J 1102M-2001 公制车轮车轮螺栓机械和材料要求 SAE J 450-2002 屈服强度和屈服点术语的使用 SAE J 122-1998 螺母表面的不连续性



以前版本 1999-07;2004-01
1 应用范围
本标准规定了四角焊接螺母的性能,这些螺母分别具有米制调整螺纹 M6 ~ M10,米 制细螺纹 M12×1.5 和 M14×1.5,以及细螺纹 7/16-20 UNF-2B。产品等级 A 适用于本 标准的工件。
1.1 应用说明
1.1.1 结构上的应用
5.2 螺母材料
使用材料必须按 TL 1318 标准行事,一般不是精练材料。调质螺母的试验力见表 4。
所需要的较强试验力,正如表 4 所提供的那样,材料按 TL 1318 标准的规定,必须 调质到(272 ~353)HV30。调质螺母的试验力见表 5。
调质到(295 ~353)HV30 是我们所期盼的,如何分类应该协商达成一致。与此相 应的是使试验力相匹配。
1) 继 Homepage 标准件管理系统之后再"向左拧动一下"便可得到小零件目录
四角形焊接螺母 高规格
VW 60449
共8页 第 3 页
图 1-尺寸 表 1-米制调整螺纹的尺寸
表 2-米制细螺纹的尺寸
表 3-UST 螺纹的尺寸
四角形焊接螺母 高规格
VW 60449
5.5.2 补充涂层
若是非调质的焊接螺母,可以按 TL 188-Ny 的规定进行周围涂层,即使是有表面保护 的工件,也应该和实验室商量一下,按 VW 13750 及 TL 188-Ny 标准的规定进行表面 硬化。
四角形焊接螺母 高规格
VW 60449
共8页 第 6 页
5.6 质量保证 / 验收试验 按 DIN EN ISO 16426 标准处理 6 标记法 四角形焊接螺母从螺丝 M5 开始标上制造者的标记.这些标记从制造者部位起一直延 伸到所选择的涂层部位,不过应尽可能躲开必须进行焊接的侧面. 包装件在任何情况下都必须进行标记


检测范围 要对所有胶粘带类型进行这种检测。
实施 检测按照 DIN EN 1944 进行。
要求 与用户协商
结果 在检测报告中解卷力是以 N(相当于 N/卷)或 N/cm 给出。
5.3.6 可用手撕断性
出自危险原因或时间原因许多加工者不喜欢使用切割工具,从而主要是用手去撕 断胶粘带。在这种情况,为了正确加工和持久功能,不得使胶粘带过度延伸和变 形,这样除了为撕断需要的力外还必须对延伸情况提出专门要求。 提示:一旦找到测量“可用手撕断性”的适当物理方法,就进行方法修改。
应用范围 概述 标记 结构和材料 检测方法和检测要求 概述 检测气候条件 取样 检测个数 干燥箱 测量单位 同一性 颜色 胶粘剂 基材 胶粘带重量 胶粘带带厚 供货,储存和可加工性 储存 状态 胶粘带长度 胶粘带宽度 解卷力 可用手撕断性 技术特性 断裂力和断裂伸长率 粘接力 翘起检测 供货状态的翘起检测 热老化的翘起检测 短时热老化的翘起检测 吸收能力 应用性能
胶粘带只要用于捆扎和缠绕电缆和电缆组。可在特殊情况对胶粘带提出附加要 求,如电缆或电缆组的绝缘或固定,保护不受机械和化学物质损害,或阻尼噪声 影响等。首次批准的应用技术检测的范围,由安装地点、由此提出的要求以及有 时是特殊的要求而得出。
胶粘带的加工要在室温进行。为了粘接完美无缺,要求要捆扎的导线组上没有油 污、油脂、硅树脂、滑石粉或其它物质,这些东西对粘接效果不利。因为涉及的 是压敏胶粘剂,无论如何要求有个短时的用力加压,尤其是在胶粘带的末端。请 注意胶粘带生产厂家对储存和加工的提示说明。
实施 用肉眼做视觉检查
要求 在供货时胶粘带卷必须满足下列要求: 均匀、无缺陷的外观 无缺陷涂层



Confidential. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be transmitted or reproduced without prior permission of a Standards Department of the Volkswagen Group.Parties to a contract can only obtain this standard via the B2B supplier platform “”.© VOLKSWAGEN AGN o r m v o r A n w e n d u n g a u f A k t u a l i t ät p r üf e n / C h e c k s t a n d a r d f o r c u r r e n t i s s u e p r i o r t o u s a g e .T h e E n g l i s h t r a n s l a t i o n i s b e l i e v e d t o b e a c c u r a t e .I n c a s e o f d i s c r e p a n c i e s t h e G e r m a n v e r s i o n s h a l l g o v e r n .N u m e r i c a l n o t a t i o n a c c o r d i n g t o I S O p r a c t i c e (s e e V W 01000).Q U E L L E : N O L I SPage 2VW 60184: 2006-06─Table 9:a) Fuel system test pressure changed from 600 kPa to 680 kPab) Coolant changed from Technical Supply Specification TL 774, types B, C, to TL 774, type F c) Line “Pressurizing fluid” added─Section “Pressure-vibration-temperature testing (PVT)” deletedPrevious issues1981-02; 1982-12; 1984-03; 1991-08; 1993-01; 1996-05; 2000-09 1ScopeThis standard shall apply to spring clamps used in the ─coolant circuit and servo system ─fuel system ─air intake system ─and charge air systemfor sealing of connections between hoses and fittings. See Table 7 for specifications relating to minimum leakage pressure.Intermediate sizes that deviate from the nominal sizes specified in Tables 1 to 3 are not permissible and must not be assigned standard production part numbers due to the risk of confusion during assembly.The diameter increment with the assignment of the appropriate hose, fitting and spring clamp can be found in VW 601 90. 2DescriptionDescription of a spring clamp of Shape A with nominal diameter d n = 19 mm, strip width = 12 mm, material is 51CrV4 according to EN 10132-4 and surface protection according to TL 233, gray (Ofl-t 650/gr):Spring clamp N 906 554 011)orSpring clamp VW 60184-A19x12-51CrV4-Ofl-t650/gr3MarkingSpring clamps shall be provided with a permanent marking. The location and type of this marking shall be as described in Figures 1 to 3.Legend1 Supplier code and optional manufacturer’s code, typeface according to DIN 1451-3-C2 2 Nominal diameter code (font height at least 2 mm)3 Optional marking with name or manufacturer’s code and nominal diameter permittedFigure 1 – Shape A(standard) Figure 2 – Shape B(space-saving clamp with stop piece)Figure 3 – Shape B(space-saving clamp with stopchannel)1)For released parts, refer to standard part administration system "NVS".Page 3VW 60184: 2006-064 DimensionsIt is not compulsory for spring clamps to comply with Figures 4 to 6 shown below. Only the dimensions specified in Tables 1 to 3 must be complied with. Missing dimensions shall be chosen by the manufacturer.Figure 4 – Shape AFigure 5 – Shape B with stop piece(refer to Figure 4 for missing dimensions and specifications)Figure 6 – Shape B with stop channel(refer to Figure 5 for missing dimensions and specifications)_________________________2) Characteristic process value Cpk. min. 1,33.3) Applies to all inside edges.Page 4VW 60184: 2006-06Table 1 – Shape A (strip width 12 mm)Dimensions in mmNominal∅d n 1) 8)s 1± 0,4 a2)- 3 b3)- 3c ± 0,3 e ± 0,7f± 0,2g± 0,7Color (similar to RAL) Supplied ∅d a max 4),5)Assembly∅d o min 6)Mass [g] 147)0,8 9gray 701113,3 15,8 3,5 17 1,2 black 901115,6 18,5 4,6 19 gray 701117,8 20,2 6,9 23 1,3black 901121 24,79,2 27 gray 701125,2 29 11,7 32 black 901129,5 34,5 14,2 40 1,7gray 701135,5 42,5 17,1 47 black 901141,5 50 22,7 55 2,1 gray 701147,5 58 29 60 black 901151,5 64 33,4 65 gray 701157,5 70 37,1 70 black901161,5 73 39 75 gray 701166 78 37 80 black 901170 83 39 85 gray 701174 88 40,8 902,6 8,51012 7 3 5,8black90117993491) Nominal Ø does not correspond to the supplied diameter.2) The dimension "a" shall be omitted for nominal Ø above 60 mm3) Dimension “b” shall be measured using a depth gage accuracy of 0,1 mm for a mandrel Ø = nominal Ø.4) Supplied diameter d a measured after opening once to the maximum assembly diameter (extend to end stop). The diameter d amust be measured in the x-direction.5) Characteristic process value Cpk. min. 1,33. 6) To be determined using measuring pins. 7) Not for use in FSI engines (fuel system).8) Spring clamp nominal Ø <14 mm, see standard part administration system NVS.Table 2 – Shape A (strip width 15 mm)Page 5VW 60184: 2006-06Table 3 – Shape B (strip width 12 mm)Dimensions in mmNominal ∅d n 1)s 1± 0,4a k b 2)- 2,5 c ± 0,3 e ± 0,7f ± 0,2g ± 0,7Color (similar to RAL) Supplied ∅d a max3),4)Assembly∅d o min 5)Mass [g] 146)0,8 black 901113,315,8 3 17 1,2 6black 901115,618,5 4 19 black 901117,820,27 23 1,3black 90112124,79 27 black 901125,22911 32 black 901129,534,514 40 1,7 black 901135,542,516 47 black 901141,55023 552,110312 7 3 5 black 901147,558291) Nominal Ø does not correspond to the supplied diameter.2) Dimension “b” shall be measured using a depth gage accuracy of 0,1 mm for a mandrel Ø = nominal Ø.3) Supplied diameter d a measured after opening once to the maximum assembly diameter (extend to end stop). The diameter d a must be measured in the x-direction. 4) Characteristic process value Cpk. min. 1,33. 5) To be determined using measuring pins.6) Due to the increased demands on parts used in FSI engines, where possible this diameter must only be used for FSI engines following consultation with the E1GB department. Alternatively, spring clamp N 909 865 01 may be used.5 Supplier-specific part numbersSpring clamps used in hose-fitting connections are sensitive, safety-relevant components. The procedure for supplier-specific part numbers that has been developed in the past has proven itself to be effective and will be continued. The differentiation between new spring clamp developments and parts from new manufacturers shall only be guaranteed by means of new part number indices; this is for logistical reasons and to ensure traceability in case of damage and shall be implemented by the E2TC/3 department. 6MaterialSpring steel shall be used that meets the specifications for the spring clamp component according to this standard within the scope of the fitting-hose clamp system (e.g. VW 780 07).The long-term static tensile load requirements for spring clamps necessitate increased requirements in terms of material ductility at high and low operating temperatures, the degree of purity of the material, and the surface properties of the material.The suitability of the spring clamp component shall be determined based on the material and the manufacturing process. This must be recorded on the drawing as part of the technical engineering approval (BMG – German abbreviation) process. The following specific process steps are significant here: manufacture of the strip, annealing processes, punching and bending, quenching and tempering, cleaning, coating. In order to ensure confidentiality, the details of the manufacturing process must only be disclosed to the E1GB department.It is not permissible to use phosphate treatment as a processing aid in the production of the cold-rolled strip.Page 6VW 60184: 2006-067 Surface protectionVW 137 50 Ofl - t 650/sw or t 650/gr, see Tables 1 to 3 for color assignments.Adhesion: crosscut test according to DIN 53151: 1981-05 Gt 0-1.Spring clamps with nominal Ø ≥ 32 mm must be coated with a permanent sliding agent (wax emulsion) in order to improve the sliding properties (creep behavior) of the part (please refer to drawing).Spring clamps with nominal Ø < 32 mm can be optionally coated with a permanent sliding agent (wax emulsion) at the discretion of the manufacturer.The manner in which coatings are structured may be selected according to the manufacturing process used. The required roundness must be observed in this respect (see Section TestsSpring clamps must be opened to the fully-open diameter and allowed to return to the closed position at least once prior to carrying out tests.8.1 Technical engineering approval (BMG)55 parts shall be provided for the technical engineering approval process. Recommendations in this respect shall be made via the E1GB department.8.1.1 Corrosion protection requirements15 parts shall be provided.The pliers contact points shall be excepted from this evaluation. Test according to DIN 50021 SS with scribing line according to DIN EN ISO 7253,test duration 720 hNo blistering, no base metal corrosion, no rust creep. System-determined fading to gray is permissible, but there must be no voluminous zinc corrosion. Test atmosphere according to DIN 50017 KK, test duration 240 h.No blistering, no base metal corrosion. The requirements as specified in Section 7 must be complied with (see "Adhesion"). Long-term life test (1 000 h test) only in instance of new developmentThe hardened, coated spring clamps must be clamped on a plastic mandrel according to the minimum assembly diameter -0,3 mm, dipped in a 5% sodium chloride solution and then placed in a condensed water container.Test temperature: (+60 ± 5) °CRelative air humidity: 100%Medium: Tap water (must be changed once weekly)In the first week after the start of the test, the spring clamps shall be immersed once daily in a 5% sodium chloride solution for 10 seconds and opened once to the maximum assembly diameter. As of the second test week, this procedure shall only be repeated once weekly.At least 15 specimens, no fractures.Material requirements: No cracks, no fractures, function shall still be guaranteed.Surface coating: System-determined fading to gray and approx. 10% base metalcorrosion are permissible.Page 7VW 60184: 2006-068.1.2 Mechanical test15 parts shall be provided. Determination of the clamping forces F x and F yThe clamping forces shall be determined on a 4-channel force measuring device, where d n (± 0,1) of the spring clamps shall be according to Figures 7 and 8 and Tables 4 and 5. Low-friction contact shall be ensured by means of a linear support for the four internal mountings.The 4 individual forces shall be evaluated independently of one another.In order to provide improved, targeted process management, the control of the clamping forces during production can be carried out using the differences in diameters d x – d y.F x = F x1 + F x2F y = F y1 + F y2Figure 7 – Shape A Figure 8 – Shape BTable 4 – Clamping forces for strip width 12 mmValues in N Nominal ØF x F y∆F = F x – F y Nominal ØF x F y∆F = F x – F yd n≥≥d n≥≥14 170 120 10 to 110 55 620 460 50 to 29017 170 130 10 to 130 60 650 480 20 to 20019 380 320 20 to 160 65 600 430 20 to 20023 380 320 20 to 160 70 560 460 20 to 20027 400 340 20 to 180 75 380 340 20 to 20032 400 340 30 to 200 80 380 340 20 to 20040 400 340 50 to 220 85 340 300 20 to 20047 530 430 50 to 230 90 340 300 20 to 200Page 8VW 60184: 2006-06Table 5 – Clamping forces for strip width 15 mmValues in NNominal ØF x F y ∆F = F x – F yd n ≥≥60 1 250 1 000 20 to 240 65 1 150 850 20 to 240 701 15085020 to 240If markedly higher clamping forces are present than those given in Tables 4 and 5 (above 1,25 x F min ), then larger clamping force differences may be permitted under certain conditions. The maximum clamping force difference shall be determined using Formula (1). The difference ∆F in this case must lie between ∆F min and ∆F max :22min max min ,min ,max min max TableTabley x y x Table Table F F F F F F F F F ∆−∆×+++∆+∆=∆(1)Legend F x , F yMeasured clamping force valuesF x min , F y min Minimum values of the clamping forces according to Tables 4 and 5 ∆F min Minimum value for permissible clamping force difference according to Tables 4 and 5∆F maxMaximum value for permissible clamping force difference according to Tables 4 and 5minmin y x y x F F F F ++Standardized total force y x F F +Absolute force level2min max TableTable F F ∆+∆Mean value of permissible clamping force differences according to Tables 4 and 52min max TableTable F F ∆−∆Position factor (proportionality factor for permissible exceedance value)Page 9VW 60184: 2006- Roundness deviationNOTE: measuring device: feeler gage strip, 3 mm wide.groundmandrelFigure 9 – Roundness deviation taking Shape A as an exampleTable 6 – DimensionsDimensions in mmNominal Ø d n14 17 19 23 27 32 40Mandrel Ø d p13,7 16,7 18,6 22,6 26,5 31,5 39,4Tolerance ± 0,1S3 max0,09Table 6 (completed)Nominal Ø d n47 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90Mandrel Ø d p46,4 54,4 59,4 64,4 69,4 74,4 79,4 84,4 89,4Tolerance ± 0,1s3max0,12 1)1) for strip width of 12 mm: 0,15for strip width of 15 mm: 0,2The dimension "s3" according to Table 6 between the test mandrel (see Figure 9) and the spring clamp must not be exceeded after the spring clamp has been tensioned to the end stop (max. assembly diameter 4))4) Supplied diameter measured after opening once to the maximum assembly diameter (extend to end stop). The diameter d a must be measured in x-directionPage 10VW 60184: 2006-068.1.3 Leak tightness test8.1.3.1 Load pressure test (see Figure 10)The following leak tightness values at room temperature (Table 7) must be complied with for the connection between the hose and the test fitting achieved using the spring clamp:Table 7Application Pressurizing fluid Minimum leakage pressure Test hose according to 1) Coolant circuit and servo system Water 300 kPa over-pressure2a) Fuel system up to an operatingWater 700 kPa over-pressurepressure of 400 kPa2b) Fuel system (FSI engines) up to anWater 1200 kPa over-pressureoperating pressure of 700 kPa3) Air charge system (above nominal ØAir in water bath 1)d n=60)4) Air intake system Air in water bath 10 kPa vacuum1) for strip width of 12 mm: 200 kPafor strip width of 15 mm: 300 kPaDimensions not shown are still to be determined.The load pressure test in accordance with Table 7 must use smooth test fittings for applications 1 through 3 (mandrel without bead). For dimensions refer to Table 8. For application 4 the molded hose and fitting must have standard-production grooves according to VW 605 08, 2001-10, Section 6.1.1 and Section 6.1.2.The test pressure must be increased continuously at a rate of 50 kPa/s until the nominal load is reached. The test must be carried out “until failure”, the test is not aborted until twice the minimum leakage pressure is reached. The leakage pressure is defined as the pressure at which water or air leakage is first observed.Dimensions in millimeters.groundLegend1 Spring clamp under test2 Hose according to VW 605 07, VW 605 08 or VW 780 07. Materials to be used as applicable according to the Technical SupplySpecification5)3 Any seal of manufacturer's choice.4 Connection to the load test pressure device5 Test mandrel of manufacturer’s choice6)Figure 10 - Test connection for low pressure5) TL 680, TL 520 68 and TL 523 61 for EPDM, TL 523 03 for ECO and TL 522 19 for AEM.6) Material for test mandrels is steel according to DIN EN 10088-3, for example.Table 8 – Low pressure applications (coolant circuit, servo returnsystem, fuel system and charge air system)Dimensions in mmHose clamp HoseTest mandrel ØNominal ØNominal dimensions Inner Ø1)Wall thickness 2)d n d i x s 2 d i max s 2 min d p Tol.7,3 x 3,5 3,214 8 x 3,5 7,5 7,85 17 10 x 3,5 9,59,85 19 12 x 3,5 11,5 11,85 23 16 x 3,5 15,5 15,85 27 20 x 3,5 19,5 19,85 32 25 x 3,5 24,5 3,124,85 40 32 x 4 31,5 3,6 31,85 47 38 x 4,5 37,5 37,85 55 46 x 4,5 45,5 4,1 45,85 60 50 x 4,5 49,5 49,85 65 55 x 4,5 54,554,85 7060 x 4,559,54,359,85+ 0,021) For released parts, see NVS2) The dimensions of the hose on the test mandrel side must be manufactured to a minimum length of 28 mm using an appropriate technique (e.g. grinding) for the purpose of the load pressure test. This ensures that the test is carried under the least favorable conditions. Temperature cycle testAt least 6 parts are required for this test according to Table 9.The leakage test shall be carried out in a hot/cold oven using standard production fittings and hoses according to Table 8; the leak tightness shall be checked using a leak detection spray at a temperature of T=-30 °C . The test chamber must alwa ys be brought up to temperature without any hold time when the key temperatures are reached. The cycle time is specified as a minimum of8.2 Accompanying tests8.2.1 Accompanying tests for process assuranceTo be decided by the manufacturer, but the following ductility test must be complied with.8.2.2 Ductility test following quenching and temperingThe hardened, uncoated spring clamps shall be clamped on a plastic mandrel according to the minimum assembly diameter -0,3 mm and exposed to a 0,9% HCl solution at room temperature (+23 ± 5) °C.Time until component is damaged: at least 8 minutes without fracture.8.3 Opening forcesThis Section defines a criterion for spring clamp quality assurance that must be applied in all assembly plants. It is assumed in this regard that technical engineering approval has already been granted (see Section 8.1 of this standard) and suitability for standard production has thus been proven.This Section describes how opening forces must be measured and the minimum values that must be complied with.NOTE: Before the tests are performed, the spring clamp must be widened to the maximum assembly diameter (as far as the end stop) and allowed to return to the unloaded position. Spring clamps may only be opened using the tool recommended by the manufacturer (see also VW 601 90).The opening forces for the spring clamps are suitable for comparative testing within the areas of responsibility of Production and Quality Assurance.8.3.1 Measuring deviceThe measuring device used must be capable of registering a force when the spring clamp is opened by a certain amount (e.g. spring balance).The force measuring device must have standard tool inserts suitable for the spring clamp to be tested. The E317) insert has proven itself to be suitable for spring clamps with shapes A and B (see Figure 12 and Figure 13). The inserts must be attached to the force measuring device so that they are in line with the measuring device and in such a way as to ensure they cannot slip away.The “0 mm” path (corresponds to block length “l” = 0) is defined as the position in which the tool inserts just touch each other. The distance between the inserts is defined as being positive, regardless of what is displayed on the testing machine.Figure 12 – Pliers insert (e.g. type "E31")Figure 13 – Insert fastening with dimension for forming depths7) "E31" is a threaded version of insert "E32" from VW 601 90, 2001-08, Table Measurement of the as-received diameter (d a)The diameter in the x-direction (see Figure 14) can be measured using a caliper gage (preferably digital); readings must be taken to an accuracy of one decimal place.Figure 14 – Illustration of the measurement direction8.3.3 Measurement of the opening forcesThe spring clamps must be placed in the open inserts and lightly preloaded (max. 5 N); this ensures that the spring clamp is correctly seated in the insert with no lash. The measurement shall start at this point by moving the inserts together.The measurement shall be carried out until the specified length "l" is reached (see Figure 16 and Table 10). The forming depths a1 = a2 are taken into consideration. The evaluation of the opening force shall preferably be carried out automatically by the measuring device at the distances specified in Table 10.Figure 16 – Force measuring device using Shape A as an exampleTable 10 – Specified valuesDimensions in mmSpring clamp shape Distance value "l" ± 0,05A 9B < 19 6B ≥ 19 12The values listed in Table 11 below must be complied with:Table 11 – Opening forces for spring clamps with strip width 12 mm Nominal Ø As-received Ø Opening force F O min[N]Opening force F O min[N]d n [mm]d a[mm]Form A Form B14 13,3 70 8017 15,6 110 11019 17,8 150 20023 21 190 22027 25,2 200 22032 29,5 200 20040 35,5 150 15047 41,5 200 20055 47,5 200 –60 51,5 220 –65 57,5 200 –70 61,5 190 –75 66 150 –80 70 170 –85 74 170 –90 79 150 –NOTE: The opening force for all spring clamps must not be any lower than those specified. The values specified are absolute lowest limit values and not average requirements.Clamps that do not achieve these values must be subjected to normal testing before use (Section Referenced standards8)TL 233 Non-Electrolytically Applied Zinc Flake Coatings with Top Coating;Requirements for Surface ProtectionTL 680 Coolant Hoses with Reinforcement; Material Requirements and Functional RequirementsTL 774 Ethylene Glycol-Based Coolant Additive; Material RequirementsTL 520 68 Single-Layer EPDM Coolant Hose; Material RequirementsTL 522 91 AEM, Alternatively ACM for Hoses; Material RequirementsTL 523 03 ECO/CO Molded Parts with Fabric Insert; Material RequirementsTL 523 61 Coolant Hoses with Aramide Reinforcement; Material Requirements andFunctional RequirementsTL 822 53 Fuel Line ASSY; Functional RequirementsVW 137 50 Surface Protection of Metal Parts; Surface Protection Types, CodesVW 601 90 Overview Standard; Hose Connections for Various Application Systems VW 605 07 Fuel Lines; Hoses and Studs for the Use of Spring ClampsVW 605 08 Charge Air and Intake Air Connections; Hoses and Hose Studs; Minimum Requirements, Dimensions, DesignsVW 780 07 Coolant System; Hoses and Fittings for Use with Spring ClampsDIN 1451-3 Lettering; Linear-Antiqua without Serifes; Lettering for PrintingDIN 50017 Climates and Their Technical Application; Condensated Water Containing ClimatesDIN 50021 Salt Spray TestingDIN 53151 1981-05 May 1981 issue: Testing of Paints, Varnishes and Similar Coating Materials;Cross-Cut Test on Paint Coatings and Similar CoatingsDIN EN 10088-3 Stainless Steels – Part 3: Technical Delivery Conditions for Semi-Finished Products, Bars, Rods, Wire, Sections and Bright Products of CorrosionResisting Steels for General PurposesDIN EN ISO 7253 Paints and Varnishes – Determination of Resistance to Neutral Salt Spray (Fog)8) In this Section, terminological inconsistencies may occur as the original titles are used.。

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Supplier's guide for product developmentPart 2-core processes 20© Volkswagen, 1446, Konzern-EntwicklungssteuerungSupplier's guide for product development2.1 Procurement processA main focus of the present guide are subjects which are from the point of view of the technical development for new suppliers within the scope of the product development of the biggest meaning. An introduction to processes relevant for suppliers and applications which lie in the area of responsibility of the procurement also counts to it.2.1.1 introductionThe procurement of the Volkswagen group is split in the ranges of Procurement for production material and general procurement. The range of Procurement for production material is made up again of the Commodities displayed in illustration 11.Illustration 11: Overview of the different ranges of the procurementProcurement decisions become short in the Volkswagen group of the Corporate Sourcing Committee (: CSC) grieved. The decisions of this committee are valid about all marks away.Beside the central procurement ranges of every mark the Volkswagen group seats so-called regional shopping offices (RSO = On the regional level Sourcing of office) to open new procurement markets and to upgrade passing ones. Illustration 12 makes clear the present activities of regional procurement offices worldwide.© Volkswagen, 1446, Konzern-Entwicklungssteuerung21Procurement for production materials: parts and components forthe vehicleGeneral Procurement: resources, production of good and services for theproduction processresources, services and systemsProjectPurchasing & Buying Parts Managementmetalinteri orexteriorElectric al & Electron icsSupplier's guide for product developmentRegional offices (Ros) Lander assignmentCentral Europe Eastern EuropeNorth Africa Turkey IndiaIllustration 12: Regional procurement offices of the Volkswagen group worldwide2.1.2 Division of the procurement processesWith the choice and nomination of group suppliers two different procurement processes play a role. These are:❑ Forward Sourcingfor parts to be produced and newly to be developed. This process is used in general with developmentprojects for new vehicles or aggregates❑ Worldwide Sourcingfor the already existing parts manufactured after drawing which should be procured at the respectivemarket locally. The destination of this process is to create market transparency, to optimise thelogistics costs as well as to improve the quality of standard parts.For new ones as well as for standard parts a worldwide inquiry and assignment strategy occurs.The division of the procurement processes is displayed in illustration 13 figuratively.22© Volkswagen, 1446, Konzern-EntwicklungssteuerungSupplier's guide for product developmentIllustration 13: Division of the procurement processes2.1.3 Component procurement in the product process of developmentIn principle two different process attempts are used in the Volkswagen group with Forward Sourcing and Worldwide Sourcing for the component procurement. The temporal classification of these processes in the product life cycle makes clear illustration 14.Illustration 14: Differentiation between Forward Sourcing and Worldwide Sourcing processThe Forward Sourcing process is used with new projects and is linked up to the market launch (ME) with the so-calledpurchase part management process. This process being based on the gate principle makes sure that suppliers are able with manufacturing beginning (SOP = start of Production) to deliver the concerning extents in the respective number of pieces or quality what reduces the project risk again.© Volkswagen, 1446, Konzern-Entwicklungssteuerung23For new parts in existing models in new modelsFor existing share in existing models in new models (carry-over parts)Supplier of highperformance of unit and subsequent production ResponsibilitySupplier with lessdevelopment content as reproducer and / or second applicant for partial volume.before commercial launch After commercial launchForward Sourcing (new parts)Purchased PartsManagement- Forward SourcingGlobal Sourcing (existing components) Purchased PartsManagement-Global Sourcingsupplier information and offersupplier SelectionOf the Worldwide Sourcing process, however, is used only after the market launch of a product and isaccompanied by a suitable purchase part management process with different gates. You find closer information to the purchase part management process for Forward Sourcing and Worldwide Sourcing in chapter 2.5 "Purchase part management".Forward Sourcing processThe procurement process for suppliers in development projects encloses basically three phases displayed in illustration 15.Illustration 15: Phases of the Forward Sourcing of processPhase 1 - Supplier Self-Disclosure and offerThe Volkswagen group determines potential suppliers on the basis of themSupplier Self-Disclosure (LSA). The Volkswagen group transmits to the supplier the inquiry documents (also inquiry package called) on basis more technically, more financially, organizational as well as qualitative demands. The supplier edits these documents and as a result transmits his offer to theVolkswagen group. The suppliers who have received an inquiry must fancy in this phase, besides, with the suitable development department. Besides, the presentation should contain information todeveloping competence and available technologies. The template of pattern parts has turned out in this connection as especially helpful. The contact data of the concerning development department can be taken from the inquiry documents.24 © Volkswagen, 1446, Konzern-EntwicklungssteuerungSupplier Profile and offerSupplier selectionapproval process for Forward Sourcing -suppliers list-Registration on Group Business Platform-Supplier Self-Disclosure -preselection for inquiry -Request to supplier -range of Volkswagen-Presentation of the technical concept in the technical development-TE-Audit-process Audit -Suppliers decision -notification about nomination-kick-off event -SET-work-Purchase Parts Management-Component clearancesproduction releaseSupplier nominated and the beginning of the development process as a first supplierHit Supplier ScreeningTip: With the establishment of contact with the range of Development the supplier should take care with the respective development department proactively of the exhibition of a suitable secrecy arrangement.The arrangement itself is edited about the department of Te of service / office (departmental abbreviation / G).Phase 2 - supplier's choiceThe results of the supplier's judgment with which the abilities (Te and process audit) and capacities of a supplier are determined flow in onto the decision of the group to the nomination of component suppliers. At the end of the ability judgment the supplier receives the classification A, B or C and for a nomination atleast the classification B is necessary. Suppliers with the classification B are obliged to put up anoperation plan with improvement measures. After successful qualification a renewed audit is carried out.An overview about the contents of both audits gives illustration 16.Illustration 16: Overview about the contents of the Te and process audit in the supplier's choiceThe final procurement decisions of the Volkswagen group are based on the one hand on the entries of all partners and, on the other hand, on strategically considerations as well as on the competitiveness of the submitted offers. On this occasion, is to be mentioned that all procurement decisions are madeunanimously.Phase 3 - release process for Forward SourcingIn this phase the Volkswagen group monitors the capacity of the supplier within the respective project.For main components the process of the purchase part management is applied. Besides, are seated to so-called gates - measuring dots for the capacity classification of the supplier - and releases specific for component are monitored. The single gates are closely connected with vehicle landmarks. Developing releases can be thereby traced and it can be guaranteed, that the pattern parts for the respective one© Volkswagen, 1446, Konzern-Entwicklungssteuerung25Landmark are delivered. The purchase part management process becomes short from so-called purchase part management-teams (: KTM teams) monitored and controlled. These consist of representatives of different function ranges and are responsible for the following dots:❑ Realization of regular project talks ❑ Sequential monitoring of the supplier.Global Sourcing processThe procurement process for suppliers within the scope of the Worldwide Sourcing corresponds Extensively to that of the Forward Sourcing:Illustration 17: Phases of the Global Sourcing processPhase 1 - Supplier Self-Disclosure and offerPhase 1 corresponds to that of the Forward Sourcing process. Phase 2 - supplier's choiceThe second phase also corresponds to that of the Forward Sourcing process, howeverif begins after the nomination a process in whose course the supplier industrializes the component for manufacturing and develops as a second developer on the basis of available function and construction space default.26 © Volkswagen, 1446, Konzern-EntwicklungssteuerungSupplier Self-Disclosure and offerSupplier selection Purchased Parts Management Global Sourcing-Registration on Group Business Platform-Supplier Self-Disclosure -Preselection for inquiry -Request to supplier -Range of Volkswagen -Presentation of the technical concept in the technical development-TE-audit-process Audit -suppliers decision -Notification about nomination-kick-off event-Commitmentconversation-Purchased Parts Management -component clearances Hit Supplier ScreeningSupplier nominated and thebeginning of the industrialization process as a second supplierproduction releaseSupplier's guide for product developmentPhase 3 - release process for Global-SourcingThis phase resembles the purchase part management for the Forward Sourcing process.Nevertheless, differences arise with the definitions of the single gates as well as with the kind of the goods to be delivered or results of working (e.g., pattern and prototype). With projects within the scope of the Worldwide Sourcing of process gates Reviews - the final evaluations are attached by reaching of a gate - not to vehicle landmarks, but in between the supplier and the KTM team of agreed appointments.2.1.4 Group business platform and registration processThe Volkswagen group uses the group to business platform to communicate in every phase of a vehicle project with his suppliers. Started with the registration process about the offer delivery up to the pursuit of landmarks and pattern states - the group business platform forms the central turntable for the communication with all organisations of the Volkswagen group with her integrated applications.Illustration 18: Group business platform of the Volkswagen groupTip: On the group business platform there are for every range (e.g., procurement, quality assurance, development) special applications for suppliers. One or several should the applications called in this guide not be available to you, you must let this only about the B2B activate team.© Volkswagen, 1446, Konzern-Entwicklungssteuerung27SuppliersVolkswagen GroupGroup Business PlatformWorldwideinformation and communication hubB2B portalSupplier's guide for product developmentYou reach the B2B team at the following address:b2bteam@the contact data of the B2B of team you find in the range "Help" of herGroup business platform. Illustration 19 shows the range "Help" on the platform and offers an example of integrated applications.Illustration 19: Integrated applications to the group business platformRegistration processHow already in chapter 2.1.3 "Component procurement in the product process of development"described, new suppliers must go through a registration process in the first phase of the procurement process. The first part of the registration on the group business platform forms the so-called Supplier Self-Disclosure which become by choice of the button "Partner!" it is launched. The data transmitted within the scope of the Supplier Self-Disclosure are checked in the second step by the B2B team on correctness. If the data are correct, the B2B switches team the suppliers for the third and last step of the registration process freely. To conclude the registration, now the supplier must enter additional information on the supplier's data bank of the Volkswagen group. Finally the B2B user agreement must be accepted and be set up a Company administrator on the platform. The whole registration process is summarized into illustration 20.28© Volkswagen, 1446, Konzern-EntwicklungssteuerungB2B portalSupplier's guide for product developmentIllustration 20: Registration process for the group business platform (abstract)© Volkswagen, 1446, Konzern-Entwicklungssteuerung29Part 1: Become a partnerPart 2: Data ReviewPart 3: additional informationvisit:and click on the link "Become a Partner""Partners will" click on the link "Start Supplier Questionnaire" and they fill up the formData receive Confirmation and assignment of a registration numberReview of supplier self-assessment by the SITCreating the user record, the initial password registrar obtaining a user ID and for Initial registration in the protected area of the B2Bsupplier platformElectronic confirmation of the B2B User AgreementCreating a user profile for the Company Administratorin UMSCompany information incl. DUNS numberRegistration Numbertest successfulThe B2B AGREEMENT must Moreover, within 6 weeks in the original signed will be sent toVolkswagen.B2B portalSupplier's guide for product developmentYou find closer information to the registration process on the login page the group business platform:→Do you select "partner become"→"The registration process " and afterwards "Supplier Self-Disclosure start". On the left screen page a description of the registration process is available in the PDF format to the download.2.1.5 Supplier Self-DisclosureAs already in chapter 2.1.3 "Component procurement in the product process of development" described, new suppliers must go through a so-called Supplier Self-Disclosure in the first phase of the procurement process. The forms necessary for it - in Volkswagen also LSA forms called - are made available by the buyer responsible for component. The satisfactory form offers to Volkswagen the first overview about the product portfolio of the supplier, available technologies, present customers (e.g., animal one, animal two), the organizational structure (e.g., technical arrangements, joint-ventures) as well as about capacities and the respective capacity spectrum (e.g., quality assurance, development).Illustration 21: LSA formTip: The LSA form is to be filled very completely. Only so is made sure that inquiries are sent by the procurement to possible suppliers.Supplier's guide for product development2.1.6 Information specific for development in the inquiry packageThe destination of the first phase of the procurement process (supplier's information / offer) is to be decided it whether a supplier comes to the narrower choice. The offer delivery on the part of the supplier occurs online about the application "Online Requests (ESL)" (ESL: Electronic Supplier link) on the group business platform. Click on the following icon to access this application:Illustration 22: The application "Online-Anfragen (ESL)" to the group business platformOffers are specific for project and specific for component. The supplier must guarantee that all aspects find consideration concerning the used technology, the production procedure and the load notebook standards on offer. The procurement of the Volkswagen group can make sure by the fact that all offers are comparable. However, the supplier can make sure with the fact that no important and information possibly relevant for price is absent to the respective component.Illustration 23 shows the inquiry overview with the different inquiry kinds in the application "ESL".List of sent requestsIllustration 23: Inquiry overview in ESLInquiry kind Every component is requested separately. These inquiries (also RFQ or Request for Quotation) are also specific for vehicle and are divided into Global Sourcing inquiries and Forward Sourcing inquiries. You find closer information to both procurement processes in chapter 2.1.2 "Division of the procurement processes". In the inquiry list both inquiry kinds can be distinguished with the help of the abbreviations fa for Forward Sourcing and G for Global Sourcing.Contacts for every part are fixed by different ranges involved in the respective development project of Contact. These are also performed in every inquiry and are to be consulted with questions to the inquiry documents.Contents relevant for development of the inquiry package The inquiry packages relevant for development (compressed in the ZIP format) are marked in illustration 24 and must be considered in the offer delivered by the suppliers.3.Offer SpecificDocuments1. Volkswagen brand2. Volkswagen GroupSpecific inquiry ContactIllustration 24: Contact information of a selected inquiry package and contents relevant for developmentOf inquiry package1) Looks at documents specific for offer from the position of the product development, this package containsall essential, information on offer to be considered to the component requested in each case.The typical contents of such a package are performed in the following:❑ Component-load notebook (briefly: BT-LAH or LH) with closer information to himto respective developing standards (e.g., marginal conditions concerning the component or project,used technology, test standards and project management directives)Illustration 25: Component-load notebook❑ Reference drawingIllustration 26: Reference drawing as a basis for the offer❑ Draught responsibility arrangement (KV rate)Purpose of the so-called draught responsibility rate (briefly: KV rate) it is to fix the responsibilites of theparties by the development of components, modules and systems already early obligingly. With theKV rate it concerns a value specific for component which is agreed on basis of the draughtresponsibility arrangement by agreement. Further information about this subject is demonstrated inchapter 2.1.10 "Bases to the draught responsibility arrangement".2) Mark of Volkswagen The second package encloses demands specific for mark and objectives which must be considered on offer:❑ Procurement: Shopping conditions on the procurement of production material❑ Quality: Agreed high-class ability destination.3) Volkswagen group - research & developmentThe first and package to be downloaded by the suppliers on offer to be considered contains information to the following subjects relevant for product development:❑ Volkswagen group norm VW99000 "general demands toCapacity performance within the scope of the component development" see also chapter 2.1.9"juridical arrangements and their influence on technical drawings", chapters 2.2 "of The ProductDevelopment Process of the Volkswagen group" as well as chapters 2.3 "Approval processeswithin the Product Development Process "❑Supplier's manual for prototypesSee also chapter 2.7 "Prototype drawee processes and demands"❑Supplier's guide for product development (this document)❑Manufacturer's password for vehicle parts❑Template part curriculum vitae.2.1.7 Norm data bank of the Volkswagen groupDemands for e.g. components, (Raw) materials, testing methods as well as to the supply of data and components are described in the Volkswagen group with the help of internal norms.To this it is refered in technical drawings as well as in the component-load basting contained in the inquiry package. Illustration 27 shows such a reference.Illustration 27: Reference to covalid norms on technical drawingsIt must be guaranteed by all developing suppliers, that to the project themto in each case actual versions of the norms to be applied are available. This isSupplier's guide for product developmentin particular during the nomination process of meaning, because only is so guaranteed that the offer encloses all demands for components and check.The in each case actual versions of the suitable norms can be downloaded into several languages directly by the group business platform.The application necessary for it called "online norm texts" the group business platform is available to you in the range "information" under the menu dot "Tools". By clicking the following icon you reach directly to the application:In the application "online norm texts (ONNO)" can be seen following norm kinds and be downloaded: ❑Volkswagen group factory Standard – VW❑Technical condition of delivery – TL❑Test instruction – PV❑Technical guideline documentation – TLD❑Construction directive – KR❑High-class specification – QP❑Norm part drawings - N / SDL.The action with the search for norms in the application "online norm texts" is displayed in illustration 30. Norms and directives are published into different languages which are indicated by the suitable land flags. Check after appearance of the hit list which is the in each case actual version of the document.Besides, the application "online norm texts" offers the button Extents about which itself a list of norms specific for project gets which can be downloaded then at regular intervals equem.Tip: Should the application "online norm texts" on the group business platform not be indicated, get in contact please with the B2B team to apply for access. You find the contact data of the SIT in chapter 2.1.4 "Group business platform and registration process".Supplier's guide for product development Illustration 28: Application "online norm texts" on the group business platformSupplier's guide for product development2.1.8 Norm parts and repeated hasteWith all new projects norm haste and repeated haste are to be used mainly from the Volkswagen group norm VW60000 "variation reduction of connection elements". If the part spectrum is not described yet, the parts are short exclusively from the norm part administration system (: To use NVS) of the Volkswagen group. In the norm part administration system information is administered to norm parts, half witnesses and fuels.In addition, are also offered repeated haste of the group. All hyperkV-users also have in the partner company net the access privileges for the NVS (HyperKVS: see chapter 2.9.5 "surgical data interchange").With parts with limited release consultation with the department representatives of the principal (see contacts in the national carriage group norm VW60000) is necessary. The demands of the Volkswagen group norm VW60457 are valid "mechanical connection elements for mechanical connection elements; Requirement profile thread parts".Tip: A localisation of norm - or Repeat parts is to be tuned, in any case, with the release places of the Volkswagen group.2.1.9 Juridical arrangements and their influence on technical drawingsAmong the rest, the Volkswagen group norm VW99000 "general demands to the capacity performance within the scope of the component development" contains demands of juridical kind. With acceptance of this group norm the supplier (or contractor) accepts the juridical arrangement described in it.On this occasion, chapter 2.5 "juridical arrangements" of the Volkswagen group norm VW99000 is to be followed especially. Demands for the data to be provided by the suppliers (e.g., technical drawings) arise from this chapter again. From suppliers submitted offers must enclose the supply of data which may be used by the Volkswagen group in unlimited measure.The suppliers are informed during the procurement process of the responsible buyer about this demand. With nomination these circumstances are held on in a written arrangement. In this connection is to be pointed out to chapter Copyrights of the Volkswagen group norm VW99000.Tip: To avoid civil disputs after the nomination, the Volkswagen group norms VW99000 are "general demands to the capacity performance within the scope of the component development "und VW01058" drawings; to work through inscriptions" from the supplier carefully and completely.38© Volkswagen, 1446, Konzern-EntwicklungssteuerungB2B portalSupplier's guide for product development2.1.10 Bases to the draught responsibility arrangementThe draught responsibility arrangement (briefly: KVV) divides itself into the end of a principle arrangement KVV and into the individual portion of the supplier in the technical draught of a component. The acknowledgement of the KVV by the supplier is a requirement for the assignment of a new part.The portion of the supplier in the technical draught is expressed about the KV rate and is directed after the developing depth requested by the suppliers. Inclusively is valid: the less constructive default by the Volkswagen group, the higher is the KVV portion. The definition of the KV rate by the designer responsible for component takes place in the early draught phase of a new part development and is a component of the inquiry documents (see chapter 2.1.6 "information specific for development in the inquiry package").Following classifications of the KV rates are valid it:❑ series suppliers (low developing depth):KV rate 10%❑ Standard developer ("middle" developing depth):KV rate 30 - 70%❑Draught developer (high developing depth):KV rate 90%As mentioned above the arrangements with KVV are valid for all new parts, are excluded here: ❑ Raw parts❑ Norm parts❑ Company means❑ Process materialYou find further information about the subject draught responsibility arrangement in the range "information" of the business division "Quality assurance" on the group business platform under following link:© Volkswagen, 1446, Konzern-Entwicklungssteuerung39B2B portalSupplier's guide for product development2.1.11 LION - supplier's part information onlineWith LION (supplier's part information online) it concerns an online application. Their main focus lies on the communication between supplier and the Volkswagen group during the preseries phase and initial phase. LION enables to suppliers to retrieve data specific for component from data banks of the Volkswagen group and to update these data independently.LION offers:❑ Actual, clear and standardised exchange of information betweento the Volkswagen group and his suppliers❑ Less redundant inquiries and with it a lowering of the costs forCommunication and coordination❑ Reduction of the treatment expenditure, by manual data inputthere originates and thereby less input error.LION encloses different modules which are used as a function of the project progress. Duties are assigned for each of the part numbers for which he was nominated automatically to the supplier. Such duties are, e.g.: ❑ Listing of pattern appointments and supplier's contact data(LION module "part appointments" and "contact data")❑ Documentation of the part generation and the part curriculum vitae(LION module "part generation state care")❑ Documentation of Reviews and tool appointment pursuit betweenSuppliers and organisations of the Volkswagen group (LION module "CoRe" - Commitment Reviews) The application "LION" is available after occurred registration by the B2B support on the group business platform and can be called by choice of the following icon:Illustration 29 shows how you can access LION.。



Overall Requirements for Service Provision within the Framework ofComponent DevelopmentPart 4: Technical Engineering Approval (BMG)Previous issuesVW 01154: 1996-12, 2000-06, 2001-05, 2002-06, 2003-12; VW 99000-4: 2006-10, 2007-10ChangesThe following changes have been made as compared to VW 99000-4: 2007-10:–See Appendix A "Revision Record"Contents PageScope (1)Definitions (2)Technical engineering approval .....................................................................................2Referenced documents .. (2)Change documentation ................................................................................................31234Appendix A ScopeThis standard specifies the technical content of the technical engineering approval (BMG).Overall development requirements are to be taken from Volkswagen standard VW 99000, contents of the planning release from VW 99000-1, contents of the procurement release from VW 99000-2,and contents of the design release (Audi) and engineering release (Volkswagen) fromVW 99000-3.1 Group Standard VW 99000-4Issue 2009-08Class. No.:01191Descriptors:general requirements, technical engineering approval, component development, component performancespecifications, procurement release, BT-LAH, design engineering, development requirements,development conditions, development release, design release, performance specifications, planningreleaseCheck standard for current issue prior to usage.This electronically generated standard is authentic and valid without signature.The English translation is believed to be accurate. In case of discrepancies the German version shall govern.Numerical notation acc. to ISO practice.Page 1 of 3Technical responsibilityStandards Department I/ET-8Susanne John Tel.: +49-841-89-39659ET/S Drotleff Karla Tel.: +49-5361-9-17975EKTC/4 Gabriela Bochynek EKTC Tel.: +49-5361-9-21698Manfred Terlinden Confidential. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be transmitted or reproduced without prior permission of a Standards Department of the Volkswagen Group.Parties to a contract can only obtain this standard via the B2B supplier platform .© Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft VWNORM-2008-12gDefinitionsThe following definitions are used for the application of this standard:0-seriesZero series 3-DThree-dimensional Technical engineering approvalAll changes, adjustments, and coordinative tasks carried out during tool manufacture, testing period,and introduction into standard production must be incorporated into the 3-D CAD data models, into the corresponding drawings, and into the technical bill of materials.The following prerequisites shall be met for the issuance of the technical engineering approval:–Design Release (Audi) and Engineering Release (Volkswagen) granted –Complete drawing data record (according to standard production sampling)–Obtainment of statutory type approval by the contractor (if required)–Dimensional and laboratory-generated test reports regarding the testing conditions –Record of the manufacturing parameters or serial number of such a record –Complete review or partial review of the component trial according to specifications of the pur‐chaser by the Testing Department of the purchaser.Conclusion: Technical engineering approval granted by the purchaser.Referenced documentsThe following documents cited in this standard are necessary for application.In this Section terminological inconsistencies may occur as the original titles are used.Standards with the titles given in German are either only available in German or may be procured in other languages from the institution issuing the standard.VW 99000Overall Requirements for Service Provision within the Framework of Com‐ponent Development VW 99000-1Overall Requirements for Service Provision within the Framework of Com‐ponent Development; Part 1: Planning Release VW 99000-2Overall Requirements for Service Provision within the Framework of Com‐ponent Development; Part 2: Procurement Release VW 99000-3Overall Requirements for Service Provision within the Framework of Com‐ponent Development; Part 3: Design Release (Audi) and EngineeringRelease (VW)2 3 4 Page 2VW 99000-4: 2009-08Change documentationThe following changes have been made as compared to the previous issue.The changes in the text are crossed out and/or marked by a gray background:Table A.1 – Changes as compared to the issue VW 99000-4:2007-10Table A.2 – Changes as compared to the issue VW 99000-4:2006-10Change description in Section:GeneralLayout changed acc. to new standards layout without changing the content.Appendix A (informative) Page 3VW 99000-4: 2009-08。



TL52452 2010
GMW14444 Material Related Interior Part Performance-2006
VDA 260-2007-04


















大众汽车发动机要求所使用的机油在CTS100(100度状态下的粘度)>12HTHS(150度状态下的粘度) >3.5只要符合此要求的机油都可以使用在大众车上面(包括没有大众认证过的机油)还有就是看机油瓶上欧洲认证AECEA3B3/B4,只要此机油能够达到欧洲AECE A3 B3的剪切力要求的都是能符合大众汽车CTS100和HTHS这两个关键要求的。



Confidential. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be transmitted or reproduced without prior permission of a Standards Department of the Volkswagen Group.Parties to a contract can only obtain this standard via the B2B supplier platform “”.© VOLKSWAGEN AGF o r m F E 41 - 01.06T h e E n g l i s ht r a n s l a t i o n i s b e l i e v e d t o b e a c c u r a t e .I n c a s e o f d i s c r e p a n c i e s t h e G e r m a n v e r s i o n s h a l l g o v e r n .N u m e r i c a l n o t a t i o n a c c o r d i n g t o I S O p r a c t i c e (s e e V W 01000).Page 2VW105 14: 2006-03NOTE: The marking shall preferably be applied by incorporation in the manufacturing bels, tags and similar items must not be used for part marking according to this standard.3 RegulationThe necessity for marking parts is specified by the responsible design engineering department using the standardized macro text (VW 010 14, ID-No. NO-E2) in the drawing.The logo type shall on principle be specified in the drawing. If this specification is missing, type S shall be used.Deviations from the necessity for marking parts may be specified by the responsible design engineering department in consultation with K-GVO-4, the original parts product definition department, Quality Assurance and Standards department.Parts which cannot be marked due to design reasons, e.g. notch sensitivity (high notch stresses) or lack of space, are excluded from the marking requirement.Volkswagen and Audi reserve the right for vehicle parts that bear logos to inspect the production facilities and to take random samples from ongoing part production.In the case of lack of space the logo marking shall take precedence over the manufacturer's code (VW 105 40-1), the country of origin (VW 105 50), the part number, the date marking (VW 105 60) and the material designation (VDA 260).The lettering/symbol size of the respective logos shall be twice as large as all other markings on the part.Differing brand logo marking of vehicle parts shall be determined as shown in Table 1 according to their use in vehicles of the different brands.Table 1 - Survey of in-house standards/data records for vehicle part markingBrand name Type Figure Dimensions acc. to in-housestandard(s), KVS1 files Volkswagen AG C (O) 1, 2 Table 2 (VW 105 10)Audi D 3 VW 105 13, KVS: LOG.000.004 Volkswagen AG and Audi A or B 4, 5 Table 2, VW 105 13Seat S.A. F, J 7, 8 VW 105 17, KVS: 395.F01.130395.F00.152Auto Europa E 6 VW 105 20SKODA AUTO a.s. M, R, N 9, 10,11 VW 105 22, KVS: LOG.000.008LOG.000.007/ LOG.000.009 Volkswagen Group S 16 KVS: LOG.000.006Lamborghini T 12 KVS: LOG.000.010Bugatti U 13 KVS: LOG.000.011Bugatti W 14 KVS: LOG.000.014Bentley V 15 KVS: LOG.000.0124 Volkswagen AG and Audi logosVehicle parts which are used exclusively in the vehicles of the Volkswagen AG brand shall be marked with the logo according to type C, Figure 1. Vehicle parts which are used exclusively in the vehicles of the Audi brand shall be marked with the logo according to type D, Figure 3.See VW 105 00 and the standards listed in Table 1 for further design rules.1 KVS = design data administration systemPage 3VW 105 14: 2006-03Figure 1 – Type C Volkswagen AG logo(Table 2) Figure 2 – Type O Volkswagen AG logo(VW 105 10)Figure 3 – Type DAudi logo (VW 105 13)Figure 4 – Type ACombined Volkswagen AG and Audi logo(Table 2 and VW 105 13)Figure 5 – Type BCombined Volkswagen AG and Audi logo(Table 2 and VW 105 13)Description of a type C logo with a nominal diameter of d 1 = 10 mm: Logo VW 105 14 – C 101)Table 2 - Dimensions for types A, B and C (mm)Nominal diameterd 11,6 2 2,5 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 16 20 25 32 40 50 d 2 1,1 1,31,62 2,5 3,2 4 5,2 6,5 8 10,51316212633d 3 1,92,34 2,93 3,54,75,8579,311,61418,6 23,3 29,1 37,2 46,5 58,2a 0,14 0,17 0,21 0,26 0,34 0,43 0,51 0,68 0,85 1,02 1,36 1,7 2,13 2,72 3,4 4,25b 0,160,20,250,30,4 0,50,60,8 1 1,2 1,6 2 2,5 3,2 4 5 c 0,04 0,05 0,06 0,08 0,10,13 0,150,2 0,25 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,625 0,8 1 1,25 f 1)0,27 0,33 0,420,50,67 0,8311,31,722,73,34,25,36,78,31) In cases when a bore or a step does not permit to use types A or B, distance "f" may be modified. Definition of dimensions: d 2=0,67 d 1; d 3=1,163 d 1; a=0,085 d 1; b=0,1 d 1; f=0,167 d 1; c=0,025 d 11)The type of mounting (i.e. cast, struck, etched, embossed, stamped, eroded, raised or recessed) shall be specified in the drawing. Ifnot stated, the choice is left to the manufacturer.Types A and B: Not for new designs. Replaced by type S.Type O:Not for new designs. Replaced by type C.Page 4VW105 14: 2006-035 Other logos used in the Volkswagen Group 5.1Auto Europa acc. to VW 105 20Figure 6 – Type E5.2Seat S.A. acc. to VW 105 17Figure 7 – Type FFigure 8 – Type J5.3 SKODA AUTO a.s. acc. to VW 105 22Figure 9 – Type MFigure 10 – Type RFigure 11 – Type NhlPage 5VW 105 14: 2006-035.4 Lamborghini logo 2)Figure 12 – Type TKVS meta file LOG 000 010 from February 2002Description example for a type T logo with a height of h = 20 mm: Logo VW 105 14 – T 20 5.5Bugatti logo 2)Figure 13 – Type UKVS meta file LOG 000 011 from March 2002Description example for a type U logo with a length of l = 20 mm:Logo VW 105 14 – U 20Figure 14 – Type WKVS meta file LOG 000 014 from November 2002Description example for a type W logo with a length of l = 20 mm: Logo VW 105 14 – W 202)The logos shown here are solely of informative nature. The dimensions specified in the descriptions are examples. Dimensions andproportional data necessary for part marking are available in the KVS system as meta files; the responsible engineering department will provide these for the manufacturer.lPage 6VW105 14: 2006-035.6Bentley logo 2)Figure 15 – Type VKVS meta file LOG 000 012 from February 2002Description example for a type V logo with a height of h = 10 mm: Logo VW 105 14 – V 10 6The word brand (Group brand logo)2)If identical vehicle parts are used in vehicles of several brands, marking acc. to type S, Figure 16 shall be used. Size and positioning of the Group logo shall be as inconspicuous as possible.Figure 16 – Type SUse the VW headline font if this is technically feasible. KVS meta file LOG 000 006 from January 1997Description example for a type S logo with a height of h = 5 mm: Logo VW 105 14 – S 57Referenced standards 2VW 010 14 Technical Drawings; Drawing Frames and Text Macros VW 010 98 Part Number SystemsVW 105 00 Company Designation, Parts Identification; Guidelines for Use VW 105 10 VW LogoVW 105 13 AUDI Logo for Vehicle PartsVW 105 17 SEAT Symbol; Brand Logo for Vehicle PartsVW 105 20 Auto Europa Trademark; Trademarks for Vehicle Parts VW 105 22 SKODA Logo for Vehicle PartsVW 105 40-1 Manufacturer's Code for Vehicle PartsVW 105 50 Country-of-Origin Identification; Vehicle Parts VW 105 60 Date Marking; Vehicle PartsVDA 260 Motor Vehicle Components; Marking of Materials2In this Section terminological inconsistencies may occur as the original titles are used.。

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Confidential. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be transmitted or reproduced without the prior written permission of a Standards Department of the Volkswagen Group.Parties to a contract can only obtain this standard via the responsible procurement department.VOLKSWAGEN AGN o r m v o r A n w e n d u n g a u f A k t u a l i t ät p r üf e n / C h e c k s t a n d a r d f o r c u r r e n t i s s u e p r i o r t o u s a g e .T h e E n g l i s h t r a n s l a t i o n i s b e l i e v e d t o b e a c c u r a t e .I n c a s e o f d i s c r e p a n c i e s t h e G e r m a n v e r s i o n s h a l l g o v e r n .Page 2VW 604 49: 2004-01─Nuts with non-quenched and non-tempered material added─Thread sizes M8 x 1, M10 x 1.25 and M10 x 1 removed─Thread size 7/16-20 UNF-2B added─Minimum torques removed─Technical Supply Specifications revised─Standard restructured─Appendix A added─Standard editedPrevious issues1999-071 ScopeThis standard specifies requirements for square weld nuts with metric coarse threads from M6 to M10, metric fine-pitch threads M12 x 1.5 and M14 x 1.5 and UST-7/16-20 UNF-2B in product class A.1.1 Note for application1.1.1 DesignWeld nuts according to this standard are suitable for threaded joints with screws of property classes ≤ 8.8 according to DIN EN ISO 898-1.Quenched and tempered weld nuts according to this standard are suitable for threaded joints with screws of property classes up to and including 10.9 according to DIN EN ISO 898-1. This statement also applies to screw assembly beyond the elastic limit.See also Appendix A1.1.2 ManufacturingWeld nuts according to this standard are joined using resistance projection welding.Before using square weld nuts according to VW 604 49 with thread sizes ≤ M5, consultation with the responsible body manufacturer is necessary, since handling problems could occur during feeding in body-in-white construction.1.2 Verification of welding qualityVW 011 03 shall apply to the inspection of the projection-welded joint.1.3 Sheets and sheet thicknessesFlawless welding can only be ensured by using sheets having a carbon content of ≤ 0.20%. Consultation has to take place with the responsible engineering department of VOLKSWAGEN AG (Design, Laboratory) if the steel is of a different quality. See Table 5 for data on sheet thicknesses.Page 3VW 604 49: 2004-01 2 Requirementsspecifications2.1 BasicQuenched and tempered square weld nuts according to VW 604 49 are preferred parts.If the contact surface of the weld nuts according to VW 604 49 is too small, preferred parts according to VW 604 55 shall be used.2.2 Test parameters for welded joints of weld nutsMinimum requirements for cross-tension forces and torques after welding are specified in the standard VW 605 60, currently in draft.3 DimensionsSee Figure 1 and Tables 1 and 2. Unspecified details are to be selected according to purpose. NOTE: Dimension letters and their designations are specified in DIN EN 20 225.Detail RFigure 1 – DimensionsTable 1 – Dimensions for coarse threadsPage 4VW 604 49: 2004-01Table 2 – Dimensions for fine-pitch threads and 7/16-20 UNF-2B4 DesignationEXAMPLE 1:Designation of a square weld nut with thread M10, material according to Technical Supply Specification TL 1318 and surface c350.Square weld nut VW 604 49 – M10 – TL 1318 – Ofl-c350or Square weld nut N 905 281 01 1) 2)EXAMPLE 2:Designation of a square weld nut with thread M10, material according to TL 1318, quenched and tempered (QT) and surface c350.Square weld nut VW 604 49 – M10 – TL 1318 – QT – Ofl-c350or Square weld nut N 905 281 02 1) 2)DIN 962 applies to the designation of forms and types with additional order data.5 Technical supply specificationsrequirements5.1 GeneralDIN ISO 8992 applies.5.2 GeneralguidelinesVW 011 10, VW 603 61.material5.3 NutA material according to TL 1318 must be used, generally non-quenched and non-tempered. For testing forces, see Table 3.If a higher testing force is required than the one specified in Table 3, a material according to TL 1318 with quenching and tempering to (295 to 353) HV 30 is necessary. For testing forces, see Table 4.1) Index for material and surface according to the standard part drawing2) Standard parts can be looked up in the NVS (standard part administration system)Page 5VW 604 49: 2004-015.4 DesignProduct class A according to DIN EN ISO 4759-1; thread according to VW 116 24, tolerance class 6G.The dimensions for the 7/16-20 UNF-2B thread can be found in the standard part drawing.properties5.5 MechanicalThe testing forces according to Tables 3 and 4 apply; the testing force test is carried out analogously to DIN EN 20 898-2 or DIN EN ISO 898-6. In disputed cases, the welds are to be ground off before the testing force test.Table 3 – Testing forces (nut non-quenched and non-tempered)Table 4 – Testing forces (nut quenched and tempered)protection5.6 Surfacecoating5.6.1 StandardSquare weld nuts are generally supplied with surface c350 (containing Cr(VI)) according to TL 217, 1991-11. A Cr(VI)-free alternative is not currently available.NOTE: After successful evaluation of suitable Cr(VI)-free coatings, this specification will be changed immediately.Uncoated and quenched and tempered weld nuts must be pickled after quenching and tempering. With uncoated weld nuts (quenched and tempered or not), corrosion can occur as early as during storage or transport. The manufacturer has to take suitable measures to protect against corrosion during transport without having a negative effect on the weldability.Limit values for surface flaws are defined in DIN EN 493.Page 6VW 604 49: 2004-01coating5.6.2 AdditionalFor uncoated weld nuts, an all-around coating according to TL 188-Ny can be applied. If a part with surface protection according to VW 137 50 and TL 188-Ny is to be used, this surface shall be agreed upon with the laboratory.test5.7 AcceptanceDIN EN ISO 3269 applies.6 IdentificationSquare weld nuts shall be marked with the manufacturer’s code according to DIN EN 20 898-2 or DIN EN ISO 898-6. This code is to be applied, recessed, at a location selected by the manufacturer. If possible, the side to be welded should not be used for this.notes7 DrawingSee Figure 2.Figure 2 – Drawing notedimensions8 ConnectingSee Figure 3 (nut not yet welded on) and Table 5.Figure 3 – Connecting dimensionsPage 7VW 604 49: 2004-01 Table 5 – Connecting dimensionsPage 8VW 604 49: 2004-013)standards9 ReferencedTL 188Mechanical Joining Elements; Protection from Weld Spatter and Paint Adhesions for Internal and External ThreadsTL 217Zinc Coatings; Requirements for Surface ProtectionTL 1318Structural Carbon Steel with Boron; Material RequirementsVW 011 03Resistance Projection Welding; Design, Calculation, Process AssuranceVW 011 10Threaded Joints; Design, Assembly and Process AssuranceVW 011 26-2Tightening Torques for Screw Assembly beyond the Elastic LimitVW 116 24Metric ISO Threads; Limit Dimensions for 6G/6f Tolerance Zone, Male 6f Female 6GVW 137 50Surface Protection of Metal Parts; Degrees of Protection, Codes, RequirementsVW 603 61Mechanical Fasteners; Part Reduction; General GuidelinesVW 604 55Hexagon Weld Nuts with FlangeE VW 605 60Testing Parameters for Weld Nuts and Weld Screws (currently only availablein German)DIN 962Bolts, Screws, Studs and Nuts – Designation, Types and FinishesDIN EN 493Fasteners; Surface Discontinuities; NutsDIN EN 20 225Fasteners; Bolts, Screws, Studs and Nuts; Symbols and Designations of DimensioningDIN EN 20 898-2Mechanical Properties of Fasteners; Part 2: Nuts with Specified Proof Load Values; Coarse ThreadDIN ISO 8992Fasteners; General Requirements for Bolts, Screws, Studs and NutsDIN EN ISO 898-1Mechanical Properties of Fasteners Made of Carbon Steel and Alloy Steel –Part 1: Bolts, Screws and StudsDIN EN ISO 898-6Mechanical Properties of Fasteners – Part 6: Nuts with Specified Proof Load Values; Fine Pitch ThreadDIN EN ISO 3269Fasteners – Acceptance InspectionDIN EN ISO 4759-1Tolerances for Fasteners – Part 1: Bolts, Screws, Studs and Nuts; Product Grades A, B and CDVS 2905Projection Welding of Steels3) In this section, terminological inconsistencies may occur as the original titles are used.Page 9VW 604 49: 2004-01Appendix A(normative)DesignA.1 TestingforcesBecause of the domed type of the nuts (approx. 1 x d), the testing forces of property class 10 according to DIN EN 20 898-2 or DIN EN ISO 898-6 can be specified for non-quenched and non-tempered nuts.For quenched and tempered nuts, the testing forces of property class 12 according to DIN EN 20 898-2 or DIN EN ISO 898-6 can be specified.A.2 DesignThe non-quenched and non-tempered nuts are suitable only for pairing with screws of property class ≤8.8 according to DIN EN ISO 898-1. This ensures that, even when the threaded joint is overstressed, the screw breaks in the free stressed thread area (or shank).Explanation with the following examples using assembly beyond the elastic limit:EXAMPLE 1:Screw M8, property class 10.9, for assembly preloads, see VW 011 26-2; 29,000 N to 36,000 N.In order to also reliably prevent stripping the nut thread in case of overstressing, the preloads taken into consideration for evaluating the pairing of screws and nuts shall be increased by an additional 10%.The anticipated assembly preloads thus lie between 31,900 N and 39,600 N.For M8 nuts, the testing force is 38,100 N according to Table 2.This means that in some cases where a nut (non-quenched and non-tempered) is paired with a screw of property class 10.9, stripping of the nut thread is to be anticipated.EXAMPLE 2:Screw M8, property class 8.8, for assembly preloads, see VW 011 26-2; 19,500 N to 26,000 N. The expected assembly preloads lie between 21,450 N and 28,600 N, so the risk of stripping the nut thread does not exist.NOTE: Theoretically, with screws having maximum strength and minimum coefficient of friction, even 20% higher assembly preloads could occur.。
