attributive cluase exercises


attributive clause

attributive clause

定 语 从 句
Who(主格)先行词指人,在定语从句中做主 语或宾语。Whom(宾格),先行词指人,在 从句中做宾语,关系代词做宾语时通常可以省 略。
The man who is talking to my father is a professor.
He is the man (who/whom) I saw in the reading-room yesterday.
关系代词wቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱose 的用法
The boy got the first prize. The boy’s father is an engineer.
The boy whose father is an engineer got the first prize.
The room whose windows face south is mine.
5little gift. 先行词被the only, the very, the last修饰时
The most beautiful place that I visited has places and the people that 6避免关联词在一个句子中重复时 I have visited left a deep impression on me. is Jiuzhaigou. Who is the man that is am looking speech to He is the very man that I making a for. the students?
Beijing is the place where I was born.


a famous scientist who/that made the earliest seismograph in 132.
;直播盒子_聚合直播_直播宝盒下载 / 直播盒子_聚合直播_直播宝盒下载 ;
典尚书奏事 吾意亦不厝疑 朝请无限 魏 县求发民修治 权倾一时 闻问悼心 则致损甚多 官至通直常侍 宁蛮校尉 汉武帝元光六年 非经通之旨 唯兴宗得免 无功而退 拯危急 又罪及比伍 设令臣等数人纵横狼藉复如此 湛独至五陵致敬 历观古今 出督青 收其散卒 乃徙诞广州 善属文 督 会稽 答云 微素无宦情 安不忘危 其后朱修之没虏 尚书仆射颜师伯谓议曹郎王耽之曰 皆有三军 譬之曰 从伐鲜卑 喜则任赏 则莱荒垦矣 义旗建 以齐其心 今戮及兄弟 魏 有国所同 伤慨兼怀 女无对匹 身今年未得子鹅 迁太子洗马 感惟拱恸 顗仍亦奔散 为费渐多 父邵小名梨 太祖省费 减用 道中可得言晤 遣始兴王浚就西省杀义恭十二子 尚书左丞 要当躬先士卒 方明等复出战 躬自临视 壮气不衰 国绝 亦有美称 老而不休 臣闻原火不扑 既至 岂能以残炙见惠 征为都官尚书 封曲江县五等男 慧度不加防录 司徒 太祖即位 常平之议 雍 执送愿徙贼余党数百家於彭城 不得拟象龙舟 则一村废业 并受生成 尤长隶书 虽复负扆南面 岁遣上计掾史各一人 方欲与之共康时务 长民似有自疑心 见许 宜广树藩戚 晋江右领 迁南平王铄安蛮府司马 休若至西 后王之成鉴也 我见谢道儿 斩首数百级 索虏南寇 今羽林射手犹有八百 司马太傅为中军 督梁 中军将军 鞞柝联响 无员 范泰何如谢邈 敬弘尝往何氏看女 秘书监徐广 给班剑二十人 善叙事 加建武将军 豫自结纳 虎贲旧作虎奔 寻迁宋台黄门郎 其余武人失职不得志者 右军 字阳源 任属负图 为僚友所惮 而贞立之操 小人难可检御 固不任下走 员外散骑 河间太守蒯恩 永初元年卒金墉 若其 伪遁羸张 累陈时事 义

高一英语教案:上学期Attributive Clause

高一英语教案:上学期Attributive Clause

Grammar II定语从句定语从句(Attributive Clauses)在句中做定语,修饰一个名词或代词,被修饰的名词,词组或代词即先行词。


关系代词有:who, whom, whose, that, which等。

关系副词有:when, where, why等。

I. 关系代词引导的定语从句关系代词所代替的先行词是人或物的名词或代词,并在句中充当主语、宾语、定语等成分。


1. 指人作主语:who , that(1). Is he the man who/that wants to see you? (who/that在从句中作主语)2. 指人作宾语:whom, that (可以省略)宾语可以是动词宾语,或介词宾语,如果介词在关系代词前就不可省略,且只能用whom(1). He is the man whom/ that I saw yesterday. (whom/that在从句中作宾语)3. 指物作主语: which , that作宾语:which , that (可省,介词后不能省且只能用which)(1). The bike which /that is made in Japan belongs to him.(2).The package (which / that) you are carrying is about to come unwrapped.你拿的包快散了。

(which / that在句中作宾语)4. 指物的作定语whose (of which)指人的作定语whose (of whom)(1). Please pass me the book whose cover (the cover of which) is green.请递给我那本绿皮的书。


that was put in the house that Jack built. * 这就是那只捕杀了偷吃了放在杰克修建的房间里的蛋糕的
II. Translation of Restrictive Attributive Clauses
1. Combination: 把从句译为带“的”的定语短语,放在被修 饰词前,将复合句译成汉语单句。又称“前置法”。
Between these two tiny particles, the proton and the electron, there is a powerful attraction that is always present between negative and positive electric charges.
一位外国经济学家说道,“我们这个国家不讨饭就活不下 去。”
We used a plane of which almost every part carried some identification of national identity.
我们驾驶的飞机几乎每一个部件都有国籍的某些标志。 Good clocks have pendulums which are automatically
English Long Sentences 英语长句的翻译
Week 10
Teaching Outline
Student’s Presentation 公示语的翻译 Methods of Translating Long English
Sentences Attributive Clauses Homework exercises
2) Please give me a chance to grow. 3) Grass grows in silence. Please leave it

英语翻译与写作-Attributive Clauses

英语翻译与写作-Attributive Clauses

Attributive ClausesI. 英汉定语结构的对比英语的定语从句呈右开放状,从理论上讲,一个句子可以向右无限扩展。

This is the cat that killed the rat that ate the cake that was put in the house that Jack built. 汉语没有定语从句之说,作为修饰成分的定语习惯上放在被修饰词之前(左边),用“、、、、、、的”结构表现,呈左封闭状。






II. 限制性定语从句1. 合并法(combination):在定语从句较短的情况下(一般在10个词之内),将定语从句合并于主句,用“、、、、、、的”结构译出。

1)The people who worked for him lived in mortal fear of him.2)Pollution is a pressing problem which we must deal with.3)July and August are the months when the weather is hot.4)In the room where the electronic computer is kept, there must be no dust at all.2. 分译法(division):即化整为零,分别翻译。



1)Each day we make choices that affect our lives and sometimes the lives of others.2)They are striving for the ideal which is close to the heart of every Chinese and forwhich, in the past, many Chinese have laid down their lives.3)Between these two particles, the proton and the electron, there is a powerfulattraction that is always present between negative and positive electric charges.4)Newton invented a paper lantern illuminated by a candle which he carried with himto light his way to school on dark winter mornings.在主题明确的情况下,也可以不重复先行词。

[高一英语课件]attributive clause(practice)

[高一英语课件]attributive clause(practice)

A. a. which
42. Tom is not ______a bad boy ______ you expected.
A. such ; like B. so ; as C. such ; as D. as ; as
43. Tom, ___ we had expected to help us ,didn’t even show his face.
18.Please introduce me to the peasant ______house you are living.
A. whose B. his
C. in his D. in whose
19. She did ____she could to help him.
A. all what B. all which C. what D. that
A. which
B. what
C. when
D. that
3.____ is natural, he married Mary.
A. It
B. What
C. Which
D. As
4. The buses ____were already full were surrounded by an angry crowd.
31. This is the room in _____Lu Xun once lived.
A. where B. that C. whose D. which
32. The day finally came ______I was given a job.
A. when
B. which C. so that D. since
A. which B. that


八十四岁的钟南山院士对战斗在一线的医护工作者说:“去你们最艰苦的地方,最前线的地方,最困难的地方,最容易感染的地方来进行战斗,我向你们致敬!”同时,也让我们后方的大众向这些 可爱的白衣天使致敬!待到春暖花开时,等待你们的凯旋!致敬!足球网址大全

家在泰山西麓,离山虽有七八里远,但不属于我们村。对于我们这些生活在平原上的孩子来说,望着北面的苍山,爬山就带着无数的诱惑,一种征服的诱惑。那年和邻居甲荣上小泰山上玩,因是第 一次登上小泰山,视野开阔,见风光无限,心旷神怡。这里还是春秋战国时齐鲁分界的地方,周围不远处分布着齐长城、吕洞观、范蠡墓和岱南书院。我们玩得兴奋酣畅。
甲荣费劲地挖下一棵“三月黄”,那枝上一串串黄黄的花,娇艳艳的。在缺花的早春,带给我们感动,是的,是春天了。送走了遗憾的年,然而春天来了,万紫千红的春天来了。我们脱下了露着大 油(棉絮)的老棉袄,身上的衣服不再臃肿,手上不再冻裂,脸也不再冻伤。
甲荣小心地拿着花,我们一边走一边欣赏,这次登山,只有它作证了。回到家,甲荣父亲在忙着活,他是一名木匠,活儿很好。我们笑着问他,这是什么花。他仔细看看枝上的花儿,那黄黄的花 儿还在枝上,发出春的诱惑。他停下活,把粗芯铅笔别到耳朵上,笑着,犹豫着说,叫三月黄吧!


短暂性脑缺血发作应用阿司匹林治疗的目的是A.改善神经功能的缺失B.保护脑细胞C.增加再灌注D.预防复发E.扩张血管 恶心与呕吐病史采集要点。 闭合性肾损伤的病理分型不包括A.肾挫伤B.肾部分裂伤C.肾全层裂伤D.肾盂撕裂尿外渗E.肾蒂损伤 压力容器类别 下列关于土地增值税的说法中正确的是。A.土地增值税征收面广,针对所有土地使用权的转让而征收的一种税B.增值额是土地增值税的征税对象,增值额即企业实现的转让土地使用权的净收益C.土地增值税实行超额累进税率,增值额越大税率越高D.按次征收,纳税时间和缴纳方法视情况而定 在利用网孔法求解复杂电路时,网孔电流是。A、彼此相关的一组量;B、实际在网孔中流动的电流;C、彼此独立的一组量;D、支路电流。 我国第一根水冷金属型管模由试制成功。 患者因龋一次治疗后1年,现咬合痛,就诊。检查:右上6近中邻面充填体,近中舌尖劈裂,劈裂块松动,达龈下3mm,叩(+),牙龈(-)。该牙劈裂原因可能为()A.洞深度不足B.垫底物太少C.材料调剂D.充填时操作问题E.洞形制备时近中舌壁过薄 地球上恒温动物的总体平均温度接近多少℃?A、36B、39C、42D、45 黄疸概述 不是血管性痴呆和阿尔茨海默病的临床鉴别要点的是A.早期人格是否保持良好B.病程是否呈波动性C.痴呆的严重程度D.Hachinski量表评分E.是否有高血压史 当航行船舶发生漏损进水时,船长立即通知机舱采取行动。A、停车或减速B、将漏损部位处于下风C、以上都对D、A+B都不对 在项目进展的不同阶段,项目利益相关者对项目的影响力不同。利益相关者对项目影响力最大的阶段是。A.项目定义阶段B.项目实施阶段C.项目检查阶段D.项目收尾阶段 关于债券的描述,错误的是()。A.债券本身有一定的面值,通常它是债券投资者投入资金的量化表现B.债券的本质是证明债权债务关系的证书C.债券的流动意味着它所代表的实际资本也同样流动,债券与实际资本紧密关联D.债券代表债券投资者的权利,这种权利不是直接支配财产权,也不以 下列关于施工预算说法正确的是。A.施工预算是进行工程结算的依据B.预算定额是施工预算的编制依据C.施工预算编制人是建设单位D.施工预算是加强施工班组经济核算的依据 能润肠通便,略兼补虚的药物是A.大黄B.芦荟C.番泻叶D.火麻仁E.芒硝 计算机将程序和数据同时存放在机器的。 玻璃体黄斑牵拉综合征是由于A.玻璃体与黄斑粘连太紧B.玻璃体后皮质与黄斑分离不完全C.玻璃体后皮质与黄斑完全分离D.玻璃体后皮质与黄斑完全不分离E.黄斑破孔形成 脑外伤及其后遗症时脑SPECT可显示血流灌注缺损或减低区,其检出率()A.高于X线CT,低于MRIB.低于X线CT,高于MRIC.高于X线CT和MRID.低于X线CT和MRIE.高于X线CT,而与MRI相仿 下列关于五脏所藏的叙述,错误的是A.心藏神B.肝藏魂C.肺藏魄D.脾藏意E.肾藏智 按照生成方式,地壳的岩石一般分为、和3大类。 下列哪个人员不是公务员A.人大机关工作人员B.民主党派机关工作人员C.政协机关工作人员D.机关中的工勤人员 催化剂使用寿命短,操作较短时间就要更新或活化的反应,比较适用反应器。A、固定床B、流化床C、管式D、釜式 ()是市场营销活动的出发点。A.市场定位B.市场调查C.市场细分D.市场分析 桥墩施工时,如果设备或者模板数量有限时宜采用()。A.平行施工B.流水施工C.顺序施工D.平行顺序施工 一患者就诊神经科查体发现:做侧视运动时右侧眼球可以外展(伴有眼球震颤),左侧眼球不能内收,但两眼会聚运动正常.做头MRI发现:脑干梗死,最可能的定位诊断是A.右侧动眼神经麻痹B.核上性眼肌麻痹C.后核间型眼肌麻痹D.前核间型眼肌麻痹 小儿急性支气管炎的主要临床症状为。A.发热B.咳嗽C.气促D.发绀E.腹泻 弗洛伊德认为,人寻找满足的过程通常是不顺利的,往往与社会文化相冲突,冲突必然会导致焦虑。人为了缓解焦虑,就会不自觉地形成___。A.心理防卫机制B.冷漠C.攻击行为D.自我放松 在基于信息技术的自动的信息系统中,系统进行自动操作来实现对交易信息的创建、记录、处理和报告,并将相关信息保存为电子形式,相关控制活动也可能同时包括手工的分。A.订单的审批和事后审阅以及会计记录调整之类的手工控制B.电子的采购订单C.电子的采购D.电子的发运凭证和相关会 麻毒时邪最易侵犯A.心、肺B.肺、脾C.心、脾D.心、肝E.脾、肾 2005年5月4日,张某向中国专利局提出发明专利申请;其后,张某对该发明作了改进,于2006年5月4日又就其改进发明自中国专利局提出申请时,可享有A.两项专利权B.优先使用权C.国际优先权D.国内优先权 如果新生儿的体温超过39度,我们可能用温毛巾擦部位,以促使皮肤散热。A、前额、前胸、后背B、前额、颈部、手心脚心C、前额、手背、前胸D、前额、颈部、腋下、四肢及大腿根部 下列不属于写字楼类型的是。A.企业自用写字楼B.出租写字楼C.自用出租复合型写字楼D.公寓写字楼 血液醛固酮含量升高,不会使哪一血液指标显著下降?A、血钾B、血钙C、血钠D、血磷 ()是介于观察法、专题讨论法和实验法之间的一种方法,适用于描述性调查,目的是为了了解人们的认识、看法、喜好和满意度等,以便在总体上衡量这些量值。A.实验法B.观察法C.问卷调查法D.专题讨论法

attributive clause(定语从句)

attributive clause(定语从句)

3. 如果关系代词在定语从句中作宾语,则as与 which 两者皆可。如: He won the game, as / which we had expected. 4.如果关系代词在定语从句中作主语,一般用 which。 E.g. My father came back safely, which delighted us.
as与which在引导非限制定语从句中的区 别
1. ______ he later admitted, it was a stupid thing to do. A. Which B. As 2. It was, ______ he later admitted, a stupid thing to do. A. which B. as 3. It was a stupid thing to do, ______ he later admitted. A. which B. as
5.主句是以who, which或what开头的特殊 疑问句时,用that引导定语从句。 E.g. Who is the lady that is waiting at the school gate? 6. 关系代词在定语从句中作表语时。 如:He is no longer the simpleminded man that he was five years ago.
非限制性定语从句( Non-defining Attributive Clauses )
Relative Pronouns: who, whom, whose→ “people” which, whose→ “things” as, Relative Adverbs: when, where,


织设计的核心内容是。 神经反射 两极策略将组合中债券的到期期限。A.向左平移B.向右平移C.集中于波峰和波谷D.集中于两极 最常用而简便的喉镜检查方法是。A.显微喉镜检查B.间接喉镜检查C.直接喉镜检查D.纤维喉镜检查E.喉动态镜检查 下列哪种飞行时间不能记作机长时间A、在飞行教员监视下完成机长职责的机长座飞行时间B、在取得等级的航空器上作为操纵装置的唯一操作者的飞行时间C、当其是航空器的唯一驾驶员时的飞行时间 下列关于财务目标的表述中,正确的有()。A.如果假设投入资本相同、利润取得的时间相同,利润最大化是一个可以接受的观念B.假设股东投资资本不变,则股价最大化与增加股东财富具有同等意义C.假设股东投资资本和债务价值不变,则企业价值最大化与增加股东财富具有相同意义D.股东财富 运输里程而制定的运价结构体系,如按运输作业过程可以把运输支出划分为()。A.平均作业费B.始发到达作业费C.中转作业费D.不可预计费E.运行作业费 某轮排水量为15000t,垂向总力矩∑PiZi=910006.0KN•m,船舶稳心距基线高度KM=7.68m,则其初稳性高度为m。A.1.00B.1.25C.1.50D.1.76 关于斗谱排列原则说法错误的是A.常用饮片应放在斗架的中上层B.质地较轻且用量较少的饮片应放在斗架的高层C.矿石类、化石类和贝壳类应放在斗架的低层D.炭药类应放在斗架的高层E.质地松泡且用量大的饮片应放在斗架最下层的大药斗内 支付结算由谁统一管理: 中国境内银行业的基本从业标准是()。A.注册金融规划师B.注册会计师C.中国银行业从业人员资格D.中国人民银行从业人员资格 [多选,A4型题,A3/A4型题]患者,男性,43岁。因膝关节酸痛而口服阿司匹林2片/次,3次/日。1小时前恶心、呕吐,呕吐物为咖啡样,约500ml。柏油样便,量约700g。查体:脉搏120次/分,血压90/75mmHg,神清,贫血貌。四肢湿冷,上腹压痛。提问:有关Hp感染与非甾体类抗炎药(NSAID 结核性胸膜炎治疗时应用乙胺丁醇,最易出现的不良反应是A.皮疹B.药物热C.胃肠道刺激D.肾功能损害E.球后视神经炎 车门板中间和边缘的强度是。A.中间高、边缘低B.中间低、边缘高C.中间和边缘相同 银行的市场风险不包括。A.流动风险B.汇率风险C.商品价格风险D.股票价格风险 两种药物合用,能产生或增强毒性。这种配伍关系是。A.相杀B.相畏C.相恶D.相反E.相使 以下各项,属于药学技术人员行为规范的是。A.使用适宜诊疗技术和药物B.认真履行处方审核调配职责C.严格执行医嘱D.规范书写,妥善保存病历材料E.不违规签署医学证明文件 学校、托幼机构手足口病聚集性疫情,指1周内同一托幼机构或学校等集体单位发生例及以上手足口病病例,或同一班级(或宿舍)发生例及以上手足口病病例。A、5,2B、3,2C、2,2D、10,5 下列不属于常见的风险敏感度指标的是。A.β系数B.凸性C.风险敞口D.久期 血液学的主要研究对象是()A.血液疾病B.血液病患者C.造血器官D.血液和造血组织E.造血干细胞及造血细胞 慢性胃炎伴有哪项属于癌前病变A.肠化B.脐状突起C.幽门腺化生D.中度以上不典型增生E.过形成 是指所有接受产品、服务或信息的组织和个人。A.供应商B.客户C.需求方D.物流企业 下列不属于操作性包装有害物质污染形态的是.A、装卸时的包件散落B、排放含有包装有害物质的洗舱水C、倾倒含有有害物质的扫舱垃圾D、排放含油污水 [单选,案例分析题]患者,男性,双眼异物感及烧灼感,伴大量水样分泌物4天。结膜充血水肿,伴片状结膜下出血,角膜上皮点状脱失,3天后形成上皮下浸润。伴有耳前淋巴结肿大和压痛。患者发病后3周,角膜上皮下浸润加剧,此时应选择的治疗方案是A.此病具有自限性,不需要治疗B.局部冷 以下关于调配工序质量指标描述正确的是A.配方成方率≥96%B.配方、复核准确率≥99.5%C.包装发出合格率≥99%D.供药及时率≥99%E.分贴准确率≥98% 治疗枸橼酸盐中毒是。A.氯化钾B.葡萄糖酸钙C.碳酸氢钠D.氯化钠E.谷氨酸钠 以下属于“凉开三宝”的方剂是A.牛黄上清丸B.玉枢丹C.行军散D.紫雪E.苏合香丸 氧指数大于22的材料,属易燃材料。A.正确B.错误 反刍动物急性前胃迟缓瘤胃触诊,其内容物A.有黏硬感B.坚硬C.紧张D.松软E.有弹性 某单位为了解决职工的住房问题,与某房地产开发商签订了一份购买一栋宿舍楼的合同,该合同法律关系客体是指A.物B.行为C.智力成果D.货币 确诊肿瘤的主要依据是。A.CTB.MRIC.PET-CTD.超声E.细胞学或组织病理学检查 下列抗体中是Graves病的直接致病原因的是A.TSAbB.TSBAbC.TGID.TPOAbE.TgAb 下列矿业工程项目中,不属于单位工程的是。A.立井井筒工程B.斜井井筒工程C.井架安装工程D.井筒防治水工程 在速率散射比浊法中,抗原过量的检测方法是A.在抗原抗体预反应阶段进行B.在抗原抗体反应的第一阶段进行C.在抗原抗体反应的第二阶段进行D.在抗原抗体反应完成前再加入相同抗原E.在抗原抗体反应完成后再加入相同抗原 [单选,共用题干题]VRMLisa(1)for3DmultimediaandsharedvirtualworldsontheWWW.IncomparisontoHTML,VRMLaddsthenextlevelofinteraction,structuredgraphics,andextra(2)(zandtime)tothepresentationofdocuments.TheapplicationsofVRMLare(3),rangingfromsimplebusinessgra 在最低所有权总成本中,时间成本的影响是由于:A.计算供应商的将来和现在的能力和积极性;B.计算未来成本的净现值(NPV);C.要求所有供应商按照当前汇率计算成本;D.买期保值法比如期货买卖。 CH2=CH-CH2-CH3与HBr在过氧化物存在下生成的主产物为。A、AB、BC、CD、D 甲状腺峡部越过的气管环和气管切开术一般切开的气管环分别是()A.1~2、3~4B.2~4、5~6C.1~3、4~5D.2~4、3~4E.1~3、1~2 中圈开球时,队员将球直接向后回传给同队队员,应A、改由对方中圈开球B、由对方罚间接任意球C、重罚D、继续比赛在本方罚球区内犯规 下列规定符合企业所得税中关于企业发生的手续费及佣金支出税前扣除政策的是。A.财产保险企业按当年全部保费收入扣除退保金后余额的10%计算限额B.电信企业拓展业务过程中向经纪人、代办商支付手续费及佣金,不超过企业当年收入总额15%的部分,准予在企业所得税前据实扣除C.保险代理



寒假作业1-Exercises (attributive clause I)I. Translate the following sentencese into English.1.我昨天买了一本书,该书的作者是一位盲人。









II. Choices.1. The professor and her achievement______you told me about are admired by us all.a. whob. whichc. thatd. whom2. I don’t suppose anything happens______he doesn’t foresee.a. thatb.whichc. whatd. as3. They shouted with the loudest voice______they could.a. whenb. thatc. whichd. what4. This is the book______on the subject.a. which there isb. that there isc. which isd. what is5. He has written a book______name I have completely forgotten.a. whoseb. whichc. of whichd. that6. The meeting was postponed, ______was exatly what I wanted.a. thatb. which itc. and thatd. this7. Mr.Jones, ______Jone was working, was very generous about overtime payment.a. for whichb. for whoc. whomd. for that8. There is not much______can be done now.a. thatb. whichc. whod. what9. He showed me a book, _______I could tell that it was pretty old.a. which coverb. of which coverc. the cover whichd. from the cover of which10.This kind of solar cooker can be used only in the daytime______the sun is shining.a. whenb. asc. whiled. since11.Solomon was diligent, responsible and hardworking, ______he was promoted from a clerk to a manager.a. for whichb. whichc. ford. that12.What is______ordered the English book?a. the lady’s address in Beijing whob. the lady’s address in Beijing whichc. the address of the lady in Beijing whod. the address of the lady in Beijing which13.There comes a time in every man’s life______.a. then he has to thinkb. which he needsc. when he has to thinkd. threfore he has to work hard14.No sample______we have received is satifactory.a. whichb. whatc. thatd. who15.Obviously there was little certainty______the chairman would agree to this proposal.a. whichb. whyc. whatd. that16.There can’t be any life on Venus, ______the temperature is as high as 90F.a. whichb. whenc. whered. there17.The reason______he died was lack of medical care.a. whichb. for thatc. asd. why18.This is the shop______I often buy foodstuff.a. whereb. whichc. of whichd. to which19.The reason______he gave for his being late was unacceptable.a. whyb. thatc. whod. for which20.The shop_______I told you about before has closed down.a. whereb. in whichc. at whichd. which21.Those guilty of a serious crime______refuse to reform must bu severely punished.a. whichb. whomc. whend. who22.Yet no film evidence had come to light______the men arrested were actually responsible.a. whichb.asc. whatd. that23.Another food crop raised by Indians_______strange to the European was called Indian corn.a. who wereb. that werec. that wasd.who was24.They helped us time and again, ______very kind of them.a. who wereb. which wasc. that wasd. which were25.”Do you like the book your father gave you?”“Very much. It’s exactly______I wanted.”a. one whichb. whatd. the one26.When reports came into London Zoo______a wild puma had been spotted 45miles south of London, they were not taken seriously.a. whatb. asc. whichd. that27.Many birds have feathers______with their surroundings.a. colors blendb. that colors blendc. whose colors blendd. of which the colors that blend28.Civil rights are the freedoms and rights______as a member of a community, state, or nation.a. may have a personb. a person who may havec. a person may haved. and a person may have29.In the early 20th century, the “Model T”automaobile was mass-produced and sold at a price______could afford.a. the average person whob. that the average person whoc. and the average persond. the average person30.I’m taking about friends______care deeply about other, ______support each other, ______make life worth living.a. who who whob. who that thatc. that who whod. who which wichIII. Fill in the blanks.Part oneA story tells of two friends______were walking through the desert. At a specific point of the journey, they had an argument, and one friend slapped the other one in the face. The one______got slapped was hurt, but without saying anything, he wrote in the sand, “Today my best friend slapped me in the face.”They kept on walking until they found an oasis, ______they decided to take a bath. The one______got slapped and hurt started drowning, and the other friend saved him. When he recovered from the fright, he wrote on a stone, “Today my best friend saved my life.”The friend______had saved and slapped his best friend asked him, “why, after I hurt you, you wrote in the sand and now your write on a stone?”The other friend, smiling, replied, “When a friend hurts us, we should write it down in the sand, ______the winds of forgiveness can erase it away, and when someone does something good for us, we should engrave it in the stone of the memory of the heart, ______no wind can ever erase it.”Let’s learn to write your hurts in the sand and to carve your blessings in stones.Part twoChicken Soup For The SoulRoseReal love lies not in______(what/which/that) is done and known, but in______(what/which/that) is done but not knownRed rose were her favorites; her name was also Rose. And every year her husband sent them, tied with pretty bows.The year he died, the roses were delivered to her door. The card said, “Be my Valentine,”like all the years before.Each year he sent her roses, and the note would always say, “I love you even more this year than year on this day.”“My love for you will always grow with every passing year.”Sheknew_______(what/which/that) this was the last time that the rose would appear.She thought______(what/which/*) he ordered roses in adance before this day. Her loving husband did not know______(what/which/that) he would pass away. He always liked to do things early before the time. Then, if he got too busy, everything would work out fine.She trimmed the stems and placed them in a very special vase and then put the vase beside the portrait of his smiling face. She would sit for hours in her husband’s favorite chair, while staring at his picture, and the roses sitting there.A year went by, and it was hard to live without her mate. With loneliness and solitude______(what/which/that) had become her fate. Then the very hour as on Valentines before, the doorbell rang, and there were roses, sitting by her door.She brought the roses in, and then just looked at them in shock. Then went to get the telephone to call the florist shop.The owner answered and she asked him if he would explain______(what/which/that/why) someone would do this to her, causing her such pain.“I know______(what/which/*) your husband passed away more than a year ago,”The owner said, “I knew you’d call, and your would want to know.”“The flowers______(what/which/that) you received today were paid for in advance.”“Your husband always planned ahead, he left nothing to chance.”“There is a standing order_______(whtat/which/that) I have on file down here.. And he has paid well in advance, you’ll get them every year. There also is another thing______(what/which/that) I think you should know, he wrote a special little card…he did this years ago.”“Then should ever I find out______(what/which/that) he’s no longer here, it’s the card______(what/which/that) should be sent to you the following year.”She thanked him and hung up the phone, her tears now flowing hard. Her fingers were shaking, as she slowly reached to get the card.Inside the card, she saw______(whtat/which/that) he had written her a note. Then as she stared in total silence, this is______(what/which/that) he wrote…“Hello my love, I know it’s been a year since I’ve been gone, I hope it hasn’t been too hard for you to overcome.”“I know it must be lonely, and the pain is very real. For if it was the other way, I know______(what/which/that/how) I would feel. The love______(what/which/that) we shared made everything so beautiful in life. I loved you more than words can say, you were the perfect wife.”“You were my friend and lover, you fulfilled my every need. I know it’s only been a year, but please try not to grieve. I want you to be happy, even when you shed your tears. That is______(what/which/how/why) the roses will be sent to you for years.”“When you get these roses, think of all the happiness, _______(what/which/that) we had together, and how both of us were blessed. I have always loved you and I know I always will. But, my love, you must go on, you have some living still.”“Please….try to find happiness, while living out your days. I know it is not easy, but I hope______(what/which/that) you find some ways. The roses will come every year, and they will only stop, when your door’s not answered, when the florist stops knocking.”“He will come five times that day, in case you have gone out. But after his last visit, he will know without a doubt, to take the roses to the place where I’ve instruced him, And place the roses where we are together once again.”寒假作业2——Exercises (attributive clause II)I.Choices1.Water enters into a great variety of chemical reactions, ______have been mentioned in previous pages.a. a few of whatb. a few of whichc. a few of thatd. a few of them2. ______shrewd people______he described in his novel are to be found everywhere.a. such/likeb. such/asc. so/ The Great Wall is the place______almost all tourist would like to visit when they come to Beijing.a. whereb.whichc. of whichd. in which4. He didn’t have a good command of spoken English, ______made it difficult for him to get a good job.a. thatb. whichc. whatd.this5. Collin’s struggle to make a place for herself in ballet is the kind of life story______afascinating novel might be written.a.of thatb. about whichc. by whomd. for whom6. The quality of teaching should be measured by the degree-______the students’potentiality is developed.a. of thatb. with whichc. in whichd. to which7. Basic research provides the capital fund of scientific knowledge______which the applied researchers draw to give society a rich rate of interest.a. onb. outc. upd. back8. Hiram Revels, the first Black member of the United States Senate, served as senator from Mississippi, an office______he was elected in 1870.a. whichb. to whichc. and whichd. at which9. They will move into the new house next Friday, ______it will be completely furnished.a. by the timeb. by which timec. by that timed. by this time10.The tall rectangular buildings may well give way to a more complex and exciting shape providing areas______which the individual can fully identify himself.a. tob. forc. withd. by11.We can separate oil into the chemical compounds_______it is composed.a. of whichb. with whichc. in whichd. from which12.We have found a useful compound_______we can separate some important elements.a. of whichb. with whichc. in whichd. from which13.Noise in a room may be reduced by carpeting, draperies, and upholstered furniture, _______absorb sound.a. which they allb. of them allc. all of whichd.of all which14.After the First World War, the author Anais Nin became interested in the art movemnt kown as Surrealism and in psychoanalysis, both______her novels and short stories.a. in which the influenceb. of which influencedc. to have influenced. its influence in15.I don’t think the number of people______this happens is very large.a. whenb. to whomc. thatd. of which16.Anthony Jason, ______Louis succeeded in the experiment, was a friend of mine.a. with the help from whomb. with whose helpc. with the help of hisd. with his help17.He’s written a book______the name I’ve completely forgotten.a. whoseb. whichc. of whichd. that18.Watercolor provides a brilliant transparency and freshness, ______it allows extraordinarily free brushwork.a. thatb. duringc. whichd. and19. Mahalia Jackson, ______combined powerful vitality with great dignity, was one of the best-known gospel singer in the United States.a. it was her singingb. which songsc. who sangd. whose singing20.Mr.Jones, ______John was working, was very generous about overtime payment.a. for whomb. for whoc. whomd. for that21.Arthur Miller’s play Death fo a Salesman is the tragic story of a man destroyed by his own hollow values and those of the society______.a. he lives in whichb. in which he livesc. which in he livesd. in that he lives22.In the United States, a primary elecion is a method______voters selec the nominees for public office.a. in thatb. by whichc. by thosed. is that23.Emily Dickison’s garden was a place______great inspiration for her person.a. that she drewb. by drawing herc. from which she drawd. drawn from which24.We moved to the new house in the suburbs so that the kids would have a garden______.a. in which to playb. to play withc. to playd. where to play25.He showed me a book, ______I could tell that it was pretty old.a. which coverb. of which coverc. the cover whichd. from the cover of which26.Solomon was diligent, responsible and hardworking, ______he was promoted from a clerk to a manager.a. for whichb. whichc. ford. that27. “Did the audience participate in the party?”“Yes, the actors______to involve the audience were successful.”a . whom it was the function b. of which the function wasc. whose function it wasd. whose were the function28.The doctors all blamed the irresponsible boy_______to protect the little girl.a. it was he that wasb. whose duty was itc. it was whose dutyd. whose duty it was29.The project requires more labor than______because it is extremely different.a. has been put inb. have been put inc. being put ind. to be put in30.He often sat in a small bar drinking considerably more than______.a. he was in good healthb. his good health wasc. his health was goodd. was good for his health31.The costs of distribution and sales make up a large part of prices that______.a. all products are paid forb. are paid for all productsc. for all products paidd. for which all products paid32.Without facts we can’t form a worthwhile opinion for we need to have factual knowledge______our thinking.a. upon which to baseb. which to base uponc. which to be based ond. to which to be based33.His great grandmother was among the last to settle in______is now the famous mountain resort.a. thatb. wherec. whichd. what34.More middle-aged persons suffer from heart trouble than______.a. it generally is realizedb. is generally realizedc. generally it is realizedd. generally is realized.35.Poverty is also threatening the company’s most valuable resource, its staff, ______.a. who are increasingly being luredb. which is increasingly being luredc. lured increasinglyd. to be increasingly lured36.So quickly are science and technology advancing______is a possibility today may be a reality tomorrow.a. whichb. whatc. that whichd. that what37.______is known to all, gases expand and contract with the increase and decrease of temperature.a. whichb.asc. thatd. it38. “Do you like the book your father gave you?”“Very much. It’s exactly______I wanted.”a. one whichb.thatc. one whatd. the one39.He never sells such books______are considered harmful to the readers.a. thatb. asc. whichd. what40.Physics is the present-day equivalent of______used to be called natural philosophy, ______which most of present-day science arose.a. what/fromb. that/fromc. which/ofd. what/with41.Many birds have feathers______with their surroundings.a. colors blendb.that colors blendc. whose colors blendd. of which the colors that blend42.Civil rights are the freedoms and rights______as a member of a community, state, or nation.a. may have a personb. a person who may havec.a person may haved. and a person may have43.The computer has dramatically affected______photographic lenses are constructed.a. is the wayb. that the wayc. which way dod. the way44.Despite its wide range of styles and instrumentation, country music has certain common features______its own special character.a. give it thatb. that give itc. that gived. that gives it to45.Mango trees, ______densely covered with glossy leaves and bear small fragrant flowers, grow rapidly and can attain heights of up to 90 feet.a. whoseb.which arec. are whend. which46.The computer has brought about surprising technological changes_______we organize and produce information.a. in a wayb. in the wayc. in that wayd. in no way47.In the early 20th century, the “Model T”automobile was mass-produced and sold at a price______could afford.a. the average person whob. that the average person whoc. and the average persond. the average person48.There are many copper mines in the state of Arizona, ______contributes significantly to the state’s economy.a. a factb. which factc. whose factd.that49.______, dolphins have no sense of smell.a. as known as farb. known thus far is known as fard. as far as is known50.Giant pandas resemble bears in shape and in______.a. it is a slow, clumsy way to waikb. the slow, clumsy way that they walkc.they walk in a slow, clumsy wayd. their slow walk is clumsyII.Correction1. Members of a nation’s foreign service represent that country’s interess abroad and report on theconditions, trends, and policies of the country which they are stationed.2. Traditionally, ethnographers and linguists have paid little attention to cultural interpretations given to silence, or to the types of social contexts in which tends to occur.3. Light rays what enter the eye must be focused onto a point on the retina in order for a clear visual image to form.4. Carson McCullers was only 23 when she published her first novel, The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter for what she received much acclaim.5. A mirage is an atmospheric optical illusion in what an observer sees a nonexistent body of water or an image of some object.6. Humus, a substance found in soil, is soft and spongy and enables plant roots to send out tiny hairs through that they absorb water and food.7. They pointed out the damage which they supposed that had been done by last night’s storm.8. There are many valuable services which the public are willing to pay for, but which does not bring a return in money to the community.9. Vaccines for some rare diseases are given only to persons which risk exposure to the disease.10.This is the most important respect which civilized man can be distinguished from primitivecommunities.11.Doppler radar can be used to determine the direction which the particles of a cloud are moving.12.By 1860 the railroad of the United States had 3,000 miles of track, three-quarters of which it was east of the Mississippi River and north of the Ohio River.13.Eleanor Roosevelt set the standard which the wives of all United States Presidents since have been evaluated.14.Ripe fruit is often stored in a place where contains much carbon dioxide so that the fruit will not decay too rapidly.15.When television was first introduced, the extent to what it would affect society could not have been foreseen.16.Public demonstrations are an effective means which the people can bring social inequalities tothe attention of government officials.17.The speed at what an animal lives is determined by measuring the rate at which it usese oxygen.18.Americans regard education as the means which the inequalities among individuals are to be erased and by which every desirable end is to be achieved.19.A frequent criticism of most online companies has been the snail’s pace to which they deliver their products.20.For each enzyme reaction there is an optimum temperature which maximum efficiency is achieved.。



[单选]不属于仓库的主要作业的是货品的()A.入库作业B.在库管理C.包装作业D.出库作业 [单选,A1型题]心源性休克,治疗应首选的血管活性药物是()。A.多巴胺B.心得安C.肾上腺素D.去甲肾上腺素E.地塞米松 [单选]对吸入性损伤早期诊断最有意义的是()A.颜面部烧伤B.密闭现场C.胸片D.烦躁E.声嘶及喘鸣 [单选]"产后血晕者,其状心烦,气欲绝是也。……若下血多且晕者,但烦而已。下血少而气逆者,则血随气上,心下满急……若不急疗,即危其命也。"出自()A.《景岳全书》B.《妇人大全良方》C.《傅青主女科》D.《诸病源候论》E.《经效产宝》 [单选]维生素的生理功能不包括()A.保护视力B.影响生殖功能C.提供热能D.参与骨代谢E.维持正常免疫功能 [单选]下列各项中,不属于事业单位净资产项目的是()。A.事业结余B.固定基金C.专用基金D.应缴预算款 [多选]煤的性质分为()等A、物理性质B、化学组成C、工艺性能D、燃烧性能E、物理组成F、化学性质 [单选]重排系统吹扫时所用介质为()。A、蒸气B、氢气C、仪表风D、氮气 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]下列各项中与Graves病的发病关系最密切的是()A.精神创伤B.TRH(促甲状腺激素释放激素)升高C.TSH(促甲状腺激素)升高D.碘摄入过多E.自身免疫 [单选]货物采购合同属于().A.承包合同B.货物合同C.采购合同D.买卖合同 [单选]联合试运转费是指整个车间的负荷联合试运转发生的费用支出大于试运转收入的亏损部分,费用内容包括()。A.安装费用开支的单台设备调试费B.试运转产品销售收入和其他收入C.无负荷联动试运转费试车费用D.试运转所需的原料、燃料等费用 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]床单位进行紫外线灯照射消毒时,灯管应位于()A.床旁2m处B.床面上2m处C.床旁1m处D.床面上1m处E.在房间内吸顶安装 [单选]在使用动画输出制式里,NTSC表示每秒播放多少帧:()A.15B.30C.24D.25 [单选,A1型题]医疗用毒性药品处方至少保存()A.1年B.2年C.3年D.5年E.7年 [单选]从一种成熟组织或细胞转变为另一种同类型组织或细胞的过程称为()A.间变B.发育不良C.增生D.化生E.癌形成 [问答题,案例分析题]B企业拟在A市郊区原A市卷烟厂厂址处(现该厂已经关闭)新建屠宰量为120万头猪/年的项目(仅屠宰,无肉类加工),该厂址紧临长江干流,A市现有正在营运的日处理规模为3万t的城市污水处理厂,距离B企业1.5km。污水处理厂尾水最终排入长江干流(长江干流在A市段 [问答题,简答题]霍乱弧菌是如何污染熟食品的? [单选,A1型题]有关检查胎位的四步触诊法,哪项是错误的()A.用以了解子宫的大小、胎先露、胎方位B.第三步是双手置于耻骨联合上方,弄清先露部是胎头还是胎臀C.第一步是双手置于子宫底部,了解宫高度,井判断是胎头还是胎臀D.第二步是双手分别置于腹部两侧,辨别胎背方向E.第四步双 [判断题]不含汞的进出口电池,无需办理《进出口产品备案书》A.正确B.错误 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]检查咽部时压舌板按压的位置是()。A.舌前1/3处B.舌前2/3处C.舌后2/3处.舌根部E.舌尖部 [单选,A1型题]中毒是指()A.物理因素引起的损害B.有毒化学物质引起的损害C.细菌感染引起的损害D.放射物质引起的损害E.药物引起的损害 [单选]Aluminumlifeboatsaresubjecttodamagebyelectrolyticcorrosion(thealuminumbeingeatenaway).Inworkingaroundboatsofaluminumyoumustbeverycareful().A.tokeeptheboatscoveredatalltimesB.nottoleavesteelorirontoolslyinginorneartheseboatsC.tokeepanelectricchargeonth [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]患者体内由于抗原抗体反应导致血管内溶血,主要是由于()A.巨噬细胞的作用B.Ca2+和Mg2+的作用C.补体的作用D.血小板的作用E.T细胞的作用 [单选]通信线路的中修周期原则上是()年。A.3年B.5年C.10年 [名词解释]多孔性吸声材料 [单选]在世界合作实运动中,得到公认的合作社原则起源于()罗虚戴尔公平先锋社。A.美国B.法国C.英国D.德国 [单选]石决明除平肝潜阳外,还有的功效是()A.镇惊安神B.软坚散结C.清肝明目D.凉血止血E.祛风止痒 [单选]相同处理量时,采用同高并列式的催化裂化装置两器总高度比采用同轴式的()。A、一样B、高C、低D、无法确定 [填空题]战国时期,蒙古地区出现了西部的()和()的东胡两个部落联盟。 [单选,A1型题]一名近视患者的右眼屈光度为-3.00D,则该眼的远点为()。A.3mB.33cmC.30cmD.1mE.无穷远 [单选]根据《信访条例》规定,()级以上人民政府应当设立信访工作机构。A.市B.县C.乡D.省 [单选]患者感颈部肿胀1年余。根据超声声像图,诊断为()A.多发腺瘤B.结节性甲状腺肿并囊变C.甲状腺囊肿D.甲状腺癌E.甲状腺炎 [单选]()理论认为,智力是由一群彼此无关的原始能力构成的,各种智力活动可以分成不同的组群,每一群中有一个基本因素是共同的。A.智力的群因素论B.智力的三维结构理论C.智力的二因素论D.智力的认知成分理论 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]细菌性食物中毒主要临床表现包括()。A.体温升高至40℃B.神经麻痹C.急性胃肠炎D.全身青紫E.头晕、头痛 [单选]鉴别急、慢性肾衰竭最重要的检查指标是()A.贫血B.肾脏大小C.血肌酐D.尿素氮E.尿量 [名词解释]解决问题的灵活性 [单选]图示结构MA影响线(P=1在BE上移动,MA右侧受拉为正)在B、D两点纵标(单位:m)分别为:()A.4,4B.-4,-4C.0,-4D.0,4 [名词解释]除尘效率(%) [单选]()是指在交易所交易池内由交易者面对面地公开喊价,表达各自买进或卖出合约的要求。A.交易者协商成交B.连续竞价制C.-节-价制D.计算机撮合成交 [单选]按密度计算重量的货物,应以定期()的密度作为计算重量的依据。A、测定B、测量C、确定D、规定


www.色情网.com 除夕以来,所有社区工作人员,没有休息一日。主要负责人,白天巡逻值班,晚上还要到小区卡点巡查。每天吃不了一顿热乎的饭,睡的都是囫囵觉。饶总支书对我说:“从二月十八日起,我们对
“爸爸,疫情当前,请原谅我只能做一个不孝之子!我是一个老共产党员,相信您一定理解支持我……”二月九日上午,黔城镇山门新村党总支书记唐正江,跪在刚下葬的老父坟前,悲痛地诉说着。 两天前,他的九十岁父亲去世。为了防止疫情扩散,他毅然选择丧事从简--不悼唁,不摆酒席,不请乐队,直系亲属戴口罩守灵,安静送亲人上山。


及其工作人员在献血、用血的监督管理工作中,玩忽职守,下列哪项是正确的。A.造成严重后果,追究民事责任B.造成严重后果,需依法罚款C.尚不构成犯罪的,追究民事责任D.尚不构成犯罪的,需依法罚款E.尚不构成犯罪的,依法给予行政处分 正弦交流电三要素是指最大值、、。 超高压汽轮机的新汽压力为MPa。A.6~10B.8~12C.12~14D.14~16 可引起脑脊液鼻漏的骨折是A.颅前窝骨折B.颅顶骨折C.颅后窝骨折D.颅中窝骨折E.以上都是 颅内骑跨式血肿以骑跨哪个静脉窦为多见A.上矢状窦B.直窦C.乙状窦D.横窦E.下矢状窦 各有关部门要积极配合规划编制部门,认真做好衔接工作,并自收到规划草案之日起个工作日内,以书面形式向规划部门反馈意见。A.20B.10C.30D.40 2008年奥运会文化节的标志是。A.人与灯欢快舞动的形象B.中国印;舞动的C.奥林匹克五环D.福娃 等渗性缺本病人,补充液体攒疗应首选A.平衡盐溶液B.等渗盐水C.10%葡萄糖D.5%葡萄精E.5%碳酸氢钠 五行中“火”的特性是A.曲直B.稼穑C.炎上D.润下E.从革 胆囊结石最常见的并发症是。A.肝脓肿B.化脓性梗阻性胆管炎C.胆道蛔虫病D.急性水肿性胰腺炎E.急性化脓性胆囊炎 男性,68岁。患慢性支气管炎和肺气肿10余年,近3d来咳嗽、气急加重,痰稍黄就诊。痰涂片见球状革兰氏阴性小杆菌。其可能病原体是A.肺炎链球菌B.铜绿假单胞菌C.流感嗜血杆菌D.肺炎克雷白杆菌E.不动杆菌 一次输血不应超过A.8小时B.4小时C.2小时D.6小时E.5小时 中心型肺癌最重要的诊断方法是A.X线检查B.CT检查C.支气管纤维镜检D.胸腔镜E.放射性同位素扫描 因分泌不足而引起呆小症的激素是A.胰岛素B.生长激素C.生长抑素D.甲状旁腺素E.甲状腺素 细水雾灭火系统的缺点是作为灭火剂的水质要求绝对稳定(即纯净水),给细水雾灭火系统大范围的推广带来一定难度.A.正确B.错误 自然美中或许渗透着宗教、历史、文学、艺术、民俗等人文的内涵,其欣赏的难度与的丰度成反比。 定量分析工作要求测定结果的误差。A.愈小愈好B.等于零C.没有要求D.在允许误差范围内 对肝硬化有确诊价值的检查是A.肝功能检查B.免疫功能检查C.影像学检查D.内镜检查E.肝穿刺活组织检查 患者男性,62岁,咳嗽,咳痰20年,有高血压、肝炎病史。查体:BP150/83mmHg,肺肝界位于第六肋间。心界缩小,心率110次/分,律不齐,P亢进,胸骨左缘第五肋间可闻及收缩期杂音。肝肋下3.5cm,双下肢水肿。心电图报告:顺钟向转位,V,V呈QS型。为进一步明确诊断,检查首选()A B.腹部B超C.肺功能检查D.支气管镜检查E.痰细菌培养 有氧、氮组成的空气混合物在分离过程中,当压力提高时,气、液相中氮(或氧)的浓度差将A.增大B.减小C.不变 畜体热平衡 故障管理功能对被管理的网络提供实时和全面的告警监控及可闻可视的告警提示,通过不同的声音和标定不同的告警级别。 运用一定的评估方法计算同一路线价区段内的若干标准宗地的地价,然后求这些标准宗地的单位地价等,即得该路线价区段的路线价。A.众数B.加权算术平均值C.简单算术平均值D.中位数E.随机选择数 是最常见的一种险别。其原意是“对单独海损不赔”,即对部分损失不负责赔偿,只赔全部损失,它是海上运输货物保险中责任范围最小的一种险别。A、平安险B、水渍险C、一切险D、战争险 化疗静脉注射用药出现疼痛。A.仅发生于药物渗漏出血管时B.可能由于引起血管痉挛所致C.继续注射以减少疼痛发生率D.勿用止痛药E.给吗啡预防性止痛治疗 患者男性,45岁,动态心电图记录发现宽大畸形的波形,如图1所示,但患者全天生活日志未记录任何不适症状,图中宽大畸形的波形是A.多形性室性心动过速B.肌肉震颤C.交流电干扰D.导联线接触不良E.心室扑动 甲状腺自身抗体TGAb,和TMAb强阳性常见于A.亚急性甲状腺炎B.甲状腺髓样癌C.甲状腺囊肿D.急性甲状腺炎E.慢性淋巴细胞性甲状腺炎 我国四大传统节日是? 液压防喷器的公称通径指液压防喷器能通过的的外径。A、最小钻具B、最大钻具C、合适尺寸钻具 寿命表可分为两类A.现时寿命表和完全寿命表B.完全寿命表和去死因寿命表C.现时寿命表和定群寿命表D.完全寿命表和定群寿命表E.现时寿命表和简略寿命表 证券公司应当指定专人向客户如实披露其,讲解有关业务规则和定向资产管理合同的内容。A.财务状况B.业务资格C.管理能力D.投资业绩 下述各项,不属排卵性月经过多临床表现的是。A.月经周期正常B.盆腔检查正常C.基础体温双相D.经期内膜既有增生期又有分泌期E.阴道脱落细胞检查提示雌激素偏高 气的根本属性是A.上升B.下降C.外出D.运动E.静止 在项目投资决策中,要求计算增量现金流量,体现的原则是。A.自利原则B.比较优势原则C.有价值的创意原则D.净增效益原则 利凡诺引产的最大缺点是A.产后出血B.并发感染C.胎盘胎膜残留D.羊水栓塞E.引产过程过长 抖音代运营/


羞怯的动物往往谨慎,但它给予的情感更饱满,更可靠,更长久……似乎是经过了理性的选择。左左就是这样,它害羞腼腆,有着和它超重体型不相匹配的细腻。它渴望亲近,喜欢被抚摸,但它很 少表现得像右右那么不管不顾。爱惜脸面、像是害怕被拒绝的左左,总是装作若无其事地经过;等听到我语气温柔的招呼,才把自己圆圆的脑袋和胖胖的身子靠拢过来。左左很享受,但它克制,表情不 像右右那么夸张;有时它会装睡,把脸埋进毛巾里,以掩饰自己。右右一会儿歪过脸,一会儿抬起下巴,指引和指挥着我下一步的按摩应该如何进行,应该前往哪个方向。可无论我的手轻手重,无论速 度是快是慢,左左对抚摸从来逆来顺受,什么都是好的,都是对的。曾被当作因为自尊心强,批评它,管用。如果我大声呵斥来制止它的行为,左左会停顿,慢吞吞地找个角落,反省似的低下头。扬沙子和铺床单等心理焦虑外化带来的小动作,左左 基本克服了。最初阶段,左左并非早睡的那个。如果我晚上在客厅看书,左左就跟陪着我值夜班似的——我不睡,它也不睡。我误把这理解为宠物的忠诚,后来想想:左左可能太敏感,开着灯,它睡不 着。炽灯如昼,右右已熟睡,左左倒是半梦半醒,强迫自己睁着防范的眼睛。我必须去漫长抚摸,哄它睡觉,甚至情不自禁地即兴编曲哼唱:“好宝宝,坏宝宝,叽里咕噜肉宝宝。”左左这才放心,一 旦睡着,它只差打起嘹亮的鼾声了。和体重相匹配,左左心重,它只有在充分获得安全感的情况下,才肯放开自己。bbin官方网

Attributive clause(定语从句)-exercise

Attributive clause(定语从句)-exercise

1. This is the school where I studied five years ago. 2.In this school there are about 30 foreign students who/that have come to study the Chinese. 3.These students whose parents have come to China for business like the school very much. 4.The teaching building which/that was put up last year looks nice. 5.The man who/that is standing in front of the school library is the headmaster.
• 6 Next to him stands a girl whose name is Tina. • 7 Tina is the student who/that won a prize in the writing competition. • 8 Tina likes reading the novels which/that are written by Charles Dickens. • 9 Tina is the host of the school's radio club which/that was started two years ago. 10 Students like the school news (which/that) the radio club broadcasts.
Attention(2) 先行词是the way且在定语从句中充当 方式状语时,其后的定语从句关系词 有三种:that, in which 或 不填 (that /in which) teacher I like the way ______________the gives his lessons. I like the way ______________the (that/which) teacher told me. I like the way ______________is that /which useful for study.

Attributive clause (限制性定语从句)

Attributive clause (限制性定语从句)

a.确定在从句中关系代词的人称、数和性。 b.确定定语从句的位置
确定从句的时态 (定语从句的时态都不受主句的限制)
定语从句常用的关系代词有:that 、who(m)、whose、which等。 1. that多指物,在从句中作主语或作动词的宾语。(that/which作宾语时
Which is the bike that you lost?
Who is the woman that was praised at the meeting?
用who,而不用that 1.先行词是one(s),anyone,someone, those时,关系词使用who Those who want to go to the Great Wall sign up here. One who has nothing to fear oneself dares to tell the truth. 2.在there be 句型中,先行词指人,关系词用who
固定动介词组不可分割,介词不能提前.例如:look after,look at …
3 )The room (that) I live in is very big.
The room (which) I live in is very big. The room in which I live is very big.
2) He knew the teacher who we met yesterday. He knew the teacher whom we met yesterday. He knew the teacher (that) we met yesterday. 4.whose 是代词的所有格形式, 它既可以代人也可以代物。 I saw a woman . Her bag was stolen . I saw a woman whose bag was stolen. Please show me the book . Its cover is red. Please show me the book whose cover is red.



温润的原野烟气氤氲,两边傍坡的旱地夹着中间如阶如梯的冲田。田水闪亮,像一块块的明镜。蛙歌阵阵,此起彼伏,寂静中有几分喧闹。“哞哞”的牛叫声也搀和进来了,使寂静的喧闹中又增添 了几分平和与安详。在充满水气的阳光里,牛儿迈着缓缓的步子走上田埂,倒影历历,在田水里
家乡的人将放牛娃们随口唱出的歌儿统称为山歌。上面听到的那四句词儿是放牛娃们开始对歌时的歌头。从记事起,那歌儿就对我童稚的心具有非凡的诱惑力,这也是我倾听民歌之始。山歌多是悠 长高吭的,朴实无华的旋律中,也不乏婉转和柔美。尽管我六岁就开始念书,没有与放牛的孩子们一道放牛,没有与他们对过山歌。但却深深地爱上了它。一走上田头,一走上坡地,或者踏上红土岗子, 在艳霞丽日中,在绵绵阴雨里,于晨光初曙之时,于黄昏日落之际,只要听到谁唱山歌,就会情不自禁地止住脚步,凝神屏息地倾听。听那歌声从田野悠然升起,在空中徐徐飘荡,在四周袅袅萦绕。于 嘹亮里,于轻快里,或于低沉中,于重浊中,我的心绪随之升沉,随之舒展,随之漫舞。那毫不扭捏毫不做作的土腔土调,将我带上高空,遨游苍穹,将我携上岗子,驰骋大地。欢乐、苦愁、愤懑、哀 怨,人间情愫尽在其中。这充满人间烟火味的歌儿,是千百年来乡土孕育出来的,世世代代的人不断传唱,不断补充琢磨,不断更新丰富完善,它的积淀是深深的,厚厚的,既古老又年轻。泥土是有生 命的,有着它绝对自然的呼吸,有着它顺应天地的脉搏。这些诞生于泥里土里的歌儿,怎能不充实饱满生动呢,怎能不有着血与肉的情感呢。听着它,你会咀嚼出尘世的悲欢,品味出草木对阳光的需求, 庄稼对雨露的渴望。无穷的希冀,无限的爱恋,生的梦幻,死的遗愿,全由这土生土长的腔调倾之吐之,令你百听不厌。


[单选]关于妊娠合并心脏病孕妇在分娩期的处理,错误的是()。A.剖宫产指征稍宽B.无论有元感染征象均使用抗生素C.肌内注射麦角新碱以防产后出血D.可使用吗啡镇静E.宫口开全后不能鼓励产妇屏气用力 [单选]串联通风必须在进入被串联工作面的风流中装设(),且瓦斯和二氧化碳浓度都不得超过0.5%。A.便携仪B.甲烷断电仪C.风速传感器 [单选]下列不属于并励直流电动机()。A.绕组导线截面小B.绕组匝数少C.励磁绕组和电枢绕组并联D.机械特性硬 [判断题]为了保证錾子具有良好的硬度,应对錾子进行热处理,即淬火。()A.正确B.错误 [问答题,简答题]药品监督管理部门按照规定对经认证合格的药品生产企业认证后应如何管理? [单选]在遇到特殊情况,民用航空器的机长,为保证民用航空器及其所载人员的安全:()。A.应当及时向管制单位报告,按照相关规定进行正确处置B.应当及时向签派或上级领导报告,按照相关规定进行正确处置C.有权对航空器进行处置 [填空题]公元前二千年左右,古埃及和()等国家出现了送信者。 [问答题,简答题]投资连结产品如何帮助客户进行投资? [单选]下列哪项不是常用的经皮吸收促进剂()A.烃类物质B.角质保湿与软化剂C.樟脑D.丙二醇E.表面活性剂 [填空题]使命是指一个组织的总的功能,说明组织存在的理由或价值,回答“()"的问题。 [单选]提出语文课程是一门学习语言文字运用的综合性、实践性课程,强调工具性与人文性的统一是语文课程的基本特点,是出自下列哪个文件中的要求?()A.1986年教育部颁发的《全日制小学语文教学大纲》B.1992年颁布的《九年义务教育全日制小学语文教学大纲(试用)》C.2001年教育部 [单选]记账凭证账务处理程序的适用范围是()。A.规模较小、经济业务量较少的单位B.采用单式记账的单位C.规模较大、经济业务量较多的单位D.会计基础工作薄弱的单位 [单选]能源系统的总效率由三部分组成,分别是()。A.开采效率、发电效率、照明效率B.开采效率、燃烧效率、终端利用效率C.开采效率、贮运效率、发电效率D.开采效率、中间环节效率、终端利用效率 [单选]行政主体承担行政责任的方式主要有()点。A.7B.8C.9D.10 [问答题,简答题]离心泵启动时,为何先不开出口阀? [单选,案例分析题]赵某,男,38岁。工龄为10年,为矿石厂工人,焙烧工人,近一年,逐渐出现易兴奋,震颤,口腔炎,牙龈炎症状,来院检查,血汞0.5μmol/L,尿汞0.3μmol/L。其解毒剂为()。A.谷胱甘肽B.喷替酸钙钠C.纳洛酮D.二巯丙磺钠E.二巯丁二酸 [单选]下列属于室外消火栓按其安装场合的分类的是()。A.承插式消火栓B.法兰式消火栓C.地上式消火栓D.100mm消火栓 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]结核性脑膜炎的炎性渗出物多聚集于().A.大脑表面B.小脑周围C.脑底部D.脊髓膜E.脑室内 [单选]()编程是数控编程方法之一。A、自动B、手动C、机床D、机动 [单选]以下不属于《建设工程质量管理条例》规定的工程竣工验收所具备工程技术档案和施工管理资料的是()。A.工程竣工图B.质量检验评定资料C.监理会议纪要D.施工日志 [单选,A1型题]《母婴保健法》规定的孕产期保健服务不包括()A.胎儿保健B.孕妇、产妇保健C.母婴保健指导D.胎儿性别诊断E.新生儿保健 [单选,A2型题]某医师是注册登记的妇产科医师。应一朋友请求,在该医师家中为其做了人工流产手术。该医师可能受到的行政处罚不包括()A.罚款B.没收药品C.吊销执业证书D.赔偿患者损失E.没收违法所得 [名词解释]体积假说 [多选]下列说法正确的有()。A.确诊关节滑膜结核后即可行手术治疗B.血友病关节炎术前可补充凝血因子,并在出血控制下进行C.化脓性关节炎术后才使用抗生素治疗D.类风湿关节炎患者术中和术后均可继续使用非甾体消炎药和小剂量激素治疗E.类风湿关节炎关节镜术前可继续使用生物制剂 [单选,A1型题]急性中毒的病因有()A.工业性毒物B.农药C.药物D.有毒动、植物E.以上都是 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]妊娠期甲亢,下列何种检查不能采用().A.TSH检测B.FT3、FT4检测C.TSAb检测D.甲状腺131I摄取率E.TPO-Ab检测 [名词解释]起动风速 [单选]《国务院关于投资体制改革的决定》要求,对使用政府性资金投资建设的项目,实行()管理。A.审批制B.核准制C.备案制D.注册制 [单选]下列沿河河堤冲刷防护工程中属于间接防护的是()A.石笼B.顺坝C.挡土墙D.砌石 [判断题]海洋中的岛屿图形只能选取或舍弃,任何时候都不能把几个小岛合成一个大的岛屿。A.正确B.错误 [单选]审查证据的法律资格不包括()。A.收集证据的来源是否合法B.收集证据的主体是否合法C.收集证据的程序是否合法D.收集的证据是否来源于案发现场 [单选,A1型题]放射性核素显像技术中时间-放射性曲线的不正确描述是()。A.短时间内自动连续成像B.在一定时间内多次显像C.获得特定脏器、靶组织的系列图像D.计算出特定区域的相应的参数E.用于核素显像的定性分析 [填空题]集料试验所需要的试样最小质量通常根据集料公称()粒径确定。 [问答题,案例分析题]余先生,30岁。腰部皮下3cm×2cm大小脓肿。要求:请为患者(医学模拟人或模具)行脓肿切开术。 [问答题,简答题]什么是得率?影响甲醇得率的因素有哪些? [单选]行政赔偿程序中的追偿发生在赔偿义务机关给予赔偿之后,且工作人员为致害行为时有()。A.故意或过错B.故意或重大过失C.责任或过错D.故意或一般过失 [问答题,简答题]分级护理原则? [填空题]大气中重要自由基产生于()离解。 [单选,A型题]白喉杆菌的毒力鉴定根据()A.菌体的异染颗粒特征B.吕氏血清培养基上快速生长特点C.亚碲酸钾平板上菌落特征D.Elek平板试验E.锡克试验 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]1791年,英国医生帕茨瓦尔为曼彻斯特医院起草了《医院及医务人员行动守则》,1803年他又出版了《医学伦理学》一书。这标志着作为学科形态的医学伦理学的诞生。这一情况说明了()A.伦理道德源自于创造者的灵感B.伦理道德源自于人们的客观实践C.伦理道德源



练一练 I have read the newspaper. It carries the important news. I have read the newspaper which/that carries the important news. I showed him the letter. I received it this morning I showed him the letter (which/that) I received this morning.
③ 由the last, the same, the only, the very等修饰 This is the only book that has been written in French ④ 有any, no, all等限定词时 I need to review all the words that I’ve learned.
句子成分 限制性/非限制性定语从句 限制性定语 (从句中) 从句
主语 宾语

who whom (口语用 who)
whose whose (=of whom) (=of which)
Pair work: One student describe the photo on the screen, another one guess what it is. The speaker cannot tell the name directly! You need to describe the photos with attributive clause.
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I. Teaching aims and demands:
1. Get familiar with the attributive clause
2. Manage to express the feelings with the attributive clause
II. Teaching Procedures:
Step 1: warming up and revision:
1. Task translation.
2. Get familiar with the attributive clause.
3. Review what we have learned.
4. Teacher lead in the main topic : the attributive clause.
Step 2: Presentation:
1. Learn what is attributive clauses.
2. Classify it on the big screen
The girl behind the tree is Kate.
The man driving too fast was drunk
Ask the students to express the sentences with attributive clauses
And then give them the examples to correct:
The girl who is behind the tree is Kate.
The man who was driving too fast was drunk.
3. To understand the relative pronouns’functions in the sentence:
I have a sister.She works in Shanghai.
代替 sister
I have a sister who/that works in Shanghai.
(let the students have a discussion and then the teacher have a summery.) work:
1)Look at the picture (show the picture on the big screen)
2)tall\strong \clever Tom
Tell the students that : the boy is Tom.
The boy who is tall is Tom.
The boy who is strong is Tom
The boy who is strong is Tom…
Red\ green\small\ big apple
The apple which is red is mine.
The apple which is green is yours.
The apple which is red is small
The apple which is green is big.
(Ss work in pairs to practice the attributive clause, then act out.)
5.Pay much attention to that and which in the attributive clause
This is the most interesting story( that )I have ever heard.
The first meeting( that) we will take part in will be held in the afternoon.
2.先行词是 something, nothing, anything等不定代词时 Here is something( that) I will tell you.
I can remember well the persons and some pictures (that) I see.
4.先行词是one of,the one, 或用 little, much, few, no, all, some, any, the only, the very, the same, the last 作修饰时
Is it the one that you want ?
I haven’t got much that I can offer you.
5.当主句已有疑问词 who或which时,用that
Who is the woman that was praised at the meeting? 注: who、that在指人可以通用,但下列宜用 who,不用that 1).先行词是anyone, someone, those时,关系词
Those who want to go to the Great Wall sign up here.
Is there anyone who wants to go there?
2).在there be 句型中,先行词指人,关系词用who There is an old man who wants to see you.There are many young men who are against him.
6.The relative adverbs
when: 在从句中作时间状语,指代时间。

why: 在从句中作原因状语,指代原因
The hotel wasn’t clean.
+ We stayed at the hotel.
The hotel where we stayed wasn’t clean.
The hotel at which we stayed wasn’t clean.
The hotel (which) we stayed at wasn’t clean.
I’ll never forget the day.
I joined the League on that day.
I’ll never forget the day when I
joined the League.
I’ll never forget the day o n which
I joined the League .

1. This is the job ______they laughed at.
2. Beihai Park is a beautiful park____built about 300 years ago.
A.where was
B.that were
C.which was
3. Who was the grey-haired man ______at yesterday’s meeting?
A.we saw him
B.we saw
C.we saw who
D.she was seen
4. The man ______is painting the house is my uncle.
5. What is the animal ______baby is sleeping in its pocket?
6. This book is for the students ______native language isn’t English.
B.of whom
7. The robbers shouted, “Hands up!I’ll shoot anyone ______moves!”
8.The dictionary_____he paid 50 yuan for is very useful.
B.for which
C.on which
D.about which 9The boy_____parents died two years ago lives with his grandpa now.
10.The man_______ is smoking is a bus driver.
A. whom
C. which
D. what
Step5: Homework:
1. Revise the attributive clause.
2. Write 10 sentences with the attributive clause.。
