



The garden which Mandela spent several years in made an announcement in 1977 that there would contain neither arranged work nor manual labor any more, which means the prisoners wouldget more personal time to do something they want. And Mandela was profiting from this, he had more time for gardening, tennis and some personal stuff.

In Mandela’s prosperity, the most essential thing you have to do for surviving was to create or promote a kind of thing which can give you the sense of satisfaction. He thought everyone could always find something that he was proud of, even in the jail. Just like you could play basketball to satisfy you at home, you can manage a garden to satisfy you in jail.



Lesson 10 Mandela’s Garden


1.To get students to know some information about Nelson Mandela.

2.To guide students to understand and appreciate the text.

3.To help students to master the key words, phrases and sentences.

4.To foster the four basic skills of students.

II Main Points:Background information about Nelson Mandela.

Difficult Points: 1.Key words, phrases and discourses in the text.

2.Writing styles and techniques of the text.

Teaching Methods:Discussions and debates about the topic.

Teaching techniques

To integrate several different teaching methods and techniques: elicitation; explanation; illustration and discussion.

IIITeaching Course:

I. Warming-up questions (30 minutes)

曼德拉的花园 英文

曼德拉的花园 英文
He was inaugurated as the first democratically elected State President of South Africa
Nelson Mandela behind bars
In prison Mandela never compromised his political principles and was always a source of strength for the other prisoners
Lesson 10
MandelaLeabharlann Baidus Garden
What are the functions of the gardens?
View and admire? planting? or others ?
• Do you want to know the functions of the garden in Mandela's eyes?
Nelson Mandela (1918-2013)
• Nelson Mandela was born in a village near Umtata on the 18 July 1918. • Mandela: The struggle is my life
Nelson Mandela

Mendela's Garden

Mendela's Garden

We are living in the same world.In spite of we can’t have the same color of complexion (肤色),but the color of our blood is same .So,shouldn’t our rights be same?
Mandela’s Garden
Long Walk To Freedom

Author SouthHale Waihona Puke BaiduAfrica Apartheid

Nelson Mandela


He is a famous South Africa leader whose life-long struggle against apartheid brought an end to its system in South Africa.He served 27 years in prison for his strong belief in this just cause and was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. He is admired all over the world,especially for encouraging people in South Africa to unite and build a new society and to forgive the bad things that happened there in the past.



这篇文章选自美国1994年出版的纳尔逊·曼德拉自传《自由路漫漫》(Long Walk to Freedom) 南非黑人领袖纳尔逊·曼德拉是二十世纪的风云人物,他为在南非取消种族隔离制,实现种族平等而奋斗了一生,并最终取得胜利,使南非黑人有了自己的家园。在几十年的斗争中,他百折不挠。他曾身陷囹圄27 年,但凭着对正义的坚定信念,监狱里非人的生活从未摧垮过他那钢铁般的意志。他不畏强暴,不怕牺牲,与当时的南非种族歧视当局进行了殊死的斗争!他这种大无畏的气概一直为世人景仰。1993年他获得了诺贝尔和平奖,1994当选为南非共和国总统。他主政期间,高风亮节,不谋私利,胸怀宽广,坚持原则。对妻子温妮的错误行为,他做到了仁至义尽,最后不得不离婚时,他伤心至极。他与温妮几十年悲欢离合,对于他们之间饱含辛酸、历经沧桑的爱情,在本文结尾处他无比伤感地悲叹:有时候,你无法挽救必定要死亡的东西(Sometimes there is nothing one can do to save something that must die.)。曼德拉在担任南非总统期间,日理万机,勤勤恳恳为人民谋利益。正当他的事业如日中天时,他急流勇退,让比自己更年轻有为的人去管理国家,他这种美德在世界政坛传为佳话,令世人敬佩!

因领导黑人进行反对种族隔离的斗争,曼德拉于1963年被捕入狱,判刑后被囚禁于罗本岛 (Robben Island)。14年后,也就是本文开头所提及的1977年,他才被免于野外苦役(the end of manual labor)——采石灰石,而可以在监狱大院内劳动 (...arranged some type of work for us to do in the courtyard)。对他来说,这是一种解放(liberating)。至此他才稍稍有点自由去读书、写信、和囚友们讨论问题以及准备文件为自己打官司申诉。在罗本岛上的监狱里他养成了两个爱好:园艺和网球(gardening and tennis)。

现代大学英语精读1 UNIT10 Mandela's Garden 课文翻译

现代大学英语精读1 UNIT10 Mandela's Garden 课文翻译



Translation of Text A


1 1977年初,当局宣布解除集体劳动,给我们安排了一些院内的工作,因此我们可以在自己的这片区域里打发时间了。结束了体力劳动就像解放了一样。现在我每天可以读书、谢辛和我的狱友讨论问题,或者准备法律文件。时间上的自由还得以让我继续从事在罗本岛上培养起来的两大爱好:园艺和网球。

2 为了在狱中生存,你必须使自己在日常生活中得到满足。你可以通过把衣服洗的特别干净,把门前过道打扫得一尘不染,或把自己的牢房整理出尽可能大的空间这些方法使自己感到充实。同一个在监狱外的人为自己完成重要任务而感到骄傲一样,监狱的人也可以完成未完成一件小事而同样感到自豪。

3 几乎刚在罗本岛被判刑时起,我就向当局提出申请,我在院子里开垦一块菜园。多年来,他们没有给出任何原因,却一直拒绝我的请求。但最终他们让步了,这样我们能够在远处墙根下一块狭长的地面上划出小片面积的地方做菜园。

4 院子里的土壤很干,而且石头很多。这个院子在建起来之前是个垃圾场,因此为了开辟这个园子,我的清除掉大量的石头,给植物留出生长的空间。当时,一些狱友开玩笑说我骨子里是个矿工,整天呆在一片荒地里,把自己的空闲时间都花费在挖院子里的地了。

5 狱方给我提供了种子。开始时,我种了番茄、辣椒和洋葱——都是些不需要肥沃的土壤或经常照料的生命力很强的植物。早期的收成不好,但很快状况就有了改善。狱方不会后悔允许我开辟菜园种菜的,因为菜园的蔬菜长的好起来后,我就经常给看守们一些最好的番茄和洋葱。

Mandela27s Garden(曼德拉的菜园)知识分享

Mandela27s Garden(曼德拉的菜园)知识分享

M a n d e l a27s

G a r d e n(曼德拉的菜


Mandela's Garden

Nelson Mandela

1. In early 1977, the authorities announced the end of manual labor and arranged

some type of work for us to do in the courtyard, so we could spend our days in our section. The end of manual labor was liberating. I could now spend the day reading, writing letters, discussing issues with my comrades, or preparing legal documents. The free time also allowed me to pursue what became two of my

favorite hobbies on Robben Island: gardening and tennis.

2. To survive in prison, one must develop ways to take satisfaction in one's daily

life. One can feel fulfilled by washing one's clothes so that they are particularly clean, by sweeping a hallway so that it is empty of dust, by organizing one's cell to save as much space as possible. Just as one takes pride in important tasks



I. Oral Work
Lesson 7 - Mandela's Garden
• Faith is believing in things when common sense
tells you not to.
~George Seaton
• Feed your faith and your fears will starve to death. ~Author Unknown
Do you think faith is vital to one’s success? If it is possible, please give some examples.
What qualities do you think people need when they want to achieve success in their career?
Lesson 7 - Mandela's Garden
I. Oral Work
• If there was no faith there would be no living in this world. We couldn't even eat hash with safety.
~Josh Billings
a. engaging
b. devoting
c. registering

unit10 mandela‘s garden

unit10 mandela‘s garden

prefer sth to sth, prefer doing sth to doing sth, prefer to do sth rather than do sth
部分强调句It is / was … that … 结构
• When he studied in university,he took part in a student’s strike and expelled from school。 • In 1944 he founded the ANC Youth League (非国大青年 联盟) and he was elected to be the leader of it in 1948. • The new government carried out apartheid(种族隔离政 策)in 1948.
• In 1990.02.11, the government released Mandela because of the public opinion pressure.
• Mandela received the Nobel Peace prize in 1993
• Mandela was elected to be the first black president of South Africa in 1994. • Mandela finished his duty of president in 1999.And he decided not to fight an election

基础英语第七课Mandela's Garden词汇

基础英语第七课Mandela's Garden词汇

v. to grow quickly in a healthy way e.g. Daffodil flourishes in the Lake District. ideas or people being very active and influential during a special period e.g. Romanticism flourished in William Wordsworth’s time.
v. continue to be occupied with sth./ go on sth. e.g. They are pursuing a master’s degree. v. to follow sth. in order to catch, to chase e.g. The police are pursuing the murder. e.g. The hunter is pursuing the rabbit. noun form pursuit e.g. be engaged in worthwhile pursuits ■ in pursuit of sth./sb.
v. to satisfy e.g. In prison, one can feel fulfilled by washing one’s clothes so that they are particularly clean. ■ fulfil desire/prayer/hope/need/dream/expectation, etc. ■ fulfill oneself fully develop your abilities and character ■fulfill duty/responsibility/obligation/promise/command v. To meet the requirements of sth. e.g. fulfill the conditions of entry to that university






1. Come familiar with the rums of word formation.

Give the corresponding nouns for the following verbs.

1. improvement 7. cultivation

2. endurance 8. nourishment

3. success 9. fulfillment

4. allowance 10. attempt

5. supply 11. elimination

6. provision 12. refusal

2 Give the corresponding verbs for the following nouns.

I, garden 6. fail

2. fertilize 7. endure

3. mix 8. alternate

4. liberate 9, result

5. require 10, satisfy

3 Translate the following expressions. Point out which -ing form is a gerund and which

a present participle,

1, (gerund) 14. (present participle)

2. (present participle) 15. (gerund)

3.- (present participle) 16. (gerund)

Mandela's Garden(曼德拉的菜园)

Mandela's Garden(曼德拉的菜园)

Mandela's Garden

Nelson Mandela

1. In early 1977, the authorities announced the end of manual labor and arranged

some type of work for us to do in the courtyard, so we could spend our days in our section. The end of manual labor was liberating. I could now spend the day reading, writing letters, discussing issues with my comrades, or preparing legal documents. The free time also allowed me to pursue what became two of my favorite hobbies on Robben Island: gardening and tennis.

2. To survive in prison, one must develop ways to take satisfaction in one's daily

life. One can feel fulfilled by washing one's clothes so that they are particularly clean, by sweeping a hallway so that it is empty of dust, by organizing one's cell to save as much space as possible. Just as one takes pride in important tasks



























Mandela's Garden

Mandela's Garden
Lesson 10
Mandela’s Garden

罗马、佛罗伦萨、阿伯丁、格拉斯哥等上百 个城市的荣誉市民; 苏格兰、利兹、伦敦等数不清的大学联合会 主席; 大不列颠全国海员工会以及无数个工会的荣 誉会员; 获得包括中国北京大学在内的英、法、美、 德、古巴、津巴布韦等数十所大学的荣誉学 位和学衔;

世界各大洲都有以他的名字命名的城市、街 道、公园、广场…… 德国建立了以他的名字命名的学校。 他是印度尼赫鲁奖、奥地利布鲁诺人权奖、 委内瑞拉西蒙玻利瓦尔奖、苏联列宁国际和 平奖、圭亚那最高荣誉奖、西班牙人权协会 奖、德国布莱梅团结奖、东德国际友谊之星 奖、欧洲议会萨哈罗夫奖、古巴普拉西龙奖、 英联邦第三世界奖、美国肯尼迪人权奖乃至 诺贝尔和平奖等诸多大奖的拥有者。
Robben Island
Robben Island, where he was imprisoned, became a center for learning, and Mandela was a central figure in the organized political education classes
Nelson Mandela

Mandela has held numerous positions in the African National Congress Youth League.






4 院内的土壤干燥多石。庭








5 当局将菜种供应给我。起









6 虽然我一直喜欢种菜,但

直到进了监狱,我才有机会照适应力强的;能吃苦耐劳的。 5 behind

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Mandela's Garden

Nelson Mandela

1. In early 1977, the authorities announced the end of manual labor and arranged

some type of work for us to do in the courtyard, so we could spend our days in our section. The end of manual labor was liberating. I could now spend the day reading, writing letters, discussing issues with my comrades, or preparing legal documents. The free time also allowed me to pursue what became two of my favorite hobbies on Robben Island: gardening and tennis.

2. To survive in prison, one must develop ways to take satisfaction in one's daily

life. One can feel fulfilled by washing one's clothes so that they are particularly clean, by sweeping a hallway so that it is empty of dust, by organizing one's cell to save as much space as possible. Just as one takes pride in important tasks

outside of prison, one can find the same pride in doing small things inside prison.

3. "Almost from the beginning of my sentence on Robben Island, I asked the

authorities for permission to start a garden in the courtyard. For years, they

refused without offering a reason. But eventually they gave in, and we were able to cut out a small garden on a narrow patch of earth against the far wall.

4. The soil in the courtyard was dry and rocky. The courtyard had been

constructed over a garbage dump, and in order to start my garden, I had to

remove a great many rocks to allow the plants room to grow. At the time, some of my comrades joked that I was a miner at heart, for I spent my days in a wasteland and my free time digging in the courtyard.

5. The authorities supplied me with seeds. I at first planted tomatoes, chilies, and

onions—hardy plants that did not require rich earth or constant care. The early harvests were poor, but they soon improved. The authorities did not regret giving permission, for once the garden began to flourish, I often provided the warders with some of my best tomatoes and onions.

6. While I have always enjoyed gardening, it was not until I was behind bars that I

was able to tend my own garden. My first experience in the garden was at Fort Hare where, as part of the university's manual labor requirement, I worked in one of my professors' gardens and enjoyed the contact with the soil as an alternative to my intellectual labors. Once I was in Johannesburg studying and then working, I had neither the time nor the space to start a garden.

7. I began to order books on gardening. I studied different gardening techniques

and types of fertilizers. I did not have many of the materials that the books

discussed, but I learned through trial and error. For a time, I attempted to grow peanuts, and used different soils and fertilizers, but finally I gave up. It was one of my few failures.

8. A garden was one of the few things in prison that one could control. To plant a

seed, watch it grow, to tend it and then harvest it, offered a simple but enduring satisfaction. The sense of being the owner of the small patch of earth offered a small taste of freedom.

9. In some ways, I saw the garden as a metaphor for certain aspects of my life.

Leaders must also look after their gardens; they, too, plant seeds, and then watch, cultivate, and harvest the results. Like gardeners, leaders must take responsibility for what they cultivate; they must mind their work, try to drive back enemies,

save what can be saved, and eliminate what cannot succeed.

10. I wrote Winnie two letters about a particularly beautiful tomato plant, how I

made it grow from a tender seedling to a strong plant that produced deep red fruit. But then, either through some mistake or lack of care, the plant began to wither and decline, and nothing I did would bring it back to health. When it finally died, I removed the roots from the soil, washed them, and buried them in a corner of the garden.

11. I told her this small story at great length. I do not know what she read into that

letter, but when I wrote it I had a mixture of feelings: I did not want our

relationship to go the way of that plant, and yet I felt that I had been unable to nourish many of the most important relationships in my life. Sometimes there is nothing one can do to save something that must die. 曼德拉的菜园
