CNPC introduction




爱国:爱岗敬业,产业报国,持续发展,为增强综合国力作贡献。 创业:艰苦奋斗,锐意进取,创业永恒,始终不渝地追求一流。 求实:讲求科学,实事求是,“三老四严”,不断提高管理水平和科技水平。 奉献:职工奉献企业,企业回报社、公司发展历程
中石油经过五十多年的沉淀与不断进取,已经拥有一大批稳 定高产能的油田: 大庆油田, 1959年9月26日发现的第一大油田,世界十大油田。大 庆油田是我国目前最大的油田,也是世界上为数不多的特大型砂 岩油田之一。 胜利油田, 1965 年1月25日 ,在胜利村构造上,32120 钻井队打的 坨11井,发现了85米 的巨厚油层,试油日产1134吨,“胜利油田” 始得名。累计探明石油地质储量53.87亿吨。 辽河油田,1955年开始勘探,是以石油、天然气勘探开发为主、油 气深加工等多元开发为辅的大型联合企业,是中国第三大油田。 华北油田,自1976年到2002年,华北油田累计探明石油地质储量 11.28亿吨,天然气地质储量273.65亿立方米,主要集中在冀中北 部地区。
油气业务:勘探与生产、炼油与化工、销售、天然气与管 道; 工程技术服务:物探、钻井、测井、井下作业; 石油工程建设:油气田地面工程、管道施工、炼化装置建 设; 石油装备制造:勘探设备、钻采装备、炼化设备、石油专 用管、动力设备; 金融服务:资金管理、金融保险; 运输服务:危化品运输、特种大件运输、涉外(国外)运 输,社会物流等; 新能源开发:非常规油气资源、生物质能等可再生能源。
中石油每天为社会提供超过219万桶原油和28亿立方英 尺天然气,加工原油180万桶!





Pipeline Technologies Company of China Petroleum Pipeline Bureau (hereafter refer to as CNPTC) is a specialized company engaging in special pipeline technical services.于1997年被指定为CNPC的全国性石油与天然气管道检测抢修公司。

It has been designated to be the inspection center of cross-country oil & gas pipelines by the former China Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) since July 1997.since July1997.1.公司简介INTRODUCTION of CNPTCPipeline hot-tapping and pluggingtechniqueMERCo.2006/3/25管道封堵技术简介BRIF OF PIPELINE STOPPLING TECHNIQUE管道封堵:在完全密闭状态下,在需改造管段两侧,利用物理、机械手段,将改造段从管线中隔绝堵断,进行维护、修理、更换等改造。










中国石油天然气股份有限公司(PetroChina Company Limited )是中国石油集团最大的控股子公司,主要经营石油、天然气勘探、开发、生产、炼制、储运、销售等主营业务。








中国石油天然气股份有限公司(PetroChina Company Limited )是中国石油集团最大的控股子公司,主要经营石油、天然气勘探、开发、生产、炼制、储运、销售等主营业务。




“十一五”时期中国石油天然气工业发展展望时间:2007-02-14 来源:中国不锈钢网“十一五”规划建议明确提出要加强国内石油天然气勘探开发。






中国石油天然气集团公司(china national petroleum corporation以下简称cnpc)是一家集油气勘探开发、炼油化工、油品销售、油气储运、石油贸易、工程技术服务和石油装备制造于一体的综合性能源公司。


一、 cnpc 办公自动化系统概述cnpc 办公自动化系统是在cnpc内部建立功能强大、可扩展性强的综合信息系统,实现办公信息处理的智能化、网络化、无纸化。

cnpc 办公自动化系统的应用将使行政管理、应急指挥和快速反映能力进一步提高,高效率,高质量地为集团公司宏观管理和科学决策提供服务。

本系统采用lotus domino为服务器,b/s访问和管理,集成后台关系型数据库和notes非关系型数据库,应用程序和后台数据库分离,具有与其他工具开发出的web站点有更强的功能、更简单的管理方法、更高的安全机制等多方面的突出优点。


cnpc 办公自动化系统使得企业既可以进行分布式地internet、intranet和extranet 的个性化定制,又方便进行控制。

它由三个主要的应用构成:①分布式的内容管理:具有审批流程和多层次呈现信息的功能,使用浏览器;②集成业务流程和应用:通过协作的电子交易来全面启动电子商务;③个性化的内容传递:根据web 用户的选择、现有的知识和业务规则来识别用户的行为。


勘探开发:2011年,全年境内共生产原气油3.03亿桶、天然气5,170.7亿立 方英尺。
石油炼制:中石化是中国最大的石油炼制商,石油炼制能力位居世界第二, 主要产品有汽油、煤油、柴油、润滑油等。2011年,中石化原油一次加工 能力2.49亿吨;全年加工原油2.17亿吨.
1988.9.17 根据国务院机构改革方案。撤销石油工业部,成 立中国石油天然气总公司。
1998.7.27 中国石油天然气集团公司和中国石油化工集团公 司正式宣告成立。
2000.4.6 中国石油天然气股份有限公司股票在美国纽约证券 交易所挂牌交易,次日,在中国香港联合交易所挂牌交易。
一. 实业投资及投资管理; 二. 石油、天然气的勘探、开采、储运(含管道运输)、销售和综合利用;石油炼制; 三. 汽油、煤油、柴油的 批发; 四. 石油化工及其他化工产品的生产、销售、储存、运输; 五. 石油石化工程的勘探设计、施工、建筑安装; 六. 石油石化设备检修维修; 七. 机电设备制造; 八. 技术及信息、替 代能源产品的研究、开发、应用、咨询服务; 九. 自营和代理各类商品和技术的进出口(国家限定公司经营或禁止进出口的商品和
中国海洋石油总公司是中国最大的海上油气生产商。 公司成立于1982年,注册资本949亿元人民币,总部设 在北京,现有98750名员工。
自成立以来,中国海油保持了良好的发展态势,由一 家单纯从事油气开采的上游公司,发展成为主业突出、 产业链完整的综合型能源集团,形成了油气勘探开发、 专业技术服务、炼化销售及化肥、天然气及发电、金 融服务、新能源等六大业务板块。
2007.11.5 集团公司控股子公司中国石油天然气股份有限公 司在上海证券交易所挂牌上市,公开发行40亿股A股(股票 代码:601857)。



业绩是企业一切生产经营结果的最终体现, 是评价企业发展最关键的指标,是衡量单位和职 工贡献的重要尺度。 采取积极有效的步骤,建立和完善以业绩考 核为核心的激励机制,明确并落实每个职工的目 标和责任。通过制定科学合理的考核指标,严格 考核兑现,形成企业在市场上以业绩论成败,职 工在企业中以业绩论奖惩的氛围,激励企业和职 工不断提高工作业绩,从而提升公司整体业绩。 积极倡导广大职工以昂扬向上的精神状态, 努力追求卓越。以强大的实力在激烈的市场竞争 中创造更加卓越的业绩,报效国家、奉献社会、 回报职工
在未来发展中,中国石油集团将继续把文化战略 作为重要的发展战略之一,不断丰富和完善具有石 油特色的企业文化,让优秀的石油文化成为企业发 展的不竭动力。
Floating Cloud
安全是集团公司创造优良业绩,实现全面、 协调、可持续发展的前提。 集团公司充分尊重人的生命价值,把社会公 众和广大职工的生命安全放在首位。同时,积极 承担保护企业财产和人类赖以生存的自然环境的 责任。积极倡导以人为本的安全文化,努力追求 零事故目标。 持续改进工艺条件和环境,加强对变化着的 环境中不安全因素的风险识别和风险预测,不断 提高风险防范能力,努力消除各种事故隐患,实 现本质安全。
创新是企业发展的不竭动力,也是集团公司 永葆生机的源泉。创新的根本要求是体现时代性, 把握规律性,富于创造性。按照“发展要有新思 路,改革要有新突破,开放要有新局面,各项工 作要有新举措”的要求,努力提高集团公司全方 位的创新能力。 大力倡导创新精神,积极营造尊重劳动、尊 重知识、尊重人才、尊重创造的良好氛围,在实 践中不断进行体制创新、机制创新、制度创新、 管理创新、科技创新、产品创新以及其他各方面 的创新活动,努力领先竞争对手,不断超越自我。



关于中石油中石化公司简介思路1 公司简介2 公司发展历程3 旗下企业4 业务与产品5 企业文化6 企业营业额中石油简介一、公司简介中国石油天然气集团公司(China National Petroleum Corporation,英文缩写“CNPC”,中文简称“中国石油”)是国有重要骨干企业,是一家上中下游一体化、石油石化主业突出、拥有比较完备销售网络、境内外上市的股份制企业。









中国石油天然气集团公司(China National Petroleum Corporation,英文缩写“CNPC”,中文简称“中国石油”)是国有重要骨干企业,是中国主要的油气生产商和供应商之一。




中国石油天然气股份有限公司(PetroChina Company Limited)是公司最大的控股子公司,截至2009年12月31日,公司拥有其86.285%的股权。











0605Βιβλιοθήκη 040302
China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) is committed to "Caring for Energy, Caring for You". We strive for harmonious relationships between operations and safety, energy and environment, corporate and community interests, and employers and employees. We are committed to protecting the environment and saving resources, promoting the research, development and application of environmentally friendly products, fulfilling our responsibilities to society and promoting development that benefits all. In 2012, China National Petroleum Corp. ranked the 2rd in the Top 500 corporations. In the future, CNPC will focus on developing our domestic and overseas businesses in a coordinated way and strive to be a world-leading integrated international energy corporation.



中国石油天然气第一建设公司成立于1954年,是中国石油天然气集团公司(CNPC)直属的化工、石油建筑安装专业化公司,具有EPC/PMC 总承包和项目管理能力,能够完成项目设计、采办、施工和开车全过程管理。

公司注册资金 5.0085 亿元,总资产 48.81亿元,年营业收入 50 亿元以上。

公司具有化工石油工程施工总承包特级资质和海洋工程一级资质,现拥有各类专业技术和管理人员 3500 余人(其中高、中级管理人员1300余人),拥有一、二级建造师216人,国际项目经理(IPMP)13人。










中国石油天然气集团公司之广西石化含硫原油配套工程项目(Q石油化工)中国石油天然气集团公司(China National Petroleum Corporation,英文缩写“CNPC”,中文简称“中国石油”) 是国有重要骨干企业,是以油气业务、工程技术服务、石油工程建设、石油装备制造、金融服务、新能源开发等为主营业务的综合性国际能源公司,是中国主要的油气生产商和供应商之一,2012年在世界最大50家石油公司综合排名上升至第4位,财富500强位居第6位。
























中石油介绍 英文

中石油介绍 英文

China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) is an integrated international energy company. Based in China, we have oil and gas assets and interests in 30 countries in Africa, Central Asia-Russia, South America, the Middle East and the Asia-Pacific.CNPC is China's largest oil and gas producer and supplier, as well as one of the world's major oilfield service providers and a globally reputed contractor in engineering construction, with businesses covering petroleum exploration & production, natural gas & pipelines, refining & marketing, oilfield services, engineering construction, petroleum equipment manufacturing and new energy development, as well as capital management, finance and insurance services.Crude output: 2.75 million barrels/dayNatural gas output: 7.22 billion cubic feet/dayCrude oil production: 54.4% of the nation's totalNatural gas production: 82.3% of the nation's totalCrude runs: 2.70 million barrels/dayDomestic service stations: 17,262(Data as of December 31, 2009).Domestic pipelines: 50,652 kilometers, including 13,189 kilometers for crude oil (nearly 70% of the nation's total), 28,595 kilometers for natural gas (nearly 90% of the nation's total) and 8,868 kilometers for refined products (nearly 50% of the nation's total)Providing oilfield services and engineering construction in 49 countries around the world.To be a world-leading integrated international energy company with the general business portfolio of an international energy corporation and the characteristics of China's national energy corporation.Our Mission:Caring for Energy, Caring for You;Energize • Harmonize • RealizeChina National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) is committed to "Caring for Energy, Caring for You". We strive for harmonious relationships between operations and safety, energy and the environment, corporate and community interests, and employers and employees.Our Values and Operating Principles:Dynamic, loyal, honest, committed;Achieving excellence through innovation and integrityOur StrategyIncreasing resourcesEndeavoring to maximize and diversify oil and gas resources, ensuring an orderly replacement of reserves, and maintaining the domestic leadership of our upstream business.Expanding marketTaking full advantage of economies of scale and the integration of upstream and downstream operations to seek a dominant position in the market and maximize profits.Seeking a greater international roleFocusing on oil and gas business, being active and prudent in enhancing international cooperation, strengthening capital operations, and expanding international oil and gas trading in a mutually beneficial way.Our Goal: To build an integrated international energy corporationFocusing on oil and gas business supplemented by oilfield engineering and technical services, integrating upstream and downstream operations, developing our domestic and overseas businesses in a coordinated way and promoting the orderly development of new energy.CNPC's Logo and Brand1. The History of Our LogoCNPC's logo embodies our commitment to ensuring harmony between the development of energy and the environment. The flower-shaped logo's colors are those of China's national flag, with its ten petals representing our core businesses. The solid red base illustrates CNPC's strength and cohesion as a state-owned enterprise, while the rising sun highlights our brilliant future.The acronym "CNPC" has a history of more than 20 years. Our flower-shaped logo and its two-color combination (red and yellow) make the CNPC brand stand out and greatly enhance our company's popularity cognition degree. The logo represents not only the quality of our products and services, but also our professional service capabilities and values.As our core brand, CNPC represents what we do and what we expect to achieve in the future.2. Our Core BrandCNPC is our main global brand, which exists on our oil production platforms, refineries, equipment manufacturing products and in the offices of the company, as well as on our lubricating oil products and service stations.The acronym CNPC first appeared in public in 1998 and, thanks to our quality products and good service, the brand has become well known to millions of customers.Harmony is part of our brand values, as well as the way in which we manage our company's relationships with society, our employees and our customers. We strive to realize harmonious development in all respects through our hard work, broad vision and creativity. In fact, this value has already been integrated into the company's business operations. In addition to harmony, our brand values also include honesty, innovation, performance and safety.3. KunlunCNPC launched the "Kunlun" petrochemical products brand in 2001, with "caring" as its core value, which has strengthened interaction and communication between CNPC and its consumers. The values of the brand are "caring for your machines, caring for our consumers, caring for nature and caring for our employees".China National Petroleum Corporation and PetroChina Company Limited registered "Kunlun "(Chinese characters) and "Kunlun" text and graphics trademarks respectively in different categories and services, and also registered them with the following organizations and conventions: World Intellectual Property Organization, Intellectual Property Department of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China, Myanmar trademark owner affidavit, etc.History of the Kunlun BrandIn August 2001, the Kunlun brand first appeared as a lubricating product, just one of a number of reliable lubricating product brands offered by CNPC.In September 2003, Kunlun took the lead in the medium- and high-end lubricant markets in China, and then the company positioned the "Kunlun" brand's core value as "caring".In February 2005, CNPC integrated its competitive lubricant and petrochemical brands and launched the new "Kunlun" brand, making it synonymous with CNPC's high-end lubricants and chemical products. Kunlun became one of the top five lubricants in terms of global market share. CNPC EQUIPMENT"CNPC EQUIPMENT" brand was officially launched on September 28, 2009. As an endorsed brand, it will be tied to the original registered trademarks of authorized equipment products.The values of the brand are "Strive for excellence, Serve the energy industry". We, focusing on quality and customer's satisfaction, with market as orientation and technology as breakthrough, are committed to enhance the strength and value of CNPC manufacturing business. We endeavor tostrengthen technological innovation, promote industrial upgrade, speed up the change of growth mode, continuously increase competitiveness and build an integrated brand of CNPC equipment. HistoryThe predecessor of CNPC was the Ministry of Petroleum Industry of the People's Republic of China, which was founded in July 1955, supervising the exploration and development of oil and gas resources in China.China National Petroleum CorporationChina National Petroleum Corporation was established on September 17, 1988 on the basis of the Ministry of Petroleum Industry, mainly in charge of oil and gas upstream operations. It is a state oil company endowed with certain governmental administrative functions.China National Petroleum Corporation (Group)On July 27, 1998, China National Petroleum Corporation was reorganized to become an integrated group with businesses covering oil and gas upstream and downstream operations, as well as oilfield services and engineering construction.PetroChina was established under the Company Law and the Special Regulations on the Overseas Offering and Listing of Shares by Joint Stock Limited Companies on November 5, 1999. The American Depositary Shares (ADS) and H shares of PetroChina were listed on the New York Stock Exchange on April 6, 2000 (stock code: PTR) and the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited on April 7, 2000 (stock code: 857) respectively. It was listed on Shanghai Stock Exchange on November 5, 2007 (stock code: 601857). By the end of 2007, China National Petroleum Corporation possessed 86.29% of PetroChina shares.CNPC's major refined products include gasoline, kerosene, diesel, lube oil, chemical light oil, fuel oil, solvent oil, paraffin, bitumen, petroleum coke and LPG.FuelGasolineWe offer automobile gasoline, automobile alcohol fuel and aviation gasoline. Automobile gasoline covers the 90#, 93#, 95#, 97# and 98# grades. Our increasing investment in scientific research and the continuous improvement of our refining technologies enable us to offer high-grade and clean automobile gasoline products.DieselDiesel generally fuels compression-ignition engines in trucks, tractors, diesel locomotives and ships. CNPC's service stations typically supply diesoline covering six grades. In the descending order of their freezing point, these grades are: 10#, 0#, -10#, -20#, -35#, and -50#.KeroseneOur kerosene products mainly include lamp oil and 3# aviation jet fuel which meet corresponding technical requirements. Our standard for 3# aviation jet fuel is defined according to the quality standards of kerosene-type jet fuel such as JetA-1 and JP-8 of the US, DERD2494 of the UK, and the standard of the IATA (International Air Transport Association).LPG: CNPC has LPG service stations in major Chinese cities providing LPG for automobiles, as well as heating, domestic and commercial applications.ParaffinCNPC produces different paraffin products from its abundant resources. Its crude oil from the Daqing and Shenbei oilfields is world-renowned high paraffin-content oil that has a paraffincontent of 25% and 42% respectively. This unique, scarce resource of high-paraffin-base crude gives CNPC great advantages in the production of quality paraffin products. CNPC has the only high-pressure paraffin hydrofining unit in China. Designed to run at a pressure as high as 18Mpa, this unit can produce food-grade paraffin products and high-melting-point paraffin products. Our fully refined paraffin meets the non-toxicity and benzene requirements of many countries, and is the only paraffin product exempted from FDA inspection before its entry to the American market. Lube oilWe produce Kunlun brand lube oil and grease using premium base oil. Our flagship products include the Tianrun, Tianlai, Tianxie, Tianwei, Tianhong, Tianli and Tiansheng series, satisfying market demand for high-grade car lubricants, motorcycle lubricants and diesel engine oils. With the base oil hydrocracking technique, we produce lube products that are more environmentally friendly. Kunlun lube has been designated for the assembly and service of Deutz, a German manufacturer of top-class heavy-duty diesel engines. Maersk Sealand has three global lubricant suppliers, of which CNPC is the only one from China.1. Car Lubricants2. Lubricants for Medium and High-grade Commercial Vehicles3. Lubricants for Heavy-duty Commercial Vehicles4. Medium-grade and Normal Commercial Vehicle Lubricants5. Lubricants for Engineering Machinery6. Elevator Oil7. Motorcycle OilBitumenCNPC is one of the most important bitumen product suppliers in China and produces Kunlun brand premium bitumen products. Suitable crude oil is crucial for quality bitumen production. Our bitumen products made from heavy oil from the Xinjiang and Liaohe oilfields have excellent thermal stability, low-temperature extensibility, cohesiveness and low paraffin content. They are widely used in expressways, urban roads, airport runways, autodromes, bridge pavements and hydraulic engineering. Our base bitumen for airports is a special product that allows for onsite polymer modification. Assessment of its application at ten airports including Xining Airport, Yan'an Airport and Qingdao Liuting International Airport has indicated that Kunlun airport runway pavement bitumen demonstrates excellent resistance to rolling at high temperatures and cracking at low temperatures, perfect aging resistance and resistance to permanent deformation, as well as good storage stability and compliance with all special technical specifications for bitumen runway pavements. CNPC's major bitumen products include 70#, 90#, and 110# heavy-duty road bitumen, 100# and 140# road bitumen, 10# building bitumen and SBS modified bitumen.。



出版物刊名: 中国对外贸易
页码: 17-17页
主题词: 中国石油天然气总公司 天然气地质储量 石油地质储量 对外合作 油气勘探开发 天然气勘探 油气资源 天然气管道 吐哈盆地 陕甘宁盆地
摘要: 中国石油天然气总分司中国石油天然气总公司(CNPC)是国务院直属的国家石油公司,主要负责中国陆地全境(包括海滩、岛屿及向外延伸至5米深处海域)的石油天然气资源的勘探、开发、生产建设,以及与油气共生成钻遇的其它矿藏的开采和利用。




中国石油天然气集团公司(CHINA NATIONAL PETROLEUM)一、简介中国石油天然气集团公司(简称中国石油集团,英文缩写:CNPC) 是由中央直接管理的国有特大型央企,根据国务院机构改革方案,于1998年7月在原中国石油天然气总公司的基础上组建的特大型石油石化企业集团,系国家授权投资的机构和国家控股公司,是实行上下游、内外贸、产销一体化、按照现代企业制度运作,跨地区、跨行业、跨国经营的综合性石油公司。






























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Introduction of CNPCChina National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) is a world-leading integrated international energy company with businesses covering oil and gas upstream and downstream operations, oilfield services, engineering and construction, petroleum material and equipment manufacturing and supply, capital management, finance and insurance services, new energy operations.CNPC, Myanmar government and Daewoo Combo sign natural gas MOUOn June 20, a MOU on sale and transportation of natural gas from Myanmar offshore blocks A-1 and A-3 was signed between Myanmar Oil and Gas Enterprise, Daewoo International Corporation, ONGC Videsh Limited, Gail (India) Limited, Korea Gas Corporation and China National Petroleum Corporation in Myanmar's new capital Naypyitaw.Myanmar's Energy Minister Brig-Gen Lun Thi, CNPC Vice President Liao Yongyuan and Kang Young-won, President and CEO of Daewoo International attended the signing ceremony.QPI, PetroChina & Shell sign LOI for refinery and petrochemical manufacturing and marketing in ChinaDoha, 23 June 2008: In the presence of His Highness Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al-Thani, the Heir Apparent of the State of Qatar, Qatar signed today with PetroChina Company Limited (PetroChina), and Shell (China) Limited (Shell), a Letter of Intent (LOI) to commence joint preliminary studies to assess the viability of building a refinery and petrochemical manufacturing complex and marketing its products in China. The signing was witnessed also by Mr. Xi Jinping, Vice President of the People's Republic of China and His Excellency Sheikh Hamad Bin Jassem Bin Jabor Al-Thani, Qatar's Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs.The LOI was signed by His Excellency Abdulla Bin Hamad Al Attiyah, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Energy and Industry, Chairman of Qatar Petroleum International, Mr. Jiang Jiemin, President of China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), and Ms. Linda Cook, Executive Director of Royal Dutch Shell plc.The integrated refinery and petrochemical complex will have world-class production capabilities to produce refined fuels and petrochemical products. PetroChina will have a 51% shareholding, QPI 24.5% and Shell 24.5%.His Excellency Abdulla Bin Hamad Al Attiyah said: "This step will help draw up a road map for setting up economic bridges between Qatar and China and opens investment opportunities." H.E. added: "On this occasion, I am very pleased that Shell has joined this first project of Qatar Petroleum International in China, and pleased to be partnering with PetroChina. We have here a great opportunity for our respective companies to reinforcetheir business relationship and to play a significant role in the refining and petrochemical sectors in China."Mr. Nasser Al-Jaidah, QPI CEO also added "We have established for QPI short-range and long-range performance targets. This project is a significant addition to QPI's portfolio. By associating with strong partners like PetroChina and Shell, we are confident that this first petrochemical project for QPI will rank in the top leading projects in China and in the world. "Mr. Jiang Jiemin of CNPC said: "By building the integrated refinery and petrochemical complex jointly with QPI and Shell, the cooperation in the petrochemical sector between CNPC, and Qatar (QPI) and international oil companies will be further strengthened and promoted."Ms. Linda Cook of Shell said: "Shell is pleased to continue building its partnership with QPI and PetroChina to meet China's growing energy needs. This project builds on a strong foundation of existing activities in Qatar and China, both of which are strategic to Shell. We are committed to leveraging our strong partnership with both companies and look forward to strengthened ties with the Chinese market."CNPC approves urgent plan to boost styrene production for quake reliefOn May 29, CNPC received a command that a large amount of polystyrene foam be prepared urgently, sent by the State-Owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission and the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development. Upon receiving the command, CNPC approved an urgent plan that Fushun Petrochemical, Dalian Petrochemical and Huabei Petrochemical should produce 15,000 tons of styrene in 45 days to stabilize market prices and meet the demand for temporary housing in quake-hit areas.Polystyrene foam, known for its lightness, heat and sound insulation, and resistance to erosion and water, is often used in the lining of temporary housing. After the May 12 earthquake, because of huge demand, the price of polystyrene foam has risen by 10%.CNPC donates additional RMB 13 million for disaster reliefOn May 16, CNPC donated an additional RMB 13 million for rescue and relief efforts in quake-hit areas. RMB 3 million was allocated to Gansu Province, while RMB 3 million went to Shaanxi Province, RMB 2 million was provided to Chongqing and RMB 2 million was donated to Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. The severely affected Dongfang Electric Corporation received the remaining RMB 3 million. So far, CNPC has donated a total of RMB 23 million to quake-hit areas.Four CNPC firefighting and rescue crews head for quake-hit areasAfter the occurrence of the Wenchuan earthquake in Sichuan Province, CNPC required all its professional fire brigades to be in first-degree combat readiness and well-prepared totake part in rescue activities. Currently, four teams of full-time firefighters have been organized, two of which are already engaged in relief activities.At 8:09 pm on May 13, a 22-strong crew from Lanzhou Petrochemical headed for Sichuan, driving seven firefighting and rescue vehicles. Another crew consisting of 28 full-time firefighters from Chongqing and Suining fire brigades under Southwest Oil and Gas Field Company, equipped with large-sized breakdown devices, headed to Deyang in Sichuan Province at 8:40 am on May 14.CNPC required all brigades, which are ready to participate in disaster relief, to instantly check all firefighting vehicles, devices and personal protection tools, replenish relief materials in a timely manner, earnestly carry out safeguard measures and requirements, and be ready to set out at any moment. The rescue crews of Changqing Oilfield Company and Urumqi Petrochemical Company have also finished their preparations and are waiting for the departure order from the State Safety Production and Emergency Rescue Command Center.。
