transformer Spec _sect-1__General
第 22卷第 12期2023年 12月Vol.22 No.12Dec.2023软件导刊Software Guide基于十字注意力机制改进U-Transformer的新冠肺炎影像分割史爱武,高睿杨,黄晋,盛鐾,马淑然(武汉纺织大学计算机与人工智能学院,湖北武汉 430200)摘要:针对新冠肺炎CT片病灶部分分割检测困难、背景干扰多以及小病灶点易被忽略的问题,提出一种基于注意力机制改进U-Transformer的分割方法。
关键词:新冠肺炎;影像分割;U-Transformer;注意力机制;全局—局部策略DOI:10.11907/rjdk.222513开放科学(资源服务)标识码(OSID):中图分类号:TP391.4 文献标识码:A文章编号:1672-7800(2023)012-0209-06COVID-19 Image Segmentation by U-Transformer Improved by Criss-cross Attention MechanismSHI Aiwu, GAO Ruiyang, HUANG Jing, SHENG Bei, MA Shuran(School of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence,Wuhan Textile University,Wuhan 430200,China)Abstract:Aiming at the problems of difficult partial segmentation detection, many background interferences and easy neglect of small lesions in new coronary pneumonia CT films, a segmentation method based on attention mechanism to improve U-Transformer is proposed. The atten‐tion mechanism is used to increase the accuracy of segmentation, and the attention module in the middle of the convolutional layer of the U-Transformer network is modified, and the cross-attention mechanism is used to realize the network to segment the lesion edge more accurately. The whole-local segmentation strategy is added to the network structure to achieve more accurate extraction of small lesion points. The experi‐mental results show that the improved method improves the accuracy by 5.96%, the recall rate by 7.11%, and the sample similarity by 6.49% compared to the U-Transformer, indicating that the improved method has a good effect on extracting small lesion points. Expanding deep learn‐ing methods to medical imaging diagnosis can help radiologists diagnose conditions more quickly and effectively.Key Words:COVID-19; image segmentation; U-Transformer; attention mechanism; global-local segmentation strategy0 引 言新冠肺炎近年来已成为全球热点话题,对新冠肺炎患者肺部病灶的准确识别与诊断,有助于患者得到及时治疗[1]。
mdetr代码讲解全文共四篇示例,供读者参考第一篇示例:mdetr是一种目标检测模型,它是基于Mask R-CNN架构的改进版本,旨在提高目标检测的性能和效率。
Decoder 是一个由Transformer模块组成的序列模型,用于学习目标检测任务中的目标与位置之间的关系。
我们需要导入必要的库和模块:import torchimport torchvisionimport torch.nn.functional as Ffrom torch import nnfrom torch.optim import Adamfrom torchvision.models.detection.detr import DETR, Matcher, BipartiteMatcher, SetCriterion接下来,我们定义mdetr模型的主要结构:class MDETR(nn.Module):def __init__(self, num_classes, num_queries):super().__init__()self.num_classes = num_classesself.num_queries = num_queriesself.detr = DETR(num_classes=num_classes,num_queries=num_queries)self.matcher = Matcher(cost_class=1, cost_bbox=5, cost_giou=2)在这段代码中,我们定义了一个MDETR类,它继承自nn.Module类。
2. SYSTEM APPLICATIONS................................................................................................................1
3. FEATURES ..........................................................................................................................................2
5.1. LEAD (PB)-FREE PACKAGE AND VERSION IDENTIFICATION ...........................................................4
6. PIN DESCRIPTION............................................................................................................................5
Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.3
RTL8201BL Datasheet
Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION ..........................................................1
2. Add pull-high resistor for MDIO 3. Modify ResetB circuit to meet wake-on-LAN application Cosmetic layout changes
第13章符號及縮寫字13.1 一般單位及常用符號㎜公厘@個數(乘)㎝公分¢中心線m 公尺﹟鋼材標示代號km 公里 圓、相mm2平方公厘w/ 及、附cm2平方公分No. 號碼m 2平方公尺%百分比m 3立方公尺0/00 千分比kgf/cm2公斤力每平方公分>大於kgf/m 公斤力每公尺<小於ha 公頃<不小於60°60度±許可差D 直徑& 及、與H 高度R 半徑L 長度s 比例、斜率c-c 中心到中心T 厚度℅變更設計A/C 空調設備≒約等於≠不等於13.2建築常用符號及表示法G -大梁J -格柵梁B-梁L -楣梁C -柱S -樓板F -基礎W -牆【範例一】:RB3【說明】:頂層編號3梁【範例二】:7C5A【說明】:七樓編號5A柱13.3 縮寫字(A) 一般通用縮寫字ABUT 橋臺(Abutment)C-C 中心到中心(Center to Center)CCTV 閉路電視(Closed Circuit Television)CONC 混凝土(Concrete)CC 施工契約(Construction Contract)C&C 明挖覆蓋(Cut and Cover)DDCs 詳細設計顧問(Detail Design Consultants)DIA 直徑(Diameter)DN 向下(Down)DRG 圖說(Drawings)E 東向(East)EMU 電聯車(Electric Multiple Unit)EL 高程(Elevation)EQ 相等(Equivalent)ECS 環境控制系統(Environmental Control System)開挖(Excavation)EXIST 現有(Existing)EGL 現有地面高程(Exist Ground Level)EXP 伸縮(Expansion)FRC 強化玻璃纖維混凝土(Fiber Glass Reinforced Concrete)FIN 粉刷(裝修)(Finishing)FFL 粉刷(裝修)樓板面高程(Finished Floor Level) FGL 粉刷(裝修)地面高程(Finished Ground Level) FL 樓板(Floor)FDN 基礎(Foundation)GC 總顧問(General Consultants)GL 地面高程、地基高程(Ground Level)HOR 水平(Horizontal)HR 時(Hour)ID 內徑(Inside Diameter)IL 仰拱面高程(Invert Level)MH 人孔(Manhole)大眾捷運系統(Mass Rapid Transportation) ML 銜接線(Match Line)MCT 中運量捷運系統(Middle CapacityTransportation)N 北向(North)NIC 契約外(Not In Contract)NIS 不按比例(Not In Scale)PCC 預鑄混凝土(Precast Concrete)PRC 預鑄鋼筋混凝土(Precast ReinforcementConcrete)PSC 預力混凝土(Prestressed Concrete)RC 鋼筋混凝土(Reinforced Concrete)RD 道路(Road)SECT 斷面(Section)SQ 方形/ 平方/ 正方(Square)STA 車站(Station)TEL 電話(Telephone)TYP 標準型式(Typical)UP 向上(Up)(B) 建築圖用縮寫字AFF 粉刷完成樓板面上(Above Finished Floor)CB 陰井(Catch Basin)CL 中心線(Center Line)C-C 中心到中心(Center to Center)COL 柱(Column)CONC 混凝土(Concrete)CMU 混凝土空心磚(Concrete Masonry Unit)CJ 控制縫(Control Joint)CP 控制點(Control Point)DIA 直徑(Diameter)DIM 尺寸(Dimension)DN 向下(Down)DRG 圖說(Drawings)EA 每個(Each)EL 高程(Elevation)電梯(Elevator)EQ 相等(Equivalent)EXP 伸縮(Expansion)EJ 伸縮縫(Expansion Joint)FFL 粉刷(裝修)樓板面高程(Finished Floor Level) FGL 粉刷(裝修)地面高程(Finished Ground Level) FHC 消防器(Fire Hydrant Cabinet)FLASH 蓋板、遮雨板(Flash)FL 樓板(Floor)FD 地板落水(Floor Drainage)GALV 鍍鋅(Galvanized)GA 軌距/ 量規(Gauge)GLA 玻璃(Glass)GL 地面高程/ 地基高程(Ground Level)GYP 石膏板(Gypsum)JT 接縫(Joint)KO 預留開口(孔)(Knock Out)圬工(Masonry)R 半徑(Radius)RD 路(Road)RD 屋頂落水(Roof Drainage)RI 放樣(Rough In)RM 房間(Room)SNV 衛生紙販賣機(Sanitary Napkin Vending) SNR 衛生紙收集箱(Sanitary Napkin Receipt) S 南向(South)SPKR 揚聲機(Speaker)SPEC 規範(Specification)SQ 廣場(Square)SS 不銹鋼(Stainless Steel)STR 樓梯(Stair)STA 車站(Station)SCR 車站控制室(Station Control Room)ST 鋼(Steel)STOR 儲藏(Storage)ST 街(Street)SUSP 懸吊式(Suspended)SYS 系統(System)TEL 電話(Telephone)TELENCL 電話箱(Telephone Control)TV 電視(Television)TERR 磨石子(Terrazzo)THK 厚(Thickness)TYP 標準型式(Typical)U/G 地下(Under Ground)UP 向上(Up)VENT 通風(Ventilation)VERT 垂直(Vertical)WC 大便器(Water Closet)WT 重量(Weight)W 西向/ 寬度或木料(West / Width / Wood)W/ 含…/ 及…(With)W/O 不含…(Without)WD 木料(Wood)WP 起動點(Working Point)(C) 土木水利圖用縮寫字G.W.L. 地下水位(Ground Water Level)H.H.W.L. 最高洪水位(Highest High Water Level) H.W.L. 高水位(High Water Level)HWY 公路(Highway)INV. 仰拱(溝、管)底(Invert)L.W.L. 低水位(Lower Water Level)M.S.L. 平均海平面(Mean Sea Level)M.W.L 平均水位(Mean Water Level)N.W.L 常水位(Normal Water Level)P.C. 預力混凝土(Prestressed Concrete) P.C.C. 無筋混凝土(Portland Cement Concrete) P.G. 縱坡(Profile Grade)P.V.C.P. 塑膠管(P.V.C Pipe)R.C. 鋼筋混凝土(Reinforced Concrete)R.C.P. 鋼筋混凝土管(Reinforced Concrete Pipe) R.O.W 路權(Right of Way)R.R 鐵路(Rail Road)S.E. 超高(Super Elevation)S.L. 海平面(Sea Level)S.R.C 鋼骨鋼筋混凝土(Steel Reinforced Concrete) S.S.P. 不銹鋼管(Stainless Steel Pipe)STA. 測站、樁號(Station)T/R 軌道頂(Top of Rail)W.L. 水位、水平面(Water Level)W.W.L. 警戒水位(Warning Water Level)(D) 結構圖用縮寫字ALT 交錯排列(Alternative)BOT 底(層)(Bottom)BT. 彎(Bent)CL. 淨(保護層)(Clearance)CT 柱箍筋(Column Tie-Bar)EW 各方面(Each Way)FF 遠側(Far Face)Fc’混凝土設計強度(28天圓柱試體抗壓強度)(Compressive Strength of Concrete)Fs 鋼材抗拉強度(Tensile Strength of Steel)Fy 鋼材降伏強度(Yield Strength of Steel)H.S.B. 高強度螺栓(High Strength Bolt)H.T.S. 高拉力鋼絞線(High Tensile Strand)H.T.W. 高拉力鋼線(High Tensile Wire)I.F. 內面(Inner Face)N.F. 近側(Near Face)O.F. 外側(Outside Face)SP. 螺旋筋(Spiral)STIR 箍筋(Stirrup)STR. 直通(Straight)T&B 頂層及底層(Top and Bottom)W/C 水灰比(Water Cement Ratio)W.W.F. 熔接鋼線網(Weld Wire Fence)(E) 電信系統命名(Telecom System Designation):T 一般電話系統(Telephone System)U 自備電話系統(Private Telephone System)D 局線電話系統(Digit Telephone System)WT 沿線電話系統(Way Side Telephone System)IC 對講機系統(Intercom System)RA 無線電系統(Radio System)TIDS 列車資訊顯示系統(Train Information Display System)CK 時鐘系統(Clock System)PA 播音及隧道聲控系統(Public Addressing And Tunnel Acoustic Irradiation System)(F) 一般電機用縮寫字(Electrical)A 安培(Ampere,Amps)縮寫(Abbreviation)AC 交流電流(Alternating Current)ACB 空氣無熔絲開關(Air Circuit Breaker)ADJ 可調式(Adjustable)AFC 自動頻率控制(Automatic Frequency Control)Ah 安培小時(Ampere Hour)AL 鋁(Aluminum)AM 安培表/ 調幅(Ammeter / AmplitudeModulation)AMPL 增幅器(Amplifier)ANN 警報器(Announciator)ANT 天線(Antenna)APP. 近似(Approximate)AS 安培計切換開關(Ammeter Switch)ATS 自動切換開關(Automatic Transfer Switch)AUD 音頻(Audio)AUTO 自動(Automatic)AUTOTR 自動變壓器(Auto Transformer)輔助(Auxiliary)AVG 平均(Average)AF 框架容量(Frame Size)AT 跳脫容量(Trip Rating)BAT 電池(Battery)BATCHG 電池充電機(Battery Charger)BCD 二進碼十進制(Binary Coded Decimal)BET 之間(Between)BGM 背景音樂(Back Ground Music)BIL 基本絕緣水準(Basic Insulation Level)BLDG 建築物(Building)BOT 底(層)(Bottom)C 導線管(Conduit)CA 電纜(Cable)CAB 配電箱(Cabinet)CAM 攝影機/ 空調輔助電表(Camera, Cooling Auxiliary Meter)CAP 電容器/電容(Capacitor/Capacitance)CAT 種類(Category)CB 斷路器(Circuit Breaker)CCC 中央控制中心(Central Control Center)CCTV 閉路電視(Closed Circuit Television)CH 頻道(Channel)CKT 電路/迴路(Circuit)CLG 天花板(Ceiling)CLK 鐘(Clock)CMC 母鐘(Central Master Clock)cm 公分(Centimeter)CDF 綜合配線架(Combined Distribution Frame)COAX 同軸(Coaxial)COL 圓柱(Column)COMM 通訊(Communication)CONC 混凝土(Concrete)COND 導線(Conductor)CONN 接頭/ 連接(Connector / Connection)CONS 控制台(Control Station)CONSTR 施工(Construction)CONT 連續/ 繼續(Continue / Continuation)CPT 控制電源變壓器(Control Power Transformer)CPU 中央處理(Central Processor Unit)CR 控制電驛(Control Relay)CRT 陰極射線管(Cathode Ray Tube)CS 控制開關(Control Switch)CSRC 中央監控(Central Supervisory and RemoteControl)CMPTR 電腦(Computer)CT 比流器(Current Transformer)CTL 控制(Control)CTR 中心(Center)CU 銅(Copper)CTY 電纜架(Cable Tray)D/C 類位/類比轉換器(Digital To Analog Converter)DA 分散放大器(Distribution Amplifier)dB 分貝(Decibel)dBm 毫瓦分貝(A dB Referred To One Milliwatt)DC 直流(Direct Current)DD 數位類示(Digital Display)DDC 資料分配控制器(Data Distribution Controller)DDT 資料顯示終端機(Data Display Terminal)DEPT 部門(Department)DET 詳細圖(Detail)DF 需量因素(Demand Factor)DGP 資料收集處理機(Data Gathering Processor)DGT 電信總局(Directorate General ofTelecommunications)DIA 直徑(Diameter)DIG 圖(Diagram)DIFF 差別的(Differential)DIM 尺度(Dimension)DISC 分開/ 不接(Disconnect)DISTR 分布/ 分配(Distribution)DIV 參差因數(Diversity Factor)DM 需量表(Demand Meter)DN 向下(Down)DO 抽出(Draw Out)DP 雙極(Double Pole)DPDT 雙極雙投(Double Pole Double Throw)DPST 雙極單投(Double Pole Single Throw)DS 隔離開關(Disconnect Switch)DT 雙投(Double Throw)DTG 防塵(Dust Tight)DRG 圖(Drawing)E 緊急(Emergency)EA 每一(Each)EC 空導管(Empty Conduit)EL 高程(Elevation)ELEC 電機(Electric)ELV 電梯(Elevator)EM 能源管理(Energy Management)EMI 電磁干擾(Electromagnetic Interference)EMS 環境管理子系統(Environmental Management Subsystem)EMT 金屬電導管(Electrical Metallic Tubing)ENCL 箱體(Enclosure)ENTR 入口(Entrance)EPR 乙烯丙烯橡膠(Ethylene Propylene Rubber)EQ 等化器(Equalizer)EQPT 設備(Equipment)ESC 電扶梯(Escalator)ET 緊急電話/ 經過時間(Emergency Telephone / Elapse Time)EXP.JT 伸縮縫(Expansion Joint)EXT 外部(Exterior)EX 交換機/ 交換線路(Exchange / Exchange Line)F,FI 頻率(Frequency)FA 火災報警機(Fire Alarm)FT 多功能電話(Feature Telephone)FAS 火警系統(Fire Alarm System)FB 熔線座(Fuse Block)FBO 非本工程範圍(Furnished By Others)FDN 基礎(Foundation)FDR 饋線(Feeder)FF 粉刷完成面(Finished Floor)FL 層(Floor)FLD 場(Field)FLEX 軟性的(Flexible)FLS 火災及安全輔助系統(Fire And Life SafetySubsystem)FLUOR 螢光燈(Fluorescent)FM 頻率表/ 調頻(Frequency Meter / Frequency Modulation)FO 光學纖維(Fiber Optic)FS 防火(Fire Stop)FSK 移頻按鍵/ 頻移鍵(Frequency Shift Key)FU 熔線(Fuse)FURN 提供(Furnished)FUT 未來(Future)GA 標準/ 尺度(Gauge)GALV 鍍鋅(Galvanized)GB 接地匯流排(Ground Bus)GEN 發電機(Generator)G.F. 接地故障保護(Ground Fault Protection)GRS 無線電指引系統(Guide Radio System)G,GND 地面/ 接地/ 綠色(Ground / Green)時(Hour)HGT 高度(Height)HH 手孔(Hand Hole)HLT 熱線電話(Hot Line Telephone)HOA 手動斷開自動(Handoff Automatic)HORIZ 水平(Horizontal)HP 馬力(Horse Power)HR 手動復歸(Hand Reset)HTR 電熱器(Heater)HV 高壓(High Voltage)HVAC 暖氣,通風與空調(Heating Ventilating andAir-conditioning)HZ 赫(Hertz)I/T 瞬時跳脫(Instantaneous Trip)I/F 界面(Interface)I/O 輸入/輸出(Input / Output)IAC 連鎖鎧裝電纜(Inter Locked Armored Cable)界面箱(Interface Cabinet)ID 證實/ 正名(Identification)IDF 中間配線架(Intermediate Distribution Frame)IMP 阻抗(Impedance)INC 進入(Incoming)INST 瞬時的(Instantaneous)INSTR 儀器(Instrument)INT 內部(Interior)INTLK 連鎖(Inter Lock)INV 換流器(Inverter)IT 隔離變壓器(Isolating Transformer)ITR 反時電驛(Inverse Time Relay)JB 接線盒(Junction Box)JT 接頭/ 接合(Joint)KB 鍵盤(Keyboard)kg 公斤(Kilogram)公斤/公尺(Kilogram Per Meter)kHz 千赫(Kilohertz)km 公里(Kilometer)KD 敲孔(Knockout)KS 閘刀開關(Knife Switch)KV 仟伏特(Kilovolt)KVA 仟伏安(Kilovolt Ampere)KVAH 仟伏安時(Kilovolt Ampere Hour)KVAR 無效仟伏安(Kilovolt Ampere Reactive)KW 仟瓦(Kilowatt)KWH 仟瓦時(Kilowatt Hour)KWHD 仟瓦時附需量計(Kilowatt Hour W/Demand)L 長度(Length)LA 避雷器(Lightning Arrester)LCD 液晶顯示器(Liquid Crystal Display)LED 光二極體(Light Emitting Diode)微動開關(Limit Switch)LT 長延時(Long Time Delay)LTG 照明(Lighting)LTNG 雷電(Lightning)LUM 燈具(Luminary)LV 低壓(Low Voltage)LVL 水平(Level)LX 勒克斯(照度之公制單位)(Lux)M 馬達(Motor)m 公尺(Meter)MAINT 維護(Maintenance)mA 毫安(Milliampere)MAN 手動(Manual)MANOP 手動操作(Manual Operated)MAX 極大值(Maximum)mB 毫巴(Millibar)MC 鎧裝/ 主鐘(Metal Clad / Master Clock)馬達控制中心(Motor Control Center)MDF 主配線架(Main Distribution Frame)MED 中間(Medium)MECH 機械的(Mechanical)MESS 雜項設備監視子系統(Miscellaneous Equipment Supervisory Subsystem)MEZZ 夾層(Mezzanine)MFR 製造者(Manufacturer)MH 人孔(Manhole)MHZ 百萬赫(Megahertz)MIC 微音器(Microphone)MIN 極小值(Minimum)min 分(Minute)MISC 雜項(Miscellaneous)mm 毫米(Millimeter)MON 監視器(Monitor)MR 複比(Multi Ratio)MRS 維護無線電台(Maintenance Radio Station)平均海平面(Mean Sea Level)MTD 裝置(Mounted)MTG 裝置(Mounting)MTS 手動切換開關(Manual Transfer Switch)MUX 多工器(Multiplexed)mV 毫伏(Milli Volt)MV 中壓(Medium Voltage)MVA 百萬伏安(Mega Volt Ampere)NA 不適用(Not Applicable)NC 常關(Normally Closed)NEG 負的(Negative)NET 網路(Network)NEUT 中性的(Neutral)NIC 非契約範圍(Not In Contract)NMC 非金屬導線管(Non Metallic Conduit)NO 數/ 常開(Number / Normally Open)NOM 名義/ 公稱(Nominal)正常(Normal)NIS 未按比例(Not In Scale)OA 輸出放大(Output Amplifier)OC 過電流(Over Current)OD 外徑(Outside Diameter)OL 過載(Overload)OM 外部記號(Outer Marker)OTG 輸出/ 引出(Outgoing)OV 過電壓(Over Voltage)OCS 電車線系統(Overhead Contact System /Overhead Catenary System)PA 音播(Public Address)PABX 專用自動交換機(Private Automatic BranchExchange)PAC 前置處理機及通訊控制器(Preprocessor and Communication Controller)PB 按鈕/ 拉線箱(Push Button / Pull Box)按鈕站(Push Button Station)PCM 脈碼調變(Pulse Code Modulation)PF 功率因數(Power Factor)PLSC 電力與照明監控子系統(Power And Lighting Supervisory Control Subsystem)PM 脈衝調變(Pulse Modulation)PMC 電力維護電路(Power Maintenance Circuit)PNEU 氣壓式/ 氣動(Pneumatic)PNL 配電盤(Panel)POS 正值/ 位置(Positive / Position)POT 電位(Potential)PR 一對(Pair)PRI 第一次(Primary)PRL 平行(Parallel)PS 電源供給器(Power Supply)PSS 電力監控系統(Power Supervisory System)PT 比壓器(Potential Transformer)PTPA 月台電話及播音系統(Platform Telephone withPublic Address Service)PTZ 水平轉動/垂直轉動/放大縮小(Pan / Tilt /Zoom)PUBT 公用電話(Public Telephone)PVC 聚氯乙烯(Polyvinyl Chloride)PWR 電力(Power)PWMT 電力維修電話(Power Maintenance Telephone)R 電驛/ 半徑/ 反轉(Relay / Radius / Reversing)R1,R2 受訊機附編號(Receiver Number of)RAD 無線電(Radio)RC 隱藏式(Recessed)RCT 遠端電腦終端機(Remote Computer Terminal)RCTL 遙控(Remote Control)RECT 整流器(Rectifier)RECV 接收(Receive)REF 參考(Reference)REG 調整器(Regulator)REM 遠方(Remote)RSD 捲門(Roller Shutter Door)REQD 要求(Required)RES 電阻器(Resistor)REV 校正(Revision)RF 無線電頻率(Radio Frequency)RM 室(Room)RMC 鐵路維護電路(Rail Way Maintenance Circuit)RMT 遠端多工終端機(Remote Multiplex Terminal)ROC 鐵路行車電路(Railway Operation Circuit)rpm 每分轉數(Revolutions Per Minute)RSC 鋼導線管(Rigid Steel Conduit)RT 防雨(Rain Tight)RTD 熱阻溫度偵測器(Resistance TemperatureDetector)RX 接收器/ 接收(Receiver / Receive)RECPT 插座(Receptacle)RV 降壓起動器(Reduced Voltage Starter)S 秒(Second)SB 備用(Standby)SCC 短路容量(Short Circuit Capacity)SECT 斷面/ 尺規(Section / Sector)SEQ 序列(Sequence)SF 葉片(Split Flap)SFB 葉片板(Split Flap Board)SFC 葉片控制器(Split Flap Controller)SH 分路(Shunt)SHLD 遮蔽(Shield)SLD 密封設施(Sealing Device)SIM 近似(Similar)SM 掛裝(Surface Mounted)S/N 訊號雜音比(Signal To Noise Ratio)SOL 螺管(Solenoid)SP 備用品(Spare)SPEC 規格/ 規範(Specification)揚聲器(Speaker)SPDT 單極雙投(Single Pole Double Throw)SPST 單極單投(Single Pole Single Throw)SPM 同步及並聯模組(Synchronizing and Paralleling Module)SS 同步開關(Synchronizing Switch)ST 短延時(Short Time Delay)STA 站(Station)STD 標準(Standard)SUB 分站/ 變電站(Substation)SUPV 監督(Supervisory)SW 開關(Switch)SWR 開關器(Switcher)SWBO 開關箱(Switch Board)SWGR 開關設備(Switch Gear)SYM 圖例(Symbol)SYMM 對稱(Symmetrical)SYNC 同步化(Synchronize)系統(System)T1,T2 發射器(編號)(Transmitter Number of)TB 端子板(Terminal Board)TBX 端子箱(Terminal Box)TC 跳脫線圈(Trip Coil)TX 傳送器/ 發射機(Transmitter)TYP 代表同樣(Typical)TWR 塔(Tower)TIDS 列車資訊顯示系統(Train Information Display System)TDM 分時多工(Time Division Multiplex)TCV 溫度控制閥(Temperature Control Valve)TD 行車調度(Train Dispatching)TDC 延時閉路(Time Delay Closing)TDO 延時開路(Time Delay Opening)TDR 延時電驛(Time Delay Relay)TEL,T 電話(Telephone)TELECOM 電信(Telecommunications)TEMP 溫度(Temperature)TERM 端子(Terminal)THH 電信手孔(Telecommunications Hand-Hole)THRU 管槽(Through)TM 電視監視機(Television Monitor)TMH 電信人孔(Telecommunications Manhole)TOC 混凝土頂部(Top of Concrete)TPC 台灣電力公司(Taiwan Power Company)TPST 三極單投(Triple Pole Single Throw)TRT 列車無線電話系統(Train Radio Telephone System)TV 電視(Television)UCP 單元控制盤(Unit Control Panel)UF 地板下(Under Floor)UG 地下(Under Ground)UHF 超高頻(Ultra High Frequency)除另有註明者外(Unless Otherwise Noted)UPS 不斷電系統(Uninterruptible Power Supply)UV 欠電壓(Under Voltage)uV 微伏(Micro Volt)V 伏特(Volt)VA 伏安(Volt Ampere)VAC 交流電壓(Volt Alternating Current)VCSS 語音通訊交換系統(Voice CommunicationsSwitching System)VDA 視訊分配放大器(Video Distribution Amplifier)VDC 直流電壓/ 視訊顯示控制(Volts Direct Current / Video Display Control)VDT 視訊顯示終端機(Video Display Terminal)VENT 通風(Ventilation)VERT 垂直(Vertical)VF 音頻(Voice Frequency)VHF 超高頻(Very High Frequency)視訊(Video)VM 電壓表(Voltmeter)VS 電壓切換(Voltmeter Switch)VSC 可變速控制器(Variable Speed Controller)VSWR 電壓駐波比(Voltage Standing Wave Ratio)VT 防煙汽(Vaportight)VTR 錄影機(Video Tape Recorder)W/ 含…/及…(With)W 瓦特/ 線(Watt / Wire)W/O 不含…(Without)WP 不受氣候影響(Weatherproof)WT 防水(Watertight)XLP 交連聚氯乙烯(Cross Linked Polyethylene)XMIT 發送(Transmit)XFMR 變壓器(Transformer)XMTR 發射器(Transmitter)(G) 一般機械用縮寫字(Mechanical):AC 冷氣機(Air Conditioner)ACH 氣冷式冰水主機(Air Cooled Chiller Unit) ACID 排酸管(Acid Waste Pipe)ACP 空氣壓縮機(Air Compressor)AD 維修門(Access Door)AF 翼截式(Air Foil)AFO 自動泡沫管(Auto Foam)AFS 氣流開關(Air Flow Switch)AHU 空調箱(Air Handling Unit)ALK 排 管(Alkaline Waste)ASK 自動撒水管(Auto Sprinkler Pipe)ASY 自動水霧管(Auto Spray Pipe)AST 儲氣槽(Air Storage Tank)AV 釋(排)氣閥(Air Vent)B & S 承插式(Bell & Spigot)BA 緊急呼吸管(Breathing Air Pipe)BDD 逆止風門(Back Draft Damper)BI 後傾式(Backward Inclined)BOD 風管底部(Bottom Of Duct)BOP 管路底部(Bottom Of Pipe)BP 加壓泵(Booster Pump)BTM 底部(Bottom)BTU 熱量計(BTU Meter)BV 蝶閥(Butterfly Valve)BV 球塞閥(Ball Valve)BWR 滷水回水管(Brine Return Pipe)BWS 滷水送水管(Brine Supply Pipe)CA 壓縮空氣管(Compressed Air Pipe)CAU 電腦室空調箱(Computer Room Air Handling Unit) CD 天花板擴散型出風口(Ceiling Diffuser)SD/T 水槽落水頭附存水彎(Sink Drain/Trap)CDA 乾燥壓縮空氣管(Clean Dry Air Pipe)CDWR 冷卻純水回水管(Cooling DI Water Return Pipe)CDWS 冷卻純水送水管(Cooling DI Water Supply Pipe)CF 吸頂型風機(Ceiling Mounted Type Fan)CHE 化學管(Chemical Pipe)CHP 冰水泵(Chilled Water Pump)CHR 冰水回水管(Chilled Water Return Pipe)CHS 冰水送水管(Chilled Water Supply Pipe)CHT 化學加藥設備(Chemical Treatment)CHU 冰水機(Chiller Unit)CIP 鑄鐵管(Cast Iron Pipe)CMH or m3/h 立方公尺/每小時(Cubic Meter Per Hour)CO 清潔口(Cleanout)COP 銅管(Copper Pipe)CPK 電腦室箱型冷氣機(Computer Room Package Air Conditioner)CTR 冷卻水塔(Cooling Tower)CV 逆止閥(Check Valve)CW 冷水管(Cold Water Pipe)CWP 冷卻水泵(Condenser Water Pipe)CWR 冷卻水回水管(Condenser Water Return Pipe) CWS 冷卻水送水管(Condenser Water Supply Pipe)DB 乾球(Dry Bulb)DF 漏斗式排放口(Drain Funnel)DF 飲水機(Drinking Fountain)DI 純水管(De-Ionized Water Pipe)DIR 純水回水管(Di Reclaim Water Pipe)DL 門百葉(Door Louver)DN 降(下)(Down)DP 排水泵(Drainage Pump)DS 乾式立管(Dry Type Standpipe)DW 自來水(Domestic Water)DWG 圖(Drawing)EA 排風(Exhaust Air)EA 個,只(計量單位)(Each)EAF 排風機(Exhaust Air Fan)EAG 格柵式排氣口(Exhaust Air Grille)EAR 格柵式排氣口附風門(Exhaust Air Register) EAT 進風溫度(Entering Air Temperature)EB 電能開水機(Electric Boiler)EFF. 效率(Efficiency)EHE 電能加熱器(Electric Heater)EHU 電能加濕器(Electric Humidifier)ESEW 緊急沖身洗眼器(Emergency Shower &Eyewash)ET 膨脹水箱(Expansion Tank)EWH 電能熱水器(Electric Water Heater)EWT 進水溫度(Entering Water Temperature)ETD 電熱鏈式防火風門(Electro - Thermal Line Fire Damper)F 消防管(Firer Hydrant Pipe)FA 火警(Fire Alarm)FAC 水龍頭(Faucet)FACP 火警控制盤(Fire Alarm Control Panel) FAF 送風機(Fresh Air Fan)FAO 新鮮空氣開口(Fresh Air Opening)FC 前傾式(Forward Curved)FCC 隱蔽式冷風機(Fan Coil Unit - Concealed)) FCE 露明式冷風機(Fan Coil Unit - Exposed) FCO 地板上清潔口(Floor Cleanout)FD 防火風門(Fire Damper)FD/T 地板落水頭附存水彎(Floor Drain / Trap) FFL 樓板高度(Finish Floor Level)FH 消防栓(Fire Hydrant)FHC 消防栓箱(Fire Hydrant Cabinet)FHSC 消防水帶箱(Fire Hose Storage Cabinet) FJ 減震接頭(Flexible Joint)FM 消防幹管(Fire Main)FP 消防泵(Fire Pump)FPS 消防系統(Fire Protection System)FPW 消防用水(Fire Protection Water)FS 水流開關(Flow Switch)FU 設備單位(Fixture Unit)GAV 閘閥(Gate Valve)GLV 球型閥(Globe Valve)H/S 蜂鳴器/頻閃燈光(Horn / Strobe)HA 防護區(Hazard)HD 烘手機(Hand Dryer)HF (S) 排強氫氟酸管(HF (Strong) Waste Pipe) HF (W) 排弱氫氟酸管(HF (Weak) Waste Pipe) HMU 加濕器補給水(Humidifier make Up pipe) HV 高真空管(High Vacuum Pipe)HW 熱水(Hot Water)HWP 熱水泵(Hot Water Pipe)HWR 熱水回水管(Hot Water Return Pipe) HWS 熱水送水管(Hot Water Supply Pipe)IW 工業用供水管(Industrial Water Supply Pipe)JND 噴流型出風口(Jet Nozzle Diffuser)JIF 誘導式風機(Jet Induced Fan)JP 增壓泵(Jacket Pump)KS 廚房洗槽(Kitchen Sink)kPa壓力單位(Kilopascal(s))kW仟瓦(Kilowatt(s))L 公升(Liter)LAT 離風溫度(Leaving Air Temperature)LAV 洗臉盆(Lavatory)LBG 線型格柵式出風口(Linear Bar Grille - Supply Air) LDR 線型回風口(Linear Diffuser, Return)LDS 線型出風口(Linear Diffuser, Supply)LFAP 火警受信總機(Local Fire Alarm panel)LPM or L/M 公升/分(Liter Per Minute)LS 液位感測器(控制器)(Level Switch Controller) LV 低真空管(Low Vacuum Pipe)LV 百葉(Louver)LWT 出水溫度(Leaving Water Temperature)MCD 電動控制風門(Motorized Control Damper) MFSD 電動防火排(防)煙風門(Motorized Fire & Smoke Damper)MOD 電動風門(Motorized Operated Damper)MPS OR m/s 公尺/秒(Meter Per Second)MRS 手動啟動開關(Manual Release Station)MSD 電動排煙風門(Motorized Smoke Damper)MU 補給水管(Make Up Water Pipe)NC 常閉(Normally Closed)NIC 不屬本工程(Not In Contract)NO 常開(Normally Open)NTS 未按比例(Not To Scale)OA 外空氣(Outside Air)OBD 對開式風門(Opposed Blade Damper)OS & Y 軛與外螺牙(Outside Screw & Yoke)PAU 預冷空調箱(Pre-Cooling Air Handling Unit)PAC 箱型冷氣機(Packaged Air Conditioner)PCC 箱型空調箱(Package Air Handling Unit)PCD 氣動控制風門(Pneumatic Control Damper)PCHP 一次冰水泵(Primary Chilled Water Pump)PCV 氣動控制閥(Pneumatic Control Valve)PD 壓降(Pressure Drop)PFSD 氣動防火排(防)煙風門(Pneumatic Fire & Smoke Damper)PFE 手提式滅火器(Portable Fire Extinguisher)PG 壓力表(Pressure Gauge)PH 語音裝置(Phonetic Device)POD 氣動風門(Pneumatic Operated Damper) PPM 百萬分之一(Parts Per Million)PS 壓力感測器(Pressure Sensor)PSD 氣動排煙風門(Pneumatic Smoke Damper) PT 壓力水槽(Pressure Tank)PW 壓力開關(Pressure Switch)RA 回風(Return Air)RAF 回風機(Return Air Fan)RAG 格柵式回風口(Return Air Grille)RAO 回風開口(Return Air Opening)RAP 回風花板(Return Air Perforated Plate) RAR 格柵式回風口附風門(Return Air Register) RD 屋頂落水頭(Roof Drain)RD 冷媒式乾燥機(Refrigeration Dryer)RF 屋頂通風扇(Roof Fan)RH 相對濕度(Relative Humidity)RL 冷煤液體管(Refrigerant Liquid Pipe)RP 冷煤泵(Refrigerant Pump)RPM 轉速(Revolution Per Minute)RS 冷煤吸入管(Refrigerant Suction pipe)RT 冷凍噸(Tons Of refrigeration)RWP 回水管(Return Water Pipe)Sp 蒸汽管(Steam Pipe)SAF 送風機(Supply Air Fan)SAG 格柵式送風口(Supply Air Grille)SAO 送風開口(Supply Air Opening)SAR 格柵式送風口附風門(Supply Air Register) SAT 消音箱(Sound Attenuator)SCHP 二次冰水泵(Secondary Chilled Water Pipe) SD 肥皂架(Soap Dispenser)SD 排煙風門(Smoke Damper)SEF 排煙風機(Smoke Extraction Fan)SG 製程氣體管(Special Gas)SH 蒸汽加濕器(Steam Humidifier)SHR 蓮蓬頭(Shower)SP 蹲式馬桶(Squatting pan)SP 靜壓(Static Pressure)SPF 樓梯加壓風機(Stair Pressurization Fan) SS 托布盆(Service Sink)SS 蒸汽供汽管(Steam Supply Pipe)SSP 雜質分離泵(Solid Separator pump) SW 排糞管(Soil Water pipe)SWP 污物泵(Sewage Pump)SWR 軟水回水管(Soft Water Return Pipe) SWS 軟水送水管(Soft Water Supply Pipe)TC 溫度控制器(Temperature Controller) THS 溫度開關(Thermostat)TOD 風管頂部Top Of Duct)TOP 管路頂部(Top Of Pipe)TP 全壓(Total Pressure)TS 溫度感測器(Temperature Sensor)。
REM 远方(Remote)RSD cr门(Roller Shutter Door)REQD 要求(Required)RES 电阻器(Resistor)REV 校正(Revision)RF 无线电频率(Radio Frequency)RM 室(Room)RMC 铁路维护电路(Rail Way Maintenance Circuit)RMT 远端多工终端机(Remote Multiplex Terminal)ROC 铁路行车电路(Railway Operation Circuit)rpm 每分转数(Revolutions Per Minute)RSC 钢导线管(Rigid Steel Conduit)RT 防雨(Rain Tight)RTD 热阻温度侦测器(Resistance Temperature Detector)RX 接收器/ 接收(Receiver / Receive)RECPT 插座(Receptacle)RV 降压起动器(Reduced V oltage Starter)S 秒(Second)SB 备用(Standby)SCC 短路容量(Short Circuit Capacity)SECT 断面/ 尺规(Section / Sector)SEQ 序列(Sequence)SF 叶片(Split Flap)SFB 叶片板(Split Flap Board)SFC 叶片控制器(Split Flap Controller)SH 分路(Shunt)SHLD 遮蔽(Shield)SLD 密封设施(Sealing Device)SIM 近似(Similar)SM c装(Surface Mounted)S/N 讯号杂音比(Signal To Noise Ratio)SOL 螺管(Solenoid)SP 备用品(Spare)SPEC 规格/ 规范(Specification)SPKR 扬声器(Speaker)SPDT 单极双投(Single Pole Double Throw)SPST 单极单投(Single Pole Single Throw)SPM 同步及并联模组(Synchronizing and Paralleling Module)SS 同步开关(Synchronizing Switch)ST 短延时(Short Time Delay)STA 站(Station)STD 标n(Standard)SUB 分站/ 变电站(Substation)SUPV 监督(Supervisory)SW 开关(Switch)SWR 开关器(Switcher)SWBO 开关箱(Switch Board)SWGR 开关设备(Switch Gear)SYM 图例(Symbol)SYMM 对称(Symmetrical)SYNC 同步化(Synchronize)SYS 系统(System)T1,T2 发射器(编号)(Transmitter Number of)TB 端子板(Terminal Board)TBX 端子箱(Terminal Box)TC 跳脱线圈(Trip Coil)TX 传送器/ 发射机(Transmitter)TYP 代表同样(Typical)TWR 塔(Tower)TIDS 列车资讯显示系统(Train Information Display System)TDM 分时多工(Time Division Multiplex)TCV 温度控制阀(Temperature Control Valve)TD 行车调度(Train Dispatching)TDC 延时闭路(Time Delay Closing)TDO 延时开路(Time Delay Opening)TDR 延时电[(Time Delay Relay)TEL,T 电话(Telephone)TELECOM 电信(Telecommunications)TEMP 温度(Temperature)TERM 端子(Terminal)THH 电信手孔(Telecommunications Hand-Hole)THRU 管槽(Through)TM 电视监视机(Television Monitor)TMH 电信人孔(Telecommunications Manhole)TOC 混凝土顶部(Top of Concrete)TPC 台湾电力公司(Taiwan Power Company)TPST 三极单投(Triple Pole Single Throw)TRT 列车无线电话系统(Train Radio Telephone System)TV 电视(Television)UCP 单元控制盘(Unit Control Panel)UF 地板下(Under Floor)UG 地下(Under Ground)UHF 超高频(Ultra High Frequency)UON 除另有?明者外(Unless Otherwise Noted)UPS 不断电系统(Uninterruptible Power Supply)UV 欠电压(Under V oltage)uV 微伏(Micro V olt)V 伏特(Volt)V A 伏安(V olt Ampere)V AC 交流电压(V olt Alternating Current)VCSS 语音通讯交换系统(V oice Communications Switching System)VDA 视讯分配放大器(Video Distribution Amplifier)VDC 直流电压/ 视讯显示控制(V olts Direct Current / Video Display Control)VDT 视讯显示终端机(Video Display Terminal)VENT 通风(Ventilation)VERT 垂直(Vertical)VF 音频(Voice Frequency)VHF 超高频(Very High Frequency)VID 视讯(Video)VM 电压表(V oltmeter)VS 电压切换(Voltmeter Switch)VSC 可变速控制器(Variable Speed Controller)VSWR 电压驻波比(V oltage Standing Wave Ratio)VT 防烟汽(Vaportight)VTR 录影机(Video Tape Recorder)W/ 含…/及…(With)W 瓦特/ 线(Watt / Wire)W/O 不含…(Without)WP 不受气候影响(Weatherproof)WT 防水(Watertight)XLP 交连聚氯乙烯(Cross Linked Polyethylene)XMIT 发送(Transmit)XFMR 变压器(Transformer)XMTR 发射器(Transmitter)H 时(Hour)HGT 高度(Height)HH 手孔(Hand Hole)HLT 热线电话(Hot Line Telephone)HOA 手动断开自动(Handoff Automatic)HORIZ 水平(Horizontal)HP 马力(Horse Power)HR 手动_┕椋Hand Reset)HTR 电热器(Heater)HV 高压(High V oltage)HV AC 暖气,通风与空调(Heating Ventilating and Air-conditioning)HZ 赫(Hertz)I/T 瞬时跳脱(Instantaneous Trip)I/F 界面(Interface)I/O 输入/输出(Input / Output)IAC 连锁ё暗缋拢Inter Locked Armored Cable)IC 界面箱(Interface Cabinet)ID 证实/ 正名(Identification)IDF 中间配线架(Intermediate Distribution Frame)IMP 阻抗(Impedance)INC 进入(Incoming)INST 瞬时的(Instantaneous)INSTR 仪器(Instrument)INT 内部(Interior)INTLK 连锁(Inter Lock)INV 换流器(Inverter)IT 隔离变压器(Isolating Transformer)ITR 反时电[(Inverse Time Relay)JB 接线盒(Junction Box)JT 接头/ 接合(Joint)KB 键盘(Keyboard)kg 公斤(Kilogram)kg/m 公斤/公尺(Kilogram Per Meter)kHz 千赫(Kilohertz)km 公里(Kilometer)KD 敲孔(Knockout)KS 闸刀开关(Knife Switch)KV 仟伏特(Kilovolt)KV A 仟伏安(Kilovolt Ampere)KV AH 仟伏安时(Kilovolt Ampere Hour)KV AR 无效仟伏安(Kilovolt Ampere Reactive)KW 仟瓦(Kilowatt)KWH 仟瓦时(Kilowatt Hour)KWHD 仟瓦时附需量计(Kilowatt Hour W/Demand)L 长度(Length)LA 避雷器(Lightning Arrester)LCD 液晶显示器(Liquid Crystal Display)LED 光二极体(Light Emitting Diode)LS 微动开关(Limit Switch)LT 长延时(Long Time Delay)LTG 照明(Lighting)LTNG 雷电(Lightning)LUM 灯具(Luminary)LV 低压(Low Voltage)LVL 水平(Level)LX 勒克斯(照度之公制单位)(Lux)M 马达(Motor)m 公尺(Meter)MAINT 维护(Maintenance)mA 毫安(Milliampere)MAN 手动(Manual)MANOP 手动操作(Manual Operated)MAX 极大值(Maximum)mB 毫巴(Millibar)MC ё / 主?(Metal Clad / Master Clock)MCC 马达控制中心(Motor Control Center)MDF 主配线架(Main Distribution Frame)MED 中间(Medium)MECH 机械的(Mechanical)MESS 杂项设备监视子系统(Miscellaneous Equipment Supervisory Subsystem)MEZZ 夹层(Mezzanine)MFR 造者(Manufacturer)MH 人孔(Manhole)MHZ 百万赫(Megahertz)MIC 微音器(Microphone)MIN 极小值(Minimum)min 分(Minute)MISC 杂项(Miscellaneous)mm 毫米(Millimeter)MON 监视器(Monitor)MR 复比(Multi Ratio)MRS 维护无线电台(Maintenance Radio Station)MSL 平均海平面(Mean Sea Level)MTD 装置(Mounted)MTG 装置(Mounting)MTS 手动切换开关(Manual Transfer Switch)MUX 多工器(Multiplexed)mV 毫伏(Milli V olt)MV 中压(Medium Voltage)MV A 百万伏安(Mega V olt Ampere)NA 不适用(Not Applicable)NC 常关(Normally Closed)NEG 负的(Negative)NET 网路(Network)NEUT 中性的(Neutral)NIC 非契约范围(Not In Contract)NMC 非金属导线管(Non Metallic Conduit)NO 数/ 常开(Number / Normally Open)NOM 名义/ 公称(Nominal)NORM 正常(Normal)NIS 未按比例(Not In Scale)OA 输出放大(Output Amplifier)OC 过电流(Over Current)OD 外径(Outside Diameter)OL 过载(Overload)OM 外部记号(Outer Marker)OTG 输出/ 引出(Outgoing)OV 过电压(Over V oltage)OCS 电车线系统(Overhead Contact System / Overhead Catenary System)PA 音播(Public Address)PABX 专用自动交换机(Private Automatic Branch Exchange)PAC 前置处理机及通讯控制器(Preprocessor and Communication Controller)PB 按钮/ 拉线箱(Push Button / Pull Box)PBSTA 按钮站(Push Button Station)PCM 脉码调变(Pulse Code Modulation)PF 功率因数(Power Factor)PLSC 电力与照明监控子系统(Power And Lighting Supervisory Control Subsystem)PM 脉冲调变(Pulse Modulation)PMC 电力维护电路(Power Maintenance Circuit)PNEU 气压式/ 气动(Pneumatic)PNL 配电盘(Panel)POS 正值/ 位置(Positive / Position)POT 电位(Potential)PR 一对(Pair)PRI 第一次(Primary)PRL 平行(Parallel)PS 电源供给器(Power Supply)PSS 电力监控系统(Power Supervisory System)PT 比压器(Potential Transformer)PTPA 月台电话及播音系统(Platform Telephone with Public Address Service)PTZ 水平转动/垂直转动/放大缩小(Pan / Tilt / Zoom)PUBT 公用电话(Public Telephone)PVC 聚氯乙烯(Polyvinyl Chloride)PWR 电力(Power)PWMT 电力维修电话(Power Maintenance Telephone)R 电[ / 半径/ 反转(Relay / Radius / Reversing)R1,R2 受讯机附编号(Receiver Number of)RAD 无线电(Radio)RC 隐藏式(Recessed)RCT 远端电脑终端机(Remote Computer Terminal)RCTL 遥控(Remote Control)RECT 整流器(Rectifier)RECV 接收(Receive)REF 参考(Reference)REG 调整器(Regulator)A 安培(Ampere,Amps)ABBR 缩写(Abbreviation)AC 交流电流(Alternating Current)ACB 空气无熔丝开关(Air Circuit Breaker)ADJ 可调式(Adjustable)AFC 自动频率控制(Automatic Frequency Control)Ah 安培小时(Ampere Hour)AL 铝(Aluminum)AM 安培表/ 调幅(Ammeter / Amplitude Modulation)AMPL 增幅器(Amplifier)ANN 警报器(Announciator)ANT 天线(Antenna)APP. 近似(Approximate)AS 安培计切换开关(Ammeter Switch)ATS 自动切换开关(Automatic Transfer Switch)AUD 音频(Audio)AUTO 自动(Automatic)AUTOTR 自动变压器(Auto Transformer)AUX 辅助(Auxiliary)A VG 平均(Average)AF 框架容量(Frame Size)AT 跳脱容量(Trip Rating)BAT 电池(Battery)BA TCHG 电池充电机(Battery Charger)BCD 二进码十进制(Binary Coded Decimal)BET 之间(Between)BGM 背景音乐(Back Ground Music)BIL 基本绝缘水n(Basic Insulation Level)BLDG 建筑物(Building)BOT 底(层)(Bottom)C 导线管(Conduit)CA 电缆(Cable)CAB 配电箱(Cabinet)CAM 摄影机/ 空调辅助电表(Camera, Cooling Auxiliary Meter)CAP 电容器/电容(Capacitor/Capacitance)CAT 种类(Category)CB 断路器(Circuit Breaker)CCC 中央控制中心(Central Control Center)CCTV 闭路电视(Closed Circuit Television)CH 频道(Channel)CKT 电路/袈罚Circuit)CLG 天花板(Ceiling)CLK ?(Clock)CMC 母?(Central Master Clock)cm 公分(Centimeter)CDF 综合配线架(Combined Distribution Frame)COAX 同轴(Coaxial)COL 圆柱(Column)COMM 通讯(Communication)CONC 混凝土(Concrete)COND 导线(Conductor)CONN 接头/ 连接(Connector / Connection)CONS 控制台(Control Station)CONSTR 施工(Construction)CONT 连续/ 继续(Continue / Continuation)CPT 控制电源变压器(Control Power Transformer)CPU 中央处理(Central Processor Unit)CR 控制电[(Control Relay)CRT 阴极射线管(Cathode Ray Tube)CS 控制开关(Control Switch)CSRC 中央监控(Central Supervisory and Remote Control)CMPTR 电脑(Computer)CT 比流器(Current Transformer)CTL 控制(Control)CTR 中心(Center)CU 铜(Copper)CTY 电缆架(Cable Tray)D/C 类位/类比转换器(Digital To Analog Converter)DA 分散放大器(Distribution Amplifier)dB 分贝(Decibel)dBm 毫瓦分贝(A dB Referred To One Milliwatt)DC 直流(Direct Current)DD 数位类示(Digital Display)DDC 资料分配控制器(Data Distribution Controller)DDT 资料显示终端机(Data Display Terminal)DEPT 部门(Department)DET 详细图(Detail)DF 需量因素(Demand Factor)DGP 资料收集处理机(Data Gathering Processor)DGT 电信总局(Directorate General of Telecommunications)DIA 直径(Diameter)DIG 图(Diagram)DIFF 差别的(Differential)DIM 尺度(Dimension)DISC 分开/ 不接(Disconnect)DISTR 分布/ 分配(Distribution)DIV 参差因数(Diversity Factor)DM 需量表(Demand Meter)DN 向下(Down)DO 抽出(Draw Out)DP 双极(Double Pole)DPDT 双极双投(Double Pole Double Throw)DPST 双极单投(Double Pole Single Throw)DS 隔离开关(Disconnect Switch)DT 双投(Double Throw)DTG 防尘(Dust Tight)DRG 图(Drawing)E 紧急(Emergency)EA 每一(Each)EC 空导管(Empty Conduit)EL 高程(Elevation)ELEC 电机(Electric)ELV 电梯(Elevator)EM 能源管理(Energy Management)EMI 电磁干扰(Electromagnetic Interference)EMS 环境管理子系统(Environmental Management Subsystem)EMT 金属电导管(Electrical Metallic Tubing)ENCL 箱体(Enclosure)ENTR 入口(Entrance)EPR 乙烯丙烯橡胶(Ethylene Propylene Rubber)EQ 等化器(Equalizer)EQPT 设备(Equipment)ESC 电扶梯(Escalator)ET 紧急电话/ 经过时间(Emergency Telephone / Elapse Time)EXP.JT 伸缩缝(Expansion Joint)EXT 外部(Exterior)EX 交换机/ 交换线路(Exchange / Exchange Line)F,FI 频率(Frequency)FA 火灾报警机(Fire Alarm)FT 多功能电话(Feature Telephone)FAS 火警系统(Fire Alarm System)FB 熔线座(Fuse Block)FBO 非本工程范围(Furnished By Others)FDN 基础(Foundation)FDR 馈线(Feeder)FF 粉刷完成面(Finished Floor)FL 层(Floor)FLD 场(Field)FLEX 软性的(Flexible)FLS 火灾及安全辅助系统(Fire And Life Safety Subsystem)FLUOR 萤光灯(Fluorescent)FM 频率表/ 调频(Frequency Meter / Frequency Modulation)FO 光学纤维(Fiber Optic)FS 防火(Fire Stop)FSK 移频按键/ 频移键(Frequency Shift Key)FU 熔线(Fuse)FURN 提供(Furnished)FUT 未来(Future)GA 标n?/ 尺度(Gauge)GALV 镀锌(Galvanized)GB 接地S/流排(Ground Bus)GEN 发电机(Generator)G.F. 接地故障保护(Ground Fault Protection)GRS 无线电指引系统(Guide Radio System)G,GND 地面/ 接地/ 绿色(Ground / Green)湿式中拉机medium wet drawing machine中拉机medium wire drawing machine中拉intermediate drawing中拉机intermediate wire drawing machine中拉机、大拉机coarse wire drawing machine粗-细线拉线机、中拉机coarse-fine wire drawing machine多根拉线-退火-束线机组multi-wire drawing-annealing-bunching line四节距束线机four twist bunching machine双节距束线机double twist buncher双节距束线机double-twist bunch strander双节距[双倍]束线机double-twist bunching machine双节距高速束线机double-twist laying-up machine复合束线、复[混[合束线compound bunch磨光机、束线机buffing machine v束线、束绞n束线bunch v束线、束绞bunch-strand束绞铜束线bunch-stranded copper conductor束线、绞合线bunched wire束线机buncher束线机bunching machine灌注potting双面双层十六头纱包机16- head double-side douoble-rosette cotton covering machine) 立式双层鼓轮vertical double draft bull block双层编包风雨线weatherproof double braid双层挤出(机)头twin (extruder) head双层鼓轮拉线机twin capstan drawing machine双头挤出、双层挤出twin-head extrusion双层的twin-layer橡皮绝缘双层编包线rubber-covered double braided双层环氧漆包圆铜电磁线heavy epoxy-coated round copper magnet wire泡沫皮绝缘、泡沫/实心双层绝缘foam skin insulation双层编织机double tier type braiding machine双层钢丝铠装double wire armour双层钢丝铠装电缆double wire-armoured cable双层挤出(机)头double(extruder)head双层编织的double-braid双层编织式外导体同轴电缆double-braid type coaxial cable双层鼓轮拉线机double-capstan wire drawing machine双层滚筒六头拉线机double-deck 6 head type machine双层鼓轮double-deck bull block双层拉线鼓轮double-deck drawing block双层绝缘的double-insulated双层的double-layer双层一次挤出(法) double-layer coating co-extrusion双层挤出(机)头double-layer extrusion head双层纸double-ply paper双丝包的、双层丝绝缘double-silk covered双层挤出(机)头dual (extruder) head泡沫/实心双层绝缘、泡沫绝缘dual expanded plastic insulation双层挤出机dual extruder双层绕包头dual lapping head双层的duplex双层纸duplex paper双层护套、焊接的皱纹金属管护套duplex sheath双层绕包头duplicate lapping head双层铠装double armo(u)ring双层鼓轮double block双层鼓轮拉线机double block drawing machine双层拉线鼓轮double deck drawing capstan双层环氧漆包圆铜电磁线double epoxy-coated round copper magnet wire 双层绝缘导线double insulated condutor双层直角挤出机头double layer crosshead双层钢带铠装double layer of steel-tape armour双层钢带铠装d.s.t.a.(double layer of steel-tape armour)双层护套电缆的内护套直径DOIJ单层纸simplex paper单层滚筒七头拉线机single deck 7 heads type machine单层环氧漆包圆铜电磁线single epoxy-coated round copper magnet wire 单层金属编织机single tier type wire braiding machine单层的single-layer单层电缆single-layer cable单层绞线single-layer strand单层纸包圆铜电磁线single-paper-covered round copper magnet wire单层纸single-ply paper单层纸single-wire paper单层monolayer单层甲板大帆船galley管式绞线机、管绞机tube strander管式绞线机、管绞机tubular closer管绞机tubular strander管式绞线机、管绞机tubular stranding machine管绞机筒体stranding rotor高速管绞机high speed tubular stranding machine光纤拉丝optical fibre drawing拉丝乳剂drawing compounds拉丝润滑剂drawing lubricants拉丝用皂drawing soaps8模湿式拉丝机、八模湿拉机wet drawing machine with 8 dies拉线、拉丝wire drawing拉线模、拉丝模wire drawing die拉丝润滑剂wire drawing lubricant拉线机、拉丝机wire drawing millv拉丝、拔丝wire-draw拉丝机、拉丝工wire-drawer拉丝架[机] wire-drawing bench拉丝设备[车间] wire-drawing plant拉丝、拔丝wireddrawing拉丝模(板) wortle钻石拉丝模超声抛光ultrasonic diamond die polishing钻石拉丝模超声抛光装置ultrasonic diamond die polishing unit超声波拉丝模打孔机ultrasonic drawing die drilling machine超声波拉丝模加工机ultrasonic drawing die working machine超声波拉丝机ultrasonic drawing machine碳化钨(拉丝)模、硬质合金(拉线)模tungsten-carbide(drawing) die 组合式辊压模、互成直角的四辊轮拉丝模装置turks(-)head互成直角的四辊轮拉丝模装置turks(head) roll串列式退火机、连续拉丝退火机tandem annealer滑移式拉丝[线]机slip drawing machine拉丝溶液solution-drawing单道拉丝single draft drawing单模拉丝机single draft drawing machine单道拉丝single-pass drawing(光纤)拉丝机pulling machine拉丝模孔光洁度profiloscope光纤拉丝塔optical fiber drawing tower光纤拉丝机optical fibre drawing machine多头拉丝、多模拉丝multiple drawing多模拉丝机multiple drawing machinen-模连续拉丝机n-die continuous wiredrawer高性能拉丝生产线high performance drawing line( 拉丝模的)研磨grinding光纤拉丝系统fiber drawing system光缆拉丝机fiber pulling machine光纤拉丝机fiber-pulling machine双列[双重]拉丝机double row wire drawing machine 拉丝[线]机]、拔杆机draw bench拉丝机、拔杆机、拔管机drawbench拉丝(润滑液)槽drawing batch拉丝[线]机、拔杆机drawing bench拉丝润滑剂drawing compound拉丝塔轮、拉线鼓轮drawing cone拉丝设备drawing equipment拉丝[线]润滑液drawing fluid拉丝[线]润滑液drawing oil拉丝[线]润滑液drawing solution拉丝模具drawing tool拉丝配模、配模dies arrangement直接拉丝direct drawing(拉丝模)模座die holder塔轮式拉丝[线]机cone-type drawing machine拉丝模、拉丝机bull block拉丝机、拉丝模bull-block拉丝模、拉丝机bullblock防滑动拉丝机anti-slipping drawing machine立式单模大拉机、立式鼓轮vertical bull block粗拉机、大拉机、开坯机rod breakdown machine 大拉rod-breakdown大拉机large drawing mill直线式单头大拉机in-line bull block machine卧式单模大拉机、卧式鼓轮horizontal bull block 大拉机heavy drawing machine大拉heavy rod drawing大拉机heavy rod drawing machine拉线鼓轮、大拉机drawing block大拉coarse drawing中拉机、大拉机coarse wire drawing machine单模大拉机bull drawing block大拉机bar drawblock小拉机fine wire drawing细拉mini-drawing细拉机mini-drawing machine细拉mini-fine drawing细拉fine drawingvt拉细丝、细拉finedraw细拉机finishing block(铜杆)剥皮shave铜杆剥皮shaving of copper rod铜杆的压延rolling of copper rod圆铜杆round copper rod电工用圆铜杆round copper rod for electrical purpose成圈铜杆放线架pay-off stand for copper rods in coils热轧铜杆hot-rolled copper rod铜杆copper bar铜杆、(电缆头用)铜出线梗、接线柱copper rod铜杆剥皮机copper rod descaler铜杆拉出copper rod withdrawal控制电缆control cables自动带宽控制ABC断线控制系统wire break control system线张力控制wire tension control线张力控制仪、紧线器wire tensioner电压控制voltage contro扭力控制装置torsion control equipment热液控制、液体控温(法) thermal liquid control厚度(控制)仪、测厚仪thickness gage色调控制孔径toll-control aperture带子张力控制tape tension control温度控制[调节] temperature control液体控温(法)、热液控制temperature control by a liquid medium 温度控制仪temperature control meter张力控制[调节]装置tension control device张力控制装置tension control unit张力控制放线装置tension controlled pay-off张力控制仪tensioner测试线、控制[操作、监视]线testing conductor严格控制[检验、检查] strict control严格控制[检验、检查] stringent test监督、检验、检查、控制supervision电场控制[调整]、应力控制stress control应力控制带stress control tape应力控制管stress control tubing电[磁]场控制的、应力控制的stress-controlling严格检验[检查、控制] severe control严格检验[检查、控制] severe test控制线路用多芯用电缆、船用控制电缆shipboard multicore cable for control circuits 硅管外径控制器silica tube outer diameter controller设定值、控制点setpoint严格检验[检查、控制] rigid test严格检验[检查、控制] rigorous test自动控制收线装置robot take-up垂度控制sag control垂度控制器sag controller垂度控制环sag-control loop调节[控制]范围regulating range调节[整]器、控制器regulator按扭控制[操纵] push-button control质量控制[检验] quality control质量检验[控制] quality inspection生产过程控制、程序控制process control工序控制检验process control inspection生产过程控制production control程序控制programme control控制导线、辅助芯线pilot控制线芯、监视线芯pilot conductor导引绝缘线芯、控制线芯、监视线芯pilot core控制线、操作线pilot line压缩空气控制pneumatic operation放线人工控制速度pay off manual speed control放线自动控制微调payoff automatic-control triment氢氧焰温度控制器oxyhydrogen flame temperature controller控制板[配电盘]开关装置panel switching equipment操作台、操纵盘、控制板operator panel操作台、控制台operator\'s desk噪声控制装置noise control equipment非接触式线径控制仪non-contact diameter monitor微处理机控制话缆四线组测试仪microprocessor telephone quad tester 监测器--电容量控制monitor-capacitance control监督、检验、检查、控制monitoring灯光显示控制luminous control panel生产过程控制manufacturing control流量控制器mass flow controller柔软云母材料flexible mica material软管;套管sleeving(柔软)复合材料;复合箔combined (flexible)material软化温度;软化点softening temperature;softening point软电缆BX cable屈服[流动、软化、击穿]点yield point(YP)屈服强度、软化强度yield strength乙烯绝缘软电缆vinyl cabtyre cable耐水软线water-resistan cord热塑流试验、软化击穿试验thermoplastic flow test三芯电力软线three conductor power cord三芯软线three-core cord三芯软线three-way cord镀锡软铜绞线tined soft copper stranded wire箔软线、塞线tinsel cord电话软线telephone cord电信软件telesoftware电源软线supply cord交换机电缆[塞子软线] switchboard cable退火(软)线soft annealed wire退火、韧炼、软化退火soft annealing软电缆soft cable软陶瓷绝缘电磁线soft ceramic insulated magnet wire软涂层soft coating软拉soft drawn软或退火铜线、软铜线soft or annealed copper wire箔软线、塞线tinsel cord电话软线telephone cord电信软件telesoftware电源软线supply cord交换机电缆[塞子软线] switchboard cable退火(软)线soft annealed wire退火、韧炼、软化退火soft annealing软电缆soft cable软陶瓷绝缘电磁线soft ceramic insulated magnet wire软涂层soft coating软拉soft drawn软或退火铜线、软铜线soft or annealed copper wire软橡胶soft rubber软链段soft segment软焊料钎焊、锡焊soft soldering退火铜线、软铜线soft-annealed copper wirev软焊料钎焊、锡焊soft-solder软化剂softener软化softening软化剂softening agent软化[退火]装置softening plant软化点softening point软化区、增塑区softening region软钎焊(缝、点、头) soldered joint软钎焊(缝、点、头) soldering joint扁形(软线)接头spade tag扇形(软线)接头spade terminal螺旋芯软线、有弹簧的塞绳spiral-conductor flexible cord星绞八芯软电缆spiral-eight cable星绞四芯软电缆spiral-four cable星绞四芯软电缆spiral-four type cable船用软同轴电缆shipboard flexible coaxial cable爆破[放炮]用软线shot-fire cord丝包软线silk-covered cord镀银软或退火铜线、镀银软铜线silver-coated soft or annealed copper wire 单线软绳single-wire cord可收缩软线、弹簧线retractile cord橡套软电缆rubber jacketed flexible cable橡胶素炼机、软胶机rubber-homogenizer软拉s.d.(soft drawn)游览车用软线recreational-vehicle cord预装配的软电缆pre-assembled flexible cable预装配的软电缆及软线pre-assembled flexible cables and cords精密排列的扁形软电缆precision-tiered flat flexible cable抽头、引线、软导线pigtail超软细股线pigtail wire塑料护套软线plastic-sheathed flexible cord移动式软线portable cord普通塑料护套软线ordinary plastic-sheathed flexible cord普通型耐磨橡套软电缆ordinary tough-rubber sheathed flexible cable普通耐磨橡套软线ordinary tough-rubber sheathed flexible cord普通聚氯乙烯护套软线ordinary(PVC-)sheathed flexible cord耐油软线oil-proof cord耐油软线oil-resistant cord光纤软线optical fiber cord多芯软线multicore cord多芯软线multiple cord网络软件network software镀镍软或退火铜线、镀镍软铜线nickel-coated soft or annealed copper wire 麦克风[话筒]软线microphone cord麦克风[话筒]软线mike cord移动房屋用软线mobile-home cord定型设计的电话软线、弹簧电话软线modular telephone cord防潮双绞软线moisture proof twisted cord单塞绳、单软线monocord低温柔软性low temperature flexibility低漏泄电流用户软线low-leakage-current service cord轻型塑料护套软线light plastic-sheathed flexible cord轻型聚氯乙烯护套软线light(PVC) sheathed flexible cord电灯(软)线lamp cord铅合金包覆软铜线lead-alloy-coated soft copper wire铅包软铜线lead-coated soft copper wire仪器用软线[塞绳] instrument cord绝缘软线insulated flexible wire综合软件integrated software高温软线high-temperature flexibles素炼机、软胶机homogenizing roller布线用线、安装线、跨接线、柔软连接线hook-up wire软管、橡皮管hose苛刻条件用软线hard-service cord耐热护套软电缆heat-resistant sheathed flexible cable重型耐磨橡套软电缆heavy tough-rubber sheathed flexible cable镀锌软[低碳]钢丝galvanized mild steel wire玻璃丝绝缘软线glass-fiber-insulated flexibles馈电软线feed cord一级软线first class flexible cord扁形软电缆flat flexible cable扁形双芯软线flat twin flexible cord扁形双芯软线[塞绳] flat twin tinsel cord软线flex conductor柔软性flexibility柔软度试验flexibility test软线、连接塞绳、软电缆确良adj柔软的flexible软电缆flexible cable矿工帽灯用软线flexible cable for miners\' cap lamps软接线flexible circuit conductor软导体、柔软导体、软线flexible conductor软线、连接塞绳flexible cord电缆软接头flexible joint移动式电力软线flexible portable power cord电力软线flexible power cord软绞线flexible stranded conductor软绞线flexible stranded wire软[花、皮]线flexible wire软线布线flexible wiring软线、软绳flexibles弹性[延伸]软绳extension cord特软绞线extra-flexible stranded conductor极苛刻条件用软线双芯软线[塞绳] double conductor cord软化击穿cut-through耐切通性、切通强度、耐软化击穿性能cut-through resistance切通温度、软化击穿温度cut-through temperature切通试验、软化击穿试验cut-through test连接塞绳、软线connecting cord铜芯聚氯乙烯绝缘平型软线copper conductor PVC-insulated parallel flexible cord 铜芯聚氯乙烯绝缘绞型软线copper conductor PVC-insulated twisted flexible cord 软线[绳]、电线电缆、塞绳cord花线、装饰线路用软线cord for decorative chains带有插塞的电话软线cord setextra-hard-service cord成套塞绳、带有插塞的电话软线彩色软线colour cord通信软件communication software锥形软模具cone-shaped flexible die同轴软线、同轴线塞绳coaxial cord螺圈形软线coiled cord橡皮绝缘(软)电缆、橡套[软件]电缆cabtyre cable橡套电缆、软管电缆cabtyre sheathed cable配套软件bundled software软管电缆cab-tire cable橡皮绝缘软线〔软塞绳〕cab-tyre cord电缆软接头cable flexible joint软连接用电缆cable for flexible connections电缆软管cable hose电缆软管夹托架cable hose clamp bracket编织软绳braided flexible cord退火、韧炼、软化anneal肖飚(本软件开发者、电缆工艺工程师) XIAOBIAO屈服[流动、软化、击穿]点YP(yield point)柔软控制电缆FCC(flexible control cable)硬链段与软链段的嵌段共聚物HYTREL挤出机extruders挤出extrusion挤气式挤出机vent extruder通用回转式挤出机versatile turret extruder立式连续挤出硫化机组vertical continuous extruding and vulcanizing machine 立式挤出机vertical extruder立式挤出vertical extrusion二段式挤出机two-stage extruder三层挤出机triple extruder三层挤出(机)头triple extruder head三层挤出(机)头triple extrusion head双层挤出(机)头twin (extruder) head双头挤出、双层挤出twin-head extrusion双螺杆挤出机twin-screw extruder三层挤出绝缘电缆three-layer extruded cable(挤出机)模嘴、模芯、末端tip串列式挤出机tandem extruder挤出物料的脱节starving of extrudate flow(挤出机)送料螺杆stockscrew滤网strainer剪切式挤出机头shear-type extrusion head护套挤出机sheathing machine单螺杆挤出机single screw extruder(挤出机筒内)焦烧、早期硫化scorching(in extruder cylinder)螺杆式挤出机screw extruder半导体材料挤出机semicon extruder挤出头、压力模座press block压力型多层一次挤出模pressure-type coextrusion die分段式挤出机piggyback extruder行星齿轮式挤出机planetary gear extruder(塑料)挤出机plastic extruder制粒挤出机pelletising extruder(挤出机)斜角机头oblique head单段式挤出机one-stage extruder光缆护套挤出生产线optical cable sheathing line多色挤出机multi-colour extruder多层挤出机multi-layer extruder多级[多段]式挤出机multi-stage extruder多根挤出法multi-wire insulation process多头挤出装置multiline extrusion system多层挤出multiple extrusion(挤出机)螺杆的计量区metering section of a screw混炼挤出机mixer-extruder混炼、排气、挤出联合机mixing ,venting and extruding machine 标色挤出机marking extruder铅管挤出机lead-pipe extrusion press内皮挤出机inner skin extruder绝缘机头、挤出机头insulating machine head高效挤出机high output extruder高速挤出生产流水线high speed tandemized extrusion line高发泡挤出high-foaming extrusion高发泡挤出生产线high-foaming extrusion line高速挤出生产流水线high-speed tandemized extrusion line卧式挤出机horizontal axis extruder卧式挤出机horizontal extrusion press热挤出hot extrusion热挤出用润滑剂hot extrusion lubricant静液(压)挤出hydrostatic extrusion模芯导向器(挤出机模子) guider tip注气体挤出机gas-injection extruder铅管挤出机lead-pipe extrusion press内皮挤出机inner skin extruder绝缘机头、挤出机头insulating machine head高效挤出机high output extruder高速挤出生产流水线high speed tandemized extrusion line高发泡挤出high-foaming extrusion高发泡挤出生产线high-foaming extrusion line高速挤出生产流水线high-speed tandemized extrusion line卧式挤出机horizontal axis extruder卧式挤出机horizontal extrusion press热挤出hot extrusion热挤出用润滑剂hot extrusion lubricant静液(压)挤出hydrostatic extrusion模芯导向器(挤出机模子) guider tip注气体挤出机gas-injection extruder泡沫挤出生产线foam extrusion line泡沫绝缘挤出foam insulation extrusion前端驱动挤出机front-end drive extruder光纤松套管-紧包缓冲层挤出生产线fiber-optic loose tube-tight buffer 出线区、挤出区exit zone挤出机extr.可挤出性、可挤压性extrudability挤出物、挤制材料extrudate挤出物温度extrudate temperaturev挤出[压、包、制] extrude挤出[压、包、制]的extruded挤出型绝缘电缆extruded cable挤出型绝缘电缆extruded dielectric cable挤出机、挤压机extruder挤出机筒体extruder barrel挤出机机筒内径extruder bore直角挤出机头extruder crosshead挤出(机)模具extruder dies挤出(机)头extruder head挤出机挤出量extruder output挤出机螺杆extruder screw挤出[制、包、压] extruding挤出机extruding machine挤出[制、包、压] extrusion挤出模具extrusion die挤出(机)模具extrusion dies挤出涂漆法extrusion enamelling process挤出发泡extrusion foaming挤出发泡法extrusion foaming method挤出(机)头extrusion head挤出指数extrusion index挤出生产线速度extrusion line speed挤出压力extrusion pressure挤出[压、包、制]方法extrusion process挤出工艺extrusion processing挤出性能extrusion property挤出量、挤出速度[量] extrusion rate挤出(机)螺杆extrusion screw挤出技术、挤出工艺extrusion technology挤出温度extrusion temperature挤出机模芯extrusion tip挤出模具extrusion tool挤出速度extrusion velocity挤出轮extrusion wheel有壳挤出extrusion with shell无壳挤出extrusion without shell(漆包线的)挤出涂漆法emailex method(漆包线的)挤出涂漆法emailex process双螺杆挤出机double screw extruder双层挤出(机)头double(extruder)head双层一次挤出(法) double-layer coating co-extrusion双层挤出(机)头double-layer extrusion head双层挤出(机)头dual (extruder) head双层挤出机dual extruder非连续性挤出discontinuous extrusion双层直角挤出机头double layer crosshead挤出机机头口型die lips挤出机机头口型间隙die lips gap(控制)压力挤出法controlled pressure extrusion粉末涂敷powder coating室温固化cold curing cold setting十八盘两段卧式绞线成缆机18- bobbin 2-cage horizontal wire stranding and laying-up machine2/2芯单段成缆机2/2- core single cage laying-up machinev成缆、布[配]线、敷设电缆[线] wire未成缆光纤uncabled fiber绞线成缆联合机stranding and laying-up machine单节距成缆机single twist cabler单节距[单绞式]成缆机single-twist cabling machine刚性成缆机rigid cabling machine行星式成缆机planetary cabler行星式成缆机planetary cabling machine。
电力电子技术术语Absorber CircuitAC/AC Freque ncy Conv erter AC power con trolAC Power Con trollerAC Power Electro nic SwitchAC Voltage Co ntroller Asynchronous Modulati onBaker Clamp ing CircuitBi-direct ional Triode Thyristor Bipolar Junction Tran sistor-- BJT Boost-Buck ChopperBoost ChopperBoost Conv erterBridge Reversible ChopperBuck ChopperBuck Conv erterCommutatio nCon duct ion An gleCon sta nt Voltage Con sta nt Freque ncy-Contin uous Con ductio n--CCM Control Circuit吸收电路交交变频电路交流电力控制交流调功电路交流电力电子开关交流调压电路异步调制9贝克箝位电路双向晶闸管双极结型晶体管升降压斩波电路升压斩波电路升压变换器桥式可逆斩波电路降压斩波电路降压变换器换流导通角CVCF 恒压恒频(电流)连续模式控制电路CUK Circuit CUK 斩波电路Curre nt Reversible Chopper 电流可逆斩波电路Curre nt Source Type In verter--CSTI 电流(源)型逆变电路Cycloc on vertor 周波变流器DC-AC-DC Co nverter 直交直电路DC Choppi ng 直流斩波DC Choppi ng Circuit 直流斩波电路DC-DC Con verter 直流-直流变换器Device Commutati on 器件换流Direct Current Con trol 直接电流控制Disc ontinu ous Con duct ion mode (电流)断续模式Displaceme nt Factor 位移因数Distortio n Power 畸变功率Double End Conv erter 双端电路Drivi ng Circuit 驱动电路Electrical Isolati on 电气隔离Fast Acting Fuse 快速熔断器Fast Recovery Diode 快恢复二极管Fast Recovery Epitaxial Diodes 快恢复外延二极管Fast Switch ing Thyristor 快速晶闸管Field Con trolled Thyristor 场控晶闸管Flyback Conv erter 反激电流Forced Commutati on 强迫换流Freque ncy Conv erter 变频器 Full Bridge Conv erter 全桥电路 Full Bridge Rectifier 全桥整流电路 Full Wave Rectifier 全波整流电路 Fun dame ntal Factor 基波因数 Gate Turn-Off Thyristor--GTO 可关断晶闸管 Gen eral Purpose Diode 普通二极管 Gia nt Tran sistor--GTR 电力晶体管 Half Bridge Conv erter 半桥电路 Hard Switchi ng 硬开关 High Voltage IC 高压集成电路 Hysteresis Comparis on 带环比较方式 In direct Curre nt Con trol 间接电流控制 In direct DC-DC Co nverter直接电流变换电路 In sulated-Gate Bipolar Tran sistor--IGBT 绝缘栅双极晶体管 Intelligent Power Module--IPM智能功率模块Forward Con verter正激电路 In tegrated Gate-Commutated Thyristor--IGCT 集成门极换流晶闸管 In versi on 逆变 Latch ing Effect 擎住效应 Leakage In ducta nee 漏感 Light Triggered Thyristo---LTT 光控晶闸管 Li ne Commutati on电网换流Load Commutati on Loop Curre nt元件设备三绕组变压器:three-colu mn tran sformer ThrCI nTrans 双绕组变压器: double-colu mn tran sformer DbICI mnTrans 电容器:Capacitor并联电容器:shunt capacitor 电抗器:Reactor 母线:Busbar 输电线: Tran smissi onLine 发电厂: power pla nt 断路器: Breaker刀闸(隔离开关):Isolator 分接头:tap 电动机:motor状态参数有功:active power 无功:reactive power 电流:current 容量:capacity 电压:voltage 档位:tap position有功损耗:reactive loss 无功损耗:active loss负载换流 环流功率因数:power-factor功率:power功角:power-angle电压等级:voltage grade空载损耗:n o-load loss铁损:iron loss铜损:copper loss空载电流:no-load curre nt阻抗:impedanee正序阻抗:positive seque nee impeda nee 负序阻抗:n egative seque nee impeda nee 零序阻抗:zero seque nee impeda nee 电阻:resistor电抗:reaetanee电导:eonduetanee电纟内:suseeptanee无功负载:reactive load 或者QLoad有功负载:active load PLoad遥测:YC(telemetering)遥信:YX励磁电流(转子电流):magnetizing eurrent 定子:stator功角:power-angle上限:upper limit下限:lower limit并歹U的:apposable高压:high voltage低压:low voltage中压:middle voltage电力系统power system发电机generator励磁excitation励磁器excitor电压voltage电流current母线bus变压器transformer升压变压器step-up transformer高压侧high side输电系统power transmission system输电线transmission line固定串联电容补偿fixed series capacitor compensation 稳定stability电压稳定voltage stability功角稳定angle stability暂态稳定transient stability电厂power plant能量输送power transfer交流AC装机容量in stalled capacity电网power system落点drop point开关站switch station双回同杆并架double-circuit lines on the same tower 变电站transformer substation补偿度degree of compensation高抗high voltage shunt reactor无功补偿reactive power compensation故障fault调节regulation裕度magin三相故障three phase fault故障切除时间fault clearing time极限切除时间critical cleari ng time切机generator triping高顶值high limited value强行励磁reinforced excitation线路补偿器LDC(line drop compensation)机端generator terminal静态static (state)动态dynamic (state)单机无穷大系统one mach ine - infin ity bus system 机端电压控制AVR电抗reactanee电阻resista nee功角power angle有功(功率) active power无功(功率) reactive power功率因数power factor无功电流reactive current下降特性droop characteristics斜率slope额定rati ng变比ratio参考值referenee value电压互感器PT分接头tap下降率droop rate仿真分析simulation analysis传递函数transfer function框图block diagram受端receive-side裕度margin同步synchronization失去同步loss of synchronization 阻尼damping摇摆swing保护断路器circuit breaker电阻:resista nee电抗:reacta nee阻抗:impeda nee电导:con ducta nee电纳:suscepta nee导纳:admitta nee电感:in ducta nee电容:capacita nee一般术语稳定电源。
WD14A 三相高级电能分析仪说明说明书
●Class 1 (kWh), Class 2 (kvarh)●Accuracy ±0.5 F.S. (current/voltage)●Power Analyzer●Instantaneous variables read-out: 3 DGT●Energies readout: 8+1 DGT●System variables: V LL, V LN, An, A dmd max, VA, VA dmd,VA dmd max, W, W dmd, W dmd max, var, PF, Hz, ASY●Single phase variables: V LL, V LN, V LN min, V LN max, A, A min,A max, A dmd, VA, W, W dmd, W max, var, PF, PF min●Harmonic analysis (FFT) up to the 15th harmonic (cur-rent and voltage)●Four quadrant power measurement●Energy measurements: total and partial kWh and kvarh●Hour counter (5+2 DGT)●TRMS meas. of distorted sine waves (voltages/currents)●Universal power supply: 90 to 260 VAC/DC, 18 to 60 VAC/DC●Front dimensions: 96x96mm●Voltage asymmetry, phase sequence, phase loss control Product Description3-phase advanced power analyzer with integrated pro-gramming key-pad. Particu-larly recommended for the measurement of the main electrical variables.Housing for panel mounting, with RS485 communication port or pulse and/or alarm outputs.Energy ManagementPower AnalyzerType WM14 96 …Advanced version‰Type SelectionPower supplyL: 18 to 60 VAC/VdCH:90 to 260 VAC/VdCRange codesAV5: 380/660V L-L/1/5(6)AACV L-N: 185 V to 460 VV L-L: 320 V to 800 VAV6: 120/208V L-L/1/5(6)AACV L-N: 45 V to 145 VV L-L: 78 V to 250 VPhase current: 0.03A to 6ANeutral current: 0.09A to 6AOptionsAX:advanced functionsSystem3 : 1, 2 or 3 phase,balanced/unbalancedload, with or withoutneutralPhase-neutral voltage ±(0.5% FS+ 1 dgt)Active and Apparent power, 0.25 to 6A: ±(1% FS +1dgt);0.03A to 0.25A: ±(1% FS+5dgt)Reactive power 0.25 to 6A: ±(2% FS +1dgt);0.03A to 0.25A: ±(2% FS+5dgt)Active energy Class 1 (start up current: 30mA)Reactive energy Class 2 (start up current: 30mA)Frequency ±0.1Hz (48 to 62Hz)Harmonic distortion ±3% F.S. (up to 15th harmonic)(F.S.: 100%)Input specificationsOutput 1R2: 2-relay outputsO2: 2-open collector outputs●Protection degree (front): IP65●2 digital outputs●16 freely configurable alarms with OR/AND logic linkablewith up to 2 digital outputs●RS422/485 serial output (MODBUS-RTU), iFIX SCADAcompatibilityOutput 2XX: NoneS1: RS485/RS422 portWM14-96Power Analyzer dvancedAOutput SpecificationsInput specifications (cont.)AWM14-96Power AnalyzerdvancedSoftware functionsWM14-96Power AnalyzerdvancedAAC/DC voltage90 to 260VAC/dC16 to 60VAC/dC Power consumption AC: 6 VA dC: 3.5 WPower Supply SpecificationsGeneral SpecificationsInsulation between inputs and outputsNOTE: In case of fault of first insulation the current from the measuring inputs to the ground is lower than 2 mA.AWM14-96Power AnalyzerdvancedList of the variables that can be connected to:• RS485/RS422 communication port• Alarm outputs (“max / min” variable, “energies” and “hour counter” excluded)• Pulse outputs (only “energies”)(x) = available(o) = not available(u) these variables are available also as MAX detection and data storage (on EEPROM at power down).(H) these variables are available also as MIN detection and data storage (on EEPROM at power down). (o) Highest value among the 3-phase.(m) Alarm available only on the consumed power (+).(#) these variables are available also for the MAX values, which have not been stored in the EEPROM at power down. (∆) these variables are available also for the MIN values, which have not been stored in the EEPROM at power down.WM14-96Power Analyzer dvancedAAlarm parameters and logicAND/OR logical alarm examples:- Block enable.- Controlled variable (VLN, ...).- Alarm type (up, down, in window, out window).- Activation function.- ON set-point.- OFF set-point.- ON delay.- Logical function (ANd, OR).- digital output (1, 2).Note: any alarm working mode can be linked to the “Start-up deactivation” function which disables only the first alarm after power on of the instrument.8A, B, C... up to 16parameter controlblocks.On alarm > Off alarm On alarm < Off alarmOut window alarm with start up deactivationWM14-96Power AnalyzerdvancedAMSd: most significant digitLSd: least significant digitDisplay pages1) Example of kWh visualization:this example is showing 15 933 453.7 kWh2) Example of kvarh visualization:this example is showing 3 553 944.9 kvarhWM14-96Power Analyzer dvancedAWaveform of the signals that can be measuredFigure ASine wave, undistorted Fundamental content 100%Harmonic content 0%A rms = 1.1107 | A |Figure BSine wave, indented Fundamental content 10...100%Harmonic content 0...90%Frequency spectrum: 3rd to 16th harmonic Additional error: <1% FS Sine wave, distorted Fundamental content 70...90%Harmonic content 10...30%Frequency spectrum: 3rd to 16th harmonic Additional error: <0.5% FSAccuracyWh , accuracy (Rdg) depending on the current Error6A (Imax)6A (Imax)5A (Ib)5A (Ib)0.5A (0.1Ib)1A (0.2Ib)0.25A (0.05Ib)0.5A (0.1Ib)Accuracy limits (Active energy)5(6A) Start-up current: 30mA varh , accuracy (Rdg) depending on the currentErrorAccuracy limits (Reactive energy)5(6A) Start-up current: 30mAPF=1PF=L0.5or C0.86A (Imax)6A (Imax)5A (Ib)5A (Ib)0.25A (0.05Ib)0.5A (0.1Ib)0.1A (0.02Ib)0.25A (0.05Ib)sinj=1sinj=0.5System variablesEquivalent three-phase voltage three-phase reactive power Neutral current three-phase active power three-phase apparent power three-phase power factor(tPF)Used calculation formulasPhase variablesInstantaneous effective voltage Instantaneous active power Instantaneous power factor Instantaneous effective current Instantaneous apparent power Instantaneous reactive powerEnergy meteringWhere:i = considered phase (L1, L2 or L3)P = active power; Q = reactive power;t 1, t 2=starting and ending time points of consumption recording; n = time unit;∆t = time interval between two successive power consumptions; n 1, n 2= starting and ending discrete time points of consumption recording An = A L1+A L2+A L3+1%0%+1,5%-1%-1,5%+2%0%+2,5%-2%-2,5%WM14-96Power Analyzer dvancedAWiring diagrams1391011121314151719212324252627285678NOTE: the current inputs can be connected to the mains ONLY by means of current transformers. the direct connection is not allowed.When the Ct is connected to earth, a leakage current from 0 to 1.8mA max is generated, whose value depends on the input impedance values of the instrument, on the type of connection and on the line voltage measured by the instrument.F1= 315mAWM14-96Power Analyzer dvancedA1391011121314151719212324252627285678NOTE: the current inputs can be connected to the mains ONLY by means of current transformers. the direct connection is not allowed.Wiring diagramsWhen the Ct is connected to earth, a leakage current from 0 to 1.8mA max is generated, whose value depends on the input impedance values of the instrument, on the type of connection and on the line voltage measured by the instrument.WM14-96Power Analyzer dvancedAOutput connectionsOpen collector outputs:the load resistance (Rc) must be designed so that the closed contact current is lower than 100mA; the VdC voltage must be lower than or equal to 30V. VdC: external power supply voltage. Out: positive output con-tact (open collector transistor). gNd: ground output contact (open collector transistor).Relay out.Fig. 13Fig. 14Fig. 15Front Panel DescriptionRS485 portFig.16Fig. 17VdC Out Out。
3GPP TS 36.331 V13.2.0 (2016-06)
3GPP TS 36.331 V13.2.0 (2016-06)Technical Specification3rd Generation Partnership Project;Technical Specification Group Radio Access Network;Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA);Radio Resource Control (RRC);Protocol specification(Release 13)The present document has been developed within the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP TM) and may be further elaborated for the purposes of 3GPP. The present document has not been subject to any approval process by the 3GPP Organizational Partners and shall not be implemented.This Specification is provided for future development work within 3GPP only. The Organizational Partners accept no liability for any use of this Specification. Specifications and reports for implementation of the 3GPP TM system should be obtained via the 3GPP Organizational Partners' Publications Offices.KeywordsUMTS, radio3GPPPostal address3GPP support office address650 Route des Lucioles - Sophia AntipolisValbonne - FRANCETel.: +33 4 92 94 42 00 Fax: +33 4 93 65 47 16InternetCopyright NotificationNo part may be reproduced except as authorized by written permission.The copyright and the foregoing restriction extend to reproduction in all media.© 2016, 3GPP Organizational Partners (ARIB, ATIS, CCSA, ETSI, TSDSI, TTA, TTC).All rights reserved.UMTS™ is a Trade Mark of ETSI registered for the benefit of its members3GPP™ is a Trade Mark of ETSI registered for the benefit of its Members and of the 3GPP Organizational PartnersLTE™ is a Trade Mark of ETSI currently being registered for the benefit of its Members and of the 3GPP Organizational Partners GSM® and the GSM logo are registered and owned by the GSM AssociationBluetooth® is a Trade Mark of the Bluetooth SIG registered for the benefit of its membersContentsForeword (18)1Scope (19)2References (19)3Definitions, symbols and abbreviations (22)3.1Definitions (22)3.2Abbreviations (24)4General (27)4.1Introduction (27)4.2Architecture (28)4.2.1UE states and state transitions including inter RAT (28)4.2.2Signalling radio bearers (29)4.3Services (30)4.3.1Services provided to upper layers (30)4.3.2Services expected from lower layers (30)4.4Functions (30)5Procedures (32)5.1General (32)5.1.1Introduction (32)5.1.2General requirements (32)5.2System information (33)5.2.1Introduction (33) (33) (34) Scheduling for NB-IoT (34) information validity and notification of changes (35) of ETWS notification (36) of CMAS notification (37) of EAB parameters change (37) Barring parameters change in NB-IoT (37)5.2.2System information acquisition (38) (38) (38) information required by the UE (38) information acquisition by the UE (39) system information missing (42) upon reception of the MasterInformationBlock message (42) upon reception of the SystemInformationBlockType1 message (42) upon reception of SystemInformation messages (44) upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType2 (44) upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType3 (45) upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType4 (45) upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType5 (45) upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType6 (45) upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType7 (45) upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType8 (45) upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType9 (46) upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType10 (46) upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType11 (46) upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType12 (47) upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType13 (48) upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType14 (48) upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType15 (48) upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType16 (48) upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType17 (48) upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType18 (48) upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType19 (49)5.2.3Acquisition of an SI message (49)5.2.3a Acquisition of an SI message by BL UE or UE in CE or a NB-IoT UE (50)5.3Connection control (50)5.3.1Introduction (50) connection control (50) (52) RN security (53) mode mobility (53) control in NB-IoT (54)5.3.2Paging (55) (55) (55) of the Paging message by the UE (55)5.3.3RRC connection establishment (56) (56) Conditions for establishing RRC Connection for sidelink communication/ discovery (58) (59) related to transmission of RRCConnectionRequest message (63) Actions related to transmission of RRCConnectionResumeRequest message (64) of the RRCConnectionSetup by the UE (64) Reception of the RRCConnectionResume by the UE (66) re-selection while T300, T302, T303, T305, T306, or T308 is running (68) expiry (68), T303, T305, T306, or T308 expiry or stop (69) of the RRCConnectionReject by the UE (70) of RRC connection establishment (71) of SSAC related parameters (71) barring check (72) check (73) barring check for ACDC (73) Barring check for NB-IoT (74)5.3.4Initial security activation (75) (75) (76) of the SecurityModeCommand by the UE (76)5.3.5RRC connection reconfiguration (77) (77) (77) of an RRCConnectionReconfiguration not including the mobilityControlInfo by theUE (77) of an RRCConnectionReconfiguration including the mobilityControlInfo by the UE(handover) (79) failure (83) expiry (handover failure) (83) (84) T307 expiry (SCG change failure) (84) Configuration involving full configuration option (84)5.3.6Counter check (86) (86) (86) of the CounterCheck message by the UE (86)5.3.7RRC connection re-establishment (87) (87) (87) following cell selection while T311 is running (88) related to transmission of RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message (89) of the RRCConnectionReestablishment by the UE (89) expiry (91) expiry or selected cell no longer suitable (91) of RRCConnectionReestablishmentReject by the UE (91)5.3.8RRC connection release (92) (92) (92) of the RRCConnectionRelease by the UE (92) expiry (93)5.3.9RRC connection release requested by upper layers (93) (93) (93)5.3.10Radio resource configuration (93) (93) addition/ modification (94) release (95) addition/ modification (95) specific DRB addition or reconfiguration (96) specific DRB addition or reconfiguration (98) specific DRB addition or reconfiguration (98) SCell release (99) SCell addition/ modification (99) PSCell addition or modification (99) main reconfiguration (99) scheduling reconfiguration (100) channel reconfiguration (100) Link Failure Timers and Constants reconfiguration (101) domain measurement resource restriction for serving cell (101) configuration (102) reconfiguration (103) dedicated resource configuration (104) SCG or split DRB by drb-ToAddModList (105) cell information reconfiguration (105) (105) dedicated configuration (105) expiry (106)5.3.11Radio link failure related actions (107) of physical layer problems in RRC_CONNECTED (107) of physical layer problems (107) of radio link failure (107)5.3.12UE actions upon leaving RRC_CONNECTED (109)5.3.13UE actions upon PUCCH/ SRS release request (110)5.3.14Proximity indication (110) (110) (111) related to transmission of ProximityIndication message (111)5.3.15Void (111)5.4Inter-RAT mobility (111)5.4.1Introduction (111)5.4.2Handover to E-UTRA (112) (112) (112) of the RRCConnectionReconfiguration by the UE (112) failure (114) expiry (handover to E-UTRA failure) (114)5.4.3Mobility from E-UTRA (114) (114) (115) of the MobilityFromEUTRACommand by the UE (115) completion of the mobility from E-UTRA (116) from E-UTRA failure (117)5.4.4Handover from E-UTRA preparation request (CDMA2000) (117) (117) (118) of the HandoverFromEUTRAPreparationRequest by the UE (118)5.4.5UL handover preparation transfer (CDMA2000) (118) (118) (118) related to transmission of the ULHandoverPreparationTransfer message (119) to deliver the ULHandoverPreparationTransfer message (119)5.4.6Inter-RAT cell change order to E-UTRAN (119) (119) (119) fails to complete an inter-RAT cell change order (119)5.5Measurements (120)5.5.1Introduction (120)5.5.2Measurement configuration (121) (121) identity removal (122) Measurement identity autonomous removal (122) identity addition/ modification (123) object removal (124) object addition/ modification (124) configuration removal (126) configuration addition/ modification (127) configuration (127) gap configuration (127) signals measurement timing configuration (128) measurement timing configuration (128)5.5.3Performing measurements (128) (128) 3 filtering (131)5.5.4Measurement report triggering (131) (131) A1 (Serving becomes better than threshold) (135) A2 (Serving becomes worse than threshold) (136) A3 (Neighbour becomes offset better than PCell/ PSCell) (136) A4 (Neighbour becomes better than threshold) (137) A5 (PCell/ PSCell becomes worse than threshold1 and neighbour becomes better thanthreshold2) (138) Event A6 (Neighbour becomes offset better than SCell) (139) B1 (Inter RAT neighbour becomes better than threshold) (139) B2 (PCell becomes worse than threshold1 and inter RAT neighbour becomes better thanthreshold2) (140) C1 (CSI-RS resource becomes better than threshold) (141) C2 (CSI-RS resource becomes offset better than reference CSI-RS resource) (141) W1 (WLAN becomes better than a threshold) (142) W2 (All WLAN inside WLAN mobility set becomes worse than threshold1 and a WLANoutside WLAN mobility set becomes better than threshold2) (142) W3 (All WLAN inside WLAN mobility set becomes worse than a threshold) (143)5.5.5Measurement reporting (144)5.5.6Measurement related actions (148) upon handover and re-establishment (148) dependant scaling of measurement related parameters (149)5.5.7Inter-frequency RSTD measurement indication (149) (149) (150) related to transmission of InterFreqRSTDMeasurementIndication message (150)5.6Other (150)5.6.0General (150)5.6.1DL information transfer (151) (151) (151) of the DLInformationTransfer by the UE (151)5.6.2UL information transfer (151) (151) (151) related to transmission of ULInformationTransfer message (152) to deliver ULInformationTransfer message (152)5.6.3UE capability transfer (152) (152) (153) of the UECapabilityEnquiry by the UE (153)5.6.4CSFB to 1x Parameter transfer (157) (157) (157) related to transmission of CSFBParametersRequestCDMA2000 message (157) of the CSFBParametersResponseCDMA2000 message (157)5.6.5UE Information (158) (158) (158) of the UEInformationRequest message (158)5.6.6 Logged Measurement Configuration (159) (159) (160) of the LoggedMeasurementConfiguration by the UE (160) expiry (160)5.6.7 Release of Logged Measurement Configuration (160) (160) (160)5.6.8 Measurements logging (161) (161) (161)5.6.9In-device coexistence indication (163) (163) (164) related to transmission of InDeviceCoexIndication message (164)5.6.10UE Assistance Information (165) (165) (166) related to transmission of UEAssistanceInformation message (166)5.6.11 Mobility history information (166) (166) (166)5.6.12RAN-assisted WLAN interworking (167) (167) WLAN offload configuration (167) offload RAN evaluation (167) expiry or stop (167) selection/ re-selection while T350 is running (168)5.6.13SCG failure information (168) (168) (168) related to transmission of SCGFailureInformation message (168)5.6.14LTE-WLAN Aggregation (169) (169) of LWA configuration (169) of LWA configuration (170)5.6.15WLAN connection management (170) (170) connection status reporting (170) (170) (171) related to transmission of WLANConnectionStatusReport message (171) Expiry (WLAN connection attempt timeout) (171) status monitoring (171)5.6.16RAN controlled LTE-WLAN interworking (172) (172) traffic steering command (172)5.6.17LTE-WLAN aggregation with IPsec tunnel (173) (173)5.7Generic error handling (174)5.7.1General (174)5.7.2ASN.1 violation or encoding error (174)5.7.3Field set to a not comprehended value (174)5.7.4Mandatory field missing (174)5.7.5Not comprehended field (176)5.8MBMS (176)5.8.1Introduction (176) (176) (176) information validity and notification of changes (176)5.8.2MCCH information acquisition (178) (178) (178) information acquisition by the UE (178) upon reception of the MBSFNAreaConfiguration message (178) upon reception of the MBMSCountingRequest message (179)5.8.3MBMS PTM radio bearer configuration (179) (179) (179) establishment (179) release (179)5.8.4MBMS Counting Procedure (179) (179) (180) of the MBMSCountingRequest message by the UE (180)5.8.5MBMS interest indication (181) (181) (181) MBMS frequencies of interest (182) related to transmission of MBMSInterestIndication message (183)5.8a SC-PTM (183)5.8a.1Introduction (183)5.8a.1.1General (183)5.8a.1.2SC-MCCH scheduling (183)5.8a.1.3SC-MCCH information validity and notification of changes (183)5.8a.1.4Procedures (184)5.8a.2SC-MCCH information acquisition (184)5.8a.2.1General (184)5.8a.2.2Initiation (184)5.8a.2.3SC-MCCH information acquisition by the UE (184)5.8a.2.4Actions upon reception of the SCPTMConfiguration message (185)5.8a.3SC-PTM radio bearer configuration (185)5.8a.3.1General (185)5.8a.3.2Initiation (185)5.8a.3.3SC-MRB establishment (185)5.8a.3.4SC-MRB release (185)5.9RN procedures (186)5.9.1RN reconfiguration (186) (186) (186) of the RNReconfiguration by the RN (186)5.10Sidelink (186)5.10.1Introduction (186)5.10.1a Conditions for sidelink communication operation (187)5.10.2Sidelink UE information (188) (188) (189) related to transmission of SidelinkUEInformation message (193)5.10.3Sidelink communication monitoring (195)5.10.6Sidelink discovery announcement (198)5.10.6a Sidelink discovery announcement pool selection (201)5.10.6b Sidelink discovery announcement reference carrier selection (201)5.10.7Sidelink synchronisation information transmission (202) (202) (203) of SLSS (204) of MasterInformationBlock-SL message (205) (206)5.10.8Sidelink synchronisation reference (206) (206) and reselection of synchronisation reference UE (SyncRef UE) (206)5.10.9Sidelink common control information (207) (207) related to reception of MasterInformationBlock-SL message (207)5.10.10Sidelink relay UE operation (207) (207) for relay related sidelink communication transmission by sidelink relay UE (207) for relay PS related sidelink discovery transmission by sidelink relay UE (208) relay UE threshold conditions (208)5.10.11Sidelink remote UE operation (208) (208) for relay related sidelink communication transmission by sidelink remote UE (208) for relay PS related sidelink discovery transmission by sidelink remote UE (209) and reselection of sidelink relay UE (209) remote UE threshold conditions (210)6Protocol data units, formats and parameters (tabular & ASN.1) (210)6.1General (210)6.2RRC messages (212)6.2.1General message structure (212)–EUTRA-RRC-Definitions (212)–BCCH-BCH-Message (212)–BCCH-DL-SCH-Message (212)–BCCH-DL-SCH-Message-BR (213)–MCCH-Message (213)–PCCH-Message (213)–DL-CCCH-Message (214)–DL-DCCH-Message (214)–UL-CCCH-Message (214)–UL-DCCH-Message (215)–SC-MCCH-Message (215)6.2.2Message definitions (216)–CounterCheck (216)–CounterCheckResponse (217)–CSFBParametersRequestCDMA2000 (217)–CSFBParametersResponseCDMA2000 (218)–DLInformationTransfer (218)–HandoverFromEUTRAPreparationRequest (CDMA2000) (219)–InDeviceCoexIndication (220)–InterFreqRSTDMeasurementIndication (222)–LoggedMeasurementConfiguration (223)–MasterInformationBlock (225)–MBMSCountingRequest (226)–MBMSCountingResponse (226)–MBMSInterestIndication (227)–MBSFNAreaConfiguration (228)–MeasurementReport (228)–MobilityFromEUTRACommand (229)–Paging (232)–ProximityIndication (233)–RNReconfiguration (234)–RNReconfigurationComplete (234)–RRCConnectionReconfiguration (235)–RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete (240)–RRCConnectionReestablishment (241)–RRCConnectionReestablishmentComplete (241)–RRCConnectionReestablishmentReject (242)–RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest (243)–RRCConnectionReject (243)–RRCConnectionRelease (244)–RRCConnectionResume (248)–RRCConnectionResumeComplete (249)–RRCConnectionResumeRequest (250)–RRCConnectionRequest (250)–RRCConnectionSetup (251)–RRCConnectionSetupComplete (252)–SCGFailureInformation (253)–SCPTMConfiguration (254)–SecurityModeCommand (255)–SecurityModeComplete (255)–SecurityModeFailure (256)–SidelinkUEInformation (256)–SystemInformation (258)–SystemInformationBlockType1 (259)–UEAssistanceInformation (264)–UECapabilityEnquiry (265)–UECapabilityInformation (266)–UEInformationRequest (267)–UEInformationResponse (267)–ULHandoverPreparationTransfer (CDMA2000) (273)–ULInformationTransfer (274)–WLANConnectionStatusReport (274)6.3RRC information elements (275)6.3.1System information blocks (275)–SystemInformationBlockType2 (275)–SystemInformationBlockType3 (279)–SystemInformationBlockType4 (282)–SystemInformationBlockType5 (283)–SystemInformationBlockType6 (287)–SystemInformationBlockType7 (289)–SystemInformationBlockType8 (290)–SystemInformationBlockType9 (295)–SystemInformationBlockType10 (295)–SystemInformationBlockType11 (296)–SystemInformationBlockType12 (297)–SystemInformationBlockType13 (297)–SystemInformationBlockType14 (298)–SystemInformationBlockType15 (298)–SystemInformationBlockType16 (299)–SystemInformationBlockType17 (300)–SystemInformationBlockType18 (301)–SystemInformationBlockType19 (301)–SystemInformationBlockType20 (304)6.3.2Radio resource control information elements (304)–AntennaInfo (304)–AntennaInfoUL (306)–CQI-ReportConfig (307)–CQI-ReportPeriodicProcExtId (314)–CrossCarrierSchedulingConfig (314)–CSI-IM-Config (315)–CSI-IM-ConfigId (315)–CSI-RS-Config (317)–CSI-RS-ConfigEMIMO (318)–CSI-RS-ConfigNZP (319)–CSI-RS-ConfigNZPId (320)–CSI-RS-ConfigZP (321)–CSI-RS-ConfigZPId (321)–DMRS-Config (321)–DRB-Identity (322)–EPDCCH-Config (322)–EIMTA-MainConfig (324)–LogicalChannelConfig (325)–LWA-Configuration (326)–LWIP-Configuration (326)–RCLWI-Configuration (327)–MAC-MainConfig (327)–P-C-AndCBSR (332)–PDCCH-ConfigSCell (333)–PDCP-Config (334)–PDSCH-Config (337)–PDSCH-RE-MappingQCL-ConfigId (339)–PHICH-Config (339)–PhysicalConfigDedicated (339)–P-Max (344)–PRACH-Config (344)–PresenceAntennaPort1 (346)–PUCCH-Config (347)–PUSCH-Config (351)–RACH-ConfigCommon (355)–RACH-ConfigDedicated (357)–RadioResourceConfigCommon (358)–RadioResourceConfigDedicated (362)–RLC-Config (367)–RLF-TimersAndConstants (369)–RN-SubframeConfig (370)–SchedulingRequestConfig (371)–SoundingRS-UL-Config (372)–SPS-Config (375)–TDD-Config (376)–TimeAlignmentTimer (377)–TPC-PDCCH-Config (377)–TunnelConfigLWIP (378)–UplinkPowerControl (379)–WLAN-Id-List (382)–WLAN-MobilityConfig (382)6.3.3Security control information elements (382)–NextHopChainingCount (382)–SecurityAlgorithmConfig (383)–ShortMAC-I (383)6.3.4Mobility control information elements (383)–AdditionalSpectrumEmission (383)–ARFCN-ValueCDMA2000 (383)–ARFCN-ValueEUTRA (384)–ARFCN-ValueGERAN (384)–ARFCN-ValueUTRA (384)–BandclassCDMA2000 (384)–BandIndicatorGERAN (385)–CarrierFreqCDMA2000 (385)–CarrierFreqGERAN (385)–CellIndexList (387)–CellReselectionPriority (387)–CellSelectionInfoCE (387)–CellReselectionSubPriority (388)–CSFB-RegistrationParam1XRTT (388)–CellGlobalIdEUTRA (389)–CellGlobalIdUTRA (389)–CellGlobalIdGERAN (390)–CellGlobalIdCDMA2000 (390)–CellSelectionInfoNFreq (391)–CSG-Identity (391)–FreqBandIndicator (391)–MobilityControlInfo (391)–MobilityParametersCDMA2000 (1xRTT) (393)–MobilityStateParameters (394)–MultiBandInfoList (394)–NS-PmaxList (394)–PhysCellId (395)–PhysCellIdRange (395)–PhysCellIdRangeUTRA-FDDList (395)–PhysCellIdCDMA2000 (396)–PhysCellIdGERAN (396)–PhysCellIdUTRA-FDD (396)–PhysCellIdUTRA-TDD (396)–PLMN-Identity (397)–PLMN-IdentityList3 (397)–PreRegistrationInfoHRPD (397)–Q-QualMin (398)–Q-RxLevMin (398)–Q-OffsetRange (398)–Q-OffsetRangeInterRAT (399)–ReselectionThreshold (399)–ReselectionThresholdQ (399)–SCellIndex (399)–ServCellIndex (400)–SpeedStateScaleFactors (400)–SystemInfoListGERAN (400)–SystemTimeInfoCDMA2000 (401)–TrackingAreaCode (401)–T-Reselection (402)–T-ReselectionEUTRA-CE (402)6.3.5Measurement information elements (402)–AllowedMeasBandwidth (402)–CSI-RSRP-Range (402)–Hysteresis (402)–LocationInfo (403)–MBSFN-RSRQ-Range (403)–MeasConfig (404)–MeasDS-Config (405)–MeasGapConfig (406)–MeasId (407)–MeasIdToAddModList (407)–MeasObjectCDMA2000 (408)–MeasObjectEUTRA (408)–MeasObjectGERAN (412)–MeasObjectId (412)–MeasObjectToAddModList (412)–MeasObjectUTRA (413)–ReportConfigEUTRA (422)–ReportConfigId (425)–ReportConfigInterRAT (425)–ReportConfigToAddModList (428)–ReportInterval (429)–RSRP-Range (429)–RSRQ-Range (430)–RSRQ-Type (430)–RS-SINR-Range (430)–RSSI-Range-r13 (431)–TimeToTrigger (431)–UL-DelayConfig (431)–WLAN-CarrierInfo (431)–WLAN-RSSI-Range (432)–WLAN-Status (432)6.3.6Other information elements (433)–AbsoluteTimeInfo (433)–AreaConfiguration (433)–C-RNTI (433)–DedicatedInfoCDMA2000 (434)–DedicatedInfoNAS (434)–FilterCoefficient (434)–LoggingDuration (434)–LoggingInterval (435)–MeasSubframePattern (435)–MMEC (435)–NeighCellConfig (435)–OtherConfig (436)–RAND-CDMA2000 (1xRTT) (437)–RAT-Type (437)–ResumeIdentity (437)–RRC-TransactionIdentifier (438)–S-TMSI (438)–TraceReference (438)–UE-CapabilityRAT-ContainerList (438)–UE-EUTRA-Capability (439)–UE-RadioPagingInfo (469)–UE-TimersAndConstants (469)–VisitedCellInfoList (470)–WLAN-OffloadConfig (470)6.3.7MBMS information elements (472)–MBMS-NotificationConfig (472)–MBMS-ServiceList (473)–MBSFN-AreaId (473)–MBSFN-AreaInfoList (473)–MBSFN-SubframeConfig (474)–PMCH-InfoList (475)6.3.7a SC-PTM information elements (476)–SC-MTCH-InfoList (476)–SCPTM-NeighbourCellList (478)6.3.8Sidelink information elements (478)–SL-CommConfig (478)–SL-CommResourcePool (479)–SL-CP-Len (480)–SL-DiscConfig (481)–SL-DiscResourcePool (483)–SL-DiscTxPowerInfo (485)–SL-GapConfig (485)。
摘 要
在竞争激烈的工业自动化生产过程中,机器视觉对产品质量的把关起着举足 轻重的作用,机器视觉在缺陷检测技术方面的应用也逐渐普遍起来。与常规的检 测技术相比,自动化的视觉检测系统更加经济、快捷、高效与 安全。纹理物体在 工业生产中广泛存在,像用于半导体装配和封装底板和发光二极管,现代 化电子 系统中的印制电路板,以及纺织行业中的布匹和织物等都可认为是含有纹理特征 的物体。本论文主要致力于纹理物体的缺陷检测技术研究,为纹理物体的自动化 检测提供高效而可靠的检测算法。 纹理是描述图像内容的重要特征,纹理分析也已经被成功的应用与纹理分割 和纹理分类当中。本研究提出了一种基于纹理分析技术和参考比较方式的缺陷检 测算法。这种算法能容忍物体变形引起的图像配准误差,对纹理的影响也具有鲁 棒性。本算法旨在为检测出的缺陷区域提供丰富而重要的物理意义,如缺陷区域 的大小、形状、亮度对比度及空间分布等。同时,在参考图像可行的情况下,本 算法可用于同质纹理物体和非同质纹理物体的检测,对非纹理物体 的检测也可取 得不错的效果。 在整个检测过程中,我们采用了可调控金字塔的纹理分析和重构技术。与传 统的小波纹理分析技术不同,我们在小波域中加入处理物体变形和纹理影响的容 忍度控制算法,来实现容忍物体变形和对纹理影响鲁棒的目的。最后可调控金字 塔的重构保证了缺陷区域物理意义恢复的准确性。实验阶段,我们检测了一系列 具有实际应用价值的图像。实验结果表明 本文提出的纹理物体缺陷检测算法具有 高效性和易于实现性。 关键字: 缺陷检测;纹理;物体变形;可调控金字塔;重构
Keywords: defect detection, texture, object distortion, steerable pyramid, reconstruction
(Kilowatt Hour W/Demand)(塑料)挤出机plastic extruder涂敷器、包覆装置coaterA 安培(Ampere,Amps)ABBR 缩写(Abbreviation)AC 交流电流(Alternating Current)ACB 空气无熔丝开关(Air Circuit Breaker)ADJ 可调式(Adjustable)AF 框架容量(Frame Size)AFC 自动频率控制(Automatic Frequency Control)Ah 安培小时(Ampere Hour)AL 铝(Aluminum)AM 安培表/ 调幅(Ammeter / Amplitude Modulation)AMPL 增幅器(Amplifier)ANN 警报器(Announciator)ANT 天线(Antenna)APP. 近似(Approximate)AS 安培计切换开关(Ammeter Switch)AT 跳脱容量(Trip Rating)ATS 自动切换开关(Automatic Transfer Switch)AUD 音频(Audio)AUTO 自动(Automatic)AUTOTR 自动变压器(Auto Transformer)AUX 辅助(Auxiliary)AVG 平均(Average)BAT 电池(Battery)BATCHG 电池充电机(Battery Charger)BCD 二进码十进制(Binary Coded Decimal)BET 之间(Between)BGM 背景音乐(Back Ground Music)BIL 基本绝缘水n(Basic Insulation Level)BLDG 建筑物(Building)BOT 底(层)(Bottom)C 导线管(Conduit)CA 电缆(Cable)CAB 配电箱(Cabinet)CAM 摄影机/ 空调辅助电表(Camera, Cooling Auxiliary Meter)CAP 电容器/电容(Capacitor/Capacitance)CAT 种类(Category)CB 断路器(Circuit Breaker)CCC 中央控制中心(Central Control Center)CCTV 闭路电视(Closed Circuit Television)CDF 综合配线架(Combined Distribution Frame)CH 频道(Channel)CKT 电路/袈罚Circuit)CLG 天花板(Ceiling)CLK ?(Clock)cm 公分(Centimeter)CMC 母?(Central Master Clock)CMPTR 电脑(Computer)COAX 同轴(Coaxial)COL 圆柱(Column)COMM 通讯(Communication)CONC 混凝土(Concrete)COND 导线(Conductor)CONN 接头/ 连接(Connector / Connection)CONS 控制台(Control Station)CONSTR 施工(Construction)CONT 连续/ 继续(Continue / Continuation)CPT 控制电源变压器(Control Power Transformer)CPU 中央处理(Central Processor Unit)CR 控制电[(Control Relay)CRT 阴极射线管(Cathode Ray Tube)CS 控制开关(Control Switch)CSRC 中央监控(Central Supervisory and Remote Control)CT 比流器(Current Transformer)CTL 控制(Control)CTR 中心(Center)CTY 电缆架(Cable Tray)CU 铜(Copper)D/C 类位/类比转换器(Digital To Analog Converter)DA 分散放大器(Distribution Amplifier)dB 分贝(Decibel)dBm 毫瓦分贝(A dB Referred To One Milliwatt)DC 直流(Direct Current)DD 数位类示(Digital Display)DDC 资料分配控制器(Data Distribution Controller)DDT 资料显示终端机(Data Display Terminal)DEPT 部门(Department)DET 详细图(Detail)DF 需量因素(Demand Factor)DGP 资料收集处理机(Data Gathering Processor)DGT 电信总局(Directorate General of Telecommunications)DIA 直径(Diameter)DIFF 差别的(Differential)DIG 图(Diagram)DIM 尺度(Dimension)DISC 分开/ 不接(Disconnect)DISTR 分布/ 分配(Distribution)DIV 参差因数(Diversity Factor)DM 需量表(Demand Meter)DN 向下(Down)DO 抽出(Draw Out)DP 双极(Double Pole)DPDT 双极双投(Double Pole Double Throw)DPST 双极单投(Double Pole Single Throw)DRG 图(Drawing)DS 隔离开关(Disconnect Switch)DT 双投(Double Throw)DTG 防尘(Dust Tight)E 紧急(Emergency)EA 每一(Each)EC 空导管(Empty Conduit)EL 高程(Elevation)ELEC 电机(Electric)ELV 电梯(Elevator)EM 能源管理(Energy Management)EMI 电磁干扰(Electromagnetic Interference)EMS 环境管理子系统(Environmental Management Subsystem)EMT 金属电导管(Electrical Metallic Tubing)ENCL 箱体(Enclosure)ENTR 入口(Entrance)EPR 乙烯丙烯橡胶(Ethylene Propylene Rubber)EQ 等化器(Equalizer)EQPT 设备(Equipment)ESC 电扶梯(Escalator)ET 紧急电话/ 经过时间(Emergency Telephone / Elapse Time)EX 交换机/ 交换线路(Exchange / Exchange Line)EXP.JT 伸缩缝(Expansion Joint)EXT 外部(Exterior)F,FI 频率(Frequency)FA 火灾报警机(Fire Alarm)FAS 火警系统(Fire Alarm System)FB 熔线座(Fuse Block)FBO 非本工程范围(Furnished By Others)FDN 基础(Foundation)FDR 馈线(Feeder)FF 粉刷完成面(Finished Floor)FL 层(Floor)FLD 场(Field)FLEX 软性的(Flexible)FLS 火灾及安全辅助系统(Fire And Life Safety Subsystem)FLUOR 萤光灯(Fluorescent)FM 频率表/ 调频(Frequency Meter / Frequency Modulation)FO 光学纤维(Fiber Optic)FS 防火(Fire Stop)FSK 移频按键/ 频移键(Frequency Shift Key)FT 多功能电话(Feature Telephone)FU 熔线(Fuse)FURN 提供(Furnished)FUT 未来(Future)G,GND 地面/ 接地/ 绿色(Ground / Green)G.F. 接地故障保护(Ground Fault Protection)GA 标n?/ 尺度(Gauge)GALV 镀锌(Galvanized)GB 接地S/流排(Ground Bus)GEN 发电机(Generator)GRS 无线电指引系统(Guide Radio System)H 时(Hour)HGT 高度(Height)HH 手孔(Hand Hole)HLT 热线电话(Hot Line Telephone)HOA 手动断开自动(Handoff Automatic)HORIZ 水平(Horizontal)HP 马力(Horse Power)HR 手动_┕椋Hand Reset)HTR 电热器(Heater)HV 高压(High Voltage)HVAC 暖气,通风与空调(Heating Ventilating and Air-conditioning)HZ 赫(Hertz)I/F 界面(Interface)I/O 输入/输出(Input / Output)I/T 瞬时跳脱(Instantaneous Trip)IAC 连锁ё暗缋拢Inter Locked Armored Cable)IC 界面箱(Interface Cabinet)ID 证实/ 正名(Identification)IDF 中间配线架(Intermediate Distribution Frame)IMP 阻抗(Impedance)INC 进入(Incoming)INST 瞬时的(Instantaneous)INSTR 仪器(Instrument)INT 内部(Interior)INTLK 连锁(Inter Lock)INV 换流器(Inverter)IT 隔离变压器(Isolating Transformer)ITR 反时电[(Inverse Time Relay)JB 接线盒(Junction Box)JT 接头/ 接合(Joint)KB 键盘(Keyboard)KD 敲孔(Knockout)kg 公斤(Kilogram)kg/m 公斤/公尺(Kilogram Per Meter)kHz 千赫(Kilohertz)km 公里(Kilometer)KS 闸刀开关(Knife Switch)KV 仟伏特(Kilovolt)KVA 仟伏安(Kilovolt Ampere)KVAH 仟伏安时(Kilovolt Ampere Hour)KVAR 无效仟伏安(Kilovolt Ampere Reactive)KW 仟瓦(Kilowatt)KWH 仟瓦时(Kilowatt Hour)KWHD 仟瓦时附需量计L 长度(Length)LA 避雷器(Lightning Arrester)LCD 液晶显示器(Liquid Crystal Display)LED 光二极体(Light Emitting Diode)LS 微动开关(Limit Switch)LT 长延时(Long Time Delay)LTG 照明(Lighting)LTNG 雷电(Lightning)LUM 灯具(Luminary)LV 低压(Low Voltage)LVL 水平(Level)LX 勒克斯(照度之公制单位)(Lux)m 公尺(Meter)M 马达(Motor)mA 毫安(Milliampere)MAINT 维护(Maintenance)MAN 手动(Manual)MANOP 手动操作(Manual Operated)MAX 极大值(Maximum)mB 毫巴(Millibar)MC ё/ 主?(Metal Clad / Master Clock)MCC 马达控制中心(Motor Control Center)MDF 主配线架(Main Distribution Frame)MECH 机械的(Mechanical)MED 中间(Medium)MESS 杂项设备监视子系统(Miscellaneous Equipment Supervisory Subsystem)MEZZ 夹层(Mezzanine)MFR 造者(Manufacturer)MH 人孔(Manhole)MHZ 百万赫(Megahertz)MIC 微音器(Microphone)min 分(Minute)MIN 极小值(Minimum)MISC 杂项(Miscellaneous)mm 毫米(Millimeter)MON 监视器(Monitor)MR 复比(Multi Ratio)MRS 维护无线电台(Maintenance Radio Station)MSL 平均海平面(Mean Sea Level)MTD 装置(Mounted)MTG 装置(Mounting)MTS 手动切换开关(Manual Transfer Switch)MUX 多工器(Multiplexed)mV 毫伏(Milli Volt)MV 中压(Medium Voltage)MVA 百万伏安(Mega Volt Ampere)NA 不适用(Not Applicable)NC 常关(Normally Closed)NEG 负的(Negative)NET 网路(Network)NEUT 中性的(Neutral)NIC 非契约范围(Not In Contract)NIS 未按比例(Not In Scale)NMC 非金属导线管(Non Metallic Conduit)NO 数/ 常开(Number / Normally Open)NOM 名义/ 公称(Nominal)NORM 正常(Normal)OA 输出放大(Output Amplifier)OC 过电流(Over Current)OCS 电车线系统(Overhead Contact System / Overhead Catenary System)OD 外径(Outside Diameter)OL 过载(Overload)OM 外部记号(Outer Marker)OTG 输出/ 引出(Outgoing)OV 过电压(Over Voltage)PA 音播(Public Address)PABX 专用自动交换机(Private Automatic Branch Exchange)PAC 前置处理机及通讯控制器(Preprocessor and Communication Controller)PB 按钮/ 拉线箱(Push Button / Pull Box)PBSTA 按钮站(Push Button Station)PCM 脉码调变(Pulse Code Modulation)PF 功率因数(Power Factor)PLSC 电力与照明监控子系统(Power And Lighting Supervisory Control Subsystem)PM 脉冲调变(Pulse Modulation)PMC 电力维护电路(Power Maintenance Circuit)PNEU 气压式/ 气动(Pneumatic)PNL 配电盘(Panel)POS 正值/ 位置(Positive / Position)POT 电位(Potential)PR 一对(Pair)PRI 第一次(Primary)PRL 平行(Parallel)PS 电源供给器(Power Supply)PSS 电力监控系统(Power Supervisory System)PT 比压器(Potential Transformer)PTPA 月台电话及播音系统(Platform Telephone with Public Address Service)PTZ 水平转动/垂直转动/放大缩小(Pan / Tilt / Zoom)PUBT 公用电话(Public Telephone)PVC 聚氯乙烯(Polyvinyl Chloride)PWMT 电力维修电话(Power Maintenance Telephone)PWR 电力(Power)R 电[ / 半径/ 反转(Relay / Radius / Reversing)R1,R2 受讯机附编号(Receiver Number of)RAD 无线电(Radio)RC 隐藏式(Recessed)RCT 远端电脑终端机(Remote Computer Terminal)RCTL 遥控(Remote Control)RECPT 插座(Receptacle)RECT 整流器(Rectifier)RECV 接收(Receive)REF 参考(Reference)REG 调整器(Regulator)REM 远方(Remote)REQD 要求(Required)RES 电阻器(Resistor)REV 校正(Revision)RF 无线电频率(Radio Frequency)RM 室(Room)RMC 铁路维护电路(Rail Way Maintenance Circuit)RMT 远端多工终端机(Remote Multiplex Terminal)ROC 铁路行车电路(Railway Operation Circuit)rpm 每分转数(Revolutions Per Minute)RSC 钢导线管(Rigid Steel Conduit)RSD cr门(Roller Shutter Door)RT 防雨(Rain Tight)RTD 热阻温度侦测器(Resistance Temperature Detector)RV 降压起动器(Reduced Voltage Starter)RX 接收器/ 接收(Receiver / Receive)S 秒(Second)S/N 讯号杂音比(Signal To Noise Ratio)SB 备用(Standby)SCC 短路容量(Short Circuit Capacity)SECT 断面/ 尺规(Section / Sector)SEQ 序列(Sequence)SF 叶片(Split Flap)SFB 叶片板(Split Flap Board)SFC 叶片控制器(Split Flap Controller)SH 分路(Shunt)SHLD 遮蔽(Shield)SIM 近似(Similar)SLD 密封设施(Sealing Device)SM c装(Surface Mounted)SOL 螺管(Solenoid)SP 备用品(Spare)SPDT 单极双投(Single Pole Double Throw)SPEC 规格/ 规范(Specification)SPKR 扬声器(Speaker)SPM 同步及并联模组(Synchronizing and Paralleling Module)SPST 单极单投(Single Pole Single Throw)SS 同步开关(Synchronizing Switch)ST 短延时(Short Time Delay)STA 站(Station)STD 标n(Standard)SUB 分站/ 变电站(Substation)SUPV 监督(Supervisory)SW 开关(Switch)SWBO 开关箱(Switch Board)SWGR 开关设备(Switch Gear)SWR 开关器(Switcher)SYM 图例(Symbol)SYMM 对称(Symmetrical)SYNC 同步化(Synchronize)SYS 系统(System)T1,T2 发射器(编号)(Transmitter Number of)TB 端子板(Terminal Board)TBX 端子箱(Terminal Box)TC 跳脱线圈(Trip Coil)TCV 温度控制阀(Temperature Control Valve)TD 行车调度(Train Dispatching)TDC 延时闭路(Time Delay Closing)TDM 分时多工(Time Division Multiplex)TDO 延时开路(Time Delay Opening)TDR 延时电[(Time Delay Relay)TEL,T 电话(Telephone)TELECOM 电信(Telecommunications)TEMP 温度(Temperature)TERM 端子(Terminal)THH 电信手孔(Telecommunications Hand-Hole)THRU 管槽(Through)TIDS 列车资讯显示系统(Train Information Display System)TM 电视监视机(Television Monitor)TMH 电信人孔(Telecommunications Manhole)TOC 混凝土顶部(Top of Concrete)TPC 台湾电力公司(Taiwan Power Company)TPST 三极单投(Triple Pole Single Throw)TRT 列车无线电话系统(Train Radio Telephone System)TV 电视(Television)TWR 塔(Tower)TX 传送器/ 发射机(Transmitter)TYP 代表同样(Typical)UCP 单元控制盘(Unit Control Panel)UF 地板下(Under Floor)UG 地下(Under Ground)UHF 超高频(Ultra High Frequency)UON 除另有?明者外(Unless Otherwise Noted)UPS 不断电系统(Uninterruptible Power Supply)UV 欠电压(Under Voltage)uV 微伏(Micro Volt)V 伏特(Volt)VA 伏安(Volt Ampere)VAC 交流电压(Volt Alternating Current)VCSS 语音通讯交换系统(Voice Communications Switching System)VDA 视讯分配放大器(Video Distribution Amplifier)VDC 直流电压/ 视讯显示控制(Volts Direct Current / Video Display Control)VDT 视讯显示终端机(Video Display Terminal)VENT 通风(Ventilation)VERT 垂直(Vertical)VF 音频(Voice Frequency)VHF 超高频(Very High Frequency)VID 视讯(Video)VM 电压表(Voltmeter)VS 电压切换(Voltmeter Switch)VSC 可变速控制器(Variable Speed Controller)VSWR 电压驻波比(Voltage Standing Wave Ratio)VT 防烟汽(Vaportight)VTR 录影机(Video Tape Recorder)W 瓦特/ 线(Watt / Wire)W/ 含…/及…(With)W/O 不含…(Without)WP 不受气候影响(Weatherproof)WT 防水(Watertight)XFMR 变压器(Transformer)XLP 交连聚氯乙烯(Cross Linked Polyethylene)XMIT 发送(Transmit)XMTR 发射器(Transmitter)阿贝常数Abbe constant阿贝棱镜Abbe prism阿贝理论Abbe\'s theory阿贝数Abbe number阿贝折射率计Abbe refractometer阿贝正弧条件Abbe\'s sine condition阿尔伯特爱因斯坦Albert Einstein阿拉斯加(美国一州) Alaska安大略湖[北美洲] Ontario安家settle n安乃因工程Project Anehin n(安排、解决vi安排、准备、配置setup安全、可靠safety n安全[保险、紧急]开关overcurrent cut-out switch 安全[防护]装置safety device安全的、平安的safe adv安全地、平安地safely安全设备、保险装置safety安全系数、安全[保险]系数factor of assurance 安慰、取悦于conciliate安息日的sabbatical .安装、排字、布景setting vt安装、修理、确定fix安装、装配、布置、设置set up安装、装配、布置、设置set-up n安装[装置]工具installation kit安装标准[规程] installation standard安装程序installation program安装电缆installation cable安装费用、设备投资installation cost安装工、装配工fitter安装功率installed power安装规程[标准] installation rule安装容量、安装功率installed capacity安装说明书fitting instructions安装说明书installation instructions安装图、施工图installation drawing安装线equipment and building wire安装线interconnection wire氨基甲酸酯橡胶urethane rubber按扭控制[操纵] push-button control暗线hidden conductor凹口试杆冲击试验notched bar impact test凹陷半径dip radius凹陷深度depth of pip凹陷型包复depressed clad凹状梯度折射率光纤、凹形渐变折射率光纤dipped graded-index fiber 八点差二十twenty to eight八芯光纤连接器eight-ways optical fiber connector八行两韵诗或诗节triolet白纸、[英]白皮书white paper摆杆dancer rocker arm摆杆式拉线机dancer arm drawing machine半[准]导体quasi conductor半波长导线wire of half wavelength半波导线half-wave conductor半成品semi-cylindrical conductor半导电层、半导体层semi-conducting layer半导电的、半导体的semi-conductive半导电绝缘屏蔽semicon-insulation半导电膨胀阻水层semi-conducting moisture swelling layer半导电漆semiconductive varnish半导电线芯semi-conductive core半导体semicon半导体semiconductor半导体材料semiconducting material半导体材料挤出机semicon extruder半导体层semi-conductor layer半导体层、半电导电层semi-conductive layer半导体带semi-conducting tape半导体丁基橡胶带semi-conducting butyl tape半导体护套semi-conducting jacket半导体混合物semi-conductive compound半导体交联聚乙烯semiconducting crosslinked polyethylene半导体尼龙semi-conducting nylon tape半导体屏蔽semi-conducting screen半导体屏蔽、半导电屏蔽semi-conductive screen半导体漆semi-conducting varnish半导体橡胶semi-conducting rubber半导体釉semmiconducting glaze半导体纸、半导电纸semiconducting paper半电导电层semi-conductor layer半介壳half shell半径损耗radii loss半空气绝缘电缆semi-air space cable半连续铸锭semi-continuous ingot casting半连续铸锭机semi-continuous casting machine半硫化semi-cure半盲的、愚笨的purblind半年、学期、半学年semester半扭绞结构half twist structure半切线式纸包头[绕包头] semi-tangential lapper半切线式纸包头[绕包头] semi-tangential lapping head半球、范围hemisphere半塞止式接头盒semi-stop joint半双工half duplex半退火铝导体semi-annealed aluminium conductor半小时half an hour半硬铝线half-hard aluminium wire半硬铝线semihard-drawn aluminium .半硬铝线semi-rigid aluminium wire半硬同轴电缆semi-rigid coaxial cable半硬铜线half-hard copper wire半圆、半圆形体semicircle半圆黄铜带half-round brass strip半圆形导体semicircular conductor半圆形导体semi-finished product半自动电缆测量装置semi-automatic cable measuring system半自动电缆绝缘剥除机semi-automatic cable de-insulating machin 半自动电缆绝缘剥除机semi-automatic cable de-insulating machine 半自动收线装置semi-automatic take-up半自动双盘收线装置semi-automatic twin take-up绑结、绑扎、扎结stiching绑扎binder tape绑轧绳、捆绑绳binding yarn包层、垫层clad包层表面直径偏差cladding surface diameter deviation包层不圆度non-circularity of cladding包层传导模cladding-guided mode包层光纤clad fiber包层光纤clad optical fiber包层光纤cladded-fiber包层模clad mode包层模cladding mode包层模清除剂[器] cladding mode stripper包层偏心率cladding eccentricity包层石英光纤clad silica fiber包层石英光纤FEP-clad silica fiber包层石英光纤low loss FEP-clad silica fiber包层损耗caldding absorption包层条形介质波导cladded slab dielectric waveguide包层折射率cladding index包层直径cladding diameter包层中心cladding center包带)对接覆盖covering the butt joints包带点taping point包带机tape lapping machine包带机taping machine包带机、包带头tapelapper包带节距tapping pitch包带式tape type包带速度tapping speed包带头lapping unit包带头tape lapping head包带头、包带机tape lapper包带头、带包头taping head包带装置taping unit包封encapsulating包封胶埋封胶encapsulating compound embadding compound 包含、包括、构成comprise包含、包摄subsume包含的、包含在内的inclusive包括、包含including包络线、包线contour line包套、外护套package sheathing(包围、纳于怀中embosom包围、围攻siege包装packaging包装标准packaging standard包装材料wrapping包装等级packaging level包装机packaging machine包装检验inspection of packaging包装箱packing-case包装用线盘packaging reel保护接地导线protective conductor爆破[放炮]用软线shot-fire cord备用发电机组stand-by power unit被动式放线装置driven supply arrangement 苯乙烯-丙烯腈SAN(styrene-acrylonitride)苯乙烯-丙烯腈taking of sample闭合波导closed waveguide O壁厚、绝缘[护套]厚度wall thickness避雷针lightning conductor编织braiding编织、编织层braid编织层的浸渍saturation of braid(编织车间braiding workshop编织导线braid conductor编织导线braided conductor编织点braid point编织电缆braid-covered cable编织电缆wove cable编织电缆woven cable编织覆盖率percentage of braiding coverage[ 编织机braider编织机braiding machine编织机knitter编织机loom编织机)剪模scissor die编织机)模臂die arm编织机)右旋侧架right-hand side frame编织机)左转侧架left-hand side frame编织机的)喇叭状齿轮horngear编织机的)面板race plate编织机的]摆动臂osciliating arm编织机锭子braiding machine carrier编织角braid angle编织角braiding angle编织节距lay of braiding编织屏蔽braided shield编织屏蔽电缆braid shielded cable编织屏蔽电缆braided-shiled cable编织软绳braided flexible cord编织软绳braided flexible cord编织套、电缆屏蔽套wired tube编织套[层]、套管sleeving编织同轴屏蔽braid coaxial shielding编织头braiding head编织涂蜡braiding-impregnating编织物fabric tape编织线braid wire编织线braided wire编织线芯超导体lattice braided supperconductor扁编织导线strap braided conductor扁导体带状电缆flat conductor cable扁平编织线flat braid扁形(软线)接头spade tag扁形电缆、并列电缆、平行敷设的电缆cables in flat formation 扁形软电缆flat flexible cable扁形双芯软线flat twin flexible cord扁形双芯软线[塞绳] flat twin tinsel cord标称直径nominal diameter标色挤出机marking extruder表层导体skin conductor表面保护surface protection表面波surface wave表面处理surface treatment表面处理导体surface treated conductor表面粗糙度surface roughness表面电阻surface resistance表面电阻率surface resistivity表面电阻率[系数] surface resistivity表面电阻试验surface resistance test表面放电surface discharge表面复合surface recombination表面活性剂surface active agent表面活性剂surfactant表面加工surface working表面冷却电缆surface cooled cable表面裂纹surface cracks表面漏泄电流surface leakage current表面气泡skin hole表面缺陷surface blemish表面缺陷surface defect表面缺陷surface imperfection表面缺陷surface irregularity表面缺陷[裂纹] surface flaw表面润滑剂surface lubricant表面损失surface losses表面质量surface finish表面质量surface quality丙烯propene丙烯propylene丙烯腈-丙烯酸酯-苯乙烯AAS丙烯腈-丁二烯-苯乙烯ABS丙烯腈-丁二烯-苯乙烯橡胶ABSR丙烯醛基丁二烯橡胶ABR丙烯酸acrylis并列摆动分线板coordinated oscillating face plate并列圆导体扁电缆round conductor flat cable并纱throwing并纱机slubbing frame并纱机、并丝机slubbing machine并纱机、并丝机throwing machine并线模closing die并线模stranding closer并线模stranding nipple并线模twisting closer并线模、轧辊孔型caliber并线模、轧辊孔型calibre并线模架calibre holder并线模架closing die stand波长wavelength波导(管) waveguide波导电缆waveguide cable波导隔离器waveguide isolator波导或同轴电缆的)能量引出装置、试样、探针、探头probe 波导开关waveguide switch波导散射waveguide scattering波导色散waveguide dispersion波导时延失真wave delay distortion波导束waveguide bundle波导线guide wire波形电缆waveform cable波形同心中性线wave-form concentric neutral conductor波形同心中性线(芯) wave-form concentric neutral conductor 波形同心中性线(芯)电缆waveconal-cable波形同心中性线芯电缆ceander cable玻璃粉glass power玻璃绝缘材料glass insvlating material玻璃绝缘绕组线winding wire with with glass-insulation玻璃绝缘子glass insulator玻璃膜超细线glass covered extra fine wire玻璃膜绝缘微细线micro wire with glass fiber film-insulation 玻璃膜微细线glass coated superfine wire玻璃膜微细线glass covered enamelled wire玻璃膜微细线glass-coated microwire玻璃丝glass fibre yarn玻璃丝包扁铜电磁线glass-fiber-covered rectangular copper magnet wire玻璃丝包薄膜绕包扁线glass-fiber and film covered rectangular wire玻璃丝包机fiber-glass insulating machine玻璃丝包机glass fiber covering machine玻璃丝包机glass yarn insulation wire covering machine玻璃丝包矩形铜电磁线glass-fiber-covered square copper magnet wire玻璃丝包漆包扁线glass-fiber covered enamelled rectangular wire玻璃丝包绕组线glass-fiber covered winding wire玻璃丝包线fiber-glass covered wire玻璃丝包线glass covered wire玻璃丝包线glass fiber covered wire玻璃丝包有机硅漆浸渍扁铜电磁线glass-fiber-covered silicone-treated rectangular copper magnet wire玻璃丝包有机硅漆浸渍圆铜电磁线glass-fiber-covered silicone-treated round copper magnet wire玻璃丝包圆铜电磁线glass-fiber-covered round copper magnet wire玻璃丝编织(层) glass coated micro wire玻璃丝编织尼龙护套电缆cable with glass braid and nylon finish玻璃丝编织线fiber-glass braid wire玻璃丝绝缘软线glass-fiber-insulated flexibles玻璃纤维、玻璃丝fiber glass玻璃纤维、玻璃丝fibreglass玻璃纤维、玻璃丝glass fiber玻璃纤维、玻璃丝glass fibre玻璃纤维波导glass fibre waveguide玻璃纤维带glass fibre tape玻璃纤维绝缘、玻璃丝绝缘fiber glass insulation玻璃纤维绝缘、玻璃丝绝缘glass fiber insulation玻璃纤维增强热塑性塑料FRTP(fiber-glass reinforced thermoplastics)玻璃纤维增强塑料、玻璃钢FRP(fiber galss-reinforced plastics)玻璃纤维增强塑料、玻璃钢GFP(glass fiber reinforced plastics)玻璃纤维增强塑料、玻璃钢glass fiber reinforced plastics玻璃纤维增强塑料包覆光纤、玻璃钢FRP coated fiber玻璃纤维织物glass fibre fabric玻璃珠glass braid剥strip (剥(光)、夺strip剥)片云母mica splitting剥除(绝缘、护套) cut back剥除(绝缘、护套)、拆卸remove剥除导体绝缘stripping of the conductor剥除电缆护套to strip the cable sheath剥除绝缘to remove the insulation剥除绝缘to strip the insulation剥夺bereave剥开、剥开baring剥离[撕裂]强度peel strength剥离力stripping resistance剥离强度试验peeling strength test剥离绳、撕裂绳ripcord剥离试验peeling test剥落、剥去、剥离、去氧化皮flake剥皮shaving剥皮stripping剥皮、炮击shell剥皮工具stripper tool剥皮机barking machine剥皮机shaver剥皮机skimming machine剥皮机[刀] scalper剥皮机头shaving head剥皮器barker剥铅lead sheath stripping剥铅刀chipping knife剥铅机lead stripping machine剥线钳wire stripper箔带、铝箔)绕包头foil-spinner箔导体foil conductor箔导线tinsel conductor箔软线、塞线tinsel cord薄煎饼pancake薄膜membrane薄膜光波导film optical waveguide薄膜光波导thin-film optical waveguide薄膜光复用器thin-film optical multiplexer薄膜绝缘电磁线thin-film insulated magnet wire 薄膜绝缘绕组线winding wire with film-insulation 薄膜流延film casting薄膜绕包机film wrapping machine薄毡mat薄纸板presspaper补偿to make up for补偿导线compensating conductor补偿导线extension wire补偿电缆building-out cable补偿电缆extension cable补偿电流、平衡电流equalizing current补偿电路equalizing circuit补偿电路、等电位连接equipotential connection补偿电路、均衡[补偿]器equalizer补偿光纤compensated optical fiber补偿轮电位计dancer potentiometer补偿轮滑轮dancer sheave补偿轮位置控制dancer position control补偿轮重量dancer weight补偿轮重量滑轮dancer weight pulley补偿器compensator补偿线compensating wire补偿相移compensating phase shift补偿装置compensating device不带退扭的(绞线) without backtwist不可剥夺的inalienable不可懂串音、非线性串音unintelligible cross-talk不良导体poor conductor不平衡电流、串音电流unbalanced current不同心度、偏心度、不成直线、失配、失调、不匹配misalignment 不准直decollimation布、编织物cloth布线conductor arrangement布线用线、安装线、跨接线、柔软连接线hook-up wire布置、安装set out v材料色散波长material dispersion wavelength材线包装wire packaging彩色护层挤出机colour coating extruder操作台、操纵盘、控制板operator panel操作台、控制台operator\'s desk槽纹波导grooved waveguide测试线testing conductor测试线、控制[操作、监视]线testing conductor层式护套、多层护套、薄层粘接护套laminated sheath(层状)粘接[结]带、金属-塑料综合护套用复合带laminated tape插入鞘、包、覆sheathe拆开[卸]、剥皮stripping掺杂石英包层光纤doped-silica cladded fiber长波长光纤long wavelength fiber长度补偿器length accumulator长度与直径之比、长径比L/D ratio场控金属线绑扎field-controlling wire binding超导体superconductor超导同导电缆superconductor coaxial cable超高强度钢芯铝包钢绞线extra-high strength steel cored aluminium steel stranded cable 超临界氦冷却电缆超导体supercritical helium cooled cable superconductor超软细股线pigtail wire超声波拉丝机ultrasonic drawing machine超声波拉丝模打孔机ultrasonic drawing die drilling machine超声波拉丝模加工机ultrasonic drawing die working machine超声剥皮装置ultrasonic descaling plant超细丝导线super-fine wire conductor超重型黑色氯化聚乙烯护套extra-heavy-duty chlorinated polyethlene jacket成捆或成筒放线装置stempack or drumpack pay-off system成缆laying-up成缆(后)包带cabled tape成缆、布(配)线、敷设电缆、n成缆、布[配]线、敷设电缆[线] wire成缆、成缆、电线敷设、布线、电缆敷设cabling成缆、绞缆cable-laying成缆材料、包覆材料cladding material成缆操作、成缆工序laying-up operation成缆放装置cabling pay-off成缆工段cabling department成缆工段laying up section成缆工艺cabling processv成缆构件cabled complement成缆光纤cabled optical fiber成缆和包带生产线laying-up and taping line成缆机cable-laying-up machine成缆机cabling machine成缆机SZ strander成缆机、成缆机、电缆盘cabler成缆机、线芯绞合机laying-up machine成缆角laying angle成缆角laying-up angle成缆设备、布线设备cabling equipment成缆损耗cabling absorption成缆用盘laying-up reel成盘收线装置take-up spooler成品电缆的标称直径BASFOD成圈复绕装置、收放线装置coiling and uncoiling device成圈机)包扎机wire coil wrapping machine成圈铜杆放线架pay-off stand for copper rods in coils成套塞绳、带有插塞的电话软线彩色软线colour cord成形导体formed conductor成型导体shaped conductor成型绞线shaped stranded conductor程序控制programme control抽头、引线、软导线pigtail出线梗conductor-stalk出线区、挤出区exit zone出线直径、成品线直径finished wire diameter出线直径、成品线直径finished wire diameter储线器、补偿器accumulator储线器的补偿轮dancer-wire船用软同轴电缆shipboard flexible coaxial cable串话补偿crosstalk compensation串话音量crosstalk volume串连tandem串联、串联电路series connection串联、串列式布置tandem connection串联、串列式布置[装置] tandem arrangement串联电路、串联series circuit串联电阻series resistance串联干扰电压series interference voltage串列式挤出机tandem extruder串列式三机架线材压扁机three-stand tandem wire flattening mill串列式三机架线材压扁整边机three-stand tandem wire flattening and edging mill 串列式退火机、连续拉丝退火机tandem annealer串列式线材轧机tandem-type rod mill串列式轧机、直线式轧机tandem rolling mill串音overhearing串音、串话cross talk串音、串话、串扰、串光、串色crosstalk串音[串话]干扰crosstalk interference串音[串话]特性cross talk characteristic串音[串话]因数crosstalk factor串音测量[试]法cross talk measuring method串音测试仪crosstalk meter串音测试装置crosstalk measuring set串音传输当量、串音衰减crosstalk transmission equivalent串音电流crosstalk current串音电路、串音耦合crosstalk circuit串音防卫度crosstalk ratio串音干扰crosstalk disturbance串音理论crosstalk theory串音路径crosstalk path串音耦合、串话耦合crosstalk coupling串音耦合损耗crosstalk coupling loss串音频率特性crosstalk-frequency characteristics串音平衡crosstalk balance串音平衡crosstalk balancing串音衰减crosstalk attenuation串音衰减当量crosstalk attenuation unit串音水平crosstalk level串音损耗crosstalk loss串音信号crosstalk signal串音原理crosstalk principle串音噪声crosstalk noise垂度控制sag control垂度控制环sag-control loop垂度控制器sag controller垂直安装[排列] vertical arrangement垂直敷设vertical installation垂直敷设vertical run垂直偏振vertical polarization垂直偏振电磁波vertically-polarized electromagnetic wave垂直燃烧试验vertical flame test垂直升降式电缆盘架vertical lift type drum stand垂直升降式收、放线装置vertical lift pay-off and take-up垂直托架火焰[燃烧]试验vertical-tray flame test垂直悬挂试验vertical suspension test纯铝基质超导体pure aluminium matrix conductor瓷、玻璃或类似无机材料套管ceramic,glass of analogous inorganic material bushing 次导线partial conductor粗拉机、大拉机、开坯机rod breakdown machine粗-细线拉线机、中拉机coarse-fine wire drawing machine催化燃烧漆包机enamelling machine with catalytic combustion device搭接[交替重叠]绕包带intercalated tapes搭接绕包butted [overlap] taping搭接绕包butted taping搭接绕包带interlocked tape搭接绕包屏蔽lapp wrapped covering shield大、中、小直径large,medium,small diameter大号[直径]线、粗线large-diameter wire大号[直径]线、粗线large-siza wire大截面[直径]电缆cable with big cross-sectional areas大截面[直径]电缆large-size cables大拉coarse drawing大拉heavy rod drawing大拉rod-breakdown大拉机bar drawblock大拉机heavy drawing machine大拉机heavy rod drawing machine大拉机large drawing mill大直径电缆large-diameter cable带(状)绝缘、绕包绝缘tape insulation带(状)绝缘、绕包绝缘taped insulation带、条tape带包绝缘导体tape wrapped conductor带包式电容锥tape-wrapped type condenser cone带包头、包带头、绕包头spinner带电导线live conductor带绕包、包带taped wrapping带绕包、带包、包带、绕包taping带退扭的(绞线) with backtwist带有插塞的电话软线cord setextra-hard-service cord带状(室内布)线、扁形编织安装线flat webbed building wire带状导体strip conductor带状导线ribbon conductor带状加载扩散光波导strip loaded difttused optical waveguide带子张力控制tape tension control单(层)纱包漆包线single-cotton enamel单包层光纤single-coated fiber单玻璃丝包漆包圆线single glass-fiber covered enamelled round wire单层monolayer单层的single-layer单层电缆single-layer cable单层滚筒七头拉线机single deck 7 heads type machine单层环氧漆包圆铜电磁线single epoxy-coated round copper magnet wire 单层甲板大帆船galley单层绞线single-layer strand单层金属编织机single tier type wire braiding machine单层纸simplex paper单层纸single-ply paper单层纸single-wire paper单层纸包圆铜电磁线single-paper-covered round copper magnet wire单道拉丝single draft drawing单道拉丝single-pass drawing(单段式挤出机one-stage extruder单股绞线single-strand conductor单护套single sheath单护套电缆single-jacketed cable单机架轧机single stand rolling mill单节距[单绞式]成缆机single-twist cabling machine单节距成缆机single twist cabler单螺杆挤出机single screw extruder单模大拉机bull drawing block。
OB5269 65W Demo Board Manual
No load standby power under 100mW@264VacAveraged efficiency more than 88%@115/230Vac at AWG18 cable endTurn on Delay Time<500mSecProgrammable OTP/OVP with latch shutdowno nf i de nt i al toKContents Index1Adapter Module Specification...........................................................................................................4 1.1 Input Characteristics.....................................................................................................................4 1.2 Output Characteristics..................................................................................................................4 1.3 Performance Specifications..........................................................................................................4 1.4 Protection Features......................................................................................................................4 1.5 Environments.. (4)2 Adapter Module Information (5)2.1 Schematic.....................................................................................................................................5 2.2 Bill of material.................................................................................................................................5 2.3 PCB Gerber File..............................................................................................................................7 2.4 Transformer Design......................................................................................................................8 2.4.1 Transformer Specification........................................................................................................8 2.4.2 Transformer Winding data.......................................................................................................8 2.2 Adapter Module Snapshot (9)3 Performance Evaluation (10)3.1 Input Characteristics....................................................................................................................11 3.1. 1 Input current and Standby power............................................................................................11 3.1. 2 Efficiency.................................................................................................................................11 3.2 Output Characteristics.................................................................................................................11 3.2.1 Line Regulation & Load Regulation..........................................................................................11 3.2.2 Ripple & Noise.........................................................................................................................12 3.2.3 Overshoot & Undershoot.......................................................................................................13 3.2.4 Dynamic Test.........................................................................................................................14 3.2.5 Time Sequence......................................................................................................................14 3.3 Protections..................................................................................................................................15 3.3.1 Over Current Protection (OCP).............................................................................................15 3.3.2 Over Voltage Protection (OVP)..............................................................................................15 3.3.3 Over Load Protection (OLP)..................................................................................................16 3.3.4 Over Temperature Protection (OTP)......................................................................................16 3.4 EMI Test......................................................................................................................................17 3.4.1 Conduction EMI Test..................................................................................................................17 3.4.2 Radiation EMI Test.....................................................................................................................19 3.5 Thermal Test. (20)4 Other important waveform (20)4.1 CS, FB, Vdd & Vds waveform at no load/full load......................................................................20 4.2 Vds waveform at full load, start/normal/output short..................................................................21 4.2.1 VDS at full load, start/normal/output short..............................................................................21 4.2.2 Vds at full load, start waveform...............................................................................................21 4.2.3 Vds at full load, normal waveform...........................................................................................21 4.2.4 Vds at full load, output short waveform.. (21)On -B ri g ht Co nf i de nt i a l toKt ecFigures IndexFig. 1 R&N waveform@90Vac; no load CH2:Vout_Ripple,..................................................................12 Fig. 2 R&N waveform@90Vac; full load, CH2:Vout_Ripple....................................................................12 Fig. 3 R&N waveform@264Vac; no load, CH2:Vout_Ripple...................................................................12 Fig. 4 R&N waveform@264Vac; full load, CH2:Vout_Ripple..................................................................12 Fig. 5 Overshoot waveform@90Vac; full load, CH2:Vout........................................................................13 Fig. 6 Overshoot waveform @90Vac; no load, CH2:Vout.......................................................................13 Fig. 7 Overshoot waveform @264Vac; full load, CH2:Vout ....................................................................13 Fig. 8 Overshoot waveform @264Vac; no load, CH2:Vout.....................................................................13 Fig. 9 Undershoot waveform@90Vac; full load,, CH2:Vout ....................................................................13 Fig. 10 Undershoot waveform @264Vac; full load, CH2:Vout ................................................................13 Fig. 11 Dynamic waveform@90Vac input, CH1;Vout..............................................................................14 Fig. 12 Dynamic waveform@264Vac input, CH1;Vout............................................................................14 Fig. 13 Turn on delay waveform @90Vac; full load,CH1:Vout,CH2:Vin..................................................14 Fig. 14 Hold up time waveform @100Vac; full load, CH1:Vout,CH2:Vin ................................................15 Fig. 15 Hold up time waveform @240Vac; full load, CH1:Vout,CH2:Vin ................................................15 Fig. 16 OVP waveform @90Vac; no load,CH1:Vout,CH2:Vdd................................................................15 Fig. 17 OVP waveform @264Vac;no load, CH1:Vout,CH2:Vdd..............................................................15 Fig. 18 OLP waveform @90Vac; over load,CH1:FB,CH2:Vds,CH3:Vdd,CH4:Vcs.................................16 Fig. 19 OLP waveform @264Vac;over load, CH1:FB,CH2:Vds,CH3:Vdd,CH4:Vcs............................16 Fig. 20 CS,FB,Vdd&Vdswave form@90Vac; no load, CH1:FB,CH2:Vds,CH3:Vdd,CH4:Vcs................20 Fig. 21 CS,FB,Vdd&Vdswave form@90Vac; full load, CH1:FB,CH2:Vds,CH3:Vdd,CH4:Vcs................20 Fig. 22 CS,FB,Vdd&Vdswave form@264Vac; no load, CH1:FB,CH2:Vds,CH3:Vdd,CH4:Vcs..............20 Fig. 23 CS,FB,Vdd&Vdswave form@264Vac; full load, CH1:FB,CH2:Vds,CH3:Vdd,CH4:Vcs..............20 Fig. 24 Vds start waveform@264Vac; full load,CH2:Vds........................................................................21 Fig. 25 Vds Normal waveform@264Vac; full load, CH2:Vds..................................................................21 Fig. 26 Vds ,CS output short waveform@264Vac; full load,. (21)Tables IndexTable 1 Input current at full load...............................................................................................................11 Table 2 Standby power at no load............................................................................................................11 Table 3 Efficiency......................................................................................................................................11 Table 4 Line Regulation & Load Regulation.............................................................................................11 Table 5 Ripple & Noise measure results .................................................................................................12 Table 6 Overshoot/undershoot measurement results..............................................................................13 Table 7 Output voltage under dynamic test.............................................................................................14 Table 8 Turn-on delay /hold-up/Rise time measurement results.............................................................14 Table 9 OCP value vs. input voltage........................................................................................................15 Table 10 Load OVP test result.. (15)On -B ri g ht Co nf i de nt i a l toKt ec1 Adapter Module Specification1.1 Input CharacteristicsAC input voltage rating 100Vac ~ 240Vac AC input voltage range 90Vac ~ 264Vac AC input frequency range 47Hz ~ 63Hz Input current1.8 Arms max.1.2 Output CharacteristicsOutput Voltage19.0VOutput Tolerance ±5% Min. load current 0A Max. load current3.42A1.3 Performance SpecificationsMax. Output Power 65WStandby Power <100mW @ 264V/50Hz, no loadEfficiency >87%,Meet EPS2.0 level 5Line Regulation ±2% Load Regulation ±5%Ripple and Noise <200mVpk-pkHold up Time10mSec. Min. @100Vac with full loadTurn on Delay Time500mSec. Max. @90Vac with full load1.4 Protection FeaturesShort Circuit Protection Output shut down with auto-recovery Over Voltage Protection Output shut down with latch Over Current Protection Output shut down with auto-recovery Over Temperature ProtectionOutput shut down with latch1.5 EnvironmentsOperating Temperature 0℃ to +40℃ Operating Humidity 20% to 90% R.H. Storage Temperature -40℃ to +60℃Storage Humidity0% to 95% R.H.On -B ri g ht Co nf i de nt i a l toKt ecnt i a l toKt ec2.3 PCB Gerber FileOn -B ri g ht Co nf i de nt i a l toKt ec2.4.2 Transformer Winding dataWinging MaterialTurns 1 N1 0.5 2UEW 19 TAPE TAPE W=10.5mm (Y) 2 3 N2 Φ0.20*6 2UEW 7 TAPE TAPE W=10.5mm (Y) 2 5 N3 Φ0.45*2 triple insulated TAPE TAPE W=10.5mm (Y) 7 N4 0.45*2 triple insulated 8 TAPE TAPE W=10.5mm (Y) 9 N5 Φ0.20*6 2UEW NC 10 TAPE TAPE W=10.5mm (Y) 11 N6 0.5 2UEW 12 TAPE TAPE W=10.5mm (Y) 13 N7 0.23 2UEW 10 14 TAPE TAPE W=10.5mm (Y) Notes: Core connected to GND(PIN3)n -B ri g ht Co nf i dl to2.2 Adapter Module SnapshotOn -B ri g h t C o n f i de nt i a l toKt ecCH2:Vout_Ripplen -B ri g ht Co nf i de nAc input switches ON for overshoot and OFF for undershoot Overshoot/undershoot measurement resultsItem Measure Data (%) Waveformovershoot 2.5 Fig.5undershoot 2.1 Fig.6overshoot 1.7 Fig.7undershoot overshoot 2.5 Fig.8undershoot 1.3 Fig.9overshoot 1.7 Fig.10undershoot Fig. 5 Overshoot waveform@90Vac; full load, CH2:VoutFig. 6 Undershoot waveform @90Vac; Full load, CH2:Vout Fig. 7 Overshoot waveform @90Vac; No load, CH2:VoutFig. 8 Overshoot waveform @264Vac; Full load, CH2:Vout Fig. 9 Undershoot waveform@264Vac; full load,, CH2:VoutFig. 10 Undershoot waveform @264Vac; No load, CH2:Voutn -B ri g ht Co nf i de nt i a l toKt ecDynamic waveformFig. 11 Dynamic waveform@90Vac input, CH1;VoutFig. 12 Dynamic waveform@264Vac input, CH1;Vout3.2.5 Time SequenceLoad condition: Full load Table 8 Turn-on delay /hold-up/Rise time measurement resultsItem Input voltage Meas. Data (S)Remark Turn-on delay time 90V/60Hz 430mS Fig.13 Hold-up time 100V/60Hz 11.1mS Fig.14 Hold-up time 240V/60Hz 97.4mSFig.15Time sequence waveformFig. 13 Turn on delay waveform @90Vac; full load,CH1:Vout,CH2:Vinn -B r i g h t Co n f i de nt i al toKFig. 14 Hold up time waveform @100Vac; full load, CH1:Vout,CH2:Vin Fig. 15 Hold up time waveform @240Vac; full load, CH1:Vout,CH2:Vin3.3 Protections3.3.1 Over Current Protection (OCP)The power supply will shut down auto-recovery when output current exceeds 4.3~5.0A, and it should recover when the over current condition is removed.Table 9 OCP value vs. input voltage 115V/60Hz230V/50Hz 264V/50Hz 4.56A 4.66A 4.77A4.53A4.65A 4.76A3.3.2 Over Voltage Protection (OVP)The power supply will shut down and latch when feedback circuit is disabled, and the output voltage can not be over 31V. The unit should recover when the protection condition is removed and restart input.OVP Trigger Voltage (V)No Load90V/60Hz 29.3264V/50Hz 30.6Fig. 16 OVP waveform @90Vac; no load,CH1:Vout,CH2:VddFig. 17 OVP waveform @264Vac;no load, CH2:Vout,CH3:Vddn -B ri ghf i de nt i al toKt ec3.3.3 Over Load Protection (OLP)The power supply will shut down auto-recovery when output current exceeds OCP and it should recover when the over current condition is removed.Fig. 18 OLP waveform @90Vac; overload,CH1:FB,CH2:Vds,CH3:Vdd,CH4:Vcs Fig. 19 OLP waveform @264Vac;over load, CH1:FB,CH2:Vds,CH3:Vdd,CH4:Vcs3.3.4 Over Temperature Protection (OTP)The power supply will shut down and latch when the voltage of RT pin is under 1.0V(OTP), and the unit should recover when the protection condition is removed and restart input.On -B ri g ht Co nf i de nt i a l toKt ec3.4 EMI TestThe Power supply passed EN55022 Class B & FCC class B EMI requirement with more than 6dB margin3.4.1 Conduction EMI TestEN55022 CLASS B @ full load reportOn -B ri g ht Co nf i de nt i al t oKt ecFCC CLASS B @ full load reportOn -B ri g ht Co nf i de nt i a l toKt ec3.4.2 Radiation EMI TestEN55022 CLASS B @ full load reportFCC CLASS B @ full load reportOn -B ri g ht Co nf i de nt i a l toKt ecFig. 20 CS,FB,Vdd&Vds waveform@90Vac; no load, CH1:FB,CH2:Vds,CH3:Vdd,CH4:VcsFig. 21 CS,FB,Vdd&Vds waveform@90Vac; full load, CH1:FB,CH2:Vds,CH3:Vdd,CH4:VcsFig. 22 CS,FB,Vdd&Vds waveform@264Vac; no load, CH1:FB,CH2:Vds,CH3:Vdd,CH4:Vcs Fig. 23 CS,FB,Vdd&Vds waveform@264Vac; full load, CH1:FB,CH2:Vds,CH3:Vdd,CH4:Vcsn -B ri g ht Co nf i de nt i aFig. 24 Vds start waveform@264Vac; full load,CH2:Vds4.2.3 Vds at full load, normal waveformFig. 25 Vds Normal waveform@264Vac; full load, CH2:Vds4.2.4 Vds at full load, output short waveformFig. 26 Vds output short waveform@264Vac; full load,n -B ri g ht Co nf i deDisclaimerOn-Bright Electronics reserves the right to make corrections, modifications, enhancements, improvements, and other changes to its documents, products and services at any time and to discontinue any product or service without notice. Customers should obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete.This document is under copy right protection. None of any part of document could be reproduced, modified without prior written approval from On-Bright Electronics.On -B ri g ht Co nf i de nt i a l toKt ec。
differential discharge
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low pressure
low pressure auxiliary
low pressure cylinder
low pressure heator
low temperature
lube oil
low voltage
cylinder isolate jacking eletrical work the last stage local
支撑轴承 照明变
限 低限 低速 闭锁 闭锁关 闭锁开 失步 低压 低辅联箱 低压缸 低加 低温 左侧 润滑 润滑油 低 (电) 压 液位 层 下层, 低层 动叶片 主厂房 主蒸汽 机修变 主变 主机 手动
ignition ignitor increte industrial water ingoing line inlet inlet side inner inner cylinder interrogation voltage intermittent
ion intermidiate pressure
drain water draft
drain water drain water to deae
pytorch transformer使用实例
PyTorch Transformer使用实例详解PyTorch Transformer是PyTorch的一个非常强大的深度学习模型,它最初是在自然语言处理(NLP)任务中提出的。
在本文中,我们将详细介绍如何使用PyTorch Transformer来构建一个简单的文本分类器。
我们将首先介绍PyTorch Transformer的基本概念和原理,然后展示如何使用PyTorch构建一个简单的文本分类器。
一、PyTorch Transformer基本概念和原理PyTorch Transformer主要由两部分组成:编码器和解码器。
自注意力层是PyTorch Transformer的核心部分,它通过计算输入序列中每个位置之间的相关性得分来学习序列中的依赖关系。
transformer generate工作原理
一、Transformer generate的基本工作原理Transformer generate是一种基于Transformer模型的自然语言生成技术,其基本工作原理可以分为以下几个基本步骤:1. 输入编码:输入的文本会被经过编码器进行编码,将输入文本转换为一个向量表示,这个向量表示包含了输入文本的语义信息和词汇特征。
2. 自注意力机制:接下来,编码器会利用自注意力机制对输入文本进行处理,自注意力机制能够捕捉文本中不同单词之间的关联关系,使得模型能够更好地理解文本的语义和上下文信息。
3. 解码器:经过编码之后,生成器的任务就是利用解码器对编码后的文本向量进行解码,生成一个新的文本序列,这个新的文本序列可以是翻译文本、摘要、对话或者生成式问答等。
4. 注意力机制:解码器同样会使用注意力机制对编码后的文本向量进行处理,以便更好地生成新的文本序列。
5. 输诞辰成:在解码器的输出层会利用softmax函数生成一个概率分布,模型会根据这个概率分布选择最可能的下一个单词,并将其作为生成文本的一部分。
二、Transformer generate的优点和挑战Transformer generate作为一种先进的自然语言生成技术,具有以下几个优点:1. 端到端训练:Transformer generate模型采用端到端的训练方式,能够直接学习输入文本和输出文本之间的映射关系,不需要额外的特征提取和预处理,大大简化了模型的训练流程。
2. 并行计算:由于Transformer模型中的自注意力机制可以实现并行计算,使得模型在训练和推理阶段都能够获得较好的性能表现,大大提高了模型的效率。
3. 长距离依赖:Transformer模型采用了自注意力机制,能够更好地建模文本中不同单词之间的长距离依赖关系,极大地提高了生成文本的准确性和流畅性。
电气工程常见的英文缩写————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:电气工程常见的英文缩写缩写全称中文AC alternating current 交流电AC automatic control 自动控制ACA accident consequence assessment 事故后果评价ACB air circuit breaker 空气断路器ACC accident 故障、事故ACCUM accumulate accumulate 累计、蓄电池ACDS acourtic crack detection system 声裂纹检测系统ACT/S active side 带电部件、有功部件ACW anti-clockwise 反时针方向ACW anti-clockwise 反时针方向AD analog-digital 模拟-数字AEOD analysis and evaluation of operational data 运行数据分析和管理AFC automatic frequency control automatic following control 自动频率控制:自动跟踪控制AI artificial intelligence 人工智能ALT alternate 交变的、交替的ALTNTR alternator 同步发电机AM ammeter 电流表AMP ampere 安培AN air natural cooled 空气自然冷却AOC automatic overload control 自动过载控制APC automatic plant coordinate control automatic power control 机组自动协调控制:自动功率控制APP appendix auxiliary power plant 附录:辅助电源设备APS acessory power supply 辅助电源APU auxiliary power unit 辅助动力装置:辅助电源设备ARM armature 电枢、衔铁ASR automatic speed run up 自动升速ASU automatic synchronizing unit 自动同步系统AT auxiliary transformer 辅助变压器AUS auxiliary switch 辅助开关AUX auxiliany 辅助、备用A VL automatic voltage control 自动电压控制A VR automatic voltage regulator 自动调压器BAT battery 电池BD block decrease 闭锁减BDUC bus duct 母线导管、母线沟BDV blowdown voltage 击穿电压BF back feed 反馈BHP brake horse power 制动马力BI block increase 闭锁增BKR breaker 断路器BOS back-out system 补偿系统BOT build-operate-tranfer 建造-运行-移交BR brush 电刷、刷子BRKG breaking 断开BYC battery charger 电池充电器CA compressed air 压缩空气CAOS completely automatic operate system 全自动操作系统CAP capactty 电容、出力、容量CAP capacity 容量、功率CA TS computer-aided trouble-shooting 计算机辅助故障查寻CB control buton circuit breaker circuit board 控制钮:线路断路器:电路板CBL line circuit breaker 线路断路器CC charactevistic curve 特性曲线CCW counter-clockwise 反时针CD control desk 控制台CEMF cownta electromotive force 反电动势CG center of gravity 重心CHGR charger 充电器CKT circuit 电路、线路CKW clockwise 顺时针方向CL center line 中心线CLSG closing 关闭、合闸CMR continuous maxinum rating 连续最大功率CNDN condition 工况、参数CO con-out 关闭、切断COEF coefficient 系数CONST constans construction 常数:构造、结构CONT contact control 接点:调节、控制CP control panel 控制板CPD capacitor potential device 电容器分压器CRT cathode-ray tube 阴极射线管CRT circuit 回路CS controlled switch controll signal 控制开关:控制信号CT current transformer 电流互感器CW clockwise 顺时针方向CY cycle 循环、周期DB distribution box 配电箱DBMS data base management system 数据库管理系统DC direct current 直流电DCAS data collection and analysis system 数据收集分析系统DE digital equipment display equipment 数字元件:显示设备DELIV deliver 供给、供电/输出DG diesel generator 柴油发电机DG diesel generator 柴油发电机DHP delivered horse power 输出功率DI data input 数据输入DISC disconnect 断开DISC SW disconnect swtich 隔离开关DISTR diatribution 分散、分配、配电DL data line 数据传输线DMM digital multimeter 数字万用表DMS data management system 数据管理系统DO diesel oil 柴油DO digital output 数字输入DOS dosing 量DPDT double-pole double-throw 双刀双掷开关DPST double-pole sigle-throw 双刀单掷开关DSCH discharge 放电DSL diesel 柴油机DSL line desconnect switch 隔离开关DT dawn time 故障停机时间DTS data transimission 数据传输系统DYNA dynamic analysis 动态分析E.U engineering units 工程单位E/P electrical to pneumatic converter 电动气动转换器EAF equivalent available factor 等效可运系数ECR economical continuous rating 经济连续出力EE electrical engineer 电气工程师EFF efficiency 效率EFFT effective 有效的EHV extra-high voltage 超高压ELEC electric 电气的EMER emergency 紧急、事故EMER emergency 事故保安EMF inductive electromotive force 感应电动势EMLON emergency condition 事故状态EMP eletromechanical power 机电功率EMS emergency switch 紧急开关、事故按钮ENCL enclose 封闭、包围ENER energize 励磁、使带电ENERD energized 已励磁的、已带电的ENG engage 发动机EP extreme power 极限功率ESD emergency shutdown 事故停机ESS essential service system 主要厂用系统ETS electrical trip solenoid 电气跳闸线圈EXC exciter 励磁机、励磁EXD external device 外部设备EY voltage transducer 电压变送器FB fuse block 保险盒FC fast closing 快关F-F flip-flop 触发器FL full load 满负荷FLF flip-flop 触发器FME frequency measuring equipment 频率计FP full power 满功率FREQ frequency 频率FU fuse 保险丝、熔断器FWR full-wave rectifier 全波整流器GEN generator 发电机GIS gas-insulated metal-enclosed switch gear 全封闭组合电器GPT generator potential transformer 发电机电压互感器GRD ground 接地GRD FLT ground fault 接地故障GT grounding transformer 接地变压器HC holding coil 保持线圈HF high frequency 高频HG harmonic generator 谐波发生器HIPOT high potential test 高电压实验HLDG holding 保持HP horse power 马力HS hand switch 手动开关HT high tension 高压HTN high tension 高电压HV high voltage 高电压HV high voltage high velocity 高压:高速HVDC high voltage direct current transmission system 高压直流输电系统HVPC high voltage power supply 高电压源I/O input/output 输入/输出IC integrated circuit input circuit 集成电路:输入电路ICL incoming line 引入线IMP impedance 阻抗IMPLS impulse 脉冲、冲动INDN induction 感应INIT initial 启动、励磁INITD initiated 已励磁的、已启动的INSUL insulate 绝缘、隔热INTMT intermediate 间断的、间歇的INVR inverter 逆变器、反相器ISLN isolation 隔离开关ISOL isolation 隔离的、绝缘的JY watt transduce 有功变送器K kilo 千KW kilowatt 千瓦KWH kilowatt-hour 度L electrical power line 电线LA lightening arrester 避雷器LC load centre 负荷中心LC load center 负荷中心LDS line disconnecting switch 线路隔离开关、线路断路器LN line 线路LOC local 就地LPC linear power controller 线性功率放大器LR line relay 线性继电器LSIC large scale integrated circuit 大规模集成电路LV low voltage 低电压MAG magnet 磁铁/磁场的MAN manual 手动的MC manual control magnet contactor 人工控制:磁铁开关MCB molded case circuit breaker 模板式断路器MCC motor control centre 马达控制中心MCC motor control center 马达控制中心MCR main control room maxium capacity rating maxium continuous rating 主控室:最大额定出力:最大连续出力MDS motor disconnect switch 马达隔离开关MG motor generator 电动发电机ML mechanical loss 机械损失MNXFMR main transformor 主变压器MO motor 马达MOD motor operated disconnect 电动断开MPR motor protrelay 电机保护继电器MSTR motor starter 马达启动器MWE megawatt electric 兆瓦电MWH megawatt-hour 兆瓦小时NADVD not advanced 滞后NEG negative 阴极的、负的NET network 网络NEUT neutral 中性的NGT neutral groundong transformer 中性点接地变压器NL noload 空载、无负荷NOM nominal 额定的NRP normal rated power 额定功率O&R overhaul and repair 大小修OA operator auto mode 运行人员监控下的自动控制运行方式OL motor overload device 电机过负荷装置OP output power operating procedure 输出功率:运行规程OPER operating 操作OR operating record 停运记录OVHL overhaul 大修P.O. power output 功率输出P.U. per unit 标幺值PA power amplifier 功率放大器PAMS post-accident montoring instrumentation 事故后监测仪表PB push button 按钮开关PC power center 动力中心PCB power circuit breaker 功率继电器PCC power conditioning and control 电力调节与控制PCM pulse-code modulation 脉冲编码调制PD potenial difference power driven 电位差:电动的PE power equipment 发电综合控制PF power factor indicator 功率因数PFI power factor indicator 功率因数表PGCC power generation control complex 相位PH phase 功率输入PI power input 峰值负荷PK peak 峰值PL plate 板、极板PL peak load 峰值负荷PLD payload 有效负载PM phase midulation 调相PO power operator 电动操作POH planned outage hours 计划停运小时POOH planned overhaul outage hours 计划大修停运小时POS positive 正的、正极的POS position 位置POT potential transformer 电势、电位计PP peak power 峰值功率PPS plant protective system primary protection system 电厂保护系统:一次保护系统PS power station power supply power system 电站:电源:电力系统PSS power support stabilizer 电力系统稳定器PT potential transformer 电压互感器PT potential transformer 电压互感器PT pressure transducer 压力变送器PWR power 功率Q transistor 晶体管QA quick acting 快速动作QMQB quick-make quick-break 快通快断R rate rotor ratio 速率:转子:比率系数RA remote auto 远程自动RAM repair and maintenance 检修与维护RB run back 甩负荷RD run down 降负荷RF reserve free 备用ROT rate of turn reserve oil tank 转动速度:备用油箱RP rated power 额定功率RPM revolution per minute 转/分RPS revolution per second 转/秒RS resistor 电阻器RSV reserve 备用RTD resistance temperature device 电阻测量计RU run up 升负荷RU run up 升负荷S/C short circuit 短路SC short circuit 短路SC semi-conductor 半导体SCR silicon-controlled rectifier 可控硅整流器SECT sectional 等级、分级SEN sensor 传感元件、传感器SERV service 工作、厂用SG standby generator 备用发电机SO shut-off 停机、遮断SOE sequence of events 事故顺序记录SOH scheduled outage hours 计划停机时间SOV solenoid -operated valve 电磁阀SP single pole spare 单极:备用SPC system power control 系统电源控制SPDT single-pole double-throw 单刀双掷SR speed reguletor standard rating silicon rectifier 调速器:额定容量:硅整流器SS station service 厂用SS stopping switch 停机开关SST station service transformer 厂用变压器ST starter startup transformer 启动器:启动变压器STA stationary 固定的STA T stator 定子STBY standby 备用STBY stand by 备用STR reserve station service transformer 厂用备用变压器SUBSTA substation 变点站SUPL supervisory 供电、电源SUR surge 冲击、波动SV solenoid valve 电磁阀、滑阀SW switch 开关SW switch 开关、手把SW short wave switch 短波:开关SWBD switchboard 配电SWBD switchboard 开关板、配电盘SWC surge withstand capability 冲击电压承受能力SWGR switchyard 配电装置SWYD switchyard 开关场SY synchroscope 同步指示器SYM symmetrical system 对称系统SYNC synchronize 使---同步SYNCG synchronizing 同步SYNSCP synchroscope 同步指示器SYS system 系统SYST system 系统T&D transimission and distribution 输电与配电T&M testing and maintenance electrical trip and monitoring 实验与维修:电电气跳闸与监视系统TACH tachometer 转速表TASS technique assembly 装配工艺TB therminal board 端子板、终端板TBO time between overhaul 大修间隔TC thermocouple 热电偶TD time delay 延时TD technique data time delay 技术数据:时滞、延时TDC time delay closing 延时闭合TDD time delay on deenerization 延时失励TDE time delay energization 延时激励TDO time delay opening 延时打开TE thermoelectric test equipment 热电的:测试设备TH thermal element 热电偶、热偶元件TIS test instrumentation system thermal insulation system 测试仪表系统:绝缘系统TL total loss total load time limit 总损失:总负荷:时间限制TM time monitor 时间监视器TOT total 总共TP test point time pulse 实验点、测试点:时间脉冲TPDT triple-pole double-throw 三刀双掷开关TR test run transducer 试运行:变送器TRANS transport 运输TRC transmission and reception controller 传输及接收控制器TRIAC triode altermating current switch 三极管交流开关TRU transmit-receive unit 发送接收装置TSI turbine supervisory instrument 汽轮机监视仪表TVM transistor voltmeter 晶体管电压表U unit 机组UAT unit auxiliary transformer 厂用变压器UDF unit derating factor 机组降低出力系数UDG unit derating generation 机组降低出力少发电量UDH unit derating hours 机组降低出力小时UERS unusual event recording system 异常事故记录系统UNDH unit derating hours 机组降低出力小时UNIV universal 通用UNLD unloading 无载的、空载的UO unit operator 机组操作员UOF unplanned outage factor 非计划停运系数UOH unplanned outage hour 非计划停运小时UOR unplanned outage rate 非计划停运率UPS uninterrupted power supply 不停电电源URT unit run time 设备运行时间UST unit station service transformer 厂用变压器UV under voltage 电压不足、低电压UV 电压监察V AR variable 变量V ARHM garhour meter 无功电度表VC variable capacitor voltage comparator 可变电容:电压比较器VCB vacuum circuit breaker 真空断路器VCT voltage current transformer 电压电流互感器VENT ventilator 通风VF vriable frequency 可变频率VOLTREG voltage regularor 电压调节器VR variable resistor voltage regulator 可变电阻:稳压器VT vibration testing 振动实验VT voltage time to breakdown 击穿电压时间VTVM vacuum-tube voltmeter 真空管电压表W/O without 没有WDG winding 绕组、线圈WH watt-hour 瓦特小时WHM watthour meter 有功电度表WTR water 水WV working voltage 工作电压WZJ 绝缘监察XDCR transducer 变送器XFER transfer 转换XFMR transfoormer 变压器XMSN transmission 输电XMTR transmitter 变送器XS transfer switch 转换开关YD yard 工作场。
一文理解Transformer的工作原理概述•自然语言处理中的Transformer 模型真正改变了我们处理文本数据的方式。
•Transformer 是最近自然语言处理发展的幕后推手,包括Google 的 BERT。
•了解Transformer 的工作原理、它如何与语言建模、序列到序列建模相关,以及它如何支持 Google 的 BERT 模型。
引言现在,我喜欢做一名数据科学家,从事自然语言处理(Natural Language Processing,NLP) 方面的工作。
从超高效的 ULMFiT 框架到 Google 的 BERT,自然语言处理真的处于一个黄金时代。
这场革命的核心是Transformer 的概念。
想看一个 Transformer 是多么有用的例子么?请看下面的段落:标注高亮的单词指的是同一个人:Griezmann,一名受欢迎的足球运动员。
这就是 Transformer 概念发挥主要作用之处。
•《深度学习要领:带注意力的序列到序列建模》(Essentials of Deep Learning – Sequence to Sequence modeling with Attention)•《深度学习基础:递归神经网络导论》(Fundamentals of Deep Learning – Introduction to Recurrent Neural Networks)•《Python 中使用深度学习的文本摘要综合指南》(Comprehensive Guide to Text Summarization using Deep Learning in Python)目录1.序列到序列模型:背景a.基于递归神经网络的序列到序列模型b.挑战2.自然语言处理中的 Transformer 介绍a.理解模型架构b.掌握自注意力c.自注意力的计算d.Transformer 的局限性3.了解 Transformer-XLa.使用 Transformer 进行语言建模b.使用 Transformer-XL 进行语言建模4.自然语言处理的新感觉:Google 的 BERTa.模型架构b.BERT 预训练任务序列到序列模型:背景自然语言处理中的序列到序列模型(Sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq))用于将 A 型序列转换为 B 型序列。
继电保护中英文对照表1- 58: A 296—311: G 386—417:M 588—667: S 59 - 107:B 312—327: H 418—432 :N 668—722: T 108- 184: C 328—363: I 433—468:O 723—737: U 185-229: D 364: J 469—542:P 738—754: V 230 - 258:E 365 : K 543—545 :Q 755—762: W 259 - 295:F 366—385: L 546—587;R 763—771: Z序号英文全称中文解释1 A lagging power-factor滞后的功率因数2 A mutualky induced e.m.f 互感电动势3 a retarding torque 制动转矩4 Abno rmal operati ng con diti on 不正常运行状态5 Abnormal overload 异常过载6 Ab normal overvoltage 事故过电压7 Abnormal state 非常态8 Above earth potential 对地电势9 Abrupt signal analysis 突变信号分析10 Absolute potential 绝对电势11 AC circuit breaker 交流断路器12 AC component 交流分量13 AC directio nal over curre nt relay 交流方向过流继电器14 AC distribution system 交流配电系统15 AC reclosing relay 交流重合闸继电器16 Accelerat ing protect ion forswitching onto fault重合于故障线路加速保护动作17 Accelerati on Trend Relay(ATR) 加速趋势继电器18 Accurate Working Current 精确工作电流19 Accurate Working voltage 精确工作电压20 Activate the breaker trip coil 起动断路器跳闸21 Adaptive features 自适应特性22 Adaptive relay protecti on 自适应继电保护23 Adaptive relayi ng自适应继电保护24 Adaptive segregated direct ionalcurre nt differe ntial protecti on 自适应分相方向纵差保护25 Admittanee relays导纳型继电保护装置26 AI(artificial in tellige nee) 人工智能27 Air brake switch 空气制动开关28 Air breaker空气断路器29 Air-blast circuit breaker 空气灭弧断路器30 Air-blast switch 空气吹弧开关31 Air-space cable空气绝缘电缆32 Alarm 报警33 Alarm relay 报警信号继电器34 Alarm sig nal;alerti ng sig nal 报警信号35 Alive带电的36 All-relay in terlocki ng 全部继电连锁37 All-relay selector全继电式选择器38 Amplitude Comparison 绝对值比较39 Analogue 模拟40 An gle of maximum sen sitivity 最大灵敏角41 Annunciator relay 信号继电器42 Approximati on comp onent 逼近分量43 Arc exti nguishi ng coil 灭弧线圈44 Arc suppressing coil 消弧线圈45 Arc suppressing reactor 灭弧电抗器46 Arci ng fault电弧接地故障47 Armature 电枢48 Asymmetric load 不对称负载49 Asymmetric short circuit 不对称短路50 Asynchronous resista nee 异步电阻51 Asynchronous tractanee 异步电抗52 Attacted armature relay衔铁(磁铁)吸合式继电器53 Automatic quasi-s yn chro ni zati on 自动准同步54 Automatic reclosure 自动重合闸55 auto-put-into device of reserve-source 备用电源自动投入装置56 auto-recos ing with self-s ynchronism 自同步重合闸57 Auxiliary con tacts 辅助触点58 Auxiliary relay/i ntermediate relay 辅助继电器/中间继电器59 B sampling function B 样条函数60 Back-spin timer反转时间继电器61 Back-up over-speed governor 附加超速保护装置62 Back-up protection 后备保护63 Back-up ssystem 后备继电保护64 Biased differe ntial relayi ng 极化差动继电保护系统65 Bi-directio nal relay 双向继电器66 Bi-stable 双稳态67 Black-out area 停电区68 Black-start 黑启动69 Blinker继电器吊牌70 Blochi ng protecti on 闭锁式保护71 Blocking relay连锁继电器72 Blocki ng sig nal 闭锁信号73 Blow-out coil 灭弧线圈74 Branch coefficient 分支系数75 Breaker con tact poi nt 断路器触点76 Breaker pount wrench 开关把手77 Breaker trip coil断路器跳闸线圈78 Brushless excitation 无刷励磁79 Buchholtz protecter 瓦斯保护80 Bundle factor 分裂系数81 Bundle-conductor spacer 分裂导线82 Bus bar母线;导电条83 Bus bar current transformer 母线电流变压器84 Bus bar disconnecting swich 分段母线隔离开关85 Bus compartment母线室;汇流条隔离室86 Bus coupler CB 母联断路器87 Bus duct母线槽;母线管道88 Bus hub总线插座89 Bus insulator母线绝缘器90 Bus line汇流线91 Bus protectio n(Bus-bar protectio n) 母线保护92 Bus protective relay 母线保护继电器93 Bus reactor母线电抗器94 Bus request cycle总线请求周期95 Bus rings 集电环96 Bus rod汇流母线97 Bus section reactor 分段电抗器98 Bus structure母线支架;总线结构99 Bus tie switch 母线联络开关100 Bus-bar chamber 母线箱101 Bus-bar fault 母线故障102 Bus-bar insulator 母线绝缘子103 bus-bar protecti on withfixed circuit xo nn ection 固定联结式母线保护104 Bus-bar sectio naliz ing switch 母线分段开关105 Bushing 套管106 bushing type xurrent transformer 套管式电流互感器107 Bypass 旁路108 Cable relay电缆继电器109 Capacitanee 电容110 Capacitanee effect 电容效应111 Capacitanee relay 电容继电器112 Capacitive current 电容电流113 Capacitor 电容器114 Capacitor of series compensation 串补电容115 Capacity charge 电容充电116 Capacity ground 电容接地117 Carrier channel 高频通道118 Carrier or pilot-wire receiver relay 载波或导引线接受继电器119 Carrier receiver 发讯机120 Carrier transmitter 收讯机Cascading outages 连锁故障 Catch net (protecting net) 保护网 Chatter 颤振 Circuit breaker 断路器 Circuit breaker failure protecti on 断路器失灵保护 Circuit control relay 电路控制继电器 Clip-on leads 夹式引线 Clock 时钟 Close by local protection 保护合闸 Close-up fault 近距离故障 Closing coil 合闸线圈 Closing relay 合闸继电器 Coil adjuster 线圈调节器 Coil curl 线圈 Coil current 线圈电流 Coil end leakage reactance 线圈端漏电抗 Coil factor 线圈系数 coil inductanee 线圈电感 Combined bus and transformer protection 母线和变压器共用保护 Commissioning 投运 Common-mode voltage 共模电压 Communication channel 通讯通道 Communi cati on in terface 通讯接口 Compen sati on theorem(compe nsatio n prin ciple) 补偿原理 Compensation voltage ( compensating voltage)补偿电压 Compound relay 复合继电器Concentrated coil 集中绕组Concussion 震动 Conductanee relay 电导继电器 Con figurati on con trol 组态控制 Conn ection with 90degree 9 0度接线 Con sta nt 常量 Con tact 触点Con tact bou nee 触点颤动 Con tact multiplyi ng relay 触点多路式继电器 Continuous load 持续负载 Contin uous rati ng 连续运行的额定值 Converter relay 换流器继电器Coordin ati on of relay sett ings 保护的整定配合 121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148 149 150 151 152153154155156157158159160161162163164Coordin ation time in terval 保护配合时间阶段Core铁芯Counting relay计数继电器Coupler耦合器Critical clearing time 极限切除时间165 Cross-country faults 越野式"双相同时接地故障166 Crystal can relay 晶体密闭继电器167 CT lin e-break CT断线168 Current actuated leakage protector 电流起动型漏电保护器169 Current attenuation 电流衰减170 Current bala nee type curre ntdiffere ntial relay 电流平衡式差动电流继电器;差动平衡式电流继电器171 Current changer 换流器172 Current compensational ground distanee relay 电流补偿式接地远距继电器173 Current consumption 电流消耗174 Curre nt differe ntial criterio n 电流差动判据175 Current transformer 电流互感器176 Current transformer phase angle 电流互感器相角177 Curre nt tran sformer saturatio n 电流互感器的饱和问题178 Curre nt travel ing wave 电流行波179 Current-balanee relay 电流平衡式继电器180 Curre nt-limit ing relay 限流继电器181 Cut-off of supply 停止供电182 Cut-off push 断路器按钮183 Cut-off relay 断路继电器184 Cut-out relay 短路继电器185 Dampi ng circuit 阴尼电路186 Dash current 冲击电流187 Data medium 数据载体188 Data process ing 数据处理189 Data transmission 数据传输190 Dead zone(BIind spot)死区191 Definite time 定时限192 Defi nite time relay 定时限继电器193 Delay-action relay 缓动继电器194 Delta三角形195 Differen tial mode in terfere nee 差模干扰196 Differe ntial motion 差动197 Differe ntial protectio n 差动保护198 Differe ntial protectio n withpercentage restraining具有比率制动的差动继电器199 Differe ntial relay 差动继电器200 Differe ntial relay with fast saturatedcurre nt tran sformer 带有速饱和变流器的差动继电器201 Differe ntial relay with Restrai ntCharacteristic具有制动特性的差动继电器202 Digital protectio n 数字式保护Digital signal processor 数字信号处理器 Direct axis 直轴 Directional contact 方向触点 Directional distanee relay 方向距离继电器 Directional over-curre nt protect ion 方向过流保护 Directional over-curre nt relay 方向过流继电器 Directio nal pilot relayi ng 方向纵联继电保护 Directional protect ion 方向保护 Direct-to-ground capacity 对地电容 Discharge 放电 Disc onnecting switch 隔离开关Discontinuous relay 鉴别继电器 Discrim in at ing zone 判另 U 区 Dislocation 损失、故障引起的混乱Disruption 瓦解、系统解列Distanee protection 距离保护Distanee relay(impedanee relay) 阻抗继电器 Distributed capacita nee of long line 长线分布电容 Distribution feeder 配电馈线Diviation character 偏移特性Double bus bar protection 双母线保护 Double-ended clip-on leads 双头夹式引线 Dropout current 回动电流 Dry-type transformer 干式变压器 Dual bus 双总线 Dynamic attributes 动态特性 Dyn amoelectric relay 电动式继电器 Earth fault 接地故障 Earth-leakage protection 对地漏电保护 Economic dispatch system 经济调度系统 Electric capacity 电容 Electric in terlock relay 连锁继电器 Electric reset relay 电复位式继电器Electrical apparatus(equipments)电器设备 Electrical gover ning system 电力调速系统Electrical n etwork(power n etwork) 电网 Electrically operated valve 电动阀门 Electro polarized relay 极化继电器 electrolyte 电解质 Electromagnetic brake 电磁制动 Electromagnetic torque 电磁转矩 Electromagnetical relay 电磁式继电器 Electromechanic relay 机电的 Electromotive force 电动势203204205206207208209210211212 213 214 215 216217 218 219 220 221222223224225226227228229230231232233234 235 236 237238239240241242243244245246Emergency service 事故运行 Emergency standby 事故备用 Energy direction relay 能量方向继电器 Equivalent circuit 等值电路 Escapement/in terlock/block ing 闭锁 Excitation-loss relay 失磁继电器 Expert system 专家系统 Extermal characteristics 夕卜特性 Extin ctio n coil 消弧线圈 Extin guish ing voltage 灭弧电压 Extra high voltage 超高压 Extra-high-voltage tran smissi on line 超高压传输 Fail safe in terlock 五防装置 Fail-safe unit 五防 Failure rate 故障率 False tripping 误动 Fast ersponse 快速响应 Fast-operate slow-release relay 快动缓释继电器 Fast-release rela y 快释放继电器 Fault clearing time 故障切除时间 Fault component 故障分量 Fault detecting relay 故障检测继电器 Fault diag no sis 故障诊断 Fault line 故障线 Fault location 故障定位 Fault phase select ion 故障选相 Fault phase selector 故障选线元件 Fault recorder 故障录波器 Fault type 故障类型 Fault-component algorithms 故障分量算法 Faulted phase identification 故障相识别元件 Faults recorder 故障录波 Feedback 反馈 Feeder 馈电线 Fiber optical com muni cati on 光纤通信 Fiber-Optic Pilot 光纤纵联保护 Field applicati on relay 励磁继电器;激励继电器 Field failure protecti on of gen erator 发电机的失磁保护 Field test 实地试验 Filter 滤波器 Finger 触点的接点Fourier algorithm 傅立叶算法 247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290Free-stan di ng独立的;无需支撑物的Frequency component 频率分量291 Freque ncy respo nse 频率响应292 Freque ncy sensing 频率测量293 Frequency window 频窗294 Full-wave phase comparis on protect ion 全波相位比较保护295 Fuse box(Fusible cutout)熔断器296 Gaseous shield瓦斯保护装置297 Gas-Insulater switchgear GIS 气体绝缘组合电器298 Generator 发电机299 Generator cutout relay 发电机断路继电器300 Gen erator Negative Curre nt Protecti on 发电机负序电流保护301 Generator out of step protection 发电机失步保护302 Generator protection 发电机保护303 Gen erator protect ion for n egativeseque nee curre nt发电机负序电流保护304 Generator stator single phase earth fault发电机定子绕组单相接地保护305 Gen erator stator wi ndi ng short circuit faults 发电机定子绕组短路故障306 Generator-transformer set 发电机—变压器组307 Graded time settings阶梯型时间配置308 Grading 等级309 Ground fault relay 接地故障继电器310 Groun d-fault of un grou nded system 小电流接地系统311 Grounding apparatus 接地装置312 Half-cycle in tegral algorithm 半周积分算法313 Hard strap 硬压板314 Harm on ic curre nt 正弦电流315 Harmonic restraining 谐波制动316 Healthy phases 非故障相317 Heavy load 重负荷318 Hidden failures 隐形故障319 High impeda nee busbar differetial protecti on 高阻抗母线差动保护320 High resista nee 高阻321 High sensitive relay 高灵敏度继电器322 High speed impedanee relay 高速阻抗继电器323 High speed signal acquisition system 高速数字信号采集系统324 High tension electrical porcela in in sulator 高压电瓷绝缘子325 High voltage line 高压线路326 High-freque ncy directio n fin der 高频测向器327 High-voltage relay 高压继电器328 Immune to electromagnetic interferenee 不受电磁干扰329 Impedanee circle 阻抗圆330 Impedanee compensator 阻抗补偿器331 Impedanee converter 阻抗变换器332 Impedanee mismatch 阻抗失配333 Impulsing relay 冲击继电器334 Inadvertent energization 过激磁335 In correct tripp ing 误动336 Inductanee couping 电感耦合337 In ductio n coefficie nt 感应系数338 Induction cup relay 感应杯式继电器339 Induction disc relay 感应圆盘式继电器340 Induction type relay 感应式继电器341 In ductor 电感342 In feed curre nt 助增电流343 In rush excit ing curre nt of tran sformer 励磁涌流344 Instantaneous protection 瞬时保护345 In sta ntan eous un der voltageprotect ion with curre nt supervisi on 电流闭锁电压速断保护346 In sulatio n supervisi on device 绝缘监视347 Insulator 绝缘子348 Insulator arcing horn 绝缘子角形避雷器349 Insulator arc-over 绝缘子闪络350 Insulator bracket 绝缘子托架351 Insulator cap 绝缘子帽352 Insulator chain 绝缘子串353 Inter turn faults 匝间短路354 In terlock 连锁355 In termitte nt fault 间歇故障356 In termitte nt fillet weld 间接角缝焊接357 In ternal fault 内部故障358 Internal resista nee 内阻359 In terrupt ing time 断路时间360 In tertrippi ng un derreach protectio n 远方跳闸欠范围保护361 In verse phase seque nee protecti on 逆相序保护362 In verse power protectio n 逆功率保护363 Isolated neutral system 中性点绝缘系统364 Jumper conn ection 跳线365 Kalma n filter algorithm 卡尔曼滤波算法366 Laplace and Fourier transforms 拉氏和傅里叶变换367 Leased line 租用线路368 LED发光二极管369 Line trap线路陷波器370 Load characteristic 负载特性371 Load flow calculatio ns 潮流计算372 Load patterns 负荷形式373 Load schedule according to frequency change 按周波减载374 Load shedding 甩负荷375 Lockout relay 闭锁出口继电器376 Locus of measured impedanee 测量阻抗轨迹377 Lon gitud inal differe ntial protectio n 纵联差动保护378 Lon gitud inal differe ntial relay 纵联差动继电器379 Loss of synchronism protect ion 失步保护380 Low impedanee busbar protection 低阻抗母线保护381 Low-frequency component,subharmonic 低频分量,低次谐波382 Low-freque ncy high-voltage protect ion 低频高压试验383 Low-voltage protecti on 低压保护384 Low-voltage rekease relay 低压释放继电器385 Low-voltage relay 低压继电器386 Magnetic flux 磁通387 Mag netic in ductio n 磁感应强度388 Magnetization curve 磁化曲线389 Magnetizing 磁化390 Magn etiz ing in rush curre nt 劢磁涌流391 Mag ni tude of curre nt 电流幅值392 Main protection 主保护393 Manipulating organ 操作单元394 Manipulation 操作395 Man-machi ne in terface 人机对话接口396 Margin 裕度397 Measured impeda nee 测量阻抗398 Measureme nt 测量399 Measurement signal 测量信号400 Measuring unit 测量元件401 Mechanism latch 机械锁402 Memory circuit 记忆回路403 Metallic fault 金属性故障404 Micro-processor based protective relay 微机继电保护405 Microwave link protectio n 微波保护406 Mi nimum load impeda nee 最小负荷阻抗407 Motor-field failure relay 电动机磁场故障继电器408 Movi ng coil relay 动圈式继电器409 Muktiole-reclosi ng breaker 多次重合闸断路器410 Multi-e nded circuit protection 多端线路保护411 Multi-fi nger con tactor 多触点接触器412 Multi-phase compensated impedanee relay 多相补偿式阻抗继电器413 Multiple earth 多重接地414 Multi-zo ne rekay 分段限时继电器415 Mutual-i nductio n 互感416 Mutual-i nduction of zero seque nee 零序互感的影响417 Mutually coupled lines 有互感线路418 Negative direction 反方向419 Negative phase relay 负相位继电器420 Negative sequenee impedanee 负序阻抗Negative-phase seque nee impe ndence 负相序继电器 Network topology 网络拓朴 Neutral auto-transformer 中性点接地自耦变压器 Neutral displaceme nt protecti on 中性点过电压保护 Neutral-current transformer 零序电流互感器 Neutral-poi nt earth ing 中性点接地No-load release 无跳闸 Non-I in ear characteristics 非线性特性 Non-sinusoidal signal 非正弦信号 Normal in verse 反时限 Normally closed con tacts 常闭节点 Normally ope n con tacts 常开节点 Object-oriented 面向对向 Off-peak 非峰值的 Off-position 断开位置 Offset impedanee relay 偏移特性阻抗继电器 Ohm relay 电阻继电器 Oil-immersed type reactor 油浸式电抗器 Open-phase relay 断相继电器 Operating characteristic 动作特性 Operating eqution(criterion) 动作方程(判据) Operating load 运行负载 Operating time 动作时间 Operational(internal)over-voltage 操作(内部)过电压 Optical link protectio n 光纤保护 Option board 选择板 Optoelectronic coupler 光电耦合器件 Orthogonal 正交的 Oscillation 振荡 Oscillator coil 振荡线圈 Oscillatory reactivity perturbation 振荡反应性扰动 Oscillatory surge 振荡冲击 Out flowi ng current 外汲电流 Out going line 弓 I 出线 Out of service 退出运行Out of step 失步 Outlet 出口Output(executive) organ 出口(执行)元件Over curre nt protect ion 过电流保护 421422423424425426 427 428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464Over fluxi ng ptrtecti on 过励磁保护Over head line 架空线Over load过负荷Over reach blocking scheme 超范围闭锁式Over voltage protect ion 过电压保护465 Over voltage relay 过压继电器531466 Over-curre nt relay withunder-voltage supervision低电压起动的过电流保护467 Over-load relay 过载继电器468 Over-load trip 过载跳闸469 Parallel 并联470 Parallel port 并联出口471 Peak value (交变量的)最大值472 Perce ntage differe ntial protecti on 比率差动保护473 Percentage differential relay 比率差动继电器474 Perma nent fault 永久性故障475 Permissive un der reach ing tran sfertrip scheme欠范围允许跳闸式476 Permissive underreach protection 允许式欠范围保护477 Phase comparis on protect ion 相位比较保护478 Phase comparison relay 相位比较继电器479 Phase segregated protect ion 分相保护480 Phase to phase fault 相间故障481 Phase-angle of voltage transformer 电压互感器的相角差482 Phase-shifting algorithm 移相算法483 Pilot protection 高频保护;纵联保护484 Pilot protection using distanee relay 距离纵联保护485 Platform 平台486 Pneumatic 气动的487 Pockels effect波克尔斯效应488 Polar characteristics 极化特性489 Polarized voltage 极化电压490 Pole-pairs 极对数491 Porcelain insulator 瓷绝缘子492 Positive seque nee impeda nee 正序阻抗493 Potential transformer 电压互感器494 Power direction relay 功率方向继电器495 Power factlr relay 功率因数继电器496 Power failure 电源故障497 Power line carrier 电力线载波498 Power line carrier channel 高频通道499 Power line carrier protecti on 电力线载波保护500 Power relay功率继电器501 Power rheostat 电力变压器502 Power swi ng(out of step)blocki ng 振荡(失步)闭锁503 Power system analysis and computation 电力系统分析与计算504 Power system control 电力系统控制505 Power system oscillation 电力系统振荡506 Power system splitt ing and reclos ing 解列重合闸507 Power system transients 电力系统暂态508 Power-angle 功角509 Power-angle curve 功角特性曲线510 Power-transfer relay 电源切换继电器511 Power-transformer relay 电力传输继电器512 Primary 一次侧的513 Primary protection 主保护514 Private line 专用线路515 Proporti onal Brake Lon gitud inalDiffere ntial Protectio n 比例制动式纵差保护516 Protect ion aga inst overpressure 超压防护517 Protection against unsymmetrical load 不对称负载保护装置518 Protection criterion 保护判据519 Protection device 保护设备;防护设备520 Protection feature 保护特性521 Protection of generator-transformer set 发电机--变压器保护522 Protection reactor 保护电抗器523 Protection screen 保护屏524 Protection switch 保护开关525 Protective cap 保护帽526 Protective casing 保护外壳527 Protective cover(protective hous ing) 保护罩528 Protective device(protective gear) 保护装置529 Protective earthing 保护接地530 Protective earth ing outer in sulation 保护接地外绝缘531 Protective equipment 保护设备532 Protective gap 保护间隙533 Protective ground 保护性接地534 Protective link 保护线路535 Protective panel 保护屏柜536 Protective relaying equipment 继电保护装置537 Protective switch 保护开关538 Protective system 保护系统539 Protective transformer 保护变压器540 PT line-break PT 断线541 Pulse 脉冲542 Pulse relay(surge relay)冲击继电器543 Quadrature 正交544 Quadrature axis 交车由545 Quasi-steady state 准稳态546 Rated armature current 额定电枢电流547 Rated burden/Rated load 额定负载548 Rated primary voltage 一次额定电压549 Rated secondary voltage 二次额定电压Ratio restrain 比率制动 Reach (setting )of protection 保护范围(定值) Reactanee 电抗 Reacta nee bond 电抗耦合 Reactanee of armature reaction 电枢反应电抗 Reactive power cimpensation 无功补偿器 Reactor grounded neutral system 中性点电抗接地系统 Receiver machine 收信机 Reclaim time 复归时间 Recloser 重合闸 Rectangular wave 矩形波 Rectifier bridge 整流桥 Recursive least square algorihm 最小二乘算法 Redundancy of relaying system 保护配置的冗余度 Relay acceleration after auto-reclosing 重合闸后加速保护 Relay acceleration before auto-reclosing 重合闸前加速保护 Relay act trip 继电器操作跳闸 Relay based on in creme ntal qua ntity 增量(突变量)继电器 Relay based on transient component 暂态保护 Relay location 保护安装处 Relay must-operate value 继电器保证启动值 Relay overrun 继电器超限运行 Relay system configuration 保护配置 Remote backup protect ion 远后备保护 Remote con trolled 遥控的 Remote Termi nal Un it 远程终端设备 Remote-control apparatus 远程控制设备 Reserve bus 备用母线 Residual current 零序电流 Residual current relay 零序电流继电器 Residual magnetism 剩磁 Resista nee groun ded n eutral system 中性点接地方式 Resultant torque 合成转矩 Retur ning curre nt of protect ion device 保护装置返回 Reverse power flows 功率逆潮流 Rotor 转子 Rotor earth-fault protectio n 转子接地保护 Rwliability 可靠性 Sampling and holding 采样保持 Sampling in terrupti on service program 采样中断服务程序Satuation detectio n 饱和检测Saturation curve 饱和曲线550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593SCADA监控与数据采集Scalarproduct restra int differe ntrial relay 标积制动式差动继电器594 Sea n 扫描595 Sealed transformer密圭寸式变压器596 Second harm onic eseapeme nt 二次谐波制动597 Secondary circuit 二次回路598 Sectio n selectovity of protecti on 保护的区选择性599 Sectionalizer 分段断路器600 Security 安全性601 Segregated current differe ntial protectio n 分相电流差动保护602 Selectivity 选择性603 Self excited 自励604 Self reset自动复归605 Self-check 自检606 Self-e nergizi ng 自激的607 Self-i nductio n 自感608 Self-polarize mho自极化姆欧(导纳)继电器609 Self-polarizi ng 电流极化继电器610 Semiconductor diode 半导体二极管611 Semi-orthogo nal wavelet 半正交小波612 Sensitive polarized 灵敏极化继电器613 Sensitivity 灵敏性614 Seque nee of events recorder 事件顺序记录器615 Seque ntial trippi ng 顺序跳闸616 Serial port 串行接口617 Series 串联618 Series excited 串励619 Sesitive relay 灵敏继电器620 Setting calculation 整定计算621 Severe gas protection 重瓦斯保护622 Short circuit calculatio ns 短路计算623 Short-term load forecasting 短期负荷预测624 Shunt旁路;并联625 Shu nt excited 并励626 Shu nt running 潜动627 Shutter 挡板628 Sigle-phase transmission line 单相传输线629 Si ngle-chip microco ntroller 单片机630 Sinusoidal variations 正弦变量631 Slight gas protection 轻瓦斯保护632 Slow-to release relay 缓放继电器633 Soft strap 软压板634 Solenoid relay 螺管式继电器635 Spark gap火花间隙636 Speed速动性637 Splitphase tran sverse differe ntial protectio n 裂相横差保护638 Spottily excited 他励639 Star 星形640 Start up(Pick up)起动641 Starti ng curre nt of protection device 保护装置启动电流642 State estimation 状态估计643 Static distanee relay 静态距离继电器644 Static relay静电继电器645 Stator earth-fault protectio n 定子接地保护646 Stator ground protect ion based onzero seque nee curre nt 零序电流构成的定子接地保护647 Step-type distanee relay 分段距离继电器648 Strap 压板649 Subsystem 子系统650 Successive approximation typw A/D 逐次逼近型A/D651 Superimposed comp onent protect ion 叠加分量保护652 Surge guard 冲击防护653 Surge impeda nee 波阻抗654 Surge voltage 冲击电压655 Sustained faults 持续性故障656 Sustained overload 持续657 Switch cabinet 开关柜658 Switch station 开关站659 Switching surge 开关冲击660 Symmetrical 对称的661 Symmetrical comoinents 对称分量662 Synchronization check 同期检查663 Synchronized sampling 采样同步664 Synchronizing by reference parameter vector 参数矢量同步法665 Synchronous condenser 同步调相机666 Synchronous reactance 同步电抗667 Syn chro nous speed 同步转速668 Tap分接头669 Telemeter data 遥测数据670 Temperature limiting relay 过热继电器671 Temporary fault 瞬时性故障672 Terminal board 端子排673 Term in al voltage 端电压674 Test-block 试验端子675 Test-plug试验插头676 The applied voltage 外施电压677 The no-load power factor 空载功率因数678 Thermal protection 过热保护679 Thermostat relay 恒温继电器680 Three phase one shot reclosure 三相一次重合闸681 Three term in al li ne protectio n 三端线路保护682 Through-fault 穿越故障683 Thyristor 晶体管684 Tie line 联络线685 Time interval 时间间隔686 Time over-current 时限过电流687 Time pulse relay 定时脉冲继电器688 Time-current characteristic 时间-电流特性689 Time-delay relay 时间继电器690 Time-invariant 不变时的691 Timer relay延时继电器692 Timi ng relay(Timed relay) 定时继电器693 Topological in formatio n 拓朴信息694 Topology analysis 拓朴分析695 Torque-angle 转矩角696 Torsion al vibration 扭转振动697 Tower 杆塔698 Tran sfer of auxiliary supply 后备电源切换699 Tran sformation matrix 变换矩阵700 Transformer protection schemes 变压器保护配置原则701 Transient analysis 暂态分析702 Transistor(type)relay 晶体管(型)继电器703 Transition impedanee 过渡阻抗704 Tran smissio n line malfu nctio n 输电线路异常运行705 Transmitting relay 发送继电器706 Tran sverse differe ntial protect ion 横差保护707 Tran sverse differe ntial protect ionfor Gen erator turn-to-turn faults 发电机横差保护708 Traveling wave 行波709 Traveli ng wave protect ion 行波保护710 Traveling wave relay 行波继电器711 Traveling wave signal 行波信号712 Trigger 触发器713 Trip by lical protecti on 保护跳闸714 Trip relay 跳闸继电器715 Trip switch 跳闸开关716 Trippi ng battery跳闸用蓄电池717 Troidal环形的;曲面;螺旋管形718 Turn to turn gault 匝间短路719 Two star conn ection scheme 两相星形接线方式720 Two-phase grounding fault 两相接地短路故障721 Two-phase short circuit fault 两相短路故障722 Two-position relay 二位置继电器723 Ultra-high voltage tran smissio n 超高压输电724 Un availability 不可用率;失效率725 Unbalanee current 不平衡电流726 Un blocki ng sig nal 解除闭锁信号727 Under power protection 低功率保护728 Under power relay 低功率继电器729 Un der-freque ncy protectio n 低频保护730 Under-groind cable 地埋电缆731 Under-impedanee relay 低阻抗继电器732 Under-load relay负载不足继电器733 Un der-voltage protectio n 欠压保护734 Under-voltage relay 欠压继电器735 Un der-voltage release736 Under-voltage trip 低电压跳闸737 Un it protectio n 单元式保护738 Vacuum circuit breaker 真空开关739 Vacuum-tube relay 电子管继电器740 Variable bridge prin ciple protect ion 变电桥保护741 Vibratio n 振荡742 Voltage balanee relay 电压平衡继电器743 Voltage differe ntial relay 电压差动继电器744 Voltage dip 电压下降745 Voltage inception angle 电压初始角746 Voltage in stability 电压不稳747 Voltage regulation 电压调节748 Voltage responsive relay 电压响应继电器749 Voltage selection relay 电压选择继电器750 Voltage sensor 电压传感器751 Voltage traveling wave 电压行波752 Voltage waveform destortio n 电压波形畸变753 Voltage-co ntrolled over-curre nt relay 电压控制过电流继电器754 Volt-amphere characteristic 伏安特性755 Wave impeda nee 波阻抗756 Wave propagation velocity 波速757 Waveform 波形758 Waveform ide ntificatio n 波形识别法759 Wavelet transform 小波变换760 Weak power end protection 弱电源端保护761 Win di ng-to-wi ndi ng in sulation 绕组间的绝缘762 Win dow fun ction 窗函数763 Zero drift零点漂移764 Zero mode comp onent of traveli ng wave 零模行波765 Zero-power-factor 零功率因数766 Zero-seque nee curre nt 零序电流767 Zero-sequenee current compensation 零序电流补偿768 Zero-sequenee current relay 零序电流继电器769 Zero-sequenee current transducer 零序电流互感器770 Zero-seque nee impeda nee 零序阻抗771 Zero-seque nee protect ion 零序保护。