哈威比例溢流阀PMV 63-41-24




一圈或每 mm 调节行程的压力变化值只是用于近似获得设定值(响应开始)的粗略估计。设定值至少要
比预期的最大负载压力高 10%。
每 mm 调节行程
平衡阀压力范围 50…250bar
压力范围 50…250bar
压力范围 50…250bar
流量和阻尼孔组 合的代码,见表 2 和表 3。以及资料 B7770 中的功能介 绍
平衡阀的设定压力(bar) 执行元件 V1 侧 执行元件 V2 侧
缓冲阀的设定压力(bar) 执行元件 V1 侧 执行元件 V2 侧
LHDV 33-25- D5-220/220-260/260
带缓冲阀的基本结构形式,例如用于活塞面积比为 1:1 的执行元件。具有附加 泄油口的 LHDV 33-25L 型的图型符号与 LHDV 33-21L…相似。
2)当负载正向作用时,也就 是在起升时,最大允许流量 的△P 约为 50bar。该压力 必须添加到负载压力上。
表 1:基型、规格和附加元件 机能符号 详见 2.1 节
带附加的 缓冲阀
带卸压的控制活塞 带卸压的控制活塞



换向滑阀联接板尾板液压符号:(见3.1.4节)减压阀9 14 22 34见代码1具有进口调节阀的换向阀可以选装的次级限压阀(无缓冲阀)F 型 FP2型无进口调节阀 作为预选开关的三FP3型FP2型FP1型可能的组合:带进口调节阀的 A2..(A5..)PSL 5.../...3型连接块中的限压阀(先导式) PSL3/(4).../...3型连接块中的限压阀(直动式) 测量时的油粘度约为60mm/s流量Q(lpm) PSL..型连接块 循环压力P→R换向阀P→A(B),A(B) →R次级限压阀按3.2.1节表16的代码A...B...;C...流量Q(lpm)流量Q(lpm)流量Q(lpm)背压(b a r )设定压力(b a r )二通进口调节阀比例压力限制阀,参见第3.1.4节表9,型号PA…PD 参见第3.2.1节表17,型号FP(H)1(2,3)负载压力P a 和B (b a r )执行元件流量的控制曲线(装有进口调节阀的SL3—X2../..型换向阀的实例) 控制电流I(A) 24VDC 12VDC液压控制H.F.的控制压力(bar)手动A.C 操纵杆的角度.表15的流量代码表15的流量代码控制电流I(A)流量Q(lpm)0470/EN通过霍尔传感器监控阀芯的行程电流-阀芯曲线信号电压测量时油的粘度约为60mm阀芯开启量线圈b 线圈a.5.1 连接快减压阀限压阀尾板未注尺寸参见5.2节中间板ZPL32和ZPL52(同时可见D7700-3和D7700-5)减压阀限压阀截止换向阀尾板未注尺寸参见5.2节油口标准参见DIN ISO 228/1(BSPP)油口标准参见SAE J 514:换向阀见5.3++节见表8中型号21) 该尺50mm,2) PSL..H..油口按照5.2 尾板扭距23Nm扭距9.5Nm 油口按照:换向位置b换向位置a限制B位流量的挡块1)限制A流量的挡块1)限制行程的中间板终端块侧连接块侧1)行程调节螺钉为M5辅助块参见 5.8节EA、EOA 型操纵方式手动应急操纵按钮代码TH限制A 位流量的挡块插头可转180°EOA-型操纵方式的螺堵 (Z 7709 047配套件还有 O 形圈12.42x1.78 HNBR 90ShO 形圈9x1.5 NBR 90 Sh 和O 形圈7625 109/1)B 端限制位流量的堵块ET、EAT、ETH 和EATH 型操纵方式E 型操纵形式A…型 B…型 A…B…型连接块侧终端块侧A..B..S1..型接口U和W=G1/8(BSPP)标注的数据(换向阀和操纵方式)见5.3至5.5节!A..B..FP1(2,3)A..B..FPH1(2,3)型FPH…型的按钮(手动应急操纵)/2 AS.. BS.. /2 AN.. BN.. /2 DRH /UNF 2 AS.. BS.. /UNF 2 AN.. BN.. /UNF 2 DRH 型型1)内六角螺钉ISO4762-M6x35―A2―70最大拧紧力矩9.5Nm/ZSS ,/ZVV 型螺纹接口A 和B(所有结构形式):内六角螺钉 ISO4762-M6xg-A2-70最大扭矩9.5Nm 组装的换向阀块按照5.3节/2 /UNF2型下图示出液压起重机的典型阀组。


1 ·Tech Tips:Web#999-901-393 Rev. 1Oct11 ©2010 Sun Hydraulics Corporation
Sun Hydraulics Technical Tips
三口电比例减压/溢流阀– PRDL 和 PRDM
标准的减压/溢流阀PRDL和反向作用的减压/溢流阀PRDM都拥有 负遮盖的阀芯,这将使得阀在减压功能向溢流功能转换的过程中 有油液泄露。这类阀较于PRDP和PRDN有相似的性能,除了以下 几点: 这种负遮盖的阀芯设计将会提高阀的动态响应。 阀芯这种带有油液导通的动作方式会产生更大的泄露 0.1gpm (0.4L/min)。(在无通流的压力保持回路中,此泄漏是个影
Sun Hydraulics Technical Tips
电比例减压/溢流阀 三口电比例减压/溢流阀– PRDP 和 PRDN
标准的减压/溢流阀PRDP和反向作用的减压/溢流阀PRDN都是直 动 式的 电 比例 阀 , 将 2 口的高 压 通 过 1 口降 压 流出。在溢流模式 下,溢流口通 过3 口流出。减压/溢流阀 PRDP 初始状态是溢流模 式, 1 口和3 口相通。提高 线 圈电 流,将 比例地提高 1 口的工作 压 力。反向的PRDN减压/溢流阀是常闭型的,初始压力为客户要求 值或者工厂设定值,当线圈电流增加时1口的工作压力将减小。性 能特性如下: 额定流量为5GPM(20L/min),最大入口压力不超过5000psi (350Bar)。 可选的压力范围有:“B”100-1200psi(7-80bar),“D”50500psi(3.5-35bar),和“E”25-250psi(1.7-18bar)。 PRDL有三种手动调控选项: “M” (标准)瞬时操作类型 (当“ M”型控制时,对于 定值没有关系的,一般等于压力等级下最大压力值的 5% 。 (这种性能使得这类阀不适宜在平衡阀的应用场合。如需解决 这一问题,推荐使用PRDL和PRDM。)


3.1 Connections and mounting holes (in-line valve)
Proportional pressure regulator valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . English
0L (0 bar) 2H (2 bar), 6H (6 bar), 10H (10 bar) IO-Link-specific S1 (1 %)
Fig. 2
3 Requirements for product use Installation and commissioning is to be carried out only by qualified personnel,
8086184 2018-03b [8086186]
For all available product documentation è /pk
Use the product in its original status, without any unauthorised product modifications.
Proportional pressure regulator valve VPPM-…-LK-…
Operating instructions (Translation of the original instructions)
Festo SE & Co. KG Ruiter Straße 82 73734 Esslingen Germany +49 711 347-0
4 Installation
4.1 Mechanical Make sure there is sufficient space for the connecting cable and tubing connec­

Sun Hydraulics 公司 FPB 系列无线驱动电比例阀文件说明书

Sun Hydraulics 公司 FPB  系列无线驱动电比例阀文件说明书

C O R P O R A T I O N®hydraulicsFPB*5000 psi (350 bar)PILOT-OPERATEDELECTRO-PROPORTIONAL THROTTLE VALVESFPBF-XD*FPBG-XD*FPBI-XD*FPBJ-XD*HIGH RELIABILITY10 million on-off operational cyclesLOW INTERNAL LEAKAGE Less than one drop per minute USES FLeX SERIES DC COILSHigh-power (5000 psi) & hazardous location coilsSun FLeX Series Solenoid ValvesC M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ▪ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ▪ H y d r a u l i c ▪ P n e u m a t i c ▪ E l e c t r i c a l ▪ M e c h a n i c a l ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ w w w .c m a f h .c o mz All FLeX Series valves incorporate the Sun floating-style construction to minimize the possibility of internal parts binding due to excessive installation torque and/or cavity/cartridge machining variations.z FLeX Series proportional valves are fully compatible with the XMD Expandable Mobile Drivers from Sun. z Designed and tested to exceed 10 million on-off operational cycles.z Meets new NFPA test standard T2.6.1 R2014 for fatigue and burst pressure ratings. z Improved linearity and resolution over similar competing valves. z Designed using CFD fluid simulation for optimized geometries.z For optimum performance, an amplifier with current feedback and adjustable dither (100 - 250 Hz) should be used.z Capacities rated at 200-psi (14-bar) differential and maximum rated coil current.z Depending on circuit requirements, a reverse free flow check bypassing the compensator may be needed when using an FPB* with an external compensator.z Zinc-nickel plating standard for 1000-hour salt fog protection.z The 5000-psi (350-bar) FPB* valves can be used with the high-power and hazardous location FLeX coils. z A wide variety of coil termination and voltage options are available, with and without surge protection. See the CONFIGURATION section.SFPB*PILOT-OPERATED ELECTRO-PROPORTIONAL THROTTLE VALVETECHNICAL FEATURESThe 2/2 proportional poppet valves are pilot operated. Theycomprise a hex body (3), solenoid with coil (2), poppet (5), dart (4), coil nut (1), ball (6), pin (7), and two springs (8 & 9) for the FPBG and FPBF, and one spring (8) for the FPBJ and FPBI .FPBG & FPBF (normally closed)Function: When de-energized, the dart (4) rests on the poppet (5) which in turn rests on the sleeve seat (3). In this condition, flow is blocked from 2 to 1 but will free flow from 1 to 2. When energized, the dart lifts from the poppet propor-tional to the coil current. The poppet then follows the dart and lifts from the seat, opening flow from 2 to 1.If the FPBF is open and flow is routed 1 to 2, the valve will auto close and only pilot flow will pass from 1 to 2. For the FPBG, the check valve (6 & 7) at the nose of the poppet will allow free flow 1 to 2 whether the valve is open or closed.FPBJ & FPBI (normally open)Function: When de-energized, the dart (4) and poppet (5) are held away from the sleeve seat by the spring (8), opening flow from 2 to 1. When energized, the dart pushes into the poppet seat proportional to the coil current. As the dart pushes against the spring, the poppet pushes into the sleeve seat, closing the valve. Flow is then blocked from 2 to 1 but can free flow from 1 to 2.If the FPBI is open and flow is routed from 1 to 2, the valve will auto close and only pilot flow will pass from 1 to 2. For the FPBJ, the check valve (6 & 7) at the nose of the poppet will allow free flow 1 to 2 whether the valve is open or closed.C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ▪ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ▪ H y d r a u l i c ▪ P n e u m a t i c ▪ E l e c t r i c a l ▪ M e c h a n i c a l ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ w w w .c m a f h .c o m747High-power coilsDIN or Deutsch connector 12, 14, 24, or 28 VdcWith or without TVS diode 740X D N74*Hazardous location coils Explosion-proofCSA, ATEX, IECEx certified 12, 24 VdcSee individual coil data sheets for full coil configuration.Important Note :When performing model code searches on , do not include setting(s). When ordering, no spaces or dashes are used.BASE MODEL CODECONFIGURATIONSVALVEF P B *‒COILCOIL TYPEFlow control ProportionalSeries 0N = Buna-N V = VitonFlow rate = 5 gpm (19 L/min)X = no manual override M = manual override****‒CONFIGURATIONS*High-Power (25-W) CoilsHazardous Location, Explosion-Proof (30-W) CoilsF = Normally closedG = Normally closed (w/reverse flow check) I = Normally open J = Normally open(w/reverse flow check)Sun cartridges have a base seven-digit part number. Each of the digits in the sequence has significance as shown in the model code explanation below. Available options andmodifiers for specific cartridges, manifolds, and valve packages are shown on the individual product pages and data sheets. All modifiers are not applicable for every model.C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ▪ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ▪ H y d r a u l i c ▪ P n e u m a t i c ▪ E l e c t r i c a l ▪ M e c h a n i c a l ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ w w w .c m a f h .c o mFPB*SERIES 0CAVITY: T-162APILOT-OPERATED ELECTRO-PROPORTIONAL THROTTLE VALVE* See performance curves on P 5 for more details.C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ▪ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ▪ H y d r a u l i c ▪ P n e u m a t i c ▪ E l e c t r i c a l ▪ M e c h a n i c a l ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ w w w .c m a f h .c o mFPBF(Normally closed)FPBG(Normally closed)FPBI(Normally open)FPBJ(Normally open)FPBG(Normally closed)FPBF(Normally closed)FPBI(Normally open)FPBJ(Normally open)C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ▪ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ▪ H y d r a u l i c ▪ P n e u m a t i c ▪ E l e c t r i c a l ▪ M e c h a n i c a l ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ w w w .c m a f h .c o m5]C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ▪ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ▪ H y d r a u l i c ▪ P n e u m a t i c ▪ E l e c t r i c a l ▪ M e c h a n i c a l ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ w w w .c m a f h .c o mF U .7M 156/cavity/T-162AC M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ▪ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ▪ H y d r a u l i c ▪ P n e u m a t i c ▪ E l e c t r i c a l ▪ M e c h a n i c a l ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ w w w .c m a f h .c o mXMD Single- and Dual-Output DriversThe XMD is a single- or dual-output driver used with solenoid-operated electro-proportional valves for the mobile and industrial hydraulic industries. The driver can be mounted on a manifold using the standard mount clip or directly to the FLeX Series low- and high-power coils using an optional coil-mount clip.Compatible with the FPB* family of FLeX valves, Sun Hydraulics offers 31 standard line-mount manifolds in 90°, in-line, through port 1 with gauge port, cross port and direct mount (banjo bolt) versions for the T-162A cavity. Standard products include one- and two-cavity versions in a widerange of port sizes. The popular AAJ model line-mount 90° manifold (shown at left) has a single cavity and SAE 8 ports.In sandwich manifolds, we offer 26 standard bodies based on the T-162A cavity that include a range of interfaces in one- or two-cavity versions.To search our complete line of standard manifolds, go to /models/manifolds .Wire Harnesses®C O R P O R A T I O NhydraulicsSun Hydraulics HeadquartersSarasota, Florida USA (1) 941 362 1200*************************Sun Hydraulics Korea Corp.Incheon Korea Sun Hydraulics LimitedCoventry England +44 2476 217 400***************Sun Hydraulics China Co. Ltd.Shanghai P .R. China Sun Hydraulik GmbHErkelenz Germany +49 2431 80910*********************Sun Hydraulics Corp. (India)Bangalore India +91 8028 456325******************************Sun Hydraulics Corp. (S.America)Rosario, Argentina C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ▪ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ▪ H y d r a u l i c ▪ P n e u m a t i c ▪ E l e c t r i c a l ▪ M e c h a n i c a l ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ w w w .c m a f h .c o m。








此时,通过阀心的负反馈作用,来自动调节节流阀口两端的压力差, 使其基本保持不变。







左侧第一片阀为进口阀片,从下向上,(1) CP3三通式定差旁通式压力补偿流量阀,(2)RV安全溢流阀, 通常设定为系统最高压力35Mpa,(3)RPM减压阀为工作阀片的比例减压阀提供先导供油(1.5-2.5Mpa),可以看到减压阀下的一条虚线连线两条虚线,并连通每个工作阀片的一对比例减压阀。


Sun Hydraulics 产品说明书:FPFK 电子比例阀

Sun Hydraulics 产品说明书:FPFK 电子比例阀

c 2017Sun Hydraulics Corporation See for detailed product information 1of 3MODEL FPFK Pilot operated, normally closed, electro-proportional throttle with reverse flowcheck SERIES 2 / CAPACITY: 20 gpm /CAVITY: T-5A X-ControlE-ControlM-ControlNOTE: DATA MAY VARY BY CONFIGURATION. SEE CONFIGURATION SECTION.This valve is a pilot-operated, normally closed, electro-proportional throttle with reverse free-flow check. Energizing the coil generates an opening force on the pilot stage which vents the main stage poppet to open proportionally.Metered flow is from port 1 to port 2 with reverse free flow from port 2 to port 1.TECHNICAL DATA Cavity T-5A Series 2Capacity 20 gpm Recommended dither frequency 100 Hz Maximum Valve Leakage at 110 SUS (24 cSt)20 drops/min.@5000 psi Manual Override Force Requirement 5 lbs/1000 psi @ Port 1Deadband, nominal (as a percentage of input)25%Manual Override Stroke .06 in.Solenoid Tube Diameter .75 in.Valve Hex Size 1 1/8 in.Valve Installation Torque 45 - 50 lbf ft Model Weight (with coil) 1.20 lb Seal kit - Cartridge Buna: 990203007Seal kit - Cartridge EPDM: 990203014Seal kit - Cartridge Viton: 990203006Seal and nut kit - Coil Viton: 990770006Model Weight 0.89 /FPFK C o u r t e s y o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ▪ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ▪ H y d r a u l i c ▪ P n e u m a t i c ▪ E l e c t r i c a l ▪ M e c h a n i c a l ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ w w w .c m a f h .c o mc 2017Sun Hydraulics Corporation See for detailed product information 2of 3(X)CONTROL E Twist (Extended) Manual Override M Manual Override (D)FLOW RATE B Nominal 10 gpm @ 200 psi (14 bar)differential (40 L/min.)(N)SEAL MATERIAL E EPDM V Viton COIL *212DIN 43650-Form A, 12 VDC 224DIN 43650-Form A, 24 VDC 712Twin Lead, 12 VDC 724Twin Lead, 24 VDC 912Deutsch DT04-2P, 12 VDC 924Deutsch DT04-2P, 24 VDC * Additional coil options are available TECHNICAL FEATURES Capable of operating with pressures up to 5000 psi (350 bar).Coils are interchangeable with Sun's other full flow, solenoid-operated valves and can be mounted on the tube in either direction.This cartridge has several manual override choices, including no manual override. See Option Configuration.For optimum performance, an amplifier with current sensing and adjustable dither should be used. Dither should be adjustable between 100 - 250 Hz.The momentary/twist override option "E" allows the operator to shift the valve by twisting the manual override clockwise 90 degrees.Cartridges configured with EPDM seals are for use in systems with phosphate ester fluids. Exposure to petroleum based fluids, greases and lubricants will damage the seals.Spool capacities rated at 200 psi (14 bar) differential and maximum rated coil current.Maximum Deadband (as a percentage of command) B Flow Rate = 28% D Flow Rate = 32%Maximum Hysteresis at 200 psid (14 bar) B Flow Rate = 2.2 gpm (9 L/min.) D Flow Rate = 5.2 gpm (20 L/min.)Minimum Capacity at 1000 psid (70 bar) B Flow Rate = 25 gpm (94 L/min.) D Flow Rate = 49 gpm (185 L/min.)Depending on circuit requirements, a reverse free flow check bypassing the compensator may be needed when using the FPFK with an external compensator.Incorporates the Sun floating style construction to minimize the possibility of internal parts binding due to excessive installation torque and/or cavity/cartridge machining variations.PERFORMANCE CURVESModel Code Example: FPFKXDN CONFIGURATION OPTIONS C o u r t e s y o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ▪ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ▪ H y d r a u l i c ▪ P n e u m a t i c ▪ E l e c t r i c a l ▪ M e c h a n i c a l ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ w w w .c m a f h .c o mc 2017Sun Hydraulics Corporation See for detailed product information 3of 3C o u r te s y of C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ▪ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ▪ H y d r a u l i c ▪ P n e u m a t i c ▪ E l e c t r i c a l ▪ M e c h a n i c a l ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ w w w .c m a f h .c o m。

A182 F51化学成分和机械性能

A182 F51化学成分和机械性能

化学成分 Chemical composition(%)
ASTM A182 阀体、阀盖
拉伸 屈服 收缩
Mpa Mpa (%)
≤0.03 ≤1.0 ≤2 ≤0.03 ≤0.02 21~23 4.5~6.5 2.5~3.5
上海浦東漢威閥門有限公司 Shanghai Pudong Hanwei ValveCo., Ltd.
上海浦东新区机场镇航殷路245号 TEL:021-68783965
No.245 Hangyin Road, Pudong, Shanghai,China.
API 6D-0374 TS2710J20 ISO 9001-2008 ISO 14001-2008 ISO 18001-2008 CE/PED
A182 F51 1307A-V62 A182 F51 1307A-V62 UNS S31803 FR9058 UNS S31803 1307A-V62
A182 F51 1307A-V63 A182 F51 J130719-2 UNS S31803 FR9058 UNS S31803 1307A-V62
RQ347PK-1500LB-4" A13069-3-1~14
RQ47PK-1500LB-2" A13069-4-1~34
RQ347PK-1500LB-6" A13069-5-1~10
RQ347PK-1500LB-14" A13069-6-1~2

K220LS 工程机械用方向控制阀 样本MSG17-8537 CN 派克汉尼汾公司说明书

K220LS 工程机械用方向控制阀 样本MSG17-8537 CN 派克汉尼汾公司说明书

2工程机械用方向控制阀K220LS样本MSG17-8537/CN派克汉尼汾公司移动液压系统欧洲事业部Borås, Sweden样本布局除一般信息和基本技术数据外,该样本还对K220LS 可配置的选配功能做了描述。

我们可据此对K220LS 进行定制配置,以符合您的需求。



再接下来是一系列带有代号的选项,例如PA1、Y 以及每个代号的简短描述。



第8页的一般液压回路图中展示了K220LS 阀的基本功能区、以及代表这些功能区的条目编号。

多路阀订购方式我们开发并推出了配置K220LS 阀的软件。

这个软件也能给您生成阀技术文档,其中会包含详细的阀代号报告、3D 模型、2D 图纸、备件清单和液压原理图。

软件还会创建一个唯一的ID 号,并印在阀产品标签上。










3工程机械用方向控制阀K220LS样本MSG17-8537/CN派克汉尼汾公司移动液压系统欧洲事业部Borås, Sweden目录目录页码概述....................................................................................................................4技术数据 ............................................................................................................5[P03-P09]概述 ................................................................................................6-7液压原理图 .....................................................................................................8-9进口片 ..............................................................................................................10[P10-P29] 进口片 .......................................................................................10[P12] 内部先导压力供油 ...........................................................................11[P13] 先导压力...........................................................................................11[P14] 先导过滤器.......................................................................................11[P15] 进口片类型.......................................................................................11[P16] 溢流阀...............................................................................................12[P17] 压力设定...........................................................................................12[P20] 负载信号复制阀芯 ...........................................................................13[P24] 回油口T2 ..........................................................................................14[P25] 回油口T1 ..........................................................................................14[P26] 进油口P1 ..........................................................................................14[P28] 用于先导回路的单独回油口............................................................14出口片 ..............................................................................................................15[P30 - P44] 出口片 .....................................................................................15[P31] 油口 ..................................................................................................15[P32] 进油口P2 ..........................................................................................15[P34] 回油口T3 ..........................................................................................15[P40] 先导回路回油口 ...............................................................................15工作片 ..............................................................................................................16[P45-P89] 工作片 .......................................................................................16[P47] 连接油口...........................................................................................16[P50] 阀芯执行器.......................................................................................17PC/PCH 液压阀芯执行器 .....................................................................17ECS2/EC2/ECH2 电液阀芯执行器 .......................................................18[P51] 手柄支架...........................................................................................19[55A, B] 先导节流口...................................................................................20[P56] 插头类型...........................................................................................20[P59] 阀芯执行器变型 ...............................................................................20[P60-P74] 阀芯选择 ...................................................................................21[P60] 阀芯功能...........................................................................................21[P64A, B] 力反馈 ........................................................................................22[P66] 压力补偿器和负载保持单向阀........................................................23[P69] 阀芯名称...........................................................................................24[P71A, B] 工作油口公称流量.....................................................................24[P72] 流量设定...........................................................................................24[P74] 工作片变型.......................................................................................24[P75] 进给减压阀.......................................................................................25[P75A] [P75B] 设定油口A 和B 的进给减压 ................................................25[P76A, B] 溢流阀和防气穴阀.....................................................................26[P85] 侧油口连接.......................................................................................26[P89A, B] 工作油口变型 ............................................................................26[P90-P99] 功能阀块 ...................................................................................27附件 ............................................................................................................27信息..................................................................................................................28[P50] EC2 手动越权 ...................................................................................28尺寸图 ..............................................................................................................29备件..................................................................................................................30[P00]指客户规格中的项目编号。

FESTO VPPM 2 比例压力调节器说明书

FESTO VPPM 2 比例压力调节器说明书

Proportional-pressure regulators VPPM2d Internet: /catalogue/...Subject to change – 2023/08Proportional-pressure regulators VPPMKey features – Overview12346810[1]LED displays [2] Display window [3] Control elements [4]Plug socket with cable[5] Sub-base valve[6] Exhaust at both ends [7] Working ports [8]Manifold block[9] Compressed air supply at bothends[10] H-rail mounting[11] Individual valve[12] Angle bracket can be rotated 180°during mountingInnovativeFlexibleOperational safetyEasy to install • Multi-sensor control (cascade control)• Diagnostics• Choice of regulation characteristic • Temperature compensated • High dynamic response • High repetition accuracy• Processing of modular products • IO-Link, for direct connection to a higher-level IO-Link/I-Port master• Individual valves (in-line valve)• Sub-base valves (battery/sub-base valve)• Various user interfaces – LED displays – LCD display– Adjustment/selection buttons • Choice of valves with different pressure ranges• Pressure range can be modified on the valve• Choice of different setpoint specifications – Current input – Voltage input• Integrated pressure sensor with separate output• Wire break monitoring• Pressure maintained if controller fails• Manifold block (manifold)• H-rail mounting• Individually via mounting bracket •QS fittingsProportional-pressure regulators VPPM Key features – OverviewOverview, VPPM IO-Link[1] Diagnostics via fieldbus[2] Bus node[3] Electrical connection block CAPC[4] Connecting cable NEBU[5] Proportional-pressure regulatorVPPM with IO-Link3 2023/08 – Subject to change d Internet: /catalogue/...Proportional-pressure regulators VPPMKey features – VPPM on valve terminalOverview, VPPM on the valve terminal MPA-S21[1] 24 V[2] Serial dataInnovative Flexible Operational safety Easy to install• Multi-sensor control• Diagnostics via the bus• Choice of regulation characteristic • High dynamic response• 2 accuracy levels • For all common protocols• As an individual pressure regulator• As a pressure zone regulator• Choice of 3 valves with differentpressure ranges• 3 pressure ranges (presets) can beset via the bus• Internal or external compressed airsupply possible• Long service life• LED display for the operating status• Pressure maintained in case ofsupply voltage failure• Fast troubleshooting with LEDs onthe valves and diagnostics viafieldbus• Ease of servicing with replaceablevalves• Easy replacement of the valves• Tested units• Easy extension of the valve terminalH--NoteMore information on the VPPM valves for MPA-Sa mpas4d Internet: /catalogue/...Subject to change – 2023/08Proportional-pressure regulators VPPM Key features – Control loopLayout of a control loopDesign Method of operationThe figure shows a closed loop control. The reference variable w (setpoint val-ue, e.g. 5 V or 8 mA) initially acts on a comparator. The measuring equipment sends the controlled variable x value (actual value, e.g. 3 bar) to the com-parator as a feedback signal r. The closed-loop control element detects the system deviation e and actuates the final control element. The output of the final control element acts on the controlled system. The closed-loopcontrol element thus attempts to com-pensate for the difference between thereference variable w and the controlledvariable x by using the final controlelement.This process runs continuously sochanges in the reference variable arealways detected. However, a systemdeviation will also occur if the refer-ence variable is constant and the con-trolled variable changes. This happenswhen the flow through the valve chang-es in response to a switching opera-tion, a cylinder movement or a loadchange. The disturbance variable z willalso cause a system deviation. Anexample of this is when the pressuredrops in the air supply. The distur-bance variable z acts on the controlledvariable x in an unforeseen way. In allcases, the closed-loop controllerattempts to correct the controlledvariable x to the reference variable w.Multi-sensor control (cascade control) of the VPPMCascade controller Control precisionUnlike conventional direct-acting con-trols, in multi-sensor controls multiple control loops are nested inside one other. The overall controlled system is divided into smaller sub-sections that are easier to control for the specifictask.Control accuracy and dynamic re-sponse are greatly improved with themulti-sensor control principle in com-parison with a single-acting regulator.52023/08 – Subject to change d Internet: /catalogue/...Proportional-pressure regulators VPPMKey features – Control loop6d Internet: /catalogue/...Subject to change – 2023/0872023/08 – Subject to changed Internet: /catalogue/...Proportional-pressure regulators VPPMKey features – Flow rateFlow rate qn of 1 d 2 as a function of excess output pressure p2VPPM-6L/F-...-0L2H-...(2 bar)VPPM-6L/F-...-0L6H-...(6 bar)VPPM-6L-...-OL2H-...qn1-2[l/min]7515022530037545052560000.[l/min]p 2[b a r ]150300450600750900105012000. bar)VPPM-6L-...-OL10H-...qn1-2[l/min]2004006008001000120014001600012345678910Flow rate qn of 2 d 3 as a function of excess output pressure p2VPPM-6L/F-...-0L2H-...(2 bar)VPPM-6L/F-...-0L6H-...(6 bar)VPPM-6L-...-OL2H-...p2[bar]q n 2-3[l /m i n ] 1.4 1.6 1.82050100150200250300350VPPM-6L-...-OL6H-...p2[bar]00.51 1.52 2.53 3.54 4.55 5.56100200300400500600700800VPPM-6L/F-...-0L10H-...(10 bar)VPPM-6L-...-OL10H-...p2[bar]q n 2-3[l /m i n ]0123456789100200400600800100012008d Internet: /catalogue/...Subject to change – 2023/08Proportional-pressure regulators VPPMKey features – Flow rateFlow rate qn of 1 d 2 as a function of excess output pressure p2VPPM-8L...-0L2H-...(2 bar)VPPM-8L-...-0L6H-...(6 bar)VPPM-8F-...-OL2H-...qn1-2[l/min]200400600800100000.[l/min]p 2[b a r ]5001000150020002500300000. bar)VPPM-8L-...-OL10H-...qn 1-2[l/min]500100015002000250030003500012345678910Flow rate qn of 2 d 3 as a function of excess output pressure p2VPPM-8L-...-0L2H-...(2 bar)VPPM-8L-...-0L6H-...(6 bar)VPPM-8L-...-OL2H-...p2+[bar]q n 2-3[l /m i n ] 1.4 1.6 1.82100200300400500600700800VPPM-8L-...-OL6H-...p2+[bar]q n 2-3[l /m i n ]0.6 1.2 1.8 2.433.64.2 4.85.46200400600800100012001400160018002000VPPM-8L-...-0L10H-...(10 bar)VPPM-8L-...-OL10H-...p2+[bar]q n 2-3[l /m i n ]1234567891050010001500200025003000350092023/08 – Subject to changed Internet: /catalogue/...Proportional-pressure regulators VPPMKey features – Flow rateFlow rate qn of 1 d 2 as a function of excess output pressure p2VPPM-8F/8TA-...-0L2H-...(2 bar)VPPM-8F/8TA-...-0L6H-...(6 bar)VPPM-8L-...-OL2H-...qn 1-2[l/min]20040060080010001200140000. 1-2[l/min]p 2[b a r ]2505007501000125015001750200000. bar)VPPM-8F-...-OL10H-...qn 1-2[l/min]5001000150020002500012345678910Flow rate qn of 2 d 3 as a function of excess output pressure p2VPPM-8F/8TA-...-0L2H-...(2 bar)VPPM-8F/8TA-...-0L6H-...(6 bar)VPPM-8L-...-OL2H-...p2+[bar]q n 2-3[l /m i n ] 1.4 1.6 1.820100200300400500600VPPM-8L-...-OL6H-...p2+[bar]q n 2-3[l /m i n ]0.6 1.2 1.8 2.433.64.2 4.85.460200400600800100012001400VPPM-8F/8TA-...-0L10H-...(10 bar)VPPM-8L-...-OL10H-...p2+[bar]q n 2-3[l /m i n ]0123456789100500100015002000250010d Internet: /catalogue/...Subject to change – 2023/08Proportional-pressure regulators VPPMKey features – Flow rateFlow rate qn of 1 d 2 as a function of excess output pressure p2VPPM-12L-...-0L2H-...(4 bar)VPPM-12L-...-0L6H-...(8 bar)qn1-2[l/min]p 2[b a r ]1000200030004000500000.[l/min]1000200030004000500060007000800000.511.522.533.544.555.56VPPM-12L-...-0L10H-...(11 bar)qn1-2[l/min]p 2[b a r ]200040006000800010000012345678910Flow rate qn of 2 d 3 as a function of excess output pressure p2VPPM-12L...-0L2H-...(4 bar)VPPM-12L-...-0L6H-...(8 bar)p2[bar]q n 2-3[l /m i n ] 1.4 1.6 1.822505007501000125015001750200022502500p2[bar]00.51 1.52 2.53 3.54 4.55 5.5650010001500200025003000350040004500500055006000VPPM-12L-...-0L10H-...(11 bar)p2[bar]q n 2-3[l /m i n ]1234567891010002000300040005000600070008000900010000Individual valve VPPM-6L ... , VPPM-8L ...8Individual valve VPPM-12L ...Valve manifold assembly with VPPM-6F ... , VPPM-8F ...System overviewVPPM-6TA ... , VPPM-8TA ...for valve terminal MPA-S15Type codes-M-Flow rate380 ... 7000 l/min -P- Voltage21.6 ... 26.4 V DC-L-Pressure regulation range0.002 ... 1 MPa0.02 ... 10 bar Variants• Setpoint input as analogue voltage signal 0 ... 10 V• Setpoint input as analogue current signal 4 ... 20 mA• LED version• With LCD display ( (1)•Switching output NPN (N) or PNP (P)H--NoteOutput pressure will be unregulated if the power supply cable is interrupted.1)Input pressure 1 should always be 1 bar greater than the maximum regulated output pressure.2)Corrosion resistance class CRC 2 to Festo standard FN 940070Moderate corrosion stress. Indoor applications in which condensation can occur. External visible parts with primarily decorative surface requirements which are in direct contact with a normal industrial environment.3)For information about the area of use, see the EC declaration of conformity at: /catalogue/... a Support/Downloads.If the devices are subject to usage restrictions in residential, commercial or light-industrial environments, further measures for the reduction of the emitted interference may be necessary.MaterialsSectional view VPPM-6 ..., VPPM-8 ...Sectional view VPPM-12 ...Proportional-pressure regulators VPPM Datasheet – VPPM with analogue interface1)In respect of signal type and scaling, the actual value is designed corresponding to the setpoint specification.VersionCircuit symbol• Piloted diaphragm valve• Pressure regulation range:0.002 ... 0.2, 0.006 ... 0.6,0.01 ... 1 MPa• Signal setpoint value input:0 ... 10 V DC, 4 ... 20 mAProportional-pressure regulators VPPM Datasheet – VPPM with analogue interfaceProportional-pressure regulators VPPM Datasheet – VPPM with analogue interfaceProportional-pressure regulators VPPM Datasheet – VPPM with analogue interfaceProportional-pressure regulators VPPM Datasheet – VPPM with analogue interfaceProportional-pressure regulators VPPM, IO-Link Datasheet – VPPM with IO-Link interface-M-Flow rate380 ... 7000 l/min -P- Voltage18 ... 30 V DC-L-Pressure regulation range0.002 ... 1 MPa0.02 ... 10 bar • Digital setpoint and actual valuetransfer• For connection to an I/O-Link/I-Portmaster• LED version•Comparator output (digital)VPPM-12H--NoteOutput pressure will be unregulated if the power supply cable is interrupted.Proportional-pressure regulators VPPM, IO-Link Datasheet – VPPM with IO-Link interface1)Input pressure 1 should always be 1 bar greater than the maximum regulated output pressure.2)Corrosion resistance class CRC 2 to Festo standard FN 940070Moderate corrosion stress. Indoor applications in which condensation can occur. External visible parts with primarily decorative surface requirements which are in direct contact with a normal industrial environment.3)For information about the area of use, see the EC declaration of conformity at: /catalogue/... a Support/Downloads.If the devices are subject to usage restrictions in residential, commercial or light-industrial environments, further measures for the reduction of the emitted interference may be necessary.VersionCircuit symbol• Piloted diaphragm valve• Pressure regulation range:0.002 ... 0.2, 0.006 ... 0.6,0.01 ... 1 MPa• Signal setpoint value input:0 ... 10 V DC, 4 ... 20 mAProportional-pressure regulators VPPM, IO-Link Datasheet – VPPM with IO-Link interfaceProportional-pressure regulators VPPM, IO-Link Datasheet – VPPM with IO-Link interfaceProportional-pressure regulators VPPM, IO-Link Datasheet – VPPM with IO-Link interfaceOrdering data – Modular product system1)12Only with valve type L(in-line)2)L Only with connection type G18, G14, G12 (G thread G1/8, G1/4, G1/2)3)F Only with connection type F (flange/sub-base)4)T Only with connection type F (flange/sub-base)5)...L Not with pressure regulation range (0L2H, 0L6H, 0L10H).Must always be less than alternative upper pressure regulation range H 5)...H Not with pressure regulation range (0L2H, 0L6H, 0L10H).Must always be greater than alternative upper pressure regulation range LManifold blockVABM-P1Material:Wrought aluminium alloy1)Corrosion resistance class CRC 2 to Festo standard FN 940070Moderate corrosion stress. Indoor applications in which condensation can occur. External visible parts with primarily decorative surface requirements which are in direct contact with a normal industrial environment.H- -NoteIn combination with manifold block VABM-P1- ... flanged valves VPPM-6F- ... and VPPM-8F- ... are to be used.Cover plateVABB-P1Material:Wrought aluminium alloy, NBR, steel1)Corrosion resistance class CRC 1 to Festo standard FN 940070Low corrosion stress. Dry indoor application or transport and storage protection. Also applies to parts behind covers, in the non-visible interior area, and parts which are covered in the application (e.g. drive trunnions).BracketVAME-P1-AMaterial:Wrought aluminium alloy, steel1)Corrosion resistance class CRC 1 to Festo standard FN 940070Low corrosion stress. Dry indoor application or transport and storage protection. Also applies to parts behind covers, in the non-visible interior area, and parts which are covered in the application (e.g. drive trunnions).H- -NoteIn combination with bracket VAME-P1- A in-line valves VPPM-6L- ... and VPPM-8L- ... are to be used.H-rail mountingVAME-P1-TMaterial:Wrought aluminium alloy, steel1)Corrosion resistance class CRC 1 to Festo standard FN 940070Low corrosion stress. Dry indoor application or transport and storage protection. Also applies to parts behind covers, in the non-visible interior area, and parts which are covered in the application (e.g. drive trunnions).H- -NoteIn combination with H-rail VAME-P1- T in-line valves VPPM-6L- ... and VPPM-8L- ... are to be used.Connecting cableNEBV-M12G8-KD-3-M12G4For connecting the proportional-pres-sure regulator VPPM to the analogue input and output modules of the CPX terminal.Connecting cableNEBV-M12G8-K-5-M12G4For connecting the proportional-pres-sure regulator VPPM to the analogue output modules of the CPX terminal.Proportional-pressure regulators VPPM Accessories41 2023/08 – Subject to change d Internet: /catalogue/...Festo - Your Partner in AutomationConnect with us/socialmedia 1Festo Inc.2Festo Pneumatic 3Festo Corporation 4Regional Service Center 5300 Explorer DriveMississauga, ON L4W 5G4CanadaAv. Ceylán 3,Col. Tequesquináhuac 54020 Tlalnepantla, Estado de México1377 Motor Parkway Suite 310Islandia, NY 117497777 Columbia Road Mason, OH 45040Festo Customer Interaction CenterTel:187****3786Fax:187****3786Email:*****************************Multinational Contact Center 01 800 337 8669***********************Festo Customer Interaction Center180****3786180****3786*****************************S u b j e c t t o c h a n g e。

比例调压阀 VPPL 操作手册说明书

比例调压阀 VPPL 操作手册说明书

比例调压阀VPPL(zh)操作手册80220241206NH [8022030]原版:de比例调压阀VPPL 中文 (1)结构1.1概述55VPPL-3Q /VPPL-3Q-Z VPPL-3L1法兰(图中被遮住了)1)2服务接口(插口M12)2)3显示和控制元件4实际值输出接口(插头M12)5应有值输入接口/电源(插头M12)6接地螺丝的螺纹M5(功能接地-FE)7螺纹管接头(螺纹接口G ¼)3)1)仅针对VPPL-3Q /VPPL-3Q-Z2)诊断接口仅允许由Festo 服务人员使用。

3)仅针对VPPL-3Q-Z /VPPL-3LFig.11.2显示和控制元件1LED 状态(红色/绿色)–状态显示2LED Stiff(蓝色)–快速调节模式3LED Normal(蓝色)–正常调节模式4LED Smooth(蓝色)–精确调节模式5DOWN 按键6EDIT 按键Fig.22功能注意比例调压阀VPPL 的法兰安装版本和配备外部先导气源的法兰安装版本只能与调压阀PREL 配合使用。

为此请您仔细阅读调压阀PREL 的操作指南。

调压阀PREL 的输出压力存在于比例调压阀VPPL 的工作接口上。


当存在偏差时VPPL 将控制调压阀PREL 的调节器,直至输出压力达到应有值。

比例调压阀VPPL 具有三种款式:–法兰安装版本(VPPL-3Q)–配备外部先导气源的法兰安装版本(VPPL-3Q-Z)–螺纹管接头版本(VPPL-3L)3应用按照规定,比例调压阀VPPL 仅用于按照给定的应有值,以特定比例调节输出压力。

工作介质仅允许使用下列规格说明中所述的压缩空气, 技术参数。





•请您遵守允许的极限值和规格说明( 技术参数)。















控制回路大约需要1 L/min的控制流量,控制油将由例如;径向柱塞泵单独的压力出口提供,径向柱塞泵要符全D6010S的要求这类阀需要比例放大器进行控制哈威HAWE溢流阀的结构:PMV(P)和PMV(P)S型阀是直接作用式(译注;其两级三通减压阀作先导级,只是用来代替手轮对弹簧预紧力进行调节,从这个意义上讲是直接作用式)比例溢流阀,它包括主阀(球阀,弹簧,控制柱塞)和直接安装在主阀上的比例控制组件(比例减压阀,和初级减压阀)组成。

Festo VPPE-3-1-1 8-2-420-E1 比例压力调节阀说明书

Festo VPPE-3-1-1 8-2-420-E1 比例压力调节阀说明书
proportional pressure regulator VPPE-3-1-1/8-2-420-E1
Part number: 557774 Core product range
Data sheet
Feature Nominal diameter, pressurisation Nominal diameter, exhaust Type of actuation Sealing principle Assembly position
Mounting type Pneumatic connection, port 1 Pneumatic connection, port 2 Pneumatic connection, port 3 Materials note Material housing
Vaቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱue
IP65 0 ... 60 °C 390 g 1 %FS 1 %FS 0.5 %FS 1,5 %FS 0.04 %/K 5-pin M12 Plug with through hole G1/8 G1/8 G1/8 Conforms to RoHS Anodised wrought aluminium alloy
Note on operating and pilot medium Authorisation
KC mark CE mark (see declaration of conformity)
UKCA marking (see declaration of conformity)
Certificate issuing department Corrosion resistance classification CRC PWIS conformity Medium temperature

VPPM-6L-L-1-G18-0L6H-V1N-S1 气动控制阀说明书

VPPM-6L-L-1-G18-0L6H-V1N-S1 气动控制阀说明书




+W-W312X压力输入应有值压力输出排气针脚62应用范围及认证UL-提示本系列产品某些型号拥有针对美国和加拿大的UL(Underwriters Laboratories Inc)认证。





















日本不二越 Nachi
DG4V-3-0A-A240 DG4V-3-2B-A240 DG4V-3-0B-A240
DG4V-3-0A-D24 DG4V-3-2B-D24 DG4V-3-0B-D24
Yuken DSG-01-3C2-A240 DSG-01-3C3-A240 DSG-01-3C9-A240 DSG-01-3C4-A240



当介质最高温度>450℃时,标注工作温度和工作压力,工作压力需用 P 标
识并在 P 字的右下角附加介质最高温度数字。该数字是以 10 除介质最高温度数
值所得的整数。如:工作温度为 540℃,工作压力为 10MPa 的阀门,其代号为
8. 阀体材料代号用汉语拼音字母表示:
(表 6)
代 号

蝶 阀 结 构 形 式
C 代 号
(表 4-3)
杠 杆 式 垂直板式 斜 板 式 减压阀结构形式 薄膜式 弹簧薄膜式 活塞式

代 号 1

(表 4-4)
波纹管式 杠杆式

(表 4- 5)
C (圈)
转速 24
( r/min)
电机功率 0.37
( kw)
DZW30 DZW30(I)
DZW90 DZW90(I)
DZW120 DZW120(I)
DZW180 DZW500
450 600
120 120

全 启 式

带控制机构 全 启 式

先 导 式

全 启 式

单 杠 杆

双 杠 杆
全 启 式

套 筒 式

Parker Hannifin 电压调节阀DPR083B系列技术说明说明书

Parker Hannifin 电压调节阀DPR083B系列技术说明说明书

General DescriptionThe DPR083B Series Valve is a normally-closed valve used for reducing inlet pressure to 20.7 Bar (300 PSI) (depending on model and coil wattage). A common application of this valve is as a transmission-shifter valve where a fixed regulated pressure is required regardless of inlet pressure.OperationWith the solenoid coil de-energized, the spool is held in a closed position by spring force. In this mode, the regulated pressure port is open to tank and the pressure inlet port is blocked. As a voltage signal is applied to the solenoid coil, the spool will begin to travel to a position where the pressure inlet port is connected to the regulated pressure port. At this point, reduced pressure becomes a function of the voltage signal. As long as the voltage signal is constant, thereduced pressure at the regulated pressure port will remain fixed regardless of any changes in inlet flow or inlet pressure. As the voltage signal increases or decreases, the reduced pressure at the regulated pressure port will change with respect to the change in the voltage signal. Once a full voltage signal is given, the reduced pressure of the regulated pressure port will be at the maximum reduced pressure for that valve (i.e. 20.7 Bar (300 PSI).Features•Direct acting design•Adaptable to regulated analog or PWM •Contamination tolerant•Numerous coil terminals and voltages•One-piece encapsulated coil•Standard valve bodies and common cavities •Manual override standard. Seal variations and other options available SpecificationsRated Flow18.8 LPM (5 GPM)Maximum Inlet210 Bar (3000 PSI)PressureMax. Reduced Standard Duty CoilPressure @ 75%20.6 Bar (300 PSI)of Rated CurrentMaximum82 cc/min. at rated pressure Internal LeakageHysteresis4% MaximumCracking20% of input signal (Deadband)Frequency100 - 400 Hz (200 Hz Preferred) Viscosity Range36 SSU (3 cSt) or3000 SSU (647 cSt)Operating Temp.-40°C to +93.3°C (Nitrile)Range (Ambient)(-40°F to +200°F)-31.7°C to +121.1°C (Fluorocarbon)(-25°F to +250°F)Cartridge Material All parts steel. All operatingparts hardened steel.Body Material Steel or AluminumFiltration ISO Code 16/13,SAE Class 4 or betterMounting No restrictionsCavity Common Cavity No. C08-3Series DPR083B*Inch equivalents for millimeter dimensions are shown in (**)DimensionsSee Coil Information For Terminal Connectors20 N.m.(180 In.-Lbs.)TorqueCartridge OnlySeries DPR083BOrdering Information3BType08SizeDPRProportional Pressure Reducing Valve3/4-16UNF-2B Threaded CavitySealsCode Type Omit Nitrile VFluorocarbonOverride Option******calls out voltage. For example: 851024-012VDC is a 12 volt, 30 watt DC Double Wire coil.Coil Assemblies851018******30 Watt Conduit Coil 851020******30 Watt DIN(Hirschmann) Coil851022******30 Watt Double Spade CoilSERVICE PARTSNitrile Seal Kit: SK08-3Coil Nut: 118113-00Fluorocarbon Seal Kit: SK08-3V DIN Connector:Grey - 692914Black - 692915851024******30 Watt Double Wire Coil 851026******30 Watt Single Screw Coil 851028******30 Watt Single Wire CoilShipping Weight Cartridge Only .59 kg (1.3 lbs.)Cartridge in Body .86 kg (1.9 lbs.)Flow OptionBody OptionCoil VoltageCoil TerminationMTwo Position Three Way SpoolCode Port Size & MaterialOmit Cartridge Only 4P 1/4″ NPTF (B08-3-4P)SteelA4P 1/4″ NPTF (B08-3-A4P)Aluminum 6P3/8″ NPTF (B08-3-6P)SteelA6P 3/8″ NPTF (B08-3-A6P)Aluminum 4T SAE-4(B08-3-4T)SteelA4T SAE-4(B08-3-A4T)Aluminum 6TSAE-6(B08-3-6T)SteelA6TSAE-6(B08-3-A6T)Aluminum4B 1/4″ BSPG (B08-3-4B)SteelA4B 1/4″ BSPG (B08-3-A4B)Aluminum 6B 3/8″ BSPG (B08-3-6B)SteelA6B3/8″ BSPG (B08-3-A6B)AluminumCode DescriptionOmitCartridge Without Coil C1/2″ NPTF Conduit Connector with 24″ Class H Wire D DIN 43650(Hirschmann) Plug Face PSAE 1B-0.25 SAE Double Spade (DC Only)S1Single 8-32 screw & nut internally ground (DC Only)W Double wire 24″ Class H (DC Only)W1Single wire, internally ground, 24″ Class H (DC Only)Code TypeOmit Cartridge Without Coil D006 6 VDC D01010 VDC D01212 VDC D01818 VDC D02424 VDC D03636 VDC D04848 VDCCode Type MPush TypeManual Override with Flush RodNormally Closed 18.8 LPM (5 GPM)。



第三节 压力控制阀
压力控制阀简称压力阀,是利用作用在阀芯上的 液压力和弹簧力相平衡的原理工作的。
压力阀包括: (1)用来控制液压系统压力的阀类。 (2)利用压力变化作为信号来控制其它元件动 作的阀类。
按其功能和用途不同可分为溢流阀、减压阀、 顺序阀和压力继电器等。
溢流阀的主要用途有以下两点: 1)调压和稳压。如用在由定量泵构成的液压源中,用以调 节泵的出口压力,保持该压力恒定。 2)限压。如用作安全阀,当系统正常工作时,溢流阀处于 关闭状态,仅在系统压力大于其调定压力时才开启溢流,对 系统起过载保护作用。
阀芯处于中位时, P,A,B,T 四个油口均被封闭,其特点是:
①缸的两腔被封闭,活塞在任一位置均可停住, 且能承受 一定的正向负载和反向负载。
② 因P口封闭,泵不能卸荷 ,泵排出的压力油只能从溢 流阀排回油箱。
③可用于多个换向阀并联的系统。当一个分支中的换 向阀处于中位时, 仍可保持系统压力,不致影响其它分 支的正常工作。
图4.17(b)则 为弹簧自动复 位式三位四通 手动换向阀。
图4.17 三位四通手动换向阀中位 手柄
阀 芯
图4.17 三位四通手动换向阀左位 手柄
阀 芯
图4.17 三位四通手动换向阀右位 手柄
阀 芯
2.机动换向阀 此类控制方式的“信号源”是缸的运动件。例如将挡块
固定在运动的活塞杆上,当挡块触压阀推杆2的滚滚轮1时 , 推杆2即推动阀芯3换向。挡块和推杆2端部的滚轮脱离接触 后,阀芯即可靠弹簧复位。此种阀的控制方式因和缸的行程 有关,也有管此类阀叫“行程阀”。

ARGO HYTOS VPP2-04 直流式溢流阀 说明书

ARGO HYTOS VPP2-04 直流式溢流阀 说明书

液压油 Hydraulic fluid
Fluid temperature range 油液温度范围(NBR) for standard sealing (NBR) Fluid temperature range 油液温度范围(FPM) for Viton sealing (FPM) Viscosity 粘度范围 range °C °C
订货号 Ordering number
556-0430 556-0431 556-0432 556-0433 556-0434
HN5093 订货号(底板,阀体)
Ordering Numbers of Sandwich / Valve Bodies (without screw-in cartridge)
Ordering number 订货号 556-0336 556-0337 556-0338 556-0339 Valve body for in-line 螺纹连接阀体-Vtion valve - Viton RA1-06-VP/V RA2-06-VP/V RB1-06-VP/V RB2-06-VP/V
Functional Symbols
样式 MA Model 样式 Model MB
2 mm /s
-30 ... +80 -20 ... +80 20 ... 400
油液清洁度 of fluid contamination Max. degree 重量 Weight 安装位置 position Mounting 重量 - 样式 Weight models MA04, MB04, MP04 - 样式 models MC04, MD04 - 样式 models MA06, MB06, MP06 - 样式 models MC06, MD06 - 样式 models RA1, RA2, RB1, RB2
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