高二英语M6 U4 单词拼写练习



M6U4 单词拼写
1. Make good use of your dictionary. It will be your best as_s_i_s_ta_n_t___ that helps you learn foreign languages. 2. There is no doubt that millions of people still suffer from food shortages and st_a_r_va_t_io_n______.
10. If you're going out for a walk, I'll come along and keep you c_o_m_p_a_n_y________. 11.Children should show their a_p_p_re_c_ia_t_io_n_ for what their parents do for them.
3. The climate here is different from that of your hometown. But you will soon get accustomed to it.
4. They were so shocked by the earthquake that they retold the stories to each other after coming back.
7. If you want to ensure that you get the diploma, you have to work harder, take all these curricula and pass them. . 8. I had wanted to prove my bravery , but I failed, because to them I was only an unimportant little creature.

高二英语M6 U4 单词拼写练习

高二英语M6 U4 单词拼写练习

高二英语M6 U4 单词拼写练习1. All people are born e__________ and share e__________, that is, deserving the same rights.2. He could not a__________ for his absence from school.3. In r__________ to his occupation after graduation, he hopes to work as an a__________ in the embassy to the United States.4. Prince Sihanouk lived in China for p__________ reasons for many years till d__________.5. The students’ a__________ has been drawn to the breathtaking movie because the scenery is be yond d__________.6. To a__________ great success, you must work hard.7. Though l__________ money, they managed to send their daughter to America for further study.8. Under the u__________ of the Hope Project and the c__________ organizations, some children in r__________ mountainous areas can have access to the Internet9. The woman likes writing so much that she is v__________ to(自愿) c__________ (投稿) to the local daily10. Laziness a__________ for p__________ (懒惰导致贫困). That is why he is in __________(财产)of nothing .11. Don’t take anything __________ (属于) to others illegally, as it is p__________ .12. It is __________ (紧迫) that we should carry out the __________ (可替代的) plan.13.What they found in the m__________ areas were c__________ (坛子) of gold buried datingfrom 1500 years before.14. Some of my __________ (同事) will apply for the __________ (空缺) vice headmaster.15. So interested is he in ________ (政治)that he makes up his mind to be a ________(政治家).16. Though there were many __________ (障碍) in our communicating,we managed to understand each other with the assistance of the __________ (翻译).17. Unfortunately, the new car broke down. __________ (棘手) as it was,we finally got it restarted on the winding __________ (泥泞) path.18. C________ (混乱) ________ (使…想起) them of the terrible wartime .19. A great many volunteers from countries have made a c_________ (承诺、奉献)that theywould help to get rid of _________(细菌) in the well .20. They have made a huge __________ (利润) in the past few years.21. It is said that there are still __________ (原始的) tribes living in Africa,without safe, good enough __________ (居住地)22. The hall was ________ (拥挤) with most of the _________ (员工)referring to their salaries .23. She is by no __________ poor. As a matter of fact, she has o__________(获得)millions of pounds.24. Safe and clean water was not __________ (获得) to the people buried in the mine,let alone the h__________.25. Handmade __________ (羊毛) carpets decorated with nice and beautiful patterns sell well.26. I own a bookshop and hope to e__________ the business.27. Her thin shoes were inappropriate for such m__________ paths.28. It is said that the three young people are in p__________ the company.29. The company is beginning to e__________ products to the west.30. She’s just b__________ up with her boyfriend.31. Thoughts can also be expressed by m__________ of music.32.David is one of my best __________ (同事).33. The strong wind left the garden in c__________.34. The kitchen was in a m__________ when I got home.35. It is not easy to get h__________ of a taxi in the city center.36. The film r__________ him of what he had seen in China.37. It doesn’t make a bit of d__________ if you are late to my party.38. He gave the speech without r__________ to his notes.39. Your suggestion is worthy of c__________ (考虑).40.Your suggestion is worthy to be c__________ (考虑).41.Your suggestion is worth c__________ (考虑).42. The program of helping poor students return to school came under the u________ of the local government.43. A__________ from the ending, it’s a really good film.44. L__________ confidence makes people fail.45. One of the goals is to e_______ that fresh drinking water is a________to everyone.46. It is w__________ to consider / considering your suggestion.47. When we gave her the bad news, she b__________ down and cried.48. As you know, the UN t__________ the lives of people everywhere.49. The earthquake made more than 1.000 victims homeless.50. The Red Cross officials said they u__________ needed bread and water.高二英语M6 U4 单词拼写练习答案1. equal, equality 2 .accounted 3. reference, ambassador 4.political, death 5. atte ntion, description 6. acquire7. lacking 8. umbrella, charity, remote 9. voluntary, contribute 10 .accounts, poverty, possession 11. belonging, prohibited 12.urgent, alternative 13. mountainous, conta iners 14 colleagues, vacant 15. politics, politician 16.barriers, interpreter 17.Troubles ome, muddy 18. Chaos, reminded 19. commitment, bacteria 20.profit,expand 21. pri mitive, shelters 22.crowded, staff 23. means, obtained 24.available, heating 25. wool(l)en 26. expand 27. muddy 28. possession 29. export 30. broken 31. means 32. colleagues 33. chaos 34. mess 35. hold 36. reminded 37. difference 38. referring 39. consideration 40. c onsidered 41. considering 42. umbrella 43. Apart 44. Lacking 45. ensur e; available 46. worthwhile 47. broke 48. touches 49. victims 50. urgently。



ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ 如何做bbin代理
[单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]急救复苏时心外按压次数与人工呼吸次数比()A.30:2B.25:2C.20:2D.15:2E.10:2 [单选]在双子叶植物次生结构中具有细胞分裂能力的结构是()。A、周皮B、韧皮部C、形成层D、木质部 [单选]施工项目管理规划采用()方法,对施工过程的各项管理活动进行规划。A.成本管理B.目标管理C.进度管理D.质量管理 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]《医疗机构从业人员行为规范》适用于那些人员?()A.医疗机构的医生、护士、药剂、医技人员B.医疗机构的医护及后勤人员C.医疗机构的管理、财务、后勤等人员D.药学技术人员E.医疗机构内所有从业人员 [单选]无线列调系统中,通道自动切换功能在()设备A.调度所B.沿线地面C.传输 [问答题,简答题]紫外线强度测定仪 [多选]港口与航道工程的图纸会审,参加单位应包括()。A.总包施工单位B.分包施工单位C.设计单位D.质检单位E.监理单位 [填空题]眼睑肌层包括_____肌、______肌、_______肌。 [单选]下列因素中除哪项以外都是肾控制肾素释放的因素().A.血液中的血管紧张素ⅡB.远曲小管中钠的浓度C.肾动脉的灌注压D.肾的胆碱能受体E.肾的肾上腺素能受体 [单选]急性肾功能衰竭少尿期最常见的血镁、磷、钙代谢异常是()A.高镁、高磷、低钙B.低镁、高磷、低钙C.高镁、低磷、高钙D.低镁、高磷、高钙E.高镁、高磷、高钙 [单选]基础施工图一般由()、基础详图与文字说明三部分组成。主要作为测量放线、挖槽、抄平、确定井点排水部位、打垫层、做基础和管沟用。A.总平面图B.建筑平面图C.基础平面图D.结构施工图 [单选]睑缘裂伤缝合时准确对接睑缘最为重要和常用的缝合方法是()A.连续缝合B.皮内缝合C.褥式缝合D.间断缝合E.轻度外翻缝合 [单选,A1型题]男婴,10个月。对蛋白需要量是3.5g/kg,而成人则为1.0g/kg。其相差如此之大是因为婴儿()A.以乳类食品为主要食品B.氨基酸在体内并非完全吸收C.生长发育旺盛,需要正氮平衡D.对蛋白质的消化吸收功能差E.利用蛋白质的能力差 [问答题,简答题]投资连结产品的预期收益会怎么样? [判断题]转动的轴和固定的泵壳间的密封称轴封A.正确B.错误 [问答题,简答题]什么是近交系动物? [单选]某设计单位承担了某体育场的设计任务,则其应承担的质量责任,表述错误的是()。A.应当根据勘察成果文件进行设计,并注明工程合理使用年限B.对有特殊要求的电视转播设备,可以在设计文件中标明生产厂家C.正在送审的排水管网图纸不得进行设计交底D.对跑道地面材料质量导致的质 [单选]下列哪一项不属于新感温病的初起表现?()A.发热恶寒B.头身疼痛C.咳嗽鼻塞D.苔黄尿赤 [单选]Inmarsat-C船站在进行卫星洋区登记时,()是正确的.A.只能进行报文的接收B.可以接收EGC报文C.只能接收来自地面站的遇险报警信息D.不能进行报文的发射 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]痤疮的好发人群是()。A.婴幼儿B.老年人C.中年人D.妊娠妇女E.青少年 [单选]慢性胃炎脾胃湿热证的治法是()A.温中散寒,和胃止痛B.健脾益气,温中和胃C.养阴益胃,和中止痛D.清利湿热,醒脾化浊E.化瘀通络,和胃止痛 [单选]下列属于室外消火栓按其安装场合的分类的是()。A.承插式消火栓B.法兰式消火栓C.地上式消火栓D.100mm消火栓 [单选]传统接入网中.铜线的带宽不能满足的速度是().A.2B+DB.30B+DC.2M [单选]下列各项中,不属于现金流量表“筹资活动产生的现金流量”的是()。A.取得借款收到的现金B.吸收投资收到的现金C.处置固定资产收回的现金净额D.分配股利、利润或偿付利息支付的现金 [单选,B1型题]薤白具有的功效是()A.通阳散结,行气导滞B.散寒通阳,解毒散结,调经止痛C.通阳散结,疏肝解郁,宽中化痰D.通阳散结,燥湿化痰E.疏肝解郁,调经止痛,理气调中 [单选]编图时,对地图上的符号发生占位性矛盾,通常采用()、移位和压盖的手段来处理。A.舍弃B.概括C.合并 [单选]以下哪项不符合肥厚型心肌病超声表现A.左心室扩大B.室间隔增厚,常>15mmC.SAM现象D.左室流出道湍流频谱E.主动脉瓣收缩中期关闭现象 [单选,A型题]下列哪种片剂要求在21℃±1℃的水中3分钟即可崩解分散()A、泡腾片B、分散片C、舌下片D、普通片E、溶液片 [单选]对于一级航行通告项中有“EST”的通告,下列说法中正确的是。()A.表示该资料为永久性资料B.需要以后再发布一个航行通告以取消或代替C.到预计时间后自行失效 [单选]下列哪一项不构成商业秘密侵权()A.以盗窃、利诱、胁迫或者其他不正当手段获取权利人的商业秘密B.违反约定或者违反权利人保守秘密的要求、披露、使用或者允许他人使用所掌握的商业秘密的行为C.披露、使用或者许可他人使用以上述手段获取的商业秘密的行为D.第三人不知或不应 [单选]()是指人们依靠现代电子信息技术的手段,通过提高自身开发和利用信息资源的能力,利用信息资源推动经济发展,社会进步乃至自身生活方式变革的过程。A.数字化B.网络化C.信息化D.电子化 [单选]根据《公司法》的规定,关于国有独资公司组织机构的下列表述中,正确的有()。A.国有独资公司应该设立股东会B.国有独资公司设立董事会C.国有独资公司不设监事会D.国有独资公司董事会成员均由国家授权投资的机构委派 [单选]患者,男,54岁,工人,吞咽时困难1个月,查体发现左锁骨上淋巴结肿大,如蚕豆大小.质硬,食管钡餐造影显示食管中段管壁僵硬,有充盈缺损,下列措施哪一项最合理()A.胸部CT检查B.纤维食管镜检查C.带网气囊食管脱落细胞检查D.同位素31P检查E.颈部淋巴结检查 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]最常见的外风证候是()A.咳嗽,喉痒,鼻塞B.风疹,肤痒,麻木C.面浮,肢肿,少尿D.恶风,微热,汗出E.眩晕,抽搐,震颤 [问答题,简答题]吊装设备扶正时应注意哪些安全事项? [单选]下列哪一项是胎儿循环的遗迹A.镰状韧带B.肝十二指肠韧带C.肝静脉韧带D.冠状韧带E.以上都不是 [填空题]冷凝分离法分离合成塔出口气中的氨是根据混合气体中各组分的()温度不一样来实现的。 [单选,A1型题]WHO提出号召,出生后4~6个月内的婴儿母乳喂养率应达多少以上()A.50%B.60%C.70%D.80%E.90% [单选]()是指企业的采购部门根据过去和许多供应商打交道的经验,选取供货企业,并订购过去采购的同类产业用品。A.修正重购B.直接重购C.新购D.间接重购 [单选]细胞凋亡属于:A.液化性坏死B.干酪样坏死C.坏疽D.以上均不是E.凝固性坏死



Module 6 Unit 4 1. There are many such organizations under _______ of the government______ are ______ of the poor people across the world. A. the umbrella; as; for the purpose B. the charge; that; for the purposeD. the umbrella; that; to the C. the charge; as; to the purpose purpose2. A Goodwill Ambassador ’s visits to countries ________ the UN has programmes to help people will encourage people working on the projectsand _______ local people ’s attention to the situation. D. A. in which; to draw B. in which; drawingC. where; draw where; drew 3. The girl ______ forward to buying a new gold watch. C. referred to A. referred to lookB. refers to looking looks D. referring to look 4. It is required that the students _______ mobile phones in their school, so seldom ______ them using one.will you see C. don ’t use; A. shouldn ’t use; you will see B. not use; will you see D. shan ’t use; you will see 5. _____ in experience, she didn ’t manage to pass the interview.A. LackB. For lack ofC. Lack ofD. Lacking6. We need ____ knowledge. We also need skills on how to useknowledge in reality.A. no more thanB. more thanC. less thanD. not more than 7. It has been ______ cold this week .He went three ____ to see his grandma yesterday.especially B. especially; specially C. specially; A. specially; specially D. especially; especially8. Children are not ________ of the fact that life is hard fortheir parents to send them to school.A. knownB. awakeC. ideaD. aware 9. But for the help of my English teacher, I the first prize in the English Writing Competition. have won C. would win A. would not win B. would not D. would have won 10. They demandedthat the books __________ to the school library at once. A. return B. should return C. be returned D. would be returned11. _____ not to miss the flight at 18:20, the manager set out for the airport in a hurry. A. Reminding B. Reminded C. To remind D. Having reminded12. The doctor that will _________ him is attempting to _________ the facilities/equipment for operation. A. operate on; operate on B. operate; operate C. operate on; operate D. operate; operate on 13. Chinese people _______ the largest percentage of the population of Macao.A. add upB. make upC. set upD. hold up14. ________ is often the case, we have worked out the production plan.A. WhichB. WhenC. WhatD. As15. When you come across a new word, you can _________ the dictionary. Which is NOT true?A. look upB. refer toC. turn toD. look it up in 16. I have kept that picture __ I can see it every day as it always remindsme of my university days in London.D. whenA. in whichB. whereC. whether17. It is agreed that constant arguing doesn ’t _____ a happy marriage. 18. A. make out B. make for C. make up D. make up for My former boss ________ us ________ a new company. C. assisted; A. helped; in setting up B. assisted; in setting upinto setting up D. helped; into setting up 19. ---- We ________ to have you here tonight.--- Thank you and it is ______ for me to be invited. C. are honoured;A. honour; honourableB. honour; an honour honourable D. are honoured; an honour20. China's National Earthquake Disaster Emergency Rescue Team to Haiti _____ 60 search and rescue personnel and three sniffer dogs.21. A. makes up of B. consists of C. made up of D. consisting of shall --- Do you really want to go out? --- It may rain. _________, I go out; I don ’t mind the rain.A. AnywayB. OtherwiseC. SomehowD. Somewhat22. Does it make any ________ whether we leave at 9:00 or at 10:00? A. difference B. time C. way D. sense 23. The lock in my bag __________ me of not locking my closet.D. told A. recalled B. remembered C. reminded24. A notice was _____ in order to remind the students of the changed lecture time.25. A. sent up B. given up C. set up D. put up Tom owns _________ larger collection of books than any other student in our class. A. the; 不填 B. a; 不填 C. a; the D. 不填 ; the to our plan for the trip.26. By no means _____sheA. will she agreeB. she will agreeC. agrees sheD. will agree The picture of the violence on the black boy stirred (触动) the public 27. ________ . B. conscience C. attentionA. awarenessD. expectation 28. His health _______under the pressure of work and he had to stayin hospital for a month.A. broke upB. broke awayC. broke outD. broke down29. Fortunately, I had __________ the leading role in the movie.A. a chance to take onB. a chance for taking onC. an opportunity to take asD. an opportunity for taking as30. These children who don ’t have the skills to deal with difficultsituations may be at a disadvantage _____ with real danger.A. when facingB. when being facedC. when to faceD. when faced31. To keep healthy, Professor Johnson ___ cycling as a regular formof exercise after he retired. A. took up B. gave up C. carried out D. held up 32. Football is different from most careers because employers do not advertise that they have a _____ job in the newspapers or on the Internet.33. Though the only _________ the village is by boat, the village is_________everyone.A. access of; accessible forB. accessible for; access toC. accessible to; access toD. access to; accessible to34. He was very busy yesterday, otherwise he _____ to the meeting. 35. A. would come B. came C. would have come D. had come She made no reference _____ her illness but only her future plans. 36. A. to B. in C. of D. about ’s advanced technology Without electronic computers, much of today __________. B. have not been achieved A. will not have been achieved C. would not have been achieved D. had not been achieved 37. The picture exhibition bored me to death. I wish I_________ to it. not A. had not gone B. have not gone C. did not go D. can have gone 38. He paid for a seat, when he ______ have entered free. 39. A. could B. would C. must D. need Please have all the figures _______ to see how much they ______. A. add; add up B. added to; add up to C. add up; add up to D. added up; add up to 40. John, look at the time. _____ you play the piano at such a late hour ? A. Must as well B. Can C. May D. Need late for class, ____ sister, as her classmates who _____ criticized by Mr. Hunt. C. was D. were A. were was B. was were 42. Looking round the town, he felt as though he ______________ away for ages. B. was C. is D. had been A. has been 43. __________ the English examination I would have gone to the concert last Sunday A. In spite of B. But for C. Because of D. As for44. Dr. Frank failed many times but he finally ____ to find asuccessful way to solve the problem.A. broke intoB. broke throughC. broke downD. broke up45. His failure in the college entrance examination suggested that he _______ hard.A. not studyB. should not studyC. studyD. had notstudied with me. How would you like it ________? ---- 46. ---- The price is fine In cash, please. B. pay C. paid D. being paidA. to pay47. It is usually warm in my hometown in March , but it _____ berather cold sometime .A mustB canC shouldD would48. Look at the terrible situation I amin! If only I __________your adviceA. followB. would followC. had followedD. have followed。



厦门双十中学高二英语单元考(Unit4 Module6)Class _______ No. ______ Name ____________ Score ____________I. 单句语法填空(1*16=16)1. They were making small arms and ammunitions(弹药)____________large quantities.2. There is some doubt_____________he can win the first prize.3. The TV show, China’s Got Talent III, has a large audience, __________(range) from children to grandparents.4. It was for this reason_______her uncle moved out of New York and settled down in a small village.5. This is a cause____which he has subscribed generously.6. Strangely, Mr. Green, also__________(oppose) to the new policy, made no remark in the discussion.7. We have had a few_____________(disagree), but we’re still good friends.10. Persevance is a kind of quality---and that’s what________takes to do anything well.11. It’s already 10 o’clock. I wonder how it came___________that she was two hours late on such a short trip.12. Many experts advocate___________(reward) your child for good behavior.13. The 350-page report was based on ___________(state) from witnesses to the events.14. Prices of some goods have gone up___________(steady) these days.15. Without your help, I_________________(fail) the exam last week16. We’ve seen an enormous__________(grow) in the number of business using the Web.II. 单词拼写(每空1分,共10分)1. Research suggests that warm colors f__________our appetites.2. Each year Americans __________ (消耗) a high percentage of the world’s energy.3. He’s a good salesman, but his r_________ manner does tend to put people off.4. John was dismissed last week because of his___________(漫不经心的) attitude towards his job.5. In nature, there are lots of ________________ (现象) which can’t be explained now.7. I’ve got an a__________sort of car, nothing special.8. Last week we went to the___________(演出) of a new play.9. He is a _________(温和的) man, who is reasonable.10.He____________(扫视) through the newspaper while having breakfast.III、短文改错(每空1分,共10分)Dear Editor,Take all these factors into consideration, I sincerely hope that I can get help from you and expect the media do something for this.Yours Truly,Wang Lin2.During the industrial age, however, brainpower began to _____________more than muscle power.3.With summer approaching, the temperature is_______________quickly.4.________________what you do is right, I'll go along with you.5.________________traditional smart phone, Paper Phone is lighter in weight.V.完形填空(每小题1.5分,共30分)My grandfather went to high school in the 1920s. While in school, he became 41 in the drama program, acting in different kinds of productions. He 42 in touch with his drama teacher.My father went to high school in the 1960s. Like his 43 before him, he acted in high school. He, too, stayed in touch with his drama teacher for the rest of the teacher's 44 . I graduated in 1997. When Hoover, my drama teacher, was 45 in Alaska, I didn't want her to feel like she was ending her life 46 , so I sent her many packages, including Drama Club yearbook photos from each year she 47 there in order that she could see the students whose lives she forever 48 .Her nickname for our group of Drama Club was "the Throwaway Kids". 49 , no? She described us as that 50 we were nonconformists (不墨守成规者) that other teachers didn't 51 know what to do with. She simply 52 us for who we are, and that was exactly what we needed.41. A. famous B. active C. anxious D. attractive42. A. lost B. provided C. kept D. shared43. A. teacher B. classmate C. mother D. father44. A. life B. job C. space D. season45. A. dying B. singing C. acting D. playing46.A. poor B. angry C. anxious D. alone47. A. taught B. constructed C. ordered D. noticed48. A. protected B. developed C. scolded D. affected49. A. Interesting B. Exciting C. Shocking D. Encouraging50. A. because B. if C. but D. although[51. A. purely B. exactly C. obviously D. basically52. A. entertained B. accepted C. disliked D. demanded53. A. consuming B. contributing C. confirming D. connecting54. A. fills . B. marks C. covers D. deals55. A. After B. With C. To D. By56. A. natural B. simple C. entire D. casual57. A. fell B. rang C. broke D. rolled58. A. classmates B. soldiers C. adults D. graduates59. A. tradition B. culture C. custom D. behavior60. A. wastes B. puts C. takes D. pullsVI.阅读理解(每小题2分,共24分)AThere was one thought that air pollution affected only the area immediately around large cities with factories and heavy automobile traffic. At present, we realize that although these are the areas with the worst air pollution, the problem is literally worldwide. On several occasions over the past decade, a heavy cloud of air pollution has covered the east of the United States and brought health warnings in rural areas away from any major concentration of manufacturing and automobile traffic. In fact, the very climate of the entire earth may be infected by air pollution.Some scientists consider that the increasing concentration of carbon dioxide in the air resulting from the burning of fossil fuels (coal and oil) is creating a “greenhouse effect”—conserving heat reflected from the earth and raising the world’s average temperature. If this view is correct and the world’s temperature is raised only a few degrees, much of the polar ice cap will melt and cities such as New York, Boston, Miami, and New Orleans will be in water.Another view, less widely held, is that increasing particular matter in the atmosphere is blocking sunlight and lowering the earth’s temperature —a result that would be equally disastrous. A drop of just a few degrees could create something close to a new ice age, and would make agriculture difficult or impossible in many of our top farming areas. Today we do not know for sure that either of these conditions will happen (though one recent government report drafted by experts in the field concluded that the greenhouse effect is very possible). Perhaps, if we are lucky enough, the two tendencies will offset each other and the world’s temperature will stay about thesame as it is now. Driven by economic profits, people neglect the damage on our environment caused by the “advanced civilization”. Maybe the air pollution is the price the human beings have to pay for their development. But is it really worthwhile?1. As pointed out at the beginning of the passage, people used to think that air pollution _______.A.cause widespread damage in the countrysideB.affected the entire eastern half of the United StatesC.had damaged effect on healthD.existed merely in urban and industries areas2. As to the greenhouse effect, the author __________.A.share the same view with the scientist.B.is uncertain of its occurrenceC.rejects it as being ungroundedD.thinks that it will destroy the world soon3. The word “offset”in the second paragraph could be replaced by _________.A.slip into B.make up for C.set up D.catch up with4. It can be concluded that ____________.A.raising the world’s temperature only a few degrees would not do much harm to life on earthB.lowering the world’s temperature merely a few degrees would lead major farming areas to disaster C.almost no temperature variations have occurred over the past decadeD.the world’s temperature will remain constant in the years to come5. This passage is primarily about __________.A.the greenhouse effect B.the burning of fossil fuelsC.the potential effect of air pollution D.the likelihood of a new ice ageBA new review based on a research shows that acute stress affects the way the brain considers the advantages and disadvantages, causing it to focus on pleasure and ignore the possible negative (负面的) consequences of a decision.The research suggests that stress may change the way people make choices in predictable ways.For example, two recent studies looked at how people learned to connect images(影像) with either rewards or punishments. In one experiment, some of the participants were first stressed by having to give a speech and do difficult math problems in front of an audience; in the other, some were stressed by having to keep their hands in ice water. In both cases, the stressed participants remembered the rewarded material more accurately and the punished material less accurately than those who hadn’t gone through the stress.The research also found that stress appears to affect decision-making differently in men and women. While both men and women tend to focus on rewards and less on consequences under stress, their responses to risk turn out to be different.Men who had been stressed by the cold-water task tended to take more risks in the experiment while women responded in the opposite way. In stressful situations in which risk-taking can pay off big, men may tend to do better, when caution weighs more, however, women will win.6. We can learn from the passage that people under pressure tend to ______.A. keep rewards better in their memoryB. recall consequences more effortlesslyC. make risky decisions more frequentlyD. learn a subject more effectively7. According to the research, stress affects people most probably in their ______.A. ways of making choicesB. preference for pleasureC. tolerance of punishmentsD. responses to suggestions8. The research has proved that in a stressful situation, ______.A. women find it easier to fall into certain habitsB. men have a greater tendency to slow downD. men are more likely to take risksCThe bed should be reserved as a place for sleep, but people tend to read an iPad a lot in bed before they go to sleep.The researchers conclude in today's journal article that given the rise of e-readers and the increasingly widespread use of e-things among children and adolescents, more research into the long-term consequences of these devices on health and safety is urgently needed. Czeisler and colleagues go on, in the research paper, to note:“Reading an iPad in bed may increase cancer risk.”9. In Charles Czeislers experiment, all the subjects were asked to______.A. sit in a row and receive the strict testsB. have their sleep patterns observed all nightD. have their blood tested per hour during the trial10. The third paragraph tells us the iPad readers were likely to____________.A. feel less sleepy and tired in the dayB. fall asleep more easily after readingD. have a lot more melatonin secretion11. The special software recently developed can______.B. help prevent eyes being harmed by short wavelengthD. be used in all the e-things widely and safely12. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?A. No e-reading in bed before sleepB. New software for night e-readersKeys:I. 单句语法填空(1*16=16)11. about 12. rewarding 13. statements 14. steadily 15. would have failed 16. growthII. 单词拼写(每空1分,共10分)1. fuel2. consume3. random4. casual5. phenomena6. tendency7.average8.presentationd 10.glancedIII、短文改错(每空1分,共10分)Dear Editor,but somethingthe problem of some people keeping too many pets nowadays. I take a problem more andthemore seriously for the following reasons. First of all, as it is known to people, pets make so much noise that it troubled residents a lot. What's more, it is widely accepted that animaltroubleswhichlike taking their pets to public place where they may frighten children or even bite people.placesThe mostly important is that pets can spread some diseases and this has attracted muchmostattention.Take all these factors into consideration, I sincerely hope that I can get help fromTakingyou and expect the media ∧do something for this.toYours Truly,Wang LinIV.用方框内短语的适当形式填空:(2*5=10分)V.完形填空(每小题1.5分,共30分)41-45 BCDAA 46-50 DADCA 51-55 BBBBC 56-60 CBDACVI.阅读理解(每小题2分,共24分)1-5 DBBBC 6-8 AAD 9-12. BCCA6 .A第一段中,acute stress affects the way the brain considers the advantages and disadvantages,causing it to focus on pleasure a nd ignore the possible negative consequences of a decision,可知压力下的人们经常keep rewards better in their memory.7.A第二段中,The research suggests that stress may change the way people make choices in predictable ways.8.D第七段中,Men who had been stressed by the cold-water task tended to take more risks in the experiment while women respo nded in the opposite way.可以看出是男性在压力下更容易冒险。

2021年高中英语 Unit4-6单词练习北师大版必修2

2021年高中英语 Unit4-6单词练习北师大版必修2

2021年高中英语 Unit4-6单词练习北师大版必修2Ⅰ.品句填词1.I must admit I’ve never found him particularly a________.2.The a________of 3,8 and 10 is 7.3.Hats are in f________again this year.4.The local newspaper made a________for an interview with Professor Stein.5.Was King Arthur a real________(历史的)figure?6.The man is a ________(罪犯).How could the people elect him to office?7.The best part of the trip was the________(风景,景色).It was fantastic.8.How long will it be before we get to the________(目的地)?Ⅱ.短语识境1.I’ll lend it to you ________ you handle it with care.2.New Zealand________from the rest of the land on Earth for 80 million years.3.—Can I speak to Lucy,please?—Just________a second.4.The Bank of China________in the center of the city.5.The city has lots of good beaches for water sports ________ lots of good placesto fish.6.She had finally________her promise to quit smoking.7.What are you________this weekend?8.His dream to be a doctor________at last.Unit 5 RhythmPart oneⅠ.品句填词1.The first step in making a cake is to c________the milk with butter.2.The a________at the theatre enjoyed every minute of the performance.3.The red lines on the map r________railways.4.The news that our national team had won the match spread t________ the country.5.Pianos and violins are both musical________(乐器).6.Does this medicine have a good________(效果)on you?7.Of course our kids________(失望)us sometimes,but we don’t stop loving them.8.Never judge someone only by his or her________(外表).Ⅱ.短语识境1.We can see Yangge dancers________beautiful clothes dancing in the street during festivals.2.________that,they haven’t decided yet.3.The theme of the dialogue should________the theme of the reading passage.4.In the 1960s m y parents________Beatles’ songs.5.The children rushed out of the classroom________their lesson.6.They are all attractive,but Mary stood out________her height.7.It is said that a new book by the famous writer________next month.8.The boss gave you a long leave of absence.________,you were fired.Part twoⅠ.单词拼写1.One of the e________of this illness is that you lose your hair.2.We have changed the whole a________of the house just by painting it.3.He bought an o________car,nothing special.4.What was their r________to the news that they won the game?5.The performance was wonderful and the a________stood clapping and cheering.6.We all know that each person’s fingerprints are________(唯一的).7.The teacher made me________(对……负责的) to her for keeping the class in order while she went out.8.The boy showed a great________(天赋) for painting at an early age.9.Who gave you________(允许,许可) to use the puter in the lab freely?10.In the last 20 years South Korea has been________(转化) into an advanced industrial power.Ⅱ.短语运用to the music;e out;be used to;on one’s own;back and forth;give up;go on;refer to;for sure;fit in with11.Our local newspaper______________every Friday.12.He always sings the same song______________.13.After reading the text several times,he______________to copy it.14.I am sure he will______________the others well.15.The ferries sail____________________between the island and the mainland every day.16.In his speech,he didn’t____________the problem at all.17.I think he’ll be back on Monday,but I ca n’t say______________.18.I made this wardrobe all________________.19.Peter________________a promising career in law to bee a teacher.20.Her grandfather________________living in the countryside.Ⅲ.句子翻译21.那一天,我第一次遇到我最好的朋友。


表现网点服务精神并且得到上级领导肯定,便可获得卓越服务的荣誉。原则上,卓越级表扬面向全体员工,但获得该荣誉人数一般不超过网点员工总数的15%。A.正确B.错误 血中还原血红蛋白超过多少时皮肤黏膜可出现发绀A.50g/LB.55g/LC.60g/LD.65g/LE.70g/L HIV感染者体内哪种体液含HIV的浓度最高。A.尿液B.唾液C.血液D.汗液E.乳汁 患者就诊时最感痛苦的症状、体征及其持续时间,属A.现在症B.现病史C.主诉D.生活史E.既往史 下列疾病均属联合免疫缺陷病人(SCID),除了A.瑞士型无丙种球蛋白血症B.腺苷脱氨酶缺乏症C.网状组织发育不良D.伴有血小板减少和湿疹的免疫缺陷病E.性联淋巴细胞减少伴低丙种球蛋白血症 可靠性如果完成规定功能是指系统的技术性能,则可靠性指标可用间隔时间来描述。 一般检查细菌形态最常用的是。A.荧光显微镜B.暗视野显微镜C.电子显微镜D.普通光学显微镜E.相差显微镜 可以经批准参照《公务员法》进行管理的是。A.法律、法规授权的具有公共管理职能的事业单位中除工勤人员以外的工作人员B.民主党派机关工作人员C.人民团体工作人员D.群众团体工作人员 睫状体A.位于虹膜的外后方B.是血管膜最肥厚的部分C.是吸收房水的部位D.睫状肌的舒缩可调节晶状体的曲度E.睫状肌属平滑肌 在被疑为狂犬病的小狗咬伤后,下列处理错误的是A.挤出污血,尽快用肥皂水反复冲洗至少半小时B.冲洗后用70%的酒精涂拭C.冲洗后用浓碘酒涂拭D.冲洗后的伤口尽早缝合包扎,以防细菌感染E.用抗狂犬病血清在伤口处行浸润注射 不属于敌对进路。A.同一到发线上对向的列车进路B.同一到发线上对向的调车进路C.同一到发线上对向的列车进路与调车进D.同一咽喉区对向重迭的调车进路 患者,男,23岁,因上呼吸道感染,剧烈咳嗽,持续发热而就诊,测体温持续在39~40℃左右一周时间,且一天内体温波动幅度不超过1℃。对其发热护理下列哪项不正确()A.每8小时测量一次体温B.及时补充水分和电解质C.做好口腔护理D.少量多餐,注意补充营养E.注意观察病情,防止退 下列哪种血液病的诊断需要求助于五官科医师会诊()A.骨髓瘤B.巨幼细胞性贫血C.轻型血友病D.皮肤性淋巴瘤E.粒细胞缺乏症 预防手术感染部位使用抗生素的最佳给药时间是术前小时,如手术时间超过小时,可再加用一次,手术后用药一般不超过天。 EDTA盐抗凝剂不宜用于A.红细胞计数B.白细胞计数C.血小板计数D.白细胞分类计数E.凝血象检查和血小板功能试验 下列何药可加重胃、十二指肠溃疡A.利舍平B.可乐定C.米诺地尔D.肼屈嗪E.甲基多巴 关于真菌,下列说法不正确的是A.是真核类微生物B.不耐热,在低温下不能长期存活C.真菌喜温暖潮湿D.基本结构为菌丝E.部分真菌具有双相性 No.7信令系统是国际标准化的信令系统。 类风湿关节炎患者,Ig以哪型增高为主A.IgGB.IgAC.IgMD.IgEEIgD 下列物质状态中,分子间隙最小的是A.液体B.气体C.固体D.胶体 下丘脑的结构中不包括A.视交叉B.灰结节C.乳头体D.漏斗E.松果体 197726型滚动轴承采用G20CrNi2MoA轴承钢的主要原因是。A、强度比GCr15钢高B、硬度和耐磨性比GCr15钢好C、承受冲击的韧性比GCr15钢要好D、价格比GCr15钢低 关于装斗的说法错误的是A.一般饮片的装斗量应装满容积B.全草类或种子类饮片要过筛过罗C.鲜药如生姜、芦根等均须洁净之后放置备用D.青黛、滑石、蒲黄、马勃、车前子、葶苈子等饮片须垫纸盛装E.外观形体相似的饮片应核准名签,以免装错斗 提出环境保护措施设计,是阶段的主要内容之一。A.项目建议书B.预可行性研究C.可行性研究D.初步设计 梅奥(GeorgeEltonMayo,1880~1949)以著名的霍桑试验(HawthorneExperiment)为基础,开创性地探索了员工在企业生产中的人群关系,系统研究了作为的员工及其社会需要的满足问题,最终创立了人际关系学说。A.社会人B.自然人C.行为人D.思想人 国际货物运输保险 船舶的浮心B是指船舶。A.总重量的中心B.受风面积的中心C.水线面面积的中心D.水下排水体积形状的几何中心 垂向加积作用 运输改变了物品的时间状态,更重要的是改变了物品的状态。A.品种B.批量C.风险D.空间 下列哪一项不属于家庭成员的基本情况及分析。A.家庭的收入状况B.客户本人的性格分析C.客户投资偏好分析D.家庭重要成员性格分析 排烟口应设置在顶棚或靠近顶棚的墙面上,且与附近安全出口沿走道方向相邻边缘之间的最小水平距离不应小于米。A、1B、1.5C、2D、3 银监会对银行业金融机构的变更、终止申请,应当在自收到申请文件之日起个月内作出批准或者不批准的书面决定A.1B.2C.3D.4 社区建设的基本原则是什么? 酒精发酵中,醇类的生成主要由微生物对、、等物的作用。 某市化妆品生产企业为增值税一般纳税人,2014年10月上旬从国外进口一批高档化妆品,关税完税价格为150万元,进口关税60万元。本月内企业将进口化妆品的80%继续生产加工化妆品7800件,对外批发销售6000件,取得不含税销售额300万元;剩余的20%进口化妆品直接对外销售,取得不含税收 26岁,G1P0孕39周,因胎膜早破临产16小时,相对性头盆不称,行剖宫产术,术中出血400ml,术后4天连续体温38~39℃,诊断为产褥感染。出现下列哪种体征支持此诊断A.咳嗽,双肺可闻干性啰音B.乳腺肿胀,可及硬结,有压痛C.尿频、尿痛,一侧肾区叩击痛D.宫底平脐有压痛,恶露血性混浊 12岁女孩,外院诊断为"先天性心脏病",近因头昏、失眠来诊。体检:肺动脉瓣区有Ⅱ级收缩期杂音,柔和,不传导,肺动脉瓣区第2音正常,无分裂。心电图及超声心动图正常。此时处理应是A.通知家属来院面谈B.请班主任来院联系C.建议每半年随访一次D.解释为生理性杂音,消除顾虑E.作心 贷款人有权参与处于兼并、破产或股份制改造等过程中的借款人的债务重组,应当要求借款人落实贷款还本付息事宜。A.正确B.错误 心肌灌注常用显像剂为A.['['C-PAB.F-FDGC.D.E. 下列不属于评估战略备选方案通常使用的标准的是。A.战略的适宜性B.战略的可接受性C.战略的可行性D.战略的可操作性


包单位没有按照审批方案搭设外围脚手架,总承包单位安全人员发现后及时予以制止,并要求整改,但分包仍一意孤行拒不改正,最终导致脚手架失稳而发生坍塌事故致两人死亡,则总、分包单位之间对该安全事故()。A.总承包单位承担责任B.幕墙分包单位承担责任C.总、分包单位承担 《中药品种保护条例》受保护的中药品种必须是A.列入《中华人民共和国药典》的品种B.国家对部分重点中药材购销实行严格管理的品种C.国家实行进出口管理的中药材品种D.列入国家药品标准的品种E.列入国家重点保护的野生药材物种名录的品种 21-三体综合征发病率与下列哪个因素关系最密切A.母孕期前3个月有感冒病史的发病率高B.孕期有放射线接触史的发病率高C.母亲怀孕的年龄越大,该病的发病率越高D.父母酗酒E.父母系近亲结婚 8051单片机的核心部件是。A、算术/逻辑运算部件ALU;B、8位中央处理器CPU;C、内部存储器;D、16位中央处理器CPU。 麻疹多流行于。A.春夏季B.春秋季C.春冬季D.夏秋季E.秋冬季 消化性溃疡患者的饮食应是()A.每日三餐定时进食B.适量刺激性食物C.高脂肪食物D.膳食纤维多的食物E.少量多餐,无刺激性和膳食纤维少的食物 心肺复苏操作中的必需的步骤不包括。A.拍打双肩,大声呼唤B.观察有无呼吸C.判断颈动脉是否搏动D.松解腰带E.开放气道 [单选,案例分析题]患者女性,25岁,近半年来反复中上腹疼痛,痛向背部放射,伴反酸与夜间痛。既往曾有2次黑便史。为明确诊断,应首先的检查有。A.胃镜检查B.钡餐检查C.血清胃泌素D.胃液分析E.大便潜血试验 收益是通过对财产的占有、使用、经营、转让而取得经济效益,收益权。A.只能由所有人行使B.只能由非所有人行使C.只能由所有人和非所有人共同行使D.既可以由所有人行使,也可以依法由非所有人行使 距离近段在46-76厘米之间的距离称为。A.亲密距离B.个人距离C.社交距离D.公众距离 船舱破损前,舱内货物越多,则渗透率。A.越大B.越小C.不变D.不定 某市地铁工程施工作业面内,因大量水和流沙涌入,引起部分结构损坏及周边地区地面沉降,造成3栋建筑物严重倾斜,直接经济损失约合1.5亿元。根据《生产安全事故报告和调查处理条例》规定,该事故的等级属于。A.特别重大事故B.重大事故C.较大事故D.一般事故 对医术与医德之间关系的理解有误的是A."医乃仁术"B.有能力做的就应该去做C."大医精诚"D.临床医学决策同时也是伦理决策E.前沿医学技术应用于临床必须有医德参与 下列关于“五腔心”层面描述,正确的是()A."五腔心"层面即为左心室流出道层面B.此层面可见主动脉窦C.可见左、右心房D.可见左、右心室E.可见下腔静脉 规则执行力的五个关键因素中___保障。A.协调B.反馈C.责任D.决心 交感神经节后纤维释放的递质是AChB.NEC.5-HTDAE.多数为NE,少数为ACh 以下关于大疱性类天疱疮典型皮损的描述错误的是A.在外观正常皮肤或红斑基础上发生B.紧张性大疱C.尼氏征阳性D.少数患者可表现为风团等非特异性皮损 MCS-51系列单片机的P3口当作第二功能使用时,P3.0作为。A、串行口输入;B、串行口输入;C、外部中断"0"输入;D、外部中断"1"输入。 符合下颌第一乳磨牙特点的是。A.面似以近中缘为底的三角形B.颊面远中缘长于近中缘C.近中颊颈嵴特别突出D.颊面似以远中缘为底的三角形E.牙根细长,分叉度小 不能用水扑救未切断电源的电气设备火灾,水为导体,有触电的危险。A.正确B.错误 套内建筑面积不包括。A.套内墙体面积B.分摊的共有建筑面积C.套内使用面积D.阳台建筑面积 存在于宿主血液中的寄生虫抗原为A.功能抗原B.循环抗原C.排泄分泌抗原D.表面抗原E.体抗原 患者,女,25岁。身体状况良好,主诉近期计划怀孕,到妇幼保健医院口腔科进行口腔检查,并咨询相关口腔保健问题。妊娠期口腔环境不良的主要原因是A.刷牙次数减少B.进食软食较多C.营养品摄入过多D.妊娠期间睡眠较多E.妊娠期间激素改变 伤寒的基本病变是A.大单核细胞增生B.库普弗(kupffer)细胞增生C.嗜酸粒细胞增生D.胶质细胞增生E.网状细胞增生 反映港口机械化作业程序的机械化作业比重是()的百分比。A.机械作业操作吨之和/总操作吨B.机械作业工序吨之和/工艺过程总工序吨C.机械作业吞吐量之和/总吞吐量D.机械作业装卸自然吨之和/总装卸自然吨 下列哪一按钮不是Word中格式工具栏中的对齐按钮A.两端对齐B.左对齐C.c.右对齐D.居中在字体格式中 关于腹股沟直疝的叙述不正确的是A.疝囊从腹壁下动脉内侧腹股沟三角区突出B.多见于老年男性,常双侧C.透光试验不透光D.绝大多数为后天性E.容易嵌顿 女性,58岁,昏迷1天入院,既往无糖尿病史,血压20/10.7kPa,血糖38mmol/L,血钠152mmol/L,血pH7.32,血酮体弱阳性,可能的诊断是A.糖尿病酮症酸中毒B.饥饿性酮症酸中毒C.高渗性非酮症性糖尿病昏迷D.乳酸性酸中毒E.脑血管意外 根据有无隔离变压器,光伏并网逆变器可分为和。 体温测量方法包括________测温法、________测温法、________测温法、________测温法。 复杂部分性发作的病损在A.中央前回B.黑质-纹状体C.颞叶D.枕叶E.小脑 危险货物运输的性能试验中的跌落试验,Ⅰ类包装的跌落高度为多少米? 固定桥粘固后不久,患者感到胀痛不适,主要见于。A.咬合过高B.基牙负担过重C.桥体龈端接触过紧D.接触点过紧E.粘固剂溢出 车辆在道路上行驶时,要求道路及道路两旁提供一定的视距空间以保证行车安全,称为视距限界。限界主要有等种类。A.横向视距限界B.平面弯道视距限界C.纵向视距限界D.交叉口视距限界E.会车视距限界 三环类抗抑郁药的作用机制是A.抑制中枢神经末梢对去甲肾上腺素的再摄取B.抑制中枢神经末梢对5-羟色胺的再摄取C.副作用与M1受体、α受体、H1受体阻断作用有关D.以上皆是E.以上皆否 自动控制系统的必须是。A、具有被调参数负反馈的闭环系统B、开环系统C、具有被调参数正反馈的闭环系统D、闭环系统 承包方提出变更价款后和调整合同价前完成的首要工作是。A.发包方审查B.工程师审查C.发包方和承包方之间协商D.工程师和承包方之间协商 某男孩体检,身长75cm,体重9.5kg,前囟0.5cm×0.5cm,出牙8个月,刚会走,脊柱出现第3个弯曲,能叫出物品名字,认识碗、勺,其年龄大约是()A.3岁B.2岁C.1.5岁D.1岁E.10个月 假如公司要实现实际增长率高于可持续增长率,则可以采取的手段有。A.增发新股B.提高销售净利率C.提高资产负债率D.提高资产周转率


[名词解释]原始群 [单选]关于肋骨骨折,下述哪项不正确()A.直接暴力或间接暴力均可致伤B.以成年和老年人多见C.以第4~7肋骨最易发生骨折D.间接暴力所致肋骨骨折易致气胸E.骨折可发生于单肋,也可发生于多肋 [单选]颅底部横轴位MR扫描,图像前部出现半环形无信号区,可能为()。A.化学位移伪影B.金属异物伪影C.卷褶伪影D.截断伪影E.搏动伪影 [单选]脊柱损伤后,跟腱反射消失,膝腱反射正常,可能为脊髓哪一节段损伤()A.S1以下B.S2以下C.L5以下D.L2以下E.T12以下 [问答题,案例分析题]背景材料:某道路改建工程A合同段,道路正东西走向,全长973.5m,车行道宽度15m,两边人行道各3m与道路中心线平行且向北,需新建DN800mm雨水管道973m。新建路面结构为150mm厚砾石砂垫层,350mm厚二灰混合料基层,80mm厚中粒式沥青混凝土,40mm厚SMA改性沥青混 [单选]煤的挥发分是指煤在与空气隔绝的容器中,高温加热一定时间后,从中分体-水分 [单选]以下关于索赔的说法中,不正确的是()。A.索赔具有双向性B.索赔只能由承包商向业主提出C.索赔以实际发生了经济损失或权利损害为前提D.索赔可分为工期索赔和费用索赔 [问答题,简答题]常用口罩特点 [单选]关于安氏Ⅱ类错?,下列说法不正确的是()A.安氏Ⅱ类错?是一个单纯的错类型B.安氏Ⅱ类错?中大多数上颌骨位正常C.在上颌骨位置异常者中,上颌后明显多于上颌前突D.上牙弓后缩多于上牙弓前突E.安氏Ⅱ类错?中约60%患者下颌后缩 [单选]()是指人们依靠现代电子信息技术的手段,通过提高自身开发和利用信息资源的能力,利用信息资源推动经济发展,社会进步乃至自身生活方式变革的过程。A.数字化B.网络化C.信息化D.电子化 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]胸外心脏按压的正确部位是()A.胸骨上中1/3交界处B.胸骨下1/3C.胸骨左缘第4肋间D.胸骨中下1/3交界处E.胸骨左缘第4肋间腋中线上 [多选]以下eSpaceU1910说法正确的是:()A.eSpaceU1910支持100个以下内部用户的业务需求B.eSpaceU1930支持100个以上、300个以下内部用户的业务需求C.eSpaceU1930支持300个以上、1000个以下内部用户的业务需求。D.eSpaceU1980支持300个以上、10000个以下内部用户的业务需求 [单选]关于透光率(T)的叙述,错误的是()A.域值为0≤T≤1B.它是指照片上某处的透光程度C.T=1时,表明入射光全部被吸收D.T=1时,表明入射光全部通过照片E.在数值上等于透光程度与入射光强之比 [单选,A1型题]不属于儿童铅中毒的主要临床表现是()A.注意力障碍B.体格生长缓慢C.攻击性行为增多D.头痛、腹痛E.肝、肾损伤 [单选]色彩的画面效果需要依靠色彩要素的对比协调处理来体现,那么,色彩的要素包括()。A、色相、纯度、冷暖、光感B、色相、对比度、冷暖、纯度C、色相、冷暖、纯度、明度D、对比度、光感强度、冷暖、纯度 [问答题,案例分析题]背景材料: [单选]以下各项中可能成为行政主体的是()。A.国家权力机关B.人民检察院C.国家行政机关D.治安联防组织 [单选,A1型题]静脉肾盂造影检查前的护理,下列哪项是错误的()A.常规肠道准备B.准备泛影葡胺造影剂C.做碘过敏试验D.鼓励病人多饮水E.禁食,排空小便 [填空题]GCr15为滚珠轴承刚,“G”表示(),15表示()。 [单选]通过回转接头与出油接合管相连接,用卷扬机带动升降,可选择抽取罐内任何部位油品,一般只安装在润滑油或特种油品罐上的附件是()。A.罐顶结合管与罐壁接合管B.量油孔C.升降管D.泡沫发生器 [单选]()接口:承载BSS和PCF之间数据的传输。A8B.A9C.A10D.Z11 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]DSA造影期间一般进行两次曝光,一次是在对比剂到达感兴趣区之前,一次是在()A.对比剂到达感兴趣区之后B.对比剂到达感兴趣区并出现最大浓度时C.对比剂到达感兴趣区并出现最大浓度后D.对比剂到达感兴趣区并出现最大浓度前E.对比剂消退后 [单选]炮眼深度超过1m时,封泥长度不得小于()。A.0.3mB.0.4mC.0.5m [单选,A1型题]关于前列腺增生(BPH)的鉴别诊断,不包括()A.神经源性膀胱B.膀胱颈挛缩C.前列腺癌D.尿道狭窄E.膀胱憩室 [单选]船舶在涨潮末的转潮期间,或在弱回流区中,由于航道狭窄,或为了避免复杂的掉头操纵,可采用:()。A.抛锚驶靠B.横移驶靠C.顺流驶靠D.滑行驶靠 [单选,A1型题]下列关于核心信念的表述正确的是()A.位于认知表层显著位置B.与早年生活经历有关C.在意识层面被自己所认识D.在中间信念基础上形成E.明显的影响认知模式 [单选,A1型题]现代医学模式是指()A.生物-心理-社会医学模式B.生物医学模式C.高新技术医学模式D.整体医学模式E.分子医学模式 [多选]基坑施工时的安全技术要求有()。A.基坑坡度或围护结构的确定方法应科学B.尽量减少基坑顶边的堆载C.基坑顶边不得行驶载重车辆D.做好降水措施,确保基坑开挖期间的稳定E.严格按设计要求开挖和支撑 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]以下哪项不适用于银屑病的治疗()A.水疗B.中频电C.红外线D.三联疗法E.PUVA疗法 [填空题]现已确定石油中烃类主要是()、()、()。 [单选,A型题]调查人群对白喉有无免疫力可进行()A.锡克试验B.EleK平板试验C.狄克试验D.外斐试验E.Ascoli试验 [单选]合作社可以从制度上弥补()和政府调控作用的不足。A.市场缺陷B.生产力发展C.基础设施建设D.农产品质量管理 [单选]现浇钢筋混凝土板最小厚度不正确的有()。A.民用建筑单向楼板60mmB.工业建筑单向楼板60mmC.双向板80mmD.无梁楼板150mm [单选]阀控式密封铅酸蓄电池组,在下列哪项容量以上时宜设专用蓄电池室()?A.50AhB.100AhC.150AhD.200Ah [单选]规定采矿许可证制度的法律是()。A.煤炭法B.矿产资源法C.矿山安全法D.安全生产法 [问答题]八宝珍珠散功效与作用 [单选]高血压病患者,伴劳力型心绞痛,选择的最佳降压药物是().A.利尿剂B.β受体阻滞剂C.ACEID.ai受体阻滞剂E.钙拮抗剂 [单选]建构于教育者和被教育者之间起桥梁或沟通作用的一切事物的总和是()A.教育内容B.教育材料C.教育手段D.教学媒介 [判断题]制图综合程度的大小只受图解尺寸的影响。A.正确B.错误 [问答题,论述题]试述番茄高密度一穗果栽培要点。


[单选]下列与SLE病情活动性无关的实验室检查是()。A.血清C3、C4下降B.细胞数正常C.抗dsDNA抗体升高D.蛋白尿增多E.红细胞沉降率加快 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]下列疾病中,可导致右心室后负荷过重的是()。A.房间隔缺损B.主动脉瓣关闭不全C.动脉导管未闭D.慢性阻塞性肺气肿E.肺动脉瓣关闭不全 [单选]下列有关公务员录用的说法哪一项是正确的?()A.曾被开除公职的人原则上不得录用为公务员,但表现特别突出者不受此限制B.录用公务员须遵循统一程序,不得因录用特别职位的公务员而简化程序C.招录机关提出的拟录用人员名单应予以公示D.市级以下公务员主管部门可以对拟任职位 [问答题,简答题]金融机构的反洗钱义务是什么? [单选]慢性支气管炎急性发作期的主要治疗措施为()A.控制呼吸道感染B.给予祛痰药物C.给予止咳药物D.应用解痉平喘药E.吸入糖皮质激素 [单选]关于胃贲门区的超声解剖,叙述错误的是()。A.贲门位于食管下端与胃底交界处B.贲门位于肝左外侧叶后方C."鸟嘴征"是贲门及周围结构的长轴图像,鸟嘴尖端指向胃底D.贲门长轴图像呈上小下大的喇叭状结构E.短轴图像上贲门的食管端呈靶环样结构 [单选]《国务院关于投资体制改革的决定》要求,对使用政府性资金投资建设的项目,实行()管理。A.审批制B.核准制C.备案制D.注册制 [单选]中医学的治疗法则不包括()A.治病求本、扶正祛邪B.整体观念、辨证治疗C.调整阴阳D.调整脏腑功能E.调整气血关系,相因制宜 [单选]使用证据需要对已收集到的证据进行()的审查判断。A、客观性B、合法性C、关联性D、以上都是 [多选]以下几种机关之间,因工作需要往来公文,可以使用函的有()。A.省财政厅与省经贸委B.××大学与市劳动局C.省教委与省人民政府D.县公安局与乡人民政府 [单选]期末资产负债表"应付债券"项目应根据()填列。A."应付债券"科目的总账余额B."应付债券"科目所属明细账借贷方余额相抵后的金额C."应付债券"科目的总账期末余额扣除一年内到期偿还部分后的金额D."应付债券--债券面值"科目余额 [单选]氧气输送管道上每个阀门法兰之间跨接导线,并保证跨接电阻小于()Ω。A、0.01B、0.02C、0.03D、0.04 [单选]于油轮,在对机舱燃油辅助锅炉进行吹灰作业前,应先经得()同意。A.轮机长B.值班轮机员C.值班驾驶员D.大副 [单选,A1型题]111IN和113mIn互为()A.同位素B.同中子素C.同质异能素D.同量异位素E.同分异构体 [名词解释]条码 [单选,A4型题,A3/A4型题]男,10月,呕吐3天,腹泻4天,因无尿8小时入院,诊断重度等渗脱水伴酸中毒、营养不良。给以补液后12小时纠正脱水、酸中毒,16小时突然出现惊厥。最可能的诊断()A.低钙惊厥B.脑水肿C.低钠血症D.低镁血症E.低钾血症 [问答题,简答题]硫铵正常出料操作? [单选,A1型题]下列各项,不属于温燥证临床表现的是()。A.发热有汗B.咽喉疼痛C.口渴饮水D.舌红脉浮数E.无汗头痛 [名词解释]镜像阶段 [单选]下列温病中不属于新感温病的是:().A.风温B.伏暑C.暑温D.湿温 [单选]一3岁男孩,消瘦明显,右上腹饱满,触及巨大肿块,B.超探及右上腹巨大分叶状肿块,边界清晰,内回声不均,肝右叶向上推移,右肾下移至盆腔,可能是A.右腹膜后神经纤维瘤B.肾母细胞瘤C.神经母细胞瘤D.肾上腺皮质腺癌E.肝母细胞瘤 [判断题]办理外币储蓄业务,存款本金用外币支付,利息用人民币支付。A.正确B.错误 [单选]由婴儿到成人,上颌骨宽度增长约为()。A.1.0倍B.1.6倍C.3.2倍D.0.8倍E.2.0倍 [问答题,案例分析题]背景材料: [多选]下列各项中,关于政府补助表述正确的有()。A.企业取得与资产相关的政府补助应确认为递延收益B.企业取得与收益相关的政府补助应计入当期收益或递延收益C.企业取得与资产相关的政府补助应一次性全额计入营业外收入D.政府补助包括与资产相关的政府补助和与收益相关的政府 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]以下不是长骨的是()A.腓骨B.肋骨C.跖骨D.掌骨E.指骨 [单选]感染性心内膜炎的最常见病原菌是()A.金黄色葡萄球菌B.肠球菌C.草绿色链球菌D.溶血性链球菌E.白色葡萄球菌 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]下列描述中错误的是()A.全面发育障碍、孤独谱系障碍及广泛发育障碍是同一个概念B.儿童孤独症是孤独谱系障碍中主要疾病C.一般来说,儿童孤独症起病年龄越小症状越轻D.多数病例发育异常开始于婴幼儿期E.孤独症主要表现为与人交往、交流沟通、兴趣行为等方 [单选]对误服强酸所引起的急性腐蚀性胃炎,下列治疗哪项是错误的()A.镁乳B.碳酸氢钠C.氢氧化铝凝胶D.牛奶E.蛋清 [单选]()是在调查组下面分设若干调查小组分头调查,适用于涉及面广、调查取证难度较大的案件。A、母子式B、联合式C、纵向联合式D、横向联合式 [单选]炉膛火焰电视监视系统的检测部件需具有控制保护系统,其主要作用是()。A、超温保护;B、控制通风;C、吹扫;D、控制方向。 [单选]花岗岩一般用途的弯曲强度为()MPa。A.6B.7C.8D.9 [填空题]执行机构绝缘电阻应合格,通电试合时动作平衡,开度指示()。 [问答题,简答题]简述中央银行经理国库的优越性。 [单选]在一般智能建筑系统中,应优先考虑使用的火灾探测器为()。A.感烟火灾探测器B.感光火灾探测器C.感温火灾探测器D.气体火灾探测器 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]非疼痛刺激引起疼痛,疼痛刺激引起更强的疼痛是()A.Tinel征B.疼痛过敏C.疼痛累加D.放射痛E.风湿痛 [单选]项某是某建筑公司司机,在一工地驾车作业时违反操作规程,不慎将一名施工工人轧死,对项某的行为应当()。A.按过失致人死亡罪处理B.按交通肇事罪处理C.按重大责任事故罪处理D.按意外事件处理 [单选]元素化合价降低是由于()得到了电子。A、氧化B、还原C、电解D、电离 [单选]平安险不承保()。A.矿砂B.钢材C.黄金制品D.铸铁制品 [单选]颈髓损伤患者的临床表现中,不包括()A.上下肢无力B.感觉丧失C.双下肢肌肉牵张反射减弱D.双下肢肌张力增加E.巴彬斯基征阳性



[单选]6月份大豆现货价格为5000元/吨,某经销商计划在9月份大豆收获时买入500吨大豆。由于担心价格上涨,以5050元/吨的价格买入500吨11月份的大豆期货合约。到9月份,大豆现货价格上涨至5200元/吨,此时期货价格也涨至5250元/吨,此时买入现货并平仓期货。则该经销商进行套期 [问答题,简答题]学校开展心理健康教育的基本途径。 [单选,A1型题]牛的性成熟期年龄是()A.8~14月龄B.15~23月龄C.18月龄D.15月龄E.10~12月龄 [单选,A1型题]过敏性休克,治疗应首选的药物是()。A.地塞米松B.肾上腺素C.甲氰咪胍D.低分子右旋糖酐E.间羟胺 [判断题]土地的社会主义全民所有制,具体采取的是社会主义国家所有制的形式,由社会主义国家代表全体劳动人民占有属于全民的土地,行使占有、使用、收益和处分等权利。A.正确B.错误 [单选,B1型题]高血压脑病的治疗首选()A.硝普钠B.呋塞米C.洛汀新(贝那普利)D.硝苯地平E.利血平 [单选]以合同的成立是否以标的物的交付为必要条件为标准划分,合同可以分为()。A.双务合同和单务合同B.诺诚合同和实践合同C.主合同和从合同D.有名合同和无名合同 [单选]有关窗技术的理解,下列哪个不妥()A.利用窗技术,将人体组织分为的2000个分度,调整到人眼所能辨别的16个灰阶中B.窗位是指窗宽上限、下限CT值的平均数C.窗位、窗中心是指一个概念D.为显示不同组织影像,应在规范的范围调整E.窗口技术调整的目的,是为了拍摄出一张对比良好的 [单选]()是指企事业单位内从事各种专业技术工作的个人可能因工作上的失误导致的损害赔偿责任。A、AB、BC、CD、D [判断题]六腑是指胃、胆、大肠、小肠、脑、膀胱。A.正确B.错误 [多选]下面关于“任务导向VS效果导向”的区别说法正确的是?()A、任务导向(指定)B、效果导向(自愿)C、任务导向(负责任)D、效果导向(借口) [单选]中医学的治疗法则不包括()A.治病求本、扶正祛邪B.整体观念、辨证治疗C.调整阴阳D.调整脏腑功能E.调整气血关系,相因制宜 [填空题]医疗保险按经营的性质可分为()、()。 [单选]用于治疗肥厚性鼻炎的硬化剂为()。A.1%普鲁卡因B.80%甘油C.氯仿D.地塞米松E.以上都不是 [单选]患者恶寒重,发热轻,无汗,头痛,肢体疼痛,鼻塞声重,时流清涕,喉痒,舌苔薄白而润,脉浮。其治法是()A.散寒解肌B.辛温解表C.调和营卫D.散寒止痛E.发汗解肌 [判断题]加氢气密试验的压力应等于操作压力。A.正确B.错误 [多选]某企业报检一批出口玩具,并于9月10日领取了《出境货物通关单》,以下情况中,企业须重新报检的有()。A.该企业于11月20日持上述《出境货物通关单》办理报关手续。B.应客户的要求,在出口前更换了纸箱。C.临时更改出口口岸D.临时减少出口数量 [名词解释]习用品 [单选]如图:ABCD [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]肝损伤时,血清酶活性一般不会升高的是().ALTB.ASTC.LDHD.AMYE.GGT [填空题]量体时被测者应()姿式。 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]问月经史时以下哪项最重要()A.期、量、色、味B.量、色、质、味C.期、量、色、质D.伴随症状E.初潮或绝经年龄 [单选,A4型题,A3/A4型题]成年患者,热烧伤10%Ⅲ度,伤后10天,创面溶痂,有脓性分泌物并伴有创缘炎性反应,体温39℃,伴有寒战,创面分泌物细菌培养为耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌,痂下组织细菌计数>10CFU/g,血培养(-)。在应用抗生素治疗时,从下列药物中首选哪一种()A.万古霉 [填空题]()的利用和人工取火是原始时代的又一个伟大的技术创造. [单选]下列有关窦房结的描述,不正确的是().A.是心脏正常窦性心律的起搏点B.位于上腔静脉人口与右心房后壁的交界处C.长10~20mm,宽2~3mmD.冲动在P细胞形成后,通过T细胞传导至窦房结以外的心房组织E.窦房结动脉起源于右冠状动脉者占40%,起源于左冠状动脉回旋支者占60% [单选]在金属罐壁作内防腐时()再刷两遍自环氧磁漆。A、开始B、中间C、最后D、开始和最后 [单选]危机干预需要评估的下列哪项是错误的()A.现场干预B.认知状态C.情绪状态D.意志行为E.应对方法资源 [单选]某患者80岁,记忆力障碍,对答不切题,常外出后无法救回家,你建议该患者最好做什么筛查()A.汉语失语症检查法B.构音障碍检查法C.简易精神状态检查(MMSE.D.韦氏记忆量表(WMS)E.韦氏成人智力量表(WAIS) [单选]汽油馏分的族组成分析,现多采用()。A、质谱法B、气相色谱法C、电位分析法D、液相色谱法 [问答题,论述题]激励问题成员的方法有哪些? [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]pT0的含义是()A.术前影像证实早期癌B.术前已判定为原位癌C.术后病理检查发现原位癌D.术后组织病理学检查未发现原发肿瘤E.术后病理检查诊断明确分型 [单选]下列哪一型肺癌发病率最高()A.鳞癌B.腺癌C.小细胞癌D.大细胞癌E.混合型肺癌 [单选,A1型题]肾损伤后哪项护理措施不正确()A.严密观察生命体征B.观察疼痛性质及程度C.绝对卧床休息D.向患者介绍肾损伤知识E.尽早离床活动 [单选,A4型题,A3/A4型题]男,55岁,间歇上腹不适5年,餐后加重,嗳气。胃液分析结果:基础胃酸分泌量(BAO)为0(正常值1~2mmol/h),最大胃酸分泌量(MAO)为5mmol/h(正常值17~23mmol/h),壁细胞总数(PCM)为2.5×10个。下列哪种疾病可见血清胃泌素减少()A.胃溃疡B.慢性十二指 [单选]哪个路由协议默认用带宽和延迟作为metric()。A.RIPBGPC.OSPFD.EIGRP [单选,A1型题]从胎儿娩出到胎盘娩出,不应超过()A.15分钟B.20分钟C.30分钟D.45分钟E.60分钟 [填空题]营养繁殖苗木的原理是因为植物具有()和()。 [判断题]拆画零件时,零件的表面粗糙度和表面处理要求应根据零件的作用来确定。()A.正确B.错 [单选]一患者呼吸表现为有规律的呼吸几次后,突然停止一段时间,又开始呼吸,周而复始,这种呼吸节律称为()A.Cheyne-Stokes呼吸B.叹息样呼吸C.Kussmaul呼吸D.Blots呼吸E.抑制性呼吸 [单选]下列不属于原发性脑损伤者为()A.脑震荡B.脑挫伤C.原发性脑干损伤D.脑裂伤E.脑内血肿




1.My time is ________ (宝贵的); I can only spare you a few minutes.2.None of us knows how to _________ (操作) this new machine, so we’d better ask an expertfirst.3.At least eight people were killed and dozens more were injured during the ________ (冲突)between the two countries.4.I was informed this morning that I was to fly to Birmingham this evening on _________ (紧急的)business.5.I did nothing wrong so I have a clear ________ (良心)。

6.Professor Zhang recommended some _________ (参考) materials to me.7.Living in r_______ mountain village, they have little contact with the outside world.8.The kind old man r________ me of my grandfather who passed away several years ago.9.It takes a lot of time and l________ to build a railway.10.He listens to the BBC every day with the p________ of improving his listening skills.11.We visited a special family in a _________ (多山的)village last week.12.Peter, please introduce the new employee to your _________ (同事)。

高二英语 模块6 Unit4单元测试题(二)

高二英语 模块6 Unit4单元测试题(二)

得夺市安庆阳光实验学校第四中学高二英语模块6 Unit 4单元测试题(二)第一部分 听力(共两节, 满分20 分) (略)第二部分 英语知识运用?穴共两节,满分35分?雪第一节 语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

21. — Do you think our team will beat theirs? — Well, . Both have good players. A. no wonder B. it’s hard to say C. not at all D. I am sure22. — Can you manage to deal with the problem by yourself in two days? — Sorry, I can’t. I found it of a difficulty without any help.A. somewhereB. somehowC. somewhatD. someway23. I were rich, I would go traveling around the world with my family by air.A. Even ifB. What ifC. If onlyD. Only if24. All of us advised him to have a good rest, because his health almost under the pressure of work. A. broke out B. broke downC. broke upD. broke away25. His wife watched the thief. _____, he dialed 110 to call the police. A. However B. Meanwhile C. Besides D. Therefore26. After the earthquake, the city was , and thousands of people were left homeless.A. in chargeB. in chaosC. in advanceD. in danger27. She died when she was ninety, not of old age, but head injuries when she fell downstairs. A. from B. of C. off D. for28. Our customs vary , but these customs have been handed down from generation to generation.A. from place to placeB. from door to doorC. from hand to handD. from time to time29. He told me how he had given me shelter and protection, without which I _____ of hunger.A. would be diedB. would have diedC. would dieD. will die30. When the position finally became , they offered it toSofia. A. vacant B. free C. missing D. left31. At the meeting, our monitor made a speech, and swear ______ usstudents to try our best to study well. A. in memory of B. on behalf of C. in honor of D. in favor of32. More and more people have seen that education makes a to the future of the poor children. A. difficulty B. difference C. danger D. distinction33. The pianist played at the piano concert wonderfully and the music slowly the audience. A. got hold of B. lost touch with C. took place of D. put heart into34. The poor farmer suffered so much in the past that he always himself with the thought that he might be well off some day. A. changed B. expressed C. comforted D. satisfied35. The medicine only gives you relief from the pain, and what you need now is an operation.A. commonB. ordinaryC. extremeD. temporary 第二节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)Most young people enjoy physical activities, like walking, cycling, football, or mountaineering.Those who have a passion 36 climbing high and difficult mountains are often 37 with astonishment. Why are men and women38 to suffer cold and hardship, and to take a(n) 39 on high mountains? This astonishment is caused, probably, by the differences between mountaineering and other forms of activities 40 which men give their leisure.There are man-made rules in many sports, 41 in golf and football. There are, of course, rules of a different kind which it would be dangerous to 42 , but it is this freedom from man-made rules 43 makes mountaineering attractive to many people. Those who climb mountains are free to use their own 44 .If we 45 mountaineering with other more familiar sports, we might think that one big difference is that in mountaineering there isno “teamwork”. 46 , this is only a misunderstanding. There are, in fact, no “matches”47 “teams” of climbers, but when cli mbers are on a rock face linked by a rope on which their lives may 48 , obviously, there is teamwork.A mountain climber knows that he may have to fight with natural 49 that are stronger and more powerful than man. His sport 50 high mental and physical qualities.A mountain climber 51 to improve his skill year after year. A skier is probably 52 his best by the age of thirty, and most international tennis champions are in their early twenties. But it isnot 53 for men of fifty or sixty to climb the highest mountains in the Alps. They may spend more 54 than younger men, but they probably climb mountains with more skills and less 55 of effort, and they certainly experience equal enjoyment.36. A. for B. in C. on D. of37. A. looked up to B. looked forwardC. looked intoD. looked upon38. A. willing B. reluctantC. unwillingD. probable39. A. pain B. chance C. risk D. effort40. A. to B. with C. for D. towards41. A. except B. especially C. as such D. such as42. A. apply B. worry C. ignore D. notice43. A. which B. that C. how D. why44. A. methods B. forms C. rules D. activities45. A. examine B. relate C. show D. contrast46. A. Though B. And C. So D. However47. A. within B. between C. beyond D. from48. A. exist B. go C. depend D. expect49. A. standard B. quality C. influences D. forces50. A. cares B. requires C. acquires D. admits51. A. tries B. continues C. wants D. decides 52. A. at B. during C. past D. above53. A. unusual B. normal C. common D. strange54. A. strength B. efforts C. energy D. time55. A. shortage B. lack C. rubbish D. waste第三部分阅读理解(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)AEveryone has good days and bad days. Sometimes, you feel as if you were on top of the world. But occasionally you feel horrible, and you lose things and you can’t focus on your schoolwork.For more than 20 years, scientists have suggested that highself-esteem (自尊) is the key to success. Now, new research shows that focusing just on building self-esteem may not be helpful. In some cases, having high self-esteem can bring bad results if it makes you less likeable or more upset when you fail in something.“Forget about self-esteem,” says Jennifer Crocker, a psychologist (心理学家) at the University of Michigan, US. “It’s not the most important thing.”FeelinggoodCrocker’s advice may sound a bit strange because it is good to feel good about yourself. Studies show that people with high self-esteem are less likely to be depressed, anxious, shy, or lonely than those with low self-esteem. But, after reviewing about 18,000 studies onself-esteem, Roy Baumeister, a psychologist at Florida State University, found that building up your self-esteem will not necessarily make you a better person. He believes that violent and wicked people often have the highest self-esteem of all. He also said, “There’s no evidence that kids with high self-esteem do better in school.”Problems“All types of people have problems. People with high self-esteem can have big egos (自我) that can make them less likeable to their peers (同龄人),” said Kathleen Vohs, a psychology professor at Columbia University. “People with high self-esteem tend to depend more on themselves. People with low self-esteem are more likely to rely on their friends when they need help.”WhattodoResearchers say it is best to listen to and support other people. Find positive ways to contribute to society. If you fail in something, try to learn from the experience. “The best medicine is to recognize your faults,” Vohs said. “It’s OK to say, ‘I’m not so good at that,’ and then move on.”56. The new research comes to the conclusion that high self-esteem ________.A. is not important at allB. has taken on a different meaningC. may not be the key to successD. does not help you do better in school57. The underlined word “better” in Paragraph 4 most probably refers to “________”.A. helpful or supportiveB. gentle or powerfulC. strong or healthyD. friendly or kind58. One of the conclusions of the new research is that ________.A. feeling good about yourself doesn’t mean you lead a happier lifeB. people with high self-esteem usually don’t seek help from other peopleC. people with high self-esteem are more likeableD. people with low self-esteem are often more popular59. We can infer that the best medicine mentioned in the last paragraph is mainly for people ________.A. with high self-esteemB. with low self-esteemC. who need supportD. who are focusing on building self-esteemBMost British parents give their teenagers pocket money. Teenagers get between £7 and £20 a week. They spend it on fast food, clothes, the cinema, concerts, magazines and mobile phones.★Lazy parents?37% of parents pay teenagers to clean the room, and 66% of parents pay teenagers to take the rubbish out.★Lazy teens?51% of teenagers don’t make their beds before they leave home. Only 13% of teenagers wash the car for money. Some parents even pay their teenagers to do their homework.★Equality? Not yet!Boys get more money than girls for most odd jobs. For washing the dishes, boys get about £4 and girls get about £1.★And if you need some more money?Teens get an extra £250 a year out of their parents except pocket money! About 50% of teens get gifts of money from their grandparents. Go to Mum if you need extra money! She gives more than Dad.★Where you live makes a difference!Parents in Scotland and the North of England give the most pocket money.★Spending51% spend their money on clothes. 39% buy cosmetics, jewelry and toiletries. Less than 40% of teenagers save their money.Here is what some children told us about their pocket money:I get £30 a month. I have to take the rubbish out and tidy my room. — Emma,15, EdinburghI get £10 a week. But I have to clean the car and the house and load and unload the dishwasher. I usually save the money. — James, 12, SheffieldI get £7.50 a week. I have to be “good” but I don’t have to do any jobs for the money. — Lain, 13, CardiffI get £5 a week. But our neighbors go away a lot and they give me £25 a week for looking after their cats. — Richard, 13, Belfast60. This passage is mainly about ________.A. how to get pocket moneyB. pocket money in BritainC. how to spend pocket moneyD. how teenagers everywhere get pocket money61. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A. Most parents are so lazy that they let their children do housework.B. Most teens are too lazy to do housework unless they are given pocket money.C. Boys and girls aren’t equal in getting pocket money when they do odd jobs.D. It isn’t right for children to ask for pocket money.62. We can infer from the passage that ________.A. boys earn the same amount of money at home as girlsB. girls earn more money at home than boysC. only rich parents give children pocket moneyD. most children don’t save their pocket money63. Who probably gets the most pocket money for a whole year according to the passage?A. Richard.B. James.C. Lain.D. Emma.CAfrica’s rivers face dramatic disruption (中断) that will leave a quarter of the continent severely short of water by the end of the century, according to a global warming study published today.The study, which appears in the journal ScienceToday, is the first to identify how Africa’s rivers will respond to climate change over the century. The extent to which slight changes in rainfall could impact on rivers had never been realized before.The researchers used a computer to divide the continent into 1,000 km wide squares (about 620 miles) and worked out the total length of streams and rivers in each block. They used climate change models to calculate the expected changes in rainfall across the continent and the effect they would have on river levels. The scientists found that in 75% of the countries that receive between 400 mm and 1,000 mm of rain a year, shifts in rainfall caused larger rises or falls in river levels than expected. In Harare a 10% drop in rainfall is expected to lead to an 81% drop in fresh water from rivers, a situation which the scientists believe will be mirrored in Madagascar, eastern Zambia and Angola. South Africa, which is experiencing a long-drawn-out drought, can expect far less water from the Orange River. A 10% fall in rainfall over Johannesburg and Bloemfontein will lead to a 70% drop in river levels. The study predicts that rain will increase over east Africa. Climate change is expected to bring 10% more rain to Tanzania before the end of the century, increasing water course levels by 136%, while Somalia faces a 20% rise in rainfall, leading to more than a 1,000% increase in the water it receives from waterways. However, increased rainfall could lead to more standing water, more mosquitoes, and widespread malaria.64. How many African countries are referred to in the passage?A. 5.B. 6.C. 7.D. 8.65. Researchers did the following kinds of work in their study EXCEPT .A. dividing the continent into 1,000 km wide squaresB. working out the total length of streams and rivers in each blockC. calculating the expected changes in rainfall across the continentD. working hard to prevent global warming66. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A. There is no relationship between shifts in rainfall and river levels.B. A 10% drop in rainfall will lead to an 81% drop in fresh water from rivers in Africa.C. It is believed that global warming will cause a serious river crisis in Africa.D. The rise in rainfall will benefit east Africa a lot.67. What is the best title of the passage?A. Forecast shows Africa will face a river crisis.B. The effect of global warming.C. Lack of water in Africa.D. Rainfall and river level.DA danger is waiting for the world’s largest mammals; many of them will become endangered species in the coming years.In the biggest whale killer, more than 2,000 animals are likely to be directly hunted by the three countries continuing whaling against world opinion — Japan, Norway and Iceland.Japan is leading the way among the three. Its whaling ships are firing harpoons (鱼叉) right now in the Antarctic Ocean, hunting for 935 whales. All of them are being hunted under the excuse of killing whales for research purposes. This label is a fiction which fools no one, as whale meat, popular with Japanese consumers, is available on the open market.Greenpeace has decided to take the fight directly to the Japanese, and has sent two of its large campaigning ships to the Southern Ocean to try to hinder whaling operations directly. Some campaigners are now calling for the anti-whaling countries to take legal action against Japan over the “scientific” whaling problem.“Scientific whaling needs to be stopped, and legal action needs to be taken against Japan in the International Court,” said Joth Singh, director of wildlife and habitats for the International Fund for Animal Welfare.“We believe there is, in fact, an opportunity to do that, and we have contracted a lawyer in Australia who has done an evaluation (评估) of the possibilities of legal action. We think that like-minded countries should look at it.“They need to take this problem to the International Court, because international pressure is required. Trade sanctions (制裁) should certainly be a possibility.” Mr Singh added, “I have been attending IWC meetings for years, and a number of resolutions (提案) which have been passed aimed at stopping scientific whaling have had no effect. Diplomatic notes to Japan have had no effect either.“If there is any seriousness about saving whales, this seems to be the wa y.”68. The following measures have been taken to stop whaling EXCEPT _______.A. trade sanctionsB. resolutionsC. diplomatic notesD. taking direct fight69. The underlined word “hinder” in Paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to “_______”.A. give a hand toB. get in the way ofC. put an end toD. give hope and confidence to70. What does Paragraph 3 mainly tell us?A. Japan refused to admit that its action of killing whales is wrong.B. People in the world believe what Japan says about why they kill whales.C. Japan is killing whales under the excuse of scientific research purposes.D. Whale meat is enjoyed by Japanese people and available on the open market.71. The author’s purpose in writing the passage is to _______.A. discuss the possibility of a legal action against JapanB. disclose Japan’s cruel attitude towards sealifeC. tell us that whale meat is popular with Japanese peopleD. call on people to take measures to prevent some countries from killing whales 72. It can be inferred from the passage that _______.A. Greenpeace is an organization whose aim is to keep Japan from killing whalesB. the international court will deal with the problem of Japan’s whalingC. Japan is still killing whales although many counties are against itD. the world’s largest mammals will disappear in the coming years ETo explain why he liked his art teacher the best, Dainzin Tanam could not write more words than a simple sentence, “Because he teaches me painting.”In the eyes of his teachers at the Lhasa Special Education School, the deaf boy was a little painter. Five years ago, however, Tanam could only stay in bed until noon and wait for his parents’ return.His mother Yangzom said she had no choice but to lock him in the house every day.“Every day when I came back home and saw my poor lonely son, I felt my heart hurt. But now I can finally feel a bit relieved,” the mother said. She said it was the school that changed her son. “Without the school, I d are not imagine how my son will be now.”With a governmental fund of 4.5 million yuan, the special education school was founded in 2000. As the only government-run school forhandicapped children in Tibet, it now has 28 teachers and 120 school children in 9 classes of 5 grades.Students can enjoy free food, boarding, clothing and medical services in the school.Tibetan sign language and Tibetan Braille are basic courses here. Children also have Chinese, math, science, painting, dancing and sports lessons.A “black and white” textbook seemed ap pealing among the colorful books in Tanam’s schoolbag. The tex t was handwritten.It was the Tibetan language textbook compiled and written by teachers themselves.“As textbooks for students in ordinary schools are too abstract and hard for our kids to understand, two other Tibetan language teachers and I comp iled the textbook to make things easier for them,” said Dawa, a teacher in the school.Those books created with the love of all the teachers will surely help children enjoy their life by supporting themselves after leaving the school.73. Which of the following words can best describe Yangzom’s feeling about the special school?A. Relieved.B. Grateful.C. Excited.D. Lighthearted.74. Who wrote the “black and white” textbooks for the children?A. Only Dawa.B. All the teachers in the special school.C. Dawa and another two teachers.D. Not sure as they were sent by the government.75. We can infer from the passage that _______.A. the children in this school pay less money than those in common schoolsB. all the students are of the same age in this schoolC. the teachers wrote the textbooks so that the students can study more easilyD. education will have little effect on the children’s future life 第四部分写作?穴共两节, 满分35 分?雪第一节对话填空 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)请认真阅读下面对话,并根据各题所给首字母的提示,在右栏中标有题号的横线上,写出一个英语单词的完整、正确形式,使对话通顺。

外研版2022年高中英语选修六Module 4 词汇训练

外研版2022年高中英语选修六Module 4 词汇训练

外研版高中英语选修六Module 4 词汇训练答案请参考外研版高中英语选修六Module 4单词表第一节训练一根据句意写出单词的汉语意思relative ['relətiv]My uncle is my nearest relative.叔叔是我最近的亲人。

n. ________The teacher asked me some questions relative to my paper.老师问了我一些和我的论文有关的问题。

adj. ________give concertsAndy is going to give concerts next Saturday.安迪下星期六将举办音乐会。

________conservatory [kən'sɜ:vətri]Central Conservatory of Music中央音乐学院n. ________soloist ['səʊləʊɪst]He often appears as a soloist.他经常作为独奏者上台演出。

n. ________repertoire ['repətwɑ:]There is an extensive repertoire of music written for the flute.有很多供长笛演奏的曲目。

n. ________interrupt [,ɪntə'rʌpt]Children must learn not to interrupt.儿童应学会不要打断别人的讲话。

v. ________You'd better not interrupt him. He is sleeping.你最好别打扰他, 他在睡觉。

v. ________(be) true of / forEach family has its own problems. This is also true of countries. 家家有本难念的经,这对国家来说同样适用。






高二英语选修六各单元单词拼写专项测试Unit 11. White has been always a ______(象征) of purity (纯洁) in Western cultures. 2。

The government is ______ (目的) at a 50% reduction in unemployment.3。

I quickly ______(集中注意力) the camera on the children when they turned out。

4. We’ve already bought the house, but we won't take ______ (拥有) of it until next Wednesday.5. The bank refused to help the company; ______, ( 结果) it went bankrupt (破产)。

6. The fat old man looked ______ ( 荒谬的) in his tight pink trousers.7. We went to an ______ (展示) of Chinese paintings at the museum。



外研高二上学期6册Module4练习一、单词拼写A. Fill in the blanks with correct words. (The first letters have been given.)1. Failure after failure made him feel very d________, having no courage to try again.2. I usually do yoga to r________ my mind and body after a day’s work.3. My father likes reading and he has a large c________ of books.4. The opening ceremony was r________ by satellite to audiences all over the world.5. Jay Chou sings well and is good at c________ music as well.B. Complete the following sentences according to the Chinese given.6. Nothing would stop him from achieving his ________ (野心).7. The musician performed in the square, attracting many ________ (行人).8. There was an ________ (间隔) of five years between the two civil wars.9. She couldn’t speak much English so her friends had to ________ (翻译) for her.10. Participants in the experiment took part on a ________ (自愿的) basis.二、词组填空1. Disco is considered one of the best types of music to ________.2. I have ________ most of my classmates at college through e-mails.3. The actors’ wonderful performance ________ the play.4. We were seeing the film when, ________, all the lights went out.B. Complete the following sentences according to the Chinese and English given.5. France has a free medical care system and ____________________(情况也是如此)England. (true)6. This kind of disease _________ (有着密切的联系) the environmental pollution. (connected)7. The film star ________________ (推挤着穿过人群) to the waiting car outside.8. The stadium is designed ________________ (鸟巢的形状). (shape)9. Playing the erhu is ___________ (一直是她的钟爱) and she practices it whenever possible.10. Was I hearing him right, or had I completely _______________ (没有理解意思)? (point)三、句子翻译Translate the following sentences into English.1. 她答应的事你不必当真, 她从来说话不算数。

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高二英语M6 U4 单词拼写练习1. All people are born e__________ and share e__________, that is, deserving the same rights.2. He could not a__________ for his absence from school.3. In r__________ to his occupation after graduation, he hopes to work as an a__________ in the embassy to the United States.4. Prince Sihanouk lived in China for p__________ reasons for many years till d__________.5. The students’ a__________ has been drawn to the breathtaking movie because the scenery is beyond d__________.6. To a__________ great success, you must work hard.7. Though l__________ money, they managed to send their daughter to America for further study.8. Under the u__________ of the Hope Project and the c__________ organizations, some children in r__________ mountainous areas ca n have access to the Internet9. The woman likes writing so much that she is v__________ to(自愿) c__________ (投稿) to the local daily10. Laziness a__________ for p__________ (懒惰导致贫困). That is why he is in __________(财产)of nothing .11. Don’t take anything __________ (属于) to others illegally, as it is p__________ .12. It is __________ (紧迫) that we should carry out the __________ (可替代的) plan.13.What they found in the m__________ areas were c__________ (坛子) of gold buried datingfrom 1500 years before.14. Some of my __________ (同事) will apply for the __________ (空缺) vice headmaster.15. So interested is he in ________ (政治)that he makes up his mind to be a ________(政治家).16. Though there were many __________ (障碍) in our communicating,we managed to understand each other with the assistance of the __________ (翻译).17. Unfortunately, the new car broke down. __________ (棘手) as it was,we finally got it restarted on the winding __________ (泥泞) path.18. C________ (混乱) ________ (使…想起) them of the terrible wartime .19. A great many volunteers from countries have made a c_________ (承诺、奉献)that theywould help to get rid of _________(细菌) in the well .20. They have made a huge __________ (利润) in the past few years.21. It is said that there are still __________ (原始的) tribes living in Africa,without safe, good enough __________ (居住地)22. The hall was ________ (拥挤) with most of the _________ (员工)referring to their salaries .23. She is by no __________ poor. As a matter of fact, she has o__________(获得)millions of pounds.24. Safe and clean water was not __________ (获得) to the people buried in the mine,let alone the h__________.25. Handmade __________ (羊毛) carpets decorated with nice and beautiful patterns sell well.26. I own a bookshop and hope to e__________ the business.27. Her thin shoes were inappropriate for such m__________ paths.28. It is said that the three young people are in p__________ the company.29. The company is beginning to e__________ products to the west.30. She’s just b__________ up with her boyfriend.31. Thoughts can also be expressed by m__________ of music.32.David is one of my best __________ (同事).33. The strong wind left the garden in c__________.34. The kitchen was in a m__________ when I got home.35. It is not easy to get h__________ of a taxi in the city center.36. The film r__________ him of what he had seen in China.37. It doesn’t make a bit of d__________ if you are late to my party.38. He gave the speech without r__________ to his notes.39. Your suggestion is worthy of c__________ (考虑).40.Your suggestion is worthy to be c__________ (考虑).41.Your suggestion is worth c__________ (考虑).42. The program of helping poor students return to school came under the u________ of the local government.43. A__________ from the ending, it’s a really good film.44. L__________ confidence makes people fail.45. One of the goals is to e_______ that fresh drinking water is a________to everyone.46. It is w__________ to consider / considering your suggestion.47. When we gave her the bad news, she b__________ down and cried.48. As you know, the UN t__________ the lives of people everywhere.49. The earthquake made more than 1.000 victims homeless.50. The Red Cross officials said they u__________ needed bread and water.高二英语M6 U4 单词拼写练习答案1. equal, equality 2 .accounted 3. reference, ambassador 4.political, death 5. attention, description 6. acquire 7. lacking 8. umbrella, charity, remote 9. voluntary, contribute 10 .accounts, poverty, possession 11. belonging, pro hibited 12.urgent, alternative 13. mountainous, containers 14 colleagues, vacant 15. politics, politician 16.barriers, in terpreter 17.Troublesome, muddy 18. Chaos, reminded 19. commitment, bacteria 20.profit,expand 21. primitive, shelters 22.crowded, staff 23. means, obtained 24.available, heating 25. wool(l)en 26. expand 27. muddy 28. possession 29. export 30. broken 31. means 32. colleagues 33. chaos 34. mess 35. hold 36. reminded 37. difference 38. referring 39. consideration 40. considered 41. considering 42. umbrella 43. Apart 44. Lacking 45. ensure; available 46. worthwhile 47. broke 48. touches 4 9. victims 50. urgently。
