

2021年高一上学期第四次周练 数学试题 含答案

2021年高一上学期第四次周练 数学试题 含答案

2021年高一上学期第四次周练 数学试题 含答案一、选择题 1.集合{1,2,3}的真子集共有_____________。

(A )5个 (B )6个 (C )7个 (D )8个2.已知集合A={} B={}则A=______________。

3.已知A={1,2,a 2-3a-1},B={1,3},A{3,1}则=______________。

(A )-4或1 (B )-1或4 (C )-1 (D )4二、填空题4.设U={0,1,2,3,4},A={0,1,2,3},B={2,3,4},则(C U A )(C U B )=_____________。

5.设S 、T 是两个非空集合,且ST ,TS ,令X=S 那么SX=____________。

6.设A={x},B={x},若AB={2,3,5},A 、B 分别为____________。

7.设一元二次方程ax 2+bx+c=0(a<0)的根的判别式,则不等式ax 2+bx+c0的解集为____________。


9.已知U=N ,A={},则C U A 等于_______________。

10.二次函数的图像与x 轴没有交点,则m 的取值范围是_______________。

11.不等式<x 2-4的解集是_______________.12.设全集为,用集合A 、B 、C 的交、并、补集符号表图中的阴影部分。

(1) (2)(3)13.若方程8x 2+(k+1)x+k-7=0有两个负根,则k 的取值范围是14.设集合A={},B={x},且AB ,则实数k 的取值范围是 。

三、解答题15.设全集U={1,2,3,4},且={x 2-5x+m=0,xU}若C U A={1,4},求m 的值。

16.已知集合A={a 关于x 的方程x 2-ax+1=0,有实根},B={a 不等式ax 2-x+1>0对一切xR 成立},求AB 。












7.图示河流()A.流经地势低平区B.位于北半球C.冬季冰期较短D.常年水位高8.山区聚落一般沿河分布,据材料推断图示地区聚落最理想的选择地是()A.阶地1 B.阶地2C.阶地3 D.基岩处下图左为北京石花洞系洞层与地层图,下图右为某同学拍摄的洞内“石花”景观和石花洞景区附近村落早期的采煤外输凹槽。



2020高一上学期第四次周清数学试卷(重点班) (1)

2020高一上学期第四次周清数学试卷(重点班)      (1)

2020高一上学期第四次周清数学试卷(重点班)命题人:荆杨飞 审题人:宁琳琳一、单选题(本大题共12小题,共60分)1.已知集合M ={x|−3<x ⩽5},N ={x|x <−5或x >5},则M ∪N =( ) A 、{x|x <−5或x >−3} B 、{x|−5<x <5}C 、{x|−3<x <5}D 、{x|x <−3或x >5}2.如图所示的立体图形表示的几何体是柱体的是( )A 、①②③⑤B 、③④⑤C 、①⑤D 、①④⑤3.直线3x +y −4=0的斜率和在y 轴上的截距分别是( ) A 、−3,4B 、3,−4C 、−3,−4D 、3,44.如图,曲线是对数函数y =log a ⁡x 的图象,已知a 的取值有43,√3,35,110,则相应C 1,C 2,C 3,C 4的a 的值依次是( )A 、√3,43,110,35B 、√3,43,35,110C 、43,√3,35,110D 、43,√3,110,355.已知f(x)=ax 2a+1−b +1是幂函数,则a +b 等于( ) A 、2B 、1C 、12D 、06.过点P(4,−1)且与直线3x −4y +6=0垂直的直线方程是( ) A 、4x +3y −13=0B 、4x −3y −19=0C 、3x −4y −16=0D 、3x +4y −8=07.函数f(x)=4−x −x2的零点所在区间是( ) A 、(−1,0)B 、(12,1)C 、(14,12)D 、(0,14)8.以下关于几何体的三视图的论述中,正确的是( ) A 、球的三视图总是三个全等的圆 B 、正方体的三视图总是三个全等的正方形 C 、水平放置的正四面体的三视图都是正三角形 D 、水平放置的圆台的俯视图是一个圆9.如图,正方形O ′A ′B ′C ′的边长为2 cm ,它是水平放置的一个平面图形的直观图,则原平面图形的周长是( )A 、12 cmB 、16 cmC 、4(1+√3) cmD 、4(1+√2) cm10.一个球的表面积是16π,那么这个球的体积为( ) A 、163πB 、323πC 、643πD 、2563π11.过正方形ABCD 的顶点A 作线段AP ⊥平面ABCD ,且AP =AB ,则二面角 P −CD −A 的大小是( )A 、30°B 、45°C 、60°D 、90°12.已知函数f (x )={(a −1)x 2+ax +3a,(x ⩾1)a x−1,(x <1)是定义域上的递减函数,则实数a 的取值范围是( )A 、(25,1)B 、(0,25]C 、(25,23]D 、(23,1)二、填空题(本大题共4小题,共20分)13.函数f(x)=a 2x−2+x 2+1(a >0,且a ≠1)的图象所过定点的坐标为 . 14.直线l 1:x +ay +6=0与l 2:(a −2)x +3y +2a =0平行,则a 的值为 . 15.已知直线y =12x +k 与两坐标轴所围成的三角形的面积为1,则实数k 的值为 .16.设a,b,c 是空间中的三条直线,下面给出四个命题:①若a//b ,b//c ,则a//c ; ②若a ⊥b ,b ⊥c ,则a//c ;③若a 与b 相交,b 与c 相交,则a 与c 相交;④若a ⊂平面α,b ⊂平面β,则a,b 一定是异面直线.上述命题中正确的命题是 (写出所有正确命题的序号).三、解答题(本大题共6小题,共70分)17.已知点A(1,0),直线l:x−2y−2=0.(1)求直线l1:2x−y−7=0与直线l的交点坐标;(2)求过点A,且与直线l平行的直线方程.18.已知集合A={x|−4⩽x⩽2},B={x|x2+4x−5>0},C={x|m−1<x<m+1}.(1)求A∪B;(2)若B∩C=C,求实数m的取值范围.19.在正方体ABCD−A1B1C1D1中,E为棱DD1的中点,底面对角线AC与BD相交于点O.(1)求证:B D/1/平面ACE;(2)求证:BD1⊥AC.20.已知函数f(x)=2x−3x+1.(1)判断函数f(x)在[0,+∞)上的单调性,并用定义证明其结论;(2)求函数f(x)在区间[2,9]上的值域.21.在四面体BACD中,CB=CD,AD⊥BD,且E,F分别是AB,BD边的中点.求证:(1)直线EF//平面ACD;(2)直线BD⊥平面EFC.22.已知函数f(x)=x2+(a−2)x−3.(1)若函数f(x)在[−2,4]上是单调函数,求实数a的取值范围;(2)当a=5,x∈[−1,1]时,不等式f(x)>m+2x−4恒成立,求实数m的范围.。

2019-2020年高一上学期周练习4数学试题 含答案

2019-2020年高一上学期周练习4数学试题 含答案

2019-2020年高一上学期周练习4数学试题 含答案一、填空题:本大题共14小题,每小题5分,共70分. 不需要写出解答过程,请把答案直接填写在答题卡的相应位置上.......... 1.已知集合[)()12,,4,1-∞-==a B A ,若B A ⊆,则a 的取值范围是 ▲ ; 2. 已知函数()21,(1)f x x f x =--=则 ▲3.已知函数53)(,32)(-=+=x x g x x f ,如果1)]([0=x g f ,则0x = ▲ ; 4.若函数(1)f x +的定义域为[1,2)-,则(21)f x -的定义域为 ▲ .5.函数201()()2f x x =-的定义域为_____ ▲ _____.6.奇函数f(x)区间[1,4]上的解析式为f(x)=x 2-4x+5,则当x ∈[-4,-1]时f(x)的最大值为___ ▲ ___.7.已知函数()f x =a 的取值范围是___ ▲ __.8.若函数f (x )和g (x )都为奇函数,函数F (x )=af (x )+bg (x )+3在(0,+∞)上有最大值10,则F (x )在(-∞,0)上有最__ ▲ __值为__ ▲ __.9.函数()f x =的单调增区间为 ▲ ; 10. 若函数12++=ax ax y 的定义域为R ,则a 的取值范围为 ▲ ;11.若函数()21f x ax x =++在区间[)2,-+∞上为单调增函数,则实数a 的取值范围是 ▲ .12.若f(x)=-x 2+2a x 与g(x)=2+x a在区间[1,5]上都是减.函数, 则a 的取值范围是 ▲ . 13.定义在R 上的奇函数()f x 在),0[+∞上的图象如右图所示,则 不等式0)(<⋅x f x 的解集是 ___ ▲ __. 14.已知函数)1(2)1()(2-≠+++=a x a x x f ,若)()()(x h x g x f +=,其中)(x g 为奇函数,)(x h 为偶函数。

2021年高一上学期第四次周练 英语试题 含答案

2021年高一上学期第四次周练 英语试题 含答案

2021年高一上学期第四次周练英语试题含答案I.单项填空1 If you keep on, you’ll succeed _____. Wish you success in the examinations.A. in timeB. at one timeC. for the same timeD. sometimes2 -When are you leaving?-My plane _____ at six.A. took offB. is about to take offC. takes offD. will take off3 I need some red ink badly, but there’s _____ at hand.A. nothingB. a littleC. noneD. not4 Is there a cinema around _____ I can see a movie?A. thatB. whichC. whereD. what5 You c an go out _____ you promise to be back before 11 o’clock.A. so thatB. as far asC. so long asD. in case6 If _____ the same treatment again, he’s sure to get well.A. givingB. giveC. givenD. being given7 His best known work that is _____ all praise can be seen in the museum.A. withB. beyondC. withoutD. within8 -What do you think of the book?-Oh, excellent. It is worth _____ second time.A. to read aB. to read theC. reading aD. being read the9 Let us hope we can settle the matter without _____ more trouble.A. anyB. a littleC. someD. little10 Charles did what he could _____ the servant, although he himself was in danger.A. rescueB. rescuedC. to rescueD. rescuing11 -When ____ you return the dictionary to me?-Only when I ____ you nextSunday.A. will;seeB. do;will seeC. will;will seeD. do;see12 -Mary, would you like to e to my birthday party?-_____.A. Of course, you couldB. Sure. Go aheadC. Sorry, you may notD. No, you mustn’t13 -What’s the old man standing there?-He is _____, a new er.A. Mr. WhiteB. an engineerC. JoeD. Joe’s brother14 If you carry on working like this, you will _____ sooner or later.A. give offB. get downC. break downD. hold on15 -Have you got your test result?-Not yet. The papers _____.A. are still being correctedB. are not correctingC. have already been correctedD. have not corrected16.—May I e on Sundays and do some reading here?—Sure.My secretary and library will be at your________.A.helpB.panionC.serviceD.request17.I shouldn’t have accepted the man’s present,but I found it difficult to turn down his________.A.offerB.requestC.suggestionD.plan18Don’t respond to any e­mails________personal information,no matter how official they look.A.searchingB.askingC.requestingD.questioning19.—Why were you late for such an important meeting?—The plane arrived at the airport after a________ of two hours.A.restB.requestC.delayD.trip20. I haven’t seen Sara since she was a little girl,and she has changed beyond________.A.hearingB.strengthC.recognitionD.measureⅡ.完形填空The amount of usable water has always been of great interest in the world.__1__springs and streams sometimes means control,particularly in the __2__ areas like the desert.The control is possible even without possession of large areas of __3__ land.In the earl y days of the American West,gun fights were not __4__ for the water resources.And laws had to be __5__ to protect the water rights of the __6__ and the use of water resources accordingly.__7__ is known to us all,there is not __8__ water in all places foreveryone to use as much as he likes.Deciding on the __9__ of water that will be used in any particular period __10__ careful planning,so that people can manage and use water more __11__.Farmers have to change their use of or demand for water __12__ the water supply forecast.The __13__ water supply forecast is based more on the water from the __14__ than from the below.Interest is __15__ in the ways to increase rainfall by man­made methods,and to get water from the winter snow on mountain__16__.With special equipment,some scientists are studying the ways in which the mountain snow can be __17__,and with the help of a repeater station,they send the __18__ data to the base station.The operator at the base station can get the data at any time by __19__ a button.In the near future,the forecast and use of water __20__ probably depend on the advance knowledge of snow on the mountains,not of water underground.1.ing B.HoldingC.Owning D.Finding2.A.dry B.distantC.deserted D.wild3.A.fine B.beautifulC.rich D.farming4.A.unlawful B.unacceptable C.unpopular D.unmon5.A.made B.designC.signed D.written 6.A.winners B.settlersC.fighters D.supporters 7.A.That B.ItC.What D.As8.A.plentiful B.enoughC.any D.much9.A.type B.qualityC.amount D.level10.A.requests B.requiresC.means D.suggests11.A.effectively B.easilyC.conveniently D.actively 12.A.leading to B.due toC.owing to D.according to 13.A.correct B.furtherC.average D.early 14.A.clouds B.skyC.air D.above 15.A.raising B.risingC.building D.lasting 16.A.rocks B.tipsC.tops D.trees17.A.taken care of B.made use of C.piled up D.saved up 18.A.picked B.producedC.used D.gathered 19.A.touching B.knockingC.pressing D.Turning20.A.might B.canC.will D.shouldⅢ.阅读理解Three Chinese astronauts,Zhai Zhigang,Liu Boming,and Jing Haipeng ing back from a 68­hour flight,which included a 20­minute spacewalk on Saturday,arrived in Beijing to a joyful homeing parade Monday.Space medical scientists said space radioactivity,zero gravity in space and the virus­free environment in the spaceship might pose potential health damage to astronauts.In addition,they still need time to adjust themselves to the Earth gravity environment.The success of the mission shifts the focus to building the space station and plans to land a man on the moon,said Wang Zhaoyao,deputy director of manned space flight.He said the program is looking to launch a new orbiting vehicle and set up a simple space lab by 2011.There are also hopes of sending unmanned and manned space vehicles to perform docking activities with the target vehicle.By 2020,China wants to launch a manned mission to experiment withtechnologies that will enable astronauts to take care of spacecraft for longer periods of time,Wang told reporters at a briefing in Beijing after a parachute brought the astronauts’ capsule back to ground Sunday. CCTV showed the astronauts’ return Sunday after their Shenzhou Ⅶ ship’s re­entry vehicle burst through the Earth’s atmosphere to make a landing under clear skies in the grasslands of China’s northern Inner Mongolia region.The vessel floated down gently while attached to a giant red­and­white striped parachute,marking the end of the 68­hour endeavor.Premier Wen Jiabao applauded at mission control in Beijing and shook hands with staff.“This mission’s success is a milestone;a stride(一大步,发展)forward,” Wen said.“I would like to extend my congratulations to the heroic astronauts wh o successfully pleted this mission.”The spacewalk was a key step in mastering techniques for docking two orbiters to create China’s first orbiting space station.Tied to handles attached to the Shenzhou Ⅶ ship’s orbital module,Zhai remained outside for about 13 minutes before climbing back inside.1.Which of the following is NOT true?A.Shenzhou Ⅶ returned to the earth on Sunday.B.Zhai Zhigang performed the spacewalk on Saturday. C.Three Chinese astronauts arrived in Beijing on Monday. D.Zhai said China wants to launch a manned mission by 2020. 2.What’s the meaning of the underlined word in Para.2? A.cause B.infect C.produce D.make3.The tone of this passage DOESN’T include ________. A.cheerful B.joyful C.proud D.calm4.What can be inferred from Premi er Wen Jiabao’s words? A.The mission is successful.B.He is very glad to see the astronauts’ return.C.The successful mission is meaningful for China.D.He wants to show his congratulations to the astronauts. 5.The best title of this passage might be ________. A.China’s landmark spacewalk mission endsB.Astronauts greeted with joyful homeing paradeC.Landing on moon the next targetD.China’s first spacewalk 答案:单项填空:11、A12、B13、B14、C15、A16、C17、A18、C19、C20、C完形填空:11、A12、D13、D14、D15、B16、C17、B18、D19、C20、C阅读理解:1.答案:D2.答案:A3.答案:D4.答案:C5.答案:B <25258 62AA 抪c 31147 79AB 禫21771 550B 唋V]34273 85E1 藡29000 7148 煈.~O。



河北省保定市某校高一(上)第四次周练数学试卷一、选择题(共8小题,每小题3分,满分24分)1. 下列各图中,不可能表示函数y =f(x)的图象的是( )A. B. C. D.2. 下列各组中两个函数是同一函数的是( ) A.f(x)=√x 44,g(x)=(√x 4)4 B.f(x)=x,g(x)=√x 33C.f(x)=1,g(x)=x 0D.f(x)=x 2−4x+2,g(x)=x −23. 已知函数f(x)={2x,x >0,x +1,x ≤0,若f(a)+f(1)=0,则实数a 的值等于( )A.3B.1C.−1D.−34. 定义域为R 的函数y =f(x)的值域为[a, b],则函数y =f(x +a)的值域为( ) A.[2a, a +b] B.[a, b] C.[0, b −a] D.[−a, a +b]5. 已知f(x)={x 2,x >0x +1,x ≤0则f(2)−f(−2)的值为( )A.6B.5C.4D.26. 下列函数中,不满足f(2x)=2f(x)的是( ) A.f(x)=|x| B.f (x)=x −|x| C.f(x)=x +1 D.f(x)=−x7. 已知函数f(x)的定义域为(−3, 0),则函数f(2x −1)的定义域为( ) A.(−1, 1) B.(−1, 12)C.(−1, 0)D.(12, 1)8. 如图所示,液体从一圆锥形漏斗漏入圆柱形桶中,H 是圆锥形漏斗中液面下降的距离,则H与下降时间t(分钟)的函数关系用图象表示只可能是()A. B. C. D.二、填空题(共8小题,每小题3分,满分24分)函数y=√x+1x的定义域为________.函数f(x)=√1−2x的定义域是________.(用区间表示)已知函数f(x)={3x+2,x<1,x2+ax,x≥1,若f(f(0))=4a,则实数a=________.已知函数f(x)的定义域为[0, 1],值域为[1, 2],则f(x+2)的定义域是________,值域是________.对于每一个实数x,设函数f(x)是y=4x+1,y=x+2,y=−2x+4三个函数中的最小值,则f(x)的最大值是________.方程x2−|x|+a−1=0有四个相异实根,求实数a的取值范围.已知函数f(x)=x21+x2,那么f(1)+f(2)+f(12)+f(3)+f(13)+f(4)+f(14)=________.已知函数f(3x+2)的定义域是(−2, 1),则函数f(x2)−f(x+23)的定义域为________.三、解答题(共2小题,满分0分)已知a∈(−12, 0],函数f(x)的定义域是(0, 1],求g(x)=f(x+a)+f(x−a)+f(x)的定义域.已知m,n∈N,且f(m+n)=f(m)⋅f(n),f(1)=2.求f(2)f(1)+f(3)f(2)+...+f(2012)f(2011)的值.参考答案与试题解析河北省保定市某校高一(上)第四次周练数学试卷一、选择题(共8小题,每小题3分,满分24分) 1.【答案】 B【考点】函数的图象变换 【解析】本题考查的实质是函数的概念,函数表示每个输入值对应唯一输出值的一种对应关系,根据定义进行判定即可. 【解答】解:函数表示每个输入值对应唯一输出值的一种对应关系.对B 中图象,对于x >0的x 值,有两个输出值与之对应,故不是函数图象 故选:B . 2.【答案】 B【考点】判断两个函数是否为同一函数 【解析】要判断两个函数是否是同一个函数,需要从三个方面来分析,即定义域,对应法则和值域,观察四个选项结果有三个的定义域不同,从而得出正确选项. 【解答】解:A 、f(x)=√x 44的定义域为R ,g(x)=(√x 4)4的定义域为x ≥0,两函数的定义域不同,故不是同一函数;B 、f(x)=x,g(x)=√x 33=x ,相同的定义域,值域与对应法则,故它们是同一函数; C 、f(x)=1的定义域为R ,g(x)=x 0的定义域为x ≠0,两函数的定义域不同,故不是同一函数; D 、f(x)=x 2−4x+2的定义域为x ≠−2;g(x)=x −2的定义域为R ,两函数的定义域不同,故不是同一函数,则选项B 中的两函数表示同一函数. 故选B . 3.【答案】 D【考点】 函数的求值 【解析】利用分段函数的性质求解. 【解答】解:∵ 函数f(x)={2x,x >0,x +1,x ≤0,f(a)+f(1)=0,∴当a>0时,f(a)+f(1)=2a+2=0,解得a=−1,不成立;当a<0时,f(a)+f(1)=a+1+2=0,解得a=−3.综上所述,a=−3.故选D.4.【答案】B【考点】函数的值域及其求法函数的定义域及其求法对数函数的值域与最值【解析】考虑函数的三要素,只要2个函数的定义域和值域相同,函数的值域也就相同.【解答】∵定义域为R的函数y=f(x)的值域为[a, b],而函数y=f(x+a)的定义域也是R,对应法则相同,故值域也一样,5.【答案】B【考点】函数的求值【解析】利用分段函数的性质求解.【解答】解:∵f(x)={x2,x>0x+1,x≤0,∴f(2)−f(−2)=22−(−2+1)=5.故选:B.6.【答案】C【考点】演绎推理【解析】此题暂无解析【解答】解:A中,f(2x)=|2x|=2|x|=2f(x);B中,f(2x)=2x−|2x|=2f(x);C中,f(2x)=2x+1≠2f(x);D中,f(2x)=−2x=2f(x).故选C.7.【答案】B【考点】函数的定义域及其求法【解析】根据题目给出的函数f(x)的定义域,由2x−1在函数f(x)的定义域内求解x的范围得函数f(2x−1)的定义域.【解答】解:函数f(x)的定义域为(−3, 0),则由−3<2x−1<0,解得:−1<x<12.∴函数f(2x−1)的定义域为(−1, 12).故选:B.8.【答案】B【考点】函数的图象变换【解析】利用特殊值法,圆柱液面上升速度是常量,表示圆锥漏斗中液体单位时间内落下的体积相同,当时间取1.5分钟时,液面下降高度与漏斗高度12的比较.【解答】解:由于所给的圆锥形漏斗上口大于下口,当时间取t=12时,漏斗中液面下落的高度不会达到漏斗高度的12,对比四个选项的图象可得结果.故选B二、填空题(共8小题,每小题3分,满分24分)【答案】[−1, 0)∪(0, +∞)【考点】函数的定义域及其求法【解析】直接利用分式的分母不为0,无理式大于等于0,求解即可得到函数的定义域.【解答】解:要使函数有意义,必须{x+1≥0,x≠0,解得x∈[−1, 0)∪(0, +∞),函数的定义域为:[−1, 0)∪(0, +∞).故答案为:[−1, 0)∪(0, +∞).【答案】(−∞, 1 2 )【考点】函数的定义域及其求法【解析】结合函数f(x)=√1−2x的表达式可得不等式1−2x>0的解集即为所求.【解答】解:∵1−2x>0∴x<12∴函数f(x)=√1−2x 的定义域为(−∞, 12)故答案为(−∞, 12)【答案】2【考点】函数的求值【解析】本题考查的分段函数的函数值,由函数解析式,我们可以先计算f(0)的值,然后将其代入,由此可以得到一个关于a的一元一次方程,解方程即可得到a值.【解答】解:∵f(0)=2,∴f(f(0))=f(2)=4+2a=4a,所以a=2.故答案为:2.【答案】[−2, −1],[1, 2]【考点】函数的值域及其求法函数的定义域及其求法【解析】由题意,x+2∈[0, 1],从而求出函数的定义域,值域不变.【解答】解:由题意,x+2∈[0, 1],则x∈[−2, −1],∵x+2可取到[0, 1]内的所有的值,∴f(x+2)的值域为[1, 2];故答案为:[−2, −1],[1, 2].【答案】83【考点】函数的最值及其几何意义【解析】先求出每2条直线的交点坐标,利用函数f(x)是y=4x+1,y=x+2,y=−2x+4三个函数中的最小值,写出f(x)的解析式,结合f(x)的图象求出f(x)的最大值.【解答】解:由y =4x +1和y =x +2联立方程组,解得两直线的交点(13, 73),由 y =x +2和y =−2x +4联立方程组,解得两直线的交点(23, 83), 由y =4x +1和y =−2x +4联立方程组,解得两直线的交点(12 3),∵ 函数f(x)是y =4x +1,y =x +2,y =−2x +4三个函数中的最小值, ∴ f(x)={4x +1(x <13)x +2(13≤x ≤23)−2x +4(x >23),∴ x =23时,f(x)有最大值是83, 故答案为 83.【答案】解:由题意可得方程x 2−|x|=1−a 有四个相异实根,故函数y =x 2−|x|的图象和直线y =1−a 有4个不同的交点,如图所示: 故有−12<1−a <0,求得a 的取值范围是(1, 32).【考点】函数的零点与方程根的关系 【解析】由题意可得函数y =x 2−|x|的图象和直线y =1−a 有4个不同的交点,数形结合求得实数a 的取值范围. 【解答】解:由题意可得方程x 2−|x|=1−a 有四个相异实根,故函数y =x 2−|x|的图象和直线y =1−a 有4个不同的交点,如图所示: 故有−12<1−a <0,求得a 的取值范围是(1, 32).【答案】 72【考点】 求函数的值 函数的求值 【解析】根据所求关系式的形式可先求f(1x),然后求出f(x)+f(1x)为定值,最后即可求出所求.【解答】 ∵ f(x)=x 21+x 2, ∴ f(1x )=11+x 2∴ f(x)+f(1x )=1∴ f(2)+f(12)=1,f(3)+f(13)=1,f(4)+f(14)=1,f(1)=12 ∴ f(1)+f(2)+f(12)+f(3)+f(13)+f(4)+f(14)=72 故答案为:72【答案】(−√5, √5) 【考点】函数的定义域及其求法 【解析】由函数f(3x +2)的定义域求出函数f(x)的定义域,然后列不等式组{−4<x 2<5−4x +23<5求解x 的取值范围得函数f(x 2)−f(x +23)的定义域. 【解答】解:∵ 函数f(3x +2)的定义域是(−2, 1), 即−2<x <1,∴ −4<3x +2<5,∴ 函数f(x)的定义域为(−4, 5),由{−4<x2<5−4<x+23<5,解得−√5<x<√5.∴函数f(x2)−f(x+23)的定义域为(−√5,√5).故答案为:(−√5, √5).三、解答题(共2小题,满分0分)【答案】解:∵函数f(x)的定义域是(0, 1],由{0<x≤10<x+a≤1 0<x−a≤1,且a∈(−12, 0],解得−a<x≤1+a.∴g(x)=f(x+a)+f(x−a)+f(x)的定义域是(−a, 1+a].【考点】函数的定义域及其求法【解析】由函数f(x)的定义域是(0, 1],列不等式组{0<x≤10<x+a≤10<x−a≤1,结合a∈(−12, 0]解得a的取值范围得答案.【解答】解:∵函数f(x)的定义域是(0, 1],由{0<x≤10<x+a≤1 0<x−a≤1,且a∈(−12, 0],解得−a<x≤1+a.∴g(x)=f(x+a)+f(x−a)+f(x)的定义域是(−a, 1+a].【答案】解:由于f(m+n)=f(m)⋅f(n),f(1)=2,则令m=1,有f(n+1)=f(1)f(n)=2f(n),即有f(n+1)f(n)=2,则f(2)f(1)+f(3)f(2)+...+f(2012)f(2011)=2+2+...+2=2×2011=4022.【考点】抽象函数及其应用【解析】由于f(m+n)=f(m)⋅f(n),f(1)=2,则令m=1,有f(n+1)=f(1)f(n)= 2f(n),即可得到所求值为2×2011=4022.【解答】解:由于f(m+n)=f(m)⋅f(n),f(1)=2,则令m=1,有f(n+1)=f(1)f(n)=2f(n),即有f(n+1)f(n)=2,则f(2)f(1)+f(3)f(2)+...+f(2012)f(2011)=2+2+...+2=2×2011=4022.。




























高一上学期第四次周练试题 试题

高一上学期第四次周练试题 试题

2021—2021学年上学期高一年级第四次双周练语文试卷考试时间是是:2013年11月02日一、语文根底知识〔一共15分,一共5小题,每一小题3分)1.以下各组词语中,加点字读音各不一样的一项是哪一项〔〕A.婆娑/摩挲保藏/宝藏撰写/编纂嬉笑/嘻皮笑脸B.怔住/怔忡着急/着陆瞌睡/溘然契据/锲而不舍 C.执拗/拗断载波/载重玄色/船舷害怕/祛除疾病D.弄堂/里弄横肉/横财谄媚/雏菊荤腥/萦回盘旋2.以下各句中,没有错别字的一句是〔〕A.噩梦迟顿摘星览月金壁辉煌B.脚趾蠕动不同凡响九宵云外C.嘈杂隐密翻箱到柜逆来顺受D.汽艇俯瞰豁然开朗谈笑风生3.以下加点词语使用恰当的一项是哪一项〔〕A.这只狗很忠诚,以前主人在的时候,它整天跟在主人的身边,总是点头哈腰....,很开心。






4. 以下各项中,没有语病的一项是哪一项〔〕A.鲁迅是中国文化革命的主将,也被人民称为“民族魂〞。







江西省宜春市2017-2018 学年高一数学上学期第四次周练试题考试时间:100 分;总分:100 分一、选择题(本大题共12 小题,共48.0 分)1.已知全集,会合,则等于A. B. C. D.2.已知,则的大小关系为A. B. C. D.3.已知函数对随意恒有建立,则实数 a 的取值范围是A. B. C. D.4.若一个圆锥的侧面睁开图是面积为的半圆面,则该圆锥的母线与轴所成的角为A. B. C. D.5.如图中的几何体是由下边哪个三角形绕直线旋转所获得的A. B. C. D.6.用一个平行于圆锥底面的平面截这个圆锥,截得的圆台上、下底面的面积之比为1: 16,截去的圆锥的母线长是3cm,则圆台的母线长是A. 9 cmB. 10 cmC. 12 cmD. 15 cm7.如图,正方形的边长为2cm,它是水平搁置的一个平面图形的直观图,则原平面图形的周长是.A.12B.16C.D.8.已知某锥体的正视图和侧视图如图,则该锥体的俯视图不行能是A. B.C. D.9.已知:空间四边形ABCD如下图, E、F 分别是 AB、 AD的中点, G、H分别是上的点,且.,则直线FH与直线A. 平行B. 订交C. 异面D. 垂直10.正方体棱长为分别是棱的中点,则过三点的平面截正方体所得截面的面积为A. B.C. D.11.四位好朋友在一次聚会上,他们依据各自的喜好选择了形状不一样、内空高度相等、杯口半径相等的圆口酒杯,如下图,盛满酒后他们商定:先各自饮杯中酒的一半设节余酒的高度从左到右挨次为,则它们的大小关系正确的选项是A. B. C. D.12.如图,在正方形ABCD中,E、F分别是BC、CD的中点,G是EF的中点,此刻沿AE、 AF及EF 把这个正方形折成一个空间图形,使、、D三点重合,重合后的点记为,那么,在B C H这个空间图形中必有A.所在平面B.所在平面C.所在平面D.所在平面二、填空题(本大题共 3 小题,共12.0 分)13.用a、b、c表示三条不一样的直线,y 表示平面,给出以下命题:若,则;若,则;若,则;若,则.此中真命题的序号是 ______ .14.若一个正三棱柱的三视图如下图,则这个正三棱柱的高和底面边长分别为______ 和______ .( 14 题图)( 15 题图)15.如图是正方体的平面睁开图,则在这个正方体中,以下四个判断中,正确的序号是______.与 ED平行;与BE是异面直线;与BM成角;与BN是异面直线.三、解答题(本大题共 4 小题,共40.0 分)16.计算:.17.直棱柱中,底面ABCD是直角梯形,为的中点求证:求证:平面平面.平面.18.已知函数是定义域在 R上的奇函数,且.务实数 a、 b 的值;判断函数的单一性,并用定义证明;解不等式:f [log 1 (2 x12)] f [log 2 (1x)] 02219.P是四边形ABCD所在平面外一点,ABCD是且边长为 a 的菱形,侧面PAD为正三角形,其所在平面垂直于底面ABCD.若 G为 AD边的中点,求证:平面APD;求证:.宜春九中2020 届高一上学期第四次数学周练试卷一、选择题(本大题共12 小题,共48.0 分)1.已知全集,会合,则等于A. B. C. D.【答案】A【分析】解:全集,会合或,,,.应选: A.先分别求出会合,进而求出,由此能求出.本题考察补集、交集的求法,是基础题,解题时要认真审题,注意补集、交集定义的合理运用.2.已知,则的大小关系为A. B. C. D.【答案】 C【分析】解:,.应选: C.利用,即可得出.本题考察了指数函数与对数函数的单一性,考察了推理能力与计算能力,属于基础题.3.已知函数对随意恒有建立,则实数 a 的取值范围是A. B. C. D.【答案】 C【分析】解:对随意恒有建立,即有在恒建立,因为,当且仅当取最小值2,则,即有.应选C.运用参数分别,获得在恒建立,对右侧运用基本不等式,求得最小值2,解,即可获得.本题考察含参二次不等式恒建立问题可经过参数分别,运用基本不等式求最值,属于中档题.4.若一个圆锥的侧面睁开图是面积为的半圆面,则该圆锥的母线与轴所成的角为A. B. C. D.【答案】 A【分析】解:设圆锥的母线长为的半圆面,l ,底面半径为r ,圆锥的侧面睁开图是面积为,即,又圆锥的侧面积公式,即,解得,,则,.即圆锥的母线与圆锥的轴所成角的大小为,应选: A.依据圆锥侧面睁开图是面积为的半圆面,可得圆锥的母线长,既而获得圆锥的底面半径,即可求出圆锥的母线与圆锥的轴所成角的大小.本题主要考察圆锥的侧面积的计算和应用,比较基础.5.如图中的几何体是由下边哪个三角形绕直线旋转所获得的【答案】 B【分析】解:依据旋转体,可得是由绕直线旋转所得,应选B.本题考察旋转体,空间想象能力,比较基础.6.用一个平行于圆锥底面的平面截这个圆锥,截得的圆台上、下底面的面积之比为 1:16,截去的圆锥的母线长是 3cm,则圆台的母线长是A. 9 cmB. 10 cmC. 12 cmD. 15 cm【答案】 A1: 16,【分析】解:截得的圆台上、下底面的面积之比为圆台的上、下底面半径之比是1:4,如图,设圆台的母线长为y,小圆锥底面与被截的圆锥底面半径分别是x、4x,依据相像三角形的性质得.解此方程得.因此圆台的母线长为9cm.应选: A 设圆台的母线长为y,小圆锥底面与被截的圆锥底面半径分别是x、4x,利用相像知识,求出圆台的母线长.考察圆锥与圆台的关系,考察计算能力.7. 如图,正方形的边长为2cm,它是水平搁置的一个平面图形的直观图,则原平面图形的周长是.A. 12B. 16C.D.【答案】 B【分析】解:由直观图可得原图如下图,且,因此,因此周长为 16,应选: B.依据题目给出的直观图的形状,画出对应的原平面图形的形状,求出相应的边长,则问题可求.本题考察了平面图形的直观图,考察了数形联合思想,解答本题的重点是掌握平面图形的直观图的画法,能正确的画出直观图的原图形.8.已知某椎体的正视图和侧视图如图,则该锥体的俯视图不行能是A. B. C. D.【答案】 D【分析】解:关于:边长为 2 的正四棱锥,可得正视图和侧视图同样,A正确.A关于 B:直径为2的圆锥,可得正视图和侧视图同样, B 正确.关于 C:底面为等腰直角三角形,边长为 2 的三棱锥,可得正视图和侧视图同样,C正确.关于:三视图投影获得正视图,侧视图和俯视图等的三棱锥是没有的,不正确.D应选 D挨次对各选项的正视图和侧视图判断可得答案.本题考察了三视图与空间几何体的投影关系,考虑空间想象能力,解决本题的重点是获得该几何体的形状.9.已知:空间四边形 ABCD如下图, E、F 分别是 AB、AD的中点, G、H分别是上的点,且.,则直线FH与直线A.平行B.订交C. 异面D. 垂直【答案】 B【分析】解::四边形ABCD是空间四边形,E、 F 分别是 AB、 AD的中点,为三角形 ABD的中位线且又.,∽,且在四边形EFHG中,即四点共面,且,四边形 EFGH是梯形,直线 FH与直线 EG订交,应选B.ABD的中位线,进而且,由.,得在四边由已知EF为三角形形 EFHG中,,即四点共面,且,由此能得出结论.本题考察的知识点是平行线分线段成比率定理,是基础题,依据已知条件,判断出且,是解答本题的重点.10. 正方体棱长为分别是棱的中点,则过三点的平面截正方体所得截面的面积为A.B.C.D.【答案】 D【分析】解:如下图;取正方体棱 AB、BC、的中点 L、K、 Q,连结、 KQ、 QP,则六边形 PQKLNM是过三点的平面截正方体所得的截面,该六边形是正六边形,其边长为,其面积为.应选: D.依据题意,取正方体棱 AB、 BC、的中点L、 K、 Q,PQKLNM是所得的截面,连结、 KQ、 QP,得出六边形求出该六边形的面积即可.本题考察了空间中的平行关系与平面公义的应用问题,是基础题.11.四位好朋友在一次聚会上,他们依据各自的喜好选择了形状不一样、内空高度相等、杯口半径相等的圆口酒杯,如下图,盛满酒后他们商定:先各自饮杯中酒的一半设节余酒的高度从左到右挨次为,则它们的大小关系正确的选项是A. B. C. D.【答案】 A【分析】解:察看图形可知体积减少一半后节余酒的高度最高为,最低为,应选 A可依据几何体的图形特点,联合题目,选择答案.本题考察学生对几何图形的认识,察看图形的能力,是基础题.12.如图,在正方形 ABCD中, E、 F 分别是 BC、 CD的中点, G是 EF的中点,此刻沿 AE、 AF及 EF把这个正方形折成一个空间图形,使在这个空间图形中必有B、C、D三点重合,重合后的点记为H,那么,A.所在平面B.所在平面C.所在平面D.所在平面【答案】 B【分析】解:依据折叠前、后不变,平面EFH, B正确;过A只有一条直线与平面垂直,不正确;EFH平面平面,过 H作直线垂直于平面,必定在平面内,AEF HAG不正确;不垂直于平面 AEF不正确, D不正确.应选 B本题为折叠问题,剖析折叠前与折叠后地点关系、几何量的变与不变,可得HA、HE、 HF三者互相垂直,依据线面垂直的判断定理,可判断AH与平面的垂直.HEF本题考察直线与平面垂直的判断,一般利用线线线面面面,垂直关系的互相转变判断.二、填空题(本大题共 3 小题,共 12.0分)13.用 a、 b、c 表示三条不一样的直线, y 表示平面,给出以下命题:若,则;若,则;若,则;若,则.此中真命题的序号是______ .【答案】【分析】解:由 a、 b、 c 表示三条不一样的直线,y 表示平面,知:若,则,故正确;若,则 a 与 c 订交、平行或异面,故不正确;若,则 a 与 b 订交、平行或异面;若,则,故正确.故答案为:.由 a、 b、 c 表示三条不一样的直线,y 表示平面,知:若,则;若与 c 订交、平行或异面;若,则a与b订交、平行或异面;若,则.本题考察平面的基天性质及其推论,是基础题解题时要认真审题,认真解答.,则a14.若一个正三棱柱的三视图如下图,则这个正三棱柱的高和底面边长分别为______ .______和【答案】 2; 4【分析】解:由三视图可得棱柱的高侧视图的高底面的高侧视图的宽又底面是一个正三角形底面边长为 4 故答案:由三视图可知,主视图和侧视图的高即为正三棱柱的高,而侧视图的宽是底面的高,依据底面是一个正三角形,我们易求出底面边长.本题考察的简单几何体的三视图,由三视图判断几何体棱长、高与三视图中平面图形边长的关系是解答的重点.15.如图是正方体的平面睁开图,则在这个正方体中,以下四个判断中,正确的序号是 ______ .与平行;与BE 是异面直线;与成角;与BNED BM是异面直线.【答案】【分析】解:睁开图还原的正方体如图,不难看出:与 ED平行;错误的,是异面直线;与BE是异面直线,错误;是平行线;与 BM成;正确;与 BM是异面直线正确.判断正确的答案为故答案为:将睁开图还原为几何体,如图,根据正方体的几何牲,分别四个命题的真假,简单判断选项的正误,求出结果.本题考察异面直线的判断,异面直线及其所成的角,空间中直线与直线之间的地点关系,几何体的折叠与睁开,考察空间想象能力,是基础题.三、解答题(本大题共16. 计算:4 小题,共40.0 分).【答案】解:..【分析】利用有理指数幂的运算法例化简求解即可.利用对数的运算法例化简求解即可.本题考察对数运算法例以及有理指数幂的运算法例的应用,考察计算能力.17. 直棱柱中,底面ABCD是直角梯形,为的中点求证:求证:平面平面.平面.【答案】证明:直棱柱中,底面为的中点ABCD是直角梯形,四边形是平行四边形,,平面平面.平面.由知,直棱柱由直棱柱性质得,,平面平面,平面平面.【分析】推导出四边形是平行四边形,进而,由此能证明平面推导出,由此能证明平面平面.本题考察直线与平面平行、面面平行的证明,考察空间想象能力、运算求解能力,考察数形联合思想,是中档题..18. 已知函数是定义域在R上的奇函数,且.务实数 a、 b 的值;判断函数的单一性,并用定义证明;解不等式:.【答案】解:由题意可知定义域在R上的奇函数可得即:,解得:即实数、由函数在R上为增函数,证明:在 R上任,且,则,,即函数在R上为增函数.不等式:.等价转变为:定义域在R上的奇函数又函数是 R上的增函数,由解得:原不等式的解集为【分析】依据定义域在R上的奇函数可得即可求解实数a、 b 的值;利用定义证明单一性.利用函数的单一性和奇偶性即求解不等式.本题主要考察函数的奇偶性,单一性的证明及运用,对数的计算能力,属于中档题.19.P是四边形所在平面外一点,是且边长为a的菱形,ABCD ABCD侧面 PAD为正三角形,其所在平面垂直于底面ABCD.若为边的中点,求证:平面;G AD APD求证:.【答案】证明:连结BD,由已知且四边形ABCD是菱形是正三角形,又G 为 AD边的中点接 PG,由侧面平面 ABCD又平面平面ABCD,平面PAD为正三角形, G为 AD边的中点平面 PBG,又平面.平面由可知平面APD平面连【分析】连结,依据条件可知是正三角形,而G为边的中点,则平BD AD面 ABCD又平面平面 ABCD,平面平面,依据面面垂直的性质定理可知平面 APD;连结 PG,由侧面 PAD为正三角形, G为 AD边的中点获得,再由可知平面,依据线面垂直的判断定理可知平面 PBG,而平面 PBG,依据线面垂直的性质可知.本小题主要考察直线与平面垂直的判断,以及线面垂直的性质等相关知识,考察空间想象能力、运算能力和推理论证能力,考察转变思想,属于基础题.。

高一数学上学期周练四 试题

高一数学上学期周练四 试题

卜人入州八九几市潮王学校二零二零—二零二壹上期高一数学周练〔四〕一.选做题:1.用列举法可以将集合{(,)|{1,2},{1,2}}x y x y ∈∈表示为_____________A.{{1,1},{1,2},{2,1},{2,2}B.{1,2}C.{(1,2),(1,1),(2,1),(2,2)}D.{〔1,2〕}2.对于函数f(x),以下说法正确的有_____个:①y 是x 的函数②对于x 的不同的值,y 的值也不一样③f(a)〔a 是常数〕表示x=a 时函数f(x)的值,是一个常量④f(x)一定可以用一个详细式子表示出来3.满足条件{1}{1,2,3}M =的集合M 的个数是____________:4.函数y =_______:A.[0,2]B.[0,4]C.(,4]-∞D.[0,)+∞5.f(x+1)=2x+3,那么f(3)等于___________:6.设全集A={1,3,x},集合B 2{1,}x=,A∪B={1,3,x},那么这样的x 的不同的值的个数_____ 7.设集合{|101}A x Z x =∈-≤≤-,B={|5}x Z x ∈≤,那么A∪B 中元素的个数是_________8.全集U={1,2,3,4,5},2{|320},{|2,}A x x x B x x a a A =-+===∈,那么()U C A B 中元素的个数为_____________:9.f(0)=1,f(n)=nf(n-1)()n N +∈,那么f(4)=______________A.12B.6C.24D,6010.设f,g 都是由A 到A 的映射,左,右两个表格分别代表其对应法那么(f 左g 右) 原像1 2 3 4 原像 1 2 3 4 像 3 4 2 1 像 4 3 1 2 那么与f(g(1))一样的是__________A.g(f(3))B.g(f(2))C.g(f(4))D.g(f(1))11.集合{|0},{|10},M x x a N x ax M N N =-==-==,那么实数a 的值等于____ 或者或者-1或者012.拟定从甲地到乙地通话xmin 的费由() 1.06(0.5.[]1)f x x =⨯+〔元〕决定,其中x>0,[x]表示大于或者等于x 的最小整数,那么从甲地到乙地通话时间是为分钟的费为_____元二.填空题:13.U=R ,A={x|x>1},B={x|x>0},C={x|x>2},那么(())___U B C A C =14.设22,1(),122,2x x f x x x x x +≤-⎧⎪=-<<⎨⎪≥⎩,假设()3f x =,那么x=______________15.假设f(x)是一次函数,且f(f(x))=4x-1,那么f(x)=___________16.设集合{|12},{|}Mx x N x x a =-≤<=≤,假设M N ≠∅,那么实数a 的取值范围是___三.解答题: 17.函数1,10()1,01x x f x x x ---≤<⎧=⎨-+<≤⎩,求不等式()()1f x f x -->-的解集 18{|210},{|}A x x x B x a x b =-<<->=≤≤或,{|02},{|2}A B x x A B x x =<≤=>-务实数a 、b 的值19.集合{|25}A x x =-≤≤,B={|121}x m x m +≤≤- ①假设B A ⊆,务实数m 的取值范围②假设A B =∅,务实数m 的取值范围20.集合2{|4260}A x x ax a =-++=,{|0}B x x =<,假设A B ≠∅,务实数a 的取值范围 21.求函数51()42x f x x -=+〔0<x<1〕的值域 22.函数f(x)的值域是34[,]89,求函数()()g x f x = 参考答案:1-6.AACAAA7-12.CACDDC1{|01}x x <≤123y x =-或者y=-2x+116.1a ≥- 11[1,)(0,1]2--8、a=-1,b=2 19.(1)(,3]-∞(2)m<2或者m>4 20.(,1]-∞-212(,)23- 2.77[,]98。







高一第四周周练一、选择题 1、函数322-+=x y x的单调递减区间为 ( )A.(]3,-∞- B.(]1,-∞- C.[)+∞-,1 D.[)+∞-,3 2、在区间)0,(-∞上为增函数的是 ( )A .1=yB .21+-=xxy C .12x x y 2---= D .21x y += 3、函数b x k y ++=)12(在实数集上是增函数,则( )A .21->kB .21-<k C .0>b D .0>b4、下列函数中的奇函数是 ( )A.)1()1(--=x x x y B.x y 23-= C.x y -= D.x y x33-=π5、定义在R上的奇函数)(x f 一定有 ( )A.0)()(>--x f x f B.0)()(<--x f x f C.0)()(≤-x f x f D.0)()(>-x f x f6.下列各式中成立的一项( )A .7177)(m n mn=B .31243)3(-=-C .43433)(y x y x +=+ D .3339=7、把根式52)(b a --改写成分数指数幂的形式为 ( )A.)(52b a -- B.)(25b a - C.b a 5252--- D.b a 2525-8、化简)31()3)((656131212132b a b a b a ÷-的结果( ) A .a 6 B .a - C .a 9-D .29a9、函数210)2()5(--+-=x x y 的定义域是( )A .}2,5|{≠≠x x xB .}2|{>x xC .}5|{>x xD .}552|{><<x x x 或10、已知2)(xx e e x f --=,则下列正确的是 ( )A .奇函数B .偶函数C .非奇非偶函数D .无法确定 二、填空题11、用根式表示下列各式:a 31=______ a43=______b 53-=______ 12、用分数指数幂表示下列各式 :a =______ 32)2(b a -=__________13、化简)0(107532>••a a aa a=____________14、设2,455==yx,则52yx -=_________三、解答题 15、化简 (1) 4332bba aab(2) )()(141321413231z y x z y x -•-••••-注:尊敬的各位读者,本文是笔者教育资料系列文章的一篇,由于时间关系,如有相关问题,望各位雅正。



高一数学第四次周测分卷I一、选择题(共6小题,每小题5.0分,共30分)1.已知集合A={x|2x+1<3},B={x|x2≤4},则A∪B等于()A. {x|-2≤x<1}B. {x|x≤2}C. {x|-2<x<1}D. {x|x<2}2.设p:x<-1或x>1;q:x<-2或x>1,则p是q的()A.充分不必要条件B.必要不充分条件C.充要条件D.既不充分也不必要条件3.已知幂函数f(x)=xα的图象经过点(2,4),则下列命题中不正确的是()A.函数图象过点(-1,1)B.当x∈[-1,2]时,函数f(x)取值范围是[0,4]C.f(x)+f(-x)=0D.函数f(x)单调减区间为(-∞,0)4.函数y=x-2在区间[12,2]上的最大值是()A.14B.-1C. 4D.-45.下列各组函数是同一函数的是()①f(x)=√−2x3与g(x)=x√−2x;②f(x)=|x|与g(x)=√x2;③f(x)=x0与g(x)=1x0;④f(x)=x2-2x-1与g(t)=t2-2t-1.A.①②B.①③C.②④D.①④12. 定义在R上的偶函数f(x)满足:对任意的x1,x2∈[0,+∞)(x1≠x2),有f(x2)-f(x1)x2-x1<0,则()A.f(3)<f(-2)<f(1) B.f(1)<f(-2)<f(3)C.f(-2)<f(1)<f(3) D.f(3)<f(1)<f(-2)分卷II二、填空题(共2小题,每小题5.0分,共10分)7.若“x2-2x-8>0”是“m-1<x<m”的必要条件,则m的取值范围为________.8.设函数f(x)是R上的减函数,若f(m-1)>f(2m-1),则实数m的取值范围是________.13.已知集合]6,3[=A,}41|{<<-=xxB,则A∩=B .14.已知函数f(x)=(m2-m-1)xm2-2m-1是幂函数,且是偶函数,则f(x)= .15.已知函数()2()13f x ax b x a b=+-++为偶函数,其定义域为[]1,2a a-,则a+b的值为 .16.函数)(xf的定义域是]2,1[-,则函数)()(xfxfy-+=的定义域是三、解答题(共4小题,每小题12.0分,共48分)9.函数f(x)=(m2-m-1)·x m2+m-3是幂函数,且当x∈(0,+∞)时,f(x)是增函数,求f(x)的解析式.10.已知集合A={x|2-a≤x≤2+a},B={x|x≤1或x≥4}.(1)当a=3时,求A∩B;(2)若A∩B=∅,求实数a的取值范围.11.已知f(x)是定义在R上的奇函数,当x>0时,f(x)=x2-x-1.(1)求函数f(x)的解析式;(2)求不等式f(x)<1的解集.12.设函数f(x)=x2-2|x|-1(-3≤x≤3).(1)证明:f(x)是偶函数;(2)画出这个函数的图象;(3)指出函数f(x)的单调区间,并说明在各个单调区间上f(x)是增函数还是减函数;(4)求函数的值域.13.(本小题12分)已知函数f(x)是定义在(-2,2)的奇函数,且在(-2,2)上单调递增.若f(2+a)+f(1-2a)>0,求a的取值范围.。

2021年高一上学期第四次周练 生物试题 含答案

2021年高一上学期第四次周练 生物试题 含答案

2021年高一上学期第四次周练生物试题含答案一、选择题1.观察玻片标本时,或发现视野上方较暗下方较亮,应调节( )A.目镜B.物镜C.光圈D.反光镜2.细菌、支原体、动物肝细胞和植物叶肉细胞等共同具有的结构是()A.内质网B.核糖体C.细胞核D.线粒体3.观察细胞中染色体行为并计数时,使用光学显微镜的正确方法是()A.低倍镜对焦,将观察目标移至视野中央,转用高倍镜并增加进光量,调焦观察B.低倍镜对焦,将观察目标移至视野中央,转用高倍镜并减少进光量,调焦观察C.低倍镜对焦,转用高倍镜,将观察目标移至视野中央,减少进光量,调焦观察D.高倍镜对焦,将观察目标移至视野中央,增加进光量,调焦观察4.某单细胞生物,体内不具有叶绿体但有叶绿素,它最可能是()A.真核生物B.异养生物C.无核膜的生物D.有线粒体的生物5.蓝藻与酵母菌共有的结构是() A.细胞壁与核糖体B.核膜与细胞膜C.中心体与核糖体D.线粒体与细胞膜6.艾滋病是当今世界上最难治愈的疾病之一,被称为“超级癌症”,艾滋病病毒属于生物的理由是()A.由有机物组成B.具有细胞结构C.能使其他生物致病D.能复制产生后代7.培养甲型H1N1病毒时,应选用()A.无菌的牛肉汤B.含多种无机盐的培养液C.固体培养基D.适宜温度和湿度条件下的活鸡胚8.若用一显微镜观察同一标本4次,每次仅调整目镜、物镜和细准焦螺旋,结果得如下图A、B、C、D,试问其中视野最暗的是()9.与乌龟的心脏所属的生命系统的结构层次相同的是()A.人的血液B.人的肌纤维C.人的皮肤D.人的呼吸系统10.在森林公园内有一群灰喜鹊,它们是这个森林公园里马尾松的“保护神”。

这一群灰喜鹊,属于生命系统结构层次中的哪个层次()A.个体B.种群C.群落D.生态系统11.下列叙述中,正确的是() A.甲型H1N1病毒不具有细胞结构,所以不具有生命特征B.一只变形虫就是一个细胞C.精子不具有细胞结构,只有形成受精卵才具有细胞的结构和功能D.细胞是一切生物的结构单位和功能单位12.绿色开花植物的结构层次是()A.细胞—组织—器官—植物体B.细胞—组织—系统—植物本C.细胞—器官—系统—植物体D.细胞—器官—组织—植物体13.下列各项中属于一个种群的是()A.一座山上的树B.校园操场边一排长势整齐的柳树C.一块草地上的草D.一片森林中所有的马尾松14.大部分动植物体是不透明的,不能直接在显微镜下观察,一般要经过特殊处理,如将标本做成很薄的切片,但酵母菌、水绵、洋葱表皮等材料却可以直接做成装片放在显微镜下观察,这主要是因为它们()A.是单个或单层细胞B.都带有特殊的颜色C.是无色透明的D.是活的细胞15.下列各项中不属于细胞结构共性的是()A.都具有遗传物质B.都具有选择通透性的膜结构C.都具有核糖体D.都具有膜结构的细胞器16.下面是几种生物的细胞亚显微结构模式图,请据图回答:(1)图中属于原核生物的是________(填代号),能进行光合作用的是________(填代号)。

2021年高一上学期第四次周练 化学试题 含答案

2021年高一上学期第四次周练 化学试题 含答案

2021年高一上学期第四次周练化学试题含答案一、选择题(本题包括12小题,每小题4分,共48分)1.下列说法中,不正确的是( )A.研究物质的性质时,常用到观察、实验、分类、比较等方法B.制陶、冶金、酿酒等生产过程中,肯定发生了化学反应C.1869年俄国化学家门捷列夫提出原子学说,为近代化学的发展奠定了基础D.我国化学家在1965年第一次人工合成出具有生理活性的蛋白质,为世界生命科学的研究和发展作出了贡献2.下图分别表示四种操作,其中有两处错误的是()3.在物质混合、反应等过程中,会存在“1+1≠2”的现象。

通常情况下,下列各种混合或反应过程中,“1+1”不等于“2”的是()A.1 g酒精和1 g水混合后的总质量B.100 mL酒精与100 mL水混合均匀后所得溶液的总体积C.温度一定时1 g H2O溶解1 g硝酸钾后,所得溶液的质量D.1 g氢氧化钠溶液和1 g醋酸溶液混合后溶液的质量4.在标准状况下,下列物质所占体积最大的是()A.98 g H2SO4B.56 g FeC.44.8 L HCl D.6 g H25.下列各组物质反应后生成碱和可燃性气体的是()A.钠和水B.铁和盐酸C.过氧化钠和水D.氧化钠和水6.潮湿的氯气、新制的氯水、次氯酸钠溶液、漂白粉溶液均能使有色布条退色,这是由于它们含有或能生成()A.氯气B.次氯酸C.次氯酸根D.氯化氢7.下列各组中,分子数目相同的是()A.22.4 L氩气和1 mol氢气B.2 g氢气和16 g氧气C.同温同压下,2 L氢气和2 L水D.常温常压下1 mol氧气和标准状况下2 g氢气8.下列说法中正确的是()①钠在空气中燃烧生成白色的氧化钠②钠投入硫酸铜溶液中有红色粉末产生③过氧化钠可在防毒面具中做供氧剂④铁丝在氯气中燃烧生成棕色的FeCl3⑤钠、氢气在氯气中燃烧都能产生白烟A.①②B.②③C.③④D.④⑤9.用N A表示阿伏加德罗常数的值,下列叙述正确的是()A.含有N A个原子的氢气在标准状况下的体积约为22.4 LB.25 ℃,1.01×105 Pa,64 g SO2中含有的原子数为3N AC.40 g NaOH溶解在1 L水中,所制得的100 mL溶液中含Na+数为0.1N AD.标准状况下,11.2 L H2O含有的分子数为0.5N A10.小华家中有如下生活用品:碘酒、食盐、食醋、84消毒液(内含NaClO),小华利用上述用品不能完成的任务是()A.检验买来的奶粉中是否加有淀粉B.检验自来水中是否含有Cl-C.除去保温瓶中的水垢D.洗去白色衣服上的番茄汁11.有两种体积相同的某植物的营养液,其配方如下表所示:KCl K2SO4ZnSO4ZnCl21 0.3 mol 0.2 mol 0.1 mol -2 0.1 mol 0.3 mol -0.1 molA.只有n(K+)相同B.只有n(Cl-)相同C.各离子的物质的量均不同D.各离子的物质的量完全相同12.将50 mL 0.1 mol·L-1的NaCl溶液和50 mL 0.5 mol·L-1的CaCl2溶液混合后,若溶液的体积为二者体积之和,则混合溶液中c(Cl-)为()A.1 mol·L-1B.0.55 mol·L-1C.0.67 mol·L-1D.2 mol·L-1二、非选择题(本题包括5小题,共52分)13.(12分)(1)相同质量的SO2气体和SO3气体,其分子数之比为________,氧原子数之比为________,相同条件下(同温同压)的体积之比为________,密度之比为________。

高一数学上学期第四次双周练试题 2

高一数学上学期第四次双周练试题 2

高级中学2021-2021学年高一数学上学期第四次双周练试题一、选择题〔一共15小题,每一小题5分〕1、集合A ={x |x <1},B ={x |x3<1},那么A ∩B =〔 〕 A .{x |x <0}B .{x |x >0}C .{x |x >1}D .{x |x <1}2、()f x 是奇函数,当0x >时()()1f x x x =-+,当0x <时,()f x 等于〔 〕 A .()1x x -- B .()1x x - C .()1x x -+ D .()1x x +3、假设()()2,22,2xf x x f x x -⎧+<=⎨≥⎩,那么()3=f -〔 〕. A .2 B .8C .18D .124、符号函数⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧<-=>=0,10,00,1x x x x sgn ,那么不等式2sgn )1>+x x (的解集是〔 〕A .(-3,1)B .(-∞,-3)∪(1,+∞)C .(1,+∞)D .(-∞,-3)5、规定()()a ab a b b a b ≥⎧⊗=⎨<⎩,设函数11()22x x f x --=⊗,假设存在实数x 0,对任意实数x 都满足0()()f x f x ≤,那么0x =〔 〕 A .21 B .1C .2D .26、函数()f x 的图象关于直线0x =对称,当210x x >≥时,()()()21210f x f x x x -->⎡⎤⎣⎦恒成立,那么满足()1213f x f ⎛⎫-< ⎪⎝⎭的x 的取值范围是〔 〕A .12,33⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭B .2,3⎛⎫-∞ ⎪⎝⎭C .2,3⎛⎫+∞⎪⎝⎭D .12,23⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭7、函数)10(2)(1≠>-=+a a a x f x 且的图象恒过定点〔 〕A .)(2,0B .)(2,1 C .)(1,1-D .)(2,1- 8、以下等式中,根式与分数指数幂的互化正确的选项是〔 〕 A .)0()(21>-=-x x x B .)0(3162<=y y yC. )0(331≠-=x x x—D .)0()1(4343>=x xx—9、用分数指数幂表示3aa a 为( )A.34aB.43aC.121aD.41-a10、函数21()(23)()2xf x a a =--为减函数,那么实数a 的取值范围是〔 〕 A .3[1,]2- B .3(1,)2- C .3(,1)(,)2-∞-+∞ D .3(,1][,)2-∞-⋃+∞11、设R b ∈,假设函数b x f x x+-=+124)(在[-1,1]上的最大值是3,那么其在[-1,1]上的最小值是〔 〕A .2B .1C .0D .12、的大小关系是〔 〕A .B .C .D .13、在以下图象中,二次函数bx ax y +=2与指数函数xa b y ⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛=图象只可能是A .B .C .D .14、以下各式运算错误的选项是〔 〕. A . ()()232278a b ab a b --=- B . ()()3323233a b ab a b -÷-=C . ()()233266ab a b --= D . ()()323321818a b a b ⎡⎤--=⎢⎥⎣⎦15、假设函数)10(1)(≠>-+=a a b a x f x且的图象经过第二、三、四象限,那么一定有〔 〕.A .010><<b a 且B .01>>b a 且C .010<<<b a 且D .01<>b a 且二、填空题〔一共2小题,每一小题5分〕16、函数)13(311822≤≤-⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛=+--x y x x 的值域是_________.17、以下几个命题:①方程2(3)0x a x a +-+=有一个正实根,一个负实根,那么0a <.②函数2211x x y -+-=是偶函数,但不是奇函数.③函数)(x f 的值域是]2,2[-,那么函数)1(+x f 的值域为]1,3[-.④ 设函数)(x f y =定义域为R ,那么函数)1(x f y -=与)1(-=x f y 的图象关于y 轴对称.⑤一条曲线23x y -=和直线)(R a a y ∈=的公一共点个数是m ,那么m 的值不可能是1. 其中正确的有___________________.三、解答题〔一共1小题,每一小题15分〕18、函数)1,0,()(≠>⋅=a a b a a b x f x为常数且的图象经过点)32,3(),8,1(B A , 〔1〕试求b a ,的值;〔2〕假设不等式12≥-+m b a x x在]2,1[-∈x 有解,求m 的取值范围.附加题〔宏奥班学生必做〕19、设)(x f 是定义在R 上的偶函数,且当0≥x 时,⎩⎨⎧≥-<≤+-=1,2210,1)(2x x x x f x,假设对任意的]1,[+∈m m x ,不等式)()1(m x f x f +≤-恒成立,那么实数m 的最大值是〔 〕 A .1- B .31-C .21-D .3120、定义在R 上的函数)(x f 满足)2(2)(-=x f x f ,且当]1,1(-∈x 时,xx f ⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛=21)(.假设关于x 的方程2)3()(+-=x a x f 在)(5,0上至少有两个实数解,那么实数a 的取值范围为( )A.]2,0[B.),0[+∞C.]2,0(D.),2[+∞高中2022届高一数学周练参考答案一、选择题1-5AACBB 6-10ACDBC 11-15AAACC 5、B据题意1x ≥时,1()2x f x -=,单调递增,当1x <时,1()2xf x -=,单调递减,所以1x =时()(1)1f x f ==最小值,所以01x =.6、A 当210x x >≥时,()()()21210f x f x x x -->⎡⎤⎣⎦恒成立,所以()()210f x f x ->恒成立,即函数()f x 在(0,)+∞上单调递增,又因为函数()f x 的图象关于直线0x =对称,所以()f x 在(,0)-∞上单调递减,假设要满足()1213f x f ⎛⎫-< ⎪⎝⎭,即112133x -<-<,解得1233x <<10、C由题知23230,(23)(1)0,2a a a a a -->-+>∴>或者1a <-11、A.2,22)2(24)(21t b b x f x x x x x =+⋅-=+-=+设设.2t x =那么.1)1(2)(22-+-=+-=b t b t t x f因为]1,1[-∈x 所以]2,21[∈t 当1=t 时,1)1()(min -==b f x f ;当2=t 时,3)(max =x f ,即311=-+b ,3=b 于是2)(min =x f .应选A. 12、A∵x y )32(=在R 上为减函数,3132>,∴3132)32()32(<∵32x y =在〔0,+∞〕上为增函数,05232>>,∴3232)52()32(>∴323231)52()32()32(>>13、A根据指数函数xa b y ⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛=可知a ,b 同号且不相等,那么二次函数bx ax y +=2的对称轴02<-ab可排除B,D , C 选项里面,0,0<>-a b a ,∴1>a b ,那么指数函数xa b y ⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛=单调递增,故C 不正确.15、C)10(1)(≠>-+=a a b a x f x 且,经过二、三、四象限,那么其图像应如下图:所以10<<a ,010<-+b a ,即0<b ,应选C. 二、填空题 16、]3,3[99-设9)2(218222++-=+--=x x x t ,13≤≤-x ,∴当2-=x 时,t 有最大值是9;当1=x 时,t 有最小值是9-,99≤≤-x ,由函数x y )31(= 在定义域上是减函数,∴原函数的值域是]3,3[99- 故答案为]3,3[99-. 17、①⑤因为命题①中,利用根与系数的关系可知成立,命题②中,由于函数化简为y=0,因此是奇函数还是偶函数,故错误,命题③,值域不变,错误,命题④中,应该是关系与x=1对称,错误,命题⑤成立,故填写上正确命题的序号为①⑤ 三、解答题18、〔1〕4,2==b a ;〔2〕219≤m 【详解】〔1〕由,得,.〔2〕12≥-+m b a xx 在]2,1[-∈x 有解等价于在]2,1[1422-∈-+≤x m xx在有解,设xt 2=由]2,1[-∈x 得那么122++≤t t m 在]4,21[∈t 上有解,令]4,21[,1)(2∈-+=t t t t h 那么max )(2t h m ≤,又]4,21[45)211)(22在(-+=-+=t t t t h 上为增函数, 所以19)4()(max ==h t h 所以192≤m ,所以219≤m .附加题: 19、B详解:易知函数)(x f 在),0[+∞上单调递减,又函数)(x f 是定义在R 上的偶函数, 所以函数)(x f 在)0,(-∞上单调递增,那么由)()1(m x f x f +≤-,得m x x -+≥1,即22)()1(m x x +≥-,即01)22()(2≤-++=m x m x g 在]1,[+∈m m x 上恒成立,那么⎩⎨⎧≤++=+≤+-=0)13)(1(2)1(0)1)(13()(m m m g m m m g ,解得311-≤≤-m ,即m 的最大值为31-.20、C由题可知,方程2)3()(+-=x a x f 是过定点)(2,3的直线,由图可知,20≤<a ,应选C.创 作人:历恰面 日 期: 2020年1月1日。






2017—2018学年上期高一数学周练(四)一.选做题:1.用列举法可以将集合{(,)|{1,2},{1,2}}x y x y ∈∈表示为_____________A。

{{1,1},{1,2},{2,1},{2,2} B.{1,2}C .{(1,2),(1,1),(2,1),(2,2)} D.{(1,2)}2。

对于函数f (x),以下说法正确的有_____个:①y是x的函数 ②对于x 的不同的值,y 的值也不相同 ③f(a)(a 是常数)表示x=a时函数f (x)的值,是一个常量 ④f(x )一定可以用一个具体式子表示出来A 。

1 B。

2 C 。

3 D.43。

满足条件{1}{1,2,3}M =的集合M 的个数是____________:A 。

4 B。

3 C.2 D .14。

函数y =______:A .[0,2] B.[0,4] C 。

(,4]-∞ D。


9 B.7 C .5 D.116。

设全集A={1,3,x},集合B 2{1,}x =,A∪B={1,3,x},则这样的x 的不同的值的个数_____A 。

1 B.2 C.3 D 。

47.设集合{|101}A x Z x =∈-≤≤-,B={|5}x Z x ∈≤,则A∪B 中元素的个数是_________A.11 B。




AAn 80-year-old man was sitting on the sofa in his house along with his 45-year-old highly educated son.Suddenly a crow(乌鸦)perched on the tree near their window.The father asked his son, "What is this?” The son replied, “It is a crow.”After a few minutes, the father asked his son the 2nd time, "What is this?" The son said, "Father, I have just now told you it’s a crow.” After a little while, the old fathe r again asked his son the 3rd time, "What is this?""It's a crow,a crow,a crow." said the son loudly.A little after, the father again asked his son the 4th time, "What is this?" This time the son shouted at his father, "Why do you keep asking me the same q uestion again and again? ‘IT IS A CROW ’.Are you not able to understand this?"A little later the father went to his room and came back with an old diary, which he had kept since his son was born.On opening a page, he asked his son to read that page.When the son read it, the following words were written in the diary: “Today my little son aged three was sitting with me on the sofa when a crow was sitting on the window.My son asked me 23times what it was, and I replied to him all 23times that it was a crow.I hugged him lovingly each time he asked me the same question again and again for 23times.I did not at all feel annoyed, I rather felt affection for my innocent child.”1.In what tone(语气) did the son say to his Father “It's a crow,a crow,a crow.”?A.impatient B.excitedC.hurried D.surprised.2.Why did the Father ask the same question again and again?A.Because he wanted to make his son angry.B.Because he was too old to remember anything.C.Because he couldn't understand what his son said.D.Because he wanted to see how patient his son would be.3.How old was the old man when his son asked him 23 times “What is this"?A.35 years old. B.38 years old.C.45 years old. D.80 years old.4.What is the most suitable title for the passage?A.A crow. B.Father's love.C.An old dairy. D.An old man.BThe following books provide tips on how to learn languages for language learners.The Vocab CookbookBy Kerstin HammesThe book is mainly about the best vocabulary learning methods and explains them step by step.It shows you how to choose your best vocabulary learning method, where to find the best system for remembering words forever, how vocabulary learning methods can be turned into your own learning styles, and how remembering grammar is different from remembering vocabulary.Buy from: or Amazon.Fluent in 3 MonthsBy Benny LewisBenny Lewis, who has been travelling around the world and learning languages since 2003, runs the language-learning blog, Fluent In 3 Months, and works hard to find better, faster, and more efficient ways to learn languages.This book is a collection of tips on how to learn any language quickly.Many of the tips have appeared on his blog, and many tips and resources are available there for readers of this book.Buy from: Amazon.com or Amazon.co.ukHow to Learn Any LanguageBy Barry M.FarberIf you’re considering learning a language and are not sure where or how to start, this book will help point you in the right direction.It’s full of practical tips on how to study and includes a brief introduction to some of the world’s main languages.Buy from: Amazon.con or Amazon.co.ukLanguage is MusicBy Susanna ZarayskyThe book makes learning foreign languages fun, easy and affordable through watching TV, listening to music, going to cultural events and other enjoyable activities.Also it includes suggestions of many online resources you can use to help you learn languages.Buy from: Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk5.If you have difficulty remembering words, your best choice is __________.A.Language is Music B.Fluent in 3 MonthsC.How to Learn Any Language D.The Vocab Cookbook6.Who uses his or her blog to help readers learn languages?A.Benny Lewis B.Barry M.FarberC.Kerstin Hammes D.Susanna Zaraysky7.What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?A.To show the importance of language learning.B.To provide tips on how to learn Chinese well.C.To introduce some books for language learners.D.To show the connections between language and music.CIf you do not use your arms or your legs for some time, they become weak.When you start using them again, they slowly become strong again.Everybody knows that.Yet many people do not seem to know that memory works in the same way.When someone says that he has a good memory, he really means that he keeps his memory in practice by using it.When someone else says that his memory is poor, he really means that he does not give it enough chance to become strong.If a friend says that his arms and legs are weak, we know that it is his own fault.But if he tells us that he has a poor memory, many of us think that his parents are to be blamed(责备), and few of us know that it is just his own fault.Have you ever found that some people can’t re ad or write but usually they have better memories? This is because they cannot read or write and they have to remember things; they cannot write them down in a little notebook.They have to remember days, names, songs and stories; so their memory is the whole time being exercised.So if you want to have a good memory, learn from the people: practice remembering.8.Which of the following is right?A.Your arms or your legs will become weak when you use them.B.Your memory works in the same way as your arms and legs.C.Everybody knows that memory works in the same way as their arms and legs.D.Your memory can’t become strong again when you use them again.9.If you want to have a good memory, you must_________.A.practice itB.not give it enough chance to become strongC.have clever parentsD.use your arms and legs often10.One has a bad memory because of _________.A.his teachers’ faultB.his parents’ faultC.his own faultD.his strong arms and legs11.The writer tells us _________.A.how to remember days, names and songsB.a good memory needs strong arms and legsC.a good memory comes from practiceD.parents can make us cleverDBarack Obama was born on August 4, 1961 in Honolulu, Hawaii.His father came to America from Kenya, which is a country in Africa.His parents, Ann and Baraek, met when they were students at the University of Hawaii.Since Baraek had the same name as his father, young Barack went by the nickname "Barry".In 1979, after he finished high school, Barry went to Occidental College in Los Angeles, California.There, he started to learn about his African roots and decidedto use his African name, Barack.After two years in L.A, he went to Columbia University in New York City to study politics.After college, he moved to Chicago, Illinois, where he worked to help poor people in his city.He traveled to Africa to meet his grandmother and cousins for the first time.He went back many times over the years to visit with his family and learn about where he came from.At work, he met a lawyer named Michelle Robinson.They worked together in a big law firm.Then he left Chicago to go to Harvard Law School in Cambridge, Massachusetts.He did very well in law school.After he was done with school, Barack moved back to Chicago and in 1992 he married Michelle.He worked as a lawyer, devoted to helping poor people for free who had been treated unfairly.He worked hard to get the people he helped to vote.He made many people believe that their votes were important, and helped them feel like they could make a difference.12.Barack Obama's father was probably born inA.Hawaii B.Illinois C.Kenya D.California 13.Which of the following is the right order according to the text?①Getting married to Michelle②Travelling to Africa to meet his grandmother③Going to Harvard Law School④Going to Columbia University⑤Working in a big law firmA.④③②⑤① B.④②⑤③① C.③④①⑤② D.②①⑤④③14.How did Obama get people to vote?A.By cheating them to do so.B.By making a difference to people.C.By helping poor people who treated others unfairly.D.By showing them the importance of their votes.15.According to the text, which of the following words can best describe Baraek Obama?A.Kind-hearted. B.Humorous. C.Polite.D.Brave第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。




)一、选择题(共12小题,每题4分,共计48分:1-7题,每个选项只有一个选项符合题意,选对得4分,选错不得分;8-12题,有多个选项符合题意,选全得4分,漏选得2分,有错选不得分)1.明代诗人曾写下这样一首诗:“空手把锄头,步行骑水牛;人在桥上走,桥流水不流”.其“桥流水不流”中的“桥流”应理解成其选择的参考系是()A.水 B.桥 C.人 D.地面2.下列各组物理量中,全部是矢量的是()A.位移、时间、速度、加速度B.质量、路程、速度、平均速度C.速度、平均速度、位移、加速度D.位移、路程、时间、加速度3.下表是济南至烟台的N923次列车运行时刻表的一部分,则()A.C.从济南到烟台列车通过的路程为524km D.从潍坊到蓝村列车的平均速度为94km/h4.如图所示是三个质点A、B、C的运动轨迹,三个质点同时从N点出发,又同时到达M点,下列说法正确的是()B.三质点从N到M的平均速率相同C.三质点从N到M的平均速度不相同D.到达M点时A的瞬时速率最大5.一个质点做方向不变的直线运动,加速度的方向始终与速度方向相同,但加速度的大小逐渐减小直至为零.则在此过程中( )A .速度逐渐减小,当加速度减小为零时,速度达最小值B .位移逐渐增大,当加速度减小为零时,位移将不再增大C .速度逐渐增加,当加速度减小为零时,速度达最大值D .位移逐渐减小,当加速度减小为零时,位移达最小值6.沿直线运动的一列火车和一辆汽车在开始计时及每过1s 的速度分别为v 1和v 2,如下表所示,从表中数据可以看出( )A.C .火车的位移在减小 D .汽车的位移在减小7.一质点始终向着一个方向做直线运动,在前23t 时间内平均速度为v/2,后13t 时间内平均速度为2v ,则物体在t 时间内的平均速度大小是( )A .3v/4B .3v/2C .vD .2v/38.如图所示,a 、b 两条直线分别描述P 、Q 两个物体的位移-时间图象,下列说法中,正确的是( )A. 两物体均做匀速直线运动B. M 点表示两物体在时间t 内有相同的位移C. t 时间内P 的位移较小D. 0~t ,P 比Q 的速度大,t 以后P 比Q 的速度小9.质点做直线运动的v -t 图象如图所示,则( )A .在前3 s 内质点做变速直线运动B .在1 s ~3 s 内质点做加速度a =-2 m/s 2的变速直线运动C .在2 s ~3 s 内质点的运动方向与规定的正方向相反,加速度方向与1 s ~2 s 内的加速度方向相同D .以上说法均不正确10.下列给出的四组图象中,能够反映同一直线运动的是( )5.下列关于速度和加速度的说法中,正确的是()A、物体的速度越大,加速度也越大B、物体的速度为零时,加速度也为零C、物体的速度变化量越大,加速度越大D、物体的速度变化越快,加速度越大6.某中学正在举行班级对抗赛,张明明同学是短跑运动员,在百米竞赛中,测得他在5 s末的速度为10.4 m/s,10 s末到达终点的速度为10.2 m/s,下列说法正确的是 ( ) A.10.4 m/s 指的是平均速度 B.10 s末指的是时间C.他在全程的平均速度为10.3m/s D.他在全程的平均速度为10m/s7.根据给出速度和加速度的正负,对下列运动性质的判断正确的是()A、V0 >0,a< 0, 物体做加速运动B、V0< 0,a >0, 物体做加速运动C、V0 >0,a >0, 物体做加速运动D、V0< 0,a< 0, 物体做减速运动8.一辆汽车做匀速直线运动从甲地到乙地,在乙地停留了一段时间后,又从乙地匀速返回到甲地.下图所示的描述汽车在整个运动过程中的位移图象正确的是()Ⅱ卷(50分)二、填空题(每空1分共20分)11.小明同学在学习光电门后,设计了一个测物体瞬时速度的实验,其装置如下图所示.在小车上固定挡光片,使挡光片的前端与车头齐平、将光电门传感器固定在轨道侧面,垫高轨道的一端.小明同学将小车从该端同一位置由静止释放,获得了如下几组实验数据.遮光片 的宽度最小); (填“第一次” “第二次” “第三次” “第四次”)实验测得的速度最接近小车车头到达光电门时的瞬时速度。

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21. ____ number of students in our school is 1,000, and ____ number of them have their own computers. A. The; the B. A; a C. A; the D. The; a22. I gave her English lessons ______ a room in her house for a week.A. in exchange forB. with regard toC. by means ofD. in place of23. A friend of mine has told me about a ______ restaurant near here. Shall we go there for supper?A. little nice fishB. fish little niceC. nice little fishD. little fish nice24. This is the third time I ____ Beijing. The second time I _____ here was on National Day last year.A. have visited; cameB. have visited; have comeC. visited; cameD. visited; have come25. — How about going out for a walk this evening?—______ good.A. SoundB. SoundedC. SoundingD. Sounds26. He refused to have medical treatment in the early stage of his disease, and ______ he became seriously ill. A. as a result B. after all C. any way D. as usual 27. — Do you think that the price of houses will keep ______ in the years to come?—Sorry, I have no idea.A. putting upB. going upC. bringing upD. growing up28. They go t two free tickets to Canada, otherwise they’d never have been able to ______ to go.A. admitB. avoidC. appreciateD. afford29. — How do you think of this evening party?—Really splendid. It’s years ______ I enjoyed myself so much.A. beforeB. sinceC. afterD. when30. The telephone enabled them to keep in touch — in other words, it made it possible for them to ______ each other. A. contrast B. contract C. contain D. contact31. ______ surprised me was not what he said, but the way ______ he said it.A. What; thatB. That; /C. It; in whichD. Which; which32. There are ____ you can’t control your situation, but you can always choose how you live in it.A. a time whenB. time thatC. times whenD. the time33. — Shall I get you something to drink?—Oh, no. Please don’t ______. I won’t stay long.A. BotherB. worryC. disturbD. panic34. I’m tired of traveling to work every day in the rush hour; I’d like to b uy a cottage in the country and ______ from it all.35. — Where have you ______ recently?—I ______ in Hangzhou on business for a week last month.A. been; have beenB. been; wasC. gone; had beenD. gone; had gone第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)Most parents, I suppose, have had the experience of reading a bedtime story to their children. And they must have 36 how difficult it is to write a good 37 book. Either the author has aimed too 38 , so that the chil dren can’t follow what is in his (or more often, her) story, 39the story seems to be talking to the readers. The 40 children’s books are neither very difficult nor very simple, and satisfy both the child who 41 the story and the 42 who reads it. Unfortunately, there are in fact 43 books like this, so the problem of 44 the right bedtime story is not 45 to solve. This may be 46 many of the books regarded as works of children’s literature were 47 written for grown-ups. “Alice in Wonderland” is perhaps the 48 example of this. Children, left for themselves, often 49 the worst possible interest in literature. Just leave a child in a(n) 50 or library and he will 51 likely choose books written in an unimaginative wa y, or have a look at children’s comics, full of the stories and 52 which teachers and right-thinking parents consider of no value. Perhaps we parents should 53 trying to brainwash children into 54 our taste in literature. After all children and adults are so 55 that we parents should not expect that they will enjoy the same books. So I suppose we’ll just have to compromise (妥协) over that bedtime story.36. A. realized B. hoped C. said D. wished37. A. grown-ups’ B. readers’ C. parents’ D. children’s38. A. easy B. deep C. high D. difficult39. A. nor B. but C. so D. or40. A. worst B. best C. longest D. shortest41. A. hears B. Buys C. understands D. reads42. A. child B. father C. mother D. adult43. A. few B. many C. much D. little44. A. ordering B. printing C. finding D. publishing45. A. hard B. easy C. fast D. difficult46. A. how B. because C. what D. why47. A. in fact B. instead of C. at all D. as a result48. A. funniest B. hardest C. clearest D. easiest49. A. give B. show C. find D. hold50. A. school B. home C. office D. bookshop51. A. more B. less C. much D. even52. A. pleasure B. interests C. jokes D. enjoyment53. A. stop B. keep C. continue D. begin54. A. receiving B. accepting C. having D. refusing55. A. same B. Friendly C. different D. similarATwo years after the First World War (1914-1918), a small group of soldiers left the army and returned to their home town in France. Most of them lived well, but one of them was poor. His name was Clinton.Once a year they had supper in Barton’s house. Barton was very rich.One evening just in the year when they returned to their home town, Barton showed his friends a large gold coin at the supper table. The coin was passed around and praised by everyone. At the same time they talked. They soon forgot about the coin.After supper, Barton asked for his coin, but nobody knew where it was. It was lost.One man said that everyone must be searched. One by one they turned their pockets inside out. Only Clinton refused.“I didn’t steal the coin, and I will not be searched,”he said.After that, people turned their heads away from Clinton when they met him. He grew poorer. Soon his wife died.A few years later, Barton had his house repaired. The lost coin was found under the floor. Barton felt sorry and went to Clinton to apologize.“But,” he asked, “you knew the coin was not in your pocket. Why did you refuse to be searched?”“Because I was a thief,” Clinton answered. “My pocket was full of food at that time. I had taken some food from the table to carry to my hungry wife and children.”56. When did the story take place?A. In 1920.B. After 1945.C. In 1914.D. In 1918.57. We can infer that the coin was passed around and praised mainly because ________.A. it showed that Clinton was very richB. they had not other topics to talk about at the tableC. it was a large gold coin and few people owned oneD. the people were happy and friendly to each other58. Everyone was to be searched because ________.A. they stole some food from the tableB. the gold coin was lostC. Clinton had stolen the gold coinD. someone had stolen the gold coin59. Clinton refused to be searched because ________.A. there was some food in his pocketB. he didn’t steal the coinC. he was poorD. the gold coin was in his pocketBEducation is not an end, but a means to an end. In other words, we don’t educate children only for the purpose of educating them. Our purpose is to fit them for life. In some modern countries, it has for some time been fashionable to think that by free education for all — whether rich or poor, clever or stupid, one can solve all the problems of society and build a perfect nation. But we can already see that free education for all is not enough. We find in some countries a far larger number of people withis thought to be dirty and shameful in such countries. But we have only to think for a moment to understand that the work of a completely uneducated farmer is far more important than that of a professor. We can live without education, but we would die if we had no food. If no one cleaned our streets and took the rubbish away from our houses, we should get terrible disease in our towns ...In fact, when we say that all of us must be educated to fit us for life, it means that we must be educated in a particular way. Firstly, each of us can do whatever work is suited to his brains and ability. Secondly, we can realize that all jobs are necessary to society and that it is very bad to be ashamed of one’s work. Only such a type of education can be considered valuable to society.60. The writer of the passage believes that _______.A. education can settle most of the world’s problemsB. free education for all probably leads to a perfect worldC. free education won’t help to solve social problemsD. all social problems can’t be solved by education61. The writer wants to prove that _______.A. our society needs all kinds of jobsB. our society needs free education for allC. a farmer is more important than a professorD. people with university degrees refuse to do what they think is “low” work62. According to the passage, we can learn that _______.A. work done with hands is dirty and shamefulB. wor k done with hands is “low” workC. work done with hands is the most importantD. we shouldn’t regard work done with hands as “low” work63. The purpose of education is _______.A. to choose a system of educationB. to prepare children mainly for their future lifeC. for everyone to receive an education fit for himD. to build a perfect worldCDo you love the holidays, but hate gaining weight? You are not alone. Holidays are times for feasting and celebrating. Many people are worried about their weight. With proper planning, though, it is possible to keep normal weight during the holidays. Whether it is celebrating at the office party or sitting down for the traditional family dinner, you should regard eating as a chance for tasting a variety of foods. The idea is to enjoy the holidays but not to eat too much. You don’t have to turn away from the foods that you enjoy.Here are some tips for preventing weight gain and maintaining physical fitness:Don’tskipmeals. Before you leave home, have a small, low-fat meal or snack. This may help to avoid getting too excited before delicious foods.Controltheamountoffood.Use a small plate (about 10 inches) and put aside the large ones that may encourage you to “load up”. You should be most comfortable eating an amount of food about the size of your fist. Once you have your “tasting”serving, moveinspired by the sight of food.Beginwithsoupandfruitorvegetables.Fill up beforehand on water-based soup and raw fruit or vegetables. Or drink a large glass of water before you eat to help you to feel full.Sticktophysicalactivity.Don’t let exercise take a break during the holidays. A 20-minute walk after a meal can help to burn off excess calories.Avoidhigh-fatfoods.Dishes that look oily or creamy may have a large amount of fat. Choose lean meat (瘦肉). Fill your plate with salad and green vegetables. Use lemon juice instead of creamy food.64. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?A. You should never eat delicious foods.B. Drinking some water or soup before eating helps you to eat less.C. Holidays are happy days but they may bring you weight problems.D. Physical exercise can reduce the chance of putting on weight.65. Which of the following can NOT help people to lose weight according to the passage?A. Eating lean meat.B. Creamy food.C. Eating raw fruit or vegetables.D. Physical exercise.66. Many people can’t control their weight during the holidays mainly because they ________.A. can’t help being tempted to eat constantlyB. take part in too many partiesC. enjoy delicious foods sometimesD. can’t help turning away from foods67. If the passage appeared in a newspaper, which section is the most suitable one?A. Holidays and Festivals section.B. Health and Fitness section.C. Fashion section.D. Student Times Club section.DWhen I asked my daughter which item she would keep: the telephone, the car, the cooker, the computer, the TV, or her boyf riend, she said “the telephone”. Personally, I could do without the telephone entirely, which makes me unusual, because the telephone is changing our lives more than any other piece of technology.Point1The telephone creates the need to communicate, in the same way that more roads create more traffic. My daughter comes home from school at 4:00 pm and then spends an hour on the phone talking to the very people she has been at school with all day. If the phone did not exist, would she have anything to talk about?Point2The mobile phone means that we are never alone. “The mobile phone saved my life,”says Crystal Johnston. She had an accident in her V olvo on the A45 between Otley and Skipton. Trapped inside, she managed to make the call that brought the ambulance (救护车) to her rescue.Point3The mobile phone removes our secret. It allows the marketing manager of Haba Deutsch, Carl Nicolaisen, to ring his sales staff all round the world at any time of day to ask wherePoint4The telephone separates us. Antonella Bramante in Rome says, “We worked in separate offices but I could see him through the window. It was easy to get his number. We were so near —but we didn’t meet for the first two weeks!”Point5The telephone allows us to reach out beyond our own lives. Today we can talk to several complete strangers at the same time on chat lines. (At least my daughter does. I wouldn’t know what to talk about.) We can talk across the world. We can even talk to astronauts (if you know any) while they’re space-walking. And, with the phone line hooked up to the computer, we can access (进入) the Internet, the biggest library on earth.68. How do you understand the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2?A. People don’t communicate without using the telephone.B. People communicate because the telephone was invented.C. People communicate more since the telephone was invented.D. People communicate more because of more traffic.69. Which of the following statements best shows people’s attitude towards mobile phones?A. Mobile phones help people deal with an emergency.B. Mobile phones bring convenience as well as a lack of privacy.C. Mobile phones are important and people should be encouraged to use them.D. Mobile phones are changing people’s life faster and faster.70. What is the best title of the passage?A. Power of the telephone.B. Kinds of telephones.C. How to use the telephone.D. Advantages of the telephone.信息匹配题:Children have gentle minds. To find the best way to teach children to share and care is easy. Kids are naturally attracted to animals. 71 Also we can show them the cow eating grass on a farm.Making them have a look at the animals that are dying out and rare pictures from newspapers is another exciting way to make them love animals. The effects of pollution are difficult for them to understand. 72 There are great pictures of animals like cute rabbits and gorillas.73 Tell them t hey are our friends, so we can’t hurt them. Take them to the conservation park and show them a monkey or a rare bird. Show them the types of penguins. Teach your children that animals can feel pain but cannot express themselves like us. 74 If you have pets at home, let them accompany your children deal with them well.One could call an ambulance for injured dogs or nurse a sick animal back to health. Taking a nature walk is liked by kids and also the best way to get along with the family. Kids love to see some newborn dogs and the mother nursing them. 75 .A Emotions are well understood by children and they may have the same feeling.B Children all like small animals, but they don’ t consider them as their friends.C Teach them never to throw stones to hit animals.D This can make children know how to care others.E One could teach them to be kind to ants and show them how they carry food to save for the rainy day.F Parents should protect the environment first.G Therefore one could tell them that the environment should be (kept ) clean.第四部分写作?穴共两节,满分35分?雪第一节短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)One Saturday morning, Li Ming and her grandfather were feeding on the bird in the cage. The bird was unhappy though it has enough food and water. Li Ming did not know why. The next morning on his way to school, Li Ming saw some bird flying in the sky. Then he thought of the alone bird in the cage. He decided to persuade his grandfather set the bird free. While he got home, he said to his grandfather, “Birds are friends!” In his delight, his grandfather agreed.The bird has set free. Grandfather and the child were very sad to see the bird fly away into the sky.参考答案21-25 DACAD 26-30 ABDBD 31-35 ACADB36-40 ADCDB 41-45 ADACB 46-50 DACBD 51-55 ACABC56-60 ACBAD 61-65 ADBAB 66-70 ABCBA信息匹配:71-75 EGCAD改错1. on2.her--his3..has→had4. bird→birds5. alone→lonely6. 在set前加to7. While→When8. In→To9. has→was 10. sad→happy参考答案21-25 DACAD 26-30 ABDBD 31-35 ACADB36-40 ADCDB 41-45 ADACB 46-50 DACBD 51-55 ACABC56-60 ACBAD 61-65 ADBAB 66-70 ABCBA信息匹配:71-75 EGCAD改错1. on2.her--his3..has→had4. bird→birds5. alone→lonely6. 在set前加to7. While→When8. In→To9. has→was 10. sad→happy参考答案21-25 DACAD 26-30 ABDBD 31-35 ACADB36-40 ADCDB 41-45 ADACB 46-50 DACBD 51-55 ACABC56-60 ACBAD 61-65 ADBAB 66-70 ABCBA信息匹配:71-75 EGCAD改错1. on2.her--his3..has→had4. bird→birds5. alone→lonely6. 在set前加to7. While→When8. In→To9. has→was 10. sad→happy重点解析24.A。
