
QA基础知识考试试题 答案

QA基础知识考试试题 答案

QA基础知识考试试题姓名:分数:一. 填空题(每空2分,共50分)1.公司质量方针:“传承国粹、求真质优、科学管理、精益求精”。





6.QA的立场:坚定、执着、一丝不苟!7.QA做事方式:现场、现物、基于事实的决策二.名称解释(每题10分,共20分)1.QA可以解释为对人、对过程,致力于使管理者、顾客和其他相关方相信有能力满足质量的要求2.质量管理体系指建立质量方针和质量目标,并为达到质量目标所进行的有组织、有计划的活动. 三.简答题(共30分)1.QA的工作范畴(10分)质量体系运作落实的监督及异常的跟进;生产过程中设备的维护保养、设备参数、生产方式、质量检验与检测落实的符合性检查;不合格品的处理及管理;质量事故的组织改善;客户反馈产品信息的处理及跟进2.质量保证岗位职责(20分)1 在质量管理部统一领导下,按照工艺要求和质量标准有计划有重点地开展质量监督工作,对分管范围的产品质量负主要责任。


2 遵守企业质量管理方面的各项规定,执行企业的质量方针、目标。

3 认真做好日常质量监督检查记录,及时以书面形式向质量管理部汇报质量监督情况及质量处罚情况。

4 参与车间产品质量分析、质量事故调查活动,对影响产品质量的薄弱环节及时向相关车间负责人提供质量反馈情况,做好产品质量问题的调查研究工作。

5 按照GMP的要求进行日常监督工作。




QA考试试题姓名________ 工号________ 分数________一、填空题(20分,每空1分)1、企业应当采取适当措施,避免体表有伤口、患有传染病或其他可能污染药品疾病的人员从事的生产。

2. 进入的人员不得化妆和佩带饰物。

3. 洁净区与非洁净区之间、不同级别洁净区之间的压差应当。


5. 自检应当有。

6. 批生产记录的每一页应当标注产品的、和。


8. 设备所用的润滑剂、冷却剂等不得对药品或容器造成。



11. 物料供应商的确定及变更应当经批准后方可采购。

12. 不符合贮存和运输要求的退货,应当在监督下予以销毁。

13. 配制的每一物料及其重量或体积应当由他人独立进行,并有记录。

14. 主要固定管道应当标明和。

15. 物料和产品发放及发运应当符合和的原则。


A: 文件体系B: 组织机构C: 质量控制系统D:质量管理体系2.《药品生产质量管理规范2010年修订》自()起施行。

A. 2011年6月1日B. 2011年5月1日C. 2011年4月1日D. 2011年3月1日3. 下述活动也应当有相应的操作规程,其过程和结果应当有记录()A. 确认和验证B. 厂房和设备的维护、清洁和消毒C. 环境监测和变更控制D. 以上都是4. 以下为质量控制实验室应当有的文件()。

A. 质量标准、取样操作规程和记录、检验报告或证书B. 检验操作规程和记录-----包括检验记录或实验室工作记事簿C. 必要的检验方法验证报告和记录D. 以上都是5.主要固定管道应当标明内容物()。

A 名称B 流向C 状态 D名称和流向6.应当对制药用水及原水的水质进行定期(),并有相应的记录。



现场QA操作技能培训岗位: 姓名: 得分:培训人:培训地点: 培训日期:培训方式:由培训人先讲解,再操作演示,然后由取样人员操作,直至操作正确。
















(8分)原辅料、包装材料取样操作技能培训岗位: QA取样员姓名:得分:培训人:培训地点: 培训日期:培训方式:由培训人先讲解,再操作演示,然后由取样人员操作,直至操作正确。

























2、新《兽药管理条例》自 2004 年 11 月 1 日实行。












二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)1、质量管理包括( ABCD )A、质量策划B、质量控制C、质量保证D、质量改进2、产品是活动或过程的结果,包含( ABCD )A、一项服务B、具特定形状的有形产品C、一种知识产物D、流程性材料3、按照产品实现过程,品质检验分为( ABD )A、进料检验B、过程检验C、抽样检验D、最终检验4、包装检验一般要检验( ACD )A、核对标签内容B、刷油C、包装数量D、包装方式5、下列哪些为固定质量信息( ABCD )A、产品质量统计表B、不合格品评审表C、产品质量检验单D、返工/返修单三、判断题(每题3分,共12分)1、缺陷类别中MAJ指的是轻微缺陷(X )2、不合格品:指不满足规范的要求(√)3、QA检验依据生产通知单、ECN、BOM单、最终检验规范及其相关合同更改、客户资料联络单,可不依据样品( X )4、质量的定义必须是符合要求,而不是“好”(√)5、质量保证是保证进度的有效手段落(√)四、简答题(共43分)1、简述QA的工作职责与工作流程是什么?(11分)2、QA审核发现问题之后如何处理?(10分)3、如何保证公正客观?(9分)4、试举工作之中遇到的最关键的三个成熟特征、三个不成熟的特征?(10分)。





3.《药品生产质量管理规范(2010年修订)》已于2010年10月19 日经卫生部部务会议审议通过,自2011年3月1日起施行。

机能并规定有适应症或者功能主治、用法和用量的物质,包括中药材、中药饮片、中成药、化学原料药及其制剂、抗生素、生化药品、放射8.生产车间洁净区应能够将区域温度控制在18~26℃,相对湿度控制在45~65% ,应能够将洁净区与非洁净区之间、不同级别洁净区之间的压差应当≥10Pa 。


二、不定项选择题:(每题2分,共30分)1.实施GMP的目的:能最大限度地()A、防止污染B、防止交叉污染C、防混淆D、防人为差错2. 下列设备状态标志底色,哪个是错误的?(A )A. 设备停用:黑色B.设备性能状况完好:绿色C. 设备维修中:红色D. 设备待维修:黄色3. 药品生产所用的原辅料、与药品直接接触的包装材料应当符合相应的质量标准。

通过怎样的措施来保证?( D )A. 供应商的选择和评估B.定点采购C. 按批验收和取样检验D.以上都是4.产品生产记录应当至少保存至药品有效期后( D )年。

A. 4B. 3C.2D.15.制药用水应当适合其用途,至少应当采用( B )。

A.自来水B.饮用水C.纯化水D.注射用水6.物料必须从( C )批准的供应商处采购。

A.供应管理部门B.生产管理部门C.质量管理部门D.财务管理部门7.现有一批待检的成品,因市场需货,仓库( C )。

A.可以发放B.审核批生产记录无误后,即可发放C.检验合格、审核批生产记录无误后,方可发放D.检验合格即可发放8.批包装记录至少应包括( B )A.产品的品名、规格、生产单位B.产品的品名、批号、规格C.产品的注意事项、贮存条件D.产品的批准文号、主要成分9.紫外灯的累计使用时间不得超过( A )小时。




1. 现场检查的方式包括、、。

2. 控制不良产品产生应主意哪些环节:原材料、设备、、、、。

3. QA:抽查复核质量控制点,检查操作人员是否按照文件规定执行;质量控制点:主要的、、。

4. 设备状态标识包括:、、、。

5. 过程控制异常情况的处理中,偏差处理:、物料隔离、标识、报告、、记录、释放控制;紧急程序处理:、、执行、记录、释放控制。








1. 药品生产质量管理规范是药品生产和质量管理的基本准则。


A、影响成品质量关键工序B、成品质量形成的生产工序C、防止标签混淆的包装工序D、药品生产的全过程2. GMP 文件:是指企业根据()与其实施细则建立一套详细、具体、具有可操作性的适合自己企业的 GMP 文件(SMP,SOP,MF(master formulae),QS(quality standard)等),员工必须严格依照企业制订的 GMP 文件进行操作,操作后必须及时记录。

A、药品质量管理规范B、药品经营质量管理规范C、药品生产质量管理规范D、药品生产管理规范3. 批检验记录应保持清洁,不得撕毁和任意涂改;更改时,应()。

A、彻底涂掉或刮掉原数据B、在更改处签名C、交由车间负责人签名D、在更改处签名和签更改日期,并使原数据仍可辨认4. 下列那个选项是错误的()A、抽查工程部压差记录应及时性、准确性、真实性B、所有工艺规范必须经过工艺验证,合格后方可用于正式生产C、浮游菌与沉降菌二选其一,建议选择沉降菌D、灌胶囊工序中,装量差异的抽查与复核,30min至少一次四、简答题(共42分)。














QA考试题姓名:阅卷人: 得分:问答题:(70分,每题7分)1.年度产品质量回顾内容包括哪些?1) 关键工艺控制和关键测试结果的审核。

2) 所有不符合规格标准的产品批号的回顾。

3) 所有关键的偏差或违规行为及其有关调查的审核。

4) 任何工艺或分析方法变动的回顾5) 稳定性考察结果的回顾6) 所有与质量有关的退货、投诉和召回的回顾7) 整改措施的适当性的审核8) 其他回顾:变更;自检报告;每次检查的整改落实情况;供应商质量情况;再验证;年度评价及建议等。

2.IQ、OQ、PQ、DQ、PV 的定义?IQ---(Installation Qualification) 安装确认:证明厂房、辅助设施和设备的建造和安装符合设计标准;OQ---(Opaerational Qualification) 运行确认: 证明厂房、辅助设施和设备的运行符合设计标准;PQ---(Performance Qualification) 性能确认:证明厂房、辅助设施和设备在正常操作方法和工艺条件下能持续有效地符合标准要求;DQ---(Design Qualification) 设计确认:证明厂房、辅助设施、设备的设计符合 GMP 要求;PV----(Process Validation) 工艺验证:证明一个生产工艺在规定的工艺参数下能持续有效地生产出符合预定的用途、符合药品注册批准或规定的要求和质量标准的产品。

3. GMP 的硬件、软件与人的关系?在 GMP 硬件、软件和人这三大要素中,人是主导因素,软件是人制定、执行的,硬件是靠人去设计、使用的。

离开高素质的"GMP 人",再好的硬件和软件都不能很好地发挥作用。


因此,为了真正达到认证标准,企业就必须按要求对各类人员进行行之有效的教育和培训,要象抓硬软件建设工作那样,去搞好"GMP 人"素质提高的建设工作,切不可将教育培训工作流于形式。




基本信息:[矩阵文本题] *1.填空题根据文件类型,技术标准类的类型代码为 ______,管理标准类的类型代码为 ______,工作标准类的类型代码为 ______,职责类的类型代码为GR,记录类的类型代码为 ______,通知类文件的类型代码为贵汉药质字。

[填空题] *空1答案:STP空2答案:SMP空3答案:SOP空4答案:REC2.判定题文件管理员负责所有 GMP 类文件的编码工作,必要时,其他人可以编号[判断题] *对错(正确答案)3.判定题制剂生产工艺规程的文件编号一般模式为:STP-PP-产品序列号-流水号;[判断题] *对(正确答案)错4.判定题因技术标准分支-技术通则(GPT)之通则三(《产品质量标准通则》STP-GPT-03)的特殊性,其附件记录编号规则为:STP-GPT-03-产品序列号-版本号; [判断题] *对(正确答案)错5.判定题因技术标准分支-技术通则(GPT)之通则三(《产品质量标准通则》STP-GPT-03)的特殊性,其附件记录编号规则为:STP-GPT-03-产品序列号-版本号; [判断题] *对(正确答案)错6.判定题当因实际使用需要,需对其文件或附件记录内容进行变更时,只对修改后的文件或附件记录版本号进行调整,其版本号自动跳至下一个版本号。

版本号起始位“00”,后是“01”、“02”以此类推; [判断题] *对(正确答案)错7.判定题未修订的文件或附件记录版本号不做调整。

通过建立文件、附件目录表,对其版本号进行记录追踪; [判断题] *对(正确答案)错8.判定题制定 GMP 文件文件管理规程的目的:指 GMP文件在整个使用周期中的控制程序,包括制订、审核、批准,修订与再审,以及格式、编号、发放、归档和销毁,以规范公司文件的管理,确保其符合 GMP 规范要求; [判断题] *对错(正确答案)9.选择题本公司GMP文件包括哪几大类:工作标准、、。






















()名词解释(每空5分、共15分)1、工艺验证:2、清洁验证:3、中间控制:四、简答题(共13分)1、结合你所在的岗位,谈谈对“质量保证”的看法?确认与验证培训试题答案一、填空题1、确认2、方案、报告3、厂房、设备、记录4、性能5、预定用途、注册要求6、预定的商业批7、质量风险管理原则8、监控、趋势9、质量回顾分析、评估10、清洁验证11、风险评估、三12、再验证二、判断正误1、√2、√3、×4、×5、√ 三、名词解释1、为证明工艺在设定参数范围内能有效稳定地运行并生产出符合预定质量标准和质量特性药品的验证活动。



qa考试试题一、选择题1. 下列哪个选项是正确的?A. 地球是平的。

B. 太阳是宇宙的中心。

C. 人类的祖先是恐龙。

D. 光速是可变的。

答案:D2. 以下哪种植物是水生植物?A. 仙人掌B. 玫瑰C. 睡莲D. 橡树答案:C3. 以下哪个历史事件不是发生在20世纪?A. 法国大革命B. 第一次世界大战C. 第二次世界大战D. 中国文化大革命答案:A4. 以下哪个作家是以科幻小说著称的?A. 莎士比亚B. 马克·吐温C. 刘慈欣D. 村上春树答案:C5. 以下哪个不是人体必需的微量元素?A. 铁B. 锌C. 钙D. 铂答案:D二、填空题1. 请填写以下诗句的上句或下句:“床前明月光,________。

”答案:疑是地上霜2. 请填写化学元素周期表中,原子序数为8的元素名称。

答案:氧3. 请填写下列成语的缺失部分:“______,焉得虎子。

”答案:不入虎穴4. 请填写以下著名画作的作者:“蒙娜丽莎”是由哪位艺术家创作的?答案:达·芬奇5. 请填写下列物理公式的缺失部分:“功= ______ × 力× 距离”。

答案:力的作用时间三、简答题1. 简述牛顿第三定律。


2. 描述温室效应是如何影响地球气候的。



3. 阐述互联网对现代社会的影响。





食品qa考试试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 以下哪个不是食品添加剂?A. 防腐剂B. 着色剂C. 增味剂D. 维生素答案:D2. 食品包装上的“QS”标志代表什么?A. 质量安全B. 食品安全C. 卫生安全D. 健康安全答案:B3. 食品中添加的“三聚氰胺”对人体有何影响?A. 有益健康B. 无害C. 有害D. 无影响答案:C4. 以下哪种食品添加剂是允许使用的?A. 苏丹红B. 甲醛C. 亚硝酸钠D. 砷酸盐答案:C5. 食品的保质期是指什么?A. 食品生产日期B. 食品销售日期C. 食品最佳食用日期D. 食品过期日期答案:C6. 食品中的“转基因”指的是什么?A. 基因突变B. 基因重组C. 基因复制D. 基因缺失答案:B7. 以下哪种食品添加剂是用于改善食品口感的?A. 甜味剂B. 防腐剂C. 着色剂D. 增味剂答案:A8. 食品中的“重金属”对人体有什么影响?A. 有益健康B. 无害C. 有害D. 无影响答案:C9. 以下哪种食品添加剂是用于延长食品保质期的?A. 甜味剂B. 防腐剂C. 着色剂D. 增味剂答案:B10. 食品中的“亚硝酸盐”对人体有何影响?A. 有益健康B. 无害C. 有害D. 无影响答案:C二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)1. 以下哪些是食品添加剂?A. 防腐剂B. 着色剂C. 维生素D. 抗生素答案:A B2. 以下哪些是食品中可能存在的有害物质?A. 三聚氰胺B. 重金属C. 亚硝酸盐D. 维生素答案:A B C3. 以下哪些是食品中常见的营养成分?A. 蛋白质B. 脂肪C. 碳水化合物D. 抗生素答案:A B C4. 以下哪些是食品中可能存在的非法添加剂?A. 苏丹红B. 甲醛C. 亚硝酸钠D. 砷酸盐答案:A B D5. 以下哪些是食品中可能存在的安全风险?A. 转基因B. 重金属C. 亚硝酸盐D. 维生素答案:A B C三、判断题(每题1分,共10分)1. 食品添加剂都是有害的。



药学qa测试题及答案药学QA测试题及答案一、选择题1. 药物的半衰期是指:A. 药物在体内被代谢或排泄掉一半所需的时间B. 药物作用强度的一半C. 药物的剂量D. 药物的疗效持续时间答案:A2. 下列哪项不是药物的副作用?A. 过敏反应B. 毒性反应C. 治疗作用D. 后遗效应答案:C二、填空题1. 药物的________是指药物在体内达到最大效应所需的时间。

答案:起效时间2. 药物的________是指药物在体内达到稳态浓度所需的时间。

答案:稳态时间三、判断题1. 所有药物都可以通过肝脏代谢。

()答案:错误2. 药物的剂量越大,其疗效越好。

()答案:错误四、简答题1. 请简述药物的药动学和药效学的区别。


2. 药物的不良反应有哪些类型?答案:药物的不良反应包括副作用、毒性反应、过敏反应、后遗效应等。

五、计算题1. 假设某药物的半衰期为4小时,求该药物在24小时内的剩余量百分比。

答案:根据半衰期公式,剩余量百分比= (1/2)^(24/4) ≈ 6.25%六、案例分析题1. 患者A因感冒发热,医生开具了对乙酰氨基酚(扑热息痛)500mg,每4小时服用一次,连续服用3天。




七、论述题1. 论述合理用药的重要性及其基本原则。





























3.新版GMP认证检查项目共259项,其中关键项目条款号前加“*” 92项,一般项目167项。





7. 安全生产八字方针是安全第一、预防为主。

8.PDCA 是指P:策划D:实施C:检查 A :处置9.对库内存放的物料,根据其储藏温度要求放入相应的库区,冷库 2℃-10℃内、阴凉库 20℃以下内、常温库 0℃-30℃内。


11. 待验、合格、不合格物料要严格管理。







17. 用以生产和检验的仪器、仪表、量具、衡器等,其适用范围和精密度应符合生产和检验要求,应有明显的合格标志,应定期校验。




21. 药品的标签、使用说明书应专库(或专柜上锁)存放,专人保管、专人领用。

22. SPC是指为了贯彻预防原则,应用统计技术对过程中的各个阶段进行评估和监控,从而达到保证产品质量满足要求。





QA 测试题(总分100)姓名: 卡号: 得分:一、填空题(每空2分,共42分).1.检验时发现有超出允收标准须填写_________要求QC 重工,并注明____________及不良品上___________并将REJ数量和ACC 数量记录于____________.2.QC 检OK 之产品QA 抽检按照_____________表中的_________________进行抽检,有特殊检验标准时需依_____________提供资料为准. 3.QA 抽检时发现同一机种连续__________不合格,QA 将抽检方式改为___________方式. 4.电阻用字母________表示,电阻的分类有________电阻和________电阻,电阻的单位有: ________;________;________。

5.5S 是指 整 理、整 顿、清 扫、清 洁、素 养。

6.区分工作场所内的物品为“要用的”和“不要用的”是属于5S 中的 整理 范畴。

二、选择题(每题2分共20分).1.重缺及轻缺用字母表示( A ).A.MAJ 及 MINB.MIN 及MAJC.0.4及0.65D.0.65及0.42.下列说法正确的是( D ).A.点胶板中二极管只要推力足即可,无需重视胶量大小.B.误配&翻件属主要缺点.C.过炉后PCB 板变形或变黄属于重缺.D.该处本应置件而未置件属漏件.3.电感、电晶体、二极管分别用字母( A )表示A. A. L Q DB. L R CC. Q L DD. L Q D4.公司的5S 应如何做? ( A )A 、随时随地都得做,靠大家持续做下去B 、做三个月就可以了C 、第一次靠有计划地大家做,以后靠干部做D 、车间来做就行了5.5S 运动是一项什么样的工作? ( C )A 、暂时性B 、流行的C 、持久性D 、时尚的6.公司需要整顿的地方是什么? ( C )A 、工作现场B 、办公室C 、全公司的每个地方D 、仓库7.二极管正确的基板图示为:( B )+--+-+A BC8.车间的室内温度应保持在( B )A. 20℃ ±5℃B.23℃ ±5℃C. 25℃ ±5℃D. 28℃ ±5℃9.车间的相对湿度应在( C )A.25% RH ~55% RHB.35% RH ~65% RHC. 45% RH ~75% RHD. 55% RH ~85% RH10.静电手环测试时测试仪亮什么颜色的灯为OK 品( A )A.绿色B.红色C.红色加绿色D.均不亮三、判断题<正确打“V ”,错误打“X ”>(每题2分共8分).1. 电阻丝印(符号)为272的电阻,阻值为 2700Ω.( √ )2.当某客户反馈有不良现象时,内部库存品照常出货,QA 只针对QC 检好之产品针对性的重点检验( × ).3.SMT 中文表示为:表面粘着(或贴装)技术( √ )4. 品质的定义就是:第一次就做好( √ )重工通知单 AQL QA 抽检报表 碳膜 精密 千欧(K Ω) 兆欧(M Ω) 欧姆(Ω) 3批 加严抽检 抽检样品大小 R 客户 不良现象 做好标示四、问答题(每题10分共30分).1.批量为280采用二级检验水准,批量为600采用二级水准,如AQL表所示请指出抽检数最及允收拒收的标准<几收几退>?2.若同一机种抽检3批以上则须判退,你应怎样处理?3.怎样才能有效的作抽检动作,抽检依据的内容有哪些?。

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Software Testing and Quality AssuranceChapter 1 Introducing Software Quality Assurance1. Please describe which tasks SQA Activities can be broken down into. (p1.4)A:SQA activities can be broken down into the following tasks:(1)Application of technical methods:This helps the development team to achieve high quality design specifications and develop high quality software design.(2)Conducting Formal T echnical Reviews (FTRs):These are structured review meetings in which a review team assesses the software product technically.(3)Enforcement of standards:This task is a combination of two subtasks:Process monitoring and Product Evaluation.(4)Control of change:It combines manual methods with automated tools to provide a mechanism for the control of change.This process ensures software quality by formalizing requests for change, evaluating the nature of the change, and controlling the impact of the change.(5)Measurement:The quality of a software product can be measured by using software metrics. (6)SQA Audits:These are conducted to inspect a process or a product in detail by comparing the process or product with established procedures and standards.Audits review the management, technical, and quality assurance processes being followed during software development.(7)Record keeping and reporting:This provides procedures for collecting and circulating SQA information.2. Which phases the SDLC consists of? (p1.5)A:(1)Software conception and initiation(2)Analysis(3)Design(4)Construction(5)T esting3. Please describe SQA activities in the Software Analysis Phase. (p1.6)A:(1)These involve reviewing of the Requirements Document created as part of the software requirement phase.(2)These ensure that the software requirements are complete, testable, and correctly expressed as functional, performance, and interface requirements.(3)The SQA activities in this phase can be recorded in the Software Requirement Review Checklist.4. Please describe SQA activities in the Software Design Phase. (p1.7)A:SQA activities in the software design phase involve assuring the following factors:(1)The design adheres to the approved design standards defined in the management plan created in the project initiation phase.(2)All software requirements are mapped to the software components.(3)All action items are resolved according to the review finding of the high-level design review documentation.(4)The approved design is placed under configuration management.(5)The development team follows approved design standards.(6)The allocated modules are included in the detailed design.(7)The results of design inspections are included in the design.(8)All action items are resolved according to the review findings of the detailed design review documentation.5. Please describe SQA activities in the Software Construction Phase. (p1.9)A:SQA activities in the software construction phase involve assuring the following factors: (1)Audit of the results of coding and design activities including the schedule in the software development plan(2)Audit of configuration management activities and the software development library (3)Audit of deliverable items(4)Audit of nonconformance reporting and corrective action system(5)FTR of code6. Please describe SQA activities in the Software Testing Phase. (p1.9)A:(1)These involve monitoring the testing process for conformance to standards.(2)These ensure that the software testing process is in accordance with plans and procedures.(3)T est documentation is reviewed for completeness and adherence to standards. (4)SQA activities in this phase also involve reviewing the test plan.(5)The observations from a test plan review are recorded in the Test Plan Review Checklist.7. Please describe the differents between two Quality activities, QA and QC. (p1.10) A:(1)QA is a planned and systematic set of activities that involve monitoring and improving the software development process.(2)QA is oriented to the prevention of defects rather than their detection and is used to implement the defined quality policy of an organization through the process of development and continuous improvement.(3)Quality Control (QC) is the process by which the quality of a product is compared with specific standards, and action is taken if the quality does not match the applicable standards.(4)QC is oriented to detection of defects rather than prevention.8. Please list some QA activities, and some QC activities. (p1.11)A:Quality Assurance (QA) activities include:(1)Quality Audit(2)Process definition(3)T ool selection(4)Training(5)Peer review(6)Requirements tracking(7)Quality metrics collectionQC activities include:(1)Inspection(2)T esting(3)Checkpoint review9. Please describe the Role of Metrics in SQA, and the four main steps of creating a metric. (p1.12)A:QA is a planned and systematic set of activities that involves monitoring and improving the software development process. Metrics are important in QA because they help measure and evaluate various aspects of the software development process These measurements help organizations improve their processesMetrics are crucial for the development process and project management because they enable you to measure the quality of each factor in a project. Measuring the quality of various factors helps determine if the project will meet time and quality requirements.In addition, over a period of time, metrics help track your progress. Y ou can use metrics to compare various projects of different sizes After calculating metrics, you need to communicate them to the management and to every person involved in the process. Then, you need to organize several meetings to analyze metrics. Based on. the analysis, .areas of improvement are identified and suggestions are invited to improve the processes Based on the suggestions, corrective action is decided and implemented. After implementing the changes, you need to again implement the processes to verify whether or not they solved the problem.The QA and develOpment team decides upon the metrics to be created and tracked in the beginning of a software project There are four main steps of creating a metricDefining the goal of the metric: It is important to define a goal because it helps design the metric The goal should be clear, measurable, and explicit For example,the goal can be to measure the number of defects reported by the clientIdentifying the requirements of the metric The requirements include human resource, data collection techniques, and methodologies used to process the data For example, the requirements of a metric that measures the number of defects reported by clients include the availability of quality assurance professionals and past data to specify severity criteria Identifying the organizational baseline value for the metric A baseline value is an average value that an organization identifies based on prior experience. A metric is designed to achieve the baseline value.1. Which of the following is a quality control activity?A. Quality auditB. T ools selectionC. TrainingD. Inspection2. Which of the following is a quality assurance activity?A. T estingB. T ools selectionC. InspectionD. Walkthrough3. Which of the following SQA activities involves assessing and review the prototype and product design for quality?A. Application of technical methodsB. Conducting FTRsC. Enforcement of standardsD. Control of change4. Which of the following SQA activities ensures that the development team follows the documented steps to complete a process?A. Application of technical methodsB. Conducting FTRsC. Enforcement of standardsD. Control of changeChapter 2 Introducing Software Testing1. Please describe the benefits of early testing. (p2.4)A:The benefits of early testing include:(1)Reduces the possibility of introducing errors when making changes.(2)Reduces the possibility of forgetting design decisions and conditions.(3)Saves the time required to reanalyze designs and code.(4)Reduces the possibility of similar errors by providing early feedback.(5)Reduces the number of defects that leak through various phases of SDLC, which helps reduce the defect tracking overhead.2. Please describe the steps of Testing Life Cycle. (p2.6)A:(1)Risk analysis(2)Planning progress(3)T est design(4)Performing tests(5)Defect tracking and management(6)Quantitative measurement(7)T est reporting3. Please describe the Roles in a testing team, and their responsibility of each role. (p2.8)A:(1)The key roles in a testing team are:T est managerT est leadT est environment specialistT ester(2)A test manager plans and coordinates the test process for a project and is responsible for:a. Representing the testing team for interdepartmental interactionsb. Interacting with customers and vendors, if requiredc. Recruiting, supervising, and training staffd. Creating a test plane. Creating the budget and schedule for the test process, including test-effort estimationsf. Acquiring hardware and software for the test environmentg. Ensuring proper configuration management of the test environment and the test producth. Defining the test processi. Tracking progress of the test processk. Coordinating pre- and post-test meetings(3)A test lead directs the testing team and is responsible for:a. Providing technical leadership for the test programb. Providing support for customer interface, recruiting, test-tool introduction, test plan execution, staff supervision, and cost and progress status reportingc. Verifying the quality of the requirements, including testability, requirement definition,test design, test-script and test-data development, test automation, test-environment configuration, test-script configuration management, and test executiond. Interacting with test-tool vendors to identify the best ways to leverage test tools on the projecte. Receiving information about the latest test approaches and tools, and transferring this knowledge to the test teamf. Conducting test-design and test-procedure walkthroughs and inspectionsg. Implementing test-process improvements based on surveys conductedh. Tracing the test procedures to the test requirements by using the Requirements Traceability Matrixi. Implementing the test processj. Ensuring that the test-product documentation is complete(4)A test environment specialist specializes in setting up the test environment and is responsible for:a. Installing test tools and establishing the test-tool environmentb. Creating and controlling the test environment by using environment setup scriptsc. Creating and maintaining the test databased. Maintaining a requirements hierarchy within the test-tool environment(5)A tester helps deliver a quality product and is responsible for the following activities during the testing process:a. Developing test cases and proceduresb. Creating test datac. Reviewing analysis and design artifactsd. Executing testse. Using automated tools for executing testsf. Preparing test documentationg. Tracking defectsh. Reporting test results4. Please describe the key performance areas of a tester. (p2.11)A:(1) Defect-detection efficiency(2)Schedule slippage in test case design and test execution(3)Productivity (total number of test cases designed or executed, depending on the nature of project)(4)Number of weighted defects in user acceptance testing(5) Initiatives taken in:Self developmentDeveloping toolsCertificationsT ools learned5. Please describe the main technical skills and behavior skills of a tester. (p2.11) A:(1)T echnical: The technical skills include the following:a. Knowledge of software development, operation, and maintenance processesb. Knowledge of the applicationc. Knowledge of tools that aid in software developmentd. Knowledge of project managemente. Knowledge of the testing processf. Knowledge of test process documentation(2)Behavioral: The behavioral skills include the following:a. Sensitivity to small detailsb. T olerance for chaosc. Organized approach1. Errors that are undetected at a particular stage in the development life cycle and are carried forward to next stage are called .A. Leakage errorsB. Logical errorsC. Debugging errorsD. Integration errors2. Which of the following cannot be achieved by testing?A. Detecting errors in a software productB. Verifying that a software product conforms to its requirementsC. Showing that a software product has no defectsD. Establishing confidence that a program does what it should3. Which of the following is the correct sequence of phases in the testing life cycle?A. Risk analysis, planning, test design, performing tests, defect tracking and management, quantitative measurement, test reportingB. Planning, risk analysis, test design, performing tests, defect tracking and management, quantitative measurement, test reportingC. Planning, risk analysis, test design, performing tests, test reporting, defect tracking and management, quantitative measurementD. Risk analysis, planning, test design, performing tests, quantitative measurement, test reporting, defect tracking and management4. In which phase of the testing life cycle are defects communicated to the development team?A. Defect tracking and managementB. Performing testsC. T est reportingD. Quantitative measurementChapter 3 Planning Software Tests1. Please describe which phases the test planning process includes. (p3.3)A:The test planning process includes the following phases:(1)Pre-planning(2)T est planning(3)Post-planning2. In the pre-planning phase, the test specifications are identified. Which components are included in the test specifications? (p3.3)A:This phase identifies the test specifications. The test specifications include the following components:a. T est objectivesb. T est assumptionsc. T est success/acceptance criteriad. T est entrance/exit criteria3. Which activities are included in the test planning phase? (p3.4)A:The test planning phase includes the following activities:(1) Performing requirements traceability(2) Estimating test effort(3) Scheduling the test iterations(4) Planning resources(5) Identifying testing approaches(6) Defining test quality control4. Which components the test plan should focused on? (p3.5)A:The test plan focuses on the following components:(1) Scope of test(2) T est objectives(3) List of assumptions(4) Results of risk analysis(5) Resource allocation(6) T est schedule(7) T est design(8) T est environment(9) T esting tools and techniques(10)T est completion criteria5. Which steps should be followed when create a test plan? (p3.5)A:T o create a test plan, the steps to be followed are:(1)Forming a test team(2)Understanding project risks(3)Building the test plan6. Which activities should be involved when developing a test plan? (p3.6)A:The development of a test plan involves the following activities:1. Documenting test objectives2. Creating a test matrix3. Writing the test plan7. The post-planning phase of the test planning process includes identifying a configuration management plan for the software project. Which activities are included in the configuration management? (p3.13)A:Configuration management includes the following activities:(1)Baseline control(2)Software configuration identification(3)Configuration control(4)Configuration status accounting(5)Software configuration authentication(6)Software development libraries8. Please describe the V model and W model. (p3.14)A:The cost of correcting a defect that is detected early in the development life cycle is much less than the cost of correcting a defect detected at a later stage. Therefore, to reducethe cost of correcting defects, you must try locating defects early in the development life cycle..The V model proposes an approach to software development in which both the software development process and the software test process begin simultaneously When the project starts, the development team starts the software development process and the testmg team starts planmng for the test process This planning is based on the documents created during the development processThe V model places the development phases such as requirements, analysis, design, and coding on one side of the V The various types of testing such as umt, integration, system, and acceptance, are placed on the other side of the V.Unit testing involves testing each individual unit of software to detect errors in its code. A developer or a peer programmer typically does unit testingIntegration testing involves testing two or more previously tested and accepted units to illustrate that they work together when combined into a single entity Integration testing exposes faults in interfaces and in the interaction between integrated components System testing is the process of testing a completely integrated system to verify that itmeets specified requirements This testing is performed to identify defects that will surface only when a complete system is assembled. System testing includes testing for performance, security, and recovery from failure.Acceptance testing is the process in which actual users test a complete information system to determine whether it satisfies the acceptance criteria This testing enables the customer to determine whether to accept or reject the system.1. According to the V model, documents created during the analysis phase can be used to define the .A. System test criteriaB. Acceptance criteriaC. Integration test criteriaD. Unit test criteria2. Which of the following configuration management activities involve performing configuration reviews and audits?A. Baseline controlB. Configuration controlC. Configuration status accountingD. Software configuration authentication3. Which of the following activities is performed as part of the pre-planning phase of testing?A. Documenting risks related to testingB. Creating test matrixC. Defining the success/acceptance test criteriaD. Forming a testing team4. Which of the following is a dynamic testing technique?A. ReviewB. WalkthroughC. AuditD. T estingChapter 4 Identifying Test Approaches1. Please describe static testing and dynamic testing. (p4.3)A:Static testing: Static testing verifies the conformance of a software system to its specification without executing the code. This testing involves analysis of the source text by individuals.Dynamic testing: Dynamic testing involves executing the source code to check if it works as expected.2. Please describe the types of errors can be located by using functional approaches. (p4.3)A:Functional approaches are useful for locating the following types of errors:Incorrect functionalityMissing functionalityInterface errorsIncorrect specificationsInitialization errorsT ermination errors3. Please describe the benefits and limitations of using functional test approaches. (p4.3)A:The benefits of using functional test approaches are:●They are effective for large units of code.●T esters do not need any knowledge of implementation, including specificprogramming languages.●T esters and developers can be independent of each other.●T ests are conducted from a user's point of view.●T ests help easily identify ambiguities or inconsistencies in the specifications.●T est cases can be designed as soon as the specifications are complete.●The limitations of functional test approaches are:●Can leave many program paths untested.●Cannot be used for complex segments of code. Therefore, such segments cancontain errors.●Cannot determine a reason for failure.●Difficult to design tests without clear and concise specifications.4. Please describe the benefits and limitations of using structural test approaches. (p4.5)A:The benefits of structural testing approaches are:●Useful in locating non-specified functions that cannot be detected using functionalapproaches●More effective than functional approaches for small modulesThe limitations of structural test approaches are:● A program contains a large number of logical paths. It is not practically possible tocheck all logical paths because it involves time and effort. Y ou can test only some important logical paths.●It is necessary for the tester to know programming languages.●These approaches do not ensure meeting user requirements.5. Please describe which types of testing structural test approaches and functional test approaches should be applied to. Four basic types of testing are: Unit Testing, Integration Testing, System Testing, and Acceptance Testing. (p4.5)6. Please describe the Structural Testing Techniques. (p4.6)A:The structural testing techniques are:●Stress testing: Involves testing the system in a manner that demands resources inabnormal quantity, frequency, or volume.●Recovery testing: Verifies the ability of the system to recover from varying degrees offailure.●Operations testing: Ensures that when an application is developed, it is tested andthen integrated into the operating environment.●Compliance testing: Verifies whether the application is developed in accordance withinformation technology standards, procedures, and guidelines.●Security testing: Identifies security defects in the software.7. Please describe the Functional Testing Techniques. (p4.8)A:The functional testing techniques are:●Requirements testing: This type of testing is conducted to verify that a systemperforms correctly over a continuous period of time.●Regression testing: When a change is made to one segment of a system.●Error-handling testing: This type of testing is done by a group of individuals who thinknegatively to anticipate what can go wrong with the system.●Manual-support testing: This involves testing the interface between users and theapplication system.●Intersystem testing: Applications are often interconnected with other applications.●Control testing: This type of testing is conducted to ensure that processing isperformed in accordance with the intent of the management.●Parallel testing: When a new system is developed.1. Which of the following is a static testing technique?A. Black-box testingB. White-box testingC. ReviewsD. Regression testing2. Which of the following is a structural testing technique? A. Unit testing B. System testing C. Acceptance testing D. Requirements testing3 Which of the following is a functional testing technique? A. Stress testing B. Executing testing C. Recovery testing D. Regression testing4. Which of the following is a dynamic testing technique? A. ReviewB. WalkthroughC. AuditD. White-box testingChapter 5 Designing the Test Environment1. Please describe the test process and its minor process activities by using ETVX diagram. (p5.4)A:A test process provides a systematic approach to accomplish the objective of testing. A test process can also be defined as a set of minor process activities within major process activities represented by the Entry-T ask-Verification-Exit (ETVX) diagram.2. Please describe the Life Cycle of a Test Process. (p5.5) A:There are various phases in the life cycle of a test process. These phases are as follows: ●System study: The purpose of the system study phase is to understand the testprocess and define its requirements.●Design test cases: The purpose of this phase is to design and build a set of intelligenttest cases for the test process.●Execution: The purpose of the execution phase is to execute the test cases preparedin the design test cases phase.●Wind-up: The purpose of the wind-up phase is to provide an organized and formalwrap up of the test execution phase.3. Please describe the criteria affecting the selection of an appropriate testing tool. (p5.6)A:The criteria affecting the selection of an appropriate testing tool are as follows:●The objectives of testing should be accomplished successfully.●The tool should be easy to use.●The time spent in installing and learning about the tool should be the least.●The tool should be compatible with the platform and software used for testing.●The purchase cost of the tool should be within the project budget.4. What steps the testing team should follow while designing the test environment? (p5.7)A:While designing the test environment, the testing team should follow the given steps:●Gather information about proposed test environment.●Document the test environment specifications for the project.●Simulate the server environment.●Simulate the client environment.●Design domains for testing.●Keep the test logs and reports safe for the future.5. What is a test bed? What are the benefits of test beds? And what are the factors that affect test bed decisions? (p5.8)A:A test bed is a test environment that contains the hardware, simulators, software tools, and other support elements necessary for conducting the test.Benefits of test beds are:●Observing the impact of running applications in an environment changed by softwarepatches,new software installed, ornew hardware purchased before these are used on an everyday basis.●Developing off-line maintenance procedures that help minimize non-functionalperiods of the application software.The following factors affect test bed decisions:●Budget and resource constraints: Setting up a test bed requires specific hardware,software, and other resources.●T echnical support constraints: Maintaining a test bed requires technical support fromspecialized personnel.6. Please describe the testing tool types. Which ones are the Manual tools? (p5.14) A:Some of the important testing tools are as follows:●Unit testing tools●Regression testing tools●Load testing tools●Traceability tools●Code coverage tools●Manual toolsThe most frequently-used manual tools are as follows:●Checklists●T est scripts●Decision T ables1. Which testing is used when there is high risk of a recent change affecting unchanged areas of the application software?A. Parallel testingB. Control testingC. Requirement testingD. Regression testing2. Which of the following steps is not a part of the process of setting up a regression-testing tool?A. Designing the framework of testingB. Identifying the utility functions related to the application softwareC. Configuring an isolated network with servers of specified configurationD. Designing test scenarios3. Which of the following statement holds true for test bed?A. A test bed is the key to quality and stability in a software testing processB. A test bed captures the input of test processC. A test bed helps define a test script in exact terms by defining the hardware and software requirements.D. A test bed executes a test case on time.4. Which testing ensures that the operations of an application software continue after a disaster?A. Recovery testingB. Operations testingC. Compliance testing。
