[2007]Effective MILP model for oil refinery-wide production








关键词:浅层外漏;桥式封堵;防蠕动;减载工具;简易封堵DOI :10.3969/j.issn.2095-1493.2023.10.006Development of a simple plugging tool for pumping wells with shallow external leakage LI DongleiNo.5Oil Production Plant of Daqing Oilfield Co .,Ltd.Abstract:In view of the problems of long construction period,poor timeliness,great potential en-vironmental hazards and big influence on the production of overhauling and plugging of pumping wells with shallow external leakage,the research on simple plugging string for pumping wells with shallow external leakage is carried out.According to the characteristics of leak point distribution and the pro-duction characteristics of pumping wells,the bridge-type double-clip plugging string with the extrac-tion wells of few leakage points and longitudinal distribution is purposely designed,the single-clip large-diameter plugging string with the extraction wells of more leakage points or longitudinal distribu-tion is designed,and the two-way anti-creep load-reducing tool which can effectively eliminate the influence of pipe creep on plugging tool is designed.Through the field test application of five wells,the success rate of simple plugging string in shallow leakage pumping wells is 100%,and the effective treatment of the shallow external leakage pumping well is preliminarily realized,which provides techni-cal support for eliminating the hidden danger of safety and environmental protection,increasing pro-duction rate and recovering oil recovery ahead of time,and achieves a total economic benefit of 1.475million yuan .Keywords:shallow external leakage;bridge plugging;anti-creep;load-shedding tool;simple plugging作者简介:李东雷,高级工程师,2007年毕业于中国石油大学(华东)(机械设计制造及自动化专业),从事聚驱注入工艺工作,0459-*******,***********************.cn,黑龙江省大庆市第五采油厂工艺研究所,163513。



Michael教你关于化妆品的英语欢迎来到今天的michael工作室今天我们讲讲女性朋友们的最爱!化妆品护肤品保养品!toner 爽肤水firming lotion 紧肤水moisturizer 护肤霜/保湿品hydra也是exfoliating scrub 搓掉死皮的霜骗人的玩意根本不好用liner 眼线笔lipstick 唇膏hair conditioner 护发素油脂多的人就别用了越用头发掉的越多powder puffs 粉扑Q tips 棉签除了掏耳朵还可以用打火机加温棉签杆用来烫睫毛使睫毛弯曲nail polish 指甲油讨厌死了remover 基本卸妆用品都可以用这个perm 烫头男的烫头的请远离我噁心mascara 睫毛膏行了,记不住了~这些都是以前女友给我留下的美好记忆~她们买的化妆品护肤的超级多我一时也想不起来. 谁要问请留言你问的我都会!michael小课堂今天你用了么?Michael天天见!michael aka sunrizmichael于英播工作室工作室主打课程雅思7分+ 20天魔鬼集训课程:20天每天8小时班型:1V1 1V3 1V6托福100+ 21天魔鬼集训课程:21天每天8小时班型:1V1 1V3 1V6SAT阅读600+课程:15天每天6小时班型:1V1 1V3 1V6海外生存口语【生活篇、学习篇、工作篇、娱乐篇】课程内容:购物租房、交通、社团活动、学科注册、医疗护理、法律常识等课程:20天每天2小时班型:1V1 1V3 1V6Michael从小在美国长大,对中美文化背景和差异了解深刻,2005年回国并从事托福、雅思、SAT 等出国英语培训教育,凭借其深厚的文化底蕴和浓厚的美式教育风格一举成名,风靡国内留学教育界,曾在上海环球雅思学校担任北美托福主管、大连环球雅思学校北美院院长、南京哈耶普教育首席讲师、南京师范大学、辽宁师范大学、大连理工大学等高校执教,多年获得殊荣不计其数,Michael老师的课堂沿袭了欧美教学公平、自由、幽默、轻松的风格,并常年参加托福、雅思、SAT考试,第一时间掌握ETS考试动向。



健对健康 影响 的程度 ( 与其他决定 因素不同) 以及
卫生保健本身的属性 ( 市场 良好 的公众性) 。然 而, 大多 数人 认 同效 益 好 的 医疗 系统 是 有 效 率 的 , 公平 和有效的。文献 回顾 建议 了指标合 适 的测量性 能

1O ・ 1
《 国外医学》 生经 济分册 2 1 年第 2 卷第三期 ( 卫 01 8 总第 1 1 l 期)
未来 的研 究应该集 中在理解这个 领域 的这 些
不 同指标 可 以应 用 到 哪 些 不 同 的研 究 与 政 策 问 题
上以及验证这个指标本身 。例如, 描述指标 的一个 子集也很重要 , 精致 的指标最好能捕捉到短期 政策 改变 的效应 而不 必过于繁冗 。与具体进 程指标相
关联 , 但是很难评估关键指标 的影响, 如孕产妇死亡 率的降低和公平的融资的关联性 , 是另一个需要进一 步研究的领域。最后 , 关于慈善机构的研究也很少。
尼 日利 亚研 究 人 员 试 图通 过 审计 政 府 和 私 立 机 构
的宽度。我们 的研 究有较 大的局 限性。我们 限制 我们的搜索为 自 19 年 以来的英语发表文学作 品, 95
从而 可能 已经 错 过 了在 这 个 领 域 一 些 有 用 的应 用 的早 的指 标 经 验 以 及 其 他 语 言 出 版 的成 果 。我 们
2. , 5 5 而剩下的 7. 由联邦医疗保 险支付 。四 45 类不 同药 物 总 支 出 ( 有 保 险 条 款 和 受 益 人 支 出 ) 所
的共保比例决定 了参加 标准保 险的每个受 益人 的 支出分担 。20 年 , 08 标准保 险的支 出分担为 : 药物
文 以下 的部分是这样安排 的: 第二部分将评 述 P P市场 的相关 结构 和 特点 , 而验证 我 们 一些 D 从 抽样和模 型 。第 三部分 为我们 的经验 模型构 造 了

CMA P2 考试模拟题及答题解析(全150套之第104套100题)

CMA P2 考试模拟题及答题解析(全150套之第104套100题)

CMA P2 考试模拟题及答题解析(全150套之第104套100题)1、以下哪个关于相关系数和回报波动性的表述最好描述了由有限数量,不同行业的股票组成的组合?A、低相关系数,高组合汇报波动B、高相关系数,高组合汇报波动C、高相关系数,低组合汇报波动D、低相关系数,低组合回报波动试题解析:由有限数量,不同行业的股票组成的组合最可能显示低相关系数,低组合回报波动。


2、一种为了减少第一个投资的风险,而在第二个投资工具上采取抵消作用的技术称为A、投资B、套利 .C、套期保值D、分散化试题解析:根据定义,套期保值是一种减少价格、利率或汇率的不利波动的风险的方法。






米勒模型 DEBT AND TAXES中英对照版

米勒模型  DEBT AND TAXES中英对照版

DEBT AND TAXESMerton Miller, 1977这里的关于负债和税收的观点带点儿异端邪说的意味。

















IntroductionPerkinElmer ®UV/Vis and UV/Vis/NIR spectrophotometers are built to the highest ISO-9001manufac-turing standards.This document presents confirmed performance specifications based on factory tests.All instruments will meet or achieve better than the confirmed specifications,under normal conditions of use as described in the user manual.The LAMBDA ™Series of spectrophotometers is the industry standard for high performance,flexibility and convenience.Each model includes the same range of modular components and snap-in accessories to tackle a range of tough applications.Whatever specifications you require,the LAMBDA Series provides best-in-class accuracy,precision and reproducibility.Technical description and specifications LAMBDA 1050LAMBDA 950PrincipleDouble beam,double monochromator,ratio recording UV/Vis/NIRspectrophotometers with microcomputer electronics,controlled by DELL ™PC or compatible personal computer.Technical Specifications for the LAMBDA 1050UV/Vis/NIR and LAMBDA 950UV/Vis/NIR SpectrophotometersO N SU V /V I S A N D U V /V I S /N I R S P E C T R O S C O P YChoose the LAMBDA 950performance for wavelengths precision measurements,as highly reflective and correction coatings,bandpass Vis and NIR filters,and LAMBDA 950Choose the LAMBDA 1050with capability for ultra-high UV/Vis/NIR wavelengths up to 3300nm with in the NIR region (800-2500nm)throughput.For applications such and anti-reflective coatings,all types clear to highly absorbing safety glass,of all types from the deep UV through many more applications requiring LAMBDA 1050Optical System All reflecting optical system(SiOcoated)with holographic grating2monochromator with1440lines/mm UV/Vis blazed at240nm and360lines/mm NIRblazed at1100nm,Littrow mounting,sample thickness compensated detector optics. Beam Splitting System Chopper(46+Hz,Cycle:Dark/Sample/Dark/Reference,Chopper Segment SignalCorrection).Detector Photomultiplier R6872for high energy Photomultiplier R6872for high energy in thein the entire UV/Vis wavelength range.entire UV/Vis wavelength range.High per-Combination of high performance formance Peltier-cooled PbS detector forPeltier-cooled InGaAs detector,2options:the NIR wavelength range.Narrow band covering860-1800or wideband covering860-2500nm and Peltier-cooled PbS detector for1800/2500-3300nm in the NIR wavelength range.Source Pre-aligned tungsten-halogen and Pre-aligned tungsten-halogen and deuterium.deuterium.Utilizes a source doublingmirror for improved UV/Vis/NIR energy.Wavelength RangeNpurge required below2185nm175nm-3300nm175nm-3300nmUV/Vis Resolution≤0.05nm≤0.05nmNIR Resolution≤0.20nm≤0.20nmStray LightAt200nm12g/l KCl USP/DAP method>2A>2AAt220nm10g/l NaI ASTM method≤0.00007%T≤0.00007%TAt340nm50mg/l NaNO2ASTM method≤0.00007%T≤0.00007%TAt370nm50mg/l NaNO2ASTM method≤0.00007%T≤0.00007%TAt1420nmH201cm path length≤0.00040%T≤0.00040%TAt2365nmCHCl31cm path length≤0.00050%T≤0.00050%TWavelength AccuracyUV/Vis±0.080nm±0.080nmNIR±0.300nm±0.300nmWavelength ReproducibilityUV/Vis(Deuterium lamp lines)≤0.010nm≤0.020nmNIR(Deuterium lamp lines)≤0.040nm≤0.080nmStandard deviation of10measurements UV/Vis≤0.005nm≤0.005nmStandard deviation of10measurements NIR≤0.020nm≤0.020nmPhotometric AccuracyDouble Aperture Method1A±0.0003A±0.0006ADouble Aperture Method0.5A±0.0003A±0.0003ANIST1930D Filters2A±0.0030A±0.0030ANIST930D Filters1A±0.0030A±0.0030ANIST930D Filters0.5A±0.0020A±0.0020AK2Cr2O7-Solution USP/DAP method±0.0080A±0.0080APhotometric LinearityAddition of filters UV/Vis at546.1nm,2nm slit,1secondintegration timeAt1.0A±0.0060A±0.0060AAt2.0A±0.0160A±0.0170AAt3.0A±0.0050A±0.0200ANIR At1.0A(1200nm)±0.0005ANIR At2.0A(1200nm)±0.0010APhotometric ReproducibilityStandard deviation for10measurements,2nm slit,1second integration time1A with NIST930D Filterat546.1nm≤0.00016A≤0.00016A0.5A with NIST930D Filterat546.1nm≤0.00008A≤0.00008A0.3A with NIST930D Filterat546.1nm≤0.00008A≤0.00008APhotometric RangeUV/Vis8A8ANIR8A6APhotometric Display Unlimited UnlimitedBandpass0.05nm-5.00nm in0.01nm increments UV/Vis range0.20nm-20.00nm in0.04nm increments NIR rangeFixed resolution,constant energy or slit programming.Photometric StabilityAfter warm-up at500nm,0A,2nm slit,2second integrationtime,peak to peak≤0.0002A/h≤0.0002A/hBaseline Flatness190nm-3100nm,2nm slit0.20second integration timeUV/Vis,no smoothing applied±0.0008A±0.0008A0.24second integration timeNIR,no smoothing appliedPhotometric Noise RMS2nm slit,1second integration time0A and190nm≤0.00010A≤0.00010A0A and500nm≤0.00005A≤0.00005A2A and500nm≤0.00020A≤0.00020A4A and500nm≤0.00100A≤0.00100A6A and500nm≤0.00500A≤0.00500A0A and1500nm≤0.00002A≤0.00004A2A and1500nm≤0.00010A≤0.00010A3A and1500nm,PbS(Servo)≤0.00250A≤0.00300A0A and1500nm InGaAs≤0.00002A2A and1500nm InGaAs≤0.00010A3A and1500nm,Wide Band InGaAs(Servo)≤0.00010A3A1500nm,Narrow Band InGaAs(Servo)≤0.000025APrimary Sample CompartmentDimensions(W x D x H)200mm x300mm x220mm200mm x300mm x220mmSecondary Sample CompartmentDimensions(W x D x H)480mm x300mm x220mm480mm x300mm x220mmPurgingOptics YES YESSample Compartment YES YESInstrument Dimension(W x D x H)1020mm x740mm x300mm1020mm x740mm x300mmInstrument Weight~77kg~77kgDigital I/O RS232C RS232CLight Beam90mm above the base plate,120mm beam separation,3mm-12mm beam heightInstrument RequirementsPower90VAC-250VAC,50/60Hz;250VA90VAC-250VAC,50/60Hz;250VA Temperature10˚C-35˚C10˚C-35˚CRecommended Humidity10-70%relative humidity,10-70%relative humidity,non-condensing non-condensingPerkinElmer,Inc.940Winter StreetWaltham,MA02451USAPhone:(800)762-4000or(+1)203-925-4602For a complete listing of our global offices,visit /lasoffices©2007PerkinElmer,Inc.All rights reserved.The PerkinElmer logo and design are registered trademarks of PerkinElmer,Inc.PerkinElmer is a registered trademark and LAMBDA is a trademark of PerkinElmer,Inc.or its subsidiaries,in the United States and other countries.DELL is a trademark of DELL,Inc.All other trademarks not owned by PerkinElmer,Inc.or its subsidiaries that are depicted herein are the property of their respective owners.PerkinElmer reserves the right to change this document at any time without notice and disclaims liability for editorial,pictorial or typographical errors.008021_02Printed in USA。

A flexible force model for end milling of low-rigidity parts

A flexible force model for end milling of low-rigidity parts

with the mechanistic force model and finite element methods. Based on the mechanistic principles of metal cutting, Feng and Menq [14] developed a cutting force model taking into account the engaged cut geometry, the undeformed chip thickness distribution along the cutting edges and the effect of the cutter axis offset and tilt on the undeformed chip geometry. Lim et al. [15] proposed a mechanistic force model for predicting the machining errors caused by tool deflection. Tsai and Liao [16] analysed the surface dimension errors in the peripheral milling of thin-walled workpiece by taking into account the tool and the workpiece. In essence, the existing body of knowledge can be clustered into two groups of studies: development of a theoretical rigid force model [2,3,5–9] and using mechanistic force models that consider the effect of tool/part deflection during machining [10–16]. However, their applicability to force modelling in machining of low rigidity parts is limited due to the non-liner dependency between the forces and the continuously changing tool immersion angle and chip thickness. In this paper, an adaptive flexible theoretical force model suitable for static error compensation in machining low rigidity components is presented based on the perfect plastic layer model [2,3,5–9]. This flexible theoretical force model is developed to integrate with a finite element tool to predict the machining surface finish error. At each computational step, the flexible force is calculated by taking into account the changes of the immersion angles on the engaged tooth length due to the part deflection, which allows for the change in the starting and exit points travelling along the tooth. The cutting process of any infinitesimal segment of the milling cutter tooth is considered as oblique cutting, for which the force is obtained through the orthogonal–oblique transformation [6]. In the force model and the experimental verifications, statistic analysis of the average force is employed. The theoretically predicted average force has been compared with the measured average force counterpart.

翻译Effect of Tempering Conditions on Milling Performance

翻译Effect of Tempering Conditions on Milling Performance

Effect of T empering Conditions on Milling Performance and Flour Functionality润麦对于制粉性能和面粉质量的影响ABSTRACT:Tempering conditions of wheat grain change the quality of the flour, yet most experimental milling systems use a standard tempering without optimization. The effect of tempering condition on milling performance and flour functionality for soft red winter (SRW) wheat grain was tested by measuring flour yield, ash, polyphone oxidase (PPO), and solvent retention capacity (SRC) in grain samples from three SRW cultivars (Roane, Cyrus, and Severn). Tempering was conducted with a full factorial design of initial wheat moisture, tempered wheat moisture, tempering temperature, and tempering time at two levels. Tempered wheat moisture had the largest effect on milling performance and flour functionality. Flour yield was more reduced for all samples tempered at 15% moisture than for samples tempered to 12% moisture. Flour quality of the 15% tempered sample was better than the 12% tempered samples due to less bran contamination as measured by flour ash and PPO. Increasing the tempering moisture increased flour sucrose SRC and lactic acid SRC but reduced sodium carbonate SRC for samples. Changing tempered wheat moisture changed flour yield and quality much more than did changing the length of time for tempering, the temperature at wheat is tempered , or differences in the initial moisture of the wheat before tempering. The last three effects could be used to improve flour yield in both the 12 and 15% tempered wheat treatment but the detrimental effects of these treatments on flour quality were minimal when combined with the 15% tempered wheat moisture treatment.润麦对于制粉性能和面粉质量的影响摘要:谷物的润麦可以改变面粉质量,迄今为止,大部分的实验制粉系统采用标准的润麦系统并非最优的。















定义色的色域边界的测试目标Phil Green彩色影像集团LCP的,英国伦敦2000年12月1.简介在生产中的一个色域是颜色可以在其上复制的范围。




虽然色域通常代表两个方面(如xy色度或CIELAB的a* / b *值),这可能会引起误解的原因有两个。












美国注册管理会计师 CMA P1押题题库 绩效管理

美国注册管理会计师 CMA P1押题题库 绩效管理
A 92000 美元有利的效率差异 B 20000 美元有利的静态预算差异
C 92000 美元有利的静态预算差异 D 20000 美元有利的效率差异
题目 28: 下列哪个平衡计分卡的内容与每个因果链是联系在一起的?
A 学习与成长 B 客户 C 财务 D 内部经营过程
题目 29: 分析了作业弹性预算的结果后,经理关注到尽然经营是有效率的,但它 的效果并不明显。假设标准静态预算销售 10000 个单位产品,可变成 本为 300000 美元,营业利润为 100000 美元。下面哪项实际结果匹配 这种情况?
题目 17: 责任会计制中,一个中心的业绩由可控成本来评估。可控成本的最佳描 述为:
A 只有直接材料和直接人工 B 只有酌量成本 C 增量成本和固定成本 D 只有经理在现阶段可以影响到的成本
题目 18:
某产品生产原料的收货情况以及给客户的完工品的发货情况均处于仓 库负责人的监管之下。负责人约有 70%的工作时间在处理收货情况,剩
假设在费用支出上没有限制,为了使得公司增值,新计划的最佳组合是 什么?
A C, D B B, C, D C A, B, C, D DD
题目 9: 财富公司的营销部门最近接受了价值客户的一个紧急订单,提交了必要 的文件给生产部门,提出要有充分的时间以正确方式来完成生产工作。
生产部接受了该文件,并提交给采购部订购原材料的相关文本。可是, 采购文本被放错地方,延误了时间,不能再从公司固定的供应商处订购 材料。新的材料供应商报出了一个有吸引力的价格。经过正常的检验程 序(由生产部主管人员监管)后,材料被立即投入生产来弥补失去的时 间。然而,材料质量差导致了公司组装线工人工作难度相当大。以下哪 一项最好地说明了本例中材料使用差异的责任?


吸水率随着时间的变化而变化。图 1 显示了:采收率和时间的平方根的关系。在图 中的所有曲线中,水的注水率是 10μ l/hr(前部的速度是 0.0672 米每天) 。只比较了突 破后的数据。尽管斜率不同,但是曲线与(在误差范围内)时间的平方根是相关的。吸 水率与采收率的相关因素以及时间平方根成正比。有一点可以证实,在水突破后原油在 低水率环境下的产量主要取决于吸水情况。当用第一个 RF 与时间平方根的方程式中截 距“b”与三个样品中的原油粘度是非常接近的。在水突破后,斜率是一个原油产量和 时间比率的测量量。图 2 绘制的斜率对应于原油粘度,并且显示原油的粘度增加曲线斜 率减小。换而言之,当水驱高粘度原油时,原油以相同的速率减小了注入流体所流入的 单位孔隙体积(即产出液中有较高的含水率) 。图 2 可能指示了水驱开发中液体粘度的 潜在的上限。然而,图中很清晰的显示了斜率和原油粘度的非线性关系。随着粘度以 50 (从 11 到 561mPa.s)的比率增加时,斜率降低到 1.5.突破后油的生产中,在整个系统 中,原油的采收率不直接与粘滞力(原油粘度)大小相关。这一点最早也是由 Mai 和 Kantzas 发现的。裂缝矩阵系统中,粘度比效应引起的自发渗吸在之前的实验研究中就 已经被很好的观察到了。不同相关性结合的原油和水的粘度被用来估计吸水效应,这些 相关性显示了吸水性与油和水粘度的关系。 图 3 表示了不同方案中的某一确定的采收率 所用的时间(孔隙空间的注入) 。在这个图中,注水速率是 10μ l/hr.数据显示了采收率 低于 0.7 时原油粘度和吸水时间之间的确定关系。这暗示了,用实验装置侧得的吸水率 随着原油粘度在一定的范围内变化,尽管与粘度成非线性关系。
分别为3.05 × 10−8 ,3.05 × 10−7 ,1.52 × 10−6 和3.05 × 10−6 表明了水驱是在毛管力的主导作用下流动的,至少在常规原油中可以这样理解。图 4 显示相同的原油样品在不同的注水率下会有不同的产量。 在 6 倍的孔隙体积被注入后, 低的注水率会产生较高的原油采收率。尤其是注水率到最低的 10μ l/hr 时,采收率甚 至会超过 0.8.注意, 图 4 中表示的是基于孔隙体积被注入后的原油采收率。 由于这个水 油粘度比在 10—100μ l/hr(以十倍的速度增长)的变化最终只是略微的减小了原油的 采出量。因此,基于时间代替备注孔隙体积,在这样的粘度比水平,或许更有利于在一 个中间速率下加快原油的生产。 图 5 显示了在低注水率方案下的结果。 在曲线上有一些 突起,尤其在低注水率下更为常见。这些突起表明了原油采收率是逐步增加的,这是由 于连续剩余油的地方也是需要时间来驱替的。在搞注水率下(如图 4) ,在高注水率下, 采收率曲线更加平缓。在水突进后他们的斜率增加了很多,这表明大多数注入水只是仅 仅通过了水流通道。这些曲线完全不同于低注水率下的曲线。毛细管力总是出现在非混 相驱系统;在低注水率下时间较长,而且毛管力的影响也会越来越大(即有更多的水被 渗吸只有少量的水在系统中循环) 。然而,低注水率暗示了操作时间长,这样的开发方 案没有什么经济吸引力。 在实验中, 有必要保持低压力下降到能够保持微模型的完整性。 这样,当压差超过一个上限值这个泵就会停止下来.系统会关闭直到压力降下来,而且 泵只能够手动重启。图 6 中表示了在生产反应情况下的关闭时期。红星表示了关闭时期 的发生点。对于 1000μ l/hr 这一方案,在曲线上有一水平阶段表示了一段关闭时期。 对粘度比为 95.3 这一方案中的水突破前期有 5 段关闭时期;而粘度比为 561.1 的方案 在水突破前有 8 段较短的关闭时期。由于这些时期在图线上只有几分钟,所以不是很清 楚。对于 1000μ l/hr 这一方案,大量产油阶段刚好发生在重新注入时期之后。对于另 外两个方案,由于关闭时间很短,在红星之后的增加的采收量不是很大。图 6 中的虚线 是 1000μ l/hr 这一方案中没有关闭时期的采收率预测。如果预测准确,采收率增量由 于是在关闭时期其值为 0.11。 这表明在关闭时期对原油采收率的提高有好处。 这证实了 在水湿微模型中毛细管力再分配流体的现象。 在短暂的关闭时期中不能为再非配的发生 提供足够的时间。这样,毛细管驱动流体再分配只是在具有较长时间关闭时期的油田才 能够凸显优势。注意,图 6 也比较了不同流体的粘度,为了确定是否具有更高粘度的原 油有这些相同的增量能够而进行进一步的研究。直观地,我们很难看到由于原油粘度的 增加而对再分配产生影响。然而,在低流速下流动流体受到毛管力的影响却是事实:当















API 618 2007 石油化工和天然气工业用往复式压缩机-5th中文石油、化学和气体工业设施用往复压缩机API 618 标准第5 版,2007 年12 月美国石油学会特别说明API出版物必要地陈述了一般性质的问题。
















关于本出版物内容的解释的问题,或关于本出版物进展过程的评论和问题,宜用书面形式递交给美国石油学会标准负责人,1220 L Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005。

Oil Spill Remediation Techniques

Oil Spill Remediation Techniques

Oil Spill Remediation Techniquesrefer to the methods and technologies used to clean up and remove oil spills that occur in oceans, rivers, or other bodies of water. These techniques are essential to minimize the environmental damage caused by oil spills and restore the affected ecosystems. In this article, we will explore some of the most commonly used oil spill remediation techniques and discuss their effectiveness and limitations.One of the most widely used oil spill remediation techniques is mechanical recovery. This method involves the use of booms, skimmers, and sorbents to contain and remove the spilled oil from the water surface. Booms are floating barriers that help to corral the oil and prevent it from spreading further. Skimmers are machines that skim the oil off the surface of the water, while sorbents are materials that absorb the oil.While mechanical recovery can be effective in removing large volumes of oil from the water surface, it is limited by factors such as weather conditions, water currents, and the type of oil spilled. In rough seas or strong winds, mechanical recovery may be less effective, and some types of oil, such as heavy bunker fuel, are more difficult to remove using this method.Another common oil spill remediation technique is chemical dispersants. These are chemicals that are used to break up the oil into smaller droplets, which can then disperse more easily in the water. Dispersants can help to speed up the natural biodegradation process of oil by microorganisms, making it easier to clean up the spill.However, the use of chemical dispersants is controversial, as they can have negative environmental impacts and may pose risks to aquatic life. Dispersants can be toxic to marine organisms and can potentially harm sensitive ecosystems, such as coral reefs and mangroves. Therefore, their use in oil spill clean-up efforts must be carefully managed and monitored.Bioremediation is another oil spill remediation technique that involves the use of microorganisms to break down the spilled oil. Certain bacteria and fungi are capable ofmetabolizing hydrocarbons, the compounds found in oil, and converting them into non-toxic byproducts. Bioremediation can be used to clean up oil-contaminated soil, water, and sediment.One advantage of bioremediation is that it is a natural and sustainable method of oil spill clean-up, as it harnesses the power of microorganisms that are already present in the environment. However, bioremediation can be slow and may not be suitable for all types of oil spills or environmental conditions. In some cases, additional nutrients or oxygen may need to be added to support the growth of oil-degrading microorganisms.In situ burning is a technique that involves setting fire to the spilled oil on the water surface. This method can be effective in removing large quantities of oil quickly, as the burning process consumes the oil and reduces its volume. In situ burning is often used in offshore oil spills where mechanical recovery may be difficult or impractical.However, in situ burning can produce air pollution and toxic smoke, posing risks to human health and the environment. It also requires careful planning and coordination to ensure that the fire does not spread uncontrollably or cause further damage to the ecosystem.Overall, oil spill remediation techniques play a crucial role in mitigating the environmental impacts of oil spills and protecting marine ecosystems. Each method has its advantages and limitations, and the choice of technique depends on factors such as the type and size of the oil spill, environmental conditions, and potential risks to human health and wildlife. By combining different remediation techniques and approaches, responders can effectively clean up oil spills and minimize their long-term effects on the environment.。



The following products are made from sustainable grown materials and do not result in the destruction of forests. TORQUE-SEAL™ LCM/LPM SURE-SEAL™ LPM WELL-SEAL™ LCM F, M, C DynaRed™ Fiber F, M, C DynaRed™ Plus Fiber F, M
and displays high resiliency levels under down hole conditions. When added to a drilling fluid, Rebound™ LCM becomes tightly compressed into porous formations and fractures, and will expand and contract without being dislodged due to changes in differential pressure. (Pages 74 – 79)
Lost circulation is the most costly mud related drilling problem, and induced fracture lost circulation is probably the most common type faced by the oil and gas industry. Wellbores break down and induced fracture lost circulation occurs when the hydraulic pressure in the wellbore exceeds the breakdown pressure of the weakest formation exposed.



欧盟国会与市政委员会第1223/2009法规2009.11.30化妆品(重新制定)(随带相关电子索引)鉴于: (3)第一章 (9)条款1 (9)条款2 (9)第二章 (10)条款3 (10)条款4 (11)条款5 (11)条款6 (12)条款7 (12)条款8 (13)条款9 (13)第三章 (13)条款10 (13)条款11 (14)条款12 (14)条款13 (15)第四章 (16)条款14 (16)条款15 (17)条款16 (18)条款17 (20)第五章 (20)条款18 (20)第六章 (21)条款19 (21)条款20 (23)条款21 (24)第七章 (24)条款22 (24)条款23 (24)条款24 (25)第八章 (25)条款25 (25)条款26 (27)条款27 (27)条款28 (27)第九章 (28)条款29 (28)条款30 (28)第十章 (28)条款31 (28)条款32 (29)条款33 (29)条款34 (29)条款35 (30)条款36 (30)条款37 (30)条款38 (30)条款39 (31)条款40 (31)附录I (32)A部分——化妆品安全信息 (32)B部分——化妆品安全评估 (34)附录II到VI的前言 (35)附录II (36)附录III (36)附录IV (36)附录V (36)附录VI (36)附录VII (37)附录VIII (38)附录IX (38)A部分 (38)B部分 (38)附录X (38)欧盟国会与市政委员会,鉴于欧洲成员国建立的条约和其95号文件,鉴于委员会的提议,鉴于欧洲经济和社会团体的观点,依据程序必须法令写于条约第251号文件,鉴于:1. 1976年7月27日成员国颁布的关于化妆品的法规指令76/768/EEC已经过几次重大修订。




Engine Oil and Filter Checking Check the engine oil a couple of minutes after shutting the engine off, with the car parked on level ground. Remove the dipstick and wipe it clean. Re-insert it all the way down, then pull it out and read the level. The level should be between the upper and lower marks.Adding If the level has dropped close to the lower mark, add oil until it is even with the upper mark.1.Turn the oil filler cap counterclockwise to remove. Add oil, then check the level again. Do not overfill.2. Reinstall the cap and twist clockwise until it stops.CAUTION:Be sure the oil filler cap is correctly replaced before starting theengine.Engine oil is a major factor affecting the performance and service life of the engine, you should use only a premium quality detergent oil labeled SG grade.LOOK FOR THIS LABEL ON THE OIL CONTAINER Use the proper viscosity oil for the climate in which you drive:Some oil labels may also include additional designations of quality such as CC or CD. However, these are acceptable only when used together with SG.NOTE:5W-30 viscosity oil is recommended for improved fuel economy.(cont'd)ENGINE OILFILLER CAPUPPERLOWER DIPSTICKDIPSTICKAmbient temperatureEngine Oil and Filter (cont'd)Fuel Efficient OilFor the best fuel economy from your car, it is recommended that you use a fuel efficient SG grade oil. This oil is usually identified by the words such as: "Energy Conserving II," "Gas Saving," and "Fuel Saving," etc.Changing Oil and FilterEngine oil and filter should be changed together every 6 months or 7,500 miles (12,000 km), whichever comes first. The filter is located on the engine block, below the intake manifold. A special "cap type" oil filter wrench is required (available from your Honda dealer). Use only a genuine Honda filter or its equivalent.CAUTION:The oil filter cannot easily be removed from above the engine. For this reason it is recommended that the oil filter change be done bya skilled mechanic.1. Start the car to warm up theengine, then shut it off.2. Remove the engine oil filler capand drain bolt, and drain the oil.A warmed-up engine and the oil init are hot; be careful not to burnyourself.3. Remove the oil filter and let theremaining oil drain out.4. Install a new filter according tothe instructions on or with the filter.ENGINE OIL CAPACITY (including filter):3.5 (3.7 US q t, 3.1 Imp qt)ENGINE OIL DRAIN BOLTOIL FILTER5. Reinstall the drain bolt with a new washer and tighten it securely. Refill the engine with the recommended oil, to the upper mark on the dipstick.6. Reinstall the filler cap securely.7. Start the engine and make sure oil is not leaking from the drain bolt or the filter.8. Shut off the engine and recheck the oil level.NOTE:Please dispose of used motor oil in a manner that is compatible with the environment. We suggest you take it in a sealed container to your local service station for reclamation. Do not throw it in the trash or pour it on the ground.CAUTION:Used motor oil may cause skin cancer if repeatedly left in contact with the skin for prolonged periods. Although this is unlikely unless you handle used oil on a daily basis, it is still advisable to thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water as soon as possible after handling used oil.Transmission Oil/Fluid CheckTransmission oil/fluid must be checked with the engine off and the car on level ground.If the engine has been running, some engine components may be hot enough to burn you.CAUTION:If the oil/fluid level is low, check for possible leaks before adding oil. Do not overfill.Since the transmission and differential are in the same housing, you are actually checking both oil/fluid levels in one procedure. Change transmission oil/fluid according to the Maintenance Schedule on page 54 .5-Speed Remove the oil filler bolt (beside the right axle). Feel inside the bolt hole with your finger. If the oil is up to the bottom edge of the hole,the oil level is correct. If it is not, slowly add oil until it runs out of the hole, then reinstall the bolt and tighten it securely with a wrench.OIL CHECK/FILLER BOLT MANUAL TRANSMISSIONOIL CHANGE CAPACITY: 1.8 (1.9 US q t. 1.6 Imp qt)Use only SF or SG grade motor oil when adding or changing transmis-sion oil.CORRECT LEVELUse the proper viscosity oil for the climate in which you drive:Ambient temperatureAutomatic The automatic transmission fluid level is checked (with the engine off and the car on level ground) using the dipstick on the passenger side of the transmission housing. Remove the dipstick and wipe it off.Insert the dipstick and remove it. The fluid level should be between the upper and lower marks.If necessary, add fluid and recheck. Use only DEXRON ® II Automatic Transmission Fluid (A.T.F.) when adding or changing fluid.After checking the fluid level, push the dipstick in securely.AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONFLUID CHANGE CAPACITY: 2.4 (2.5 US q t , 2.1 Imp qt)DIPSTICKUPPERLOWERCooling SystemThe engine in your Honda contains a number of aluminum parts. Therefore, it requires an antifreeze/coolant specifically formulated to protect the aluminum parts from corrosion. Failure to use a suitable antifreeze/coolant may seriously shorten the life of the engine as the result of rapid corrosion damage. Some antifreeze/ coolants, although labelled for use in engines containing aluminum, may not provide adequate protection for your engine.Therefore, use only a Honda RECOMMENDED antifreeze/coolant. CHECK WITH YOUR AUTHORIZED HONDA DEALER.For best corrosion protection, the mixture of coolant and water must be maintained year-round at 50/50. Concentrations less than 50% coolant may not provide sufficient protection against corrosion and freezing. Concentrations of greater than 60% coolant will impair cooling efficiency and are not recommended. Low-mineral drinking water or distilled water should be mixed with the antifreeze/coolant. Coolant loss should be replenished by a mixture containing the proper concentration of antifreeze and water.Do not mix different antifreeze/coolants.Do not use additional rust inhibitors or anti-rust products, as they may not be compatible with the radiator coolant.ENGINE DAMAGE CAUSED BY IMPROPER COOLANT USAGE IS NOT COVERED BY THE NEW CAR WARRANTY.Checking CoolantCheck the coolant level in the reserve tank when the engine is at normal operating temperature.Do not remove the radiator cap when the engine is hot; the coolant is under pressure and could severely scald you.If the level is below the MAXmark, but still visible, add a 50/50solution of antifreeze and waterto bring it up to MAX.If there is no coolant in the re-serve tank, the cooling systemshould be checked for leaks andrepaired if necessary. Coolantmust then be added to the radi-ator.CAUTION:Radiator coolant will damage paint. Quickly rinse any spilled coolant from painted surfaces.Wait until the engine is cool, then turn the radiator cap counterclock-wise until it stops. DO NOT PRESS DOWN WHILE TURNING THE CAP. After any remaining pressure has been relieved, remove the cap by pressing down and again turning it counterclockwise. Add enough coolant to fill the radiator, and reinstall the cap. Be sure to tighten it securely. Fill the reserve tank up to the MAX mark with the engine cold.Maintenance1. Check the freeze protection level of the coolant with a hydrome-ter.2. Keep the front of the radiator free of dirt and debris.3. Check hoses and hose clamps regularly.Replacing CoolantReplace coolant at 36 months or 45,000 miles (72,000 km), which-ever comes first. Thereafter, replace every 2 years or 30,000 miles (48,000 km), whichever comes first.(cont'd)MINMAXRESERVE TANKRADIATOR COOLANTREFILL CAPACITY:including reserve tank 0.4 (0.11 US gal, 0.09 Imp gal)HF: 4.2 (1.11 US gal, 0.92 Imp gal) CRX (Manual transmission): 4.5 (1.19 US gal, 0.99 Imp gal) CRX (Automatic transmission): 4.4 (1.16 US gal, 0.97 Imp gal)Si: 4.4 (1.16 US gal, 0.97 Imp gal)Cooling System (cont'd)1. Set the heater temperature control dial to maximum heat.2. Remove the radiator cap and drain plug when the radiator is cool,and drain the radiator.3. Remove the drain bolt from thefront side of the cylinder block,and drain the engine and heater.4. Apply non-hardening sealant tothe drain bolt threads, then rein-stall the bolt and tighten it se-curely.5. Tighten the radiator drain plug se-curely.6. Mix the recommended antifreezewith an equal amount of low-mineral or distilled water and fillthe reservoir to maximum, asillustrated.7. Loosen the air bleed bolt in thethermostat housing, then fill theradiator to the filler neck with thecoolant mixture. Tighten thebleed bolt as soon as coolantstarts to run out in a steadystream without bubbles.8. With the radiator cap off, start the engine and let it run until warmed up (fan goes on at least twice). Then, if necessary, add more coolant mix to bring the level back up to the filler neck.9. Put the radiator cap on, then run the engine again and check for leaks.RADIATORCAP BLEED BOLTDRAIN BOLTDRAIN PLUGBrakesBrake System DesignThe diagonally-separated dual serv-ice brake system is designed so halfthe system will still provide brakingaction if the other half fails.Stopping the car after losing the brake fluid from half the system will require more pedal pressure and pedal travel than normal. Also, the distance required to stop will be longer using only half the brake system. If the brakes fail suddenly, downshift to a lower gear for increased engine braking, and pull off the road as soon as possible.It is dangerous to drive your car with a problem in either thebrake electrical or hydraulic system; have your dealer check both systems if you suspect brake trouble.Do not ride the brakes. In other words, don't put your foot onthe brake pedal unless you intend to brake. This causes excessive brake wear and can damage, or lead to loss of braking effectiveness through overheating. Your brake lights may also confuse drivers behind you.Driving through deep water may affect the brakes.Check their effectiveness by pressing the brake pedal gently.If the car does not slow down at the normal rate, continue gently applying the brakes, while maintaining a safe speed, until they dry out and normal performance returns.Brake WearBoth front and rear brakes should be inspected for wear at the intervals shown in the Maintenance Schedule on page 54 .When the brakes require maintenance, use only genuine Honda replacement parts or their equivalent.(cont'd)Brakes (cont'd)Front Brake Wear Indicators Your car is equipped with audible front brake wear indicators. When the brake pads wear to point that they should be replaced, they will make a "screeching" sound when the wheels are rolling and when the brakes are applied.NOTE:Due to some driving habits or climates, brakes may "squeal" when you first apply them or when you have them partially applied; this is normal, and does not indicate excessive wear. The wear indicator makes a "screeching" sound while the brakes are applied.Brake Fluid Check the fluid level in the brake reservoir periodically; it should be between the MAX and MIN marks on the reservoir.If the level is near the MIN mark, add fluid to raise it to the MAX mark. Do not overfill. Use only brake fluid manufactured to DOT 3or DOT 4 specifications (see reservoir cap) from a sealed container.Follow the manufacturer's instructions printed on the can.NOTE:A low brake fluid level may be an indication of brake pad wear or of brake fluid leakage. You should have your brakes checked if the brake fluid level in the reservoir is low before re-filling it.BRAKE FLUIDRESERVOIRCAUTION:The arrow on the reservoir cap must be pointing forward after the cap is installed. Make sure the brake warning switch wiring doesn't get caught between the cap and top edge of the reservoir.MAXMIN。

The role of waste management in oil and gas exploration and production

The role of waste management in oil and gas exploration and production

Paper #2-24WASTE MANAGEMENTPrepared by the Technology Subgroupof theOperations & Environment Task GroupOn September 15, 2011, The National Petroleum Council (NPC) in approving its report, Prudent Development: Realizing the Potential of North America’s Abundant Natural Gas and Oil Resources,also approved the making available of certain materials used in the study process, including detailed, specific subject matter papers prepared or used by the study’s Task Groups and/or Subgroups. These Topic and White Papers were working documents that were part of the analyses that led to development of the summary results presented in the report’s Executive Summary and Chapters.These Topic and White Papers represent the views and conclusions of the authors. The National Petroleum Council has not endorsed or approved the statements and conclusions contained in these documents, but approved the publication of these materials as part of the study process.The NPC believes that these papers will be of interest to the readers of the report and will help them better understand the results. These materials are being made available in the interest of transparency.The attached paper is one of 57 such working documents used in the study analyses. Also included is a roster of the Subgroup that developed or submitted this paper. Appendix C of the final NPC report provides a complete list of the 57 Topic and White Papers and an abstract for each. The full papers can be viewed and downloaded from the report section of the NPC website ().Technology SubgroupChairJ. Daniel Arthur Managing Partner ALL Consulting Assistant ChairH. William Hochheiser Senior Energy andEnvironment ManagerALL Consulting MembersMark D. Bottrell Manager – Field, EasternDivision Chesapeake Energy CorporationAndré Brown Associate W. L. Gore & Associates,Inc.John Candler Manager, EnvironmentalAffairsM-I SWACOLance Cole Operations Manager Petroleum TechnologyTransfer CouncilDavid DeLaO Manager, DrillingEngineering, SouthernDivision Chesapeake Energy CorporationLarry W. Dillon Completions Manager, SanJuan Business UnitConocoPhillipsDonald J. Drazan Chief – TechnicalAssistance Section, Bureauof Oil and Gas Permittingand Management, Divisionof Mineral Resources,Department ofEnvironmental ConservationState of New YorkMaurice B. Dusseault Professor of GeologicalEngineering, Department ofEarth & EnvironmentalSciencesUniversity of WaterlooCatherine P. Foerster Commissioner Alaska Oil & GasConservation Commission Linda Goodwin President DOT Matrix Inc.Edward Hanzlik Senior Consultant,Petroleum Engineering,Heavy Oil &Unconventional Resources Chevron Energy Technology CompanyRon Hyden Technology Director,Production EnhancementHalliburton CompanyJake Jacobs Environment, Health andSafety Advisor Encana Oil & Gas (USA) Inc.Valerie A. Jochen Technical Director,Production UnconventionalResourcesSchlumbergerBethany A. Kurz Senior Research Manager,Energy & EnvironmentalResearch CenterUniversity of North DakotaMatthew E. Mantell Senior EnvironmentalEngineer Chesapeake Energy CorporationJohn P. Martin* Senior Project Manager,Energy Resources R&D New York State Energy Research and Development AuthorityDag Nummedal Director, Colorado EnergyResearch InstituteColorado School of MinesJerry R. Simmons Executive Director National Association ofRoyalty OwnersSteve Thomson Manager, DeSoto WaterResources Southwestern Energy CompanyDenise A. Tuck Global Manager, ChemicalCompliance, Health, Safetyand Environment Halliburton Energy Services, Inc.Mike Uretsky Member, Board of DirectorsExecutive Committee Northern Wayne Property Owners AllianceJohn A. Veil** Manager, Water PolicyProgram, Argonne NationalLaboratoryU.S. Department of EnergyDonnie Wallis Manager – RegulatoryAffairs, Air Programs andDesign Chesapeake Energy CorporationChris R. Williams Group Lead, SpecialProjects, Environment,Health and Safety Encana Oil & Gas (USA) Inc.Ad Hoc MemberDouglas W. Morris Director, Reserves andProduction Division, EnergyInformation AdministrationU.S. Department of Energy* Individual has since retired but was employed by the specified company while participating in the study.** Individual has since retired but was employed by the specified company while participating in the study.Table of ContentsABSTRACT (5)THE ROLE OF WASTE MANAGEMENT IN OIL AND GAS EXPLORATION AND PRODUCTION (7)BACKGROUND ON DRILLING WASTES (7)DESCRIPTION OF THE TECHNOLOGY (9)A. Many Different Options for Managing Drilling Wastes (9)B. Historical Waste Management Technology Drivers (14)C. Timeline of E&P Waste Management (15)VARIATIONS BASED ON RESOURCE TYPE AND LOCATION (22)ENVIRONMENTAL BENEFITS (25)OUTLOOK FOR DRILLING WASTE MANAGEMENT (27)A. Innovation and Future Use (27)B. Barriers and Opportunities (28)C. Long-Term Vision (28)FINDINGS (30)REFERENCES (32)ABSTRACTWaste management technology is a critical element of successful drilling and production operations. Proper application of waste management principles is required for bothefficient drilling operations and environmental protection. Use of any given waste-management approach will continue to be decided by the interplay of economic, technical and operational barriers.During drilling the largest potential waste stream is used drilling fluids and cuttings that are produced while drilling the well. Options for handling the fluids and cuttings, or“muds”, can be organized into a three-tiered water-management or pollution-prevention hierarchy:•Tier 1 – Minimization: The generation of waste is minimized within the processes for drilling a well. This approach is mutually beneficial across all threeobjectives of minimizing the cost of drilling the well, meeting the technical of thedrilling operation and minimizing the impacts on the receiving environment.When feasible, inhibitive drilling fluids and efficient mechanical solids-controlequipment can often save money for operators and results in greater protection ofthe environment.•Tier 2 – Recycle/Reuse: For the drilling fluid and cuttings that cannot be managed through water minimization approaches, operators can plan for reuse orrecycling of drilling byproducts. The most common ways to reuse drilling fluidsis to re-deploy them at another drilling location or at least to recover the mostvaluable constituents of the drilling fluids from one location and move them toanother drilling location. Substantial efforts are ongoing to develop economicmethods to treat drilling fluids and drill cuttings so that•they can be beneficially reused in oilfield and non-oilfield applications.•Tier 3 –Disposal: When drilling waste cannot be managed through minimization, reuse, or recycle, operators must dispose of it.Four main lines of technology have been developed to address drilling waste management which is centered on handling muds that can include water, oil and certain chemical additives: •Thermal treatment uses heat to separate more objectionable components from less objectionable components based on differences in volatility. It is a common processapplied to oil-based mud and cuttings where centralized processing is feasible anddisposal options are available for the objectionable residuals.•Injection technology sends treated or untreated waste streams underground into geologic formations that can accept and safely isolate the waste. If geology and regulationspermit, injection can serve to substantially simplify waste management while alsoreducing the surface footprint.•High-order beneficial reuse on land comprises a combination of bioremediation and re-deployment of treated wastes as soil amendments. It is most readily applied to water-based muds although variations have been developed for some synthetic-based muds.•Lower-order beneficial includes re-deployment as construction aggregates. The treatment criteria for aggregate use can focus more on stabilization rather than complete remediation so that the stabilized waste is rendered environmentally inert.Future waste-management technologies and practices most likely will find growing attention on biodiversity protection; changing energy policy with increasing focus on greenhouse gas emissions; progressively more difficult drilling environments such as offshore deepwater, Arctic conditions and extended-reach wells; and reduced landfill space available for waste disposal with implied greater reliance on beneficial reuse options..THE ROLE OF WASTE MANAGEMENT IN OIL AND GAS EXPLORATION AND PRODUCTIONWaste management plays a role in the process of drilling a well as the drilling fluid circulates the cuttings from the wellbore, then as the fluid and cuttings are managed during and after their surface return and finally after the drilling has been completed and the cuttings and fluids are further processed or sent for disposal. As the evaluation of drilling waste has progressed, a larger view of drilling waste management has grown to incorporate a larger view of management activities. In addition to historical focus on drilling muds and cuttings management, the impacts on associated air pollution, resource management, and biodiversity protection has evolved waste management into a broad-based evaluation of all wastes associated with drilling and producing wells.During drilling the largest potential waste stream is used drilling fluids and cuttings. During hydrocarbon production, the largest potential waste stream is produced water. The operational source of the drilling fluid and cuttings waste is the uphole return of drilling mud with entrained rock cuttings that are produced while drilling the well. The cuttings are generated by the drill bit and tend to break apart as they are transported to the surface. Drilling fluids are circulated downhole to capture and lift the cuttings to the surface where they are removed with mechanical separation equipment. The residual cuttings that cannot be removed from the drilling fluid become entrained into the drilling fluid as fine solids. In order to manage the buildup of fine solids, drilling fluids are diluted with fresh volume of base fluids. Excessive volumes of drilling fluids contaminated with fine solids become waste.According to an American Petroleum Institute (API) waste survey, the exploration and production segment of the U.S. oil and gas industry generated more than 360 million barrels (bbl) of drilling wastes in 1985 (API, 2000). The report estimates that 28% of drilling wastes are sent to offsite commercial facilities for disposal (Wakim 1987). A similar API study conducted ten years later found that the volume of drilling waste had declined substantially to about 150 million bbl (API, 2000). While there are other sources of waste generated at the drill site, this paper will focus the generation and management of drilling fluids and cuttings from drilling operations.BACKGROUND ON DRILLING WASTESBefore addressing the array of waste management strategies and technologies, it is important to understand the nature of drilling wastes and the process that generates the waste.Drilling fluids, solids-control equipment and the drilling fluid circulation system all are critical parts of the drilling operation. Drilling fluids (sometimes call drilling mud) consist of a continuous liquid phase and additives which modify the properties of the fluid to achieve better performance. The critical functions of drilling fluid include removing cuttings from the well, maintaining wellbore stability, cooling and lubricating the bit and controlling subsurface pressure. Once the drill cuttings are carried to the surface by the drilling fluid, they are separated from the fluid using mechanical solids-control equipment. Once the drill cuttings are removed, the drilling fluid can be re-circulated down the drill pipe. Depending on the geologic formation,environment, application and well objectives, drilling fluid systems are customized to meet performance requirements.Water-based drilling muds (WBMs) use water or brine as the continuous or external phase with the critical functions (density, viscosity, filtration, lubricity) achieved with the addition of various materials. Non-aqueous systems use non-water-soluble base fluid as the continuous phase with water (or brine) emulsified and dispersed in the base fluid. Non-aqueous drilling fluids (NAFs) include diesel, mineral oils, low-toxicity mineral oils (LTMOs), and synthetic base fluids. Studies in the North Sea and elsewhere in the 1980s, raised concerns about the environmental effects of the original high aromatic content of diesel fluids which drove the introduction of LTMOs and ultimately the development of synthetic-based muds (SBMs) in the 1990s. The SBMs were developed to have the same performance as oil-based muds (OBMs) but with a lower environmental impact and enhanced worker safety through lower toxicity, elimination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), faster biodegradability, and lower bioaccumulation potential (Neff et al., 2000).In selecting a drilling fluid one must consider the formations that are being drilled through (e.g., whether there are unstable shales present), the wellbore complexity (e.g., whether the hole is vertical, directional or extended reach), casing design, and pore pressure analysis. While WBMs maintain an important role in many drilling operations, NAFs offer a number of technical advantages over WBMs in difficult drilling situations (such as extended reach or drilling of high-temperature/high-pressure wells).As compared to WBMs, NAFs inhibit shale hydration, consequently wellbore stability is maintained. NAFs are intrinsically lubricious; therefore, the ability to drill highly deviated (non-vertical) extended-reach and horizontal holes is enhanced over that with WBM use. In addition, NAFs are generally more stable in high-temperature applications such as those encountered in deep wells. Furthermore, NAFs are less susceptible to the formation of gas hydrates that might potentially occur during deepwater drilling operations. As a result of those characteristics, NAF use allows faster drilling rates and results in fewer drilling problems. Faster drilling also assures fewer rig days (less cost and emissions) and reduces health and safety risks to personnel. In addition, better wellbore maintenance with NAF use results in reduced quantities of waste solids. Despite their high performance, there are limitations to NAF use. Those limitations include their cost, limitations on the fluid physical properties particularly in cold-water applications, reduced logging quality over WBMs, the high cost of lost circulation problems, and environmental concerns associated with NAF disposal.Owing to the minimal technical demands, low-cost WBMs typically are used in the upper sections of most wells. As the well deepens, and/or becomes directional, the technical demands increase proportionately, necessitating displacement with either a specialized water-based system or a non-aqueous drilling fluid.Environmental regulatory considerations play a significant role in both the selection of drilling fluids and the overall economics of drilling a well. The specific regulatory requirements of an area often dictate the technologies that can be used and what, if any, material can be discharged into the environment (EPA, 1999). This, in turn, influences what and how wells can be drilled. The ability to discharge NAF cuttings significantly expands the inventory of wells that can be economically drilled in an area.While it is not possible to describe drilling waste using a single set of chemical properties and concentrations, several groups of constituents are present in most types of drilling waste. The major constituents of concern in produced water are:•Salt content (expressed as salinity, total dissolved solids, or electrical conductivity).•Oil and grease (this is an analytical test that measures the presence of families of organic chemical compounds).•Various natural inorganic and organic compounds or chemical additives used in drilling and operating the well that may have some toxic properties.•Solids generated from the drill cuttings.DESCRIPTION OF THE TECHNOLOGYA. Many Different Options for Managing Drilling WastesThe characteristics of drilling waste water vary from location to location and over time. Different locales have different drilling conditions, regulatory/legal requirements, receiving environments, and infrastructure. As a result, no single waste management technology or technique is used at all locations. Many different technology options are available that can be employed at specific locations. Selection of a management option for waste management at a particular site varies based on:•The nature of the technical requirements of the drilling operation.•The economics of drilling the well and managing the associated byproducts.•The environmental requirements for a receiving environment and regulatory structure perspective.Much of the information for this paper is derived from the Drilling Waste Management Information System (DWMIS) website, developed by Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) for the US Department of Energy (DOE). DWMIS currently is housed as part of the website for DOE’s and ANLs information transfer system (ANL, 2011).Drilling waste management technologies and strategies can be organized into a three-tiered water-management or pollution-prevention hierarchy (i.e., minimization, recycle/reuse, and disposal). Examples of technologies and practices for each group are shown in Tables 1-5.Tier 1 – Minimization. In the waste minimization tier, the generation of waste is minimized within the processes for drilling a well. This approach is mutually beneficial across all three objectives of minimizing the cost of drilling the well, meeting the technical requirements of the drilling operation and minimizing the impacts on the receiving environment. When feasible, inhibitive drilling fluids and efficient mechanical solids-control equipment can often save money for operators and results in greater protection of the environment. Examples of waste minimization approaches and technologies are shown in Table 1.Table 1.— Water Minimization Technologies.Approach Technology Pros ConsDrilling Mud and CuttingsReduce the volume of drill solids entering the wells Smaller diametercasing programsReduced cost of casing andless volume of drill cuttingsDifficult to use on deep holeswhere multiple casing strings arerequired. Less volume capacity forproducing the well.Inhibitive water-based drilling fluidsReduces degradation ofcuttings and reduces wellboreinstability. Increases rate ofpenetration. Use of advancedproducts encouragesadditional researchShale inhibitor chemistry isexpensive and adds eitherorganics or salts to the drillingbyproducts. Proprietary chemicalingredients generate publicuncertainty about unknownpotential hazards.Oil-based drillingfluidsReduces degradation ofcuttings and reduces wellboreinstability. Increases rate ofpenetration.Typically requires additional waste-management processing, SomeOBMs contain toxic organics.Synthetic-baseddrilling fluidsReduces degradation ofcuttings and reduces wellboreinstability. Increases rate ofpenetration.Expensive base fluids andalternative internal phases arefrequently cost-prohibitive.Using Drilling Fluids and additives with lower environmental impacts New drilling fluidproducts thatremove arecognizedenvironmentalhazard such asheavy metals, saltor oilRemoval of environmentalhazard from the productremoves or deduces theconcentration of the hazard inthe drilling fluid waste.Some constituents that haveenvironmental hazards areextremely effective products thatare required for efficient drilling.New drilling fluidsystems targetingdrilling fluidproducts that acttogether to achievebetter performanceCan increase drillingefficiency, reduce cost andimprove environmentalperformanceCan be cost-prohibitive.Proprietary chemistry can result inpublic concerns about unknownchemistry.Alternativeweighting agentsHigher solids-controlefficiency, lower trace metalIncreased cost.Approach Technology Pros Cons Alternatives totraditional use ofbarite either bychanging the sizeof the particles orthe chemicalmakeupcontent.Improve mechanical solid control efficiencyShale shakers Advanced technologypromotes high removalefficiencyAdvanced performance isineffective in situations wherecutting size degrades in thewellboreCuttings dryers anddrying shakersSecondary treatment for OBMand SBM cuttings reduceretention on cuttingsIneffective on water-based mudcuttings due to shale hydrationissues.Screens and screenselectionImproved removal of solidsfrom drilling fluidsScreen improvements requirednew shale shakers to take fulladvantage of increasedperformance.Hydrocyclones,mud cleaners andother secondarysolids-controlequipmentAdvanced technologypromotes high removalefficiencyAdvanced performance isineffective in situations wherecutting size degrades in thewellboreCentrifuges Advanced technologypromotes high removalefficiencyLow treatment volumes andremoves drilling fluids additivesalong with the solidsMud tanks andreserve pit settlingbasinsSimple and low-costalternativesInefficient and frequentlygenerates large volumes of waste.Closed-loop secondary treatment systems for drilling fluids Chemicallyenhanced finesolids separationequipmentRecovers water from drillingfluid contaminated with finesolidsRequires additional equipment andcostsDrilling PracticesDirectional drilling Extended reach,horizontal drillingmultiple lateralsReduced volume of cuttingsand other waste by increasingefficiencyMay be impractical in somelocations and can increase cost.Drilling smaller diameter wellbore Closer spacing ofsuccessive drillstrings, slimholedrilling, coiled tubedrillingSmaller wellbore producesless waste.Reduces production volumes insome cases.Pneumatic Drilling Use of air or othergases to as thedrilling fluidRemoves need for drilling fluidand reserve pitNot applicable in many areas.Advanced drilling fluid containment systems Pipe wipers, mudvacuum systems,mud bucketsdesigned to reducespills on the rigfloor.Effective reduction of drillingfluid lossDoes not address fine solidsbuildup and can lead tocontamination of drilling fluids.Advanced Reducing Effective product delivery into Advanced product deliveryApproach Technology Pros Consdrilling fluid product delivery systems packaging wastethough bulkproduct deliverysystems reducessolid wastemud systems improvesefficiency. Packaging wastesuch as drums and emptysacks are a major wastestreamsystems increase cost and are notapplicable in some situations.Advanced communication, analysis, and wellsite engineering Effective andefficient use ofavailabletechnologyimproves bothdrilling efficiencyand wasteminimizationComputer-based dataacquisition improvesinformation transfer andanalysis so only thenecessary products are used.Over-reliance on technologydiminishes sensitivity to onsiteevaluation and action to addressproblems at the wellsite.Tier 2 – Recycle/Reuse. For the drilling fluids and cuttings that cannot be managed through water-minimization approaches, operators can move next to the second tier, in which drilling byproducts are reused or recycled. The most common way to reuse drilling fluids is to reuse them at another drilling location. Another common technique is to recover the most valuable constituent of the drilling fluids with mechanical separation equipment (barite and base fluids) and reuse them on another drilling location.Substantial efforts are ongoing to develop economic methods to treat drilling fluids and drill cuttings so that they can be beneficially reused in oilfield and non-oilfield applications. Some of those treatment options are also used for treatment prior to disposal of the residual byproducts which are discussed in the next section. Examples of water reuse and recycle management options and some of the specific uses are shown in Table 2.Tier 3 –Disposal. When drilling waste cannot be managed through minimization, reuse, or recycle, operators must dispose of it. Table 3 lists water disposal technologies.Table 2. Drill Cuttings Reuse and Recycle Management Option. ManagementOptionSpecific Use Pros ConsThermal Incineration Rotary Kilns Use of base fluid for energyNo residual hydrocarbons oncuttings.Limited application andtransportation of cuttings tooffsite treatment / use. No oil orenergy recovery.Cement Kilns Use base fluid for energy.Recovers energy and usesdrill solids.Limited slip stream to maincement production.Thermal Desorption Indirect rotary kilns Thermal recovery of basefluid.Dust from solids and thermaldegradation of base fluids.Hot oil processors Thermal recovery of basefluid, low operatingtemperatures.Lower throughputs. Limited heattransfer.Thermal PhaseSeparationThermal recovery of basefluid, Better air emissioncontrols than rotary kilns.Cost of Unit.Thermo MechanicalDistillation usingfrictionMechanical energy, compactsize, limited processtemperatures, off shoresuitability.Cost of Unit.Breakdown of cuttings fromhammer mill results in solidscarry over.Thermal PlasmaVolatilizationHigh operating temperaturesand volume reduction.High Cost – experimental and nocommercial applications yet.Bioremediation and beneficial reuse in land application or wetlands application Land Farming Low treatment cost beneficialin some soil conditions.Not effective for salt and heavymetals, requires available landarea.Land spreading (onetime)Low treatment costsbeneficial in some oilconditions. Aqueoussolutions from reserve pitscan help irrigate dry lands.Not effective for salt and heavymetals, one-time use onlyComposting Small footprint Limited to temperate regions andrequires water.Vermiculture Soil amendmentproduction Converts byproducts tobeneficial soil amendmentRequires specialized drilling fluidand vermiculture experience.Stabilization and use as a construction material Road building subbase or surfaceHas been demonstrated tomeet specifications for roadbase.Daily cover for landfillsStabilized cuttings are aneffective cover material Other types ofconstruction materialCan be used to develop drillpadsSolvent Extraction using Super Critical CO2 Treatment of drillcuttings and recoveryof oilAmbient temps. Low energyconsumption. High oil qualityand recovery efficiencies.Exploratory. No commercial unitavailable.。

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Effective MILP model for oil refinery-wide productionplanning and better energy utilization *B.J.Zhang *,B.HuaThe Key Laboratory of Enhanced Heat Transfer and Energy Conservation,Ministry of Education,South China University of Technology,Guangzhou 510640,ChinaReceived 21June 2005;accepted 18August 2005Available online 26October 2005AbstractGenerally,a refinery complex consists of process system and utility system.Process system not only produces liquefied petroleum gas,gas-oline,diesel and so on,but also some byproducts,such as fuel gas and residual fuel oil,which supply utility system as fuel.The utility system converts fuel gas and fuel oil to high pressure or medium pressure steam and electricity to meet the energy demand of the process system.A novel approach to the integration of the process system and utility system for better energy utilization is presented in this paper.A plant-wide multi-period planning mathematical model is proposed and three improvements are identified.First,the process unit energy-consumed model is refor-mulated,because energy consumed by a unit not only relates the throughput of the unit,but also varies with the operation modes of the unit and season.Second,The MILP (Mixed Integer linear Programming)model of utility system is embedded in the plant-wide model to gain the overall optimization and for better energy efficiency.Third,steam,fuel oil and fuel gas are balanced in the whole plant.Finally,the proposed approach was used in a real industrial example to determine the optimal mass and energy flow and some important results have been obtained and are presented.Ó2005Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.Keywords:Process optimization;Utility system;Oil refinery process optimization;Multi-period optimization;MILP1.IntroductionThe refinery industry is a vital component of the national industry.The effective integration of energy in refinery com-plex can create a great impact on our economy as well as cleaner production.In a refinery,all process plants rely on con-sistent steam and electricity supply that requires high capital and operating costs in utility system.Thus,the interactions be-tween utility plants and process plants have to be considered.Refinery production planning optimization involves many aspects ranging from quality analysis to selection of crude oils and products,from arrangement to selection of crude oils and products,from arrangement of processing modes to decisions on process operation modes,and so on.To focuson the integration of process system and utility system and as-sociated modeling issues,the refinery-wide production plan-ning optimization problem is defined as follows [1,2].For a given refinery system,the overall objective is to max-imize the overall refinery profit (or margin)by optimizing feedstock selection,process operation modes,flow direction between processes,finished product blending,stock level,and utility.The objective is defined as the total sales revenue minus the total operating costs.The total operating costs in-volve the purchase costs of all kinds of raw materials such as crude oil,fuel,power,catalysts,inventory cost,transporta-tion cost,other fixed cost.Quite a few research works have been reported which relate to these issues.Zhang et al.presented a method for overall re-finery optimization through integration of hydrogen network and steam network with the material systems,and an MINLP model has been formulated and linearization techniques are applied to covert the MINLP problem to a MILP problem.This approach is efficient particularly for a small or medium*Supported by Advanced Scientific Problems in High Efficient energy Sav-ing (G2000026308).*Corresponding author.Tel.:862087113614.E-mail address:bjzhang@ (B.J.Zhang).0959-6526/$-see front matter Ó2005Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2005.08.004Journal of Cleaner Production 15(2007)439e448/locate/jcleprochemical plant.Nevertheless,for large industry sites,its appli-cation is difficult because of the increasing complexities of the MINLP model,and it is limited in single periods [2].Kim et al.[3]proposed a plant-wide multi-period optimization model to determine the optimal energy supply to meet the varying energy demands and unit price changes.Wenkai et al.[4]proposed a material and energy integration model of a real world industrial petrochemical complex for support-ing investment decisions.Grossmann et al.presented a new model for heat integration that overcomes difficultiesNomenclature Index T Set of periods M Set of materialsM o Subset of M that involves the raw materials M p Subset of M that involves the products M i Subset of M that involves the intermediates M n Subset of M that involves power and electricity M w Subset of M that involves water and various lev-els of steamM x Subset of M that involves only non-inventoriable materialsM y Subset of M that involves only inventoriable materialsMF u ,e Subset of M that involves feeds of operation mode e of unit uMP u ,e Subset of M that involves products of operation mode e of unit u U Set of unitsU r Subset of U that involves processing units U u Subset of U that involves blend headers U t Subset of U that involves utility equipments E Set of operation modesE u Subset of E that operates on unit u ASet of properties for materialsParameters a m ,t Upper bounds for the amount of product sale orraw material m limited by government during time period tb m ,t Lower bounds for the amount of product sale or rawmaterial m available in market during time period tg m ,t Price of raw material m during time period t d m ,t Penalty cost for shortfall of product m duringtime period t3u Upper bounds for capacity of unit u z u Lower bounds for capacity of unit u y u ,e Upper bounds for capacity of operation mode eof unit uq u ,e Lower bounds for capacity of operation mode eof unit uk u ,e ,m Production rate for material m of operationmode e of unit uf u The amount of maintenance periods during plan-ning horizonp u ,e ,m ,t Coefficient for utility material m consumed byoperation mode e of unit u during time period tj u ,e ,t The constant term for utility material m con-sumed by operation mode e of unit u duringtime period tl u ,e ,m ,t Coefficient for utility material m generated byoperation mode e of unit u during time period tm u ,e ,t The constant for utility material m generated byoperation mode e of unit u during time period tx u ,t Maximal number of available operation modes of unit u during time period tO u ,e ,e #Changeover cost for changing from operation mode e to e #of unit ur m Upper bound for inventory amount of inventori-able material m2m Lower bound for inventory amount of inventori-able material ms m ,t Inventory cost for material m during time period t t m Transport cost for material m between market and planth u Efficiency of utility equipment u 4m ,a Property of material m H m Enthalpy of material m cFixed costVariablesPR m ,t Amount of raw material m purchased duringtime period tSP m ,t Amount of product p sold to market during timeperiod tFP m ,t Amount of shortfall of product p during time pe-riod tEF u ,e ,t Throughput of operation mode e of unit u duringtime period tUF u ,t Throughput of unit u during time period tEP u ,e ,m ,t Amount of material m produced from operationmode e of unit u during time period tEC u ,e ,m ,t Amount of material m consumed by operationmode e of unit u during time period tED u ,e ,m ,t Amount of utility material m consumed by oper-ation mode e of unit u during time period tEG u ,e ,m ,t Amount of utility material m generated by oper-ation mode e of unit u during time period tMI m ,t Amount of inventory of material m during timeperiod tUO u ,t 0e 1variables that denotes whether unit u is on EO u ,e ,t 0e 1variable that denotes whether unit u oper-ates with operation mode e during time period tX u ,e ,e #,t 0e 1variable that denotes whether unit u oper-ates with operation mode e during time period t and operates with operation mode e #during the next period t C 1Profit Objective function440 B.J.Zhang,B.Hua /Journal of Cleaner Production 15(2007)439e 448experienced either with direct integration approaches,or with the Duran and Grossmann model[5]when handling isother-mal streams.The proposed model used logic disjunctions to explicitly model the relative placement of stream for various potential pinch locations,and explicitly considers the non-isothermal and isothermal streams as separate cases[6]. Xuan and Yuan has built the overall refinery-wide model which combined all energy costs into one category,and the overall re-finery-wide model cannot cope with the recycle streams[7].2.Problem statementsGenerally,a refinery complex consists of process system and utility system as shown in Fig.1.Process system not only produces liquefied petroleum gas,gasoline,diesel and so on,but also some byproducts,such as fuel gas and residual fuel oil,which supply utility system as fuel.Utility system converts fuel gas and fuel oil to high pressure or medium pres-sure steam.A part of steam from utility system supplies pro-cess system as heat sources when the high pressure or medium pressure steam produced by process system cannot meet its demand.When the high pressure or medium pressure steam produced by the process system exceeds its self de-mand,the excess steam is transported to utility system,which combines with the steam from boilers,to pass turbines to extract low pressure steam and to generate electricity.Low-pressure steam supplies process system as heat sources and electricity supplies all users in the refinery.A trade contract between the refinery and the power company was signed to balance the electricity demand in the whole plant.The fuel oil and gas network is given as a set of fuel oil and gas sinks,defined as those processes consuming fuel oil and gas,and a set of fuel oil and gas sources,defined as those pro-cesses producing fuel oil and gas,together with the intercon-nections between them.The objective of fuel oil and gas network integration is to optimize fuel oil and gas use and gen-eration in terms offlow rate among all of fuel and gas network sinks and sources.The steam and power network in the whole refinery is given by the steam header conditions,the steam net-work and the hardware capacity of boilers,turbines,etc.[2]. The objective of energy system integration is to optimize elec-tricity purchased and produced and steam distribution among the whole refinery site.These two integration problems dis-cussed above are considered simultaneously with the overall objective defined in Section1.In other words,these two inte-gration methods are employed to maximize the overall profit (or margin)under the given market conditions and hardware capacity and process constraints for a given refinery system.The conventional approach to process system and utility system is a sequential hierarchical method.In other words, production planning is modeledfirst.Then,utility system is scheduled to meet the needs of process operations.Tradition-al sequential(or two-stage)method shown in Fig.2is used to integrate the utility system and the process system. Fig.2is adopted from Zhang et al.[2]and Kim et al.[3] with some modifications.In thefirst stage,the simple overall LP optimization takes into account the interactions among all systems.The unit models of these systems are simplified into linear ones.The objective of thefirst stage is to obtain a rough planning strategy by determining the selection of crude oils,products,and simplistic allocation of utilities.In the second stage,the streamflows from/to the process systemFig.2.Sequential procedure of refinery optimization.liquefiedpetroleum gasGasolineDieselKeroseneLube &Chemical ProductElectricity Fig.1.Simplified configuration of refinery complex.441B.J.Zhang,B.Hua/Journal of Cleaner Production15(2007)439e448and the utility system and others systems arefixed as bound-ary conditions.The utility system and other systems are then optimized separately by considering their detailed unit mod-els to determine their minimal operation costs.The scope of each second stage model is smaller compared with thefirst stage model.If the models fail to reach feasible solutions, the processing conditions of thefirst stage are then modified and the iteration continues until feasible solutions are found [8].The conventional approach separates the utility system from the process system,the interrelationship between them is simplified or even neglected and two of them are op-timized,respectively.A noticeable drawback of this method is that process system and utility system are optimized indi-vidually and therefore cannot guarantee the global optimality of the whole refinery complex.As a result steam often vents or letdowns,sometimes process system even shutdowns ur-gently because of unbalanced utility.3.FormulationBased on above insights,a new optimization strategy is proposed that tackles the problem of refinery optimization by considering proper integration of the different systems in-cluding process system and utility system.A plant-wide multi-period planning mathematic model is proposed and three improvements are identified.First,process unit energy-consumed model is reformulated,because energy consumed by a unit not only relates the throughput of the unit,but also varies with the operation modes of the unit and season.Sec-ond,the MILP(Mixed Integer linear Programming)model of utility system is embedded in the plant-wide model to gain the overall optimization and for better energy efficiency. Third,steam,fuel oil and fuel gas balance in the whole plant.Although optimization can be stated in many different ways,the common optimization to an industrial process is to maximize the profitability of the process.In this work,the whole refinery is considered to be one process.This process uses the given crude to produce various petroleum products to achieve economic objectives.The objective of optimization in hand is to reach the max-imal profitability given the crude and refinery facilities.No major hardware change in the current facilities is considered in the optimization.The optimization tries tofind the optimal operation modes of units and streamflow that maximize the overall profit of the whole refinery while observing all the pro-cess constraints.In the integration model,the objective function is given by:Max profit ZXm˛M p Xt˛Tg m;t SP m;tÿXm˛M oXt˛Tg m;t PR m;tÿXm˛M y Xt˛Ts m;t MI m;tÿXm˛M pXt˛Tt m SP m;tÿXm˛M oXt˛Tt m PR m;tÿXu˛U Xe˛E uXe0˛E uXt˛TO u;e;e0X u;e;e0;tÿXm˛M pXt˛Td m;t FP m;tÿcð1Þwhere each term accounts for income from sales,purchasecost,inventory cost,transport cost of products,transport costof raw materials,operation mode change over cost,shortfallcost andfixed cost,such as the capital cost and salaries,respectively.3.1.Market demand for raw materials and productsEq.(2)forces raw materials purchased from markets notonly to be greater than the minimum amount in the givenperiod,but also lower than the available amount in marketsduring the period.The minimum amount of raw materialsmay be limited by government or process operations.b m;t%PR m;t%a m;t m˛M oð2ÞIn general,the demand of products is assumed to beflex-ible in the sense that it is given by a range of values havinga hard upper bound and a soft lower bound as Birewar andGrossmann presented[9].The lower bounds are given byfixed orders booked by sales department.Production short-falls with respect to the lower bounds stand for loss ofpotential sales that is penalized in the objective function,Eq.(1).SP m;t%a m;t m˛M pð3ÞSP m;t R b m;t C FP m;tÿ1ÿFP m;t;m˛M pð4Þ3.2.Material balance and inventoryAll materials in the whole refinery divide into tow catego-ries that are non-inventoriable and inventoriable.Non-inven-toriable materials such as steam,power and electricity,which must be consumed in the current period,otherwisethey will disappear and wasted.Inventoriable materials canbe stored in tanks or in other facilities;they can help tomake operations stable and to meet the changing demand ofthe markets.Eq.(5)gives the upper and lower bounds for the inven-tory of inventoriable materials.Eq.(6)corresponds for theinventoriable material balance.For a given material andperiod,the stock volume at the end of the current periodmust equal the stock volume at the end of the previousperiod plus the production volume and the purchase volumeduring the given period and minus the consumption volumeand sales during the given period.Eq.(7)illustrates thatthe relationships of the amount of non-inventoriable materialm production and purchase must equal or be more than theamount of its consumption and sales.Non-inventoriablematerials cannot cross periods,and they must be consumedinstantly.2m;t%MI m;t%r m;t;m˛Mð5Þ442 B.J.Zhang,B.Hua/Journal of Cleaner Production15(2007)439e448MI m ;t Z MI m ;t ÿ1CX u ˛U r Xe ˛E uEP u ;e ;m ;tÿX u ˛U r Xe ˛E uEC u ;e ;m ;t C PR m 0;t ÿSP m ;t ;m ˛M yð6ÞX u ˛U r Xe ˛E uEP u ;e ;m ;t C PRm 0;tRX u ˛U r Xe ˛E uEC u ;e ;m ;t C SP m ;t ;m ˛M xð7Þ3.3.Process unitIn this paper,a refinery unit is expressed in terms of a set of operation modes that determine side streams with different property,such as freezing point,which is an im-portant quality control specification for diesel blending and applied in many refineries.Furthermore,energy con-sumed by units is also related to the selected operation mode.The operation of refinery considered in this paper varies with seasons.This is true for most of refineries.The operationalchanges are necessary to cope with the market demands and price changes with respect to seasons.The price structure is greatly affected by the market demand.For example,the gasoline has a higher price in the summer when a lot of gaso-line is consumed by travelers.The diesel has a higher price in the winter because the demand of heating oil is high and diesel can be used to make the heating oil.Eq.(8)specifies the limitation on unit production.Only when throughput of units amount up to allowed hardware ca-pacity unit can be on operation,otherwise,it is set to zero.And throughput of operation modes constrained by Eq.(9)is similar to the throughput of units.Eq.(10)indicates that a re-finery unit capacity is break into several operation modes.In this way energy consumed by units and property of side streams can be differentiated by operation mode.z u UO u ;t %UF u ;t %3u UO u ;t ;u ˛U r ð8ÞLPS Fig.3.A simplified flow sheet of the refinery complex.Fig.4.The simplified flow sheet of the process system.Fig.5.The simplified flow sheet of the utility system.443B.J.Zhang,B.Hua /Journal of Cleaner Production 15(2007)439e 448q u;e EO u;e;t%EF u;e;t%n u;e EO u;e;t;u˛U r;e˛E uð9ÞXe˛E uEF u;e;t Z UF u;t;u˛U rð10ÞEq.(11)indicates that the most number of operation modes of a unit can be allowed during planning horizon.Generally, only one operation mode is allowed in short term planning be-cause of operating stabilization and the cost incurred by oper-ation mode change.Xe˛E uq u;e Z1;u˛U rð11ÞEq.(12)considers that throughput of operation mode equals its consumed volume during the given period.Eq.(13)corresponds to the side streams of each operation mode. We assume that side streams of operation modes are expressed in terms of linear unit ratio to the throughput of the corre-sponding operation mode.Eq.(14)forces the sum of all pro-duction rates of an operation mode must equal1.In other words,the materials must balance.EF u;e;t ZXm˛MF u;eEC u;e;m;t;u˛U r;e˛E uð12ÞEP u;e;m;t Z k u;e;m EF u;e;t;u˛U r;e˛E u;m˛MP u;eð13Þ1ZXm˛MP u;e k u;e;m;u˛U r;e˛E uð14ÞA refinery complex contains variety of process units and util-ity equipments,and all of them require regular maintenance toenhance their reliability and to avoid emergency shutdowns.Nevertheless,plant maintenance is unfavorable on productionsuspension,huge capital and human resources involvement.Italso affects the material and utility balances between the processand utility plants.An effective maintenance planning shouldhence be able to balance all the above factors and provide a fea-sible and economical result[10].To optimize the maintenanceplanning Eq.(15)is considered.CARD(T)is the number ofperiods in the planning horizon.Blend headers are excludedfrom Eq.(15)only because they have stand-by headers.XtUO u;t%CARDðTÞÿf u;u˛U r W U tð15ÞIn general,when the unit changes operation modes,change-over costs are involved.To take this into account,a0e1vari-able,UX u,e,e#,t denoting the production changeovers,isintroduced.That is,UX u,e,e#,t should take the value of1ifand only if unit u operates with operation mode e duringtime horizon t(EO u,e,t Z1),and it operates with operationmode e#during the following time horizon t C1(EO u,e#,t Z1).This logical condition can be expressed bythe following proposition:EO u;e;t^EO u;e0;t5X u;e;e0;t;u˛U r;e;e0˛E uð16ÞWe can derive the following inequalities to represent theabove condition as Raman and Grossmann presented[11].Table1Prices of raw materials and products(RMB/T)T1T2T3T4T5T6T7T8T9T10T11T12 Crudeÿ1119ÿ1176ÿ1167ÿ1367ÿ1576ÿ1585ÿ1511ÿ1554ÿ1575ÿ1684ÿ1554ÿ1684 Methanolÿ2984ÿ2984ÿ2984ÿ2984ÿ2984ÿ2984ÿ2984ÿ2984ÿ2984ÿ2984ÿ2984ÿ2984 Electricityÿ0.5ÿ0.5ÿ0.6ÿ0.6ÿ0.6ÿ0.6ÿ0.7ÿ0.7ÿ0.7ÿ0.5ÿ0.5ÿ0.5 LPG154213651286161518492008202122492336226622492155 CLO129812981393161117881805175317551774193517551937 Coke000000000000 Propene254026922987364133583301335833763911383933763931 Propane230723072018187719852071213622112341239322112393 90#G162316231741201422352225219121942218241921942423 93#G172017201845213523692359232323262351256323262568 97#G181718171949225625042492245424582485271024582714 0#D161416141732197921972187215221562180237221562376 N20#D179217921923219624382427238924362420263324362638 N35#D185618561992227625262515247524802507272824802733 FG131113231420162318011793176517681787194517681948 Table2Optimal result of purchased raw materials(kT/period,kKW h/period)T1T2T3T4T5T6T7T8T9T10T11T12Sum Crude500.0123.9500.0500.0400.0500.0500.0500.0500.0500.0500.0500.05523.9 Methanol 1.90.0 1.9 1.9 1.9 3.80.0 1.9 1.9 3.80.0 1.920.6 Electricity42671747461640161148242933743355399237834657337840762 444 B.J.Zhang,B.Hua/Journal of Cleaner Production15(2007)439e4488<:EO u ;e ;t C EO u ;e 0;t C 1ÿ1%X u ;e ;e 0;tEO u ;e ;t R X u ;e ;e 0;t EO u ;e 0;t R X u ;e ;e 0;t;u ˛U r ;e ;e 0˛E u ð17ÞRefinery units are energy sinks,and also are energy sour-ces.Most units produce fuel oil and gas,even some high pres-sure steam,on the same time,they consume high,medium and low pressure steam,power and electricity.In traditional plan-ning model,energy consumption of a unit equals the product of the throughput and fixed specific energy consumption with-out considering the different operation mode [7].But in fact,energy consumption is not only related to the throughput,but also to the selected operation mode of unit and season.In this paper,a new method of calculating energy consumptionand generation for units is formulated as Eqs.(18)and (19),respectively.Energy consumed by units:ED u ;e ;m ;t Z p u ;e ;m ;t EF u ;e ;t C j u ;e ;t ;u ˛U r ;e ˛E u ;m ˛M w W M nð18ÞEnergy generated by units:EG u ;e ;m ;t Z l u ;e ;m ;t EF u ;e ;t C m u ;e ;t ;u ˛U r ;e ˛E u ;m ˛M w W M nð19Þwhere the first term indicates that the operation modes of a unit have different specific energy consumption.The second term is the influence of different seasons on energy consump-tion.We all know that the energy consumption in winters andTable 3Optimal results of sales (kT/period)T1T2T3T4T5T6T7T8T9T10T11T12Sum LPG 27.500017.8019.737.8105.121.133.927.3290.2CLO 07.6000.20.20000008Coke 23.2 5.822.522.515.922.522.522.522.52223.122.5247.5Propene 00031.7000033.110.3014.289.3Propane 2.10 3.5 2.6 2.60 5.300.5 2.6 1.5 2.122.8Loss 2.90.8 2.7 2.7 1.9 2.8 2.7 2.6 2.6 3.4 5.4 2.633.190#G 00097.548.7 1.400077.700225.393#G 48.310707*********.4707058.670741.397#G 94.81093.510.310.893.594.698.71196.999.198.5811.70#D 136.50208.5171.5168.6241.8225.3225.3154.2191.773.7248.22045.3-20#D 34.61026.526.524.200021.52936.432.2240.9-35#D 33.51021.515.5000030.622.825.533.5192.9FG 0000000000000FO 025.93027.822.654.828.128.528.327.927.728.2329.8Sum403.480.1478.7478.6383.3487468.2479.8479.4575.4384.9579.35278.1Table 4Throughput of units,fuel consumed by boilers and steam passing turbines (kT/period)T1T2T3T4T5T6T7T8T9T10T11T12CDU1300.00.0300.0300.0350.0350.0300.0300.0300.0300.0300.0300.0CDU2200.0123.9200.0200.00.0200.0200.0200.0200.0200.0200.0200.0Reformer 1.00.0 1.20.2GUU05 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.90.0 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9GUU06 3.90.0 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9TUU01100.00.0100.0100.00.0100.00.096.1100.0100.095.329.8TUU0270. 5.6 1.6 6.355.,B.Hua /Journal of Cleaner Production 15(2007)439e 448summers is very different.p u ,e ,m ,t and l u ,e ,m ,t are regression pa-rameters from a large history data.3.4.Blending constraintsBlending is different from other process units of the refin-ery in the sense that it is only a mixing process.There is no chemical reaction or separation involved in blending.Blending is the process of blending several blending stocks that are pro-duced in upper stream units or purchased from the market to make several grades of gasoline or diesel according to the specifications.The objective of blending is to allocate the available blending components in such a way to meet product demands and specifications at least cost and to produce prod-ucts which maximize the overall profit.So blend header is not only material balance expressed by Eq.(20),but also property constraints.Eq.(21)forces the properties of blending products must meet the product specification.Xm ˛MF u ;eEC u ;e ;m ;t ZXm ˛MP u ;eEP u ;e ;m ;t ;u ˛U u ;e ˛E u ð20ÞXm ˛MF u ;ef ÿ4m ;a ÁEC u ;e ;m ;t %ðor R ÞXm ˛MP u ;ef ÿ4m ;a ÁEP u ;e ;m ;t ;u ˛U u ;e ˛E uð21Þwhere the function f is to make the property change of mixing process a linear relationship [12].3.5.Utility modelA boiler for steam generation can be modeled as follows:EP u ;e ;m 0;t Zh uðH m 0ÿH m $ÞX m ˛MF u ;eðH m EC u ;e ;m ;t Þ;e ˛E u ;u ˛U t ;m 0˛MP u ;e ;m $Z BFWð22ÞIt is assumed that effective enthalpy H m of fuel m ,enthalpy H m #of steam m #,enthalpy H m $of boiler feed water and effi-ciency h u of boiler are constant.Thus,the steam generation EP u ,e ,m #,t is a linear function of the fuel consumption.Fuel used in the boils,including residual fuel oil and fuel gas,is supplied from refinery units.Hence,the fuel consumption in the boilers is part of the overall fuel balance in the overall re-finery planning optimization model.Back pressure turbines and extraction turbines are consid-ered in this paper.For a turbine,the pass-out steam flow can be modeled as follows:XmEP u ;e ;m ;t Z EC u ;e ;m 0;t ;e ˛E u ;u ˛U t ;m ˛MP u ;e X M w ;M 0˛MF u ;e X M w ð23ÞEP u ;e ;m 0;t Z h uH m $EC u ;e ;m $;t ÿXm 0H m 0EP u ;e ;m ;t !;e ˛E u ;u ˛U t ;m 0˛MP u ;e X M n ;M ˛MP u ;e X M w ;m $˛MF u ;e X M wð24ÞEq.(23)indicates that the consumed steam of a turbine equals the sum of the extracting steam and condensingwater.Sum Purchased ProducedPeriod123456789101112160001200080004000E l e c t r i c i t y (K K W .H )Fig.6.Optimal electricity purchase and production.LPS MPSPeriodS t e a m (K T)122001501005003456789101112Fig.7.Medium and low pressure steam consumed by process units.446 B.J.Zhang,B.Hua /Journal of Cleaner Production 15(2007)439e 448。
