25% 25% 25% 25%
__% __% __% __%
Business Direction
Cross-industry experiences Positive business trends Ambitions development strategy 35% 30% 35% __% __% __%
Government Relationship
The company maintains a good working relationship with the Chinese press / media as well as different levels of the Chinese government. CNOOC’s top executive is usually appointed by the central government because of the importance and role CNOOC plays in the country’s economy. CNOOC has signed over 100 contracts with more than 40 countries, it has not had any legal disputes.
Aspects and weight
Suggested weight 40% 15% 10% 8% 10% 15% 2% AEGON __% __% __% __% __% __% __%
Specific issues and weight
Suggested weight AEGON
Unit 7 Book 3Part I In-class ReadingI. Words and ExpressionsNote: Study the following words and phrases carefully and get ready for dictation.Alternativeadj. providing a choice between two or more things; other 其他可选用的,不同的Have you got an alternative suggestion?n.a choice between two or more things1. 两者(或在两者以上)间择一,取舍,抉择Her father gave her the alternative of going on to college or starting to work.她父亲让她在上大学继续求学和开始工作之间作出抉择。
2. 供替代的选择Is there an alternative to surgery?除外科手术外,还有无其他办法?3. 选择的自由,选择的余地We have no alternative in this matter.在这件事上我们没有选择的余地。
alternate v.交替,轮流adj.交替的,轮流的alter v.改变alteration n.变更,改造alternation n. 交替alternatively adv.二者择一地approvaln. favourable opinion 许可,赞同;批准,核准The father expressed approval of what the son did.父亲对儿子的所作所为表示赞许approve v. 赞同,允许commitmentn. promise to undertake 承诺Father made a commitment that he would give me a computer as a birthday present.父亲承诺说他会给我一台计算机做生日礼物。
Paragraph 3 inflection: a movement up or down of the voice; intonation 语调的抑扬变化 cf.曲折变 化; e.g.: A sentence that asks a question usually ends on a rising inflection. awry: not in the correct position or shape; twisted; bent; askew 曲的;歪的;斜的 not as planned or intended; in a wrong manner 离开了预期(或正确)方向(的);错 (的) go (run, tread) awry (人)背离正道,走向邪 路
e.g.: He’s none the worse for his fall from the window. 他从窗口掉下,结果并没有怎么样。 I like a man none the worse for being outspoken. 我并不因一个人直言不讳而讨厌他。 He got lost in the street for quite a while, but was none the worse for it. think none the worse of somebody 依然看重某人
Paragraph 3 be in awe of: also stand in awe of, have respect as well as fear and reverence for 敬畏(某人) awe n.: the feeling of respect and amazement when one is faced with something wonderful, frightening, or completely unknown e.g.: He visited the exhibition and stood in awe of the fossils of prehistoric animals. The audience listened to the learned philosopher in awe.
1.orientation meeting/session [.ɔ:rien'teiʃən] 新生情况介绍会Eg: The University has arranged an orientation session.2.professor’s office hour 教授答疑时间Eg: Many freshmen are uncertain or shy about utilizing利用aprofessor’s office hours.3.lecture ['lektʃə] n. 演讲,讲课Eg: Several hundred people are expected to attend the lecture. 4.lecture hall n. 讲堂,讲演厅,报告厅Eg: The lecture hall was jammed 堵塞when the professor arrived at the very last moment.5.tutorial [tju:'tɔ:riəl] n. 个别指导Eg: Small group tutorials are used to discuss problems which come up 出现in lectures.6. deadline ['dedlain] n. 最后期限,截止时间Eg: There's no way I can meet that deadline.7. overdue ['əuvə'dju:] adj. 过期的due 到期Eg: I must take these books back to the library - they'reoverdue.There is a fine 罚金if the reserved library books are even one hour overdue.8. schedule ['skedʒul] n. 时间表,计划v. 安排,计划Eg: According to the schedule, the first lecture begins at 9.00 am The test is scheduled to begin in one hour.9. time slot 位置[slɔt] 时间空档Eg: If you have two final exams scheduled at the same time, you will have to move one exam to another time slot空位位置10.signature ['signitʃə] n. 签字,签名Eg: Each child must obtain获得获取the signature of his or her parents11.thesis ['θi:sis] n. 毕业论文Eg: a master's/doctoral thesis on the effects of global warming 12.dissertation [.disə'teiʃən] n. 论文Eg: He wrote his dissertation on an obscure晦涩的16th-century poem.13.course [kɔ:s] n. 课程Eg: compulsory强制的/required/mandatory义务的强制的course; elective course, optional course;foundation course, introductory course, intermediate中间的level course, advanced course14.elective [i'lektiv] n. 选修科目Eg: She took three electives last term.15. option ['ɔpʃən] n. 选修科目Eg: She is taking French as an option next year16.assignment [ə'sainmənt] n. 功课,任务Eg: I have a lot of reading assignments to complete before the end of term.17.presentation [.prezen'teiʃən] n. (国外学生在课堂上所做的)演讲Eg: The speaker gave an interesting presentation on urban transport.18. field work 野外考察实地考察Eg:Offered by most departments for academic credit, field work enables students to examine the way the theories and the practical experiences of a particular discipline 学科训练纪律惩罚interact相互作用(学科互动).19. attendance [ə'tendəns] n. 出勤, 上课Eg: Attendance at lectures is compulsory.20.skip/miss classes 缺课, 旷课Eg: He skipped chemistry class three times last month21. tuition fees 学费Eg: Many students will not have to pay tuition fees if their financial situation is below a certain level.22. course syllabus ['siləbəs] 课程大纲Eg: Course syllabus lists the course objectives目标, required reading assignments, examination dates, and other course requirements such as attendance23. handout ['hændaut] n. 讲义Eg: I e-mailed you about getting the handouts from the class I missed the other day.24. semester=term [si'mestə] n. 学期Eg: How many subjects are you studying this semester25. practicum ['præktikəm] n. 实习科目,实习课Eg: A practicum is a college course, often in a specialized field of study, that is designed to give students supervised 管理practical application of a previously or concurrently studied theory.26. placement service 就业办公室Eg: Placement service is a campus office that provides job listings from local or campus employees and assists students in finding full-time jobs after graduation27.take on a part-time job从事兼职工作Eg: He had taken on a part-time job selling all-natural products.28.transfer [træns'fə:] v 转班, 转学Eg: I was able to transfer my credits from summer school29.extension [iks'tenʃən] n. 延期Eg: Donald's been given an extension to finish his thesis30.examination [ig.zæmi'neiʃən] n. 考试Eg: The examination results will be announced in September.31.pop quiz 突击考试Eg: We have a history pop quiz every Monday.32.mid-term exam 期中考试Eg: Alison has a history mid-term exam next week.33.final exam 期末考试Eg: The final exam for this class will be on May 21st.When is your chemistry/French/algebra 代数final?34.teaching assistant 助教Eg: A teaching assistant (TA) is an individual who assists a professor or teacher with instructional responsibilities.35.instructor=lecturer [in'strʌktə] n. 教师,讲师Eg: He's a poetry instructor at a local community college.36.spring break 春季学期间的短假期Eg: In the United States, the timing of spring break in tertiary第三级的institutions 高等教育机构may range from the beginning of March to the later part of April, but many schools are in recess休息for at least one of the weeks in March37.review [ri'vju:] vt.温习, 复习(go over)Ex :We'll spend this week reviewing for the final.38. tutor ['tju:tə] n. 家庭教师Eg: His tutor encouraged him to read widely in philosophy.39. tutoring 家庭辅导Eg: I have to do some tutoring to pay my tuition fees.Tutoring can be defined as people who are not professional teachers helping and supporting the learning of others in an interactive, purposeful and systematic way.40. internship ['intə:nʃip] n. 实习Eg: Jane has a summer internship at a local TV station.41. assistantship [ə'sistənt.ʃip] n. 研究生助教奖学金Eg: Graduate students have several sources of funding, but perhaps the most common is the assistantship42. gym/sports center/health center 健身中心Eg: I try and work out at the local gym once a week.43. lost and found 失物招领处Eg: A lost and found is an office in the university where students can go to retrieve 找回lost articles that may have been found by other students.44. health insurance 医疗保险Eg: A health insurance policy is a contract between an insurance company and an individual42. student I.D. number 学号Eg: Students have an I.D number, with which they login onto the school's website and access assignments.43. snack bar 小吃店Eg: A snack bar is a place where you can buy snacks or small meals 44. online course 网络课程Eg: Online courses enable us to extend the opportunity of studying with the University of Oxford to students anywhere in the world, in a way that fits with the busiest of lives.45. plagiarism ['pleidʒiərizəm] n. 剽窃Eg: The journal accused谴责the professor of plagiarism.46. curriculum [kə'rikjuləm] n. 课程,全部课程Eg: Languages are an essential part of the school curriculum.47. audit ['ɔ:dit] 旁听Eg: As a senior citizen, he is allowed to audit university classes.48. multiple choice questions 多项选择题Eg: A multiple choice examination or question shows several possible answers, and you have to choose the correct one49. grade, score, mark 分数成绩Eg: Tim worked hard and got good grades.The school's test scores have not improved Her marks have been a lot lower this term50. GPA 平均成绩点数(=grade point average)Eg: A cumulative 累积的渐增的grade point average is calculated as an indicator 指示物of overall academic performance in a program and is used as a criterion for graduation requirements51. withhonours ['ɔnəz] n. 优异成绩Eg: If you complete a school or university qualification 资格合格证书限定条件with honours, you achieve a high standard.She graduated with (top/high) honors.52. the stacks [plural] 书架Eg: I couldn't find the book in the stacks.53. commencement n. [kə'mensmənt] 毕业典礼(=graduation ceremony)Eg: During commencement degrees or diplomas学位证书are given to students who have graduated from a school or college54. report card/grade report成绩报告Eg: In most places, the report card is issued by the school to the student or the student's parents twice or four times yearly.55. abstract ['æbstrækt] n. 摘要Eg: There is a section at the end of the magazine which includes abstracts of recent articles/books.56. summary ['sʌməri] n. 摘要Eg: At the end of the news, they often give you a summary of the main news stories.57. Literature Review ['litərətʃə] 文献综述Eg: The ultimate 根本的最终的goal of literature review is to bring the reader up to date with current literature on a topic58.references/bibliography [.bibli'ɔgrəfi] n. 参考书目Eg: Bibliography usually appears at the end of the thesis.59.term paper n. 学期论文Eg: Bill has written only one-third of his term paper that is due tomorrow60.graduate school application 研究生申请Eg: My professor offered me some advice concerning the wording of my graduate school application61.transcript ['trænskript] n. 成绩单成绩单Eg: I want to continue my studies. I would appreciate it if you could send me a transcript62.diploma [di'pləumə] n. 文凭Eg: Anyone with a high school diploma can enroll in the course.I’d like to drop off my graduation form. I understand you need this in order to process my diploma.63. recall [ri'kɔ:l] v. 召回Eg: If the book is recalled by other students then you have to return it within 7 working days.64.certificate [sə'tifikit] n. 证书Eg: high school/college diploma65.scholarship ['skɔləʃip] n. 奖学金Eg: She got/received/won a scholarship to Yale University66.fellowship ['feləuʃip] n. 研究生奖学金Eg: She's applied for a research fellowship.67.grant [grɑ:nt] n. 资助Eg: They gave/awarded her a grant to study abroad for one year.68.registration [.redʒi'streiʃən] n. 注册Eg: Registration for the course will take place a week before the start of term.69.sign up for 报名参加选课Eg: She's signed up for evening classes at the community college. 70.major ['meidʒə] n. 主修专业Eg: He chose history as his major and French as his minor71.minor ['mainə] n. 副修专业Eg: She majored in chemistry with a minor in biology72.academic advisor 学习顾问Eg: Academic advisors provide students with accurate information about academic progression and degree requirements.73.approval [ə'pru:vəl] n. 允许许可Eg: I need to get the professor’s signature on my schedule card here, on the li ne above advisor’s approval.74.quit/drop 放弃退课Eg: I have to drop my chemistry course last semester when I went into the hospital, so I need to take it again.75.credit ['kredit] n. 学分Eg: He's already got a credit/three credits in earth science76.registrar ['redʒi.strɑ:] n . (学校)注册主任Eg: at some colleges, an official in charge of examinations, keeping records and admitting new students77.enroll [in'rəul] v. 登记Eg: I enrolled for/in/on the modern art course.78.library ['laibrəri] n. 图书馆Eg: The library loans books, CDs and videotapes.79.student ID card 学生证Eg: You have to show your student ID card in order to go to the university gym.80.library card 借书证Eg: I’ve lost my library card and I can’t borrow any books until I geta new one.81.fiction ['fikʃən] n. 小说Eg: The book is a work of fiction and not intended as a historical account.82.non-fiction 非小说Eg: Non-fictions include dictionaries and reference books.83.reference book(=reference) 参考书Eg: The reference book I want to borrow has been put on reserve by the professor.84.encyclopedia [en.saikləu'pi:diə] n. 百科全书Eg: Does anyone know when Mozart was born?" "Look it up in the encyclopedia."85.periodical [.piəri'ɔdikəl] n. 期刊Eg: She has written for several legal periodicals.86.magazine [.mægə'zi:n] n. 杂志Eg: She's the editor of a popular women's magazine.87.current issue 现刊Eg: Current issues are put on the shelves in the periodical section. 88.back issue 过刊Eg: Back issues of newspapers are put in the basement of the library.89.journal ['dʒə:nl] n. 学术杂志Eg: The library subscribes to all the major science journals.90.newspaper ['nju:z.peipə] n. 报纸Eg: Which newspaper do you read regularly, Daily or Sunday newspaper?91.atlas ['ætləs] n. 地图册Eg: an atlas of the world92.almanac ['ɔ:lmənæk] n. 年鉴Eg: a book published every year that contains facts and information such as important days, times of the sun rising and going down or changes in the moon93.video 录像带Eg: We're going to rent a couple of videos to watch this weekend 94.VCR 录像机= Video Cassette RecorderEg: a machine you use to record television programs or play videotapes95.declare a major 选专业Eg:You must declare a major by the end of your sophomore year puter access电脑使用Eg: Computer access is provided in all the sections of the library97.internet service网络服务98.online database 在线数据库Eg: We're linked to the on-line database at our head office.99.project 功课任务Eg: In our third year at college everyone had to do a special project.I am having problem with my group project100.cram [kræm] v.仓促备考Eg: She's cramming for her history exam.101.photocopier ['fəutə.kɔpiə] n. 复印机Eg: I have a photocopier in my office that automatically sorts sheets of paper into different bins.102.photocopy 复印Eg: I'll just make a photocopy of the agreement.Could you photocopy those three pages for me, please?103.printer 打印机Ex :The future of high-quality printing in businesses belongs to laser printers.104.interlibrary service 图书馆馆际互借服务Eg: Interlibrary services are services provided mutually by libraries with the aim of making library documents, irrespective of the place where they are deposited, available to all their users.105.closed reserve 非外借书库Eg: If a print resource will be in high demand they can request that item placed in the Closed Reserve.106.put ...on reserve 把资料放在非外借书库Eg: The librarian has put the book on reserve for me107.multimedia 多媒体Eg: We bought a multimedia encyclopedia108.online catalogue ['kætəlɔ:g] n. 在线书目Eg: There is a new catalogue of all the books in the library.109.keyword 关键字Eg: You can type in the keyword to locate the book you are looking for.110.call number 索书号Eg: A call number is a group of numbers and/or letters put together to tell you where in the library to find your book.111.check out 办理外借手续Eg: Residents now have to pay $50 a year to check out books from the state university library112.recall [ri'kɔ:l] n. 召回Eg: If an item is recalled, it's loan period will be shortened to two weeks113.circulation desk [.sə:kju'leiʃən] 借书台Eg: When visiting the library in person, you can bring the material you want to check out to one of two circulation desks on the main level of the library.114.loan period/borrowing period [ləun] 借书期限Eg: The loan period for circulating materials varies according to the status of the borrower.115.renew [ri'nju:] v. 续借Eg: He renewed the book for another two months116.overdue ['əuvə'dju:] adj. 过期的Eg: The library books are overdue.117.fine [fain] n. 罚款,罚金Eg: I got a fine for not returning library books on time.118.bachelor's degree 学士学位Eg: He graduated from North Dakota State University in 1993 with a bachelor's degree in civil engineering.119.grade point average (学生各科成绩)平均积分点Eg: Despite this tragedy, she graduated with the second highest grade point average in her high school.120.general education 通识教育Eg: All courses in the General Education program strive to stimulate critical or analytic thinking121.discipline ['disiplin] n. 学科Eg: History and economics only became separate academic disciplines in the 20th century.122.vacation [vei'keiʃən] n. 假期,休假Eg: We're taking a vacation in June.123.prerequisite ['pri:'rekwizit] n. 先决条件Eg: Passing a written exam is a prerequisite for taking the advanced course.124.quarter ['kwɔ:tə] 四分之一学年Eg: A quarter is one of four periods into which the school year is divided125.counselor ['kaunsələ] n. 顾问126.department chairEg: He was elected department chair of the physics department. 127.dean [di:n] n. 系主任,学院院长Eg: She is the new dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences.the Dean of Medicine128.faculty ['fækəlti] n.全体教员;(大学的)系,科,院Eg:the Arts/Law Facultythe Faculty of Science129.drop out 退学Eg: He dropped out of college when he was 20.130.make-up test 补考Eg: I have to take a make-up test because I got the flu on the test day 131.expel [iks'pel] v 开除Eg: Two girls were expelled from school for taking drugs.132.student union 学生会Eg: In colleges and universities, the student union is often accorded its own building on the campus, dedicated to social and organizational activities of the student body.133.degree [di'gri:] n. 学位Eg: She's got a bachelor's/master's degree in history from Yale.134.freshman ['freʃmən] n. 大学一年级学生Eg: He's a freshman at Harvard.135.sophomore ['sɔfəmɔ:] n. 大学二年级学生Eg: A sophomore is a student studying in the second year of a course at a US college136.junior ['dʒu:njə] n.Eg: a junior at NYU137.senior ['si:njə] n.Eg: Jen will be a senior this year.138.dormitory ['dɔ:mitri]Eg: He soon gets accustom to dormitory life and make two or three friend139.roommate ['ru:mmeit] n. 室友Eg: Jean was my roommate during our first year at university. 140.off campus 在校园外的Eg: The Off Campus Housing office provides information to members of the Johns Hopkins community looking for a place to live near the university.141. title ['taitl] n. 标题,头衔,称号Eg: I've read one of her books, but I can't remember the title.142. skim [skim] vt.略读Eg: It took me an hour to skim the book143. graph [grɑ:f] n. 图表,示意图Eg: This graph shows how crime has varied in relationship to unemployment over the last 20 years.144. chart [tʃɑ:t] n. 图表Eg: He illustrated his theory by using charts and graphs.145. draft [dræft] n. 草稿Eg: She asked me to check the (first) draft of her proposal.146. register ['redʒistə] v. 记录,登记,注册Eg:Did you registers already for classes next semester?147. seminar ['seminɑ:] n. 研究会,讨论发表会Eg: Professor White's seminar was cancelled.148. master’s degr ee n. 硕士学位Eg:Master’s degree is an academic degree higher than a bachelor's but lower than a doctor's149. bulletin board ['bulitin] 告示牌Eg: The classroom assignment sheet is posted on the bulletin board. 150. cancel ['kænsəl] v. 取消Eg: The class has been cancelled because not enough students signed up for it.151. administration office/building 行政办公室/楼Eg: He was looking for the administration building to drop off his graduation form.152. overwhelmed [.əuvə'welm] v. 由于工作、功课量大而忙不过来Eg: I am a little overwhelmed by the size of this university.153.swamped [swɔmp] v. 由于工作、功课量大而忙不过来Eg: I'm swamped with work at the moment.154. feedback ['fi:dbæk] n. 反馈,成果Eg: Every Friday, Mr. James would hand out the students' essays and give them some feedback.155. audition [ɔ:'diʃən] n. 试听;试演Eg: His audition went well and he's fairly hopeful about getting the part.156. career fair 招聘会Eg: He went to the career services office to confirm the date and time of the career fair.157. linguistics [liŋ'gwistiks] n. 语言学Eg: Linguistics is the systematic study of the structure and development of language in general or of particular languages158. accounting [ə'kauntiŋ] n. 会计;会计学Eg: In order to deal with the problems of budgeting for this it is necessary to know something of company financial and cost accounting.159. pointer ['pɔintə] n. 暗示,线索,点子Eg: I want some pointers where to go for information on this subject. 160. textbook ['tekstbuk] n. 课本,教科书Eg: I can't get hold of any of the college textbooks he recommended.Most economics textbooks skip over the subject of investing and financial markets.161. apply for 申请Eg: We've applied to a charitable organization for a grant for the project.162. résumé [ˈrɛzəˌmeɪ] n. 简历,履历Eg: She sent her résuméto fifty companies, but didn't even get an interview.163. stop by 偶然过访,靠近,访问(=come by)Eg: Can you stop by for a moment on your way home from your firm 164. submit [səb'mit] v. 呈送,递交(=hand in/turn in)Eg: Please su bmit your application form before the deadline.165. outline ['əutlain] n. 大纲Eg: In this paper I will give a broad outline of the research we have been doing.166. blank out 忘记Eg: I blanked out during the exam.167. shelf [ʃelf] n. 书架Eg: I couldn’t find the book I wanted on the shelf.168. clarify ['klærifai] vt.澄清,阐明,使... 明晰Eg: The teacher's explanation clarify the puzzling problem169.synthesis ['sinθisis] n. 综合Eg: The teacher asked me to write a synthesis of what I had observed and read.170. revise [ri'vaiz] v. 校订,修正,校正Eg: My professor asked to revise the first draft of the thesis.171. poster ['pəustə] n. 海报Eg: He put up a poster advertising the career fair.172. flyer ['flaiə] n. 传单Eg: Flyers are inexpensive to produce and are regarded as a very effective form of direct marketing173. come up 出现,发生Eg: Should he be watching TV now with the exams coming up next week174. pick up 取拿领Eg: When you're in town could you pick up the books I ordered?Have you picked up your ID card from the office yet?175. break 短暂的休息时间课间休息Ex. Would you like to take a break and get a soda?176 give away vi. 赠送,送出Ex. I gave away all my out-of-date science texts when I moved?177. cover v. 覆盖,涉及,包含Ex. We are rapidly nearing the end of this course in the history of classical music. We have covered several centuries in a very short time178. accept v 录取Eg: Because Susan was accepted by the state university, her brother Ben applied there too.179. overhead projector 投影仪Eg:I can run this overhead projector There’s really nothing to do it. 180.out of print (书等)已绝版的,已售完的Eg:Her first novel is out of print now but you may find a second-hand copy.181. note [nəut] n. 笔记Eg: Mind if I borrow your economics notes for a while?182. language lab 语音室Eg:Shall I lock the language lab now before I go home183. appointment [ə'pɔintmənt] n. 预约Eg: I have an appointment to see Doctor Gram for a physical examination.。
Handout_ReferatJoachim Scharloth, Universit?t Zürich, Deutsches Seminar, Linguistische Abteilung Wie halte ich ein gutes Referat?I. Was ist ein Referat?Ein Referat ist ein Vortrag zu einem wissenschaftlichen Thema. Bei einem Referat handelt es sich um eine mündliche Textsorte. Es sollte also in freier Rede pr?sentiert und nicht abgelesen werden. Im Rahmen eines Forschungsseminars dient das Referat der Pr?sentation von Ergebnissen der eigenen wissenschaftlichen Untersuchungen. Referate sind h?ufig die Vorarbeit zur schriftlichen Hausarbeit. In ihrem Rahmen hat man die M?glichkeit, Thesen aufzustellen und zu verteidigen, die Argumentation der Hausarbeit zu testen und evtl. Anregungen vom Publikum aufzunehmen.II. Wie bereite ich ein Referat vor?(1) Inhalt1. Ideen sammelno alles, was einem zu dem Thema einf?llt, aufschreibeno evtl. eine Mindmap erstellen, d.h. eine zweidimensionale r?umliche Ordnung des Stoffes inkl. seiner inhaltlichen Vernetzung2. Literatur konsultieren und Informationen sammelno zun?chst eine Bibliographie erstellen und systematisch leseno wichtige Texte sollten exzerpiert werden3. Fragestellung entwickelno ein Referat sollte nicht einfach eine Beschreibung eines Forschungsfeldes sein o in einem Referat soll eine Frage aufgeworfen werden, für die eine oder mehrere Antworten pr?sentiert werden solleno aus der Vielfalt m?glicher Fragestellung zu einem Thema muss also eine interessante und relevante Fragestellung ausgew?hlt werden4. Ideen und Informationen ausw?hleno aus der Sammlung von Ideen und Informationen aus der Sekund?rliteratur müssen jene Informationen ausgew?hlt werden, die für die Bearbeitung derFragestellung relevant sindo zudem sollte man sich Rechenschaft darüber geben, welche Aspekte der Fragestellung mit den gesammelten Informationen schlüssig beantwortetwerden k?nnen und welche noch einer künftigen vertieften Untersuchungbedürften(2) Didaktische Aufbereitung1. Vorwisseno Auf welches Vorwissen der Zuh?renden kann ich zurückgreifen?o Welche Grundlageninformationen muss ich in meine Pr?sentation integrieren?o Welche Informationen kann ich weglassen, um das Aufkommen von Langweile in der Zuh?rendenschaft zu vermeiden? 2. Gliederungo In welcher Reihenfolge muss ich den Stoff pr?sentieren, damit ich meine Inhalte vermitteln kann?o ausgehend von der Fragestellung soll der Aufbau des Arguments festgelegt werdeno sehr hilfreich ist das Erstellen einer differenzierten Gliederung mit Haupt- und Unterkapiteln3. Anschaulichkeito Wie kann ich meine Problemstellung anschaulich machen?o Wissenschaftliche Probleme sind meist abstrakt, ihre Relevanz ist selten auf den ersten Blick erkennbaro es ist daher wichtig, sie durch Beispiele zu veranschaulicheno treffende Beispiele fallen Referierenden selten spontan ein; daher müssen sie im Vorfeld des Vortrags gefunden werden und gut durchdacht sein(3) Pr?sentation1. FolienIn einem guten Referat wird die Information visualisiert. Dies geschieht meist mit Folien. Bei der Gestaltung und Verwendung von Folien sollten einige Punkte beachtet werden:o man sollte nicht zu viel Text auf eine Folie schreiben. Eine geringe Informationsdichte ist besser –als Richtwert k?nnen maximal siebenTextzeilen pro Folie gelteno die Schriftgr??e sollte mindestens 22pt betrageno statt Text kann man auch bildhafte Elemente einsetzeno für Hervorhebungen eigenen sich farbige Folienstifte; dabei sollten gleiche Farben für gleiche Bedeutungen eingesetzt werdeno pro Folie sollte man genug Zeit einplanenLiegt eine Folie auf, so sollte sich der Vortrag zu dieser Zeit erl?uternd auf diese beziehen, z.B. auch durch Zeigen mit einem Stift oder Unterstreichen.Selbstverst?ndlich ist auch PowerPoint ein sehr geeignetes Hilfsmittel, um Informationen zu visualisieren.2. Handout/TischvorlageEine gute Tischvorlage erleichtert den Zuh?rern das Verstehen des Referats. Sie hat folgende Struktur:o Titelei: In der Titelei sollten folgende Angaben vermerkt sein: Veranstaltung, Datum, Referent, Kontaktdaten, Themao Gliederung: Im Anschluss sollte die inhaltliche Gliederung des Referats angeführt werden. Die Zuh?rer erhalten somit einen kurzen überblick überdas Referat und k?nnen sich jederzeit daran orientieren.o Thematisches: Die Tischvorlage bietet Raum für Definitionen wichtiger Begriffe, Erkl?rung von Fremdw?rten, sowie für Statistiken oder Graphiken.o Literatur: Am Ende sollte die Literatur angeführt werden, auf die im Referat Bezug genommen wurde. Zudem kann weiterführende Literatur aufgeführtwerden.Ein Handout sollte kurz, übersichtlich und logisch aufgebaut sein. Es sollte nicht l?nger als ein bis zwei Seiten sein.3. Hilfsmittel für VortragendeFalls die auf den Folien dargestellten Informationen nicht ausreichen, um einen flüssigen Vortrag zu erm?glichen, k?nnen zus?tzlich Karteikarten mit Stichpunkten verwendet werden. Sie sollten nur auf einer Seite beschrieben sein, da sonst die Gefahr besteht, sich nicht mehr zurecht zu finden.4. UnterhaltungReferate sollen auch unterhaltsam sein. In jede Pr?sentation sollte daher mindestens ein Scherz eingeplant sein, der dieZuh?renden l?cheln macht. Es kann hilf reich sein, diesen Scherz als …ice-breaker“ relativ früh in die Pr?sentation einzubauen. Au?erdem ist es m?glich, die pers?nliche Beziehung zum Thema kurz zu thematisieren (…soul shaker“), um die Relevanz des Themas zu zeigen u nd eine pers?nliche Beziehung zu den Zuh?renden aufzubauen.5. übungJedes Referat sollte mindestens zwei mal vorher laut gesprochen sein, davon einmal vor PublikumIII. Wie pr?sentiere ich ein Referat?(1) Grundlegendes zur Pr?sentationo Referate im Rahmen von Lehrveranstaltungen müssen grunds?tzlich in Standarddeutsch gehalten werden.o Referate werden im Stehen gehalten.o Bei Referaten sollte man langsam und deutlich sprechen.o Es gibt Sicherheit, wenn sich der Referent vor seinem Referat …warmspricht“, etwa den Einstieg kurz vorher noch einmal laut vor sich hinsagt.o Nur Gestik, die oberhalb des Bauchnabels vollzogen wird, wird von den Zuh?renden auch wahrgenommen.o Der Referent sollte stets Blickkontakt mit den Zuh?renden suchen.(2) EinstiegJede Pr?sentation verlangt natürlich ihre eigenst?ndige Struktur, allerdings ist der Ablauf des Beginns meist der gleiche:o Begrü?ungo sich vorstellen (wenn Fremde anwesend sind)o Ziele nenneno den Verlauf erl?utern (die Dauer der Pr?sentation, die Aufteilung in Abschnitte, welche Medien eingesetzt werden) und rechtfertigeno die Regeln für die Zuh?rer nennen (sollen auftretende Fragen sofort oder im Anschluss gestellt werden)Der Einstieg sollte nicht mehr als 10% der zu Verfügung stehenden Zeit beanspruchen(3) AusstiegDas Referatende sollte duch einen expliziten Hinweis eingeleitet werden (z.B."Zum Ende meines Referates m?chte ich nun..."). Der Ausstieg besteht üblicherweise aus drei Teilen:o Zusammenfassungoüberlegungen zur Anwendung oder zu Desiderateno Dank an das Publikum(4) Die h?ufigsten Fehler beim Pr?sentiereno Der Vortragende bedient sich einer komplizierten Sprache mit vielen Fach- und Fremdw?rtern, Abkürzungen und Schachtels?tzen.o Er redet zu schnell oder zu langsam. Er redet ohne Sprechpause und ohne Betonung.o Ein bildlicher Anregungsgehalt durch konkrete Beispiele und Vergleiche fehlt.o Eine inhaltliche und zeitliche Gliederung der Pr?sentation ist entweder nicht vorhanden oder nicht erkennbar.o Der Inhalt wird nicht visualisiert, sondern nur verbal vorgetragen.o Der Vortrag wird komplett abgelesen!o Vorhandene Visualisierungen (Folien) sind so klein beschrieben, dass sie nur aus 5m Entfernung lesbar sind, nicht aber inden hinteren Reihen.o Der Vortragende fasst am Ende der Pr?sentation die wichtigsten Punkte nicht zusammen.o Der Vortragende ist ausschlie?lich mit dem Thema besch?ftigt, es fehlt an Blickkontakt, am Eingehen auf Zwischenfragen oder an Einbeziehung derTeilnehmer durch Diskussionsanreize.。
Conversation用法总结1. 概述Conversation是一种人与机器之间进行对话的方式,它允许用户提出问题或发表陈述,并从机器中获取有关特定主题的信息。
2. Conversation的重要观点2.1 自然语言理解(Natural Language Understanding, NLU)自然语言理解是Conversation中的重要环节,它涉及将用户输入的自然语言文本转换为可理解和处理的形式。
2.2 对话管理(Dialog Management)对话管理是Conversation中的关键组成部分,它负责根据用户输入和系统状态来决定如何生成回复。
2.3 自然语言生成(Natural Language Generation, NLG)自然语言生成是Conversation中的另一个重要环节,它负责将机器生成的信息转换为自然语言文本,以便向用户传达回复。
2.4 多轮对话(Multi-turn Conversation)多轮对话是Conversation中常见的场景之一,它涉及到用户和机器之间进行多次交互来完成一个任务。
2.5 评估与优化(Evaluation and Optimization)评估与优化是Conversation系统开发过程中必不可少的一环。
hand out英语翻译
hand out英语翻译
Handout Master讲义母版
audience handout听众讲义
See Handout见讲义
welfare handout福利救济
Course handout课程讲义
a handout救济品 ; 施舍
Read Handout阅读讲义
my handout最爱书籍
I've put this on the handout.
Mnemosyne, whose name is spelled with some difficulty, is spelled on the lower part of yourhandout.
“This Shakespeare is handsome and glamorous, so how does this change the way we think about him?” the handout said.
conversation 分类情景与词汇
conversation 分类情景与词汇学生VS. 教授l●论文 paper &作业 assignmentdeadline['dedlain] n. 最后期限,截止时间Ex: T here's n o w ay I c an m eet t hat d eadline.presentation[.prezen'teiʃən] n. (国外学生在课堂上所做的)演讲Ex: T he s peaker g ave a n i nteresting p resentation o n u rban transport.extension[iks'tenʃən] n. 延期Ex: D onald's b een g iven a n e xtension t o f inish h is t hesis plagiarism['pleidʒiəәrizəәm] n. 剽窃Ex: T he j ournal a ccused t he p rofessor o f p lagiarism.thesis['θi:sis] n. 毕业论文Ex: a m aster's/doctoral t hesis o n t he e ffects o f g lobal w arming abstract['æbstrækt] n. 摘要Ex: T here i s a s ection a t t he e nd o f t he m agazine w hich i ncludes abstracts o f r ecent a rticles/books.summary['sʌməәri] n. 摘要Ex: A t t he e nd o f t he n ews, t hey o ften g ive y ou a s ummary o f t he main n ews s tories.Literature R eview ['litəәrəәtʃə] 文献综述Ex: The ultimate goal of literature review is to bring the reader up t o d ate w ith c urrent l iterature o n a t opicreferences/bibliography[.bibli'ɔgrəәfi] n. 参考书目Ex: B ibliography u sually a ppears a t t he e nd o f t he t hesis. term p aper n. 学期论文Ex: Bill has written only one-‐third of his term paper that is due tomorrowgraph[grɑ:f] n. 图表,示意图Ex: T his g raph s hows h ow c rime h as v aried i n r elationship t o unemployment o ver t he l ast 20 y ears.chart[tʃɑ:t] n. 图表Ex: H e i llustrated h is t heory b y u sing c harts a nd g raphs.l●实习或暑期工作 internship& s ummer w orksemester=term [si'mestəә] n. 学期Ex: H ow m any s ubjects a re y ou s tudying t his s emesterplacement s ervice 就业办公室Ex: Placement service is a campus office that provides job listings from local or campus employees and assists students in finding f ull-‐time j obs a fter g raduation i s a/antake o n a p art-‐time j ob 找兼职工作Ex: H e h ad t aken a p art-‐time j ob s elling a ll-‐natural p roducts. spring b reak 春季学期间的短假期Ex: I n t he U nited S tates, t he t iming o f s pring b reak i n t ertiary institutions m ay r ange f rom t he b eginning o f M arch t o t he l ater part o f A pril, b ut m any s chools a re i n r ecess f or a t l east o ne o f the w eeks i n M archl 课程或专业术语 course & a cademic t ermcourse[kɔ:s] n. 课程Ex: c ompulsory/required/mandatory c ourse; elective c ourse, optional c ourse;foundation c ourse, introductory c ourse, intermediate l evel course, advanced c ourseelective[i'lektiv] n. 选修科目Ex: S he t ook t hree e lectives l ast t erm.handout ['hændaut] n. 讲义Ex: I e-‐mailed y ou a bout g etting t he h andouts f rom t he c lass I missed t he o ther d ay.course s yllabus ['siləbəs] 课程大纲Ex: Course syllabus lists the course objectives, required reading assignments, examination dates, and other course requirements such a s a ttendanceoption ['ɔpʃən] n. 选修科目Ex: S he i s t aking F rench a s a n o ption n ext y earfield w ork 野外考察实地考察Ex:Offered b y m ost d epartments f or a cademic c redit, f ield w ork enables students to examine the way the theories and the practical e xperiences o f a p articular d iscipline i nteract.pop q uiz 突击考试Ex: W e h ave a h istory q uiz e very M onday.mid-‐term e xam 期中考试Ex: A lison h as a h istory m idterm n ext w eek.final e xam 期末考试Ex: T he f inal e xam f or t his c lass w ill b e o n M ay 21st.When i s y our c hemistry/French/algebra f inal?online c ourse 网络课程Ex: Online courses enable us to extend the opportunity of studying with the University of Oxford to students anywhere in the w orld, i n a w ay t hat f its w ith t he b usiest o f l ives.curriculum [kəә'rikjuləәm] n. 课程,全部课程Ex: L anguages a re a n e ssential p art o f t he s chool c urriculum.l 图书管理员 librarianoverdue['əәuvəә'dju:] adj. 过期的Ex: I m ust t ake t hese b ooks b ack t o t he l ibrary -‐ t hey're o verdue. There is a fine if the reserved library books are even one hour overdue.the s tacks [plural] 书架Ex: I c ouldn't f ind t he b ook i n t he s tacks.recall [ri'kɔ:l] v. 召回Ex: If the book is recalled by other students then you have to return it within 7 working days.library c ard 借书证Ex: I’ve l ost m y l ibrary c ard a nd I c an’t b orrow a ny b ooks u ntil I get a n ew o ne.fiction['fikʃən] n. 小说Ex: T he b ook i s a w ork o f f iction a nd n ot i ntended a s a h istorical account.non-‐fiction 非小说Ex: N on-‐fictions i nclude d ictionaries a nd r eference b ooks. reference b ook(=reference) 参考书Ex: T he r eference b ook I w ant t o b orrow h as b een p ut o n r eserve by t he p rofessor.encyclopedia[en.saikləәu'pi:diəә] n. 百科全书Ex: Does anyone know when Mozart was born?" "Look it up in the e ncyclopedia."periodical[.piəәri'ɔdikəәl] n. 期刊Ex: S he h as w ritten f or s everal l egal p eriodicals.magazine [.mægə'zi:n] n. 杂志Ex: S he's t he e ditor o f a p opular w omen's m agazine.current i ssue 现刊Ex: Current issues are put on the shelves in the periodical section.back i ssue 过刊Ex: Back issues of newspapers are put in the basement of the library.journal ['dʒə:nl] n. 学术杂志Ex: T he l ibrary s ubscribes t o a ll t he m ajor s cience j ournals. atlas ['ætləәs] n. 地图册Ex: a n a tlas o f t he w orldalmanac['ɔ:lməәnæk] n. 年鉴Ex: a b ook p ublished e very y ear t hat c ontains f acts a nd information s uch a s i mportant d ays, t imes o f t he s un r ising a nd going d own o r c hanges i n t he m oonvideo 录像带Ex: W e're g oing t o r ent a c ouple o f v ideos t o w atch t his w eekend VCR 录像机 = V ideo C assette R ecorderEx: a machine you use to record television programmes or play videotapesonline d atabase 在线数据库Ex: W e're l inked t o t he o n-‐line d atabase a t o ur h ead o ffice. photocopy 复印Ex: I'll j ust m ake a p hotocopy o f t he a greement.Could y ou p hotocopy t hose t hree p ages f or m e, p lease? printer 打印机Ex :The future of high-‐quality printing in businesses belongs to laser p rinters.interlibrary s ervice 图书馆馆际互借服务Ex: Interlibrary services are services provided mutually by libraries w ith t he a im o f m aking l ibrary d ocuments, i rrespective of the place where they are deposited, available to all their users.closed r eserve 非外借书库Ex: If a print resource will be in high demand they can request that i tem p laced i n t he C losed R eserve.put …on r eserve 把资料放在非外借书库Ex: T he l ibrarian h as p ut t he b ook o n r eserve f or m eonline catalogue ['kætəәlɔ:g] n. 在线书目Ex: T here i s a n ew c atalogue o f a ll t he b ooks i n t he l ibrary. keyword 关键字Ex: You can type in the keyword to locate the book you are looking f or.call n umber 索书号Ex: A call number is a group of numbers and/or letters put together t o t ell y ou w here i n t he l ibrary t o f ind y our b ook. check o ut 办理外借手续Ex: Residents now have to pay $50 a year to check out books from t he s tate u niversity l ibrarycirculation desk [.səә:kju'leiʃən] 借书台Ex: When visiting the library in person, you can bring the material you want to check out to one of two circulation desks on the mainlevel of the library.loan p eriod/borrowing p eriod [ləәun] 借书期限Ex: T he l oan p eriod f or c irculating m aterials v aries a ccording t o the s tatus o f t he b orrower.renew[ri'nju:] v. 续借Ex: H e r enewed t he b ook f or a nother t wo m onthsfine[fain] n. 罚款,罚金Ex: I g ot a f ine f or n ot r eturning l ibrary b ooks o n t ime.学生 VS. 职员l 注册员 registrartuition f ees 学费Ex: Many students will not have to pay tuition fees if their financial s ituation i s b elow a c ertain l evel.semester=term [si'mestəә] n. 学期Ex: H ow m any s ubjects a re y ou s tudying t his s emesterspring b reak 春季学期间的短假期Ex: I n t he U nited S tates, t he t iming o f s pring b reak i n t ertiary institutions m ay r ange f rom t he b eginning o f M arch t o t he l ater part o f A pril, b ut m any s chools a re i n r ecess f or a t l east o ne o f the w eeks i n M archstudent I.D. n umber 学号Ex: S tudents h ave a n I.D n umber, w ith w hich t hey l ogin o nto t he school's w ebsite a nd a ccess a ssignments.audit['ɔ:dit] 旁听Ex: A s a s enior c itizen, h e i s a llowed t o a udit u niversity c lasses. registration[.redʒi'streiʃən] n. 注册Ex: R egistration f or t he c ourse w ill t ake p lace a w eek b efore t he start o f t erm.sign u p f or 选课Ex: S he's s igned u p f or e vening c lasses a t t he c ommunity c ollege. major['meidʒə] n. 主修专业Ex: H e c hose h istory a s h is m ajor a nd F rench a s h is m inor minor ['mainəә] n. 副修专业Ex: S he m ajored i n c hemistry w ith a m inor i n b iologyapproval [əә'pru:vəәl] n. 允许许可Ex: I need to get the professor’s signature on my schedule card here, o n t he l ine a bove a dvisor’s a pproval.quit/drop 放弃退课Ex: I have to drop my chemistry course last semester when Iwent i nto t he h ospital, s o I n eed t o t ake i t a gain,credit['kredit] n. 学分Ex: H e's a lready g ot a c redit/three c redits i n e arth s cience enroll [in'rəәul] v. 登记Ex: I e nrolled f or/in/on t he m odern a rt c ourse.quarter['kwɔ:təә] 四分之一学年Ex: A quarter is one of four periods into which the school year is dividedl 学习顾问 advisorattendance [əә'tendəәns] n. 出勤,上课Ex: A ttendance a t l ectures i s c ompulsory.skip/miss c lasses 缺课,旷课Ex: H e s kipped c hemistry c lass t hree t imes l ast m onthtransfer[træns'fəә:] v 转班,转学Ex: I w as a ble t o t ransfer m y c redits f rom s ummer s chool teaching a ssistant 助教Ex: A t eaching a ssistant (TA) i s a n i ndividual w ho a ssists a professor o r t eacher w ith i nstructional r esponsibilities. instructor=lecturer[in'strʌktəә] n. 教师,讲师Ex: H e's a p oetry i nstructor a t a l ocal c ommunity c ollege. spring b reak 春季学期间的短假期Ex: I n t he U nited S tates, t he t iming o f s pring b reak i n t ertiary institutions m ay r ange f rom t he b eginning o f M arch t o t he l ater part o f A pril, b ut m any s chools a re i n r ecess f or a t l east o ne o f the w eeks i n M archassistantship[əә'sistəәnt.ʃip] n. 研究生助教奖学金Ex: G raduate s tudents h ave s everal s ources o f f unding, b ut perhaps t he m ost c ommon i s t he a ssistantshipGPA 平均成绩点数(=grade point average)Ex: A cumulative grade point average is calculated as an indicator of overall academic performance in a program and is used a s a c riterion f or g raduation r equirements commencement n. [kəә'mensməәnt] 毕业典礼(=graduation ceremony)Ex: During commencement degrees or diplomas are given to students who have graduated from a school or collegereport c ard/grade r eportEx: In most places, the report card is issued by the school to the student o r t he s tudent's p arents t wice o r f our t imes y early. scholarship['skɔləәʃip] n. 奖学金Ex: S he g ot/received/won a s cholarship t o Y ale U niversity fellowship['feləәuʃip] n. 研究生奖学金Ex: S he's a pplied f or a r esearch f ellowship.grant [grɑ:nt] n. 资助declare a m ajor 选专业You m ust d eclare a m ajor b y t he e nd o f y our s ophomore y eardean [di:n] n. 系主任,学院院长Ex: S he i s t he n ew d ean o f t he F aculty o f S ocial S ciences.the D ean o f M edicinefaculty ['fækəәlti] n.全体教员;(大学的)系,科,院Ex:the A rts/Law F acultythe F aculty o f S ciencemake-‐up t est补考Ex: I have to take a make-up test because I got the flu on the test daystudent u nion学生会Ex: In colleges and universities, the student union is often accorded its ownbuilding on the campus, dedicated to social and organizational activities ofthe student body.freshman['freʃməәn] n. 大学一年级学生Ex: H e's a f reshman a t H arvard.sophomore['sɔfəәmɔ:] n. 大学二年级学生Ex: A s ophomore i s a s tudent s tudying i n t he s econd y ear o f acourse a t a U S c ollegejunior ['dʒu:njəә] n. 大学三年级学生Ex: a junior at NYUsenior ['si:njəә] n. 大学四年级学生Ex: J en w ill b e a s enior t his y ear.。
Job Title: Asking for Colleagues' LocationsLevel: IntermediateTime: 45 MinutesObjective:At the end of the lesson, learners will be able to use polite and appropriate language to ask for their colleagues' locations.Materials Needed:-PowerPoint slides-Whiteboard and markers-Handout with conversation practice exercises-Audio recording of common phrasesIntroduction:Today we will learn how to ask our colleagues for their location using polite language. This is an important skill in the workplace as it helps to avoid misunderstandings and confusion.Presentation:1.Begin by showing a PowerPoint slide with common phrases forasking for a colleague's location, such as:-"Excuse me, do you know where Sarah is?"-"Do you happen to know where John is?"-"May I ask where David is?"2. Explain that it is important to use polite language when asking for someone's location, as this shows respect for your colleague and creates a more positive workplace atmosphere.3. Use a whiteboard to write out the phrases, emphasizing the importance of using proper grammar and pronunciation.4. Next, play an audio recording of the phrases and have thelearners repeat them back several times, paying attention to tone and intonation.5. After the learners have practiced the phrases, divide them into pairs and give them each a handout with conversation practice exercises. These may include scenarios such as:- A colleague is not at their desk and you need to find them.-You have a meeting to attend and need to locate a coworker who has not arrived yet.-You need to ask a coworker for help with a project but cannot find them.6. Have the learners practice these conversations with their partner, emphasizing the use of polite language and correct grammar. Evaluation:To evaluate the learners' understanding of the material, have eachpair of learners perform one of the conversation scenarios in frontof the class. This allows the learners to demonstrate their abilityto use the phrases and have a conversation with their partner. Conclusion:In the workplace, it is important to use polite language to avoid misunderstandings and confusion. By learning how to ask for acolleague's location using proper language, you can create a more positive and respectful workplace environment. Practice thesephrases in your daily interactions and continue to improve your communication skills.。
文档下载后可定制随意修改,请根据实际需要进行相应的调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种各样类型的实用资料,如教育随笔、日记赏析、句子摘抄、古诗大全、经典美文、话题作文、工作总结、词语解析、文案摘录、其他资料等等,如想了解不同资料格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by the editor. I hope that after you download them, they can help you solve practical problems. The document can be customized and modified after downloading, please adjust and use it according to actual needs, thank you!In addition, our shop provides you with various types of practical materials, such as educational essays, diary appreciation, sentence excerpts, ancient poems, classic articles, topic composition, work summary, word parsing, copy excerpts, other materials and so on, want to know different data formats and writing methods, please pay attention!记忆口诀:提升对话技巧的秘诀引言在日常生活中,我们经常需要进行各种对话,无论是与同事交流工作,与朋友聊天,还是与家人沟通。
Conversation部分场景词补充集锦---Wendy出品assignment 留的作业或者分配的任务attendance 出勤exemption 免休re-sit 重考补考report 报告set exercise 固定的练习reference 参考书目bibliography 参考书目plagiarism 剽窃抄袭cheat 作弊high distinction 优异distinction 良好credit 合格pass 及格fail 不及格arts 文科science 理科core books 核心书目freshman 大学一年级学生sophomore 大学二年级学生junior 大学三年级学生senior 大学四年级学生auditorium 大礼堂curriculum vitae 履历tertiary education 高等教育preparatory year 预科drop out 辍学curriculum 课程draft 草稿enrollment 注册register/enroll 登记,报到student union office 学生会办公室opening ceremony开学典礼orientation meeting新生学校综合情况介绍会application form 申请表letter of recommendation 推荐信credit/point/credit point 学分credit system学分制mark/ score/ grade分数,成绩assessment 对学生的学习情况进行评估handout 分发的印刷品assignment 作业presentation专题发言project课外课题paper/ thesis/ dissertation 毕业论文essay 短论文deadline 截止时期extension 延期participation 课堂参与情况tutorial 个别辅导讨论课office hour (教授与学生)面谈的时间secondary education中等教育higher education高等教育adult education成人教育open admission免试入学制kindergarten/ day-care center幼儿园nursery school托儿所primary/elementary school小学secondary school中学junior high school初中senior high school高中technical school技校academic advisor导师、学术顾问ace 得到A等成绩admission office招生办公室associate professor副教授audit 、sit on旁听bear n.难以对付的课程Example: That computer science course was a bear.be behind迟到;课业负担重thesis/essay/paper/dissertation 论文;presentation 口头发言;lab report 实验报告;book report读书报告;term paper 学期论文;deadline/ due date 交作业的日子;extension/extra time 延期;book list 书单;incomplete 缓考;requirement 必修课;waive the course 免修;waive不坚持,放弃meal plan 套餐;refund 退款;overcharge, make-up test 补考;a term paper 学期论文;seminar/study session 讨论课;librarian 图书馆管理员Discussion 讨论topic话题主题lecture 演讲good choice 很好的选择slide 滑动滑行,下滑submit递交computer, printProject 课题ton of 很多cover 覆盖re-writeresearch data 研究数据informationinput 输入Term paper 学期论文grade年级complicated 复杂的terrible mistake 可怕的错误edited version 编辑版本printed version 打印版submit 递交overtired过度疲劳的stress 强调rushing against the clock 争分夺秒mark 点评draft 草稿final paper application 申请,应用drop 放弃,下降submission 递交Information 信息exam schedule 考试计划term 学期department 系invigilator监考者sign up 注册sheetbulletin boardfaculty lounge系休息室dean 系主任review 评论draw upconsult 请教,参考register 注册Physiology [ˌfizi'ɔlədʒi] 生理学second year course 第二年课程first year student 大一新生transfer 转学approach 方式、方法laws of physics and chemistry 物理化学的理论philosophical approach 哲学方法scientific experimentationFinal exam期终考试midterm adj. 期中的n. 期中考试multiple choice question 单选问题class note 课堂笔记School bulletin 学校公布栏selecting topic 选题final format 最终版本presentation 阐述hand in 上交assignment 作业final grade 总分Required Course Final Grade必修课总分revision / rɪ`vɪʒn / revise 注意重音Research paper 研究报告make comment 作点评preliminary 初级的outline 计划schedule 计划available 可行的appointment 预约no more than two pages long不多于两页thesis statement 论文陈述precise statement 准确的陈述GPA 平均分make sense讲得通,有意义,言之有理Public university 公立大学private university 私立大学community college 社区大学reputation 名声名誉class size 课堂规模tuition 学费expense、cost 话费afford、affordable 可以承担的location 地点environment 环境large city大城small town小城镇college town大学城check out借出suspend 暂停终止privilege特权newspaper 报纸magazine 杂志academic journal学术杂志current issue实事bibliography 参考书目Scholarship 奖学金。
1. 我们在学术手册中提供了一份handout,详细介绍了如何撰写优秀的研究论文。
2. 这份handout中提供了一些关于如何提高写作技巧的建议和技巧。
3. 在这份handout中,我们解释了如何有效地组织和结构化你的论文,以便读者能够清晰地理解你的观点。
4. 在handout中的第一部分,我们介绍了如何选择和缩小研究主题,以便更好地限定你的论文范围。
5. 在这份handout中,我们提供了一些关于如何撰写引人入胜的引言和结论的技巧。
6. 在这个handout的第二部分,我们讨论了如何有效地进行文献综述,以支持你的研究观点。
7. 在这份handout中,我们提供了一些关于如何使用适当的引用和注释的指导。
8. 在handout的第三部分,我们介绍了如何进行实证研究并分析你的结果。
9. 在这份handout中,我们讨论了如何撰写清晰且流畅的段落,以确保你的论文逻辑连贯。
10. 在handout的最后一部分,我们提供了一些关于如何进行论文修订和编辑的建议。
11. 这份handout旨在帮助你提高写作技巧,使你能够撰写出更加高质量的研究论文。
CCFCC - 教材 for china (handout)
Addressing (勇于面对) problems in a manner that is:
1.Direct: (坦诚直接)
Work with the appropriate person - the one who can own resolving it with you.
2.Objective: (共好致胜)
What is CCFCC
CCFCC Explanation
CrucialConversation For ConstructiveConfrontation
CCFCC的起源 ─ Jonney Lunch Meetings
ASUS基层员工反应的问题 ─ 组织内部的沟通问题 ─ 没有用整体价值溪流来看问题 ─ 未以『为客户创造价值』来做决策 ─ 坚守专业立场造成流程不畅不 顺,甚至造成跨部门的对立与 沟通障碍
1.全体华硕同仁透过本课程的学习,在面临组织 变革与再造过程中,如何有效利用关键对话的 技巧将冲突转化为建设性冲突,並进一步促进 团队的纵效。 2.在学习完本课程后,您将能够暸解:
2-1. ASUS CCFCC的重要性 2-2. 何谓建设性冲突 2-3. 建设性冲突的技巧 2-4. 何谓关键对话 2-5. 关键对话的技巧
LSS 五修 之 ~
CCFCC 以关键对话面对建设性冲突
Prepared by Daniel Wu 01-03-2008
Ground Rule
1. 下课日理万机,上课请关手机或转成静音 2. 既来之则安之,请共同创造愉快学习情境 3. 为山九仞 功亏一篑…尚书 敬请全程参与,并准时到课,避免迟到、早 退或中途离席 3. 好记性不如烂笔头 4. 课后评量采Closed book 方式
手把手 面对面的类似词组
手把手面对面的类似词组英文回答:"Hand in hand" and "face to face" are both idiomatic expressions that convey the idea of direct and personal interaction with someone."Hand in hand" typically refers to physical contact, where two people hold hands while walking or doing an activity together. It symbolizes unity, cooperation, and support. For example, when my best friend and I were navigating through a crowded market, we held hands to ensure we wouldn't get separated. It was a comforting and reassuring gesture that allowed us to face the challenges together."Face to face" means being in close proximity to someone and engaging in direct conversation or interaction. It implies a personal connection and the opportunity for open and honest communication. For instance, when I had adisagreement with my colleague at work, we decided to resolve the issue face to face. By sitting down and discussing our perspectives openly, we were able to understand each other better and find a mutually agreeable solution.中文回答:“手牵手”和“面对面”都是习语表达,传达了与他人直接和亲密地交流的概念。
与别人交流方法英语作文英文回答:When it comes to communicating with others, there are a few methods I tend to use. One of my favorite ways to communicate with others is through face-to-face conversations. I find that this method allows for more personal and meaningful interactions. For example, when I want to discuss something important with a friend, I prefer to meet up with them and have a real conversation rather than just texting or calling.Another method I often use is texting or messaging. This is great for quick and casual communication. For instance, if I just want to check in with a friend or make plans, I'll send them a quick text. It's easy and convenient.中文回答:当涉及与他人交流时,我通常会使用一些方法。
英汉语言对比-3-Synthetic-vs-Analytic1. inflectional vs. non-inflectionalInflection: a change in the form of a word to indicate a change in its grammatical function.(只改变语法形态,不改变词义的变化)1)构词形态,即起构词作用的词缀变化(affixation),包括大量的前缀(prefix)和后缀(suffix)。
E.g. read; serious; consider;The publishing house has to take into serious consideration whether the readers will like to read / reading the books or not.The publishing house has to take into serious consideration whether the books will be readable or not.The publishing house has to take the readability of the books into serious consideration.The publishing house has to consider seriously whether the readers will like to read / reading the books or not.The publishing house has to consider seriously whether the books will be readable or not.The publishing house has to consider seriously the readability of the books.2)构形形态,即表达语法意义的词形变化。
hand out的用法及短语
hand out的用法及短语
一、Hand Out 用法
1、Hand Out作为动词,是“分发,散发”的意思,常用于句子的谓语动词之后,表示把某物分发给一群人,通常是指同时给不同的人:
例句:The teacher handed out the papers to all the students.
2、Hand Out作为介词短语,也可用作状语,在句子中常用来表示“分发、散发某物”:
例句:The teacher hands out the papers to all the students before the exam.
二、Hand Out短语
1、Hand Out Free Samples:分发免费样品。
2、Hand Out Flyers:分发传单。
3、Hand Out Prizes:分发奖品。
4、Hand Out Presents:送出礼物。
5、Hand Out Homework:布置作业。
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完形填空六大技巧训练1.同/复现结构(寻找相同词/同源词/上下义词/同场词/)2. 同线/反线结构(同义互释项、反义互释项)3. 色彩法(“+”、“—”)4. 对应成分分析法(两句完全平行对等,寻对称对等成分)5. 总分结构对照法(Tp 句统领 Ex句)6. 逻辑关系定位法(关注句中的连词,信号词;去除赘词,简化结构,使主线信息明朗)完形填空之实战训练:We all lead 1 lives and learning a language takes 2 . You will have more success if you study regularly, so try to develop a 3 . It doesn’t matter if you haven’t got long. Becoming fluent in a language will take years, but learning to get by takes4 .Learning a new language is never 5 . But with some work and devotion, you’ll make progress. And you’ll be 6 by the positive reaction of some people when you say just a few words in 7 own language.1.A. busy B. happy C. simple D. normal2.A. courage B. time C. energy D. place3.A. theory B. business C. routine D. project4.A. some risks B. a lot less C. some notes D. a lot more5.A. tiresome B. hard C. interesting D. easy6.A. blamed B. amazed C. interrupted D. informed7.A. their B. his C. our D. yourThough I was absolutely thrilled with the chance, it did not come without its fair share of 11 Through the strict rehearsal period of dancing six days a week, I found it vital to 12 up the material fast with every last bit of concentration. It is that extreme 13 to detail(细节) and stress on practice that set us 14 . To then follow those high-energy rehearsals 15 a busy show schedule of up to five performances a day, I discovered a new 16of the words “hard work”.11. A. challenges B. profits C. advantages D. adventures12. A. put B. mix C. build D. pick13. A. attention B. association C. attraction D. adaptation14. A. apart B. aside C. off D. back15. A. over B. by C. with D. beyond16. A. function B. meaning C. expression D. usage8. Tom’s teacher constantly advises him to put his heart into studies. However, he always turns a deaf ear to his teacher’s ___________.A. tensionB. worryC. orderD. advice9. The old man tends to forget things from time to time. In other words, he is more and more _________.A. forgetfulB. unforgettableC. easy-goingD. hard-working10. The weather is always changing. Unless you take good care of yourself, you’relikely to catch a cold because of the ____________ weather.A. changeableB. enjoyableC. suitableD. comfortable1111. I don’t permit anyone to enter my bedro om. In other words, nobody can come into my bedroom without my___.A. presentB. permissionC. requirementD. suggestion12. He taught me how to rely on other _____, particularly on my hearing.A. feelingsB. organsC. skillsD. senses13. In the ___________, while the teacher is writing on the blackboard, all thestudents are listening to him and taking notes with great attention.A. cinemaB. parkC. classroomD. playground14. When you go travel ing, you’d better take some __________ with you in case youcatch a cold during the trip.A.booksB. medicineC. waterD. coats15. If you drive your car at full __________, you’ll risk losing your life.A. timeB. speedC. lengthD. price16. The president of our school delivered an inspiring _______ at the openingceremony of the new term.A. presentB. speechC. partyD. celebration17. My uncle has very little schooling. However, he has a strong desire for ________and is eager to learn more.A. informationB. chancesC. adviceD. knowledge18. What he said made no sense. It was really ___.A. uselessB. meaninglessC. homelessD. hopeless19. Our meetings were not __________: our conversation was filled with argumentsand quarrels.A. normalB. necessaryC. pleasantD. possible20. “A great many times, Marina,” responded her aunt. “I remember when I was smallI was also __________ afraid of the dark, but I later overcame it gradually.”A.nearlyB. hardlyC. terriblyD. obviously。
自由间接话语与叙事声音王勇【摘要】自由间接话语是小说叙事中再现人物话语的重要手段,而且常与叙事声音联系起来探讨.在现当代小说叙事模式中自由间接话语已很难根据语言学特征进行辨认,而结构主义叙事学的叙事声音理论更是难以应对复杂多变的小说叙事.叙事理论的更新与发展已成为必然.【期刊名称】《山东大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》【年(卷),期】2004(000)005【总页数】6页(P36-41)【关键词】自由间接话语;叙事;叙事声音;结构主义叙事学【作者】王勇【作者单位】山东大学,外国语学院,山东,济南,250100【正文语种】中文【中图分类】B234.1一、自由间接话语自由间接话语(Free Indirect Discourse,简称FID)来自语法术语“自由间接引语”(Free Indirect Speech)。
1912年出版的Bally的著作《现代法语中的自由间接文体》( Le Style Indirect Libre Francais Moderne)可视为第一部系统研究自由间接话语的文献。
60年代末及70年代的论著主要偏重于语言学分析,具有代表性的研究主要有Jones(1968)[1],Bronzwaer(1970)[2],Fillmore(1974)[3], McKay (1978)[4]等。
从以Genette为代表的结构主义叙事学兴起以来,叙事学和文体学对自由间接话语与叙事声音之间关系的研究从20世纪80年代起呈愈演愈烈之势,影响较大的研究包括Pascal(1977)[5],Genette (1980)[6],Leech和Short(1981)[7],Banfield(1982)[8],Toolan(1989)[9],Erlich(1990)[10],Fludernik(1993)[11],Fergerson(2000)[12],以及Short et al(2001)[13]等。
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Handout -conversation 篇练习Conversation 场景讲解Office hour【Delta 2.4 A Q1-Q2】1、Why does the student go to see his adviser?a.To enroll in her geometry class next quarterb.To discuss an assignment for his history classc.To get extra help with a difficult problemd.To obtain advice about dropping a class2、What will the student probably do?a.Make up a geometry testb.Transfer to another schoolc.Not continue in his history classd.Not enroll in classes next quarter【TPO8 C1】1、Why does the man go to see the registrar?a.To find out why he is not on the list of graduating studentsb.To explain why he has not fulfilled his graduation requirementsc.To find out the exact requirements for graduationd.To submit a document required for graduation2、According to the registrar, what step is currently taken to ensure that students fulfill theirgraduation requirements?a.Academic records are regularly checked by the registrar’s officeb.Students meet with a department chairperson to plan their course workc.Stndents receive letters listing the course that they still need to taked.Warning letters are sent to students who have fallen behind in their course work3、Why does the man mention his classmate?a.To explain how he obtained information about field researchb.To point out that many students like to do field researchc.To show that it is difficult to get intermediate-level creditsd.To emphasize his motivation to do field research in two of his courses4、Why does the program tell the man to contact his chairperson immediately?a.A deadline has already passedb.The man has a limited time to resolve his problemc.The man first needs to find out it the chairperson will help himd.Issuing a new grade may take longer than expected【Delta 2.4 A Q5-Q7】1、Why does the student go to see her professor?a.There was a problem with her registrationb.She will miss the beginning of the summer termc.She wants advice about joining a study groupd.She would like to discuss her research project2、What does the professor imply?a.It is not acceptable to miss class timeb.The first day of class has been changedc.Students are required to take the coursed.The summer course has been canceled3、What will the student probably do?a.Take the course during the fallb.Make up the work she missesc.Join an available study groupd.Cancel her trip to V ancouver【TPO3 C1】1、Why does the woman come to the office?a.To notify te university of her change of addressb.To find out where her physics class is being heldc.To get directions to the science buildingd.To complain about her physics class being canceled2、What happened to the letter the university sent to the woman?a.She threw it away by mistakeb.Her roommate forgot to give it to herc.It was sent to her old mailing addressd.It was sent to another student by mistake3、What does the man suggest the woman do before the beginning of next semester?a.Consult with her advisor about her class scheduleb.Check with the registrar’s office about the location of the classc.Register for her classes earlyd.Call the physics department【TPO14 C2】1、What’s the conversation mainly about?a.The advantages and disadvantages of a career in journalismb.Topics the student could write about for the school newspaperparing a major in journalism to other majorsd.Preparing for a career in journalism2、Why does the advisor discourage the student from transferring to another university?a.His current university is highly respected by newspaper editorsb.His current university will soon offer a major in journalismc.He does not need to major in journalism in order to work as a reporterd.He has a promising future on the staff of his current university’s newspaper.3、According to the advisor, how do newspaper editors evaluate an applicant for a reportingposition? (Pair)a.They ask the applicant to present ideas for news storiesb.They ask the applicant to write a news storyc.They review the applicant’s university course workd.They review a sample of the applicant’s published articles4、What point does the advisor make when she suggests that the student report on a local courtcase? (Pair)a.It will help him begin to develop expertise in his field of interestb.It will bring him in contact with people who might help him find a jobc.It will be a way for him to gain experience writing about business and technologyd.It will allow him to inform students and faculty about an issue affecting their university 【Delta P232】1、Why does the student go to see her adviser?a.she needs a tutor for her psychology courseb.she has decided to change her field of studyc.she wants to talk about a terrible accidentd.she needs advice about running a business2、What is the student’s attitude toward the school counselors that she observed?a.she is shocked by their terrible workb.she is surprised that they work so hardc.she does not think they are necessaryd.she is inspired by their good work【Delta 2.3B Q1-Q2】1、What is the main purpose of the discussion?a.The professor is giving a writing assignmentb.The class is evaluating last week’s assignmentc.The professor is changing the reading assignmentd.The class is summarizing the assigned readings2、What is the woman’s attitude toward the assignment?a.She is confused by itb.She likes it very muchc.She thinks it too difficultd.She finds it boring【TPO 17 C1】1、Why does the man visit the professor?a.To get the professor’s approval for his paper topicb.To ask for source material for his paperc.To ask the professor’s opinion about a particular production of a Shakespeare playd.To get help finding articles about a play2、What is the subject of the man’s paper?a.The influence of film on theaterb.The transient nature of theaterc.Modern interpretations of a play by Shakespeared.A comparison of different film versions of Shakespeare’s plays3、What do the speakers say about peter Brook’s production of A midsummer Night’s Dream?(pair)a.It influenced subsequent productionsb.It was performed only a few timesc.Written accounts of it are difficult to findd.Film versions of it probably do not exist4、What point does the professor make when she mentions that some students are writingabout nineteenth-century productions of Shakespeare’ plays?a.Other students’ paper topics are even more difficult than the man’s topicb.The man should refer to some nineteenth-century productions in his paperc.Students should focus their research on film adaptations of the playsd.Theater students often face the same problem the man is facing.【TPO 12 C1】1、Why does the professor ask the man to come to her office?a.To check on the man’s progress on a paper he is writingb.To show the man techniques for organizing his timec.To encourage the man to revise a paper her wroted.To clarify her comments on a paper the man wrote2、Why does the man hesitate before agreeing to the professor’s request?a.He is not sure his effort would be successfulb.He feels overwhelmed by all his schoolworkc.He is unclear about what the professor wants him to dod.He does not like to work on more than one assignment at a time3、What is the professor’s main criticism of the man’s paper?a.It included unnecessary informationb.It did not include enough examples to illustrate the main pointc.The main point was expressed too abstractlyd.The paper ignored a key historical fact4、Why does the professor suggest that the student change the introduction of his paper?a.To make it less repetitiveb.To more clearly state the man’s point of viewc.To correct spelling and grammar mistakesd.To reflect changes made elsewhere in the paperStudent Service【TPO 4 C1】1、Why does the man need the woman’s assistance? ( pair)a.He does not know the publication date of some reviews he needsb.He does not know the location of the library’s video collection of playsc.He does not know how to find out where the play is currently being performedd.He does not know how to determine which newspaper he should look at2、What does the woman imply about critical reaction to the play Happy Strangers?a.Negative critical reaction led to its content being revised after it premieredb.The play has always been quite popular among university studentsc.Reactions to the play are more positive nowadays than they were in the pastd.The play is rarely performed nowadays because critics have never liked it3、What does the woman say about her experience seeing a performance of happy strangerswhen she was younger? ( pair)a.It was the first play she had seen performed professionallyb.She saw it against the wished of her parentsc.She was surprised at how traditional the performance wasd.She had a variety of emotional reactions to the play4、What is te man’s attitude toward his current assignment?a.He is not confident that he will find the materials he needsb.He feels that performing in a play is less boring than reading onec.He thinks his review of the play will be more objective than the contemporary reviewswered.He is optimistic that he will learn to appreciate the play he is researching【TPO7 C2】1、Why does the student come to the library?a.To learn about the library’s resourcesb.To ask about interlibrary loansc.To attend the new student orientationd.To start work on a research project2、Why does the librarian point out the history section to the student?a.She wants to point out the closest area containing copy machinesb.She assumes that he will need to do research therec.The student is looking for a book he used at his last schoold.Students sometimes mistakenly assume that the section contains literature books3、What does the student imply about the interlibrary loan service at his last school?a.He never used itb.He came to appreciate itc.It was inconvenientd.It was expensive4、What does the student need to do before he can use any rare books? (pair)a.purchase a cardb.obtain permissionc.put on glovesd.try interlibrary loan fist【TPO3 C2】1、Why does the student go to see the professor?a.To ask about a class assignmentb.To find out about a midsemester projectc.To get information about summer jobsd.To discuss ways to improve his grades2、What was originally located on the site of the lecture hall?a.A farmhouseb.A pottery factoryc.A clothing stored.A bottle-mannufacuring plant3、What is mentioned as an advantage of working on this project?a.Off-campus travel is paid forb.Students can leave class earlyc.The location is convenientd.It fulfills a graduation requirement4、What’s the professor considering doing to get more volunteers?a.Offering extra class creditb.Paying the students for their timec.Asking for students volunteers from outside her classd.Providing flexible work schedules5、What information does the student still need to get from the professor?a. The name of the senior researcherb. What book he needs to read before the next lecturec. When the training session will be scheduledd Where the project is located【TPO6 C1】1、What does the student go to the career service office?a.To confirm the date and time of the career fairb.To learn the location of the career fairc.To find out if he is allowed to attend the career faird.To get advice about interviewing at the career fair2、Why does the student think that companies’ representatives would not be interested intalking to him?a.He will not be graduating this yearb.He is not currently taking business classesc.He has not declared a major yetd.He does not have a current resume3、What does the woman imply about the small print on the career fair posters and flyers?a.The information in the small print was incompleteb.The print was smaller than she expected it to bec.The information the small print contains will be updatedd.The information in the small print will be presented in a more noticeable way4、What does the woman say is a good way for the student to prepare for speaking tocompanies’ representatives? (Pair)a.Take some business classesb.Familiarize himself with certain businesses beforehandc.Have questions ready to ask the representativesd.Talk to people who work for accounting firm【TPO15 C2】1、What does the professor imply when he mentions his experience playing soccer incollege?a.The woman should participate in a sport that takes less of her timeb.The woman may not have enough time to study for classc.The woman is not trying hard enough to do well in the classd.The woman should be satisfied with the results of her exam2、What did the woman study in her laboratory project?a.The best methods for preserving samples of onion cellsb.The differences between onion cells and other plant cellsc.The process of cell division in an oniond.The different ways that onion cells can be diagrammed3、What does the professor say about the results of the brain research?a.Several short study sessions are more effective than one extended study sessionb.Studying in the library increases the brain’s ability to absorb detailsc.Studying for extended periods of time is good exercise for the braind.Students who excel at laboratory work usually perform well on exams4、At the end of the conversation, why does the professor return to the topic of running on thetrack team?a.To suggest that the student take a break from it for a few weeksb.To give an example of how exercise affects memoryc.To illustrate the point he is making about study habitsd.To find out if the next track meet will interfere with the next exam。