Running Title SNPicker A Graphical Tool for Primer Picking
BIOS中英文对照表Time/System Time 时间/系统时间Date/System Date 日期/系统日期Level 2 Cache 二级缓存System Memory 系统内存Video Controller 视频控制器Panel Type 液晶屏型号Audio Controller 音频控制器Modem Controller 调制解调器(Modem)Primary Hard Drive 主硬盘Modular Bay 模块托架Service Tag 服务标签Asset Tag 资产标签BIOS Version BIOS版本Boot Order/Boot Sequence 启动顺序(系统搜索*作系统文件的顺序)Diskette Drive 软盘驱动器Internal HDD 内置硬盘驱动器Floppy device 软驱设备Hard-Disk Drive 硬盘驱动器USB Storage Device USB存储设备CD/DVD/CD-RW Drive 光驱CD-ROM device 光驱Modular Bay HDD 模块化硬盘驱动器Cardbus NIC Cardbus总线网卡Onboard NIC 板载网卡Boot POST 进行开机自检时(POST)硬件检查的水平:设置为"MINIMAL"(默认设置)则开机自检仅在BIOS升级,内存模块更改或前一次开机自检未完成的情况下才进行检查。
Config Warnings 警告设置:该选项用来设置在系统使用较低电压的电源适配器或其他不支持的配置时是否报警,设置为"DISABLED"禁用报警,设置为"ENABLED"启用报警Internal Modem 内置调制解调器:使用该选项可启用或禁用内置Modem。
பைடு நூலகம்
点到最后一行, 然后输入 “use_small_textures = true” 为了方便你 们,直接复制引号里的文字就行了。 然后就会变成这样。
然后保存。 逗游网——中国2亿游戏用户一致选择的”一站式“游戏服务平台
饥 荒 — — 出 现 g r a p h i c s E r ro r 的 解 决 办 法
最近有玩家反映在饥荒游戏的时候会遇到graphics Error的问题,虽 然是款小游戏,但是如果设置不正确的话还是会出现这样或者那样的错 误,下面是游戏出现graphics Error的解决办法。 graphics Error的解决办法 1、先检查是否装好运行库那些。 2、这是重点。 打开游戏的 settings 配置文件
PWPACK 使用方法: 1、先解压缩 PWPACK 到 D 盘,然后将请神设置文件 COPY 至 D 盘。
2、使用 WINDOWS 自带的“运行”命令,输入“cmd”并回车后出现 3、在 CMD 命令行中输入“D:”并回车,将 CMD 命令行转移到 D 盘。
4、 然后就可以开始解压缩请神的设置文件 interfaces.pck 了, 输入命令“pwpack -x interfaces.pck”并回车,D 盘就会出现一个名为“interfaces.pck.files”的文 件夹。
5、然后我们就可以开始修改请神了,请神的设置文件是“ai_helper.lua”,路径 是“D:\interfaces.pck.files\interfaces\script”。
6、具体修改方法在 3 楼我会总结描述,不全部分请自行在网上寻找。
7、当“ai_helper.lua”修改完成后,我们就该进行最后一步,将解压出的文件重 新压缩成 PCK 文件了。
压缩方法如下:依然是在 CMD 命令行中进入 D 盘盘符界面, 然后输入命令“pwpack -c interfaces.pck.files 1.pck”,该命令行中 “-c”为压缩参数,“interfaces.pck.files”为要压缩的文件夹名字,“1.pck” 为压缩成的文件名 输入完命令行并等待完成后,我们的 D 盘会出来一个名字为“1.pck”的文件 将这个文件改名为“interfaces.pck”然后放回武林安装文件夹中的“element” 文件夹中就可以使用我们自己修改的请神了。
2.jpg (15.46 KB) 2010-11-21 11:243.jpg (15.74 KB) 2010-11-21 11:244.jpg (16.03 KB) 2010-11-21 11:245.jpg (4.96 KB) 2010-11-21 11:246.jpg (14.55 KB) 2010-11-21 11:247.jpg (15.4 KB) 2010-11-21 11:248.jpg (16.11 KB) 2010-11-21 11:249.jpg (16.66 KB) 2010-11-21 11:24搜集整理大部分有用的请神修改方法(不完全版) 自己搜集整理,涉及版权问题的向原作者说声 SORRY!! ! 用记事本打开“ai_helper.lua”文件,该文件部分代码意义如下: function AI_Helper:Reset() self.m_hpCounter:SetPeriod(0000); 人物加血延时(延时均以毫秒为单位,1 秒=1000 毫秒) self.m_hpRate = 0.3; 人物加血比例 self.m_petHpCounter:SetPeriod(0000); 宠物加血延时 self.m_petHpRate = 0.7; 宠物加血比例 self.m_mpCounter:SetPeriod(2000); 人物加蓝延时 self.m_mpRate = 0.75; 人物加蓝比例 self.m_petMpCounter:SetPeriod(0000); 宠物加蓝延时 self.m_petMpRate = 0.82; 宠物加蓝比例 self.m_tabCounter:SetPeriod(1000); TAB 延时 貌似法师请神一秒 TAB 选怪就是从这 调的,待验证self.m_tab2Counter:SetPeriod(1000); 同上 self.m_tab3Counter:SetPeriod(1000); 同上 self.m_tab4Counter:SetPeriod(1000); 同上 self.m_pickCounter:SetPeriod(2000); 拣物延时间隔 self.m_skillCounter[1]:SetPeriod(0000); 人物 1 号技能延时 self.m_skillCounter[2]:SetPeriod(0000); 人物 2 号技能延时 self.m_skillCounter[3]:SetPeriod(0000); 人物 3 号技能延时 self.m_skillCounter[4]:SetPeriod(0000); 人物 4 号技能延时 self.m_skillCounter[5]:SetPeriod(0000); 人物 5 号技能延时 self.m_skillCounter[6]:SetPeriod(0000); 人物 6 号技能延时 self.m_petSkillCounter[1]:SetPeriod(3000); 宠物 1 号技能延时 self.m_petSkillCounter[2]:SetPeriod(3000); 宠物 2 号技能延时 self.m_petSkillCounter[3]:SetPeriod(3000); 宠物 3 号技能延时 self.m_petSkillCounter[4]:SetPeriod(3000); 宠物 4 号技能延时 self.m_petSkillCounter[5]:SetPeriod(3000); 宠物 5 号技能延时 self.m_petSkillCounter[6]:SetPeriod(3000); 宠物 6 号技能延时 self.m_reportCounter:SetPeriod(2000); 待研究 self.m_tabValid = true; 自动选怪开关(要关闭将参数改为 faile 即可) self.m_pickValid = true; 自动拣物开关 self.m_anchorValid = true; 定点打怪开关 self.m_safeHelper = true; 安全请神开关 1、修改加血比例和加血延时 CTRL+F 找到 function AI_Helper:Reset()这段文本,这是请神设置初始化的函数。
HP Color LaserJet CM2320 MFP 系列 说明书
HP Color LaserJet CM2320 MFP 系列用户指南版权与许可© 2008 Copyright Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.未经事先书面许可,严禁进行任何形式的复制、改编或翻译,除非版权法另有规定。
HP 产品及服务的保修仅以随该产品及服务提供的书面保修声明为准。
对任何技术或编辑错误或者本文所述内容的遗漏,HP 不承担任何责任。
Edition 2, 04/2008部件号:CC434-90928商标声明Adobe®、Acrobat®和 PostScript®是 Adobe Systems Incorporated 的商标。
Microsoft®、Windows®和 Windows NT®均为 Microsoft Corporation 在美国的注册商标。
UNIX®是 The Open Group 的注册商标。
目录1 产品基本信息产品比较 (2)产品功能 (3)产品概览 (4)正视图 (4)后视图 (5)接口端口 (6)2 控制面板HP Color LaserJet CM2320 控制面板 (8)HP Color LaserJet CM2320 MFP 传真型号和 HP Color LaserJet CM2320 MFP 内存卡型号控制面板 (9)控制面板菜单 (10)使用控制面板菜单 (10)控制面板设置菜单 (10)特定功能菜单 (20)3 Windows 软件支持的 Windows 操作系统 (26)Windows 支持的打印机驱动程序 (27)HP 通用打印驱动程序 (UPD) (28)UPD 安装模式 (28)选择适用于 Windows 的正确打印机驱动程序 (29)打印设置优先级 (30)更改 Windows 打印机驱动程序设置 (31)适用于 Windows 的软件安装类型 (32)删除 Windows 软件 (33)Windows 支持的实用程序 (34)HP ToolboxFX (34)内嵌式 Web 服务器 (34)HP Web Jetadmin (34)其它 Windows 组件和实用程序 (34)适用于其它操作系统的软件 (36)4 配合使用产品与 Macintosh用于 Macintosh 的软件 (38)支持的 Macintosh 操作系统 (38)Macintosh 支持的打印机驱动程序 (38)ZHCN iii更改 Macintosh 打印机驱动程序设置 (38)适用于 Macintosh 的软件安装类型 (39)从 Macintosh 操作系统中删除软件 (39)Macintosh 支持的实用程序 (39)使用 Macintosh 打印机驱动程序中的功能 (40)打印 (40)扫描 (42)传真(仅限 HP LaserJet CM2320 传真型号/CM2320 内存卡型号) (43)照片 (43)5 连接方式支持的网络操作系统 (46)USB 连接 (46)打印机共享免责声明 (47)支持的网络协议 (48)在网络上安装产品 (49)配置网络产品 (50)查看设置 (50)更改设置 (50)设置密码 (51)IP 地址 (51)链接速度设置 (52)6 纸张和打印介质了解纸张和打印介质的使用 (54)支持的纸张和打印介质尺寸 (55)支持的纸张类型和纸盘容量 (57)特殊纸张或打印介质规格 (58)装入纸张和打印介质 (59)纸盘 1 (59)纸盘 2 或 3 (60)配置纸盘 (62)7 使用产品功能经济设置 (64)存档打印 (64)字体 (65)选择字体 (65)打印可用字体列表 (65)8 打印任务取消打印作业 (68)使用 Windows 打印机驱动程序中的功能 (69)打开打印机驱动程序 (69)使用打印快捷方式 (69)设置纸张和质量选项 (69)设置文档效果 (69)iv ZHCN获取支持和产品状态信息 (70)设置高级打印选项 (70)更改打印质量设置 (72)打印边到边原件 (73)9 复印装入原件 (76)使用复印功能 (78)单触复印 (78)多份副本 (78)取消复印作业 (78)缩小或放大副本 (79)更改复印整理设置 (80)彩色复印或黑白复印(单色) (80)复印设置 (81)复印质量 (81)定义自定义复印设置 (82)在不同类型和尺寸的介质上复印 (82)恢复默认复印设置 (84)复印书籍 (85)复印照片 (87)复印混合尺寸原件 (88)双面复印作业 (89)自动复印双面文档(仅限 HP Color LaserJet CM2320 MFP 内存卡型号) (89)手动复印双面文档 (90)10 窗口颜色管理颜色 (94)自动 (94)灰度打印 (94)手动颜色调整 (94)颜色主题 (94)匹配颜色 (96)使用 Microsoft Office Basic Colors 调色板匹配颜色 (96)使用 HP 基本配色工具匹配颜色 (96)使用“查看自定义颜色”匹配颜色 (97)使用高级颜色功能 (98)HP ColorSphere 碳粉 (98)HP ImageREt 3600 (98)介质选择 (98)颜色选项 (98)标准红绿蓝 (sRGB) (98)11 扫描装入要扫描的原件 (100)使用扫描功能 (102)扫描方法 (102)使用扫描功能 (102)ZHCN v扫描设置 (108)扫描文件格式 (108)扫描仪分辨率和颜色 (108)扫描质量 (109)扫描书籍 (110)扫描照片 (112)12 传真(仅限传真型号)传真功能 (114)设置 (115)安装和连接硬件 (115)配置传真设置 (117)管理电话簿 (118)设置传真轮询 (121)更改传真设置 (122)设定音量设置 (122)发送传真设置 (122)接收传真设置 (126)使用传真 (131)传真软件 (131)取消传真 (131)从内存删除传真 (132)在 DSL、PBX、ISDN 或 VoIP 系统上使用传真 (132)发送传真 (133)接收传真 (143)解决传真问题 (144)传真错误消息 (144)断电时保持传真内存 (147)传真记录和报告 (147)更改错误纠正和传真速度 (151)发送传真出现问题 (154)接收传真出现问题 (155)执行问题 (157)13 照片插入内存卡 (160)更改内存卡默认设置 (162)直接从内存卡打印照片 (163)打印内存卡缩略图页 (165)从校样页打印和扫描照片 (166)14 管理和维护产品信息页 (168)HP ToolboxFX (170)查看 HP ToolboxFX (170)状态 (171)警报 (172)产品信息 (173)vi ZHCN帮助 (176)系统设置 (177)打印设置 (179)网络设置 (180)电子邮件 (180)嵌入式 Web 服务器 (181)功能 (181)使用 HP Web Jetadmin 软件 (182)安全功能 (183)使用内嵌式 Web 服务器可以启用密码保护功能。
解决电脑启动出现蓝屏;skipping autocheck怎样解决电脑启动过程中出现蓝屏:“xmnt 2002 program not found - skipping autocheck”这个问题?修改注册表即可。
方法是:“开始”菜单→运行→输入regedit→确定,打开注册表编辑器到HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\双击右边的“BootExecute”,可以看到其键值(数值数据)内容为:autocheck xmnt2002 /bat="C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\PQ_BATCH.PQB" /win="C:\WINDOWS" /dbg="C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\PQ_DEBUG.TXT" /ver=262144 /prd="PartitionMagic"autocheck autochk *把此内容删到只剩“autocheck autochk * ”就行了,千万注意不能全删!如全删重启后,xmnt2002提示是不出了,不过会出一个更长的提示= =#:”\SystemRoot\Windows\system32\autochk.exe - progrom not found skipping autocheck ”!!解释:BootExecute指系统启动的时候要执行的任务,这里的内容指的就是要执行PQ 的操作,删除了BootExecute键值下的内容(即让系统在下次启动的时候不做什么,但autocheck autochk *不能删),再次重新启动,这次xmnt2002的字样消失了,正常登陆系统。
原来PQ安装好以后会复制xmnt2002.exe到%SystemRoot%\system32 目录下,重装系统后看能够启动PQ,认为它是绿色软件,故没有重装,实际上,%SystemRoot%\system32 目录下的xmnt2002.exe根本不存在,结果在应用操作的时候系统报错。
known issues with graphics drivers -回复
known issues with graphics drivers -回复[已知的图形驱动程序问题]引言:图形驱动程序是计算机系统中至关重要的组成部分,它负责控制图形处理器(GPU)的功能,从而在屏幕上显示图像和视频。
1.主板上的英文字母都代表什么1.L----电感.电感线圈2.C----电容.3.BC---贴片电容4.R----电阻5.9231 芯片-----脉宽6.74 门电路-----它在主板南桥旁边7.PQ----场效应管8.VT、Q、V----三级管9.VD、D---二级管10.RN----排阻11. ZD----稳压二极管12.W-----电位器13.IC---稳压块14.IC、N、U----集成电路15.X、Y、G、Z----晶振16.S-----开关17.CM----频率发生器(一般在晶振14.31818 旁边)2. 计算机开机原理开机原理:插上ATX 电源后,有一个静态5V电压送到南桥,为南桥里面的ATX 开机电路提供工作条件(ATX 电源的开机电路是集成南桥里面的),南桥里面的ATX 开机电路将开始工作,会送一个电压给晶体,晶体起振工作,产生振荡,发出波形。
同时ATX 开机电路会送出一个开机电压到主板的开机针帽的一个脚,针帽的另一个脚接地。
当打开开机开关时,开机针帽的两个脚接通,而使南桥送出开机电压对地短路,拉低南桥送出的开机电压,而使南桥里的开机电路导通,拉低静态5V电压,使其变为0 电位。
(ATX 电源里还有一个稳压部分,它需要静态5V变为0 电位才能工作)。
3. 主板时钟电路工作原理时钟电路工作原理:3.5 电源经过二极管和电感进入分频器后,分频器开始工作,和晶体一起产生振荡,在晶体的两脚均可以看到波形。
晶体的两脚之间的阻值在450---700 欧之间。
总频(OSC)在分频器出来后送到PCI槽的B16 脚和ISA的B30 脚。
在总频OSC 线上还电容。
总频线的对地阻值在450---700 欧之间,总频时钟波形幅度一定要大于2V 电平。
官方网址:/牛牛安装包界面控件是一个可集成于NSIS的插件,采用Duilib开发,在使用时,安装包制作者只需要做如下两件事情:1. 通过配置Duilib的资源,设计好界面显示的元素2. 在NSIS的脚本中,通过NSIS脚本调用nsNiuniuSkin.dll的相关接口,集成UI及安装包的业务功能在控件的资源中,采用的是通过TAB控件来实现不同阶段的安装界面,比如:选择路径、许可协议、安装进度、完成、卸载等,在实际使用中,通过NSIS脚本来设置当前需要显示的TAB页,即可完美的呈现出需要的界面UI了。
在我们的示例中,提供了两份安装的界面如下:注意,最新版本的控件已经将可用的NSIS及7z的相关文件包含在示例包中,可以通过一键打包批处理脚本进行打包了,具体如下:1). 将要打包的文件复制到FilesToInstall目录下,可以包含文件及若干层的目录2). 修改相关项目下的skin目录下的资源文件及xml脚本来配置UI3). 添加相关(或者在我原来的示例上修改,这样更快)的NSIS脚本文件,并与UI相匹配4). 指定好相关的ICO、licence等信息5). 执行build.bat脚本,一键打包,build脚本会做三件事:将FilesToInstall 目录下的文件打包成app.7z;将skin目录下的文件打包成;调用nsis 编译程序,编译nsi文件,输出安装包。
牛牛安装包界面控件包含的接口较多,以下逐一进行介绍[以下接口调用及参数说明按在NSIS脚本中的调用示例来说明]:1.接口初始化接口InitSkinPage此接口函数用于初始化nsNiuniuSkin.dll控件的配置信息.调用示例:nsNiuniuSkin::InitSkinPage "$PLUGINSDIR\" "${INSTALL_LICENCE_FILENAME}"参数说明:2.重新设置许可协议的文件名nsNiuniuSkin::ResetLicenseFile $hInstallDlg "newlicensename.rtf"设置后,许可协议显示控件将会重新加载许可协议文件,这个比较适合用于多语言版本的不同许可协议加载显示。
2.使用技巧 ................................................................................ 错误!未指定书签。
3.操作手则 ................................................................................ 错误!未指定书签。
4.设置VBOX............................................................................ 错误!未指定书签。
5.软件—新手上路 .................................................................... 错误!未指定书签。
6.软件–开始使用 ...................................................................... 错误!未指定书签。
6.1.1用户设置前面板...................................................... 错误!未指定书签。
映泰A770L3主板 BIOS说明书
本手册内容系 BIOSTAR®知识产权,版权归 BIOSTAR®所有。我们本着对用户负 责的态度,精心地编写该手册,但不保证本手册的内容完全准确无误。BIOSTAR® 有权在不知会用户的前提下对产品不断地进行改良、升级及对手册内容进行修正, 实际状况请以产品实物为准。本手册为纯技术文档,无任何暗示及影射第三方之 内容,且不承担排版错误导致的用户理解歧义。本手册中所涉及的第三方注册商 标所有权归其制造商或品牌所有人。
数据传输率为3 Gb/s 符合SATA 2.5 规范
Realtek RTL 8102EL
10 / 100 Mb/s自适应传输模式 半双工/全双工工作模式
ALC662 / VT1708B
6声道音频输出 支持高清音频
PCI Express Gen2 x16 插槽
注意: 此附件内容可能会因区域或主板版本而异。
1.3 主板特性
Socket AM3 AMD Sempron / Athlon II / Phenom II处理器 (最大瓦数:95W)
AMD 64架构兼容32和64位 支持Hyper Transport 3.0技术
支持HyperTransport 3.0
HP True Graphics 管理员指南说明书
HP True Graphics 管理員指南摘要HP True Graphics 會將豐富的多媒體內容傳送到精簡型電腦的 GPU,從而為 HP ThinPro 作業系統上的 Citrix® 提供高畫面播放速率影像並提高效率。
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第三版:2021 年 6 月第一版:2016 年 10 月文件編號:908346-AB3目錄1 快速入門 (1)伺服器端需求 (1)用戶端需求 (1)2 用戶端組態 (HP ThinPro) (2)壓縮設定 (2)視窗設定 (2)顯示器配置和硬體限制 (2)為多台顯示器啟用 HP True Graphics (3)3 秘訣和最佳做法 (4)iiiiv1快速入門HP True Graphics 會將豐富的多媒體內容傳送到精簡型電腦的 GPU,從而為 HP ThinPro 作業系統上的Citrix 提供高畫面播放速率影像並提高效率。
伺服器端需求請參閱下表,當中列出您針對虛擬桌面基礎架構 (VDI) 使用的受支援的伺服器端產品,這些產品由獨立軟體廠商 (ISV) 提供。
∙Download source files - 381 Kb∙Download demo projects - 200 Kb∙Download control binaries - 72 KbIntroductionThis is a simple OCX control, which allows you to plot two-dimensional data. Despite the large set of controls that comes with VC++, there is no out-of-the-box control that provides a simple and straightforward 2D data visualization. The ActiveX control tutorial by Kapil Chaturvedi inspired me to write my own control, mostly because I wanted to customize the source code when needed. Over time, the functionality of the ActiveX control became more elaborate, and finally I made decision to publish what I have in hand.What Can It Do?The control is able to plot a large number of points and updating one or more plots on the graph with new data, replacing the old plot with the new plot. Multiple plots with individual properties such as name, line and point style, width, could be customized at runtime. At runtime, the control is capable of displaying its own property pages (double click on the control area or by invoking the ShowProperties method) and showing short help as a result of the user pressing F1 while the control has the focus. By setting the TrackMode property you should be able to switch between a different modes such as tracking cursor coordinates while moving (leftmouse button pressed), zooming, XY-, X-, and Y-panning. Finally the control snapshot could be copied to the clipboard, printed, or saved as a bitmap file.What doesn't it do?You cannot plot 3D data, but you can use the NTGraph3D ATL/STL/OpenGL activeX control to do that :-)!What's New?∙The Log Axes Mode works now, showing the log10 grid, and appropriated labels, it also converts the graph element's data∙The control's snapshot could be now saved as a bitmap file, many thanks to Robert Harber for providing the code!∙Added abilities to dynamically creating annotation labels, that can be on different colors, orientations, and also could be hidden or visible.∙Added "Annotations" property page that provides fully access to the annotation list in the real/design mode.∙Added abilities to dynamically drawing of multiply cursors, with a different colors, crosshair styles, floating/fixed, or snapped to the currently selected element!∙Added "Cursors" property page that provides fully access to the cursor list in the real/design mode.∙Added axis formatting, that allows a customization of the bottom and left axis labels.∙Added "Format" property page that provides access to the axis format properties, and a templates for of commonly used data formats such a:Numbers, Exponential, Symbolic, Date, and Time!∙Added Time format for the graph axes. To use it, you should set the XTime/YTime property to True.You also have to convert the date/time data to double format. TheDate/Time format is implemented as a as a floating-point value, measuring days from midnight, 30 December 1899. So, midnight, 31 December 1899 is represented by 1.0. Similarly, 6 AM, 1 January 1900 is represented by 2.25, and midnight, 29 December 1899 is 1.0. However, 6 AM, 29 December 1899 is 1.25.For more info refer to MSDN for the class:COleDateTime!How to test the controlYou can use the ActiveX Control Test Container, and load the Test.dsm macro from the menu Tools\Macros... You can write your own routines to test the control behavior (look at Test.dsm macro)How to use the controlTo use this OCX control, embed it in an application that supports the use of OCX controls. Microsoft Visual Basic applications, Office applications and applications created with the Micro soft Developer Studio’s AppWizard can support the use of OCX controls. There are two files required to use this control. They are:∙NTGraph.hlp -The help file for this control.∙NTGraph.ocx -The NTGraph controls code and data.Before the ActiveX control can be used in your application, it must be registered as a COM Component in the system registry. This is a self registering control. This means that to register the control in the system registry you only need to have an application load the control and ca ll the control’s exported function DllRegisterServer. You can use the REGSVR32 utility or have your setup program do this.How to use the REGSVR32 utility?Copy NTGraph.ocx to your directory and type:regsvr32 NTGraph.ocxregsvr32 /u NTGraph.ocx (Unregister server)Customizing The ControlYou can change the properties of this control during design time, or in run time to affect how the control will plot the data.Use the new control property pages:Graph Property PageElements Property PageAnnotations Property PageCursors Property PageFormat Property PageYou can include the control in your project by following the standard steps for ActiveX controls:1.Create MFC Dialog project or MDI/SDI project with View class derived fromCFormView2.Choose menu Project|Add To Project|Components and Controls...3.Open the Registered ActiveX Control gallery4.Choose the NTGraph Control and click Insert5.Visual C++ will generate the class CNTGraph6.Then you can define variable of the type as CNTGraph.The control's customization options are straightforward:// Customize Graph Propertiesm_Graph.SetBackColor (RGB(0,0,0));m_Graph.SetAxisColor (RGB(0,255,0));m_Graph.SetLabelColor (RGB(128,255,255));// Control's Frame and Plot area optionsm_Graph.SetFrameColor((RGB(0,0,0));m_Graph.SetPlotAreaColor(RGB(212,222,200));m_Graph.SetFrameStyle(2) // (1) - Flat// (2) - Scope (raised frame and sunken plot area borders)// (3) - 3DFrame (a bitmap frame picture)m_Graph.SetGridColor(RGB(192,192,192));m_Graph.SetShowGrid (TRUE);m_Graph.SetCursorColor (RGB(255,0,0));m_Graph.SetTrackMode (1);m_Graph.SetGraphTitle("XY Plot");m_Graph.SetXLabel ("X Axis");m_Graph.SetYLabel("Y Axis");m_Graph.SetRange(0.,10,-1,1.);You don't need to call the control Invalidate() function every time you change a Graph property. The changes are automatically reflected on the control appearance. To load the data into the control...Collapse////// Customize Graph Elements////// The Graph elements are dynamically allocated!// Element 0 is allocated by default// Even after a call to the ClearGraph method,// the Element-0 is automaticaly allocated.m_Graph.SetElementLineColor(RGB(255,0,0));m_Graph.SetElementLinetype(0);m_Graph.SetElementWidth(1);m_Graph.SetElementPointColor(RGB(0,0,255);m_Graph.SetElementPointSymbol(3);m_Graph.SetElementSolidPoint(TRUE);// Allocate a new element: Element-1m_Graph.AddElement();m_Graph.SetElementColor (RGB(0,255,0));m_Graph.SetElementLinewidth(1);m_Graph.SetElementLinetype(2);// Allocate a new element: Element-2m_Graph.AddElement();m_Graph.SetElementColor (RGB(0,0,255));m_Graph.SetElementLinetype(3);// Now change again the properties of Element-1m_Graph.SetElement(1);m_Graph.SetElementColor (RGB(0,0,255));...//// Load Data int the Graph Elements//double y;for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfElements; i++){for (int x = 0; x < NumberOfPoints; x++){y = (double)rand() / RAND_MAX * 10.0;y = y / 3 + 10.0 / 2 * i + 1;m_Graph.PlotXY(x, y, i);// or PlotY(double data, long ElementID)}}The same story for Visual Basic Users:With NTGraph1.PlotAreaColor = vbBlack.FrameStyle = Frame.Caption = "".XLabel = "".YLabel = "".ClearGraph 'delete all elements and create a new one .ElementLineColor = RGB(255, 255, 0).AddElement ' Add second elements.ElementLineColor = vbGreenFor X = 0 To 100Y = Sin(X / 3.15) * Rnd - 1.PlotY Y, 0Y = Cos(X / 3.15) * Rnd + 1.PlotXY X, Y, 1.SetRange 0, 100, -3, 3Next XEnd WithNTGraph Properties:Graph∙short Appearance∙BSTR Caption∙short Appearance∙BSTR Caption∙BSTR XLabel∙BSTR YLabel∙OLE_COLOR ControlFrameColor∙OLE_COLOR PlotAreaColor∙OLE_COLOR AxisColor∙OLE_COLOR GridColor∙OLE_COLOR LabelColor∙OLE_COLOR CursorColor∙IPictureDisp* ControlFramePicture ∙IPictureDisp* PlotAreaPicture∙IFontDisp*LabelFont∙IFontDisp* TickFont∙IFontDisp* TitleFont∙IFontDisp* IdentFont∙FrameType FrameStyle∙short XGridNumber∙short YGridNumber∙boolean ShowGrid∙boolean XLog∙boolean YLog∙double XCursor∙double YCursorElements∙short Element∙short ElementCount∙OLE_COLOR ElementLineColor∙OLE_COLOR ElementPointColor∙LineType ElementLinetype∙short ElementWidth∙SymbolType ElementPointSymbol∙boolean ElementSolidPoint∙boolean ElementShow∙TrackModeState TrackMode∙BSTR ElementName∙boolean ElementIdentAnnotations∙short Annotation∙short AnnoCount∙BSTR AnnoLabelCaption∙double AnnoLabelX∙double AnnoLabelY∙OLE_COLOR AnnoLabelColor∙boolean AnnoLabelHorizontal∙boolean AnnoVisibleCursors∙short Cursor∙short CursorCount∙short CursorMode (0 - Fixed; 1 - Floating; 2 - Snapped to currentlly selected element)∙double CursorX∙double CursorY∙OLE_COLOR CursorColor∙short CursorStyle (0 - Crosshair; 1 - X hairline only; 2 - Y hairline only;) ∙boolean CursorVisibleFormat∙boolean XTime∙boolean YTime∙BSTR FormatAxisBottom∙BSTR FormatAxisLeftMethodsGraph∙void SetRange(double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax)∙void AutoRange()∙void CopyToClipboard()∙void PrintGraph()∙void ShowProperties()Elements∙void AddElement()∙void DeleteElement(short ElementID)∙void ClearGraph()∙double GetElementXValue(short index, short ElementID)∙void SetElementXValue(short index, short ElementID, double newValue)∙double GetElementYValue(short index, short ElementID)∙void SetElementYValue(short index, short ElementID, double newValue)∙void PlotXY(double X, double Y, short ElementID)∙void PlotY(double Y, short ElementID)Annotations∙void AddAnnotation()∙void DeleteAnnotation(short AnnotationID)Cursors∙void AddCursor()∙void DeleteCursor(short CursorID)Tracking Mode constants∙None = 0∙Track = 1 Track cursor position (hold mouse button pressed)∙Cursor = 2 Cursor position by single click∙Zoom = 3 Unzoom (right mouse button click)∙PanXY = 4∙PanX = 5∙PanY = 6Frame Style Constants∙Flat = 0∙Scope = 1 (raised frame and sunken plot area borders)∙3DFrame = 2 (a bitmap frame picture)Line style constants∙Solid = 0∙Dash = 1∙Dot = 2∙DashDot = 3∙DashDotDot = 4∙Null = 5∙XYStep = 6∙YXStep = 7∙Bars = 8∙Stick = 9Symbol style constants∙Nosym = 0∙Dots = 1∙Rectangles = 2∙Diamonds = 3∙Asterisk = 4∙DownTriangles = 5∙UpTriangles = 6∙LeftTriangles = 7∙RightTriangles = 8Yep, that's it!Enjoy!Send mail to with questions or comments about this article. History22 Nov 2002 - v1.0 Initial release01 Dec 2002 - v1.1∙Added new method copy2clipboard.∙Added the ability to draw elements with a different number of points. (byA.Hoffman)∙New method added by A.Hoffman to Show/Hide the Graph Element∙Bug fix. Thanks to A.Hofmann for help.∙Fixed some drawing problems. Thanks to Judd.∙Added custom font support.∙Zoom Mode: Not implemented yet, but reserved.26 Jan 2003 - v2.0 (Flicker Free versiton of the control)∙Thanks to Keith Rule for the class CMemDC∙ZoomMode Implemented.∙Added tooltip, showing current cursor position.∙Added new method Autorange.∙Added new property ElementLinewidth.∙Added new property ElementLinetype.∙Fixed some drawing problems.∙Added (Test.htm) a brief info on how to add the control to your web page.09 Mar 2003 - v2.1∙PanMode Implemented.∙Modified SetElementColor, SetElementLinewidth,SetElementLinetype, so that they accept as a first parameter theElementID.∙Fixed some drawing problems. Should be clean now.∙GDI leak Fixed.01 Jun 2003 - v3.0 New release!∙Thanks to Chris Maunder for Colour Picker control02 Aug 2003 - v4.0 Final release!∙Thanks to Robert Harber for the useful discussions, ideas and code.∙Thanks to tagi1 for fixing the printing font problem.∙Thanks to Judd for testing the control.Note that since there are significant changes in the last release you should remove (first unregister and than delete) all old versions of the control from your projects! The VBA users who use the control inside of Office applications should also remove the following file NTGRAPHLib.exd in the Temp directory of your computer. This file is automatically created by the Office application and saves properties of the former created control instances. You have to delete this file before you insert the new version of the control, in order to get correctly names in the property browser.LicenseThis article has no explicit license attached to it but may contain usage terms in the article text or the download files themselves. If in doubt please contact the author via the discussion board below.A list of licenses authors might use can be found here。
内容如下:L1: [boot loader]L2: timeout=5L3: default=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWSL4: [operating systems]L5: multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /noexecute=optin /fastdetectL6: C:\grldr=MaxDOS v5.7s在[operating systems]下,每个系统的信息独占一行(上面绿色文字代表一行的开始,原文件中没有),其中的partition()表示的就是第几个分区上的系统,partition(1)就是c盘上的系统。
整个boot loader表示的是,5秒内无任何操作则自动进入c盘上的系统。
Eluktronics MECH-15HS 用户手册说明书
NoticeThe information in this user’s manual is protected by copyright laws, all parts of this manual, including the products and software described in it, can not be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, nor translated into any language.THE MANUFACTURER OR RESELLER SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ERRORS OR OMISSIONS CONTAINED IN THIS MANUAL AND SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, WHICH MAY RESULT FROM THE PERFORMANCE OR USE OF THIS MANUAL.The illustrations in this user’s manual are for reference only. Actual product specifications may vary with territories.The information in this user’s manual is subject to change without notice.TABLE OF CONTENTSNotice (2)Preface (5)1.1 Regulations Information (6)1.2 Safety Instructions (7)1.3 Conventions for this Manual (8)1.4 Release History (9)Getting to know the basics (10)2.1 Product Specification (11)2.2 Preparing your Computer (15)2.3 Product Overview (16)Getting started (24)3.1 AC Adapter (25)3.2 Knowing the Keyboard (26)3.2.1 For keyboard users (27)3.3 Using the touchpad / clickpad (30)3.3.1 Windows 10 Touchpad Usage (31)BIOS setup (32)4.1 About BIOS Setup (33)4.1.1 When to Use BIOS Setup ? (33)4.1.2 How to Run BIOS Setup ? (33)4.2 BIOS Setup Menu (34)4.2.1 Main Menu (36)4.2.2 Advanced Menu (38)4.2.3 Security Menu (40)4.2.4 Boot Menu (41)4.2.5 Exit Menu (42)Chapter 1 Preface1.1 Regulations Information¤ CE complianceThis device is classed as a technical information equipment (ITE) in class B and is intended for use in living room and office. The CE-mark approves the conformity by the EU-guidelines:- EMC Directive 2014/30/EU,- Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU(equals A2 : 2013) ,- R&TTE Directive 1999/5/ECT he unit can be operated at an ambient temperature of max. 35°C (95°F). Do not subject it to temperatures below 5°C (41°F) orabove 40°C (104 °F).C AUTION: R ISK OF EXPLOSION IF BATTERY IS REPLACEDBY AN INCORRECT TYPE DISPOSE OF USEDBATTERIES ACCORDING TO THE INSTRUCTIONS.P REVENTION OF HEARING LOSSC AUTION: L istening to music at high volume levels and forextended durations can damage one’s hearing. In orderto reduce the risk of damage to hearing, one should lowerthe volume to a safe, comfortable level, and reduce theamount of time listening at high levels. Headsets shouldcomply with EN 50332-2 requirements.1.2 Safety InstructionsDo not apply heavy pressure to the computer or subject it to any form ofstrong impact as this can damage the computer's components or otherwisecause it to malfunction.To keep your computer in prime operating condition, protect your work area from direct sunlight.Never cover or block the air vents including those located at the base of thecomputer. Never cover your computer or AC adapter with any object.Do NOT expose to or use near liquid, rain, or moisture.Do NOT use the modem during electrical storms.Do not use or expose this device around magnetic fields as magneticinterference may affect the performance of the device.152341.3 Conventions for this Manual1.4 Release History1.009.2017Initial releaseChapter 2Getting to know the basics2.1 Product SpecificationThis User’s Manual provides technical information of instructions and illustrations on how to operate this notebook for the customer. Please read this manual carefully before using this notebook.・CPUSupport ProcessorKBLH, 4+2・MemoryDDR4DDR4 2400MHz・StorageHDD2.5” SATA HDD support7/9.5mm・Physical CharacteristicDimension386.9 x 270 x 35.6mm; Weight: 3.0Kg・GPUSupport ProcessorNVDIA Geforce 1070, 256bits(N17E-G2)・I/O PortDC-in USBRJ45Card Reader HDMIx 1x 1x 1 (2 in 1 Card reader connector type) x 1 2.0 x 2 + 3.0 x 33.1 x 1 (Type C, no Audio and Video support)・AudioAudio CodecSpeaker/MICAzalia standard support, D3 mode supportAudio out & Mic in x 2Build-in 2 speakers Speaker : 2W/eachDigitial Microphone support w/ CameraDP port x 1 Quick launch buttonx 1 (FAN full speed ON/OFF)・InputKeyboard15.6”Pointing DevicePS2 Touch Pad with 2 buttons 92X52mmLCD15.6" FHD, 16:9, Glare or AG・DisplayLAN10/100/1000 Mb/SecWireless LANM.2 2230 w/ PCIE interfaceIEEE802.11b/g/n support; AC mode support ・Communication PortHD webcamHD webcam with D-MIC*1・Webcam・PowerAC AdapterAutomatics Voltage adjustment between 100 and 240VAC 50/60Hz, 230 Watts (19.5V/11.8A), 3 PinsLi-ion 18650 Battery, hard pack, Removable,6 cells (High power 3S2P 4300mAh ; or Normal 3S2P 4400mAh)BatteryPlease use the genuine adapter based on the rating of your PC's model and BIOS. If damage is determined to have been caused by utilization of an unauthorized power supply, the warranty will be void.CAUTION: MODEL IS DESIGNED TO USE WITH THE DC INPUT: 19.5V/11.8A2.2 Preparing your ComputerAConnect the AC adapter’s DC output plug to the DC IN jack.Top-Open View2.3 Product OverviewPlease become familiar with each component before you operatethe computer.CAUTION:When you are not using the computer, keep the LCD-screen closed to protect it from dust.13WebcamA device that allows you to record video or take photographs with yourcomputer.274Power ButtonPress this button to turn the computer's power on or off.56Camera Status LEDThe Camera Status LED shows the Camera status.MicrophoneBuilt-in microphone.LCD screenDisplays of your notebook computer.Power indicator*Power ON: ON*Suspend: Slow / Smooth, Blinking Red *FAN full speed: ON*Power Off: OFFCharging & Battery indicator*Charging: Red*Battery Low (<6%): Blinking Red*Charging finish : OFF*Power Mode: Blinking Red between Power & Charging Indicator WIFI CONTROL BUTTONSCREEN CONTROL BUTTONBottom Side ViewTouchpad/Click padTouch-sensitive pointing device which functions like the mouse.The left and right buttons function like the left and right buttons on astandard mouse.Left and right touchpad/Clickpad buttons8KeyboardThe keyboard provides keys with comfortable travel.91012345NOTE :The product’s thermal vent design may vary depending on the model and internal hardware in which you purchased.1Battery Lock 1 and 2 - SpringThe spring battery lock 1 and 2 are used to keep the battery pack secured.Lock 1Switch lock 1 by manual to lock or unlock.Lock 2When the battery pack is inserted, lock 2 will automatically lock.To remove the battery pack, lock 2 must be held in the unlocked position.2Battery Module34VentsHDD / RAM / SSD / WLAN Compartment CoverThe cover can be removed to install or remove the HDD / RAM/ SSD / WLAN. If damage occurs while attempting to modify orremove parts, it will not be protected under warranty.5HDD / RAM / SSD / WLAN Compartment Cover Screws You can remove the screws to install or remove the HDD / RAM / SSD / WLAN compartment cover. ( Please refer to the HDD /RAM / SSD / WLAN compartment view on the following page.)The thermal vents help the processor to avoid overheating.The thermal vents are designed to cool the internal components and avoid overheating.HDD / RAM / SSD / WLAN Compartment View (Optional)If you intend to modify or upgrade your SSD, RAM or WLAN parts, please*******************************************.Theuseofunauthorized parts will not void your warranty. However, any aftermarket or third party part must be removed before requesting warranty assistance.Right Side ViewLeft Side View3USB Ports Connects an USB device.(such as USB Zip drive, keyboard or mouse) into this jack.Audio Out JackConnects amplified speakers, headphones or microphone into this jack.12Mic In JackConnects amplified speakers, headphones or microphone into this jack.4 2 in 1 Card ReaderInsert Memory Card.1Stereo speakersProduce stereo sound. Back Side View1 2VentsPower ConnectorConnects the AC adapter into this connector.The thermal vents are designed to cool the internal components and avoid overheating.34Network JackHDMI portSupports high-definition digital video connections.56Display PortUSB PortConnected to the screen, or home theater system.7USB PortConnects an USB device (such as USB Zip drive, keyboard ormouse) into this jack.This jack allows you to connect to a Local Area Network (LAN) connection.Connects an USB device (such as USB Zip drive, keyboard ormouse) into this jack.-Intelligent charging 1.8A function for external USB device in power off mode.Shutdown state, continue to press the power button for about 6seconds, Power USB is enabled; under-powered USB shutdownstate, rst press the power button to cancel this function, press the power button is turned on.Chapter 3 Getting started3.1 AC AdapterDC IN123NOTE: The power adapter can become hot when in use. Please be sure the AC adapter is not covered with any materials keep it away from exposed parts of your body. The AC adapter appearance may vary depending on your region.CAUTION: The use of inferior extension cords may result in damageto your notebook. Your notebook comes with its own authorized ACadapter. Use of a different AC adapter or cable extension whichis not authorized for use will void warranty protection if damage tohardware is found in association to said adapter or extension cable. Please plug in the AC adapter for initial use of your notebook until your battery levels are verified to provide sufficient power. The AC adapter should be plugged back in as soon as your PC indicates the battery level is low. If the battery is continuously utilized past the point of indication of a low battery, it can affect the longevityof your battery. If you intend to remove the battery and use the PC under AC power only, the battery should be stored at room temperature at a charge level between 55-65% before removal. Note that the AC adapter included in the package is approved for your notebook; using other adapter model may damage either the notebook or other devices attached to it.3.2 Knowing the KeyboardThe following defines the colored hot keys on the Keyboard. The colored commands can only be accessed by first pressing and holding the function key while pressing a key with a colored command.3.2.1 For keyboard usersTo activate these functions, press the hot key associated with the desired function as below :Function KeysFunction KeysFunction Keys3.3 Using the touchpad / clickpad Press the left 1 and right 2 buttons located on the edge of the touchpad / clickpad to make selections and run functions. These two buttons are similar to the left and right buttons on a mouse. Tapping on the touchpad / clickpad produces similar results.The touchpad / clickpad is a rectangular electronic panel located just below your keyboard. You can use the static-sensitive panel of the touchpad / clickpad and slide it to move the cursor. You can use the buttons below the touchpad as left and right mouse buttons.Modern touchpad gesture:A modern touchpad should support the core touch gestures described in the following table.Touch Pad Gesture 3.3.1 Touchpad UsageChapter 4 BIOS setupNOTE : The drivers, BIOS and utilities bundled in the support DVD may vary by models and are subject to change without notice.4.1 About BIOS Setup4.1.1 When to Use BIOS Setup ?4.1.2 How to Run BIOS Setup ?You may need to run the BIOS Setup when:・ A n error message appears on the screen during the system booting up and is requested to run SETUP.・ Y ou want to change the default settings for customized features.・You want to reload the default BIOS settings.To run the BIOS Setup Utility, turn on the notebook and press the [Del] key during the POST procedure.If the message disappears before you respond and you still wish to enter Setup, either restart the system by turning it OFF and ON, or simultaneously pressing [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[Del] keys to restart.Be noted that the screen snaps and setting options in this chapter are for your references only.The actual setting screens and options on your Notebook may be different because of BIOS update.The setup function only can be invoked by pressing [Del] or [F2] key during POST that provide a approach to change some setting and configuration the user prefer, and the changed values will save in the NVRAM and will take effect after the system rebooted. The setup uses a menu interface to allow the user to configure their system and the features are briefly listed as follow.Press [F7] key for Boot Menu.4.2 BIOS Setup MenuOnce you enter the BIOS Setup Utility, the Main Menu will appear on the screen. Select the tags to enter the other menus.Main MenuShow system overview about memory size,setting of system time and date.Advanced MenuTo select the XD feature enable or disable XD feature only work with Intel platform + Windows.Security MenuInstall or clear the password settings for supervisor and user. Boot MenuConfigure Settings during System Boot.EXIT MenuSave or discard the changes before leaving the BIOS Setup Menu.4.2.1 Main Menu・System TimeThis item allows you to set the system time. There is a small internal (CMOS) battery which is designed to maintain your system clock. It is designed to maintain time even when thePC is powered down or in sleep mode. The time format is [hour:minute:second].Use [+] or [-] to configure system Time.・System DateThis item allows you to set the system date. The date format is [day:month:date:year].Day Day of the week, from Sun to Sat, whichis determined by BIOS (read-only).Month (Month)The month from 01 (January) to 12(December).Date (Date)The date from 01 to 31.Year (Year)The year can be adjusted by users.・Total MemoryThis allows you to see the total amount of memory.4.2.2 Advanced Menu• Wake on LANEnable/Disableintegrated LAN to wake the system.• Serial ATA HDDIt will show AHCI SATA HDD info.・NVMe DeviceEnable/Disableintegrated NVMe to wake the system.・Intel Virtualization TechnologyWhen enabled, a VMM can utilize the additional hardware capabilities provided by Vanderpool Technology.・RAID mode reminderPlease update strip size in BIOS to 128K in order for RAID to optimize performance.4.2.3 Security Menu・Change Administrator PasswordWhen this item is selected, a message box shall appear on the screen as below:Enter New PasswordType a maximum of 20-digit password and press [Enter].The password typed now will replace any previously set password from CMOS memory. You may also press [ESC] to abandon new password setting. It is extremely important to keep record for any BIOS password which is set as it can not be reset even with the removal of a CMOS battery for the security of your PC.Select Change User Password to give or to abandon password setting same as Change Administrator Password item above.Note that Administrator Password field allows users to enter and change the settings of the BIOS SETUP UTILITY, while User Password field only allows users to enter the BIOS SETUP UTILITY without having the authorization to make any change.The Password Check item is used to specify the type of BIOS password protection that is implemented.To clear a set Administrator Password/ User Password, just press [Enter] under Change Administrator Password/ Change User Password field when you are prompted to enter the password. A message box will pop up confirming password will be disabled. Once the password is disabled, the system will boot and user can enter setup without entering password.4.2.4 Boot Menu・Boot ConfigurationConfigure Settings during System Boot.・LAN Remote Boot [Disable]: Boot from LAN or not.・Set Boot Priority (1st/2nd/3rd/..... Boot)Specifies the boot sequence from the available devices.A device enclosed in parenthesis has been disabled in the corresponding type menu.・ Hard Disk Drive / USB HardDisk DriveSpecifies the Boot Device Priority sequence.4.2.5 Exit Menu・Save Changes and ResetExit system setup after saving the changes.F4 key can be used for this operation.・Discard Changes and ExitExit system setup without saving any changes.ESC key can be used for this operation.・Restore DefaultsRestore/Load Defaults values for all the setup options.F3 key can be used for this operation.。
Dell Display Manager User’s Guide OverviewDell Display Manager is a Windows application used to manage a monitoror a group of monitors. It allows manual adjustment of the displayed image, assignment of automatic settings, energy management, image rotation and other features on select Dell models. Once installed, Dell Display Manager will run each time the system starts and will place its icon in the notification tray. Information about monitors connected to the system is always available when hovering over the notification tray icon.N OTE: Dell Display Manager needs to use DDC/CI channel to communicate with your monitor. Please make sure DDC/CI is enabled in the menu as below.Using the Quick Settings DialogClicking Dell Display Manager’s notification tray icon opens the Quick Settings dialog box. When more than one supported Dell model is connected to the system, a specific target monitor can be selected using the menu provided.The Quick Settings dialog box allows convenient adjustment of the monitor’s Brightness and Contrast levels, Preset Modes can be manually selected or set to Auto Mode, and the screen resolution can be changed.The Quick Settings dialog box also provides access to Dell Display Manager’s advanced user interface which is used to adjust Basic functions, configure Auto Mode and access other features.Setting Basic Display FunctionsA Preset Mode for the selected monitor can be manually applied using the menu on the Basic tab. Alternatively, Auto Mode can be enabled. Auto Mode causes your preferred Preset Mode to be applied automatically when specific applications are active. An onscreen message momentarily displays the current Preset Mode whenever it changes.The selected monitor’s Brightness and Contrast can also be directly adjusted from the Basic tab.Assigning Preset Modes to ApplicationsThe Auto Mode tab allows you to associate a specific Preset Mode with a specific application, and apply it automatically. When Auto Mode is enabled, Dell Display Manager will automatically switch to the corresponding Preset Mode whenever the associated application is activated. The Preset Mode assigned to a particular application may be the same on each connected monitor, or it can vary from one monitor to the next.Dell Display Manager is pre-configured for many popular applications. To adda new application to the assignment list, simply drag the application from the desktop, Windows Start Menu or elsewhere, and drop it onto the current list.N OTE: Preset Mode assignments targeting batch files, scripts, and loaders, as well as non-executable files such as zip archives or packed files, are not supported and will be ineffective.Easy Arrange Your Monitor Window LayoutOn supported Dell monitors, the Easy Arrange tab allows you to easily arrange the open windows in one of the predefined layouts by dragging them in the zones. To create a custom layout, arrange the open windows and then click Save.Managing Multiple Video InputsThe Input Manager tab provides convenient ways for you to manage multiple video inputs connected to your Dell monitor. It makes it very easy to switch between inputs while you work with multiple computers.All video input ports available to your monitor are listed. You can give each input a name as you like. Please save your changes after editing.You can define a shortcut key to quickly switch to your favorite input and another shortcut key to quickly switch between two inputs if you often work between them.You can use the dropdown list to swtich to any input source.monitor.Click the PIP/PBP mode selection button to select a PIP/PBP configuration. You can adjust the PIP/PBP (Picture in Picture/Picture by Picture) from Off to PIP Small, PIP Large, or PBP Fill.You can select video inputs for your main window and sub window. Please save your change after your selection. You can define a shortcut key to quickly swap the video inputs between main window and sub window.Click Video swap button or use the defined Video swap shortcut key to swap the video inputs between main window and sub window.Applying Energy Conservation FeaturesOn supported Dell models, the Options tab will be available to provide PowerNap energy conservation options. When the screensaver activates, the monitor’s Brightness can automatically be set to minimum level or the monitor can be put to sleep in order to save additional power.TroubleshootingIf DDM cannot work with your monitor, DDM will show below icon in your notification tray.Click on the icon, DDM shows a more detailed error message.Please note that DDM only works with Dell-branded monitors. DDM does not support monitors from other manufacturers.If DDM is unable to detect and/or communicate with a supported Dell monitor, please take below actions to troubleshoot:1. Make sure the video cable is properly connected to your monitor and yourPC: especially the connectors should be firmly inserted into position.2. Check the monitor OSD to ensure DDC/CI is enabled.3. Make sure you have the correct and latest display driver from the graphicsvendor (Intel, AMD, NVidia, etc.). Display driver is often the cause of DDM failure.4. Remove any docking stations or cable extenders or converters between themonitor and the graphics port. Some low-cost extenders, hubs or converters may not support DDC/CI properly and can fail DDM. Update the driver of such device if the latest version is available.5. Restart your system.DDM may not work with below monitors:• Dell monitor models earlier than year 2013 and D-series of Dell monitors.You can refer to Dell Product Support websites for more information• Gaming monitors using Nvidia-based G-sync technology• Virtual and wireless displays do not support DDC/CI• In some early models of DP 1.2 monitors, it may be necessary to disable MST/DP 1.2 using the monitor OSDIf your PC is connected to the Internet, you will be prompted with a message when a newer version of DDM application is available. It is recommended to download and install the latest DDM application.You may also check for new version by right clicking on DDM icon while pressing and holding ‘shift’ key.。
DRIVER VERSION: May 10, 2022HIGHLIGHTS:•Launch driver for 12th Generation Intel® Core™ Processors with Intel® UHD Graphics (Codename Alder Lake-HX).•Intel® Game On Driver support for Evil Dead: The Game* and Dolmen* on Intel® 11th Generation with Xe Graphics and newer.Get a front row pass to gaming deals, contests, betas, and more with Intel Software Gaming Access.KEY ISSUES FIXED:•Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War* (DX12) may experience an application crash or pop-up error message at launch.•Metro Exodus Enhanced Edition* (DX12) may experience minor graphical corruption in game menus or during gameplay when game settings are set to low quality.•Elden Ring* (DX12) may experience green or red texture flashing corruption during fighting while in game.•[11th and 12th Generation Intel® Core™ Processors] Genshin Impact* (DX11) may experience texture flickering or corruption on character models.•[11th and 12th Generation Intel® Core™ Processors] FIFA 21* may intermittently experience a TDR or application crash when resizing the game window.•[12th Generation Intel® Core™ Processors]: FIFA 22* may experience a TDR or application crash when a match is started.• A TDR may occur while running Doom Eternal* (Vulkan®) with Steam Overlay enabled.•Tom Clancy’s: Rainbow Six Siege* may experience an application crash or TDR in game or benchmark modes when game settings are set at high, very high or ultra.•Doom Eternal* (Vulkan) may fail to enable HDR correctly when HDR is enabled via in-game settings and in Windows®.•Serious Sam 4 may exhibit graphical corruption or artifacts around some objects in game.•Deus Ex: Mankind Divided* shadows may exhibit graphical corruption.•[Intel® Iris® X e Discrete graphics] Red Dead Redemption 2* may experience an application crash or TDR when changing game or resolution settings.•[11th and 12th Generation Intel® Core™ Processors] Running DirectX®11 games in fullscreen with the Windows® “Fullscreen Optimization” option disabled, may result in a black screen when modifying resolution in games.•[11th and 12th Generation Intel® Core™ Processors] Graphical corruption may be seen in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War*.KNOWN ISSUES:•[11th and 12th Generation Intel® Core™ Processors]: Monster Hunter Rise* may experience an application crash or hang during gameplay.•Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodhunt* may experience minor intermittent white texture flashes or corruption on some objects in game and a small number of character models may experience geometry corruption.•An error message pop-up may be observed when launching Call of Duty: Vanguard* (DX12).•An application crash may occur in Watch Dogs: Legion* (DX11) when starting the game.•An intermittent crash or hang may occur during gameplay in Ghostwire: Tokyo* (DX12).•Minor graphical anomalies may be observed in Call of Duty: Warzone* (DX12), Diablo II: Resurrected* (DX12), Farming Simulator 22* (DX12), Grand Theft Auto V* (DX11), Halo Infinite* (DX12), Hitman 2* (DX12) andMarvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy* (DX12).•An “Update driver” p op-up error message may be observed when launching Battlefield 1* after upgrading from30.0.100.9955 or older drivers.•[12th Generation Intel® Core™ Processors]: Minor graphical anomalies may be seen in CrossFire HD* (DX9), GRID Legends* (DX12) (on changing lighting quality to high), F1 2020* (DX12) (when HDR enabled).•[11th and 12th Generation Intel® Core™ Processors]: Minor graphical anomalies may be seen in Gears 5* (DX12).•[11th and 12th Generation Intel® Core™ Processors]: A TDR may intermittently occur in Halo Infinite* (DX12) during gameplay.•[11th and 12th Generation Intel® Core™ Processors]: A game crash or hang may occur when changing resolution in NBA 2K21* (DX12).•[11th Generation Intel® Core™ Processors with Intel® Iris® Xe graphics]: A game crash or hang may occur when launchin g Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy* (DX12).•[11th Generation Intel® Core™ Processors with Intel® Iris® Xe graphics]: An intermittent crash or hang may occur in Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade* (DX12).•[11th Generation Intel® Core™ Processors with Intel® Iris® Xe graphics]: Minor graphical anomalies may be seen in Elex* (DX11), MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries* (DX12), Strange Brigade* (DX12) and The Ascent* (DX12).•[11th Generation Intel® Core™ Processors with Intel® Iris® Xe graphics]: A black screen or TDR may occur after launching, or during gameplay in Gears 5* (DX12).•[Intel® Iris® X e Discrete graphics]: An intermittent crash or hang may be seen in Forza Horizon 5* (DX12) when launched, Forza Motorsport 6* (DX12) when launched and Resident Evil 3* (DX12) when exiting the game.•[Intel® Iris® X e Discrete graphics]: Minor graphical anomalies may be observed in Call of Duty: Vanguard* (DX12), Enlisted* (DX11), Far Cry 6* (DX12) and Microsoft Flight Simulator*(DX11).•[10th Generation Intel® Core™ processors with Intel UHD Graphics]: An intermittent crash or hang may be observed in Battlefield V*.•[11th and 12th Generation Intel® Core™ Processors]:Display’s connected via an external dock may exhibit a black screen when using 4K@60hz resolution.CONTENTS OF THE PACKAGE:•Intel® Graphics Driver•Intel® Display Audio Driver (6th Gen and related Pentium Silver and Celeron processors)•Intel® Display Audio Driver (7th, 8th, 9th, 10th Gen Intel® Core™ processors)•Intel® Display Audio Driver (10th Gen Intel® Core™ processors with Iris Plus Graphics)•Intel® Display Audio Driver (Intel® Core™ Processors with Intel® Hybrid Technology)•Intel® Media SDK Runtime (•Intel® oneVPL6 GPU Runtime (•Intel® Graphics Compute Runtime for OpenCL* Driver•Intel® Graphics Command Center (installed via Microsoft* Store)•Vulkan*3 Runtime Installer•Intel® Graphics Driver Installer (1.0.610)•oneAPI Level Zero Loader and Validation Layer•Intel® Graphics Compute Runtime for oneAPI Level Zero specificationOPERATING SYSTEM SUPPORT:SUPPORTED APIs:If you are uncertain of which Intel processor is in your computer, Intel recommends using theor Intel Driver & Support Assistant to identify your Intel processor.Be sure to check out , where you’ll find recommended in-game settings for your Intel Graphics system for many more of your favorite games.Note:1.Intel Labs conducts independent testing of supported titles on Intel platforms to ensure playability. Please refer topublisher system requirements to ensure compatibility with your system.2.Are you still experiencing an error preventing the driver update? Look here for why and a solution. Graphics DriverSmart Installer Enhancement allows end-users to upgrade systems with OEM DCH drivers to newer Intel generic DCH drivers. OEM customizations are preserved during this upgrade process, in accordance with Microsoft* DCH driver design principles (refer to Microsoft documentation, “Extension INF Publishing Whitepaper” to learn more).The installer will continue to restrict OEM non-DCH to Intel Generic non-DCH upgrades as well as OEM non-DCH to Intel Generic DCH driver upgrades. End-users will continue to be referred to OEM websites.WARNING: Installing this Intel generic graphics driver will overwrite your Computer Manufacturer (OEM)customized driver. OEM drivers are handpicked, customized, and validated to resolve platform-specific issues, enable features and enhancements, and improve system stability. The generic driver’s intention is to temporarily test new features, game enhancements, or check if an issue is resolved. Once testing is complete Intel advises reinstalling the OEM driver until they validate it and release their own version.Any graphics issues found using Intel generic graphics drivers should be reported directly to Intel. Corporate customers should always use OEM drivers and report all issues through the vendor they purchased the platforms and support through.3.Product is conformant with the Vulkan* 1.3 specification. Vulkan* and the Vulkan* logo are registered trademarksof the Khronos Group Inc*.4.In the Intel Graphics Command Center (System > Driver), the ‘Microsoft DirectX* version refers to the operatingsystem’s DirectX version. The DirectX 12 API is supported but some optional features may not be available.Applications using the DirectX 12 API should query for feature support before using specific hardware features.Please note that DirectX12 is only supported on Windows 10 and DirectX11.3 support is also available onsupported Microsoft* operating systems.5.Intel® oneAPI Level Zero version is supported on 6th generation Intel® Core™ processors and above. Note that Intel®Atom processors are not supported.6.Intel® oneAPI Video Processing Library GPU Runtime* release – more details belowa.Intel® OneAPI Video Processing Library Specification: from Intel® Media SDK to Intel® oneAPI Video Processing Library7.See the Windows Subsystem for Linux Installation Guide for Windows 10 onwards for more details about how toinstall a supported Linux distribution.More on Intel ProcessorsFor more information on the Intel Core processor family, Intel Xeon E processor family,and 12th Generation Intel Core processors, please visit:12th Gen Intel® Core™ ProcessorsIntel® Cor e™ Processor FamilyIntel® Xeon® E ProcessorsIntel® GraphicsWe continuously strive to improve the quality of our products to better serve our users and appreciate feedback on any issues you discover and suggestions for future driver releases. If you have an issue to submit, please follow the guidance found here Default level information for reporting Graphics issues.Intel, the Intel logo, Celeron, Intel Core, Iris, Pentium and Xeon are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and/or other countries.* Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.。
在教程开始前,首先声明以下机油不适合安装黑苹果:1,AMD的处理器[内核原生不支持],如果非要安装请参考集合帖AMD相关教程2,带intel 核显/集显的笔记本电脑,但不是HD3000或者HD4000。
安装前把BOIS里面的USB Legacy Support和VD-t改为Disabled。
一. 准备阶段1,分区给安装盘和系统盘本人强烈推荐一定要把这两个区放在最后面,如果把这两个分区从中间压缩卷出来,对这两个分区进行操作时非常危险,后面的分区随时可能消失,数据无价,请机油一定要重视这个问题。
再者, mac变色龙需要主分区才能引导,而最后一个分区是可以转换成主分区的。
2,把懒人版写入硬盘除了勾上写入,其它都不选写入成功的话就会有这样的提示如果不成功,使用DiskGenius改成AF就可以了【手动输入】3,安装苹果分区读写软件: HFS for Windows 9.0有个地方一定要注意:product key的格式必须winodws产品id格式一样,即(XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX),内容随便填,否则安装好HFS for Windows 9.0后还是无法读写苹果分区。
ATK-VNL 2013.8 原子级模拟平台用户手册说明书
ATK-VNL 2013.8ATK-VNL is a leading industry-proven platform for atomic-scale modeling ofmaterials, nanostructures, and nanoelectronic devices. It includes quantum mechanical methods such as density functional theory (DFT) with either LCAO or plane-wave basis sets and semi-empirical models, simulation engine for atomic-scale simulations using classical potentials, module for nanoscale device and transport simulations using non-equilibrium Green’s function (NEGF) methodology. ATK-VNL combines the power of a Python scripting engine with the ease-of-use provided by an intuitive graphical user interface, Virtual NanoLab. All simulation engines share a common infrastructure for analysis, ion dynamics and parallel performance techniques.New Interface | Introducing Projects and the LabFloor►Group your files into projects►Easier and more transparent access to objects in NetCDF files►Complete overview of all files and data within a project on the LabFloor►Combine data sets from different files for analysis►The Builder “stash” is now persistent across sessions - and separate for different projects►But - if you like the old interface, you can also make ATK 13.8 look like 12.8 and still benefit from all the new features.►This is also handy for quickly navigating around your directory structure to locate a file.►Transmission Analyzer - investigate specific transmission spectra in more detail. Calculate transmissioneigenvalues and eigenstates interactively.►Enhanced band structure analyzer - e.g. measure band gaps.►Plotting tool for 3D grids projected to 1D►Defined by plugins - expect more, and write your own!IV Curves►Easily set up, compute, and and plot I-V curves►Investigate the transmission spectra behind the calculation.►The dynamical view in the I-V plot plugin allows you to symmetrize the curve.►Click a voltage point to highlight the transmission spectrum.Phonon Calculations►Phonon band structure and density of states for bulk materials, nanowires, nanotubes, graphene, etc.►Study thermal transport - compute the phonon transmission spectrum and calculate the Seebeck and other thermal coefficients►Parallelized with near-linear scaling up to 3N nodes (N=the number of atoms)Noncollinear Spin►Available for both electronic structure and transport calculations►Specially developed novel methods for improved convergence, using a collinear initial stateCrystal Builder►Build crystals from scratch, using Wyckoff positions►Strukturbericht templates►Symmetry recognition (spglib) - plugin the BuilderNew 3D Viewer►Improved performance for trajectory movies and large structures►Control atom color, radius etc individually►Set background color, control lighting in detail►Set atom properties by properties, like radius by Mulliken population or color by effective potential or forces (requires plugins)►Better support for old graphics drivers - performance may suffer, but at least VNL starts up properly.►Easy export of images from the Builder and Viewer in various bitmap formats.►There is also an update to the POVRay plugin for generating ray-traced imagesDoped Systems►Doping can also be introduced in the central region (earlier it was only possible to do for the electrodes) via so-called compensation charges. This allows for simulations of a wide variety of semiconductor devices, like p-n junctions, p-i-n doped Si nanowires, etc, without the need to introduce explicit dopant atoms.►Doping charge can now be set in Scripter; the compensation.►Improved convergence of doped device systems.Molecular Dynamics►Large set of Tersoff potentials from Tremolo-X►Pre/post step hooks for customized on-the-fly analysis or time-dependent modifications of the structure (to make a stress/strain curve, for instance)►NVT, NPT, NVTBerendsen, NPTBerendsen, Velocity VerletPlane Wave Method: ABINIT►Shipped with ATK 13.8 - both for Linux and Windows, with support for MPI parallelization►Fully integrated with the ATK Python scripting language for total energy, NEB, geometry optimization and band structure calculations►Other customized ABINIT tasks can be scripted tooMethod Improvements►ATK-SemiEmpirical●All models now available in fully nonself-consistent and selfconsistent form●Performance enhancements►New shell-wise Hubbard +U model►Counterpoise correction to compensate for the basis set superposition error (BSSE). Use this when optimizing molecules on surfaces etc to get high accuracy.►Grimme’s DFT-D2 semi-empirical model for van der Waals interactions, both forces and stress; parameters for most elements up to Xe►Multigrid method●Added support for non-orthogonal cells●Performance improvementsSmaller Changes, Improvements and Additions►The keyword grid_mesh_cutoff for NumericalAccuracyParameters has been renamed to density_mesh_cutoff which is more correct conceptually. The old keyword is still accepted for backwards compatibility.►It is now possible to save arbitrary numpy arrays in NC files. This is very handy when you have computed some results - possibly in a time-consuming post-processing step - and want to store them for later plotting etc.►Several small improvements to the Interface Builder, like a small inaccuracy in the positions of plot points in the surface cell picker, shift in Z kept consistent when adding layers, and the default suggestion for the surface cell is now really the smallest cell.►Device from Bulk - algorithmic improvements and new presentation of electrode Z-length choices.►A few performance improvements related to MD simulations and other cases where a copy is needed of aconfiguration.►Unit cells and coordinates are now slightly rounded to avoid 0 being represented as 1e-17 in generated scripts.►No question anymore for permission to overwrite existing NC files - ATK doesn’t actually overwrite existing NC files, it just appends to them (normally, at least - unless you use an object ID already present in the file).►Memory Usage button in the Script Generator to provide an estimate of the required memory for a calculation.Can also be inserted in a script, since the estimate can take some time. See the dedicated tutorial for moredetails.►Transmission spectrum is now always identically zero for energies where there are no propagating states. This means you can trust that a small but non-zero value is not just numerical noise but actually indicates finite but small transmission.►Clearer which stash items you are about to delete.►Possibility to make the stash panel in the Builder larger.►The scipy package is now part of ATK.►Clearer error messages in cases where licenses (trial or usual ones) have expired.Serious Bugs Fixed (Which Could Give Incorrect Results in Calculations!)►The wrong set of k-points for hexagonal (and other) lattices were generated by the symmetry recognitionroutines in ATK in some cases, which could result in incorrect results for the density of states. In 13.8.1 thisis solved by not using symmetries at all - this makes the calculations take a bit longer of course. In 14.2 thecorrect symmetry points will be used.►The Cleaver was unable to cleave for instance base-centered orthorhombic crystals correctly. Also, there were issues when you manually rotated the cell - even if you chose an “electrode” cell, C was not perpendicular to the AB plane always.►The dynamical matrix calculation now employs the acoustic sum rule and symmetries to avoid negativefrequencies.►A degeneracy factor was missing for the entropy of phonon DOS.►The function sortCoordinates (used e.g. in the “Coordinate list” plugin) would fail for systems with many atoms, leaving the atoms unsorted. This was especially a problem for large devices which rely on this sorting for the central region to reduce memory usage (and indeed construct the device using “Device from Bulk”).►A Bohr/Angstrom mixup in QuantumEspresso import caused incorrect structures if the input file was specified in Bohr.►Errors with Tersoff potentials for III-V alloys (Tersoff_GaAs_2002, Tersoff_GaAs_2011 and Tersoff_InGaAs_2000) have been corrected (the errors are actually in the original references themselves). Additions & Improvements►LDOS for ATK-SE has been implemented.►Thermal transport coefficients can now be plotted as a function of the Fermi level (image to the right)►ElectrodeValidator function - new way to find proper electrode sizes (will be presented in the new ATK device tutorial)►Adding more information to the About box, to help diagnose OpenGL issues. Also possible to email theinformation directly to QuantumWise.►ElectronDifferenceDensity now calculates all spin components.►All files are unchecked by default in new projects, to avoid a large new project taking very long time to load.►The dynamical matrix is no longer recalculated for devices each time - now it will be reused if it has alreadybeen calculated.►The colorbar is now included in exported images.►Export Abinit scripts to a directory without actually running them (this is not supported from the ScriptGenerator though, you have to add a line in the script).►Band structure plots etc now have window titles so you know which file they come from.►The object ID is shown in the tooltips for items imported to the LabFloor from NC files.►You can now delete files using the keyboard (Del button) in the file panel of the main VNL window.►The Installation guide has been added to the Start Menu.►Sorting of the projects in the “Open project” dialog has been disabled because sorting caused the wrong project to be opened when you selected it.►LabFloor importers now give item titles to FHI and QuantumEspresso files.►The scrollbars on the LabFloor work better now.Noticeable But Not Severe Bugs►It was not possible to select multiple images in a NEB path in the Builder - and thus not possible to applyoperations like Translate etc to many images at once.►The Script Generator made incorrect scripts for GGA and MGGA with ABINIT.►Spin-polarized device calculations using DFTB now works - the equivalent bulk was not polarized which causeda segfault when going into the device part.►When exporting matplotlib data, the global normalization factor was not removed, so the data was not scaled properly.►Running MemoryUsage for device using a DFTB calculator now works.►Cut Planes in the Viewer would not display negative values.►Running a quick optimization with the Brenner potential made it impossible to insert a spatial region.►LDOS was not supported in the Projector1D plugin►Crystal Builder: if the first inserted point is (x,y,z), editing coordinates didn’t work.►The NEB builder progress bar appeared behind the Builder and the “Create” button could easily be clickedmultiple times inf you didn’t notice it was already running.►Cut Planes in the Viewer - the preset planes AC and BC were reversed.Smaller Stuff►A smaller Bohr/Angstrom mixup for unit cells has been fixed.►“Analysis from File” (and a few other file dialogs) did not always open up in the project directory.►Crystal Builder: the default unique axis for Monoclinic should be B►The discs at the end of bonds were not transparent.► was written twice when LabFloor items were grouped by calculator ID►Classic mode started in the wrong directory sometimes.►Copy atoms is no longer possible for NEB configurations in plugins like Translate etc (it doesn’t make sense).Unfixed Known Issues►Running Abinit in parallel requires special setup of the cluster, and even with that it sometimes doesn’t workproperly. We are investigating the issue but don’t expect to have a fix until ATK 14.2.►Sometimes you click the “Create” button in the I-V Curve generator but nothing happens. Solution: try again! It’s because of a conflict with the file being locked for reading by the LabFloor, and the file is unavailable for writinga short period after that.►Coloring of isosurfaces for Bloch states is wrong.►Reloading plugins raises errors if any atoms are selected when the reload is requested. Workaround: unselect all atoms first.►Trajectories where the cell changes were not read correctly (nlread).►The method “lastImage()” for trajectories now works as intended.►MoS2 and MoSe2 structures corrected in the Database (cf. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 4, 4078 (2002)).►Sealed a memory leak (self-energies) in device calculations.►Forces for non-selfconsistent Slater-Koster models corrected.►EMTCalculator ignored repeated images and therefore did not work correctly for bulk configurations.►No matter which k-point sampling you set in C, the Script Generator always generated the script with 100points, which is always a safe choice, so it’s not a serious problem, but anyway fixed now.►The maximum number of steps set for an optimization will now apply also to a stress optimization. Earlier the loop over stress would run forever if the criterion was not met.►Better handling of zero (or very small) or very large values of the lattice parameters (could force the Builder to crash). Also improved error messages for illegal lattice parameters.►Tags are now kept when systems are dragged and dropped onto each other in the Builder.►The “Fit cell” plugin has been improved for some difficult cases.►Passivate tool could cause VNL to segfault for some structures - fixed.►Z-matrix tool now handles the selection order of atoms correctly when switching stash items.►Spatial regions inside electrodes are now displayed correctly in the Builder and Viewer (and not shifted inside the central region as before).►Better handling of rare cases where atoms are deleted in the electrodes causing the device to become invalid.►Contour integral parameters now cloned correctly when upgrading a calculator.►Ctrl and Shift not always observed when clicking the 3D view when the Builder is not active.►Cube file export no longer prints the trailing line which could trip up some other programs that import Cube files.►Improvements to the license configuration tool, to correct for mistakenly set server port.►Effective Mass Analyzer prints unit for Cartesian k-points - was confusing that they appeared in 1/Bohr when most other output in ATK is in Angstrom.►The NEB preoptimization also uses the max_steps keyword set for the NEB calculation itself.►Eigenstates, small bug related to using default quantum numbers.►Again possible to add an extra image between other ones in a NEB path - worked in 12.2 but not in 12.8.►Ti-beta actually generated a structure with a Tl (thallium) atom - typo...►Nanowire plugin doesn’t crash anymore when using a small radius►... plus a few really small and esoteric issuesBug Fixes (Compared to 12.8.2)Synopsys QuantumATK TeamFruebjergvej 3DK-2100 CopenhagenDENMARKTel: +45 333 32 300Email:***********************©2018 Synopsys, Inc. All rights reserved. Synopsys is a trademark of Synopsys, Inc. in the United States and other countries. A list of Synopsys trademarks is available at https:///copyright.html . All other names mentioned herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. 06/28/18.snSheet_qatk2018features.indd。
7.1 MCU INTERFACE .................................................................................................................................................16 7.1.1 6800 Mode ..................................................................................................................................................16 7.1.2 8080 Mode ..................................................................................................................................................16 7.1.3 Register Pin Mapping .................................................................................................................................16 7.1.4 Pixel Data Format ......................................................................................................................................16 7.1.5 Tearing Effect Signal (TE) ..........................................................................................................................17 7.2 SYSTEM CLOCK GENERATION .............................................................................................................................18 7.3 FRAME BUFFER....................................................................................................................................................19 7.4 SYSTEM CLOCK AND RESET MANAGER ...............................................................................................................19 7.5 LCD CONTROLLER ..............................................................................................................................................20 7.5.1 Display Format ...........................................................................................................................................20 7.5.2 General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) ......................................................................................................20
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Bioinformatics Advance Access published June 16, 2004Bioinfor m atics© Oxford University Press 2004; all rights reserved.SNPicker: A Graphical Tool for Primer Picking in Designing MutagenicEndonuclease Restriction AssaysTianhua Niu1,Zhenjun Hu21) Division of Preventive Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard MedicalSchool, 900 Commonwealth Ave., MA 022152) Bioinformatics Program, Boston University, Boston, MA 02215Running Title: SNPicker: A Graphical Tool for Primer PickingAddress for correspondence and reprints:Dr. Tianhua Niu, Division of Preventive Medicine, Department of Medicine,Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, 900 Commonwealth Ave.,Boston, MA 02215. Phone: (617) 278-0860, Fax: (617) 731-3843, E-mail:tniu@ABSTRACTSummary: Simple, low-cost, and accurate genotyping methods for single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are in high demand in the post-genome-sequencing era. We present a graphical tool called SNPicker, implemented in Java, which significantly facilitates the design of mutagenic endonuclease restriction assays. SNPicker uses the on-line NEB REBASE to automatically scan for all possible designs of mutagenic primers that can facilitate the picking of mismatched PCR primers to artificially introduce or abolish a restriction site at the target SNP site.We successfully applied SNPicker in designing endonuclease restriction assays for 14 SNPs for the MTHFR gene, the Coagulation Factor II gene, and the Coagulation Factor V gene. The SNP assays designed using SNPicker were cross-validated using the MassARRAY technology. Availability: SNPicker, as a software tool in the Web-based SeqVISTA Suite, is freely available at /SeqVISTA/. A tutorial for SNPicker is available at/SeqVISTA/manual/SNPicker.htm.Contacts: tniu@, zjhu@Keywords: Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms, Genotyping, Primer,Java, Web ServiceINTRODUCTIONSingle nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), accounting for >90% of all human DNA variants (Twyman and Primrose, 2003), occur at a frequency of approximately 1 SNP/kb throughout the genome when the sequences of any two randomly selected individuals were compared (Bentley, 2000). SNPs are widely used in disease gene mapping (Bell, 2002), genetic testing (Simsek et al., 2002), and pharmacogenomic studies (Ambrose, 2002). Endonuclease restriction assay is a well-developed enzymatic method for SNP genotyping by analysis of DNA restriction patterns. In the case when a SNP of interest does not change a restriction site, one can engineer a mutagenic oligonucleotide primer, creating a "half-site" that constructs a “full-site” for a specific restriction endonuclease jointly with the target mutation (i.e. the complementary “half-site”). We previously reported a prototype for a primer design computer program for assisting mutagenic endonuclease restriction assays (MERA) SNPkit (Hao et al., 2002),which has drawn a significant attention from the genetics community, resulting in a large volume of requests. However, SNPkit, as a “bare-bone” prototypic software, only generates text-based output files containing the lists of various choices of mutagenic primers and their corresponding restriction enzymes. When there are many different mutagenic primer choices, it is not easy for the user to decide which mutagenic primer to pick. For example, for any given mutagenic primer designed by SNPkit, it is difficult for the SNPkit user to check whether its corresponding restriction endonuclease has undesirable cutting sites at other places of the PCR amplicon. In order to pick the “best-fit” primer, the user has to do a manual screen of all the possible mutagenic primer designs using tools such as NEBCutter (Vincze et al. 2003). This manual process is labor-intensive, time-consuming, and error-prone. To overcome this weakness of SNPkit, we developed SNPicker, a software tool written in Java that not only implements the function of SNPkit, but also graphically displays the locations of all the respective recognition sites corresponding to the restriction endonucleases of all automatically designed mutagenic primers. We found that SNPicker significantly lessened the burden of primer picking.METHODS AND IMPLEMENTATIONPrimer Design Algorithm:We employed the following algorithm using the Java language.The primer design algorithm keeps at least two perfect matches at the 3’ end of the mutagenic primer to ensure that the primer can extend properly during the PCR. The site of the SNP, in the context of its flanking sequence, is searched exhaustively on-line against a comprehensive restriction endonuclease database-NEB(New England Biolabs)’s REBASE to see whether the SNP alters a restriction site. If the search is successful, the SNP can be directly genotyped using the standard restriction endonuclease assay. If not, one, two, or three mismatches within the 5-10 bp flanking region spanned by the primer sequence can be selected to be introduced into the primer by randomly permuting each “mismatch”position with all four possible bases (A, T, C, G), and those qualified mutagenic primers that do create a "half-site" that constructs a “full-site” for a specific restriction endonuclease jointly with the target mutation will be screened out (Figure 1). The opposing primer can be designed using either the Primer3 software (/cgi-bin/primer/primer3_www.cgi) or other custom software programs such as DNAMAN (Niu et al., 2001) by choosing a primer with a comparable melting temperature (the difference of melting temperature between the upstream and downstream primers is within 2°C), which together with the mutagenic primer, gives rise to a PCR amplicon of a desirable length, typically between 100-180 bp. In addition, SNPicker can be used to perform functions similar to NEBCutter (Vincze et al., 2003; /NEBcutter) by specifying the value of SNP position as -1.Graphical Display of the Restriction Sites for Various Designs:The SNPicker program displays all mutagenic primers found by the Primer Design Algorithm described above. The names of the restriction endonucleases, as well as their corresponding cutting sites within the entire PCR amplicon are shown. We put SNPicker as a widget of the SeqVISTA suite (Hu et al., 2003), such that the user can use other functions of SeqVISTA during their primer picking process. For example, the RepeatMasker function of SeqVISTA can be used to mask any repeated sequences. Moving the mouse over the SNP position will invoke a MouseOver event showing a text box that displays theinformation of the SNP. The graphical window can also be zoomed in or out by the user to view local or holistic features.Example To illustrate the use of SNPicker, we describe here the design of an MERA for one SNP identified by Niu et al. (2001) using denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography, C15096T in the delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase gene. This SNP is a C T substitution at position 96 in a 913-bp PCR amplicon (nt 15001-15913 at GenBank Acc. #: X64467). By specifying one mismatch in applying SNPicker, it can be seen that by substituting “A” with “C” residue in the upstream primer 4-bp upstream of the target site (Fig. 1), the extended PCR product generates a restriction site for endonuclease Pvu I in the C allele, not in the T allele. Furthermore, the Pvu I site is absent in the rest of the PCR amplicon, which indicates that this is a desirable design. We tested the assay and the results were satisfactory.Application We applied SNPicker in designing MERAs for 14 SNPs for the 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene (rs1994798, rs2066470, MTHFR C-677T, MTHFR A-1298C), the Coagulation Factor II (FII) gene (FII-005389, FII-011111, FII-G20210A), and the Coagulation Factor V (FV) gene (rs4524, rs4525, rs6019, FV Leiden, rs6020, rs6022, and rs6030). All 14 SNPs have also been genotyped independently in a blinded manner at a different laboratory (Harvard Partners Center for Genetics and Genomics, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA) using the primer-extension chemistry - MassARRAY assay (Jurinke et al., 2002). For each SNP, 96 DNA samples were tested and the results of the different chemistries for each DNA sample were compared. We found the concordance rate was 100% for all the assays designed using SNPicker. Although MERA is a robust and convenient procedure, potential limitations of this technique in SNP analysis include (1) MERA is less amenable to automation because it is a gel-based method; (2) the cost of SNP genotyping can be high for restriction endonucleases with high price tags, and (3) this method has a relatively low throughput due to its manual nature. Therefore, MERA is useful primarily for genotyping a limited number of samples. Potential applications of this method include (1) candidate gene association studies (Szombathy et al., 2000), (2) genome-wide genemapping using a high-density SNP map (Wicks et al., 2001), and (3) molecular diagnostics (Yamaki et al., 1998; Jassim et al., 1999; Love-Gregory et al., 2001).ACKNOWLEGMENTSWe thank Dr. Richard Roberts (New England BioLabs, Beverly, MA) for insightful discussions. This research was supported in part by the National Institutes of Health grants R01 HG002518-01, P20GM066401-01, and A08-POGM66401A.REFERENCESAmbrose, H.J. 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The schematic illustration of picking a mutagenic primer for a mutagenic endonuclease restriction assay of the C15096T polymorphism of the delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase gene by using SNPicker. The left hand side shows a screenshot of SNPicker. By clicking on the “SNPicker” icon in the Advanced menu of SeqVISTA, a dialog window is displayed (upper right). For this polymorphism, it is a C T substitution at position 96 in the PCR amplicon (nt 15001-15913 at GenBank Acc. #:X64467), and the “number of mismatch” is selected as 1. SNPicker runs through the on-line NEB REBASE, and generated a large number of compatible mutagenic primer choices. We picked the mutagenic primer that includes a A C mutation in the 5’ primer 4-bp upstream of the mutant site, and this mutagenic primer generates a restriction site for endonuclease Pvu I, in the C allele, but not in the T allele (lower right).。