
Useful Expressions
be neatly and quietly dressed 衣着整洁素雅
in accordance with one’s age and station 合乎某人的年龄和身份 play bridge 玩桥牌 a united and affectionate family 和睦恩爱的一家人
Useful Expressions (be) down and out commit suicide on account of be taken aback 穷困潦倒 自杀 由于 吃一惊
in good condition 身体状态好 in bad condition 身体状态不好 wish sb. good luck 祝某人好运 drive at sth. 意指,要说
Unit Five
Useful ExpresБайду номын сангаасions
Useful Expressions shrug one’s shoulders 耸耸肩(以示怀疑、与己无关、不知道) 目光短浅 small insight great vanity 骄傲自大 give sb. a great surprise 让某人大吃一惊 from one’s own lips 听某人亲口讲述
in one’s youth
Useful Expressions nod a greeting 点头致意 have an instinct about … 对…有一种本能 pink-and-white cheeks 两颊白里透红 give a kindly chuckle 和善地咯咯一笑 with a bad grace 勉强地 with a good grace 欣然地 go broke 破产,身无分文

二、学习的内容Unit 1 How to Improve Your Study Habits(一)内容概述本文介绍了六种方法改进学习习惯,以期提高学习成绩,即合理安排时间,选择学习环境,课前预习课文,充分利用课堂,课下及时复习,正确对待考试。
(二)学习重点1.词汇重点:2.句型重点:(1)This is not necessarily the case(2)Listen to what the teacher says(3)It is important to…It is +a.(形容词)+to do sth.(4)as soon as you can(5)remain confused about(6)Improving your study habits will improve your grades.(7)spend time (in) doing sth.(8)help…with…3.阅读技巧重点:正确的阅读习惯四、语法重点:本单元的语法学习重点是英语的基本句型。
SVC(主语—动词—主语补语)SV(主语—动词)SVO(主语—动词—宾语)SVOiOd(主语—动词—间接宾语—直接宾语)SVOCo(主语—动词—宾语—宾语补语)(三)学习提示本文属于典型的三段式写作,即introductory paragraph引言段(第一段),body正文(第二至第兼其内容是关于学习方法,建议在新学习开始前仔细阅读和记忆。

Task: Decline your friend’s invitation to go out to dinner.
Put in Use
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Exercise 1
Imagine you are inviting your friend Bill to a concert tonight, but he happens to have to finish a term paper. Complete the following conversation with him by filling out the blanks.
Sample 2
Declining an Invitation S: I’d love to and I’m sure Mr. Johnson would, too. I wonder if we could make it some other time if it is convenient? C: What about Saturday? But I need to alert you that the coach will leave quite early at 7 o’clock. S: I’ll ask Mr. Johnson if he has any plans, but I think it’ll be all right. Suppose I give you a ring this afternoon and let you know. C: That would be fine.
Task Five
A: B: A: Well, thank goodness. It’s Friday, Jean? Yes, it was a long week, Ken. Say, I was wondering if you would like to go out to dinner tonight. I’d like to take you somewhere really special. Oh, thanks, but ... maybe some other time. I’ve got so much work to do. I’ll be working at the office late tonight.
Lesson Two In the Laboratory综合英语一下册课文,练习语法讲解

Lesson Two In the LaboratorySamuel H. ScudderLearning Guide美国著名昆虫学家塞缪尔?斯卡德记叙了多年前他初进哈佛读书,在阿加西斯教授的实验室学习的一段难忘的经历:一条作标本的鱼,竟让他用肉眼整整观察了三天。
这篇文章是美国昆虫学家Samuel H.Scudder(1837-1911)回忆读书时,他老师的学术态度,老师的对待科学的严谨态度使他终生受益。
Samuel H.Scudder 在Williams College以及Harvard University受的教育,是他那个时代有名的昆虫学家。
一、词汇boratory n. 实验室缩写为 lab2. enroll v. 登记,注册3.reach v. 伸手取4.specimen n. 标本,样品5.alcohol n. 酒精6. disappointed adj. 失望的,沮丧的7.disappointment n. 失望,沮丧8. gaze v. 凝视,盯着9. challenging adj. 有挑战性的10. unpleasant adj. 讨厌的,使人不愉快的11. set v. 着手;决心12. disgusting adj. 十分讨厌的,令人恶心的13. ghastly adj. 苍白的,死人一般的14. beneath prep. 在…下面15.sideways adv. adj. 侧面的;横向的16. magnifying glass n. 放大镜17. instrument n. 仪器,器械18. limited adj. 受限制的,有限的19.field n. 范围,领域20. desperation n. 绝望21.scale n. (鱼、蛇等的)鳞,鳞片22.nonsense n. 无意义的行为23.strike v. (一种想法)突然产生24.feature n. 特点,特征25.creature n. (包括人类的)生物,动物26.encouraging adj. 激励的,振奋人心的27.attentively adv. 专心地,聚精会神地28.brief adj. 简洁的,简短的29.air n. 神态,样子30.earnestly adv. 认真地31. visible 可见的,看得见的32.plainly adv. 明白地,易懂地33.misery n. 苦恼,痛苦,不幸34.wretched adj. 讨厌的,悲惨的,可怜的35.criticism n. 批评36.close n. 终结,结束37.inquire v. 询问38.next best adj. 次好的,居第二位的39.disconcerting adj. 令人紧张的,使人心慌的40.account n. 说明,解说;报告41.reassuring adj. 使人放心的,给人打气的42.symmetrical adj. 对称的43.paired adj. 成对的44.thoroughly adv. 完全地,彻底地45. repay v. 回报,偿还46.wakeful adj. 不眠的,睡不着的47.most adv. 非常,很,极48.enthusiastically adv. 热情地,热心地49.point n. 特征,品质50.artificial adj. 人造的,人工的51.aid n. 辅助器具52.repeat v. 重说;重做53.similarity n. 相似之处54.family n. (生物)科55. part v. 使分开,分离56. part with 丢掉,卖掉,放弃57.observe v. 观察,注意到58.orderly adj. 有秩序的,有条理的59.arrangement n. 排列;安排60.urge v. 驱策;激励;推动61.connection n. 联系;关系62.in connection with 与……相关联w n. 规律二、课文分析Page 28 Para. 11. I entered Professor Agassiz's laboratory, and told him I had enrolledmy namein the Scientific School as a student of natural history.我进入阿加西教授的实验室,告诉他,我已经注册成为自然科学院的一名生物学的学生。

Section A Listening and Speaking
Part Three Dialogues
Dialogue 2 H: Let me have a look…Oh well, these things do
care about your grades?
Text A
Section B reading
A little Girl's Dream 一个小女孩的梦想
P3 Do you work less hard or push yourself to do
Besides saying how much you have enjoyed
yourself, you should also say some good words
properly about the hostess's personal beauty,
cooking, the house or the children.
Text A
Section B reading
A little Girl's Dream 一个小女孩的梦想
P3 The good grades are a reward for my work.
My parents are just there to encourage me but it
Text A
Section B reading
A little Girl's Dream 一个小女孩的梦想

1、1、金融用语:受取手形:应收票据;外貨ポジジョン:外汇头寸;公定歩合:法定贴现率;最割引率:再贴现率;つなぎ融資:过渡性融资;変動為替レート:浮动汇率2、股市用语:上げ幅:升幅;先安:看跌;そこを割る:跌破最低大关;持ち合い:暂告平息;軟調:疲软3、缩略语:ADBゕジゕ開発銀行(亚洲开发银行);CIEC 国際経済協力会議(国际经济合作会议);GA TT関税貿易一般協定(国际关税和贸易总协定);FAO 国連食料農業機構(联合国粮农组织);IMF 国際通貨基金(国际货币基金组织);JICA国際協力事業団(日本国际事业协力团)OPEC石油輸出国機構(石油输出国组织);UNDP国連開発計画(联合国开发计划署)一、经济类文章○円の国際化変動相場制の第二の不均衡は、日本の貿易収支の大幅な黒字である。

高教版Book1 Unit2 I can do it. 教学设计Book1 Unit2 I can do it.(第一课时)一、教材与学情分析本课是高教版基础模块1第二单元的第一课时,该课的具体内容主要是描述个人能力的词汇,有关个人能力的描述,询问和谈论能力的语句。
综合以上特点,整堂课设计如下:二、教学目标1.知识目标(1)学生能掌握描述个人能力的短语,如repair computers, serve customers, teach English, speak Chinese等。
(2)能掌握描述和询问个人能力的句型,如:I can repair computers.Can you sing English songs? Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.2. 能力目标(1)学生能听懂关于询问和描述个人能力的对话。
五、教学方法:TPR(Total Physical Response) andCommunicative Teaching.六、教学步骤:Step1 Review(3 minutes)1.Words:engineer manager secretary doctorsinger driver waiter teacher nurse2. Sentences:T: What do you want to be?S1: I want to be an engineer.Ss:I want to be a manager/secretary/nurse/doctor/singer/driver/waiter/teacher.Step2 Lead-in(3 minutes)T: Your dreams are very good. Now please imagine that’s two years later, you all have realized your dreams. StudentA,you are a driver now,what can you do?StudentA: I can drive cars. (学生肯定不会用英语回答,同意学生用汉语回答,并把英语问句和答语书写到黑板上。

A STUDY OF SOLAR STREET LIGHT AND OPTIMIZATION FOR SPACING IN POLESAND COST1ABHINANDAN SHARMA, 2Prof. (Dr.) B. K. SHARMA, 3HARI SINGH, 4BHANU PRATAP SINGH1Scholar, Suresh Gyan Vihar University, Jaipur, Email: abhinandan.sharma000@2Prof & Head, MEd, Dean Students Welfare, Email: bks.sharmaaa@ 3Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, GVSET, Jaipur, Email: harisingh027@ 4Scholar, Suresh Gyan Vihar University, Jaipur, Email: pratap.bhanu755@ABSTRACTIn this paper we are studding the convectional led light of renewable energy of electrification. Now the India has been using the remote control of energy in solar power. Solar electrification is the most important part of the developing in India as it is urban area or rural area. In this paper, we are focusing the optimization of solar electrification to charge of power, cost efficient and efficiency effect. Also discuss the how LED light is more efficiently as compare to the CFL light in solar street light. We will discuss the study of LED light and CFL light about access the energy in solar project. Solar street light project has developed by new technology as automated control system, tubular battery, panel’s type. India is using the solar street light in rural areas because of the less transportation of electricity in rural areas. We are studding the rural street light in Rajasthan to generate the solar electric light in road. Solar Street light is friendly behavior of human being to save the energy and reduces the criminal cases on road in night and also reduced the accident in night. Street light optimization is discussing the sufficient of street light in an area of road in INDIA.We are discussing the population of rural area and use the street light to evaluate the effect on environment by the different type of light.KEY WORDS: Solar street light, rural development, Renewable energy, Energy conservation, Distance optimization.1.INTRODUCTIONTheoretical workThe research of light has been crucial in solar power system. It is work on sun light to photovoltaic cells. The natural lights which come from sun rays is absorbed by the solar photovoltaic and create the energy into the electric energy. Electric energy is stored in batteries and flow the current in CFL or led light. Now these days, the improvement of the research in electricity by the sun rays is the more efficiently and less light pollution. In present day, we are using the CFL and Led light in street light system. CFL and LED light has less maintenance cost, but the led light has high installation charge. But the maximum efficiency of the LED light is good by its given luminance and a better illumination comparison to CFL light.Fig. 1‐ Sun rays on solar panel The source of light sun which provides the illuminationis conducting the semi conductor material. The solar panels are the device which converts the light energy to the electric energy. Mono‐crystalline and Polycrystalline are the basic type of solar panel. Mono‐crystalline has more efficiency as compare to Polycrystalline. Mono‐crystalline panel has some demerit it stops when the any part of crystalline in shadow.Table 1: Solar electrification in rural area in mwSource: MNRE, 2011_17.Solar energy convert of electric energy is stored in battery in power which gives the current of light bulbs. Battery is supported to load of the invertors to carry the control of charge the battery. We use the tubular battery in the solar system to reduce the resistance in battery and the wires. Solar heat to electricity is no convectional recourses. Solar panel are fixed in series and in parallel, each cells are made on silicon to increase the current. The crystalline silicon as like ribbon and thin silicon are most popular in solar system. Led light are based on silicon carbide and it is less emitted diode. In rural areas are using the led much better than other lamp. Led save not also power but also money standard all other current and consume the 50% power saving. Led has the good white brightness and it’s available in large production. Cause of much appliance it’s shipping in large amount of production for the consumer. Solar power system has take place the fossil fuel in some area as well as home power, street light, industries etc. Renewable energy has adoption the some type of power like water power, wind turbine, tidal power, and solar technologies.Table2: Electricity generation in IndiaSource: MNRE report, 2011_17.Solar trackers are the work in the clean sky and track the sun rays for the good output. It tracks the one and two axis the sun rays. When tracker is track the sun rays it passes the one axis east to west throughout the whole day and the module of cells and the light do not change it direction it always fix on its angle. Controller is the device which controls the dc electricity and command to the device which control the electric gear machine to generate the electricity. It is used for the collecting on sun rays by the solar panel.Fig.2‐ The block diagram of the solar street lightsystem (IJESRT) The rural area has developed the using the solar electrification and willingness to pay the charge of electricity. Solar electrification has less bill charge and less use of fossil fuel, great brightness of light. Street light turn off and on automatically by the sensors. In winter season when sun does not arise it can maintain automatically. Now the available of latest technology of street light we found the new types of installation of street light like wireless technology, fuzzy method. Street light has neither pollutants nor rotating parts and no moving parts causes of this government approved the authorized of street energy to research of solar projects.Fig 3‐ Energy consumption in countriesIn India has become the major problems of the supply of fuel and it is also going to be misbalanced to supply the energy. India is importing the 80% of fuel in couple of year so it is becoming the major roll of problem in security of energy. The uses of large amount of energy in electricity has needed the new generation of production of electrification. The demand of light in industry, institute and residence is increasing the value of thermal plants in using fuels and the demand. The rural areas where the lack of electricity is using the more amount of kerosene. This is all decreasing the value of subsidies of government and increasing dependence the important of fuel.Fig.4 ‐ % in energy consumptionThe renewable of energy has supporting in area of energy in residential, industrial, commercial and rural area. The renewable energy has less effect of environment. Government has approved the power ofthe energy resources in the basic plans and change to theministry of using of the renewable energy in large amount. The renewable energy is using the grid/off‐grid distribution of light in resources in the rural areas. The vision of the government to use of next generation of electricity has prepared the affects of the atmosphere in local area, national and worldwide energy consumption. To calculation of development, decreasing, the total use and the going to be use of energy are measuring by the scientific, numerically and the technical equations solution now available.Table3: Efficiency of solar panelThe important principal of street light has become the requirement of safety, security, environmental issue and the cost effectiveness of the road lights. Te government takes place in rural area and urban area to use the street light by the help of solar renewable resources. This is the awareness of the accident which is harmful for the human being and pedestrianism of the road side in rural areas for drivers. It has created the main roll of stop the criminal activities on road. When we design the any type of light we must consider the round of the area like residential, commercial, street light and the industrial. Different area wants the different type of design in street light as it airport or road way street light. The changing of vision of light has become the growth of the rural street light or urban street light. There are many segment types of situation of read as it is single road then the one side road electrification and the double road in the double side road electrification. The strategy of the road is depend of the road as it is single or double. The distribution of light is calculated of the distance and height in short size, medium size and high side of the strategy of road.Fig.5‐ Intensity vs. distance (1/cm2) Rajasthan has the big area of India’s map and the deserts have the large ball of this state. Rajasthan has parted with 33 districts, 244 Tehsils, 249 panchayat and 184 urban cities. The area of lighting in Rajasthan has forward in urban states and the rural states. Rajasthan are using the non convectional of solar resources of solar photovoltaic products in street light. Now the Rajasthan is using the solar products in street light, historical buildings, residential areas, commercial areas and the industrial areas where the electric light is being more costly. This type of solar street light has possible to good achievement to result of energy cost, consumption and the maintenance. And the color of light is choosing by the selection of area.2.OBJECTIVE AND MATERIAL2.1 ObjectiveThe objectives of solar street light are using optimization of cost in the rural area of India with LED light. The calculation of LED and CFL light in street light are servicing with efficient and less of cost use. The major objectives of solar street light have promoted the reducing of fossil fuels and increase the using of new technology of renewable energy sources. The mobilization of financial report of rural areas has implemented in renewable energy sources and generating of electricity by the renewable energy.The electricity is using in the rural areas increase continuous day by day so the developing of energy resources by appreciate the demand and need of them street light system. To increase the energy efficiency and avoid the other generating energy sources. The focus of renewable energy has developing of the village street lighting system.The further use of solar street light system has removed the many problems of the rural area like that crime rate, increase the community of people at work etc. The solar street light system has no pollution like other power generation plant and it is non‐convectional system to less space and efficient electricity output.2.2 Problem definitionThe rural areas have no solar street light system, the rural areas of people has difficulties of late night working. The rural area is far from the main cities so supply of electricity is not possible to every village. The resources of electricity are also less than the demand which is increasing continuous every year. This research focus on sustainable development in rural areas through solar street lights this research focuses on the latest eco‐friendly technology and its suitable use for rural development.Problem assumption∙To keep the various parameter in street light to installation in the rural area in India.∙To optimize the cost of the solar street light and distance between the two pole.∙To optimum area of the installation of street light in villages of India.∙To calculation of the battery and panel in using of street light by according of the use of light (CFL & LED).∙To show the effect of the emission of pollution and heat effect on the environment.∙To doing the economy and good payback period of the solar street light.Problem limitation∙9 watt, 18 watt, 15 watt and 30 watt light use in the solar street CFL and LED light.∙Take the energy efficiency of solar panel in 14% efficiency of the available in India.∙12 volt battery in the nominal voltage and tubular battery use in the street light installation system.∙ G. I. pole in the nominal height in 4m and 5m with the 2 core 2.5 segment wire.∙ Polycrystalline solar panel is used in the 12 volt and 250 C temperatures.3.MATERIAL AND METHODS3.1 Solar cell working principle:Solar panel is the device which converts the solar energy to the electric energy by the help of semiconductor. Solar panel has made of thin silicon plate. This silicon plate is working in the mono‐crystalline and the polycrystalline. Solar panels are connected to the series and parallel when they fix in series and parallel it called module. Solar cell module produced the DC electricity according to the STC (Standard Test Condition). Solar cell efficiency depends upon the module by given area for its output. Solar cell produced the limited electricity for the single function. There are many types of power wants the multiple modules for multiple outputs.Fig 6‐ solar cell 74 wattSolar cell module plates are made on crystalline cell (wafer based) and the thin film cell (cadmium telluride and silicon). Solar cell module can take load on the top of the plate and back of the plate and it has the safety protection based on the mechanical and moisture for its damaging problem. Solar module’s structure has rigid body and the thin film plate solar module are flexible available in the market also. We can find the easily solar module according to its desired voltage or current. Solar panel module use the connection of the MC3 and MC4 are available easily with the weatherproof and the free from the moisture.Fig 7 specification of solar cellSolar panel modules are the fix on the fixed rack above the pole and fixed across the sun. Now the solar module can be recycle and the produced the power throughout the end of life.3.2 MaterialsSilicon is the most admired material for solar panel it is semiconductor material and with the evolution of nanotechnology efficiency of solar panel get increase. Doping is done in silicon cell to increase the efficiency of solar panel.Different material through which solar cell is made are: SiliconAmorphous Silicon (A‐Si)gallium arsenide(GA As)cadmium telluride (CdTe)Copper indium Diselenide (CIS).3.3 Types of solar panelThere are three types of solar panel which are following:1.Polycrystalline solar panel2.Mono‐crystalline solar panel3.Hybrid solar panelFig.8‐ solar panel 20 wattFig.9‐ Technical specification of 20 watt solar panel 3.3.1Polycrystalline solar panelPolycrystalline solar panel is also called the Poly‐silicon. The material of polycrystalline is use of small silicon crystals which are different from the single crystalline silicon. Polycrystalline material has contained the small crystals of silicon. Polycrystalline is made of 99% pure silicon.3.3.2 Mono‐crystalline solar panelMono‐crystalline solar panel is the single crystal panel which is based on the industry composition. Mono‐crystalline solar panel is made of the single crystalline on the entire of solid plate continuously. Mono‐crystalline solar panel is more efficient to the polycrystalline but behavior of the work polycrystalline is much better than the mono‐crystalline.3.3.3Hybrid solar panelHybrid solar panel is the made of both combinations organic and inorganic. These organic and inorganic structure is worked in hybrid for the donor and acceptable. The organic structure donates the power and it is made of conjugate polymer materials. The inorganic structures are accepting the power in form of electricity. Hybrid solar panel is the latest technology in the industries for providing the better efficiency to other solar products. Hybrid solar system is not only the purpose of solar collecting but also it scales the power of panel collecting.Table 4: Solar panel rupees per wattSource: Market cost per wattEfficiency TableTable 5: Showing solar cell efficiency for differentmaterialSources: MNRE report, 2011_17.3.4 CFL LIGHTCFL (compact fluorescent light) is made for the interchange of the incandescent light. It is more capable and efficient to the incandescent light. According to the power saving, compact fluorescent lamp takes the one third or one fifth part of power save compared to the incandescent light. Compact fluorescent lamp takes the eight times extra in compared to the incandescent lamp also. Incandescent lamp is less leverage cost then the compact fluorescent light but the compact fluorescent light has the extra lifetime and less electric bill then he incandescent light.Types of compact fluorescent lightCompact fluorescent light are two types:1.Integrated compact fluorescent lamp2.Non‐integrated compact fluorescent lamp3.5 Integrated compact fluorescent lamp Integrated compact fluorescent lamp is the mixing of light tube and bed in the single unit. Compact fluorescent lamp has available in the market and reduced the price of electric bill more than the incandescent lamp. Integrated compact fluorescent lamps are available in the market in form of 3‐way light tube.3.6 Non‐integrated fluorescent lampNon‐integrated compact fluorescent lamp has the permanently installed the ballast in the form of lumens and light bulb tube depended to end of life of the bulb. Non‐integrated lamp is the greater than the integrated light. It has larger size of tube to the show the betterluminaries.Table 6: CFL required cost of battery with volt andAHIt has fix of ballast in internal of the fixture. Non‐integrated lamp does not replace the light bulb. Non‐integrated lamps have not good efficiency in compared to the integrated lamp and it is costly.CFL light are using in the street light projects. CFL light has replaced the incandescent lamp in street light area causing the saving of the energy and the control the resisting of power of the battery.CFL keep the adjustment of the power of street light on the basis of battery backup. Many countries have used the CFL in street light at the urban and rural area. Fluorescent tube is also used in street light. CFL light has removed the high pressure mercury lamp and use the slow light wattage bulb and accomplish to 20‐25% electric saving.Table 7: CFL in average lumen in watt per day3.7 Calculation of CFL for lifeTotal life of CFL = 6000 hoursCFL will glow 10 hour in a daySo no of days are 6000/10= 600 daysTo convert into year 600/ 365= 1.6 yearTable 8: CFL life in hour and years3.8 Light emitting diode (LED Light)Light emitted diode is the light source in the integrated light. Light emitted diode has the fixture and ballast in the same circuit. Light emitting diode has emitted the light because of the activation of resembling in the PN‐junction and two lead semiconductors. Led light has made of 1mm2 area bulbs in a series.Led light has discovered in normally 5mm and T1/4, but it is more powerful in brightness of light. Blue and white light has made on the vital different crystal segments of nucleon but the causes of the high brightness and high efficiency it has replaced the CFL, Incandescent lamp and fluorescent lamp.Table 9: LED light average lumen in watt per day3.8.1 Type of led lightThere are four types of led light.1.Miniature led light2.Mid‐range led light3.High power led light4.Ac driven led light1.Miniature led lightMiniature led light mount of the single die led which used in the indicator. The manufacturing of the miniature led light is 2mm to 8mm and in the distinctive current.2. Mid‐range led lightMid‐range led light is use in the behavior of holes and produced of barely o/p of lumens of light. Mid‐range led light wants the four diodes two anode and two cathode diode become a suitable heat acquit.3. High power led lightHigh power led light is need of the more than 100mA and current.4. Ac driven led lightAc driven led light works on the ac current it does not need the dc current. Air conditioner light needs the ac driven light. Ac driven light control in the ac circuit and the very simple circuit for driven the ac driven led light.3.8.2 Application of led lightThe applications of led light are following:1.Ac driven led light are widely use in traffic signalsand the automobile indicators.2.Street light for rural and urban area.3.To communication the data and other signalresources.4.In basic light and other lighting resources.5.For saving the energy utilization.6.To show the data in machineries.7.In electronic contact lens.3.8.3 Calculation of led for lifeTotal life of led = 20,000 hous (syska led life = 60,000 ) LED will glow 10 hour in a daySo no of days are 20,000/10= 2000 daysTo convert into year 2,000/365= 5.5 yearTable 10: Led life in hour and year3.9 Control systemAutomated control system is using the street light to switching ON and OFF instead of work manually. The organization of energy has worked on the street light to generate the automatic control system. They have not worked other area in street light but choose the system to make effective and efficiencies. So, they have developed the automatic control system in street light. To changes of economic problems dynamic, using the national and international of modernization has prepared the supply cost of energy, effectiveness become the major roll of the street light. Then need to be the quite acceptable function in street light. As like to consideration of traffic problems and reducing the energy consumption is changing the value of street light. The reduction of operational cost in automated system has made the main function of solar street light. It does not affect the any emission in environment.Fig.10‐ Reading of panel in ecosence solar meter Automated control system in sensors which works measured responsible to the changes in physical condition like the temperature and thermal conductivity. Microcontroller is the device which analyzed the data inputs by the IR and light dependent resistance. The microcontroller street light automated system is not only the up and down system but it is made a valuable product in market. Automated street light has become the efficient valuable energy saving in the every area on streets like traffic lights, street light, communication, and the solar resources. The outcome of the automated street light has major result of the market and expected to grow up the outcome result will increase dramatically with the new generation of street light.3.10 BatteryBattery is an electric cell or a device which convert the chemical energy into the electrical energy. Battery is the device which connected to the two or more cells in the series and the parallel. Battery is also the power of single cell. Each cells are consist the liquid, gas and solid electrolyte to connect the positive electrode and the negative electrode. Battery is working as the electrodes in form of power then the electrons are work throughout the cells and the electric current flow in the system. The positive electrode is work on the cathode rod and the negative electrode work on the anode rod.3.10.1 Types of batteryThere are two types of battery:1.Primary battery2.Secondary battery3.10.1.1 Primary batteryPrimary battery or single cell battery are used as the irreversible cells once electrode materials during the discharged. The alkaline batteries are use in the portable device. Primary battery does not charge after the discharge of any system. Secondary batterySecondary battery is performing as the reversible battery. Secondary battery can be discharge and the charge as it current at the multiple times. The composition of the anode and cathode can be restoring the current. The secondary batteries are like the lead‐acid battery which is using the many areas like the vehicles, wrist watches, computers and the solar power projects. The worldwide battery companies has generated the more efficiently battery in the market. Batteries have more specified fuel used like the gasoline. Battery has the voltaic cells who converts the directly the chemical energy to the electrical energy. CalculationWe are discussing about the calculation of street light in luminaries of LED and CFL bulbs. The calculation of solar panel has defended to the watt per uses in street light and how is it effective. Solar Street light is the friendly technology to produce the efficient energy in rural areasin Rajasthan. In this research, we are finding the using ofstreet light by the calculation and cost effect on electric bills. If we calculate the theoretically values of the battery, volts, solar panel and flow of current then we take the following calculation:Calculation for 15 watt luminaryLuminary = 15 wattBattery used for this solar street light system = 12 V Watt hour = 15 × 20= 300 Wh(15watt luminary and 2 day autonomy = 20hours)Total load in milliamp‐hour (mAh) = (watt hour × 1000) /volts (V).2= (300 × 1000) /12= (300,000) /12= 25,000 mAh= 25,000 /1000(1 Ampere =1000 Milliamps)= 50 Ah (Ampere‐hour)Efficiency of sealed tubular battery is 80 % so 80 % of 50 = 40 AhAfter consideration of losses battery required is 62 Ah Battery required for 15 watt luminary is 12 V and 62Ah. Charging current required for 12 V and 62Ah = 10 % of its Ah.= 10/100 × 62= 6.2 Ampere (A)Solar charge controller must be of 12 v and 6.2 ampereTheoretical watt required to charge the battery ( )Solar panel required for 12 V and 62Ah battery = Volts × charging current= 12 × 6.2= 74 wattPractical watt required to charge the battery ( ) Total losses =15%0f 74 = 11 wattPractical watt = theoretical + loss= 74 + 11= 85 watt Solar panel of 85 watt with charging current of 6.2 Ampere is required.Table11‐Luminary battery costTable12‐ Battery, charging current and solar panelrequired for luminaryFig 11‐ Battery, charging current and solar panelrequired for luminaryTable 13: CFL light in expensive (Rs.)Fig.12‐ CFL light in expensive (Rs.)Table 14: LUX with pole heightCalculation of spacing of street light for 9 watt LED lightCalculation of space of two street light poles having the fixed wattage is 9 watt. The luminaries of street light 819 lm. For the sufficient road which has width of 12 foot in rural areas.Lux (E) = 10 luxCoefficient of Utilization Factor (Cu) = 5.3Light lumen depreciation factor (LLD) =.8Luminaries dirt depreciation factor (LDD) = .9For distance between two street light = LM*CU*LLD*LDD/E*W= 1000*5.3*.8*.9/10*12= 3816/120= 32 ft. [1 meter = 3.2 ft]The distance between two streets light is 10 meterTable15: Distance b/w poleFig.13‐ Distance b/w pole in solar street light poleCalculation for cost of solar panel by considering the lossesAs no system is 100 % efficient and each component of the system have certain due to which efficiency of system get decrease, economy of the system get increase. solar street light system also have losses associate with each component .we generally study losses in battery, panel and in wire .Our calculation is done by taking necessary losses for practical economical of our solar street light .The efficiency of solar cell is 35 % in India, the power output of solar panel as per watt follows:20 watt solar panel cost 12v poly generated electricity = 55 w/p (Rs.)= 1500(Rs.)50 watt solar panel cost 12v poly generated electricity = 55 w/p(Rs.)= 2750(Rs.)74 watt solar panel cost 12v poly generated electricity =75 w/p(Rs.)= 4070(Rs.)100 watt solar panel cost 12v poly generated electricity = 75 w/p= 5500(Rs.)Table16: Cost of panel。

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第一单元emojisNowadays,emojis have a enormous effect on the way people talk online.And it had been one of the biggest communication breakthroughs since people took to the Internet.It play an indispensable role in our onlinecommunication.Emojis originated in Japan in the late 1990s.Where text took the empathy out of messages, emojis and emoticons put it back in.But the use of emojis quickly surpassed that of emoticons.Because it is more accessible easier to use.The real innovation behind emojis lies in their ability to help people online say what they mean. For the digital communication could be successful as spoken language,it needs emoji’s support.In the furture emojis will develop continuously and became fewer but more useful.第二单元Start up youngThough balance study and social life is not easy,many students now start their own business.One example is Oliver Dickinson, who set up We Connect Students.He generated a business idea through his friends’experience in applying for inteanrnships and get feedback on the alpha version of his website.Then he established his company and riased finance.Next,he said that balance study in college and business is not difficult.He advised the young to take action at once if they’ve got a good business idea.And he also encourages young entrepreneurs to network opportunities by going to relevant activitise and societies.At last,he provides three key pieces of advice that is focus on the business,find a partner and network more.第三单元become a leaderThis text tells us a story about how a college student overcame her shyness and gained her leadership skills.She changed from a shy and introverted person into a good leader.In elementary school,she was considered meek and shy;In middle school,she had no courage to be a leader to her classmates;As a fresh man in college,she was still the epitome of shyness and silence.But then,she knew she need to change.She told us the step that she took to became a leader.In the meanwhile,she told us the qualities that a good leader should have,passion,trustworthiness,communication skills,confidence,willingness to solve problems ,responsibility.,and initiative to improve. Finally,she makes a conclusion:Becoming a leader is not that easy,Whether you will succeed or not,just try it.第四单元SolarCitySolarCity, which focuses on putting solar panels on the roofs of homes and buildings,it has the potential to be more economically influential.it has could make mass adoption possible.the cost of solar panels was so high for adoption, so they Developed a solar lease strategy.To solvecapital problems,they Made deals with wall Street firms for financing.It need gain cost savings through economies of scale so it Made deals with the Defense built a network of 40warehouses purchased solar panel manufacturer.Besides,it Broke into the small-business by offering solar leasesSolarCity is tapping into innovations to create entirely new markets,and it is fortunate to begrowing rapidly.第五单元city well-beingThe city Bogota has changed from an envrionmentally chaotic city to a smart city.Beside,the city mayor’s reforms in its transport system has set a very good example for many other cities. Such cities as Paris and London in developed countries and some other cities across the developing countries are also trying to become “smart cities”.Some policies on urban transportation are summarized.They are Emphasizing pubilic transportation.Promoting biking and walking.and using land more wisely.It is suggested that these policies can be implemented to quickly and inexpensively transform congested cities into oases of sustainability and livability.At the last in the text,the author urges more cities to take actions to become healthier,happier and more sustainable cities.第六单元when art meet scienceThe article tells a thesis statement that the innovations containing aesthetic and technological factors made by the artists who lived at the intersection of art and science contributed to societal achievements.And it uses three stories to support these statement.Da vinci was the first of his kind to combine the keen eye of an artist and the curiosity of a scientist.Hr sketched flying machines and inspired the possibility of human flight.Picasso developed an art technique by centering around dislocated and geometric figures.He provided a new style of painting by focus on the most basic design of the natural environment:lines and shapes.Disney synchronized motion pictures with sound,color,animated characters and fluid motor skills.There will be more scientific elements in future artistic creation.。

Translation 3. 位于伦敦西北的牛津大学以其学术成就而闻名遐迩。
academic excellence be well known/noted far and wide for
Located to the north west of London, Oxford University is well known/noted far and wide for its academic excellence.
Translation 5. 这项医学研究的目的在于找到医治遗传性血液疾病的新 疗法,因为现在使用的药物不能治愈这些复杂的疾病。
be aimed at the drugs in use
inherited blood diseases
This medical research is aimed at finding new treatment for inherited blood diseases, because the drugs now in use cannot cure these complicated diseases.
2. 每推出一张新唱片,这位歌手总梦想着它能跻身电台的排 行榜前十名之列。
“top-ten” list
earn a place in
Every time he releases a new record, the singer dreams of its/it earning a place in the “top-ten”list on the radio.

How Facebook is taking over our lives

Powered bySAVE THIS | EMAIL THIS | CloseHow Facebook is takingover our livesPresident Obama used it to getelected. Dell will recruit new hireswith it. Microsoft's new operatingsystem borrows from it. Noquestion, Facebook has friends inhigh places. Can CEO MarkZuckerberg make thoseconnections pay off?By Jessi Hempel , writerLast Updated: February 19, 2009: 10:51 AM ET(Fortune Magazine) -- Facebook held no appeal for Peter Lichtenstein. The New Paltz, N.Y., residenthad checked out so-called social networking sites before, and he wasn't impressed. ("MySpace," herecalls, "was ridiculous.")A chiropractor and acupuncturist, Lichtenstein was already a member of a few professionalweb-based user groups. The last thing he needed was another message box to check. Then a buddyposted a link to photos from a trip to Thailand and India on his Facebook page and flatly refused todistribute them any other way. The friend's assumption: Duh - everyone's on Facebook.And so Lichtenstein, 57, recently became an official member of the Facebook army, 175 million strongand, Facebook says, growing at the astounding rate of about five million new users a week, making ita rare bright spot in a dismal economy. If Facebook were a country, it would have a population nearlyas large as Brazil's. It even edges out the U.S. television audience for Super Bowl XLIII, which drew arecord-setting 152 million eyeballs.But these days the folks fervently updating their Facebook pages aren't just tech-savvy kids: Thecollege and post-college crowd the site originally aimed to serve (18- to 24-year-olds) now makes upless than a quarter of users. The newest members - the ones behind Facebook's accelerating growth rate - are more, ahem, mature types like Lichtenstein, who never thought they'd have the time or inclination to overshare on the web. It's just that Facebook has finally started to make their busy lives a little more productive - and a lot more fun.Try logging in to quickly check a message, and you may find yourself scrolling through new baby photos from that guy who used to sit next to you in Mr. Peterson's English class. How did such a goofball end up with such a cute baby? And how'd he find you here anyhow? Soon you're checking the friends you have in common. This addictive quality keeps Facebook's typical user on the site for an average of 169 minutes a month, according to ComScore. Compare that with Google News, where the average reader spends 13 minutes a month checking up on the world, or the New York Times website, which holds on to readers for a mere ten minutes a month.The "stickiness" of the site is a key part of 24-year-old CEO Mark Zuckerberg's original plan to build an online version of the relationships we have in real life. Offline we bump into friends and end up talking for hours. We flip through old photos with our family. We join clubs. Facebook lets us do all that in digital form. Yet we also present different faces to the different people in our lives: An "anything goes" page we share with pals might not be appropriate for office mates - or for the moms and grandmas who increasingly are joining the site. Basic privacy controls today allow users to share varying degrees of information with friends, but when I recently met with Zuckerberg in Palo Alto, he waxed philosophical about eventually giving a user the ability to have a different Facebook personality for each Facebook friendship, a sort of online version of the line from Walt Whitman's "Song of Myself": "I contain multitudes."His ultimate goal is less poetic - and perhaps more ambitious: to turn Facebook into the planet's standardized communication (and marketing) platform, as ubiquitous and intuitive as the telephone but far more interactive, multidimensional - and indispensable. Your Facebook ID quite simply will be your gateway to the digital world, Zuckerberg predicts. "We think that if you can build one worldwide platform where you can just type in anyone's name, find the person you're looking for, and communicate with them," he told a German audience in January, "that's a really valuable system to be building."Just how valuable is subject to great debate. Microsoft (MSFT, Fortune 500) in 2007 invested $240 million for a 1.6% stake in the company, giving Facebook a valuation of about $15 billion. But according to a June 23, 2008, court proceeding, the company values itself at $3.7 billion. (With a 20% to 30% stake, Zuckerberg quite possibly is the world's youngest self-made billionaire, on paper at least.) A big part of the challenge in assigning a valuation to Facebook is that its financial results don't come anywhere near to matching its runaway success signing up members: The site pulled in estimated revenues of just $280 million last year, and sources close to the company say it didn't break even.Indeed, sometimes it seems as if everyone but Facebook is capitalizing on the platform. The Democratic Party in Maine is using it to organize regular meetings. Accounting firm Ernst & Young relies on the site to recruit new hires, and Dell (DELL, Fortune 500) will soon do the same. Microsoft's new operating system has a slew of features lifted straight from Facebook's playbook.Zuckerberg knows this is a make-or-break moment for the company he founded five years ago in his linoleum-floored Harvard dorm room. He must figure out how to continue to add new members and make Facebook vital to its mass audience without alienating the kids and early adopters who helped popularize the site. (Growth has leveled off at MySpace, the original mega--social networking site with 130 million members, and it may wind up as a playground for music lovers.)He'll have to fend off search giant Google, which has its own grand plan to profit from social networks. And he has to live up to his change-the-world bravado: The Net is riddled with examples of companiesand services that promised to be the next great communications platform - AOL (owned by Fortune's parent) and Yahoo (YHOO, Fortune 500), to name two - but failed to do so.To help Facebook figure out how to profit from its scale and popularity, Zuckerberg has brought in a chief operating officer, Sheryl Sandberg, who built Google's money-minting AdWords program. YouTube's former chief financial officer, Gideon Yu, runs the finance operation. And the board is packed with old-school cred (Washington Post publisher Don Graham and venture capitalist Jim Breyer) and tech smarts (PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel and Netscape founder Marc Andreessen). Zuckerberg, who favors jeans and T-shirts, has taken to wearing ties beneath his black North Face jacket because, as he tells his colleagues, "2009 is a serious year."And not just for Facebook. Few ultra-young tech company founders manage to hold on to the CEO reins as long as Zuckerberg has. They either go on to become the stuff of legend (Bill Gates) or flame out fabulously. There are certainly those who wonder whether the wunderkind is in over his head, punting on profitability when every other company in Silicon Valley is under enormous pressure to make money. And what's a stiff, reticent guy who'd rather be writing code doing in the CEO's job in the first place? Sure, Zuckerberg's done pretty well so far, creating a site that has won a rabid following among mainstream web users. But a lot of those people were once passionate about their AOL accounts too. Zuckerberg has our attention. What's he going to do with it?A digital worldMark Zuckerberg has always liked to build things. I first spoke with him in the summer of 2005 when he was still crashing on a friend's couch in Menlo Park, Calif.? He was on his cellphone, pacing back and forth in the backyard as he explained his parents' reaction to his project: "The thing I made before Facebook almost got me kicked out of school," he said, referring to Facemash, a site that let people rate photos. He went before the school's administrative board to answer questions about how he gathered data. "When I started making Facebook, [my parents] were, like, don't make another site." Then all his Harvard classmates - as well as students from the rest of the Ivy League - joined, and he spent the remainder of his college money on servers. So much for school.Even in our initial interview, Zuckerberg was clear that he wasn't simply creating another online tool for college kids to check each other out. He called Facebook a "social utility" and explained that one day everyone would be able to use it to locate people on the web - a truly global digital phone book. And he also knew that if the site were easy to use, a combination of peer pressure and the so-called network effect would, like, totally kick in. Since that summer afternoon Zuckerberg has passed legal drinking age, found an apartment, accepted more than $400 million in venture capital, and attended the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, several times.But Zuckerberg makes it clear to me that he's still intensely focused on connecting the entire world on Facebook - only now his vision goes well beyond the site as a digital phone book. It becomes the equivalent of the phone itself: It is the main tool people use to communicate for work and pleasure. It also becomes the central place where members organize parties, store pictures, find jobs, watch videos, and play games. Eventually they'll use their Facebook ID as an online passkey to gain access to websites and online forums that require personal identification. In other words, Facebook will be where people live their digital lives, without the creepy avatars.To achieve that goal Zuckerberg has brought in plenty of seasoned veterans, like Google's Sandberg, but he's also surrounded himself with young enthusiasts who share his view that Facebook can change the way people live and work. Like the early employees at Google, most won't see 30 for a long time. Pass by a receptionist, a straw-haired woman with funky glasses, and you'll notice she's updating her Facebook profile. Stroll through the stretch of University Avenue in Palo Alto that houses the company's different offices (it is getting ready to consolidate operations in new digs in April) and you'll be able to differentiate the Facebook employees from the venture capitalists who toil in officesnearby: The Facebookers are the super-young brainiacs in ratty T-shirts and jeans.At times it may seem hard to reconcile Zuckerberg's lofty aspirations for Facebook with the utterly commonplace content that users create on the site. Consider 25 Random Things, a new take on the chain letter that has grown so popular it was written up in the New York Times Style section. You list 25 supposedly random things about yourself and send the note on to 25 of your friends (who are supposed to do the same), but your randomness also ends up on display to any gawker who may be surfing your profile. The items range from the banal (No. 17: I never, ever, ever throw up. Like five times in my adult life) to the intimate (No. 2: I knew I was gay in the sixth grade but didn't tell anyone until I was 19). The feature is high profile - some 37,500 lists sprang up in just two weeks - but taken as a whole it just seems like a lot of user-generated babble.Yet it is that very babble that makes Facebook so valuable to marketers. Imagine if an advertiser had the ability to eavesdrop on every phone conversation you've ever had. In a way, that's what all the wall posts, status updates, 25 Random Things, and picture tagging on Facebook amount to: a semipublic airing of stuff people are interested in doing, buying, and trying. Sure, you can send private messages using Facebook, and Zuckerberg eventually hopes to give you even more tools to tailor your profile so that the face you present to, say, your employer is very different from the way you look online to your college roommate. Just like in real life. But the running lists of online interactions on Facebook, known as "feeds," are what make Facebook different from other social networking sites - and they are precisely what make corporations salivate.The streamEvery user on Facebook has two feeds. There's a personal feed, which you'll find on your profile page along with your photo and list of interests. Every time you log a status update, comment, or video post, that interaction is captured and stored for your review; those changes also become fodder for a second news feed that runs on your home page, the first page you see when you log on to the site. That feed keeps tabs on all the interactions your friends are having (and alerts friends to updatesyou've made on your personal feed). If your brother RSVP'd to a dinner party, for example, you might be notified about it, even if you weren't invited to attend. And if you change your profile photo, it may let your brother know. Like Facebook itself, the feeds are subject to the network effect: The more data you share and interact with, the more robust your news feed becomes.Zuckerberg calls the sum of those interactions the "stream," and it's his newest obsession. Unlike Google, which uses complex algorithms to serve up advertisements based on what you search for, Facebook lets you help "curate" your feeds. The information that pops up is partly a result of controls you establish in your privacy settings and feedback you provide to Facebook. But Facebook also can track your behavior, and if the site notices you're spending a lot of time on the fan page of a certain movie star, for example, it will send you more information about that celebrity.Needless to say, marketers would love to tap into that information. "If there are 150 million people in a room, you should probably go to that room," says Narinder Singh, chief product officer for Appirio, which helps big companies like Dell and Starbucks (SBUX, Fortune 500) find ways to connect with users over the site. "It's too attractive a set of people and too large a community for businesses to ignore."Yet because businesses haven't yet effectively infiltrated Facebook, its users may be under the mistaken impression that they aren't under surveillance. "What I like is that it doesn't bombard you with advertisements, so it feels really personal," says Heather Rowley, a 35-year-old photographer in Berkeley. It seems inevitable that some members will feel betrayed or uneasy when ads based on casual chats with friends start to appear on their feeds.Facebook already has had one brush with member backlash in 2007 when it introduced a feature called Beacon, which allowed members to see what websites their friends visited, and even showed purchases on e-commerce sites. Users protested vehemently - one even filed a lawsuit on privacy grounds - and Facebook apologized.Now the company is trying a slightly different approach. A feature called Facebook Connect lets users log on to company websites using their Facebook logins. The system, which dovetails with Zuckerberg's vision of a Facebook account as a form of personal ID on the web (privacy settings and all), appeals to advertisers for a couple of reasons. When a user logs on to a third-party site using Facebook Connect, that activity may be reported on her friends' news feeds, which serves as a de facto endorsement. The tool also makes it easy for members to invite their friends to check out the advertiser's site. Starbucks, for example, uses Facebook Connect on its Pledge5 site, which asks people to donate five hours of time to volunteer work. If you sign in using a Facebook account, a new screen, a hybrid of Facebook and the Pledge5 home page, pops up with information on how to find local volunteer opportunities. A tab on the page asks you to "help spread the word." Click on it and your entire address book of Facebook friends pops up, enabling you to evangelize Pledge5 with just a few keystrokes.So far most of the organizations using Facebook Connect are social enterprises, like Pledge5, or news outlets, like CNN, soliciting members for discussion groups. Who knows how Facebook users will react when a brokerage asks a member to spread the word about its services. Of course, members can ignore the exhortations to invite friends, the same way they might decline to forward their 25 Random Things.He also insists that marketing on Facebook isn't obtrusive, and that users can control what kind of advertising they see: Each ad contains a small thumbs-up or thumbs-down button. If a user finds an ad irrelevant, repetitive, or offensive, she clicks thumbs-down, and Facebook records her dissatisfaction. Eventually the inappropriate ads will go away. And when ads are useful, many online users do click on them. Rowley, the California photographer who values Facebook's intimacy, says she recently clicked on a Virgin America ad for tickets to the East Coast when it popped up on her news feed. "I was going there, so it made sense," she says.Still, the company couldn't have picked a worse time to start wooing marketers in earnest. Online advertising growth is expected to decelerate in 2009 from 17.5% last year to just 8.9%. And historically most of those ad dollars have flowed to portals and other online destinations, not experimental sites and social networks like Facebook. When Sheryl Sandberg arrived at Facebook, a substantial chunk of the company's revenues were still coming from a 2006 deal with Microsoft in which the software behemoth sold traditional banner ads on Facebook pages and the parties split the revenue. But attempts to sell traditional online ads on Facebook and other social-networking sites have failed miserably: Banner ads can sell for as little as 15 cents per 1,000 clicks (compared with, say, $8 per 1,000 clicks for an ad on a targeted news portal such as Yahoo Auto) because marketers know that members ignore them.Sandberg acknowledges that Facebook has much more work to do to secure advertisers. "What we have to figure out is, How do we build a monetization machine which is in keeping with what users are doing on the site?" she says. "It's about execution, doing things faster and better, getting more users and more advertisers."Facebook's march to 200 million users began in earnest in January 2008. That's when the site made translation tools available to international users. Today more than 70% of Facebook users are outside the U.S., and most of them read it in their native language. But anecdotal evidence suggests that American baby-boomers have discovered Facebook in a big way: Some, like Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer, use the site to keep an eye on their kids' online activities. Others are using it as a networking tool in a bad economy.The fastest-growing demographic on the site? Women 55 and older, up 175% since September 2008. Cynics might say that if Granny is on Facebook, the site absolutely has jumped the shark. Quite the contrary: Having a broad swath of users is exactly what Zuckerberg wants. The arrival of an older, less web-centric crowd suggests that he has succeeded in making the site easy to use. And Facebook can't become a standardized platform if only cool kids use it. Besides, there doesn't currently seem to be another hot social-networking site that is drawing young users away from Facebook in large numbers.But the Facebook juggernaut still could very easily go awry: Remember AOL's Instant Messenger? Teenagers lived on it and companies started using it in lieu of e-mail. But AOL never figured out a way to make money on it.Facebook could meet a similar fate; indeed, it is a little worrisome that neither Zuckerberg nor Sandberg seems to feel any particular urgency about putting Facebook in the black. Zuckerberg prefers to leave the question of revenues to Sandberg, who punts: "I think what's really important is that we are able to fund our expansion, and we're very focused on that," she told me in mid-February. Investors seem pretty passive about it as well. Early board member Jim Breyer, who put in $1 million of his own money and $12.7 million from an Accel Partners fund, says that profits are "a secondary consideration in this stage of the growth." He wants to get a return on his investment, but he's not pushing anything now.And then there's Microsoft, which is in the unusual position of being a Facebook owner, a partner, and, through its Windows Live social network, a competitor. Since taking a stake in Facebook, Microsoft has been working closely with the site to create links between Facebook and the Windows Live social network so that when members update their status message or upload photos on Facebook, that information appears on the Microsoft site too.Facebook has influenced Microsoft in other ways. Its new operating system, OS 7, features a list of interactions, news, and information that happens to look a lot like Facebook's news feed. Could Microsoft end up buying Facebook outright? Both sides would have much to gain from the arrangement. Facebook investors could get their money out, and Microsoft, which has been searching for a way to deliver more of its software applications over the Internet, would own a viable online platform for selling a new generation of services. But Zuckerberg, like that other famous technology-loving Harvard dropout, seems determined to create a business empire that touches virtually every computer user in the world. Zuckerberg's not interested in selling to Microsoft; he wants to build the next Microsoft. And with 175 million "friends," he's off to a helluva start.REPORTER ASSOCIATE Beth Kowitt contributed to this article.First Published: February 17, 2009: 6:20 AM ETWeb 2.0 is so over. Welcome to Web 3.0Apple has NOT banned FacebookWeb sites get Obama's word outFind this article at:/2009/02/16/technology/hempel_facebook.fortune/index.htmSAVE THIS | EMAIL THIS | CloseCheck the box to include the list of links referenced in the article.� 2007 Cable News Network LP, LLP.。
M-theory on `toric' G_2 cones and its type II reduction

1. Introduction 2. G2 cones from ESD orbifolds. 2.1 Eight-dimensional toric hyperkahler cones 2.2 The distinguished locus 3. Toric ESD metrics and G2 metrics 4. Reduction to IIA 4.1 The reduction 4.2 Behavior of the IIA solution for ρ → 0 4.2.1 Asymptotics of U 4.2.2 Asymptotics for the metric components along ψ, θ and χ 4.2.3 Asymptotics of the coupling constant and RR one-form 4.3 Behavior on the horizontal locus 4.4 Behavior on the vertical locus 5. T-dual IIB description 5.1 The type IIB solution 5.2 Behavior of the IIB solution for ρ → 0 5.2.1 Asymptotics for the metric induced in the θ, χ, ψ directions 5.2.2 Asymptotic behavior of the modular parameter and NS-NS/RR two-forms 5.3 Behavior on the horizontal locus 5.4 Behavior on the vertical locus 6. The calibration 3-form 7. Conclusions 2 3 5 6 9 12 13 17 20 21 24 26 29 33 33 34 34 35 36 37 40 42

Unit 2ringer n. one who rings hand bells or church bells 摇铃人;i敲辛巾人confront vt. (of a problem, difficulty,etc.) face (sb.) threateningly; (of a person) face and deal with (a problem, difficulty,etc.)摆在…的面前;正视,应对be confronted with 面临,遭遇doodrway n. an opening into a buidling or room 门道,门洞donation n. money or goods given for a good cause 捐款,捐贝曾物donate vt.捐赠kettle n. a metal container for boiling water or cooking things 水壶;锅stand n. a piece of furniture used for holding or supporting sth•架, 台, 座confusion n. a state of uncertainty about what sth. means,etc•困惑curiosity n. a strong desire to know about sth•女了奇心stammer v. speak with a tendency to repeat rapidly the same sound or syllable 结结巴巴土也no-no n. a way of behaving that is not acceptable 禁忌白勺事deny vt. say that (sth.) is not true; refuse to admit or accept 否定;否认fill out add information such as your name and address in (a form or document)填写fill into belong to (a particular group of things that have similar qualities)属于bracket n. one of the groups that people or things are divided into, according to a feature, such as income 等级,档次nothing more than only, just 仅仅,不多于,不强于whim ru a sudden feeling that you must have or do sth.冲动,突然的念头attain vt. succeed in achieving’esp. after a lot of effort 获得,达至U wear and tear the damage to sth. resulting from normal use 磨损,损耗dependable a. that can be relied on to do what you want 对靠白勺primarily ad. mainly 主要地minimal a. very small in size or amount; as small as possible 极小的;最彳氐限度的exceptionally ad. 罕见地;非凡地exceptional a. very unusual; unusually good 罕见的;非凡R勺energize vt. make (sb.) feel full of energe or enthusiasm 使精力充沛cherish vt. love (sth・ sb.) very much and protect them 关爱, 珍f昔poetry n. poems in general (总称)诗,诗歌fabricate vt. make up (a story, a piece of information, etc.) in order to deceive people 虚构, 捏造tickle vt. amuse and interest; move one's figers on sensitive part of another's body in a way that makes them laugh 逗乐;瘙痒逗笑vital a. very imports nt, n ecessary, or esse ntial 极其重要白勺well(-)off a. rich, or havi ng eno ugh money to live well 富裕的,有钱的emotional a. cormected with people's feelings 感1W上fl勺pursuit n. the act of looking for or trying to find 追求,寻求dated a. no Ion ger modern or fashionable 陈IH 的,过时的shortly after soon after...zL后不久go south (AmE)(infml) be on a path to failsure; be failing 走下坡路,失败seemingly ad. in a way that appears to be true but may ini fact not be 表面上,看上去abrupt a. sudden and unexpected, often in an unpleasant way 突然的, 意夕卜的jolt v. give (sb.) a sudden shock or surprise; move suddenly and roughly 使震惊;(使)颠簸;(使)震动memorable a. worth remembering or easy to remember 值得纟L!念H勺, 难忘H勺in contrast to与…形成对比(对照)consequence n. a result of sth. that has happened 结果, 后果item n. an individual thing, usu・ one of several things in a group or on a list 一条, 一项, 一件commercial n. an advertisement on TV or radio j筍业丿、•告a. relating to business 商业的high-end a. expensive and of high quality 高档的,高端的focus v. concentrate (one〃s attention, etc.) on (sth.); concentrate (on sth.)将(注意力等)集屮于;集中注意力于(某事物)n.重点;焦点affluent a. rich eno ugh to buy things for pleasure 富裕的apron n. sth. worn to protect the front of one's clothes while cooking 围裙economically ad. relating to the economy; in a way that uses money, time, etc. without wasting any经济上;节省地,节约地economical a.节省地,节约的(economic a.经济方面的,经济学的)genuine a. real, true 真正的go through experience(sth・ difficult or unpleasant)经历, 度过linger vi last or continue for a long time; take a long time to leave or disappear 长时间持续;磨蹭,拖延countless a. very many 不计其数的individual n. person considered separately from their society 个人,个体a•个人的,私人的sentiment n. a short sentence or phrase expressing a wish or feeling or an opinion, esp・ one based on emotions祝愿,祝辞;情绪,态度bless vt. ask God to protect (sb. or sth.)祈求上帝保佑thankful a. a pleased about sth・ good that has happened or sth・ bad that has not happened 感激的;庆幸的tangible a. that can be clearly seen to exist; that you can touch and feel 有形的, 可触摸的mansion n. a large, imposing house 豪宅,大厦dime n.(美国,加拿大的)10分硬币discount n. a reduction in price 折扌口billionaire n.亿万富翁;大富翁folk n. (usu.pl.) people in general 人们get away with do (sth. inappropriate or wrong) without experiencing any problem or being punished做(不恰当的事或错事)却没有遇到麻烦或受到惩罚local a. in the area you live in, or related to the particular area you are talking about 本出也的, 当地的corporate a. relating to large companies (大)公司的memo n. a note of sth. to be remember 备忘录mayor n•市长by all account according to what people say 根据各方血说法blend v. mix together 混合blend in mix harmoniously (with)(与…)打成一片throw one's weight around (infml)盛气凌人barber n.理发师employee n.雇员,受雇者hold to continue having (particular beliefs or standards’etc.)坚持celebrity n. famous person 名人on the run trying hard to hide or escape from sb•在逃避,在逃亡steer clear of keep away from 避开, 避免rank v. put (sb・ sth.) into a position according to their size, importanee, etc•扌非歹U,扌非名make up from, constitute 组成,扌勾成rally n. a large, usu. political public meeting 大会, 集会liable a. likely to do 可能lay down establish (sth.) as a rule or principle 规定loyalty n. the quality of being true and faithful 忠诚system n.系统,设备on board involved in a project, or working for an organization 力口入, 是…一员court n.球场cultivate vt. make a special effort to establish and develop(a relati on ship, attitude, etc.)」咅养reward vt. give sth. to sth. to (sb.) in return for (work or service)奖赏 (某事/某人) stun vt. shock and surprise 使震惊generosity n. kin dess, esp ・ in givi ng thi ngs to people 慷慨, 大方employer n.雇佣者,雇主come into conact (with) communicate with; touch 与…接触。
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Section A Listening and Speaking
Part Three Dialogues
Dialogue 2 Mary: Hi! Is that you, Jackie? Jackie: Hi! Mary! Fancy meeting you here in Palm
New Jersey.The enemy soldiers never expected
an attack on such a night.They were having a
Christmas party.
在1776年的圣诞节那天晚上,他指挥士兵袭击了新泽 西州特伦顿城的敌人。敌军正在举行圣诞晚会,没有
most part, they are unreceptive to being touched
during conversation and other social situations. The standard space between you and your conversation partner should be about two feet.
Text A
Geoge Washington
P2 The early battles showed Washington‘s
problems. His army was easily defeated in the
Battle of New York.Then Washington thought out a
Section A Listening and Speaking
Part Two Dialogues
Dialogue 2
Ⅱ. 1. She is attending a conference. She will stay here until the weekend. 2. The man suggests that they have a gettogether. The woman agrees with him. 3. They will meet on Friday evening at seven o’clock.
Section B reading
Geoge Washington 乔治▪华盛顿
P3 There are many stories about George
Washington. The most famous story , though,
is about the cherry tree. 关于华盛顿的故事有很多,最著名的是关于樱桃树
Text A
Section B reading
Geoge Washington 乔治▪华盛顿
P2 Washington won his first victory.
Washington’s army won the final battle in York
knew his job would be difficult.
1775年,美国独立战争刚刚开始,乔治·华盛顿被当选为 美国军队的领袖。华盛顿知道任务相当艰巨。
Text A
Section B reading
Geoge Washington 乔治▪华盛顿
P1 The army was small.The soldiers were
Most U.S. executives will be uncomfortable standing at a closer distance.
Section A Listening and Speaking
Part Four Passages
Passage 2
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. May I have your attention please? My name is Green Granger, and I’m going to chair this evening’s lecture. First of all, allow me to introduce some of the guests. This is Dr. James Stuart, professor of University of Florida. And this is Dr. Clumsy Parker, professor of Harvard University. And this is Dr. Tom Hans, a young professor and the speaker for this evening, who will give us a talk on “Education in 21st Century”.
J: Good! Do you think we should have a get-together before you leave here?
M: That’s great! How about Friday evening, at seven o’clock?
J: Good! I’ll pick you up then.
Section A Listening and Speaking
Part Four Passages
Passage 2 21st Century”. He will review our achievements
in this field during the past century, and consider where our work will lead in the coming century. We’ll have a coffee break at 10 o’clock am, and at 10:30, the team discussion will begin. Please keep the schedule. And now, this evening’s presentation, Professor Hans.
was respected by all his men. was not Interested
in fame or money, but only in helping his country.
乔治·华盛顿是一位伟大的领导人,受到身边所有 人的尊敬。他对名利不感兴趣,一心为国家操劳。
Text A
untrained and had few guns.The British army
was larned
very well.
军队规模小,士兵未接受专门训练,枪支稀少。英国军 队规模庞大,实力强大,还拥有训练有素的士兵。
Section B reading
Text A
Section B reading
Geoge Washington 乔治▪华盛顿
P1 In 1775,when the American War of
Independence began,George Washington was
chosen to lead the American army.Washington
Town in 1781.
华盛顿取得了第一场胜利。1781年,华盛顿的军队在 约克镇取得了战争的最后胜利。
Text A
Section B reading
Geoge Washington 乔治▪华盛顿
P3 George Washington was a great leader and
战争初期华盛顿困难重重,他的军队在纽约战役中 不堪一击。然后华盛顿想到了一个计划。
Section B reading
Text A
Geoge Washington
P2 On Christmas night in 1776,he had his
soldiers attack the enemy in the city of Trenton,
Beach. How are you? M: Fine. And you? J: I am very good. I came here yesterday for my
vacation. M: How wonderful! I’m attending a scientific
Passage 1
Americans tend to refrain from greetings that
involve hugging and other close physical contact,
except with family members and friends. For the
实用大学英语 Practical College English
Section A Listening and Speaking
Part One Pronunciation
• /i:/ / i /
• /æ / /e/
• /p/ /b/
• /t/ /d/
• /k/ /g/
Section A Listening and Speaking
Part Four Passages
Passage 1
Americans shake hands, and from an early
age they are taught to do so with a firm, solid grip
Section A Listening and Speaking