culture iceberg




企业文化咨询常用的33个模型1. 文化冰山模型(Culture Iceberg Model)用以说明企业文化中隐性和显性的部分。


2. 文化篮子模型(Culture Basket Model)将企业文化比作一个篮子,篮子里包含了企业的宗旨、目标、价值观等各种元素。

3. 文化达尔文模型(Culture Darwin Model)讲述企业文化比喻为一种生物进化的过程,适应环境变化的企业文化能够存活下来,而不能适应变化的企业文化会消亡。

4. 资源依赖模型(Resource Dependency Model)企业文化的形成和发展依赖于各种资源和外部环境的支持和影响。

5. 文化墓地模型(Culture Graveyard Model)描述企业文化的发展过程中,老的文化会被新的文化所替代,形成文化的更替。

6. 文化围城模型(Culture Siege Model)企业文化在外部环境的压力下逐渐形成,并形成一个稳定的文化系统。

7. 文化天堂与地狱模型(Culture Heaven and Hell Model)企业文化的发展可以导致企业的天堂或地狱,好的文化可以带来成功,而坏的文化则会导致失败。

8. 文化变迁模型(Culture Transition Model)企业文化的变迁是一个逐渐发展的过程,需要时间和各种条件的配合。

9. 文化瓶颈模型(Culture Bottleneck Model)企业文化的发展中,可能会遇到一些瓶颈,需要通过和创新来突破。

10. 文化整合模型(Culture Integration Model)企业合并或重组时,需要整合两个企业的文化,形成一种新的文化。

11. 文化赋能模型(Culture Empowerment Model)通过激励和赋能员工,可以让他们更好地融入企业文化,发挥个人价值。

12. 文化迷宫模型(Culture Labyrinth Model)企业文化像一个迷宫,需要通过逐步探索和解决问题的方式来找到合适的出路。



Unit 1 An IntroductionTerms/questions:1.Economic globalization 经济全球化: the integration of national economies into the international economy through trade, foreign direct investment, capital flows, migration, and the spread of technology. 2.Global village 地球村: All the different parts of the world form one community linked together by electronic communications, especially the Internet.3.Melting-pot 大熔炉: a socio-cultural assimilation of people of different backgrounds and nationalities. 4.Cultural Diversity文化多样性: the mix of people from various backgrounds with a full mix of cultures and sub-cultures to which members belong.5.What are the four trends that lead to the development of the global village? (p8~9)全球化因素:1) Convenient transportation systems 便捷的交通系统2) Innovative communication systems 先进的通信系统3) Economic globalization 经济全球化4) Widespread migration 大规模移民6.The concept of cultureCulture: a learned set of shared interpretations about beliefs, values, and norms, which affect the behavior of a relatively large group of people.7.What are the three ingredients of culture?1) Artifacts: the material and spiritual products people produce.2) Behavior: what they do3) Concepts: what they think (belief, values, world views……)8.Culture iceberg文化冰山(p7)Like an iceberg what we can see about culture is just the tip of the iceberg; the majority of it is intangible, beyond sight. and the part of culture that is visible is only a small part of a much bigger who le. It is said nine-tenth of culture is below the surface.Just as an iceberg which has a visible section above the waterline and a larger invisible section below the waterline, culture has some aspects that are observable and others that can only be s uspected and imagined. Also like an iceberg, the part of culture that is visible is only a small part of a much bigger whole. It is said nine-tenth of culture is below the surface.水面上: the aspect of culture that are explicit (明确的) , visible taught (可数的)水面下: intangible (无形的) , not taught directly9.Characteristics of culture1) Culture is shared: All communications take place by means of symbols.2) Culture is learned: Culture is learned, not inherited. It derives from one’s social environment, not fromone’s genes.•Enculturation文化习得: All the activities of learning one’s culture are called enculturation.3)Culture is dynamic: culture is subject to change. It’s dynamic rather than static constantly changingand evolving and develops an increased similarity between the two cultures.•Acculturation文化适应: the process which adopts the changes brought about by another culture and develops an increased similarity between the two cultures.4) Culture is ethnocentric: the belief that your own cultural background is superior.※Ethnocentrism文化中心主义: the belief that your own cultural background is superior. 10.Communication: mean to share with or to make common, as in giving to another a part or share of your thoughts, hopes, and knowledge.11.Intercultural communication: communication between people whose cultural perception and symbol systems are distinct enough to alter their communication event.12.Components of communication1) Source交际邀请The source is the person with an idea he or she desires to communicate.2) Encoding编码Encoding is the process of putting an idea into a symbol.3) Message编码信息The term message identifies the encoded thought. Encoding is the process, the verb; the messa ge is the resulting object.4) Channel交际渠道The term channel is used technically to refer to the means by which the encoded message is transmitted.5) Noise干扰The term noise technically refers to anything that distorts the message the source encodes.6) Receiver交际接受The receiver is the person who attends to the message.7) Decoding解码Decoding is the opposite process of encoding and just as much an active process. The receiver isactively involved in the communication process by assigning meaning to the symbols received.8)Receiver response接受反应Receiver response refers to anything the receiver does after having attended to and decoded the message.9) Feedback反馈Feedback refers to that portion of the receiver response of which the source has knowledge and to which the source attends and assigns meaning.10) Context场景The final component of communication is context. Generally, context can be defined as the environment in which the communication takes place and which helps define the communication. 13.Process of communication14.Characteristics of communication1) Communication is dynamic.2) Communication is irreversible.不可逆的3) Communication is symbolic.符号性的4) Communication is systematic. 系统的5) Communication is transactional. 交互式的6) Communication is contextual. 上下文的,受语境影响的15.相关案例与题目Case 1 (p1) Case2 (p2) Exercises A B2 C E (P12~13)Unit 2~4 Verbal CommunicationTerms/questions:1. Pragmatics语用学: the study of the effect that language has on human perceptions and behavior.2. Semantics语义学: a system that associates words to meaning. It is the study of the meaning of words.3. Denotation 字面意思: the literal meaning or definition of a word --- the explicit, particular, defined meaning.4. Connotation弦外之音: the suggestive meaning of a word --- all the values, judgment, and beliefs implied by a word the historical and associative accretion of the unspoken significance behind the literal meaning.5. Taboo 禁忌语: refers to some objects, words or actions that are avoided by a particular group of people, or in certain culture for religious or social reasons.6. Euphemism委婉语: means the act of substituting a mild, indirect, or vague term for one considered harsh, blunt, or offensive.7.How is Chinese addressing different from American addressing? Form of Address (p22~23)In Chinese the surname comes first and is followed by the given name/ but in English this order is reversed. Addressing by names:In China seniority is paid respect to. Juniors are supposed to address seniors in a proper way. The use of given names is limited to husband and wife, very close friends, juniors by elders or superiors/ Nowadays, more and more English-speaking people address others by using the first name, even when people meet for the first time. (Intimacy and equality)Addressing by relationship:Chinese often extend kinship terms to people not related by blood or marriage. These terms are used after the surname to show politeness and respect/ The English equivalents of the above kinship terms are not so used. Even with relatives, Americans tend to use just the first name and leave out the term of relationship. Addressing by title, office, profession:a nother common Chinese form of address is the use of a person’s title, office, profession to indicate the person’s influe ntial status. In English, only a few occupations or titles could be used. (P24) Americans tend to regard titles as trivial unless they have a clear idea of what kind of work a person does and what his responsibilities are.8.Social Functions of Compliments (p50)Compliments have a series of social functions: creating or reinforcing solidarity, greeting people, expressing thanks or congratulations, encouraging people, softening criticism, starting a conversation, or evenovercoming embarrassment.9.相关案例与题目Unit 2 Case 1 (p17) Case2 (p17~18) Case 4 (p19) Exercises A B2 C (P32~33)Unit 3 Case 3 (p45) Exercises A B1 C (P59~60)Unit 4 Case 1 (p67) Case2 (p69) Case 4 (p19) Exercises A C (P80~81)Unit 5 Nonverbal CommunicationTerms/questions:1.Chronemics 时间学:The study of how people perceive and use time.2.Monochronic time 一元时间观念: means paying attention to and doing only one thing at a time. 3.Polychronic time 多元时间观念: means being involved with many things at once4.Proxemics 空间学: refers to the perception and use of space.5.Kinesics 肢体语言:the study of body language .6.Paralanguage 副语言: involving sounds but not word and lying between verbal and nonverbal communication.7.Nonverbal Communication, Its Study Areas (p95)1) Time language ; 2) Space language ; 3) Body language ; 4) Paralanguage8.Monochronic time VS Polychronic time (P97)Monochronic time is structured and often rigid everything is scheduled down to the minute and precautions are taken to guard against interruptions.People and cultures who run on Polychronic time multitask well. These people focus on maintainingpersonal relationships more than completing tasks.9.相关案例与题目Unit 5 Case 1 (p85) Case3 (p87) Case 6 (p90) Case 7 (p91) Exercises A B2 D E(P111~114)Unit 6 Cross-gender CommunicationTerms/questions:1.What has influenced the gender socialization? (p121)1) Family communicationParticularly between mothers and children, and recreational interaction among children2) Recreational interaction2.Gender and Sex are not synonymous. (p120)3.Differences between feminine and masculine communication cultures (p123)P123 Table 6.34.Understanding Cross-gender Communication. (p123~126)1)What counts as support?2)Tricky feedback.3)Expressing care.4)I’d rather do it myself.5.相关案例与题目Exercises A B2 (P129)Unit 7 Cultural Variations in Negotiation StylesTerms/questions:1.High-context cultures VS Low-context cultures•High-context cultures assign meaning to many of the stimuli surrounding an explicit message. Inhigh-context cultures, verbal messages have little meaning without the surrounding context, which includes the overall relationship between all the people engaged in communication.•Low-context cultures exclude many of those stimuli and focus more intensely on the objective communication event, whether it be a word, a sentence, or a physical gesture. In low-context cultures, the message itself means everything.2.相关案例与题目Case 1 (p137) Exercises A B3 (P152~153)Unit 9 Intercultural Personhood:An Integration Of Eastern and Western PerspectivesTerms/questions:1.Planetary culture 行星文化: is explored, which integrates Eastern mysticism with Western science and rationalism.2.Intercultural personhood 跨文化人格: Represents someone whose cognitive, affective, and behavioral characteristics are not limited but open to growth beyond the psychological parameters of his or her own culture.3.Theories of cultural values.Cultural values affect people’s attitudes about the form of behavior considered more appropriate and effective in a given condition.Over the years, a number of cross-cultural dimensions were developed by scholars.•Kluckhohn and S trodtbeck’s theory of value orientation.•Hofsted’s cultural dimensions4. What are the American/Chinese cultural values like in terms of cultural orientation put forward by Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck?Looking at the phenomenon of culture. They came up with five basic questions at root of any culture’s value system.1) What is the character of innate human nature?2) What is the relation of man to nature?3) What is the temporal focus of human life?4) What is the mode of human activity?5) What is the mode of human relationships?5.Hofsted’s cultural dimensions文化取向Hofsted’s work was one of the earliest attempts to use extensive statistical data to examine cultural values. He identified four dimensions that he labeled.•Individualism versus collectivism 个人/集体主义•Power distance 权利距离•Uncertainty avoidance 不确定性规避•Masculinity versus femininity 男性/女性主义6.American cultural valuesAs far as the human culture is concerned, America culture holds that it is evil but perfectible though hard work. As to the relation of human to nature, they think mankind can conquer nature. They also have a linear time concept and therefore they are future-oriented. They focus on doing and think that only actions can solve the problem. They are quite individualistic and therefore they focus less on the benefits of the group. 7.Chinese culture valuesAs far as the human culture is concerned, Chinese culture holds that it is good but corruptible without proper education. As to the relation of human to nature, they think mankind can live in harmony with nature. They also have a cyclical time concept and therefore they are past-oriented. They have a being-and-becoming attitude towards activity and think that man should keep an inner peace as nothing is eternal. They are quite collective and therefore they focus more on the benefits of the group.8.相关案例与题目Case 3 (p186) Exercises A (P198)。



跨文化交际期末复习判断1 the iceberg model of culture implies that it is very difficult to understand a culture thoroughly文化的冰山模式意味着要彻底理解文化是非常困难的。

( T )2 culture is innate as soon as a person is born一个人出生就有文化( F )3 people may sometimes get confused about his or her cultural identity人们有时会对他或她的文化身份感到困惑。

( T )4 scholars prefer the term subculture to co-culture in describing a culture which exists witnin a dominant culture在描述一种存在显性文化的文化时,学者们倾向于亚文化到共同文化。

( F )components :sender,encoding,message,chann el,noise,decoding,feedback,and context通信过程由九部分组成:发送方、编码、消息、信道、噪声、解码、反馈和上下文。

( T )10 No two of us can assume that our sensations are the same我们谁也不能假定我们的感觉是一样的。

( T )11 people may possess different sensing of the same smell人们可能对同一气味有不同的感觉。

( T )12 Our perception are influenced by who we are,includeing the accumulation of our experience我们的感觉被我们是谁的影响,包括我们的经验的积累( T )13 we give meaning to or decode the information that we have selected andorganized during the selection stage 我们在选择阶段对我们选择和组织的信息给予意义或解码。

大学英语跨文化交际chapter 1 Culture

大学英语跨文化交际chapter 1 Culture

Four definitions of “Culture”
Text C The Characteristics of Culture
3. Culture Is Pervasive
Like the air we breathe, culture penetrates into every aspect of our life and influences the way we think, the way we talk, and the way we behave.
We define culture as “the deposit of knowledge, experience, beliefs, values, actions, attitudes, hierarchies, religions, notions of time, roles, spatial relations, concepts of the universe, and artifacts acquired by a group of people in the course of generations through individual and group striving.”
2. Culture Is Dynamic
Activity: Exploring Ideas Do you know any other events that have great influence on culture? Tell your partner how the following events changed culture. 1. China’s policy of reform and opening-up 2. The United States’ entering WWII 3. The atomic bombing in Japan in WWII


(4)nature of friendship, ordering of time, concept of “self”, preference for competition or cooperation, body language, notions about logic and validity, patterns of handling emotions
(3)conception of cleanliness, attitudes towards dependents, theory of disease, approaches to problem-solving, conception of status mobility, status designations based on age, sex, class, occupation, kinship, etc.
The Culture Iceberg
Kluchhohn指出文化中有的是显型的,有的是 隐型的。实际上,文化中的许多部分都是隐型 的,有的学者把文化比作冰山,我们能够看到 的只是它的一小部分,而我们没有看到的却是 大部分。
下图上我们可以看到只有服饰、食物、建筑、 文学艺术作品、科学技术的成果等可以看到, 并立即联系到某种文化,而牵涉到习俗、观念、 信仰、人与人之间的关系、人与自然的关系、 世界观等等都是我们看不到的。
Cultural Iceberg
1)美术、文学、戏剧、古典音乐、流行隐喻、民间舞蹈、饮食、服饰 2)目光、语境谈话方式、社交频率、面部表情
1)谦虚观念、美的概念、子女抚养标准、与动物的关系 2)上下级关系模式、罪恶的定义、求爱方式、工作的积极性、友谊的性质、
对领导的看法、工作节奏、集体决策 3)整洁的概念、对依赖的态度、疾病理论、解决问题方法、地位变化看法、



Chapter11.The nature of Culture:(1)Culture is like an iceberg 2 Culture is our software3 Culture is like the water a fish swims in4 Culture isthe grammar of our behavior2.The definition of cultureCulture is the deposit of knowledge, experience, beliefs, values, actions, attitudes, hierarchies, religions, notions of time, role, spatial relations, concepts of the universe, and artifacts acquired by a group of people in the course of generations through individual and group striving.3.The definition of subculturesSubcultures exist within dominant culture, and are often based on economic or social class, ethnicity, race, or geographic region.4.Scholars of different fields defined culture from their ownperspectivesAnthropological perspective, psychological perspective, sociological perspective, intercultural perspective, etc.5.Our definition of cultureWe define culture as the deposit of knowledge, experience,beliefs, values, actions, attitudes, hierarchies, religions, notions of time, roles, spatial relations, concepts of the universe, and artifacts acquired by a group of people in the course of generations through individual and group striving.6.Characteristics of culture(1)culture is learned 2 culture is dynamic 3 culture ispervasive 4 culture is integrated 5 culture is adaptive(1)culture is learned: a. We learn our culture throughproverbsb. We learn our culture from folklorec. We learn our culturethrough art d. We learn our culture through mass media7. Culture identity defined:Culture identity refers to one’s sense of belonging to a particular culture or ethnic group. People consciously identify themselves with a group that has a shared system of symbols and meanings as well as norms for conduct.8.Formation of culture identitya.unexamined culture identityb.culture identity searchc.culture identity achievement9.Characteristics of culture identityCulture identity is central to a person’s sense of selfCulture identity is dynamic, and one’s culture identity Culture identity is also multifaceted components of their self-concept.10.the definition of subcultureSubcultures exist within dominant culture, and often based on economic or social class, ethnicity, race, or geographic region.ponents of communicationa.sender/sourceb. messagec. encodingd. channele. receiverf. decodingg. feedbackh. noise12.In western culture, communication is studied as the meansof transmitting ideas. Western cultures emphasize the instrumental function of communication; that is, effectiveness is evaluated in terms of success in the manipulation of others to achieve one’s personal goal.13.the components of noisea. external noise外界干扰b. physiological noise生理干扰c.psychological noise心理干扰 d. semantic noise语义干扰14. the components of contexta. the physical contextb. the social contextc. theinterpersonal context.15. What is the relationship between culture and communicationculture inherently天性的,固有的contain communication systems. Communication and culture are inseparable. A.cultures generate symbols, rituals宗教习惯, customs, and formats.16. How does culture affect its communication styleEach culture encourages a particular communication style expected within it. This implies not only using correct symbols, but also applying the appropriate communication style for the occasion.17. The definition of intercultural communicationMore precisely intercultural communication is communication between people whose cultural perception and symbol system are distinct enough to alter the communication event.18. Forms of intercultural communicationa. international communicationb. interracial communicationc. interethnic communicationd. intracultural同一文化内的communication19. the definition of anxiety and uncertaintya. anxiety occurs because of not knowing what one is expectedto do, and focusing on that feeling and not being totally present in the communication transaction事务.b. uncertainty refers to our cognitive inability to explainour own or others’ feelings and behaviors in interactions because of an ambiguous含糊的,模棱两可的 situation that evokes anxiety.20. Strategies to overcome anxiety and uncertaintyA. we directly gather information through verbalinterrogation 询问 or by asking our counterparts questions about themselves.B. we open ourselves to our counterparts 极其相似的人 bydisclosing personal information that they do not know.21. Assuming similarity instead of difference假定相似性代替差异性重点考案例分析The second barrier is assuming similarity instead of difference. It refers to the idea that people coming from another culture are more similar to you than actually are or that another person’s situation is more similar to yours than it in fact is.假定一致性是指认为来自另一文化的他人和自己相似或他人的处境相似,而事实上却并非如此.22. The definition of ethnocentrism 民族中心主义;Ethnocentrism refers to negatively judging aspects of another culture by the standards of one’s own culture. To be ethnocentric is to believe in the superiority of one’s own culture.23. The definition of stereotyping文化思维定式;The term is more broadly used to refer to negative or positive judgments made about individuals based on any observable or believed group membership.24. The definition of prejudice偏见;Prejudice refers to the irrational无理性的dislike, suspicion, or hatred of a particular group, race, religion, or sexual orientation性取向;25. the definition of racismRacism is any policy, practice, belief, or attitude that attributes haracteristics or status to individuals based on their race.26. Reasons for the persistence固定of ethnocentrism,stereotyping, prejudice and racism.a. socializationb. social benefitsc. economic benefits.d.psychological benefits.relationship between language and culture is that they are like mirrors to each other. Each one reflects and is reflected by the other.28. five components of translation problemsA. lack of vocabulary b. lack of idiomatic习语 equivalence c.lack of grammatical-syntactical语法和句法 equivalenced. lack of experiential equivalencee. lack of conceptualequivalence29. Verbal communication happens when people from differentcultural backgrounds communicating with each other by using language.30. The linguistic determinist interpretation and the linguisticrelativity interpretation.1 the view from the linguistic determinist interpretation is thatlanguage structure controls thoughts and cultural norms.2Linguistic relativity holds that culture is controlled by and controls language.31. Language as a reflection of the environment.Language as a reflection of values.32. Sometimes different cultures use identical words that havedifferent meanings. The results can be humorous, annoying, or costly, depending on the circumstances.distinguish between direct and indirect styles.The direct and indirect styles differ in the extent to which communicators reveal their intentions through their tone of voice and straightforwardness of their message. In the direct verbal style, statements clearly reveal the speaker’s intentions. In the indirect verbal style, on the other hand,verbal statements tend to hide the speaker’s actual intention.34. elaborate, exacting and succinct styles1 An elaborate style emphasizes flashy and embellishedlanguage.many Arab, middle Eastern, and Afro-American cultures.2 An exacting style, where persons say no more or less than isneeded, is used by Americans. They tend to prefer an exacting style of interaction consistent with a “Just the facts”mentality.3 A succinct style is characterized by the use of concisestatements, understatements, and even silence. A succinct style can be found in Japan, China, and some Native American cultures.35. the distinguish of personal and contextual styles1 the personal communication style is one that emphasizes theindividual identity of the speaker.2 a contextual style highlights one’s role identity andstatus.36. instrumental and affective styleAn instrumental verbal style as sender-based and goal-outcome based. The instrumental speaker users communication to achieve some goal or outcome.An affective communication style is receiver and process oriented. The affective speaker is concerned not so much with the outcome of the communication, but with the process.definition of dialects and sociolects方言和社会方言Dialects refer to geographical differences and these differences can be national, regional or local.Sociolects are also another form of linguistic variation. In fact, some people consider a sociolect as a social dialect referring to a particular social class. Indeed, one’s social background does influence one’s choice of linguistic forms and one’s language reveals one’s identity.definition of pidgin and lingua franca洋径邦语和通用语;A pidgin is a special language variety that mixes or blendslanguages for restricted purposes such as trading.A lingua franca refers to a specific language that is used asan international means of communication.39. the characteristics of pidgin languages.1 they have no native speakers2 the linguistic and grammaticalstructure of pidgin languages is always simple and based on one or two other languages.40. the definition of jargon行话Jargon refers to the special or technical vocabulariesdeveloped to meet the special needs of particular professions such as medicine and law.41. five verbal communication stylesDirect/ indirect ; self-enhancement/self-effacement ;自我夸大自我贬低 elaborate/exacting/succinct 详细阐释严格阐释简单阐释personal/contextual 个体语境instrumental/affective 实效主义情感主义42. the significance of nonverbal communicationFirst nonverbal behavior accounts for much of the meaning we get from conversations.Second, nonverbal behavior is significant because it spontaneously 自然而然 reflects the subconsciousness. 潜意识;Third reason that nonverbal communication is significant is that we cannot avoid communicating.functions of nonverbal communicationa. repeatingb. complementing 恭维c. substituting 替代言语的功能 d. regulating 控制局面的功能 e. contradicting 反驳; Substituting: nonverbal messages may substitute verbal ones in certain settings.Nonverbal behaviors can help control verbal interactions by regulating them.Certain nonverbal behaviors can contradict spoken words. 44. the definition of paralanguage and silenceParalanguage is the set of audible sounds that accompany oral language to augment its meaning.45. the definition of chronemics 时间行为Chronemics is the study of how people perceive and use time.46. monochrome and polychrome 单维时间取向多维时间取向Monochrome includes Germany Austria Switzerland and the United states.Polychrome includes Chinese Indians Arabs Latin Americans and Mediterraneans. 地中海47. the three aspects of proxemics空间关系学a. fixed features of spaceb. semifixed features of space半固定的c. personal space48. In conclusion, southern Europeans like the Portuguese, theSpanish, and the Italians as well as Latin Americans and Middle Easterners emphasize closer personal space than the Americans and the British.49. the categories of nonverbal communicationa. oculesics目光语 is the study of communications sent by theeyes.b. olfactics 嗅觉 is the study of communication via smell.c. haptics触觉 refers to communicating through the use ofbodily contactd. kinesics身势语 refers to gestures, facial expressions,eye contact, body poison, body movement, and forms of greeting and their relations to communication.e. chromatics色彩学 is the study of color use in affectingpeople’s perceptions, behaviors and impressions of others.f. attire服装学 clothing and physical appearance are usuallycalled attire.50. the definition of cultural patternsCulture patterns can be defined as following: shared beliefs, values, norms, and social practices that are stable over time and that lead to roughly similar behavior across similar situation.51. the components of cultural patternsa. beliefs: a belief is an idea that people assume to be trueabout the world.b. values: values involve what a culture regards as good or bad,right or wrong, fair or unfair, just of unjust, beautiful or ugly, clean or dirty, valuable or worthless, appropriate or inappropriate, and kind or cruel.c. norm行为规范: norms are the socially expectations ofappropriate behaviors.d. social practices are the predictable behavior patterns thatmembers of a culture typically follow.Americans value achievement, Chinese value power, Westerners value self-direction, Asians value conformity.52. A high context communication or message is one in which mostof the information is already in the person, while very little is in the coded, explicitly transmitted part of the message.A low context communication is just the opposite; the mass ofthe information is vested in the explicit code.High-context cultures, because of tradition and history, change very little over time. These are cultures in which consistent messages have produced consistent responses to the environment. In high-context cultures, information is provided through gestures, the use of space, and even silence.In low-context cultures, the verbal message contains most of the information and very little is shown in the context or the participants. Members of low-context cultures expect messages to be detailed, clear-cut, and definite.potential types of relations between humans and naturea. mastery-over-nature viewb. harmony-with-nature viewc. subjugation-to-nature view54. six potential solutions to human nature orientationa. humans are evil but changeableb. humans are evil andunchangeable c. humans are neutral with respect to good and evild. humans are a mixture of good and evile. humans are good butchangeable f. humans are good and unchangeable.three types of time orientation 时间价值取向a. value-past orientationb. value-present orientationc. value-future orientationthree types of activity orientationa. value-doing orientationb. value-being orientationorientation自我实现57. the three types of relational orientationa. value-individualism orientationb. value-linealityorientation源于阶级关系的价值取向 c. value-collaterality orientation 关联实体的价值取向58. the definition of individual and collectivism集体主义The individual is the single most important unit in any social setting, regardless of the size of that unit, and the uniqueness of each individual is of great value.Collectivism is characterized by a rigid social framework thatdistinguishes between in-group and out-groups.59. uncertainty avoidanceUncertainty avoidance deals with the degree to which members of a culture try to avoid uncertainty.In high uncertainty avoidance cultures as “what is different, is dangerous,”In low uncertainty avoidance cultures as “what is different, is curious.definition of power distancePower distance is “ the extent to which the less powerful members of institutions and organizations accept that power is distributed unequally”.61. employees in organizations “live in order to work”inmasculine cultures and “work in order to live ” in feminine cultures.assumptions about human communicationa. communication is rule governedb. contexts specify the appropriatec. rules are culturally diverse63. Chinese business values emphasize kinship 位缘关系,interpersonal connections, respect for elders and hierarchy.64. factors affecting acculturationa. the role of communicationb. the role of the host environment 主流文化c. the role of predisposition素质65. the forms of culture shocka. language shockb. role shockc. transition shockd. culturefatigue e. education shockbest way to get to know and understand another culture is to establish relationships with host nationalsHost nationals know the norms and subtleties of their culture and can be of immense help in assisting you to learn and understand them.。



判断对错Text 1:(对)The iceberg model of culture implies that it is very difficult to understand a culture thoroughly.文化的冰山模型意味着要彻底理解一种文化是非常困难的。

(错)Culture is innate as soon as a person is born.人一出生,文化就是与生俱来的。

(对)People may sometimes get confused about his or her cultural identity.人们有时会对自己的文化身份感到困惑。

(错)Scholars prefer the term subculture to co-culture in describing a culture which exists within a dominant culture.在描述存在于主导文化中的文化时,学者们更喜欢亚文化这个术语而不是共文化。

(对)A person could be a member of several different subgroups at the same time.一个人可以同时是几个不同子组的成员。

Text 2:(错)Intracultural communication occurs when the sender and the receiver exchanging messages are from different races.文化内交流是指信息的传递者和接受者来自不同的种族。

(对)Communication and culture are inseparable and strongly connected.交流与文化是密不可分的。

(错)The sender must choose certain words or nonverbal methods to send an intentional message. This activity is called decoding.发送者必须选择特定的词语或非语言方式来传递有意的信息。



判断1 the iceberg model of culture implies that it is very difficult to understand a culture thoroughly文化的冰山模式意味着要彻底理解文化是非常困难的。

(T )2 culture is innate as soon as a person is born一个人出生就有文化(F )3 people may sometimes get confused about his or her cultural identity人们有时会对他或她的文化身份感到困惑。

(T )4 scholars prefer the term subculture to co-culture in describing a culture which exists witnin a dominant culture在描述一种存在显性文化的文化时,学者们倾向于亚文化到共同文化。

(F )5 a person could be a member of several different subgroups at the same time一个人可以同时成为几个不同的子组的成员。

(T )6 Intracultural communication occurs when the sender and the receiver from different races exchang messages文化的交流是发生在不同种族交换消息的发送者和接收者(F )7 communication and culture are inseparable and strongly connected沟通与文化密不可分,紧密相连。

(T )8 The sender must choose certain words or nonverbal to send an intentional message.this activity is called decoding发送者必须选择言语或非言语的发出故意这活动被称为解码(F )9 The process of communication has nine components :sender,encoding,message,channel,noise,decoding,feedback,and context通信过程由九部分组成:发送方、编码、消息、信道、噪声、解码、反馈和上下文。



大学英语跨文化交际总结Chapter 1 cultureThe nature of culture:1.culture is like an iceberg2.culture is our software3.culture is like the water a fish swims in4.culture is the grammar of our behaviorCharacteristics of culture:1.culture is learned (through proverbs, folklore, art, mass media)2.culture is dynamic 动态的3.culture is pervasive 普遍的4.culture is integrated 综合的5.culture is adaptiveCultural identity 文化认同1.cultural identity defined2.formation of cultural identity (unexamined, search, achievement)3.characteristics of cultural identityCultures within culture1.subculture 亚文化群2.Co-culture 共文化3.Sub-group 亚群体SummaryMany of us take our culture for granted. The only time when we may ever think about it is when we leave our own country to travel abroad or when we encounter someone with a culture so different from ours that we have to examine our own beliefs. Much of what we think is the "right" or "correct" way to act or dosomething is actually part of the knowledge that we have learned from our culture. Culture is a large and inclusive concept. The first definition of culture, by the English anthropologist Edward B. Tylor, involves knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, customs and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society. Although this definition has tried to cover more aspects that may direct human behavior, more inclusive definitions continue to come into being. However, in this book, culture is defined from the intercultural communication perspective: culture is the deposit of knowledge, experience, beliefs, values, actions, attitudes, hierarchies, religions, notions of time, roles, spatial relations, concepts of the universe, and artifacts acquired by a group of people in the course of generations through individual and group striving.Compared with the different ideas on what culture is, scholars agree on the characteristics of culture. Generally speaking, culture is learned, dynamic, pervasive, integrated and adaptive.Cultural identity refers to one's sense of belonging to a particular culture or ethnic group. People identify with being a member of a group. Being a member of a group helps to define who we are. We are all members of groups of different sizes. One of the largest groups that a person can belong to is a culture. Everyone belongs to a culture.Other groups that people may be a member of are subcultures (also called co-culture) and subgroups. Subcultures exist within dominant culture, and are often based on economic or social class, ethnicity, race, or geographic region.Co-culture refers to groups or social communities exh如ting communication characteristics, perceptions, values, beliefs, andpractices that are significantly different enough to distinguish them from the other groups, communities, and the dominant culture.Subgroups usually do not involve the same large number of people and are not necessarily thought of as accumulating values and patterns of behavior over generations in the same way as cultures do. Subgroups can be as small as a few people or as large as a major religion. Subgroups provide their members with norms that tell people how to behave and think. Subgroups can be considered "deviant" forms of behavior. Subgroups can also be defined as "non-exclusive" and "temporary" forms of behavior.Chapter 2 intercultural communication Communication/doc/ae1335434.html,munication defined/doc/ae1335434.html,ponents (组成) of communication(sender/message/encoding/channel/receiver/decoding编码/feedback/noise/context)Characteristics of communication/doc/ae1335434.html,munication is dynamic/doc/ae1335434.html,munication is systematic/doc/ae1335434.html,munication is symbolic 象征的/doc/ae1335434.html,munication is irreversible 不可逆的/doc/ae1335434.html,munication is transactional 相互作用的/doc/ae1335434.html,munication is self-reflective 自我反思的/doc/ae1335434.html,munication is contextual 前后关系的Culture and communicationCulture and communication, although two different concepts, are directly linked. They are so inextricably bound that some anthropologists believe the terms are virtually synonymous. Whenever people interact, they communicate. Culture is learned, acted out, transmitted, and preserved through communication. Although the concepts of communication and culture work together, we separate them here for purposes of our discussion, we begin by examining "communication" because to understand intercultural interaction, you must first recognize the role of communication in that process.Cultures inherently contain communication systems. Communication and culture are inseparable. One implication of this insight is that cultures generate symbols, rituals, customs, and formats. To use a simple example, every culture has rules for achievement and attainment. In Western culture, the symbols includedegrees, promotions, certificates, material objects, technology, and other symbols of material wealth. However, nationals in rural Botswana take pride in the primary group and not just individual attainment. Cultural misunderstanding occurs when we fail to match the appropriate symbols and general communication system to the culture. Just witness the awkwardness of an expatriate who attends a gathering in a host culture, but fails to wear the appropriate clothes. One cannot escape this inseparability of culture and communication.Each culture encourages a particular communication styleexpected within it. This implies not only using correct symbols, but also applying the appropriate communication style for the occasion. Communication styles include mannerisms, phrases, rituals, and communication customs appropriate for various situations in a culture. For instance, in Saudi Arabia the correct interpersonal communication style upon meeting one's host is often language loaded with compliments and thanks. Public criticism of fellow workers in this culture is rare, for such a message would appear disrespectful. Some West Africans exhibit a friendly and warm interpersonal communication style. Some Asians are described as conscious of propriety, ceremony, and rules of respect and honor. Some U.S. culture members appear informal and uninhibited Some Britons display a reserved manner, preferring understatement and control in interpersonal interaction. These examples remind us of the importance of understanding intercultural communication style.Areas like loudness, pitch, rate, and certain stances and gestures characterize communication behaviors. A specific culture expects an "ideal" communication style. The contrasts are striking, such as when an American speaks in a "normal" conversational voice, a "quiet" Thai national may think the voice is too loud and interpret the American to be angry.Intercultural communication1.intercultural communication defined2.forms of intercultural communication (internationalcommunication/interracial communication跨人种/interethniccommunication跨种族/intracultural communication同一文化内)SummaryCommunication is an element of culture. It is believed that every cultural pattern and every single act of social behavior involves communication. When a baby is just born, he usually cries. His crying communicates something. When you graduate, your friends usually say "Congratulations!" to you. When a driver sees the red light, he/she will stop. All these are cases of communication. Communication is derived from the Latin word communicate, meaning to share with or to make common, as in giving to another part or share of your thoughts, hopes, and knowledge.However, like culture, the term "communication" has been defined from different perspectives. In fact, the way that people view communication - what itis, how to do it, and reasons for doing it - is part of their culture. Western culture emphasizes the instrumental function of communication and the prior consideration is to achieve the sender's personal goal, while in Eastern culture, in addition to sending and receiving messages simultaneously, communicators take their relationship into account.The process of communication has nine components: sender/source, message, encoding, channel, receiver, decoding, feedback, noise and context. The sender encodes a message (information that the sender wants to share with other people) by putting it into symbols (usually words or nonverbal gestures) and then sending it through a channel. A channel can be printed media such as magazines and newspapers; electronic media such as television, radio, and the Internet; or sounds traveling through the air when two people speak face to face. Sometimes, it is difficult for the message to reach the receiver. The difficulty is due to "noise". When receivers get the message, they must "decode"or try to understand it. For example, if the sender encodes a message using English, the receiver must use their knowledge of English language to understand it. Often, the sender pays attention to the feedback of the receiver. The communication takes place within a setting or situation called context.Any communication process demonstrates several characteristics, that is, dynamic, systematic, symbolic, irreversible, transactional, self-reflective and contextual.When communicating with people from different cultures, it is important toremember that culture and communication are strongly connected. Culture is a code we learn and share, and learning and sharing require communication. Intercultural communication refers to communication between people whose cultural perception and symbol system are distinct enough to alter the communication event. Intercultural communication as a term was first used in 1959 by Edward T. Hall—an American anthropologist. Intercultural communication includes international communication, interracial communication, interethnic commurucat10n and intracultural communication.Chapter 4 barriersEmotional problems as barriers1.anxiety and uncertainty (definition/strategies to overcome)2.assuming similarity instead of difference 假想相同点多于不同点Attitudinal problems as barriers1.ethnocentrism 种族或民族中心主义(defined/various forms)2.stereotyping(definition/categories)3.prejudice4.racism5.reasons for the persistence of ethnocentrism, stereotyping,prejudice andracism(socialization社交化/social benefits/economic benefits/psychological benefits)Translation problems as language barriers/doc/ae1335434.html,ck of vocabulary equivalence/doc/ae1335434.html,ck of idiomatic equivalence/doc/ae1335434.html,ck of grammatical-syntactical equivalence/doc/ae1335434.html,ck of experiential equivalence 经验/doc/ae1335434.html,ck of conceptual equivalence 概念SummaryThere are several barriers to intercultural communication—anxiety and uncertainty, assuming similarity instead of difference, ethnocentrism, stereotyping, prejudice, racism and translation problems.Anxiety and uncertainty, as well as assuming similarity instead of difference belong to the emotional problems.Anxiety occurs because of not knowing what one is expected to do, and focusing on that feeling and not being totally present in the communication transaction. Anxiety may also affect your ability to communicate your ideas to others, for you pay too much attention to your uncomfortable feelings. Uncertainty refers to our cognitive inability to explain our own or other's feelings and behaviors in interactions because of an ambiguous situation that evokes anxiety.Assuming similarity instead of difference is a natural thing todo if you do not have any information about a culture. It refers to the idea that people comingfrom another culture are more similar to you than they actually are or that another person's situation is more similar to yours than it in fact is. Assuming that a culture is similar to your own can cause you to ignore important differences This assumption always leads to disrupted communication and even conflict. Ethnocentrism, stereotyping, prejudice and racism belong to the attitudinal problems Ethnocentrism is negatively judging another culture by your own culture's standards. To make ethnocentric judgments is to believe that the ways of your own culture are better than those of others.Stereotyping is used to refer to negative or positive judgments made about individuals based on any observable or believed group membership. It assumes that a person has certain qualities (good or bad) just because the person is a member of a specific group.Prejudice refers to the irrational dislike, suspicion or hatred of a particular group, race, religion, or sexual orientation. Prejudiced attitudes can take many forms.A specific kind of prejudice, racism refers to any policy, practice, belief, or attitude that attributes characteristics or status to individuals based on their race. Racism involves not only prejudice, but also the exercise of power over individuals based on their race.Ethnocentrism, stereotyping, prejudice, racism continue to exist because of socialization and the apparent social, economic, and psychological benefits that come from it.Due to language differences and cultural differences, translation can become abarrier to intercultural communication.Five elements that typically cause problems in translation are the lack of equivalences in vocabulary, idioms, grammar and syntax, experiences, and concepts.Chapter 5 verbal communication Significance of verbal communication"Verbal" means "consisting of words". Language, spoken or written, is a means of verbal communication. Therefore, verbal intercultural communication happens when people from different cultural backgrounds communicate with each other by using language.Language and culture/doc/ae1335434.html,nguage as a reflection of the environment/doc/ae1335434.html,nguage as a reflection of values3.the meaning of wordsVerbal communication and indirect styles2.self-enhancement and self-effacement styles 宣扬和谦逊3.elaborate, exacting and succinct styles 详尽的,确切的,简洁的4.personal and contextual styles 不同的称呼方式根据场合和地位5.instrumental and affective styles 理性与感性Language diversity1.dialects and sociolects 方言和社会方言2.pidgin and lingua franca 洋泾浜语(汉语中夹杂外语),混合语(母语不互通)3.taboo and euphemism 禁用语委婉语4.jargon 行话Cultural influence on written plan2.indirect planSummaryVerbal intercultural communication happens when people from different cultural backgrounds communicate with each other by using language.It is agreed that language helps in communicating with people from different backgrounds. However, people may be less aware that cultural literacy is necessary in order to understand the language being used. Words in themselves do not carry the meaning. The meaning comes out of the context. Although people use the dictionary to explain one language with another language, words of different languages don't mean the same thing because of the cultural influence on word meaning.There are mainly five verbal communication styles introduced in this chapter: direct / indirect; self-enhancement / self-effacement; elaborate / exacting / succinct; personal / contextual; and instrumental / affective.Language is a cultural phenomenon which is used to express different uses and to communicate different meanings. Language varies according to the communicative uses but also according to the users. In fact, users of the same language in a sense all speak differently and the kind of language each of them chooses to use is in part determined by their cultural background.In short, some language variations result from the language user, that is, his or her geographical origin (dialect), or his or her social condition (sociolect). However, some language variations result from the circumstances of communication, such as pidgin,Lingua Franca, jargon, taboo and euphemism. Dialect refers to geographical variation, while sociolect refers to variation in terms of social class or style. Pidgin refers to a mixed language that is used for trading purposes, while Lingua Franca refers to a specific language that is used as an international means of communication. Taboo refers to expressions that are considered impolite, while euphemism refers to polite expressions used to soften the offensive and disturbing language. Jargon refers to a special or technical vocabulary that is developed for professional purposes within professional groups like medicine or law.Furthermore, verbal communication involves both oral and written forms. Written communication is especially important in intercultural business communication. As the modem technological renovation (e-mail and e-commerce) calls for the written communication in business, businessmen should be more conscious about the written communication because mistakes made inwritten form are more serious and permanent.Cultural patterns influence not only oral communication but also written communication. Cultural impact on discourse patterns is to be classified into two categories: direct plan and indirect plan. In direct plans, clarity and conciseness are essential to a successful business writing style. The indirect plan has other priorities than the quick delivery of ideas, such as nurturing a relationship or developing some other context for the message. Direct plan is favored by results-oriented cultures Indirect plan is favored by relationship-oriented culture.Chapter 6 nonverbalSignificance of nonverbal communication1.nonverbal behavior accounts for much of the meaning weget fromconversations.2.nonverbal behavior is significant because it spontaneou sly<="">subconsciousness.3.Nonverbal communication is significant is that we cannot avoidcommunicating.Definition and functions of nonverbal communication1.definition of nonverbal communication2.functions of nonverbal communication(repeating重复/complementing补充/substituting代替/regulating/contradicting反对)Paralanguage and silence1.paralanguage 副语言(语音语调)2.silenceTime and space1.chronemics 时间行为学的2.proxemics 人际距离学(fixed features of space/semifixed features ofspace/personal space包括四种情况下的不同距离)Other categories of nonverbal communication1.oculesics 目光语2.olfactics 嗅觉3.haptics 触觉4.kinesics 人体动作学(gestures/posture/facial expressions/chromatics色彩/attire打扮)SummaryWhen we learn to communicate, we learn not only languagebut also various ways of communicating. Communicators use both verbal and nonverbal codes to communicate, listeners expect to receive both kinds of messages during a conversation. If a speaker uses nonverbal codes poorly or inappropriately, a listener may consider the person a poor speaker. However, misunderstandings may occur when the speakers and listeners are from different cultures and do not share the same nonverbal codes.In brief, the messages sent without using words are called nonverbal communication. Nonverbal communication involves those nonverbal stimuli in a communication setting that are generated by the sender and his or her use of the environment—these have potential message value for both the sender and receiver.Nonverbal communication codes or symbols or stimuli in a communicating setting can be divided into different categories: paralanguage, silence, proxemics, chronemics, oculesics, olfactics, haptics, kinesics, chromatics and attire. Paralanguage is the set of audible sounds that accompany oral language to augment its meaning When the German poet Klopstock wrote "The tones of human voices are mightier than strings or brass to move the soul", he meant that sounds we generate often communicate more than the words that they produce. We have the experience of watching foreign movies: if we don't know the language they speak and there are no subtitles, we can still infer when performers are expressing anger, sorrow, joy, or any other emotions.Silence cues affect interpersonal communication by providing an interval in an ongoing interaction during which the participants have time to think, check or suppress an emotion,encode a lengthy response, or inaugurate another line of thought.Chronemics is the study of how people perceive and use time. People have different attitudes toward punctuality because they have different time orientations. People from monochronic cultures emphasize schedules, whilepeople from polychronic cultures stress involvement of people and the completion of tasks as opposed to a strict adherence to schedules.Proxemics refers to the study of spatial relations. Cultures vary in such things as how living space is arranged and the distance between people in interaction. Oculesics refers to the study of communications sent by the eyes. Eyes play a central role in impression management. When people say that eyes talk, they mean that eyes convey messages. Although eye contact is a very important way of communication, direct eye-to-eye contact is not a custom throughout the world.Olfactics refers to the study of communication via smell. Americans feel uncomfortable with natural smells, so they spend millions of dollars to make themselves smell "good". However, many cultures regard natural smells as normal. Most心abs perceive a person's smell as an extension of the person.Haptics or touch refers to communication through the use of bodily contact. There are different behavioral patterns regarding touch. We learn the rules, as we move from infancy into childhood. The wrong behavior of touching in strange cultures can create uncertainty and even ill feeling.Kinesics refers to gestures, facial expressions, eye contact, body position, body movement, and forms of greeting and their relations to communication. Although any part of the body can be used for communicating nonverbally, face, hands, and armsare the primary灼nesic channels through which nonverbal messages are sent.Chromatics refers to the study of color in reference to people's perceptions, behaviors, and impressions of others. The same color may be interpreted differently in different cultures. The wrong color of your clothes may make people dislike you, or even hate you. It is quite important to watch what color is appropriate in certain settings, when you are in a foreign country Attire refers to clothing and physical appearance. It also serves as nonverbal symbols. We often identify a person's culture by his or her physical appearance and dress. Communication with others is often perceived by visual observations of his or her physical appearance.Chapter 7 cultural patternsDefining cultural patterns1.ways of thinking2.ways of actingComponents of cultural patterns 组成1.beliefs 信仰2.values 价值观3.norms 行为准则 practices 社会行为Culture theory1.high-context culture 高语境文化(很多信息在环境中是可见的,没有必要用语言过多描述)2.low-context culture(语言作为主要传递信息的方式)3.problems posed (高语境的会嫌弃低语境的人说的太多,给予了太多不需要的信息)Value orientation1.human nature orientation2.person-nature orientation(mastery-over-nature view/harmony-with-natureview/subjugation-to-nature view)3.time orientation(value-past/value-present/value-future)4.activity orientation(value-doing/value-being/value-being-in-becoming)5.relational orientationCultural variability1.individualism and collectivism 独立的集中的2.uncertainty avoidance3.power distance4.masculinity and femininity 男权主义女权主义SummaryAlthough individuals, even in the same culture, tend to have different value patterns, there are overall values shaped by one's culture which are shared by the members of the group. Understanding a culture's value pattern is of great significance in terms of understanding their behaviorsShared beliefs, values, norms, and social practices that are stable over time and。



Culture is like an iceberg,which means that only a small part is exposed,and most are hidden under the surface.
The depth of culture refers to the iceberg below the surface.Sometimes we don't realize that we are in a culture until there is a cultural conflict.
The two cultures naturally have similarities and differences;
It's like you and a foreigner go to the same Chinese restaurant for dinner,but you can see the difference when ordering.He may like large pieces of meat food,and you will order soup.





The Culture Iceberg文化冰山该部分主要将文化比喻成了冰山,大家可以看看为什么可以这样比喻,冰山可以体现文化哪些特点Just like an iceberg which has a visible section above the waterline and a larger invisible section below the waterline, culture also has some aspects that are observable and others that can only be suspected and imagined. That is to say visible, the part of culture that is visible (observable behavior) is only a small part of the whole. It is said nine-tenths of culture is below the surface.Culture above the waterline. Culture above the waterline means the aspects of culture that are explicit , visible or taught, which includes how we behave, what we eat & wear, how we speak, what kind of words we use, and what of skills and the information conveyed through formal and informal lessons, etc. They can be understood easily and immediately when they are observed. It is said that only 10 percent of culture is visible, explicit, or taught, it is the 10% that is what we have to learn to understand, assimilate and we necessarily adapt to while communicating with other cultures.Culture below the waterline. Every culture, past or present, has to decide how to satisfactorily solve common human problems and concerns. The culture below the waterline is also called “hidden” culture: the habits, assump tions , understandings, values, judgments that we know neither do not nor cannot interpret in a direct way. Usually these aspects are what we encounter every day, but not taught directlyActually a great deal can be found below the waterline, such as concepts of beauty, justice, etc., relationships to animals, patterns of superior-subordinate relations, incentives to work, notions of leadership, tempos of work, ways of decision-making, attitudes toward dependents, approaches to problem-solving, designation based on age, sex, class, occupation, kinship , etc., nature of friendship, ordering of time, concept of self, preference for competition or cooperation, body language and notions about logic and validity and so on.。

culture is an iceberg理解

culture is an iceberg理解

culture is an iceberg理解摘要:1.文化冰山理论的概述2.文化冰山理论的应用3.如何挖掘文化背后的价值观和行为准则4.文化差异对沟通和合作的影响5.提高跨文化理解和沟通的方法正文:在我们的日常生活中,文化就像一座冰山,大部分隐藏在表面之下,只有少部分显露出来。




















culture iceberg名词解释

culture iceberg名词解释




1. 表面文化表面文化是指人们容易观察和感知到的文化现象,包括语言、服饰、食物、建筑、艺术、宗教仪式等。



2. 深层文化深层文化是指文化中不太容易被观察到的部分,它包括人们的价值观念、信仰体系、思维模式、行为习惯等。



3. 文化冰山的意义文化冰山的概念提醒人们不要被表面的文化现象所迷惑,要更加深入地了解和理解不同文化背后的深层次内涵。



4. 文化冰山的启示文化冰山的概念启示我们应当尊重和包容不同文化背后的深层文化,要以开放的心态去理解和对待不同文化,而不是轻率地根据表面的文化现象来评判和歧视其他文化。


5. 结语文化冰山是一个用来比喻文化的概念,它强调了文化中表面和深层内容之间的关系和重要性。


culture is an iceberg理解

culture is an iceberg理解

Culture is an IcebergCulture is often compared to an iceberg because, like an iceberg, only a small portion of it is visible on the surface, while the majority lies beneath. This metaphor highlights the idea that there is much more to culture than what meets the eye. In this article, we will explore the concept of culture as an iceberg and delve into its various layers.The Visible CultureThe visible culture, also known as surface culture, represents the aspects of a culture that are easily noticeable and can be observed by an outsider. This includes elements such as language, clothing, food, music, art, and architecture. These aspects are often the first things that come to mind when thinking about a particular culture.Language is a crucial component of culture as it enables communication and serves as a medium for expressing ideas, beliefs, and values. Clothing and fashion choices reflect cultural norms, social status, and individual identity. Food is not only a means of sustenance but also a reflection of a culture’s history, geography, and traditions. Music, art, and architecture provide insights into a culture’s creativity, aesthetics, and values.While these visible aspects of culture are important, they only scratch the surface of the deeper layers that shape a culture.The Invisible CultureThe invisible culture, also known as deep culture, encompasses the underlying beliefs, values, norms, and assumptions that guide the behavior and thinking of individuals within a culture. These aspects are not easily observable and require a deeper understanding to uncover.Beliefs and values are the fundamental building blocks of a culture. They shape the attitudes, opinions, and behaviors of individuals within the culture. Norms are the unwritten rules that govern social behavior and define what is considered acceptable or unacceptable. Assumptions are deeply ingrained beliefs that are often taken for granted and influence how people interpret the world around them.For example, in some cultures, individualism is highly valued, and personal achievements are celebrated. In contrast, other culturesprioritize collectivism and emphasize the importance of group harmony and cooperation. These underlying beliefs and values have a profound impact on various aspects of life, including family dynamics, education systems, work environments, and social interactions.Cultural DimensionsCultural dimensions provide a framework for understanding and comparing different cultures based on various dimensions. One of the most well-known models is Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions, which identifies six dimensions: power distance, individualism vs. collectivism, masculinity vs. femininity, uncertainty avoidance, long-term vs. short-term orientation, and indulgence vs. restraint.Power distance refers to the extent to which a society accepts and expects unequal distribution of power. Individualism vs. collectivism reflects the degree of interdependence between individuals and the importance of the group. Masculinity vs. femininity examines the values associated with traditional gender roles. Uncertainty avoidance explores a society’s tolerance for ambiguity and uncertainty. Long-termvs. short-term orientation focuses on a culture’s time horizon and perspective on immediate vs. future goals. Indulgence vs. restraint investigates the extent to which a society allows gratification of basic human desires.These dimensions provide a deeper understanding of the invisiblecultural aspects and help explain the differences and similarities between cultures.Cultural Sensitivity and AwarenessUnderstanding culture as an iceberg emphasizes the need for cultural sensitivity and awareness. It reminds us that what we see on the surface is just a small part of a much larger and complex system. By recognizing and appreciating the invisible aspects of culture, we can avoid misunderstandings, stereotypes, and cultural biases.Developing cultural sensitivity involves being open-minded, curious, and respectful towards different cultures. It requires actively seeking knowledge, engaging in cross-cultural interactions, and challenging our own assumptions and biases. By doing so, we can bridge cultural gaps, foster inclusivity, and promote effective communication andcollaboration in an increasingly interconnected world.In conclusion, culture is indeed an iceberg, with its visible aspects representing only a fraction of its true depth. Understanding culture requires exploring both the visible and invisible layers, including language, clothing, food, beliefs, values, norms, and assumptions. Cultural dimensions provide a framework for comparing and analyzing different cultures. By cultivating cultural sensitivity and awareness, we can navigate cultural differences with respect and appreciation.。



判断题T 1 As a phenomenon, intercultural communication has existed for thousands of years. However, as a discipline, its history is only about fifty years. 作为一种现象,跨文化传播已经存在了数千年。


F 2 Intercultural Communication as a discipline first started in Europe.跨文化交际是欧洲第一门学科 F 3 Culture is a static entity 静态的实体 while communication is a dynamic process. 文化是一个静态 的实体而沟通是一个动态的过程T 4 Culture can be seen as shared knowledge ,what people need to know in order to act appropriately ina given 约定的特定的 culture. 文化可以被看作是一种共享的知识,人们需要知道的是在一个特定的文化中扮 演适当的行为T 5 Although cultural stereotype has its limitations (over-generalization),it still contributes to a perso n 's cultural cognition.认识、认知文化刻板印象虽有其局限性,但仍有助于人的文化认知。

T 6 In intercultural communication, we should separate one 's individual character from culturalgeneralization. 在跨文化交际中,我们要把自己的个性和文化的泛化分开。

culture is an iceberg理解

culture is an iceberg理解

culture is an iceberg理解











culture is an iceberg理解

culture is an iceberg理解

culture is an iceberg理解摘要:1.COT 的介绍和含义2.COT 的种类和作用3.COT 的获取途径和要求4.COT 在我国的发展现状和前景正文:COT(Certificate of T est)即测试证书,是一种证明产品、服务或系统已经通过特定测试的证书。


COT 可以证明产品符合国际标准、行业标准或客户要求,有助于提高产品竞争力,增加客户信任度。

COT 的种类繁多,涵盖了众多行业和领域。

常见的COT 有CE 认证、ISO 体系认证、RoHS 认证等。

CE 认证是欧洲共同市场的一种强制性产品认证制度,旨在确保产品符合欧洲法规的基本安全和性能要求。

ISO 体系认证则是对企业的质量管理体系、环境管理体系等进行评估,以证实企业具备稳定的生产和服务能力。

RoHS 认证则是针对电子产品的环保认证,确保产品不含有害物质。

获取COT 需要经过严格的测试和审核。



在我国,有许多认证机构可以提供COT 服务,如中国质量认证中心、中国检验认证集团等。

近年来,随着我国经济的快速发展,COT 在我国的应用越来越广泛。


同时,我国政府也大力推动COT 的普及,为企业提供政策支持和技术指导。

可以预见,COT 在我国的发展前景十分广阔。

然而,COT 市场也存在一定的问题,如认证机构水平参差不齐、认证过程不规范等。



五、简答和案例分析1. What are the four trends that lead to the developm ent of the global village?The four trends that lead to the developm ent of global village are:1) Convenient transportation system s;2) Innovative comm unication system s;3) Economic globalization;4) Widespread m igration(p.8-9)2. What are the three aspects where the cultural differences exist?The three aspects where the cultural differences exist are:1) the m aterial and spiritual products people produce2) what they do 3) what they think3. What are the three ingredients of culture?The three ingredients of culture are:1) artifacts 2) behavior3) concepts (beliefs, values, world views…)4. How to understand cultural iceberg?Just as an iceberg which has a visible section above the waterline and a larger invisible section below the waterline, culture has som e aspects that are observable and others that can only be suspected and imagined. Also like an iceberg, the part of culture that is visible is only a sm all part of a m uch bigger whole. It is said nine-tenth of culture is below the surface. (pg. 7)5. What are the characteristic of culture?1) Culture is shared,2) Culture is learned,3) Culture is dynam ic,4) Culture is ethnocentric.6. What are the characteristic of comm unication?1) Comm unication is dynam ic2) Comm unication is irreversible3) Comm unication is sym bolic4) Comm unication is system atic5) Comm unication is transactional. (pg. 8)6) Comm unication is contextual. (pg. 8)7. How is Chinese addressing different from American a ddressing?1) In China, the use of given nam es is limited to husband and wife, very close friends, juniors by elders or superiors, while m ore English-speaking people address others by using the first name, even when people m eet for the first tim e.2) Chinese often extend kinship terms to people not related by blood or m arriage. These terms are used after the surnam e to show politeness and respect. (pg. 23), but The English equivalents of the above kinship term s are not so used.3) In Chinese, people use a person’s title, office, or profession in addressing people. In English, only a few occupations or titles are used .8. How is the Chinese writing style different from the American style?1) Som e oriental writing…is marked by what m ay be called an approach by indirection.In this kind of writing, the developm ent of the paragraph m ay be said to be ‘turning and turning in a widening gyre.’The circles or gyres turn around the subject and show it from a variety of tangential views, but the subject is nev er looked at directly. Things are developed in terms of what they are not, rather than in terms of what they are.”2) An English paragraph usually begins with a topic statem ent, and then, by a series of subdivisions of that topic statem ent, each supported by exam ple and illustrations, proceeds, to develop that central idea and relate that idea to all other ideas in the whole essay, and to em ploy that idea in it proper relationship with the other ideas, to prove som ething, or perhaps to argue som ething.”9. What are the different features of M-time and P-tim e?回答时注意:Monochronic 和Polychronic 两项都要列举几条,八条不用都回答上,但是第一条一定要回答上。

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Explain that metaphors often help us understand big ideas by relating something we don't know to something we do know. A useful metaphor for culture is an iceberg. As we all know only about one-eighth of an iceberg is visible above the water. The rest is below. Culture is very similar to an iceberg. It has some aspects that are visible and many others that can only be suspected, guessed, or learned as understanding of the culture grows..
The portion of an iceberg which is visible above water is only a small piece of a much larger whole. Elements of culture which we can plainly see, such as food, dances, music, arts, or greeting rituals are represented by the upper portion of the iceberg .
There are many aspects of it which you cannot see when you visit a dif ferent country, forexample, the nature of friendship and the importanc e of time.The hidden part of our culture is that part which we know instinctively because we absorbed it from childhood on. It's handed down to us from generation to generation. We could also say, it's the "thinking" and "feeling" part of culture: habits, assumptions, attitudes, desires, values, tastes and so on
And deep below the "water line" are a culture's core values. These are primarily learned ideas of what is good, right, desirable, and acceptable, as well as what is bad, wrong, undesirable, and unacceptable. In many
cases, different cultural groups share the similar core values (such as "honesty", or "respect", or "family"), but these are often interpreted differently in different situations and incorporated in unique ways into specific attitudes we apply in daily situations. Ultimately, these internal forces become visible to the casual observer in the form of observable behaviors, such as the words we use, the way we act, the laws we enact, and the ways we communicate with each other
Having a clear understanding of the cultural clash that can occur in international communication as the visible and invisible elements of two cultures come together help us understand each other better.。
