
风水:Fengshui; geomantic omen阳历:solar calendar阴历:lunar calendar闰年:leap year十二生肖:zodiac春节:the Spring Festival元宵节:the Lantern Festival清明节:the Tomb-sweeping Day端午节:the Dragon-boat Festival中秋节:the Mid-autumn Day重阳节:the Double-ninth Day七夕节:the Double-seventh Day春联:spring couplets春运:the Spring Festival travel把中国的汉字“福”字倒贴在门上(听起来像是福到)预示新年有好运:turn the Chinese character for luck (fu) upside down to make “dao”(which sounds like arrival) and put it on your door to bring in good fortune for the new year庙会:temple fair爆竹:firecracker年画:(traditional) New Year pictures 压岁钱:New Year gift-money舞龙:dragon dance舞狮:lion dance元宵:sweet sticky rice dumplings花灯:festival lantern灯谜:lantern riddle食物对于中国佳节来说至关重要,但甜食对于农历新年特别重要,因为他们能让新的一年更加甜蜜。
Food is central to all Chines festivals, but sugary snacks are especially important for Lunar New Year, since they sweetne up prospects for the coming year. 传统的佳节食物包括年糕、八宝饭、饺子、果脯和瓜子。

Chapter 2 Lecture Outline:
“The Four Early River Valley Civilizations”
City-States in Mesopotamia
• Sumerian Civilization - Tigris & Euphrates Rivers (Mesopotamia)
PP Design of T. Loessin; Akins H.S.
Let’s now look at the type of government the Sumerians had.
PP Design of T. Loessin; Akins H.S.
Sumerians were first to settle in this region, attracted by the rich soil.
B. Three Disadvantages / Environmental Challenges 1. Unpredictable flooding / dry summer months 2. No natural barriers for protection - small villages lying in open plain were defenseless 3. Limited natural resources - stone, wood, metal
SW Asia (the Middle East)
Fertile Crescent
PP Design of T. Loessin; Akins H.S.
Chapter 2 Lecture Outline: “The Four Early River Valley Civilizations”
my view on the four ancient civilization

2013-11-1 4My view on the four ancient civilizations The ancient civilizations are the basis of the world as we know it today and they built on the ruins of 10,000 years of advanced cultures such as the Greek, Roman ,Indus, Egyption and others that we know primarily through archaeology and some written records.As we all know in history of mankind there appeared the Mesoptamian civilization in west Aisa ,the ancient Egyption civilization along the Nile in north Africa,the ancient Greek-Roman civilization along the northern bank of the Mediterranean, the ancient Indian civilization in Indus River vally in south Asia ,and the Chinese civilization originating in the Yellow and Yangtze River valleys.We have always been curious about them and they seemed to be full of mysterious colors.Of course ,they all have very significent effects on human history. They have many similarities. They all originated along rivers, where natural and geographical conditions are more favorable.In particular,the rivers provide the fertile flood plains and favorable irrigation conditions which greatly promoted the development of agriculture,science and technology , and all these helped to create a great ancient civilization.In my opinion ,the four ancient civilizations are interdependent and interactive but they also respectively have different stresses.Compared with the ancient Greek-Roman civilization and the Chinese civilization, both Mesoptamia and the ancient Egypt civilization’s contribution mainly in social material shape aspect although they also achieved the great achievement in the social consciousness shape aspect..Mesoptamia ,the Greek name for the land between the two Rivers, is the cradle of human civilization ,where the Sumerian, Akkadian,Babylonian,and Assyrian cultures flourished and where the Hebrew myths were born.It got noticeable achievement in writing, astronomy and calendar, mathematics and mathematics . With the development of Agriculture ,the city as the civilized symbol started to appear.The Sumerians invented the cuneiform which was regarded as the earlist scripts in human history. And the ancient Egyptian created the hiervoglyph.Both of them left us the precious written record materials. Mesoptamia also produced the hammurabicode, the first law in the history. Sumerians established the first schools and libraries. It also had great artistic achievement especially in architecture and statuary, such as the Babylonian city and hanging gardens of babylon. As an ancient civilization ,the Egypt civilization is also incomparable and glorious .It also had great achievement in architecture , statuary and painting.For example,the pyramids of Egypt is one of the Seven Wonders of the world . The two civilization. mainly dealt with nature more than with man.In contrast, the ancient Greek-Roman civilization and the Chinese civilization have more influence on social ideology.The two civilization ,born in different geographical areas, developing in parallel.Both of them dealt with “MAN”more than with nature.The ancient Greeks is the cradle of western civilization .All the embryos2013-11-1 4of modern Western civilization: the political system, philosophy, literature and art style and the concept of democracy all of these were pregnanted at the ancient Greek civilization. The ancient Greek civilization had great achievement in rationality,ethics and logic.Chinese civilization has a unique position in the world representing the longest continuous succession of civilized states in the world.It brought light to the Far East and the whole of Asia ,as Greek thought brought light to the west . Although now there are some discussions about whether China can be considered as one of the four ancient civilizations ,we must admit that Chinese civilization especially its Confucianism has great effect on the world.Despite the different emphases, the excellent and splendid achievements created by the four ancient civilizations have made significant contributions to the history of human civilization.。

The Lion Dance is one of the most widespread folk dances in China. The lion is the king of animals. In Chinese tradition, the lion is regarded as a mascot, which can bring good luck. Ancient people regarded the lion as a symbol of braveness and strength, which could drive away evil and protect humans. The dance has a recorded history of more than 2,000 years. During the Tang Dynasty, the Lion Dance was already introduced into the royal family of the dynasty. Therefore, performing the lion dance at the Lantern Festival and other festive occasions became a custom where people could pray for good luck, safety and happiness.2、端午节,又叫龙舟节,是为了纪念爱国诗人屈原。

The Great Wall is one of the wonders of the world that created by human beings! If you come to China without climbing the Great Wall, it's just like going Paris without visiting the Eiffel Tower; or going to Egypt without visiting the Pyramids! Men often say, "He who doest not reach the Great Wall is not a true man."In fact, it began as independent walls for different states when it was first built, and did not become the "Great Wall" until the Qin Dynasty. However, the wall we see today, starting from Shanhaiguan Pass in the east to Jiayunguan Pass in the west, was mostly built during the Ming Dynasty.

长征 the Long March 西安事变 Xi"an Incident 南京大屠杀Nanjing Massacre 抗日战争 the War of Resistance Against Japan 毛泽东 Mao Tse-tong 孙中山 Sun Yat-sen 蒋介石 Chiang Kai-shek 国民党 Kuomingtang 中华人民共和国 the People’s Republic of China (PRC) 满族 Manchu 蒙古人Mongol 士大夫 scholar-officials 学者 scholar 诗人 poet 政治家statesman
社会地位social status
1.不可分割的一部分:可译为an integral part。 2.为振兴华夏做出了巨大的贲献:可译为has made great contributions to the prosperity of China,其中“华夏”: 即“中国”或“Байду номын сангаас华”,可直接译为China; “振兴”此处翻译 成了名词形式prosperity,还可译为revitalization;“做出了 巨大 的贡献”可译为 has made great contributions。 3.并驾齐驱:此处指两者(中医和西医)都得以应用,可简 单地翻译为both are being used。 4.独特的诊断手法、系统的治疗方式和丰富的典籍材料: 三个并列的名词短语,可分别译为unique : I diagnostic methods, systematic approach和abundant historical literature and materials; “典籍材料”可理解为历史文献资料, 翻译为historical literature and materials。 5.引导并促进这一新兴产业的研究和开发:“引导”译为 guide; “促进”可译为promote,还可译为facilitate或 further; “新兴产业,,可译为promising industry,还可译为 new industry或emerging industry。 6.中医疗法:译为Chinese medication。

【翻译词汇】四大文明古国 the four countries that have an ancient civilization地大物博 vast territory with abundant natural resources雄伟壮丽的瀑布 magnificent waterfalls秀丽的 majestic and beautiful利剑 sword古迹 historical remains以…而自豪 boast无数的 innumerable历史文物 historical relics古迹名胜 historic sites and scenic spots建筑 edifice【精彩译文】China lies in the east of Asia and it has the largest population in the world. China is also one of thefour countries in the world that have an ancient civilization, Besides, it has a vast territory with such abundant natural resources as dense forests, magnificent waterfalls, majestic and beautiful rivers and lakes, and mountains whose peaks reach high into the sky like swords. All these make China a singularly attractive place to tourists around the world. But, most importantly, China boasts a history of over fivethousand years with innumerable historical relics left over from the long past, such as priceless pearls and jewels, historic sites and scenic spots, palaces and edifices of architectural richness, all of which have won people’s admiration. You are sure to find great enjoyment from allthese attractions in China, a much-admired dream land.。
四大文明古国one of the four ancient civilizations

11类翻译主题词汇一、中国历史四大文明古国one of the four ancient civilizations人类文明史the history of human civilization源远流长/历史悠久to have a long history; with a long history 朝代dynasty古都ancient capital随着时间的推移as time goes by远古时代ancient times原始社会primitive society春秋时代the Spring and Autumn Period战国the Warring States封建社会feudal society皇帝、君主emperor, monarch历史遗留问题a question left over from history/the past在战争中损毁to be ruined in wars抵抗侵略to resist the invasion五四运动the May 4th Movement of 1919在......世纪初at the beginning of...century迄今为止up till now追溯到to date/trace back to来源于to derive/stem from; to originate from/in发源地birthplace兴起于......, 兴盛于 emerge in... and prosper in...保存最完好的best-preserved原址original site国家博物馆national museum皇帝统治时期a period of emperor reign诸侯国kingdom勤政爱民to be diligent and love one’s people退位to give up the throne帝王宫殿imperial palace以......命名to be named after历史人物history figure阳历solar calendar阴历lunar calendar天干heavenly stem地支earthly branch闰年leap year二、中国文化概述重要文化遗产major cultural heritage优秀民间艺术outstanding folk arts文化产业culture industry文化底蕴cultural deposit文化事业cultural undertaking文化交流cultural exchange文化冲击cultural shock文化差异cultural difference独特的艺术价值unique artistic values诚实守信honesty爱国主义精神patriotism国宝national treasure文物cultural relics华夏祖先the Chinese ancestors中华民族the Chinese nation传统美德traditional virtues文人men of letter雅士refined scholar才子佳人gifted scholars and beautiful ladies高雅艺术refined /high art中外学者Chinese and overseas scholars古为今用to make the past serve the present洋为中用to make the foreign serve China无愧于时代的作品works worthy of the times文明摇篮cradle of civilization古文明ancient civilization博大精深to be extensive and profound享有......的声誉to enjoy a good/high reputation for被誉为 be honored/crowned as占重要地位to play a significant role; to have/occupy a significant place 肩负......的责任to shoulder the responsibility of......与......密不可分to be closely associated with......最广中国文化to promote Chinese culture促进世界和平to promote would peace增进友谊to enhance friendship文化娱乐活动cultural and amusement activities民族特性和价值观national identity and value在各地差异很大to vary widely from region/place to region/place促进文化的传播to promote the spread of culture促进交流to promote exchanges蓬勃发展to flourish丰富多彩to be rich and colorful风俗习惯custom禁忌taboo尊敬老人to respect the elderly赡养老人to support/take care of parents继承to inherit后人later generation强身健体to improve the physical health; to strengthen the body 益寿延年to prolong life保佑平安to keep sb. Safe象征意义symbolic meaning象征好运和祝福to symbolize good luck and blessings审美观/品味taste for beauty; aesthetic taste三、中国传统文化中医药traditional Chinese medicine中草药herbal medicine望、闻、问、切observing, listening, inquiring, pulse taking症状symptom重大发明a significant invention中国古代四大发明the four great inventions of ancient China 火药gunpowder印刷术paper-making指南针the compass文房四宝the Four Treasures of the Study笔、墨、纸、砚brush, ink stick, ink stone汉字Chinese character笔划stroke普通话四声调the four tones of Mandarin Chinese书法calligraphy中国画traditional Chinese painting水墨画Chinese brush painting; ink wash painting武术martial arts中国功夫Kung Fu太极Tai Chia孔子Confucius孟子Mencius思想学派school of thought思想核心the core of ideology代表人物representative儒家思想Confucianism儒家文化Confucian culture和尚、僧人monk寺庙temple伊斯兰教Islam清真寺mosque宗教religion建筑architecture钟楼bell tower牌坊memorial archway兵马俑Terracotta Warriors and Horses丝绸之路the Silk Road故宫the Imperial Palace天坛the Temple of Heaven民间故事folk tale寓言fable传说legend凡间human world京剧Peking Opera脸谱mask正面角色positive role木偶戏puppet show皮影戏shadow play杂技acrobatics相声cross-talk说、学、逗、唱speaking, imitating, teasing and singing说书story-telling传统工艺品traditional handicraft形状不一to be of different shapes材质各异various material质地坚硬hard texture造型生动vivid figure色彩丰富rich colors风格独特characteristic/unique style刺绣embroidery泥人clay figure瓷器porcelain;china陶器pottery; earthenware青铜器bronze ware雕刻to carve图章seal四、中国传统节日春节the Spring Festival /Chinese New Year除夕Chinese New Year’s Eve年夜饭annual reunion dinner拜年to pay a new year call探亲访友to (pay a) visit to relative and friends亲朋好友relatives and friends大扫除to thoroughly clean the house驱厄运to sweep away ill fortune; to get rid of bad luck去除灾难to ward off evils发红包to give money in red envelopes; to hand out red envelopes欢度...... The celebration of...; to celebrate春联spring couples庙会temple fair民间艺人folk artists祭神god-worshiping炮竹,烟火firecracker; firework(s)年画(traditional) new year picture压岁钱new year’s gift-money元宵节the Lantern Festival清明节the Tomb-sweeping Day端午节the Dragon Boat Festival中秋节the Mid-autumn Day/ Festival重阳节the Double-ninth Day七夕节the Double-seventh Day舞龙dragon dance花灯festival lantern灯谜lantern riddle有益的智力活动beneficial intellectual activity 中国结Chinese knot舞狮lion dance赛龙舟dragon boat race赏月to enjoy the full moon登高hill climbing扫墓to pay respects to the dead at sb’s tomb五、食物及烹饪方法中国菜、中餐Chinese cuisine烹饪技巧cooking technique煎to fry炒to stir-fry炸to deep-fry烩/闷/炖to stew蒸to steam煮to boil烘焙to bake烤to roast切条to cut to strips切丁to dice切碎to mince磨碎to grind饮食习惯dietary habit特色食品special food元宵sweet sticky rice dumplings年糕rice cake油条deep-fried dough sticks豆浆soybean milk馒头steamed bun包子steamed stuffed bun拉面hand-stretched noodles豆腐tofu; bean curd麻花fried dough twist皮蛋100-year egg; century egg蛋炒饭fried rice with egg火锅hot pot原料ingredient猪/牛肉丸pork/ beef ball鸭肉duck蘑菇mushroom北京烤鸭Beijing roast duck素菜馆vegetarian restaurant白酒Chinese liquor六、旅游交通景点tourist attraction; scenic spot名胜古迹places of interests避暑胜地summer resort森林公园forest park自然保护区nature reserve自然景观natural scenery人文景观human landscape壮丽河山magnificent scenery古典山水园林classical landscape garden皇家园林royal garden中外游客tourists from home and abroad游乐园amusement park度假to take a vacation; to go on holiday门票(entrance) ticket免费景区电子门票free sightseeing e-coupon星级酒店star-rated hotel高峰期rush hour人山人海,人满为患overcrowded; to be packed with overcrowded people 翻山越岭to climb mountains and hills受到......的热烈欢迎to be warmly welcome by......丰富知识to enrich one’s knowledge开阔视野to broaden one’s horizon扩大知识面to enlarge the scope of knowledge培养独立性to cultivate independence运输工具means of transportation公共交通public transport地铁站subway station候车室waiting room扣分处罚point penalty酒驾drunk driving终身禁驾lifetime ban from driving护照passport签章有效期validity of visa散客individual visitor团体旅游group visitor七、地理环境位于 be located in/that西部地区western regions省会provincial capital水域面积water area三面环山to be surrounded by mountains on three sides全长....公里to stretch for...kilometers面貌焕然一新to take on a completely new look高原plateau山峰peak淡水湖freshwater lake沿海港口coastal pot植物园botanical garden气候climate环境保护environmental protection提高全民环保意识raise environment awareness among the general public 环保产品environment-friendly product一次性产品disposable product开发可再生资源to develop renewable resources高耗能产业energy-intensive industry可持续发展sustainable development生态环境the ecological environment温室效应greenhouse effect森林覆盖率forest coverage rate改善土壤soil improvement地址灾害geological disaster灾难catastrophe; tragedy; disaster不幸misfortune伤亡人员casualty死亡人数death toll台风typhoon火山爆发volcanic eruption地震earthquake洪水flood干旱drought污染物pollutant水土保持water and soil conservation降雨rainfall物种灭绝the extinction of bio-species先污染后治理to exert control after pollution碳减排carbon emission reduction温室气体排放在greenhouse gas emission二氧化碳carbon dioxide新能源汽车green car废气exhaust gas汽车尾气排放motor vehicle exhaust发动机排量engine displacement零排放车辆zero-emission vehicle小排量汽车small-displacement car能源消耗depletion of resources能源危机energy crisis回收利用to recycle低碳城市化道路way to low-carbon urbanization 城市化urbanization濒临灭绝/失传to be on the verge of extinction/ loss 濒临物种endangered species稀有物种rare species防护林带shelter belt八、商业经济商界business communities互惠互利mutual benefit共同繁荣common prosperity总需求aggregate/ total demand总供给aggregate supply供大于求supply exceeding demand扩大内需to expand domestic demand购买力purchasing power财政预算financial budget经济学家economist企业家entrepreneur经济全球化economic globalization区域性只有贸易区regional free trade area经济特区special economic zone计划经济planned economy市场经济market economy市场调节market regulation市场多元化market diversification推动经贸合作to boost economic and trade cooperation 耐用消费品durable consumer goods年末促销year-end promotion团购group buying垄断monopoly垄断行业monopoly industry市场占有率market share生产力,生产率productivity经济增长放缓economic slowdown金融组织financial institution商业信誉commercial reputation管理机制management mechanism国有企业state-owned enterprises (SOEs)集体企业collectively-owned (partnership) enterprises 私营企业private business民营企业private-run business中小企业small and medium-sized enterprises民间资本private capital民间投资private investment泡沫经济bubble economy经济过热overheating of economy通货膨胀inflation实体经济the real economy外汇储备充sufficient foreign exchange reserve国内国际贸易domestic/ international traded对外贸易foreign trade贸易条件terms of trade不公平竞争unfair competition海关customs关税customs duty水货、走私货smuggled goods产品质量product quality高度评价to speak highly of物美价廉competitive price and superior quality销量、销售额sales存货、库存量stocks改善服务to improve services延长保修期to extend maintenance制造商、制造厂manufacturer原材料raw material样品sample大规模生产mass production年产量annual output劳动力密集型产业labor intensive industry知识密集型产业knowledge intensive industry工作歧视discrimination in workplace高消耗、高投入high consumption, high investment 沿袭......模式to continue with the model of...住房抵押贷款residential mortgage loan分期付款to pay by installment信贷紧缩credit squeeze取钱to withdraw money利率interest rate找工作to hunt for a job, job-hunting招聘广告the want ads职位position; post; job vacancy / opening求职信application letter工作简历job resume; CV填写申请表to fill in / out application form接受职位to accept / take the post接任职位to take over the position工作面试job interview职业前景job prospects就业机会job opportunity工作待遇pay offer津贴allowance带薪假paid vacation伤残保险disability insurance失业保险unemployment insurance培训咨询training consultancy专业技能professional expertise脑力劳动mental work体力劳动labor /physical work手工劳动manual labor / work工作时间working time加班overtime夜班night shift零工odd job证券securities汇率exchange prate股票stock资产assets利润profit九、教育普及教育universal education高等教育higher education象牙塔ivory tower正规院校regular universities and colleges军校military academy九年义务教育nine-year compulsory education学前教育preschool education失学儿童dropout文盲illiteracy; illiterate受过良好教育的well-educated入学率enrollment rate适龄儿童入学率enrollment rate for children of school age高考(university / college) entrance examination考研to take the entrance exams for postgraduate school读研to attend graduate school毕业典礼commencement / graduation ceremony毕业鉴定graduation appraisal毕业论文a graduation dissertation / thesis / paper毕业实习graduation field work; to go out on internships授予学位to confer an academic degree on sb.博士学位doctor’s degree硕士学位master’s degree学时学位bachelor’s degree在读博士生on-job doctorate研究生毕业证/学位证graduate diploma / graduate degree’s diploma 中专生secondary specialized or technical school student在校大学生undergraduate中小学elementary/primary and middle / secondary schools(大学) 扩招scale expansion扩大招生人数to enlarge school enrollment / recruits走读生extern; non-resident student住校生boarder课外活动extracurricular activity必修课required / compulsory course选修课elective / optional course基础课basic course专业课specialized course专业知识specialized knowledge开设课程to offer a course课程表school schedule教学大纲teaching program; syllabus学分制credit system补考make-up examination学年school year师资力量teaching faculty应试教育exam-oriented education (system)推进素质教育to push ahead with education for all-around development 基本实现教育现代化to basically modernize education招生就业指导enrollment ad vocation guidance竞争激烈fierce competition评价体系evaluation system选拨官员/人才to select officials / talents海外留学生overseas student; international student十、科技信息时代information age信息爆炸information explosion高科技产品high-tech product电子设备electronic device智能手机smart-phone; intelligent handset创新innovation研发research and development核心技术core technology电讯telecommunication硬件hardware软件software搜索引擎search engine网页浏览web browsing即时消息instant message视频电话video phone文件传输document transmission在线社区online community社交模式social networking网上冲浪to surf on the Internet网民netizen活跃用户active user对...上瘾to be /get addicted to...计算机病毒computer virus虚拟世界virtual world网上购物online shopping电子商务e-commerce消费理念consumption concept大众媒体mass media出版商publisher电子版electronic version空间实验室space laboratory航天飞机shuttle卫星satellite探测器detector十一、社会生活计划生育family planning基本国策a basic national /state policy制定政策to make a policy(政策) 生效、开始实施to come into force /effect几世同堂的家庭a family consisting of several generations晚婚晚育late marriage and late childbirth搞好优生优育to promote good prenatal and postnatal care稳定低生育水平to stabilize the low birth rate简化审批程序to simplify approval procedures行政管理administrative management违反规定a violate a rule / regulation居委会Community Association挂失to report the loss补办to re-apply / re-register / post-register户籍household registration居住证residence permit少数民族ethnic minority过快增长excessive growth急剧下降to be on the sharp decline人口稠密/稀少densely / sparsely populated人口基数/密度/分布population base /density/ distribution人口出生率birth rate人口增长的高峰期baby boom人口素质quality of the population人口老龄化aging of population老龄化社会aging society城镇化urbanization高楼大厦high-rise / tall / high building小康社会well-off society贫困家庭poor family和睦相处to live in peace / harmony中国特色社会主义socialism with Chinese characteristics推行可持续发展战略to purse the strategy of sustainable development 物资文明material civilization精神文明spiritual civilization为人民服务to serve the people坚持.......方针to adhere to the principle of..社会保障social security养老保险retirement insurance医疗保险medical insurance弱势群体disadvantaged group单亲single parent关心老人to care for senior citizens社会背景social background福利welfare福利彩票welfare lotteries医疗服务medical service础设施建设infrastructure construction缩短差距to bridge /narrow the gap满足基本需求to satisfy basic needs社会效益social benefit健康管理health management应运而生to appear accordingly, to emerge as required /needed 普通市民ordinary resident物价上涨rising price家政服务业home services industry建筑工地construction site农产品agricultural product爱情告白to express one’s love性骚扰sexual harassment贫富分化disparity between the rich and the poor网络造谣to fabricate online rumors恶意侵害他人名誉to harm the reputation of others maliciously 娱乐资讯entertainment information在线娱乐online entertainment当地新闻local news简讯brief news获取信息to obtain information收视率audience rating。

The four great inventions of ancient china中国古代四大发明Printing 印刷术Paper making 造纸术The compass指南针Calligraphy书法The four treasure of study: brush ,ink-stick, paper, ink-stone文房四宝中国艺术Peking opera 京剧Qin opera秦腔Comic cross talk 相声Acrobatics杂技Stilt walk 踩高跷Puppet show 木偶戏Shadow play 皮影戏Opera highlight 折子戏Clay figure 泥人Ventriloquism口技Festival lantern花灯Lantern riddle 灯谜Embroidery刺绣Paper cutting剪纸Acupuncture 针灸Traditional chinese painting 中国画Chinese brush painting水墨画Chinese knot中国结中国美食Snack bar小吃摊Moon cake 月饼Rice cake年糕Deep fired dough sticks 油条Soybean milk 豆浆Steamed buns 馒头Hand-stretched noodles拉面Tofu ;bean curd 馄饨Fired rice with egg 蛋炒饭中国节日The lantern festival 元宵节The tomb-sweeping day 清明节The dragon-boat festival 端午节The mid-autumn day 中秋节The double-ninth day重阳节The double-seventh day 七夕节中国古典名著《大学》the great learning《中庸》the doctrine of the mean《论语》the analects of confucius《孟子》the mencius《孙子兵法》the art of war《三国演义》three kingdoms《西游记》journey to the west《红楼梦》dream of the red mansions《水浒传》heroes of the marshes《山海经》the classic of mountains and rivers 《资治通鉴》history as a mirror《春秋》the spring and autumn annals《史记》historical records《诗经》the book of songs《礼记》the book of rites《三字经》three-character scriptures中国旅游景点兵马俑the mausoleum of emperor大雁塔terracotta warriors and horses丝绸之路the silk road敦煌莫高窟Mogao grottoes华清池huaqing hot springs五台山jiuhua mountain。

What are the four ancient civilizationsThere were few flights to Athens, and the holiday was bad, and the flight was booked from Rome, Italy, to Athens. After travelling in Rome, I took a flight from the Olympian airlines of Greece, left the peninsula and flew to Athens. The voyage is about a thousand kilometers and a half hour flight. Near Athens, looked from the plane, tend to be here in the mountains and hills, there are pieces of neat farmland, blue sea water, the city's houses dotted, don't see there are special. But the thought that this was Athens, representing the ancient Greek civilization, was a place of reverence.The ancient Greek civilization had a great influence on the later world, and the evaluation of it was more than that. Relative to other differences between many arguments and evaluation of an ancient civilization, ancient Greek civilization is more like a "art" of morality, intelligence and physique good juvenile ", received high praise from most of the earth. But for such a splendid civilization, I know it is late. Because the education I grew up with was "the four great civilizations of the world, Egypt, Babylon, India and China," and sadly, no Greece.Chinese vocabulary has a lot of the "big four", such as the four great inventions, four great classical novels, four big beautiful women, four big cuisines, and even literature in four big lobsterman, four of the wicked, and so on. In my youth, the four ancient civilizations were like the four masters of martial arts in the novels of wuxia, and the deeper and deeper the internal forces, the higher the kung fu. It is a glorious thing that our motherland can be among them. Over time, however,the concept created a problem. I gradually discovered that China was a little bit different from the rest of The Three Kingdoms, and closer to the ancient greeks. Why not say "the five great civilizations"?The words of the four ancient civilizations were not as good as they were, but they were vague and unkind. "The book says", "generally speaking", the idea of such a way as to travel between the official and the private, the details of the context are not very clear. In fact, it was originally from the west, because it was impossible for China to form such an understanding of history. In the 19th century, a single European history scholars brought the ancient Greek civilization, and the two river, the Nile, four are born in the Yellow River, the Ganges river near the ancient civilizations region to (at the time the Indus civilization have yet to be discovered), called the four major early civilizations, literal translation for "four main early civilizations", referred to as the "big four" civilization. Later, it was introduced into the country and was first mentioned in the Chinese language by the famous scholar liang qichao (1873-1929), the ancient civilization of the four ancient civilizations.After the failure of the 1898 reform law, liang qichao went into exile in Japan and wrote a long poem called "the Pacific song of the 20th century" on January 30, 1900. Liang qichao put forward human civilization through three times: the first is "civilization", the second is "inland sea civilization era", the third is for the "ocean civilization era". Reading the whole poem, it can be found that this is a lyric poem, the words are not rigorous, and because of the author's knowledge limitation,can be said wrong quite a lot.About four civilization GuGuoShi is written like this: "shina India following to wall, rest on the other side of the neighboring Egypt. Jue name river era, the first age ChengJianBang beginning to take off the line countries. (the author note: hou guan kindred decides the rest of Asia minor or han, from today.) (the earth four ancient civilized country, China, India, Egypt and Asia minor.)"In this article, yan shi is a translator. After reading these sentences, we can know the Chinese history of the so-called "big four", in which Asia minor is replaced by the rest of the world, apparently for the sake of words. But the "rest of the han" is the patthias, a region mainly of present-day Iran, which is late. Asia minor is Anatolia peninsula, is the Asian part of Turkey, now also have early civilizations, and geographic space with the ancient Babylon, the latter in two river basin. Liang put the Mediterranean civilization into the second period, along with the Baltic sea, the Arabian sea and the yellow sea and the bohai sea. First of all the Atlantic ocean,The twentieth century should be in the Pacific.The analysis of liang qichao said if breadth not wholly, especially the last about the imagination of the Pacific century is proactive, than one hundred years before the present formulation. But there is a lot of inaccuracy. Such as China's bohai sea, yellow sea until the end of the qing dynasty also did not form "inland sea", is just the extension of "civilization", so comprehensive analysis and generalizationof liang qichao is questionable. Liang qichao as a scholar, see the country being one, by the foreign powers reproach, hoping to reform as soon as possible, reform plan, write poetry lyric, motivate people, moving. What is more, the scholar feng youlan wrote in the 1946 "the monumental inscription of the great southwest," that the king and the great powers are new and not ancient; Greece, Rome, is ancient and not present. But my country is old and new. As an article of victory in the war of resistance, it is still a very hot day to read today. But if you look at it carefully and calmly analyze it, it's a bit of an unkind conclusion.All the good things in the world love to hear, the name of "the four great civilizations" is ringing, and it forces the west. There is a lot of similar thinking, and the need for spiritual sustenance. But although it is widely circulated, the source is rarely mentioned, and the reason is quite vague. In addition to the academic rigour, the word "pivot" is used to refer to China, which may be the main reason why people don't want to cite it.The word "branch" is Sanskrit, referring to China, which was used by the Japanese character of the Japanese character, which was not derogatory. In ancient China, when we talked about the concept of the state, we used the national Numbers, such as han tang and song Ming, and did not cover any specific vocabulary that was widely used by the dynasties. After the middle of the 19th century, the word "China" was slowly used to refer to the whole territory of the country, not to use it. But at the same time, because of the enormous influence of modern Japan on China, the word "pivot" is widely used, otherwise it will never appearin liang qichao's poem. Another example, September 27, 1929, Shanghai logout "shenbao" MAO zedong died, patriarch of the republic of China LiuYaZi wrote a poem: "god peak head's tomb, grass green, hunan red signs are vertical and horizontal. The world has the original Hugh asked, and was the two Lenin." "Two Lenin, sun yat-sen and comrade MAO zedong," liu said at the end of the poem. Liu ya-zi was a patriotic poet and was also used in the poem by the word "supporting". But soon after that, the incident broke out, and the china-japan relations escalated into a vicious escalation, and the two countries turned to the war of resistance against Japan. The founding of the republic of China for many years, has the word "China" is commonly used, but Japan still call China with "ridiculous", has a significantly negative things, became the insult of appellation. Until now, the term was still sensitive, and Japanese officials had not used it. During the quarrel between the two countries, one side "China" immediately became "the branch", and the other side "small Japan", "the Japanese" and other words corresponding, did not suffer a loss.The concept of a country is so different that it can't be hardened by the present understanding. Therefore, it is believed that the ancient civilization should be used to express the early civilization, and the word "country" should be used with caution. In fact, in addition to ancient Egypt, other ancient civilizations were difficult to call the single "state" in the early days of the ancient world, such as the fact that it was impossible to cover two rivers of civilization. The two river civilization is a common saying, also called mesopotamian civilization. In fact, there are two river basins in this ancient civilization, including the Jordan river basin,and the west is known as crescent land. India and China, which have long since extended their language, are apt to use the country's appellation as a habit and not to change. But it should be recognized that this is just a reverse extension of later habits. At home, the four civilizations are often mixed with the four ancient civilizations, but the former is more important than the other countries. However, from liang qichao, the ancient civilization was understood by the modern concept of the state.From the archaeological excavations, the text is marked by text.Six, the birthplace of the early human civilization with two river basin (cuneiform), the Nile basin (hieroglyphs), the Indus valley seals (text), (linear) surrounding the Aegean sea, the Yellow River basin (oracle), the Ganges river (the ancient Sanskrit). Except for the stamp, most of the other words are now recognisable. Among them, the Indus civilization and the ancient Indian Ganges civilization are close to the Chinese language, and the region is overlapping and confusing. This is two kinds of civilization, because time difference, and could not find a reliable contact evidence (the correlation between them can only speculate about), so the archaeological is read separately. But when tells the whole India history, due to the geographical relationship, before and after the two civilization and appear, so the ancient Indian civilization of generalized also can include the Indus civilization.The six ancient civilizations are the cradles of human civilization.。

作文四大文明古国之一英文Certainly, I understand you need an essay about one of the four great ancient civilizations, but I won't refer directly to your prompt. Let's explore one of these civilizations in English.Among the four great ancient civilizations, Egypt stands as a monumental cornerstone of human history. Situated along the fertile banks of the Nile River, ancient Egypt thrived for thousands of years, leaving behind a legacy that continues to fascinate and inspire awe.The civilization of ancient Egypt flourished from around 3100 BCE to 30 BCE, encompassing a rich tapestry of culture, religion, politics, and innovation. One of the most enduring symbols of ancient Egypt is the majestic pyramids, towering structures built as tombs for the pharaohs, showcasing the remarkable engineering prowess of the civilization.At the heart of ancient Egyptian society was theconcept of Ma'at, representing truth, justice, and order. This guiding principle permeated every aspect of life, from governance and law to religious beliefs and social interactions. The pharaoh, believed to be the earthly embodiment of the gods, was responsible for upholding Ma'at and ensuring the well-being of the kingdom.Religion played a central role in ancient Egyptian life, with a pantheon of gods and goddesses governing various aspects of the universe. From Ra, the sun god, to Osiris, the god of the afterlife, the Egyptians worshipped adiverse array of deities, offering prayers, sacrifices, and rituals to secure divine favor and protection.The Nile River, often referred to as the lifeblood of Egypt, sustained the civilization with its annual floods, providing fertile soil for agriculture. The ancient Egyptians developed sophisticated irrigation systems and agricultural techniques, allowing them to harness the power of the Nile and cultivate bountiful harvests.In addition to their advancements in agriculture, the ancient Egyptians made significant contributions to art, architecture, mathematics, and medicine. Hieroglyphics, a complex system of writing using pictorial symbols, adorned temple walls and monuments, preserving the stories and wisdom of the civilization for future generations.The pharaohs commissioned grand temples and monuments, such as the Karnak and Luxor Temples, the Valley of the Kings, and the Great Sphinx, showcasing their wealth, power, and devotion to the gods. The mastery of stone masonry and construction techniques employed by ancient Egyptianartisans continues to astound historians and architects to this day.Despite the passage of millennia, the legacy of ancient Egypt endures, captivating the imagination of scholars, artists, and travelers alike. From the enigmatic allure of the pyramids to the mystique of the pharaohs, ancient Egypt remains a testament to the ingenuity and resilience of the human spirit.In conclusion, the civilization of ancient Egypt stands as a testament to the enduring power of human creativity, innovation, and imagination. Through its art, architecture, religion, and governance, Egypt continues to captivate and inspire awe, reminding us of the rich tapestry of human history and the timeless quest for meaning and understanding.。

大学英语四级-292(总分100,考试时间90分钟)Translation1. 中国是世界上公认发明指南针的国家。
后来经过不断改进,到宋朝(the Song Dynasty)人们制造出铁针指南针并应用于航海。
指南针为明代(the Ming Dynasty)郑和下西洋提供了条件。
2. 中国是世界四大文明古国(ancient civilization)之一。
它位于亚洲东部、太平洋(the Pacific Ocean)西岸,面积960万平方公里。
3. 皮影戏(shadow play)是中国的一种民间艺术,拥有悠久的历史。
4. 圆明园(Yuanmingyuan Imperial Garden)位于北京西郊,于1708年开始兴建。
5. 中华老字号(China centuries-old/time-honored brands)是指那些历史悠久并拥有良好信誉的中国企业。

中国古代四大发明 the four great inventions of ancient China 火药 gunpowder印刷术printing造纸术 paper-making指南针 the compass青铜器 bronze ware文房四宝(笔墨纸观)the Four Treasures of the Study (brush, ink stick, paper, and ink stone)《大学》The Great Learning《中庸》The Doctrine of the Mean《论语》The Analects of Confucius《孟子》The Mencius《孙子兵法》The Art of War《三国演义》Three Kingdoms《西游爷己》Journey to the West《红楼梦》Dream of the Red Mansions《水浒传》Heroes of the Marshes《山海经》The Classic of Mountains and Rivers《资治通鉴》History as a Mirror《春秋》The Spring and Autumn Annals《史记》Historical Records《诗经》The Book of Songs《易经》The I Ching; The Book of Changes《礼记》The Book of Rites《三字经》Three-character Scriptures瓷器 porcelain; china唐三彩 tri-color glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty景泰蓝cloisonne秋千swing武术 martial arts中国历史文化词汇重要文化遗产 major cultural heritage优秀民间艺术 outstanding folk arts独特的艺术价值 unique artistic values诚实守信 honesty爱国主义精神 patriotism文物 cultural relics华夏祖先 the Chinese ancestors文人 men of letter雅士 refined scholar才子佳人 gifted scholars and beautiful ladies高雅艺术 refined/high art中外学者 Chinese and overseas scholars古为今用 to make the past serve the present洋为中用 to make the foreign serve China无愧于时代的作品 works worthy of the times文明摇篮 cradle of civilization古文明 ancient civilization博大精深 to be extensive and profound享有……的声誉 to enjoy a good/high reputation for被誉为 to be honored/crowned as占据重要地位to play a significant role; to have/ occupy a significant place肩负……的责任 to shoulder the responsibility of...与……密不可分to be closely associated with…推广中国文化 to promote Chinese culture促进世界和平 to promote world peace增进友谊 to enhance friendship文化娱乐活动 cultural and amusement activities文化产业 culture industry文化底蕴 cultural deposit文化事业 cultural undertaking文化交流 cultural exchange文化冲击 culture shock文化差异 cultural difference民族特性和价值观 national identity and value在各地差异很大to vary widely from region/place to region/place促进文化的传播 to promote the spread of culture促进交流 to promote exchanges蓬勃发展 to flourish丰富多彩 to be rich and colorful风俗习惯 custom禁忌 taboo中华民族 the Chinese nation传统美德 traditional virtues尊敬老人 to respect the elderly赡养父母 to support/take care of parents继承 to inherit后人 later generation强身健体to improve the physical health; to strengthen the body益寿延年 to prolong life保佑平安 to keep sb. safe象征意义 symbolic meaning象征好运和祝福 to symbolize good luck and blessings 审美观/品味 taste for beauty; aesthetic taste。

英语翻译单词中国历史四大文明古国之一 one of the four ancient civilizations 人类文明史 the history of human civilization 源远流长、历史悠久 to have a long history;with a long history 朝代 dynasty 古都 ancient capital 随着时间的推移as time goes by 远古时代ancient time 原始社会primitive society 春秋时期the Spring and Autumn Period 战国the Warring States 封建社会feudal society 皇帝君主emperor,monarch 历史遗留问题 a question left over from history 在战争中损毁to be ruined in wars 抵抗侵略 to resist the invasion 五四运动the May 4th Movement of1919 在。
世纪初at the beginning of.... Century迄今为止up till now 追溯到to date/trace back to 来源于to deriver from;to originate from/in 发祥地birthplace 兴起于...,兴盛于 emerge in...and prosper in.. 保存最完好的best-preserved 原址original site 国家博物馆national museum 皇帝统治时期a period of emperor reign 诸侯国kingdom 勤政爱民to bediligent and love one’s people 退位give up the throne 帝王宫殿imperial palace 以....命名to be named after 历史人物hitoric figure 阳历solar calendar 阴历lunar calendar 天干heavenly stem 地支earthly branch 闰年leap year中国文化概述重要文化遗产major cultural heritage 优秀民间艺术outstanding folk arts 文化产业culture industry 文化底蕴cultural deposit 文化事业cultural undertaking 文化交流cultural exchange 文化冲击culture shock 文化差异cultural difference 独特的艺术价值unique artistic value 诚实守信honesty 爱国主义精神patriotism 国宝national treassure 文物cultural relics 华夏祖先the Chinese nation 传统美德traditional virtues 文人men of letter 雅士refined scholar 才子佳人gifted scholars andbeatiful ladies 高雅艺术refined/hgh art 中外学者Chinese and overseas scholar古为今用to make the past serve the present 洋为中用to maake the foreign serve China 无愧于时代的作品works worthy of the times 文明摇篮cradle of civilizaation古文明ancient civilization 博大精深to be extensive and profound 享有...的声誉to be enjoy ahigh reputation for 被誉为to be honor as 占据重要地位to play a significant role;to occupy a significant place 肩负.....的责任to shoulder the responsibility of... 与...密不可分to be closely associated with.... 推广中国文化to promote Chinese culture 促进世界和平to promote world peace 增进友谊to enhance friendship 文化娱乐活动cultural and amusement activities 民族特性和价值观national identity and value 在各地差异很大to vary widely from place to place 促进文化的传播to promote the spread of culture 促进交流to promote exchanges 蓬勃发展to flourish 丰富多彩to be rich and colorful 风俗习惯custom 禁忌taboo 尊敬老人torespect the elderly 赡养父母to support parents 继承to inherit 后人later generation 强身健体to improve the physicaal health;to strengthen the body 延年益寿to prolong life 保佑平安to keep sb. Safe 象征意义symbolic meaning 象征好运和祝福to symbolize good luck and blessings 审美观/品味taste for beauty;aesthetic taste中国传统文化中医药traditional Chinese medicine 中草药herbal medicine望、闻问切observing,listening,inquiring,pulse taking 症状symptom 重大发明a significant invention 中国古代四大发明the four great inventions of ancient China 火药gunpowder 印刷术printing造纸术paper-making 指南针pass 文房四宝Four Treasures of the Study 笔墨纸砚brush,ink stick,paper,ink stone 汉字Chinesecharacter 笔划stroke 书法calligraphy 中国画traditional Chinese painting 水墨画CHINESE BRUSH PAINTING 武术martial arts 中国功夫Kung Fu 太极Tai Chi 孔子Confucius 孟子Mencius 思想学派school of thought 思想核心the core of ideology 代表人物representative 儒家思想Confucianism 儒家文化Confucian culture 僧人monk伊斯兰教Islam 清真shi mosque宗教religion 建筑architecture__bell tower__drum tower牌坊memorial archway兵马俑Terracotta Warriors and Horses 丝绸之路the Silk Road 故宫the Imperial Palace 天坛the Temple of Heaven 民间故事folk tale 寓言fable 传说legend 凡间human world 京剧Peking Opera 脸谱mask 正面角色positive role 木偶戏puppet show 皮影戏shadow play 杂技acrobatics商业经济商界business munities 互惠互利mutualbenefit 共同繁荣mon prosperity 总需求aggregate/total demand 总供给aggregatesupply 供过于求supply exceeding demand 扩大内需toexpand domestic demand 购买力purchasingpower 财政预算financial budget 经济学家eco。

古中国 Ancient China
中国文明起源于黄河流域。中原地区考古发现了西 元前约6000年农耕文化遗留下来的小米、稻谷、酿 酒、乐器等等。根据历史文献,经过早期的发展, 至西元前2000多年的黄帝时代逐渐形成了华夏族, 在西元前约2000余年出现中国历史上第一个世袭王 朝──夏朝。之后为商、周。周分西周、东周,东周 又分为春秋和战国时代。
代表性建筑 金字塔、狮身人面像
他们在地理上的共同特点是: 1. 在30纬度附近 2. 水源充足、地形平坦、土壤肥沃(冲积平原)、灌溉交通便利 3. 出现了农业技术的创新和第一次劳动分工
古代埃及Ancient Egypt
1、建立奴隶制国家:公元前3500年 2、统一:公元前3000年 3、发展:公元前15世纪图特摩斯三世时,成为
古埃及分为三个主要时期: 古王朝时期 (BC.2613-BC.2160) 中王朝时期 (BC.2040-BC.1750) 新王朝时期 (BC.1550-BC.1086)
BC.3500左右 开始出现奴隶制国家 BC.3000左右 建立统一的国家 BC.22-16世纪 两次较长时间的分裂和混乱 BC.2040前后 底比斯统一 BC.15世纪 成为地跨亚非的军事帝国 BC.6世纪 埃及被波斯灭亡
“你所说的动物就是人。”埃迪帕斯如此回答。(因为人在婴儿时用四足爬行,长 大后用两足行走,等到老年时就得借助于柺杖了。)
古巴比伦Ancient Babylon
• 距今九千年前,苏美人开始了耕种,形成美索不达米亚文明, 后来为巴比伦国征服。古巴比伦(约前30世纪—前729年)位 于美索不达米亚平原,大致在当今的伊拉克境内,在公元前 3000年左右,这里的人们建立了国家,到公元前18世纪.这 里出现了古巴比伦王国。“美索不达米亚”是古希腊语,意 为“两条河中间的地方”,故又称为两河流域。

Unit 1 Book 4剪纸剪纸又叫刻纸,窗花或剪画。
Paper cutting (otherwise known as jianzhi) is also called kezhi, chuanghua or jianhua. Paper cuttin g was popular even before paper was invented. When there was no paper, people carved on gold leaf, silk , feathers , and so on, with a carving technique known as hollow-cutting to make handicr afts. In the Han Dynasty(206BC-220AD), the invention of paper promoted the development and p opularity of paper-cutting. The folk themes of the paper-cutting are rooted in real life, filled with t he themes of enjoying a life of ease and comfort, and expressing the desire for a happy life.Unit 2 Book 4儒家思想儒家思想也称为儒学,由春秋(前770-前476)末期伟大的思想家、教育家孔子所创立。

Unit One中庸思想(Doctrine of the Mean )是儒家思想的核心内容。
孔子所谓的“中” 不是指“折中”,而是指在认识和处理客观事物的一种“适度”和“恰如其分”的方法。
The Doctrine of Mean is the core of Confucius. The so called“ mean” by Confucius doesn’compromise but a “ moderate and” “ just-right way”when understanding and handling objectivethings. Confucius advocated that this thought should not only be treated as a way to understandand deal with things but also be integrated into one’s daily conduct to make it a virtue throughself-cultivation and training. The Doctrine of the Mean is not only the core of Confucianism butalso an important component of traditional Chinese culture.Unit Two中国的四大名著是指《三国演义》( Romance of the Three Kingdoms )、《水浒传》( Outlaws ofthe Marsh )、《西游记》( Journey to the West )和《红楼梦》( A Dream of Red Mansions)四部著名小说。
