



•New Castle, DE USA +1-302-427-4000•Lindon, UT USA+1-801-763-1500•Hialeah, FL USA+1-305-828-4700•Crawley, United Kingdom +44-1293-658900•Shanghai, China +86-21-64956999•Taipei, Taiwan +88-62-25638880•Tokyo, Japan +81-3-5759-8500•Seoul, Korea +82-2-3415-1500•Bangalore, India +91-80-2319-4177-79•Paris, France +33-1-30-48-94-60•Eschborn, Germany +49-6196-400-600•Brussels, Belgium +32-2-706-0080•Etten-Leur, Netherlands +31-76-508-7270•Sollentuna, Sweden +46-8-555-11-521•Milano, Italy +39-02-265-0983•Barcelona, Spain +34-93-600-93-32•Melbourne, Australia +61-3-9553-0813•Mexico City, Mexico +52-55-52-00-18-60L OCAL O FFICES0000ARES-G 21235711143541AR R HEOMETERS15161718192021TM 27354112Test stationTransducer Force/Torque Rebalance Minimum Torque in Oscillation 0.05 μN.m Minimum Torque in Steady Shear 0.1μN.m Maximum Torque 200 mN.m Torque Resolution 1nN.m Normal/Axial Force Range 0.001to 20 N Motor Brushless DC Motor Bearings Jeweled Air Strain Resolution 0.04 μrad Min Angular Displacement in Oscillation 1 μrad Max Angular Displacement in Steady Shear UnlimitedAngular Velocity Range 1 x 10-6rad/s to 300 rad/s Angular Frequency Range 1 x 10-7to 628 rad/s Step Change in Velocity 5 ms Step Change in Strain 10 ms Temperature SystemsSmart Swap Standard Force Convection Oven, FCO -150 to 600˚C FCO Camera Viewer Optional Peltier Plate -40 to 180˚C Sealed Bath -10 to 150˚CT ECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSARES-G2 T ECHNOLOGYTorque and Normal Force Transducer34F ORCE R EBALANCE M OTOR ANDM AGNETIC S USPENSIONN ON -C ONTACT T EMPERATURES ENSOR E LECTRONICST ORQUE R EBALANCE M OTORT ORQUE /N ORMAL F ORCER EBALANCE E LECTRONICSR ADIAL A IR B EARINGU PPER G EOMETRY MOUNT5ARES-G2 T ECHNOLOGY Advanced Brushless DC Drive MotorA high-resolution optical encoder measures and controls angular deflection over exceptionally wide rangesgreatly improving traditional oscillation and transient strain-controlled testing performance. The opticalencoder allows testing to be started in any position for all test modes, and with no preferred homeposition in oscillation, tests are seamlessly combined with smooth transition and timely response.T HRUST A IR B EARINGR ADIAL A IR B EARINGB RUSHLESS DC M OTORO PTICAL E NCODERN ON -C ONTACTT EMPERATURE S ENSORE LECTRONICSL OWER G EOMETRY MOUNTD UCTILE I RON FA CTIVE T EMPERATURE C ONTROLThe ARES-G2 incorporates our newly-patented, non-contact temperature sensor technology for active measurement and control of both the upper and lower plate temperature. Platinum Resistance Thermometers (PRT) can be installed into the shaft ofboth the motor and transducer. When installed, the PRTconnector engages a micro printed circuit board (PCB) on the rotating shaft. The tip of the PRT is placed in intimate contact with the center of an upper cone or plate and/or lower plate geometry. The PRT senses the temperature and transmits the signal to a secondary coil housed in the stationary part of the transducer and/or motor assemblies. The ability to measure and control temperature at the surface of both plates is unique patented technology. This frictionless technology enables temperature sensing on the transducer side with no impact on sensitivity, and on the motor assembly, allows for greater accuracy in small amplitude oscillation testing. Temperature control and measurements are made at the testing surface, which is in intimate contact with thesample, without impacting the measurement.TRIOS S OFTWARE AND E XTREME T ESTING F LEXIBILITYAn important new feature of the ARES-G2 is a new level of testing freedom and flexibility. All key components of the rheometer (motor, transducer, data acquisition, environmental controls, axial slide etc.) are independent units with their own intelligence, all of which are orchestrated by test instructions programmed with new TRIOS software interface. While this versatile and intuitive software interface provides fast and simple programming of well known general procedures for traditional testing, (eg. strain/frequency sweeps, stepwell-known strain, etc.), rigid limitations of pre-programmed test modes at the instrument level no longer exist. Instead, test or test sequencespecific instrument instructions are easily programmed in countless combinations and d ownloaded prior to the start of the experiment.F ULLY I NTEGRATED F AST D ATA A CQUISITIONThe ARES-G2 provides fully integrated fast data acquisition for transient and oscillatory testing using 5 fast data channels. This allows simultaneous collection of angular displacement, torque and normal force in all test modes. The high data sampling rate of 8kHz in oscillation mode provides better resolution of both the magnitude and phase of the measured signals and allows better harmonic resolutionwith accurate evaluation up to the 10th harmonic.T OUCH S CREEN AND K EY P ADThe ARES-G2 features a color touch screen userinterface mounted on the front of the test station.This graphical interface adds a new dimensionin ease-of-use. Interactive activities such as gapzeroing, sample loading and setting temperature canbe conveniently performed at the test station. It alsodisplays instrument status and test information (torque,normal force, sample temperature) and provides easyaccess to system information such as settings anddiagnostic reporting.P ELTIER P LATEThe Peltier Plate is a smart swap temperature control option providinga temperature range of –40 to 180 °C, with a maximum heating rate of30 °C/min, and temperature accuracy of +/- 0.1 °C. A platinum resistance thermometer (PRT) sensor is positioned in the middle of the lower sample plate and ensures accurate measurement and control of sample temperature. It is the most common system for standard parallel plate and cone and plate testing of structured fluids. The open design facilitates easy sample loading and cleaning of geometries. A new optional Solvent Trap and Purge Cover accessory is available for use with the Peltier plate. When used as a solvent trap, (to keep samples from volatilizing (drying) during experiments), the sample is fully isolated from the surrounding atmosphere by a fluid seal at the top (transducer side) and permanent seal at the bottom (motor side). A circular well containing solvent can also be attached and placed in contact with the Peltier plate surface. This allows the solvent to evaporate and create a saturated atmosphere inside the enclosure. Gases can be introduced through the purge ports. For example a dry air or nitrogen purge keeps moisture from condensing around the sample while testing below room temperature.R ECIRCULATING F LUID B ATHThe Recirculating Fluid Bath option can be used with parallel plate, cone and plate, and concentric cylinder geometries. Concentric cylinders are especially useful for very low viscosity fluids, dispersions of limited stability and for applications where fluid/solventevaporation may be a concern. The option requires a computer-controlled fluid circulator for automated temperature control operation. The temperature range is –10 to 150 °C with appropriate circulator and circulating fluid.ARES-G2 A CCESSORIESMinimum Torque Oscillation CR 0.003 μN.mMinimum Torque Oscillation CS 0.003 μN.mMinimum Torque Steady CR 0.01 μN.mMinimum Torque Steady CS 0.01 μN.mMaximum Torque 200 mN.mTorque Resolution 0.1 nN.m [1]Motor Inertia 18 μN.m.sAngular Velocity Range CS 0 to 300 rad/sAngular Velocity Range CR 1.4E -9to 300 rad/sFrequency Range 7.5E -7to 628 rad/sDisplacement Resolution 25 nradStep Change in Velocity 7 msStep Change in Strain 30 msDirect Strain Control Standard [2]Thrust Bearing MagneticNormal/Axial Force Range 0.005 to 50 NSmart Swap™StandardSmart Swap Geometry StandardPeltier Plate -40 to 200 °C [3]Environmental Test Chamber (ETC)-160 to 600 °CETC Camera Viewer OptionalConcentric Cylinder -20 to 150 °C [3]Peltier ControlUpper Heated Plate -30 to 150 °C [3]Electrically Heated Plate (EHP)-70 to 400 °C Camera Option with StreamingVideo and Image Capture OptionalT ECHNICAL S PECIFICATIONSCR - Controlled Rate Mode CS - Controlled Stress Mode [1] Internal Resolution for D to A converter at torque of 0.1 µN.m [2] Direct Strain Control provides single cycle oscillation and continuous oscillations during experiments.[3] Lower temperature limits require use of a suitable fluid in an external circulator.Minimum Torque Oscillation CR 0.03 μN.mMinimum Torque Oscillation CS 0.1 μN.mMinimum Torque Steady CR 0.05 μN.mMinimum Torque Steady CS 0.1 μN.mMaximum Torque 200 mN.mTorque Resolution 1 nN.m [1]Motor Inertia 15 μN.m.sAngular Velocity Range CS 0 to 300 rad/sAngular Velocity Range CR 1E -8to 300 rad/sFrequency Range 7.5E -7to 628 rad/sDisplacement Resolution 40 nradStep Change in Velocity 25 msStep Change in Strain 60 msDirect Strain Control Standard [2]Thrust Bearing Porous Carbon AirNormal/Axial Force Range 0.005 to 50 NSmart Swap™StandardPeltier Plate -40 to 200 °C [3]Environmental Test Chamber (ETC)-160 to 600 °CConcentric Cylinder -20 to 150 °C [3]Peltier ControlUpper Heated Plate -30 to 150 °C [3]Electrically Heated Plate (EHP)-70 to 400 °CT ECHNICAL S PECIFICATIONSCR - Controlled Rate Mode CS - Controlled Stress Mode [1] Internal Resolution for D to A converter at torque of 0.1 µN.m [2] Direct Strain Control provides single cycle oscillation and continuous oscillations during experiments.[3] Lower temperature limits require use of a suitable fluid in an external circulator.Minimum Torque 0.1 μN.m Maximum Torque 150 mN.m Torque Resolution 1 nN.m [1]Motor Inertia 15 μN.m.s Angular Velocity Range CS 0 to 300 rad/s Angular Velocity Range CR 1.00E -7to 300 rad/s Frequency Range 7.50E -7to 628 rad/s Displacement Resolution 40 nrad Step Change in Velocity 25ms Step Change in Strain 6 0ms Thrust Air Bearing Porous Carbon Smart Swap TM Standard Peltier Plate -40 to 200 °C [2]Peltier Plate Camera Optional Peltier Concentric Cylinder -20 to 150 °C [2]Upper Heated Plate -30 to 150 °C [2]Electrical Heated Plates -70 to 400 °C[1] Internal Resolution for D to A converter at torque of 1 µN.m [2] Lower temperature limits require use of a suitable fluid in an external circulator.T ECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSAR T ECHNOLOGY The AR series represents a family of rheometers uniquely designed to deliver optimum system performance.6 R IGID O NE-P IECE A LUMINUM C ASTING& L INEAR B ALL S LIDEAR-G2 T ECHNOLOGYM AGNETIC T HRUST B EARINGWhy a magnetic bearing? Larger gaps in the absence of a continuous flow of pressurized air translates to unprecedented low levels of friction in the bearing. More importantly, the ability to control and measure torques in the nN.m range. No other rheometer can boast such low-end torque sensitivity. The larger gap in the thrust bearing is robust and not susceptible to contamination. The additional benefits of the magnetic bearing over traditional air bearing designs are the following:• Ultra low torques applied to the sample• Smaller sample volumes can be used• Ability to probe delicate material structures• Study of low viscosity materials over abroad range of conditionsP ATENTED D RAG C UP M OTOROur new patented advanced drag cup motor is designedto further reduce system friction by increasing the motor gap by 100%. Dramatic improvements in low end torque performance are realized without compromising high-end performance. The motor delivers enhanced transient response and an extended angular velocity control range. The motor incorporates a patented drag cup temperature sensor. For the first time in any rheometer design, the temperature of the drag cup is measured, ensuring the mostaccurate torque output.ACTIVE T EMPERATURE C ONTROL(ATC)The AR-G2 Electrically Heated Plate (EHP), Upper Heated Plate (UHP),and Dry Asphalt System all incorporate our new patented(1)non-con-tact temperature sensor for active measurement and control of theupper plate temperature, using a special draw rod. The draw rodhouses a micro PCB and Platinum Resistance Thermometer. AR-G2 T ECHNOLOGYICRO PCBP RIMARY CS ECONDARY C OIL HS SaS MART S WAP TM A CCESSORIESC ONCENTRIC C YLINDERConcentric Cylinders are commonly used for very low viscosity fluids,dispersions of limited stability, and applications where fluid/solventevaporation may be a problem. The Smart Swap Concentric Cylindersystem features Peltier temperature control and provides a temperaturerange of -20 to 150 °C with heating rates up to 15 °C/min.PPER H EATED P LATE(UHP)S MART S WAP TM A CCESSORIESE LECTRICALLY H EATED P LATES(EHP)The EHP is a Smart Swap TM temperature option that provides active heating and cooling of parallel plate and cone and plate geometries. The EHP is perfect for rheological characterization of polymer melts up to a maximum temperature of 400 °C. Otherfeatures include an environmental cover and heated purge gasand an optional Gas Cooling Accessory for temperature controlto -70˚C. An optional clear purge cover is available for sampleviewing and integration with camera viewer. Additionally, for theAR-G2, the EHP offers patented Smart Swap G eometries andnewly patented Active Temperature Control, ATC. ATC makes theAR-G2 EHP the only electrically heated plate system capable ofdirect temperature control of both the upper and lower plates.S MART S WAP TM A CCESSORIESD YNAMIC I NTERFACIAL S HEARR HEOLOGY U SING THE AR-G2The dynamic interfacial shear moduli G’ and G” are used tomonitor the network structure build-up, resulting from the adsorption of proteins at the interface. Proteins unfold at the interface and, therefore, are crucial to the stability of emulsions and foams. The measurement is done with a Du Noüy Ring, positioned at the interface of two liquids, or a liquid and air in a circular glass dish. The ultra-sensitive,nano-torque range of the AR-G2 rheometer is required to make these measurements. Figure 1 shows the dynamic storage modulus of this material continuously increases as the protein migrates to the surface and forms a network structure.0.030.025 0.02 0.0150.01 0.005 050100 150time (minutes)G ‘, G ’’ (N /m )34F LOW C URVE FOR D ISPERSIONS F LOW C URVE FOR P OLYMERSV ISCOELASTIC P ROPERTIES S TRAIN S WEEPD YNAMIC M ECHANICAL P ROPERTIES OF S OLIDS IN T ORSION T RANSIENT T ESTS(C REEP AND S TRESS R ELAXATION)D YNAMIC O SCILLATION ON L OW V ISCOSITY F LUIDS U SING ARES AR-G2 N ANO-T ORQUEM EASUREMENTS IN S TRESS& S TRAIN C ONTROL O SCILLATIONS TRESS AND S HEAR R ATE R AMPSE XTENSIONAL V ISCOSITYM EASUREMENTS ON ARESC REEP AND R ECOVERY OF A V ISCOELASTIC F LUIDS TRESS G ROWTH IN A T RANSIENT S TEP R ATE E XPERIMENT41© 2009 TA Instruments. All rights reserved.。

Belimo LR24A-SR 调节旋钮驱动球阀电机说明书

Belimo LR24A-SR 调节旋钮驱动球阀电机说明书

LR24A-SRModulating rotary actuator for ball valves• Torque motor 5 Nm• Nominal voltage AC/DC 24 V• Control modulating 2...10 V• Position feedback 2...10 VTechnical dataElectrical data Nominal voltage AC/DC 24 VNominal voltage frequency50/60 HzNominal voltage range AC 19.2...28.8 V / DC 19.2...28.8 VPower consumption in operation 1.5 WPower consumption in rest position0.4 WPower consumption for wire sizing 3 VAConnection supply / control Cable 1 m, 4x 0.75 mm²Parallel operation Yes (note the performance data)Functional data Torque motor5 NmOperating range Y 2...10 VInput impedance100 kΩPosition feedback U 2...10 VPosition feedback U note Max. 1 mAPosition accuracy±5%Manual override with push-button, can be lockedRunning time motor90 s / 90°Sound power level, motor35 dB(A)Position indication Mechanical, pluggableSafety data Protection class IEC/EN III, Safety Extra-Low Voltage (SELV)Power source UL Class 2 SupplyDegree of protection IEC/EN IP54Degree of protection NEMA/UL NEMA 2Enclosure UL Enclosure Type 2EMC CE according to 2014/30/EUCertification IEC/EN IEC/EN 60730-1 and IEC/EN 60730-2-14UL Approval cULus according to UL60730-1A, UL60730-2-14and CAN/CSA E60730-1The UL marking on the actuator depends onthe production site, the device is UL-compliantin any caseType of action Type 1Rated impulse voltage supply / control0.8 kVPollution degree3Ambient humidity Max. 95% RH, non-condensingAmbient temperature-30...50°C [-22...122°F]Storage temperature-40...80°C [-40...176°F]LR24A-SRSafety dataServicing maintenance-free WeightWeight 0.48 kgTechnical data•••••••Safety notesThis device has been designed for use in stationary heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems and must not be used outside the specified field of application, especially in aircraft or in any other airborne means of transport.Outdoor application: only possible in case that no (sea) water, snow, ice, insolation or aggressive gases interfere directly with the device and that it is ensured that the ambient conditions remain within the thresholds according to the data sheet at any time.Only authorised specialists may carry out installation. All applicable legal or institutional installation regulations must be complied with during installation.The switch for changing the direction of rotation may only be operated by authorisedspecialists. The direction of rotation must not in particular be reversed in a frost protection circuit.The device may only be opened at the manufacturer's site. It does not contain any parts that can be replaced or repaired by the user.Cables must not be removed from the device.The device contains electrical and electronic components and must not be disposed of as household refuse. All locally valid regulations and requirements must be observed.Operating modeSimple direct mountingManual overrideAdjustable angle of rotation High functional reliabilityProduct featuresThe actuator is connected with a standard control signal of 0...10 V and drives to the position defined by the control signal. Measuring voltage U serves for the electrical display of the valve position 0.5...100% and as control signal for other actuators.Straightforward direct mounting on the ball valve with only one central screw. The assembly tool is integrated in the plug-in position indication. The mounting orientation in relation to the ball valve can be selected in 90° steps.Manual override with push-button possible (the gear train is disengaged for as long as the button is pressed or remains locked).Adjustable angle of rotation with mechanical end stops.The actuator is overload protected, requires no limit switches and automatically stops when the end stop is reached.AccessoriesElectrical accessoriesDescriptionType Auxiliary switch 1x SPDT add-on S1A Auxiliary switch 2x SPDT add-onS2A Feedback potentiometer 140 Ω add-on P140A Feedback potentiometer 200 Ω add-on P200A Feedback potentiometer 500 Ω add-on P500A Feedback potentiometer 1 kΩ add-on P1000A Feedback potentiometer 2.8 kΩ add-on P2800A Feedback potentiometer 5 kΩ add-on P5000A Feedback potentiometer 10 kΩ add-onP10000ALR24A-SRWire colours:1 = black 2 = red 3 = white 5 = orangeElectrical installationSupply from isolating transformer.Parallel connection of other actuators possible. Observe the performance data.Direction of rotation switch is covered. Factory setting: Direction of rotation Y2.Wiring diagramsAC/DC 24 V, modulatingOverride control (frost protectioncircuit)DimensionsFurther documentation• The complete product range for water applications• Data sheets for ball valves• Installation instructions for actuators and/or ball valves• General notes for project planning。

ARTEK ELT 4000 紧急定位传输器 产品说明书

ARTEK ELT 4000 紧急定位传输器 产品说明书

NOT FAA or FCC Approved.This device has not been authorized as required by the rules of the FCC. This device is not, and may not be offered for sale or lease, or sold or leased until authorization is obtained.SPECIALCONDITIONSLithium• Not capable of Thermal Runaway• No Additional Containment required• Easy Certification Path• Special conditions do not apply• Lower Battery Cost • No Hazmat Shippingtive battery system designs assuring a trouble free certification ARTEX ELT 4000 is completely exempt from any FAA Lithium y compliance issues and ships non-hazmat. The lithium y alternative ELT is here now and affordable.ELT 4000An ACR Electronics Brand*Specifications subject to change. **Approvals for use of this antenna with ELT 4000 pending.Temperature Certified to:The all new ARTEX ELT 4000 is a transport-grade Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT) that utilizes alkaline batteries. This innovative power source means that the ARTEX ELT 4000 is completely exempt from FAA special condition requirements. ARTEX ELT 4000 cost of ownership benefits include a lower battery expense per cycle, no hazmat shipping and easy disposal. An integrated NAV interface (ARINC429) omits the requirement and expense of installing a separate NAV interface unit.How the ARTEX ELT 4000 worksThe ARTEX ELT 4000 can be activated manually (via cockpit remoteswitch) or automatically (the G-Switch senses a 2.3G or greater impact), and alerts the closest Search and Rescue agency of an emergency. The 406 MHz signal, containing the aircraft GPS coordinates, is transmitted to the Cospas-Sarsat satellites and relayed to the Mission Control Center where it is immediately routed to the nearest Search and Rescue agency.The beacon will provide first responders with the exact location to within 100 meters. Finally, the 121.5 MHz homing signal assists Search and Rescue ground forces with finding the location of the emergency.Ease of Installation and retrofitThe ARTEX ELT 4000 provides a quick-and-easy retrofit opportunity with flexible installation options such as a two-wire remote switch that does not require any aircraft power . ELT 4000 is TSO approved with Legacy Switch and Antenna Systems to facilitate retrofit. Because it is a single output ELT , the ARTEX ELT 4000 utilizes the same RF output and only one coax cable to transmit both 406 MHz and 121.5 MHz signals. The built-in navigation interface reduces the need to mount a secondary external interface, great-ly reducing the cost of installation. The mounting tray assembly matches the legacy ARTEX C and B Series ELT installation and thereby further reduces engineering costs.EMERGENCY LOCATOR TRANSMITTERARTEX ELT 4000Compatible with ARTEX Satellite Confirmation。



EVERLIGHT ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD.Device Number :DDM-200-011REV: 1.0 2.0" 5*8 Dot Matrix DisplaysMODEL NO :ELM-2001SRWA ECN :Page:1/5█ Features :█ Applications:● Large emitting dot 0.2" diameter.● Instrument panels● Low power/high hrightness.● Digital readout display█ Description :● The ELM-2001 series are alarge emitting area(5.0mmdiameter)LED sources configuredin a 35 dots 5*7 matrix array.● These device is made with whitedots and gray surface.PART NO CHIP C.C. or C.A.Material Emitted ColorELM-2001SRWA GaAlAs Super Red C.C.OFFICE : NO. 25,Lane 76,Sec.3, Chung Yang Rd., Tucheng 236, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.TEL : 886-2-2267-2000,2267-9936FAX : 886-2-2267-6244,22676189,22676306EVERLIGHT ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD.Device Number :DDM-200-011REV: 1.0 2.0" 5*8 Dot Matrix DisplaysMODEL NO :ELM-2001SRWA ECN :Page:2/5█ NOTES:1.All dimensions are millimeters ,tolerance is 0.25mm unless otherwise noted.2.Above specification may be changed without notice.Supplier will reserve authority on material change for above specification.EVERLIGHT ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD.Device Number :DDM-200-011REV: 1.0 2.0" 5*8 Dot Matrix DisplaysMODEL NO :ELM-2001SRWA ECN :Page:3/5█Absolute maximum ratings at Ta = 25℃:Parameter Symbol Rating UnitReverse Voltage Vr5VForward Current If40mAOperating Temperature Topr-40 to +85℃Storage Temperature Tstg-40 to +100℃Soldering Temperature Tsol260 ± 5℃Power Dissipation Pd110mWPeak ForwardCurrent(Duty 1/10 @1KHZ)If(Peak)180mA█Electronic optical characteristics :Parameter Symbol MIN.TYP.MAX.Unit Condition Luminous Intensity Iv 5.68.8----mcd If=10mAPeak Wavelengthλp----660----nm If=20mADominant Wavelengthλd----643----nm If=20mASpectrum RediationBandwidth△λ----20----nm If=20mAForward Voltage Vf 1.5 1.7 2.4V If=20mA Reverse Current Ir--------10V Vr=5VEVERLIGHT ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD.Device Number :DDM-200-011REV: 1.0 2.0" 5*8 Dot Matrix DisplaysMODEL NO :ELM-2001SRWA ECN :Page:4/5█ Reliability test item and condition:NO Item Test ConditionsTestHours/CycleSample Size Ac/Re1Solder Heat TEMP : 260℃ ± 5 ℃ 5 SEC76 PCS0/1H : +85℃ 30min2Temperature Cycle∫ 5 min50 CYCLE76 PCS0/1L : -55℃ 30minH : +100℃ 5min3Thermal Shock∫ 10 sec50 CYCLE76 PCS0/1L : -10℃ 5min4High TemperatureStorageTEMP : 100℃1000 HRS76 PCS0/15Low TemperatureStorageTEMP : -55℃1000 HRS76 PCS0/16DC Operating Life If = 10 mA1000 HRS76 PCS0/17High Temperature / HighHumidity85℃/85% RH1000 HRS76 PCS0/1EVERLIGHT ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD.Device Number :DDM-200-011REV: 1.0 2.0" 5*8 Dot Matrix DisplaysMODEL NO:ELM-2001SRWA ECN :Page:5/5。

Vaisala HM40系列蜂鸟型号湿度与温度仪的概述与特点说明书

Vaisala HM40系列蜂鸟型号湿度与温度仪的概述与特点说明书

Bid Specification 1 (3) 2019-06-05 © Vaisala 04/l 2014 This material is subject to copyright protection, with all copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks of Vaisala or its individual partners. All specifications — technical included — are subject to change Vaisala Inc.1-888-VAISALA (824-7252) ***********************HM40 Series Compact and Portable Humidity and Temperature MeterHM40 Overview: ▪ Wide measurement range and displays multiple parameters (RH, T, Td, Tw, a, x, h) ▪ Standard and remote probe models available ▪ Ideal for spot-checking, on the go ▪ Incorporates the proven Vaisala HUMICAP ® 180R Sensor ▪ Graphical display indicates when measurement has stabilized ▪ Convenient calibration – either replace interchangeable probe or calibrate in the field HM41 Features/Benefits ▪ Incorporates the proven Vaisala HUMICAP ® 180R Sensor ▪ Interchangeable HMP113 probe ▪ IP54 Rating ▪ Temperature measurement range of -10 … +60 °C (+14 … +140 °F) ▪ Designed for spot checking in rooms ▪ Probe material: PC/ABS plastic blend HM45 Features/Benefits ▪ Incorporates the proven Vaisala HUMICAP ® 180R Sensor ▪ Interchangeable HMP113 probe with HM40HANDLE▪IP54 Rating ▪ Temperature measurement range of -40 … +60 °C (-40 … +140 °F) ▪ Designed for spot checking in difficult to reach areas ▪ Probe material: PC/ABS plastic blend[Unit] / Tiina Vainio Bid Specification 2 (3)2019-06-05▪Incorporates the proven Vaisala HUMICAP® 180RSensor▪Interchangeable HM46PROBE▪IP54 Rating (indicator), IP40 (probe)▪Temperature measurement range of -40 … +100 °C (-40 … +212 °F), short term up to +180 °C (+356 °F)▪Designed for spot checking in HVAC applications andin ducts▪Probe material: Stainless steel, brass filterHM41 Summary:Relative humidity and temperature portable calibrator shall incorporate a thin film polymer capacitive HUMICAP® humidity sensor and have accuracy of ±1.5% RH (0…90% RH) and ±2.5% RH (90…100% RH) between 0 to 40°C (32 to 104°F). Shall have typical long-term stability of better than ±2% RHover 2 years. Temperature sensor shall be a platinum 1000Ω RTD with accuracy of ± 0.2°C (0.36°F)between °0 … +40 °C (+32 … +104 °F) with a measurement range of -10 ... +60 °C (14 ... 140 °F). Indicator shall additionally be able to calculate and display dew point, wet bulb temperature, absolute humidity, mixing ratio and enthalpy. The graphical LCD display shall feature multilingual menu-based user interface. NIST traceable calibration certificate included. Shall have the ability to be calibrated by the user in the field or shall offer an interchangeable calibrated probe.HM45 Summary:Relative humidity and temperature portable calibrator shall incorporate a thin film polymer capacitive HUMICAP® humidity sensor and have accuracy of ±1.5% RH (0…90% RH) and ±2.5% RH (90…100% RH) between 0 to 40°C (32 to 104°F). Shall have typical long-term stability of better than ±2% RH over 2 years. Temperature sensor shall be a platinum 1000Ω RTD with accuracy of ± 0.2°C (0.36°F) between °0 … +40 °C (+32 … +104 °F) with a measurement range of -40 ... +60 °C (-40 ... 140 °F). Indicator shall additionally be able to calculate and display dew point, wet bulb temperature, absolute[Unit] / Tiina Vainio Bid Specification 3 (3)2019-06-05humidity, mixing ratio and enthalpy. The graphical LCD display shall feature multilingual menu-based user interface. NIST traceable calibration certificate included. Shall have the ability to be calibrated by the user in the field or shall offer an interchangeable calibrated probe.HM46 Summary:Relative humidity and temperature portable calibrator shall incorporate a thin film polymer capacitive HUMICAP® humidity sensor and have accuracy of ±1.5% RH (0…90% RH) and ±2.5% RH (90…100% RH) between 0 to 40°C (32 to 104°F). Shall have typical long-term stability of better than ±2% RH over 2 years. Temperature sensor shall be a platinum 1000Ω RTD with accuracy of ± 0.2°C (0.36°F) between °0 … +40 °C (+32 … +104 °F) with a measurement range of -40 ... +100 °C (-40 ... 212 °F). The probe shall be capable of withstanding a temperature of up to +180°C (356°F) for a short period of time. Indicator shall additionally be able to calculate and display dew point, wet bulb temperature, absolute humidity, mixing ratio and enthalpy. The graphical LCD display shall feature multilingual menu-based user interface. NIST traceable calibration certificate included. Shall have the ability to be calibrated by the user in the field or shall offer an interchangeable calibrated probe.。



PHOENIX CONTACT GmbH & Co. KG http://www.phoenixcontact.de
Page 2 / 4 Apr 12, 2008
VC-AMLV 2 Order No.: 1884979
Product notes Commercial data EAN Pack Customs tariff Weight/Piece Catalog page information 4017918170790 50 Pcs. 85369010 0.00537 KG Page 289 (PC-2007) http:// Please note that the data given here has been taken from the online catalog. For comprehensive information and data, please refer to the user documentation. The General Terms and Conditions of Use apply to Internet downloads. WEEE/RoHS-compliant since: 12/15/2005
PHOENIX CONTACT GmbH & Co. KG http://www.phoenixcontact.de
Page 4 / 4 Apr 12, 2008
Accessories Item Plug/Adapter 1600027 CP-HCC 4 Coding profile, is inserted into the slot on the plug and header, red insulating material Designation Description

蜂鸟工业自动化-蜂鸟Herculine 2000系列电动阀门驱动器规格表说明书

蜂鸟工业自动化-蜂鸟Herculine 2000系列电动阀门驱动器规格表说明书

Honeywell Process Control, 512 Virginia Drive, Fort Washington, PA 19034Printed in U.S.A. ν © Copyright 2006-2008 — HoneywellHerculine ® 2000 Series Actuators61-86-03-14June 08Page 1 of 14SpecificationOverviewHoneywell’s HercuLine ® 2000 seriesactuators are low torque, precision electric actuators incorporating all of the easy-to-use, high quality, and reliable features of the traditional HercuLine ® actuators. Ensuring processes operate at maximum efficiency, with minimal downtime, and lowest lifetime cost requires precision and high reliability Herculine ®actuators. They are industrial rated and engineered for very precise positioning of dampers and valves. They perform especially well in extremely demanding environmentsrequiring continuous duty, high reliability, and low maintenance. HercuLine ® 2000 actuators are used inon/off power to open/close or positionproportional with 135 or 1000 ohmfeedback applications.HercuLine ® 2001 and 2002 Smart actuators are used in current proportional or digital control applications. Access to all actuator parameters for real-time business and maintenance decisions isstandard through Modbus RTU, localdisplay, or via HercuLink ® Palm PDAsoftware.HercuLine ® 2002 actuators have additional standard features such as non-contact position sensing and slidewire emulation output. HercuLink ® software enables calibration, configuration, and access to maintenance data using your Palm PDA.Smart Features – HercuLine ® 2001 & 2002 RS485/Modbus RTU Communication -Modbus RTU communication is standard allowing seamless networking of Honeywell control productsAlarm Functions – Alarms may be assigned to relay outputs or may be accessed through the Modbus network. Alarms can be triggered from stall,temperature limits, motor cycle count, out of automatic mode, digital input, position, input failure, position sensor failure,power up failure, and more. Characterization – Programmable linear, equal percentage, quick opening, or user configured 20-point characterizationFailsafe – the actuator can beprogrammed to drive open, closed, remain in-place, or drive to a userspecified position on loss of input signal or position sensor.Split range operation –programmable and infinitely adjustable.Factory Calibration – stored in non-volatile memory and can be restored at any time.Digital Input Override – A digital input is provided that can be programmed to drive the actuator open, closed, remain in-place, or to a user specified position oncontact closure for emergency situations. Health Monitoring – A standard feature on all HercuLine ® Smart actuators accumulates information about actuatoroperation. The information then can be used to evaluate and determine predicted or scheduled maintenance periods. Parameters monitored are accumulated stall time, exceeded thermal operatingrating of the actuator, and number of motor starts in a region of travel, total travel and current actuator travel.Input Filter Setting – Fourprogrammable combinations - none,spike, low pass, or spike + low pass filter.Configuration security – Passwordprotection is provided to prevent tampering, allowing users to lock out some, all, or no groups of setup parameters. Direction of rotation – programmable. Input Signals – 0/4 to 20 mA, 0/1 to 5 Vdc, 0 to 10 Vdc, Digital RS485 Modbus RTU protocol, or Series 90 control. Output Signals – 0/4 to 20 mA, 0/1 to 5 Vdc or slidewire emulation. Accurate Positioning – Motor/gear train provides accurate positioning with almost instantaneous start/stop characteristics. Stall Alarm – provides alarm output in theevent of actuator stall due to overload. Smart OptionsHercuLink ® Software – loaded onto theusers Palm PDA, laptop PC or desktop computer. This software allows you to configure or calibrate the actuator. Inaddition, maintenance information may be read, stored and later loaded in CSV format to the user’s computer for maintenance tracking.Hart ™ Communication – For HART user’s optional HART communications provides access to calibration,configuration, and maintenance data. In addition, the HART communicationsoption is structured to work with the HART Asset Management Features.Local HMI Configuration – Optional keypad and high intensity display isavailable (Figure 1). The display may be rotated in 90° increments for actuator mounting orientations other than horizontal.Non-contact position sensing (NCS) – Herculine ® 2002 only. See description next page.Slidewire Emulation (SEC) – Herculine ®2001 and 2002 only. See text next page.Auxiliary Relay Outputs –Programmable relay outputs can be used in place of auxiliary switch outputs to provideadditional functionality such as indication of alarm status, control of other equipment, or to indicate position. Battery Powered 232/485 converter and cable – used to connect the Palm PDA to the HercuLine ® actuator for communication.61-86-03-14 Page 2Non-Contact Position SensingAvailable in the HercuLine ®2002actuator. The technology is a variableinductance, non-contact position sensor mounted directly to the actuator outputshaft providing precision position sensing from 0 to 150 degrees (Figure 3). Thistechnology eliminates maintenance item such as wipers, bearings, as well asstatic friction, hysteresis and electricalnoise over a wide range of demandingenvironmental conditions. Typically use in very demanding applicati s dons wheredowntime is not an option.Slidewire EmulationAvailable in the HercuLine ® 2001/2002 actuator. The Slidewire EmulationCircuit (SEC) emulates the proportiona voltage output of a typical slidewire through a high impedance circuit. Th voltage output is proportional to the supply voltage and shaft position. If ordered on the 2002 model, a non-contact position sensor is used todetermine shaft position in place o slidewire. Typically used in very demanding applications wher l e f the e downtime is not an option.Potentiometer SensingAn advanced high cycle filmpotentiometer for position sensing for true position feedback is available as option on the Herculine an ndard on Herculine ®2001 EEU model.® 2000 BMUmodel and sta Self-locking/releasingGear TrainThe worm gear output combination is self-locking and self-releasing and maintains position upon loss of power. It is designed to hold greater than two times the rated output torque in a back-driving condition. This design provides superior reliability without themaintenance associated with other self-locking and brake mechanisms. General Features • e thout • ycle – Continuous duty•y out degrading •Hz, single phase <Motor - no burn out motor can b stalled up to 100 hours wi damage to the actuator.Duty C cycle Any position mounting – the actuator may be mounted in an orientation with performance.Power Requirements – Low power consumption 120/240 Vac, 50/60 0.6/0.3 Amp.•X industrial •-•culine ® 2000 series •ification – CSA (pending), UL, CE Enclosure – Rugged, Die cast aluminum NEMA 4grade enclosure.Low Maintenance – Simple proven design means high reliability/low maintenance. Limit Switches – Two end-of-travel electric limit switches are supplied as standard equipment with all Her actuators.• Warranty – Exceptional warranty CertGeneral Options•r PDT switches are •tuator when power is • vailable •s to r ndis & Staefa) •or valve or damper connection.Auxiliary Switches – up to fou additional S available.Manual Operation – a manual hand wheel is optional and used to operate the ac not available.Auto-Manual – electric hand switch with auxiliary contacts indicating an "Out-of-Auto" position is a for local electric control.Competitive Mounting Plates – to adapt the HercuLine ® actuator Invensys (Barber-Colman) o Siemens (La mountings.Linkage assemblies – Pushrod assemblies f61-86-03-14Page 3Optional Local Display and Keypad for HercuLine ® 2001 and 2002A local display and keypad is optional for configuration and set-up (Figure 2). A high intensity 10-character LED display and simple push buttons provide quick access for actuator set up and status information. If relay outputs are specified, all configuration can be done through either the local HMI interface or the HercuLink ® configurator. HercuLink ® Palm PDA software or HART ™ communications is available for those ordering units without the display and keypad.Lower Control Arm RotationPushbuttons (Fou (Six Cha to Access Set Up, Status Calibration Para meters.Figure 1 Local HMI (Display and Keypad)61-86-03-14 Page 4Non-Contact Sensor NCS Spoiler (shown at full150 degree travel CCW)NCS PWA NCS setscrewRelay PWA card guides (relay PWAs removed)Figure 2 Non-Contact Sensor Assembly (HercuLine® 2002)61-86-03-14Page 5HercuLink® Computer InterfaceHercuLink® Computer software enables access to programming and communication functions available as standard with the HercuLine® 2001 and 2002 actuators without the added expense of the keypad & display HMI. Using a Palm™ PDA, laptop PC or desktop computer, HercuLink® software, and a RS232/485 converter users may configure, calibrate, and access maintenance information locally or remotely to the actuator.Using HercuLink® software the computer may be used as a master device over a Modbus network to access information to/from the actuators and to control the device. Set-up configurations may also be stored on the computer for download to other HercuLine®devices. Information may be stored on the users PC in CSV format for use in preventative maintenance programs.•Certified on Palm™ m125, m130, and m505.•Compatible with Palm OS3.5 or higher.•Compatible with Windows 2000 or XP operating systems•Minimum system requirements:•Windows 2000 (w/service pack 2), Windows NT (w/service pack 5), Windows ME, Windows XP•200 MHz Pentium with 64 Megs RamPalm™ is a trademark of Palm, Inc.HotSync® is a registered trademark of Palm Computing, Inc.HercuLink® is a trademark of HoneywellFigure 3 PDA connection61-86-03-14Page 6Set Up/Configuration Parameters for Keypad & Display or HercuLink® SoftwareConfiguration parameters are logically grouped and accessed using the local HMI. Actuator calibration is also accomplished through a simple procedure using the keypad. By pressing the SETUP button on the HMI, you can step through the set up groups that contain all of the configuration parameters. The table below summarizes the configuration parameters available within the various set up groups. Full details of all configuration parameters are found in the HercuLine® 2000 Series Actuator Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual, document number 62-86-25-10.Set Up Group Configuration Parameter Selections/SettingsSET INPUT⎯Selects various parameters that define actuator operation.IN TYP – Input Actuation TypeINP HI – Input High Range ValueINP LO – Input Low Range ValueFILTYP – Input Filter TypeLPFILT – Low Pass Filter Time ConstantDirect – Actuator RotationDband – Input DeadbandFSFTYPH – FailsafeHI TypeFsFVALH – FailsafeHI ValueFSFTYPL – FailsafeLO TypeFsFVALL – FailsafeLO ValueCHAR – Input Characterization TypeCUST – Custom Characterization TypeSET RELAY⎯When the actuator is equipped with optional relays, this set up group allows you to set relay action for various actuator operating conditions. Contact closure can be wired to external annunciators or alarm points to indicate conditions for any of the Relay Types. RTYPnn – Relay TypeInput RangePosition RangeDeviationUpper or Lower Limit TravelTemperature High or LowCycle CountMotor StalledManual ModePower Up Test FailureInput Signal FailurePosition Sensor Signal FailureDigital Input ClosureTotal Degrees TraveledRnnVAL – Relay ValueRnn HL – Relay High/LowRLYnHY – Relay HysteresisSET CUROUT⎯Selects the current (or voltage) output range of the actuator.CUROUT - Output Signal Range4 – 20 mA 0 – 20 mA1 – 5 V 0 – 5 VOr SWESET COMM⎯Actuator can be defined as a master or slave device on a Modbus RTU RS-485 loop. Operating setpoint can be transmitted to the actuator and operating status can be read when connected to supervisory control M – Communications Parameters ADDRES – Device AddressBAUD – Baud RateXmtDLY – Response DelayDBLBYT – Floating Point Data FormatSET DIGINP⎯Selects digital input action upon contact closure. DIGINP – Digital Input State Endpos – End Position ValueSET DISPLA⎯Selects desired decimal places and engineering units for local display DECMAL – Decimal Point Location EUNITS – Units DisplayUNITS – Display UnitsCAL INPUT, MTR, CURENT⎯If needed, field calibration of the actuator input, motor position and actuator output can be performed using the local keypad and display.61-86-03-14Page 7 Set Up Group Configuration Parameter Selections/SettingsSET LOCK⎯Enables lock out or access to selected set up group parameters and calibration values.LOCKID – Set Security Password LOCK – Lock OutMAENAB – Mode button lockoutREAD STATUS⎯Displays failsafe condition and the results of various diagnostics performed during power up.FAILSF – FailsafeRAMTST – RAM Test DiagnosticSEETST – Serial EEPROM TestDiagnosticCFGTST – Configuration Test DiagnosticCALTST – Calibration Test DiagnosticSET DRVINF⎯Allows access to actuator device information.VERSON – Firmware VersionSPEED – Stroke SpeedPOWER – Power Input Voltage and LineFrequencyTAG – Tag NameDMFG – Manufacturing DateLREP – Date of Last RepairLCAL – Date of Last Field CalibrationREPTYP – Repair TypeSET MAINT⎯Allows access to parameters that monitor operating conditions.TEMP – Actuator TemperatureTEMPHI – High Temperature LimitTEMPLO – Low Temperature LimitACSTA – Accumulated Stall TimeSTARTS – Accumulated Motor StartsRLnCNTS – Relay Cycle CountsREGNn – Accumulated Motor StartsTOTDEG – Total degrees traveledMANRST – Reset Maintenance StatisticsLD CAL – Restore CalibrationLD CFG – Restore ConfigurationSYSRST – System RestartSpecifications – GeneralPhysicalWeight 2000: 25 lb. (11.36 kg)2001,2002: 27 lbs. (12.27 kg)Enclosure Precision-machined die cast aluminum housing, finished in light gray powder coat epoxy. Gear Train Alloy steel, high efficiency steel spur gear primary train. Precision ground, self-locking/selfreleasing worm gear final mesh.Mechanical Stops Factory set at 90° or 150° (+/-5°).Storage Temperature –40 °C to +93 °C (–40 °C to +200 °F)Relative Humidity 0 % to 99 % R.H. non-condensing over the full operating temperature range.Scale 0 % to 100 % corresponding to full crank arm travel.Crank Arm Adjustable radii 1.0 in (25.4mm) to a maximum of 2.8 in (71.1mm). Position adjustablethrough 360° rotation.Output Shaft 0.625+/-.005 in (15.88 +/-.13mm) diameter (round)Rotation 90° or 150° degrees between 0 % and 100 % on scale, limited by mechanical stops. Manual Hand wheel(option)Provides a means of positioning the actuator in the event of a power failure or set-up. Lubrication Texaco Starplex 2 EP GreaseOutput Torque/Full Travel Stroking Time Torque lb-in (N M)50 / (6.0)100 / (11.5)200 / (22.5)400 / (45.0)400 / (45.0)50 Hz (90°/150°)4.5 / 7.59 / 1518 / 3036 / 6054 / 9060 Hz (90°/150°)4 / 67 / 1215/2530/5045/7561-86-03-14Page 8ElectricalMains Supply 100-130 Vac single phase, 50 Hz or 60 Hz200-240 Vac single phase, 50 Hz or 60 HzMotor Instant start/stop, non-coasting, non-burnout, continuous duty, permanent magnet,synchronous induction motor. Can be stalled up to 100 hours without damage.Motor Current = No load = full load = locked rotor = 0.4 amp for 120Vac, 0.2 amp for 240 VacLoss of Power Stays in place on loss of powerLocal Auto/Manual Switch Optional – Allows local and automatic operation of the actuator.End of travel Limit Switches Standard – adjustable to limit actuator travel to less than 90 or 150 degrees respectively Auxiliary Switches/Relays Optional – Up to 4 additional SPDT switches rated at (10 A at 125 Vac, 5 A at 250 Vac). CertificationsApprovals CSA/UL (Standard)CE Compliant (optional)Enclosure Rating Type 4 (NEMA 4), IP66 (standard)Torque Settings of Crank Arm BoltsClamp Bolt 88 lb-in (10 N-m)Electrical and Performance SpecificationsHercuLine® 2000 SeriesHercuLine® 2002 HercuLine® 2001 Herculine® 2000Input Signals Analog:•0/4 to 20 mA (With CPUPWA jumper in currentposition)•0/1 to 5 Vdc•0 to 10 VdcDigital:•Modbus RTU (RS485) Analog:•0/4 to 20 mA (With CPUPWA jumper in currentposition)•0/1 to 5 Vdc•0 to 10 Vdc•Series 90 controlDigital:•Modbus RTU (RS485)120 Vac drive open/120 Vacdrive close240 Vac drive open/240 Vacdrive closeIsolation Input signal, output signal and power are isolated from eachother.NA Load Requirement (4-20) Current Out — 0 to 1000 ohms NAInput Impedance 0/4 to 20 mA0/1 to 5 Vdc0-10 Vdc 250 ohms10 K ohmsNA0 to 20 mA, 4 to 20 mA0 to 5 Vdc & 1 to 5 Vdc with 250 ohm resistor, (0 to 16 Vdc with 800 ohm resistor) Dual output 1000 ohms over 90 degrees (135 ohms with 158 resistor)Dual output 1000 ohms over 150 degrees (135 ohms with 158 resistor)FeedbackSlidewire emulation - Provides output voltage ratiometric toshaft position and potentiometric to supply voltage(1 Vdc to 18 Vdc) without a slidewire. Emulates a 100 ohm to1000 ohm slidewire. 10 mA output maximum.61-86-03-14Page 9HercuLine® 2002 HercuLine® 2001 Herculine® 2000 Communications Modbus RTU or optional HART™NAOperating Temperature –40°C to +75 °C (–40°F to +170 °F) -40°C to +85 °C (-40°F to+185 °F)Position sensing Non-contact position sensor 1000 ohm film potentiometer Optional dual 1000 ohm filmpotentiometersSensitivity 0.2 % to 5 % of 90° span, proportional to deadband NAHysteresis Less than 0.4 % of full scale NADeadband 0.2 % to 5 % of 90° span, programmable. Shipped at 0.5 %NARepeatability 0.2 % of 90° span NARepositions(minimum @ 90 or 150degree stroke)Table 1 option –050- Table 1 option –100- Table 1 option –200- Table 1 option –400- Table 1 option –600- 160290450700900120250400400400500Voltage/ SupplyStability0.25 % of span with +10/–15 % voltage change NATemperature Coefficient Less than ± 0.030 % of span per degree C for 0 °C to 50 °CLess than ± 0.05 % of span per degree C for –40 °C to 75 °CNAZero Suppression 90 % of span.NA Input Filters Selectable spike and low pass filters.NASolid State Motor Control Two triac switches for clockwise or anti-clockwise motoroperation. Transient voltage protection provided.NAFailsafe operation If input signal exceeds configured input range. Selectable andadjustable.NA Direction of Rotation Field programmable Wire swap Duty Cycle ContinuousProgrammableFunctionsSelectable and configurable operating parameters:NA• Inputrange• Inputfiltering• Inputcharacterization• Security•Digital Input action• Deadband•Failsafe on loss of input signal•Failsafe on loss of position sensor•Direction of rotation•Relay closure action• Communicationparameters•Split range operation• Outputrange• Alarms61-86-03-14Page 10Actuator Crank ArmThe HercuLine® 2000 Series Actuators come standard with a 2.8 inch (71.12mm) crank arm (Figure 4). The crank arm uses linkage kits (above). Adjustable radius (1.0 in (25.4mm) to 2.80 in (71.12mm)). Position adjustable through 360° rotation.Figure 4 Standard 2.8” (71.12mm) Crank ArmFigure 5 Crank Arm with optional ball joint and push rodModel Selection GuidecontinuedOutline Dimension DrawingsmminchesActionator M640A, M740A, and M940A replacementSee Honeywell SalesNet at /salesnet/supporting_docs/sales_tools/actionator_to_hl_xover.xlsWarranty/RemedyHoneywell warrants goods of its manufacture as being free of defective materials and faulty workmanship. Contact your local sales office for warranty information. If warranted goods are returned to Honeywell during the period ofcoverage, Honeywell will repair or replace without charge those items it finds defective. The foregoing is Buyer's sole remedy and is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, including those of merchantability andfitness for a particular purpose. Specifications may change without notice. The information we supply is believed to be accurate and reliable as of this printing. However, we assume no responsibility for its use.While we provide application assistance personally, through our literature and the Honeywell web site, it is up to the customer to determine the suitability of the product in the application.For more information, contact Honeywell sales at (800) 343-0228.Honeywell Process ControlHoneywell512 Virginia DriveFort Washington, PA 1903461-86-03-14 June 08 Printed in USA /ps。


兰吉尔ZMQ202 / ZFQ202 高精度电子关口表 用户手册
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H 71 0200 0215 g en- Z.Q 高精度电子关口表–用户手册
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安全_____________________________________________________________ 6 安全信息 _________________________________________________________ 6 责任_____________________________________________________________ 6 安全规则 _________________________________________________________ 7 单元概述_________________________________________________________ 9 应用_____________________________________________________________ 9 特性_____________________________________________________________ 9 型号说明 ________________________________________________________ 10 方框图 __________________________________________________________ 11 测量系统 ________________________________________________________ 12 输入信号 ________________________________________________________ 12 输入电路 ________________________________________________________ 13 模数转换器 ______________________________________________________ 13 信号处理器 ______________________________________________________ 13 微处理器 ________________________________________________________ 14 微处理器提供的数据 ______________________________________________ 14 测量参数的计算 __________________________________________________ 16 费率控制 ________________________________________________________ 17 日历钟 __________________________________________________________ 18 同步和时间设置 __________________________________________________ 18 通过同步脉冲使日历钟同步 ________________________________________ 19 通过通信使日历钟同步 ____________________________________________ 20 时间设置 ________________________________________________________ 20 处理偏差 ________________________________________________________ 20 寄存器 __________________________________________________________ 21 存储器 __________________________________________________________ 21 负荷曲线 ________________________________________________________ 21 事件日志 ________________________________________________________ 22 供电____________________________________________________________ 22 辅助电源 ________________________________________________________ 22 传送接点模块 ____________________________________________________ 22 通信单元(可选择) ______________________________________________ 22 软件工具 ________________________________________________________ 23 结构描述________________________________________________________ 24

Belimo AFB24-SR 基本失效模拟调节阀门驱动器说明书

Belimo AFB24-SR 基本失效模拟调节阀门驱动器说明书

AFB24-SRBasic Fail-Safe modulating actuator forcontrolling dampers in typical commercial HVAC applications.• Torque motor 180 in-lb [20 Nm]• Nominal voltage AC/DC 24 V • Control Modulating• Position feedback 2...10 VTechnical dataElectrical dataNominal voltageAC/DC 24 V Nominal voltage frequency 50/60 HzNominal voltage rangeAC 19.2...28.8 V / DC 21.6...28.8 V Power consumption in operation 5.5 W Power consumption in rest position 3 W Transformer sizing 8.5 VAElectrical Connection 18 GA appliance cable, 1 m, with 1/2" NPT conduit connectorOverload Protection electronic throughout 0...95° rotation Electrical Protectionactuators are double insulated Functional dataTorque motor 180 in-lb [20 Nm]Operating range Y 2...10 VOperating range Y note 4...20 mA w/ ZG-R01 (500 Ω, 1/4 W resistor)Input impedance 100 kΩ for 2...10 V (0.1 mA), 500 Ω for 4...20 mA Position feedback U 2...10 V Position feedback U note Max. 0.5 mADirection of motion motor selectable with switch 0/1Direction of motion fail-safe reversible with cw/ccw mounting Manual override 5 mm hex crank (3/16" Allen), supplied Angle of rotation 95°Angle of rotation note adjustable with mechanical end stop, 35...95°Running Time (Motor)95 s / 90°Running time fail-safe <20 s @ -4...122°F [-20...50°C], <60 s @ -22°F [-30°C]Noise level, motor 40 dB(A)Noise level, fail-safe 62 dB(A)Position indicationMechanical Safety dataPower source ULClass 2 Supply Degree of protection IEC/EN IP54Degree of protection NEMA/UL NEMA 2Enclosure UL Enclosure Type 2Agency Listing cULus listed to UL60730-1A:02; UL60730-2-14:02 and CAN/CSA-E60730-1:02Quality Standard ISO 9001UL 2043 CompliantSuitable for use in air plenums per Section 300.22(C) of the NEC and Section 602 of the IMCAmbient humidity Max. 95% RH, non-condensing Ambient temperature -22...122°F [-30...50°C]Storage temperature-40...176°F [-40...80°C]AFB24-SRFootnotesApplicationOperationTypical specificationSafety dataServicing maintenance-free Weight Weight5.3 lb [2.4 kg]MaterialsHousing material Galvanized steel and plastic housing†Rated Impulse Voltage 800V, Type of action 1.AA, Control Pollution Degree 3Product featuresFor fail-safe, modulating control of dampers in HVAC systems. Actuator sizing should be done in accordance with the damper manufacturer’s specifications. The actuator is mounted directly to a damper shaft up to 1.05” in diameter by means of its universal clamp. A crank arm and several mounting brackets are available for applications where the actuator cannot be direct coupled to the damper shaft. The actuator operates in response to a DC 2...10 Vor, with the addition of a 500Ω resistor, a 4...20 mA control input from an electronic controller or positioner. A DC 2...10 V feedback signal is provided for position indication.A common installation technique for control of multi-section dampers is to use the U5 position feedback of one actuator (Primary) to control multiple actuators (Secondary). Belimo refers to this as primary and secondary control. The only requirement is that the actuators are installed on MECHANICALLY SEPARATE damper shafts.The AF..24-SR series actuators provide true spring return operation for reliable fail-safe application and positive close off on air tight dampers. The spring return system providesconstant torque to the damper with, and without, power applied to the actuator. The AF..24-SR series provides 95° of rotation and is provided with a graduated position indicator showing 0° to 95°. The AF..24-SR uses a brushless DC motor which is controlled by an Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) and a microprocessor. The microprocessor provides the intelligence to the ASIC to provide a constant rotation rate and to know the actuator’s exact fail-safe position. The ASIC monitors and controls the brushless DC motor’s rotation and provides a digitalrotation sensing function to prevent damage to the actuator in a stall condition. The actuator may be stalled anywhere in its normal rotation without the need of mechanical end switches. The AF..24-SR actuator is shipped at 5° (5° from full fail-safe) to provide automatic compression against damper gaskets for tight shut-off.ATTENTION: AF..24-SR cannot be tandem mounted on the same damper or valve shaft. Only On/Off and MFT AF.. models can be used for tandem mount applications.Spring return control damper actuators shall be direct coupled type which require no crank arm and linkage and be capable of direct mounting to a jackshaft up to a 1.05” diameter. The actuator must provide modulating damper control in response to a 2 to 10 VDC or, with the addition of a 500Ω resistor, a 4 to 20 mA control input from an electronic controller orpositioner. The actuators must be designed so that they may be used for either clockwise or counter clockwise fail-safe operation. Actuators shall use a brushless DC motor controlled by a microprocessor and be protected from overload at all angles of rotation. Run time shall be constant, and independent of torque. A 2 to 10 VDC feedback signal shall be provided for position feedback. Actuators with auxiliary switches must be constructed to meet therequirements for Double Insulation so an electrical ground is not required to meet agencylistings. Actuators shall be cULus listed and have a 5 year warranty, and be manufactured under ISO 9001 International Quality Control Standards. Actuators shall be as manufactured by Belimo.AFB24-SR AccessoriesElectrical accessories Description TypeDC Voltage Input Rescaling Module IRM-100Auxiliary switch, mercury-free P475Auxiliary switch, mercury-free P475-1Signal simulator, Power supply AC 120 V PS-100Convert Pulse Width Modulated Signal to a 2...10 V Signal for BelimoProportional ActuatorsPTA-250Positioner for wall mounting SGA24Positioner for front-panel mounting SGF24Cable conduit connector 1/2"TF-CC USResistor, 500 Ω, 1/4" wire resistor with 6" pigtail wires ZG-R01Resistor kit, 50% voltage divider ZG-R02Transformer, AC 120 V to AC 24 V, 40 VA ZG-X40 Mechanical accessories Description TypeAnti-rotation bracket, for AF / NF AF-PShaft extension 240 mm ø20 mm for damper shaft ø8...22.7 mm AV8-25End stop indicator IND-AFBShaft clamp reversible, for central mounting, for damper shafts ø12.7 / 19.0 / 25.4 mm K7-2Ball joint suitable for damper crank arm KH8 / KH10KG10ABall joint suitable for damper crank arm KH8KG8Damper crank arm Slot width 8.2 mm, clamping range ø14...25 mm KH10 Damper crank arm Slot width 8.2 mm, for ø1.05"KH12Damper crank arm Slot width 8.2 mm, clamping range ø10...18 mm KH8Actuator arm, for 3/4" shafts, clamping range ø10...22 mm, Slot width 8.2 mm KH-AFBPush rod for KG10A ball joint 36” L, 3/8” diameter SH10Push rod for KG6 & KG8 ball joints (36” L, 5/16” diameter).SH8Wrench 0.32 in and 0.39 in [8 mm and 10 mm]TOOL-06 Retrofit clip Z-AFMounting bracket for AF..ZG-100Mounting bracket ZG-101 Dual actuator mounting bracket.ZG-102 Mounting bracket ZG-109 Linkage kit ZG-110 Mounting bracketfor AF / NFZG-118 Jackshaft mounting bracket.ZG-120 Mounting kit for linkage operation for flat and side installation ZG-AFB Mounting kit for foot mount installation ZG-AFB118 Damper clip for damper blade, 3.5” width.ZG-DC1 Damper clip for damper blade, 6” width.ZG-DC2 1" diameter jackshaft adaptor (11" L).ZG-JSA-1 1-5/16" diameter jackshaft adaptor (12" L).ZG-JSA-2 1.05" diameter jackshaft adaptor (12" L).ZG-JSA-3 Weather shield 13x8x6" [330x203x152 mm] (LxWxH)ZS-100 Baseplate, for ZS-100ZS-101 Weather shield 406x213x102 mm [16x8-3/8x4"] (LxWxH)ZS-150 Explosion proof housing 16x10x6.435" [406x254x164 mm] (LxWxH), ULand CSA, Class I, Zone 1&2, Groups B, C, D, (NEMA 7), Class III, Hazardous(classified) LocationsZS-260Weather shield 17-1/4x8-3/4x5-1/2" [438x222x140 mm] (LxWxH), NEMA4X, with mounting bracketsZS-300 Weather shield 17-1/4x8-3/4x5-1/2" [438x222x140 mm] (LxWxH), NEMA4X, with mounting bracketsZS-300-5Shaft extension 1/2"ZS-300-C1 Shaft extension 3/4"ZS-300-C2 Shaft extension 1"ZS-300-C3 Baseplate extension Z-SF Linkage kitJackshaft Retrofit Linkage with Belimo Rotary ActuatorsZG-JSLAFB24-SR Electrical installationWarning! Live electrical components!During installation, testing, servicing and troubleshooting of this product, it may be necessaryto work with live electrical components. Have a qualified licensed electrician or other individualwho has been properly trained in handling live electrical components perform these tasks.Failure to follow all electrical safety precautions when exposed to live electrical componentscould result in death or serious injury.Meets cULus requirements without the need of an electrical ground connection.Actuators with appliance cables are numbered.Provide overload protection and disconnect as required.Actuators may also be powered by DC 24 V.Only connect common to negative (-) leg of control circuits.A 500 Ω resistor (ZG-R01) converts the 4...20 mA control signal to 2...10 V.Actuators may be connected in parallel if not mechanically linked. Power consumption andinput impedance must be observed.2...10 V / 4...20 mA ControlDimensions。



件 也 满足 业 界领 先 的 E MC可靠 性要 求 ( 包括 欧洲
的E MC测 试和 一 致性 测 试 LN 21 美 国的 S I .和 AE J6 22 ,客 户可 从更 低 成本 的物料 清单 以及更 低 2 0 —) 的软件 费用 受益 。超 过 6 v 的卓越 E D保 护 能力 k S 适 用 于严酷 汽 车环境 的稳健 电子 单元 设计 。 爱 特梅 尔 AT 6 2 /93 / 1 品详情 A 6 82 /03 产 通 过单 片 集 成 电压 调 节 器( T 6 9 33 A- A A6 2 : . V, T 6 1 5 )WD 和 高 精 确 度 电 压 分 压 器 ( — A6 3 : v 、 T A
更低 的功 率 。
这 些 新 的 设 备 , 是 采 用 爱 特 梅 尔 高 电 压
B D.nS S C o .OL fMAR .. 工 艺 设 计 和 优 化 , TI S 可
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企业之窗 ・

电 子 工 业 专 用 设 备

公 司与 新 品介 绍
爱 特梅 尔发 布集成 LN 的业界最低 耗 电 I 唤醒 管理 收发 器 系列产 品
微 控 制 器 和 触控 方案 领 先 厂 商 爱 特 梅 尔 公 司
( t l C roain A me  ̄ op rt )宣 布 为 L N汽 车 网络 应 用 提 0 o I T 6 8 33V: T 6 05v1可 降低 系 统 成 本 大 A6 2 : . A A6 3 : , 约 4 %。 0 这些 器件 同时理想 地 适用 于有 较小 电路 板



HMT338 温湿度变送器用于压力管线维萨拉(Vaisala)HUMICAP® 温湿度变送器HMT330801价格变送器类型HMT3388探头电缆长度 2 米电缆,探头长度232mm V5 米电缆,探头长度232mm W10 米电缆,探头长度232mm X2 米电缆,探头长度454mm15 米电缆,探头长度454mm210 米电缆,探头长度454mm320 米电缆,探头长度454mm9无附加温度探头0测量参数RH+T ARH+T+Td+Tdf+a+x+Tw+ppm+pw+pws+h+dT B显示无0背光LCD图形显示1供电10...35 VDC, 24 VAC010...35 VDC, 24 VAC 带电源隔离 1普通AC供电 (100....240 VAC)2普通AC供电 (100....240 VAC),美国标准3普通AC供电 (100....240 VAC),欧洲标准4普通AC供电 (100....240 VAC),英国标准5普通AC供电(100....240 VAC) + 澳大利亚标准6外接美国适用的AC适配器(用于美国和加拿大的LAN/WLAN界面) 非IP659输出信号模拟输出通道(通道1,2 和3) 4... 20 mA1模拟输出通道(通道1,2 和3) 0... 20 mA2模拟输出通道(通道1,2 和3) 0... 1 V3模拟输出通道(通道1,2 和3) 0... 5 V4模拟输出通道(通道1,2 和3) 0... 10 V5*RS232串口界面或选择其它通讯模块模拟输出范围无第3模拟输出A通道1,2和3RH (0…100%RH)B B BT(温度范围见下表)C C CTd (-20…100ºC)D D DTdf (-20…100ºC) E E Ea (0…600g/m³) F F FTw (0…100ºC)G G Gx (0…500g/kg d.a)H H Hh (-40…1500kJ/kg)J J Jppm (0…5000)K K Kpw (0…100hPa)L L Lpws (0…100hPa)M M MdT (-10…+50ºC)N N N自定义自定参数/单位 Ch1:_____(___) Ch2:____(___) 选择 Ch3:_____(___)X X X自定量程 Ch1:_________ Ch2:_________ 选择 Ch3:___________通道1通道2通道3,如不需要,选择A模拟输出无温度输出A温度范围-40...+60°C B-40...+80°C C如果没有温度-40...+120°C D输出,请选择A-40...+180°C E-20...+60°C F-20...+80°C G-20...+120°C H-20...+180°C J0...+60°C K0...+100°C L0...+120°C M0...+180°C N-60...60 °C P自定义:_______________________X单位公制1非公制2模块插槽1选项无0继电器输出1RS-485数字串口,带隔离2LAN(以太网)接口+2米电缆(RJ45)4WLAN(无线以太网)接口+天线5数据记录模块6模块插槽2选项无0继电器输出1第3模拟输出选择第3通道模拟输出3数据记录模块如果模块插槽1已选数据记录模块,这无法在插槽2再选。

EATON Cutler-Hammer微处理器基于远程报警面板说明书

EATON Cutler-Hammer微处理器基于远程报警面板说明书

2.2 Electric Remote Alarm Panels (Full Service) – For Electrical Schematic Refer to Figure #3
Note: The alarm buzzer can be silenced by pressing the ‘Silence Alarm’ pushbutton on the front of the controller.
Instructions for EATON Cutler-Hammer Microprocessor Based Remote Alarm Panels
Effective June 2004
Page i
1. INSTALLATION AND MOUNTING OF THE CONTROLLER ................................................... 1
• Install necessary conduit using proper methods and tools.
• Incoming supervisory power and backup power connections are clearly marked L and N and are located on the upper right side of the microprocessor board.
5. FIGURE 3: ELECTRIC WIRING SCHEMATIC ............................................................................ 6

爱斯顿 Moeller 系列 PKZM0 变压器保护电路保护器 088908 产品参数说明书

爱斯顿 Moeller 系列 PKZM0 变压器保护电路保护器 088908 产品参数说明书

Eaton 088908Eaton Moeller® series PKZM0 Transformer-protective circuit-breaker, 3p, Ir=0.16-0.25A, screw connectionGeneral specificationsEaton Moeller® series PKZM0 Transformer-protective circuit-breaker08890876 mm93 mm 45 mm 0.246 kgIEC/EN 60947 VDE 0660PKZM0-0,25-TProduct NameCatalog Number Product Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight Certifications Model Code0.25 A1 x (1 - 6) mm², ferrule to DIN 462282 x (1 - 6) mm², ferrule to DIN 46228Is the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.25 °C150 kAMeets the product standard's requirements.Is the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.DIN rail (top hat rail) mounting optionalDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.0 A0.25 A (3 contacts in series), DC-5 up to 250V0.25 A, AC-3 up to 690 V10 mm40 °C150 kAMeets the product standard's requirements.DA-DC-00004886.pdfDA-DC-00004915.pdfDA-CE-ETN.PKZM0-0,25-Teaton-manual-motor-starters-characteristic-characteristic-curve-008.eps eaton-manual-motor-starters-pkzm0-characteristic-curve.epsIL03407011ZIL03402034ZDA-CS-pkzm0DA-CD-pkzm0eaton-manual-motor-starters-transformer-pkzm0-wiring-diagram.epsIL122023ZUeaton-manual-motor-starters-pkz-dimensions-002.epseaton-manual-motor-starters-pkz-dimensions.epseaton-manual-motor-starters-pkzm0-dimensions-003.epseaton-manual-motor-starters-pkzm0-3d-drawing-008.epseaton-manual-motor-starters-pkzm0-3d-drawing-004.epsRated operational current for specified heat dissipation (In) Terminal capacity (flexible with ferrule)10.11 Short-circuit ratingAmbient operating temperature (enclosed) - minRated short-circuit breaking capacity Ics at 440 V AC10.4 Clearances and creepage distances10.12 Electromagnetic compatibilityMounting Method10.2.5 LiftingAdjustment range short-term delayed short-circuit release - max Switching capacityStripping length (main cable)Ambient operating temperature (enclosed) - maxRated short-circuit breaking capacity Icu at 400 V AC10.2.3.1 Verification of thermal stability of enclosuresAmbient storage temperature - min Declarations of conformity eCAD model Characteristic curve Instalační návody mCAD modelSchémata zapojeníUživatelské příručkyVýkresyFitted with:Switched-off indicatorAdjustment range undelayed short-circuit release - max4.25 A10.8 Connections for external conductorsIs the panel builder's responsibility.Adjustment range short-term delayed short-circuit release - min 0 AProtectionFinger and back-of-hand proof, Protection against direct contact when actuated from front (EN 50274)Actuator typeTurn buttonAmbient operating temperature - max55 °CPosition of connection for main current circuitOtherClimatic proofingDamp heat, cyclic, to IEC 60068-2-30Damp heat, constant, to IEC 60068-2-78Device constructionBuilt-in device fixed built-in techniqueFeaturesComplete device with protection unitPhase-failure sensitivity (according to IEC/EN 60947-4-1, VDE 0660 Part 102)Lifespan, electrical100,000 operationsStatic heat dissipation, non-current-dependent Pvs0 WElectrical connection type of main circuitScrew connection10.9.3 Impulse withstand voltageIs the panel builder's responsibility.Number of polesThree-poleRated short-circuit breaking capacity Icu at 690 V ACAmbient operating temperature - min-25 °C10.6 Incorporation of switching devices and componentsDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.10.5 Protection against electric shockDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Mounting positionCan be snapped on to IEC/EN 60715 top-hat rail with 7.5 or15 mm height.Rated uninterrupted current (Iu)0.25 AShort-circuit release± 20% tolerance, Trip blocksBasic device, fixed 20 x Iu, Trip Blocks4.25 A, Irm, Setting range max.10.13 Mechanical functionThe device meets the requirements, provided the information in the instruction leaflet (IL) is observed.10.2.6 Mechanical impactDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.10.9.4 Testing of enclosures made of insulating materialIs the panel builder's responsibility.10.3 Degree of protection of assembliesDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Heat dissipation per pole, current-dependent Pvid1.53 WOperating frequency40 Operations/hProduct categoryTransformer protective circuit breakerOverload release current setting - min0.16 ARated short-circuit breaking capacity Ics at 400 V AC150 kARated short-circuit breaking capacity Icu at 440 V AC150 kAEquipment heat dissipation, current-dependent Pvid4.59 WHeat dissipation capacity Pdiss0 WRated operational current (Ie)0.25 ASuitable forAlso motors with efficiency class IE3DIN rail (top hat rail) mountingTemperature compensation-5 - 40 °C to IEC/EN 60947, VDE 0660≤ 0.25 %/K, residual error for T > 40°-25 - 55 °C, Operating rangeTerminal capacity (solid)2 x (1 - 6) mm²1 x (1 - 6) mm²Number of auxiliary contacts (normally closed contacts)Rated frequency - min50 HzShort-circuit current60 kA DC, up to 250 V DC, Main conducting pathsPower loss4.59 W10.2.3.2 Verification of resistance of insulating materials to normal heatMeets the product standard's requirements. Resist. of insul. mat. to abnormal heat/fire by internal elect. effectsMeets the product standard's requirements.Lifespan, mechanical100,000 OperationsTerminal capacity (solid/stranded AWG)18 - 10Overload release current setting - max0.25 A10.9.2 Power-frequency electric strengthIs the panel builder's responsibility.Rated short-circuit breaking capacity Ics at 500 V AC150 kAOvervoltage categoryIIIDegree of protectionIP20Terminals: IP00Rated frequency - max60 HzNumber of auxiliary contacts (change-over contacts)Ambient storage temperature - max80 °CAdjustment range undelayed short-circuit release - min4.25 APollution degree310.7 Internal electrical circuits and connectionsIs the panel builder's responsibility.Rated impulse withstand voltage (Uimp)6000 V ACConnectionScrew terminals10.10 Temperature riseThe panel builder is responsible for the temperature rise calculation. Eaton will provide heat dissipation data for the devices.FunctionsFor the protection of transformers with a high inrush current Transformer protectionTightening torque1 Nm, Screw terminals, Control circuit cables1.7 Nm, Screw terminals, Main cableRated short-circuit breaking capacity Icu at 500 V AC150 kARated operational voltage (Ue) - min690 VEaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. Všechna práva vyhrazena. Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks areproperty of their respectiveowners./socialmediaMeets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.150 kA25 g, Mechanical, according to IEC/EN 60068-2-27, Half-sinusoidal shock 10 ms690 V Max. 2000 m10.2.2 Corrosion resistance10.2.4 Resistance to ultra-violet (UV) radiation 10.2.7 InscriptionsNumber of auxiliary contacts (normally open contacts)Rated short-circuit breaking capacity Ics at 690 V AC Shock resistanceRated operational voltage (Ue) - max Altitude。







德国meister流量计DWG-1,5 bis 50应用:
工业 4.0 /配件
德国meister流量计DWG-1,5 bis 50产品型号:Serie DWG Typ DWG-1,5 bis 50
德国meister流量计DWG-1,5 bis 50产品描述:





适用于液体介质(0.1 - 50 l/min)
工作压力:PN 10 条
工作温度:-20°C 至100°C(可选-20°C 至160°C)



高温雷达探尺介绍一、设备名称及型号1、设备名称:高温雷达探尺系统2、设备型号:3、设备数量:二、公司介绍HAWK MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS PTY LTD 是一家专业从事物位测量领域的研发和生产的公司,总部位于澳大利亚墨尔本。







1 传感器发波处的核心材料从PTFE(耐温250度)改为三氧化二铝陶瓷材料(耐温1300度),密封材料从氟胶圈(耐温200度)改为石墨密封(耐温1200度)。



2 表头与传感器发波位置之间增加10cm导波管散热片以降低热传导,给表头电子部件与发波喇叭之间提供一个热传导的缓冲区,提高仪表对高温和热浪冲击的耐受能力!四、技术指标HPS370X 系列产品型号概述 HPS3701HPS3701推荐在过程温度800℃以下使用。




Heatmiser DS1-EL 电子底暖机铭记器说明书

Heatmiser DS1-EL 电子底暖机铭记器说明书

Wiring DiagramThe Heatmiser DS1-EL dial type thermostat is designed specifically for electric underfloor heating.This thermostat incorporates the following functions;• Adjustable Switching Differential • Digital LCD• 230v AC, 13A SwitchingIntroduction14Model: DS1-ELRCD MAINS SUPPLYLNMATTING OR WIREFlOOR PROBEDS1-ELWant More Information?Call our support team on: +44 (0)1254 669090Or view technical specifications directly on our website: IN ORDER TO AVOID ANY RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK, TURN OFF THE POWER TO THE HEATING SYSTEM.This dial thermostat is designed to be surface mounted.1. Separate the front part of the thermostat by unscrewing securing screws on the bottom face of the thermostat.2. Mark 2 hole positions on the wall using the backplate as a positioning template. Drill at the marked positions and insert a wall plug in to each hole.3. Terminate the thermostat as per wiring diagram and screw the DS1-EL back plate to the back box.4. Reconnect the thermostat front plate and insert the securing screws.InstallationPDF FAQ23In normal mode, the display shows the actual room temperature. To change the set point, rotate the dial until the digital LCD displays the new set temperature.Setting The TemperatureDisplay IconsThe Heatmiser DS1-EL has a lock facility. To lock the thermostat, press and hold down the dial for 10 seconds. You will see a lock symbol appear. To unlock, repeat the steps above.Heating ONKeypad LockedThe Heatmiser DS1-EL offers 1, 2 and 3°C switching differential.With a 1°C switching differential the heating will switch on 1°C below the set temperature and will turn off when the set temperature is reached.A 2°C will turn the heating on 2°C below the set temperature.3°C will switch the heating on 3°C below the set temperature.To set the differential, set the DIP switches according to the table below.This setting is only required when the sensor option is set to Air and Floor mode. The setting is used to protect the floor surface from overheating. The floor temperature limit can be set to 20, 28 or 40°C.To set the required floor limit temperature, set the DIP switches according to the table.The thermostat has three modes of operation. Select the desired mode, and set the DIP switches according to the table.The DIP switches can be accessed from the back of thermostat.Air Sensor: Uses the built in air sensor only.Air Sensor & Floor Limiting Sensor: Uses the built in air sensor but also uses the remote floor sensor to ensure the floor temperature doesn’t overheat.Floor Sensor: Uses the remote floor sensor only.Lock FacilitySwitching DifferentialFloor Temperature LimitSensor Option121 °C Switching2 °C Switching3 °C Switching20°C 28°C 40°CAir Sensor Air & Floor Floor Sensor123123123Switch 1 & 2 OFFSwitch 1 ON and Switch 2 OFF Switch 1 OFF and Switch 2 ONSwitch 5 & 6 OFFSwitch 5 ON and Switch 6 OFF Switch 5 OFF and Switch 6 ONSwitch 3 & 4 OFFSwitch 3 ON and Switch 4 OFF Switch 3 OFF and Switch 4 ON222333111Should the floor temperature be achieved (even if the desired room temperature has not) the heating will turn off. The Heat Active Icon will flash in this case.。

Festo SDAT-MHS-M50-1L-SA-E-0.3-M8 位置传感器用户指南说明书

Festo SDAT-MHS-M50-1L-SA-E-0.3-M8 位置传感器用户指南说明书
Position transmitter SDAT-MHS-M50-1L-SA-E-0.3-M8
Part number: 1531265
Data sheet
Feature Design Authorization
CE symbol (see declaration of conformity) UKCA marking (see declaration of conformity) KC mark Materials note
Instructions for use Measured variable Measuring principle Sensing range Ambient temperature Typical scanning interval Max. travel speed Travel resolution Repetition accuracy Switch output Switching element function Switch-on time Switch-off time Max. switching frequency Max. output current Max. contact rating DC Voltage drop Analog output Sensitivity, current output Typical linearity error in ± mm Max. load resistance, current output Short circuit strength Overload withstand capability Protocol
PWIS conformity RSBP classification to CD-0033 Cleanroom class
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1.22" 8*8 Dot Matrix Displays
ECN :Page:1/5
█ Features :
█ Applications:
● Large emitting dot 0.12" diameter.● Instrument panels ● Low power/high brightness.
● Digital read out display
█ Descriptions :
● The ELM-1884 series is a large emitting area(3.0mm diameter)LED sources configured in a 64 dots 8*8 matrix array.● These devices are made with white dots and gray surface.
Emitted Color
ELM-1884SRWA GaAlAs OFFICE : NO. 25,Lane 76,Sec.3, Chung Yang Rd., Tucheng 236, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.TEL : 886-2-2267-2000,2267-9936
FAX : 886-2-2267-6244,22676189,22676306
Super Red
Device Number :
Device Number :DDM-184-001REV: 1.0 1.22" 8*8 Dot Matrix Displays
MODEL NO :ELM-1884SRWA ECN :Page:2/5
█ Notes:
1.All dimensions are in millimeters , tolerance is 0.25mm unless otherwise noted.
2.Above specification may be changed without notice.
Supplier will reserve authority on material change for above specification.
Device Number :DDM-184-001REV: 1.0 1.22" 8*8 Dot Matrix Displays
MODEL NO :ELM-1884SRWA ECN :Page:3/5█Absolute maximum ratings at Ta = 25℃:
Parameter Symbol Rating Unit
Reverse Voltage Vr5V
Forward Current If40mA
Operating Temperature Topr-40 to +85℃
Storage Temperature Tstg-40 to +100℃
Soldering Temperature Tsol260 ± 5℃
Power Dissipation Pd110mW
Peak Forward
Current(Duty 1/10 @
█Electronic optical characteristics :
Parameter Symbol MIN.TYP.MAX.Unit Condition Luminous Intensity Iv 5.68.8----mcd If=10mA
Peak Wavelengthλp----660----nm If=20mA
Dominant Wavelengthλd----643----nm If=20mA
Spectrum Radiation
nm If=20mA
Forward Voltage Vf 1.5 1.7 2.4V If=20mA Reverse Current Ir--------10µA Vr=5V
DDM-184-001REV: 1.0 1.22" 8*8 Dot Matrix Displays
MODEL NO :ELM-1884SRWA ECN :Page:4/5█ Reliability test items and conditions:
NO Item Test Conditions
Sample Size Ac/Re
1Solder Heat TEMP : 260℃ ± 5 ℃ 5 SEC76 PCS0/1
H : +85℃ 30min
2Temperature Cycle∫ 5 min50 CYCLE76 PCS0/1
L : -55℃ 30min
H : +100℃ 5min
3Thermal Shock∫ 10 sec50 CYCLE76 PCS0/1
L : -10℃ 5min
4High Temperature
TEMP : 100℃1000 HRS76 PCS0/1
5Low Temperature
TEMP : -55℃1000 HRS76 PCS0/1
6DC Operating Life If = 10 mA1000 HRS76 PCS0/1
7High Temperature / High
85℃/85% RH1000 HRS76 PCS0/1
Device Number :
Device Number :DDM-184-001REV: 1.0 1.22" 8*8 Dot Matrix Displays
MODEL NO:ELM-1884SRWA ECN :Page:5/5。
