



九年级英语第三单元知识点归纳单词(一) 名词1 执照执照 license =licence 在美语中license 是动词或名词。

在英语中license 是动词;licence 是名词。


drive license 驾照驾照 license 作动词时是“获得驾照”。

2 耳环耳环 earring 3 学习学习 study study 侧重指主观上努力学习的动作,即“用功”“求学”。

learn 侧重指学习结果,即“学会” learn from “向…学习”。

study under “在…指导下学习”。

4 现在现在 present 作名词时也是“礼物”。



5 机会机会 opportunity chance “机会”强调其偶然性。


opportunity “机会,机遇”带有适逢其机会,正好便于行事之意。


6 自愿者自愿者 volunteer 作动词时是“自愿”。

volunteer to do sth. 自愿做某事自愿做某事 volunteer sb. for sth. 让他做某事让他做某事7 会员会员 member 形容词形式形容词形式 memberless “无会员的”。

life member 终身会员终身会员member of a staff 一群人中的一员一群人中的一员 8 混乱混乱 mess 作动词时是“弄脏”。

be in a mess 杂乱无章某物杂乱无章某物 mess sth.(up) 弄脏弄脏 make a mess of 把…弄脏弄脏 9 简报简报 newsletter 10 重要重要 importance 形容词形式是important“重大的” Put importance on sth. 认为某事很重要很重要 11 要点要点 point point 作动词时是“指向” at\on the point of 将近将近off the point 偏离要点偏离要点偏离要点 to the point 切中要点切中要点切中要点 (二) 动词1 刺穿刺穿 pierce get ear pierced 打耳洞打耳洞打耳洞 2 集中集中 concentrate 形容词形式是concentrated“集中的”。











STS:les Sections de Technicien Supérieur 高等技术员学校,一般是公立或私立中学的高级班,颁发BTS文凭。


BTS:Brevets de Tehcnicien Supérieur 为法国的短期职业教育文凭的一种。

DUT:Diplme Universitaire de Technologie 也属于短期职业教育文凭的一种。

准备DUT文凭的学校叫IUT(les instituts un iversitaires de technologie“大学技术学院”)是公立大学的一个学院,每年只交很少的注册费。







DEUG:Diplme d’Etudes Universitaires Générales 大学普通学习文凭。





开源≠免费,开源协议License详解凡是做过软件开发的,都会接触到开源软件或开源组件,它们都会基于某种协议来提供源码和授权,那么这些开源协议到底有哪些约束呢?在介绍之前,必须告诉⼤家,针对开源协议,必须打消“开源 = 免费”这个念头,因为“天下没有免费的午餐”这条真理在这⾥也是适⽤的……本⽂摘录的各种开源协议介绍如下:Apache Licence 2.0Apache Licence是著名的⾮盈利开源组织Apache采⽤的协议。


需要满⾜的条件也和BSD类似:1. 需要给代码的⽤户⼀份Apache Licence2. 如果你修改了代码,需要在被修改的⽂件中说明。

3. 在延伸的代码中(修改和有源代码衍⽣的代码中)需要带有原来代码中的协议,商标,专利声明和其他原来作者规定需要包含的说明。

4. 如果再发布的产品中包含⼀个Notice⽂件,则在Notice⽂件中需要带有Apache Licence。

你可以在Notice中增加⾃⼰的许可,但不可以表现为对Apache Licence构成更改。

Apache Licence也是对商业应⽤友好的许可。


GPL在⾃由软件所使⽤的各种许可证之中,最为⼈们注意的也许是通⽤性公开许可证(General Public License,简称GPL)。


GPL 还规定:只要这种修改⽂本在整体上或者其某个部分来源于遵循GPL的程序,该修改⽂本的整体就必须按照GPL流通,不仅该修改⽂本的源码必须向社会公开,⽽且对于这种修改⽂本的流通不准许附加修改者⾃⼰作出的限制。



LICENCE FOR USE OF SOFTWARE1.DefinitionsFor the purposes of this licence the following definitions will apply:“Affiliates” means with respect to the Seller, any other person directly or indirectly controlling or controlled by or under direct or indirect common control with the Seller.“Composite Work” means the work composed of various elements, such as database, software or data, and which necessitates the use of the Software.“Freeware” means the Software furnished free of charge to the Licensee.“Licensee” means the entity having obtained rights of use for the Software.“Licensor” means the Seller.“Software” means the set of programs, configurations, processes, rules and, if applicable, documentation related to the operation of the data processing as supplied by the Licensor.“User Guide” means the documentation, which may be in electronic format, designed to assist the Licensee to use the Software, Freeware or Composite Work, as applicable.2.GrantThe Licensor grants the Licensee the right to use the Software under the conditions set forth below (“the Software Licence”). The Software Licence will also apply to any Freeware and/or Composite Work delivered by the Licensor.Licence and revision fees will be charged to the Licensee at the price stated in the Licensor’s Customer Services Catalog.3.Personal LicenceThe sole right granted to the Licensee under this Software Licence is the right to use the Software. The Software Licence is personal to the Licensee, for its own internal use, and is non-transferable and non exclusive.4.CopiesUse of the Software is limited to the number of copies delivered by the Licensor to the Licensee and to the medium on which the Software is delivered. No reproduction will be made without the written consent of the Licensor. It ishowever agreed that the Licensee is authorized to copy the Software for back-up and archiving purposes. Any copy authorized by the Licensor to be made by the Licensee will be performed under the sole responsibility of the Licensee. The Licensee agrees to reproduce the copyright and other notices as they appear on or within the original media on any copies that the Licensee makes of the Software.5.TermSubject to the Licensee having complied with the terms of this Software Licence, including but not limited to the payment of licence fees, the rights under the Software Licence will be granted from the date of first delivery of the Software to December 31st of the year of delivery. For the following years, the rights under this Licence shall be automatically granted to the Licensee from January 1st to December 31st, subject to compliance by the Licensee with its obligations, including but not limited to payment of licence fees.The Licensee may terminate the Software Licence by notifying in writing to the Licensor its desire not to renew the service for the next year. Such notification shall be received by the Licensor not later than November 30th of the current year.For clarification purposes, it is hereby expressly stated that the Software may be offered for a limited period. In the event that the Licensor should offer a replacement product, the conditions for using such product will be subject to a separate agreement.6.Conditions of UseUnder the present Software Licence, the Licensee will:•do its utmost to maintain the Software and the relating documentation in good working condition, in order to ensure the correct operation thereof;•use the Software in accordance with such documentation and the Software Use Guide, and ensure that the staff using the Software has received the appropriate training;•use the Software exclusively in the technical environment defined in the applicable User Guide, except as otherwise agreed in writing between the parties (subject to said agreement, decompilation may be exceptionally agreed to by the Licensor in order for the Licensee to obtain the necessary information to enable the Software to function in another technical environment);•use the Software for its own internal needs and on its network, when technically possible, only and exclusively on the machine referenced and the site declared;•not alter, reverse engineer, modify or adapt the Software, nor integrate all or part of the Software in any manner whatsoever into another software product;•when the source code is provided to the Licensee, the Licensee will have the right to study and test the Software, under conditions to be expressly specified bythe Licensor, but in no event will the Licensee have the right to correct, modify or translate the Software;•nor correct the Software, except that such correction right may exceptionally be granted to the Licensee by the Licensor in writing;•not translate, disassemble or decompile the Software, nor create a software product derived from the Software;•not attempt to or authorize a third party to discover or re-write the Software source codes in any manner whatsoever;•not delete any identification or declaration relative to the intellectual property rights, trademarks or any other information related to ownership or intellectual property rights provided in the Software by the Licensor;•not pledge, sell, distribute, grant, sub-licence, lease, lend, whether on a free-of-charge basis or against payment, or permit access on a time-sharing basis or any other utilization of the Software, whether in whole or in part, for the benefit of a third party;•not permit any third party to use the Software in any manner, including but not limited to, any outsourcing, loan, commercialisation of the Software or commercialisation by merging the Software into another software or adapting the Software, without prior written consent from the Licensor.The Licensor will be entitled, subject to providing reasonable prior written notice thereof to the Licensee, to come and verify in the Licensee’s facilities whether the conditions specified in the present Software Licence are respected. This will not however engage the responsibility of the Licensor in any way whatsoever.7.TrainingIn addition to the User Guide provided with the Software, training and other assistance will be provided upon the Licensee’s request on a chargeable basis.8.Proprietary RightsThe Software is proprietary to the Licensor and/or its Affiliates as the case may be, or the Licensor has acquired the intellectual property rights necessary to grant this Licence for the Software.The copyright and all other proprietary rights in the Software are and will remain the property of the Licensor and/or its Affiliates as the case may be.The Licensor reserves the right to modify any Software at its sole discretion without prior notice to the Licensee.9.Copyright IndemnityThe Licensor will defend and indemnify the Licensee against any claim that the normal use of the Software infringes the intellectual property rights of any third party, provided that the Licensee:•Immediately notifies the Licensor of any such claim;•Makes no decision or settlement of any claim;•Allows the Licensor to have sole control over all negotiations for its settlement;•Gives the Licensor all reasonable assistance in connection therewith.Should the Licensee be prevented from using the Software by any enforceable court decision, the Licensor shall at its own costs and at its choice either modify the Software to avoid infringement or obtain for the Licensee the right to use the Software.10.ConfidentialityThe Software and its contents are designated as confidential. The Licensee undertakes not to disclose the Software or parts thereof to any third party without the prior written consent of the Licensor. In so far as it is necessary to disclose aspects of the Software to the employees, such disclosure is permitted solely for the purpose for which the Software is supplied and only to those employees who need to know the same.The obligations of the Licensee to maintain confidentiality shall survive the termination of the Licence grant for a period of ten (10) years.11.WarrantyThe Licensor warrants that the Software is prepared in accordance with the state of art at the date of its conception and will perform substantially in accordance with its functional and technical specification at time of ordering. Should the Software be found to contain any non-conformity or defect, the Licensee will notify the Licensor promptly thereof and the sole and exclusive liability of the Licensor under this Software Licence will be to correct the same.THE WARRANTIES, OBLIGATIONS AND LIABILITIES OF THE LICENSOR AND REMEDIES OF THE LICENSEE ARE EXCLUSIVE AND IN SUBSTITUTION FOR, AND THE LICENSEE HEREBY WAIVES, RELEASE AND RENOUNCES, ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, OBLIGATIONS AND LIABILITIES OF THE LICENSOR AND RIGHTS, CLAIMS AND REMEDIES OF THE LICENSEE AGAINST THE LICENSOR, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, ARISING BY LAW OR OTHERWISE WITH RESPECT TO ANY NON-CONFORMITY OR DEFECT IN ANY SOFTWARE DELIVERED UNDER THIS SOFTWARE LICENCE INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO:(A)ANY WARRANTY AGAINST HIDDEN DEFECTS (GARANTIE DES VICESCACHES);(B)ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS;(C)ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY ARISING FROM COURSE OFPERFORMANCE, COURSE OF DEALING OR USAGE OF TRADE;(D)ANY OBLIGATION, LIABILITY, RIGHT, CLAIM OR REMEDY, WHETHERCONTRACTUAL OR DELICTUAL AND WHETHER OR NOT ARISINGFROM THE LICENSOR’S NEGLIGENCE, ACTUAL OR IMPUTED; AND(E)ANY OBLIGATION, LIABILITY, RIGHT, CLAIM OR REMEDYFOR LOSS OR DAMAGE TO ANY AIRCRAFT, COMPONENT,EQUIPMENT, ACCESSORY OR PART THEREOF.THE LICENSOR WILL HAVE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY, HOWSOEVER ARISING, FOR LOSS OF USE, REVENUE OR PROFIT OR FOR ANY OTHER DIRECT, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES WITH RESPECT TO ANY NON-CONFORMITY OR DEFECT IN ANY SOFTWARE DELIVERED UNDER THIS SOFTWARE LICENCE.FOR THE PURPOSES OF THIS CLAUSE 11, "THE LICENSOR" SHALL INCLUDE THE LICENSOR, ITS AFFILIATES, SUPPLIERS AND ANY OF THEIR RESPECTIVE INSURERS.THE LICENSOR WILL HAVE NO LIABILITY FOR DATA WHICH IS PROVIDED BY THE LICENSEE AND ENTERED INTO THE SOFTWARE AND/OR USED FOR COMPUTATION PURPOSES.12.Liability and IndemnityThe Software is supplied under the express condition that the Licensor and/or its Affiliates will have no liability in contract or in tort arising from or in connection with the use or possession by the Licensee of the Software and that the Licensee will indemnify and hold the Licensor and/or its Affiliates harmless from and against any liabilities and claims resulting from such use or possession.13. Excusable Delays13.1The Licensor shall not be responsible nor be deemed to be in default on accountof delays in delivery or otherwise in the performance of this Software Licence or any part thereof due to causes reasonably beyond the Licensor’s or its subcontractors’ control including but not limited to: natural disasters, fires, floods, explosions or earthquakes, epidemics or quarantine restrictions, serious accidents, total or constructive total loss, any act of the government of the country of the Licensee or the governments of the countries of Licensor or its subcontractors, war, insurrections or riots, failure of transportation, communications or services, strikes or labor troubles causing cessation, slow down or interruption of services, inability after due and timely diligence to procure materials, accessories, equipment or parts, failure of a subcontractor or vendor to furnish materials, accessories, equipment or parts due to causes reasonably beyond such subcontractor's or vendor's control or failure of the Licensee to comply with its obligations arising out of the present Software Licence.13.2The Licensor shall, as soon as practicable after becoming aware of any delayfalling within the provisions of this Clause, notify the Licensee of such delay and of the probable extent thereof and shall, subject to the conditions as hereinafter provided and as soon as practicable after the removal of the cause or causes for delay, resume performance under the Software Licence.13.3Should an event of force majeure last for a period extending beyond three (3)months, the Software Licence shall be automatically terminated, as a matter of right, unless otherwise agreed in writing, without compensation for either the Licensor or the Licensee.14.TerminationIn the event of breach of an obligation set forth in this Software Licence by either the Licensor or the Licensee, which is not cured within 30 days from the date of receipt of a written notice notifying the breach, the non-breaching party will be entitled to terminate this Software Licence.In the event of termination for any cause, the Licensee will no longer have any right to use the Software and shall return to the Licensor all copies of the Software and any relating documentation together with an affidavit to that effect. In case of breach by the Licensee, the Licensor will be entitled to retain any amount paid for the ongoing year (prorata temporis).15.General Provisions15.1This Software Licence or part thereof will not be assigned to a third partywithout the prior consent of the other party except that the Licensor may assign this Licence to any of the Licensor’s Affiliates.15.2This Software Licence will be governed by the laws of France. All disputesarising in connection with this Software Licence shall be submitted to the competent courts of Toulouse, France.15.3In the event that any provision of this Software Licence should for any reasonbe held ineffective, the remainder of this Software Licence shall remain in full force and effect.The invalid provision shall be replaced by such valid one as the parties would have chosen had they been aware if the invalidity of the provision.15.4All notices and requests required or authorized hereunder shall be given inwriting either by registered mail (return receipt requested) or by telefax. In the case of any such notice or request being given by registered mail, the date upon which the answerback is recorded by the addressee or, in case of a telefax, the date upon which it is sent a correct confirmation printout, shall be deemed to be the effective date of such notice or request。



10 本软件具有自动升级功能,以便及时为用户提供新功能和修正软件中的BUG。同时宏天软件保
7 本软件支持各种主流网络浏览器、资源管理器和Windows任务栏地址栏,为了随时提供所有功能
14 本软件经过详细的测试,但不能保证与所有的软硬件系统完全兼容。如果出现不兼容的情况,
13 宏天软件保证本软件不含有任何旨在破坏用户计算机数据和获取用户隐私信息的恶意代码,不
15 由于本软件产品可以通过网络等途径下载、传播,对于从非宏天软件指定站点下载的本软件产

license licence 区别

license licence 区别


短语搭配:cross license [贸易] 交叉许可证; 交叉许可; 交互授权; 相互许可Exploitation license 采矿许可证; 采矿允许证; 采矿容许证; 采矿答应证to license 颁发营业执照; 公布营业执照contractual license 契约性许可证; 协议许可patent license 专利许可证; 专利许可; 专利权特许使用权; 专利权特许driver license 驾驶执照; 驾驶证; 驾照; 考取驾照license file 授权文件; 许可证文件; 许可文件; 授权档License System 许可证制度; 许可证制。

双语例句:We can sort out the license and the regulations for you.我们可以为你们挑选出许可证和规章。

The next time the client connects to the server, it will obtain another license.在客户端下一次连接到服务器时,它将获得另一个许可证。

So please respect our copyright and license and do notdistribute any of our files.所以,请尊重我们的版权和许可和不要散布我们的任何档案。


单词用法:licence /ˈlaɪsəns/ TEM4 ( licences )1.N-COUNT A licence is an official document which gives you permission to do, use, or own something. 许可; 执照2.N-UNCOUNT If you say that something gives someone licence or a licence to act in a particular way, you mean that it gives them an excuse to behave in an irresponsible or excessive way. 借口[also 'a' N, N to-inf][表不满].短语搭配:import licence 进口许口证; 进口许可证; 入口许可证; 入口许口证licence fee 牌照费; 暂准证费〔商业单位; 居住许可证费〔平房区TV Licence 电视许可证; 电视执照; 电视执照费; 电视授权driver licence 驾驶执照; 驾照Vehicle Licence 机动车行车证; 而车牌Licence Raj 牌照制度; 拉吉牌照ownership licence 货权凭证Forestry Licence 松山牌照engine licence 机舱执照。








1. 许可证的授予。

新课标动漫轻松作文授予您以下权利,条件是您遵守本《协议》的各项条款和条件:1.1 安装和使用。

您可以:(a) 在一台个人计算机或其他设备上安装和使用“软件”的一个副本;并且(b) 在另外一台便携式设备上安装“软件”的另一副本,该副本仅供拥有“软件”的第一个副本的主用户使用。

1.2 媒体元素的许可授予。


您可以复制和修改"媒体元素”,并将其与您所作的修改一起作为您的软件产品和服务(包括您的 Web 站点)的一部分进行许可、显示和分发,但不得进行以下任何一种活动:如果产品或服务的主要价值在于”媒体元素”,则不得将这些”媒体元素”的副本本身或者将其作为任何集合、产品或服务的组成部分进行销售、许可或分发。




此外,您必须 (a) 赔偿新课标动漫轻松作文并使其免受由于许可、使用或分发经您修改的”媒体元素”所发生或引起的任何索赔或诉讼(包括律师费),并且 (b) 在您的包含”媒体元素”的产品和服务上附加一个有效的著作权声明。


可运行在Windows 2000 SP6、Windows XP、Windows 2003 Server之上。以下安Hale Waihona Puke 过程在XP系统下进行。1.2
4、选择第一项:Use a locally installed Licence Key使用本地LICENCE
7、点击Browse For Key File,找到文件夹中的后缀为LXK的文件,打开




HKEY_CURRENT_USER | SOFTWARE | 下⾯跟mentors有关的⽬录删掉
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE | SOFTWARE | 下⾯跟mentors有关的⽬录也全部删掉

2再在The MGC SDD Configurator中指定另存的licence的位置。




2. How fast must Gary have been driving?
He must have been driving at seventy miles an hour.
3. What does Ann advise her husband to do next time? To take her advice and drive slowly.
★ charge
1. v. 2. v.
罚款 罚某人…. 要价
charge sb +money
向…索取…费用 他们一杯咖啡向我要5美元。
charge sb +money for sth They charged me five dollars for a cup of coffee. 3. n.
★ licence 英式拼法, license 美式拼法
1. n.执照,许可证,牌照,特许证 His licence was suspended for drunk driving. 他的驾照因酗酒开车被暂时吊销。 2. v.批准,准许,许可,认可,给...发许可证 He grants his neighbour a licence to use his field. 他许可他的邻居使用他的一块地。
暴风雨突然袭击了小船。 The storm overtook the little boat.
我必须走的非常快才能赶上他。 I have to walk very fast to overtake him.
★speed limit 限速
Didn’t you see the speed limit?
翻译句子 1.让我看一看你的驾驶执照。 Let me have a look at your driving licence. ________________________________________ 2.这就是我没有看见那牌子的原因。 This was why I didn’t see the sign. ________________________________________ 3. 请不要超车。(overtake) Please don’t overtake. ________________________________________ 4. 你刚才一定是以每小时70英里的速度在开车。(drive at) You must have been driving at seventy miles ________________________________________ an hour. ________________________________________ 5. 我哥哥掌管一家大公司。(in charge of ) My brother is in charge of a large company. ________________________________________
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
4.除上述之授权范围内, 其余皆属违法侵权行为。