Reference number ISO 15484:2008(E)INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 15484First edition 2008-08-01Road vehicles — Brake lining friction materials — Product definition and quality assuranceVéhicules routiers — Matériaux de friction pour garnitures de freins — Définition du produit et assurance qualitéISO 15484:2008(E)PDF disclaimerThis PDF file may contain embedded typefaces. In accordance with Adobe's licensing policy, this file may be printed or viewed butshall not be edited unless the typefaces which are embedded are licensed to and installed on the computer performing the editing. In downloading this file, parties accept therein the responsibility of not infringing Adobe's licensing policy. The ISO Central Secretariat accepts no liability in this area.Adobe is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.Details of the software products used to create this PDF file can be found in the General Info relative to the file; the PDF-creation parameters were optimized for printing. Every care has been taken to ensure that the file is suitable for use by ISO member bodies. In the unlikely event that a problem relating to it is found, please inform the Central Secretariat at the address given below.COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT© ISO 2008All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either ISO at the address below or ISO's member body in the country of the requester. ISO copyright officeCase postale 56 • CH-1211 Geneva 20 Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11 Fax + 41 22 749 09 47 E-mail copyright@ Web Published in Switzerland--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ISO 15484:2008(E)Contents PageForeword (iv)Introduction (v)1Scope (1)2Normative references (1)3Terms and definitions (2)4Symbols and abbreviated terms (2)5Product quality preplanning and test plan (3)5.1General (3)5.2Procedure (3)5.3Phases of product quality preplanning (4)5.4Test plan (4)6Checks and requirements — Brake lining complete (8)6.1General (visual, dimensional and material checks) (8)6.2Physical properties (9)6.3Corrosion (backing plate and shoe surface treatment) (12)6.4Friction performance passenger cars (12)6.5Friction performance commercial vehicles (13)7Documentation in the lining data sheet (LDS) (14)8Ongoing production monitoring (14)Annex A (informative) Example of lining data sheet (LDS) (15)Bibliography.....................................................................................................................................................20--` , , ` ` ` , , , , ` ` ` ` -` -` , , ` , , ` , ` , , ` ---ISO 15484:2008(E)ForewordISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization. International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2. The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.ISO 15484 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 22, Road vehicles , Subcommittee SC 2, Braking systems and equipment .--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ISO 15484:2008(E)IntroductionDrum and disc brake friction materials are important functional parts of the wheel brakes. They are pressed against the rotating brake drum or disc by a clamping force applied by the actuating mechanism of the brake during a braking operation. The kinetic energy of the vehicle is thereby largely transformed into heat. The brake pad or lining is of essential importance for the effectiveness and user comfort of the brake system. Disc brake pads consist of the friction material itself, the pad carrier plate and, in some cases, silencing parts, pad wear warning devices and retaining or guiding elements. The friction material is usually permanently bonded to the backing plate by a bonding process in which the friction material is subjected to both heat and pressure.Underlayers can be inserted between the friction material and backing plate to improve bond strength and other properties. Drum brake linings consist of the friction material itself, usually shaped to match the radius of the brake shoe onto which it is subsequently attached. The friction material is usually attached to the supporting brake shoe either by bonding or by the use of rivets. Conventional friction materials consist mainly of fibrous materials, bonding agents, anti-seize agents, metals and other fillers. The friction material type, and any backing plates, anti-noise measures, pad springs and pad wear warning devices, etc., are defined in the relevant figure.The basic aim of this International Standard is:⎯to ensure the product is verified and validated during all project phases for transfer into series production;⎯to increase product reliability and at the same time limit the cost of testing;⎯to identify the necessary test standards to equally cover brake performance and noise.Visibility of production spread and the opportunity to select parts for testing from assorted areas of compressibility are the main reasons for the statistical evaluation. The procedures described in this International Standard are based on ISO/TS 16949 and encompass the entire product quality preplanning process, from the definition phase up to the determination of parameters for series production. These are defined in this International Standard as phases 1 to 7.--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`-----`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 15484:2008(E)Road vehicles — Brake lining friction materials — Product definition and quality assurance1 ScopeThe procedures in this International Standard apply to disc brake pads and drum brake linings for motor vehicles and describe systematic processes for the quality assurance of such brake linings.In conjunction with tolerance ranges, the test methods and results described in this International Standard permit a rapid assessment of disc brake pads.Uniform handling of the procedures through various phases ensures that the quality assurance requirements are clearly understood and that a global implementation is possible in the relationship between customers and suppliers.This International Standard relates to the completed friction material and is applicable during product development to the quality assurance of ongoing series production, focussing on the “component” friction material. It is advisable that tests with apparent “system” character be avoided.Raw material checks and processing control are outside the scope of this International Standard.2 Normative referencesThe following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.ISO 2812-1, Paints and varnishes — Determination of resistance to liquids — Part 1: Immersion in liquids other than waterISO 6310, Road vehicles — Brake linings — Compressive strain test methodISO 6312, Road vehicles — Brake linings — Shear test procedure for disc brake pad and drum brake shoe assembliesISO/PAS 22574, Road vehicles — Brake linings friction materials — Visual inspectionISO 26865, Road vehicles — Brake lining friction materials — Standard performance test procedure for commercial vehicles with air brakesISO 26866, Road vehicles — Brake lining friction materials — Standard wear test procedure for commercial vehicles with air brakesISO 26867, Road vehicles — Brake lining friction materials — Friction behaviour assessment for automative brake systemsISO 27667, Road vehicles — Brake lining friction materials — Evaluation of corrosion effects on painted backing plates and brake shoes--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ISO 15484:2008(E)JASO C458-86, Test procedure of pH for brake linings, pads and clutch facings of automobilesJIS D 4311, Clutch facings for automobileJIS D 4421, Method of hardness test for brake linings, pads and clutch facings of automobilesSAE J2598, Automotive disc brake pad natural frequency and damping testSAE J2694, Anti-noise shims: T-Pull test1)SAE J2707, Wear test procedure on inertia dynamometer for brake friction materialsSAE J2724, Measurement of disc brake friction material underlayer distribution3 Terms and definitionsFor the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.3.1density--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ρratio of the mass to the volume of the friction material under normal conditions3.2porosityPrelative volume proportion of cavities in a materialNOTE This includes open or enclosed pores of any size, shape and distribution.4 Symbols and abbreviated termsSymbol Definition Unit ρdensity g/cm3ρnet absolute or real density without pore volume g/cm3m a pad mass in air for density measurements gm w pad mass in water for density measurements gV pad volume for density measurements cm3P porosity %T R roomtemperature °Cp B brakepressure kPaM d torque NmW B padwear mm/gW s discwear mm/gµcoefficient of friction —1) In preparation.ISO 15484:2008(E)5 Product quality preplanning and test plan5.1 GeneralThe test requirements for the various phases are defined in the different test plans for passenger cars and commercial vehicles in 5.4.The development phase of prototypes (phases 1 to 4) describes the systematics and tests used in the manufacture of brake linings from tools not yet meeting series standards. The end of phase 4 is the technical product release.The production transfer and initial sampling (phases 5 and 6) describes the required scope of testing for the assessment of the initial production series with the tools and processes intended for the series.The validation of the manufacturing process is proven by documentation and assessment of the results during initial series production (phase 6).The test volume during the continuing series production monitoring (phase 7) lies within the responsibility of the pad manufacturer and is documented in the control plan (CP) which also includes the details for the in-process inspection as well as for the incoming inspection of purchased parts like raw materials, backing plates, shims and accessories.Based on the level of in-process controls, the test efforts on the final product should be minimized and some tests, such as friction tests, may not be needed for each single batch. In any case, the frequency and sample size has to be defined in the CP.The chemical-physical brake lining data of the tests listed below include performance and/or characteristic data which result from a process chain. Any requirements of process capability indices and statistical process control need to be agreed between the customer and the supplier. Agreed tolerances, however, have to be respected.5.2 Procedure5.2.1 General procedureThe approval of brake linings is made by vehicle testing and a concurrent determination of its properties by the test standards listed here.The manufacturer of brake linings ensures that the parameters, the composition and the monitoring of the specified process parameters are maintained by regulated and auditable procedures.The determination of performance data via the test standards listed here at the end of this process chain and comparison with the tolerance serves as confirmation that the prescribed procedures were correctly performed. The time delay between processing and testing does not permit process intervention such as SPC (statistical process control).Determination of performance data on completed brake linings during a batch test serves as continuing proof of conformity and permits the observation of trends.The tolerance range for these data is determined as described in 5.2.2 to 5.2.5 below. 5.2.2 Prototyping — Customer samples (phase 4)Initial specification of tolerances are determined from the values of the batch tests of the prototype sampling. The assessment takes account of the data of the variant then approved. The tolerances arising from the approved prototypes are registered in the lining data sheet (LDS).--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ISO 15484:2008(E)5.2.3 Specification/validation (phases 5 and 6)Results are obtained from the batches of the product transferred to series production, under the condition that the composition, the process, the brake, disc or drum and geometry are determined and comply with the state of the series. The results are verified with the customer. Variations to the tolerances shall be agreed with the customer and results shall be recorded on the lining data sheet (LDS). Specifications of tolerance are agreed with the customer viewing the data, using statistical analyses as appropriate.5.2.4 Series monitoring (phase 7)The ongoing surveillance of the series production (phase 7) shall be in accordance with the test frequencies and sample size which are fixed in a control plan by the manufacturer based on the process controls on series production.5.2.5 Review of toleranceA review of the tolerance following a number of batch tests to be determined can be performed by the friction material manufacturer and the customer.5.3 Phases of product quality preplanningThe phases of product quality preplanning are shown in Figure 1.Figure 1 — Phases of product quality preplanning5.4 Test plan5.4.1 GeneralSeparate test plans are made for passenger cars and commercial vehicles. The test plans differentiate four basic categories of tests:a) general;© ISO 2008 – All rights reserved5b) physical properties; c) corrosion;d) inertia dynamometer tests.This International Standard defines preferred test procedures. Because of established databases and practices, alternative and regional tests are accommodated in the test plans. The companies working in another region should respect local practices. The future goal is the complete harmonization of the test procedures.5.4.2 Test plan for passenger car disc brake padsThe test plan for passenger car disc brake pads is shown in Figure 2. MSDS Material Safety Data SheetIndex:A The values so designated are to be shown as a trend representation starting from phase 5B Within a Product audit as per manufacturer's control planC Frequency and sample size as manufacturer´s control planD Tests with new linings from each part numberE Tests with new linings from inner or outer sideF General process/machine tests with new linings from inner or outer side (n/n), not for each part numberG All pads for noise dyno testsH Selection of wear test option in agreement with customerNotes:1 Full dimensional inspection only for PPAP (initial sampling)2 Evaluation of statistical distribution; samples for further tests to be derived from statistical distribution3 1 test during production transfer, primarily the first batchRemarks:Test quantities are valid for each part number ! Separate for inner and outer pads. PPAP (Initial sampling) could be in-between or after Phase 5+6.The a.m. sampling quantities are the sufficient requirements. For prototypes, the sample can be reduced if there is a proven shortage of parts.For repeated sampling also tests can be left out, e.g. SAE J2707 wear testing.The complete test plan applies to new products or to friction material changes in existing products.Figure 2 — Test plan for passenger car disc brake padsCopyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---6© ISO 2008 – All rights reserved5.4.3 Test plan for passenger car drum brake linings/lined shoesThe test plan for passenger car drum brake linings/lined shoes is shown in Figure 3. MSDS Material Safety Data SheetIndex:A The values so designated are to be shown as a trend representation starting from phase 5B Within a Product audit as per manufacturer's control planC Frequency and sample size as manufacturer´s control planD Tests with new linings from each part numberE General process/machine tests with new lined shoes, not for each part numberF Selection of wear test option in agreement with customerNotes:1 Full dimensional inspection only for PPAP (initial sampling)2 If applicable3 1 test during production transfer, primarily the first batchRemarks:Test quantities are valid for each part number !PPAP (Initial sampling) could be in-between or after Phase 5+6.The sampling quantities stated for brake linings are the minimum requirement. For prototypes, the sample can be reduced if there is a proven shortage of parts.For repeated sampling also tests can be left out, e.g. SAE J2707 wear testing.The complete test plan applies to new products or to friction material changes in existing products.Figure 3 — Test plan for passenger car drum brake linings/lined shoesCopyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---© ISO 2008 – All rights reserved75.4.4 Test plan for commercial vehicle disc brake padsThe test plan for commercial vehicle disc brake pads is shown in Figure 4. MSDS Material Safety Data SheetIndex:A The values so designated are to be shown as a trend representation starting from phase 5B Within a Product audit as per manufacturer's control planC Frequency and sample size as manufacturer´s control planD Tests with new linings from each part numberE Tests with new linings from inner or outer sideF General process/machine tests with new linings from inner or outer side (n/n), not for each part numberG All pads for noise dyno testsH Selection of wear test option in agreement with customerNotes:1 Full dimensional inspection only for PPAP (initial sampling)2 1 test during production transfer, primarily the first batchRemarks:Test quantities are valid for each part number ! Separate for inner and outer pads. PPAP (Initial sampling) could be in-between or after Phase 5+6.The sampling quantities stated for brake pads are the minimum requirement. For prototypes, the sample can be reduced if there is a proven shortage of parts.For repeated sampling also tests can be left out, e.g. SAE J2707 wear testing.The complete test plan applies to new products or to friction material changes in existing products.Figure 4 — Test plan for commercial vehicle disc brake padsCopyright International Organization for StandardizationProvided by IHS under license with ISONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---8© ISO 2008 – All rights reserved5.4.5 Test plan for commercial vehicle drum brake liningsThe test plan for commercial vehicle drum brake linings is shown in Figure 5. MSDS Material Safety Data SheetIndex:A The values so designated are to be shown as a trend representation starting from phase 5B Within a Product audit as per manufacturer's control planC Frequency and sample size as manufacturer´s control planD Tests with new linings from each part numberE Tests with new leading or trailing segments or anchor or cam block G Selection of wear test option in agreement with customerNotes:1 Full dimensional inspection only for PPAP (initial sampling)2 1 test during production transfer, primarily the first batchRemarks:Test quantities are valid for each part number !PPAP (Initial sampling) could be in-between or after Phase 5+6.The sampling quantities stated for brake linings are the minimum requirement. For prototypes, the sample can be reduced if there is a proven shortage of parts.For repeated sampling also tests can be left out, e.g. SAE J2707 wear testing.The complete test plan applies to new products or to friction material changes in existing products.Figure 5 — Test plan for commercial vehicle drum brake linings6 Checks and requirements — Brake lining complete6.1 General (visual, dimensional and material checks)6.1.1 Visual inspectionBrake linings shall exhibit no faults which could impair their function. The brake linings are inspected in the “as supplied” condition. The characteristic features for the visual inspection are defined in ISO/PAS 22574. 6.1.2 Underlayer distributionThe test method shall be in accordance with SAE J2724.Copyright International Organization for StandardizationProvided by IHS under license with ISONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---© ISO 2008 – All rights reserved96.1.3 DimensionsThe dimensions of the brake linings which are to be tested shall comply with the appropriate current part drawing.6.1.4 MaterialThe brake lining manufacturer shall ensure and document the uniformity of material quality. The batch data of the approved initial samples are taken as a reference for all production batches. Potential test procedures in addition to raw material test results and certificates can be: ⎯ thermogravimetric analysis (TGA); ⎯ thermomechanical analysis (TMA); ⎯ pyrolytic gas chromatography (PGC); ⎯ differential-scanning-calorimetry (DSC); ⎯ electronic-differential-X-ray (EDX). This list does not exclude other test techniques.The material of the pad backing plate, the insulating shim, the retaining spring and the pad wear warning device shall comply with relevant drawing instructions.6.2 Physical properties6.2.1 Density of determinationThe density of friction materials is determined by the water displacement method. The procedure is based on the Archimedes principle. This states that a body fully immersed in water will exhibit an apparent loss of mass equivalent to the mass of the displaced water. Because 1 cm 3 of water weighs one gram at 4 °C, the loss of mass in water can be regarded as a numerical value equivalent to the volume. The density is therefore equal to the quotient of the mass in air and the mass of the displaced water.The test method in accordance with JIS D 4417 may be used as an alternative. ApparatusA suitable underfloor weigher, by means of which the mass of the sample can be weighed in grams within a tolerance of 0,1 % and to whose weighing facility a thin wire, light wire basket or clasp can be attached without any adverse effects on the result.A water vessel in a size which allows the sample to be completely immersed in the water, without coming into contact with the bottom or side walls of the vessel. Sample preparationThe friction material can be used wholly or in part for determining the density.Cut-out parts should have a minimum mass of 5 g. Rough surfaces shall be flat and smooth, to prevent the formation of bubbles when immersed in water. Care shall be taken that the samples are free from possible underlayer or bonding residue.Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---10© ISO 2008 – All rights reserved6.2.1.4 ProcedureThe test is carried out at a temperature of (23 ± 2) °C. The water used is free from any suspended particles. Approximately 0,01 % of a wetting agent is added to the water in the water vessel in order to reduce its surface tension. If the water is visibly contaminated, it shall be replaced.First, the mass of the sample in air (m a ) shall be determined. Then the sample shall be completely immersed into the water by means of a wire, in a light wire basket, or using a clasp, and in the water its mass (m w ) shall be measured following an immersion period of 10 s. Ensure that no air bubbles adhere to the sample. CalculationThe density, ρ, is calculated as follows:aa w m m m ρ≅−aV m ρ=a wwaterV m m ρ=−(1)wherem a is the pad mass in air; m w is the pad mass in water; Vis the pad volume. Test reportState the density figure for each product as a single numerical value to the nearest 0,01 g/cm 3. If portions (parts) of a pad are measured, the average of three sample results shall be taken as the density of the product. 6.2.2 Porosity of determinationThe measured density of the friction material is compared to the calculated density. The measured density is based on either the specific gravity of the sample or dimensional measurements to determine the sample volume and mass. The calculated density is based on the density of each of the brake lining components and the mass proportion in the formulation.The test method in accordance with JIS D 4418 may be used as an alternative. Sample preparationIf the sample volume is to be determined by dimensional measurements, it shall be ground with flat parallel sides which allow acceptable thickness, length and width measurements to the nearest 0,1 % of the nominal sizes.Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---© ISO 2008 – All rights reserved116.2.2.3 Procedure Inspect the part for adequate grind. Measure the sample length, width and thickness, each to the nearest 0,1 %. the mass of the sample to the nearest 0,1 %. Obtain the real density and the mass percentage of each raw material in the formulation. Do not include any fugitive materials such as solvents. CalculationThe porosity, P , is calculated as follows:net 1100%P ρρ⎛⎞=−× ⎜⎟⎝⎠(2)whereρ is mass/(length × width × thickness);ρnet is the absolute or real density without pore volume, calculated from a weighted average of the realdensity of the pad lining components. Test reportReport porosity to the nearest 0,1 %. 6.2.3 pH-indexThe test method shall be in accordance with JASO C458-86. 6.2.4 Cold and hot compressibilityThe test method shall be in accordance with ISO 6310. 6.2.5 Swell and growthThe test method shall be in accordance with ISO 6310.The test method in accordance with SAE J160 may be used as an alternative/regional test. 6.2.6 Thermal transmissionThe test method shall be in accordance with ISO 6310. 6.2.7 Shear strengthThe test method shall be in accordance with ISO 6312. 6.2.8 T-pull test (bonded insulator)The test method shall be in accordance with SAE J2694.Constant cross-head speed is an alternative to constant ramp load.Copyright International Organization for StandardizationProvided by IHS under license with ISONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---。
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EX260-SMJ1 -SMJ2 -SMJ3 -SMJ4 系列产品说明书
<EX260-SMJ1/-SMJ2/-SMJ3/-SMJ4>InstallationGeneral instructions on installation and maintenanceConnect valve manifold to the SI unit.Connectable valve manifolds are the same as for EX250 series SI unit.Refer to the EX250 series valve manifold section in the valve catalogue for valve manifold dimensions.145323412Power supply connector layout34512Ground terminalConnect the ground terminal to ground.Resistance to ground should be 100 ohms or less.SettingValve manifoldReplacement of the SI unit•Remove the M3 hexagon screws from the SI unit and release the SI unit from the valve manifold.•Replace the SI unit.•Tighten the screws with the specified tightening torque. (0.6 Nm)Precautions for maintenance •Be sure to switch off the power.•Check there is no foreign matter inside the SI unit.•Check there is no damage and no foreign matter being stuck to the gasket.•Be sure to tighten the screws with the specified torque.If the SI unit is not assembled properly, inside PCBs may be damaged or liquid and/or dust may enter into the unit.Connecting cablesSelect the appropriate cables to mate with the connectors mounted on the SI unit.TroubleshootingTechnical documentation giving detailed troubleshooting information can be found on the SMC website (URL ).SpecificationsConnected load: 24VDC Solenoid valve with surge voltage suppressor of 1.5 W or less(manufactured by SMC)Current consumption of power supply for SI unit operation: 0.1 A max.Ambient temperature for operation: -10 to 50 C Ambient temperature for storage: -20 to 60 C Pollution degree 3: (UL508)Technical documentation giving detailed specification information can be found on the SMC website (URL ).Outline DimensionsTechnical documentation giving detailed outline dimensions information can be found on the SMC website (URL ).AccessoriesTechnical documentation giving detailed accessories information can be found onthe SMC website (URL ).Assembly and disassembly of the SI unitNOTEThe direct current power supply to combine should be UL1310 Class2 power supply when conformity to UL is necessary.Fieldbus deviceOperation ManualEX260 Series for CC-LinkThank you for purchasing an SMC EX260 Series Fieldbus device (Hereinafter referred to as "SI unit" ).Please read this manual carefully before operating the product and make sure you understand its capabilities and limitations.Please keep this manual handy for future reference.To obtain more detailed information about operating this product, please refer to the SMC website (URL ) or contact SMC directly.These safety instructions are intended to prevent hazardous situations and/orequipment damage.These instructions indicate the level of potential hazard with the labels of"Caution", "Warning" or "Danger". They are all important notes for safety and must be followed in addition to International standards (ISO/IEC) and other safety regulations.Output number assignmentOutput numbering starts at zero and refers to the solenoid position on the manifold.Note: Specifications are subject to change without prior notice and any obligation on the part of the manufacturer.© 2011 SMC Corporation All Rights ReservedAkihabara UDX 15F, 4-14-1, Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0021, JAPAN Phone: +81 3-5207-8249 Fax: +81 3-5298-5362URL LED indicationFieldbus interface connector layoutTerminating resistorThe terminating resistor to be connected to the CC-Link network depends on the type Note•Use the internal terminating resistor only when the SI unit is placed at the end of the CC-Link main line.An external terminating resistor should not be used when the internal resistor is used.The terminating resistor value will be outside the specified range. A network communication error may occur.Note•When the CC-Link Ver.1.00 dedicated High-performance cable is used, disable the internal terminating resistor switch and connect a 130 Ω terminating resistor to the BUS OUT connector.Switch settingThe switches should only be set with the power supply turned off.Open the cover and set the rotary switches and DIP switch with a small flat blade screwdriver.STATION NO.ON OFFOperator。
输电线路导线参数LGJ、JKLYJ、JKLGYJ表2.1.2.1-2 LGJ型钢芯铝绞线规格标称截⾯(mm2) 股数/直径(mm) 计算截⾯(mm2)外径(mm)直流电阻不⼤于(Ω/km)计算拉断⼒(N)单位重量(kg/km) 铝钢铝钢35/6 6/2.72 1/2.72 34.86 5.81 8.16 0.8230 12630 141.0 50/8 6/3.20 1/3.20 48.25 8.04 9.60 0.5946 16870 195.1 50/30 12/2.32 7/2.32 50.73 29.59 11.60 0.5692 42620 372.0 70/10 6/3.80 1/3.80 68.05 11.34 11.40 0.4217 23390 275.2 70/40 12/2.727/2.72 69.73 40.67 13.60 0.4141 58600 511.3 95/15 26/2.15 7/1.67 94.39 15.33 13.61 0.30581 35000 380.8 95/20 7/4.167/1.85 95.14 18.82 13.87 0.3019 37200 408.9 95/55 12/3.20 7/3.20 96.51 56.30 16.000 0.2992 78110 707.7 120/7 18/2.901/2.90 118.89 6.61 14.50 0.2422 27570 379.0 120/20 26/2.38 7/1.85 115.67 18.82 15.07 0.2496 41000 466.8 120/25 7/4.72 7/2.10 122.48 24.25 15.74 0.2345 47880 526.6 120/70 12/3.60 7/3.60 122.15 71.25 18.00 0.2364 98370 895.6 150/8 18/3.20 1/3.20 144.76 8.04 16.00 0.1989 32860 461.1 150/20 24/2.78 7/1.85 145.68 18.82 16.67 0.1980 46630 549.4 150/25 26/2.70 7/2.10 148.86 24.25 17.10 0.1939 54110 601.0 150/35 30/2.50 7/2.50 147.26 34.36 17.50 0.1962 65020 676.2 185/1018/3.60 1/3.60 183.22 10.18 18.00 0.1572 40880 584.0 185/25 24/3.15 7/2.10 187.04 24.25 18.90 0.1542 59420 706.1185/30 26/2.98 7/2.32 181.34 29.59 18.88 0.1592 64320 732.6 185/45 30/2.80 7/2.80 184.73 43.10 19.60 0.1564 80190 848.2 240/30 24/3.60 7/2.40 244.29 31.67 21.60 0.1181 75620 922.2 240/40 26/3.42 7/2.66 238.85 38.90 21.66 0.1209 83370 964.3 240/55 30/3.20 7/3.20 241.27 56.30 22.40 0.1198 102100 1108表2.1.2.1-3 15kV JKL(G)YJ型架空绝缘导线技术参数表导线规格导体直径参考值(mm)导线计算外径(mm)导体拉断⼒(N)单位重量(kg/km)载流量(A)JKLYJ30 7.0 18.7 5177 290 147 50 8.3 20.1 7011 350 178 70 10.0 22.0 10354 430 235 95 11.6 24.0 13727 530 295 120 13.0 25.5 17339 620 345 150 14.6 27.3 21033 730 395 185 16.2 29.0 26732 850 460 240 18.4 31.5 34679 1030 920.9JKLGYJ25/4 6.6 14.3 9290 224.75 135 35/6 7.8 15.4 12630 275.4 160 50/8 9.1 16.8 16870 345.04 195 70/10 10.9 18.5 23390443.52 24595/15 12.9 20.7 35000 575.53 300120/20 14.4 22.4 41000 697.41 350150/25 16.1 23.6 54110 773.95 400185/30 17.8 25.7 64320 952.62 460240/40 20.3 28.3 83370 1195.6 550 表2.1.2.1-4 镀锌钢绞线技术参数表标称截⾯(mm2) 计算截⾯(mm2) 计算外径(mm)股数/直径(mm)单位重量(kg/km)瞬时破坏应⼒(N/mm2)备注35 37.15 7.8 7/2.6 318.2 117650 49.46 9.0 7/3.0 423.7 117670 72.19 11.0 19/22 615.0 1176 芯数型号规格(mm2)电缆外径(mm)理论重量(kg/km)载流量(A)1芯JKLYJ 10 6.5 43.61 68 16 8 63.63 93 25 9.4 92.34 125 35 11 127.38 150 50 12.3 175.46 185 70 14.1 238.18 235 95 16.5 322.69 295 120 18.1 393.82 345 150 20.2 490.33 395 185 22.5 611.73 460 240 25.6 772.48 5501芯JKLGYJ10/2 11 119.25 68 16/3 11.9 150.01 93 25/4 13.3 200.48 125 35/6 14.4 248.96 150 50/8 15.8 315.82 185 70/10 17.5 410.93 235 95/15 19.5 531.45 295 120/20 21.2 649.29 345 150/25 22.4 722.98 395 185/30 24.5 896.67 460 240/40 27.1 1133.48 550表3.1.2.3-2 交联聚⼄烯平⾏集束绝缘架空电缆芯数及标称截⾯(mm2)导体直径(mm)导体拉断⼒(N) 单位重量(kg/km) 参考载流量(A)铜芯铝芯铜芯铝芯铜芯铝芯2×6 2.76 4457 1927 133 59 49 40 2×10 3.8 6942 3300 213 90 71 55 2×16 4.8 10972 5024 337 137 97 75 2×25 6.0 16930 7524 509 200 128 100 2×357.0 23462 10354 709 276 158 122 2×508.4 33004 14022 987 368 194 148 2×7010 46922 20708 1360 484 240 189 2×9511.6 63518 27454 1840 664 290 230 2×12013.0 79822 34678 2298 812 347 270 4×6 2.76 8938 3853 276 119 45 37 4×10 3.8 13884 6600 428 181 59 46 4×16 4.8 21944 10048 677 281 79 63 4×25 6.0 33860 15048 1022 403 104 83 4×357.0 46924 20708 1423 556 130 101 4×508.4 66008 28044 1975 737 158 126 4×7010.0 93844 41416 2721 202 158 3×6+1×4 2.76 8190 3552 248 112 49 39 3×10+1×6 3.8 13828 5281 388 165 59 46 3×16+1×10 4.8 19929 9186 619 260 79 63 3×25+1×16 6.0 30886 13798 936 373 104 83 3×35+1×257.0 43658 19293 1329 524 130 1013×50+1×358.4 63217 26210 1841 696 158 126 3×70+1×5010.0 86885 38073 2542 932 202 158 3×95+1×7011.0 118738 51535 3458 1261 248 194 3×120+1×9513.0 151492 65744 4364 1548 292 227表 BV、BLV型450/750V铜芯和铝芯聚氯⼄烯绝缘电线标称截⾯mm2导电线芯mm绝缘厚度mm平均外径上限mm20℃时导体电阻Ω/km不⼤于电缆重量(kg/km)铜芯铝芯铜芯铝芯1.5 1/1.38 0.7 3.3 12.1 - 20.1 -2.5 1/1.78 0.83.9 7.41 11.8 32.0 16.5 4 1/2.25 0.84.4 4.61 7.39 46.8 22.1 6 1/2.76 0.8 4.9 3.08 4.91 66.5 29.5 10 7/1.35 1.0 7.0 1.83 3.68 116 54.3 16 7/1.70 1.0 8.0 1.15 1.91 176.5 77.3 25 7/2.14 1.2 10.0 0.727 1.20 277.7 119.9 35 7/2.52 1.2 11.5 0.524 0.868 375.0 156.1 50 19/1.78 1.4 13.0 0.387 0.641 501.3 205.4 70 19/2.14 1.4 15.0 0.268 0.443 706.5 278.8 95 19/2.52 1.6 17.5 0.193 0.320 974.4 383.2 120 37/2.03 1.6 19.0 0.153 0.253 1209.8 466.7 150 37/2.25 1.8 21.0 0.124 0.206 1498.6 570.7 185 37/2.52 2.0 23.5 0.0991 0.164 1865.0 714.3 240 61/2.24 2.2 26.6 0.0754 0.125 2410.0 898.0 300 61/2.50 2.4 29.6 0.0601 0.100 3004.1 1114.1 400 61/2.89 2.6 33.2 0.0470 0.0778 3978.6 1458.6。
Enterprise Development专业品质权威Analysis Report企业发展分析报告潘集区夹沟碧蓝休闲会所免责声明:本报告通过对该企业公开数据进行分析生成,并不完全代表我方对该企业的意见,如有错误请及时联系;本报告出于对企业发展研究目的产生,仅供参考,在任何情况下,使用本报告所引起的一切后果,我方不承担任何责任:本报告不得用于一切商业用途,如需引用或合作,请与我方联系:潘集区夹沟碧蓝休闲会所1企业发展分析结果1.1 企业发展指数得分企业发展指数得分潘集区夹沟碧蓝休闲会所综合得分说明:企业发展指数根据企业规模、企业创新、企业风险、企业活力四个维度对企业发展情况进行评价。
1.2 企业画像类别内容行业洗浴和保健养生服务资质空产品服务空1.3 发展历程2工商2.1工商信息2.2工商变更2.3股东结构2.4主要人员2.5分支机构2.6对外投资2.7企业年报2.8股权出质2.9动产抵押2.10司法协助2.11清算2.12注销3投融资3.1融资历史3.2投资事件3.3核心团队3.4企业业务4企业信用4.1企业信用4.2行政许可-工商局4.3行政处罚-信用中国4.4行政处罚-工商局4.5税务评级4.7经营异常4.8经营异常-工商局4.9采购不良行为4.10产品抽查4.11产品抽查-工商局4.12欠税公告4.14被执行人5司法文书5.1法律诉讼(当事人)5.2法律诉讼(相关人)5.3开庭公告5.4被执行人5.5法院公告5.6破产暂无破产数据6企业资质6.1资质许可6.2人员资质6.3产品许可6.4特殊许可7知识产权7.1商标信息最多显示100条记录,如需更多信息请到企业大数据平台查询7.2专利7.3软件著作权7.4作品著作权7.5网站备案7.6应用APP7.7微信公众号8招标中标8.1政府招标8.2政府中标8.3央企招标8.4央企中标9标准9.1国家标准9.2行业标准9.3团体标准9.4地方标准10成果奖励10.1国家奖励10.2省部奖励10.3社会奖励10.4科技成果11土地11.1大块土地出让11.2出让公告11.3土地抵押11.4地块公示11.5大企业购地11.6土地出租11.7土地结果11.8土地转让12基金12.1国家自然基金12.2国家自然基金成果12.3国家社科基金13招聘13.1招聘信息感谢阅读:感谢您耐心地阅读这份企业调查分析报告。
2755 187 1100
360°摄像头 EASY-PACK电动尾门 预留Becker地图导航 预留Becker地图导航 Becker地图导航 奔驰智能互联 CD CD CD 多媒体接口 驾驶员管理及数据系统,DVD 皮革内饰 ARTICO皮革内饰 ARTICO皮革内饰 ARTICO皮革内饰 车内运动组件 照明和视觉组件 黑色白蜡木饰件 铝制饰件 19寸三组5辐轻合金轮毂 深色19寸5辐轻合金轮毂 黑色车顶行李架 外观镀铬组件 车身同色侧裙板 车身同色侧裙板 带橡胶防滑钉的铝制侧踏板 电子折叠后视镜,防眩目 电子折叠后视镜,防眩目 带橡胶防滑钉的铝制侧踏板 电子折叠后视镜,防眩目 智能照明系统,大灯清洁系统智能照明系统,大灯清洁系统 外观镀铬组件 外观镀铬组件 深色19寸5辐轻合金轮毂 19寸5辐轻合金轮毂 铝制饰件 铝制饰件 EASY-PACK电动尾门 无钥匙启动 EASY-PACK电动尾门 无钥匙启动
GLK 260 动感型
155/211/5500 350/1200-4000 4528/1840/1689 轴距 最小离地间隙 后备箱容积 398000 ECO启停功能 2755 187 1100
GLK 300 动感型
180/245/6200 300/2500-5000 4528/1840/1689 轴距 最小离地间隙 后备箱容积 438000 可加热前排座椅 2755 187 1100
GLK 300 时尚型
180/245/6201 300/2500-5001 4528/1840/1690 轴距 最小离地间隙 后备箱容积 485000 可加热前排座椅 2755 187 1100
GLK 300 豪华型
180/245/6202 300/2500-5002 4528/1840/1691 轴距 最小离地间隙 后备箱容积 558000 可加热前排座椅
奔驰GLK型录资料 台湾版
7G-TRONIC 七速手自排自動變速系統
極盡平順,是GLK行進的方式,因為極精密的7G-TRONIC七速手自排自動變速系統已整 備其中;任何細微的操作,甚至心念一轉, GLK皆能瞬間回應您,無需離合器也能體現 手排車款的暢馭感受。 此變速系統讓引擎轉速因換檔變化降至最低,您會開始發現,如果不是窗外景物加快 飛馳,察覺換檔是極為困難的。需要急加速時,也能一次降多個檔位,加速性更為敏 捷!更令人亢奮的是,GLK的變速系統已針對全時四輪驅動最佳化,讓您面臨險惡路途, 總是愜意以對。
1012 663 477 374
840 1543
448 506
1567 2016
2755 4528
1442 1689
1569 1840
14款奔驰GLK升级精能导航模块 实车体验
其次是内饰,GLK 的内饰给我的感觉就是特别的精致,工艺精湛,材质考究,设计简约大气,既没有因过分炫耀科技感而带来的突兀,也没有保守的陈旧感。
1. CC 抄送Literal meaning: Carbon Copy. When used in an e-mail, it means to send a copy of the e-mail to someone else.Hidden meaning: If you are on the CC list, you may simply read the e-mail. You're not always obligated to reply. But if an e-mail sent to you has your boss' e-mail on the CC l ist, watch out. When the boss is involved, you'd better take the e-mail more seriously. 2. FYI 供你参考Literal meaning: For your information.Hidden meaning: By adding "FYI", the sender indicates that the e-mail contains informatio n that may be valuable to your company or job responsibilities.3. ASAP / urgent 紧急文件Literal meaning: As soon as possible.Hidden meaning: When you see "ASAP" or "urgent" in an e-mail or document, you should quickly carry out the e-mail's orders.4. RESEND! 重传Literal meaning: Please resend your reply to me.Hidden meaning: "I haven't received your reply. I don't have much time. Please hurry." Y ou might get such a message from someone who sent you an e-mail, to which you've yet to reply.others:数字:2 = to/too2B or not 2B = To be or not to be4 = for4ever = foreverA:ASL = Age/Sex/LocationAFAIC = As Far As I’m ConcernedAFAIK = As Far As I KnowAFK = Away From KeyboardAIAMU = And I’m A Monkey’s UncleAISI = As I See ItAKA = Also Known AsAMBW = All My Best WishesANFAWFOWS = And Now For A Word Word From Our Web Sponsor AOTS = All Of The SuddenASAFP = As Soon As "Friggin" PossibleASAP = As Soon As PossibleATST = At The Same TimeAWGTHTGTTA = Are We Going To Have To Go Through This Again AWGTHTGTTSA = Are We Going To Have To Go Through This Sh Again AYSOS = Are You Stupid Or SomethingB:B4 = BeforeB4N = Bye For NowBBFBBM = Body By Fisher, Brains by MattelBBIAB = Be Back In A BitBBIAF = Be Back In A FewBBL = Be Back LaterBBN = Bye Bye NowBCNU = Be Seein’ YouBF = BoyfriendBFD = Big Fing DealBFN = Bye For NowBHOF = Bald Headed Old FartBIF = Basis In FactBITD = Back In The DayBiz = BusinessBM = Byte MeBMOTA = Byte Me On The AssBNF = Big Name FanBOHICA = Bend Over Here It Comes Again BOM=bill of material 材料清单BR = Best regardsBRB = Be Right BackBRT = Be Right ThereBS = Big SmileBT = Byte ThisBTDT = Been There Done ThatBTSOOM = Beats The Sh Out Of Me BTW = By The WayBTWBO = Be There With Bells OnBWDIK = But What Do I Know?BWO = Black, White or OtherC:Cam = Web CameraCIAO = Goodbye (in Italian)CID = Consider It DoneCIS = CompuServe Information ServiceCMF = Count My FingersCof$ = Church of ScientologyCRAFT = Can’t Remember A Fing Thing CRAWS = Can’t Remember Anything Worth A Sh CSL = Can’t Stop LaughingCTC = Choaking The ChickenCU = See YouCUL/CYL/CUL8R = See You LaterCWYL = Chat With You LaterCYA = Cover Your AssD:DBEYR = Don’t Believe Everything You Read DD = Due DiligenceDDD = Direct Distance DialDETI = Don’t Even Think ItDGT = Don’t Go ThereDHYB = Don’t Hold Your BreathDIIK = Damned If I KnownDILLIGAD = Do I Look Like I Give A d\\amn DILLIGAS = Do I Look Like I Give A ShDKDC = Don’t Know Don’t CareDL = DownloadDLTM = Don’t Lie To MeDQYDJ = Don’t Quit You’re Day JobDRIB = Don’t Read If BusyDS = Dunce SmileyDYSTSOTT = Did You See The Size Of That ThingE:EG = Evil GrinEOM = End Of MessageESO = Equipment Smarter than OperatorF:F2F/FTF = Face To FaceFAQ = Frequently Asked QuestionFBKS = Failure Between Keyboard and SeatFE = For Example/Fatal ErrorFF&PN = Fresh Fields And Pastures NewFOAF = Friend Of A FriendFTASB = Faster Than A Speeding BulletFT = FaintFTL = Faster Than LightFTTB = For The Time BeingFUBAR = Fed Up Beyond All RecognitionFUBB = Fed Up Beyond BeliefFUD = (Spreading) Fear, Uncertainty, and Disinformation FWIW = For What It’s WorthFYA = For Your AmusementFYI = For Your InformationFYM = For Your MisinformationG:G2G = Got To GoG8T/GR8 = GreatGAL = Get A LifeGDGD = Good,GoodGF = girlfriendGG = Good Game/Gotta GoGIGO = Garbage In, Garbage OutGIWIST = Gee, I Wish I’d Said ThatGL = Good LuckGLYASDI = God Loves You And So Do I GMTA = Great Minds Think Alike GNBLFY = Got Nothing But Love For You GR&D = Grinning Running And Ducking GRRRR = "Growling"GSOAS = Go Sit On A SnakeGTG = Got To GoGTGB = Got To Go, ByeGTGP = Got To Go PeeGTH = Go To HellGTSY = Glad To See YaGYPO = Get Your Pants OffBE A QUEEN.H:HAGO = Have A Good OneHAK = Hugs And KissesHB = Hurry BackHD = HoldHHO1/2K = Ha Ha, Only Half KiddingHHOK = Ha Ha, Only Kidding HIOOC = Help! I’m Out Of Coffee Howz = How isHTH = Hope This (That) Helps HUA = Heads Up AceHUYA = Head Up Your AI:IAC = In Any CaseIAE = In Any EventIANAC = I Am Not A Crook IANAL = I Am Not A Lawyer IBT = In Between Technology IBTD = I Beg To DifferIC = I See/In CharacterIDGAF = I Don’t Give A FIDGI = I Don’t Get ItIDK = I Don’t KnowIDKY = I Don’t Know YouIDST = I Didn’t Say ThatIDTS = I Don’t Think SoIFAB = I Found A BugIFU = I Fed UpIGGP = I Gotta Go PeeIIIO = Intel Inside, Idiot OutsideIIMAD = If It Makes An(y) DifferenceIIRC = If I Remember CorrectlyIIWM = If It Were MeILICISCOMK = I Laughed, I Cried, I Spat/Spilt Coffee/Crumbs/Coke On My Keyboard ILY = I Love YouIMHO = In My Humble OpinionIMNSHO = In My Not So Humble OpinionIMO = In My OpinionINMP = I t’s Not My ProblemINPO = In No Particular OrderIOH = I’m Outta HereIOW = In Other WordsIRL = In Real LifeISS = I Said SoITM = In The MoneyIYKWIM = If You Know What I MeanIYSS = If You Say SoJ:J/C = Just CheckingJ/K = Just Kidding!J/W = Just WonderingJAFO = Just Another Fing OnlookerK:K/KK = OK/OK, OKKFY = Kiss For YouKISS = Keep It Simple StupidKIT = Keep In TouchKMA = Kiss My AssKWIM = Know What I MeanKX = kissKYPO = Keep Your Pants OnL:L8R = LaterLD = Long DistanceLDTTWA = Let’s Do The Time Warp Again LLTA = Lots And Lots Of Thunderous Applause LMAO = Laughing My Ass OffLMK = Let Me KnowLOL = Laughing Out Loud/Lots Of Luck(Love) LTIC = Laughing ’Til I CryLTNS = Long Time No SeeLYL = Love Ya LotsLYLAS = Love You Like A SisterM:M8T = MateMHOTY = My Hat’s Off To YouMM = Market MakerMorF = Male or Female?MOTD = Message Of The DayMOTSS = Members Of The Same Sex MTFBWY = May The Force Be With You MWBRL = More Will Be Revealed Later MYOB = Mind Your Own BusinessN:N = And/Know/NowNAK = Nursing At KeyboardNAZ = Name, Address, Zip (also means Nasdaq) NBD = No Big DealNBIF = No Basis In FactNFI = No Fing IdeaNFW = No Fing WayNIFOC = Nude In Front Of The ComputerNM = Never MindNMP = Not My ProblemNMU = Nothing Much YouNOYB = None Of Your BusinessNP = No ProblemNQOCD = Not Quite Our Class Dear NRG = EnergyNRN = No Reply NecessaryNYCFS = New York City Finger SaluetO:OAUS = On An Unrelated SubjectOBTW = Oh, By The WayOIC = Oh, I SeeOICU = Oh, I See YouOMDB = Over My Dead BodyOMG = Oh My God/Oh My GoshOMIK = Open Mouth, Insert Keyboard ONNA = Oh No, Not AgainOOC = Out Of CharacterOOTB = Out Of The Box/Out Of The BlueOT = Off TopicOTOH = On The Other HandOWTTE = Or Words To That EffectOZ = stands for "Australia"P:PEBCAK = Problem Exists Between Chair And Keyboard PEM = Privacy Enhanced MailPic = PicturePIMP = Peeing In My PantsPITA = Pain In The AssPLS/PLZ = PleasePMFJI = Pardon Me For Jumping InPO = Piss Off/product order/purchase orderPOS = Parents Over ShoulderPOV = Point Of ViewPPL = PeoplePro = ProfessionalPS = By The Way/PhotoshopS:SS:spring/summerT:TAH = Take A HikeTANSTAAFL = There Ain’t No Such Thing As A Free Lunch TARFU = Things Are Really Fed UpTDTM = Talk Dirty To MeTEOTWAWKI = The End Of The World As We Know It TFN = Thanks For Nothin’THX/TX/THKS = ThanksTIA = Thanks In AdvanceTIAIL = Think I Am In LoveTIC = Tongue In CheekTKS/TKX=ThanksTLA = Three Letter AcronymTLGO = The List Goes OnTM = Trust MeTMI = Too Much InformationTMTOWTDI = There’s More Than One Way To Do It TPTB = The Powers That BeTSR = Totally Stuck in RAMTTFN = Ta Ta For NowTTT = That’s The Ticket/To The TopTTUL/TTYL = Talk To You LaterTWHAB = This Won’t Hurt A BitTY = Thank YouTYVM = Thank You Very MuchU:U = YouUR = YourU R = You areunPC = unPolitically CorrectURYY4M = You Are Too Wise For MeV:VFM = Values For MoneyVG = Very GoodW:WAG = Wild Ass GuessWAI = What An IdiotWB = Welcome BackWCA = Who Cares AnywayWDYS = What Did You Say?WDYT = What Do You Think?WE = WhateverWEG = Wicked Evil GrinWG = Wicked GrinWGAFF = Who Gives A Flying FWIIFM = What’s In It For Me?WIT = Wordsmith In TrainingWITFITS = What in the F is this ShWOG = Wise Old GuyWot/Wut = WhatWRT = With Respect To/With Regard To WTF = What The FWTG = Way To Go!WTSDS = Where The Sun Don’t Shine WYMM = Will You Marry MeWYP = What’s Your Problem?WYRN = What’s Your Real Name?WYS = Whatever You SayWYSIWYG = What You See Is What You Get WYT = Whatever You ThinkX:X U = Kiss YouY:Y = WhyYa = YouYA = Yet AnotherYAFIYGI = You Asked For It You Got It YDKM = You Don’t Know MeYep/Yup = YesYGBK = You Gotta Be Kiddin’YMMV = Your Mileage May VaryYNK = You Never KnowYOYO = You’re On Your OwnYR = Yeah, RightYSYD = Yeah, Sure You DoYTTT = You Telling The Truth? YYSSW = Yeah Yeah Sure Sure Whatever(注:可编辑下载,若有不当之处,请指正,谢谢!)。
GLK300北京奔驰Grand Edition 触手可及
GLK300北京奔驰Grand Edition 触手可及
1.青欲胜于蓝北京奔驰GLK300 [J],
2.北京奔驰GLK300 源于精彩 [J],
3.GLK300北京奔驰Grand Edition 触手可及 [J], 白帆
4.北京奔驰GLK300为何发动初故障灯亮 [J], 廖梁祥
5.卓尔不群光芒尽显试驾北京奔驰GLK300豪华型 [J],
LGJ是钢芯铝绞线的符号,其中L是铝线的简称,G是钢芯的简称,J是绞线的简称;240/40是指导线的标称截面是:铝240平方毫米,钢40平方毫米;LGJ-240/ 40导线的结构为铝26根,直径3.42平方毫米,钢7根,直径2.66平方毫米;铝的计算截面是238.85平方毫米,钢的计算截面是38.90平方毫米,总计算截面是27 7.75平方毫米;导线外径21.66毫米;导线直流电阻不大于0.1209Ω/km;额定抗拉力83370N(牛顿);单位质量964.3kg/km;制造长度2000米;短路电流是与接入系统的地点和接入系统的设备而变化的,必须有了完整的接线图后,才能根据计算求出;线路的阻抗也是随线路的架设方式不同而变化的,也要根据图纸计算才能求出。
KKJ、HWJ、TWJ作用及原理解析1、KKJ(合后继电器)1.1 KKJ的历史、含义几乎所有类型的操作回路都会有KKJ继电器。
KKJ 继电器实际上就是一个双圈磁保持的双位置继电器。
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(请注意理解平滑系数的大小如何确定,以及它对预测值的影响 P109)
y=a+bx 其中y代表销售量,x代表年份(期数)。
其计算原理同混合成本高低点法分解是一致的,所以,不必去记 a与b值的计算公式,只需会推导就可以了。
第三节 成本预测
(二)回归直线法:y=a+bx 其中:y代表总成本,a代表固定成本,b代表单位变动成本,x代表产量。(原理同上,常见考点)
二、 预测利润额=预计产品销售成本*销售成本利润率
第二节 销售预测
第一节 预测的基本程序与方法