HP V3000(SHIBA)时序图.pdfx


史上最详细的惠普康柏DV2000 V3000系笔记本拆机加显卡改造

史上最详细的惠普康柏DV2000 V3000系笔记本拆机加显卡改造

史上最详细的惠普康柏DV2000 V3000系笔记本拆机加显卡改造[转帖] [分享]我的是惠普康柏V3000系的,挂QQ,温度直上80度,看高清就100多度,还好,没有黑屏,这样下去迟早要坏的,已经过保了,怎么办?只好自己动手了,这机型千万不要在高温下长时间运行,因为这个机子最容易坏的不是硬盘而是显卡,长时间高温,很容易脱焊,导致开机黑屏,显卡芯片和散热片之间竟然有一毫米的距离! HP竟然用一导热垫放在中间,行内人都知道,导热垫本来是不能用在发热量大的独显上的,因为它导热系数低。


这才是最大的设计缺陷! 如果你拿到金牌服务店去保修,他们最多给你换块主板,治标不治本,他们知道有一毫米的事实!可他们靠什么吃饭的,就想你以后天天去修,他们才好赚黑心钱!网上有人说加银片效果不错,所以我就加了银片,哈哈。







我在她家买的银片,很好的卖家呀!链接/auction/item_detai l.htm?item_num_id=4790270263工具,只要螺丝刀和记号笔就行,螺丝一定要相对应好,别拆了不知是什么地方的螺丝。



一个十字型螺丝刀 .拆之前一定要把人体静电放掉,洗手,手抓自来水管道。























经典解决方案 V3000系列XP下所有驱动

经典解决方案 V3000系列XP下所有驱动

如果您需要任何技术支持,可以通过下面HP技术论坛寻求帮助HP用户服务综合页面:/800V3000系列XP下所有驱动♣V30XXAU-V31XXAU芯片组:--包含网卡驱动ftp:///pub/softpaq/sp33001-33500/sp33031.exe声卡:微软通用音频架构(UAA)总线驱动:ftp:///pub/softpaq/sp32501-33000/sp32646.exeftp:///pub/softpaq/sp32001-32500/sp32395.exe 声卡:ftp:///pub/softpaq/sp34001-34500/sp34386.exe显卡:ftp:///pub/softpaq/sp33501-34000/sp33549.exe快捷键:ftp:///pub/softpaq/sp38001-38500/sp38266.exe MODEM:ftp:///pub/softpaq/sp33501-34000/sp33839.exe触摸板:ftp:///pub/softpaq/sp35001-35500/sp35444.exe无线网卡:ftp:///pub/softpaq/sp34001-34500/sp34152.exe读卡器:ftp:///pub/softpaq/sp33001-33500/sp33020.exe--------------------------------------------------♣V30XXTU-V31XXTU芯片组:声卡声卡安装注意:请严格按照顺序安装,先安装微软通用音频架构(UAA)总线驱动,再安装声卡驱动程序微软通用音频架构(UAA)总线驱动:ftp:///pub/softpaq/sp33501-34000/sp33566.exe声卡:ftp:///pub/softpaq/sp35501-36000/sp35682.exe显卡:ftp:///pub/softpaq/sp33501-34000/sp33761.exe快捷键:ftp:///pub/softpaq/sp38001-38500/sp38266.exeMODEM:ftp:///pub/softpaq/sp33001-33500/sp33340.exe触摸板:ftp:///pub/softpaq/sp35001-35500/sp35444.exe网卡:ftp:///pub/softpaq/sp32001-32500/sp32144.exe无线网卡:intel:ftp:///pub/softpaq/sp34001-34500/sp34489.exebroadcom:ftp:///pub/softpaq/sp34001-34500/sp34152.exe读卡器:ftp:///pub/softpaq/sp32501-33000/sp32825.exe摄像头(机器如果没有内置摄像头,不需要安装此驱动):ftp:///pub/softpaq/sp33501-34000/sp33544.exe--------------------------------------------------♣V32XXAU-V33XXAU-V34XXAU芯片组:--包含网卡驱动声卡:微软通用音频架构(UAA)总线驱动:ftp:///pub/softpaq/sp32501-33000/sp32646.exeftp:///pub/softpaq/sp32001-32500/sp32395.exe声卡:ftp:///pub/softpaq/sp34001-34500/sp34386.exe显卡:ftp:///pub/softpaq/sp33501-34000/sp33549.exe快捷键:ftp:///pub/softpaq/sp38001-38500/sp38171.exeMODEM:ftp:///pub/softpaq/sp33501-34000/sp33839.exe触摸板:/pub/softpaq/sp37001-37500/sp37065. exe网卡:包含在芯片组中无线网卡:ftp:///pub/softpaq/sp39501-40000/sp39912.exe读卡器:ftp:///pub/softpaq/sp33001-33500/sp33020.exe--------------------------------------------------♣V32XXTU-V33XXTU-V34XXTU芯片组:ftp:///pub/softpaq/sp32501-33000/sp32555.exe声卡声卡安装注意:请严格按照顺序安装,先安装微软通用音频架构(UAA)总线驱动,再安装声卡驱动程序微软通用音频架构(UAA)总线驱动:ftp:///pub/softpaq/sp32501-33000/sp32646.exe声卡:声卡驱动安装要点:1、安装"声卡驱动程序"之前要首先安装"声卡UAA总线驱动程序",2、将附加中声卡先解压缩;3、到设备管理器中点击[Audio Device on High Definition Audio Bus(总线上的音频设备)]右键更新驱动程序;4、在硬件更新向导中选择[从列表或指定位置安装(高级)];5、下一步选择[不要搜索。

HP 用户指南.pdf_1701960613.2762368说明书

HP 用户指南.pdf_1701960613.2762368说明书


法律信息©Copyright 2021 HP Development Company, L.P.Bluetooth 是其所有人所拥有的商标,HP Inc. 已取得授权使用。

Intel、Celeron、Pentium 和 Thunderbolt 是 Intel Corporation 或其子公司在美国和/或其他国家/地区的商标。

Windows 是 Microsoft Corporation 在美国和/或其他国家/地区的注册商标或商标。

USB Type-C® 和 USB-C® 是 USB Implementers Forum 的注册商标。

DisplayPort™ 和 DisplayPort™ 徽标是 Video Electronics Standards Association (VESA) 在美国和其他国家/地区所有的商标。

Miracast® 是 Wi-Fi Alliance 的注册商标。


HP 产品和服务附带的明示保修声明中阐明了此类产品和服务的全部保修服务。


HP 对本文档中出现的技术错误、编辑错误或遗漏之处不承担任何责任。

第一版:2022 年 1 月文档部件号:M99639-AA1产品通知本指南介绍大多数产品共有的功能。


并非所有功能在所有 Windows 版本中都可用。

系统可能需要升级和/或单独购买硬件、驱动程序或 BIOS 更新,才能充分利用Windows 功能。

Windows 会自动更新,此功能始终处于启用状态。

需要高速 Internet 和Microsoft 帐户。

可能会收取 ISP 费用,在更新过程中可能还会有其他要求。


如果您的产品随附 Windows S 模式:Windows S 模式只能与Windows 的 Microsoft Store 中的应用程序配合使用。

HP V3000系列拆机升级硬件心得

HP V3000系列拆机升级硬件心得

HP V3000系列拆机升级硬件心得&注意事项因为HP V3000系列的外观挺好看,所以估计购买的人不在少数。


因为配置比较低,用的酷睿单核CPU T1350,512内存(256M*2)和60G硬盘。


在TB购买了一块T2400(460RMB),2G内存(1G*2,270RMB)以及160G硬盘(日立 5K250,400RMB,性能不错)升级总支出1130大洋……首先V3000系列的模具设计是比较BT的。









清理完毕,再来看看我的U,一个是换下来的T1350,1.86GHZ,(533FSB)一个是新买来的T2400,1.83GHZ(667 FSB),发现CPU上没有导热膏,不知道为什么HP会这样设计。















而双通道内存稍微提升了显卡的性能,3D MARK 01的分数从5720上升到5900.然后来说说拆机的注意事项。



DDR II 667 Channel B
integrated VccSus1_05,VccSus1_5,VccCL1_5
integrated VccLan1_05VccCL1_05
Low=Disable Low=Disable
13,14,38,41 DDR_VREF_S0 7,13,14,38 DDR_VREF_S3 22,31,33,39 KBC_3D3V_AUX
Project code : 91.4S401.001 PCB P/N :06228 Revision : SB
Host BUS 533/667MHz
New Card
Mini-Card 802.11a/b/g26
Mini-Card WWAN26
Capacity Button32
Touch Pad 32
Int. KB32
Thermal & Fan G792 22

HP Remote Graphics Software 用户手册说明书

HP Remote Graphics Software 用户手册说明书

DatasheetHP RemoteGraphics SoftwareRemote access to workstation performanceFeel the freedom of working remotely while still accessing thehigh-performance 3D or media-rich applications you counton. With HP Remote Graphics Software (RGS), you can takeyour graphics-intensive workstation applications wherever yougo. From the remote worker to the road warrior, get completeaccess to the power of your workstations from any computerin any location. Collaborate with colleagues around the officeor around the world! HP provides remote access to workstationperformance with HP RGS standard with every HP workstation.Real-time collaborationShare your workstation screen with multipleusers simultaneously – grant view only or fullinteractive access.Remote workers Consolidate Workstation resources and allow your professionals to connect in from any computer at any location.1Workstation-class mobility Get complete remote access to the full power of your workstation and your professional workstation-class applications when off-site.2Work without boundariesBenefits from Unlimited Remote AccessHigh quality imageHigh performance compression enables real-time visualization for graphic-heavy applications.New in 6.0!Expand the reach of remote workstation access with the massive reduction in required bandwidth Advanced video compressionfor RGS connections.New in 6.0!Improved WAN performance with adaptive network analysis, packet loss protection, congestion HP Velocitydetection and wi-fi acceleration.Windows and LinuxEnjoy cross-platform access with support for both of these desktop environments.Open GL and Direct XHP RGS offers full 3D graphics API support for workstation-class performance.Application independentRGS sends pixels not data. So regardless of what application you’re using, RGS just works.Many to oneAccess one or many workstations with Directory Mode using a single sign-on.Multiple displays with resolutionHP RGS auto-sets resolution and multi-display settings to match the receiver’s system.3and layout matchingRemote USBVirtually attach a USB device to a remote system with local control and access.4No extra hardwareThis software-only solution allows deployment without additional infrastructure costs. And itsFREE on HP Personal Workstations.1Internet access required.2Performance dependant on network latency and image frame content.3Match display layout not supported on Linux. Resolution matching on Linux may require additional X-server setup.4 Not all USB devices supported. Remote USB not supported on Linux Sender . See user guide for list of supported USB devices.Tech specsSupported operating systems• Windows XP SP3, 32-bit, x64• Windows 7 Professional• Windows 8 Professional• RHEL v5.2-v6.3• SLED 11 SP2HP RGS 6.0 system requirements Sender and Receiver systems require 1.5 GHz or greater processor with SSE2 multi-mediainstruction extension. 32-bit color display adapter and 512 MB minimum RAM. Recommended system requirements• Sender system graphics: nVidia Quadro 2000 or better.• Driver: 305.29 or greater• Public Internet access required on both sender and receiver sides.• If a proxy is required, Windows system must be set up with manual proxy configuration. PAC andWAPD (automatic configuration script and automatic proxy detection) will not work. Support• /support/rgsCare Packs• HP 1-year 24x7—Phone-in RGS software technical support./product/sku/2600275/mfg_partno/UC267E• HP 1-year 9x5—Phone-in RGS software technical support./product/sku/2600276/mfg_partno/UC268E• 60-Day Trial Licensehttps:///portal/swdepot/try.do?productNumber=RGS52CFor more technical details see:The HP RGS QuickSpecs© Copyright 2012-2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products andservices. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors oromissions contained herein.All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.4AA0-8844ENW, February 2013。




当我们按下Power Button时,NBSWON# 瞬间有一个低电平,这低电平送给97551,97551收到这信号时,产生信号DNBSWON#,DNBSWON发给南桥,同时发出S5-ON到1845产生1.5V_S5。




南桥收到DNBSWON低电平时,便发生SUSB#,SUSC# 两个高电平送给以97551,97551收到SUSB#,SUSC# 后便相继产生了SUSON,MAINON#,VRON。

SUSON信号转换成SUSD信号送PQ143,PQ145管便产生3VSUS,5VSUS,及SUSON送到MAX1845 产生2.5VSUS。


同时经PQ119和PQ125转换成MAIND送PQ143,PQ145,PQ148,PQ153产生+3V, +5V,+2.5V,+ 1.5V电压。

VRON送给PU3(MAX1907),PU5(1992E)产生VCC-CORE 和VCCP电压。


此时整个M/B的主电压都已OK各组电压反馈回来的HWPG信号相汇合,为一个HWPG 相当于“与”的关系如其中有任何一组反馈的HWPG的为低电平此时97551会发生POWER OK指令,关掉开启的电压,如OK则HWPG恒为高电平当97551收到HWPG后产生PWROK 信号送给SB南桥,后由SB南桥产生PCI RST#经U42产生PCIRST#传给北桥。


HP ScanJet Enterprise Flow 7000 s3 商业批量扫描机说明书

HP ScanJet Enterprise Flow 7000 s3 商业批量扫描机说明书

Product guideImprove your paper process— with speed and controlHP ScanJet Enterprise Flow 7000 s3Large volumes at blazing speeds Advanced workflows to helpincrease efficiency Professional-grade scanning—simplifiedPowerful batch-scanning performance customized for the high-volume needs of your business. Confidently capture stacks of mixed paper sizes and weights. Built-in software—including Kofax VRS 5.1 Professional—helps you save time and simplify complex jobs. Create digital copies that match expectations with rich, accurate images. Scan speeds up to 75 ppm/150 ipm 1 help keep projects moving. Seamlessly manage workflows with a scanner recommended for 7,500 pages per day.Rely on this scanner time after timeModern design perfect for the desktop Scan stacks of mixed media without worryCount on this workhorse to deliver again and again—recommended for 7,500 pages per day.This compact, desktop scanner saves space while delivering uninterrupted paper handling for scan jobs of all kinds.Capture entire documents with one-pass, duplex scanning up to 150 ipm 1—even stacks of mixed media—with HP EveryPage featuring ultrasonic multi-feed detection.2Large volumes at blazing speedsAdvanced workflows to help increase efficiencyImage captureEasy to control, with scans in one touch Save time and improve performance with customized workflows. Create one-button scan settings for recurring tasks, and make selections using the LCD control panel. Quickly scan stacks of paperLoad up to 80 pages into the ADF for fast, unattended scanning.Scan both sides in one passCapture entire documents with one-pass duplex scanning at speeds of up to150 ipm.1Look sharpCount on accurate, enhanced images and text with every scan.ProcessingAutomatically process documentsDetect bar codes for use in file naming, batch separation, and metadata; set misfeed detection; automatically delete blank pages; separate large scan jobs into documents by number of pages, barcode, blank pages, and document separator pages; apply digital stamps; merge pages in duplex scanning. Capture a wide range of document types Handle paper sizes up to 122 inches (309.9 cm) and paper weights up to 110 lb (413 g/m2). Scan A3-size documents without a carrier sheet.DeliveryScan into popular applicationsSave time and simplify complex scan jobs with HP Smart Document Scan Software. Scan images directly into applications without having to open another program, with included and full-featured TWAIN and ISIS®. Get direct access to Kofax VRS 5.1 Professional. ManageRemote monitoring for smarter scanning Identify new devices and gain insight into scanning with HP Web Jetadmin remote discovery and monitoring.380 page ADF300dpi 75 p pm150 ipmProfessional-gradescanning—simplifiedEasily manage paper documentsSimply scan to mobile devicesProfessional-grade scanningProduce scans at up to 75 ppm/150 ipm with two-sided scanning that captures both sides at once.1 The 80-page ADF and a recommended daily duty cycle of 7,500 pages make scanning easy and fast.Send scans directly to mobile devices with the HP JetAdvantage Capture App and the optional low-cost HP ScanJet Wireless Adapter 100.4 Edit the image, save as popular file types, send to cloud destinations, and more.Perform complex tasks—such as blank page removal, image cleanup, barcode recognition, batch scanning (including metadata and indexing features), and even sending to multiple destinations—all at the touch of a button.HP Smart Document Scan Software (SDSS)Designed for office workers, this easy-to-use interface lets you quickly set up and review selected settings, then preview and modify your images before finalizing the file.• Save time with a simple interface. Create profiles for the types of scan jobs you perform most often, with settings such as paper size, resolution,file format, destination(s), and more. You can quickly launch the profiles from your computer, or assign them to the front panel on your scanner—so you can execute complex jobs at the touch of a button. Conveniently perform ad-hoc scanning for one-time jobs.• Help increase productivity with automation. Configure scan settings to get the results you want: automatically crop, orient, detect color, separatebatches, straighten, delete blank pages, and clean up images. Preview the scan and modify as necessary, then route to single or multiple destinations, including folder, email, and integrated cloud repositories.• Add value by customizing results. Save files just as you want them—compress large files for more efficient storage, automatically adjustbrightness, contrast and exposure, enhance edges, and remove color, background shading, punch holes, and irregularities to get the smallest filesize and clear, readable scans.Create and manage scan profiles Choose from a number of scan profiles with preconfigured settings. Profiles can be created and edited for common scanning scenarios. You can even give profiles descriptive names that appear on the device control panel.Save time with helpful settingsFrom the Scan Settings tab, under Hardware Options, you can turn on misfeed detection. You can also specify a region of the scan to be excluded from multi-feed detection—for example, a note or a piece of tape placed on the page, which could be misinterpreted as a multi-feed.Work smarter and automate jobs with customized, one-touch settings. Spend less time scanning and more time focused on what matters most to your business.Get the results you wantFrom the three fly-out menus under the Image Processing tab, you can:•Take advantage of automatic tools to straighten page content•Crop to the paper size or to the page content•Resize pages for consistency•Mark your document with a digital stamp •Erase edges for a cleaner look •Remove or regularize color backgrounds to improve legibility and consistency •Remove blank pages, perform batch separation, remove punch holes, and moreSave what you want, where you wantThe Destinations tab, Save As menu, lets you choose from common file formats. You can select routing to archival, processing, or begin a business workflow. Add an optional counter and reorder components of the file name by dragging and dropping them.Get to know the HP ScanJet Enterprise Flow 7000 s3Two-line, 16-character LCD displays scan profiles and status messages Cancel button Tools buttonHi-Speed USB 3.0 input Wi-Fi® adapter port foroptional wireless accessory 4Power connectionSlot for optional cable-type security lockFront viewRear view for folded mediascanningWhat’s new?HP ScanJet Enterprise Flow 7000 s3HP ScanJet Enterprise Flow 7000 s2Up to 75 ppm/150 ipm scan speed (black-and-white, grayscale, and color)1 Up to 45 ppm/90 ipm (black-and-white, grayscale, and color)1 66% faster scan speeds for black-and-white and color80-sheet ADF50-sheet ADFScan larger jobs more easily with a 60% larger ADF 7,500-page daily duty cycle 3,000-page daily duty cycle Increase productivity with a 2.5x higher daily duty cycleWireless (as optional accessory)4Not available Professional, intuitive mobile scanning Scan A3 folded/scan card without a carrier sheet Not available More convenient A3 scanning Supports HP JetAdvantage Capture App,4HP Web Jetadmin,3 and Kofax VRS 5.1 Professional Not availableA more comprehensive solution setSupports 10.7-110 lb (40-413 g/m 2) media weightSupports 11-56 lb (41-209 g/m 2) media weightMore than 50% greater ADF media weight capacityTechnical specificationsProduct number L2757AScanner type and modes supported Sheet-feed scanning with ADF, single-pass two-sided scanning, color, grayscale, or black-and-whiteScan technology CMOS Contact Image Sensor (CIS) using LED light source, dual-head ADF scannerOther advanced features Auto-color detect, auto-crop, auto-exposure, auto-orient, optical character recognition (OCR), edge removal, backgroundcleanup, remove hole, color drop out, straighten the page, scan to cloud, scan to email, PDF security, misfeed detectionadvance setting, batch processing, barcode, scan to multiple destinationsDuty cycle (recommended) 7,500 pages per dayControl panel 2-line 16 character per line LCD display, Simplex button, Duplex button, Cancel button, Power button with a LED and ToolbuttonScan speed at 300 dpi 1Up to 75 ppm/150 ipm (black-and-white, grayscale, and color)ADF scan resolution Optical: up to 600 dpi (color and mono, sheet-feed); output dpi settings: 75, 150, 200, 240, 300, 400, 500, 600Bit depth and grayscale 24-bit external, 48-bit internal; 256 grayscale levelsCompatibility TWAIN certified version 2.1, ISIS, WIAFile formats (text and images) For text and images: ePub 3.0, HTML 4.0, Excel file format (*.xls, *.xlsx), PowerPoint file format (*.pptx), Word (*.docx),WordPerfect (*.wpd), searchable PDF, JPEG, PNG, BMP, TIFF, Text (.txt), Rich Text (rtf), XML, and XPSScan input modes Two scan modes (simplex/duplex) on front-panel for HP SDSS in Win OS and third party applications via TWAIN, ISIS, andWIAMemory 512 MBProcessor 550 MHzADF media specificationsInput capacity Up to 80 sheetsCustom sizes 2 x 2 in to 8.5 x 122 in (5.08 x 5.08 cm to 21.6 x 309.9 cm)Standard sizes Letter, Legal, Executive; A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, B5, B5 (JIS); long page support up to 122 in (309.9 cm)Media weights 10.7 to 110 lb (40 to 413 g/m²)Media types Cut sheet paper, printed paper (laser and ink), pre-punched paper, bank checks, business cards, freight bills, carbonlessforms, plastic carrier sheets for easily damaged documents, previously stapled media with staple removed Connectivity USB 2.0 and SuperSpeed USB 3.0; optional USB 2.0 port for Wi-Fi accessoryScan destinations Scan to local or network folder, Scan to email (using SMTP or via locally configured email client), Scan to Microsoft®SharePoint®, Scan to cloud destinations, Scan to FTP, Scan to printerMobile capabilities4Initiate scans directly from mobile devices via the optional HP ScanJet Wireless Adapter 100 using the HP JetAdvantageCapture App, and then edit, save, and share filesCompatible operating systems Microsoft Windows® 10, 8.1, 8, 7Minimum system requirements, Windows Microsoft Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7: 32-bit or 64-bit, 2 GB available hard disk space, CD-ROM/DVD drive or Internetconnection, USB port, Microsoft Internet ExplorerDimensions (width x depth x height) 12.20 x 7.79 x 7.48 in (310 x 198 x 190mm)5Weight 8.4 lb (3.8 kg)What’s in the box HP ScanJet Enterprise Flow 7000 s3 sheet-feed scanner, installation guide, support flyer, warranty guide, 2 CDs, powercord, USB cable, power adapterSoftware included HP WIA scan driver, HP TWAIN certified scan driver, HP Smart Document Scan Software, HP Scanner Tools Utility, I.R.I.S.Readiris Pro, I.R.I.S. Cardiris, Nuance PaperPort, EMC ISIS driver, Kofax VRS 5.1 ProfessionalWarranty One-year bench limited warranty whole unit replacement, phone and Web support included. Warranty may vary bycountry as required by law. Go to /support to learn about HP world-class service and support options in yourregion.Environmental rangesTemperatures Recommended operating: 50 to 95⁰ F (10 to 35⁰ C); Storage: -40 to 140⁰ F (-40 to 60⁰ C)Relative humidity range Operating range: 15 to 80% RH (non-condensing); Storage range: 0 to 90% RH (non-condensing)Acoustic sound power emissions 7.0 B(A)Power specifications6ENERGY STAR® certified, ErP Lot 26, CECP, EPEAT® Silver7Power supply External power adaptor; Input: 90 to 246 VAC (50/60 Hz)Power consumption Ready: 6.7 watts, Sleep: 0.9 watts, Off/Auto-off: 0.1 wattsEnergy-saving features HP Auto-Off technology, LED light source (no warm-up time required)8Environmental specifications RoHS-compliant, HP GSE standardSafety and regulatory compliance IEC 60950-1:2005 +A1+A11+A12 and all applicable amendments; CSA/UL 60950-1, 2nd edition (2007); EN 60950-1:2006 +A11 +A1 +A12+A2; EAC safety; Canada cUL CoC; China CCC; European Union CE; Kenya PVOC; Kuwait TER; NigeriaSON; Saudi Arabia SASO; South Africa NRCS; Taiwan BSMI; Ukraine safety approvalElectromagnetic emission standard Class B Emissions; CISPR 22:2008 (International); European Union EMC Directive 2014/30/EU, EN 55022:2010 (CE mark);China GB9254-2008 (CCC); Taiwan CNS13438:2006 (BSMI); USA CFR47 Part 15, Subpart B (FCC);ICES-003:2012 Issue 6 (Canada); Australia C-tick (includes New Zealand); KN 22 and Korea KCC; EAC EMC Certificate;Ukraine EMC approval; EN 61000-3-2:2014 (harmonics); EN 61000-3-3:2013 (flicker); Immunity CISPR 24:2010,EN 50024:2010Ordering informationUse accessories and supplies specifically designed for the scanner to help provide efficient performance. To order the accessories and supplies listed here, go to . To contact HP by country, please visit /go/contact. If you don’t have access to the Internet, contact your qualifiedHP dealer, or call HP (U.S.) at (800) 282-6672.Scanner Wireless accessory HP ScanJet Enterprise Flow 7000 s3 Sheet-feed ScannerHP Wireless Adapter 100L2757AL2761ASupplies HP ScanJet Enterprise Flow 7000 s3 roller replacement kit L2756A Learn more atHP ScanJet Enterprise Flow 7000 s3 11Sign up for updates /go/getupdatedShare with colleagues© Copyright 2016-2017 HP Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for HPproducts and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed asconstituting an additional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.Android and Google Play are trademarks of Google Inc. ENERGY STAR is a registered trademark owned by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.Microsoft and Windows are U.S. registered trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies.4AA6-6756ENUC, January 2017, Rev. 2Notes1 Black-and-white scan speed measured at 300 dpi using included HP Smart Document Scan Software. Color scan speed measured at 300 dpi. Actual processing speeds may vary depending on scan resolution, network conditions, computer performance, and application software.2 HP Web Jetadmin is available for download at no additional charge at /go/webjetadmin.3 May require a firmware upgrade. HP Web Jetadmin is available for download at no additional charge at /go/webjetadmin.4 Scanning from a mobile device requires the HP Wireless Adapter 100 (L2761A), which must be purchased separately, and the HP JetAdvantage Capture App. The app is available for mobile devices running Android™ version 4.0 and higher, and can be downloaded from the Google Play™ store. For more information, see /go/documentmanagement. Wireless performance is dependent on physical environment and distance from access point and may be limited during active VPN connections. Wi-Fi Direct® scanning requires the mobile device to be connected directly to the Wi-Fi® network of the scanner. Wi-Fi and Wi-Fi Direct are registered trademarks of Wi-Fi Alliance®.5 With input and output trays folded and covers closed.6 Power requirements are based on the country/region where the scanner is sold. Do not convert operating voltages. This will damage the device and void the product warranty.7 EPEAT Silver registered models of this product are available where HP registers imaging and equipment products.8 Compared with products that use cold cathode fluorescent lamp (CCFL) copying.。

HP V3000系列的驱动如何装

HP V3000系列的驱动如何装

HP V3000系列的驱动如何装首先说明一下SWSETUP这个文件夹下的这些东西是什么Chipset主板芯片组驱动;ESUPDATES2CHDisk1 Essential System Updates for Windows XP升级补丁;1UAADisk1 Microsoft UAA Bus Driver for HD Audio驱动,安装声卡驱动前必装;Video显卡驱动;Audio声卡驱动;NETWORK网卡驱动;modem调制解调器驱动;WLAN2 无线网卡驱动;MISC2读卡器驱动;Touchpad触摸板驱动;QLBDisk1 惠普快捷键驱动;WLASSTDisk1惠普无线网络助手程序;HDD SATA硬盘的驱动,是个制作驱动软盘的工具,如果自己制作集成sata驱动的xp安装光盘,就得用这个。

其他的是一些软件,非必要驱动,这里就不做解释了另外还有一种驱动是用我在另一个帖子里发的网友制作的ISO镜像驱动(推荐),更简单更易操作 ^_^下面说下安装顺序,不管用什么方法驱动,都得遵循这个顺序进行安装先装UAA总线驱动,再装声卡驱动以及Modem驱动.装好INTEL的显卡和芯片组驱动,5合1读卡器,无线网卡,本地网卡后,快捷键驱动,触控板驱动还有朋友说自己的本本没有开启SATA,看下面下面是如何安装SATA驱动(转载,网上到处都是这个,一模一样的 =.=! )分两种情况,一是用安装版光盘安装的;二是已经用关闭SATA支持的方式安装好系统的一、用安装版光盘安装的:1)如果用的是原版光盘安装的话那么就得挂一USB软驱设备,把附件里的文件复制到一张软盘的根目录下,安装过程中按F6载入SATA驱动2)如果有一定的动手能力的,可以使用如NLITE工具把驱动直接集成到安装光盘中,这样安装的时候就不用再挂USB软驱了,直接可以认出来二、已经用关闭SATA支持的方式安装好系统的:请把附件里的"iastor.sys"文件复制到“windowssystem32drivers”目录下,然后导入reg.reg文件进注册表,结束后就可以直接重启系统了,然后在BIOS里把“Enable Native Sata Support”这一项设为"Enable",这样应该可以进入系统了,进入系统后会找到新硬件,安装目录指向解开的附件的目录,会搜索到新的驱动,安装既可。



bMaintenance and Service GuideCompaq Presario V3000 Notebook PC Document Part Number: 418333-002April 2007This guide is a troubleshooting reference used for maintaining and servicing the computer. It provides comprehensive information on identifying computer features, components, and spare parts; troubleshooting computer problems; and performing computer disassembly procedures.© Copyright 2006, 2007 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. Microsoft, Windows, and Windows Vista are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Intel, Core, and Celeron are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. AMD, Sempron, Turion, and combinations thereof, are trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Bluetooth is a trademark owned by its proprietor and used by Hewlett-Packard Company under license. SD Logo is a trademark of its proprietor.The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein. Maintenance and Service GuideCompaq Presario V3000 Notebook PCSecond Edition: April 2007First Edition: June 2006Document Part Number: 418333-002Safety warning noticeÅWARNING: To reduce the possibility of heat-related injuries or of overheating the computer, do not place the computer directly on yourlap or obstruct the computer air vents. Use the computer only on a hard,flat surface. Do not allow another hard surface, such as an adjoiningoptional printer, or a soft surface, such as pillows or rugs or clothing, toblock airflow. Also, do not allow the AC adapter to contact the skin or asoft surface, such as pillows or rugs or clothing, during operation. Thecomputer and the AC adapter comply with the user-accessible surfacetemperature limits defined by the International Standard for Safety ofInformation Technology Equipment (IEC 60950).Contents1Product Description1.1Features. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–21.2Resetting the Computer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–51.3Power Management. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–61.4External Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–71.5Design Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–19 2Troubleshooting2.1Setup Utility in Windows XP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2–1Using the Setup Utility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2–2Setup Utility Menus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2–62.2Setup Utility in Windows Vista . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2–9Using the Setup Utility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2–10Setup Utility Menus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2–142.3Troubleshooting Flowcharts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2–17Contents3Illustrated Parts Catalog3.1Serial Number Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–13.2Computer Major Components. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–23.3Display Assembly Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–183.4Mass Storage Devices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–203.5Plastics Kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–223.6Cable Kit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–233.7Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–243.8Sequential Part Number Listing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–274Removal and Replacement Preliminaries4.1Tools Required . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4–14.2Service Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4–2Plastic Parts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4–2Cables and Connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4–24.3Preventing Damage to Removable Drives . . . . . . . . 4–34.4Preventing Electrostatic Damage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4–44.5Packaging and Transporting Precautions . . . . . . . . . 4–54.6Workstation Precautions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4–64.7Grounding Equipment and Methods. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4–7Contents5Removal and Replacement Procedures5.1Serial Number. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5–15.2Disassembly Sequence Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5–25.3Preparing the Computer for Disassembly. . . . . . . . . 5–45.4Hard Drive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5–65.5RTC Battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5–105.6Computer Feet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5–115.7Memory Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5–125.8Mini Card Module. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5–155.9Optical Drive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5–195.10Keyboard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5–215.11Switch Cover. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5–255.12Display Assembly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5–305.13Top Cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5–425.14TouchPad. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5–465.15Wireless Switch Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5–505.16Modem Module. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5–525.17Audio/Infrared Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5–545.18Bluetooth Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5–565.19USB Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5–585.20Speaker Assembly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5–605.21System Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5–625.22ExpressCard Assembly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5–675.23Fan/Heat Sink Assembly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5–705.24Processor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5–78Contents6SpecificationsA Screw ListingB Backup and Recovery in Windows XPC Backup and Recovery in Windows VistaD Display Component RecyclingE Connector Pin AssignmentsF Power Cord Set RequirementsIndex1Product Description The Compaq Presario V3000 Notebook PC offers advanced modularity, Intel® Core™ Duo, Core Solo, and Celeron® processors or AMD Turion™ 64 Mobile Technology and Mobile AMD Sempron™ processors, and extensive multimedia support.Compaq Presario V3000 Notebook PCProduct Description1.1Features■The following processors are available, varying bycomputer model:❏Intel Core Duo T7200 (2.00-GHz)❏Intel Core Duo T5600 (1.83-GHz)❏Intel Core Duo T5500 (1.66-GHz)❏Intel Core Duo T5200 (1.60-GHz)❏Intel Core Duo T2600 (2.16-GHz)❏Intel Core Duo T2500 (2.00-GHz)❏Intel Core Duo T2400 (1.83-GHz)❏Intel Core Duo T2250 (1.73-GHz)❏Intel Core Duo T2300 (1.66-GHz)❏Intel Core Duo T2350 (1.60-GHz)❏Intel Core Duo T2060 (1.60-GHz)❏Intel Core Duo T2050 (1.60-GHz)❏Intel Core Solo T1350 (1.80-GHz)❏AMD Turion Dual Core, TL-60 (2.0-GHz)❏AMD Turion 64, MK-36 (2.00-GHz)❏AMD Turion TL-56 (1.80-GHz)❏AMD Turion ML-52 1.60-Ghz❏AMD Turion ML-50 1.60-GHz❏Mobile AMD Sempron 3500+ (1.80-GHz)❏Mobile AMD Sempron 3400+ (1.80-GHz)❏Mobile AMD Sempron 3200+ (1.60-GHz)■14.1-inch WXGA (1280 × 768) TFT display with over16.7million colors, varying by computer model■160-, 120-, 100-, 80-, 60-, or 40-GB high-capacity hard drive, varying by computer modelProduct Description■256-MB DDR synchronous DRAM (SDRAM) at 667 MHz and 533 MHz, expandable to 2.0 GB■Microsoft® Windows® XP Home Edition or Windows XP Professional, or Free DOS, varying by computer model■Full-size Windows keyboard with embedded numeric keypad ■TouchPad pointing device with on/off button and dedicated two-way scroll zone■Integrated 10/100 BASE-T Ethernet local area network (LAN) network interface card (NIC) with RJ-45 jack■Integrated high-speed 56K modem with RJ-11 jack■Integrated wireless support for Mini Card IEEE 802.11b and 802.11b/g WLAN device■Support for ExpressCard■External 65-watt or 90-watt AC adapter with 3-wire power cord■6-cell or 12-cell Li-Ion battery■Stereo speakers with volume up and down buttons■Integrated microphone (select models only)■Support for the following optical drives:❏DVD/CD-RW Combo Drive❏DVD±RW/R and CD-RW Double-Layer Combo Drive❏DVD±RW/R and CD-RW Double-Layer Combo Drive with LightScribe■Connectors:❏Audio-in (microphone)❏Audio-out (headphone)❏Consumer infrared lens❏Docking (select models only)❏ExpressCard❏External monitor❏IEEE 1394 digital (select models only)❏Memory Reader (select models only)❏Power❏RJ-11 (modem)❏RJ-45 (network)❏S-Video-out (select models only)❏Universal Serial Bus (USB) v. 2.01.2Resetting the ComputerIf the computer you are servicing has an unknown password,follow these steps to clear the password. These steps alsoclear CMOS:1.Prepare the computer for disassembly (refer to Section 5.3,“Preparing the Computer for Disassembly,” for moreinformation).2.Remove the real-time clock (RTC) battery (refer toSection 5.5, “RTC Battery,” for more information).3.Wait approximately 5 minutes.4.Replace the RTC battery and reassemble the computer.5.Connect AC power to the computer. Do not reinsert anybatteries at this time.6.Turn on the computer.All passwords and all CMOS settings have been cleared.1.3Power ManagementThe computer comes with power management features thatextend battery operating time and conserve power. Thecomputer supports the following power management features:■Standby■Hibernation■Setting customization by the user■Hotkeys for setting the level of performance■Battery calibration■Lid switch standby/resume■Power button■Advanced Configuration and Power Management (ACPM) compliance1.4External ComponentsThe external components on the front of the computer are shownbelow and described in Table 1-1.Front ComponentsTable 1-1Front ComponentsItem Component Function1Wireless switch(select models only)Turns the wireless feature on or off, but does not create a wireless connection.✎To establish a wireless connection,a wireless network must already beset up.2Wireless light(select models only)Blue: An integrated wireless device, such as a wireless local area network (LAN) device and/or a Bluetooth® device, is turned on.Amber: An integrated wireless device is turned off.3Consumer infraredlens(select models only)Links the computer to the HP Remote Control (select models only).4Audio-in(microphone)jack Connects an optional computer headset microphone, stereo array microphone, or monaural microphone.5Audio-out(headphone)jack Produce sound when connected to optional powered stereo speakers, headphones, ear buds, a headset, or television audio.The external components on the right side of the computerare shown below and described in Table 1-2.Right-Side ComponentsTable 1-2Right-Side ComponentsItem Component Function1Optical drive Reads an optical disc.2USB ports (2)Connect optional USB devices.3RJ-11 (modem) jack Connects a modem cable.4Power connector Connects an AC adapter.5Security cable slot Attaches an optional security cable to thecomputer.✎The security cable is designed to actas a deterrent, but it may not preventthe computer from being mishandledor stolen.The external components on the left side of the computer are shown below and described in Table 1-3.Left-Side ComponentsTable 1-3Left-Side ComponentsItem Component Function1S-Video-out jack Connects an optional S-Video device suchas a television, VCR, camcorder, overheadprojector, or video capture card.2External monitor port Connects an external VGA monitor orprojector.3Expansion port 3Connects the computer to an optionalexpansion product.✎The computer has only oneexpansion port. The termexpansion port 3 describes thetype of expansion port.4RJ-45 (network) jack Connects a network cable.5USB port Connects an optional USB device.61394 port Connects an optional IEEE 1394 or 1394adevice, such as a camcorder.7Memory Reader Supports the following optional digital cardformats: Secure Digital (SD) Memory Card,MultiMediaCard (MMC), Secure DigitalInput/Output (SD I/O), Memory Stick (MS),Memory Stick Pro (MSP), xD-Picture Card(XD), xDPicture Card (XD) T ype M.8Memory Reader light On: A digital card is being accessed.9ExpressCard slot Supports optional ExpressCard/54 cards.The computer keyboard components are shown below and described in Table 1-4.Keyboard ComponentsTable 1-4Keyboard ComponentsItem Component Function1Function keys (12)Execute frequently used system functionswhen pressed in combination with the fnkey.2caps lock key Enables caps lock and turns on thecaps lock light.3fn key Executes frequently used systemfunctions when pressed in combinationwith a function key or the esc key.4Windows logo key Displays the Microsoft Windows Startmenu.5Windowsapplications key Displays a shortcut menu for items beneath the pointer.6Arrows keys Move the cursor around the screen.7Embedded numerickeypad keys (15)Can be used like the keys on an external numeric keypad.8num lock key Enables numeric lock, turns on theembedded numeric keypad, and turnson the num lock light.The computer top components are shown below and described in Table 1-5.Top ComponentsTable 1-5Top ComponentsItem Component Function1Power button When the computer is■Off, press to turn on the computer.■On, press to enter hibernation.■In standby, briefly press to exit standby.■in hibernation, briefly press toexit hibernation.2Speakers (2)Produce sound.Product Description3Media button If QuickPlay is not installed and thecomputer is■On, the media button opens the music program or Media menu, allowing you toselect a multimedia program.■Off, the media button does not function.■In standby, the media button resumes from standby into Windows.If QuickPlay is installed and the computer is■On, the media button opens the music program or Media menu, allowing you toselect a multimedia program.■Off, the media button opens the music program or the Media menu, allowingyou to select a multimedia program.■In standby, the media button resumes from standby into Windows.✎The media button does not affect thehibernation file or the procedure forrestoring from hibernation.4Volume mute button Mutes and restores speaker sound.5Volume scroll zone Adjusts volume. Slide your finger to the leftto decrease volume and to the right toincrease volume. Alternatively, you can tapthe left half of the scroll zone to decreasevolume, or you can tap the right half of the scroll zone to increase volume.Table 1-5Top Components (Continued)ItemComponent FunctionProduct DescriptionThe computer TouchPad components are shown below and described in Table 1-6.TouchPad ComponentsProduct DescriptionTable 1-6TouchPad ComponentsItem Component Function1T ouchPad light Blue: T ouchPad is enabled.Amber: T ouchPad is disabled.2T ouchPad Moves the pointer and selects or activatesitems on the screen. Can be set to performother mouse functions, such as scrolling,selecting, and double-clicking.3T ouchPad horizontalscroll zoneScrolls left or right.4Left and rightT ouchPad buttons Function like the left and right buttons on an external mouse.5T ouchPad verticalscroll zoneScrolls up or down.6T ouchPad on/offbuttonEnables/disables the T ouchPad.Product DescriptionThe external components on the bottom of the computerare shown below and described in Table 1-7.Bottom ComponentsTable 1-7Bottom ComponentsItem Component Function1Battery bay Holds the battery.2Battery release latch Releases the battery from the batterybay.3Optical drive Reads an optical disc.4Hard drive bay Holds the hard drive.Product Description5vents (4)Enable airflow to cool internalcomponents.✎The computer fan starts upautomatically to cool internalcomponents and preventoverheating. It is normal for theinternal fan to cycle on and offduring routine operation.6Memory module compartment Contains the memory module slots.7Mini Card compartment Holds a wireless LAN device(select models only).✎To prevent an unresponsivesystem and the display of awarning message, replace withonly a Mini Card deviceauthorized for use in thecomputer by the governmentalagency that regulates wirelessdevices in your country. If youreplace the device and thenreceive a warning message,remove the device to restorecomputer functionality. Thencontact Customer Care through the Help and Support Center.Table 1-7Bottom Components (Continued)ItemComponent FunctionProduct Description1.5Design OverviewThis section presents a design overview of key parts and featuresof the computer. Refer to Chapter 3, “Illustrated Parts Catalog,”to identify replacement parts, and Chapter 5, “Removal andReplacement Procedures,” for disassembly steps.The system board provides the following device connections:■AMD Turion and Mobile AMD Sempron processors or Intel Core Duo, Core Solo, Celeron processors■Audio■Display■ExpressCard■Fan■Hard drive■Keyboard and TouchPad■Memory module■Mini Card modulesÄCAUTION: To properly ventilate the computer, allow at least a 7.6-cm (3-inch) clearance on the left and right sides of the computer.The computer uses an electric fan for ventilation. The fan iscontrolled by a temperature sensor and is designed to turn onautomatically when high temperature conditions exist. Theseconditions are affected by high external temperatures, systempower consumption, power management/battery conservationconfigurations, battery fast charging, and software. Exhaust air isdisplaced through the ventilation grill located on the left side ofthe computer.2TroubleshootingÅWARNING: Only authorized technicians trained by HP should repair this equipment. All troubleshooting and repair procedures are detailedto allow only subassembly-/module-level repair. Because of thecomplexity of the individual boards and subassemblies, do not attemptto make repairs at the component level or modifications to any printedwiring board. Improper repairs can create a safety hazard. Anyindication of component replacement or printed wiring boardmodification may void any warranty or exchange allowances.2.1Setup Utility in Windows XPThe Setup Utility is a ROM-based information and customizationutility that can be used even when your Windows operatingsystem is not working or will not load.The utility reports information about the computer and providessettings for startup, security, and other preferences.1.Turn on or restart the computer in Windows.2.Before Windows opens and while the “Press <F10> to entersetup” prompt is displayed in the lower-left corner of thescreen, press f10.TroubleshootingUsing the Setup UtilityChanging the Language of the Setup Utility The following procedure explains how to change the language ofthe Setup Utility. If the computer is not in the Setup Utility, beginat step 1. If the computer is in the Setup Utility, begin at step 2.1.To open the Setup Utility, turn on or restart the computer inWindows, and then press f10 while the prompt, “Press <F10>to enter setup,” is displayed in the lower-left corner of thescreen.e the arrow keys to select System Configuration >Language, and then press enter.3.Press f5 or f6 (or use the arrow keys) to select a language, andthen press enter to select a language.4.When a confirmation prompt with your preference selectedis displayed, press enter to save your preference.5.To set your preferences and exit the Setup Utility, press f10and then follow the instructions on the screen.Your preferences go into effect when the computer restarts inWindows.TroubleshootingNavigating and Selecting in the Setup Utility Because the Setup Utility is not Windows-based, it does notsupport the TouchPad. Navigation and selection are by keystroke.■To choose a menu or a menu item, use the arrow keys.■To choose an item in a drop-down list or to toggle a field, for example an Enable/Disable field, use either the arrowkeys or f5 or f6.■To select an item, press enter.■To close a text box or return to the menu display, press f1.■To display additional navigation and selection information while the Setup Utility is open, press f1.Displaying System InformationThe following procedure explains how to display systeminformation in the Setup Utility. If the Setup Utility is not open,begin at step 1. If the Setup Utility is open, begin at step 2.1.To open the Setup Utility, turn on or restart the computer inWindows, and then press f10 while the prompt, “Press <F10>to enter setup,” is displayed in the lower-left corner of thescreen.2.Access the system information by using the Main menu.3.To close the Setup Utility without changing any settings, usethe arrow keys to select Exit > Exit Discarding Changes,and then press enter. (The computer restarts in Windows.)TroubleshootingRestoring Default Settings in the Setup Utility The following procedure explains how to restore the Setup Utilitydefault settings. If the computer is not in the Setup Utility, beginat step 1. If the computer is in the Setup Utility, begin at step 2.1.To open the Setup Utility, turn on or restart the computer inWindows, and then press f10 while the prompt, “Press <F10>to enter setup,” is displayed in the lower-left corner of thescreen.2.Select Exit > Load Setup Defaults, and then press f10.3.When the Setup Confirmation is displayed, press enter to saveyour preferences.4.To set your preferences and exit the Setup Utility, press f10,and then follow the instructions on the screen.The Setup Utility default settings are set when you exit theSetup Utility and go into effect when the computer restarts.✎Your password, security, and language settings are not changed when you restore the factory default settings.Using Advanced Setup Utility FeaturesThis guide describes the Setup Utility features recommended forall users. For more information about the Setup Utility featuresrecommended for advanced users only, refer to the Help andSupport Center, which is accessible only when the computer is inWindows.The Setup Utility features available for advanced users include ahard drive self-test, a Network Service Boot, and settings for bootorder preferences.The “<F12> to boot from LAN” message that is displayed in thelower-left corner of the screen each time the computer is startedor restarted in Windows or restored from hibernation is theprompt for a Network Service Boot.The “Press <ESC> to change boot order” message that isdisplayed in the lower-left corner of the screen each time thecomputer is started or restarted in Windows or restored fromhibernation is the prompt to change the boot order.Closing the Setup UtilityYou can close the Setup Utility with or without saving changes.■To close the Setup Utility and save your changes from the current session, use either of the following procedures:❏Press f10, and then follow the instructions on the screen.– or –❏If the Setup Utility menus are not visible, press esc toreturn to the menu display. Then use the arrow keys toselect Exit > Exit Saving Changes, and then press enter.When you use the f10 procedure, you are offered an optionto return to the Setup Utility. When you use the ExitSaving Changes procedure, the Setup Utility closes whenyou press enter.■To close the Setup Utility without saving your changes from the current session:If the Setup Utility menus are not visible, press esc to returnto the menu display. Then use the arrow keys to select Exit >Exit Discarding Changes, and then press enter.After the Setup Utility closes, the computer restarts in Windows. Setup Utility MenusThe menu tables in this section provide an overview of SetupUtility options.✎Some of the Setup Utility menu listed in this chapter may not be supported by your computer.Main MenuSecurity MenuTable 2-1 Main MenuSelect To Do ThisSystem Information■View and change the system time and date.■View identification information about thecomputer.■View specification information about theprocessor, memory size, system BIOS, andkeyboard controller version (select modelsonly).Table 2-2Security MenuSelect To Do ThisAdministrator password Enter, change, or delete an administratorpassword.Power-on password Enter, change, or delete a power-on password.System Configuration MenuTable 2-3System Configuration Menu Select To Do ThisLanguage Support Change the Setup Utility language.Embedded WLAN Device Radio Enable/disable an embedded wireless LAN device.Embedded Bluetooth Device (select models only)Enable/disable an embedded Bluetooth device (select models only).Enhanced SA T A support(select models only)Enable/disable enhanced SA T A mode.Boot Options Set the following boot options:■f10 and f12 Delay (sec.)—Set the delay for thef10 and f12 functions of the Setup Utility inintervals of 5 seconds each (0, 5, 10, 15, 20).■CD-ROM boot—Enable/disable boot fromCD-ROM.■Floppy boot—Enable/disable boot from Floppy.■Internal Network Adapter boot—Enable/disableboot from Internal Network Adapter.■Boot Order—Set the boot order for:❐USB Floppy❐A T API CD/DVD ROM Drive❐Hard drive❐USB Diskette on Key❐USB Hard drive❐Network adapterDiagnostics Menu2.2Setup Utility in Windows VistaThe Setup Utility is a ROM-based information and customization utility that can be used even when your Windows® operating system is not working or will not load.✎The fingerprint reader (select models only) does not workwhen accessing the Setup Utility.The utility reports information about the computer and provides settings for startup, security, and other preferences.To start the Setup Utility:1.Turn on or restart the computer.2.Before Windows opens and while “Press <F10> to entersetup” is displayed in the lower-left corner of the screen,press f10.Table 2-4Diagnostics MenuSelectTo Do This Hard Disk Self T est Run a comprehensive self-test on the hard drive.。



hp v3000 拆机图,今天来讲解一下hp v3000拆机过程,这个机型就是著名的惠普显卡门里面的机器,很多朋友都想对它进行hp v3000散热改造,所以今天就写了这个教程。

1. 拆除主要部件用螺丝刀拆除本子底部主要部件:硬盘、内存、无线网卡、光驱。


2. 拆除底部所有螺丝按照下图指示把底部所有螺丝卸下,然后分类标识。



3. 拆除键盘底部螺丝拆完之后,就可以在正面拆除键盘了。


4. 拆除快捷键面板按下面的顺序,松开快捷面板的1、2连接线,在3、4的位置往上轻撬,再往5的方向轻推,就可以卸下快捷面板了。

5. 拆除屏幕松开以下红圈中的螺丝,再拔出屏幕的连接线、无线网卡天线就可以取下屏幕了。







HP V3000完全拆解图解

HP V3000完全拆解图解

[V3000] 【HP V3000完全拆解】【精美注解版】【原创】HP Compaq Presario V3172TU CPU类型 Intel 酷睿双核 T2050(1.6GHz) 最高主频 1.6GHz 前端总线 533MHz 二级缓存 2048KB 迅驰技术迅驰III(Napa) 主板描述 I945GM 内存大小 1024MB 内存类型 DDRII 内存描述最大支持内存2048(MB) 存储性能硬盘大小 60GB 硬盘描述 5400转光驱类型康宝设计类型光驱内置软驱描述无显示屏屏幕尺寸 14英寸是否宽屏是屏幕描述镜面宽屏 HP Compaq Presario V3172TU 视频/音频显卡类型集成显卡显卡芯片 Intel GMA950 显存容量动态共享128M内存显存类型 PCI Express x16 音频系统奥特蓝星(Altec Lansing)品牌扬声器,音量控制和静音按钮 HP Compaq Presario V3172TU 输入输出鼠标描述触摸板 WLAN性能 802.11a/b/g 网卡描述 100Mbps 网卡调制解调器 56K 标准接口 2个USB2.0、VGA接口、S-VIDEO接口、扩展槽接口、RJ11、RJ45、声音输入、声音输出孔、直流电源插孔 HP Compaq Presario V3172TU 电能规格电池类型 6芯锂电池电源管理 AC 100-240V HP Compaq Presario V3172TU 基本特征笔记本重量 2400g 外形尺寸334×237×26-39mm 外壳材质复合材质 HP Compaq PresarioV3172TU 其他特性操作系统 Windows XP Home 上市日期 2006 附带软件 Compaq DVDPlay、HP Photosmart Premier、Microsoft? Windows? Media Player、Muvee AutoProducer、Symantec Norton AntiVirus-病毒定义文件更新、Symantec Norton网络安全特警、.Net Framework、Sun Java、Macromedia Flash [本帖最后由 hyp21 于 2008-1-7 20:24 编辑]0副本.jpg (245.38 KB)1.jpg (213.01 KB)3.jpg (248.95 KB)4.jpg (254.97 KB)5.jpg (185.92 KB)6.jpg (215.45 KB)7.jpg (201.74 KB)8.jpg (208.06 KB)9.jpg (245.01 KB)10.jpg (287.96 KB)11.jpg (194.9 KB)12.jpg (222.13 KB)13.jpg (226.23 KB)14.jpg (238.46 KB)15.jpg (228.78 KB)16.jpg (226.65 KB)17.jpg (262.81 KB)18.jpg (279.31 KB)19.jpg (260.54 KB)20.jpg (280 KB)21.jpg (287.93 KB)22.jpg (281.98 KB)23.jpg (210.42 KB)24.jpg (185.48 KB)25.jpg (194.58 KB)26.jpg (191.83 KB)27.jpg (190.33 KB)28.jpg (256.95 KB)29.jpg (249.28 KB)30.jpg (249.4 KB)31.jpg (223.18 KB)32.jpg (217.66 KB)33.jpg (249.09 KB)34.jpg (248.75 KB)35.jpg (278.13 KB)36.jpg (214.88 KB)37.jpg (224.45 KB)38.jpg (184.44 KB)39.jpg (223.17 KB)40.jpg (263.69 KB)41.jpg (215.48 KB)42.jpg (137.32 KB)IMG_0578.jpg (231.25 KB)。



图解DIY惠普DV2000 V3000笔记本电脑12芯锂电池图解DIY惠普DV2000 V3000笔记本电脑12芯锂电池 DIY惠普DV2000 电池不影响外观原创各位叔叔、姨姨、哥哥、姐姐、弟弟、妹妹今天在这里跟大家分享下小弟自创的如何不影响电池的外观情况下自己打造12芯超级惠普笔记本电池,由原来仅仅续航2到3个小时的原装电池提升到现在最高的8个多小时续航能力!嘻嘻~!由于DV2000和V3000笔记本电池是一样的,所以这办法可以在这两笔记本中通用!本来想录视频的,不过没DV,如果用数码相机录,效果又很差,所以还是用图片吧,嘻嘻但由于小弟能力有限,如有不足地方,请多多见量!谢谢!首先我们先看看最终效果图放时笔记本上的电池(下图)好!废话少说,咱们一起来打造超级电池!首先我们要准备的,当然是6颗18650锂电芯啦,18650电芯看个人能力和续航需要,尽可能买容量大的,容量大了,电池续航能力会更大!以下是我在某网站买的除电芯外,还需要一个惠普“电池盒”(就是外形跟电池是一模一样的,就是里面没有任何东西的,就是我们所说的笔记本电池减轻盒)请看下图如果熟识的朋友都知道,这个电池盒是跟原装笔记本电池是一模一样的,就是里面没电芯……也是我从某网站买得,十来块钱,还是挺划算,嘻嘻好,现在开始动手,首先拿出原装电池,把它给撬开!注意哦,要小心点,不然会影响日后的外观的!用一字镙丝刀慢慢地撬,沿着裂缝撬了一周后,用手把它给掰开虽然我都比较小心了,但是还是无法避免的损坏了一点外观把盖子打开后里面是6个电池焊接成的电芯组把电池给撬起来好,下面我们先观察下,原装的电芯是怎样接线的原装电芯原理我们DIY的12芯电池原理下面来定位,就是呢,定位后,打洞,那洞是用来两个6芯电池组连线通道,可以用钢钻,当然,条件好的,可以用手枪钻,效果会更好焊接下面,两块电池对接:可以用502胶水,或者其它胶水都可以,只要粘得牢就可以了我是用502的,接合后再把两电池焊接全部焊接后,可以盒盖了好,可以放进笔记本试试机了,开机正常,嘻嘻机子背面,虽然有点高,不过也不会影响外观的也不会影响使用底部正面:请留意手机部分,装了12芯电池的笔记本是比平时高一点的哦,不过用起来感觉很好,嘻嘻总结:12芯锂电池续航能力强,经测试一般情况下连续使用6-7个小时是没问题的,远比6芯的要强,是非常适合那些经常在外工作的朋友们,朋友们注意哦,这样改装,虽然续航能力强了,但是就意味着惠普原装那个电池将不能再享受惠普的保修了,请各位三思后行,其实一般电池出现故障都比较少,而且电池一般都是保修一年的,所以试下都没所谓……(注:可编辑下载,若有不当之处,请指正,谢谢!)。

HP Latex 300 系列与 HP Latex 3000 之间的颜色模拟配置指南说明书

HP Latex 300 系列与 HP Latex 3000 之间的颜色模拟配置指南说明书

How to use the HP Latex 300printer series as a coloremulation for the HP Latex3000 using CALDERAGrandRIP+ v10This document is complementary to the “Color Matching Guide on the HP Latex 360” document. It briefly describes the basic steps on how to configure CALDERA GrandRIP+ to properly use a single HP Latex 300 printer series as a color emulation 1 for a single HP Latex 3000 press (individual profiles advised if proofing multiple printers as one profile for various machines would be inconsistent).ContentsSummary .................................................................................................................................................... 2 Step-by-step instructions .......................................................................................................................... 2 Equipment and material requirements .................................................................................................. 2 General system recommendations ........................................................................................................ 3 Step 1: Install both printers in CALDERA RIP .......................................................................................... 3 Step 2: HP Latex 3000 setup .................................................................................................................. 4 Step 3: HP Latex 300 setup .................................................................................................................. 12 Step 4: Printing the proof ..................................................................................................................... 16 Resources ................................................................................................................................................ 21 Disclaimer (21)1Bear in mind that the final color consistency among the printers will depend greatly on the variability of theProofing is the process of simulating the printing behavior of one printer, the target printer, on another printer, the proofer printer. To get good results in the proofing experience, there are four basic concepts to take into account:• A good ICC profile should be created for each printer using the same physical device (spectrophotometer)•The printers should be calibrated/linearized periodically or whenever any significant deviation in color reproduction is observed, and, of course, before any ICC profile is created•The proofer gamut (the color space of the proofer printer) should fully encompass the target gamut. This can be observed comparing both ICC profiles with an ICC profile viewer•For each different media AND print mode (number of passes and ink saturation) combination the same process should be followed.This document describes the steps to follow to use a Latex 300 series as a color emulation for a Latex 3000 series (target) for a specific media and print mode combination on the target side.Basically it consists of 4 steps; the first 3 are just one-time set-up steps and the 4th is the usual operator usage.The following describes the steps for the emulation of the HP Latex 3000 series using an HP Latex 300 series printer.Equipment and material requirements•Substrate: 1 roll of the same media per printer or 1 roll used for both printers•HP Latex 3000 series (target printer) / HP Latex 300 series (proofer printer)•Spectrophotometer. The same physical spectrophotometer should be used for both printers.•Working knowledge of CALDERA GrandRIP+ v10 or newer, installed on a proper workstation. Please take a look at the RIP version and printer model compatibility matrixGeneral system recommendationsFor good color matching between proof and print, the following recommendations should be followed:•Use the same brand and type of substrate in both the target printer and the proofer: o Avery 3001•For a given substrate, use the maximum ink density available for the proofer baseline, to emulate any equal or lower ink density on the same substrate by the target printer: o100%•Use print modes with comparable print quality (not necessarily the same number of print passes) on both printing systems. This might be quite time consuming until a correspondingprint mode for the proofer is found to match a specific ink-density/print mode for the target.o3500 6p 6c 100%o300 12p 100%Step 1: Install both printers in CALDERA RIPCALDERA RIP requires a minimum of two active printers for proofing: one for the final output (the HP Latex 3000 in this case) and one for the previous proofing (the HP Latex 300 in this case). It is assumed that the reader has sufficient knowledge of how to create the printer queues in the RIP.Step 2: HP Latex 3000 setup1.Set up the HP Latex 3000 target baseline, using your substrate. This includes:a. Creating a new media preset on the printer’s Internal Print Server (the Front panel). This canbe achieved either by:1.Selecting a base generic media preset that already exists in the IPS that betterdefines the type of media you are using and clone it. The cloned preset iseditable and will be our target to emulate. Rename it to a meaningful name, or2.By downloading, from the IPS, the media preset for the media from the Web.This is the way we have done the tests.b.Make sure printheads are aligned. If not, launch the Printhead alignment routine.c.Adjust, if needed, all substrate settings (advance, temperature, vacuum, inter-pass delay…)to the desired values (in our tests we left them all at their default values).d.Select the ink density to emulate. In our case we selected 100% ink density, 6-pass printmode, 6-ink configuration.2.Color calibration of the target printer baseline.To start Color calibration from the Internal Print Server (IPS), select Substrate > Color calibration, and then click the Calibrate button.If a media cannot be calibrated by the printer (e.g. backlit media) then thecalibration/linearization should be performed using the EasyMedia module within the CALDERA RIP (see Step2.3.d). In such case, please go through the Linearization and Ink Limit tabs todefine the individual ink limits, create the linearization curves and define the global ink limit.Also remember that whenever later in the document a printer calibration is asked for, aninternal RIP calibration/linearization is to be made (the relinearize option in the Linearization tab of the EasyMedia module), instead of printer calibration for such media.3.Color characterization of the printer baseline. That is, creation of the RIP media profile, includingan ICC profile, of the target printer baseline.a.Start CALDERA EasyMedia to create the media preset for the recently cloned/installed mediafor the printer. Select the HP Latex 3000 to start the creation of the media and click the Newbutton to display the new media types for the printer.b.Make sure you select the recently cloned media on the drop-down menu to link theCALDERA media preset to the media preset defined for the printer. In our example, the printer media preset is MPI 3000 and the name in the RIP is Avery MPI 3000.c.Click the New button in order to add/select the print mode to emulate. In our example: 6p6c 100%.d.Click the Next button to create the ICC profile. Skip Linearization and Ink Limit processes andselect the Profiling tab. But please note: as specified in Step2.2, if the printer cannotcalibrate a media, you should go through the Linearization and Ink Limit steps at this point before creating the ICC profile.Select the spectrophotometer device to read the patches and the Profiling Target to use. Then click Next.Make sure the Loading, Quality and Scale settings are correct. Then press the Print button to print the Profiling Target.e.After the swath has dried, click Start and follow the instructions displayed above the Nextbutton.f.Click the Next button to access Build Options. In our case, we keep the default settings.g.Once the ICC build settings have been modified, click Next to complete the profiling process.h.The new media preset will be available in the HP Latex 3000 RIP and will be shown as“Completed.”How to use the HP Latex 300 printer series as a color emulation for the HP Latex 3000 using CALDERA GrandRIP+ v10Page 11 of 214.Measure the values for maximum primary and secondary color saturation:a.Once the calibration is performed, please print the attached plot (CMYKCheckPlot.tif)without any color management (in Native mode), and measure, with thespectrophotometer, the maximum densities2 for each patch. Write them down as theywill be used in step 3.For more accurate results, you could print several copies of the image along the width ofthe printer and later average the values obtained for each patch.Once the target baseline is set, remember to print using this media profile and print modewhenever a print conforming to the proof will be needed.Step 3: HP Latex 300 setupThe best color matching accuracy can only be obtained when the color gamut of the proofer baseline completely includes that of the target printer baseline, in other words, when the color gamut of the proofer encompasses (is a superset of) the color gamut of the target printer for the same media. Also, please make sure you use the same physical spectrophotometer device to create the ICC profile on both printers.The first basic step is to set up the widest gamut baseline in the proofer for the selected substrate. This can be accomplished by selecting the highest possible ink density on that substrate. For reflective media, including PVC Banner, Self-adhesive Vinyl, Paper, PP & PE Synthetics, and Polyester Film or Canvas, the maximum possible ink density is 120%. For backlit media and textiles, the maximum possible ink density is 260%. However, if it is necessary to use more than 120% for a nontranslucent media, load the media as backlit.1.Set up the HP Latex 300 proofer baseline, loading the same substrate as in Step 1 (the samemedia make and type, not necessarily the same physical media roll). This includes:a.Making sure the printheads are aligned. If not, launch the Printhead alignment routine.b.Creating a media preset (the proofer baseline) from the printer’s Front panel. As in Step 1, itcan be done in two ways:2Alternatively you could measure the CIELab values.1.By cloning a media that is already defined in the Front panel that better defines the typeof media you are using, naming it with a meaningful name (in our case: Proofing – Self-adhesive vinyl), or2.By searching for and downloading a media preset that is specific for the media youactually have.c.Select Modify > Add New Print mode on the Front panel.1.Select a number of passes greater than the print mode selected at the target printer(the HP Latex 3000 printer). In our case we choose 12 passes.2.Print the diagnostic plot (Print test) and check that:a.T he IQ is similar to the one achieved by the target printer (considering bleeding,coalescence, banding, ink drying, …)If needed adjust the substrate settings (advance, temperature, vacuum, inter-pass delay…) so there are no IQ issues (in our tests we left them all at theirdefault values).b.T he densities of the primary colors are greater than the ones measured instep 2.4.a3.If there are no ink saturation levels that produce the previous conditions, then goback to step 3.1.c.1 and select a higher number of passes.If increasing the number of passes does not help either, then the proofer (HPLatex 300 printer) will not be a good proofer, but, by following the rest of theprocess, we will still be able to get the best color matching possible.3.Select the Ink Saturation you just defined and Save the print mode.Bear in mind that this stage might be quite time consuming until a proper print modeand ink saturation level is found.2.Color calibration of the proofer baseline.a.To start Color calibration from the Front panel, select Substrate > Color calibration, and thenclick the Calibrate button.As commented in Step 2, if the media is not able to be calibrated by the printer, thecalibration should be done by the RIP (see Step3.3.c). 33If you have values in CIELab instead of densities, please bear in mind the following to compare the colors:-For all colors except for Yellow, use the L (lightness) value and for Yellow use the b value.-The L value for the HP Latex 300 printer should be lower than the L value for the HP Latex 3000 printer.-The b value for the HP Latex 300 printer should be higher than the b value for the HP Latex 3000 printer.3.Color characterization of the printer baseline, that is, creation of the RIP media preset and an ICCprofile for the target printer baseline.a.Start CALDERA EasyMedia to create the media preset for the recently cloned media in theprinter. Select the HP Latex 300 to start the creation of the media.b.In the Media Project dialog, select the created print mode. In our example,12p_CMYKcm_120.c.Click the Next button to create the ICC profile. Skip the Linearization and Ink Limit processesand select the Profiling tab. But please note: as specified in Step3.2, if the printer cannot calibrate a media, you should go through the Linearization and Ink Limit steps at this point before creating the ICC profile.In the Profiling tab, click Create new ICC profile with i1Prism V2. Select and setup yourspectrophotometer device (in our case the X-Rite i1iO). It is recommended to use the 3000 patches profiling target.d.After the chart has dried, click Start to measure it.e.Click the Next button to access Build Options. In our case, we keep the default settings.f.Once the ICC build settings have been modified, click Next to complete the profiling process. Step 4: Printing the proofIn order to automate the process we will distinguish between the first time we proof (where we will define some presets) and the rest of the proofs:1.First time proofing:a.Open the job in the HP Latex 300 queue.b.Go to the Color Tab:c.Define the Simulation Profile and Simulation Rendering Intent. The Simulation Profileshould be the Latex 3000 ICC profile created in step 2.3.h. To find it, select More… in the list and navigate through the Profile Browser:Specify the Simulation Rendering as Colorimetric. If you change any of the other ICC profiles or any of the other Rendering Intents, please make sure to specify the same settings when printing later on against the HP Latex 3000.d.In the main window, click the Save button:e.Set a meaningful name and click OK:f.Print using the corresponding settings on the proofer. Remember to use the samesettings (except for the Simulation Profile that should be blank) on the target printer.2.Printing the rest of the proofs:a.Select the print configuration created (that loads all the printer parameters specifiedpreviously). It can be done in two ways:From the main window:Or from the Image Bar:3.Periodic printer calibrationa.Please remember that periodically and whenever a color deviation is observed, theprinter should be calibrated/linearized.b.If a calibration does not bring the printer back to its original conditions, then pleaseconsider re-creating its ICC profile for the media and print mode. In the case thatthe target printer ICC has been re-created, please save it in the Color Managementsettings for the proofer printer again (Step4.1.c).ResourcesAdditional help and or technical support can be found on the CALDERA website: . DisclaimerThis document has been prepared solely for the purpose of providing information about RIP printing instructions. This document has been compiled in good faith. In particular, you should be aware that this information may be incomplete, may contain errors or may have become out of date. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein. The information statements are provided for information purposes. HP makes no warranties or commitments of any kind with respect to the above, and does not represent or endorse the accuracy or reliability of any of the information, content or advertisements contained on, distributed through, or linked, downloaded or accessed from any of the services contained on this website nor the quality of any products, information or other materials displayed, purchased, or obtained by you as a result of an advertisement or any other information or offer in or in connection with the media products.How to use the HP Latex 300 printer series as a color emulation for the HP Latex 3000 using CALDERA GrandRIP+ v10Page 21 of 21。

HP 3W LED模式项目器说明书

HP 3W LED模式项目器说明书

INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL LTPRHP3W seriesHP 3W LED pattern projectorLIGHTINGLTPRHP3W | instruction manualTable of contents1.Product overview (3)2.Instruction for use (4)2.1.Operation options (4)2.2.How to replace the LTSCHP module (6)2.3.How to replace the LED3W source (7)2.4.LTPRHP3W pattern positioning instructions (8)3.CE conformity (13)LTPRHP3W | instruction manual1.Product overviewLTPRHP3W series consists of different LED pattern projectors available with a 3W power intensities and four wavelengths designed for the most demanding structured light applications including 3D profilometry, stereovision, and alignment.Unlike laser sources, our LED pattern projectors ensure sharp edges and homogeneous light without scattering and diffraction effects. Several projections patterns can be easily interchanged to project any kind of shape. Additionally LTPRHP3W features built in phase-adjustment for easy alignment of the pattern. Any C-mount optics can be interfaced with LTPRHP3W series to project areas with different sizes.LTPRHP3W | instruction manual2. Instruction for use2.1. Operation optionsLTPRHP3W pattern projectors integrate LTSCHP modules as light sources. LTSCHP LED modules can be operated in two ways:• standard usage option: through the built-in electronics • direct LED control usage option1 Tolerance ± 10%2 Used in continuous (not pulsed) mode3 At max forward current4 Tolerance is ±0.06V on forward voltage measurements5 At pulse width <= 10 ms, duty cycle <= 10% condition. Built-in electronics board must be bypassed (see tech info).Device power ratingsLED power ratingsCompatibilityPart numberLight color, wavelength peakDC Voltage 1Power consumptionMax LED forward currentForward voltageMax pulse currentMinimum (V)Maximum (V)(W) (mA) 2 Typical (V) 3 Maximum (V) 4(mA) 53W power sourcesLTSCHP 3W-R red, 630 nm 12 24 < 4.5 720 2.4 3 2000 LTDV1CH-17V, LTDVE8CH-20, LTDVE4CH-20, EN2MP series, EN5MP series, TC series, TCLWD series, TCHM series, CB244P1500, CB244P1500L, PTPRseriesLTSCHP 3W-G green, 520 nm 12 24 < 4.5 720 3.3 4 2000 LTSCHP 3W-B blue, 460 nm 12 24 < 4.5 720 3.3 4 2000 LTSCHP 3W-W white1224< 4.57202.78-2000LTPRHP3W | instruction manual2.1.1 STANDARD usage option (LED control through built-in electronics)Only continuous mode (constant voltage) is allowed.ConnectionsConnect the black and brown cables to your +12 / +24 V power supply.Light intensity adjustmentThe built-in multi-turn trimmer allows to control the light (LED forward current) intensity with a very high degree of precision: you can bring the current intensity from minimum to maximum with 21 full turns of the adjustment screw. Simply remove the protective cap and rotate counter-clockwise the adjustment screw to increase light intensity and vice versa.LTPRHP3W | instruction manual2.1.2 Direct LED control usage optionBoth continuous and pulsed mode are allowed; the built-in electronics can be bypassed in order to drive the LED directly for use in continuous or pulsed mode. When bypassed, builtin electronics behaves as an open circuit allowing direct control of the LED source. Pleasenote that in such case light intensity adjustment is not possible though the built-in multi-turn trimmer.ConnectionsConnect the black and blue cables as shown below (remove the LED anode protective cover):Make sure not to exceedLEDs maximum rates to avoidelectrical shorts.LTPRHP3W | instruction manual2.2.How to replace the LTSCHP moduleWhen you receive LTSCHP module, in the package you will find the following items:LED support (grey color)Rear part (red color) LED 3W:LED source component Power cableLED centering toolto easily position and center LED3W-x light sourceLTSCHP moduleSpacers kit: includes the spacers and screws you need tocorrectly configure LTSCHP3W for your specific LTPRHP3WmodelMake sure to perform this procedure in a clean, non-dusty environment in order to prevent dust or other particles from entering your LTPRHP3W pattern projector.LTPRHP3W | instruction manual2.2.1 Assembling instructionsFollow these steps to properly assemble the LTSCHP module.* Thermal grease not provided: make sure to use an appropriate thermal grease to improve the transfer of thermal energy across themetal-to-metal interface (we suggest to use grease with thermal conductivity greater than 0.765W/mK).** Use the screws with the appropriate length according to the presence of internal spacers.Apply a small amount of thermal grease on top of the LED support; if you are using internal spacers apply grease on both sides of the spacers. *Position LED3W such that the black and red cables can be inserted in the lateral slot.Insert LED centering tool, one dowel pin at a time Now the LED3W is correctly centered and positioned.Lock LED3W in place with two provided screws. **Pull out LED centering tool.LED3W is now correctly positioned on the LED support.Insert connector.Connect the rear part to the LED support using the provided M2X16 screws.Insert external spacers, if needed.Screw LTSCHP module on your LTPRHP.Connect the power cable.LTPRHP3W | instruction manual2.3. How to replace the LED3W sourceWhen you receive LED3W source, in the package you will find the following items:2.3.1 Replacement instructionsFollow these steps to properly replace LED3W source.LED3W: LED source component LED centering tool allows to easily position and center LED3W light source.LED3W sourceTurn off LTPRHP3W and disconnect the power cable.Unscrew the LTSCHP module from theLTPRHP3W projector.Remove any external spacers.Unscrew anddisconnect the rear part from the LED support.Unplug the connector.Unscrew and remove the old LED3W source.Follow steps 1 to 12 of LTSCHP assembly procedure (section 2.2.1) to complete the replacement.LTPRHP3W | instruction manual2.4. LTPRHP3W pattern positioning instructionsBy default, LTPRHP3W pattern projector units are provided without any projection pattern inside. A PTPR series projection pattern can be easily mounted inside the unit by the user following these instructions, which apply to the following:Make sure to perform this procedure in a clean, non-dusty environment in order to prevent dust or other particles from entering the lensLoosen the socket head set-screws by means of an M1.5 or M2 Allen key and remove the C- mount adaptor. Remove the retaining ring using the provided PTTOOLinstrument.Insert back in place the C-mount adaptor and fix it bytightening the socket head set-screws with an M1.5 Allen key.Fix the projection pattern in place by screwing the retaining ring with the provided PTTOOL.LTPRHP3W | instruction manual3.CE conformityOpto Engineering declares the products of the LTPRHP3W and LTSCHP series compliant with the provisions of the Community Directive 2014/30/UE EN 61326-1 (measuring devices and control laboratory) including all applicable amendments, and that all standards and/or technical specifications mentioned below have been applied:Method TitleCEI EN 61326-1:2007-03 Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use EMC requirements. Part1: General requirementsCEI EN 55011:2011-02 Industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) radio-frequency equipment. Electromagnetic disturbance characteristics, Limits and methods of measurementCEI EN 61000-4-3:2007-04 CEI EN 61000-4-3/A1:2009-01 CEI EN 61000-4-3/A2:2011-01 CEI EN 61000-4-3/ISI:2010-05 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) Part 4-3 : Testing and measurement techniques - Radiated, radio-frequency, electromagnetic field immunity testCEI EN 61000-4-2:2011-04 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) Part 4-2: Testing andmeasurement techniques-Electrostatic dischargeimmunity testLTPRHP3W | instruction manual。

HP Designjet 用户参考指南说明书

HP Designjet 用户参考指南说明书

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调用Dimming查询子程序 子程序中根据调光状态 修改扫频上下限值
是 否 循环次数完?
否 否 反馈电压>0.78V? 是 调用Vin转换子程序 调用反馈电压转换子程序 反馈电压>2.3V?

否 调用Vin结果处理子程序

调用反馈电压转换子程序 否 是 反馈电压<0.51V? 否 反馈电压>2.3V? 温度正常? 否 是 延时 调用温度转换子程序 是 开中断,开T0中断 上下限频率自减一 否 Vin正常? 否 调用反馈电压转换子程序 是 关中断关PWM输出 定时器重装初值 反馈电压>0.78V? 是
反馈电压>2.04V? 否 否 循环次数完? 是
延时900ms左右 单片机端口,寄存器等初始化
调用反馈电压转换子程序 否,重启 调用Vin转换子程序 否 调用Vin结果处理子程序 关中断,关PWM,停机 Vin正常? 0.84<Vin<3.86为正常 是 重启次数完? 高频点火(100KHz)200ms左右 向下减小频率到45.87KHz 否 关闭PFC 关中断 关PWM输出 定时器重装初值

反馈电压<0.6V? 否 调用反馈电压转换子程序 否
否 否 >设定值+X? 是

反馈电压<0.78V? 否 22H.0清0 开始扫频率

实际反馈电压>设定值? 功率超了?
温度恢复正常? 否
上下限频率都加一 (升频以向下调功率)
上下限频率重新赋值 (24.63KHz—29.24KHz)



惠普V3000 945GM上电时序不凡修维修论坛原创 板号:AKITAEC:KB3910QF南桥:ICH7北桥:945GM1 BAT_DCMOS电池经过电阻R166输出电压BAT_D,为RTC实时时钟电路提供主供电:在时序上,BAT_D,RTC_AUX_S5,RTCRST#关系如下:2 AD+插入电源适配器后,主供电经过U48后,输出AD+AD+经过场管U3后,发出DCBATOUT供电芯片得到主供电输入后,发出ACOK信号经过场管Q29转换成AC_IN#信号(低电平有效)3 5V_AUX_S5系统供电芯片TPS51120 22PIN得到VIN主供电输入后,20PIN输出5V线性电压51120_V5FILT,经过电阻R190后,输出5V_AUX_S55V_AUX_S5开启3D3V_AUX_S55 S5_ENABLEEC KB3910得到主供电后,输出S5_ENABLE输出到与门比较器,EC_RST#信号为高电平 3.3V,S5_ENABLE为高电平3.3V,U13pin4输出PWR_S5_EN6 3D3V_S5PWR_S5_EN输出到U40 PIN3,U40pin1输出3D3V_S5:7 5V_S5PWR_S5_EN输出到TPS51120 PIN29,开启系统供电5V,即:5V_S58 KBC_PWR_BTN#机主按下开机按键后,发出KBC_PWR_BTN#给ECKB3910SF pin299 PM_SLP_S4#,1D8V_S3,DDR_VREF_S3EC收到KBC_PWR_BTN#信号后,发出SB_PWR_BTN#给南桥:南桥芯片收到SB_PWR_BTN#信号后,发出PM_SLP_S4#,开启:1D8V_S3DDR_VREF_S310 PM_SLP_S3#南桥发出PM_SLP_S3#导通U38,U39,开启:5V_S0,3D3V_S0DDR_VREF_S02D5V_S01D5V_S01D05V_S011 CPUCORE_ON供电芯片TPS51120,MAX8743,APL5912,工作正常后,发出PG信号:CPUCORE_ON,发给CPU供电芯片MAX8736:12 VCC_CORE_S0MAX8736收到CPUCORE_ON信号后,根据VID电压组合,发出对应CPU核心供电:VCC_CORE_S0CPU供电芯片工作正常后,发出PG信号:VGATE_PWRGD发给北桥芯片,南桥芯片CPU供电芯片发出CLK_EN#信号,开启系统时钟,南桥得到时钟信号后,发出PM_SUS_CLK:发给U50B,U50B收到时钟信号后,发出G792_32K温控芯片G792收到时钟信号后,发出G792_RST#发给南桥:南桥收到PWROK后,发出H_PWRGD信号:发给CPU:17 南桥发出PCIRST1#,复位读卡器管理芯片18 PLT_RST#南桥发出PLT_RST#一路发给U50C,产生PLT_RST1#一路发给北桥芯片:一路发给EC其他发到迷你PC卡槽及PC卡供电芯片。

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