水文学原理Principle of hydrologyChapter 1 绪论绪论:introduction大气圈(aerosphere)水圈(hydrosphere)岩石圈(lithosphere)生物圈(biosphere)人类圈(anthroposphere)中国四大水问题(four major water issues in China)水多(more):洪水(floods)水少(less):干旱(droughts)水浑(turbid):水土流失(soil and water losses)水脏(dirty):水污染(water pollution)水平/垂直结构(horizontal/vertical structure)河流学(potamology/river hydrology) 湖沼学(limnology/lake hydrology) 水库(reservoir)冰川水文学(glacier hydrology) 地下水水文学(groundwater hydrology)水文气象学(hydrometeorology) 积云(cumulus) 河口水文学(estuary hydrology)流域水文学(basin hydrology) 全球水文学(global hydrology)水文学中的环境同位素(environmental isotopes in hydrology)Chapter 2 水文循环水文循环:hydrological cycle海洋蓄水(water storage in oceans) 蒸发(evaporation)凝结(condensation)大气蓄水(water storage in the atmosphere)冰雪蓄水(water storage in ice and snow)降水(precipitation)散发(transpiration)蒸散发(evapotranspiration)升华(sublimation)凝华(desublimation)地表径流(surface/direct runoff)融雪径流(snow melt runoff to streams)河川径流(streamflow)泉水(spring)淡水储存(freshwater storage)下渗(infiltration)地下水出流(groundwater discharge)地下水储存(groundwater storage)大/中/小尺度(macro-scale/mesoscale/microscale)开放/封闭系统(open/closed system)截留(interception)洼地储蓄(depression storage)地下径流(groundflow)壤中流(interflow)总水量(total water)海洋/大陆(oceans/continent)咸水/淡水(saline/fresh water)沼泽(marish)大气水(atmospheric water)生物水(biological water)土壤水(soil water)Chapter 3 流域与水系流域与水系:Watershed & Drainage NetworksPart 1 基本概念分水线(watershed divide) 闭合流域(closed watershed)非闭合流域(unclosed watershed) 水系(Drainage Networks)羽毛状水系(Elongated shape) 平行状水系(fan shape)混合状水系(mixed shape) 坡地(Slope) 倾斜面(inclined plane)收敛曲面(Convergent Camber) 发散曲面(Divergent Camber流域基本单元(Unit)P art 2 水系的地貌特征河源(headwater) 节点(node) 出口(outlet)外链(External links) 内链(Internal links) 干流(main river)支流(tributary river) Strahler分级法河流长度(stream length)河数定律(the law of stream numbers) 河长定律(the law of stream lengths)链长度(Link Length) 横断面(Cross section) 纵断面(longitudinal section)大断面(flood cross-section) 弯曲率(Sinuosity)河底比降(Slope of stream bed)Part 3 流域的地貌特征流域形状(Shape of watershed)流域坡度(Slope of watershed)流域面积及面积定律(Drainage area and the law of drainage areas)流域长度和宽度(Width and length of watershed)形态因子(Shape factor)圆度(Circularity ratio) 伸长比(Elongation ratio)河网密度和河道维持常数(Drainage density & constant of channel maintenance)河流频度和链频度(Stream frequency & link frequency)面积--河长曲线(Drainage area-stream length curve )高程曲线(Elevation curve)Chapter 4 降水降水(Precipitation)Part 1 降水要素及其时空变化表示方法(Precipitation elements & Temporal and spatial variation)降雨的基本要素(Rainfall Elements)降雨量(深) Rainfall (depth)降雨历时(Rainfall duration) 降雨强度(Rainfall intensity)降雨面积(Rainfall area) 暴雨中心(Storm center)降雨强度与历时曲线(Rainfall intensity-duration curve)降雨深与面积关系曲线(Rainfall depth-area curve)降雨深与面积和历时关系曲线(Rainfall depth-area-duration curve)Part 2 降雨类型及其影响因素(Types of rainfall and Affecting factors)气旋雨(Cyclonic rain) 对流雨(Convectional/Convective rain)台风雨(Typhoons/Hurricanes) 地形雨(Orographic rain)锋面雨(Frontal rain) 非锋面雨(Non-frontal rain)Part 3 区域(流域)平均降雨量计算方法(Calculation method of Average rainfall over an area)算术平均法(Arithmetic mean method) 泰森多边形法(Thiessen polygon method)等雨量线法(Isohyetal method) 距离平方倒数法(Inverse distance-squared method)雷达测雨(Radar measurement of rainfall) 卫星测雨(Satellitic measurement of rainfall) Part4 降雨资料的检验(Test of rainfall data)Chapter 5 土壤水土壤水(Soil Water)水文循环(Hydrologic Cycle)土壤颗粒(soil particles)过滤(leach)蒸发(evaporation)蒸发,散发(transpiration)水分(moisture)Part 1土壤的质地结构及“三相”关系土壤质地(Soil texture) 粘粒(clay)粉粒(silt)砂粒(sand)土壤结构(Soil configuration) 土壤中的“三相”关系(Three phases within a soil)固体(Solids)液体(Liquids)空气(Vapor)固体密度(solid density) 干容重(Dry bulk density) 孔隙度(Porosity)质量含水率(Gravimetric water content) 容积含水率(volumetric water content)饱和度(the degree of saturation) 充气孔隙度(Aeration porosity)孔隙比(Void ratio)Part 2土壤水的存在形态土壤水作用力(Forces governing soil water) 分子力(Molecular force)毛管力(Capillary force) 粘着力(Adhesion)粘结力(Cohesion)重力(Gravitational force) 土壤水类型(Soil water classification)束缚水(bound water)吸湿水(Hygroscopic Water) 膜状水(Film water)毛管上升水(Ascending water in capillary tube) 渗透重力水(percolating water)毛管悬着水(Suspended capillary water) sustained gravitational water(支持重力水) 土壤水分常数(Soil water constants) 田间持水量(field capacity)Saturation(饱和状态)Part 3土壤水的能量状态土水势(Soil water potential) 影响因素(Affect the factors)土壤水分特性曲线(Soil water characteristic curve)Chapter 6 下渗下渗: InfiltrationPart 1 引言(Introduction)土壤水分剖面(soil moisture profile) 下渗(infiltration)下渗率(infiltration intensity) 下渗容量(infiltration capacity)下渗曲线(infiltration capacity curve)累积下渗曲线(accumulative infiltration capacity curve)下渗机理(mechanism of infiltration)Part 2 非饱和下渗理论()下渗方程的导出(deduction of infiltration equation)忽略重力作用的下渗方程的解(solution under gravity neglected)完全下渗方程的解(solution under whole condition)Part 3饱和下渗理论()基本方程的建立establishment of basic equation下渗曲线的导出(deduction of infiltration curve)Chapter 7 蒸发与散发蒸发与散发(Evaporation & Transpiration)Part 1蒸发现象及其控制条件(evaporation and control conditions)基本概念(basic concepts)蒸发潜热(heat of vaporization) 蒸发率(evaporation rate) 凝结潜热(condensation latent) 蒸发能力(evaporation capacity) 蒸发分类classification of evaporation 控制蒸发率的条件controlling conditions for evaporation 动力条件(dynamic) 气象条件meteorological condition 供水条件(water supply) Part 2 水面蒸发(water surface evaporation)太阳辐射(solar radiation) 气压(air pressure) 风速(wind velocity) 温度(temperature) 湿度(humidity) 水面大小(water surface area) 水面形状(shape of water body) 水深(water depth) 水质(water quality) 理论方法(theoretical method)热量平衡法(heat balance method)空气动力学法(aerodynamic method) 混合法(mixed method) 水量平衡法(water balance method) 经验公式(empirical equation)器测法(instrument-measurement method )水面蒸发的时空分布特点temporal spatial distribution characteristicsPart 3 土壤蒸发土壤蒸发过程(soil water evaporation processes)土壤蒸发规律(soil water evaporation rules)Part 4 植物散发散发现象(phenomena of plant transpiration) 植物散发规律(plant transpiration rules)植物散发的确定(determination of transpiration)Part 5 流域蒸散发(watershed evapotranspiration)上层(Upper Layer)下层(Lower Layer)深层(Deep Layer)Chapter 8 产流机制产流机制:mechanism of runoff generation径流(Runoff) 径流形成过程(Rainfall-Runoff Process)径流深(Runoff Depth) 径流量的时程分配(Temporal distribution of runoff)Part 1包气带及其结构(Aeration (vadose) zone and its structure)包气带和饱水带(aeration zone or vadose zone and Saturdayed zone)特殊包气带(Special aeration zone)三相系统(three-phase system(liquid,gaseous,solid))土壤结构(soil structure)包气带结构(The structure of aeration zone)高寒地带的包气带(aeration zone in a high and cold area)Part 2包气带的水分动态及对降雨的再分配作用(Soil moisture dynamics in aeration zone and its roles in partitioning rainfall)A、包气带水分动态(soil moisture dynamics in aeration zone)包气带水分的增长(Soil moisture increase in aeration zone)包气带水分的消退(Recession of soil moisture in aeration zone)B、包气带对降雨的再分配作用(The role of aeration zone in redistributing rainfall)筛子(sieve)门槛(threshold)C、包气带水量平衡方程式(Water balance equation for aeration zone)Part 3 产流的物理条件(Physical conditions for runoff generation)超渗地面径流(Hortonian overland flow)(Rainfall excess)壤中水径流产流(through flow / subsurface flow / interflow)饱和地面径流条件(saturated overland flow)回归流(return flow)Part 4 基本产流模式(Basic modes of runoff generation)Chapter 9 地表水流地表水流:surface flowPart 1 洪水波的形成及传播(Formation and propagation of flood wave)A、洪水波运动(movement wave)a、几何特征(geomtric characteristics)波体(main body of flood wave)波高(wave height)波长(wave length)b、附加比降(additional slope)c、相应流量与相应水位(Corresponding discharge (water levels, stages) )d、波速(wave velocity)e、坦化(attenuation)扭曲(distortion)B、洪水运动的水力学描述(Hydraulic description of flood wave movement)圣维南方程组(Saint-Venant Equations)连续方程(Continuity equation or mass conservation equation)动力方程(Momentum equation)C、洪水波的分类(Classification of flood wave)空间惯性迁移惯性项(convective inertia term)重力(gravity)时间惯性力局地惯性项(local inertia term)压力(pressure )阻力(friction)D、运动波(Kinematic wave)E、扩散波(Diffusion wave)Part 2(Storage theory & storage equation)A、河槽调节作用和河段水量平衡方程(Storage effects of a river channel and water balanceequation for a reach)蓄满产流(Runoff generation on repletion of storage)超渗产流(Runoff generation in excess of infiltration)B、槽蓄方程(Storage equation)C、洪水波运动的水文学方法(Hydrological method of flood wave movementD 、特征河长(Characteristic river length)F、槽蓄曲线的特性(Nature of Storage-discharge curve)Chapter 10 洪水演算洪水演算(Flood Routing)Part 1 引言(Introduction)具有物理基础的洪水演算法(Physically-based flood routing method)质量守恒(mass conservation)动量守恒(momentum conservation)Part 2 线性扩散波演算法(Linear diffusion wave routing method)定解问题的构成(Composition of solution problems) 基本解(Basic solution)出流过程的计算(Derivation of outflow hydrograph) 扩散波(Diffusion wave)入流过程(Processing of inflow hydrograph) 稳定流(Steady flow)参数的确定(Determination of parameters) 卷积公式(Convolution formula)上断面洪水过程(inflow hydrograph at upper section)半无限长,自由下边界(semi—infinite long, free lower boundary)简单入流过程(Simple inflow hydrograph) 单位入流过程(Unit Inflow hydrograph) 单位矩形入流过程(Unit Rectangular Pulse Input)单位瞬时脉冲入流(Unit instantaneous Pulse Input)入流过程离散化(Discretizing inflow hydrograph) 汇流曲线(flow concentration curve) Part 3 线性特征河长演算法(Linear characteristic length routing method)描述洪水波运动的基本微分方程式(Basic differential equations of flood wave movement)汇流曲线的确定(Determination of flow concentration curve)Part 4 线性运动波演算法(Linear kinematic wave routing method)运动波差分方程的建立(Difference equation of kinematic wave)数值扩散的概念(Numerical diffusion) 连续演算问题(successive routing)汇流系数的计算(Calculation of flow concentration coefficient)泰勒公式(Taylor formula) 汇流系数(flow concentration coefficient)Chapter 11 流域产流流域产流:Watershed Runoff Generation/ProductionPart 1 引言(Introduction)径流(Runoff) 径流形成过程(Rainfall-Runoff Process)径流深(Runoff Depth) 径流量的时程分配(Temporal distribution of runoff)Part 2流域产流面积的变化(Variations in runoff producing area)A、现象及原因(Phenomena & Causes)蓄满产流(Runoff generation on repletion of storage)超渗产流(Runoff generation in excess of infiltration)B、蓄满产流条件下总径流的产流面积变化(Variations in the runoff producing area of total runoff under runoff formation on repletion of storage)蓄水容量曲线(Watershed Capacity Curve)流域蓄水容量曲线(Watershed water capacity curve)在降雨空间分布均匀的情况下(Spatial distribution of rainfall is even)C、超渗产流地面径流产流面积变化(Variations in the runoff producing area of surface runoff under runoff formation in excess of infiltration)Part 3 蓄满产流的流域产流量的计算(Computation of total runoff under runoff formation on repletion of storage)总径流量的计算(Computation of total runoff)径流成分的划分(Separation of runoff components)降雨空间分布不均匀情况(Spatial distribution of rainfall being uneven)Part 4超渗产流的流域产流量计算(Computation of total runoff under runoff formation in excess of infiltration)Chapter 12 流域汇流流域汇流:Watershed flow concentrationPart 1 基本概念及数学描述Basic Concepts and mathematical descriptionA、流域汇流的路径Watershed flow paths几何路径(Geometric paths) 状态路径(State paths)B、流域汇流时间Watershed flow time of concentration平均流域汇流时间(Average watershed flow time of concentration)最大流域汇流时间(Maximum Watershed flow time of concentration)C、径流成因公式Formula for computing the discharge at the watershed outletD、流域调蓄作用Watershed storage effectsPart 2流域汇流系统分析Analysis of watershed flow concentration system 基于流域调蓄作用的流域汇流系统的数学表达式(Mathematical description of storage-effect-based watershed flow system)流域瞬时单位线(Watershed Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph)卷积公式(Convolution formula)流域单位线的识别(Determination of unit hydrograph)Part 3面积—时间曲线Time-area histogram等流时线和等流时面积(Isochrones and Inter-isochrone areas)等流时线法(Isochrones Method)Part 4概念性流域汇流模型Conceptual watershed flow concentration models 概念性元件(Conceptual components)“渠道”型(Canal type) b. “水库”型(Reservoir type)概念性元件的组合及其瞬时单位线(Combination of conceptual components and the corresponding instantaneous unit hydrograph)。
水文学介绍用,英语翻译第一篇:水文学介绍用,英语翻译Hydrology 水文学historyThe first hydraulic project has been lost in the mists of prehistory.Perhaps some prehistoric man found that pile of rocks across a stream would raise the water level sufficiently to overflow the land that was the source of his wild food plants and water them during a drought.Whatever the early history of hydraulics, abundant evidence exists to show that the builders understood little hydrology.Early Greek and Roman writings indicated that these people could accept the oceans as the ultimate source of all water but could not visualize precipitation equaling or exceeding stream-flow.Typical of the ideas of the time was a view that seawater moved underground to the base of the mountains.There a natural still desalted water, and the vapor rose through conduits to the mountain tops, where it condensed and escaped at the source springs of the streams.Marcus Vitruvius Pollio(ca.100 B.C.)seems to have been one of the first to recognize the role of precipitation as we accept it today.最早的水利工程在有史以前就已经销声匿迹了。
水文学与水文地质学英文术语河流阶地: river terrace面源: area source线源: line source点源: point source非点源: non-point sourcegroundwater 潜水groundwater artery 地下水干道groundwater barrier 地下水堡坝groundwater basin 地下水盆地groundwater capture 地下水袭夺groundwater cascade 地下水小瀑布groundwater cement 潜水泥groundwater dam 地下水坝groundwater discharge 地下水排泄groundwater divide 地下分水界groundwater flow 地下径流groundwater inventory 地下水总量目录groundwater level 地下水位groundwater mound 地下水土丘groundwater province 地下水区groundwater recession 地下水后退groundwater recession curve 地下水后退曲线groundwater reservoir 地下水储集groundwater runoff 地下径流groundwater simulation 地下模拟groundwater spring 潜水泉groundwater table 地下水位group 群exploitable groundwater 地下水可开采量groundwater depression cone 地下水下降漏斗字段名英文名站码 station code站名 station name站别 station category流域名称 basin name水系名称 hydrometric net code河流名称 river name施测项目码 item code of obervation行政区划码 administration division code水资源分区码 code of water resources regionalization设站年份 year of station establishment设站月份 month of station establishment撤站年份 year of withdrawal of station撤站月份 month of withdrawal of station集水面积 drainage area流入何处 flowing-to至河口距离 distance to river mouth基准基面名称 name of fiducial datum领导机关 leading agency (administration agency)管理单位 administration站址 station location东经 longitude北纬 latitude测站等级 grade of hydrometric station报汛等级 grade of Flood-Reporting Station备注 note站点码 station point code站点名 station point name测流方法 observation method控水目的 purpose of control water project控水工程类型 control water project type控水工程代码 code of control water project控水工程运行规则 operation regulation of control water project 推流参数 parameter of discharge computation引水点名 Location name of pumping排水点名 Location name of surface drainage实际最大灌溉面积 maximum area of practical irrigation上界站站码 station code of upper boundary station至上界站河段长 length of reach to upper bound station下界站站码 code of lower bound station至下界站河段长 length of reach to lower bound station高差基数 base of difference in elevation流域水系码 codes of hydrographic net of a basin调查资料来源单位 office recording investigation data区码 code of zone区名 zone name区类 zone type水体总容量 total capacity of water bodies灌溉水田面积 area of rice paddy irrigated灌溉面积 irrigation area城市人口 urban population工业总产值 gross industrial output value水库和水闸控制面积 drainage area of reservoir or weir or sluice调查面积 investigation area量算地图比例尺 scale of measured map连通试验可靠等级 reliability rank of connectivity pair test旁证资料可靠等级 reliability level of data witness面积成果合理性等级 reliability rank of area data直接上级区名 zone name of prime at first调查报告编号 investigation report number地理包含关系 geography contain relation站点类别 station point category年 year相关站码 correlative station code关系标识 relationship ID关系说明 relationship illustration主断面迁移号 migration numbers of main cross section断面名称 cross section name断面位置 location of cross section变动年份 changed Year变动月份 changed month变动日 changed day同系列标志 series marker变动情况 changed conditions水尺名称 gage name水尺型式 gage type水尺质料 material of gage自记台类型 type of stage recorder水尺位置 location of gage使用情况 use condition河段情况 river reach circumstance图类型 graph type图标题 graph title图 graphMIME类型 MIME type水准点编号 benchmark number水准点类型 benchmark type变动日期 date of Setup or change采用基面名称 adoption datum name冻结或测站基面以上高程 elevation above stationary datum绝对或假定基面以上高程 elevation above absolute or arbitrary datum绝对基面名称 name of absolute or arbitrary datum水准点型式 benchmark style水准点位置 benchmark location引据水准点编号 number of benchmark from which elevation is measured 变动原因 cause of change工程名称 engineering name工程名称代码 engineering name code开始蓄水年份 begin storing water year开始蓄水月份 begining month of storing water校核洪水位 check flood stage校核库容 check storage capacity of reservoir设计洪水位 design flood stage设计库容 reservoir capacity corresponding to DSFLZ正常高水位 normal high water level正常库容 Normal reservoir storage死水位 dead pool level死库容 dead reservoir capacity溢洪道号 spillway number竣工年份 completion year竣工月份 completion month溢洪道长度 spillway length溢洪道堰顶高程 elevation of spillway crest溢洪道堰顶宽 width of spillway crest溢洪道设计最大流量 maximum designed discharge of spillway 闸组号 gate group number孔型 type of sluice or hole孔数 count of sluice or hole孔高 sluice or hole height孔宽 sluice or hole width设计最大流量 maximum designed discharge of sluice or tunnel翼墙型式 wing wall type墩头型式 type of pier head of sluice or tunnel堰顶闸底形状 shape of weir crest or sluice bed设计灌溉面积 design irrigated area due to sluice or tunnel工程地址 location of engineering控制面积 control area总库容 total reservoir capacity最大实灌面积 actually irrigated area due to sluice or tunnel最大实引排水量 maximum volume of actual diversion or drainage 仪器口径 mouth diameter of rain gauge仪器精度 precision of rain gauge记录模式 recording mode获值模式 sensing mode绝对高程 elevation above absolute datum器口离地面高度 instrument height above ground非汛期观测段制 observation regime in nonflood season汛期观测段制 observation regime in flood season蒸发场位置特征 character of location of evaporation-gauging仪器型式 type of instrument(equipment)附近地势 nearby topography四周障碍物 obstacles around station起时间 beginning time止时间 end time时间 time起始日期 beginning date旬起始日期 beginning date of a period of ten days月 month日期 date降水量 precipitation降水量注解码 remark code of precipitation降水日数 number of precipitation days降水日数注解码 remark code of number of precipitation days最大降水量 maximum precipitation最大降水量时段长 maximum precipitation duration最大日降水量 maximum daily precipitation最大日降水量注解码 remark code of maximum daily precipitation最大日降水量出现日期 occurring date of maximum daily precipitation终霜日期 date of frost disappearance初霜日期 date of frost appearance终雪日期 date of snow disappearance初雪日期 date of snow appearance终冰日期 date of ice disappearance初冰日期 date of ice appearance蒸发器型式 type of evaporation equipment水面蒸发量 surface evaporation水面蒸发量注解码 remark code of evaporation最大日水面蒸发量 maximum daily evaporation最大日水面蒸发量注解码 remark code of maximum daily evaporation最大日水面蒸发量出现日期 occurring date of maximum daily evaporation最小日水面蒸发量 minimum daily surface evaporation最小日水面蒸发量注解码 remark code of minimum daily surface evaporation最小日水面蒸发量出现日期 occurring date of minimum daily surface evaporation 观测高度 observation height气温 air temperature气温注解码 remark code air temperature平均气温 average air temperature平均气温注解码 remark code of average air temperature最高气温 maximum air temperature最高气温注解码 remark code of maximum air temperature最高气温日期 date of maximum air temperature最低气温 minimum air temperature最低气温注解码 remark code of minimum air temperature最低气温日期 date of minimum air temperature水汽压 vapour pressure水汽压注解码 remark code of vapour pressure平均水汽压 average vapor pressure平均水汽压注解码 remark code of average vapor pressure水汽压力差 difference of vapour pressure水汽压力差注解码 remark code of difference of vapour pressure平均水汽压力差 average vapor pressure difference平均水汽压力差注解码 remark code of average vapor pressure difference 风速 wind velocity风速注解码 remark code of wind velocity平均风速 average wind velocity平均风速注解码 remark code of average wind velocity闸上水位 stage in Sluice Upstream闸上水位注解码 remark code of upsluice stage闸下水位 down sluice stage闸下水位注解码 remark code of downsluice stage坝上水位 stage behind dam坝上水位注解码 remark code of the stage behind dam水位 stage水位注解码 remark code of stage平均水位 average stage平均水位注解码 remark code of average stage最高水位 maximum stage最高水位注解码 remark code of maximum stage最高水位日期 occurring date of maximum stage最低水位 minimum stage最低水位注解码 remark code of date of minimum stage最低水位日期 date of minimum stage保证率 reliability of stage保证率水位 reliability stage保证率水位注解码 remark code of reliability stage流量 discharge平均流量 average discharge平均流量注解码 remark code of average discharge最大流量 maximum discharge最大流量注解码 remark code of maximum discharge最大流量日期 date of maximum discharge最小流量 minimum discharge最小流量注解码 remark code of minimum discharge最小流量日期 date of minimum discharge蓄水量 Reservoir Storage径流量 runoff径流量注解码 remark code of runoff径流模数 runoff modulus径流深 runoff in depth最大洪量时段长 duration of maximum flood volume最大洪量 maximum flood volume泥沙类型 sediment type含沙量 sediment concentration平均含沙量 average sediment concentration平均含沙量注解码 remark code of average sediment concentration最大含沙量 maximum sediment concentration最大含沙量注解码 remark code of maximum sediment concentration最大含沙量日期 date of maximum sediment concentration最小含沙量 minimum sediment concentration最小含沙量注解码 remark code of minimum sediment concentration最小含沙量日期 date of minimum sediment concentration平均输沙率 average sediment discharge平均输沙率注解码 remark code of average sediment discharge最大日平均输沙率 maximum average of daily sediment discharge最大日平均输沙率注解码 remark code of maximum average of daily sediment discharge最大日平均输沙率出现日期 occurring date of maximum average of daily sediment discharge 输沙量 sediment runoff输沙量注解码 remark code of sediment runoff输沙模数 sediment runoff modulus采样仪器型号 model number of sampling instrument采样效率系数 efficiency coefficient of sampling上限粒径 upper limit particle size平均沙重百分数 average percent of sediment weight中数粒径 median particle diameter平均粒径 average particle diameter最大粒径 maximum particle diameter水温 water temperature水温注解码 remark code of water temperature平均水温 average water temperature平均水温注解码 remark code of average water temperature最高水温 maximum water temperature最高水温注解码 remark code of maximum water temperature最高水温日期 occurring date of maximum water temperature最低水温 minimum water temperature最低水温注解码 remark code of minimum water temperature最低水温日期 date of minimum water temperature冰情注解码 remark code of ice condition河心冰厚 ice thickness at river center岸边冰厚 Thickness of Border Ice冰上雪深 snow depth on ice岸上气温 air temperature on bank解冻日期 date of ice break up封冻日期 ice freeze up date上半年封冻天数 number of actual freeze up days in first half of year下半年封冻天数 number of actual freeze up days in second half of year终止流冰日期 end date of ice run开始流冰日期 beginning date of ice run河心最大冰厚 maximum ice thickness at river center河心最大冰厚出现日期 occurring date of the maximum ice thickness at river center岸边最大冰厚 Maximum thickness of border Ice岸边最大冰厚出现日期 occurring date of maximum thickness of border ice最大流冰块长度 maximum length of ice floe最大流冰块宽度 maximum width of ice floe最大流冰块冰速 maximum velocity of ice floe断面平均冰速 average ice flow velocity at cross section最大冰上雪深 maximum snow depth on ice最大冰上雪深出现日期 occurring date of maximum snow depth on ice春季最大冰流量 maximum ice discharge in spring春季最大冰流量注解码 remark code of maximum ice discharge in spring春季最大冰流量日期 occurring date of ice discharge in spring冬季最大冰流量 maximum ice discharge in winter冬季最大冰流量注解码 remark code of occurring data of maximum ice discharge in winter 冬季最大冰流量日期 occurring data of maximum ice discharge in winter春季总冰流量 gross ice discharge in spring春季总冰流量注解码 remark code of gross ice discharge in spring冬季总冰流量 gross ice discharge in winter冬季总冰流量注解码 remark code of ice discharge in winter年总冰流量 yearly total ice discharge年总冰流量注解码 remark code yearly total ice discharge平均冰流量 average ice discharge平均冰流量注解码 remark code of average ice discharge总冰流量 total of ice discharge总冰流量注解码 remark code of total of ice discharge最大冰流量 maximum ice discharge最大冰流量注解码 remark code of maximum ice discharge最大冰流量日期 date of maximum ice discharge潮别 tidal type潮位 tidal level潮位注解码 remark code of tidal level潮差 tidal range历时 duration潮流量 tidal discharge潮量 tidal volume潮输沙率 tidal sediment discharge潮输沙量 tidal sediment runoff平均高潮潮位 average high tidal level平均高潮潮位注解码 remark of average high tidal level stage最高高潮位 Maximum high tidal stage最高高潮位注解码 remark code of Maximum high tidal stage最高高潮位出现时间 occurring time of Maximum high tidal stage最低高潮位 minimum high tidal stage最低高潮位注解码 remark code of minimum high water level最低高潮位出现时间 occurring time of minimum high tidal stage平均低潮潮位 average low tidal level平均低潮潮位注解码 remark of average low tidal level最高低潮位 maximum low tidal stage最高低潮位注解码 remark code of maxiumm low tidal stage最高低潮位出现时间 occurring time of maximum low tidal stage最低低潮位 minimum low tidal stage最低低潮位注解码 remark code of minimum low tidal stage最低低潮位出现时间 occurring time of minimum low tidal stage平均涨潮潮差 average of flood tide range平均涨潮潮差注解码 remark code of average of flood tide range最大涨潮潮差 maximum flood tidal range最大涨潮潮差注解码 remark code of maximum flood tidal range最大涨潮潮差(高潮)时间 time of maximum flood tidal range最小涨潮潮差 minimum flood tidal range最小涨潮潮差注解码 remark code of minimum flood tidal range最小涨潮潮差(高潮)时间 high tidal time of minimum flood tidal range平均落潮潮差 average ebb tide range平均落潮潮差注解码 remark code of average of ebb tidal range最大落潮潮差 maximum ebb tidal range最大落潮潮差注解码 remark code of maximum ebb tidal range最大落潮潮差(高潮)时间 high water occurring time of maximum ebb tidal range最小落潮潮差 minimum ebb tidal range最小落潮潮差注解码 remark code of minimum ebb tidal range最小落潮潮差(高潮)时间 high water occurring time of minimum ebb tidal range平均涨潮历时 average flood tidal duration平均涨潮历时注解码 remark code of average of flood tidal range最长涨潮历时 maximum flood tidal duration最长涨潮历时注解码 remark code of maximum flood tide duration最长涨潮历时(高潮)时间 high water occurring time of maximum flood tidal duration 最短涨潮历时 minimum flood tidal duration最短涨潮历时注解码 remark code of minimum flood tidal duration最短涨潮历时(高潮)时间 high tidal time of minimum flood tidal duration平均落潮历时 mean ebb tide duration平均落潮历时注解码 remark code of mean ebb tide duration最长落潮历时 maximum ebb tidal duration最长落潮历时注解码 remark code of maximum ebb tidal duration最长落潮历时(高潮)时间 high water occurring time of maximum ebb tidal duration 最短落潮历时 minimum ebb tidal duration最短落潮历时注解码 remark code of minimum ebb tidal duration最短落潮历时(高潮)时间 high tidal time of Minimum ebb tidal duration逐时平均潮位 hourly average tidal stage逐时平均潮位注解码 remark code of hourly average tidal stage平均潮差 average tide range平均潮差注解码 remark code of yearly average tide range平均历时 average tidal duration平均历时注解码 remark code of average tidal duration施测日期 beginning date of measurement测次号 observation number垂线号 numbers of typical verticals起点距 distance from initial point河底高程 river bed elevation河底高程注解码 remark code of river bed elevation测时水位 stage during observation测时水位注解码 remark code of stage during observation垂线方位 vertical azimuth断面名称及位置 cross section name and location测次说明 note引用施测日期 date of quoted observation引用测次号 number of quoted observation引用起始起点距 beginning distance from initial point引用终止起点距 end distance from initial point岸别符号 bank symbol痕迹类型 trace type日 day时 hour分 minute点编号 point code点详细位置 point detailed location点东经 point east longitude点北纬 point north latitude点高程 point elevation点参数 point parameter指认人及印象 witness man's impression目击和旁证可靠等级 reliability rank of witness痕迹和标志物可靠等级 reliability level of trace or flag估计误差范围 estimation error range调查日期 investigation date起始年 beginning year起始月 beginning month起始日 beginning day起始时 beginning hour起始分 beginning minute终止年 end year终止月 end month终止日 end day终止时 end hour终止分 end minute雨情描述 description of rainfall information重现期 Recurrence Interval重现期统计截止年 cut-off year of statistics of recurrence interval目击和水痕可靠等级 reliability rank of witness or trace承雨器障碍物可靠等级 reliability level of rain collector barrier before rainfall承雨器雨前可靠等级 reliability level of rain collector before rainfall承雨器漫溢渗漏可靠等级 reliability level of loss quantity of rain collector seepage or overflow 水位可靠等级 reliability level of stage推算流量方法 method of discharge computation水流边界 flow boundary推算流量资料可靠等级 reliability level of data used in discharge computation推算流量方法可靠等级 reliability level of method of discharge computation推算流量成果合理性等级 reliability level of discharge computation次水量 water volume of one flood水情描述 description of hydrological information流量施测号数 number of discharge observation测流起时间 beginning time of flow measurment测流止时间 end time of flow measurement测流方法 Method of flow measurement基本水尺水位 base gage stage流量注解码 remark code of discharge断面总面积 total of cross section area断面过水面积 wetted cross-section area断面面积注解码 remark code of cross section area断面平均流速 average flow velocity at a cross-section断面最大流速 maximum flow velocity at a cross-section水面宽 top width断面平均水深 Average water depth at cross section断面最大水深 maximum water depth水浸冰冰底宽 ice bottom width水浸冰冰底平均水深 ice bottom average depth水浸冰冰底最大水深 ice bottom maximum depth水面比降 surface slope糙率 roughness时段类别 category of interval水量类别 category of water quantity水量 water quantity水量测算方法 estimation method of water quantity年实测水量占比 percent of observation water-quantity in total水量计算方法可靠等级 reliability level of estimation method of water quantity水量成果合理性等级 fitness rank of water quantity data起时间闸(坝)上水位 upstream stage of beginning time起时间闸(坝)上水位注解码 remark code of upstream stage at beginning time起时间闸(坝)下水位 downstream stage at beginning time起时间闸(坝)下水位注解码 remark code of downstream stage of beginning time最大流量出现时间 Occurring Time of Maxmum Discharge实测蓄水变量 observed water storage调查蓄水变量 investigation storage实测灌溉还原水量 observed restoring water quantity in irrigation调查灌溉还原水量 restoring water quantity of investigation in irrigation水平梯田拦蓄地面径流量 surface water runoff catched by level terraced field工业生活还原水量 restoring water quantity of industrial water or domestic water实测工业生活还原水量 observed water quantity of industrial water or domestic water区内除涝排水量 water quantity of waterlogging control in zone实测区内除涝排水量 observed water quantity of waterlogging control in zone跨流域引水量 water quantity of interbasin transfer实测跨流域引水量 observed water quantity of interbasin transfer跨区回归水量 return flow in cross zone实测跨区回归水量 observed return flow in cross zone跨区回归水量测算方法 estimation method of return flow in cross zone跨区溃坝水量 water quantity of cross zone dam-break实测跨区溃坝水量 observed water quantity of cross zone dam-break跨区溃坝水量测算方法 estimation method of water quantity of cross zone dam-break溃坝还原水量 restoring water quantity in dam-break跨区分洪水量 water quantity of cross zone flood diversion实测跨区分洪水量 observed water quantity of cross zone flood diversion跨区分洪水量测算方法 estimation method of water quantity of cross zone flood diversion分洪还原水量 restoring water quantity of flood diversion跨区决口水量 water quantity of cross zone branching实测跨区决口水量 observed water quantity of cross zone branching跨区决口水量测算方法 estimation method of water quantity of cross zone branching决口还原水量 restoring water quantity of bursting暗河交换水量 exchanged water volume between underground rivers暗河交换水量估算方法 method of estimating exchanged water volume between underground rivers暗河交换水量参证站相似程度 similar level of bench-mark station of exchanged water volume between underground rivers暗河交换水量平衡程度 balance level of exchange water between underground rivers跨区渗漏水量 water quantity of cross zone seepage浅层地下水还原水量 restoring water quantity of shallow groundwater实测浅层地下水还原水量 observed restoring water quantity of shallow underground water浅层地下水还原水量测算方法 estimation method of restoring water quantity of shallow groundwater深层地下水还原水量 restoring water quantity of deep-layer groundwater实测深层地下水还原水量 observed restoring water quantity of deep layer underground water深层地下水还原水量测算方法 restoring water quantity of deep-layer groundwater泉水出露量 capacity of spring总进水量 total inflow runoff总出水量 total outflow runoff降水总量 precipitation蒸散发总量 total evapotranspiration蓄水水面蒸发增损水量 water quantity extracted by evaporation on water surface出口水体起时间水位 stage of overflow water body at beginning time出口水体起时间蓄水量 storage of overflow water body at beginning time输沙率施测号数 number of sediment discharge observation测沙起时间 beginning time of sediment concentration measurement测沙止时间 end time of sediment concentration measurement测沙断面位置 location of cross section for sediment concentration measurement取样方法 sampling method断面平均含沙量 average sediment concentration at cross-section断面平均含沙量注解码 remark code of average sediment concentration at cross section单样含沙量 index sediment concentration单样含沙量测验方法 observational method of index sediment concentration悬移质输沙率 suspended sediment discharge悬移质输沙率注解码 remark code of suspended sediment discharge推移质输沙率 bed load sediment discharge推移质输沙率注解码 remark code of bed load sediment discharge单样推移质输沙率 index bed load sediment discharge推移质平均底速 average velocity of bed load推移带宽度 width of bed load sediment discharge断面平均单宽输沙率 average sediment discharge in unit width at cross section垂线最大输沙率 maximum vertical sediment discharge垂线最大输沙率相应起点距 distance of maximum vertical sediment discharge from initial point 单断沙码 code of index or cross sectional sediment起始施测号 begin observation number终止施测号 end observation number取样起时间 beginning time of sampling取样止时间 end time of sampling沙重百分数 sediment weight percent最大颗粒重量 sediment maximum particle weight最大颗粒起点距 distance from initial point where measuring the maximum particle平均沉速 mean settling velocity施测水温 water temperature at measurement粒径分析方法 analysis method of particle side注解码 remark code沙量类别 category of silt-quantity沙量 silt-quantity沙量测算方法 estimation method of silt-quantity年实测沙量占比 percent of observation silt-quantity in total沙量测算方法可靠等级 reliability level of estimation method of silt-quantity沙量成果合理性等级 reliability level of silt-quantity data水量资料可靠等级 reliability level of water quantity source冲淤量 sediment quantity of scour-silt实测冲淤量 observed sediment quantity of scour-silt灌溉挟沙量 silt-quantity taked through irrigation实测灌溉挟沙量 observed sediment discharge of irrigation工业生活挟沙量 sediment discharge of industrial water or domestic water实测工业生活挟沙量 observed sediment discharge of industrial water or domestic water 跨流域引水挟沙量 silt-quantity taked through interbasin transfer实测跨流域引水挟沙量 observed sediment quantity taked by interbasin transfer溃坝冲淤量 sediment quantity of scour-silt in dam-break实测溃坝冲淤量 observed silt-quantity of scour-silt in dam-break分洪冲淤量 sediment quantity of scour-silt in flood diversion实测分洪冲淤量 observed silt-quantity of scour or sedimentation in flood diversion决口冲淤量 degradation or sedimentation in bursting实测决口冲淤量 observed sediment quantity of scour-silt in branching总进沙量 total inflow silt-quantity总出沙量 total outflow silt-quantity测次起时间 beginning time of observation测次止时间 end time of observation测验断面位置 location of cross section冰流量 ice discharge冰流量注解码 remark code of ice discharge断面平均疏密度 average ice compaction at cross section断面平均冰厚或冰花厚 average depth of ice or frazil slush at cross section敞露水面宽 open water width断面平均冰花密度 density of frazil slush at cross section冰花折算系数 adjustment factor of frazil slush测流断面位置 location of cross section代表垂线平均流速 average velocity on typical vertical潮流量注解码 remark code of tidal discharge代表垂线号 number of typical velocity vertical代表垂线流速 velocity of typical vertical潮流期编号 number of duration of tidal current潮流期起时间 beginning time of duration of tidal current潮流期止时间 end time of duration of tidal current测流前低潮潮位 low tidal level before flow measurement测流前低潮潮位出现时间 Occuring time of the low tidal level before flow measurement 高潮潮位 high tidal level高潮潮位出现时间 occurring time of high tidal level低潮潮位 low tidal level低潮潮位出现时间 occurring time of low tidal level开始落憩潮位 tidal level at beginning of ebb slack tide涨潮憩流潮位 flood slack tidal stage涨潮憩流潮位出现时间 occurring time of flood slack tide终止落憩潮位 tidal stage at end of ebb slack tide涨潮潮差 flood tidal range涨潮最大流速 maximum velocity of flood tide涨潮潮量 flood tidal volume涨潮潮量注解码 remark code of flood tidal volume涨潮潮流历时 flood tidal current duration涨潮平均流量 average discharge of flood tide涨潮平均流量注解码 remark code of average discharge of flood tide落潮潮差 ebb tide range落潮最大流速 maximum velocity of ebb tide落潮潮量 ebb tidal volume落潮潮量注解码 remark code of ebb tidal volume落潮潮流历时 ebb tidal current duration落潮平均流量 average discharge of ebb tide落潮平均流量注解码 remark code of average discharge of ebb tide净泄量 net outflow volume开闸时间 opening gate time关闸时间 closing gate time开闸前稳定水位 stable stage before sluicing闸上最高水位 Maximum stage in Sluice Upstream闸上最低水位 Minimum stage in Sluice Upstream闸下水位 Stage in Sluice Downstream水位差 stage difference有效潮差 effective tidal range一潮总水量 total water volume of single tide一潮总水量注解码 remark code of total water volume of single tide一潮历时 duration of single tide一潮平均流量 average discharge of single tide一潮平均流量注解码 remark code of average discharge of single tide一潮最大流量 maximum discharge of single tide一潮最大流量注解码 remark code of maximum discharge of single tide自变量名 name of independent variable自变量值 value of independent variable调查报告标题 investigation report title调查项目 investigation item调查年份 investigation year编写年份 redaction year调查单位 investigation office主编单位 Chief editorial unit调查报告内容 investigation report contents调查报告格式 investigation report format表标识 table ID时间残缺记录编号 number of time deformity record字段标识 field identifier取值 value率定次序号 serial number of rating闸上水头 head in Sluice Upstream闸下水头 Head in Sluice Downstream闸门开启平均高度 operation height of gate opening闸门开启平均高度注解码 remark code of operation height of gate opening 闸门开启孔数 count of operation gate opening闸门开启总宽 total width of gate-openings平均堰宽 average width of weir闸孔过水面积 area of wetted cross section of gate openings实测流量 observed discharge实测流量注解码 remark code of observed discharge流态 flow regime流量计算公式编号 formula number of discharge calculation流量系数 discharge coefficient流量系数注解码 remark code of discharge coefficient水闸型式 weir and sluice type翼墙形式 wing wall type平均引水角 average driving angle闸上河宽 upsluice river width闸下河宽 river width in sluice downstream闸门型式 weir gate type闸底高程 elevation of sluice bottom堰顶高程 elevation of weir crest堰顶形状 shape of weir crest总孔数 total number of gate openings单孔宽 single gate opening width of weir gate单孔宽注解码 remark code of gate opening width of weir gate平均孔宽 average of gate opening width总孔宽 total width of gate opening闸门高度 gate height平均开度 average gate opening height闸墩厚 thickness of pier机组号 group number of machines站上水位 upstation stage站下水位 downstation stage站上水头 upstation head开机功率 electric power generated or consumed开机台数 count of machines in operation开机叶片角度 vane angle of machines in operation叶轮直径 impeller diameter实际转速 practical speed of revolution出水阀过水面积 wetted area of outlet valve效率计算公式编号 formula number of efficiency calculation效率值 efficiency value效率值注解码 remark code of efficiency value机型 machine type装机台数 count of machine出水管路断面面积 wetted area of pipe line cross section标定转速 rated speed of revolution单机额定功率 single rated power单机设计流量 single design discharge设计扬程 design lift驼峰底高 hump bottom elevation起排水位 begining pumping stage关系线类别 relation curve category线号 curve number因变量名 dependent variable定线数据起时间 beginning time of the data for determining a relation curve 定线数据止时间 end time of routing location data定线数据下限自变量值 routing location lower limit independent variable 定线数据上限自变量值 routing location upper limit independent variable 线参数表达式 curve parameter expression关系图名 chart name适用期起时间 beginning time of application适用期止时间 end time of application定线点据总数 amount of points for determining a relation curve定线方法 method of determining a relation curve系统误差 systematic error随机不确定度 random error线上采样点编号 curve sample point number采样点自变量值 curve sample point independent variable采样点因变量值 curve sample point dependent variable计量单位 unit name。
水文学与水文地质学英文术语河流阶地:river terrace面源:area source线源:line source点源:point source 非点源:non-point source groundwater 潜水groundwater artery 地下水干道groundwater barrier 地下水堡坝groundwater basin 地下水盆地groundwater capture 地下水袭夺groundwater cascade 地下水小瀑布groundwater cement 潜水泥groundwater dam 地下水坝groundwater discharge 地下水排泄groundwater divide 地下分水界groundwater flow 地下径流groundwater inventory 地下水总量目录groundwater level 地下水位groundwater mound 地下水土丘groundwater province 地下水区groundwater recession 地下水后退groundwater recession curve 地下水后退曲线groundwater reservoir 地下水储集groundwater runoff 地下径流groundwater simulation 地下模拟groundwater spring 潜水泉groundwater table 地下水位group 群exploitable groundwater 地下水可开采量groundwater depression cone 地下水下降漏斗字段名英文名站码station code 站名station name流域名称basin name 水系名称hydrometric net code河流名称river name 施测项目码item code of obervation行政区划码administration division code水资源分区码code of water resources regionalization设站年份year of station establishment 设站月份month of station establishment撤站年份year of withdrawal of station 撤站月份month of withdrawal of station集水面积drainage area 流入何处flowing-to至河口距离distance to river mouth 基准基面名称name of fiducial datum领导机关leading agency (administration agency) 管理单位administration站址station location 东经longitude北纬latitude 测站等级grade of hydrometric station报汛等级grade of Flood-Reporting Station 备注note站点码station point code 站点名station point name测流方法observation method 控水目的purpose of control water project控水工程类型control water project type 控水工程代码code of control water project控水工程运行规则operation regulation of control water project推流参数parameter of discharge computation 引水点名Location name of pumping排水点名Location name of surface drainage实际最大灌溉面积maximum area of practical irrigation上界站站码station code of upper boundary station至上界站河段长length of reach to upper bound station下界站站码code of lower bound station至下界站河段长length of reach to lower bound station高差基数base of difference in elevation流域水系码codes of hydrographic net of a basin区码code of zone 区名zone name区类zone type 水体总容量total capacity of water bodies 灌溉水田面积area of rice paddy irrigated 灌溉面积irrigation area城市人口urban population 工业总产值gross industrial output value 调查资料来源单位office recording investigation data水库和水闸控制面积drainage area of reservoir or weir or sluice调查面积investigation area 量算地图比例尺scale of measured map连通试验可靠等级reliability rank of connectivity pair test旁证资料可靠等级reliability level of data witness面积成果合理性等级reliability rank of area data直接上级区名zone name of prime at first 调查报告编号investigation report number 地理包含关系geography contain relation 站点类别station point category相关站码correlative station code 关系标识relationship ID关系说明relationship illustration 主断面迁移号migration numbers of main cross section 断面名称cross section name 断面位置location of cross section变动年份changed Year 变动月份changed month变动日changed day 同系列标志series marker变动情况changed conditions 水尺名称gage name水尺型式gage type 水尺质料material of gage自记台类型type of stage recorder 水尺位置location of gage使用情况use condition 河段情况river reach circumstance图类型graph type 图标题graph title图graph MIME类型MIME type水准点编号benchmark number 水准点类型benchmark type变动日期date of Setup or change 采用基面名称adoption datum name冻结或测站基面以上高程elevation above stationary datum绝对或假定基面以上高程elevation above absolute or arbitrary datum绝对基面名称name of absolute or arbitrary datum水准点型式benchmark style 水准点位置benchmark location引据水准点编号number of benchmark from which elevation is measured变动原因cause of change 工程名称engineering name工程名称代码engineering name code 开始蓄水年份begin storing water year开始蓄水月份begining month of storing water 校核洪水位check flood stage校核库容check storage capacity of reservoir 设计洪水位design flood stage设计库容reservoir capacity corresponding to DSFLZ正常高水位normal high water level 正常库容Normal reservoir storage死水位dead pool level 死库容dead reservoir capacity溢洪道号spillway number 竣工年份completion year竣工月份completion month 溢洪道长度spillway length溢洪道堰顶高程elevation of spillway crest 溢洪道堰顶宽width of spillway crest溢洪道设计最大流量maximum designed discharge of spillway闸组号gate group number 孔型type of sluice or hole孔数count of sluice or hole 孔高sluice or hole height孔宽sluice or hole width设计最大流量maximum designed discharge of sluice or tunnel翼墙型式wing wall type 墩头型式type of pier head of sluice or tunnel 堰顶闸底形状shape of weir crest or sluice bed 工程地址location of engineering设计灌溉面积design irrigated area due to sluice or tunnel控制面积control area 总库容total reservoir capacity最大实灌面积actually irrigated area due to sluice or tunnel最大实引排水量maximum volume of actual diversion or drainage仪器口径mouth diameter of rain gauge 仪器精度precision of rain gauge记录模式recording mode 获值模式sensing mode绝对高程elevation above absolute datum器口离地面高度instrument height above ground非汛期观测段制observation regime in nonflood season汛期观测段制observation regime in flood season蒸发场位置特征character of location of evaporation-gauging仪器型式type of instrument(equipment) 附近地势nearby topography四周障碍物obstacles around station 起时间beginning time止时间end time起始日期beginning date 旬起始日期beginning date of a period of ten days 日期date 降水量precipitation降水量注解码remark code of precipitation 降水日数number of precipitation days降水日数注解码remark code of number of precipitation days最大降水量maximum precipitation 最大降水量时段长maximum precipitation duration 最大日降水量maximum daily precipitation最大日降水量注解码remark code of maximum daily precipitation最大日降水量出现日期occurring date of maximum daily precipitation终霜日期date of frost disappearance 初霜日期date of frost appearance终雪日期date of snow disappearance 初雪日期date of snow appearance终冰日期date of ice disappearance 初冰日期date of ice appearance蒸发器型式type of evaporation equipment 水面蒸发量surface evaporation水面蒸发量注解码remark code of evaporation最大日水面蒸发量maximum daily evaporation最大日水面蒸发量注解码remark code of maximum daily evaporation最大日水面蒸发量出现日期occurring date of maximum daily evaporation最小日水面蒸发量minimum daily surface evaporation最小日水面蒸发量注解码remark code of minimum daily surface evaporation最小日水面蒸发量出现日期occurring date of minimum daily surface evaporation观测高度observation height 气温air temperature气温注解码remark code air temperature 平均气温average air temperature平均气温注解码remark code of average air temperature最高气温注解码remark code of maximum air temperature最高气温日期date of maximum air temperature 最高气温maximum air temperature最低气温minimum air temperature最低气温注解码remark code of minimum air temperature最低气温日期date of minimum air temperature水汽压vapour pressure 水汽压注解码remark code of vapour pressure 平均水汽压average vapor pressure平均水汽压注解码remark code of average vapor pressure水汽压力差difference of vapour pressure 风速wind velocity水汽压力差注解码remark code of difference of vapour pressure平均水汽压力差average vapor pressure difference平均水汽压力差注解码remark code of average vapor pressure difference风速注解码remark code of wind velocity 平均风速average wind velocity平均风速注解码remark code of average wind velocity闸上水位stage in Sluice Upstream 闸上水位注解码remark code of upsluice stage 闸下水位down sluice stage 闸下水位注解码remark code of downsluice stage 坝上水位stage behind dam 坝上水位注解码remark code of the stage behind dam 水位stage 水位注解码remark code of stage平均水位average stage 平均水位注解码remark code of average stage最高水位maximum stage 最高水位注解码remark code of maximum stage 最高水位日期occurring date of maximum stage最低水位minimum stage 最低水位注解码remark code of date of minimum stage 最低水位日期date of minimum stage 保证率reliability of stage保证率水位reliability stage 流量discharge保证率水位注解码remark code of reliability stage平均流量注解码remark code of average discharge最大流量maximum discharge 平均流量average discharge最大流量注解码remark code of maximum discharge最大流量日期date of maximum discharge最小流量minimum discharge 最小流量日期date of minimum discharge最小流量注解码remark code of minimum discharge蓄水量Reservoir Storage 径流量runoff径流量注解码remark code of runoff 径流模数runoff modulus径流深runoff in depth 最大洪量maximum flood volume最大洪量时段长duration of maximum flood volume泥沙类型sediment type 含沙量sediment concentration平均含沙量average sediment concentration平均含沙量注解码remark code of average sediment concentration最大含沙量maximum sediment concentration最大含沙量注解码remark code of maximum sediment concentration最大含沙量日期date of maximum sediment concentration最小含沙量minimum sediment concentration最小含沙量注解码remark code of minimum sediment concentration最小含沙量日期date of minimum sediment concentration平均输沙率average sediment discharge平均输沙率注解码remark code of average sediment discharge最大日平均输沙率maximum average of daily sediment discharge最大日平均输沙率注解码remark code of maximum average of daily sediment discharge最大日平均输沙率出现日期occurring date of maximum average of daily sediment discharge输沙量sediment runoff 输沙量注解码remark code of sediment runoff输沙模数sediment runoff modulus 上限粒径upper limit particle size采样仪器型号model number of sampling instrument采样效率系数efficiency coefficient of sampling平均沙重百分数average percent of sediment weight中数粒径median particle diameter 平均粒径average particle diameter最大粒径maximum particle diameter 水温water temperature水温注解码remark code of water temperature平均水温注解码remark code of average water temperature最高水温maximum water temperature 平均水温average water temperature最高水温注解码remark code of maximum water temperature最高水温日期occurring date of maximum water temperature最低水温minimum water temperature 冰情注解码remark code of ice condition最低水温注解码remark code of minimum water temperature最低水温日期date of minimum water temperature河心冰厚ice thickness at river center 岸边冰厚Thickness of Border Ice冰上雪深snow depth on ice 岸上气温air temperature on bank解冻日期date of ice break up 封冻日期ice freeze up date上半年封冻天数number of actual freeze up days in first half of year下半年封冻天数number of actual freeze up days in second half of year终止流冰日期end date of ice run 开始流冰日期beginning date of ice run河心最大冰厚maximum ice thickness at river center河心最大冰厚出现日期occurring date of the maximum ice thickness at river center岸边最大冰厚Maximum thickness of border Ice岸边最大冰厚出现日期occurring date of maximum thickness of border ice最大流冰块长度maximum length of ice floe 最大流冰块宽度maximum width of ice floe 最大流冰块冰速maximum velocity of ice floe断面平均冰速average ice flow velocity at cross section最大冰上雪深maximum snow depth on ice最大冰上雪深出现日期occurring date of maximum snow depth on ice春季最大冰流量maximum ice discharge in spring春季最大冰流量注解码remark code of maximum ice discharge in spring春季最大冰流量日期occurring date of ice discharge in spring冬季最大冰流量maximum ice discharge in winter冬季最大冰流量注解码remark code of occurring data of maximum ice discharge in winter冬季最大冰流量日期occurring data of maximum ice discharge in winter春季总冰流量gross ice discharge in spring春季总冰流量注解码remark code of gross ice discharge in spring冬季总冰流量注解码remark code of ice discharge in winter年总冰流量yearly total ice discharge 冬季总冰流量gross ice discharge in winter年总冰流量注解码remark code yearly total ice discharge平均冰流量注解码remark code of average ice discharge总冰流量total of ice discharge 平均冰流量average ice discharge总冰流量注解码remark code of total of ice discharge 最大冰流量maximum ice discharge 最大冰流量注解码remark code of maximum ice discharge最大冰流量日期date of maximum ice discharge潮别tidal type 潮位tidal level潮位注解码remark code of tidal level 潮差tidal range历时duration 潮流量tidal discharge潮量tidal volume 潮输沙率tidal sediment discharge潮输沙量tidal sediment runoff 平均高潮潮位average high tidal level平均高潮潮位注解码remark of average high tidal level stage最高高潮位Maximum high tidal stage最高高潮位注解码remark code of Maximum high tidal stage最高高潮位出现时间occurring time of Maximum high tidal stage最低高潮位minimum high tidal stage最低高潮位注解码remark code of minimum high water level最低高潮位出现时间occurring time of minimum high tidal stage平均低潮潮位average low tidal level平均低潮潮位注解码remark of average low tidal level最高低潮位maximum low tidal stage最高低潮位注解码remark code of maxiumm low tidal stage最高低潮位出现时间occurring time of maximum low tidal stage最低低潮位minimum low tidal stage最低低潮位注解码remark code of minimum low tidal stage最低低潮位出现时间occurring time of minimum low tidal stage平均涨潮潮差average of flood tide range平均涨潮潮差注解码remark code of average of flood tide range最大涨潮潮差maximum flood tidal range最大涨潮潮差注解码remark code of maximum flood tidal range最大涨潮潮差(高潮)时间time of maximum flood tidal range最小涨潮潮差minimum flood tidal range最小涨潮潮差注解码remark code of minimum flood tidal range最小涨潮潮差(高潮)时间high tidal time of minimum flood tidal range平均落潮潮差average ebb tide range平均落潮潮差注解码remark code of average of ebb tidal range最大落潮潮差maximum ebb tidal range最大落潮潮差注解码remark code of maximum ebb tidal range最大落潮潮差(高潮)时间high water occurring time of maximum ebb tidal range最小落潮潮差minimum ebb tidal range最小落潮潮差注解码remark code of minimum ebb tidal range最小落潮潮差(高潮)时间high water occurring time of minimum ebb tidal range平均涨潮历时average flood tidal duration平均涨潮历时注解码remark code of average of flood tidal range最长涨潮历时maximum flood tidal duration最长涨潮历时注解码remark code of maximum flood tide duration最长涨潮历时(高潮)时间high water occurring time of maximum flood tidal duration最短涨潮历时minimum flood tidal duration最短涨潮历时注解码remark code of minimum flood tidal duration最短涨潮历时(高潮)时间high tidal time of minimum flood tidal duration平均落潮历时mean ebb tide duration平均落潮历时注解码remark code of mean ebb tide duration最长落潮历时maximum ebb tidal duration最长落潮历时注解码remark code of maximum ebb tidal duration最长落潮历时(高潮)时间high water occurring time of maximum ebb tidal duration最短落潮历时minimum ebb tidal duration最短落潮历时注解码remark code of minimum ebb tidal duration最短落潮历时(高潮)时间high tidal time of Minimum ebb tidal duration逐时平均潮位hourly average tidal stage逐时平均潮位注解码remark code of hourly average tidal stage平均潮差average tide range平均潮差注解码remark code of yearly average tide range平均历时average tidal duration平均历时注解码remark code of average tidal duration施测日期beginning date of measurement 测次号observation number垂线号numbers of typical verticals 起点距distance from initial point河底高程river bed elevation 河底高程注解码remark code of river bed elevation 测时水位stage during observation测时水位注解码remark code of stage during observation垂线方位vertical azimuth断面名称及位置cross section name and location 测次说明note引用施测日期date of quoted observation 引用测次号number of quoted observation 引用起始起点距beginning distance from initial point引用终止起点距end distance from initial point岸别符号bank symbol 痕迹类型trace type点编号point code 点详细位置point detailed location点东经point east longitude 点北纬point north latitude点高程point elevation 点参数point parameter指认人及印象witness man's impression目击和旁证可靠等级reliability rank of witness痕迹和标志物可靠等级reliability level of trace or flag估计误差范围estimation error range 调查日期investigation date起始年beginning year 起始月beginning month起始日beginning day 起始时beginning hour起始分beginning minute 终止年end year终止月end month 终止日end day终止时end hour 终止分end minute雨情描述description of rainfall information 重现期Recurrence Interval重现期统计截止年cut-off year of statistics of recurrence interval目击和水痕可靠等级reliability rank of witness or trace承雨器障碍物可靠等级reliability level of rain collector barrier before rainfall承雨器雨前可靠等级reliability level of rain collector before rainfall承雨器漫溢渗漏可靠等级reliability level of loss quantity of rain collector seepage or overflow 水位可靠等级reliability level of stage 水流边界flow boundary推算流量方法method of discharge computation推算流量资料可靠等级reliability level of data used in discharge computation推算流量方法可靠等级reliability level of method of discharge computation推算流量成果合理性等级reliability level of discharge computation次水量water volume of one flood 水情描述description of hydrological information 流量施测号数number of discharge observation测流起时间beginning time of flow measurment测流止时间end time of flow measurement测流方法Method of flow measurement 基本水尺水位base gage stage流量注解码remark code of discharge 断面总面积total of cross section area断面过水面积wetted cross-section area 断面面积注解码remark code of cross section area 断面平均流速average flow velocity at a cross-section断面最大流速maximum flow velocity at a cross-section水面宽top width断面平均水深Average water depth at cross section断面最大水深maximum water depth水浸冰冰底宽ice bottom width 水浸冰冰底平均水深ice bottom average depth水浸冰冰底最大水深ice bottom maximum depth水面比降surface slope 糙率roughness时段类别category of interval 水量类别category of water quantity水量water quantity 水量测算方法estimation method of water quantity 年实测水量占比percent of observation water-quantity in total水量计算方法可靠等级reliability level of estimation method of water quantity水量成果合理性等级fitness rank of water quantity data起时间闸(坝)上水位upstream stage of beginning time起时间闸(坝)上水位注解码remark code of upstream stage at beginning time起时间闸(坝)下水位downstream stage at beginning time起时间闸(坝)下水位注解码remark code of downstream stage of beginning time最大流量出现时间Occurring Time of Maxmum Discharge实测蓄水变量observed water storage 调查蓄水变量investigation storage实测灌溉还原水量observed restoring water quantity in irrigation调查灌溉还原水量restoring water quantity of investigation in irrigation水平梯田拦蓄地面径流量surface water runoff catched by level terraced field工业生活还原水量restoring water quantity of industrial water or domestic water实测工业生活还原水量observed water quantity of industrial water or domestic water区内除涝排水量water quantity of waterlogging control in zone实测区内除涝排水量observed water quantity of waterlogging control in zone跨流域引水量water quantity of interbasin transfer实测跨流域引水量observed water quantity of interbasin transfer跨区回归水量return flow in cross zone实测跨区回归水量observed return flow in cross zone跨区回归水量测算方法estimation method of return flow in cross zone跨区溃坝水量water quantity of cross zone dam-break实测跨区溃坝水量observed water quantity of cross zone dam-break跨区溃坝水量测算方法estimation method of water quantity of cross zone dam-break溃坝还原水量restoring water quantity in dam-break跨区分洪水量water quantity of cross zone flood diversion实测跨区分洪水量observed water quantity of cross zone flood diversion跨区分洪水量测算方法estimation method of water quantity of cross zone flood diversion分洪还原水量restoring water quantity of flood diversion跨区决口水量water quantity of cross zone branching实测跨区决口水量observed water quantity of cross zone branching跨区决口水量测算方法estimation method of water quantity of cross zone branching决口还原水量restoring water quantity of bursting暗河交换水量exchanged water volume between underground rivers暗河交换水量估算方法method of estimating exchanged water volume between underground rivers暗河交换水量参证站相似程度similar level of bench-mark station of exchanged water volume between underground rivers暗河交换水量平衡程度balance level of exchange water between underground rivers跨区渗漏水量water quantity of cross zone seepage浅层地下水还原水量restoring water quantity of shallow groundwater实测浅层地下水还原水量observed restoring water quantity of shallow underground water浅层地下水还原水量测算方法estimation method of restoring water quantity of shallow groundwater深层地下水还原水量restoring water quantity of deep-layer groundwater实测深层地下水还原水量observed restoring water quantity of deep layer underground water深层地下水还原水量测算方法restoring water quantity of deep-layer groundwater泉水出露量capacity of spring 总进水量total inflow runoff总出水量total outflow runoff 降水总量precipitation蒸散发总量total evapotranspiration蓄水水面蒸发增损水量water quantity extracted by evaporation on water surface出口水体起时间水位stage of overflow water body at beginning time出口水体起时间蓄水量storage of overflow water body at beginning time输沙率施测号数number of sediment discharge observation测沙起时间beginning time of sediment concentration measurement测沙止时间end time of sediment concentration measurement测沙断面位置location of cross section for sediment concentration measurement取样方法sampling method断面平均含沙量average sediment concentration at cross-section断面平均含沙量注解码remark code of average sediment concentration at cross section单样含沙量index sediment concentration单样含沙量测验方法observational method of index sediment concentration悬移质输沙率suspended sediment discharge悬移质输沙率注解码remark code of suspended sediment discharge推移质输沙率bed load sediment discharge推移质输沙率注解码remark code of bed load sediment discharge单样推移质输沙率index bed load sediment discharge推移质平均底速average velocity of bed load推移带宽度width of bed load sediment discharge断面平均单宽输沙率average sediment discharge in unit width at cross section垂线最大输沙率maximum vertical sediment discharge垂线最大输沙率相应起点距distance of maximum vertical sediment discharge from initial point 单断沙码code of index or cross sectional sediment起始施测号begin observation number 终止施测号end observation number取样起时间beginning time of sampling 取样止时间end time of sampling沙重百分数sediment weight percent 最大颗粒重量sediment maximum particle weight 最大颗粒起点距distance from initial point where measuring the maximum particle平均沉速mean settling velocity 施测水温water temperature at measurement粒径分析方法analysis method of particle side 注解码remark code沙量类别category of silt-quantity 沙量silt-quantity沙量测算方法estimation method of silt-quantity年实测沙量占比percent of observation silt-quantity in total沙量测算方法可靠等级reliability level of estimation method of silt-quantity沙量成果合理性等级reliability level of silt-quantity data水量资料可靠等级reliability level of water quantity source冲淤量sediment quantity of scour-silt实测冲淤量observed sediment quantity of scour-silt灌溉挟沙量silt-quantity taked through irrigation实测灌溉挟沙量observed sediment discharge of irrigation工业生活挟沙量sediment discharge of industrial water or domestic water实测工业生活挟沙量observed sediment discharge of industrial water or domestic water跨流域引水挟沙量silt-quantity taked through interbasin transfer实测跨流域引水挟沙量observed sediment quantity taked by interbasin transfer溃坝冲淤量sediment quantity of scour-silt in dam-break实测溃坝冲淤量observed silt-quantity of scour-silt in dam-break分洪冲淤量sediment quantity of scour-silt in flood diversion实测分洪冲淤量observed silt-quantity of scour or sedimentation in flood diversion决口冲淤量degradation or sedimentation in bursting实测决口冲淤量observed sediment quantity of scour-silt in branching总进沙量total inflow silt-quantity 总出沙量total outflow silt-quantity测次起时间beginning time of observation测次止时间end time of observation 测验断面位置location of cross section冰流量ice discharge 冰流量注解码remark code of ice discharge 断面平均疏密度average ice compaction at cross section断面平均冰厚或冰花厚average depth of ice or frazil slush at cross section敞露水面宽open water width断面平均冰花密度density of frazil slush at cross section冰花折算系数adjustment factor of frazil slush测流断面位置location of cross section代表垂线平均流速average velocity on typical vertical潮流量注解码remark code of tidal discharge代表垂线号number of typical velocity vertical代表垂线流速velocity of typical vertical潮流期编号number of duration of tidal current潮流期起时间beginning time of duration of tidal current潮流期止时间end time of duration of tidal current测流前低潮潮位low tidal level before flow measurement测流前低潮潮位出现时间Occuring time of the low tidal level before flow measurement高潮潮位high tidal level高潮潮位出现时间occurring time of high tidal level低潮潮位low tidal level低潮潮位出现时间occurring time of low tidal level开始落憩潮位tidal level at beginning of ebb slack tide涨潮憩流潮位flood slack tidal stage涨潮憩流潮位出现时间occurring time of flood slack tide终止落憩潮位tidal stage at end of ebb slack tide涨潮潮差flood tidal range 涨潮最大流速maximum velocity of flood tide 涨潮潮量flood tidal volume 涨潮潮量注解码remark code of flood tidal volume 涨潮潮流历时flood tidal current duration涨潮平均流量average discharge of flood tide涨潮平均流量注解码remark code of average discharge of flood tide落潮潮差ebb tide range 落潮潮量ebb tidal volume落潮最大流速maximum velocity of ebb tide落潮潮量注解码remark code of ebb tidal volume落潮潮流历时ebb tidal current duration 落潮平均流量average discharge of ebb tide 落潮平均流量注解码remark code of average discharge of ebb tide净泄量net outflow volume 开闸时间opening gate time关闸时间closing gate time 开闸前稳定水位stable stage before sluicing 闸上最高水位Maximum stage in Sluice Upstream闸上最低水位Minimum stage in Sluice Upstream闸下水位Stage in Sluice Downstream 水位差stage difference有效潮差effective tidal range 一潮总水量total water volume of single tide 一潮总水量注解码remark code of total water volume of single tide一潮历时duration of single tide一潮平均流量average discharge of single tide一潮平均流量注解码remark code of average discharge of single tide一潮最大流量maximum discharge of single tide一潮最大流量注解码remark code of maximum discharge of single tide自变量名name of independent variable 自变量值value of independent variable调查报告标题investigation report title 调查项目investigation item调查年份investigation year 编写年份redaction year调查单位investigation office 主编单位Chief editorial unit调查报告内容investigation report contents 调查报告格式investigation report format 表标识table ID时间残缺记录编号number of time deformity record字段标识field identifier 取值value率定次序号serial number of rating 闸上水头head in Sluice Upstream闸下水头Head in Sluice Downstream闸门开启平均高度operation height of gate opening闸门开启平均高度注解码remark code of operation height of gate opening闸门开启孔数count of operation gate opening 闸门开启总宽total width of gate-openings 平均堰宽average width of weir闸孔过水面积area of wetted cross section of gate openings实测流量observed discharge实测流量注解码remark code of observed discharge流态flow regime流量计算公式编号formula number of discharge calculation流量系数discharge coefficient流量系数注解码remark code of discharge coefficient水闸型式weir and sluice type 翼墙形式wing wall type平均引水角average driving angle 闸上河宽upsluice river width闸下河宽river width in sluice downstream 闸门型式weir gate type闸底高程elevation of sluice bottom 堰顶高程elevation of weir crest堰顶形状shape of weir crest 总孔数total number of gate openings单孔宽single gate opening width of weir gate单孔宽注解码remark code of gate opening width of weir gate平均孔宽average of gate opening width 总孔宽total width of gate opening闸门高度gate height 平均开度average gate opening height闸墩厚thickness of pier 机组号group number of machines站上水位upstation stage 站下水位downstation stage站上水头upstation head 开机功率electric power generated or consumed 开机台数count of machines in operation开机叶片角度vane angle of machines in operation叶轮直径impeller diameter 实际转速practical speed of revolution出水阀过水面积wetted area of outlet valve效率计算公式编号formula number of efficiency calculation效率值efficiency value 效率值注解码remark code of efficiency value 机型machine type 装机台数count of machine出水管路断面面积wetted area of pipe line cross section标定转速rated speed of revolution 单机额定功率single rated power单机设计流量single design discharge 设计扬程design lift驼峰底高hump bottom elevation 起排水位begining pumping stage关系线类别relation curve category 线号curve number因变量名dependent variable定线数据起时间beginning time of the data for determining a relation curve定线数据止时间end time of routing location data定线数据下限自变量值routing location lower limit independent variable定线数据上限自变量值routing location upper limit independent variable线参数表达式curve parameter expression 关系图名chart name适用期起时间beginning time of application 适用期止时间end time of application定线点据总数amount of points for determining a relation curve定线方法method of determining a relation curve 系统误差systematic error随机不确定度random error 线上采样点编号curve sample point number 采样点自变量值curve sample point independent variable采样点因变量值curve sample point dependent variable计量单位unit name 记录定位标识record location identifier原值original value 改正值corrected value处理日期date of correction 处理情况说明correction explanation入库标识identifier of reservoir inflow 注解符号remark symbolASCII值numeric ASCII Code 注解符号类型remark symbol type注解含义meaning of remark 表号table number表中文名table name in Chinese 表英文名table name in English字段中文名field name in Chinese 字段英文名field name in English字段类型及长度field type and field length 空值属性attribute of "null"计量单位unit name 取值范围value range主键属性attribute of primary key 农历年lunar year农历月lunar month 农历日lunar day农历年名name of lunar year 农历月名name of lunar month农历日名name of lunar day 行政区划名administration division name。
水文学原理Principle of hydrologyChapter 1 绪论绪论:introduction大气圈(aerosphere)水圈(hydrosphere)岩石圈(lithosphere)生物圈(biosphere)人类圈(anthroposphere)中国四大水问题(four major water issues in China)水多(more):洪水(floods)水少(less):干旱(droughts)水浑(turbid):水土流失(soil and water losses)水脏(dirty):水污染(water pollution)水平/垂直结构(horizontal/vertical structure)河流学(potamology/river hydrology) 湖沼学(limnology/lake hydrology) 水库(reservoir)冰川水文学(glacier hydrology) 地下水水文学(groundwater hydrology)水文气象学(hydrometeorology) 积云(cumulus) 河口水文学(estuary hydrology)流域水文学(basin hydrology) 全球水文学(global hydrology)水文学中的环境同位素(environmental isotopes in hydrology)Chapter 2 水文循环水文循环:hydrological cycle海洋蓄水(water storage in oceans) 蒸发(evaporation)凝结(condensation)大气蓄水(water storage in the atmosphere)冰雪蓄水(water storage in ice and snow)降水(precipitation)散发(transpiration)蒸散发(evapotranspiration)升华(sublimation)凝华(desublimation)地表径流(surface/direct runoff)融雪径流(snow melt runoff to streams)河川径流(streamflow)泉水(spring)淡水储存(freshwater storage)下渗(infiltration)地下水出流(groundwater discharge)地下水储存(groundwater storage)大/中/小尺度(macro-scale/mesoscale/microscale)开放/封闭系统(open/closed system)截留(interception)洼地储蓄(depression storage)地下径流(groundflow)壤中流(interflow)总水量(total water)海洋/大陆(oceans/continent)咸水/淡水(saline/fresh water)沼泽(marish)大气水(atmospheric water)生物水(biological water)土壤水(soil water)Chapter 3 流域与水系流域与水系:Watershed & Drainage NetworksPart 1 基本概念分水线(watershed divide) 闭合流域(closed watershed)非闭合流域(unclosed watershed) 水系(Drainage Networks)羽毛状水系(Elongated shape) 平行状水系(fan shape)混合状水系(mixed shape) 坡地(Slope) 倾斜面(inclined plane)收敛曲面(Convergent Camber) 发散曲面(Divergent Camber流域基本单元(Unit)P art 2 水系的地貌特征(headwater) 节点 (node) 出口 (outlet)外链 (External links) 链 (Internal links) 干流(main river)支流(tributary river) Strahler分级法河流长度(stream length) 河数定律(the law of stream numbers) 河长定律(the law of stream lengths)链长度(Link Length) 横断面(Cross section) 纵断面(longitudinal section)大断面(flood cross-section) 弯曲率(Sinuosity)河底比降(Slope of stream bed)Part 3 流域的地貌特征流域形状(Shape of watershed)流域坡度(Slope of watershed)流域面积及面积定律(Drainage area and the law of drainage areas)流域长度和宽度(Width and length of watershed)形态因子(Shape factor) 圆度(Circularity ratio) 伸长比(Elongation ratio) 河网密度和河道维持常数(Drainage density & constant of channel maintenance)河流频度和链频度 (Stream frequency & link frequency)面积--河长曲线(Drainage area-stream length curve )高程曲线(Elevation curve)Chapter 4 降水降水 (Precipitation)Part 1 降水要素及其时空变化表示方法(Precipitation elements & Temporal andspatial variation)降雨的基本要素(Rainfall Elements)降雨量(深) Rainfall (depth)降雨历时(Rainfall duration) 降雨强度(Rainfall intensity) 降雨面积(Rainfall area) 暴雨中心(Storm center)降雨强度与历时曲线(Rainfall intensity-duration curve)降雨深与面积关系曲线(Rainfall depth-area curve)降雨深与面积和历时关系曲线(Rainfall depth-area-duration curve)Part 2 降雨类型及其影响因素(Types of rainfall and Affecting factors) 气旋雨(Cyclonic rain) 对流雨(Convectional/Convectiverain)台风雨(Typhoons/Hurricanes) 地形雨(Orographic rain)锋面雨(Frontal rain) 非锋面雨(Non-frontal rain)Part 3 区域(流域)平均降雨量计算方法(Calculation method of Average rainfall overan area)算术平均法 (Arithmetic mean method) 泰森多边形法 (Thiessen polygon method)等雨量线法 (Isohyetal method) 距离平方倒数法(Inverse distance-squared method)雷达测雨 (Radar measurement of rainfall) 卫星测雨 (Satellitic measurementof rainfall)Part4 降雨资料的检验(Test of rainfall data)Chapter 5 土壤水土壤水(Soil Water)水文循环(Hydrologic Cycle)土壤颗粒(soil particles)过滤(leach)蒸发(evaporation)蒸发,散发(transpiration)水分(moisture)Part 1土壤的质地结构及“三相”关系土壤质地 (Soil texture) 粘粒(clay)粉粒(silt)砂粒(sand)土壤结构 (Soil configuration) 土壤中的“三相”关系 (Three phases within a soil)固体(Solids)液体(Liquids)空气(Vapor)固体密度(solid density) 干容重(Dry bulk density) 孔隙度(Porosity)质量含水率(Gravimetric water content) 容积含水率(volumetric water content)饱和度(the degree of saturation) 充气孔隙度(Aeration porosity)孔隙比(Void ratio)Part 2土壤水的存在形态土壤水作用力(Forces governing soil water) 分子力(Molecular force)毛管力(Capillary force) 粘着力(Adhesion)粘结力(Cohesion)重力(Gravitational force) 土壤水类型 (Soil waterclassification)束缚水(bound water)吸湿水(Hygroscopic Water) 膜状水(Film water)毛管上升水(Ascending water in capillary tube) 渗透重力水(percolating water)毛管悬着水(Suspended capillary water) sustained gravitational water(支持重力水)土壤水分常数 (Soil water constants) 田间持水量(field capacity)Saturation(饱和状态)Part 3土壤水的能量状态土水势 (Soil water potential) 影响因素(Affect the factors)土壤水分特性曲线 (Soil water characteristic curve)Chapter 6 下渗下渗: InfiltrationPart 1 引言(Introduction)土壤水分剖面 (soil moisture profile) 下渗 (infiltration)下渗率(infiltration intensity) 下渗容量(infiltration capacity)下渗曲线(infiltration capacity curve)累积下渗曲线(accumulative infiltration capacity curve)下渗机理(mechanism of infiltration)Part 2 非饱和下渗理论()下渗方程的导出(deduction of infiltration equation)忽略重力作用的下渗方程的解(solution under gravity neglected)完全下渗方程的解(solution under whole condition)Part 3饱和下渗理论()基本方程的建立 establishment of basic equation下渗曲线的导出(deduction of infiltration curve)Chapter 7 蒸发与散发蒸发与散发(Evaporation & Transpiration)Part 1蒸发现象及其控制条件(evaporation and control conditions) 基本概念(basic concepts)蒸发潜热 (heat of vaporization)蒸发率(evaporation rate) 凝结潜热 (condensation latent)蒸发能力(evaporation capacity) 蒸发分类 classification of evaporation控制蒸发率的条件 controlling conditions for evaporation 动力条件(dynamic)气象条件meteorological condition 供水条件 (water supply)Part 2 水面蒸发(water surface evaporation)太阳辐射 (solar radiation) 气压 (air pressure) 风速 (wind velocity)温度 (temperature) 湿度 (humidity) 水面大小(water surface area)水面形状(shape of water body) 水深 (water depth) 水质(water quality)理论方法(theoretical method)热量平衡法 (heat balance method)空气动力学法 (aerodynamic method) 混合法 (mixed method)水量平衡法 (water balance method) 经验公式(empirical equation)器测法( instrument-measurement method )水面蒸发的时空分布特点 temporal spatial distribution characteristicsPart 3 土壤蒸发土壤蒸发过程 (soil water evaporation processes)土壤蒸发规律 (soil water evaporation rules)Part 4 植物散发散发现象(phenomena of plant transpiration) 植物散发规律(plant transpiration rules)植物散发的确定 (determination of transpiration)Part 5 流域蒸散发(watershed evapotranspiration)上层(Upper Layer)下层(Lower Layer)深层(Deep Layer)Chapter 8 产流机制产流机制:mechanism of runoff generation径流 (Runoff) 径流形成过程 (Rainfall-Runoff Process)径流深(Runoff Depth) 径流量的时程分配(Temporal distribution of runoff) Part 1包气带及其结构(Aeration (vadose) zone and its structure)包气带和饱水带(aeration zone or vadose zone and Saturdayed zone)特殊包气带(Special aeration zone)三相系统(three-phase system(liquid, gaseous,solid))土壤结构(soil structure)包气带结构(The structure of aeration zone)高寒地带的包气带(aeration zone in a high and cold area)Part 2包气带的水分动态及对降雨的再分配作用(Soil moisture dynamics in aeration zone and its roles in partitioning rainfall)A、包气带水分动态(soil moisture dynamics in aeration zone)包气带水分的增长(Soil moisture increase in aeration zone)包气带水分的消退(Recession of soil moisture in aeration zone)B、包气带对降雨的再分配作用(The role of aeration zone in redistributing rainfall)筛子(sieve)门槛(threshold)C、包气带水量平衡方程式(Water balance equation for aeration zone)Part 3 产流的物理条件(Physical conditions for runoff generation)超渗地面径流(Hortonian overland flow) (Rainfall excess)壤中水径流产流(through flow / subsurface flow / interflow)饱和地面径流条件(saturated overland flow)回归流(return flow)Part 4 基本产流模式 (Basic modes of runoff generation)Chapter 9 地表水流地表水流:surface flowPart 1 洪水波的形成及传播(Formation and propagation of flood wave) A、洪水波运动 (movement wave)a、几何特征(geomtric characteristics)波体(main body of flood wave)波高(wave height)波长(wave length)b、附加比降(additional slope)c、相应流量与相应水位(Corresponding discharge (water levels, stages) )d、波速(wave velocity)e、坦化(attenuation)扭曲(distortion)B、洪水运动的水力学描述(Hydraulic description of flood wave movement)圣维南方程组(Saint-Venant Equations)连续方程(Continuity equation or mass conservation equation)动力方程 (Momentum equation)C、洪水波的分类(Classification of flood wave)空间惯性迁移惯性项(convective inertia term)重力(gravity)时间惯性力局地惯性项(local inertia term)压力(pressure )阻力(friction)D、运动波 (Kinematic wave)E、扩散波 (Diffusion wave)Part 2(Storage theory & storage equation)A、河槽调节作用和河段水量平衡方程(Storage effects of a river channel and waterbalance equation for a reach)蓄满产流(Runoff generation on repletion of storage)超渗产流(Runoff generation in excess of infiltration)B、槽蓄方程(Storage equation)C、洪水波运动的水文学方法(Hydrological method of flood wave movementD 、特征河长(Characteristic river length)F、槽蓄曲线的特性(Nature of Storage-discharge curve)Chapter 10 洪水演算洪水演算 (Flood Routing)Part 1 引言 (Introduction)具有物理基础的洪水演算法 (Physically-based flood routing method)质量守恒(mass conservation)动量守恒(momentum conservation)Part 2 线性扩散波演算法(Linear diffusion wave routing method) 定解问题的构成 (Composition of solution problems) 基本解 (Basic solution)出流过程的计算(Derivation of outflow hydrograph) 扩散波(Diffusion wave)入流过程 (Processing of inflow hydrograph) 稳定流(Steady flow)参数的确定 (Determination of parameters) 卷积公式(Convolution formula)上断面洪水过程(inflow hydrograph at upper section)半无限长,自由下边界(semi—infinite long, free lower boundary)简单入流过程(Simple inflow hydrograph) 单位入流过程(Unit Inflow hydrograph)单位矩形入流过程 (Unit Rectangular Pulse Input)单位瞬时脉冲入流(Unit instantaneous Pulse Input)入流过程离散化(Discretizing inflow hydrograph) 汇流曲线(flow concentration curve)Part 3 线性特征河长演算法(Linear characteristic length routing method) 描述洪水波运动的基本微分方程式(Basic differential equations of flood wave movement)汇流曲线的确定(Determination of flow concentration curve)Part 4 线性运动波演算法(Linear kinematic wave routing method)运动波差分方程的建立(Difference equation of kinematic wave)数值扩散的概念(Numerical diffusion) 连续演算问题(successive routing)汇流系数的计算(Calculation of flow concentration coefficient)泰勒公式(Taylor formula) 汇流系数(flow concentrationcoefficient)Chapter 11 流域产流流域产流:Watershed Runoff Generation/ProductionPart 1 引言(Introduction)径流 (Runoff) 径流形成过程 (Rainfall-Runoff Process)径流深(Runoff Depth) 径流量的时程分配(Temporal distribution of runoff) Part 2流域产流面积的变化(Variations in runoff producing area)A、现象及原因(Phenomena & Causes)蓄满产流(Runoff generation on repletion of storage)超渗产流(Runoff generation in excess of infiltration)B、蓄满产流条件下总径流的产流面积变化(Variations in the runoff producing area of total runoff under runoff formation on repletion of storage)蓄水容量曲线(Watershed Capacity Curve)流域蓄水容量曲线(Watershed water capacity curve)在降雨空间分布均匀的情况下(Spatial distribution of rainfall is even) C、超渗产流地面径流产流面积变化(Variations in the runoff producing area of surface runoff under runoff formation in excess of infiltration)Part 3 蓄满产流的流域产流量的计算(Computation of total runoff under runoff formation on repletion of storage)总径流量的计算(Computation of total runoff)径流成分的划分(Separation of runoff components)降雨空间分布不均匀情况(Spatial distribution of rainfall being uneven)Part 4超渗产流的流域产流量计算(Computation of total runoff under runoff formation in excess of infiltration)Chapter 12 流域汇流流域汇流:Watershed flow concentration..Part 1 基本概念及数学描述Basic Concepts and mathematical description A、流域汇流的路径Watershed flow paths几何路径 (Geometric paths) 状态路径 (State paths)B、流域汇流时间Watershed flow time of concentration平均流域汇流时间 (Average watershed flow time of concentration)最大流域汇流时间 (Maximum Watershed flow time of concentration)C、径流成因公式Formula for computing the discharge at the watershed outletD、流域调蓄作用Watershed storage effectsPart 2流域汇流系统分析 Analysis of watershed flow concentration system 基于流域调蓄作用的流域汇流系统的数学表达式(Mathematical description of storage-effect-based watershed flow system) 流域瞬时单位线(Watershed Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph)卷积公式 (Convolution formula)流域单位线的识别(Determination of unit hydrograph)Part 3面积—时间曲线Time-area histogram等流时线和等流时面积(Isochrones and Inter-isochrone areas)等流时线法(Isochrones Method)Part 4概念性流域汇流模型Conceptual watershed flow concentration models 概念性元件(Conceptual components)“渠道”型 (Canal type) b. “水库”型(Reservoir type) 概念性元件的组合及其瞬时单位线(Combination of conceptual components and the corresponding instantaneous unit hydrograph).. .。
一、陆地水文1.1、一般术语水water水圈hydrosphere水体water body水科学water science水文学hydrology陆地水文学land hydrology应用水文学applied hydrology工程水文学engineering hydrology地表水surface water地下水groundwater水汽water vapour水温要素hydrologic elements降水precipitation蒸发evaporation径流runoff水位stage流速velocity流量discharge含沙量sediment concentration输沙率sediment discharge水温要素water temperature冰凌ice run水质water quality下垫面underlying surface水文情势hydrologic regime水文效应hydrologic effect1.2、水文循环水循环hydorlogic cycle水量平衡water balance热量平衡heat balance盐量平衡salt balance大气水汽含量atmospheric water vapour content 大气水汽输送atmospheric water vapour trasport 水汽输送通量atmospheric water vapour flux雨rain降雨面积rainfall area降雨分布rainfall distribution雨季rainy season雪snow积雪snow cover初雪first snow终雪latest snow融雪snowmelt雹hail截留interception填洼depression detention地面滞留surface detention陆面蒸发(总蒸发)evaporation of land水面蒸发evaporation of water surface土壤蒸发evsporation from soil散发(植物蒸腾)transpiration蒸发能力evaporation capability下渗(入渗)infiltration稳渗steady infiltration下渗能力infiltration capability河川径流river runoff降雨径流rainfall runoff暴雨径流storm runoff融雪径流snowmelt runoff枯季径流dry season runoff基流base flow洪水flood暴雨洪水storm flood冰凌洪水(凌汛)ice flood冰雪洪水ice-snow melt flood雨雪混合洪水rain and snowmelt flood山洪flash flood溃坝洪水dam-break flood1.3、水文气象大气环流atmospheric circunlation天气形势weather situation天气过程weather process天气系统weather system行星尺度天气系统planetary scale weather system天气尺度天气系统synoptic scale weather system中小尺度天气系统meso and micro-scale weather system 风暴潮storm surge风暴中心storm center西风情westerly trough东风波easterly wave低压槽trough高压脊ridge副热带高压subtropic high阻塞高压blocking high低空急流low-level jet低涡vortex反气旋(高压)anticyclone气旋(低压)cyclone热带气旋tropic cyclone热带低压tropic depression热带风暴tropic storm强热带风暴severe tropic storm台风typhoon气团air mass锋(锋面)front天气weather气象meteorology气候climate气候区划climatic regionalization气候带climatic zone气候变化climatic change小气候microclimate热带tropic zone副热带(亚热带)subtropic zone温带extratropic zone寒带frigid zone季风monsoon梅雨plum rains暴雨storm阵雨showery rain地形雨orogarphic rain台风雨typhoon rain热带气旋雨rainfall in tropic cyclone雷暴thunderstorm温室效应greenhouse effect卫星云图satellize cloud picture气压atmospheric pressure海平面气压sea-level pressure气温air temperature地温ground temperature湿球温度wet-bulb temprerature湿度humidity水汽压vapour pressure饱和水汽压saturation vapour pressure绝对湿度absolute humidity相对湿度relative humidity饱和差saturation deficit比湿specific humidity风wind风向wind direction风速wind speed蒲福风级Beaufort wind scale露dew露点dew point雾fog霜frost霜点frost point初霜first frost终霜latest frost霜冻frostbite无霜期frost-fress period1.4、流域及水系流域watershed(basin)流域面积(集水面积)drainage area闭合流域enclosed basin不闭合流域non-enclosed basin闭流区(内流区)blind drainage area分水线(分水岭)divide流域特征basin characteristics流域几何特征basin geometric characteristics流域长度basin length流域平均高程basin elevation mean流域平均宽度basin width mean流域平均速度basin slope mean流域不对称系数coefficient of basin nonsymmetric流域面积增长率growth ratio of drainage area流域自然地理特征physiographic characteristics of basin水系hydrographic net人工河网artificial drainage network 河网密度drainage density明渠open channel河流river河源headwaters冲沟gully溪流brook支流tributary干流main stream分支fork串沟bifurcation channel运河canal外流河exorheic river内陆河endorheic river减河relief channel河道复流)河道再生)resurgence常年河perennial stream间歇河intermittent stream悬河(地上河)elevated stream夺流河(断头河)captured river盈水河gaining stream亏水河losing stream暴洪河流flashy stream地下河underground river界河boundary river国际河流international river废河道(古河道)dead river岸bank左岸left bank右岸right bank凹岸concave bank凸岸convex bank岸壁land wall水边线(岸线)water line提防levee河长river length河弯river bend弯曲率toriuosity航道navigable channel河段reach上游upstream中游midstream下游downstream控制河段control reach顺直河段straight reach弯曲河段bent reach扩散河段expanding reach收缩河段converging reach游荡河段wandering reach感潮河段tide reach截弯取直channel cutoff河槽(河床)channel cutoff稳定河槽stable channel不稳定河槽(冲淤河槽)unstable channel主槽main channel单式河槽single channel复式河槽compound channel河槽横断面river cross-section河道纵断面river longitudinal profile断面特性cross-section characteristics河床形态channel morphology浅槽shoal急滩catarect河漫滩flood plain三角洲delta江心洲channel island潜州submerged bar深潭deep pool1.5、河流水力学水力学hydraulics明渠水力学open channel hydraulics水静力学hydrostatics水动力学hydrodynamics明渠水流open channel flow恒定流steady flow非恒定流unsteady flow均匀流(等速流)uniform flow非均匀流(变速流)non-uniform flow急流supercritical flow缓流subcritical flow异重流density current临界流critical flow临界水深critical depth临界流速critical velocity临界流量critical discharge水头head位置水头(位能)elevation head压强水头(压能)pressure head流速水头(动能)velocity head有效水头effective head水头损失head loss沿程水头损失frictional head loss局部水头损失local head loss比降slope能面比降energy slope水面比降surface slope摩阻比降friction slope附加比降add slope河道比降channel slope水面横比降transverse slope of water surface 侧比降inverse slope总水头线total head line水面线water surface profile糙率roughness谢才系数Chezy coefficient谢才公式Chezy formula曼宁公式Manning formula输水因数(输水率)conveyance factor水跃hydraulic jump水舌nappe回水曲线backwater curve弗汝德数Froude number雷诺数Reynolds number韦伯数Weber number水力因素hydraulic factor湿周wetted perimeter水力半径hydraulic radius宽深比width-depth ratio中泓线midstream of channel深泓线Thalweg落差fall瀑布waterfall波浪wave驻波standing wave移动波translation wave1.6、河流泥沙河流动力学river dynamics河流泥沙river sediment泥沙特性property of sediment土壤侵蚀soil erosion水力侵蚀water erosion山洪侵蚀torrential erosion流域侵蚀basin erosion流域产沙量watershed sediment yield全沙total load悬移质suspended load推移质bed load床沙bed material床沙质bed material load冲泄质wash load河流泥沙运动sediment transport in river泥沙运动incipienty motion of sediment起动流速competent velocity造床流量dominant discharge泥沙密度density of sediment高含沙水流flow with hyperconcentration of sediment 泥石流debris flow水流挟沙能力sediment transport capacity of flow河床演变fluvial process冲刷scour淤积sedimentation沙量平衡sediment balance泥沙输移sediment transport泥沙输移比sediment delivery ratio浆河现象clogging of river sediment flow揭河底现象tearing of river bed1.7、水质天然水质natural water quality水化学hydrochemistry溶解性总固体total dissolved solids离子含量ion concentration离子总量total ion concentration 离子流量ion discharge矿化度mineral content盐度salinitypH值pH value碱度alkalinity酸度acidity酸雨acid rain电导率electric conductivity浑浊度(浊度)turbidity总需氧量total oxygen demand溶解氧dissolved oxygen需氧量oxygen demand生化需氧量biochemical oxygen demang 化学需氧量chemical oxygen demand硬度hardness碳酸盐硬度(暂时硬度)carbonate hardness非碳酸盐硬度(永久硬度)non-carbonate hardness硬水hard water软水soft water1.8、河流冰清冰清ice regime结冰河流ice-frozen stream封冻河流freeze-up stream稳定封冻河流stable freeze-up stream 非稳定封冻河流unstable freeze-up stream 结冰期ice-frozen period初生冰initial ice冰针ice spicule冰凇rime ice圆扁冰pan-cake ice冰花frazil slush岸冰border ice初生岸冰initial border ice固定岸冰fixed border ice冲积岸冰agglomerated border ice 再生岸冰regencrative border ice 残余岸冰residual border ice雪冰slush ice水内冰underwater ice冰屑shuga冰底边ice base boundary冰礁ice reef冰桥ice bridge流冰花slush ice run浮冰floating ice锚冰anchor ice封冻期freeze-up period封冻(封河)freeze-up平封flat freeze-up立封upright freeze-up冰盖ice cover连底冻grounded ice cover冰丘ice mound封冻冰缘ice edge of freeze-up清沟lead初生清沟primary lead再生清沟secondary lead冰花路毡sludge road felt冰上覆雪snow cover over ice冰脊ice ridge冰缝crack悬冰suspended ice cover冰堆ice pack冰塞ice jam冰上结冰aufeis解冻期break-up period冰变色color change of ice cover冰上冒水upwelling冰上有水accumulation of melt water冰上流水water flow over ice层冰层水ice cover with intercalated water layers 融冰tbawing冰层塌陷ice sheet depression冰层浮起floating ice cover冰滑动dislodging of ice cover解冻(开河)break-up文开河tranquil break-up武开河violent break-up流冰花ice run流冰堆积drifting ice pack冰坝ice dam残冰堆积residual ice accumulation1.9、河口潮汐潮汐tide潮位tidal level涨潮flood tide落潮ebb tide高潮high tide低潮low tide平潮dead tide涨潮潮差flood tidal rang高潮间隙ebb tidal range低潮间隙high lunitidal interval日潮不等diurnal inequality月中天lunar transit引潮力tidal generation force天文潮astronomic tid气象潮meteorologic tide潮汐周期tidal cycle半日潮semidiurnal tide全日潮diurnal tide混合潮mixed tide大潮spring tide小潮neap tide中潮moderate tide太阴日lunar day潮期duration of tide涨潮历时duration of tide rise落潮历时duration of tide fall潮流tidal current涨潮流flood tidal current落潮流ebb tidal current憩流slack tide潮流速tidal velocity往复流reversing current旋转流rotary current潮流期duration of tidal current涨潮流历时duration of flood current落潮流历时duration of ebb current涌潮bore河口estuary河口水文estuarine hydrology河口水流estuarine flow河口潮汐estuarine tide河口演变fluvial processes of estuary拦门沙estuarine bar河口三角洲estuarine delta滩涂(海涂)tidal flat1.10、地下水地下水水文学groundwater hydrology水文地质学hydrogeology地下水动力学groundwater dynamics地下水系统groundwater system地下水流域drainage basin of groundwater地下水分水岭groundwater divide地下水动态groundwater regime地下水均衡groundwater balance地下水运动(渗流)groundwater movement地下水模型groundwater model地下水储量groundwater storage地下水水库groundwater reservoir地下水径流groundwater runoff地下水流速velocity of groundwater flowhydraulic gradient of groundwater 地下水力坡度(地下水水面坡度地下水等水位线图water-table contour map含水层aquifer含水岩系water-content rock series含水岩组water-content rock formation含水岩性water-content rock property含水介质water-bearing medium均匀介质homogeneous medium非均匀介质inhomogeneous medium含水层边界aquifer boundary透水边界permeable boundary隔水边界confining boundary弱透水边界aquitard boundary透水层permeable bed隔水层confining bed弱透水层aquitard水文地质参数hydrogeological parameters渗透系数permeability coefficient导水系数(释水系数)coefficient of transmissivity贮水系数storativitycoefficient of water table conductivity水位传导系数(水力扩散系数)压力传导系数coefficient of pressure conductivity越流系数leakage coefficient延迟指数delay index影响半径influence radius补给带宽度range of recharge zone水位削减值drawdown value interferece分子扩散系数coefficient of molecular diffusion机械弥散系数coefficient of mechanical dispersion水动力弥散系数coefficient of hydrodynamic dispersion包气带aeration zone饱和层saturated zone土壤水soil water结合水bound water吸着水absorbed water薄膜水pellicular water上层滞水perched water渗入水infiltration water凝结水condensation water毛管水capillary water毛管上升高度height of capillary rise毛管压力水头capillary pressure head土壤含水量soil moisture content饱和含水量saturated moisture content饱和度saturation coefficient土水势soil water potential持水度water-holding capacity土壤水分常数soil moisture constants土壤吸湿系数absorption coefficient of soil moisture凋萎系数wilting coefficient田间持水量field capacity毛管断裂含水量moisture content at capillary rupture最大分子吸水量maximum molecular moisture content零通量面法zero flux plane method潜水phreatic water降水入渗补给precipitation recharge降水入渗补给系数coefficient of precipitation recharge地表水补给surface water recharge凝结水补给condensation recharge侧向补给lateral recharge越流补给leakage recharge灌溉补给系数rirrigation recharge coefficient of groundwater 潜水蒸发phreatic water evaporation潜水蒸发临界深度critical depth of phreatic water evaporation潜水溢出量phreatic water overflow to surface潜水位phreatic water level潜水埋深buried depth of phreatic water level 潜水含水层厚度thickness of phreatic water aquifer 重力水gravity water给水度specific yield承压水confined water隔水顶板upper confining bed隔水底板lower confining bed承压含水层厚度thickness of confined aquifer承压水头confined water head自流水井artesian well含水层天窗skylight of upper confining bed孔隙水pore water孔隙含水层porous aquifer孔隙-裂隙含水层pore-fissure aquifer有效孔隙度effective porosity裂隙水fissure water裂隙含水层fissure aquifer裂隙度fissure ratio岩溶(喀斯特)karst岩溶水karst water溶洞karst cave岩溶含水层karst aquifer泉spring温泉thermal spring矿泉mineral spring1.11、湖泊水库湖泊lake外流湖exorheic lake内流胡endorheic lake淡水湖fresh lake咸水湖salt lake盐湖saline lake季节性湖泊seasonal lake富营养湖泊eutrophic lake贫营养湖泊poornutrient lake湖流lake current梯度流gradient current漂流current of friction湖浪lake wave湖泊荡漾(假潮)lake seiche湖泊增减水lake wind denivellation湖泊资源lake resoursce湖泊率lake ratio湖泊补给系数recharge coefficient of lake湖泊换水周期lake residence period湖盆lake basin湖面高程elevation of water level in lake岛屿率insulosity湖泊分层lake layering正温层direct thermal stratification逆温层inverse thermal stratification湖泊形态参数morphometric parameter of lake湖泊面积lake area湖泊容量storage of lake湖泊长度length of lake湖泊宽度width of lake湖泊最大深度maximum depth of lake湖泊平均深度mean depth of lake湖泊岸线长度length of lake shoreline湖泊岸线法发育系数development coefficient of lake shoreline 水库reservoir水库特征水位characteristic water levels of reservoir 库容reservoir storage静库容still storage动库容(楔形库容)dynamic storage库容曲线stage-capacity curve水库特征库容characteristic storages of reservoir水库渗漏reservoir seepage水库淤积reservoir sedimentation水库诱发地震reservoir induced earthquake水库拦沙效率sediment trap efficiency of reservoir1.12、沼泽沼泽mire潜育沼泽non-peat mire泥炭沼泽peat mire低位沼泽low level mire高位沼泽main level mire中位沼泽medium level mire沼泽水文mire hydrology沼泽水量平衡water balance of mire沼泽水mire water沼泽蒸发mire evaporation沼泽径流mire runoff沼泽表面流surface flow of mire沼泽表层流surface layer of mire沼泽含水性moisture property of mire沼泽持水性water retention of mire沼泽透水性perviousness of mire沼泽率mire ratio1.13、冰川冰川glacier山地冰川(山岳冰川)mountain glacier谷冰川valley glacier宽尾冰川broad-tail glacier冰斗冰川cirque glacier悬冰川hanging glacier贯通冰川(山麓冰川)penetrating glacier冰原ice field冰川平衡线equilibrium line of glacier二、水文测验2.1、一般术语水文测验hydrometry水文勘测hydrologic reconnaissance水文遥感技术remote-sensing technology in hydrology水文空间技术space technology in hydrology水文核技术nuclear technology in hydrology全球定位系统global positioning system遥测telemetry驻测stationary gauging巡测tour gauging间测intermittent gauging检测test gauging校测corrective gauging委托观测entrust gauging水文仪器hydrologic instrumen直读仪器direct-reading instrument自记仪器automatic-recording instrument遥测装置remote telemetry unit传感器sensor固态存贮器solid storage计数器counter记录器recorder显示器display unit平均无故障工作时间mean time between failures相应水位equivalent stage2.2、水文站网水文测站hydrometric station基本站basic station辅助站auxiliary station专用站special station水文实验站hydrologic experimental station基准水文站bench mark hydrologic station水文气象站hydrometeorologic station巡测站tour gauging station水文站gauging station大河控制站main-stream control station区域代表站regional representative station小河站small-stream station河道站river station水库站reservoir station渠道战canal station湖泊站lake station堰闸站weir and sluice station水位站stage gauging station潮水位站(验潮站)tidal level station水库水位站reservoir stage gauging station湖泊水位站lake stage gauging station雨量站(降水量站)rain gauging station配套雨量站complete set rain gauging station雨量观测场rain observation yard水面蒸发站water surface evaporation station陆上水面蒸发场water surface evaporation station on land 漂浮水面蒸发场floating water surface evaporation yard 水质站(水质监测站)water qualiky station泥沙站sediment station地下水观测井observation well of groundwater水文站网hydrologic network基本站网basic hydrologic network流量站网streamflow gauging network雨量站网rain gauging network水面蒸发站网water surface evaporation network水位站网stage gauging network泥沙站网sediment gauging network水质站网water quality network地下水观测井网groundwater observation well network 站网规划hydrologic network planning水文分区hydrologic regionalization站网布设network layout站网分析network analysis站网检验network examination站网优化network optimization站网调整network adjustment站网密度network density现实密度real density可用密度usable density容许最稀站网minimum network设站年限station required age水文信息hydrologic information水文效益hydrologic benefit2.3、测验基本设施及测量基面datum绝对基面absolute datum假定基面arbitrary datum测站基面station datum冻结基面stationary datum测站控制station control河槽控制channel control断面控制section control人工控制artificial control河底控制river bottom control槛式控制sill control测验河段measuring reach水流平面图flow plane map水道地形图channel topographic map断面标志cross-section sign断面桩cross-section stake标志杆sign rod辐射杆radiation rod基线base line基线桩base line stake水准点benchmark基本水准点basic benchmark校核水准点check benchmark临时水准点temporary benchmark测验断面measuring cross-section基本水尺断面basic gauge cross-section流速仪测流断面current-meter measuring cross-section 浮标测流断面float measuring cross-section比降水尺断面slope measuring cross-section辅助水尺断面secondary gauging cross-section临时测流断面temporary measuring cross-section 水文缆道hydrometric cableway悬索缆道suspended cableway悬杆缆道suspended rod cableway机动缆道mororized cableway手动缆道hand-operating cableway主索main cable循环索loop cable起重索suspension cable水文缆车hydrometric cable car吊船过河索cableway for anchoring boat缆道测验仪cableway measuring device水文测船hydrometric boat水文测桥hydrometric bridge桥测车gauging vehicle on bridge水文巡测车tour gauging vehicle for hydrometry 水准测量leveling跨河水准测量river-crossing leveling水尺零点测量survey of gauge zero控制测量control survey高程控制测量vertical control survey平面控制测量horizontal control survey导线测量traverse survey三角测量triangulation距离测量distance survey河道观测river survey地形测量topographic survey碎部测量detail survey水下地形测量underwater topographic survey2.4、降水量、蒸发量观测及仪器设备降水量precipitation雨量rainfall积雪深度snow depth积雪密度snow density雪水当量water equivalent of snow降水历时precipitation duration降雨强度rainfall intensity降水日数number of precipitation days降水量观测precipitation observation雨量器raingauge承水器raingauge receiver量杯measuring glass累积雨量器accumulative raingauge雨量计rainfall recorder虹吸式雨量计siphon rainfall recorder翻斗式雨量计tipping-bucket rainfall recorder长期雨量计long-term rainfall recorder遥测雨量计telemetering rainfall recorder测雨雷达precipitation-monitoring radar雪量器snow gauge雨雪量计rain and snow recorder蒸发量evaporation蒸发量观测evaporation observation蒸发量折算系数reduction coefficient of evaporation 遮挡率screen ratio蒸发器evaporation pan小型蒸发器(蒸发皿)small evaporation panE-601型蒸发器evaporation pan of type E-601漂浮蒸发器floating evaporation pan蒸发计evaporimeter遥测蒸发计telemetering evaporimeter2.5、水位、水温、波浪观测及仪器设备水位观测stage observation水尺零点gauge zero最高水位maximum stage最低水位minimum stage平均水位mean stage水位变幅fluctuation range of stage比降观测slope observation涨落率rate of rise and fall水面起伏度undulating range of surface水温观测water temperature observation水温表water thermometer波浪观测wave observation波高wave height波长wave lendth波峰wave crest波谷wave trough波陡wave steep测波仪wave meter水尺gauge直立水尺vertical gauge倾斜水尺inclined gauge悬锤水尺wire weight gauge矮桩水尺stake gauge测针水尺point gauge钩形水尺hool gauge最高水位水尺crest stage gauge校核水尺check gauge基本水尺basic gauge辅助水尺auxiliary gauge比降水尺slope gauge临时水尺temporary gauge水位计stage gauge自记水位计stage recorder浮子式水位计float type stage recorder压力式水位计pressure-type stage recorder超声波水位计ultrasonic stage recorder遥测水位计telemetering stage recorder接触式水位计contact-type stage recorder远传水位计telecontrol stage recorder自记水位计台stage recorder installation静水井stilling well2.6、水深、断面测量及仪器设备水深depth测得水深measured depth有效水深effective depth相对水深relative depth断面平均水深mean depth at a cross-section测深sounding测深垂线sounding vertical测深杆sounding rod测深锤sounding weight超声波测探仪(回声测深仪)ultrasonic sounder压力测深仪pressure sounder铅鱼elliptic-type weight起点距distance from initial point断面索tag line水面宽water surface width河底高程river bed elevation横断面cross-section大断面possible maximum cross-section过水断面wetted cross-section水道断面channel cross-section断面面积cross-section area部分面积segment area纵断面longitudinal profile深泓纵断面thalweg profile平均河底高程纵剖面mean channel bed elevation profile拉偏索pull slanting cable悬索偏角改正sounding line correction干绳改正air line correction湿绳改正wet lien correction2.7、流速测验及仪器设备流速测量velocity measurement水面流速surface velocity测点流速velocity at a point最大测点流速maximum point velocity测速垂线velocity-measuring vertical垂线平均流速mean velocity at a vertical部分平均流速mean velocity at a segment断面平均流速mean velocity at a cross-section浮标流速float velocity中泓流速midstream velocity流速分布velocity distribution流速梯度velocity gradient垂线流速分布vertical velocity distribution断面流速分布cross-section velocity distribution测点流速系数point velocity coefficient水面流速系数surface velocity coefficient顺流downstream flow逆流upstream flow流速脉动velocity pulsation中泓流速midstream流向测量flow-direction measurement断面平均流向mean flow direction at a cross-section 流向改正correction for flow direction流向仪flow-direction meter流量测量discharge measurement流速面积法velocity area method流速仪法current-meter method积宽法width-integrating method积深法depth-integrating method选点法point-integrating method动船法moving boat method单宽流量unit discharge部分流量segment discharge比降面积法slope area method浮标法float method浮标系数float coefficient水面浮标系数surface float coefficient中泓浮标系数midstream float coefficient虚流量virtual discharge超声波测流法ultrasonic gauging method电磁测流法electromagnetic gauging method 体积法cubature流速仪法current-meter method转子式流速仪rotating-element current-meter 旋杯市流速仪cup-type current-meter旋浆式流速仪propeller-type current-meter电波流速仪electric wave current-meter超声波剖面流速仪ultrasonic profile current-meter 多普勒流速仪Doppler current-meter参证流速仪reference current-meter流量计flow meter文杜里水流计Venturi flow meter毕托管Pitot tube流速仪检定current-meter calibration检定槽calibration tank检定车calibration carriage浮标float水面浮标系数surface float小浮标small float双浮标double float浮杆float-rod中泓浮标系数midstream float浮标投放器float thrower涉水测流wading stream gauging测杆wading rod2.8、建筑物测流及稀释法测流建筑物测流structure stream-gauging测流堰weir薄壁堰thin-plate weir三角形堰triangular notch weir矩形堰rectangular notch weir梯形堰trapezoidal notch weir实用堰short-crested weir宽顶堰broad-crested weir三角形剖面堰triangular-profile weir平坦V性堰flat-V weir复合堰compound weir全宽堰full-width weir收缩堰contracted weir测流堰flume文杜里水槽Venturi flume临界水深水槽critical-depth flume巴歇尔槽Parshall flume堰体weir body堰高height of weir堰顶高程elevation of weir crest堰顶水头weir head水工建筑物测流flow measurement by hydraulic structure闸门开启高度gate opening行近河槽approach channel行近流速approach velocity堰流weir flow流态flow regime自由流free flow淹没流submerged flow半淹没流half-submerged flow孔流sluice flow射流jet flow淹没比submergence ratio淹没系数submergence coefficient流速系数velocity coefficient流量系数discharge coefficient稀释法测流dilution method for discharge measurement示踪剂tracer标准溶液standard solution背景浓度background concentration稀释比dilution ratio混匀长度mixing length等速注入法constant-rate injection method积分法(一次注入法)integrating method多点注入法multiple injection method注入断面injection cross-section取样断面sampling cross-section2.9、泥沙测验、泥沙颗粒分析及仪器设备泥沙测验sediment measurement断面平均含沙量mean sediment concentration at a cross-section 测点含沙量sediment concentration at a point垂线平均含沙量mean sediment concentration at a vertical单样含沙量index sediment concentration相应单样含沙量equivalent index sediment concentration悬移质输沙率测验suspended sediment discharge全断面混合法cross-section mixing method推移质输沙率bed load discharge单样推移质输沙率index bed load discharge单宽推移质输沙率bed load discharge per unit推移质输沙率测验bed load discharge measurement器测法sampling method坑测法pit method沙波法dune tracking method床沙测验bed material measurement照相法photographic method打印法stamp pad method床沙采样器bed material sampler悬移质采样器suspended sediment sampler瞬时式采样器instantaneous sampler积时式采样器time-integrating sampler瓶式采样器bottled sampler皮囊式采样器collapsible sampler泵式采样器pumping sampler调压式采样器pressure adjustable sample同位素测沙仪radioisotope sediment concentration meter 光电测沙仪photoelectric sediment concentration meter 振动式测沙仪vibrational sediment concentration meter 推移质采样器bed load sampler网式采样器basket-type sampler压差式采样器pressure-difference sampler进口流速系数intake velocity coefficient采样效率sampling efficiency水样处理sample processing烘干法oven-dry method过滤法filtration method置换法displacement method泥沙颗粒分析particle size analysis尺量法direct measurement method称重法gravimetric method筛分析法sieve analysis method粒径计法settling tube method吸管法pipet method消光法photosedimentation method比重计法(密度计法)hydrometer method离心沉降法centrifugal settling method颗分仪法grain-size analysis meter分析筛sieve沉降管sedimentation tube粒径计settling tube meter吸管法pipet光电颗分仪photoelectric particle size meter比重计(密度计)hydrometer泥沙沉降sediment settling沉降速度settling velocity平均沉速mean settling velocity絮凝flocculation反凝剂deflocculant粒径particle diameter中数粒径median particle diameter平均粒径mean particle diameter等容粒径nominal diameter投影粒径projected diameter三轴平均粒径triaxial mean particle diameter几何平均粒径geometric mean particle diameter筛析粒径sieve diameter沉降粒径settling diameter粒径组fraction of particle size颗粒级配grain-size distribution颗粒级配曲线grain-size distribution curve单样颗粒级配index sample grain-size distribution垂线平均颗粒级配mean grain-size distribution in a vertical断面平均颗粒级配mean grain-size distribution in a cross-section累计沙重百分数accumulated sediment weight percent分沙器silt divider2.10、地下水观测及仪器设备地下水动态观测groundwater regime observation地下水动态要素elements of groundwater regime地下水天然动态natural groundwater regime地下水开采动态groundwater regime under exploitation地下水动态曲线hydrograph of groundwater element地下水位下降速率decline rate of groundwater level观测井定点reference mark on observation well地下水位计groundwater stage gauge2.11、水质监测及采样仪器设备水质监测water quality monitoring流动监测mobile monitoring自动监测automatic monitoring生物监测biologic monitoring便携式水质监测仪portable water quality monitor水质自动检测系统automatic water quality analyzing system卫星水质遥测系统remote-measuring system of water quality by satellite 采样断面sampling cross-section对照断面check cross-section控制断面control cross-section消减断面attenuation cross-section水样保存water-sample preservation检出率detected ratio超标率over-limit ratio痕迹量trace未检出nonreadout回收率recovery ratio溶解气体采样器dissolved gases sampler2.12、冰清观测及仪器设备冰清观测ice-regime ovservation固定点冰厚测量fixed-point ice thickness measurement冰清目测visual observation of ice regime冰清符号ice code冰清图ice-regime charts初冰日期first-ice date封冻日期freeze-up date解冻日期break-up date终冰日期end ice date封冻历时freeze-up duration水漫冰厚thickness of immersed ice敞露水面宽open-water width冰流量ice discharge流冰疏密度ice run concentration冰花厚thickness of frazil slush冰花密度density of frazil slush。
水文学原理Principle of hydrologyChapter 1 绪论绪论:introduction大气圈(aerosphere)水圈(hydrosphere)岩石圈(lithosphere)生物圈(biosphere)人类圈(anthroposphere)中国四大水问题(four major water issues in China)水多(more):洪水(floods)水少(less):干旱(droughts)水浑(turbid):水土流失(soil and water losses)水脏(dirty):水污染(water pollution)水平/垂直结构(horizontal/vertical structure)河流学(potamology/river hydrology) 湖沼学(limnology/lake hydrology) 水库(reservoir)冰川水文学(glacier hydrology) 地下水水文学(groundwater hydrology)水文气象学(hydrometeorology) 积云(cumulus) 河口水文学(estuary hydrology)流域水文学(basin hydrology) 全球水文学(global hydrology)水文学中的环境同位素(environmental isotopes in hydrology)Chapter 2 水文循环水文循环:hydrological cycle海洋蓄水(water storage in oceans) 蒸发(evaporation)凝结(condensation)大气蓄水(water storage in the atmosphere)冰雪蓄水(water storage in ice and snow)降水(precipitation)散发(transpiration)蒸散发(evapotranspiration)升华(sublimation)凝华(desublimation)地表径流(surface/direct runoff)融雪径流(snow melt runoff to streams)河川径流(streamflow)泉水(spring)淡水储存(freshwater storage)下渗(infiltration)地下水出流(groundwater discharge)地下水储存(groundwater storage)大/中/小尺度(macro-scale/mesoscale/microscale)开放/封闭系统(open/closed system)截留(interception)洼地储蓄(depression storage)地下径流(groundflow)壤中流(interflow)总水量(total water)海洋/大陆(oceans/continent)咸水/淡水(saline/fresh water)沼泽(marish)大气水(atmospheric water)生物水(biological water)土壤水(soil water)Chapter 3 流域与水系流域与水系:Watershed & Drainage NetworksPart 1 基本概念分水线(watershed divide) 闭合流域(closed watershed)非闭合流域(unclosed watershed) 水系(Drainage Networks)羽毛状水系(Elongated shape) 平行状水系(fan shape)混合状水系(mixed shape) 坡地(Slope) 倾斜面(inclined plane)收敛曲面(Convergent Camber) 发散曲面(Divergent Camber流域基本单元(Unit)P art 2 水系的地貌特征河源 (headwater) 节点 (node) 出口 (outlet)外链 (External links) 内链 (Internal links) 干流(main river)支流(tributary river) Strahler分级法河流长度(stream length)河数定律(the law of stream numbers) 河长定律(the law of stream lengths)链长度(Link Length) 横断面(Cross section) 纵断面(longitudinal section)大断面(flood cross-section) 弯曲率(Sinuosity)河底比降(Slope of stream bed)Part 3 流域的地貌特征流域形状(Shape of watershed)流域坡度(Slope of watershed)流域面积及面积定律(Drainage area and the law of drainage areas)流域长度和宽度(Width and length of watershed)形态因子(Shape factor)圆度(Circularity ratio) 伸长比(Elongation ratio)河网密度和河道维持常数(Drainage density & constant of channel maintenance)河流频度和链频度 (Stream frequency & link frequency)面积--河长曲线(Drainage area-stream length curve )高程曲线(Elevation curve)Chapter 4 降水降水 (Precipitation)Part 1 降水要素及其时空变化表示方法(Precipitation elements & Temporal and spatial variation)降雨的基本要素(Rainfall Elements)降雨量(深) Rainfall (depth)降雨历时(Rainfall duration) 降雨强度(Rainfall intensity) 降雨面积(Rainfall area) 暴雨中心(Storm center)降雨强度与历时曲线(Rainfall intensity-duration curve)降雨深与面积关系曲线(Rainfall depth-area curve)降雨深与面积和历时关系曲线(Rainfall depth-area-duration curve)Part 2 降雨类型及其影响因素(Types of rainfall and Affecting factors)气旋雨(Cyclonic rain) 对流雨(Convectional/Convectiverain)台风雨(Typhoons/Hurricanes) 地形雨(Orographic rain)锋面雨(Frontal rain) 非锋面雨(Non-frontal rain)Part 3 区域(流域)平均降雨量计算方法(Calculation method of Average rainfall overan area)算术平均法 (Arithmetic mean method) 泰森多边形法 (Thiessen polygon method)等雨量线法 (Isohyetal method) 距离平方倒数法(Inverse distance-squared method)雷达测雨 (Radar measurement of rainfall) 卫星测雨 (Satellitic measurementof rainfall)Part4 降雨资料的检验(Test of rainfall data)Chapter 5 土壤水土壤水(Soil Water)水文循环(Hydrologic Cycle)土壤颗粒(soil particles)过滤(leach)蒸发(evaporation)蒸发,散发(transpiration)水分(moisture)Part 1土壤的质地结构及“三相”关系土壤质地 (Soil texture) 粘粒(clay)粉粒(silt)砂粒(sand)土壤结构 (Soil configuration) 土壤中的“三相”关系 (Three phases within a soil)固体(Solids)液体(Liquids)空气(Vapor)固体密度(solid density) 干容重(Dry bulk density) 孔隙度(Porosity)质量含水率(Gravimetric water content) 容积含水率(volumetric water content)饱和度(the degree of saturation) 充气孔隙度(Aeration porosity)孔隙比(Void ratio)Part 2土壤水的存在形态土壤水作用力(Forces governing soil water) 分子力(Molecular force)毛管力(Capillary force) 粘着力(Adhesion)粘结力(Cohesion)重力(Gravitational force) 土壤水类型 (Soil waterclassification)束缚水(bound water)吸湿水(Hygroscopic Water) 膜状水(Film water)毛管上升水(Ascending water in capillary tube) 渗透重力水(percolating water)毛管悬着水(Suspended capillary water) sustained gravitational water(支持重力水)土壤水分常数 (Soil water constants) 田间持水量(field capacity)Saturation(饱和状态)Part 3土壤水的能量状态土水势 (Soil water potential) 影响因素(Affect the factors)土壤水分特性曲线 (Soil water characteristic curve)Chapter 6 下渗下渗: InfiltrationPart 1 引言(Introduction)土壤水分剖面 (soil moisture profile) 下渗 (infiltration)下渗率(infiltration intensity) 下渗容量(infiltration capacity)下渗曲线(infiltration capacity curve)累积下渗曲线(accumulative infiltration capacity curve)下渗机理(mechanism of infiltration)Part 2 非饱和下渗理论()下渗方程的导出(deduction of infiltration equation)忽略重力作用的下渗方程的解(solution under gravity neglected)完全下渗方程的解(solution under whole condition)Part 3饱和下渗理论()基本方程的建立 establishment of basic equation下渗曲线的导出(deduction of infiltration curve)Chapter 7 蒸发与散发蒸发与散发(Evaporation & Transpiration)Part 1蒸发现象及其控制条件(evaporation and control conditions)基本概念(basic concepts)蒸发潜热 (heat of vaporization)蒸发率(evaporation rate) 凝结潜热 (condensation latent)蒸发能力(evaporation capacity) 蒸发分类 classification of evaporation控制蒸发率的条件 controlling conditions for evaporation 动力条件(dynamic)气象条件meteorological condition 供水条件 (water supply)Part 2 水面蒸发(water surface evaporation)太阳辐射 (solar radiation) 气压 (air pressure) 风速 (wind velocity)温度 (temperature) 湿度 (humidity) 水面大小(water surface area)水面形状(shape of water body) 水深 (water depth) 水质(water quality)理论方法(theoretical method)热量平衡法 (heat balance method)空气动力学法 (aerodynamic method) 混合法 (mixed method)水量平衡法 (water balance method) 经验公式(empirical equation)器测法( instrument-measurement method )水面蒸发的时空分布特点 temporal spatial distribution characteristicsPart 3 土壤蒸发土壤蒸发过程 (soil water evaporation processes)土壤蒸发规律 (soil water evaporation rules)Part 4 植物散发散发现象(phenomena of plant transpiration) 植物散发规律(plant transpiration rules)植物散发的确定 (determination of transpiration)Part 5 流域蒸散发(watershed evapotranspiration)上层(Upper Layer)下层(Lower Layer)深层(Deep Layer)Chapter 8 产流机制产流机制:mechanism of runoff generation径流 (Runoff) 径流形成过程 (Rainfall-Runoff Process)径流深(Runoff Depth) 径流量的时程分配(Temporal distribution of runoff)Part 1包气带及其结构(Aeration (vadose) zone and its structure)包气带和饱水带(aeration zone or vadose zone and Saturdayed zone)特殊包气带(Special aeration zone)三相系统(three-phase system(liquid, gaseous,solid))土壤结构(soil structure)包气带结构(The structure of aeration zone)高寒地带的包气带(aeration zone in a high and cold area)Part 2包气带的水分动态及对降雨的再分配作用(Soil moisture dynamics in aeration zone and its roles in partitioning rainfall)A、包气带水分动态(soil moisture dynamics in aeration zone)包气带水分的增长(Soil moisture increase in aeration zone)包气带水分的消退(Recession of soil moisture in aeration zone)B、包气带对降雨的再分配作用(The role of aeration zone in redistributing rainfall)筛子(sieve)门槛(threshold)C、包气带水量平衡方程式(Water balance equation for aeration zone)Part 3 产流的物理条件(Physical conditions for runoff generation)超渗地面径流(Hortonian overland flow) (Rainfall excess)壤中水径流产流(through flow / subsurface flow / interflow)饱和地面径流条件(saturated overland flow)回归流(return flow)Part 4 基本产流模式 (Basic modes of runoff generation)Chapter 9 地表水流地表水流:surface flowPart 1 洪水波的形成及传播(Formation and propagation of flood wave) A、洪水波运动 (movement wave)a、几何特征(geomtric characteristics)波体(main body of flood wave)波高(wave height)波长(wave length)b、附加比降(additional slope)c、相应流量与相应水位(Corresponding discharge (water levels, stages) )d、波速(wave velocity)e、坦化(attenuation)扭曲(distortion)B、洪水运动的水力学描述(Hydraulic description of flood wave movement)圣维南方程组(Saint-Venant Equations)连续方程(Continuity equation or mass conservation equation)动力方程 (Momentum equation)C、洪水波的分类(Classification of flood wave)空间惯性迁移惯性项(convective inertia term)重力(gravity)时间惯性力局地惯性项(local inertia term)压力(pressure )阻力(friction)D、运动波 (Kinematic wave)E、扩散波 (Diffusion wave)Part 2(Storage theory & storage equation)A、河槽调节作用和河段水量平衡方程(Storage effects of a river channel and waterbalance equation for a reach)蓄满产流(Runoff generation on repletion of storage)超渗产流(Runoff generation in excess of infiltration)B、槽蓄方程(Storage equation)C、洪水波运动的水文学方法(Hydrological method of flood wave movementD 、特征河长(Characteristic river length)F、槽蓄曲线的特性(Nature of Storage-discharge curve)Chapter 10 洪水演算洪水演算 (Flood Routing)Part 1 引言 (Introduction)具有物理基础的洪水演算法 (Physically-based flood routing method)质量守恒(mass conservation)动量守恒(momentum conservation)Part 2 线性扩散波演算法(Linear diffusion wave routing method)定解问题的构成 (Composition of solution problems) 基本解 (Basic solution)出流过程的计算(Derivation of outflow hydrograph) 扩散波(Diffusion wave)入流过程 (Processing of inflow hydrograph) 稳定流(Steady flow)参数的确定 (Determination of parameters) 卷积公式(Convolution formula)上断面洪水过程(inflow hydrograph at upper section)半无限长,自由下边界(semi—infinite long, free lower boundary)简单入流过程(Simple inflow hydrograph) 单位入流过程(Unit Inflow hydrograph)单位矩形入流过程 (Unit Rectangular Pulse Input)单位瞬时脉冲入流(Unit instantaneous Pulse Input)入流过程离散化(Discretizing inflow hydrograph) 汇流曲线(flow concentration curve)Part 3 线性特征河长演算法(Linear characteristic length routing method)描述洪水波运动的基本微分方程式(Basic differential equations of flood wave movement)汇流曲线的确定(Determination of flow concentration curve)Part 4 线性运动波演算法(Linear kinematic wave routing method)运动波差分方程的建立(Difference equation of kinematic wave)数值扩散的概念(Numerical diffusion) 连续演算问题(successive routing)汇流系数的计算(Calculation of flow concentration coefficient)泰勒公式(Taylor formula) 汇流系数(flow concentrationcoefficient)Chapter 11 流域产流流域产流:Watershed Runoff Generation/ProductionPart 1 引言(Introduction)径流 (Runoff) 径流形成过程 (Rainfall-Runoff Process)径流深(Runoff Depth) 径流量的时程分配(Temporal distribution of runoff) Part 2流域产流面积的变化(Variations in runoff producing area)A、现象及原因(Phenomena & Causes)蓄满产流(Runoff generation on repletion of storage)超渗产流(Runoff generation in excess of infiltration)B、蓄满产流条件下总径流的产流面积变化(Variations in the runoff producing area of total runoff under runoff formation on repletion of storage)蓄水容量曲线(Watershed Capacity Curve)流域蓄水容量曲线(Watershed water capacity curve)在降雨空间分布均匀的情况下(Spatial distribution of rainfall is even) C、超渗产流地面径流产流面积变化(Variations in the runoff producing area of surface runoff under runoff formation in excess of infiltration)Part 3 蓄满产流的流域产流量的计算(Computation of total runoff under runoff formation on repletion of storage)总径流量的计算(Computation of total runoff)径流成分的划分(Separation of runoff components)降雨空间分布不均匀情况(Spatial distribution of rainfall being uneven)Part 4超渗产流的流域产流量计算(Computation of total runoff under runoff formation in excess of infiltration)Chapter 12 流域汇流流域汇流:Watershed flow concentrationPart 1 基本概念及数学描述Basic Concepts and mathematical description A、流域汇流的路径Watershed flow paths几何路径 (Geometric paths) 状态路径 (State paths)B、流域汇流时间Watershed flow time of concentration平均流域汇流时间 (Average watershed flow time of concentration)最大流域汇流时间 (Maximum Watershed flow time of concentration)C、径流成因公式Formula for computing the discharge at the watershed outletD、流域调蓄作用Watershed storage effectsPart 2流域汇流系统分析 Analysis of watershed flow concentration system 基于流域调蓄作用的流域汇流系统的数学表达式(Mathematical description of storage-effect-based watershed flow system)流域瞬时单位线(Watershed Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph)卷积公式 (Convolution formula)流域单位线的识别(Determination of unit hydrograph)Part 3面积—时间曲线Time-area histogram等流时线和等流时面积(Isochrones and Inter-isochrone areas)等流时线法(Isochrones Method)Part 4概念性流域汇流模型Conceptual watershed flow concentration models 概念性元件(Conceptual components)“渠道”型 (Canal type) b. “水库”型(Reservoir type)概念性元件的组合及其瞬时单位线(Combination of conceptual components and the corresponding instantaneous unit hydrograph)。
水文学与水文地质学英文术语河流阶地:river terrace面源:area source线源:line source点源:point source非点源:non-point source groundwater潜水groundwater artery地下水干道groundwater barrier地下水堡坝groundwater basin地下水盆地groundwater capture地下水袭夺groundwater cascade地下水小瀑布groundwater cement潜水泥groundwater dam地下水坝groundwater discharge地下水排泄groundwater divide地下分水界groundwater flow地下径流groundwater inventory地下水总量目录groundwater level地下水位groundwater mound地下水土丘groundwater province地下水区groundwater recession地下水后退groundwater recession curve地下水后退曲线groundwater reservoir地下水储集groundwater runoff地下径流groundwater simulation地下模拟groundwater spring潜水泉groundwater table地下水位group群exploitable groundwater地下水可开采量groundwater depression cone地下水下降漏斗字段名英文名站码station code站名station name站别station category流域名称basin name水系名称hydrometric net code河流名称river name施测项目码item code of obervation行政区划码administration division code水资源分区码code of water resources regionalization 设站年份year of station establishment设站月份month of station establishment撤站年份year of withdrawal of station撤站月份month of withdrawal of station集水面积drainage area流入何处flowing-to至河口距离distance to river mouth基准基面名称name of fiducial datum领导机关leading agency(administration agency)管理单位administration站址station location东经longitude北纬latitude测站等级grade of hydrometric station报汛等级grade of Flood-Reporting Station备注note站点码station point code站点名station point name测流方法observation method控水目的purpose of control water project控水工程类型control water project type控水工程代码code of control water project控水工程运行规则operation regulation of control water project 推流参数parameter of discharge computation引水点名Location name of pumping排水点名Location name of surface drainage实际最大灌溉面积maximum area of practical irrigation上界站站码station code of upper boundary station至上界站河段长length of reach to upper bound station下界站站码code of lower bound station至下界站河段长length of reach to lower bound station高差基数base of difference in elevation流域水系码codes of hydrographic net of abasin调查资料来源单位office recording investigation data区码code of zone区名zone name区类zone type水体总容量total capacity of water bodies灌溉水田面积area of rice paddy irrigated灌溉面积irrigation area城市人口urban population工业总产值gross industrial output value水库和水闸控制面积drainage area of reservoir or weir or sluice 调查面积investigation area量算地图比例尺scale of measured map连通试验可靠等级reliability rank of connectivity pair test旁证资料可靠等级reliability level of data witness面积成果合理性等级reliability rank of area data直接上级区名zone name of prime at first调查报告编号investigation report number地理包含关系geography contain relation站点类别station point category年year相关站码correlative station code关系标识relationship ID关系说明relationship illustration主断面迁移号migration numbers of main cross section 断面名称cross section name断面位置location of cross section变动年份changed Year变动月份changed month变动日changed day同系列标志series marker变动情况changed conditions水尺名称gage name水尺型式gage type水尺质料material of gage自记台类型type of stage recorder水尺位置location of gage使用情况use condition河段情况river reach circumsta nce图类型graph type图标题graph title图graph MIME类型MIME type水准点编号benchmark number水准点类型benchmark type变动日期date of Setup or change采用基面名称adoption datum name冻结或测站基面以上高程elevation above stationary datum绝对或假定基面以上高程elevation above absolute or arbitrary datum 绝对基面名称name of absolute or arbitrary datum水准点型式benchmark style水准点位置benchmark location引据水准点编号number of benchmark from which elevation is measured 变动原因cause of change工程名称engineering name工程名称代码engineering name code开始蓄水年份begin storing water year开始蓄水月份begining month of storing water校核洪水位check flood stage校核库容check storage capacity of reservoir设计洪水位design flood stage设计库容reservoir capacity corresponding to DSFLZ正常高水位normal high water level正常库容Normal reservoir storage死水位dead pool level死库容dead reservoir capacity溢洪道号spillway number竣工年份completion year竣工月份completion month溢洪道长度spillway length溢洪道堰顶高程elevation of spillway crest溢洪道堰顶宽width of spillway crest溢洪道设计最大流量maximum designed discharge of spillway 闸组号gate group number孔型type of sluice or hole孔数count of sluice or hole孔高sluice or hole height孔宽sluice or hole width设计最大流量maximum designed discharge of sluice or tunnel 翼墙型式wing wall type墩头型式type of pier head of sluice or tunnel堰顶闸底形状shape of weir crest or sluice bed设计灌溉面积design irrigated area due to sluice or tunnel工程地址location of engineering控制面积control area总库容total reservoir capacity最大实灌面积actually irrigated area due to sluice or tunnel 最大实引排水量maximum volume of actual diversion or drainage 仪器口径mouth diameter of rain gauge仪器精度precision of rain gauge记录模式recording mode获值模式sensing mode绝对高程elevation above absolute datum器口离地面高度instrument height above ground非汛期观测段制observation regime in nonflood season汛期观测段制observation regime in flood season蒸发场位置特征character of location of evaporation-gauging 仪器型式type of instrument(equipment)附近地势nearby topography四周障碍物obstacles around station起时间beginning time止时间end time时间time起始日期beginning date旬起始日期beginning date of aperiod of ten days月month日期dat e降水量precipitation降水量注解码remark code of precipitation降水日数number of precipitation days降水日数注解码remark code of number of precipitation days最大降水量maximum precipitation最大降水量时段长maximum precipitation duration最大日降水量maximum daily precipitation最大日降水量注解码remark code of maximum daily precipitation最大日降水量出现日期occurring date of maximum daily precipitation 终霜日期date of frost disappearance初霜日期date of frost appearance终雪日期date of snow disappearance初雪日期date of snow appearance终冰日期date of ice disappearance初冰日期date of ice appearance蒸发器型式type of evaporation equipment水面蒸发量surface evaporation水面蒸发量注解码remark code of evaporation最大日水面蒸发量maximum daily evaporation最大日水面蒸发量注解码remark code of maximum daily evaporation最大日水面蒸发量出现日期occurring date of maximum daily evaporation最小日水面蒸发量minimum daily surface evaporation最小日水面蒸发量注解码remark code of minimum daily surface evaporation最小日水面蒸发量出现日期occurring date of minimum daily surface evaporation观测高度observation height气温air temperature气温注解码remark code air temperat ure平均气温average air temperature平均气温注解码remark code of average air temperature最高气温maximum air temperature最高气温注解码remark code of maximum air temperature最高气温日期date of maximum air temperature最低气温minimum air temperature最低气温注解码remark code of minimum air temperature最低气温日期date of minimum air temperature水汽压vapour pressure水汽压注解码remark code of vapour pressure平均水汽压average vapor pressure平均水汽压注解码remark code of average vapor pressure水汽压力差difference of vapour pressure水汽压力差注解码remark code of difference of vapour pressure平均水汽压力差average vapor pressure difference平均水汽压力差注解码remark code of average vapor pressure difference 风速wind velocity风速注解码remark code of wind velocity平均风速average wind velocity平均风速注解码remark code of average wind velocity闸上水位stage in Sluice Upstream闸上水位注解码remark code of upsluice stage闸下水位down sluice stage闸下水位注解码remark code of downsluice stage坝上水位stage behind dam坝上水位注解码remark code of the stage behind dam水位stage水位注解码remark code of stage平均水位average stage平均水位注解码rema rk code of average stage最高水位maximum stage最高水位注解码remark code of maximum stage最高水位日期occurring date of maximum stage最低水位minimum stage最低水位注解码remark code of date of minimum stage最低水位日期date of minimum stage保证率reliability of stage保证率水位reliability stage保证率水位注解码remark code of reliability stage 流量discharge平均流量average discharge平均流量注解码remark code of average discharge 最大流量maximum discharge最大流量注解码remark code of maximum discharge 最大流量日期date of maximum discharge最小流量minimum discharge最小流量注解码remark code of minimum discharge 最小流量日期date of minimum discharge蓄水量Reservoir Storage径流量runoff径流量注解码remark code of runoff径流模数runoff modulus径流深runoff in depth最大洪量时段长duration of maximum flood volume 最大洪量maximum flood volume泥沙类型sediment type含沙量sediment concentration平均含沙量average sediment concentration平均含沙量注解码remark code of average sediment concentration最大含沙量maximum sediment concentration最大含沙量注解码remark code of maximum sediment concentration最大含沙量日期date of maximum sediment concentration最小含沙量minimum sediment concentration最小含沙量注解码remark code of minimum sediment concentration最小含沙量日期date of minimum sediment concentration平均输沙率average sediment discharge平均输沙率注解码remark code of average sediment discharge最大日平均输沙率maximum average of daily sediment discharge最大日平均输沙率注解码remark code of maximum average of daily sediment discharge最大日平均输沙率出现日期occurring date of maximum average of daily sediment discharge输沙量sediment runoff输沙量注解码remark code of sediment runoff输沙模数sediment runoff modulus采样仪器型号model number of sampling instrument采样效率系数efficiency coefficient of sampling上限粒径upper limit particle size平均沙重百分数average percent of sediment weight中数粒径median particle diameter平均粒径average particle diameter最大粒径maximum particle diameter水温water temperature水温注解码remark code of water temperature平均水温average water temperature平均水温注解码remark code of average water temperature最高水温maximum water temperature最高水温注解码remark code of maximum water temperature最高水温日期occurring date of maximum water temperat ure最低水温minimum water temperature最低水温注解码remark code of minimum water temperature最低水温日期date of minimum water temperature冰情注解码remark code of ice condition河心冰厚ice thickness at river center岸边冰厚Thickness of Border Ice冰上雪深snow depth on ice岸上气温air temperature on bank解冻日期date of ice break up封冻日期ice freeze up date上半年封冻天数number of actual freeze up days in first half of year 下半年封冻天数number of actual freeze up days in second half of year 终止流冰日期end date of ice run开始流冰日期beginning date of ice run河心最大冰厚maximum ice thickness at river center河心最大冰厚出现日期occurring date of the maximum ice thickness at river center岸边最大冰厚Maximum thickness of border Ice岸边最大冰厚出现日期occurring date of maximum thickness of border ice最大流冰块长度maximum length of ice floe最大流冰块宽度maximum width of ice floe最大流冰块冰速maximum velocity of ice floe断面平均冰速average ice flow velocity at cross section最大冰上雪深maximum snow depth on ice最大冰上雪深出现日期occurring date of maximum snow depth on ice春季最大冰流量maximum ice discharge in spring春季最大冰流量注解码re mark code of maximum ice discharge in spring春季最大冰流量日期occurring date of ice discharge in spring冬季最大冰流量maximum ice discharge in winter冬季最大冰流量注解码remark code of occurring data of maximum ice discharge in winter冬季最大冰流量日期occurring data of maximum ice discharge in winter春季总冰流量gross ice discharge in spring春季总冰流量注解码remark code of gross ice discharge in spring冬季总冰流量gross ice discharge in winter冬季总冰流量注解码remark code of ice discharge in winter年总冰流量yearly total ice discharge年总冰流量注解码remark code yearly total ice discharge平均冰流量average ice discharge平均冰流量注解码remark code of average ice discharge总冰流量total of ice discharge总冰流量注解码remark code of total of ice discharge最大冰流量maximum ice discharge最大冰流量注解码remark code of maximum ice discharge最大冰流量日期date of maximum ice discharge潮别tidal type潮位tidal level潮位注解码remark code of tidal level潮差tidal range历时duration潮流量tidal discharge潮量tidal volume潮输沙率tidal sediment discharge潮输沙量tidal sediment runoff平均高潮潮位average high tidal level平均高潮潮位注解码remark of average high tidal level stage 最高高潮位Maximum high tidal stage最高高潮位注解码remark code of Maximum high tidal stage最高高潮位出现时间occurring time of Maximum high tidal stage最低高潮位minimum high tidal stage最低高潮位注解码remark code of minimum high water level最低高潮位出现时间occurring time of minimum high tidal stage平均低潮潮位average low tidal level平均低潮潮位注解码remark of average low tidal level最高低潮位maximum low tidal stage最高低潮位注解码remark code of maxiumm low tidal stage最高低潮位出现时间occurring time of maximum low tidal stage最低低潮位minimum low tidal stage最低低潮位注解码remark code of minimum low tidal stage最低低潮位出现时间occurring time of minimum low tidal stage平均涨潮潮差average of flood tide range平均涨潮潮差注解码remark code of average of flood tide range最大涨潮潮差maximum flood tidal range最大涨潮潮差注解码remark code of maximum flood tidal range最大涨潮潮差(高潮)时间time of maximum flood tidal range最小涨潮潮差minimum flood tidal range最小涨潮潮差注解码remark code of minimum flood tidal range最小涨潮潮差(高潮)时间high tidal time of minimum flood tidal range 平均落潮潮差average ebb tide range平均落潮潮差注解码remark code of average of ebb tidal range最大落潮潮差maximum ebb tidal range最大落潮潮差注解码remark code of maximum ebb tidal range最大落潮潮差(高潮)时间high water occurring time of maximum ebb tidal range最小落潮潮差minimum ebb tidal range最小落潮潮差注解码remark code of minimum ebb tidal range最小落潮潮差(高潮)时间high water occurring time of minimum ebb tidal range平均涨潮历时average flood tidal duration平均涨潮历时注解码remark code of average of flood tidal range最长涨潮历时maximum flood tidal duration最长涨潮历时注解码remark code of maximum flood tide duration最长涨潮历时(高潮)时间high water occurring time of maximum flood tidal duration最短涨潮历时minimum flood tidal duration最短涨潮历时注解码remark code of minimum flood tidal duration最短涨潮历时(高潮)时间high tidal time of minimum flood tidal duration平均落潮历时mean ebb tide duration平均落潮历时注解码remark code of mean ebb tide duration最长落潮历时maximum ebb tidal duration最长落潮历时注解码remark code of maximum ebb tidal duration最长落潮历时(高潮)时间high water occurring time of maximum ebb tidal duration最短落潮历时minimum ebb tidal duration最短落潮历时注解码r emark code of minimum ebb tidal duration最短落潮历时(高潮)时间high tidal time of Minimum ebb tidal duration 逐时平均潮位hourly average tidal stage逐时平均潮位注解码remark code of hourly average tidal stage平均潮差average tide range平均潮差注解码remark code of yearly average tide range平均历时average tidal duration平均历时注解码remark code of average tidal duration施测日期beginning date of measurement测次号observation number垂线号numbers of typical verticals起点距distance from initial point河底高程river bed elevation河底高程注解码remark code of river bed elevation测时水位stage during observation测时水位注解码remark code of stage during observation垂线方位vertical azimuth断面名称及位置cross section name and location测次说明note引用施测日期date of quoted observation引用测次号number of quoted observation引用起始起点距beginning distance from initial point引用终止起点距end distance from initial point岸别符号bank symbol痕迹类型trace type日day时hour分minute点编号point code点详细位置point detailed location点东经point east longitude点北纬point north latitude点高程point elevation点参数point parameter指认人及印象witness man's impression目击和旁证可靠等级reliability rank of witness痕迹和标志物可靠等级reliability level of trace or flag 估计误差范围estimation error range调查日期investigation date起始年beginning year起始月beginning month起始日beginning day起始时beginning hour起始分beginning minute终止年end year终止月end month终止日end day终止时end hour终止分end minute雨情描述description of rainfall information重现期Recurrence Interval重现期统计截止年cut-off year of statistics of recurrence interval目击和水痕可靠等级reliability rank of witness or trace承雨器障碍物可靠等级reliability level of rain collector barrier before rainfall承雨器雨前可靠等级reliability level of rain collector before rainfall承雨器漫溢渗漏可靠等级reliability level of loss quantity of rain collector seepage or overflow水位可靠等级reliability level of stage推算流量方法method of discharge computation水流边界flow boundary推算流量资料可靠等级reliability level of data used in discharge computation推算流量方法可靠等级reliability level of method of discharge computation推算流量成果合理性等级reliability level of discharge computation次水量water volume of one floo d水情描述description of hydrological information流量施测号数number of discharge observation测流起时间beginning time of flow measurment测流止时间end time of flow measurement测流方法Method of flow measurement基本水尺水位base gage stage流量注解码remark code of discharge断面总面积total of cross section area断面过水面积wetted cross-section area断面面积注解码remark code of cross section area断面平均流速average flow velocity at across-section 断面最大流速maximum flow velocity at across-section 水面宽top width断面平均水深Average water depth at cross section断面最大水深maximum water depth水浸冰冰底宽ice bottom width水浸冰冰底平均水深ice bottom average depth水浸冰冰底最大水深ice bottom maximum depth水面比降surface slope糙率roughness时段类别category of interval水量类别category of water quantity水量water quantity水量测算方法estimation method of water quantity年实测水量占比percent of observation water-quantity in total水量计算方法可靠等级reliability level of estimation method of water quantity水量成果合理性等级fitness rank of water quantity data起时间闸(坝)上水位upstream stage of beginning time起时间闸(坝)上水位注解码remark code of upstream stage at beginning time起时间闸(坝)下水位downstream stage at beginning time起时间闸(坝)下水位注解码remark code of downstream stage of beginning time最大流量出现时间Occurring Time of Maxmum Discharge实测蓄水变量observed water storage调查蓄水变量investigation storage实测灌溉还原水量observed restoring water quantity in irrigation调查灌溉还原水量restoring water quantity of investigation in irrigation水平梯田拦蓄地面径流量surface water runoff catched by level terraced field工业生活还原水量restoring water quantity of industrial water or domestic water实测工业生活还原水量observed water quantity of industrial water or domestic water区内除涝排水量water quantity of waterlogging control in zone实测区内除涝排水量observed water quantity of waterlogging control in zone跨流域引水量water quantity of interbasin transfer实测跨流域引水量observed water quantity of interbasin transfer跨区回归水量return flow in cross zone实测跨区回归水量observed return flow in cross zone跨区回归水量测算方法estimation method of return flow in cross zone跨区溃坝水量water quantity of cross zone dam-break实测跨区溃坝水量observed water quantity of cross zone dam-break跨区溃坝水量测算方法estimation method of water quantity of cross zone dam-break溃坝还原水量restoring water quantity in dam-break跨区分洪水量water quantity of cross zone flood diversion实测跨区分洪水量observed water quantity of cross zone flood diversion跨区分洪水量测算方法estimation method of water quantity of cross zone flood diversion分洪还原水量restoring water quantity of flood diversion跨区决口水量water quantity of cross zone branching实测跨区决口水量observed water quantity of cross zone branching跨区决口水量测算方法estimation method of water quantity of cross zone branching决口还原水量restoring water quantity of bursting暗河交换水量exchanged water volume between underground rivers暗河交换水量估算方法method of estimating exchanged water volume between underground rivers暗河交换水量参证站相似程度similar level of bench-mark station of exchanged water volume between underground rivers暗河交换水量平衡程度balance level of exchange water between underground rivers跨区渗漏水量water quantity of cross zone seepage浅层地下水还原水量restoring water quantity of shallow groundwater实测浅层地下水还原水量observe drestoring water quantity of shallow underground water浅层地下水还原水量测算方法estimation method of restoring water quantity of shallow groundwater深层地下水还原水量restoring water quantity of deep-layer groundwater实测深层地下水还原水量observed restoring water quantity of deep layer underground water深层地下水还原水量测算方法restoring water quantity of deep-layer groundwater泉水出露量capacity of spring总进水量total inflow runoff总出水量total outflow runoff降水总量precipitation蒸散发总量total evapotranspiration蓄水水面蒸发增损水量water quantity extracted by evaporation on water surface出口水体起时间水位stage of overflow water body at beginning time出口水体起时间蓄水量storage of overflow water body at beginning time输沙率施测号数number of sediment discharge observation测沙起时间beginning time of sediment concentration measurement测沙止时间end time of sediment concentration measurement测沙断面位置location of cross section for sediment concentration measurement取样方法sampling method断面平均含沙量average sediment concentration at cross-section断面平均含沙量注解码remark code of average sediment concentration at cross section单样含沙量index sediment concentration单样含沙量测验方法observational method of index sediment concentration悬移质输沙率suspended sediment discharge悬移质输沙率注解码remark code of suspended sediment discharge推移质输沙率bed load sediment discharge推移质输沙率注解码remark code of bed load sediment discharge单样推移质输沙率index bed load sediment discharge推移质平均底速average velocity of bed load推移带宽度width of bed load sediment discharge断面平均单宽输沙率average sediment discharge in unit width at cross section垂线最大输沙率maximum vertical sediment discharge垂线最大输沙率相应起点距distance of maximum vertical sediment discharge from initial point单断沙码code of index or cross sectional sediment起始施测号begin observation number终止施测号end observation number取样起时间beginning time of sampling取样止时间end time of sampling沙重百分数sediment weight percent最大颗粒重量sediment maximum particle weight最大颗粒起点距distance from initial point where measuring the maximum particle平均沉速mean settling velocity施测水温water temperature at measurement粒径分析方法analysis method of particle side注解码remark code沙量类别category of silt-quantity沙量silt-quantity沙量测算方法estimation method of silt-quantity年实测沙量占比percent of observation silt-quantity in total沙量测算方法可靠等级reliability level of estimation method of silt-quantity沙量成果合理性等级reliability level of silt-quantity data水量资料可靠等级reliability level of water quantity source冲淤量sediment quantity of scour-silt实测冲淤量observed sediment quantity of scour-silt灌溉挟沙量silt-quantity taked through irrigation实测灌溉挟沙量observed sediment discharge of irrigation工业生活挟沙量sediment discharge of industrial water or domestic water实测工业生活挟沙量observed sediment discharge of industrial water or domestic water跨流域引水挟沙量silt-quantity taked through interbasin transfer实测跨流域引水挟沙量observed sediment quantity taked by interbasin transfer溃坝冲淤量sediment quantity of scour-silt in dam-break实测溃坝冲淤量observed silt-quantity of scour-silt in dam-break分洪冲淤量sediment quantity of scour-silt in flood diversion实测分洪冲淤量observed silt-quantity of scour or sedimentation in flood diversion决口冲淤量degrada tion or sedimentation in bursting实测决口冲淤量observed sediment quantity of scour-silt in branching总进沙量total inflow silt-quantity总出沙量total outflow silt-quantity测次起时间beginning time of observation测次止时间end time of observation测验断面位置location of cross section冰流量ice discharge冰流量注解码remark code of ice discharge断面平均疏密度average ice compaction at cross section断面平均冰厚或冰花厚average depth of ice or frazil slush at cross section敞露水面宽open water width断面平均冰花密度density of frazil slush at cross section冰花折算系数adjustment factor of frazil slush测流断面位置location of cross section代表垂线平均流速average velocity on typical vertical潮流量注解码remark code of tidal discharge代表垂线号number of typical velocity vertical代表垂线流速velocity of typical vertical潮流期编号number of duration of tidal current潮流期起时间beginning time of duration of tidal current潮流期止时间end time of duration of tidal current测流前低潮潮位low tidal level before flow measurement测流前低潮潮位出现时间Occuring time of the low tidal level before flow measurement高潮潮位high tidal level高潮潮位出现时间occurring time of high tidal level低潮潮位low tidal level低潮潮位出现时间occurring time of low tidal level开始落憩潮位tidal level at beginning of ebb slack tide涨潮憩流潮位flood slack tidal stage涨潮憩流潮位出现时间occurring time of flood slack tide终止落憩潮位tidal stage at end of ebb slack tide涨潮潮差flood tidal range涨潮最大流速maximum velocity of flood tide涨潮潮量flood tidal volume涨潮潮量注解码remark code of flood tidal volume涨潮潮流历时flood tidal current duration涨潮平均流量average discharge of flood tide涨潮平均流量注解码remark code of average discharge of flood tide 落潮潮差ebb tide range落潮最大流速maximum velocity of ebb tide落潮潮量ebb tidal volume落潮潮量注解码remark code of ebb tidal volume落潮潮流历时ebb tidal current duration落潮平均流量average discharge of ebb tide落潮平均流量注解码remark code of average discharge of ebb tide 净泄量net outflow volume开闸时间opening gate time关闸时间closing gate time开闸前稳定水位stable stage before sluicing闸上最高水位Maximum stage in Sluice Upstream闸上最低水位Minimum stage in Sluice Upstream闸下水位Stage in Sluice Downstream水位差stage difference有效潮差effec tive tidal range一潮总水量total water volume of single tide一潮总水量注解码remark code of total water volume of single tide 一潮历时duration of single tide一潮平均流量average discharge of single tide一潮平均流量注解码remark code of average discharge of single tide 一潮最大流量maximum discharge of single tide一潮最大流量注解码remark code of maximum discharge of single tide 自变量名name of independent variable自变量值value of independent variable调查报告标题investigation report title调查项目investigation item调查年份investigation year编写年份redaction year调查单位investigation office主编单位Chief editorial unit调查报告内容investigation report contents调查报告格式investigation report format表标识table ID时间残缺记录编号number of time deformity record字段标识field identifier取值value率定次序号serial number of rating闸上水头head in Sluice Upstream闸下水头Head in Sluice Downstream闸门开启平均高度operation height of gate opening闸门开启平均高度注解码remark code of operation height of gate opening 闸门开启孔数count of operation gate opening闸门开启总宽total width of gate-openings平均堰宽average width of weir闸孔过水面积are aof wetted cross section of gate openings实测流量observed discharge实测流量注解码remark code of observed discharge流态flow regime流量计算公式编号formula number of discharge calculation流量系数discharge coefficient流量系数注解码remark code of discharge coefficient水闸型式weir and sluice type翼墙形式wing wall type平均引水角average driving angle闸上河宽upsluice river width闸下河宽river width in sluice downstream闸门型式weir gate type闸底高程elevation of sluice bottom堰顶高程elevation of weir crest堰顶形状shape of weir crest总孔数total number of gate openings单孔宽single gate opening width of weir gate单孔宽注解码remark code of gate opening width of weir gate 平均孔宽average of gate opening width总孔宽total width of gate opening闸门高度gate height平均开度average gate opening height闸墩厚thickness of pier机组号group number of machines站上水位upstation stage站下水位downstation stage站上水头upstation head开机功率electric power generated or consumed开机台数count of machines in operation开机叶片角度vane angle of machines in operation叶轮直径impeller diameter实际转速practical speed of revo lution出水阀过水面积wetted area of outlet valve效率计算公式编号formula number of efficiency calculation 效率值efficiency value效率值注解码remark code of efficiency value机型machine type装机台数count of machine出水管路断面面积wetted area of pipe line cross section标定转速rated speed of revolution单机额定功率single rated power单机设计流量single design discharge设计扬程design lift驼峰底高hump bottom elevation起排水位begining pumping stage关系线类别relation curve category线号curve number因变量名dependent variable定线数据起时间beginning time of the data for determining arelation curve定线数据止时间end time of routing location data定线数据下限自变量值routing location lower limit independent variable定线数据上限自变量值routing location upper limit independent variable线参数表达式curve parameter expression关系图名chart name适用期起时间beginning time of application适用期止时间end time of application定线点据总数amount of points for determining arelation curve定线方法method of determining arelation curve系统误差systematic error随机不确定度random error线上采样点编号curve sample point number采样点自变量值curve sample point independent variable 采样点因变量值curve sample point dependent variable 计量单位unit name记录定位标识record location identifier原值original value改正值corrected value处理日期date of correction处理情况说明correction explanation入库标识identifier of reservoir inflow注解符号remark symbol ASCII值numeric ASCII Code注解符号类型remark symbol type注解含义meaning of remark表号table number表中文名table name in Chinese表英文名table name in English字段中文名field name in Chinese字段英文名field name in English字段类型及长度field type and field length空值属性attribute of"null"。
水文水资源专业术语中英文对照表 2009-6
groundwater pollution assessment
groundwater pollutants
physical model of groundwater
physical properties of groundwater
groundwater system
fault spring
断裂带水压导升高度 height of water pressure in fault
cross-sectional flow
convective dispersion
multipe wells pumping test
地下水储存量(地下 groundwater storage
地下水的 pH 值
pH Value of groundwater
alkalinity of groundwater
acidity of groundwater
dating of groundwater
groundwater discharge
groundwater basin
Corrosiveness of groundwater
artificial recharge of groundwater
水文学原理词汇范文1. 水循环(Water cycle)- 描述水在地球上不断循环的过程,包括蒸发、降水、透过地下水和地表水体等形式。
2. 降水(Precipitation)- 大气中水蒸气凝结并沉降到地面的过程,包括雨、雪、冰雹等。
3. 蒸发(Evaporation)- 液体水转化为水蒸气的过程,由太阳辐射、温度和湿度等因素影响。
4. 蓄水量(Storage capacity)- 特定地区可以容纳的水的总量,包括地下水、地表水和冰雪等。
5. 地下水(Groundwater)- 存储在地下岩石和土壤中的水,由降水渗透而来。
6. 地表水(Surface water)- 河流、湖泊、湿地等地面上汇集的水。
7. 河流(River)- 由降水引发的从源头到出海口的水流,是水文循环的重要组成部分。
8. 洪水(Flood)- 河流或湖泊等水体超出容纳能力而溢出其原有边界的现象。
9. 平衡(Equilibrium)- 描述水文系统中输入和输出相等的状态,包括水量、水位和水质等方面。
10. 土壤含水量(Soil moisture)- 土壤中的水分含量,对植物生长和地表径流有重要影响。
11. 土壤渗透(Infiltration)- 降水进入土壤的过程。
12. 水文循环模型(Hydrological cycle model)- 用于模拟和预测水文过程的数学模型,可以帮助研究者理解和预测水资源的供应和分配。
13. 水质监测(Water quality monitoring)- 对水体的物理、化学和生物特性进行监测和评估,以确定其适用性和健康程度。
14. 集水区(Watershed)- 水流进入特定河流、湖泊或水体的地理区域,是水文研究和管理的基本单位。
15. 水资源管理(Water resources management)- 基于对水文学原理的理解和应用,合理利用和保护水资源,并确保水的可持续供应。
16. 水文学调查(Hydrological survey)- 采集和分析水文数据,研究水文过程和评估水资源的现状。
水文基本术语和符号标准Standard for essential technical terms andsymbols in hydrology水 water水圈 hydrospherebody水体 waterscience水科学 water水文学 hydrologyhydrology陆地水文学 landhydrology应用水文学 applied工程水文学 engineeringhydrologywater地表水 surface地下水 groundwatervapour水汽 waterelements水文要素 hydrologic降水 precipitation蒸发 evaproration径流 runoff水位 stage流速 velocity流量 dischargeconcentration 含沙量 sedimentdischarge输沙率 sedimenttemperature 水温 waterrun冰凌 icequality水质 water下垫面 underlyingsurfaceregime水文情势 hydrologic水文效应 hydrologiceffectcycle水文循环(水循环) hydrologicbalance水量平衡 waterbalance热量平衡 heatbalance盐量平衡 salt大气水汽含量atmospheric water vapour content大气水汽输送atmospheric water vapour transport水汽输送通量atmospheric water vapour flux雨 rainarea降雨面积 rainfalldistribution降雨分布 rainfallseason雨季 rainy雪 snowcover积雪 snowsnow初雪 first终雪 latestsnow融雪 snowmelt雹(冰雹) hail截留 interceptiondetention 填洼 depressiondetention地面滞留 surfaceland陆面蒸发(总蒸发) evaporationof水面蒸发evaporation of water surface土壤蒸发evaporation from soil散发(植物蒸腾) transpirationcapability蒸发能力 evaporation下渗(入渗) infiltrationinfiltration稳渗 steadycapability下渗能力 infiltrationrunoff河川径流 river降雨径流rain fall runoffrunoff暴雨径流 storm融雪径流 snowmelt runoff枯季径流dry season runoffflow基流 base洪水 floodflood暴雨洪水 stormflood冰凌洪水(凌汛) ice冰雪洪水 ice-snowfloodmelt雨雪混合洪水rain and snowmelt floodflood山洪 flashflood溃坝洪水 dam-breakcirculation 大气环流 atmosphericsituation天气形势(环流形势) weatherprocess天气过程 weathersystem天气系统 weather行星尺度天气系统planetary scale weather system天气尺度天气系统synoptic weather system中小尺度天气系统meso and micro-scale weather systemsurge风暴潮 stormcenter风景中心 stormtrough西风槽 westerlywave东风波 easterly低压槽 trough高压脊 ridge副热带高压 subtropichighhigh阻塞高压 blocking低空急流 low-leveljet低涡 vortex反气旋(高压) anticyclone气旋(低压) cyclone热带气旋 tropiccyclone热带低压 tropic depressionstorm热带风景 tropicstormtropic强热带风景 severe台风 typhoon气团 airmass锋(锋面) front天气 weather气象 meteorology气候 climateregionalization 气候区划 climaticzone气候带 climaticchange气候变化 climatic小气候 microclimatezone热带 tropiczone副热带(亚热带) subtropiczone温带 extratropiczone寒带 frigid季风 monsoon梅雨(霉雨) plumrains暴雨 stormrain阵雨 showery地形雨 orographicrainrain台风雨 typhoon热带气旋雨rainfall in tropic cyclone雷暴 thunderstormeffect温室效应 greenhousepicture卫星云图 satellitecloudpressure气压(大气压强) atmosphericpressure海平面气压 sea-leveltemperature气温 airtemperature 地温 groundtemperature湿球温度 wet-bulb湿度 humidity水汽压 vapourpressurevapourpressure 饱和水汽压 saturationhumidity绝对湿度 absolutehumidity相对湿度 relativedeficit饱和差 saturationhumidity比湿 specific风 winddirection风向 windspeed风速 wind蒲福风级Beaufort wind scale露 dewpoint露点 dew雾 fog霜 frostpoint霜点 frostfrost初霜 firstfrost终霜 latest霜冻 frostabiteperiod无霜期 frost-free(basin)流域 watershed流域面积(集水面积) drainageareabasin闭合流域 enclosedbasin不闭合流域 non-enclosed闭流区(内流区)blind drainage area分水线(分水岭) dividecharacteristics流域特征 basin流域几何特征basin geometric characteristics流域长度 basinlength流域平均高程basin elevation meanmeanwidth流域平均宽度 basin流域平均坡度basin slope mean流域不对称系数coefficient of basin nonsymmetric流域面积增长率growth ration of drainage area流域自然地理特征physiographic characteristic of basinnet水系(河系) hydrographicnetwork 人工河网 artificialdrainagedensity河网密度 drainagechannel明渠 open河流 river河源 headwaters冲沟 gully溪流 brook支流 tributarystream干流 main分支 forkchannel 串沟 bifurcation运河 canalriver外流河 exorheicriver内陆河 endorheicchannel减河 relief河道复流(河道再生) resurgencestream常年河 perennialstream间歇河(时令河) intermittentstream悬河(地上河) elevatedriver夺流河(断头河) capturedstream盈水河 gainingstream亏水河 losingstream暴洪河流 flashyriver地下暗河(地下河) undergroundriver界河 boundaryriver国际河流 internationalriver废河道(古河道) dead岸 bankbank左岸 leftbank右岸 rightbank凹岸 concavebank凸岸 convexwall岸壁 landline水边线(岸线) water堤防 leveelength河长 river河弯 riverbend弯曲率 tortuositychannel 航道 navigable河段 reach上游 upstream中游 midstream下游 downstreamreach控制河段 controlreach顺直河道 straightreach弯曲河段 bentreach扩散河段 expandingreach收缩河段 convergingreach游荡河段 wanderingreach感潮河段 tidalcutoff裁弯取直 channel河槽(河床) channelchannel稳定河槽 stable不稳定河槽(冲淤河槽) unstablechannelchannel主槽 mainchannel单式河槽 single复式河槽 compoundchannelcross-section河道横断面 river河道纵断面 riverprofilelongitudinalcharacteristics 断面特性 cross-section河床形态 channelmorphology浅滩 shoal急滩 cataract河漫滩 floodplain三角洲 deltaisland江心洲 channelbar潜洲 submergedpool深潭 deep水力学 hydraulicschannelhydraulics明渠水力学 open水静力学 hydrostatics水动力学 hydrodynamicsflowchannel明渠水流 openflow恒定流 steadyflow非恒定流 unsteadyflow均匀流(等速流) uniform非均匀流(变速流)non –uniform flowflow急流 supercriticalflow缓流 subcriticalcurrent异重流(密度流) densityflow临界流 criticaldepth临界水深 criticalvelocity临界流速 criticaldischarge临界流量 critical水头 headhead位置水头(位能) elevationhead压强水头(压能) pressurehead流速水头(动能) velocityhead有效水头 effectiveloss水头损失 head沿程水头损失frictional head lossloss局部水头损失 localhead比降 slope能面比降 energyslopeslope水面比降 surfaceslope摩阻比降 frictionslope附加比降(加速比降) addslope河道比降(河床比降) channel水面横比降transverse slope of water surfaceslope倒比降 inverse总水头线total head linesurfaceprofile 水面线 water糙率 roughness谢才系数 chezy coefficient谢才公式 chezy formulaformula曼宁公式 manningfactor输水系数(输水率) conveyancejump水跃 hydraulic水舌 nappecurve回水曲线(壅水曲线) backwaternumber弗汝德数 froudenumber雷诺数 reynoldsnumber韦伯数 weberfactor水力因素 hydraulicperimeter 湿周 wetted水力半径 hydraulic radius宽深比 width-depthratio中泓线midstream of channel深泓线 thalweg落差 fall瀑布 waterfall波浪 wavewave驻波 standingwave移动波 translationdynamics河流动力学 riversediment河流泥沙 river泥沙特性property of sedimenterosion土壤侵蚀 soilerosion水力侵蚀 watererosion山洪侵蚀 torrential流域侵蚀 basinerosion流域产沙量watershed sediment yieldload全沙 totalload悬移质 suspendedload推移质 bedmaterial床沙 bedload床沙质 bedmaterial冲泻质 washload河流泥沙运动sediment transport in river泥沙起动incipient motion of sediment起动流速 competentvelocitydischarge造床流量 dominant泥沙密度density of sediment高含沙水流flow with hyperconcentration of sedimentflow泥石流 debris水流挟沙能力sediment transport capacity of flowprocess河床演变 fluvial冲刷 scour淤积 sedimentationbalance沙量平衡 sedimenttransport泥沙办理移 sediment浆河现象sediment delivery ratio揭河底现象tearing of river bedquality天然水质 naturalwater水化学 hydrochemistrysolids溶解性总固定 totaldissolvedconcentration离子含量 ionconcentration离子总量 totaliondischarge离子流量 ion矿化度 mineralcontent盐度 salinityvaluePH值 pH碱度 alkalinity酸度 acidityrain酸雨 acidconductivity电子率 electric浑浊度(浊度) turbidity总需氧量total oxygen demandoxygen溶解氧 dissolveddemand需氧量 oxygendemand 生化需氧量 biochemicaloxygen化学需氧量chemical oxygen demand硬度 hardnesshardness碳酸盐硬度(暂时硬度) carbonatehardness非碳酸盐硬度(永久硬度) non-carbonatewater硬水 hardwater软水 softregime冰情 icestream结冰河流 ice-frozenstream封冻河流 freeze-up稳定封冻河流stable freeze-up stream非稳定封冻河流unstable freeze-up streamperiod结冰期 ice-frozen初生冰 initialicespicule冰针 iceice冰凇 rimeice圆扁冰 pan-cakeslush冰花 frazilice岸冰 border初生岸冰initial border ice固定岸冰 fixediceborderice 冲积岸冰 agglomeratedborder再生岸冰regenerative border iceborderice残余岸冰 residualice雪冰 slushice水内冰 underwater冰屑 shugaboundary冰底边 icebasereef冰礁 ice冰桥 icebridgerunice流冰花 slushice浮冰 floatingice锚冰 anchorperiod封冻期 freeze-up封冻(封河) freeze-upfreeze-up平封 flat立封 uprightfreeze-up 冰盖 ice cover连底冻grounded ice cover冰丘 icemound封冻冰缘ice edge of freeze-up清沟 lead初生清沟 primaryleadlead再生清沟 secondary冰花路毡sludge road felt冰上覆雪 snow cover over iceridge冰脊 ice冰缝 crackpack悬冰 ice冰准 icejam冰塞 aufeis冰上结冰 break-upperiod解冻期color change of ice cover冰变色color change of ice cover冰上冒水 upwellingwatermeltof冰上有水 accumulation层冰层水ice cover with intercalated water layers融冰 thawing冰层塌陷ice sheet depressionicecover冰层浮起 floating冰滑动dislodging of ice cover解冰(开河) break-up文开河 tranquilbreak-upbreak-up武开河 violent流冰 icerunpackice流冰堆积 driftingdam冰坝 iceaccumulationice残冰堆积 residual潮汐 tidelevel潮位(潮水位) tidaltide涨潮 flood落潮 ebbtidetide高潮 high低潮 lowtidetide平潮 dead涨潮潮差flood tidal range落潮潮差ebb tidal range高潮间隙high lunitidal interval低潮间隙low lunitidal intervalinequality日潮不等 diurnal月中天 lunartransitforcegeneration引潮天 tidaltide天文潮 astronomictide气象潮 meteorologiccycle潮汐周期 tidaltide半日潮 semidiurnaltide全日潮 diurnaltide混合潮 mixedtide大潮 spring小潮 neaptidetide中潮 moderateday太阴日 lunartideof潮期 duration涨潮历时duration of tidal rise落潮历时duration of tidal fallcurrent潮流 tidal涨潮流flood tidal current落潮流ebb tidal currenttide憩流 slackvelocity潮流速 tidalcurrent往复流 reversing旋转流 rotarycurrent潮流期duration of tidal current涨潮流历时duration of flood current落潮流历时duration of ebb current涌潮 bore河口 estuaryhydrology河口水文 estuarine河口水流 estuarineflowtide河口潮汐 estuarine河口演变fluvial processes of estuarybar拦门沙 estuarinedelta河口三角洲 estuarineflat滩涂(海涂) tidalhydrology地下水水文学 groundwater水文地质学 hydrogeologydynamics地下水动力学 groundwatersystem地下水系统 groundwater地下水流域drainage basin of groundwaterdivide地下水分水岭 groundwater地下水动态 groundwater regimebalance地下水均衡 groundwatermovement地下水运动(渗流) groundwatermodel地下水模型 groundwaterstorage地下水储量 groundwaterreservoir地下水水库 groundwaterrunoff地下水径流 groundwater地下水流速velocity of groundwater flow地下水坡度(地下水水面坡度)hydraulic gradient of groundwater地下水等水位线图water-table contour map含水层 aquiferseriesrock含水岩系 water-contentformationrock含水岩组 water-content含水岩性water-content rock propertymedium含水介质 water-bearing均匀介质 homogeneousmediummedium非均匀介质 inhomogeneousboundary含水层边界 aquifer透水边界 permeableboundaryboundary隔水边界 confiningboundary弱透水边界 aquitardbed透水层 permeablebed隔水层 confining弱透水层 aquitardparameters 水文地质参数 hydrogeological渗透系数 permeabilitycoefficient 导水系数(释水系数)coefficient of transmissivity贮水系数 storativity水位传导系数(水力扩散系数)coefficient of water table conductivity压力传导系数coefficient of pressure conductivitycoefficient越流系数 leakageindex延迟指数 delay影响半径 influenceradius补给带宽度range of recharge zone水位削减值drawdown value interference分子扩散系数coefficient of molecular diffusion机械弥散系数(水力弥散系数)coefficient of mechanical dispersion水动力弥散系数coefficient of hydrodynamiczone包气带 aerationzone饱和层 saturatedwater土壤水 soilwater结合水 boundwater吸着水 absorbedwater薄膜水 pellicularwater上层滞水 perchedwater渗入水 infiltrationwater凝结水 condensationwater毛管水 capillary毛管上升高度height of capillary rise毛管压力水头capillary pressure headcontentmoisture土壤含水量 soilcontentmoisture饱和含水量(全持水量) saturatedcoefficient 饱和度 saturationpotentialwater土水势 soilcapacity 持水度 water-holdingconstantsmoisture土壤水分常数 soil土壤吸湿系数absorption coefficient of soil moisturecoefficient 调萎系数 wiltingcapacity田间持水量 field毛管断裂含水量moisture content at capillary rupture最大分子吸水量maximum molecular moisture content零通量面法zero flux plane methodwater 潜水 phreaticrecharge降水入渗补给 precipitation降水入渗补给系数coefficient of precipitation rechargerecharge 地表水补给 surfacewaterrecharge 凝结水补给 condensationrecharge侧向补给 lateral越流补给 leakagerechargecoefficient of groundwaterrecharge灌溉补给系数 irrigation潜水蒸发phreatic water evaporation潜水蒸发临界深度critical depth of phreatic water evaporation潜水溢出量phreatic water overflow to surface潜水位phreatic water level潜水埋深buried depth of phreatic water levelofphreatic water aquifer潜水含水层厚度 thicknesswater重力水 gravityyield给水度 specificwater 承压水 confinedbedconfining隔水顶板 upperbed 隔水底板 lowconfining承压含水层厚度thickness of confined aquifer承压水头confined water headwell自流水井 artesian含水层天窗skylight of upper confining bedwater孔隙水 poreaquifer孔隙含水层 porous孔隙_裂隙含水层 pore-fissureaquiferporosity有效孔隙度 effectivewater裂隙水 fissureaquifer裂隙含水层 fissuredratio裂隙度 fissure岩溶(喀斯特) karstwater岩溶水 karstcave溶洞 karstaquifer岩溶含水层 karst泉 springspring 温泉 thermalspring 矿泉 mineral湖泊 lakelake外流湖 exorheiclake内流湖 endorheiclake淡水湖 freshlake咸水湖 saltlake盐湖 salinelake季节性湖泊 seasonallake富营养湖泊 eutrophiclake贫营养湖泊 poornutrientcurrent湖流 lake梯度流 gradientcurrent漂流current of frictionwave湖浪 lake湖浙波漾(假潮) lakeseichedenivellationwind湖泊增减水 lakeresources湖泊资源 lakeratio湖泊率 lake湖泊补给系数recharge coefficient of lake湖泊换水周期lake residence periodbasin湖盆 lake湖面高程elevation of water level in lake岛屿率 insulositylayering湖泊分层 lake正温层direct thermal stratification逆温层inverse thermal stratification湖泊形态参数morphometric parameter of lakearea湖泊面积 lake湖泊容量 storagelakeoflake湖泊长度 lengthofoflake湖泊宽度 width湖泊最大深度maximum depth of lake湖泊平均深度mean depth of lake湖泊岸线长度length of lake shoreline湖泊岸线发育系数development coefficient of lake shoreline水库 reservoir水库特征水位characteristic water of reservoirstorage 库容 reservoirstorage静库容 stillstorage动库容(楔形库容) dynamiccurve 库容曲线 state-capacity水库特征库容characteristic storages of reservoirseepage水库渗漏 reservoir水库淤积 reservoirsedimentation水库诱发地震reservoir induced earthquake水库拦沙效率sediment trap efficiency of reservoir沼泽 miremire潜育沼泽 not-peatmire泥炭泽 peat低位沼泽(富营养沼泽)low level mirelevelmire高位沼泽(贫营养沼泽) mainmire中位沼泽(中营养沼泽) mediumlevelhydrology沼泽水文 miremireofbalance沼泽水量平衡 waterwater沼泽水 mireevaporation沼泽蒸发 mirerunoff沼泽径流 mire沼泽表面流surface flow of mire沼泽表层流surface layer flow of mire沼泽含水性moisture property of mire沼泽特水性water retention of miremire沼泽透水性 perviousnessofratio沼泽率 mire冰川 glacierglacier山地冰川(山岳冰川) mountainglacier谷冰川 valley宽尾冰川 broad-tailglacierglacier冰斗冰川 cirqueglacier悬冰川 hangingglacier贯通冰川(山麓冰川) penetratingfield冰原 ice冰川平衡线equilibrium line of glacierline雪线 snowarea消融区 ablationarea堆积区 accumulationvariations冰川变化 glacierflow冰川运动 glacier雪崩 avalanche冰雪融水径流 ice-snowrunoffmelt水文测验 hydrometryreconnaissance 水文勘测 hydrologic水文遥感技术remote-sensing technology in hydrology水文空间技术space technology in hydrology水文核技术nuclear technology in hydrology全球定位系统global positioning system遥测 telemetrygauging驻测 stationarygauging巡测 tourgauging间测 intermittentgauging检测 testgauging校测 correctivegauging委托观测 entrustinstrument水文仪器 hydrologicinstrument直接仪器 direct-readinginstrument 自记仪器 automatic-recording遥测装置remote telemetry unit传感器 sensorstorage固态存贮器 solid计数器 counter记录器 recorderunit显示器 display平均无故障工作时间mean time between failuresstage相应水位 equivalentstation水文测站 hydrometricstation基本站 basicstation辅助站 auxiliarystation专用站 special水文实验站hydrologic experimental station基准水文站bench mark hydrologic stationstation水文气象站 hydrometeorologicstationgauging巡测站 tourstation水文站 gauging大河控制站main-stream control station区域代表站regional representative stationstation小河站 small-streamstation河道站 riverstation水库站 reservoirstation渠道站 canal湖泊站 lakestation堰闸站weir and sluice stationstation水位站 stagegauginglevelstation湖水位站(验潮站) tidal水库水位站reservoir stage gauging station湖泊水位站lake stage gauging stationstationgauging雨量站(降水量站) rain配套雨量站complete set rain gauging stationyard雨量观测场 rainobservation水面蒸发站water surface evaporation station陆上水面蒸发场water surface evaporation yard on land漂浮水面蒸发场floating water surface evaporation yardstation水抩站(水质监测站) waterqualitystation泥沙站 sediment地下水观测井observation well of groundwater水文站网 hydrologicnetworkhydrologicnetwork基本站网 basic流量站网streamflow gauging networknetwork雨量站网 raingauging水面蒸发站网water surface evaporation network水位站网 stagenetworkgauging泥沙站网sediment gauging networknetwork水质站网 wagerquality地下水观测井网groundwater observation well networkplanningnetwork站网规划 hydrologicregionalization 水文分区 hydrologiclayout站网布设 networkanalysis站网分析 networkexamination站网检验 networkoptimization站网优化 networkadjustment站网调整 networkdensity站网密度 networkdensity现实密度 realdensity可用密度 usablenetwork容许最稀站网 minimum设站年限station required ageinformation水文信息 hydrologicbenefit水文效益 hydrologic基面 datumdatum绝对基面(标准基面) absolutedatum假定基面 arbitrarydatum测站基面 stationdatum冻结基面 stationarycontrol测站控制 stationcontrol河槽控制 channelcontrol断面控制 sectioncontrol人工控制 artificial槛式控制river bottom controlcontrol测验河段 sill水流平面图flow plane mapmap水道地形图 channeltopographicsign断面标志 cross-sectionstake断面桩 cross-sectionrod标志杆 signrod辐射杆 radiationline基线 basestake基线桩 baseline水准点 benchmark基本水准点 basicbenchmarkbenchmark核准水准点 checkbenchmark临时水准点 temporary测验断面 measuringcross-section基本水尺断面basic gauge cross-sectionmeasuring cross-section流速仪测流断面 current-metercross-sectionmeasuring浮标测流断面 floatcross-section比降水尺断面 slopemeasuring辅助水尺断面secondary gauging cross-sectioncross-sectionmeasuring临时测流断面 temporarycableway水文缆道 hydrometriccableway悬索缆道 suspended悬杆缆道suspended rod cablewaycableway机动缆道 motorizedcableway手动缆道 hand-operatingcable主索 maincable循环索 loopcable起重索 suspension水文缆车hydrometric cable car吊船过河索cableway for anchoring boatdevicemeasuring缆道测验仪 cablewayboat水文测船 hydrometricbridge水文测桥 hydrometric桥测车gauging vehicle on bridge水文巡测车tour gauging vehicle for hydrometry水准测量 levelingleveling跨河水准测量 rive-crossing水尺零点测量survey of gauge zonesurvey控制测量 control高程控制测量vertical control survey平面控制测量horizontal control surveysurvey导线测量 traverse三角测量 triangulation距离测量 distancesurveysurvey河道观测 rivesurvey地形测量 topographicsurvey碎部测量 detailsurvey水下地形测量 underwatertopographic降水量 precipitation雨量 rainfalldepth积雪深度 snowdensity积雪密度 snow雪水当量water equivalent of snowduration降水历时 precipitationintensity降雨强度 rainfall降水日数number of precipitation daysobservation降水量观测 precipitation雨量器 raingaugereceiver承水器 raingaugeglass量杯 measuringraingauge累积雨量器 accumulativerecorder雨量计 rainfall虹吸式雨量计siphon rainfall recorder翻斗式雨量计tipping-bucket rainfall recorder长期雨量计long-term rainfall recorder遥测雨量计telemetering rainfall recorderradar 测雨雷达 precipitation-monitoring雪量器 snowgauge雨雪量计rain and snow recorder蒸发量 evaporation蒸发量观测 evaporationobservation蒸发量折算系数reduction coefficient of evaporationratio遮挡率 screen蒸发器 evaporationpanpanevaporation小型蒸发器(蒸发皿) smallE-601蒸发器evaporation pan of type E-601panevaporation漂浮蒸发器 floating蒸发计 evaporimeterevaporimeter遥测蒸发计 telemeteringobservation水位观测 stage水尺零点 gauge zerostage最高水位 maximumstage最低水位 minimumstage平均水位 mean水位变幅fluctuation range of stageobservation比降观测 slope涨落率rate of rise and fall水面起伏度undulating range of surfacetemperatureobservation 水温观测 waterthermometer水温表 waterobservation波浪观测 waveheight波高 wavelength波长 wavecrest波峰 wavetrough波谷 wavesteep波陡 wavemeter测波仪 wave水尺 gaugegauge直立水尺 verticalgauge倾斜水尺 inclinedgaugeweight悬锤水尺 wiregauge矮桩水尺 stakegauge测针水尺 pointgauge钩形水尺 hook最高水位水尺crest stage gauge校核水尺 check gaugegauge基本水尺 basic辅助水尺 auxiliarygaugegauge比降水尺 slopegauge临时水尺 temporary水位计 stagegaugerecorder自记水位计 stage浮子式水位计float-type stage recorderstage recorder压力式水位计 pressure-type超声小波水位计ultrasonic stage recorder遥测水位计telemetering stage recorder接触式水位计contact-type stage recorder远传水位计telecontrol stage recorder自记水位计stage recorder installation静水井 stillingwell水深 depthdepth测得水深 measureddepth有效水深 effectivedepth相对水深 relative断面平均水深mean depth at a cross-section测深 soundingvertical测深垂线 soundingrod测深杆 soundingweight测深锤 sounding超声波测探仪(回声测探仪) ultrasonicsoundersounder压力测探仪 pressureweight铅鱼 elliptic-type起点距distance from initial pointline断面索 tagwidth水面宽 watersurface河底高程river bed elevation横断面 cross-section大断面possible maximum cross-sectioncross-section过水断面 wetted水道断面 channelcross-sectionarea断面面积 cross-section部分面积 segmentareaprofile纵断面 longitudinalprofile深泓纵断面 thalweg平均河底高程纵剖面mean channel bed elevation profile拉偏索pull slanting cablecorrection悬索偏角改正 soundingline干绳改正air line correctioncorrectionline湿绳改正 wetmeasurement流速测量 velocityvelocity水面流速 surface测点流速velocity at a pointvelocitypoint最大测点流速 maximumvertical 测速垂线 velocity-measuring垂线平均流速mean velocity at a vertical部分平均流速mean velocity at a segment断面平均流速mean velocity at a cross-sectionvelocity浮标流速 floatvelocity中泓流速 midstreamdistribution流速分布 velocitygradient流速梯度 velocity垂线流速分布vertical velocity distributiondistribution 断面流速分布 cross-sectionvelocityvelocitycoefficient测点流速系数 pointcoefficient水面流速系数 surfacevelocityflow顺流 downstreamflow逆流 upstreampulsation流速脉动 velocity中泓 midstreammeasurement 流向测量 flow-direction断面平均流向mean flow direction at a cross-section流向改正correction for flow directionmeter流向仪 flow-directionmeasurement流量测量 dischargemethodarea流速面积法 velocitymethod流速仪法 current-metermethod 积宽法 width-integratingmethod 积深法 depth-integratingmethod 选点法 point-integratingmethodboat动船法 movingdischarge单宽流量 unit部分流量 segmentdischarge比降面积法slope area methodmethod浮标法 floatcoefficient浮标系数 float水面浮标系数surface float coefficient中泓浮标系数midstream float coefficientdischarge虚流量 virtualmethodgauging超声波测流法 ultrasonic电磁测流法electromagnetic gauging method体积法 cubature流速仪 current-meter转子式流速仪 rotating-element current-metercurrent-meter旋杯式流速仪 cup-type旋浆式流速仪 propeller-typecurrent-meterwavecurrent-meter电波流速仪 electriccurrent-meterprofile超声波剖面流速仪 ultrasoniccurrent-meter多普勒流速仪 Dopplercurrent-meter参证流速仪 referencemeter流量计 flowmeter文杜里水流计 ventureflowtube毕托管 Pitotcalibration流速仪检定 current-metertank检定槽 calibration检定车 calibrationcarriage浮标 floatfloat水面浮标 surfacefloat小浮标 smallfloat双浮标 double浮杆 float-rod中泓浮标 midstreamfloatthrower浮标投放器 float涉水测流wading stream gaugingrod测杆 wadingstream-gauging建筑物测流 structure测流堰 weirweir薄壁堰 thin-platenotchweir三角形堰 triangularweirnotch矩形堰 rectangular梯形堰trapezoidal notch weir实用堰 short-crested weir宽顶堰 broad-crestedweirweir三角形剖面堰 triangular-profileweir平坦V形堰 flat-Vweir复合堰 compoundweir全宽堰 full-widthweir收缩堰 contracted测流槽 flumeflume文杜里水槽 Venturiflume临界水深水槽 critical-depthflume巴歇尔槽 Parshallbody堰体 weir堰高height of weir堰顶高程elevation of weir cresthead堰顶水头 weir水工建筑物测流flow measurement by hydraulic structureopening闸门开启高度 gatechannel行近河槽 approachvelocity行近流速 approachflow堰流 weirregime流态 flowflow自由流 freeflow淹没流 submergedflow半淹没流 half-submergedflow孔流 sluiceflow射流 jetratio淹没比 submergencecoefficient 淹没系数 submergencecoefficient流速系数 velocitycoefficient流量系数 discharge稀释法测流dilution method for discharge measurement示踪剂 tracersolution标准溶液 standardconcentration 背景浓度 backgroundration稀释比 dilution混匀长度 mixinglengthmethodinjection等速注入法 constant-ratemethod积分法(一次性注入法) integrating多点注入法multiple injection methodcross-section注入断面 injectioncross-section取样断面 samplingmeasurement泥沙测验 sediment断面平均含沙量mean sediment concentration at cross-section测点含沙量sediment concentration at a point垂线平均含沙量mean sediment concentration at a vertical单样含沙量index sediment concentration相应单样含沙量equivalent index sediment concentration悬移质输沙率suspended sediment discharge悬移质输沙率测验suspended sediment discharge measurementmethodmixing全断面混合法 cross-section推移质输沙率bed load discharge单样推移质输沙率index bed load discharge单宽推移质输沙率bed load discharge per unit width推移质输沙率测验bed load discharge measurementmethod器测法 sampling坑测法 pitmethodtrackingmethod沙坡法 dunematerialmeasurement 床沙测验 bedmethod照相法 photographic打印法stamp pad methodsamplermaterial床沙采样器 bed悬移质采样器suspended sediment samplersampler瞬时式采样器 instantaneoussampler积时式采样器 time-integrating瓶式采样器 bottledsamplersampler皮囊式采样器 collapsible泵式采样器 pumpingsampler调压式采样器pressure adjustable sampler同位素测沙仪radioisotope sediment concentration meter光电测沙仪photoelectric sediment concentration meter振协式测沙仪vibrational sediment concentration meter推移质采样器bed load samplersampler网式采样器 basket-type压差式采样器 pressure-differencesampler进口流速系数intake velocity coefficientefficiency采样效率 samplingprocessing水样处理 sample。
水利水文术语表 中英对照
水圈hydrosphere水体water body水科学water science水文学hydrology陆地水文学land hydrology应用水文学applied hydrology工程水文学engineering hydrology水汽water vapour水文要素hydrologic elements积雪snow cover终雪latest snow融雪snowmelt冰雹hail截留interception填洼depression detention地面滞留surface detention陆面蒸发evaporation of land水面蒸发evaporation of water surface 土壤蒸发evaporation from soil散发(植物蒸腾)transpiration蒸发能力evaporation capability下渗(入渗)infiltration稳渗steady infiltration下渗能力infiltration capability河川径流river runoff降雨径流rainfall runoff暴雨径流storm runoff融雪径流snowmelt runoff枯季径流dry season runoff基流base flow阴塞高压blocking high低空急流low-level jet低涡vortex反气旋(高压)anticyclone气旋(低压)cyclone热带气旋tropic cyclone热带低压tropic depression热带风暴tropic storm强热带风暴severe tropic storm气团air mass锋(锋面)front气象meteorology气候区划climatic regionalization气候带climatic zone 小气候microclimate副热带(亚热带)subtropic zone比湿specific humidity蒲福风级Beaufort wind scale霜点frost point霜冻frostbite无霜期frost-free period流域watershed (basin)闭合流域enclosed basin不闭合流域non-enclosed basin闭流区(内流区)bling drainage area分水线(分水岭)divide流域几何特征basin geometric characteristics 河道复流(河道再生)resurgence常年河perennial stream间歇河intermittent stream悬河(地上河)elevated stream夺流河(断头河)captured river盈水河gaining stream亏水河losing stream暴洪河流flashy stream界河boundary river废河道(古河道)dead river凹岸concave bank凸岸convex bank岸壁land wall水边线(岸线)water line堤防levee河长river length河弯river bend弯曲率tortuosity航道navigable channel河段reach潜洲submerged bar水利学hydraulics明渠水力学open channel hydraulics水静力学hydrostatics水动力学hydrodynamics明渠水流open channel flow恒定流steady flow非恒定流unsteady flow均匀流(等速流)uniform flow非均匀流(变速流)non-uniform flow急流supercritical flow缓流subcritical flow异重流density current临界流critical flow临界水深critical depth临界流速critical velocity临界流量critical discharge水头head位置水头(位能)elevation head低强水头(压能)pressure head流速水头(动能)velocity head雷诺数Reymold number韦伯数Weber number水力因素hydraulic factor湿周wetted perimeter水力半径hydraulic radius宽深比width-depth ratio落差fall驻波standing wave移动波translation wave河流动力学river dynamics山洪侵蚀torrential erosion流域产沙量watershed sediment yield溶解性总固体total dissolved solids离子含量ion concentration离子总量total ion concentration离子流量ion discharge矿化度mineral content盐度salinity碱度alkalinity酸度acidity电导率electric conductivity混浊度(浊度)turbidity总需氧量total oxygen demand溶解氧dissolved oxygen需氧量oxygen demand生化需氧量biochemical oxygen demand滑雪需氧量chemical oxygen demand硬度hardness非碳酸盐硬度(永久硬度)non-carbonate hardness浮冰floating ice锚冰anchor ice封冻期freeze-up period封冻(封河)freeze-up 平封flat freeze-up立封upright freeze-up冰盖ice cover连底冻grounded ice cover冰丘ice mound封冻冰缘ice edge of freeze-up清沟lead初生清沟primary lead再生清沟secondary lead冰花路毡sludge road felt冰上覆雪snow cover over ice冰脊ice ridge冰缝crack悬冰suspended ice cover冰堆ice pack冰塞ice jam冰上结冰aufeis解冻期break-up period冰变色color change of ice cover冰上有水accumulation of melt water 月中天lunar transit引潮力tidal generation force天文潮astronomic tide气象潮metorologic tide潮汐周期tidal cycle半日潮semidiurnal tide全日潮diurnal tide混合潮mixed tide大潮spring tide小潮neap tide中潮moderate tide太阴月lunar day潮期duration of tide涨潮历时duration of tidal rise落潮历时duration of tidal fall潮流tidal current涨潮流flood tidal current落潮流ebb tidal current憩流slack tide潮流速tidal velocity往复流reversing current旋转流rotary current潮流期duration of tidal current涨潮流历时duration of flood current地下水流速velocity of groundwater flow地下水坡度(地下水水面坡度)hydraulic gradient of groundwater地下水等水位线图water-table contour map 含水层aquifer含水岩系water-content rock series含水岩组water-content rock formation含水岩性water-content rock property含水介质water-hearing medium均匀介质homogeneous medium非均匀介质inhomogeneous medium含水层边界aquifer boundary透水边界permeable boundary隔水边界confining boundary弱透水边界acquitted boundary透水层permeable bed隔水层confining bed弱透水层acquitter水文地质参数hydrogeological parameters渗透系数permeability coefficient导水系数(释水系数)coefficient of transmissivity贮水系数storativity水位传导系数(水力扩散系数)coefficient of water table conductivity压力传导系数coefficient of pressure conductivity持水度water-holding capacity土壤水分常数soil moisture constants土壤吸湿系数absorption coefficient of soil moisture凋萎系数wilting coefficient田间持水量field capacity毛管断裂含水量moisture content at capillary rupture最大水分吸水量maximum molecular moisture content零通量面法zero flux plane method潜水phreatic water降水入渗补给precipitation recharge降水入渗补给系数coefficient of precipitation recharge地表水补给surface water recharge凝结水补给condensation recharge 侧向补给lateral recharge越流补给leakage recharge灌溉补给系数irrigation recharge coefficient of groundwater潜水蒸发phreatic water evaporation潜水蒸发临界深度critical depth of phreatic water evaporation潜水溢出量phreatic water overflow to surface 潜水位phreatic water level潜水埋深buried depth of phreatic water level 潜水含水层厚度thickness of phreatic water aquifer内流湖endorheic lake淡水湖fresh lake咸水湖salt lake盐湖saline lake季节性湖泊seasonal lake富营养湖泊eutrophic lake贫营养湖泊poornutrient lake湖流lake current梯度流gradient current漂流current of friction湖泊波漾(假湖)lake seiche湖泊增减水lake wind denivellation湖泊率lake ratio湖泊补给系数recharge coefficient of lake湖泊换水周期lake residence period湖盆lake basin湖面高程elevation of water level in lake岛屿率insulosity湖泊分层lake layering正温层direct thermal stratification逆温层inverse thermal stratification湖泊形态参数morphometric parameter of lake 高位沼泽(贫营养沼泽)main level mire中位沼泽(中营养沼泽)medium level mire 沼泽水量平衡water balance of mire沼泽水mire water沼泽蒸发mire evaporation沼泽径流mire runoff沼泽表面流surface flow of mire沼泽表层流surface layer flow of mire沼泽含水性moisture property of mire沼泽持水性water retention of mire沼泽透水性perviousness of mire沼泽率mire ratio冰川glacier山地冰川(山岳冰川)mountain glacier 谷冰川valley glacier宽尾冰川broad-tail glacier冰斗冰川cirque glacier悬冰川hanging glacier贯通冰川(山麓冰川)penetrating glacier 冰原ice field冰川平衡线equilibrium line of glacier委托观测entrust gauging水文仪器hydrologic instrument直读仪器direct-reading instrument自记仪器automatic-recording instrument 遥测仪器remote telemetry unit固态存贮器solid storage计数器counter记录器recorder显示器display unit平均无故障工作时间mean time between failures相应水位equivalent stage水文测站hydrometric station基本站basic station辅助站auxiliary station专用站special station水文试验站hydraulic experimental station 基准水文站bench mark hydrologic station 水文气象站hydrometeorology station巡测站tour gauging station水文站gauging station雨量站网rain gauging network水面蒸发站网water surface evaporation network水位站网stage gauging network泥沙站网sediment gauging network水质站网water quality network地下水观测井网groundwater voservation well network站网规划hydrologic network planning水文分区hydrologic regionalization站网布设network layout容许最稀站网minimum network 设站年限station required age基面datum临时水准点temporary benchmark测验断面measuring cross-section基本水尺断面basic gauge cross-section流速仪测流断面current-meter measuring cross-section浮标测流断面float measuring cross-section 比降水尺断面slope measuring cross-section 辅助水尺断面secondary gauging cross-section临时测流断面temporary measuring cross-section水文缆道hydrometric cableway悬索缆道suspended cableway悬杆缆道suspended rod cableway机动缆道motorized cableway手动缆道hand-operating cableway循环索loop cable起重索suspension cable水文缆车hydrometric cable car吊船过河索cableway for anchoring boat缆道测验仪cableway measuring device水文测船hydrometric boat水文测桥hydrometric bridge桥测车gauging vehicle on bridge水文巡测车tour gauging vehicle for hygrometry雨量器raingauge承水器raingauge receiver量杯measuring glass渠积雨量器accumulative raingauge雨量计rainfall recorder虹吸式雨量计siphon rainfall recorder翻斗式雨量计tipping-bucket rainfall recorder长期雨量计long-term rainfall recorder遥测雨量计telemetering rainfall recorder测雨雷达precipitation-monitoring radar雪量线snow gauge雨雪量计rain and snow recorder蒸发量evaporation蒸发量观测evaporation observation蒸发量折算系数reduction coefficient of evaporation遮挡率screen ratio蒸发器evaporation pan小型蒸发器(蒸发皿)small evaporation pan E-601型蒸发器evaporation pan of type E-601漂浮蒸发器floating evaporation pan蒸发计evaporimeter遇测蒸发计telemetering evaporimeter钩形水尺hook gauge最高水位水尺crest stage gauge校核水尺check gauge基本水尺断面basic gauge辅助水尺断面auxiliary gauge比降水尺断面slope gauge临时水尺temporary gauge水位计stage gauge自记水位计stage recorder浮子式水位计float-type stage recorder压力式水位计pressure-type stage recorder 超声波水位计ultrasonic stage recorder遥测水位计telemetering stage recorder接触试水位计contact-type stage recorder远传水位计telecontrol stage recorder自记水位计台stage recorder installation静水井stilling well测得水深measured depth有效水深effective depth相对水深relative depth断面平均水深mean depth at a cross-section 干绳改正air line correction湿绳改正wet line correction测点流速velocity measurement测速垂线surface velocity水面流速velocity at a point测点流速maximum point velocity最大测点流速velocity-measuring vertical垂线平均流速mean velocity at a vertical部分平均流速mean velocity at a segment断面平均流速cross-section velocity distribution浮标流速point velocity coefficient中泓流速surface velocity coefficient流速分布velocity distribution 流速梯度velocity gradient垂线流速分布vertical velocity distribution断面流速分布cross-section velocity distribution水面流速分布surface velocity coefficient顺流downstream flow逆流upstream flow流速脉动velocity pulsation中泓流速midstream流向测量flow-direction measurement体积法cubature流速仪current-meter转子式流速仪rotating-element current-meter旋杯式流速仪cup-type current-meter旋桨式流速仪propeller-type current-meter 电波流速仪electric wave current-meter超声波剖面流速仪ultrasonic profile current-meter多普勒流速仪Doppler current-meter参证流速仪reference current-meter流量计flow meter文杜里水流计Venturi flow meter毕托管Pitot tube流速仪检定current-meter calibration检定槽calibration tank检定车calibration carriage水面浮标surface float小浮标small float双浮标double float浮杆float-rod堰顶高程elevation of weir crest堰顶水头weir head水工建筑物测流flow measurement by hydraulic structure闸门开启高度gate opening行近河槽approach channel行近流速approach velocity堰流weir flow流态flow regime自由流free flow淹没流submerged flow半淹没流half-submerged flow孔流sluice flow射流jet flow淹没比submergence ratio淹没系数submergence coefficient流速系数velocity coefficient流量系数discharge coefficient稀释法测流dilution method for discharge measurement示踪剂tracer标准溶液standard solution背景浓度background concentration solution 稀释比dilution ratio推移质输沙率测验bed load discharge measurement器策法sampling method坑测法pit method沙波法dune tracking method床沙测验bed material measurement照相法photographic method打印法stamp pad method床沙采样器bed material sampler悬移质采样器suspended sediment sampler瞬时式采样器instantaneous sampler积时式采样器time-integrating sampler瓶式采样器bottled sampler皮囊式采样器collapsible sample泵式采样器pumping sampler调压式采样器pressure adjustable sampler同位素测沙仪radioisotope sediment concentration meter光电测沙仪photoelectric sediment concentration meter振动式测沙仪vibrational sediment concentration meter推移质采样器bed load sampler网式采样器basket-type sampler吸管pipet光电颗分仪photoelectric particle size meter 比重计(密度计)hydrometer泥沙沉降sediment settling沉降速度settling velocity平均沉速mean settling velocity絮凝flocculation反凝剂defloeculant粒径particle diameter 中数粒径median particle diameter平均粒径mean particle diameter等容粒径nominal diameter投影粒径projected diameter三轴平均粒径triaxial mean particle diameter 几何平均粒径geometric mean particle diameter筛析粒径sieve diameter沉降粒径settling diameter粒径组fraction of particle size颗粒级配grain-size distribution颗粒级配曲线grain-size distribution curve 单样颗粒级配index sample grain-size distribution垂线平均颗粒级配mean grain-size distribution in a vertical对照断面check cross-section控制断面control cross-section消减断面attenuation cross-section水样保存water-sample preservation检出率detected ratio超标率over-limit ratio痕迹量trace未检出nonreadout回收率recovery ratio溶解气体采样器dissolved gases sampler冰情观测ice-regime observation固定点冰厚测址fixed-point ice thickness measurement冰情目测visual observation of ice regime冰情符号ice code冰情图ice-regime charta初冰日期first-ice date封冰日期freeze-up date解冻日期break-up date终冰日期end ice date封冻历时freeze-up duration水浸冰厚thickness of immersed ice敲露水面宽open-water width冰流量ice discharge等深点流速改正法revised isobath-velocity method流速过程线改正法revised velocity-hydrograph method有效潮差significant tidal range负波高negative wave height水库水文测验hygrometry of reservoir入库水量reservoir inflow出库水量reservoir outflow水库供水reservoir water supply水库弃水surplus water released frome reservoir水库渗漏量reservoir seepage volume水库蓄水变量variation of reservoir storage水库蓄水变率rate of reservoir storage change 坝上水位stage behind dam库区水位stage in reservoir region水库淤积测量reservoir sedimentation survey 水库淤积量reservoir sedimentation volume地形法method of topographic survey断面法method of cross-section survey淤积形态morphology of reservoir deposition 淤积三角洲sedimentation delta淤积物密度dry density of reservoir deposition 岩溶地区水文调查hydrologic investigation in karst areas实际地表集水面积actual surface colleting area水文实验研究experimental research in hydrology代表流域representative basin实验流域experimental basin相似流域similar basin径流实验研究experimental research in runoff 径流场runoff plot人工降雨装置artificial rainfall device蒸发实验研究experimental research in evaporation蒸发池evaporation tank土壤蒸发器soil evaporator蒸散器evapotranspirometer农田蒸发器evaporator for agricultural land蒸渗仪lysimeter地下水均衡场groundwater balance plot合理性检查rational examination电算整编processing by computer水文年鉴water year-book测站考证station examination 站年station year极值extreme value加权平均法weighted mean method断流水位stage of zero flow河干river of zero flow水文过程线hydrograph水文综合过程线synthetic hydrograph等值线isopleth分布曲线distribution curve水文特征值hydrologic characteristic value径流总量total runoff径流模数runoff modulus径流系数runoff coefficient洪峰flood peak洪水流量peak discharge洪水总量flood volume输沙模数modulus of sediment runoff水位流量关系stage-discharge relation连时序法chronological method绳套曲线loop curve流量过程线法discharge hydrograph method 潮汐要素法tidal factor relation method定潮汐要素法constant tidal factor relation method合轴相关法coaxial correlation method一潮推流法method of discharge computation for a single tide水位流量关系single-valued processing of stage-discharge relation关系曲线延长extension of relation curve流率表rating table单断沙关系index and cross-section average sediment concentration relation单断沙关系曲线法index and cross-section aerage sediment concentration relation curve method水位单断沙比关系曲线法stage versus ratio of index and cross-section average sediment concentration relation curve method单断沙比过程线法hydrograph method of index and cross-section average sediment concentration ratio单样过程线法hydrograph method of index sediment concentration真值true value测量值(实测值)measured value最或然值most probable value绝对误差absolute error相对误差relative error插机误差(偶然误差)random error允许误差permissible error伪误差(粗差)spurious方差variance标准差standard deviation相对标准差relative standard deviation离差(偏差)deviation闭合差closure error平差adjustment精密度precision准确度correctness垂线抽样误差(M型误差)measuring vertical sampling error分布式数据库distributed type data base集中式数据库concentrated type data base网络式数据库network type data base层次数据库laminarization data base层次数据模型laminarization data model网状数据模型network data model数据量data bulk结点node水文数据库hydrologic data base水文基本数据库hydrologic basic data base湖泊水文预报hydrologic firecasting of lake 施工水文预报hydrologic forecasting for construction period 潮汐预报tidal prediction旱情预报soil moisture forecasting地下水动态预报groundwater regime forecasting预见期forecast lead time超长期水文预报extended long-term hydrologic forecasting作业预报operational forecasting预报方案forecast scheme评定标准accuracy standard方案合格率qualified ratio of scheme确定性系数deterministic coefficient汛seasonal flood 伏汛summer flood汛期flood season防汛flood defence报汛站flood-reporting station报汛站网flook-reporting network常年水情站perennial hydrologic reporting station汛期水情站hydrologic reporting station inflood season辅助水清站网auxiliary hydrologic reporting network洪水警报flood warning点雨量point rainfall面雨量areal rainfall泰森多边形Thiessen polygon等雨量线法isohyetal method产流runoff yield蓄满产流runoff yield at natural storage超渗产流runoff yield in excess of infiltration 产流面积area of runoff yield地表径流(直接径流)direct runoff地面流(坡面流)surface flow of mire壤中流prompt subsurface flow前期影响雨量antecedent rainfall土壤缺水量soil moisture deficit下渗能力曲线(下渗曲线)infiltration capability curve初损initial losses后损(后渗)continuing losses坡面汇流overland flow concentration河网汇流(河槽汇流)river network flow concentration地下汇流groundwater flow concentration汇流曲线flow concentration curve流域汇流曲线basin flow concentration curve 坡面汇流曲线overland flow concentration curve河网汇流曲线river network flow concentration curve地下汇流曲线groundwater flow concentration curve流域汇流时间basin flow concentration time 洪峰滞时peak time lag流域滞时basin time lag等流滞时isochrone单位线unit hydrograph经验单位线empiricat unit hydrograph综合单位线synthetic unit hydrograph瞬时单位线instantaneous unit hydrograph地貌瞬时单位线geomorphologic instantaneous unit hydrograph 坡地单位线slope unit hydrograph河网单位线river network unit hydrographS-曲线S-curve无因次单位线dimensionless unit hydrograph 退水曲线recession curve水文模型hydrologic model水文物理模型(水文实体模型)hydrophysical model比尺模型scale model比拟模型analogue model水文数学模型hydrologic mathematic model 水文概念模型physically-based hydrologic mathematic model水文数学物理模型deterministic hydrologic model确定性水文模型stochastic hydrologic model 分散式模型distributed model集总式模型lumped model线性水温模型linear hydrologic model非线性水文模型nonlinear hydrologic model 时不变水文模型time-invariant hydrologic model时变水文模型time-variant hydrologic model 流域水文数学模型hydrologic mathematic model of watershed模型结构model structure模型参数model parameter模型误差model error模型率定model calibration模型检验model verification水文模拟hydrologic simulation遥测终端机telemetry terminal meter中继机relay meter前置通信控制机preset communication controller自报式系统self-reporting system查询-应答式系统polling-answerback system混合式系统mix system时分制遥测系统time-division telemetry system频分制遥测系统frequency-division telemetry system误码率probability of word error接受率receiving probability设计站design station设计流域design watershed代表站representative station参证站bench-mark station典型年(代表年)typicyear水文系列hydrologic series同步系列synchronous series系列代表性series representativeness柱状图histogram诺谟图monogram输沙量计算(固体径流计算)computation of sediment runoff水库回水计算computation of reservoir backwater水库淤积计算computation of reservoir sedimentation水库下游河道冲刷计算computation of degradation below reservoir溃坝洪水计算evaluation of dam break flood 感潮河段水力计算hydraulic calculation for tidal reach样本容量sample size随机变量random variable随机系列random series累计频率(频率)cumulative frequency经验频率empirical frequency水文频率分布曲线(水文频率曲线)hydrologic frequency distribution curve皮尔逊分布Pearson distribution对数正态分布log normal distribution频率分析frequency analysis随机模拟stochastic simulation时间序列time series随机水文分析hydrologic stochastic analysis 趋势项trend term周期项cycle term随机项stochastic term调和分析(谐波分析)harmonic analysis潜分析spectrum analysis回归分析(相关分析)regression analysis 相关系数correlation coefficient自回归分析autoregression analysis逐步回归分析stepwise regression analysis设计供水design flood溢洪道设计洪水spillway design flood分期设计洪水stage design flood施工设计洪水design flood for construction period校核洪水check flood实测洪水observed flood调查洪水investigated flood古洪水paleoflood坝址洪水dam-site flood入库洪水reservoir inflow flood分项调查法item-by-item investigation method降雨径流模型法rainfall-runoff model method蒸发差值法evaporation difference method径流年内分配annual distribution of runoff径流多年变化multiyear variation of runoff丰水期high-water period平水期normal-water period枯水期(枯季)low-flow period丰水年wet year平水年(中水年)normal year枯水年dry year特枯水年extraordinary dry year连续丰水年continuous wet years连续枯水年continuous dry years水文年鉴water year设计雨型design storm pattern暴雨路径storm track暴雨时程分配time distribution of storm暴雨地区分布special distribution of storm暴雨参数等值线storm parametric isoline map 点面换算系数point-area conversion coefficient定点定面关系fixed point-fixed area relationship 可能最大露点probable maximum dew point 暴雨移置改正storm transposition correction 流域形状改正watershed shape correction水汽改正moisture correction入流障碍改正inflow obstacle correction综合改正synthetic correction暴雨幅合分量convergence component of storm地形增强因子topographic increasing factor等百分数法isopercental method可能最大洪水probable maximum flood涝surface water logging渍subsurface waterlogging排涝surface waterlogging control排渍subsurface waterlogging control排涝规划waterlogging control planning排涝标准standard for waterlogging control排涝计算computation of waterlogging control 设计排涝流量design discharge for surface drainage设计排渍流量design drainage discharge of subsurface waterlogging control设计排涝水位design water level for surface drainage水荒water famine水资源评价water resources assessment水资源基础评价water resources basic assessment水量评价water quantity assessment水质评价water quality assessment地表水资源评价surface water resources assessment水资源评价指标indexes of water resources assessment水资源总量total amount of water resources地表水资源量surface water resources amount 地下水资源量groundwater resources amount 可利用量utilizable water地下水可开采量groundwater available yield 可供水量available water supply径流调节runoff regulation综合利用水库调节(多目标水库调节)reservoir regulation for comprehensive utilization水库调洪reservoir flood routing水库供水调节reservoir regulation for water supply水电站径流调节runoff regulation of hydropower regulation水库反调节reregulating reservoir水库群调节multi-reservoir regulation径流调节计算computation of runoff regulation时历法(长系列操作法)chronological series method概率法(数理统计法)probability method随机模拟法stochastic simulation method调节周期regulating period目标函数objective function约束方程constraint equation状态变量state variable决策变量decision variable数学规划mathematic programming线性规划linear programming非线性规划nonlinear programming水库防洪调度flood control scheduling of reservoir水库实时调度real-time reservoir scheduling 水库群调度multi-reservoir scheduling水库预报调度reservoir scheduling based on forecast抽水蓄能pumped storage水沙调度scheduling of water and sediment水环境water environment水环境要素(水环境基质)water environment elements水环境背景值(水环境本底值)water environmental background value水生态系统aquatic ecosystem化学径流chemical runoff环境用水environmental water环境水文学environmental hydrology环境水力学environmental hydraulics环境水化学environmental hydrochemistry地下水超量开采groundwater overdraft人工补给(人工回灌)artificial recharge地下水降落漏斗groundwater depression cone 化学水污染chemical water pollution 无机物水污染water pollution by inorganic substances有机物水污染water pollution by organic substances有毒物质水污染water pollution by toxic substances放射性水污染radioactive water pollution热污染thermal pollution生物水污染water pollution by organism富营养化eutrophication次生水污染secondary water pollution地下水污染groundwater pollution水污染常规分析指标index of routine analysis for water pollution水污染遥感监测remote-sensing monitoring of water pollution 污染物pollutant污染物迁移transport of pollutant机械迁移physical transport物理-化学迁移physicochemical transport人为污染源artificial pollution source天然污染源natural pollution source污染源调查investigation of pollution sources 污染源控制pollution source control水质参数water quality parameters水质模型water quality model水温模型water temperature model水质生物评价biologic assessment of water quality水环境效益water environmental effect水污染环境效应environmental effect of water pollution水环境保护water environmental protection水质规划water quality planning河流水质规划river water quality planning水库水质规划reservoir water quality planning 水污染综合防治规划planning of comprehensive water pollution control水源保护区protection zone of water source蒸发evaporation水位stage流速velocity流量discharge含沙量sediment concentration输沙率sediment discharge水温模型water temperature冰凌ice run水质water quality下垫面underlying surface水文情势hydrologic regime水文效应hydrologic effect水文循环(水循环)hydrologic cycle水量平衡water balance热量平衡heat balance盐量平衡salt balance大气水汽含量atmospheric water vapour content大气水汽输送atmospheric water vapour transport水汽输送通量atmospheric water vapour flux 降雨面积rainfall area降雨分布rainfall distribution暴雨洪水storm flood冰凌洪水(凌讯)ice flood冰雪洪水ice-snow melt flood雨雪混合洪水rain and snowmelt flood山洪flash flood溃坝洪水dam-break flood大气环流atmospheric circulation行星尺度天气系统planetary scale weather system天气尺度天气系统synoptic scale weather system中小尺度天气系统meso and micro-scale weather风暴潮storm surge风暴中心storm center西风槽westerly trough东风波easterly wave低压槽trough高压脊ridge副热带高压subtropic high温带extratropic zone寒带frigid zone季风monsoon梅雨(霉雨)plum rains阵雨showery rain地形雨aerographic rain 热带气旋雨rainfall in tropic cyclone卫星云图satellite cloud picture气压(大气压强)atmospheric pressure海平面气压sea-level pressure湿球温度wet-bulb temperature水汽压vapour pressure饱和水汽压saturation vapour pressure绝对湿度absolute humidity相对湿度relative humidity饱和差saturation deficit流域长度basin length流域平均高程basin elevation mean流域平均宽度basin width mean流域平均坡度basin slope mean流域不对称系数coefficient of basin nonsymmetric流域面积增长率growth ratio of drainage area 流域自然地理特征physiographic characteristics of basin水系(河系)hydrographic net人工河网artificial drainage network河网密度drainage density明渠open channel河源headwaters冲沟gully溪流brook分支fork串沟bifurcation channel外流河exoreic river内陆河endothecia river减河relief channel控制河段control reach顺流河段straight reach弯曲河段bent reach扩散河段expanding reach收缩河段converging reach游荡河段wandering reach感潮河段tidal reach裁弯河段channel cutoff稳定河槽stable channel不稳定河槽(冲淤河槽)unstable channel 主槽main channel单式河槽single channel复式河槽compound channel河道横断面river cross-section河道纵断面river longitudinal profile断面特性cross-section characteristics河床形态channel morphology浅滩thoal急潭cataract河漫滩flood plain江心湖channel island有效水头effective head水头损失head loss沿程水头损失frictional head loss局部水头损失local head loss能面比降energy slope水面比降surface slope摩阻比降friction slope附加比降(加速比降)add slope河道比降(河床比降)channel slope水面横比降transverse slope of water surface 倒比降inverse slope总水头线total head line水面线water surface profile糙率roughness谢才系数Chezy coefficient谢才公式Chezy formula曼宁公式Manning formula输水因数(输水率)conveyance factor水跃hydraulic jump水舌nappe回水曲线(壅水曲线)hackwater curve弗汝德数Froude number悬移质suspended load推移质bed load床沙bed material床沙质bed material load冲泻质wash load河流泥沙运动sediment transport in river泥沙起动incipient motion of sediment起动流速competent velocity造床流址dominant discharge泥沙密度density of sediment高含沙水流flow with hypereoncentration of sediment泥石流debris flow水流挟沙能力sediment transport capacity of flow河床演变fluvial process冲刷scar淤积sedimentation沙量平衡sediment balance泥沙输移sediment transport泥沙输移比sediment delivery ratio浆河现象clogging of river sediment flow揭河底现象tearing of river bed天然水质natural water quality水化学hydrochemistry冰清ice regime结冰河流ice-frozen stream封冻河流freeze-up stream稳定封冻河流stable freeze-up stream非稳定封冻河流unstable freeze-up stream 结冰期ice-frozen period初生冰initial ice冰针ice specula冰凇rime ice圆扁冰pan-cake ice冰花frazil slush岸冰border ice初生岸冰initial border ice固定岸冰fixed border ice冲击岸冰agglomerated border ice再生岸冰regenerative border ice残余岸冰residual border ice雪冰slush ice水内冰underwater ice冰屑shuga冰底边ice base boundary冰礁ice reef冰桥ice bridge流冰花slush ice run冰上流水water flow over ice层冰层水ice cover with intercalated water layers融冰thawing冰层塌陷ice sheet depression冰层浮起floating ice cover冰滑动dislodging of ice cover解冻(开河)break-up文开河tranquil break-up。
水文学与水文地质学英文术语学习分享 2009-12-06 20:26:59 阅读118 评论0 字号:大中小订阅河流阶地: river terrace 面源: area source 线源: line source 点源: point source 非点源: non-point sourcegroundwater 潜水groundwater artery 地下水干道 groundwater barrier 地下水堡坝groundwater basin 地下水盆地groundwater capture 地下水袭夺 groundwater cascade 地下水小瀑布groundwater cement 潜水泥groundwater dam 地下水坝groundwater discharge 地下水排泄 groundwater divide 地下分水界groundwater flow 地下径流groundwater inventory 地下水总量目录 groundwater level 地下水位groundwater mound 地下水土丘 groundwater province 地下水区groundwater recession 地下水后退groundwater recession curve 地下水后退曲线groundwater reservoir 地下水储集groundwater runoff 地下径流groundwater simulation 地下模拟groundwater spring 潜水泉groundwater table 地下水位group 群exploitable groundwater 地下水可开采量groundwater depression cone 地下水下降漏斗字段名英文名站码 station code站名 station name站别 station category流域名称 basin name水系名称 hydrometric net code河流名称 river name施测项目码 item code of obervation 行政区划码 administration division code 水资源分区码 code of water resources regionalization 设站年份 year of station establishment 设站月份 month of station establishment撤站年份 year of withdrawal of station 撤站月份 month of withdrawal of station 集水面积 drainage area流入何处 flowing-to至河口距离 distance to river mouth基准基面名称 name of fiducial datum领导机关 leading agency (administration agency) 管理单位administration站址 station location东经 longitude北纬 latitude测站等级 grade of hydrometric station 报汛等级 grade of Flood-Reporting Station 备注 note站点码 station point code站点名 station point name测流方法 observation method控水目的 purpose of control water project 控水工程类型 control water project type 控水工程代码 code of control water project 控水工程运行规则operation regulation of control water project推流参数 parameter of discharge computation引水点名 Location name of pumping排水点名 Location name of surface drainage 实际最大灌溉面积 maximum area of practical irrigation 上界站站码 station code of upper boundary station 至上界站河段长 length of reach to upper bound station 下界站站码code of lower bound station至下界站河段长 length of reach to lower bound station 高差基数 base of difference in elevation流域水系码 codes of hydrographic net of a basin 调查资料来源单位office recording investigation data 区码 code of zone区名 zone name区类 zone type水体总容量 total capacity of water bodies灌溉水田面积 area of rice paddy irrigated灌溉面积 irrigation area城市人口 urban population工业总产值 gross industrial output value水库和水闸控制面积 drainage area of reservoir or weir or sluice 调查面积 investigation area量算地图比例尺 scale of measured map连通试验可靠等级 reliability rank of connectivity pair test旁证资料可靠等级 reliability level of data witness面积成果合理性等级 reliability rank of area data 直接上级区名 zone name of prime at first 调查报告编号 investigation report number 地理包含关系 geography contain relation 站点类别 station point category 年 year 相关站码 correlative station code 关系标识 relationship ID关系说明 relationship illustration 主断面迁移号 migration numbers of main cross section断面名称 cross section name断面位置 location of cross section 变动年份 changed Year变动月份 changed month变动日 changed day同系列标志 series marker变动情况 changed conditions水尺名称 gage name水尺型式 gage type水尺质料 material of gage自记台类型 type of stage recorder水尺位置 location of gage使用情况 use condition河段情况 river reach circumstance图类型 graph type图标题 graph title图 graphMIME类型 MIME type水准点编号 benchmark number水准点类型 benchmark type变动日期 date of Setup or change采用基面名称 adoption datum name冻结或测站基面以上高程 elevation above stationary datum 绝对或假定基面以上高程 elevation above absolute or arbitrary datum绝对基面名称 name of absolute or arbitrary datum 水准点型式benchmark style水准点位置 benchmark location引据水准点编号 number of benchmark from which elevation is measured 变动原因 cause of change工程名称 engineering name工程名称代码 engineering name code开始蓄水年份 begin storing water year开始蓄水月份 begining month of storing water校核洪水位 check flood stage校核库容 check storage capacity of reservoir 设计洪水位 design flood stage设计库容 reservoir capacity corresponding to DSFLZ 正常高水位 normal high water level正常库容 Normal reservoir storage死水位 dead pool level死库容 dead reservoir capacity溢洪道号 spillway number竣工年份 completion year竣工月份 completion month溢洪道长度 spillway length溢洪道堰顶高程 elevation of spillway crest 溢洪道堰顶宽 width of spillway crest溢洪道设计最大流量 maximum designed discharge of spillway 闸组号gate group number孔型 type of sluice or hole孔数 count of sluice or hole孔高 sluice or hole height孔宽 sluice or hole width设计最大流量 maximum designed discharge of sluice or tunnel翼墙型式 wing wall type墩头型式 type of pier head of sluice or tunnel 堰顶闸底形状 shape of weir crest or sluice bed设计灌溉面积 design irrigated area due to sluice or tunnel 工程地址location of engineering控制面积 control area总库容 total reservoir capacity最大实灌面积 actually irrigated area due to sluice or tunnel 最大实引排水量 maximum volume of actual diversion or drainage 仪器口径 mouth diameter of rain gauge仪器精度 precision of rain gauge记录模式 recording mode获值模式 sensing mode绝对高程 elevation above absolute datum器口离地面高度 instrument height above ground非汛期观测段制 observation regime in nonflood season 汛期观测段制observation regime in flood season蒸发场位置特征 character of location of evaporation-gauging 仪器型式type of instrument(equipment)附近地势 nearby topography四周障碍物 obstacles around station起时间 beginning time止时间 end time时间 time起始日期 beginning date旬起始日期 beginning date of a period of ten days 月 month日期 date降水量 precipitation降水量注解码 remark code of precipitation 降水日数 number of precipitation days降水日数注解码 remark code of number of precipitation days 最大降水量 maximum precipitation最大降水量时段长 maximum precipitation duration 最大日降水量 maximum daily precipitation最大日降水量注解码 remark code of maximum daily precipitation最大日降水量出现日期 occurring date of maximum daily precipitation 终霜日期 date of frost disappearance初霜日期 date of frost appearance终雪日期 date of snow disappearance初雪日期 date of snow appearance终冰日期 date of ice disappearance初冰日期 date of ice appearance蒸发器型式 type of evaporation equipment 水面蒸发量 surface evaporation水面蒸发量注解码 remark code of evaporation最大日水面蒸发量 maximum daily evaporation最大日水面蒸发量注解码 remark code of maximum daily evaporation 最大日水面蒸发量出现日期 occurring date of maximum daily evaporation 最小日水面蒸发量 minimum daily surface evaporation 最小日水面蒸发量注解码remark code of minimum daily surface evaporation最小日水面蒸发量出现日期 occurring date of minimum daily surface evaporation观测高度 observation height气温 air temperature气温注解码 remark code air temperature平均气温 average air temperature平均气温注解码 remark code of average air temperature 最高气温maximum air temperature最高气温注解码 remark code of maximum air temperature 最高气温日期date of maximum air temperature最低气温 minimum air temperature最低气温注解码 remark code of minimum air temperature 最低气温日期date of minimum air temperature水汽压 vapour pressure水汽压注解码 remark code of vapour pressure平均水汽压 average vapor pressure平均水汽压注解码 remark code of average vapor pressure 水汽压力差difference of vapour pressure 水汽压力差注解码 remark code of difference of vapour pressure 平均水汽压力差 average vapor pressure difference 平均水汽压力差注解码 remark code of average vapor pressure difference 风速 wind velocity风速注解码 remark code of wind velocity平均风速 average wind velocity平均风速注解码 remark code of average wind velocity 闸上水位 stagein Sluice Upstream闸上水位注解码 remark code of upsluice stage 闸下水位 down sluice stage闸下水位注解码 remark code of downsluice stage 坝上水位 stage behind dam坝上水位注解码 remark code of the stage behind dam 水位 stage水位注解码 remark code of stage平均水位 average stage平均水位注解码 remark code of average stage 最高水位 maximum stage 最高水位注解码 remark code of maximum stage 最高水位日期 occurring date of maximum stage最低水位 minimum stage最低水位注解码 remark code of date of minimum stage 最低水位日期date of minimum stage保证率 reliability of stage保证率水位 reliability stage保证率水位注解码 remark code of reliability stage 流量 discharge 平均流量 average discharge平均流量注解码 remark code of average discharge 最大流量 maximum discharge最大流量注解码 remark code of maximum discharge 最大流量日期 date of maximum discharge 最小流量 minimum discharge最小流量注解码 remark code of minimum discharge 最小流量日期 date of minimum discharge 蓄水量 Reservoir Storage径流量 runoff径流量注解码 remark code of runoff径流模数 runoff modulus径流深 runoff in depth最大洪量时段长 duration of maximum flood volume 最大洪量 maximum flood volume泥沙类型 sediment type含沙量 sediment concentration平均含沙量 average sediment concentration平均含沙量注解码 remark code of average sediment concentration 最大含沙量 maximum sediment concentration最大含沙量注解码 remark code of maximum sediment concentration 最大含沙量日期 date of maximum sediment concentration 最小含沙量 minimum sediment concentration最小含沙量注解码 remark code of minimum sediment concentration 最小含沙量日期 date of minimum sediment concentration 平均输沙率 average sediment discharge平均输沙率注解码 remark code of average sediment discharge 最大日平均输沙率 maximum average of daily sediment discharge 最大日平均输沙率注解码 remark code of maximum average of daily sedimentdischarge最大日平均输沙率出现日期 occurring date of maximum average of daily sediment discharge输沙量 sediment runoff输沙量注解码 remark code of sediment runoff输沙模数 sediment runoff modulus采样仪器型号 model number of sampling instrument采样效率系数 efficiency coefficient of sampling上限粒径 upper limit particle size平均沙重百分数 average percent of sediment weight 中数粒径 median particle diameter平均粒径 average particle diameter最大粒径 maximum particle diameter水温 water temperature水温注解码 remark code of water temperature平均水温 average water temperature平均水温注解码 remark code of average water temperature 最高水温maximum water temperature最高水温注解码 remark code of maximum water temperature 最高水温日期occurring date of maximum water temperature 最低水温 minimum water temperature最低水温注解码 remark code of minimum water temperature 最低水温日期date of minimum water temperature 冰情注解码 remark code of icecondition河心冰厚 ice thickness at river center岸边冰厚 Thickness of Border Ice冰上雪深 snow depth on ice岸上气温 air temperature on bank解冻日期 date of ice break up封冻日期 ice freeze up date上半年封冻天数 number of actual freeze up days in first half of year下半年封冻天数 number of actual freeze up days in second half of year 终止流冰日期 end date of ice run开始流冰日期 beginning date of ice run河心最大冰厚 maximum ice thickness at river center河心最大冰厚出现日期 occurring date of the maximum ice thickness at rivercenter岸边最大冰厚 Maximum thickness of border Ice岸边最大冰厚出现日期 occurring date of maximum thickness of border ice最大流冰块长度 maximum length of ice floe最大流冰块宽度 maximum width of ice floe最大流冰块冰速 maximum velocity of ice floe断面平均冰速 average ice flow velocity at cross section 最大冰上雪深maximum snow depth on ice最大冰上雪深出现日期 occurring date of maximum snow depth on ice 春季最大冰流量 maximum ice discharge in spring春季最大冰流量注解码 remark code of maximum ice discharge in spring 春季最大冰流量日期 occurring date of ice discharge in spring 冬季最大冰流量 maximum ice discharge in winter冬季最大冰流量注解码 remark code of occurring data of maximum ice discharge in winter冬季最大冰流量日期 occurring data of maximum ice discharge in winter 春季总冰流量 gross ice discharge in spring春季总冰流量注解码 remark code of gross ice discharge in spring 冬季总冰流量 gross ice discharge in winter 冬季总冰流量注解码 remark code of ice discharge in winter 年总冰流量 yearly total ice discharge 年总冰流量注解码 remark code yearly total ice discharge 平均冰流量average ice discharge平均冰流量注解码 remark code of average ice discharge 总冰流量 total of ice discharge总冰流量注解码 remark code of total of ice discharge 最大冰流量maximum ice discharge最大冰流量注解码 remark code of maximum ice discharge 最大冰流量日期date of maximum ice discharge 潮别 tidal type潮位 tidal level潮位注解码 remark code of tidal level潮差 tidal range历时 duration潮流量 tidal discharge潮量 tidal volume潮输沙率 tidal sediment discharge潮输沙量 tidal sediment runoff平均高潮潮位 average high tidal level平均高潮潮位注解码 remark of average high tidal level stage 最高高潮位 Maximum high tidal stage最高高潮位注解码 remark code of Maximum high tidal stage 最高高潮位出现时间 occurring time of Maximum high tidal stage 最低高潮位 minimum high tidal stage最低高潮位注解码 remark code of minimum high water level 最低高潮位出现时间 occurring time of minimum high tidal stage 平均低潮潮位 average low tidal level平均低潮潮位注解码 remark of average low tidal level 最高低潮位maximum low tidal stage最高低潮位注解码 remark code of maxiumm low tidal stage 最高低潮位出现时间 occurring time of maximum low tidal stage 最低低潮位 minimum low tidal stage最低低潮位注解码 remark code of minimum low tidal stage 最低低潮位出现时间 occurring time of minimum low tidal stage 平均涨潮潮差 average of flood tide range平均涨潮潮差注解码 remark code of average of flood tide range 最大涨潮潮差 maximum flood tidal range最大涨潮潮差注解码 remark code of maximum flood tidal range 最大涨潮潮差(高潮)时间 time of maximum flood tidal range 最小涨潮潮差 minimum flood tidal range最小涨潮潮差注解码 remark code of minimum flood tidal range最小涨潮潮差(高潮)时间 high tidal time of minimum flood tidal range 平均落潮潮差 average ebb tide range平均落潮潮差注解码 remark code of average of ebb tidal range 最大落潮潮差 maximum ebb tidal range最大落潮潮差注解码 remark code of maximum ebb tidal range最大落潮潮差(高潮)时间 high water occurring time of maximum ebb tidalrange最小落潮潮差 minimum ebb tidal range最小落潮潮差注解码 remark code of minimum ebb tidal range 最小落潮潮差(高潮)时间 high water occurring time of minimum ebb tidal range平均涨潮历时 average flood tidal duration平均涨潮历时注解码 remark code of average of flood tidal range 最长涨潮历时 maximum flood tidal duration最长涨潮历时注解码 remark code of maximum flood tide duration 最长涨潮历时(高潮)时间 high water occurring time of maximum flood tidal duration最短涨潮历时 minimum flood tidal duration最短涨潮历时注解码 remark code of minimum flood tidal duration 最短涨潮历时(高潮)时间 high tidal time of minimum flood tidal duration 平均落潮历时 mean ebb tide duration平均落潮历时注解码 remark code of mean ebb tide duration 最长落潮历时 maximum ebb tidal duration最长落潮历时注解码 remark code of maximum ebb tidal duration 最长落潮历时(高潮)时间 high water occurring time of maximum ebb tidal duration最短落潮历时 minimum ebb tidal duration最短落潮历时注解码 remark code of minimum ebb tidal duration 最短落潮历时(高潮)时间 high tidal time of Minimum ebb tidal duration 逐时平均潮位 hourly average tidal stage逐时平均潮位注解码 remark code of hourly average tidal stage 平均潮差 average tide range平均潮差注解码 remark code of yearly average tide range 平均历时average tidal duration平均历时注解码 remark code of average tidal duration 施测日期beginning date of measurement测次号 observation number垂线号 numbers of typical verticals起点距 distance from initial point河底高程 river bed elevation河底高程注解码 remark code of river bed elevation 测时水位 stage during observation测时水位注解码 remark code of stage during observation垂线方位 vertical azimuth断面名称及位置 cross section name and location 测次说明 note引用施测日期 date of quoted observation 引用测次号 number of quoted observation 引用起始起点距 beginning distance from initial point 引用终止起点距 end distance from initial point 岸别符号 bank symbol 痕迹类型 trace type日 day时 hour分 minute点编号 point code点详细位置 point detailed location点东经 point east longitude点北纬 point north latitude点高程 point elevation点参数 point parameter指认人及印象 witness man's impression 目击和旁证可靠等级 reliability rank of witness 痕迹和标志物可靠等级 reliability level of trace or flag 估计误差范围 estimation error range调查日期 investigation date起始年 beginning year起始月 beginning month起始日 beginning day起始时 beginning hour起始分 beginning minute终止年 end year终止月 end month终止日 end day终止时 end hour终止分 end minute雨情描述 description of rainfall information重现期 Recurrence Interval重现期统计截止年 cut-off year of statistics of recurrence interval 目击和水痕可靠等级 reliability rank of witness or trace承雨器障碍物可靠等级 reliability level of rain collector barrier before rainfall 承雨器雨前可靠等级 reliability level of rain collector before rainfall 承雨器漫溢渗漏可靠等级 reliability level of loss quantity of rain collectorseepage or overflow水位可靠等级 reliability level of stage推算流量方法 method of discharge computation水流边界 flow boundary推算流量资料可靠等级 reliability level of data used in discharge computation推算流量方法可靠等级 reliability level of method of discharge computation推算流量成果合理性等级 reliability level of discharge computation 次水量 water volume of one flood水情描述 description of hydrological information 流量施测号数 number of discharge observation 测流起时间 beginning time of flow measurment 测流止时间 end time of flow measurement测流方法 Method of flow measurement基本水尺水位 base gage stage流量注解码 remark code of discharge断面总面积 total of cross section area断面过水面积 wetted cross-section area断面面积注解码 remark code of cross section area 断面平均流速average flow velocity at a cross-section 断面最大流速 maximum flow velocity at a cross-section 水面宽 top width断面平均水深 Average water depth at cross section 断面最大水深maximum water depth水浸冰冰底宽 ice bottom width水浸冰冰底平均水深 ice bottom average depth水浸冰冰底最大水深 ice bottom maximum depth水面比降 surface slope糙率 roughness时段类别 category of interval水量类别 category of water quantity水量 water quantity水量测算方法 estimation method of water quantity年实测水量占比 percent of observation water-quantity in total 水量计算方法可靠等级 reliability level of estimation method of water quantity 水量成果合理性等级 fitness rank of water quantity data起时间闸(坝)上水位 upstream stage of beginning time起时间闸(坝)上水位注解码 remark code of upstream stage at beginning time 起时间闸(坝)下水位 downstream stage at beginning time 起时间闸(坝)下水位注解码 remark code of downstream stage of beginningtime最大流量出现时间 Occurring Time of Maxmum Discharge实测蓄水变量 observed water storage调查蓄水变量 investigation storage实测灌溉还原水量 observed restoring water quantity in irrigation 调查灌溉还原水量 restoring water quantity of investigation in irrigation 水平梯田拦蓄地面径流量 surface water runoff catched by level terraced field 工业生活还原水量 restoring water quantity of industrial water or domesticwater实测工业生活还原水量 observed water quantity of industrial water or domesticwater区内除涝排水量 water quantity of waterlogging control in zone 实测区内除涝排水量 observed water quantity of waterlogging control in zone 跨流域引水量 water quantity of interbasin transfer实测跨流域引水量 observed water quantity of interbasin transfer 跨区回归水量 return flow in cross zone实测跨区回归水量 observed return flow in cross zone跨区回归水量测算方法 estimation method of return flow in cross zone 跨区溃坝水量 water quantity of cross zone dam-break实测跨区溃坝水量 observed water quantity of cross zone dam-break 跨区溃坝水量测算方法 estimation method of water quantity of cross zone dam-break溃坝还原水量 restoring water quantity in dam-break跨区分洪水量 water quantity of cross zone flood diversion 实测跨区分洪水量 observed water quantity of cross zone flood diversion 跨区分洪水量测算方法 estimation method of water quantity of cross zone flood diversion分洪还原水量 restoring water quantity of flood diversion 跨区决口水量 water quantity of cross zone branching实测跨区决口水量 observed water quantity of cross zone branching 跨区决口水量测算方法 estimation method of water quantity of cross zone branching决口还原水量 restoring water quantity of bursting暗河交换水量 exchanged water volume between underground rivers暗河交换水量估算方法 method of estimating exchanged water volume between underground rivers暗河交换水量参证站相似程度 similar level of bench-mark station of exchanged water volume between underground rivers暗河交换水量平衡程度 balance level of exchange water between underground rivers跨区渗漏水量 water quantity of cross zone seepage浅层地下水还原水量 restoring water quantity of shallow groundwater 实测浅层地下水还原水量 observed restoring water quantity of shallow underground water浅层地下水还原水量测算方法 estimation method of restoring water quantity of shallow groundwater深层地下水还原水量 restoring water quantity of deep-layer groundwater实测深层地下水还原水量 observed restoring water quantity of deep layer underground water深层地下水还原水量测算方法 restoring water quantity of deep-layer groundwater泉水出露量 capacity of spring总进水量 total inflow runoff总出水量 total outflow runoff降水总量 precipitation蒸散发总量 total evapotranspiration蓄水水面蒸发增损水量 water quantity extracted by evaporation onwatersurface出口水体起时间水位 stage of overflow water body at beginning time 出口水体起时间蓄水量 storage of overflow water body at beginning time 输沙率施测号数 number of sediment discharge observation测沙起时间 beginning time of sediment concentration measurement 测沙止时间 end time of sediment concentration measurement 测沙断面位置location of cross section for sediment concentration measurement 取样方法 sampling method断面平均含沙量 average sediment concentration at cross-section 断面平均含沙量注解码 remark code of average sediment concentration at cross section单样含沙量 index sediment concentration单样含沙量测验方法 observational method of index sediment concentration 悬移质输沙率 suspended sediment discharge悬移质输沙率注解码 remark code of suspended sediment discharge 推移质输沙率 bed load sediment discharge推移质输沙率注解码 remark code of bed load sediment discharge 单样推移质输沙率 index bed load sediment discharge推移质平均底速 average velocity of bed load推移带宽度 width of bed load sediment discharge断面平均单宽输沙率 average sediment discharge in unit width at cross section垂线最大输沙率 maximum vertical sediment discharge 垂线最大输沙率相应起点距 distance of maximum vertical sediment discharge from initial point单断沙码 code of index or cross sectional sediment 起始施测号 begin observation number终止施测号 end observation number取样起时间 beginning time of sampling取样止时间 end time of sampling沙重百分数 sediment weight percent最大颗粒重量 sediment maximum particle weight最大颗粒起点距 distance from initial point where measuring the maximumparticle平均沉速 mean settling velocity施测水温 water temperature at measurement粒径分析方法 analysis method of particle side注解码 remark code沙量类别 category of silt-quantity沙量 silt-quantity沙量测算方法 estimation method of silt-quantity年实测沙量占比 percent of observation silt-quantity in total 沙量测算方法可靠等级 reliability level of estimation method of silt-quantity 沙量成果合理性等级 reliability level of silt-quantity data 水量资料可靠等级 reliability level of water quantity source冲淤量 sediment quantity of scour-silt实测冲淤量 observed sediment quantity of scour-silt灌溉挟沙量 silt-quantity taked through irrigation实测灌溉挟沙量 observed sediment discharge of irrigation 工业生活挟沙量 sediment discharge of industrial water or domestic water 实测工业生活挟沙量 observed sediment discharge of industrial water or domestic water跨流域引水挟沙量 silt-quantity taked through interbasin transfer 实测跨流域引水挟沙量 observed sediment quantity taked by interbasin transfer 溃坝冲淤量 sediment quantity of scour-silt in dam-break 实测溃坝冲淤量 observed silt-quantity of scour-silt in dam-break 分洪冲淤量 sediment quantity of scour-silt in flood diversion 实测分洪冲淤量 observed silt-quantity of scour or sedimentation in flooddiversion决口冲淤量 degradation or sedimentation in bursting实测决口冲淤量 observed sediment quantity of scour-silt in branching 总进沙量 total inflow silt-quantity总出沙量 total outflow silt-quantity测次起时间 beginning time of observation测次止时间 end time of observation测验断面位置 location of cross section冰流量 ice discharge冰流量注解码 remark code of ice discharge断面平均疏密度 average ice compaction at cross section 断面平均冰厚或冰花厚 average depth of ice or frazil slush at cross section 敞露水面宽 open water width断面平均冰花密度 density of frazil slush at cross section 冰花折算系数 adjustment factor of frazil slush 测流断面位置 location of cross section代表垂线平均流速 average velocity on typical vertical 潮流量注解码remark code of tidal discharge代表垂线号 number of typical velocity vertical 代表垂线流速 velocity of typical vertical潮流期编号 number of duration of tidal current 潮流期起时间beginning time of duration of tidal current 潮流期止时间 end time of duration of tidal current 测流前低潮潮位 low tidal level before flowmeasurement 测流前低潮潮位出现时间 Occuring time of the low tidal level before flowmeasurement高潮潮位 high tidal level高潮潮位出现时间 occurring time of high tidal level 低潮潮位 low tidal level低潮潮位出现时间 occurring time of low tidal level 开始落憩潮位tidal level at beginning of ebb slack tide 涨潮憩流潮位 flood slack tidal stage涨潮憩流潮位出现时间 occurring time of flood slack tide 终止落憩潮位tidal stage at end of ebb slack tide 涨潮潮差 flood tidal range 涨潮最大流速 maximum velocity of flood tide 涨潮潮量 flood tidal volume涨潮潮量注解码 remark code of flood tidal volume 涨潮潮流历时 flood tidal current duration 涨潮平均流量 average discharge of flood tide 涨潮平均流量注解码 remark code of average discharge of flood tide 落潮潮差 ebb tide range落潮最大流速 maximum velocity of ebb tide 落潮潮量 ebb tidal volume 落潮潮量注解码 remark code of ebb tidal volume 落潮潮流历时 ebbtidal current duration落潮平均流量 average discharge of ebb tide 落潮平均流量注解码 remark code of average discharge of ebb tide净泄量 net outflow volume开闸时间 opening gate time关闸时间 closing gate time开闸前稳定水位 stable stage before sluicing 闸上最高水位 Maximum stage in Sluice Upstream 闸上最低水位 Minimum stage in Sluice Upstream 闸下水位 Stage in Sluice Downstream水位差 stage difference有效潮差 effective tidal range一潮总水量 total water volume of single tide 一潮总水量注解码 remark code of total water volume of single tide一潮历时 duration of single tide一潮平均流量 average discharge of single tide 一潮平均流量注解码remark code of average discharge of single tide一潮最大流量 maximum discharge of single tide 一潮最大流量注解码remark code of maximum discharge of single tide自变量名 name of independent variable 自变量值 value of independent variable 调查报告标题 investigation report title 调查项目 investigation item调查年份 investigation year编写年份 redaction year调查单位 investigation office主编单位 Chief editorial unit调查报告内容 investigation report contents 调查报告格式investigation report format 表标识 table ID时间残缺记录编号 number of time deformity record字段标识 field identifier取值 value率定次序号 serial number of rating闸上水头 head in Sluice Upstream闸下水头 Head in Sluice Downstream闸门开启平均高度 operation height of gate opening 闸门开启平均高度注解码 remark code of operation height of gate opening闸门开启孔数 count of operation gate opening 闸门开启总宽 total width of gate-openings 平均堰宽 average width of weir闸孔过水面积 area of wetted cross section of gate openings 实测流量observed discharge实测流量注解码 remark code of observed discharge 流态 flow regime 流量计算公式编号 formula number of discharge calculation 流量系数discharge coefficient流量系数注解码 remark code of discharge coefficient 水闸型式 weir and sluice type翼墙形式 wing wall type平均引水角 average driving angle闸上河宽 upsluice river width闸下河宽 river width in sluice downstream闸门型式 weir gate type闸底高程 elevation of sluice bottom堰顶高程 elevation of weir crest堰顶形状 shape of weir crest总孔数 total number of gate openings 单孔宽 single gate opening width of weir gate 单孔宽注解码 remark code of gate opening width of weir gate平均孔宽 average of gate opening width 总孔宽 total width of gate opening闸门高度 gate height平均开度 average gate opening height闸墩厚 thickness of pier机组号 group number of machines站上水位 upstation stage站下水位 downstation stage站上水头 upstation head开机功率 electric power generated or consumed 开机台数 count of machines in operation 开机叶片角度 vane angle of machines in operation 叶轮直径 impeller diameter实际转速 practical speed of revolution 出水阀过水面积 wetted area of outlet valve效率计算公式编号 formula number of efficiency calculation 效率值efficiency value效率值注解码 remark code of efficiency value机型 machine type装机台数 count of machine出水管路断面面积 wetted area of pipe line cross section 标定转速rated speed of revolution单机额定功率 single rated power单机设计流量 single design discharge设计扬程 design lift驼峰底高 hump bottom elevation起排水位 begining pumping stage关系线类别 relation curve category线号 curve number因变量名 dependent variable定线数据起时间 beginning time of the data for determining a relation curve定线数据止时间 end time of routing location data 定线数据下限自变量值 routing location lower limit independent variable定线数据上限自变量值 routing location upper limit independent variable线参数表达式 curve parameter expression关系图名 chart name适用期起时间 beginning time of application适用期止时间 end time of application定线点据总数 amount of points for determining a relation curve定线方法 method of determining a relation curve 系统误差 systematic error随机不确定度 random error线上采样点编号 curve sample point number。
水文学原理Principle of hydrologyChapter 1 绪论绪论:introduction大气圈(aerosphere)水圈(hydrosphere)岩石圈(lithosphere)生物圈(biosphere)人类圈(anthroposphere)中国四大水问题(four major water issues in China)水多(more):洪水(floods)水少(less):干旱(droughts)水浑(turbid):水土流失(soil and water losses)水脏(dirty):水污染(water pollution)水平/垂直结构(horizontal/vertical structure)河流学(potamology/river hydrology) 湖沼学(limnology/lake hydrology) 水库(reservoir)冰川水文学(glacier hydrology) 地下水水文学(groundwater hydrology)水文气象学(hydrometeorology) 积云(cumulus) 河口水文学(estuary hydrology)流域水文学(basin hydrology) 全球水文学(global hydrology)水文学中的环境同位素(environmental isotopes in hydrology)Chapter 2 水文循环水文循环:hydrological cycle海洋蓄水(water storage in oceans) 蒸发(evaporation)凝结(condensation)大气蓄水(water storage in the atmosphere)冰雪蓄水(water storage in ice and snow)降水(precipitation)散发(transpiration)蒸散发(evapotranspiration)升华(sublimation)凝华(desublimation)地表径流(surface/direct runoff)融雪径流(snow melt runoff to streams)河川径流(streamflow)泉水(spring)淡水储存(freshwater storage)下渗(infiltration)地下水出流(groundwater discharge)地下水储存(groundwater storage)大/中/小尺度(macro-scale/mesoscale/microscale)开放/封闭系统(open/closed system)截留(interception)洼地储蓄(depression storage)地下径流(groundflow)壤中流(interflow)总水量(total water)海洋/大陆(oceans/continent)咸水/淡水(saline/fresh water)沼泽(marish)大气水(atmospheric water)生物水(biological water)土壤水(soil water)Chapter 3 流域与水系流域与水系:Watershed & Drainage NetworksPart 1 基本概念分水线(watershed divide) 闭合流域(closed watershed)非闭合流域(unclosed watershed) 水系(Drainage Networks)羽毛状水系(Elongated shape) 平行状水系(fan shape)混合状水系(mixed shape) 坡地(Slope) 倾斜面(inclined plane)收敛曲面(Convergent Camber) 发散曲面(Divergent Camber流域基本单元(Unit)P art 2 水系的地貌特征河源(headwater) 节点(node) 出口(outlet)外链(External links) 内链(Internal links) 干流(main river)支流(tributary river) Strahler分级法河流长度(stream length)河数定律(the law of stream numbers) 河长定律(the law of stream lengths)链长度(Link Length) 横断面(Cross section) 纵断面(longitudinal section)大断面(flood cross-section) 弯曲率(Sinuosity)河底比降(Slope of stream bed)Part 3 流域的地貌特征流域形状(Shape of watershed)流域坡度(Slope of watershed)流域面积及面积定律(Drainage area and the law of drainage areas)流域长度和宽度(Width and length of watershed)形态因子(Shape factor)圆度(Circularity ratio) 伸长比(Elongation ratio)河网密度和河道维持常数(Drainage density & constant of channel maintenance)河流频度和链频度(Stream frequency & link frequency)面积--河长曲线(Drainage area-stream length curve )高程曲线(Elevation curve)Chapter 4 降水降水(Precipitation)Part 1 降水要素及其时空变化表示方法(Precipitation elements & Temporal and spatial variation)降雨的基本要素(Rainfall Elements)降雨量(深) Rainfall (depth)降雨历时(Rainfall duration) 降雨强度(Rainfall intensity)降雨面积(Rainfall area) 暴雨中心(Storm center)降雨强度与历时曲线(Rainfall intensity-duration curve)降雨深与面积关系曲线(Rainfall depth-area curve)降雨深与面积和历时关系曲线(Rainfall depth-area-duration curve)Part 2 降雨类型及其影响因素(Types of rainfall and Affecting factors)气旋雨(Cyclonic rain) 对流雨(Convectional/Convective rain)台风雨(Typhoons/Hurricanes) 地形雨(Orographic rain)锋面雨(Frontal rain) 非锋面雨(Non-frontal rain)Part 3 区域(流域)平均降雨量计算方法(Calculation method of Average rainfall over an area)算术平均法(Arithmetic mean method) 泰森多边形法(Thiessen polygon method)等雨量线法(Isohyetal method) 距离平方倒数法(Inverse distance-squared method)雷达测雨(Radar measurement of rainfall) 卫星测雨(Satellitic measurement of rainfall) Part4 降雨资料的检验(Test of rainfall data)Chapter 5 土壤水土壤水(Soil Water)水文循环(Hydrologic Cycle)土壤颗粒(soil particles)过滤(leach)蒸发(evaporation)蒸发,散发(transpiration)水分(moisture)Part 1土壤的质地结构及“三相”关系土壤质地(Soil texture) 粘粒(clay)粉粒(silt)砂粒(sand)土壤结构(Soil configuration) 土壤中的“三相”关系(Three phases within a soil)固体(Solids)液体(Liquids)空气(Vapor)固体密度(solid density) 干容重(Dry bulk density) 孔隙度(Porosity)质量含水率(Gravimetric water content) 容积含水率(volumetric water content)饱和度(the degree of saturation) 充气孔隙度(Aeration porosity)孔隙比(Void ratio)Part 2土壤水的存在形态土壤水作用力(Forces governing soil water) 分子力(Molecular force)毛管力(Capillary force) 粘着力(Adhesion)粘结力(Cohesion)重力(Gravitational force) 土壤水类型(Soil water classification)束缚水(bound water)吸湿水(Hygroscopic Water) 膜状水(Film water)毛管上升水(Ascending water in capillary tube) 渗透重力水(percolating water)毛管悬着水(Suspended capillary water) sustained gravitational water(支持重力水) 土壤水分常数(Soil water constants) 田间持水量(field capacity)Saturation(饱和状态)Part 3土壤水的能量状态土水势(Soil water potential) 影响因素(Affect the factors)土壤水分特性曲线(Soil water characteristic curve)Chapter 6 下渗下渗: InfiltrationPart 1 引言(Introduction)土壤水分剖面(soil moisture profile) 下渗(infiltration)下渗率(infiltration intensity) 下渗容量(infiltration capacity)下渗曲线(infiltration capacity curve)累积下渗曲线(accumulative infiltration capacity curve)下渗机理(mechanism of infiltration)Part 2 非饱和下渗理论()下渗方程的导出(deduction of infiltration equation)忽略重力作用的下渗方程的解(solution under gravity neglected)完全下渗方程的解(solution under whole condition)Part 3饱和下渗理论()基本方程的建立establishment of basic equation下渗曲线的导出(deduction of infiltration curve)Chapter 7 蒸发与散发蒸发与散发(Evaporation & Transpiration)Part 1蒸发现象及其控制条件(evaporation and control conditions)基本概念(basic concepts)蒸发潜热(heat of vaporization) 蒸发率(evaporation rate) 凝结潜热(condensation latent) 蒸发能力(evaporation capacity) 蒸发分类classification of evaporation 控制蒸发率的条件controlling conditions for evaporation 动力条件(dynamic) 气象条件meteorological condition 供水条件(water supply) Part 2 水面蒸发(water surface evaporation)太阳辐射(solar radiation) 气压(air pressure) 风速(wind velocity) 温度(temperature) 湿度(humidity) 水面大小(water surface area) 水面形状(shape of water body) 水深(water depth) 水质(water quality) 理论方法(theoretical method)热量平衡法(heat balance method)空气动力学法(aerodynamic method) 混合法(mixed method) 水量平衡法(water balance method) 经验公式(empirical equation)器测法(instrument-measurement method )水面蒸发的时空分布特点temporal spatial distribution characteristicsPart 3 土壤蒸发土壤蒸发过程(soil water evaporation processes)土壤蒸发规律(soil water evaporation rules)Part 4 植物散发散发现象(phenomena of plant transpiration) 植物散发规律(plant transpiration rules)植物散发的确定(determination of transpiration)Part 5 流域蒸散发(watershed evapotranspiration)上层(Upper Layer)下层(Lower Layer)深层(Deep Layer)Chapter 8 产流机制产流机制:mechanism of runoff generation径流(Runoff) 径流形成过程(Rainfall-Runoff Process)径流深(Runoff Depth) 径流量的时程分配(Temporal distribution of runoff)Part 1包气带及其结构(Aeration (vadose) zone and its structure)包气带和饱水带(aeration zone or vadose zone and Saturdayed zone)特殊包气带(Special aeration zone)三相系统(three-phase system(liquid,gaseous,solid))土壤结构(soil structure)包气带结构(The structure of aeration zone)高寒地带的包气带(aeration zone in a high and cold area)Part 2包气带的水分动态及对降雨的再分配作用(Soil moisture dynamics in aeration zone and its roles in partitioning rainfall)A、包气带水分动态(soil moisture dynamics in aeration zone)包气带水分的增长(Soil moisture increase in aeration zone)包气带水分的消退(Recession of soil moisture in aeration zone)B、包气带对降雨的再分配作用(The role of aeration zone in redistributing rainfall)筛子(sieve)门槛(threshold)C、包气带水量平衡方程式(Water balance equation for aeration zone)Part 3 产流的物理条件(Physical conditions for runoff generation)超渗地面径流(Hortonian overland flow)(Rainfall excess)壤中水径流产流(through flow / subsurface flow / interflow)饱和地面径流条件(saturated overland flow)回归流(return flow)Part 4 基本产流模式(Basic modes of runoff generation)Chapter 9 地表水流地表水流:surface flowPart 1 洪水波的形成及传播(Formation and propagation of flood wave)A、洪水波运动(movement wave)a、几何特征(geomtric characteristics)波体(main body of flood wave)波高(wave height)波长(wave length)b、附加比降(additional slope)c、相应流量与相应水位(Corresponding discharge (water levels, stages) )d、波速(wave velocity)e、坦化(attenuation)扭曲(distortion)B、洪水运动的水力学描述(Hydraulic description of flood wave movement)圣维南方程组(Saint-Venant Equations)连续方程(Continuity equation or mass conservation equation)动力方程(Momentum equation)C、洪水波的分类(Classification of flood wave)空间惯性迁移惯性项(convective inertia term)重力(gravity)时间惯性力局地惯性项(local inertia term)压力(pressure )阻力(friction)D、运动波(Kinematic wave)E、扩散波(Diffusion wave)Part 2(Storage theory & storage equation)A、河槽调节作用和河段水量平衡方程(Storage effects of a river channel and water balanceequation for a reach)蓄满产流(Runoff generation on repletion of storage)超渗产流(Runoff generation in excess of infiltration)B、槽蓄方程(Storage equation)C、洪水波运动的水文学方法(Hydrological method of flood wave movementD 、特征河长(Characteristic river length)F、槽蓄曲线的特性(Nature of Storage-discharge curve)Chapter 10 洪水演算洪水演算(Flood Routing)Part 1 引言(Introduction)具有物理基础的洪水演算法(Physically-based flood routing method)质量守恒(mass conservation)动量守恒(momentum conservation)Part 2 线性扩散波演算法(Linear diffusion wave routing method)定解问题的构成(Composition of solution problems) 基本解(Basic solution)出流过程的计算(Derivation of outflow hydrograph) 扩散波(Diffusion wave)入流过程(Processing of inflow hydrograph) 稳定流(Steady flow)参数的确定(Determination of parameters) 卷积公式(Convolution formula)上断面洪水过程(inflow hydrograph at upper section)半无限长,自由下边界(semi—infinite long, free lower boundary)简单入流过程(Simple inflow hydrograph) 单位入流过程(Unit Inflow hydrograph) 单位矩形入流过程(Unit Rectangular Pulse Input)单位瞬时脉冲入流(Unit instantaneous Pulse Input)入流过程离散化(Discretizing inflow hydrograph) 汇流曲线(flow concentration curve) Part 3 线性特征河长演算法(Linear characteristic length routing method)描述洪水波运动的基本微分方程式(Basic differential equations of flood wave movement)汇流曲线的确定(Determination of flow concentration curve)Part 4 线性运动波演算法(Linear kinematic wave routing method)运动波差分方程的建立(Difference equation of kinematic wave)数值扩散的概念(Numerical diffusion) 连续演算问题(successive routing)汇流系数的计算(Calculation of flow concentration coefficient)泰勒公式(Taylor formula) 汇流系数(flow concentration coefficient)Chapter 11 流域产流流域产流:Watershed Runoff Generation/ProductionPart 1 引言(Introduction)径流(Runoff) 径流形成过程(Rainfall-Runoff Process)径流深(Runoff Depth) 径流量的时程分配(Temporal distribution of runoff)Part 2流域产流面积的变化(Variations in runoff producing area)A、现象及原因(Phenomena & Causes)蓄满产流(Runoff generation on repletion of storage)超渗产流(Runoff generation in excess of infiltration)B、蓄满产流条件下总径流的产流面积变化(Variations in the runoff producing area of total runoff under runoff formation on repletion of storage)蓄水容量曲线(Watershed Capacity Curve)流域蓄水容量曲线(Watershed water capacity curve)在降雨空间分布均匀的情况下(Spatial distribution of rainfall is even)C、超渗产流地面径流产流面积变化(Variations in the runoff producing area of surface runoff under runoff formation in excess of infiltration)Part 3 蓄满产流的流域产流量的计算(Computation of total runoff under runoff formation on repletion of storage)总径流量的计算(Computation of total runoff)径流成分的划分(Separation of runoff components)降雨空间分布不均匀情况(Spatial distribution of rainfall being uneven)Part 4超渗产流的流域产流量计算(Computation of total runoff under runoff formation in excess of infiltration)Chapter 12 流域汇流流域汇流:Watershed flow concentrationPart 1 基本概念及数学描述Basic Concepts and mathematical descriptionA、流域汇流的路径Watershed flow paths几何路径(Geometric paths) 状态路径(State paths)B、流域汇流时间Watershed flow time of concentration平均流域汇流时间(Average watershed flow time of concentration)最大流域汇流时间(Maximum Watershed flow time of concentration)C、径流成因公式Formula for computing the discharge at the watershed outletD、流域调蓄作用Watershed storage effectsPart 2流域汇流系统分析Analysis of watershed flow concentration system 基于流域调蓄作用的流域汇流系统的数学表达式(Mathematical description of storage-effect-based watershed flow system)流域瞬时单位线(Watershed Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph)卷积公式(Convolution formula)流域单位线的识别(Determination of unit hydrograph)Part 3面积—时间曲线Time-area histogram等流时线和等流时面积(Isochrones and Inter-isochrone areas)等流时线法(Isochrones Method)Part 4概念性流域汇流模型Conceptual watershed flow concentration models 概念性元件(Conceptual components)“渠道”型(Canal type) b. “水库”型(Reservoir type)概念性元件的组合及其瞬时单位线(Combination of conceptual components and the corresponding instantaneous unit hydrograph)。
水文学原理词汇Absolute uncertainty 168-169绝对不确定性Absorption 294 吸收(作用)Acceptance testing 27,30-32接受域检验Acid rain 163 酸雨Actual evapotranspiration 311-322 实际蒸散发Adiabatic cooling/warming 94,绝热冷却、绝热增温Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit (AMSU) 139 高级微波探测器Air-advected energy 275 空气平流输送能量Air-entry tension 230 空气入口张力Analog models 25-26 模拟模型Anticyclones 95反气旋Aquicludes 327 含水土层Aquifer response rate 333 含水层反应速率Aquifer response time 333 含水层反应时间Aquifers 327 含水层,蓄水层confined 327-330 承压含水层unconfined 327,329 无压含水层Areal estimation 118-140 区域估计adjustment of point estimation to157-160 点估计的调整direct weighted averages 119-121 直接加权平均值surface-fitting methods 121-127 曲面拟合方法Areal reduction factor 157 区域简缩因子Atmometers 311 蒸发表,蒸发器Atmosphere conductance 296 空气电导系数Atmospheric resistance 296 大气阻力Atmospheric water balance 320-321 大气水平衡Autocorrelation coefficients 23 自相关系数Available water content 236 有效含水量Average time of occurrence 143 平均发生时间Average transit time 24-25 平均通过时间Backcasts 26后溯估测Baguios 96 碧瑶风(菲律宾的强烈热带气旋)Bank storage 347 河岸调蓄Bare-soil evaporation 291-294 裸土蒸发Base flow 342,394,436 基流Base-flow analysis 373-374 基流分析Base-flow component 344 基流构成Boundary condition 335 边界条件Bowen ratio 274 鲍恩比in estimating evapotranspiraion 321鲍恩比率估计总蒸发in estimating free-water/lake evaporation 275-276鲍恩比率自由水面/湖面蒸发Bypass flow 423 迂回水流Canopy 301 冠,盖,棚幕Canopy conductance 298-299 林冠导率Capillary fringe 239,544 毛管边缘Capillary rise 220,354,376-377 毛管上升高度Catchment, See Watershed 集水区Center of mass 399 质量中心Centroid 399 质心Centroid lag 401,402 质心滞后,输出过程的质心对应的时刻与输入过程的质心对应的时刻之差Centroid lag-to-peak 401,404-405 输出过程的峰值时刻与输入过程的质心对应的时刻之差Channel interception 407 河道降水,河槽降水Channel precipitation 407河道降水,河槽降水Chemical tracers 369 化学示踪剂Circular statistics 143 圆统计Cloud formation 95 云的形成Cloud seeding 161 云的催化Coastal aquifers, fresh-salt ground-water interface in 353 滨海含水层,咸淡地下水分界线Coefficient of variation 20 变差系数Cold fronts 95 冷锋Completely wetted profiles 266,267Concentration 65 浓缩,聚集time of 401,406 汇流时间,集流时间Confines aquifers 327-330 承压含水层Confining layers 327 不透水层,隔水层Conservation equations 8-10 守恒方程Conservation of mass 8 质量守恒Conservative quantities 7-8Contributing area 392 产流面积Control volume 8 控制流量Convection, uplift due to 98 对流抬升,Conventional hypsometric method 126-127 传统的测高法Convergence 95-98 收敛,辐合cyclonic 95 气旋extra-tropical cyclonic 95-96 热带外气旋frontal 95-96 锋面气旋at the ITCZ 96 热带收缩区nonfrontal 95,96-98 非锋面气旋Cyclogenesis 气旋生成Cyclones气旋Cyclonic convergence 收敛(集中)气旋Dalton’s Law 277,587 道尔顿定律Darcian flow 419-422 达西流Darcy’s Law 227-228,229-230,231,234,365-368,419,546,548 达西定律Deep seepage 377-379 深层渗漏Degree-day factor 210 度-日因子(冰雪融化度量)Depletion function 385 退水方程Depth-duration-frequency (DDF) analysis 151-160 雨深-历时-频率分析Depth of ponding 243,247 蓄水深Design floods 440-441 设计洪水Design storm 26 设计暴雨Detention storage 252 (1)拦洪库容(2)土壤滞留蓄水量Deterministic methods 122 确定性方法Digital elevation models (DEMs) 10-11 数字高程Dimensionless quantities 7 无维量,无因次量Direct flow 342 流向浮标Direct weighted averages 119-120 直接加权平均值arithmetic average 119-121 算术平均值Thiessen polygons 121 泰森多边形two-axis method 121 两轴法Discharge 19 排出,泄放,放水,流量Discharge area 337 过水断面,过水面积Dissolved-solids concentrations 322 溶解质浓度Distribution of pressure and temperature 41-44 压力和温度分布Double-mass curve 117 双累积曲线Double-ring infiltrometer 244 双环渗透针Drainage basin, See Watershed 流域盆地,见分水岭Dupuit Equations 357 杜毕方程Duration curves 20 历时曲线Eddy-correlation approach 280-281,321-322,599-600 涡度相关法Effective water input 396 有效水注入Effluent stream342 地下水补给河Electrical resistance blocks 225 电阻块Eluviation 238 淋溶作用Energy balance (budget) 190-204,274,281-285 能量平衡for evapotranspiring body 274 蒸发体Energy-balance equations 9 能量平衡方程Energy-balance model 能量平衡模型Environmental lapse rate 98 环境温度垂直梯度Ephemeral streams 344 季节性河流Equilibrium potential evapotranspiration 310潜在蒸发平衡Equilibrium runoff 401 径流平衡Equilibrium, time to 401 平衡时间Equipotential lines 335 等位线Evaporation 蒸发作用bare-soil 291-294 裸土defined 273 定义free-water 275-276 自由水,重力水lake 275-276 湖physics of 273-275,587-589 …的性质wetland 275-276 湿地Evaporative fraction 274 蒸发比值,潜热交换率与总的紊动传输热(潜热与显热之和)交换率的比Evapotranspiration 272-324 土壤水分蒸发损失总量,蒸腾actual 311-322 实际的classification processes 275 分类方法classification of types of 276 按所属类型分类potential (PET) 308-311 潜在土壤水分蒸发损失Event flow 342,394,436 事件流from sloping slab 414,417,418 在倾斜混凝土路面spatial variability 396 空间可变性subsurface 412-423 地下的temporal variability 396 暂时变量volume 396 容量Event-response mechanisms 424 事件响应装置Exceedence probability (exceedence frequency) 20-21,151,473,560-561 超量概率(超量频率)Excess rainfall 396 超渗雨Exfiltration 220,291 反渗Extra-tropical cyclones 95-96 温带气旋,热带外气旋“Eyeball”isohyetal method 125 “眼球”等雨量线方法Fick’s First Law of Diffusion 8 菲克扩散第一定律Field capacity 235 田间持水量Flood wave 391 洪水波Flow-duration curves (FDCs) 20,473-476,477-479 流量历时曲线Flow net 335 流网Flow-through lakes 349 接受地下水补给,又同时补给地下水的湖泊Flow-through streams 344接受地下水补给,又同时补给地下水的河流Flowlines 335 流线,流纹Fog drip 113-114 树上雾滴Forecasts 26 预报Formulation 339 用公式描述Fragipan 242 脆磐土Free convection 279 自然对流Free-water evaporation 275-276 自由水蒸发Front 95 锋面Frontal convergence 95-96 收敛锋面Frost 247 霜冻Gage catch 108 截雨(雪)量Gage pressure 327 表记压力Gaining streams 342-344 盈水河,地下水补给河Gamma-ray scanners, and water content measurement 225 伽马射线探测仪,水量度量General circulation 41-42 大气循环Ghyben-herzberg principle 353,386 吉本-赫茨伯格定理Gleying 241-242 潜育作用Global hydrologic cycle 1,3,48-83 全球水循环Global Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP) 139 全球降雨气候学工程Gravitational head 326-327 重力水头Green-and-Ampt Model 251-261 Green-and-Ampt模型explicit forms of 256-258 显式Ground water 325-388 地下水development, impacts on basin hydrology 379-387 地下水开发对基础水文的影响and lakes/wetlands 347-350 地下水和湖泊/湿地and the ocean 350-354 海洋porous media, storage properties of 328-331 多孔介质,储存性质in the regional water balance 354-358 在区域水平衡temperature measurements 371 温度测定Ground-water—surface-water relations 342-354 地表水地下水的关系base flow 342 基流event flow 342 可能流hyporheic flow and bank storage 344-347 河水与河床和河岸水流交换区stream types 342-343 河流类型Ground-water-balance components 地下水平衡构成Darcy’s Law, direct application of 365-368 直接运用达西定理evaluation of 358-379地下水平衡构成的评价ground-water flow equation, inverse application of 368 地下水流体运动方程的反运用impulse-response analysis 368-369 特征曲线分析recharge from surface water 370-371 地表水的补给soil-water-balance method 362 土壤水平衡方法water-quality-based methods 369-370 基于水质方法well hydrograph analysis 362-365 井水位分析Ground-water development 地下水开发extraction, effects of 385-387 提取,影响hydraulics of 379-382 水力学impacts on basin hydrology 379-387 对水文学的影响Ground-water flows 13 地下水径流basic principles of 326-335 基本原则classification of 327-328 分类general equation 333-335 常规方程regional 335-342 区域性的Ground-water residence time 354-356 地下水滞留时间Ground-water zone 239 地下水区域Guard cells 294 保卫细胞Hardpan 242 粘土层Heterogeneous medium 332 异质Hindcasts 26 后报,追算Hinge line 337 枢纽线Homogeneous medium 332 均匀介质Hook gage 288 钩型测针Hortonian overland flow 408-409,410 霍顿坡面漫流Hurricanes 96-98 飓风Hydrat symbol 325 水化标记Hydraulic conductivity 231,247,255 导水性,渗透系数Hydraulic conductivity—water-content relations 231-232Hydraulic diffusivity 234-235 水力扩散率(力)Hydrograph, basic shape of 402 水位曲线(水文过程线)的基本画法Hydrograph recession 362,390 退水过程线Hydrograph rise 390 回水过程线Hydrologic cycle 水文循环ground water in 325-388 地下水水循环Hydrologic horizons 239-241 水文水平线relationship between pedologic horizons and 241-242 土壤地平线与水文水平线的关系Hydrologic modeling 25-34 水文模型analog model 25-26 模拟模型forecasts 26 预测mathematical models 26 数学模型modeling process 27-32 建模过程modeling terms, definitions of 29 模型的定义和条件modelsdefined 25-27 定义parameters 26 参数physical modes 25 物理模式predictions 26 预报simulation models 25 仿真模型Hydrologic systems 7-8 水文系统Hydrology 水文学basic concepts of 7-35 基本概念defined 1 定义development of 2-5 发展physical quantities and laws 7 物理量和定理regional water balance 11-17 区域水平衡residence time 24-25 持续时间scope of 1 范围spatial variability 17-18 空间可变性storage 22-23 储藏量storage effects 23 储能效应temporal variability 18-22 时间可变性watershed 10-11 流域,分水岭Hydrometeors 135-136 水汽凝结体Hydrophilic soils 248 亲水土壤Hydrostatic pressure 静水压力Hyetographs 390,396 雨量过程线,雨量图,雨量计Hygroscopic water 236 吸着水Hyporheic zone 344-347河水与河床水流交换区Hypsometric curve 126 高程面积分布曲线Hypsometric method 126-127 测高法Hysteresis 230 滞后现象Illuviation 238 沉淀作用Infiltration 220 渗透,下渗basic characteristics of process 245-246 渗透过程的基本特性capacity 243 下渗容量,下渗能力measurement 243-245 测渗quantitative modeling of 248-265 下渗数学模型from rain and snow melt 261 降水和融雪的下渗ring infiltrometer 243-245 套环式测渗仪soil-water changes, observation of 245 土壤水转换的观测into soils with depth-varying water content 261 含水量随着土壤径深变化的水下渗spatial and temporal variability of 261-263 空间和时间的变化sprinkler-plot studies 245 人工降雨试验小区的研究water-content profiles 245-246 含水量纵剖面图in watershed models 263-265 流域模型Infiltration rate 243 下渗率change with time during an event 245 在一次事件中下渗率随时间变化factors affecting 246-248 影响因子factors affecting accuracy of measurement 246-248 影响下渗率测量精确度的因子water-input rate/depth of ponding 247 储水注入水深Influent stream 344 入渗河流Intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) analysis 151 强度-历时-频率分析Interception 301-308 拦截conceptual models 303-306 概念模型definitions 302 定义modeling 303-306 建模regression analysis 303 衰退分析Interception loss 301 拦截损失hydrologic importance of 306-308拦截损失的水文重要性measurement 302测量Interflow 220,419 壤中流Interim reference precipitation gage (IRPG) 108 中间关联雨量站Intermediate flow systems 338 中间流系统Intermediate zone 239 中间带,过渡带Intermittent streams 344 间歇水流Interpolation methods 121-122 插值法Interquartile range 20 四分位数间距Interval scales 7 区间尺度Intrinsic permeability 331 内渗透性,内渗透率Inverse-distance weighting 115-116 反距离加权Isobars 95 等压线Isotopic composition 322 同位数组成Isotropic medium 332 均匀介质Kriging 125-126 克立格Lag-to-peak 398,404-405 滞后峰值Lakes, evaporation 275-276 湖面蒸发Land-area water balance 318 陆地水平衡LaPlace Equation 334-335 拉普拉斯方程Lapse rate 94 气温直减率Lateral inflows 391 支流Latitudinal energy transfer 39-41 纬度分布能量转移Leaf-area index 298 叶面指数,植被率Leaf conductance 296-298 叶面电导率Leaky aquitards 328 渗透(量、电阻)Linear reservoir 23,429 线性水库Linear watershed model 402-407 线性流域模型Lithology 338-339 岩石学,岩性Local flow systems 338 当地河流系统Long-term average precipitation rates 140 长期平均降雨率Longwave radiation 38 长波辐射estimation of 197,282 估计,评价Losing stream 344 亏水河Macropore flow 423 大孔隙流Macropores 419 大孔隙Mass transfer 277-280,587-589 质量转移Mathematical models 26数学模型Matric potential 228 基质势Matric suction 228 基质吸力Matrix flow 419-422 基质流Measurement error 13-17 测量误差Median 20 中值,中间Melt coefficient 210 融化系数Melt factor 210 融化因子Microwave remote sensing, and water content measurement225-226 微波遥感和含水量的测量Missing data, estimating 115-117 估计缺少的资料Model error 13 模型误差Modelsanalog models 25-26 模拟模型defined 25 定义mathematical models 26 数学模型physical models 25 物理模型simulation models 25 仿真模型Moisture-characteristic curve 230-231 水汽特征曲线NASA Earth Observing System (EOS) 139 地球观测系统National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) 131 国家气候资料中心National Weather Service surface-monitoring network 130-131 国家气象观测组织表面污染监测网Net recharge 354 净补给Neutron moisture meters, and water content measurement 225 中子土壤水分探测仪,含水量的测量Newton’s laws of motion 8 牛顿运动定律Nonfrontal convergence 95,96-98 非锋面收敛Normal distribution 15,567-570 正态分布Normal-ratio method 115-116 正常值比率法Nuclear magnetic resonance, and water content measurement 225 核磁共振,含水量的测量Occluded front 95 锢囚锋Occult precipitation 112-114 被遮蔽的降雨Reynolds number 327 雷诺数Optical precipitation gage 107 光学雨量站Organic surface layer 247 有机表面层Orographic effects 99-100 地形影响Orography, uplift due to 98-103 地形学,地形抬升Outflow face 350 出流地形Overland flow 220,248,252,408 地面漫流Overseeding 161 过渡催化Pan coefficient 289 蒸发器折算系数Pan-evaporation approach 288-291 蒸发器蒸发法Parameters 26 参数Partial-area concept 409 部分面积概念Partially wetted profiles 268-269 部分多雨剖面Particle density, soil 222 土壤粒子密度Peak discharge 390,406 洪峰流量Pedologic horizons 238-239 土壤地平线relationship between hydrologic horizons and 241-242 与水文水平线的关系Penman equation 286彭曼方程Penman-Monteith approach 321 彭曼-蒂斯方法Penman-Monteith Equation 299-301 彭曼-蒂斯方程Penman-Monteith model 321 彭曼-蒂斯模型Penman or combination approach 285-288 彭曼联合方法Perched water table 242 上层滞水面Percolation 220 过滤,浸透and water-output production 204-207 出流量的产生Perennial streams 344 常流河Permanent wilting point 236 永久调痿点Permeameters 331 磁导计Persistence 23,576-580 持续Philip Equation 261 菲利普方程least-squares estimates of parameter of 262 最小二乘估计参数Phreatic zone 井区Phreatophytes 354 地下水湿生植物Physical models 25 物理模型Physical quantities and laws 7 物理量和定律Piezometer 327 压力计Point measurements, checking consistency of 117-118 检验点测量法的一致性Pore-disconnectedness index 233 孔隙分离指标Pore-size distribution index 233 孔径分布指标Porosity 207,255,328,330 孔隙度(率)soil 222-224 土壤孔隙度(率)Porous media 多孔介质response characteristics of 332-333 响应特征(曲线)storage properties of 328-331 耐储存性transmission properties of 331-332 传输特性Potential evapotranspiration(PET),311-318 n.可能蒸散发量,蒸散发能力combination methods,311 n.复合方法comparison of estimation methods,311 n.估计方法的比较operational definitions,310-311 n. 业务定义pan-based methods,311 蒸发器测量法radiation-based methods of,310-311 辐射测量法temperature-based methods,310 温度法Potentiometric surface,328 静水压面,测压管液面Precipitation,94-165,168 降水,降水量areal estimation,118-140 面估计depth-duration-frequency(DDF)analysis,151-160 雨深-历时-频率分析extreme rainfall amounts,146-160 极限降雨量long-term average precipitation,140 多年(年)平均降雨量measurement of precipitation 105-108 降水量测量meteorology of precipitation,94-105 降雨气象学moisture sources,104-105 水汽源地、水分来源、湿源probable maximum precipitation,146-148-150 可能最大降水量precipitation quality,162-164 降雨特性radar observation,135-136 雷达观测precipitation and rainfall climatology,140-162 降水、降雨气候学seasonal variability of precipitation,140-145 降水季节变化性storm climatology,145-146 暴雨气候学30-year normal precipitation l,140 30年的多年平均降水量uplift due to convergence,95-98 收缩上升Precipitation Augmentation as a Water-Resource Management Tool,161-162以降水增量作为水资源管理工具Anthropogenic Effects on Precipitation Climatology,160-162人为因素对降雨气候学的影响,Precipitation-gage networks,130-135 降雨观测网Precipitation gages,105-108,169-173 雨量站distance to obstructions,112 到阻碍物的距离errors due to differences in observation time,113 不同观测时间引起的误差errors due to low-intensity precipitation,113-114 低雨强引起的误差errors due to occult precipitation,113 由于降雨被遮蔽引起的误差errors due to evaporation,112-113 蒸散发引起的误差factors affecting measurement accuracy,108 影响测量精度的因素gage catch,108 截雨(雪)量、截获量、承雨(雪)量、(雨量器)instrument errors,113 仪器误差missing data estimation,115-117 缺测资料估计observer errors,113-114 观测误差optical precipitation gage,107 光学量雨器orifice height,109-111 孔口高度orifice orientation,109 孔口宽度orifice size,108-109 孔口尺寸errors due to splashing,112-113 由于溅洒引起的误差storage gages,105 累积雨(雪)量器tipping-bucket gage,105 倾斗式雨量计weighing-recording gage,105 称重式自计雨量器、衡重式自计雨量器wetting losses,112-113 浸润损失Precipitation recycling,104-105 重复利用降水Predictions,26 预报、预言Pressure head,228,327 压力水头、压位差、压力感受器Pressure-water-content relations,230-231 压强-水位-容量关系Primary porosity,328 原生孔隙PRISM Model,127,129-130 棱柱(棱镜)模型Probable maximum flood(PMF),148-150 可能最大洪水Probable maximum precipitation,146,148-150 可能最大降雨Probable maximum storm,149 可能最大暴雨Profile-controlled infiltration,243 控制剖面下渗Psychrometric constant,274 湿度计算常数Quick flow,342,436 快速(地面)径流Radioactive isotopes,369 放射性同位素Rain compaction,247 降雨密度Rain gage,see Precipitation gage雨量器、雨量筒(见Precipitation gage) Rain shadow,99 雨影(区)critical temperature for Rain-snow transition ,103 雨雪转换的临界温度record rainfalls,146-148 记录特大暴雨(量)、历史最大暴雨(量)time distribution of rainfall,160 降雨时间分布Recession/recession analysis,373-374 退水分析Recharge,220,325 补给、补充、回灌Recharge area,337 补给区(地下水)Recycling ratio,104 重复利用率Redistribution,220 再分配、重分配、再分布Reference crop,275 参考农作物Reference curves,265 参考曲线Regional evapotranspiration,13-17 区域土壤水分蒸发蒸腾损失总量Regional flow systems,338 区域水流系统Regional ground-water flows,335-342 区域地下水径流、枯季径流、基流general features,337 一般特征effects of geology,338-342 地质的影响effects of topography,337-338 地形的影响Regional water balance,11-17 区域水量平衡Regression,117 回归、复归Relative uncertainty,15 相对不确定性Relative variability,23 相对可变性Representative elemental volume,227 典型(代表)元素总量Residence time,24-25 滞留时间Response lag,398,403 反应滞后Quantitative description of Response hydrographs,396-407 自计水位记灵敏度定量描述Response time,402 响应时间Return flow,409,464 回归水(流)、回流、逆流Return period,151 重现期Reynolds number,327,546 雷诺数Richards Equation,230,249-251,265 Richards公式Rime,113-114 雾淞、树挂、不透明冰、毛冰Ring infiltrometer,243-245 套环式测渗仪、同心环测渗仪River basin,see Watershed 河流流域(见Watershed)Root zone,239-240 根区Roughness height,273,594 粗糙高度“Safe yield”,387,465-488 安全产水量、保证产水量、可靠产水量、常年产水量(地下水)Saltwater intrusion,386-387 咸水入侵、盐水入侵、海水入侵Satellite observation,136-140 人造卫星观测Satellite observation of precipitation,136-140 人造卫星观测降水Satellite observation of soil moisture,225-226 人造卫星观测土壤湿度Saturated hydraulic conductivity,326 饱和水力传导率Saturation overland flow,408,409-412 饱和坡面漫流Seasonal variability of precipitation,140-145 降水季节变化性Seasonality index,143 季节性指标Secondary porosity,328 次生孔隙率Seepage face,344 渗流面Shelter factor,298 遮蔽因子Shortwave radiation,36,281-282 短波辐射Simulation models,25 模拟模型Sloping slab,414,417,418 坡面Smoothing methods,121-122 滤波法Soil,220-271 土,土壤bulk density,222 (1)容重,单位体重(2)毛体积密度,松密度,堆密度completely wetted profiles,266-267 完全浸润面estimation of effective soil-hydraulic properties,255-256 有效土壤水力特征值的估计material properties of soil,221 土壤的物质特性partially wetted profiles,268-269 部分浸润面particle density,222 粒子密度distribution of pore and particle sizes,221 气孔和粒子大小的分布porosity,222-224 多孔性、有孔性soil profiles,238-242 土壤剖面redistribution,265-269 重分布、再分配、再分布soil-water status,235-242 土壤水状况texture,221 (1)组织,质地(2)构造,结构(3)纹理(4)织物Soil-controlled stage,291 受土壤控制的水位bare-soil evaporation,291 裸露土壤蒸发(作用)Soil-moisture balance,319-320 土壤水量平衡Soil-moisture zone,239-240 土壤水带Soil physics,220 土壤物理学Soil profiles,238-242 土壤剖面computation of typical soil-water profiles240-241 典型土壤水剖面计算hydrologic horizons,239-242 水文学范畴pedologic horizons,238-239 土壤学范畴chemical characteristics of the soil surface,248 土壤表面的化学特性human modification of the soil surface,247 土表的人为改变inwashing of fine sediment,247 冲泻质(泥沙)巨原冲积层water content of surface pores,247 表孔含水量observation of soil-water changes,245 土壤水变化的观测soil-water flow,227-235 壤中流soil-water pressure,228-230 土壤水压力soil-water storage,224-227 土壤蓄水量degree of saturation,226-227 饱和度total soil-water storage,227 土壤蓄水总量volumetric water content,224-226 容积法(体积法)测含水量Solum,239 风化层Sorptivity,235 吸附力,吸着力Spatial correlation,128 空间相关Spatial variability,17-18,396 空间变化Specific discharge,326 比流量,单位(面积)流量,流量模数Specific retention,329,330 比持水量,单位持水量(持水量对含水层总容积之比)Specific storage,328 单位储水量(地下水)Specific yield,329-330 (1)单位产水量,单位出水量,产水率,出水率(=effective porosity)(2)单产量Sprinkler-plot studies,245 人工降雨试验小区研究Stable isotopes,369 稳定同位素Standard deviation,15,20,557,571,574 标准差、均方差Stationary front,95 静止锋、滞留锋Statistical methods,122 统计法Stilling well,288,618 静水井,消波井,自记水位测井Stochastic methods,122 随机方法Stomata,294 (stoma or stomate的复数形式)气孔Stomatal cavities,294 气孔、气腔Storage,22-23 (1)贮藏,蓄积,存储(2)贮藏库,仓库(3)蓄水,蓄能,蓄电(4)储量,库容,蓄水量Storage coefficient,328 (1)库容系数(2)容水系数,给水度,地下水储量系数(一定厚度含水层的蓄水量=厚度×单位储量)Storage effects,23 储能效应Storage gages,105 累积雨(雪)量器change in stored energy,282-283 储能变化Storm climatology,145-146 暴雨气候学Storm duration,398 暴雨历时Storm flow,342 暴雨径流,暴雨流量Stratigraphy,339 地层学,地层中的岩石组成Stream depletion,385 河流损耗Stream-gaging station,19流量站,测流站,水文站Stream response,389-457 河流响应Stream types,342-343 河流类型Streamflow hydrography,390 (河川)流量过程线Streamlines,335 (1)流线(2)流线型(的)Streamtube,335 流管,流束Structure,339 (1)结构,构造,组织(2)结构物,建筑物Subsystems,8 (1)子系统,辅助系统,分系统(2)部件Suction,228 (1)吸,吸入,吸取(2)吸力,负压Surface-fitting methods,121-127 曲面拟合法Surface runoff,252 地面径流,地表径流Swelling-drying,247 泡胀-烘干Illustration of system,9 体系图Temporal variability,18-22 时程变化Tensiometers,228 (1)拉力计,张力计(2)应变仪Tension,228 (1)张力,拉力(2)电压(3)拉紧,紧张Tension head,228 (表面)张力水头Tension-saturated zone,239,543-544 饱和张力区Thermal convection,98 热对流Thermocouple psychrometer,228-229 温差电偶、热电偶干湿计laws of thermodynamics,8 热力学规律Thiessen polygons,121 泰森多边形Thornthwaite water-balance model,312,315-316 桑斯威特水平衡模型Throughflow,419 (=interflow,subsurface flow)(次)表层流,壤中流Thunderstorms,145 雷暴,雷雨Time base,399 (=base time)(1)时基(扫描)(2)时间底长(3)时标,时轴recession,405-406 (1)后退,退却(2)衰退(3)凹处(4)退水,消退(=depletion)(5)(冰川)退缩,后退(6)海退Time lag,206 时滞,时间滞后Snowmelt,206 (1)融雪(2)融雪水,融水Time of concentration,401,406 (=concentration time)(1)汇流时间,集流时间(2)集中时间(3)浓缩时间(4)富集时间Time of ponding,253 蓄水时间Time of rise,398,404 (1)起涨时刻,涨洪时刻(2)增长时间,建立时间Time series,18-19 时间系列(序列)Time to equilibrium,401 到达平衡时间Time to peak,398 到峰时间,峰现时间,涨洪时间Tipping-bucketgage,105 倾斗式(雨量计)Topographic index,414 地形指数Total hydraulic head,326 总的(压力)水头Chemical tracers,369 化学指示(剂),化学示踪物Traces,114 (1)痕迹,踪迹(2)痕量(3)轨线,迹线(4)交点,交线(5)描绘(6)跟踪,示踪(7)雨迹,微雨量Translocation,294 (1)转移(作用),位移(2)运输(作用)(3)易位Transmissivity,332 (1)透射率(2)导水率,输水率Transpiration,272,294-301 散发,叶面散发,蒸腾Atmosphere conductance,296 大气传导Canopy conductance,298-299 冠层传导Leaf conductance,296-298 树叶传导Modeling,295-296 建模,造型Penman-Monteith Equation,299-301 彭曼-孟提斯公式Transpiration stream,294 散发流,蒸腾流Tropical cyclones hurricanes,96-98 热带气旋飓风Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM),139-140 热带降雨测量Tropical storms,145-146 热带风暴Turbulent energy exchange,273-275 湍流能量交换Turbulent-transfer/energy-balance methods,321-322,593-600 湍流-输送/能量-平衡法Turn-over time,24 周转时间,翻转时间(湖、海水)Typhoons,96 台风Unconfined aquifers,327,329,356-358,366-367 非承压含水层,自由含水层,无压含水层Obtaining U.S. Geological Survey streamflow data in spreadsheet format,22获得美国地质勘测电子数据表版式的流速及流水量资料Vadose zone,239 (=aeration zone,zone of aeration,unsaturated zone)渗流层,通气层,包气带,非饱和层Vapor-pressure relations,273-274 蒸汽-压力关系Variable sources-area concept,411-412 变动水源观念,动态流域观念Warm front,95 暖锋Physical and chemical properties of water,248 水的化学物理性质Water-advected energy,275,282 平流水流能Water-balance approach,276,318 水(量)平衡法Water-balance equations,9,12-13 (=water-budget equation,equation of water balance,equati on ofwater budget)水量平衡方程(式),水分平衡方程,水平衡方程Water-balance relations,354 水量平衡关系Water-content profiles,245-246 (土壤)含水量纵剖面图Water-input rate,243,247,251-255,260-261 输水率Water-quality analysis methods,322 水质分析法water table,228,325 地下水面,地下水位,潜水面,潜水位perched water table,242 栖留地下水面(位),栖留潜水面watershed,10-11,460 (1)分水界,分水线,分水岭(2)流域,集水区delineation,10-11 (1)圈定,划界(2)勾划(3)轮廓,概图definition ,10 (1)定义(2)确定,限定(3)清晰度,分辨率(4)反差(5)圈定,定界evaluation of changes in watershed storage,14 流域储水量变化的评价weather modification,160-162 人工影响天气,天气控制weighing-recording gage,105 称重式自记雨量器,衡重式自记雨量器well hydrograph analysis,362-365 井孔出流量过程线分析area of influence,381 影响区域,势力范围cone of depression,381 (1)沉降锥(2)下降漏斗,浸润漏斗(=cone of influence,cone of drawdown)contributing areas,382 产流面积,产流区域drawdown,381 (1)降落(水位)(2)人工降低地下水位(3)泄降(水库)(4)地下水位下降(5)抽水降深drawdown curve,381 (1)地下水泄降曲线(2)浸润曲线(3)抽水降深曲线radial flow to a well,379-381 辐向流入井、径向流入井well function,381 井函数wetland evaporation,275-276 湿地蒸发(作用)wetness,226-227 湿润度,湿度wetting-front suction.256 湿润界面吸力,湿锋吸力wind shear,95 风切变wind shield,108,109-111 (1)挡风屏,挡风玻璃(2)防风罩,挡风板(雨量器的)zero-plane displacement,273,594 零平面位移。
专业术语中英文对照表傍河水源地 riverside source field包气带 aeration zone饱和度 degree of saturation饱和流 saturated flow饱水带 saturated zone边界井 boundary well边界条件 boundary condition边界元法 boundary element method标准曲线法(配线法) type-curve method补给区 recharge area补给疏干法 compensation-dewatering method部分排泄型泉 local drainage spring采区充水性图 geologic map of potential flooding in mining area 测压高度 piezometric head层流laminar flow常量元素 common element in groundwater (macroelement )沉积水(埋藏水) connate water(buried water)成垢作用 boiler scaling成井工艺 well completion technology承压含水层 confined aquifer承压含水层厚度 thickness of confined aquifer承压水 confined water承压水盆地 confined water basin承压水位(头) confining water level持水度 water-holding capacity/ specific retension充水岩层 flooding layer抽水孔 pumping well抽水孔流量 discharge of a pump well抽水孔组 jumping well group抽水量历时曲线图 flow-duration curve抽水试验 pumping test初见(始)水位 initial water level初始条件 initial condition次生盐渍土 secondary salinized soil达西定律Darcy’s law大肠菌群指数 index of coliform organisms大口井 large-diameter wd1大气降水渗入补给量 precipitation infiltration rate单井出水量 yield of single well单孔抽水试验 single well pumping test弹性储存量 elastic storage淡水 fresh groundwater导水系数 transmissivity等降深线 equiodrawdown line等势线 equipotential line等水头面 equipotential surface低频电磁法 very low frequency electromagnetic method 地表疏干 surface draining地表水 surface water地表水补给 surface water recharge地方病 endemic disease地方性氟中毒 endemic fluorosis地面沉降 subsidence地面开裂 land crack地面塌陷 ground surface collapse地下肥水 nutritive groundwater地下集水建筑物 groundwater collecting structure地下径流 underground runoff地下径流模数法 modulus method of groundwater runoff 地下库容 capacity of groundwater reservoir地下卤水 underground brine地下热水 geothermal water地下疏干 underground draining地下水 groundwater地下水补给量 groundwater recharge地下水补给条件 condition of groundwater recharge地下水超采 overdevelopment of groundwater地下水成矿作用 ore-forming process in groundwater地下水储存量(地下水储存资源) groundwater storage地下水的pH值 pH Value of groundwater地下水的碱度 alkalinity of groundwater地下水的酸度 acidity of groundwater地下水的总硬度 total hardness of groundwater地下水等水头线图 map of isopiestic level of confined water地下水等水位线图 groundwater level contour map地下水动力学 groundwater dynamics地下水动态 groundwater regime地下水动态成因类型 genetic types of groundwater regime地下水动态曲线 curve of groundwater regime地下水动态要素 element of groundwater regime地下水分水岭 grot1udwater divide地下水赋存条件 groundwater occurrence地下水化学成分 chemical constituents of groundwater地下水化学类型 chemical type of groundwater地下水环境质量评价groundwater environmental quality assessment 地下水径流量(地下水动储量) groundwater runoff地下水径流流出量 groundwater outflow地下水径流流入量 groundwater inflow地下水均衡 groundwater balance地下水均衡场 experimental field of groundwater balance地下水均衡方程 equation of groundwater balance地下水开采量 groundwater withdrawal地下水开采资源 exploitable groundwater resources地下水可开采量(地下水允许开采量) allowable withdrawal of groundwater 2地下水库 groundwater reservoir地下水埋藏深度 buried depth of groundwater table地下水埋藏深度图 map of buried depth of groundwater地下水模型 groundwater model地下水年龄 age of groundwater地下水年龄测定 dating of groundwater地下水排泄 groundwater discharge地下水盆地 groundwater basin地下水侵蚀性 Corrosiveness of groundwater地下水人工补给 artificial recharge of groundwater地下水人工补给资源 artificial-recharged groundwater resources 地下水设计开采量 designed groundwater withdrawal地下水实际流速 actual velocity of groundwater flow地下水实际流速测定 groundwater actual velocity measurement 地下水数据库 groundwater database地下水数学模型 mathematical model of groundwater地下水水化学图 hydrogeochemical map of groundwater地下水水量模型 groundwater flow model地下水水量评价 evaluation of groundwater quantity地下水水位动态曲线图 hydrograph of groundwater level地下水水质 groundwater quality地下水水质类型 type of groundwater quality地下水水质模型 groundwater quality model地下水天然资源 natural resources of groundwater地下水同位素测定 isotope assaying of groundwater地下水位持续下降 continuously drawndown of groundwater level 地下水污染 groundwater pollution地下水污染评价 groundwater pollution assessment地下水污染物 groundwater pollutants地下水物理模型 physical model of groundwater地下水物理性质 physical properties of groundwater地下水系统 groundwater system地下水预报模型 groundwater prediction model地下水源地 groundwater source field地下水质评价 evaluation of groundwater quality地下水资源 groundwater resources.地下水资源保护 groundwater resources protection地下水资源分布图 map of groundwater resources地下水资源管理区 groundwater resources management地下水资源枯竭 groundwater resources depletion地下水资源评价方法 methods of groundwater resource evaluation地下水总矿化度 total mineralization degree of groundwater地下微咸水 weak mineralized groundwater地下咸水 middle mineralized groundwater地下盐水 salt groundwater地中渗透仪 lysimeter电导率 specific conductance电法测井 electric logging电法勘探 electrical prospecting顶板裂隙带 fissure zone of top wall顶板冒落带 caving zone of top wall定降深抽水试验 constant-drawdown pumping test定解条件 definite condition定流量边界 boundary of fixed flow /constant flow定流量抽水试验 constant-discharge pumping test定水头边界 boundary of fixed water level动水位 dynamic water level断层泉 fault spring断裂带水压导升高度(潜越高度) height of water pressure in fault zone 断面流量 cross-sectional flow对流弥散 convective dispersion多孔抽水试验 multipe wells pumping test多孔介质 porous medium二维流 two-dimensional flow放射性测井 radioactivity logging放射性水文地质图 radio hydrogeological map放射性找水法 radioactive method for groundwater search放水试验 dewatering test非饱和流 unsaturated flow非均匀介质 inhomogeneous medium非均匀流 non-uniform flow非完整井 partially penetrating well非稳定流 unsteady flow非稳定流抽水试验 unsteady-flow pumping test分层抽水试验 separate interval pumping test分层止水 interval plugging分子扩散 molecular diffusion .分子扩散系数 coefficient of molecular diffusion福希海默定律 Forchheimer law辐射井 radial well腐蚀作用 corroding process负均衡 negative balance负硬度 negative hardness富水系数 water content coefficient of mine富水性 water yield property干扰抽水试验 interference-well pumping test干扰井出水量 yield from Interference wells干扰系数(涌水量减少系数) interference coefficient隔水边界 confining boundary隔水层 aquifuge隔水底板 lower confining bed隔水顶板 upper confining bed各向同性介质 isotropic medium各向异性介质 anisotropic medium给水度 specific yield供水水文地质勘查 hydrogeological investigation for water supply 供水水文地质学 water supply hydrogeology拐点法 inflected point method观测孔 observation well管井 tube well灌溉回归系数 irrigation return flow rate灌溉机井 pumping-well for irrigation灌溉系数 irrigation coefficient过水断面 water-carrying section海水入侵 sea-water intrusion3含水层 aquifer含水层储能 energy storage of aquifer含水层弹性释放 elasticity release of aquifers含水层等高线图 contour map of aquifer含水层等厚线图 aquifer impact map含水层等埋深图 isobaths map of aquifer含水层调节能力 regulation capacity of aquifer含水层自净能力 self-purification capability of aquifer含水率 moisture content化学需氧量(COD) chemical oxygen demand环境水文地质勘查 environmental hydrogeological investigation 环境水文地质图 environmental hydyogeologic map环境水文地质学 environmental hydrogeology环境自净作用 environmental self-purification恢复水位 recovering water level回灌井 injection well回灌量 quantity of water recharge回灌水源 recharge water source混合抽水试验 mixed-layer pumping test混合模拟 mixing analog混合作用 mixing hydrochemical action in groundwater激发补给量 induced recharge of groundwater极硬水 hardest water集中供水水源地 well field for concentrated water supply间歇泉 geyser简易抽水试验 simple pumping test降落漏斗 cone of depression降落漏斗法 depression cone method降落曲线 depression curve降水补给 precipitation recharge降水入渗试验 test of precipitation infiltration降水入渗系数 infiltration coefficient of precipitation接触泉 contact spring结构水(化合水) constitutional water (chemical water)结合水 bound water结晶水 crystallization water解逆问题(反演计算) solving of inverse problem解析法 analytic method解正问题(正演计算) solving of direct problem井下供水孔 water supply borehole in mines井中电视(超声成相测井) borehole television(BHTV)径流区 runoff area静止水位(天然水位) static water level (Natural water level)均衡期 balance period均衡区 balance area均匀介质 homogeneous medium均匀流 uniform flow开采模数法 evaluation method of employing groundwater extraction modulus 开采强度法 mining intensity method开采试验法 exploitation pumping test method开采性抽水试验 trail-exploitation pumping test坎儿井 karez空隙 void孔洞 pore space孔隙 pore孔隙比 pore ratio孔隙度(孔隙率) porosity(pore rate)孔隙含水层 porous aquifer孔隙介质 pore medium孔隙水 pore water库尔洛夫式 Kurllov formation矿床充水 flooding of ore deposit矿床充水水源 water source of ore deposit boding矿床充水通道 flooding passage in ore deposit矿床疏干 mine draining矿床疏干深度(疏干水平) dewatering level of mines矿床水文地质 mine hydrogeology矿床水文地质图 mine hydrogeological map矿床水文地质学 mine hydrogeology矿井水文地质调查 survey of mine hydrogeology矿井突水 water bursting in mines矿井涌水 water discharge into mine矿坑水 mine water矿坑突泥 mud gushing in mines矿坑突水量 bursting water quantity of mines矿坑涌砂 sand gushing in mines矿坑涌水量 water yield of mine矿坑正常涌水量 normal water yield of mines矿坑最大涌水量 maximum water yield of mines矿区水文地质勘查 mine hydrogeological investigation 矿泉 mineral spring雷诺数 Reynolds number连通试验 connecting test裂隙 fissure裂隙含水层 fissured aquifer裂隙介质 fissure medium裂隙率 fissure ratio裂隙水 fissure water临界深度 critical depth流量测井 flowmeter logging流量计 flowmeter流网 flow net流线 streamline滤料(填料) gravel pack滤水管(过滤器) screen pipe裸井 barefoot well毛细带 capillary zone毛细管测压水头 capillary piezometric head毛细上升高度 height of capillary rise毛细水 capillary water毛细性 capillarity弥散 dispersion弥散试验 dispersion test钠吸附比(SAR) sodium adsorption ratio拟稳定流 quasi-steady flow凝结水 condensation water凝结水补给 condensation recharge排泄区 discharge area平均布井法 method of well uniform4configuration起泡作用 forming process气体成分分析 gas analysis潜水 phreatic water /unconfined water潜水含水层厚度 thickness of water-table aquifer潜水位 water table潜水溢出量 groundwater overflow onto surface潜水蒸发量 evaporation discharge of phreatic water浅层地震勘探 shallow seismic prospecting强结合水(吸着水) strongly bound water adsorptive water 侵蚀泉 erosional spring侵蚀性二氧化碳 corrosive carbon dioxide裘布依公式 Dupuit formula区域地下水位下降漏斗 regional groundwater depression cone 区域水文地质普查 regional hydrogeological survey区域水文地质学 regional hydrogeology全排泄型泉 complete drainage spring泉 spring泉华 sinter泉流量衰减方程法 method of spring flow attenuation泉水不稳定系数 instability ratio of Spring discharge泉水流量过程曲线 hydrograph of spring discharge泉域 spring area确定性模型 deterministic model扰动土样 disturbed soil sample容积储存量 volumetric storage容水度(饱和含水率) water capacity溶洞 cave cavern溶解他固体总量 total dissolved solids溶解氧(DO) dissolved oxygen溶滤水 lixiviation water溶滤作用 lixiviation软水 soft water弱含水层 aquitard弱结合水(薄膜水) weakly bound water (film water)弱透水边界 weakly-permeable boundary三维流 three-dimensional flow上层滞水 perched water上升泉 ascending spring设汁水位降深 designed drawdown渗流场 seepage field渗流场剖分(单元划分) dissection of seepage field渗流速度 seepage velocity渗入水 infiltration water渗水试验 pit permeability test渗透 seepage渗透率 specific permeability渗透水流(渗流) seepage flow渗透系数(水力传导系数) hydraulic conductivity/ permeability 生化需氧量(BOD) biochemical oxygen demand声波测井 acoustic logging声频大地电场法 audio-frequency telluric method湿地 wet land实井 real well试验抽水 trail pumping手压井 manual-operated pumping well疏干工程排水量 discharge of dewatering excavation疏干巷道 draining tunnel疏干因数 factor of drainage数学模型法 method of mathematical model数学模型检验 verification of mathematical model数学模型识别 calibration d mathematical model数值法 numerical method水文地质勘查报告 report of hydrogeologicai investigation 水动力弥散系数 coefficient of dispersion.水分散晕 water dispersion halo水化学 hydrochemistry水解作用 hydrolytic dissociation水井布局 wafer well arrangement水均衡法 water balance method水均衡方程 equation of water balance水均衡要素 element of water balance水均衡原理 principle of water balance水力坡度 hydraulic gradient水力削减法 hydraulic cut method水流迭加原理 principle of flow superpersitiom水流折射定律 law of seepage flow refraction水圈 hydrosphere水头场 water head field水头场的拟合 fitting of water-head field水头降深场 fieId6f water head drawdown水头降深场的拟合 fitting of water head drawdown field水头损失 water head loss水位计 wellhead water-level gauge水位降深值 drawdown水文地球化学 hydrogeochemistry水文地球化学分带 hydrogeodenml zonality水文地球化学环境 hydrogeochemical environment水文地球化学作用 hydrogeochemical process水文地质比拟法 hydrogeologic analogy method水文地质参数 Hydrogeological parameters水文地质测绘 hydrogeological mapping水文地质单元 hydrogeologic unit水文地质地球物理勘探 hydrogeophysical prospecting水文地质分区 hydrogeological division水文地质概念模型 conceptual hydrogeological model水文地质勘查 hydrogeological investigation水文地质勘查成果 result of hydrogeological investigation 水文地质勘查阶段 hydrogeological investigation stage水文地质勘探孔 hydrogeological exploration borehole水文地质剖面图 hydrogeological profile水文地质试验 hydrogeological test水文地质试验孔 hydrogeological test borehole水文地质条件 hydrogeological condition水文地质学 hydrogeology水文地质学原理 principles of hydrogeology5水文地质钻探 hydrogeological drilling水文水井钻机 hydrogeologic drilling rig水文物探测井 hydrogeological well logging水循环 water cycle水盐均衡 water-salt balance水样 water sample水跃值 hydraulic jump value水质标准 water quality standard水质分析 chemical analysis of water速度水头 velocity head随机模型 stochastic model泰斯公式 Theis formula探采结合孔 exploration-production well同位素水文地质学 isotopic hydrogeology透水边界 permeable boundary透水层 permeable bed透水性 permeability突水水源 source of water bursting突水系数 water bursting coefficient突水预测图 water bursting prediction map土(岩)样 soil (rock)sample土的颗粒分析 grading analysis of soil土壤改良 soil reclamation土壤水 soil water土壤盐渍化 soil salinization脱硫酸作用 desulphidation脱碳酸作用 decarbonation脱硝(氮)作用 denitration完整井 completely penetrating well微量元素 microelement温泉 thermal spring紊流 turbulent flow稳定流 steady flow稳定流抽水试验 steady-flow pumping test稳定水位 steady water level污染通道 pollution channel污染源 pollution source污水资源化 water resources from sewage renewal无压含水层 unconfined aquifer物理模型法 method of physical model细菌总数 bacterial amount下降泉 descending spring咸淡水界面 interface of salt-fresh water相关分析法(回归分析法)correlation analysis method(regression analysis method)硝化作用 nitrification斜井 inclined well虚井 real well悬浮物 suspended solids悬挂泉(季节泉) suspended spring压力传导系数 hydraulic diffusivity压力水头 pressure head雅可布公式 Jacob formula延迟给水(滞后给水) delayed drainage延迟指数 delayed index岩溶含水层 karst aquifer岩溶含水系统 karst water-bring system岩溶介质 karst medium岩溶水 karst water岩石圈 lithosphere岩石渗透性测定 permeability determination of rock盐碱土 saline allkaline soil盐渍土 salinized soil阳离子交替吸附作用cation exchange and adsorption氧化还原电位 oxidation-reduction potential样品采集 sampling遥感技术 remote sensing technology一维流 one-dimensional flow溢流泉 overflow spring影响半径 radius of influence映射法 image method硬水 hard water涌水量方程外推法(试验推断法) discharge equation extrapolation method 游离性二氧化碳 free carbon dioxide有限差分法 finite-difference method有限单元法 finite element method有效降水量 effective precipitation有效孔隙度 effective porosity元素迁移 element migration原生水(初生水) juvenile water(native water)原生盐渍土 primary salinized soil原状土样 undisturbed soil sample越流 leakage越流补给 leakage recharge越流系数 leaky coefficient越流系统 leaky system越流因数(阻越流系数) leaky factor允许水位降深 allowable drawdown蒸发浓缩作用 evaporation-concentration process正均衡 positive balance直线法 linear method重力疏干 gravity drainage重力水 gravity water注水孔 injecting well注水试验 injecting test贮存量变化量 variation of groundwater storage贮水系数(释水系数) storage coefficient专门水文地质学 applied hydrogeology专门性水文地质勘查applied hydrogeclogic investigation专门性水文地质图 special hydrogeological map自流水 artesian water综合水文地质图 synthetic hydrogeoiogical map总水头(渗流水头) total head钻孔流速测 borehole flow-velocity measurement最佳开采量 optimal yield最佳控制水位 optimal controlled water level最佳配水方案 optimal water distribution scheme7.3.2.13斜井 inclined well一般断面尺寸1.8m×2.0 m、倾角20°~40°的倾斜坑道集水工程,适用于开采坚硬岩石、埋深较大的裂隙岩溶水。
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水文学原理Principle of hydrologyChapter 1 绪论绪论:introduction大气圈(aerosphere)水圈(hydrosphere)岩石圈(lithosphere)生物圈(biosphere)人类圈(anthroposphere)中国四大水问题(four major water issues in China)水多(more):洪水(floods)水少(less):干旱(droughts)水浑(turbid):水土流失(soil and water losses)水脏(dirty):水污染(water pollution)水平/垂直结构(horizontal/vertical structure)河流学(potamology/river hydrology) 湖沼学(limnology/lake hydrology) 水库(reservoir)冰川水文学(glacier hydrology) 地下水水文学(groundwater hydrology)水文气象学(hydrometeorology) 积云(cumulus) 河口水文学(estuary hydrology)流域水文学(basin hydrology) 全球水文学(global hydrology)水文学中的环境同位素(environmental isotopes in hydrology)Chapter 2 水文循环水文循环:hydrological cycle海洋蓄水(water storage in oceans) 蒸发(evaporation)凝结(condensation)大气蓄水(water storage in the atmosphere)冰雪蓄水(water storage in ice and snow)降水(precipitation)散发(transpiration)蒸散发(evapotranspiration)升华(sublimation)凝华(desublimation)地表径流(surface/direct runoff)融雪径流(snow melt runoff to streams)河川径流(streamflow)泉水(spring)淡水储存(freshwater storage)下渗(infiltration)地下水出流(groundwater discharge)地下水储存(groundwater storage)大/中/小尺度(macro-scale/mesoscale/microscale)开放/封闭系统(open/closed system)截留(interception)洼地储蓄(depression storage)地下径流(groundflow)壤中流(interflow)总水量(total water)海洋/大陆(oceans/continent)咸水/淡水(saline/fresh water)沼泽(marish)大气水(atmospheric water)生物水(biological water)土壤水(soil water)Chapter 3 流域与水系流域与水系:Watershed & Drainage NetworksPart 1 基本概念分水线(watershed divide) 闭合流域(closed watershed)非闭合流域(unclosed watershed) 水系(Drainage Networks)羽毛状水系(Elongated shape) 平行状水系(fan shape)混合状水系(mixed shape) 坡地(Slope) 倾斜面(inclined plane) 收敛曲面(Convergent Camber) 发散曲面(Divergent Camber流域基本单元(Unit)P art 2 水系的地貌特征河源(headwater) 节点(node) 出口(outlet)外链(External links) 内链(Internal links) 干流(main river)支流(tributary river) Strahler分级法河流长度(stream length)河数定律(the law of stream numbers) 河长定律(the law of stream lengths) 链长度(Link Length) 横断面(Cross section) 纵断面(longitudinal section)大断面(flood cross-section) 弯曲率(Sinuosity)河底比降(Slope of stream bed)Part 3 流域的地貌特征流域形状(Shape of watershed)流域坡度(Slope of watershed)流域面积及面积定律(Drainage area and the law of drainage areas)流域长度和宽度(Width and length of watershed)形态因子(Shape factor)圆度(Circularity ratio) 伸长比(Elongation ratio)河网密度和河道维持常数(Drainage density & constant of channel maintenance)河流频度和链频度(Stream frequency & link frequency)面积--河长曲线(Drainage area-stream length curve )高程曲线(Elevation curve)Chapter 4 降水降水(Precipitation)Part 1 降水要素及其时空变化表示方法(Precipitation elements & Temporal and spatial variation)降雨的基本要素(Rainfall Elements)降雨量(深) Rainfall (depth)降雨历时(Rainfall duration) 降雨强度(Rainfall intensity)降雨面积(Rainfall area) 暴雨中心(Storm center)降雨强度与历时曲线(Rainfall intensity-duration curve)降雨深与面积关系曲线(Rainfall depth-area curve)降雨深与面积和历时关系曲线(Rainfall depth-area-duration curve)Part 2 降雨类型及其影响因素(Types of rainfall and Affecting factors)气旋雨(Cyclonic rain) 对流雨(Convectional/Convective rain) 台风雨(Typhoons/Hurricanes) 地形雨(Orographic rain)锋面雨(Frontal rain) 非锋面雨(Non-frontal rain)Part 3 区域(流域)平均降雨量计算方法(Calculation method of Average rainfall over an area)算术平均法(Arithmetic mean method) 泰森多边形法(Thiessen polygon method) 等雨量线法(Isohyetal method) 距离平方倒数法(Inverse distance-squared method) 雷达测雨(Radar measurement of rainfall) 卫星测雨(Satellitic measurement of rainfall) Part4 降雨资料的检验(Test of rainfall data)Chapter 5 土壤水土壤水(Soil Water)水文循环(Hydrologic Cycle)土壤颗粒(soil particles)过滤(leach)蒸发(evaporation)蒸发,散发(transpiration)水分(moisture)Part 1土壤的质地结构及“三相”关系土壤质地(Soil texture) 粘粒(clay)粉粒(silt)砂粒(sand)土壤结构(Soil configuration) 土壤中的“三相”关系(Three phases within a soil) 固体(Solids)液体(Liquids)空气(Vapor)固体密度(solid density) 干容重(Dry bulk density) 孔隙度(Porosity)质量含水率(Gravimetric water content) 容积含水率(volumetric water content)饱和度(the degree of saturation) 充气孔隙度(Aeration porosity) 孔隙比(V oid ratio)Part 2土壤水的存在形态土壤水作用力(Forces governing soil water) 分子力(Molecular force) 毛管力(Capillary force) 粘着力(Adhesion)粘结力(Cohesion)重力(Gravitational force) 土壤水类型(Soil water classification) 束缚水(bound water)吸湿水(Hygroscopic Water) 膜状水(Film water) 毛管上升水(Ascending water in capillary tube) 渗透重力水(percolating water)毛管悬着水(Suspended capillary water) sustained gravitational water(支持重力水) 土壤水分常数(Soil water constants) 田间持水量(field capacity)Saturation(饱和状态)Part 3土壤水的能量状态土水势(Soil water potential) 影响因素(Affect the factors)土壤水分特性曲线(Soil water characteristic curve)Chapter 6 下渗下渗: InfiltrationPart 1 引言(Introduction)土壤水分剖面(soil moisture profile) 下渗(infiltration)下渗率(infiltration intensity) 下渗容量(infiltration capacity)下渗曲线(infiltration capacity curve)累积下渗曲线(accumulative infiltration capacity curve)下渗机理(mechanism of infiltration)Part 2 非饱和下渗理论()下渗方程的导出(deduction of infiltration equation)忽略重力作用的下渗方程的解(solution under gravity neglected)完全下渗方程的解(solution under whole condition)Part 3饱和下渗理论()基本方程的建立establishment of basic equation下渗曲线的导出(deduction of infiltration curve)Chapter 7 蒸发与散发蒸发与散发(Evaporation & Transpiration)Part 1蒸发现象及其控制条件(evaporation and control conditions)基本概念(basic concepts)蒸发潜热(heat of vaporization) 蒸发率(evaporation rate) 凝结潜热(condensation latent) 蒸发能力(evaporation capacity) 蒸发分类classification of evaporation 控制蒸发率的条件controlling conditions for evaporation 动力条件(dynamic) 气象条件meteorological condition 供水条件(water supply) Part 2 水面蒸发(water surface evaporation)太阳辐射(solar radiation) 气压(air pressure) 风速(wind velocity) 温度(temperature) 湿度(humidity) 水面大小(water surface area) 水面形状(shape of water body) 水深(water depth) 水质(water quality) 理论方法(theoretical method)热量平衡法(heat balance method) 空气动力学法(aerodynamic method) 混合法(mixed method) 水量平衡法(water balance method) 经验公式(empirical equation)器测法(instrument-measurement method )水面蒸发的时空分布特点temporal spatial distribution characteristicsPart 3 土壤蒸发土壤蒸发过程(soil water evaporation processes)土壤蒸发规律(soil water evaporation rules)Part 4 植物散发散发现象(phenomena of plant transpiration) 植物散发规律(plant transpiration rules) 植物散发的确定(determination of transpiration)Part 5 流域蒸散发(watershed evapotranspiration)上层(Upper Layer)下层(Lower Layer)深层(Deep Layer)Chapter 8 产流机制产流机制:mechanism of runoff generation径流(Runoff) 径流形成过程(Rainfall-Runoff Process)径流深(Runoff Depth) 径流量的时程分配(Temporal distribution of runoff)Part 1包气带及其结构(Aeration (vadose) zone and its structure)包气带和饱水带(aeration zone or vadose zone and Saturdayed zone)特殊包气带(Special aeration zone)三相系统(three-phase system(liquid,gaseous,solid))土壤结构(soil structure)包气带结构(The structure of aeration zone)高寒地带的包气带(aeration zone in a high and cold area)Part 2包气带的水分动态及对降雨的再分配作用(Soil moisture dynamics in aeration zone and its roles in partitioning rainfall)A、包气带水分动态(soil moisture dynamics in aeration zone)包气带水分的增长(Soil moisture increase in aeration zone)包气带水分的消退(Recession of soil moisture in aeration zone)B、包气带对降雨的再分配作用(The role of aeration zone in redistributing rainfall)筛子(sieve)门槛(threshold)C、包气带水量平衡方程式(Water balance equation for aeration zone)Part 3 产流的物理条件(Physical conditions for runoff generation)超渗地面径流(Hortonian overland flow)(Rainfall excess)壤中水径流产流(through flow / subsurface flow / interflow)饱和地面径流条件(saturated overland flow)回归流(return flow)Part 4 基本产流模式(Basic modes of runoff generation)Chapter 9 地表水流地表水流:surface flowPart 1 洪水波的形成及传播(Formation and propagation of flood wave)A、洪水波运动(movement wave)a、几何特征(geomtric characteristics)波体(main body of flood wave)波高(wave height)波长(wave length)b、附加比降(additional slope)c、相应流量与相应水位(Corresponding discharge (water levels, stages) )d、波速(wave velocity)e、坦化(attenuation)扭曲(distortion)B、洪水运动的水力学描述(Hydraulic description of flood wave movement)圣维南方程组(Saint-Venant Equations)连续方程(Continuity equation or mass conservation equation)动力方程(Momentum equation)C、洪水波的分类(Classification of flood wave)空间惯性迁移惯性项(convective inertia term)重力(gravity)时间惯性力局地惯性项(local inertia term)压力(pressure )阻力(friction)D、运动波(Kinematic wave)E、扩散波(Diffusion wave)Part 2(Storage theory & storage equation)A、河槽调节作用和河段水量平衡方程(Storage effects of a river channel and water balanceequation for a reach)蓄满产流(Runoff generation on repletion of storage)超渗产流(Runoff generation in excess of infiltration)B、槽蓄方程(Storage equation)C、洪水波运动的水文学方法(Hydrological method of flood wave movementD 、特征河长(Characteristic river length)F、槽蓄曲线的特性(Nature of Storage-discharge curve)Chapter 10 洪水演算洪水演算(Flood Routing)Part 1 引言(Introduction)具有物理基础的洪水演算法(Physically-based flood routing method)质量守恒(mass conservation)动量守恒(momentum conservation)Part 2 线性扩散波演算法(Linear diffusion wave routing method)定解问题的构成(Composition of solution problems) 基本解(Basic solution) 出流过程的计算(Derivation of outflow hydrograph) 扩散波(Diffusion wave)入流过程(Processing of inflow hydrograph) 稳定流(Steady flow)参数的确定(Determination of parameters) 卷积公式(Convolution formula)上断面洪水过程(inflow hydrograph at upper section)半无限长,自由下边界(semi—infinite long, free lower boundary)简单入流过程(Simple inflow hydrograph) 单位入流过程(Unit Inflow hydrograph) 单位矩形入流过程(Unit Rectangular Pulse Input)单位瞬时脉冲入流(Unit instantaneous Pulse Input)入流过程离散化(Discretizing inflow hydrograph) 汇流曲线(flow concentration curve) Part 3 线性特征河长演算法(Linear characteristic length routing method) 描述洪水波运动的基本微分方程式(Basic differential equations of flood wave movement) 汇流曲线的确定(Determination of flow concentration curve)Part 4 线性运动波演算法(Linear kinematic wave routing method)运动波差分方程的建立(Difference equation of kinematic wave)数值扩散的概念(Numerical diffusion) 连续演算问题(successive routing) 汇流系数的计算(Calculation of flow concentration coefficient)泰勒公式(Taylor formula) 汇流系数(flow concentration coefficient)Chapter 11 流域产流流域产流:Watershed Runoff Generation/ProductionPart 1 引言(Introduction)径流(Runoff) 径流形成过程(Rainfall-Runoff Process)径流深(Runoff Depth) 径流量的时程分配(Temporal distribution of runoff)Part 2流域产流面积的变化(Variations in runoff producing area)A、现象及原因(Phenomena & Causes)蓄满产流(Runoff generation on repletion of storage)超渗产流(Runoff generation in excess of infiltration)B、蓄满产流条件下总径流的产流面积变化(Variations in the runoff producing area of total runoff under runoff formation on repletion of storage)蓄水容量曲线(Watershed Capacity Curve)流域蓄水容量曲线(Watershed water capacity curve)在降雨空间分布均匀的情况下(Spatial distribution of rainfall is even)C、超渗产流地面径流产流面积变化(Variations in the runoff producing area of surface runoff under runoff formation in excess of infiltration)Part 3 蓄满产流的流域产流量的计算(Computation of total runoff under runoff formation on repletion of storage)总径流量的计算(Computation of total runoff)径流成分的划分(Separation of runoff components)降雨空间分布不均匀情况(Spatial distribution of rainfall being uneven)Part 4超渗产流的流域产流量计算(Computation of total runoff under runoff formation in excess of infiltration)Chapter 12 流域汇流流域汇流:Watershed flow concentrationPart 1 基本概念及数学描述Basic Concepts and mathematical descriptionA、流域汇流的路径Watershed flow paths几何路径(Geometric paths) 状态路径(State paths)B、流域汇流时间Watershed flow time of concentration平均流域汇流时间(Average watershed flow time of concentration)最大流域汇流时间(Maximum Watershed flow time of concentration)C、径流成因公式Formula for computing the discharge at the watershed outletD、流域调蓄作用Watershed storage effectsPart 2流域汇流系统分析Analysis of watershed flow concentration system 基于流域调蓄作用的流域汇流系统的数学表达式(Mathematical description of storage-effect-based watershed flow system)流域瞬时单位线(Watershed Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph)卷积公式(Convolution formula)流域单位线的识别(Determination of unit hydrograph)Part 3面积—时间曲线Time-area histogram等流时线和等流时面积(Isochrones and Inter-isochrone areas)等流时线法(Isochrones Method)Part 4概念性流域汇流模型Conceptual watershed flow concentration models 概念性元件(Conceptual components)“渠道”型(Canal type) b. “水库”型(Reservoir type)概念性元件的组合及其瞬时单位线(Combination of conceptual components and the corresponding instantaneous unit hydrograph)。