(2)traditional Chinese physician 01.002 中药 Chinese materia medica
01.012 中 医 外 surgery of traditional Chinese medicine 科学
01.013 中 医 皮 dermatology of traditional Chinese medicine 研究皮肤疾病诊治与预防的中医外科学。 肤科学 01.014 中 医 肛 proctology of traditional Chinese medicine 肠科学 01.015 中 医 妇 gynecology of traditional Chinese medicine 科学 01.016 中 医 儿 pediatrics of traditional Chinese medicine 科学 01.017 中 医 眼 ophthalmology 科学 medicine of traditional 研究妇女生理、病理特点和经、带、胎、产等 妇女特有疾病诊治与预防的临床中医学。 研究小儿生长发育和麻、痘、惊、疳等小儿疾 病诊治与预防保健的临床中医学。 Chinese 研究眼与眼的附属器官生理、病理,和胞睑、 白睛、黑睛的中医外科学。
01.总论 总论
编号 汉文名 01.001 中医 (1)traditional 英文名 Chinese medicine 注释 ; (1)起源与形成于中国的具有整体观念、辨证论 治等特点的医学;(2)本学科专业职业队伍。 在中医理论指导下应用的药物。包括中药材、 中药饮片和中成药等。 01.003 中医学 traditional Chinese medicine 以中医药理论与实践经验为主体,研究人类生 命活动中健康与疾病转化规律及其预防、 诊断、 治疗、康复和保健的综合性科学。 01.004 中药学 Chinese materia medica 中药学科的统称。研究中药基本理论和各种药 材饮片、中成药的来源、采制、性能、功效、 临床应用等知识的学科。 01.005 中医药 traditional Chinese medicine and pharmacy 01.006 中 医 药 traditional Chinese medicine and pharmacy 学 01.007 中 西 医 integration 结合 medicine of traditional and 中医与中药的合称。 中医学与中药学的合称,侧重反映中医与中药 两者共同发展,密不可分。 western 以现代医学等现代科学知识及手段来继承和发 展中医药,中西医学相互补充,取长补短,诊 治疾病的医学形式。 01.008 中 医 基 basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine 础理论 01.009 中 医 诊 diagnostics of traditional Chinese medicine 断学 研究和阐明中医学的基本概念、基本理论、基 本规律、基本原则的学科。 根据中医学的理论体系,研究诊察病情、判断 病种、辨别证候的基础理论、基本知识和基本 技能的学科。 01.010 方剂学 prescriptions of Chinese materia medica 研究治法与方剂配伍规律及其临床运用的学 科。 01.011 中 医 内 internal medicine of traditional Chinese 研究外感温病、内伤杂病等内科疾病诊治与预 科学 medicine 防的临床中医学。 研究疮疡、瘿、瘤、岩(癌)、乳房病及外科杂病 的诊治与预防的临床中医学。
英文介绍中医Traditional Chinese medicine (also known as TCM, simplified Chinese: 中医; traditional Chinese: 中医; pinyin: zhōngyī) includes a range of traditional medical practices originating in China. It is considered a Complementary or Alternative Medical system in much of the western world while remaining as a form of primary care throughout most of Asia.TCM practices include treatments such as herbal medicine, acupuncture, dietary therapy, Tui na and Shiatsu massage; often Qigong and Taiji are also strongly affiliated with TCM.TCM theory is extremely complex and originated thousands of years ago through meticulous observation of nature, the cosmos, and the human body. Major theories include those of Yin-yang, the Five Phases, the human body Channel system, Zang Fu organ theory, six confirmations, four layers, etc.0 RADITIONAL- CHINESE MEDICINE WITH A LONG HISTORY历史悠久的中国传统医学Traditional Chinese medicine ( TCM) hasa history of several years. Its origin can be traced back to remote antiquity.In a long course of struggling against diseases, TCM evolved into a unique and integrated theoretical systcm of TCM. It is an important part of Chinese culture. More than 2,000 years ago, came out Huangdi's Classic on Medicine( Huang Di Nei jing ), which is the earliest medical classic extant in China. It consists of two parts—Basic Questions ( Su Wen ) and Miraculous Pivot( Ling Shu ), each comprising) nine volumes, each of which, in turn, contains nine chapters, totaling up to 162 chapters.The book gives a complete and systematic exposition to the following various subjects : the relationship between man and nature, thephysiology and pathology of the human body, and the diagnosis, treatment and prevention ot diseases. It also uses the theories of yin-yang and the five elements to deal fully with the principles of treatment by 中医有着几千年的历史, 起源可追溯至远古时代。
24部中国名著的英文名(2010-07-25 23:15:44)转载分类:英语标签:文化《西游记》 Pilgrimage to the West (Journey to the West)《三国演义》 The Romance of the Three Kingdoms《红楼梦》 A Dream in Red Mansions (The Story of the Stone)《水浒传》 Heroes of the Marshes; Water Margins《本草纲目》 Compendium of Materia Medica《聊斋志异》 Strange Tales of a Lonely Studio《论语》 Analects of Confucius《山海经》 The Classic of Mountains and Rivers《围城》 A Surrounded City《西厢记》 The Romance of West Chamber《资治通鉴》 History as a Mirror《史记》 Shi Ji (Historical Records)四书(《大学》、《中庸》、《论语》、《孟子》)The Four Books (The Great Learning; The Doctrine of the Mean; The Analects of Confucius; The Mencius)《阿Q正传》 The True Story of Ah Q《春秋》 Spring and Autumn Annals《论语》 The Analcets of Confucius《诗经》 The Book of Odes《世说新语》 Essays and Criticism《封神演义》 The Legend of Deification 《金瓶梅》 The Golden Lotus《西厢记》 The West Chamber。
我国现存最早的药物学专著,大约成书于东 汉时期。 全书共收载药物365种 最早提出药物根据功效分类法 论述了药物的四气五味、七情等药物学理论, 为中药理论体系的形成与发展奠定了基础。
秦汉时代(公元1~2世纪)编成我国现有的 最早药物学专著《神农本草经》。
唐代《新修本草》是世界上第一部由国家颁 发的药典。
明代李时珍的《本草纲目》,共载药1892 种,绘图1000多幅,收录方剂11096个。
(一) 本草和方剂
《内经》中记载有13方,成为方剂之始。 汉代张仲景《伤寒论》内记载有113方。 《金匮要略》记载有262方。 晋代葛洪著的《肘后备急方》,为后世公认的
《黄帝内经》 《难经》 《伤寒杂病论》 《神农本草经》
黄 帝
八 十
医 学 内
内 经
一 难 经
农 本
寒 杂
草 经
病 论
《内 经》
包括《素问》和《灵枢》两部分,原书 各九卷,每卷九篇,各为八十一篇,合计一 百六十二篇,大约成书于春秋战国至秦汉时 期。
《内经》的内容十分丰富,它对人与自然 的关系,人的生理、病理、疾病的诊断治疗 及预防等方面进行了全面系统的阐述。
汉代华佗吸收前人“导引”的精华,模仿虎、鹿、熊、猿、 鸟等动物的动作,创造了“五禽戏”。
⒊ 预防传染
“圣人不治已病治未病,不治已乱治未乱, 此之谓也,夫病已成而后药之,乱已成 而后治之,譬犹渴而穿井,斗而铸锥, 不亦晚乎”(《素问·四气调神大论》), 此体现了中医学最基本最宝贵的预防思 想,见诸行动最明显的是预防传染性疾 病。
Traditional Chinese Medicinal Science is one of the quintessences(国粹) of our country. It mainly study human body’s physiology, pathology, disease diagnosis (诊断) prevention and cure 中医是国粹之一,是研究人体生理、病理,以及疾 病的诊断和防治等的一门学科。
Qi gong
What is medicated diet
Chinese medicated diet is not a simple combination of food and Chinese drugs, but a special highly finished diet made from Chinese drugs, food and condiments(调味品) under the theoretical guidance of diet preparation based on differentiation of symptoms and signs of traditional Chinese medicine .
He is the earliest ancestor of surgery, lived in late Eastern Han Dynasty. He was famous for surgical operation and ma fei san(a kind of narcotic made of herbs)
• Moxibustion involves the placement of burnt moxa(艾-温灸用具) on specific points of the body. • The purpose is to strengthen the blood and improve Qi flow. • It has 2 methods, direct and indirect • Traditionally used to treat colds. • In western medicine, it is used to turn breech(臀部) babies to a normal position for childbirth
《西游记》Pilgrimage to the West (Journey to the West)《三国演义》The Romance of the Three Kingdoms《红楼梦》A Dream in Red Mansions (The Story of the Stone)《水浒传》Heroes of the Marshes; Water Margins《本草纲目》Compendium of Materia Medica《聊斋志异》Strange Tales of a Lonely Studio《论语》Analects of Confucius《山海经》The Classic of Mountains and Rivers《围城》A Surrounded City《西厢记》The Romance of West Chamber《资治通鉴》History as a Mirror《史记》Shi Ji (Historical Records)四书(《大学》、《中庸》、《论语》、《孟子》)The Four Books (The Great Learning; The Doctrine of the Mean; The Analects of Confucius; The Mencius)《阿Q正传》The True Story of Ah Q《春秋》Spring and Autumn Annals《论语》The Analcets of Confucius《诗经》The Book of Odes《世说新语》Essays and Criticism《封神演义》The Legend of Deification《金瓶梅》The Golden Lotus《西厢记》The West Chambergone with the wind 飘Jane.eyre 简。
爱The scarlet letter 红字The adventures of Tom Sawyer 汤姆索亚历险记Lady Chatterley's Lover 查太莱夫人的情人Tales of two cities 双城记Pride and Prejudice 傲慢与偏见Uncle Tom's Cabin 汤姆叔叔的小屋The old man and the sea 老人与海爱丽丝漫游记The Adventures of Alice in Wonderland 安徒生童话集Anderson's Fairy Tales傲慢与偏见Pride and Prejudice愤怒的葡萄Grapes of Wrath格利佛游记Gulliver's Travels格林童话集Grimm's Fairy Tales根Roots航空港Airport呼啸山庄Wuthering Heights环绕世界八十天Around the World in Eighty Days 嘉丽妹妹Sister Carrie简·爱Jane Eyre罗滨逊漂流记Robinson Crusoe名利场Vanity Fair牛虻The Gadfly飘(乱世佳人)Gone with the Wind圣经的故事The Story of the Bible双城记A Tale of Two Cities苔丝姑娘Tess of the D' ubervilles天方夜谭(Tales from) The Arabian Nights汤姆叔叔的小屋Uncle Tom's Cabin汤姆索亚历险记The Adventures of Tom Sawyer 王子与贫儿The Prince and the Pauper雾都孤儿Oliver Twist伊索寓言Aesop's Fables远大前程The Great Expectations月亮宝石The Moonstone最后的诊断The Final DiagnosisCharles Darwin (by Carla Greene) 查尔斯;达尔文John F. Kennedy (by Charles P. Graves) 约翰;肯尼迪King Arthur and His Knights (by William Kottmeyer) 亚瑟王和他的骑士One Million Pound (by Mark Twain) 百万英镑Robin Hood (adapted by Michael West) 罗宾汉Rip Van Winkle (adapted by Michael West) 里普;范;温格尔Stories from the Sands of Africa (adapted by Michael West) 非洲沙漠的故事Tales from the Arabian Nights (adapted by Michael West) 天方夜谭The Canterbury Tales (adapted by Michael West) 坎特伯雷故事集The House of a Thousand Lanterns (by Victoria Holt) 千灯府The Legends of Ancient Rome 古罗马的传说The Mystery of the Island (by Jules Verne) 神秘的海岛The Seventh Key 第七把钥匙Three Men on the Bummel (by K. Jerome) 三人出游记Tom Jones (by Henry Fielding) 汤姆;琼斯Airport (by Arthur Hailey) 航空港Around the World in Eighty Days (by Jules Verne) 环绕世界八十天A Separate Peace (by John Knowles) 独自和解Daisy Miller (by H. James) 黛丝密勒Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (by R. L. Stevenson) 化身博士Flowers for Mrs. Harris (by Paul Gallico) 献给哈里斯夫人的鲜花Frankenstein (by Mary Shelly) 弗兰肯斯特Hatter's Castle (by A. J. Cronin) 帽商的城堡Little Tom (by B. Bell & D. Bell) 小汤姆Lucky Jim (by Kingsley Amis) 幸运的吉姆The Adventures of Alice in Wonderland (by Lewis Carrol) 艾丽斯漫游记The Black Tulip (by Alexandre Dumas) 黑郁金香The Life of Abraham Lincoln (by Stegan Lorant) 林肯传The Mill on the Floss (by George Eliot) 弗洛斯河上的磨坊The Prince and the Pauper (by Mark Twain) 王子和贫儿The Red Badge of Courage (by Stephen Crane) 红色英勇勋章The Scapegoat (by Daphne Du Maurier) 替罪羊The Sign of Indra 印达拉神像Thirty-nine Steps (by John Buchan) 三十九级台阶Three Men in a Boat (by J. K. Jerome) 三人同舟Tom Brown's Schooldays (by Thomas Hughes) 汤姆;布朗的求学时代Witch (by George Mackay Brown) 女巫Aesop's Fables 伊索寓言Anderson's Fairy Tales 安徒生通话选Compell's Kingdom (by Hammond Innes) 坎伯尔王国Frontiers of Science 科学的新领域Grimm's Fairy Tales 格林通话选Hotel (by Arthur Hailey) 旅馆Jamaica Inn (by Daphne Du Maurier) 牙买加旅店Popular Science Readings 英语科普小品Roots (by Alex Harley) 根Stories from Shakespeare (adapted by H. G. Wyatt) 莎士比亚戏剧故事集The Adventures of Huckleberry Fin (by Mark Twain) 哈克贝里芬历险记The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (by Mark Twain) 汤姆索亚历险记The “Caine”Mutiny (by Herman Wink) “该隐”号兵变记The Citadel (by A. J. Cronin) 堡垒The Good Soldier Schweik (by Jaroslav Hasek, trans. By Paul Selver) 好兵帅克The Moonstone (by Wilkie Collins) 月亮宝石The Pearl (by John Steinbeck) 珍珠The Story of Madame Curie ( by Alice Thorne) 居里夫人传Uncle Tom's Cabin (by H. Beecher Stowe) 汤姆叔叔的小屋Anna Karenina (by Leo Tolstoy) 安娜;卡列尼娜A Tale of Two Cities (by Charles Dickens) 双城记David Copperfield (by Charles Dickens) 大卫考伯菲尔德Emma (by Jane Austen) 爱玛Far from the Madding Crowd (by Thomas Hardy) 远离尘嚣Frenchman's Creek (by Charles Dickens) 法国人的小港湾Great Expectations (by Charles Dickens) 远大前程Gulliver's Travels (by Jonathan Swift) 格利佛游记Jane Eyre (by Charlotte Bronte) 简爱Jaws (by Peter Benchley) 大白鲨Lucky Jim (by Kinsley Amis) 幸运的吉姆Nicholas Nickleby (by Charles Dickens) 尼古拉斯.尼克尔贝Mary Barton (by Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell) 玛丽.巴顿Monte Cristo (by Alexandre Dumas) 基度山伯爵Oliver Twist (by Charles Dickens) 雾都孤儿Pride and Prejudice (by Jane Austen) 傲慢与偏见Rebecca (by Daphne Du Maurier) 蝴蝶梦Silas Marner (by George Eliot) 塞拉斯.马纳Tess of the D'ubervilles (by Thomas Hardy) 德伯家的苔丝The Green Years (by A. Cronin) 青春的岁月The Hunckback of Notre Dame (by Victor Hugo) 巴黎圣母院The Mayor of Casterbridge (by Thomas Hardy) 卡斯特桥市长The Three Musketeers (by Alexandre Dumas) 三个火枪手Treasure Island (by R. L. Steveson) 金银岛Vanity Fair (by W. M. Thackeray) 名利场Woman in White (by Wilkie Collins) 白衣女人Wuthering Heights (by Emily Bronte) 呼啸山庄Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (by Lewis Carrol) 艾丽斯漫游记Child's History of England (by Charles Dickens) 儿童英国史Good-bye, Mr. Chips (by James Hilton) 再会,契普斯先生INTERPOL (by Peter G. Lee) 国际警察组织Robinson Crusoe (by Daniel Defoe) 鲁滨逊漂流记The Gadfly (by E. L. V oynich) 牛虻The Story of the Bible (by Van Loon) 圣经的故事The Story of Mankind (by H. William Van Loon) 人类的故事The Great Road (by Agnes Smedley) 伟大的道路一般原著An Inspector Calls (by J. B. Priestley) 罪恶之家An Invisible Man (by H. G. Wells) 隐身人A Tale of Two Cities (by Charles Dickens) 双城记David Copperfield (by Charles Dickens) 大卫.考伯菲尔德Emma (by Jane Austen) 爱玛Gone with the Wind (by Margaret Mitchell) 飘Gulliver's Travels (by Jonathan Swift) 格利佛游记Hotel (by Arthur Hailey) 旅馆Oliver Twist (by Charles Dickens) 雾都孤儿Pride and Prejudice (by Jane Austen) 傲慢与偏见Pygmalion (by Bernald Shaw) 茶花女Red Star over China (by Edgar Snow) 西行漫记Roots (by Alex Haley) 根Selected Readings from D. H. Lawrence 劳伦斯作品选读The Adventures of Huckleberry Fin (by mark Twain) 哈克.贝里芬历险记The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (by Mark Twain) 汤姆.索亚历险记The Jungle (by Upton Sinclair) 丛林The Old Man and The Sea (by Ernest Hemingway) 老人与海The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists (by Robert Tressell) 穿破裤子的慈善家The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich (by William L. Shirer) 第三帝国的兴亡Uncle Tom's Cabin (by H. Beecher Stowe) 汤姆叔叔的小屋Winds of War (by Herman Woul) 战争风云A Farewell to Arms (by Ernest Hemingway) 永别了武器Airport (by Arthur Hailey) 航空港A Tale of Two Cities (by Charles Dickens) 双城记Financier (by Theodore Dreiser) 财政家Grapes of Wrath (by J. Steinbeck) 愤怒的葡萄Jane Eyre (by Charlotte Bronte) 简爱Jude the Obscure (by Thomas Hardy) 无名的裘德Lady Chatterley's Lover (by D. H. Lawrence)查泰莱夫人德情人Martin Eden (by Jack London) 马丁.伊登Pride and Prejudice (by Jane Austen) 傲慢与偏见Sense and Sensibility (by Jane Austen) 理智与情感Sister Carrie (by Theodore Dreiser) 嘉丽妹妹Sons and Lovers (by D. H. Lawrence) 儿子和情人Tess of the D'ubervilles (by Thomas Hardy) 德伯家的苔丝The American Tragedy (by Theodore Dreiser) 美国的悲剧The Final Diagnosis (by Arthur Hailey) 最后的诊断The God Father (by Mario Puzo) 教父The Great Gatsby (by F. Scott Fitzgerald) 了不起的盖茨比The Hunckback of Notre Dame (by Victor Hugo) 巴黎圣母院The Moneychangers (by Arthur Hailey) 钱商The Rainbow (by D. H. Lawrence) 虹The Red and The Black (by Stendhal) 红与黑The Return to the Native (by Thomas Hardy) 还乡The Scarlet Letter (by Nathaniel Hawthorne) 红字The Sun Also Rises (by Ernest Hemingway) 太阳照样升起The Thorn Birds (by Colleen Mccullough) 荆棘鸟The Three Musketeers (by Alexandre Dumas) 三个火枪手Vanity Fair (by W. M. Thackeray) 名利场Wives and Daughters (by Elizabeth Gaskell) 妻子与女儿Wuthering Heights (by Emily Bronte) 呼啸山庄。
中医①traditional Chinese medicine②traditional Chinese physician ①中医学的简称。
中药 Chinese materia medica 在中医理论指导下应用的药物。
中医学 traditional Chinese medicine 以中医药理论与实践经验为主体,研究人类生命活动中健康与疾病转化规律及其预防、诊断、治疗、康复和保健的综合性科学。
中药学 Chinese materia medica 中药学科的统称。
中医药 traditional Chinese medicine and pharmacology 中医与中药的合称。
中医药学 traditional Chinese medicine and pharmacology 中医学与中药学的合称,侧重反映中医与中药两者共同发展,密不可分。
中西医结合 integration of traditional and western medicine 现代医学等现代科学知识及手段来继承和发展中医药,中西医学相互补充,取长补短,诊治疾病的医学形式。
中医基础理论 basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine 研究和阐明中医学的基本概念、基本理论、基本规律、基本原则的学科。
中医诊断学 diagnostics of traditional Chinese medicine 根据中医学的理论体系,研究诊察病情、判断病种、辨别证候的基础理论、基本知识和基本技能的学科。
方剂学 prescriptions of Chinese materia medica 研究治法与方剂配伍规律及其临床运用的学科。
中医内科学 internal medicine of traditional Chinese medicine 研究外感温病、内伤杂病等内科疾病诊治与预防的临床中医学。
中医药英文大全?答:以下是中医药英文大全,包括中医理论、常用中药、中医诊断和治疗方法等方面的常见术语:1. 中医理论(Traditional Chinese Medicine Theory)- Yin and Yang(阴阳)- Qi(气)- Meridians(经络)- Five Elements(五行)- Eight Principles(八纲)- Zang-Fu Organs(脏腑)- Blood Stasis(血瘀)- Dampness(湿)- Heat and Cold(寒热)2. 常用中药(Common Chinese Medicinal Herbs)- Ginseng(人参)- Astragalus(黄芪)- Radix Rehmanniae(地黄)- Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae(白术)- Radix Paeoniae Alba(白芍)- Fructus Gardeniae(栀子)- Radix Scutellariae(黄芩)- Radix Glycyrrhizae(甘草)- Radix Angelicae Sinensis(当归)- Fructus Schisandrae(五味子)3. 中医诊断和治疗方法(Traditional Chinese Medicine Diagnosis and Treatment Methods)- Acupuncture(针灸)- Herbal Medicine(中药)- Cupping Therapy(拔罐疗法)- Moxibustion(艾灸)- Tuina(推拿)- Guasha(刮痧)- Qigong(气功)- Chinese Dietary Therapy(中医食疗)请注意,这只是其中的一部分常见术语,涵盖了中医药的一些基本概念和常用词汇。
例如,(黄帝内经》一书就被译成The Yellow Emperor’ s Internal Medicine ,Huangdi’,internal Classic,Carton of Medicine,Neijing等多种形式。
一、翻译的原则1.科学性原则:所谓科学性原则就是译名要语义准确(semantically precise),词形简明(morphologically concise),符合标准化名词的机制(structurally consistent with the formation and the usage of standardized nouns)。
讲中医的英文书以下是一些讲解中医内容的英文书籍:1. "The Web That Has No Weaver: Understanding Chinese Medicine" by Ted J. Kaptchuk2. "The Practice of Chinese Medicine: The Treatment of Diseases with Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs" by Giovanni Maciocia3. "Chinese Medicine: The Web That Has No Weaver" by Ted J. Kaptchuk4. "The Foundations of Chinese Medicine: A Comprehensive Text" by Giovanni Maciocia5. "Chinese Herbal Medicine: Materia Medica" by Dan Bensky and Andrew Gamble6. "Between Heaven and Earth: A Guide to Chinese Medicine" by Harriet Beinfield and Efrem Korngold7. "The Tao of Health, Sex, and Longevity: A Modern Practical Guide to the Ancient Way" by Daniel Reid8. "The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Medicine: A New Translation of the Neijing Suwen with Commentary" by Maoshing Ni9. "Chinese Medicine in Fertility Disorders" by Andreas A. Noll10. "Handbook of Traditional Chinese Medicine" by Hong-Yen Hsu and Chau-Shin Hsu.这些书籍涵盖了中医的各个方面,从基本概念、治疗方法、中草药、经络理论到练习中医等内容。
1. 《黄帝内经》(The Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon)
2. 《伤寒杂病论》(Treatise on Febrile Diseases and Miscellaneous Illnesses)
3. 《千金方》(Thousand Ducat Formulas)
4. 《本草纲目》(Compendium of Materia Medica)
五十二病方Prescriptions for Fifty-two Diseases 马王堆汉墓出土的先秦医方书。
灵枢经Miraculous Pivot 约成书于战国时期。
素问Plain Questions 《黄帝内经素问》的简称。
黄帝内经Inner Canon of Huangdi; Inner Canon of Yellow Emperor 为《灵枢经》《素问》两书的合称,简称《内经》。
神农本草经Shennong's Classic of Material Medical 现存最早的中药著作,约成书于西汉以前。
难经Classic of Questioning 中医理论著作,旧题秦越人撰,约成书于东汉以前。
伤寒杂病论Treatise on Cold Pathogenic and Miscellaneous Diseases 中医临床著作,东汉张仲景撰。
伤寒论Treatise on Cold Pathogenic Diseases 中医临床著作,东汉张仲景撰。
金匮要略Synopsis of Golden Chamber 中医临床著作,东汉张仲景撰。
针灸甲乙经A-B Classic of Acupuncture and Moxibustion 针灸学著作,魏晋间皇甫谧撰。
脉经Pulse Classic 中医脉学著作,西晋王叔和撰。
肘后备急方Handbook of Prescriptions for Emergency 中医方剂著作,东晋葛洪撰。
刘涓子鬼遗方Liu Juanzi's Remedies Bequeathed by Ghosts 中医外科著作,晋代刘涓子撰,南北朝齐龚庆宣整理。
雷公炮炙论Master Lei's Discourse on Drug Processing 中药炮制著作,南北朝刘宋雷●撰。
中国中医英文介绍Traditional Chinese Medicine ("TCM") is an integral part of Chinese culture. It has made great contributions to the prosperity of China. Today both of TCM and western medicine are being used in providing medical and health services in China. TCM, with its unique diagnostic methods, systematic approach, abundant historical literature and materials, has attracted many attentions from the international community. TCM is well recognized for its remarkable effectiveness in off setting the side effect caused by the toxic and chemical treatment of cancer cases in the western medical system.In China, TCM is under the administration of State Administration of TCM and Pharmacology. TCM and its development are regulated. National strategies, law and regulations governing TCM are now in place to guide and promote the research and development in this promising industry.TCM is defined as a medical science governing the theory and practice of traditional Chinese medicine. It includes Chinese medication, pharmacology/herbalogy, acupuncture, massage and Qigong.Hospitals in China are classified as specialized in western medical system, TCM or both. TCM is now available to 75% of the areas in China. TCM has been very effective in the treatment of diseases such as cardio-cerebro-vascular, immunogenic, tumors, bone fracture, etc. Scientific research and clinic experiments in TCM are continuously progressing. Successes have been made in many of the areas such as in circulating paths of meridians; in Zheng-syndrome, in diagnostic indexes; in therapeutic principles, in healing emergency patients with shock, acute DIC, acute myocardial infarction and acute renal failure. For treatment of bone fracture, method is adopted based on the theory of combination of mobilization and immobilization. Non-antibacterial compound prescriptions are used successfully in treatment of bacterial infection. In treatment of cancers, Fuzheng Guben compound prescriptions, though devoid of inhibitory effects on cancer cells, could cause the shrink of the mass of cancer. TCM provides a non-surgical approach to the treatment of acute abdomen.CuppingCupping the source ofCupping therapy is a valuable heritage of Chinese medicine, one in Chinese Han people to use a long time. Ge Hong Jin Dynasty medical scientist with the "elbow back-up emergency party" where there are angle method documented. The so-called angle method is the use of hollowing out of the horns to pull abscess aspiration of foreign governing methods. Wang Tao of the Tang Dynasty "Taiwan Miyao," also describes the use of bamboo cupping to cure, such as in the text, said: "... ... take three fingers Daqing bamboo, long Cunban, a left section, no section of the first cut so thin like swords, cook the cheese Number of boiling, and heat out of cartridges, ink points according to the cage, a long time to break the corner cutter bombs, but also re-Kok, cook cheese, when a yellow and white Chishui, sub-a pus out, worm out there who count so Kok, so that out of evil things to do, is that is, except, when the head is also out as light. "angle from the above describedmethod and system of green bamboo cupping of view, China's Jin, Tang Cupping of the era has long been popular.Cupping a comfortable pull Bingti"Cupping" is the private sector is commonly known as cupping therapy, also known as "pulling pipes" or "suction tube." It is the air tank with heat to exclude the use of negative pressure so that sorption in the skin, causing bleeding as a treatment method of the phenomenon. This treatment can be by cold dampness, dredge the meridians, dispel stasis, qi and blood circulation, reduces swelling, pain, diarrhea fever Sida has to adjust the body's yin and yang balance, lifting of fatigue, enhance physical function to achieve the rousing, cure The purpose of the disease. Therefore, many diseases can be treated with cupping therapy. For example: middle-aged, bones and muscles ache common, according to the interpretation of traditional Chinese medicine mostly rheumatoid Such is Life. Cupping Guankou cover their time in the affected area, you can slowly suck the moisture out of lesions, while promoting local blood circulation, to relieve pain, restore function, and consequently treatment of rheumatism, "Bi Tong" bones bitterness and so does not apply.Cupping can do it because of gas-blood circulation, expelling wind and cold-dispelling, reduces swelling, pain, so the back muscle strain, lumbar disc herniation have a certain therapeutic effect. Dr. Lulu's briefing, fire can also be used in the body acupuncture points, the treatment of headache, dizziness, faces badly bruised, coughing, wheezing, abdominal pain and other illnesses, and more than fire can be implemented at the same timeCupping Traditional Chinese Medicine on the principle:Chinese medicine, cupping can be opened to vent Cou science, rousing. Disease is caused by pathogenic factors of yin and yang of the body Piansheng partial decline, the body movements of qi disorders, internal organs caused by blood disorders. When the body is affected by wind, cold, summer heat, wet, dry, fire, poison, trauma or internal injuries invasion blog, you can lead to dysfunctional organs, resulting in pathological product, such as congestion, qi, phlegm, Sushi, water turbid, Xiehuo and so on, these pathological product is pathogenic factors, through the meridians and acupoints to go channeling the body, against the indiscriminate air-stranded organs; deposition resistance in turn, eventually lead to all kinds of illnesses. Cupping resulting vacuum has a strong pull of the suction force, pulling the suction force acting on the meridian points, it can be to open pores and make skin absorption congestion, so that the body's pathological product from the skin pores to suck out of the body, so that able to dredge the meridian qi and blood, so that organs function to be adjusted to achieve the purpose of combating the disease. Chinese medicine, cupping can dredge meridians, adjust blood. Meridians have "blood-line, business yin and yang, Confucianism bones, Lee joint," the physiological functions, such as the meridians are not impeded General through the air, blood stagnation line, there may be skin, flesh, tendons, veins and joints dystrophy and atrophy, adverse , or blood do not wing, Six Hollow Organs were not delivered and so on. By cupping the skin, pores, meridians, acupuncture points of the suction pull the role of anger can lead battalion Wei lost before a cloth, agitation meridians qi, Ru Yang organs tissues and organs, very inviting fur, while virtual decline of the organs function to beexcited, smooth meridian, adjust the body's yin and yang balance so that blood can be adjusted so as to achieve fitness illnesses Liaoji purposes.Western medicine on the principle of cuppingModern medicine, cupping treatment tank role in the formation of negative pressure, so that local capillary congestion and even rupture, rupture of red blood cells, skin congestion, there own hemolysis, then produce a histamine histamine and classes of substances, with the body fluids of weeks Stream body, to stimulate the various organs, to enhance its functional activity, can improve the body's resistance. Modern medicine, cupping negative pressure stimulus, enabling the expansion of local blood vessels, promote blood circulation, improve congestive state, strengthen the metabolism, changes in nutritional status of local organizations to enhance the permeability of blood vessel wall and leukocyte phagocytic activity, enhance the body's physical and human immunity. Modern medicine, cupping pressure on local parts of the suction pull, can speed up the blood and lymph circulation, promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, improving digestive function and promote. Speed up the muscle and internal organs on the Elimination of metabolite excretion.Cupping cans left spot, as well as the significance of colorCommon tank spots are flushing, purple or purplish black ecchymosis, small point-like purple rash, but also often accompanied by varying degrees of heat pain. These changes in the skin are cupping therapy effect, and sustainable one to several days.Cupping, the tank spot, such as noticeable blisters, edema, and water vapor-like, indicating that patients with wet wet Sheng or because of the illness experience.Sometimes, after the blisters Secheng drawing blood red or black and red, indicating that the wet long illness folder pathological response to stasis.Cans dark red spot appears, Zihei or Dan dehydration phenomena, the micro-touch pain, and those who see the body heat, indicating that patients have a heat-toxin syndrome.Such as cans purple or purplish black spot appears, no Dan stasis and heat phenomena, indicating that there is congestion in patients with disease.Can spot-free skin color changes, do not touch the warm, multi-show patients Deficiency Syndrome.In case of micro-itching spot cans or there Piven, the wind's disease patients had more than that.Generally disease-free more than those who had no significant change in tank spot.About Our Massage ServicesMassage is the practice of soft tissue manipulation. It involves acting on the body and manipulating it with pressure. The masseur may use his hands, fingers, elbows, forearm, and even his feet to manipulate the tissue. Target tissues may include muscles, tendons, ligaments, skin, joints, connective tissue, lymphatic vessels, or organs of the gastrointestinal system. In China, massage is widely practiced and taught in hospitals and medical schools and is an essential part of primary healthcare.At Sam’s Massage Center, c lients lie fully clothed on a massage table. If cupping on scraping treatments are requested, the area to be treated is exposed. Full body oil massage requires partial disrobing. Blankets are available to keep the client warm should the client feel cold during the massage.Chinese Medical Massage (Tui Na)Chinese Medical Massage is good if you are experiencing pain in one or more parts of your body, such as neck pain, lower back pain, shoulder pain, slipped discs, sciatic nerve pain, stomach problems (such as indigestion, heartburn, or digestive problems), or intestinal problems. The masseur can give you an all-over massage and focus on specific areas with pain or do a treatment on the affected area. The masseur uses shiatsu, or acupressure, to relieve pain. The masseur may use his thumbs, palms, elbow, and forearm while performing the massage.Sam’s Therapeutic MassageSam’s Therapeutic Massage is a deep tissue, all-over body massage. The masseur uses his thumbs to apply pressure to pressure points in the body, then releases his thumb from the point. You may experience some pain during the application of pressure, but the end result is that you will feel relief when the pressure is released.Deep tissue massage is designed to relieve severe tension in the muscles and connective tissue. This type of massage focuses on the muscles located below the surface of the top muscles. Deep tissue massage is recommended for clients who experience constant pain, are involved in heavy physical activity, or have sustained a physical injury.Special Woman’s MassageOur special woman’s massage concentrates on areas of special concern for woman. The massage consists of a medical massage with attention paid to the pelvic area and the muscles above the breasts.Oil MassageWe use aromatic essential oils and massage techniques similar to Swedish massage. Oil massage consists of broad, circular strokes with no pressure point or deep tissue massage techniques. Oil massage is soothing and a great way to feel relaxed and refreshed. We especially recommend oil massage if you have been having difficulty sleeping.Foot MassageOur foot massage is different from traditional Chinese foot massage in that we perform the massage while the client is recumbent. We do not soak the feet in water but apply hot, wet towels to the feet before starting the massage. We use an emollient cream to soften and moisturize the feet during the massage. The masseur uses reflexology techniques to pinpoint problem areas in your body and improve your health.温馨提示-专业文档供参考,请仔细阅读后下载,最好找专业人士审核后使用!。
五十二病方Prescriptions for Fifty-two Diseases 马王堆汉墓出土得先秦医方书。
灵枢经Miraculous Pivot 约成书于战国时期。
素问Plain Questions 《黄帝内经素问》得简称。
黄帝内经Inner Canon of Huangdi; Inner Canon of Yellow Emperor 为《灵枢经》《素问》两书得合称,简称《内经》。
神农本草经Shennong's Classic of Material Medical 现存最早得中药著作,约成书于西汉以前。
难经Classic of Questioning 中医理论著作,旧题秦越人撰,约成书于东汉以前。
伤寒杂病论Treatise on Cold Pathogenic and Miscellaneous Diseases 中医临床著作,东汉张仲景撰。
伤寒论Treatise on Cold Pathogenic Diseases 中医临床著作,东汉张仲景撰。
金匮要略Synopsis of Golden Chamber 中医临床著作,东汉张仲景撰。
针灸甲乙经A-B Classic of Acupuncture and Moxibustion 针灸学著作,魏晋间皇甫谧撰。
脉经Pulse Classic 中医脉学著作,西晋王叔与撰。
肘后备急方Handbook of Prescriptions for Emergency 中医方剂著作,东晋葛洪撰。
刘涓子鬼遗方Liu Juanzi's Remedies Bequeathed by Ghosts 中医外科著作,晋代刘涓子撰,南北朝齐龚庆宣整理。
雷公炮炙论Master Lei's Discourse on Drug Processing 中药炮制著作,南北朝刘宋雷●撰。
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五十二病方Prescriptions for Fifty-two Diseases 马王堆汉墓出土的先秦医方书。
灵枢经Miraculous Pivot约成书于战国时期。
素问Plain Questions《黄帝内经素问》的简称。
黄帝内经Inner Canon of Huangdi; Inner Canon of Yellow Emperor 为《灵枢经》《素问》两书的合称,简称《内经》。
神农本草经Shennong*s Classic of Material Medical 现存最早的中药著作,约成书于西汉以前。
难经Classic of Questioning中医理论著作,旧题秦越人撰,约成书于东汉以前。
伤寒杂病论Treatise on Cold Pathogenic and Miscellaneous Diseases 中医临床著作,东汉张仲景撰。
伤寒论Treatise on Cold Pathogenic Diseases中医临床著作,东汉张仲景撰。
金匮要略Synopsis of Golden Chamber中医临床著作,东汉张仲景撰。
针灸甲乙经A-B Classic of Acupuncture and Moxibustion 针灸学著作,魏晋间皇甫谧撰。
脉经Pulse Classic中医脉学著作,西晋王叔和撰。
肘后备急方Handbook of Prescriptions for Emergency 中医方剂著作,东晋葛洪撰。
刘涓子鬼遗方Liu Juanzi's Remedies Bequeathed by Ghosts 中医外科著作,晋代刘涓子撰,南北朝齐龚庆宣整理。
雷公炮炙论Master Lei*s Discourse on Drug Processing 中药炮制著作,南北朝刘宋雷•撰。
神农本草经集注Variorum of Shennong*s Classic of Materia Medica中药著作,南北朝梁陶弘景撰。
黄帝内经太素Grand Simplicity of Inner Canon of Huangdi《黄帝内经》整理注释类著作,隋代杨上善撰。
诸病源候论General Treatise on Causes and Manifestations of All Diseases中医病因证候著作,隋代巢元方等撰。
备急千金要方Essential Recipes for Emergent Use Worth A Thousand Gold中医方剂著作,唐代孙思邈撰。
新修本草Newly Revised Materia Medica官修中药著作,唐代苏敬等撰。
千金翼方A Supplement to Recipes Worth A Thousand Gold 中医方剂著作,唐代孙思邈撰。
本草拾遗A Supplement to Materia Medica中药著作,唐代陈藏器撰。
食疗本草Materia Medica for Dietotherapy中药著作,唐代孟诜撰, 张鼎增补。
外台秘要方Arcane Essentials from the Imperial Library 中医方剂著作,唐代王秦撰。
食医心鉴Heart Mirror of Dietotherapy中医食疗著作,唐代咎殷撰。
海药本草Oversea Materia Medica中药著作,五代前蜀李殉撰。
太平圣惠方Taiping Holy Prescriptions for Universal Relief 官修中医方剂著作,北宋王怀隐等撰。
经史证类备急本草Classified Material Medical from Historical Classics for Emergency中药著作,宋代唐慎微撰。
太平惠民和剂局方Prescriptions of the Bureau of Taiping People's Welfare Pharmacy官修中医方剂著作,宋代陈承、裴宗元等撰。
圣济总录General Records of Holy Universal Relief 官修中医方剂著作,宋代赵佶等撰。
本草衍义Augmented Material Medical中药著作,宋代宼宗爽撰。
圣济经Classic of Holy Benevolence中医综合性著作,宋代赵佶撰。
小儿药证直诀Key to Therapeutics of Children^ Diseases 中医儿科著作,宋代钱乙撰。
伤寒明理论Concise Exposition on Cold Pathogenic Diseases 中医伤寒著作,金代成无己撰。
幼幼新书New Book of Pediatrics中医儿科著作,南宋刘昉等编撰。
宣明论方Clear Synopsis on Recipes中医方剂著作,金代刘完素撰。
三因极一病证方论Treatise on Three Categories of Pathogenic Factors中医综合性著作,宋代陈言撰。
儒门事亲Confucians* Duties to Parents中医综合性著作,金代张子和撰。
妇人大全良方Complete Effective Prescriptions for Women's Diseases 中医妇产科著作,南宋陈自明撰。
重修政和经史证类备急本草Revised Zhenghe Material Medical for Emergency from Classics and History Documents 中药著作,宋代唐慎微原撰,曹孝忠等校勘,金代张存惠增补。
脾胃论Treatise on Spleen and Stomach中医综合性著作,金代李杲撰。
仁斋直指方Effective Recipes from Renzhai House中医方剂著作,南宋杨士瀛撰。
外科精要Essence of External Diseases中医外科著作,南宋陈自明撰。
洗冤录Records for Washing Away of Wrong Cases 法医著作,南宋宋慈撰。
兰室秘藏Secret Book of Orchid Chamber 中医综合性著作,金代李杲撰。
秘传眼科龙木论Nagarjuna's Ophthalmology Secretly Handed Down中医眼科著作,未著撰人,约宋元间编撰。
汤液本草Material Medical for Decoctions中药著作,元代王好古瑞竹堂经验方Empirical Recipes from Auspicious BambooHall中医方剂著作,元代沙图穆苏撰。
饮膳正要Principles of Correct Diet中医营养学著作。
世医得效方Effective Formulae Handed Down for Generations 中医方剂著作,元代危亦林撰。
十四经发挥Elucidation of Fourteen Channels中医针灸著作,元代滑寿撰。
格致余论Further Discourses on the Properties of Things 中医综合性著作,元代朱震亨撰。
局方发挥Elaboration of Bureau Prescription中医综合性著作,元代朱震亨撰。
回回药方Huihui Formularies方剂著作,未著撰人,约成书于元末。
丹溪心法Danxi's Mastery of Medicine中医综合性著作,旧题元代朱震亨撰,明代程充校订。
普济方Prescriptions for Universal Relief中医方剂著作,明代朱•主编。
救荒本草Material Medical for Famines中药著作,明代朱•等撰。
本草品汇精要Collected Essentials of Species of Material Medical 中药著作,明代刘文泰等撰。
名医类案Classified Case Records of Celebrated Physicians 中医医案著作,明代江瑙编。
古今医统大全Medical Complete Book, Ancient and Modern 中医学丛书,明代徐春甫辑。
医学纲目Compendium of Medicine中医综合性医书,明代楼英撰。
本草纲目Compendium of Material Medical中药著作,明代李时珍撰。
万密斋医学全书Wan Mizhai*s Complete Medical Book中医学丛书,明代万全撰。
赤水玄珠Black Pearl from Red River中医学丛书,明代孙一奎撰。
万病回春Curative Measures for All Diseases中医综合性著作,明代龚廷贤撰。
针灸大成Compendium of Acupuncture and Moxibustion 中医针灸著作,明代杨继洲撰。
证治准绳Standards for Diagnosis and Treatment中医临床医学丛书,明代王肯堂撰。
寿世保元Longevity and Life Preservation中医综合性著作,明代龚廷贤撰。
外科正宗Orthodox Manual of External Diseases中医外科著作,明代陈实功撰。
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