

德国赫斯曼瓶口分配器ceramus classic中文说明书

德国赫斯曼瓶口分配器ceramus  classic中文说明书





























Information for the use of Camozzi productsCATALOGUE >Release 8.5APPENDIX >Camozzi products/2.0101A P P E N D I XJust browsing through the pages of our website , you will have the possibility to download GSD files for the configuration of Valve Islands, all relative use and installation manuals and the configuration software of the product codes.Moreover, here you can find all 2D and 3D files in the most commonly used formats.a/2.0102a A P P E N DI XDouble-acting cylinder, fixed cushionsDouble-acting cylinder, cushionedDouble-acting cylinder, adjustable rear cushionDouble-acting cylinder, adjustable front cushionDouble-acting cylinder, through-rod, fixed cushionsDouble-acting cylinder, through-rod,adjustable front and rear cushion Double-acting cylinder, magneticDouble-acting cylinder, magnetic, fixed cushionsDouble-acting cylinder, magnetic, adjustable cushions in both directionsDouble-acting cylinder, magnetic, adjustable rear cushionDouble-acting cylinder, magnetic, adjustable front cushionDouble-acting cylinder, magnetic, through-rod, fixed cushionsDouble-acting cylinder, magnetic, through-rod, adjustable cushions in both directionsDouble-acting cylinder, magnetic, through-rodMagnetic twin rod cylindersMagnetic twin through-rod cylindersDouble-acting rotary cylinderDouble-acting rotary cylinder, magneticSingle-acting rotary cylinderMagnetic tandem cylinder, two stages, fixed cushionsMagnetic tandem cylinder, three stages, fixed cushionsMagnetic tandem cylinder, four stages, fixed cushionsMagnetic multi-position cylinder, fixed cushionsDouble-acting rodless cylinder, magneticCYLINDERSCYLINDERSSingle-acting cylinder, front springSingle-acting cylinder,non cushionedSingle-acting cylinder, through-rodSingle-acting cylinder, through-rod, adjustable cushionSingle-acting cylinder, magneticSingle-acting cylinder, front spring, adjustable rear cushionSingle-acting cylinder, rear spring, magneticSingle-acting cylinder, magnetic, front springSingle-acting cylinder, through-rodSingle-acting cylinder, through-rod, adjustable rear cushionSingle-acting cylinder, front spring, adjustable rear cushionSingle-acting cylinder, through-rod, adjustable rear cushionHydrocheck, regulated rod thrustHydrocheck, regulated rod return Hydrocheck, regulated rod thrust with stop valveHydrocheck, regulated rod return with stop valveHydrocheck, regulated rod thrust with skip valveHydrocheck, regulated rod return with skip valveHydrocheck, regulated rod thrust with skip and stop valveHydrocheck, regulated rod return with skip and stop valve Double-acting magnetic grippersRod lock deviceSOLENOID VALVESDirectly operated solenoid valve, 2/2 NCCD01CD02CD03CD04CD05CD06CD07CD08CD09CD10CD11CD12CD13CD14CD15CD16CD17CD18CD19CD2TCD3TCD4TCDPPCDSSCS03CS04CS05CS06CS07CS08CS09CS10CS11HI01HI02HI03HI04HI05HI06HI07HI08PNZ1RDLKEV01CATALOGUE >Release 8.5APPENDIX >Camozzi products Pneumatic symbols/2.0301A P P E N D I XSymbol TypeSymbol TypeCS13Symbol TypeSymbol TypeSOLENOID VALVESSOLENOID VALVESDirectly operated solenoid valve, 3/2 NCDirectly operated solenoid valve, 3/2 NC, monostable, with manual overrideDirectly operated solenoid valve, 3/2 NODirectly operated solenoid valve, 3/2 NO, monostable, with manual overrideSolenoid valve, 3/2 NC with quick exhaustDirectly operated solenoid valve, 3/2 NC, bistable, with manual overrideDirectly operated solenoid valve, 3/2 NO, bistable, with manual overrideSolenoid valve, 3/2 NC, monostable, with bistable manual overrideSolenoid valve, 3/2, monostable,solenoid pilot with separate air supply and bistable manual override Solenoid valve, 3/2 NO, monostable, with bistable manual overrideSolenoid valve, 3/2, monostable,solenoid pilot with separate air supply and bistable manual override Solenoid valve, 3/2, bistable, with manual override bistabileSolenoid valve, 3/2, bistable,solenoid pilot with separate air supply and bistable manual overrideSolenoid valve, 3/2 NC, monostable, (pneumatic spring) and bistable manual overrideSolenoid valve, 3/2 NO, monostable, (pneumatic spring) and bistable manual overrideSolenoid valve, 5/2, monostable, with bistable manual overrideSolenoid valve, 5/2, monostable,solenoid pilot with separate air supply and bistable manual overrideSolenoid valve, 5/2, monostable,(pneumatic spring) and manual overrideSolenoid valve, 5/2, monostable,(pneumatic spring) and bistable manual overrideSolenoid valve, 5/2, monostable, solenoid pilot with separate air supply, pneumatic spring and bistable manual override Solenoid valve, 5/2, bistable, with bistable manual overrideSolenoid valve, 5/2, bistable, with manual overrideSolenoid valve, 5/2, bistable,solenoid pilot with separate air supply and bistable manual overrideSolenoid valve, 5/3 CC,with bistable manual overrideSolenoid valve, 5/3, solenoid pilot with separate air supply and bistable manual overrideSolenoid valve, 5/3, solenoid pilot with separate air supply and bistable manual override Solenoid valve, 5/3 CO, with manual overrideSolenoid valve, 5/3 CO,with bistable manual overrideSolenoid valve, 5/3 CO,solenoid pilot with separate air supply and bistable manual overrideSolenoid valve, 5/3 CO,solenoid pilot with separate air supply and bistable manual override Solenoid valve, 5/3 CP , with manual overrideSolenoid valve, 5/3 CP ,with bistable manual overrideSolenoid valve, 5/3 CP , solenoid pilot with separate air supply and bistable manual override Solenoid valve, 5/3 CP , solenoid pilot with separate air supply and bistable manual overrideDouble solenoid valve, 3/2 NC,monostable, with bistable manual overrideDouble solenoid valve, 3/2, monostable, solenoid pilot with separate air supply and bistable manual overrideDouble solenoid valve, 3/2 NO,monostable, with bistable manual overrideDouble solenoid valve, 3/2, monostable, solenoid pilot with separate air supply and bistable manual overrideDouble solenoid valve, 3/2 NC, NO,monostable, with bistable manual overrideDouble solenoid valve, 3/2, monostable, solenoid pilot with separate air supply and bistable manual overrideDirectly operated solenoid valve, 3/2,possible universal use, reversed printed ports 1 and 2 on the bodyIndirectly operated solenoid valve, 2/2 NODirectly operated solenoid valve, 2/2 NC, with linked diaphragmIndirectly operated solenoid valve, 2/2 NCPNEUMATICALLY OPERATED VALVES Pneumatically operated valve,3/2, monostable, mechanical spring Pneumatically operated valve, 3/2, bistableEV05EV06EV07EV08EV09EV10EV11EV12EV13EV14EV15EV16EV17EV18EV19EV20EV21EV22EV23EV24EV25EV26EV48EV47EV46EV43EV42EV45EV44EV41EV40EV39EV38EV37EV36EV35EV30EV31EV32EV33EV34APPENDIX >Camozzi productsCATALOGUE >Release 8.5/2.0302aA P P E N D I XEV04EV03EV29EV28CATALOGUE >Release 8.5APPENDIX >Camozzi productsa /2.0303A P P E N D I XVN01VN02VN03VN04VN05VN06VN07VN08VN09VN10VN11VN12VN13VN14VN15VN16VN17VN18VN19VN20VN21VN22VN23VN24VN25Symbol TypeSymbol TypePNEUMATICALLY OPERATED VALVES MECHANICALLY OPERATED VALVES Pneumatically operated valve, 5/2, preferentialPneumatically operated valve, 5/2, bistablePneumatically operated valve, 5/2, monostable, pneumatic spring Pneumatically operated valve, 5/3 CCPneumatically operated valve, 5/3 COPneumatically operated valve, 5/3 CPPneumatically operated double valve, 3/2, monostablePneumatically operated double valve, 3/2, monostablePneumatically operated double valve, 3/2, monostableMECHANICALLY OPERATED VALVES Mechanically operated valve, plunger actuation, 3/2 NC, monostable, mechanical spring Mechanically operated valve, plunger actuation, 3/2, monostable, mechanical springMechanically operated valve, plunger actuation, 3/2 NO, monostable, mechanical spring Mechanically operated valve,lever/roller actuation, 3/2 NC, monostable,mechanical springMechanically operated valve,lever/roller actuation, 3/2, monostable, mechanical springMechanically operated valve,lever/roller actuation, 3/2 NO, monostabile,mechanical springMechanically operated valve, unidirectional lever actuation, 3/2 NC, monostable, mechanical springMechanically operated valve, unidirectional lever actuation,3/2 monostable, mechanical springMechanically operated valve, plunger actuation, 5/2, monostable, mechanical springMechanically operated valve, plunger actuation, 5/2, monostable, mechanical springMechanically operated valve, lever/rolleractuation, 5/2, monostable, mechanical spring Mechanically operated valve, lever/rolleractuation, 5/2, monostable, mechanical spring Mechanically operated valve,unidirectional lever actuation, 5/2, monostable, mechanical spring Mechanically operated sensor valve, 3/2 NO, monostable, mechanical spring Mechanically operated sensor valve, 3/2 NC, monostable, mechanical spring Mechanically operated sensor valve, plunger actuation, 5/2, monostable, mechanical springMechanically operated sensor valve, plunger actuation, 5/2, bistable Valvola a comando meccanico frontale sensibile 5/2, bistabile Mechanically operated sensor valve, lever/roller actuation, 5/2, bistableMANUALLY OPERATED VALVES Manually operated valve, 3/2, bistableManually operated valve, 3/2, bistable, lockable in two positions Manually operated valve, 3/2, bistableManually operated valve, 3/2 NC, monostable, mechanical spring Manually operated valve, 3/2 NO, monostable, mechanical spring Manually operated valve, 3/2, monostable, mechanical spring Manually operated lever valve, 3/2, bistableManually operated lever valve, 3/2, bistableManually operated lever valve, 3/2 NC, monostable, mechanical spring Manually operated lever valve, 3/2, bistableManually operated lever valve, 3/2, monostable, mechanical spring Pedal operated valve, 3/2 NC, monostable, mechanical spring Manually operated valve, 5/2, bistableManually operated valve, 5/2, monostable, mechanical spring Manually operated lever valve, 5/2, bistableManually operated lever valve, 5/2, bistableManually operated lever valve, 5/2, monostable, mechanical spring Pedal operated valve, 5/2, bistablePedal operated valve, 5/2, monostable bistableManually operated lever valve, 5/3 CC, stableManually operated lever valve, 5/3 CC, monostableManually operated lever valve, 5/3 CO, stableManually operated lever valve, 5/3 CO, stableManually operated lever valve, 5/3 CO, monostableManually operated lever valve, JoystikVP06APPENDIX >Camozzi productsCATALOGUE >Release8.5/2.0304aA P P E N D I XFT01FT02FT03FA01FA02FA03FC01PR01PR02PR03PR04PR05PR06LU0FR01FR02AMP1VMP1CATALOGUE >Release 8.5APPENDIX >Technical information about productsSpring loads cylinders/3.0101A P P E N D I XAPPENDIX >Technical information about productsCATALOGUE >Release8.5a /3.0102aA P P E N D IX* F = spring forceFlow and speed cylindersCATALOGUE >Release 8.5APPENDIX >Technical information about products/3.0201A P P E N D IXAPPENDIX >Technical information about productsCATALOGUE >Release8.5/3.0301aA P P E N D I XOutput forces double-acting cylindersThrust sideValues in NewtonTraction sideValues in NewtonTraction sideValues in Newtona /3.03A P P E N D I Xa P E N D I X Table showing air consumption of double-acting cylindersThrust side Values in NL for each 10 mm of stroke Traction side Values in NL for each 10 mm of stroke/3.04A P P E N D I X Traction sideValues in NL for each 10 mm of strokea P E N D I X Dimensioning guide for Shock Absorbers Series SAa /3.05A P P E N D IX Calculation:a P E N D I X = 600 cycles/h ω= 100 cycles/h To ensure the lifetime of the shock absorber, the movement of the impact bodymust be perpendicular to the shock absorbers axial centre.Note : The maximum allowable eccentricity θ≤ 2,5° (0,044 rad).Perpendicularity of the loadωL o a d7. Vacuum switch6. Solenoid valves5. Vacuum generator4. Vacuum hose3. Mounting elements2. Suction pads1. Calculation of the forcesFlowchart for system design Example of Vacuum calculationa /3.07A P P E N D I XComparison:A comparison of the figures for load cases I and II results, in this example, in a maximum value for FTH =1822 N in load case II,and this value is therefore used for further design calculations.a P E N D I X/3.07A P P E N D I Xa P E N DI XCATALOGUE >Release 8.5APPENDIX >Technical information about productsTechnical information about suction padsWhen designing a vacuum circuit and selecting suitable suction pads it is necessary to follow certain calculations toselect each individual component in a correct way.Listed below is a summary of the most common data to take into consideration./3.0801A P P E N D I XAPPENDIX >Technical information about productsCATALOGUE >Release8.5a /3.0802aA P P E N D I X。



F U N C T I O N I NG C O N D E N S A T E D R A I N S A N D F I L T E R I N G E L E M E N T SCondensate drains Filtering elementsSemi-automatic manual drain; Automatic drain;Depressurisation drain; Depressurisation drain, protected Ports: 1/8 (without drain)Different requirements of the air quality determine the use of different types of filtering elements, which retain the impurities during their working, thus clogging and reducing the amount of air in the passage. For this reason it is suggested to replace them once a year at least.The filters are used to remove impurities in the compressed air, which must then be removed from the pneumatic circuit. The filters can be equipped with different types of drainings of condensate, both automatic and manual.The correct combination and thefunctioning is reported in the table and inthe descriptions on the following pages.F U N C T I O N I NG C O ND E N S A T E D R A I N S A N D F I L T E R I N G E L E M E N T Sautomatic manual automaticdepressurizationdepressurization drain (1/8 port)element 25 µelement 5 µelement element carbonFCASP01* for Series MD the “bowl with drain” is supplied complete with the filtering elementCOMBINATION OF FILTERS / BOWL WITH DRAIN / FILTERING ELEMENTF U N C T I O N I NG C O N D E N S A T E D R A I N S A N D F I L T E R I N G E L E M E N TSSemi-automatic manual drain (Type 0 and 1)Functioning: with the operator mechanism turned clockwise, each time the pressure falls below 0.3 bar, the draining of condensate will be released; when resetting the pressure, the drain will close again. The release can also be carried out manually; when the bowl is pressurised, the operator mechanism is pushed upwards.To avoid the discharge of condensate, the operator mechanism should be turned clockwise to completely closethe drain.Automatic drain (Type 3)Functioning: the presence of liquid inside the bowlraises the float, thus opening the exhaust valve.Depressurisation drain (Type 4)Functioning: each time air is required from the inlet, a slight difference of pressure is created between the upper part and lower part of the drain that rises, thusopening the exhaust valve.F U N C T I O N I NG C O N D E NS A T ED R A I N S A N D F I L TE R I N G E L E M E N T SDepressurisation drain, protected (Type 5)Solution similar to the Type 4 but requiring a ∆P = 1 bar.Functioning: this version has a filtering element which prevents any impurities from clocking the exhaust hole.Bowl without drain (Type 8)The solution with port G1/8 is used to assemble the items to the bowl which is realized with a through hole of ø3 mm and a threaded port G1/8.Closed bowl。



(SCALE用户指南)5.3.5 版本SCALE 团队UGC 工作区,2020 年 1 月 21 日目录1概述2 1.1简介31.1.1什么是 SCALE? (3)1.1.2SCALE-RM 结构 (5)1.2本文档中使用的符号72安装8 2.1准备92.1.1系统环境 (9)2.2编译 SCALE122.2.1下载环境设置 (12)2.2.2编译 (13)2.3编译后处理工具 (net2g)152.3.1编译 netcdf2grads (net2g) (15)3SCALE-RM 教程16 3.1操作检查和基本使用173.1.1简介 (17)3.1.2如何执行模型 (17)3.1.3后处理与绘图 (19)3.1.4后续研究指南 (20)3.2真实大气试验223.2.1概述 (22)3.2.2准备输入数据(边界数据) (23)3.2.3准备试验集 (25)3.2.4创建地形数据:pp (26)3.2.5创建初始和边界数据:init (27)3.2.6执行模拟:run (29)3.2.7快速查看模拟结果:net2g (33)第 1 部分概述第 1.1 章简介此用户手册面向初次使用区域气候/气象模型 SCALE-RM 的用户。

本手册基于 5.3.5 版本的数值程序库。

尽管当前版本的 SCALE 包含区域模型 SCALE-RM 和全球模型 SCALE- Gm,此版本用户手册仅阐述如何使用 SCALE-RM。

下一个或更后面的发行版本将阐述 SCALE-GM。

本文档的结构如下:第1 部分提供 SCALE 的概述,第2部分阐述如何安装 SCALE-RM 以及有何系统要求。

而第3 部分通过一系列教程阐述 SCALE-RM 的基本使用;第3.1 和第3.2章分别提供理想试验教程和真实大气试验。

建议 SCALE-RM 初学者仔细阅读这些章节。

有关如何更改模型配置、数据格式以及可用功能和工具的详细信息,请参考《SCALE 用户指南》英文版(EN 版本)的第 4 和第 5 部分。



OX.3035OX.3030 TO OX.3065• AE.5168-O Cabezal ergonómico - OX.9504Neo LEDOX.306576172185 397304294304| C I E N C I A S D E L A V I D A |FIC HA T ÉC NI C AM O D E L O SBinocular TrinocularObjetivos Planos (IOS)4x/10x/S40x Objetivo Planos (IOS)S100x (aceite de inmersión)Objetivos Planos semi apocromáticos(IOS) Fluarex 4x/10x/S40x Objetivo Plan semi apocromático(IOS) Fluarex S100xOX.3030•••OX.3035•••OX.3065•••ACCESORIOS Y REPU ES TOSO C U L A R E SAE.3210 Ocular HWF10x / 22mm AE.3215 Ocular HWF15x / 13mmAE.3223 Ocular micrométrico HWF10x / 22mm con escala 10 mm/100 partes AE.3225Pareja de protectores de gomaO B J E T I VO SAE.3160 Objetivo semi-plano acromático (IOS) 4x / 0.10. WD 15 mm AE.3162 Objetivo semi-plano acromático (IOS) 10x / 0.25. WD 15 mm AE.3166 O bjetivo semi-plano acromático (IOS) S40x / 0.65 (retráctil). WD 0.42 mm AE.3168 O bjetivo semi-plano acromático (IOS) S60x/0.85 AE.3102 Objetivo plano acromático (IOS) 2x / 0.06. WD 4.1 mm AE.3104 Objetivo plano acromático (IOS) 4x / 0.10. WD 11.9 mm AE.3106 Objetivo plano acromático (IOS) 10x / 0.25. WD 12.1 mm AE.3108 Objetivo plano acromático (IOS) 20x / 0.40. WD 1.5 mmAE.3110 Objetivo plano acromático (IOS) S40x / 0.65 (retráctil). WD 0.36 mm AE.3114O bjetivo plano acromático (IOS) S100x / 1.25 (retráctil/inmersión en aceite). WD 0.18 mmAE.3146 O bjetivo plano semi-apocromático Fluarex (IOS) 10x / 0.30. WD 10.6 mm AE.3148 O bjetivo plano semi-apocromático Fluarex (IOS) 20x / 0.50. WD 2,33 mm AE.3152 O bjetivo plano semi-apocromático Fluarex (IOS) S40x / 0.75 (retráctil). WD 0.6 mmAE.3156 O bjetivo plano semi-apocromático Fluarex (IOS) S100x / 1.28 (retráctil/inmersión en aceite). WD 0.21 mmAE.3130 O bjetivo plano acromático de fase (IOS) S40x / 0.65 (retráctil). WD 0.36 mm AE.3134O bjetivo plano acromático de fase (IOS) S100x / 1.25 (retráctil/inmersión en aceite). WD 0.18 mmDdt = Distancia de trabajo• AE.3180• AE.3187• AE.3197。












1 SCALECHEM 软件基本原理结垢预测包括单个⽔样在不同温度压⼒下的结垢趋势分析、不同⽐例混合的⽔样的结垢分析。




2 常规结垢预测⽅法在油⽥⽣产中,常⽤的结垢预测⽅法是Stiff-— Davis法3.2 SCALECHEM软件预测结果⾸先对清⽔和污⽔分别作随压⼒、温度变化的结垢趋势分析.可以看出⽔源井1的清⽔从地⾯到井底的过程中,碳酸钙沉淀量从41.4mg/L增加到90.6mg/L,ST值则在6.7—25之间变化,有⼀定的结垢趋势,但由于结垢量不⼤,可通过添加阻垢剂等化学⽅法减缓结垢趋势,从⽽降低结垢量。

Cary Eclipse 中文使用说明书

Cary Eclipse 中文使用说明书

Cary Eclipse 中文操作手册美国瓦里安中国有限公司分析仪器服务部目录一、开机及基本操作步骤 (3)二、通用符号及工具条说明 (3)三、应用软件 (9)(一).简单读数定波长测定软件 (9)(二.)浓度测定软件 (13)(三).波长扫描软件 (18)(四)动力学软件 (24)(五)高级读数定波长测定软件 (29)(六)系统信息软件 (33)(七)灯的调整…………………………………………..…35.(八)仪器检定标准软件 (38)四、维护 (41)五、Glossary术语表 (42)1.一、开机及基本操作步骤2.开电脑进入Windows系统。

3.开Cary Eclipse主机(注:保证样品室内是空的)。

4.双击Cary Eclipse图标。

5.在Cary Eclipse主显示窗下,双击所选图标(Concentration为例)。




2).按Cary Control→Options→Accessories→Standards→Samples→Reports→Auto store顺序,设置好每页的参数。





提示:Load blank press ok to read(放空白按ok读)。


Solutions Available(溶液有效)。


Selected for Analysis(选择分析的标准和样品)。



Present std1(1.0g/l)提示:放标准1然后按OK键进行读数。



The Schleibinger Thin Layer Shrinkage Laser Measurement SystemSome building materials like self-levelingflooring compounds ore plasters areapplied in thin layers.These fast settingmortars set and harden within a couple ofhours and subsequent drying of such a thinlayer is generally terminated after the firstday. In order to investigate the dynamics ofearly shrinkage and expansion wedeveloped a special set-up of two laserunits which are horizontally aligned. Thisset-up allows to investigate the differentformulation parameters and theirinfluences onto the different stages ofshrinkage and expansion,namely theplastic shrinkage,setting expansion anddrying shrinkage.The shrinkage orexpansion behavior is strongly related toboth,external(climate)and internal(formulation) factors. With respect to the latter, begin, intensity and duration of setting are key to the overall shrinkage or expansion behavior.With building materials applied in thin layers shrinkage is one of the major issues because of two reasons: The high surface-volume ratio causes evaporation to be a dominant mechanism for strong and fast physical shrinkage, and the intense hydration reactions can cause a pronounced chemical shrinkage, or in case of ettringite formation a strong expansion.MethodTo investigate early shrinkage/expansionmechanisms in fast setting thin mortar layers aspecial set-up was developed which consists oftwo laser units. The two lasers are directedhorizontally onto a pair of light-weightreflectors, which are placed on top of the fresh mortar. The change in distance between the reflectors isµthen registered with an accuracy of 0.1 m. The non-contact laser device allows to start measurement right after emplacement of the fresh mortar.A data-logger supplied with the system records the data and store it in the logger as standard ASCII files. Optional a synchronous registration of temperature and humidity ore of a balance (Mettler) is possible. Two temperature channels and a mixed temperature /humidity channel are available. For measuring the vertical shrinkage the Laser sensors may be turned in the vertical direction. You may the measure directly on a mortar surface, or you may use the Schleibinger Shrinkage Cone vessel.The logger has a network interface (Ethernet). So you can easily integrate it into local intranet. With a standard web-browser software you can readout the data, and visualize it. For further data handling we recommend Microsoft Excel ® ore any similar visualisation program. The data are visualized online graphical and numerical on the screen. No special PC software is necessary. You need only your browser-software like Mozilla ore Internet-Explorer ® .An example measurementThe picture below shows astrong plastic shrinkage(shrinkage before setting) in thefirst hour. Close to the begin ofsetting,plastic shrinkage canturn suddenly into expansion.The current working hypothesisis that this is a pure structuraleffect related to a criticalconcentration of hydrates, whichcause the mineral grains(cement,sand and fine-grainedfillers) to become supported bya matrix of hydrates. From thismoment on any further hydrationcauses the mineral grains to be pushed apart (expansion). The ongoing chemical shrinkage (caused by continued hydration), which contributed to plastic shrinkage before, is now producing porosity. As the hydration rate decelerates, evaporation becomes the dominant mechanism and forces the mortar layer to shrink again. In most cases, this drying shrinkage levels out during the first day and the mortar layer becomes stable in volume . Picture with courtesy of Bühler and Zurbriggen, elotex AG, Switzerland Technical Data :Order Infoincl. Boom stand, 2 Laser sensors, laser electronic, data logger software user manualS0060 Thin-Layer-Shrinkage-Laser-Measurement-SystemS0030Interface for Mettler-Toledo BalanceS0013Temperature Measurement ChannelS0016Temperature and Humidity Measurement。

Actaris 2 英寸精细燃料计量器说明书

Actaris 2 英寸精细燃料计量器说明书

DESCRIPTIONActaris 2″ Refined Fuels Meters are an excellent choice for truck mounted metering. These 2″ aluminum body flowmeters come complete and ready for installation and are ideal for both single meter and multi-meter applications.The 2″ Type 4-MT meter for petroleum products in-cludes a new model air release that provides greater split compartment testing performance than previous models. The Air Release includes a fully adjustable float linkage for fine turning the Air Release for various conditions. The float can be raised or lowered to in-crease or decrease the sensitivity of the unit. The 2″Type 4-MT meter is designed for use with a variety of petroleum based products such as Fuel Oil, Diesel Fuel, Gasoline, Kerosene and Lube Oil.The 2″ Type 4D-MT meter for Liquefied Propane Gas features a flanged outlet with ductile iron companionflange for easy installation and removal. The 2″ Type 4D-MT boasts a 33% weight reduction compared to the old 2″ Type 4D.Both the 2″ Type 4-MT and the 2″ Type 4D-MT meters are backed by Actaris’s 3 year/3,000,000 gallon mea-suring chamber limited warranty.DESIGN FEATURESWith their low pressure drop and high accuracy, these meters are ideally suited for custody transfer applica-tions. Each meter is certified by the National Institute of Standards and Technology for conformance under the National Type Evaluation Program and complies with the applicable technical requirements of Handbook 44for Weighing and Measuring Devices. Easily assembled and installed for either right hand, left hand or angle flow, these meters will fit practically any piping and space condition.SPECIFICATIONSISO 9001 Certified Manufacturing Facility2″ PETROLEUM AND LP-GAS TANK TRUCK METERS2″ 4-MTwith Air Release, Strainer, PrintingRegister and Preset Valve2″ 4D-MTwith Vapor Release, Strainer, PrintingRegister and A.T.C.LP-GAS APPLICATIONSPETROLEUM APPLICATIONS TS-250Rev. DRefined Fuels PD MetersSize 2″Type 4-MT & 4D-MTACCESSORIESMECHANICAL REGISTERS, Model 800831/841:Direct reading register with 5 digit reset and 8 digit non-resettable totalizer.832/842:Direct read, plus preset (predetermined delivery quantity) when used with a 2-stage valve (preset available only with Type 4-MT).833/843:Direct read with a 5 digit print out, face up ticket and zero start and final delivery.834/844:(2″ Type 4-MT Petroleum only) Direct read with both preset and ticket printer and two stage shut-off.For additional data, refer to TS-301 or contact sales. ELECTRONIC REGISTERSE4000:Neptune® E4000 Electronic Register. For more detailed information, request form TS-303. MECHANICAL PRESET VALVESNeptune Auto-Stop 2-stage valves are available for 2″Type 4-MT Petroleum flowmeters. Installed in accor-dance with the appropriate Operating & Maintenance Manual, they meet N.I.S.T. parameters.The 2-stage double trip valve minimizes the impact of hydraulic shock on both the dispensing lines and the meter unit itself that may result from either high operat-ing pressures or high flow rates (over 50 GPM/190 LPM). The operation of the 2-stage valve is simple and reliable.DIFFERENTIAL AIR-CONTROL VALVEThe Differential Air-Control Valve (DACV) is a high per-formance air elimination system that works with the air release of a 2″ Type 4-MT Petroleum meter to substan-tially reduce measured air through the meter, and also re-duce spitting. The DACV is designed to meet air elimination challenges presented when delivering from multiple compartments via common manifolds and high capacity pumps. Small accumulations, or large slugs of air, cause the flow to be shut off, preventing incorrect measurement. After the air has been vented and liquid supply restored, the flow automatically resumes. ADJUSTABLE BACK PRESSURE VALVENeptune offers an adjustable two position (7.5 PSI crack-ing (standard) or 15 PSI cracking) back pressure valve for the 2″ Type 4-MT Petroleum Meter. The compact valve which fits between the connector and maincase adds only 1⁄4″ to the height of the meter. The valve is used to add back pressure to the meter to increase air elimination for systems with excess air present.1Coatings may be similar material with the same performance criteria.PRESSURE DROP* 2″ TYPE 4-MT (PETROLEUM)w/o Optional Back Pressure ValveACCURACY CURVE* 2″TYPE 4-MT & 4D-MT**41⁄8 S T A N D A R D33⁄4 M I N I M U M 41⁄2 M A X I M U M1" STANDARD PIPE THREAD149mm (5.88 in.)CLEARANCE FOR REMOVING FLOAT514 mm (20.25 in.)143mm (5.62 in)308mm (12.13 in.)421mm (16.56 in.)19mm (.75 in.)149mm (5.88 in.)113mm (4.43 in.)54mm (2.12 in.)48mm (1.88 in.)168mm (6.62 in.)33mm (1.31 in.)135mm (5.31 in.)102mm (4.00 in.)76mm (3.00 in.)CLEARANCE FOR REMOVING REGISTER133mm (5.25 in.)243mm (9.56 in.)508mm (20.00 in.)265mm (10.44 in.)265mm (10.44 in.)152mm (6.00 in.)5/8-11 TAP (4) HOLES EQUALLY SPACED ON A 4.75 DIA. B.C.32mm (1.25 in.)87mm (3.44 in.)C LC L — Means Center LineDIMENSIONAL DATA2″ 4D-MTLP-GAS APPLICATIONSORDERING INFORMATIONPetroleum2″ TYPE 4-MT 150 PSI (20-150 GPM)Includes inlet companion flange and air release/strainerNOTES:--When ordering a meter with a BESTRAC™ system, pleasecontact your authorized BESTRAC Distributor or our factory for ordering assistance.--All 800 Series Registers include gear shifter.SPECIFY GENUINE NEPTUNE REPLACEMENT PARTSU.S.A./International 1310 Emerald RoadGreenwood, SC 29646-9558Tel.:Toll-Free (800) 833-3357(864) 223-1212Fax:(864) 223-0341Specifications subject to change without prior notification.。



Triglyceride Quantification KitCatalog Number MAK266Storage Temperature –20 ︒CTECHNICAL BULLETINProduct DescriptionTriglycerides (TG) are the main constituents of vegetable oil, animal fat, LDL, and VLDL, and play an important role as transporters of fatty acids as well as an energy source. TG are broken down into fatty acids and glycerol, after which both can serve as substrates for energy producing and metabolic pathways. High blood levels of TG are implicated in atherosclerosis, heart disease, and stroke as well as in pancreatitis.The Triglyceride Quantification Kit provides a sensitive, easy assay to measure TG concentration in a variety of samples. In this assay, TG are converted to free fatty acids and glycerol. The glycerol is then oxidized to generate a colorimetric (570 nm)/fluorometric(λex = 535 nm/λem = 587 nm) product.The kit is sensitive to detect 2 pmole–10 nmole(2–10,000 μM range) of triglyceride in various samples. The kit also detects monoglycerides and diglycerides.This kit is suitable for use with serum, plasma, and other biological fluids, and tissue and cell culture samples.ComponentsThe kit is sufficient for 100 assays in 96 well plates.Triglyceride Assay Buffer 25 mL Catalog Number MAK266ATriglyceride Probe, in DMSO 0.2 mL Catalog Number MAK266BLipase 1 vl Catalog Number MAK266CTriglyceride Enzyme Mix 1 vl Catalog Number MAK266DTriglyceride Standard, (1 mM) 0.3 mL Catalog Number MAK266E Reagents and Equipment Required but Not Provided.•96 well flat-bottom plate – It is recommended to use white plates with clear bottoms for fluorescenceassays and clear plates for colorimetric assays.•Fluorescence or spectrophotometric multiwell plate reader•Nonidet™ P 40 Substitute (Catalog Number 74385)Precautions and DisclaimerFor R&D use only. Not for drug, household, or other uses. Please consult the Safety Data Sheet for information regarding hazards and safe handling practices.Preparation InstructionsBriefly centrifuge vials before opening. To maintain reagent integrity, avoid repeated freeze/thaw cycles.Triglyceride Assay Buffer – Allow buffer to come to room temperature before use.Triglyceride Probe – Warm in 37 ︒C bath for1–5 minutes to melt solution prior to use. Uponthawing, the probe is ready-to-use as supplied.Store at –20 ︒C, protected from light. Use within2 months.For the fluorescence assay, dilute an aliquot of the Triglyceride Probe Solution 5 to 10-fold with Assay Buffer, just prior to use. This will reduce thebackground of the fluorescence assay.Triglyceride Enzyme Mix - Reconstitute with 220 μL of Triglyceride Assay Buffer. Mix well by pipetting,then aliquot and store at –20 ︒C. Use within2 months of reconstitution.Lipase - Reconstitute in 220 μL of Triglyceride Assay Buffer. Mix well by pipetting, then aliquot and store at –20 ︒C. Use within 2 months of reconstitution.2Triglyceride Standard - Storage at –20 ︒C may cause the Triglyceride Standard to separate from theaqueous phase. Redissolve before use. Tightlyclose the cap and place the vial in a hot water bath (80–100 ︒C) for 1 minute (the solution will turncloudy). Vortex for 30 seconds until the solutionbecomes clear. Repeat the heat and vortex stepone more time. The Triglyceride Standard solutioncan then be used as supplied.Storage/StabilityThe kit is shipped on wet ice. Storage at –20 ︒C, protected from light, is recommended.ProcedureAll samples and standards should be run in duplicate.Triglyceride Standards for Colorimetric Detection Dilute 40 μL of the 1 mM Triglyceride Standard with 160 μL of Triglyceride Assay Buffer to prepare a0.2 mM standard solution. Add 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 μL of the 0.2 mM standard solution into a 96 well plate, generating 0 (blank), 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 nmole/well standards. Add Triglyceride Assay Buffer to each well to bring the volume to 50 μL.Triglyceride Standards for Fluorometric Detection Prepare a 0.2 mM Triglyceride Standard as for the colorimetric assay. Dilute 20 μL of the 0.2 mM Triglyceride Standard solution with 180 μL of the Triglyceride Assay Buffer to prepare a 0.02 mM Triglyceride Standard Solution. Detection sensitivity is 10–100 fold higher for a fluorometric assay. Add 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 μL of the 0.02 mM standard solution into a 96 well plate, generating 0 (blank), 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, and 1.0 nmol/well standards. Add Triglyceride Assay Buffer to each well to bring the volume to 50 μL.Sample PreparationUse ultrapure water for the preparation of samples.Both the colorimetric and fluorometric assays require 50 μL of sample for each reaction (well). Samples may be assayed directly.Serum samples containing 0.1–6 mM triglyceride can be assayed directly. Tissue (100 mg), cells (1 ⨯ 107), or other non-aqueous samples can be homogenized in 1 mL solution of 5% Nonidet P 40 Substitute (made by dissolving 0.25 g of Catalog Number 74385 in 5 mL water, or equivalent). Slowly heat the samples to 80–100 ︒C in a water bath for 2–5 minutes or until the Nonidet P 40 becomes cloudy, then cool to room temperature. Repeat the heating one more time to solubilize all triglycerides. Centrifuge for 2 minutes at top speed to remove insoluble material. Dilute 10-fold with water before assay.Add 2–50 μL of samples into duplicate wells of a96 well plate. Bring samples to a final volume of 50 μL with Triglyceride Assay Buffer.Notes: For unknown samples, it is suggested to test several sample volumes to make sure the readings are within the range of the standard curve.A sample background control should be performed by replacing 2 μL of Lipase with 2 μL of Triglyceride Assay Buffer. The background should be subtracted from all readings.Endogenous compounds may interfere with the assay. To ensure accurate determination of triglycerides in the test samples, it is recommended to spike samples witha known amount of Triglyceride Standard (example4 nmole).Lipase TreatmentAdd 2 μL of Lipase to each sample and standard reaction (well). Mix well and incubate for 20 minutes at room temperature to convert triglyceride to glycerol and fatty acid.Note: If samples contain glycerol, include a sample background control for each sample by omitting the Lipase to determine glycerol background only.Assay Reaction1. Set up the Master Reaction Mix according to thescheme in Table 1. 50 μL of the Master ReactionMix is required for each reaction (well).Table 1.Master Reaction Mix32. Add 50 μL of the Master Reaction Mix to eachsample, standard, and background control wellcontaining the Triglyceride standard. Mix well usinga horizontal shaker or by pipetting.3. Incubate the plate for 30–60 minutes at roomtemperature. Protect the plate from light during the incubation.4. For colorimetric assays, measure the absorbanceat 570 nm (A570). For fluorometric assays, measure fluorescence intensity (λex = 535/λem = 590 nm).The reaction is stable for at least 2 hours.ResultsCalculationsThe background for the assay is the value obtained for the 0 (blank) Triglyceride Standard. Correct for the background by subtracting the blank standard value from all readings. Background values can be significant and must be subtracted from all readings. Subtract the Sample Background Control value from the sample readings.Use the values obtained from the appropriate Triglyceride standards to plot a standard curve. The amount of Triglyceride present in the samples may be determined from the standard curve.Note: A new standard curve must be set up each time the assay is run.For spiked samples, correct for interference by using the following equation: Concentration of TriglycerideS a/S v = CS a = Amount of Triglyceride in the unknown sample (nmole) from standard curveS v = Sample volume (μL) added into the wellsC = Concentration of Triglyceride in sample Triglyceride (triolein) molecular weight: 885.4 g/mole Sample CalculationAmount of Triglyceride(S a) = 5.84 nmole(from standard curve)Sample volume (S v) = 50.0μLConcentration of Triglyceride in sample5.84 nmole/50.0 μL = 0.117 nmole/μL0.117 nmole/μL ⨯ 885.4 ng/nmole = 104 ng/μL4Nonidet is a trademark of Shell Chemical Co.SS,KVG,JAC,MAM 10/19-1©2019 Sigma-Aldrich Co. LLC. All rights reserved. SIGMA-ALDRICH is a trademark of Sigma-Aldrich Co. LLC, registered in the US and other countries. Sigma brand products are sold through Sigma-Aldrich, Inc. Purchaser must determine the suitability of the product(s) for their particular use. Additional terms and conditions may apply. Please see product information on the Sigma-Aldrich website at and/or on the reverse side of the invoice or packing slip.。



3B SCIENTIFIC ® PHYSICS1Istruzioni per l'uso07/15 SF1 collettore di vapore con tubo di silicone2 guida3 tubi di prova4 asse longitudinale con indicatori5 scalaIl tubo di vetro è fragile. Pericolo di lesioni! ∙ Maneggiare l'apparecchio con cautela.Il materiale immagazzina il calore. Pericolo di ustioni!∙ Dopol’esperimento lasciare raffreddare itubi.Il dilatometro serve per la misurazione simultanea e il confronto dei coefficienti di dilatazione lineare di corpi tubolari di diversi materiali.Tre tubi di prova sono fissati in un collettore di vapore su una guida di alluminio. L’estremità libera di ogni tubo può muoversi lungo un asse longitudinale. La dilatazione longitudinale dei tubi viene indicata suuna scala a specchio da tre lineare di colore diverso.1 dilatometro3 tubi di prova (ottone, alluminio, vetro) 1 scala graduata con specchio 3 indicatori3B Scientific GmbH ▪ Rudorffweg 8 ▪ 21031 Hamburg ▪ Germany ▪ Con riserva di modifiche tecniche © Copyright 2015 3B Scientific GmbHDimensioni: 830 x 80 x 70 mm 3 Peso:ca. 1.200 gTubi di prova: ottone, alluminio, vetroDimensioni: 700 mm x 6 mm Ø Lunghezza di misurazione:600 mmPer l'esperimento sono inoltre necessari i seguenti apparecchi:1 generatore di vapore (230 V, 50/60 Hz) 1001049 oppure1 generatore di vapore (115 V, 50/60 Hz) 1006769∙ Montare la scala a specchio sulla guida.∙ Fissare gli indicatori sotto i tubi in modo da poter misurare la variazione di lunghezza. ∙ Posizionare tutti gli indicatori sullo zero.∙Riempire d’acqu a il generatore di vapore fino a metà, posizionarlo sulla piastra diriscaldamento e fissarlo con l'apposita staffa.∙ Collegare il dilatometro al generatore divapore utilizzando il tubo flessibile.∙ Posizionare una bacinella sotto le estremitàdei tubi per raccogliere la condensa. ∙ Misurare la temperatura ambiente T . ∙ Accendere la piastra di riscaldamento.∙ Far fluire il vapore attraverso i tubi di provaper lungo tempo, finché non raggiungono la temperatura di ebollizione dell’acqua, pari a 100° C, e quindi osservare le deviazioni degli indicatori.∙ Leggere la dilatazione lineare Δl sulla scala(0,1 mm di dilatazione lineare corrisponde a 4 cm di derivazione dell’indicatore sulla scala).∙ Determinare la differenza di temperatura ΔTrispetto alla temperatura ambiente.Il coefficiente di dilatazione lineare α dei diversi materiali si calcola con l’equazioneTl l ∆⋅∆=αdove l corrisponde allalunghezza del tubo dal cuscinetto fisso all'appoggio sull’asse longitudinale.Fig. 1 Struttura sperimentale。

TRIZMA Pre-set 碱液 产品说明书

TRIZMA Pre-set 碱液 产品说明书

TRIZMA® Pre-set crystals Product Number T 4628 Store at Room TemperatureProduct DescriptionThis product has been replaced by the Biotechnology Performance Certified grade of TRIZMA Pre-set crystal, pH 7.9 (Product Number T 8318).This product is a pre-mixed combination of Trizma base and Trizma HCl which may be used to prepare a 0.05 M solution with a pH of 7.9 at 25 °C. TRIZMA is the registered trademark for tris(hydroxymethyl) aminomethane, commonly called Tris.Sigma Technical Bulletin 106B contains additional information on temperature and concentration effects, and on the use of pH electrodes with Trizma buffers. Tris is an established basimetric standard and buffer used in biochemistry and molecular biology.1 It may be used by itself as a buffer or as a component of mixed buffer formulations.2 These different buffer formulations include:• Tris-EDTA (TE) buffer• Tris magnesium buffer• Tris-acetate-EDTA (TAE) buffer• Tris-borate-EDTA (TBE) buffer• Tris-buffered saline (TBS)• Tris-buffered saline with dextrose (TBS-D)• Tris-glycine buffer• Tris-phosphate EDTA buffer• Tris-SDS buffer• Tris-sucrose• Tris-Tricine-SDS bufferTris salts are used in protein crystallization at various pH values (Product Nos. 82009, 70437, 75403, 86684, 73513).3,4,5,6 The use of low-ionic strength Tris buffers in the formation of intermediate filaments of lamin from Caenorhabditis elegans has been described.7Tris has been utilized in studies of double stranded complexes of peptide nucleic acids (PNA) and their complementary DNA sequences, by use of anion exchange HPLC.8 The use of Tris in capillary electrochromatography and UV analysis of tocopherols and tocotrienols has been reported.9Precautions and DisclaimerFor Laboratory Use Only. Not for drug, household or other uses.Preparation InstructionsThis product is soluble in water (666 mg/ml), yielding a clear, colorless solution.Storage/StabilityTrizma solutions can be autoclaved. Tris has a significant temperature coefficient:• From 5 °C to 25 °C, the pH decreases an average of 0.03 pH units per °C.• From 25 °C to 37 °C, the pH decreases an average of 0.025 pH units per °C.Thus it is necessary to choose the proper mixture to give the desired final pH at the desired temperature. The pH of 0.05 M solutions of this product at various temperatures is as follows:5 °C = pH 8.4825 °C = pH 7.9037 °C = pH 7.62References1. Gomori, G., Preparation of Buffers for Use inEnzyme Studies. Methods Enzymol., 1, 138-146(1955).2. Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual, 3rd ed.,Sambrook, J. and Russell, D.W., CSHL Press(Cold Spring Harbor, NY: 2001), pp. 5.8, 5.30,5.43, 5.60, 5.76, 10.25-10.26, 12.75, 12.84, 12.87,13.52, 16.29-16.31, A1.2-1.3, A1.7-A1.8, A1.17-A1.18, A1.22, A8.42-A8.43.3. Brzozowski, A. M., et al., Structural analysis of achimeric bacterial α-amylase. High-resolutionanalysis of native and ligand complexes.Biochemistry, 39(31), 9099-9107 (2000).4. Knapp, S., et al., Crystallization and preliminarycrystallographic analysis of an amylopullulanasefrom the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus woesei. Proteins, 23(4), 595-597 (1995).5. Andrykovitch, M., et al., Crystallization andpreliminary X-ray diffraction studies of NusG, aprotein shared by the transcription and translation machines. Acta Crystallogr. D Biol. Crystallogr.,58(Pt 12), 2157-2158 (2002).6. Campos, A., et al., Crystallization and preliminaryX-ray analysis of FlhD from Escherichia coli.J. Struct. Biol., 123(3), 269-271 (1998).7. Karabinos, A., et al., The single nuclear lamin ofCaenorhabditis elegans forms in vitro stableintermediate filaments and paracrystals with areduced axial periodicity. J. Mol. Biol., 325(2),241-247 (2003). 8. Lesignoli, E., et al., Recognition and stranddisplacement of DNA oligonucleotides by peptide nucleic acids (PNAs). High-performance ion-exchange chromatographic analysis.J. Chromatogr. A., 922(1-2), 177-185 (2001).9. Abidi, S. L., and Rennick, K. A., Capillaryelectrochromatographic evaluation of vitaminE-active oil constituents: tocopherols andtocotrienols. J. Chromatogr. A, 913(1-2), 379-386 (2001).TRIZMA is a registered trademark of Sigma-Aldrich Biotechnology.GCY/RXR 4/03Sigma brand products are sold through Sigma-Aldrich, Inc.Sigma-Aldrich, Inc. warrants that its products conform to the information contained in this and other Sigma-Aldrich publications. Purchaser must determine the suitability of the product(s) for their particular use. Additional terms and conditions may apply. Please see reverse side ofthe invoice or packing slip.。



3B SCIENTIFIC ®PHYSICSBedienungsanleitung07/16 ALFDie Mikroskope E5 ermöglichen die zweidimensionale Betrachtung von Objekten (dünne Schnitte von Pflanzen- oder Tieren) in 40- bis 1000-facher Vergrößerung.Das Mikroskop Modell TE5 bietet neben einem binokularen Einblick die gleichzeitige Anschlussmög-lichkeit einer Kamera zur fotografischen und videotechnischen Bilddokumentation.1 Okular2 Tubus3 Objektivrevolver mit Objektiven4 Objekttisch mit Objektführer5 Kondensor mit irisblende und Filterhal-ter6 Beleuchtung7 Netzschalter8 Kopf9 Stativ10 Einsteller für x-y-Kreuztisch 11 Feststellbremse12 Feintrieb 13 Grobtriebpor geliefert.∙Nach Entfernen des Klebebands den Behäl-ter vorsichtig öffnen. Dabei darauf achten, dass keine der optischen Teile (Objektive und Okulare) herausfallen.∙Um Kondensation auf den optischen Be-standteilen zu vermeiden, das Mikroskop so lange in der Verpackung belassen, bis es die Raumtemperatur angenommen hat.∙Das Mikroskop mit beiden Händen (eine Hand am Stativarm und eine am Fuß) ent-nehmen und auf eine ebene Fläche stellen. ∙Die Objektive sind separat in Döschen ver-packt. Sie werden in der Reihenfolge vom Objektiv mit dem kleinsten bis zum Objektiv mit dem größten Vergrößerungsfaktor im Uhrzeigersinn hinten beginnend in die Öff-nungen der Revolverplatte geschraubt.∙Anschließend das Okular in den Tubus ein-setzen und mit dem kleinen Inbusschlüssel fixieren.∙Kopf mit dem großen Inbusschlüssel fixieren. 3.1 Allgemeine Hinweise∙Das Mikroskop auf einen ebenen Tisch stellen. ∙Das zu betrachtende Objekt in die Mitte desObjekttisches platzieren.∙Netzkabel anschließen und Beleuchtung anschalten.∙Objektträger so in den Strahlengang schie-ben, dass das Objekt vom Strahlengang deutlich durchstrahlt wird.∙Diopterstärke den Augen anpassen (siehe 3.3). ∙Augenabstand einstellen bis nur ein Licht-kreis sichtbar ist (siehe 3.3).∙Zur Erreichung eines hohen Kontrasts Hin-tergrundbeleuchtung mittels der Irisblende einstellen.∙Das Objektiv mit der kleinsten Vergrößerung in den Strahlengang drehen. Ein Klick-Ton zeigt die richtige Stellung an.Hinweis: Es ist am besten mit der kleinsten Ver-größerung zu beginnen, um zuerst größere Strukturdetails zu erkennen. Der Übergang zueiner stärkeren Vergrößerung zur Betrachtungfeinerer Details erfolgt durch Drehen des Revol-vers bis zum gewünschten Objektiv.Die Stärke der Vergrößerung ergibt sich aus dem Produkt des Vergrößerungsfaktors des Okulars und des Objektivs.∙Mit dem Triebknopf für Grobtrieb das un-scharf abgebildete Präparat scharf stellen, dabei darauf achten, dass das Objektiv den Objektträger nicht berührt (Beschädigungs-gefahr).∙Anschließend mittels Feintrieb die Bildschär-fe einstellen.∙Zur Benutzung von Farbfiltern Filterhalter ausschwenken und Farbfilter einlegen.∙Das Mikroskop mit keinen Flüssigkeiten in Kontakt kommen lassen.∙Das Mikroskop keinen mechanischen Belas-tungen aussetzen.∙Optische Teile des Mikroskops nicht mit den Fingern berühren.∙Bei Beschädigungen oder Fehlern das Mik-roskop nicht selbst reparieren.3.2 Dioptereinstellung (BE5 und TE5)∙Mit dem rechten Auge durch das rechte Okular sehen und das Objekt scharf stellen. ∙Dann mit dem linken Auge durch das linke Okular sehen. Wenn das Bild nicht scharf ist, am Dioptereinstellring (1) drehen, bis das Ob-jekt scharf abgebildet ist (siehe Fig. 1).Auf dem Dioptereinstellring (1) sind ±5 Diopterwer-te markiert. Der Wert, der auf den Skalenstrich (2) zeigt, ist der Diopterwert des Beobachters.∙Bei der nächsten Benutzung wieder den gleichen Diopetrwert einstellen.Fig. 1 Dioptereinstellung3.3 Einstellung des Augenabstands (BE5 undTE5)∙Mit beiden Augen durch die Okulare sehen, dabei die Tuben soweit um die Achse dre-hen, bis nur noch ein Bildfeld zu sehen ist. Der Punkt (1) zeigt auf der Skala (2) den Augen-abstand des Beobachters (siehe Fig. 2).∙Bei der nächsten Benutzung wieder dengleichen Augenabstand einstellen.Fig. 2 Einstellung des Augenabstandes3.4 Einstellung der Feststellbremse∙Um folgende Probleme zu beheben, die Feststellbremse (1) einstellen: der Grobfoku-siertrieb lässt sich schwer drehen, das Prä-parat geht langsam aus dem Fokus, der Ob-jekttisch rutscht (siehe Fig. 3).Drehen der Feststellbremse in Pfeilrichtung fi-xiert den Fokusiertrieb. Drehen in entgegenge-setzter Richtung löst den FokusiertriebFig. 3 Feststellbremse3.5 Lampenwechsel∙Stromversorgung ausschalten und Netzste-cker ziehen.∙Bodenplatte abschrauben und herausneh-men.∙Steckverbindung zur LED-Einheit trennen.Dazu auf die Verbindungsbuchse (1) drücken und Verbindungsstecker (2) heraus ziehen (siehe Fig. 4).∙Zwei Schrauben (3) lösen, defekte LED-Einheit austauschen und Mikroskop wieder zusammenbauen.Fig. 4 Lampenwechsel∙Das Mikroskop an einem sauberen, trocke-nen und staubfreien Platz aufbewahren.∙Bei Nicht-Benutzung das Mikroskop immermit der Staubschutzhülle abdecken.∙Das Mikroskop keinen Temperaturen unter5°C und über 40°C sowie keiner relativenLuftfeuchtigkeit über 80% aussetzen.∙Vor Pflege- und Wartungsarbeiten ist immerder Netzstecker zu ziehen.∙Zur Reinigung des Mikroskops keine aggres-siven Reiniger oder Lösungsmittel verwen-den.∙Objektive und Okulare zum Reinigen nichtauseinander nehmen.∙Bei starker Verschmutzung das Mikroskopmit einem weichen Tuch und ein wenig Etha-nol reinigen.∙Die optischen Bestandteile mit einem wei-chen Linsentuch reinigen.∙Die Verpackung ist bei den örtlichen Recyc-lingstellen zu entsorgen.Sofern das Gerät selbstverschrottet werden soll,so gehört dieses nicht inden normalen Hausmüll.Bei Nutzung in Privat-haushalten kann es beiden örtlichen öffentlich-rechtlichen Entsorgungs-trägern entsorgt werden.∙Geltende Vorschriften zur Entsorgung vonElektroschrott einhalten.3B Scientific GmbH • Rudorffweg 8 • 21031 Hamburg • Deutschland • 。



2D ImageCorrelation EncoderDigimaticScale UnitsLinear ScalesABS AT500-SABS AT500-HABS ST700AT1100MICSYS-SA1HST-F11Fiber ScaleVertical single-function typeVertical multi-functiontype572-561 SDV-15E[Scale units][Display units]System DiagramSingle-function type with high dust/water resistanceSingle-function typeMulti-function typeMulti-function type (double reading)SD-D (Horizontal)SDV-D (Vertical)SD-GEC Counter *3No. 542-007ASD-E (Horizontal)SDV-E (Vertical)SD-F (Horizontal)SDV-F (Vertical)Digimatic mini-processor DP-1VANo. 264-505AMultiplexer MIG-4USBNo. 64AAB387Input Tool (USB keyboard signal conversion model)No. 264-016-10Tolerance judgment output *1RS-232C/USB outputUSB keyboard signal conversion* 1: Select the tolerance judgment output or digimatic output when setting the parameters.* 2: Connecting cable with the water-proof type output switch can be used only for SD-G or Water-proof Digital Caliper CD-15/20/30PM equipped with external output function.* 3: Connecting of SD series and DP-1VR/MIG-UUSB/IT-012U is also available without passing through the EC counter.In this case, connect these units and SD series with the cables used for the connection with the EC counter.* Connection to an RS-232C conversion type (IT-007R ) or a PS/2 keyboard signal conversion type (IT-005D ) input tool is also available.Connecting cable with the water-proof type output switch*2 40”/ 1m : No.05CZA624 80”/ 2m : No.05CZA625Connecting cable with the output switch 1m : No.959149 2m : No.959150Connecting cable with the output switchConnecting cable 40”/ 1m : No.93693780”/ 2m : No.96501440”/ 1m : No.905338 80”/ 2m : No.905409 40”/ 1m : No.905689 80”/ 2m : No.90569040”/ 1m : No.905691 80”/ 2m : No.905692 40”/ 1m : No.905693 80”/ 2m : No.905694Refer to page G-20 for details.Palm-sized printer for printing and statistical analysisInterface unit for the RS-232C/USBconversion and output RS-232C/USB outputUSB Interface unit that converts and transfers data into spreadsheets*2*3*3*309AAA207 09AAA198Scale unitsKA Counter KLD200 CounterAbsolute systemSeparate type (Exposed)Assembly type (Enclosed)ABS 1100General Purpose ABS AT300series Slim spar type ABS AT500seriesSlim spar typeABS ST700Compact-typeseriesMICSYSGeneral-purpose type High Speed Amplifiers supporting Mitutoyo ENSIS interface *3Nikki Denso Co.,Ltd. VCII/VC/VPS series*3Servoland corporation SVF Series*3PMAC Japan Co., Ltd. UMAC-Turbo PMAC2*3FANUC Ltd.NC control unit*3Mitsubishi Electric Corporation MITSUBISHI CNC series*3Mitsubishi Electric CorporationMELSERVO series*3Panasonic Corporation, Motor Business UnitMINAS series*3YASKAWA Electric CorporationΣ-V/Σ-III Series*3Siemens AG SINAMICS/SINUMERIK series(supporting DRIVE-CLiQ)*3: Please contact each manufacturer for details.*1: 1Vp-p differential output typeSeparate type (Exposed)With square wave signal / sinusoidal signal simultaneous outputAT216-T/AT216-TL Pulse signalunit PSU-200Pulse signalunit PSU-200KA Counter KLD200 Counter Assembly type (Enclosed)Incremental systemWith square wave signal outputAT211*2Standard type Slim spar type AT203With sinusoidal signal outputAT113AT116AT112-F AT103Standard type Various NC controllers*2: 1Vp-p differential sinusoidal signal output types also available. Please contact us for details*4: Adapter available to connect to KA CounterStandard type ST24Compact type ST422/ST46-EZA ST-13002D EncoderABS AT715Standard type High accuracy type ST36*2*4Slim spar and high speed typeUltra compact typeST-F11General-purpose typeAT402E *1Slim spar type Super slim spar type Economy and slim spar type Linear Scale System DiagramLinear ScalesDesigned to capture positional coordinates from slides on machine tools and precision instruments including semiconductor production equipment.Name Type Page AT1100General-purpose Spar H-12AT300Standard Spar H-13 AT-715Slim Spar (IP67)H-14 AT500Slim Spar H-15ABS ST700General Purpose Compact type(Exposed)H-16ST1300High Seep High Accuracy(Exposed)H-17 MICSYS2D Image Encoder (Exposed)H-18 AT103Standard H-19AT113Slim Spar type H-20AT112-F Super Slim part type H-21 AT116Economy and Slim Spar H-22 AT402E General-purpose H-23 AT203Standard type H-24 AT216T/AT217-TL Slim Spar H-25 AT211Slim spar type high speed H-26 ST24Standard Type (Exposed)H-27 ST422/ST46-EZA Compact type (Exposed)H-28-29 ST36High Accuracy type (Exposed)H-30ST-F11Ultra Compact-Fiber scale(Exposed)H-31-322315.744.53.2(1.5)191Mi16(54)36.51.5±0.2222-R2.51.5±.2g method BMiddle support (V)adjustableBlock spacer2-ø7ø14 Countersunk, depth 6.524Countersunk, depth 6.5AA0.1Middle support position L5L695.5(3.76")37.5 (1.476")Over 3m8(3.15")37.5 (1.476")Up to 3mUnit: mm (inch)52(2.5")22 (.87")Unit: mm (inch)15.4 (.606")44.5(1.752")Unit: mm (inch)AR190.5±0.2254582014.3AT112F AT211AT715AT1100AT103 / AT300 / AT203AT500AT402E AT113 / AT116 / AT216T / AT217TL3727.6(14.8)1339.82585H-11/ / 8060±0.2SERIES 539 — Slim Spar TypeSPECIFICATIONS174-183AABS AT500-SABS AT500-HScale base typeSERIES 539 — Standard Type 174-183AKA counter, KLD• Dimensionally compatible with AT116174-183A• Connectable to the KA counter, KLD counterPSU-200.174-183AConnectable to the KA counter, KLD counter orPSU-200.174-183ASPECIFICATIONS5µm resolutionAT211-A AT211-B• The thickness of the detector head isonly 7.5 mm. The metal tape scale type has a mounting surface area of 12.5 by 9.325 mm, allowing use in applications where a space-saving design is important.• Drawings are available on requestSPECIFICATIONS•Double-end fixing tentioned design•Double-sided adhesive tape fixing designModelST46-EZADetection method Reflective photoelectlic linear encoder Signal strength checking andNC sideLinear Scales ST36Processor LED Indicators ST-F11ST- F11B ST- F11CDiffraction interference , reflection-type linear encoder4 μm2 μm2-phase-shifted square wave (+ reset input)2-phase-shifted square wave 2-phase-shifted sine wave10 nm / 50 nm / 100 nm (switchable)4" / 100 mm±1 μm, ±2 μm (custom-holder type)800 mm/s (For the sine wave) Perpendicular (S-Type) 5x9.6x12Dimensions of Detector HeadsModel Number Output Signal Scale Material Detector Orientationto ScaleFiber LengthST-F11B-100A-S02 2 Phase Square Quartz Glass Parallel2mST-F11B-100A-S03 2 Phase Square Quartz Glass Parallel3m SPECIFICATIONSPSU-400EAPSU-400EVH-34Linear ScalesQuick Guide to Precision Measuring Instruments■ Absolute systemA measurement mode in which every point measurement is made relative to a fixed origin point.■ Incremental systemA measurement mode in which every point measurement is made relative to a certain stored reference point.■ Origin offsetA function that enables the origin point of a coordinate system to be translated to another point offset from the fixed origin point. For this function to work, a system needs a permanently stored origin point.■ Restoring the origin pointA function that stops each axis of a machine accurately in position specific to the machine while slowing it with the aid of integrated limit switches.■ Sequence controlA type of control that sequentially performs control steps according to a prescribed order.■ Numerical controlA way of controlling the movements of a machine by encodedcommands created and implemented with the aid of a computer (CNC). A sequence of commands typically forms a ‘part program’ that instructs a machine to perform a complete operation on a workpiece.■ Binary outputRefers to output of data in binary form (ones and zeros) that represent numbers as integer powers of 2.■ RS-232CAn interface standard that uses an asynchronous method of serial transmission of data over an unbalanced transmission line for data exchange between transmitters located relatively close to each other. It is a means of communication mainly used for connecting a personal computer with peripherals.■ Line driver outputThis output features fast operating speeds of several tens to several hundreds of nanoseconds and a relatively long transmission distance of several hundreds of meters. A differential-voltmeter line driver (RS422A compatible) is used as an I/F to the NC controller in the linear scale system.■ BCDA notation of expressing the numerals 0 through 9 for each digit of a decimal number by means of four-bit binary sequence. Data transmission is one-way output by means of TTL or open collector.■ RS-422An interface standard that uses serial transmission of bits in differential form over a balanced transmission line. RS-422 is superior in its data transmission characteristics and in its capability of operating with only a single power supply of +5V.■ AccuracyThe accuracy specification of a scale is given in terms of the maximum error to be expected between the indicated and true positions at any point, within the range of that scale, at a temperature of 20ºC. Since there is no international standard defined for scale units, each manufacturer has a specific way of specifying accuracy. The accuracy specifications given in our catalog have been determined using laser interferometry.■ Narrow range accuracyScale gratings on a scale unit normally adopt 20μm pitch though it varies according to the kind of scale. The narrow range accuracy refers to the accuracy determined by measuring one pitch of each grating at the limit of resolution (1μm for example).GlossaryTests for Evaluating Linear Scales1. Testing within the service temperature rangeConfirms that there is no performance abnormality of a unit within the service temperature range and that data output is according to the standard.2. Temperature cycle (dynamic characteristics) testConfirms that there is no performance abnormality of a unit during temperature cycling while operating and that data output is according to the standard.3. Vibration test (Sweep test)Confirms that there is no performance abnormality of a unit while subject to vibrations of a frequency ranging from 30Hz to 300Hz with a maximum acceleration of 29.42m/s 2.4. Vibration test (Acceleration test)Confirms that there is no performance abnormality of a unit subject to vibrations at a specific, non-resonant frequency. (Approx. 98.07m/s 2)5. Noise testThe noise test conforms to EMC Directive EN61326-1+A1:1998.6. Package drop testThis test conforms to JIS Z 0200 (Heavy duty material drop test)H-35Upon supply of power to a linear scale, position readings from three capacitance-type sub-scales (COArse, MEDium and FINe) and one from a photoelectric sub-scale (OPTical) are taken. These sub-scales use such a combination of pitches, and are so positioned relative to each other, that the readings at any one position form a unique set and allow a microprocessor to calculate the position of the read head on the scale to a resolution of 0.05μm (0.005μm).■ Principle of the Absolute Linear Scale (Example: ABS AT300, 500-S/H)AT5003768mmOPTCOAMED FIN E l e c t r o s t a t i c c a p a c i t a n c e t y p eP h o t o -e l e c t r o n i c t y p e3768mm58.88mm 0.92mm 20µm(512)(512)(400)(4096)0.05µm 0.005µm7.36mm0.115mm(512)Approx. 1.8µmResolutionSignal cycle (interpolation)ComputerDigital counterLaser length measuring machine counterLaser sourceInterferometer Optical axis oflaser beamCube cornerFixtureScale unit Movable tableThe accuracy of the scale at each point is defined in terms of an error value that is calculated using the following formula:Error = Value indicated by laser inspection system− Corresponding value indicated by the linear scale A graph in which the error at each point in the effective positioning range is plotted is called an accuracy diagram.There are two methods used to specify the accuracy of a scale, unbalanced or balanced, described below.Positional Indication accuracyThe accuracy of a linear scale is determined by comparing the positional value indicated by the linear scale with the corresponding value from a laser length measuring machine at regular intervals using the accuracy inspection system as shown in the figure below. As the temperature of the inspection environment is 20˚C, the accuracy of the scale applies only in an environment at this temperature. Other inspection temperatures may be used to comply with internal standards.(1) Unbalanced accuracy specification - maximum minus minimum errorThis method simply specifies the maximum error minus the minimum error from the accuracy graph, as shown below. It is of the form: E = (α+ βL)μm. L is the effective range (mm), and α and β are factors specified for each model.For example, if a particular type of scale has an accuracy specification of(3 + 3L ———1000)μm and an effective range of 1000mm, E is 6μm.Scale error at any point in range relative to start of rangeErrorEffective rangeX Measuring pointMaximum difference in scale error: E(µm)(2) Balanced accuracy specification - plus and minus about the mean errorThis method specifies the maximum error relative to the mean error fromthe accuracy graph. It is of the form: e = E ± — 2(μm). This is mainly used in separate-type (retrofit) scale unit specifications.ErrorEffective rangeX Measuring pointMaximum error aboutmean error E : ±— (µm)2Mean errorA linear scale detects displacement based on graduations of constant pitch. Two-phase sinusoidal signals with the same pitch as thegraduations are obtained by detecting the graduations. Interpolating these signals in the electrical circuit makes it possible to read a value smaller than the graduations by generating pulse signals that correspond to the desired resolution. For example, if the graduation pitch is 20μm, interpolated values can generate a resolution of 1μm. The accuracy of this processing is not error-free and is calledinterpolation accuracy. The linear scale's overall positional accuracy specification depends both on the pitch error of the graduations and interpolation accuracy.■ Specifying Linear Scale AccuracyOverview of Accuracy Inspection Systemcustomers with unique applications.Custom Solutions, contact: • Inline/near line part inspection and gaging • Factory automation • Data management • Fixture design/build• 3D CAD concepts/renderings。






1. 实验前准备:1.1 检查分化尺是否完好,并保证其工作状态良好。

1.2 准备所需化学试剂和样品。

1.3 清洁分化尺的工作台面,并确保清洁平整。

1.4 熟悉分化尺的使用说明书和实验操作手册,并仔细阅读。

2. 分化尺的校准:2.1 打开分化尺,按照说明书上的要求进行校准操作。

2.2 如果分化尺需要预热,请按照说明书的要求进行预热操作,并等待分化尺达到稳定工作温度。

3. 样品处理:3.1 准备样品,并按照需要的精确量取样。

3.2 对样品进行预处理。


3.3 将预处理后的样品装入分化尺的样品池中。


4. 设置实验参数:4.1 打开分化尺的控制面板,并按照实验要求设置所需的参数,如测试方法、测量范围、温度等。

4.2 根据样品特性和仪器功能,选择合适的滤光片来提高测量的准确性和灵敏度。

4.3 检查所有仪器参数设置是否正确,并确保分化尺处于合适的工作状态。

5. 开始测量:5.1 关闭试剂瓶盖和样品池盖,并确保所有操作部件处于适当的位置。

5.2 在控制面板上选择开始测量,并等待分化尺自动完成测量过程。

5.3 在测量过程中,注意观察分化尺上的数字显示和指示灯,以确保测量过程进行正常。

5.4 根据实际需要,可以在测量过程中调整参数或者进行数据收集。

6. 数据分析和记录:6.1 当分化尺完成测量后,将结果显示在仪器上,并记录在实验报告或实验记录中。

6.2 对测量结果进行统计分析,并根据需要计算样品中化学物质的含量。

6.3 分析结果中应包括测量值、误差范围、统计数据和相关计算等内容。

6.4 对于不符合预期结果或异常数据,应及时检查仪器和实验操作,以确认测量结果的准确性。

3B SCIENTIFIC 线性膨胀仪 S1002 用户手册说明书

3B SCIENTIFIC 线性膨胀仪 S1002 用户手册说明书

7Istruzioni per l’uso3B SCIENTIFIC ®PHYSICSApparecchio per la dilatazione lineare S 100297806/18 ALF®L’apparecchio per la dilatazione lineare serve per di-mostrare la dilatazione lineare dei solidi e per deter-minare il coefficiente di dilatazione di rame, ferro e vetro.1. Norme di sicurezza•Attenzione! Vapore caldo durante l’esecuzione dell’esperimento.•Non toccare i tubi caldi con le mani. Per cambiare i tubi utilizzare un panno.•Non sottoporre il tubo di vetro a sollecitazioni meccaniche.2. Descrizione, caratteristiche tecniche L’apparecchio è costituito da una piastra di base alla cui estremità sinistra è fissata una molla di serraggio per il fissaggio dei tubi campione. A 50 cm verso de-stra nella piastra di base si trova un incavo per il filo dell’indicatore. Sui tubi campione di rame e di ferro èpresente, a ca. 65 mm da un’estremità, una scanala-tura anulare per l’appoggio sul filo dell’indicatore. Nello stesso punto il tubo di vetro è dotato di un anello me-tallico con scanalatura anulare. Dietro l’indicatore si trova una scala da 0 a 5 cm. Il vapore acqueo viene alimentato da un tubo di vetro lungo ca. 10 cm con albero flessibile.Dimensioni:530 mm x 60 mm x 240 mm Peso:0,6 kgca. 630 mmLunghezza dei tubi:ca. 8 mm Diametro dei tubi:200 mm Lunghezza dell’indicatore:mm Graduazione:1 : 50Rapporto dell’indicatore:3. PrincipioPer rilevare il coefficiente di dilatazione lineare á dei diversi materiali è necessario determinare la dilatazio-ne dei tubi con un determinato aumento di tempera-tura ∆T . A tale scopo i tubi vengono scaldati con vapo-re acqueo a 100° C e viene rilevata la differenza ∆T rispetto alla temperatura ambiente. L’aumento della lunghezza si evince dall’escursione dell’indicatore d ;un aumento di 1 mm causa un’escursione dell’indica-tore di 50 mm. Tenendo conto della lunghezza del tubo l fra i due punti di appoggio e dell’ingrandimento w (rapporto di ingrandimento 1:50) è possibile calcolare il coefficiente di dilatazione con l’equazioneα=⋅⋅dl w T∆ 4. UtilizzoInoltre per riscaldare il tubo campione è necessario un generatore di vapore o un becco Bunsen con matraccio conico “Erlenmeyer”•Collegare l’estremità del tubo senza scanalatura ad un tubo di gomma e fissarla nella molla di serraggio.•Collocare l’indicatore nell’incavo sotto la scala e appoggiare il tubo campione con la scanalatura1Molla di serraggio 2Piastra di base 3Tubicino di vetro 4Tubi campione 5Indicatore 6Scala126543anulare sopra il filo superiore dell’indicatore.•Posizionare l’indicatore su zero spostando il tubo.•Mediante il tubicino di vetro corto e il tubo flessibi-le creare il collegamento a un generatore di vapore o a un matraccio conico “Erlenmeyer” riempito per metà con acqua.•Portare l’acqua a ebollizione. Il vapore scorre all’in-terno del tubo campione e lo riscalda a ca. 100° C.(Attenzione! In località situate ad alta quota la tem-peratura di ebollizione è inferiore a 100° C.)•Dopo ca. 1 minuto che il vapore è entrato nel tubo campione e dopo che dall’estremità del tubo non fuoriesce più condensa, leggere l’escursione massi-ma dell’indicatore.5. Esempio di calcolo Temperatura ambiente T1= 22°CTemperatura del vapore acqueo = 100° C Aumento di temperatura ∆T = 78° CTubo di rame, escursione dell’indicatore d = 32,5 mm Ingrandimento w = 50Lunghezza del tubo l = 500 mmα = 3255005078,⋅⋅ = 16,7 · 10–6 /° CTabella di valori:Rame:16,8 · 10-6 /° CFerro:12 · 10-6 /° CVetro:9 · 10-6 /° C3B Scientific GmbH • Rudorffweg 8 • 21031 Hamburg • Germania • • Con riserva di modifiche tecniche8。



MILLIPORE实验级切向流浓缩纯化透析系统中文操作手册P73614C Rev. A 7/2000Millipore BioProcess Division © 2000目录1.介绍2.系统预览/组件清单2.1 实验级切向流浓缩纯化透析系统………………......…….......................................................2-22.2 500 mL 样品槽...................………………...............……...........................……………......2-42.3 磁式搅拌器及隔膜式泵底座….........……...................................……….……………............2-52.5 Pellicon XL 50 cm2管匣…...............…….....................…………………...........................2-62.6 使用者需提供之材料…..................……......................………………................................2-63.实验级切向流浓缩纯化透析系统安装3.1 500 mL 样品槽之安装.................................……………………………......................……3-33.2 磁式搅拌器之安装......................................................………………..………..........……..3-53.3 隔膜式泵模块之安装...............................................………………............…………….3-64.系统清洗(不包含Pellicon XL管匣)4.1 安装清洗管线..............................................................………………….............………….4-24.2 清洗系统....................................................................………………….................………...4-24.3 液体排空......................................................................………………............…………......4-34.4 系统冲洗......................................................................………………...............………….....4-45.冲洗Pellicon XL管匣5.1 安装l Pellicon XL 管匣...............................................……………….....................…….........5-25.2 冲洗管匣 ......................................................................………………..................………........5-25.3 排空系统液体..............................................................………………..................……........5-35.4 完整性测试- Pellicon XL Device on System ............……………….............……….........5-35.5 预湿润管匣……………….......................................................................…………............5-55.6 浓缩…….......…………………..................................................................……………….....5-55.7 样品回收………………........................................................................……………............5-65.8 透析应用–真空吸入法………….…………….................................................................5-76.关机6.1 清洗管匣......……………….................................................................…………….............6-26.2 清洗系统.....…………………..................................................................…………..................6-26.3 排空系统液体………………..........................................................................……................6-36.4 冲洗管匣……………….......................................................................……………............6-36.5 清洗样品槽................................………………............................................……................6-37.规格7.1 规格...........................................………………….........................……………....................7-27.2 主体材料成分..........................…………………......................…………………....................7-28.采购信息8.1 系统产品编号.........................…………………..........................……………….....................8-28.2 各主要组件产品编号………………………….……………………….…….......................8-28.3 泵及泵头产品编号………………................………...…......................................8-28.4 Pellicon XL 管匣产品编号..…………………..........................................................................8-29.实验级切向流浓缩纯化透析系统之维护9.1 磁式搅拌器组件产品编号………...…………………........................…….............................9-39.2 500 mL 样品槽组件产品编号………………..............……….............................................9-49.3 泵组件产品编号………………...................………………….........................................9-69.4 泵逆止阀之冲洗……………….………………………………...........................................9-79.5 隔膜式泵之维护………………..............……………….....................................................9-89.6 电路图…………………...........................………………….....................................................9-1010.实验级切向流浓缩纯化透析系统之故障排除电源/ 控制..................................……………................………………........................................10-2 效能…................................................................………………........................................................ 10-2 压力……………………...................................................………….................................................10-3介绍图一、实验级切向流浓缩纯化透析系统实验级切向流浓缩纯化透析系统为一套专为Pellicon XL 超过滤膜管匣而设计之简单且容易操作的系统。


动条向上或向下移动显示屏的可见范围。 ● 在下缘放置了五个按键。这些键的配置可以变化,与每个对话框的内容有关。
3.4.1 在用户界面上输入数据
在用户界面上有不同类型的输入区,它们可以让您输入数据或从表中进行选择。此外,有些输 入区可能被禁用,它们的内容就只能作为信息显示出来,在相应的对话框中不能进行修改。
卡尔费休水份测定 - 测量原理
2 卡尔费休水份测定 - 测量原理
卡尔费休法是一种定量测定液体和固体中的含水量的滴定测量法。卡尔费休滴定可以应用于各 种领域,比如测定食品、化学试剂、药品、化妆品或矿物油中的含水量。 测定含水量时,二氧化硫和水与碘发生反应: 2 H2O + SO2 + I2 → SO42− + 2 I− + 4 H+ 在二氧化硫中添加酒精 (例如甲醇、乙醇),在预反应中生成一种酸性脂类,然后被碱类 (如咪 唑,以下用“RN”表示) 中和: CH3OH + SO2 + RN → (RNH)·(CH3OSO2) 烷基亚硫酸阴离子在有水存在的情况下被碘氧化为烷基硫酸盐。同时,棕黄色的碘被分解为无 色的碘化物: (RNH)·(CH3OSO2) + I2 + H2O + 2 RN → (RNH)·(CH3OSO3) + 2 (RNH)·I 整个反应公式如下: H2O + I2 + SO2 + CH3OH + 3 RN --> [RNH]SO4CH3 + 2 [RNH]I 整个反应过程持续到全部的水消耗完毕,并在滴定溶液中检测到游离碘。在终点测定时使用双 电压测量指示,即极化双铂 (针) 电极上的电位降低到一个特定值以下 (例如 100mV)。

GENMED大量腺病毒氯化铯纯化试剂盒 产品说明书(中文版)

GENMED大量腺病毒氯化铯纯化试剂盒 产品说明书(中文版)

GENMED SCIENTIFICS INC. U.S.A GMS60031.2 v.A GENMED大量腺病毒氯化铯纯化试剂盒产品说明书(中文版)主要用途GENMED大量腺病毒氯化铯纯化试剂是一种旨在通过物理冻融法裂解细胞,然后氯化铯密度梯度超速离心的技术处理,以获得不含宿主细胞裂液中任何成分包括残余蛋白和核酸的高纯度腺病毒的权威而经典的技术方法。


其适用于野生型腺病毒、腺病毒相关病毒(AA V)、各种亚型的腺病毒以及其它实验用病毒等的纯化。



技术背景感染复数(multiplicity of infection;MOI),即平均每个细胞感染病毒的数量,决定病毒效价(滴度)。

通常人胚胎视网膜911细胞或人胚肾293细胞的MOI为5-10 PFU/细胞。

氯化铯(cesium chloride)是理想的纯化大量腺病毒的材料。


产品内容GENMED清理液(Reagent A)毫升GENMED离心液(Reagent B)毫升GENMED补充液(Reagent C)毫升GENMED保存液(Reagent D)毫升产品说明书1份保存方式保存GENMED保存液(Reagent D)在-20℃冰箱里,其余的保存在4℃冰箱里,有效保证6月用户自备50毫升锥形离心管:用于样品操作的容器冻存管:用于储存腺病毒台式离心机:用于沉淀细胞及其残质涡旋震荡仪:用于混匀37℃恒温水槽:用于孵育细胞同质异晶聚合物超速离心管(POLYALLOMER):用于盛载离心内容物的容器超速离心机:用于分离腺病毒针筒和针头:用于抽吸腺病毒离心带实验步骤1.根据细胞的MOI,计算用于病毒感染所需的细胞数2.准备适量的75cm2细胞培养瓶的细胞铺板(注意:人胚胎视网膜911细胞或人胚肾293细胞要求培养25至50个75cm2细胞培养瓶的病毒感染细胞)3.直至生长到90%铺满率4.病毒感染5.感染后3天,显微镜观察:细胞呈现圆形,50%细胞脱落6.小心移取所有培养瓶的细胞培养液到2个50毫升锥形离心管7.放进4℃台式离心机离心5分钟,速度为300g8.小心抽掉上清液9.用细胞刮脱棒分别刮下所有细胞培养瓶的细胞10.分别全部移入到上述50毫升锥形离心管11.放进4℃台式离心机离心5分钟,速度为300g12.小心抽去上清液13.分别加入 毫升GENMED清理液(Reagent A)14.放进-70℃冰箱里孵育15分钟15.置入37℃恒温水槽孵育5分钟,直至融化16.涡旋震荡30秒17.重复实验步骤14至16三次18.放进4℃超速离心机离心5分钟,速度为5000g19.移取上述20毫升上清液(澄清病毒悬液)到1个新的50毫升锥形离心管20.加入 毫升GENMED离心液(Reagent B)21.涡旋震荡15秒22.移入到50毫升同质异晶聚合物超速离心管(POLYALLOMER)23.小心加入 毫升GENMED补充液(Reagent C)在离心混匀液上面,直至填满离心管24.放进10℃超速离心机,离心24小时,速度为200000g25.小心取出离心管26.用3毫升针筒及其相应的针头,小心插入至乳白色病毒离心带下缘27.抽吸3至5毫升28.分别放进3管2毫升冻存管29.分别加入 毫升GENMED保存液(Reagent D),混匀30.放进-70℃冰箱里保存注意事项1.本产品为5次操作2.所有操作均须无菌状态下进行3.操作时,须戴手套4.严格遵守病毒操作安全规范5.操作时使用的枪头须使用带滤芯的枪头6.GENMED离心液(Reagent B)使用前摇匀7.病毒效价(滴度)取决于感染量和感染复数8.超速离心时,根据离心管大小,调整液体容量:离心液和病毒悬液保持等量,最后加入GENMED补充液(Reagent C)填满9.本公司提供系列腺病毒试剂产品和外包服务质量标准1.本产品经鉴定性能稳定2.本产品经鉴定无核酶污染3.本产品经鉴定纯化程度高4.本产品经鉴定无宿主细胞污染使用承诺杰美基因秉着“信誉至上、客户满意、质量承诺”的宗旨为我们的用户提供优质产品和服务。

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ScaleChem 3.0 垢化学分析系统—— 石油和天然气工业中结垢预测软件ScaleChem 是由生产技术专家(工程师和科学家)共同开发的一套垢化学分析系统,它可以预测多达54种矿物的结垢可能性和结垢趋势,囊括了世界上任何油、气产层和处理设施中可能发生的结垢反应;本系统还能对产出流体中的气—液—固化学反应进行计算,为用户提供从生产井到地面处理设施以及注水和水处理过程有关结垢的重要信息。

ScaleChem 是一种油田应用软件ScaleChem 最初是由美国OLI 公司与壳牌石油公司共同开发的,旨在出现矿物结垢问题时帮助,确定保持油、气产量的工艺方法。


ScaleChem 可预测600F 、22,000psi 和700,000ppm 高温、高压、高浓度系统。

因此,它几乎可以模拟 任何生产操作。

ScaleChem 主要特点:ScaleChem 软件操作非常简便,只是简单的输入数据,指定分析类型和分析条件,软件就可预测结垢质量、体积、pH 值、矿物化度、活动系数及其他有关信息。

它的主要特点包括:(1).水样分析——输入实验数据,软件可协调电性、pH 值、碱性不一致的情况,如果需要,还可输入CO 2和固体饱和度值。



(4).油气藏/井底向导——使地层水在油藏和井底条件下达到饱和矿化度,更精确地预 测生产中的成垢条件。


通过确 定地层水混合比例、在井口、泵以及其他位置的温度和压力,来控制垢生成。


地层水化学分析ScaleChem 建立了两种化学模型,分别是标准模型和高级模型。


如下图所示:图形界面ScaleChem 软件面向对象的程序设计能够使你很方便的将图形或图表拷贝到其他字处理或出版系统中,帮你利用ScaleChem 提供的数据和图形生成一份图文并茂的报告或演示文件。

RESULTS FROM THE OLI SOLVER - Solids Analysis - Point 1Solids Precipitated: mg/l lbs/bbl Scale Index (*)with precip no precipBASO4 46.2 0.01620 1.0000 6.2053 CACO3 310.9 0.10895 1.0000 5.8097 CASO4.2H2O 0.0 0.00000 0.0018 0.0053 NACL0.00.000000.00550.0055热力学基础ScaleChem 利用热力学中的多种状态模型而不是经验公式(如下图所示),这就确保使用者可以正确地分析各种混合地层水,确定它们的结垢情况。

ScaleChem 可预测600F 、22,000psi 和700,000ppm 高温、高压、高浓度系统,这就说明它足以可以模拟世界上任何一个油田的生产系统状况。

ScaleChem 其它特点1. 完全的电解质种类2. 气—液—固—油平衡分析3. 单点或多点垢形成计算4. 特定位置结垢的计算5. 多种地层水和气体混合计算6. 调节温度和压力以适合油井的各部位7. 在实验室条件下地层水的调和、8. 利用有机酸校正碱度9. pH 值、缓冲能力和密度计算 10. 气体组分以及露点计算从下一页开始,我们将向您展示四个具体的实例,以使您更形象的了解Scalechem 3.0 垢化学分析系统的强大功能。

0.600.700.800.901.000123456N a C l (m )N a + A c t ivit y C oe ff i c ie n t 012345NaCl (molal)S r S O 4 S o l u b i l i t y (m m o l a l )NaCl (molal)C a S O 4 S o l u b i l i t y (m o l a l )具体实例:实例一:在地层水资料并不完备的情况下,一口独立油井中的结垢预测简介:井情况参阅上表,在观察到油气产量下降,技术人员怀疑有垢生成。


解决方法: 技术人员将收集到的水样资料、油井和生产数据输入了ScaleChem(下表中的列1)。

在实验室条件下,Scalechem 计算了pH 值并分析了离子浓度和碱度(列2)。


ScaleChem 利用油藏条件下的结果预测从产层到井口的结垢情况。

结论:技术人员利用ScaleChem 先预测出了井底精确的pH 值以及钙/钡离子的饱和条件,之后运行垢诊断分析,预测出钡垢随产出水沿井筒向上运动而逐渐增加,钙垢则主要集中在井筒上部。

(见下图)Well InformationWell Name O’Donnel No.2 Location Alta LomaOil 250 BOPD Brine 4,000 BWPD Gas 1,000 Mcfd Depth 14,000 ft Press 9,000 psia Temp 290 F CO 24.5 % Formation FrioMineralogyquartz, calcite dolomite, bariteMeasured Data Reconciled for ions Reservoir ConditionsPH 6.7(wellhead)7.8 5.36 Na n.d. 1529814,466 ppm Ca 690 690 709.5 ppm Mg 5 5 4.21 ppm Ba 52 52 42.0 SO 4 38 38 30.9 ppm HCO 3- 560 560 3485Alkalinity As CaCO 3 918 ppm Cl24,50023,166 ppm Density 1.021 1.026 0.977 g/cc Brine 4,000 n/a 4230.6 BWPD Gas 1,000 n/a 822.2 Temp 70 n/a 285 F Press 15 n/a 9,000 PSIA CO 2 (g) 4.5 n/a 2.4 % H 2S (g) 1.28 n/a 1.21 % Calcite n/a 1.0 SI Barite n/a 1.0 SI Dolomiten/a1.0SI0501001502002503003500200040006000800010000Well Pressure, psiaBASO4, m g CACO3, m gWell Scale Scenario实例二:在处理站不同产出水混合/处理后回注设备的结垢分析背景:产层不同的几口井的产出物汇聚到一个中央处理站中。



解决方法:采用ScaleChem 中模块分析,技术人员确定可以预测,在处理这些混合水的过程中,有可能会生成硫酸钡和碳酸钙,下面的数据显示在FWKO 中会有0.00241 1b/bb1的沉积物生成。

在BWPD 为26672时,FWKO 将有64.28 1b 的垢生成。

结论:通过输入水样数据和生产系统状况数据,技术人员可以利用ScaleChem 中的处理设备功能预测出个生产设备中是否有垢的生成,并能计算出在什么条件下生成垢。

通过使用ScaleChem ,技术人员能利用所得数据,决定怎样进行化学处理及研究如何分离性质不同的地层水,避免今后代价高昂垢处理支出。

S O L I D SP R E C I P I T A T E D :M G /LL B S /B B L S C A L EI N D E X (*) W I T H P R E C I P N O P R E C I PS O D I U M C H L O R I D E ,N A C L 0.00.000000.00000.0000A N H Y D R I T E ,C A S O 40.00.000000.00000.0000G Y P S U M ,C A S O 4.2H 2O 0.00.000000.00590.0063C A L C I T E ,C A C O 34.70.001641.00001.1072B A R I T E ,B A S O 42.20.000771.00003.0483S T R O N T I U M S U L F A T E ,S R S O 40.00.000000.00000.0000I R O N (I I ) S U L F I D E 0.00.000000.00000.0000I R O N (I I )C A R B O N A T E 0.00.000000.22830.2454* s c a l e i n d e x (S I )S I < 1 ==> B R I N E I S S U B S A T U R A T E DS I > 1 ==> B R I N E I S S U P E R S A T U R A T E D S I = 1 ==> B R I N E I S A T E Q U I L I B R I U MW I T H P R E C I P ==> S C A L E I N D E X A F T E R S O L I D S P R E C I P I T A T I O NN O P R E C I P ==> S C A L E I N D E X A F T E R S O L I D SBrine Analysis Data Brine A Brine B Brine C Na (ppm) 104 1,567 8,554 K (ppm) 0 0 0Ca (ppm) 41 320 479Mg (ppm) 5 24 99Fe (ppm) 0.2 0.2 0Ba (ppm) 2 2 2 Cl (ppm) 123 2,700 13,596 SO 4 (ppm) 17 61 332HCO 3 (ppm) 195 537 1,014CO 3 (ppm) 0 0 0pH 7.1 8 7.8BWPD 24,298 1,787 587实例三:海上凝析气井生产中的结垢趋势预测背景:生产者计划在深海区打一口凝析气探井,并且使用水下生产平台。
