wcdma 3gpp






3G诞生于2000年5月,它是由国际电信联盟(ITU)统一制定的结果,其中包含有WCDMA、CDMA2000和TD-SCDMA 和WiMAX四种不同的制式标准,今天我们要谈论的主要是国内应用的WCDMA、CDMA2000和TD-SCDMA三种制式。


WCDMA是一种由3GPP具体制定的、基于GSM MAP核心网,UTRAN(UMTS陆地无线接入网)为无线接口的第三代移动通信系统。



W-CDMA 能够支持移动/手提设备之间的语音、图象、数据以及视频通信,速率可达2Mb/s (对于局域网而言)或者384Kb/s(对于宽带网而言)。




CDMA2000,即为CDMA2000 1×EV,是一种3G移动通信标准。

分两个阶段:CDMA2000 1×EV-DO(Data Only),采用话音分离的信道传输数据,和CDMA2000 1×EV-DV(Date and Voice),即数据信道于话音信道合一。

CDMA2000也称为CDMA Multi-Carrier,由美国高通北美公司为主导提出,摩托罗拉、Lucent和後来加入的韩国三星都有参与,韩国现在成为该标准的主导者。




WCDMA(Wideband Code Division Multiple Access)是一种第三代移动通信技术,它采用了CDMA技术和宽带传输技术,能够提供更高的数据传输速率和更好的语音质量。















一、UMTS体系UMTS(Universal Mobile Telecommunication System,通用移动通信系统)是采用WCDMA空中接口的第三代移动通信系统,通常也称为WCDMA通信系统。


为了尽快将WCDMA 系统商用,3GPP对UMTS的系列规范划定了不同的版本。









二、WCDMA R99系统的设备和功能从系统结构和功能上看,WCDMA系统可以分成无线接入网络(RAN)和核心网(CN)。







而1x EV-DO Rev.A系统更是在其基础上更进一步, 其通过多项关键技术的应用,使得系统综合性能得 到全面提升,可在1.25MHz载频上提供下载和上行 峰值速率分别达3.1Mbit/s、1.8Mbit/s的无线数 据业务,能更好的满足用户对非称数据业务的需求。 此外,虽然EV-DO的后续演进技术Rev.B,比 Rev.A能提供更大的数据传输速度(下载 73.5Mbit/s上行27Mbit/s,占用20MHz带宽情况 下),但就目前来看,Rev.A仍是最具价性比的选 择,其接近ADSL宽带的速度,已能良好的满足目 前互联网应用的需求。
WCDMA信号频带宽度为:5 MHz,扩频码速率为 3.84Mchip/s。 CDMA2000信号频带宽度为:从1.25MHz到 20MHz可调,普遍为1.25MHz,扩频码速率 1.2288Mchip/s。 TD-SCDMA信号频带宽度为:1.6MHz,扩频码速 率为 1.28Mchip/ s。 WCDMA使用的带宽和码片速率是CDMA20001X演 进家族的3倍以上,更高的带宽和码片速率提高了接 收机解决MA和 CDMA2000均为 FDD频分双工。 TD-SCDMA为 TDD时分双工。
Fdown Fup
Down link data Up link data
TDD Burst, high low (BW>datarate) Short 1, down and up separation by time Same at the same time None in UE One antenna in BS
中电信,CDMA2000 EVDO+WiFi 主导运营商 国内获得CDMA2000运营权的是中国电信。 目前在全世界范围内正式商用的主要有EV-DO Rel.0标准以及EV-DO Rev.A标准。目前多数主流 电信运营商采用的都是EV-DO Rev.A标准,中国电 信也是如此。 1x EV-DO Rel.0系统已可在1.25MHz载频上提供 下载和上行峰值速率分别达2.4Mbit/s、 153.6kbit/s的无线数据业务。


在 $%&’( 系统当中获得了广泛采用。从 6# 作为目前数据业务事实上的底层承载标准, 域, 可 承 载 于 6#, 通 过 业 务 "#,+ 支 持 节 点 12,(3 当 中 传 出 的 数 据 包 透 过 分 组 交 换 ( #+) ( 传送到网关 "#,+ 支持节点( , 出至公共数据网。在 ,/ 及以后的版本中, 分组 +"+3) ""+3) 话音也可承载于 6#, 到 #+23 出口网关经编解码转换成电路交换方式, 进入 #+23 ; 反之则进 行相反的转换。
( 北电网络( 中国) 有限公司
收稿日期: +,,+>,9>+1
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/"<*";=",> ?@@?
$- +.* 技术及协议
在 $%&’( 系统标准, 尤其是 ,-- 和 ,/ 的 12,(3 中, 大量采用了 (2’ 及其相关协议 作为第二层传送机制和服务质量保证机制, 如 ((4) 话音封装、 ((45 信令封装、 %(% 连接接 纳控制机制及网络 #336 网络信令等。
/- 0& 承载及应用
移 动 在 线
符合 !"## 规范的 $%&’( 系统关键技术涵盖以下六个方面:
,- ()*+ 技术





第三代无线通信所包含的层面相当广泛,其中包括所会用到的技术以及在商业化过程中所面临的问题,如果以目前的架构来看,我们可以把整个系统大概分为一下五个部分:▪核心网络(Core Network)▪GSM、GPRS无线通信网络(GSM、GPRS Radio Access Network)▪WCDMA/UMTS无线通信网络(WCDMA/UMTS Radio Access Network)▪服务机制与安全(Service and Security)▪手持装置(Terminal Equipment)其中,核心网络所指的就是各系统业者用来连接各无线基地台与后端大众电话网络(PSTN)或是其他资料网络的Intranet。








为了提高传输的可靠性,WCDMA物理层采用了卷积编码、 Turbo编码等信道编码技术,以增加信号的冗余度。
wcdma物理层与 其他通信系统的比 较
WCDMA的帧长为10ms,分为15个时隙,每个时隙长度为0.667ms。而TD-SCDMA的帧长 为5ms,分为7个常规时隙和3个特殊时隙。
WCDMA采用卷积码和Turbo码进行信道编码,而TD-SCDMA采用卷积码、Turbo码和低密 度奇偶校验码(LDPC)进行信道编码。
WCDMA采用QPSK和16QAM调制方式, 而LTE采用QPSK、16QAM、64QAM等多 种调制方式。
WCDMA采用码分多址(CDMA)技术,而LTE采用 正交频分多址(OFDMA)技术。
调制是将数字信号转换为模拟信号的过程,WCDMA物理 层采用了QPSK、16QAM等多种调制方式,以适应不同的 传输需求。
扩频技术可以提高信号的抗干扰能力和多址接入能力, WCDMA物理层采用了直接序列扩频(DS-SS)技术。












R4无线网络技术规范中没有网络结构的改变,而是增加了一些接口协议的增强功能和特性,主要包括:低码片速率TDD,UTRA FDD直放站,Node B同步,对Iub和Iur上的AAL2连接的QoS优化,Iu上无线接入承载(RAB)的QoS协商,Iur和Iub的无线资源管理(RRM)的优化,增强的RAB支持,Iub、Iur和Iu上传输承载的修改过程,WCDMA1800/1900以及软切换中DSCH功率控制的改进。

R4在核心网上的主要特性为:电路域的呼叫与承载分离:将移动交换中心(MSC)分为MSC服务器(MSC Server)和媒体网关(MGW),使呼叫控制和承载完全分开。

核心网内的七号信令传输第三阶段(Stage 3):支持七号信令在两个核心网络功能实体间以基于不同网络的方式来传输,如基于MTP,IP和ATM网传输。


15个时隙,每个时隙含有2560个码元且与一个功控周期相同。而每个时隙中比特的 个数则与物理信道的扩散因子有关即SF=256/2^K,它可以取256-4。256码元中 含有导频.功控.反馈个传输格式组合。 DPCH为例:下行链路帧结构大致相同,其内容有两组数据,一组是发送功率控制 TPC命令,一组是传输格式组合指示信息TFCI和一组导频pilot.
WCDMA的传输信道结构 传输信道划分为专用信道和公用信道 专用信道:DCH,在整个小区中上/下行传递,若采用范术成形天线可在部分小区中
传递,他具有快速速率变化(10MS),快速功控功能等 共用信道包括: 广播信道BCH:下行广播小区和系统详细信息,且传播给整个小区; 前向接入信道FACH:下行对整个小区传递对波束成形天线小区仅在部分小区传递,
专用物理信道 共用物理信道
下行物理信道 专用物理信道
随机接入信道 专用信道 公共导频信道 同步信道
专用物理数据信道 共用分组信道
WCDMA网络组成结构 用户设备UE:它一般是一个多媒体的用户终端,令多媒体手机与多媒体车载台。他

WCDMA基础及 3GPP主要指标介绍

WCDMA基础及 3GPP主要指标介绍

常见问题原因: 1、测试系统异常 2、校准异常
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Inner Loop Power Control
---UE的发射机根据在下行链路接收到的一个或多个功率控制命令(TPC_) 来调整其输出功率的能力。 测试目的:验证UE内环功率控制步长符合指标要求,UE是否能够正确地 从TPC命令中获得TPC命令。关于UE在内环功控方面作了较好的功率控制 位的形式和算法的规定,UE在内环功控下,必须能发出–50dBm到+24 dBm范围内的信号,而且还要求UE能够很好响应基站所发出的功率控制位。
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
最大发射功率 Maximum Output Power 频率偏差 Frequency Error 开环功率控制 Open loop power control(OLPC) 内环功控 Inner Loop Power Control 最小发射功率 Minimum Output Power 发射关闭功率 Transmit OFF Power 发射开关时间模板 Transmit ON/OFF Time Mask 占用带宽 Occupied Bandwidth (OBW) 频谱发射模板 Spectrum Emission Mask 邻信道泄露功率比 Adjacent Channel Leakage Power Ratio (ACLR)
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Intermodulation characteristics
常见问题原因: 1、校准异常 2、参数配置
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Adjacent channel selectivity (ACS)








我们这个项目将要做的是WCDMA的基站(Node B),所以与我们直接相关的协议是3GPP的协议。






大家阅读协议时可以看到,3月份与6月份的版本是从21系列开始的,9月份是从01系列开始的,为什么会这样呢?因为3GPP的协议(特别是CN侧协议)是在GSM与GPRS基础上发展的,3GPP的协议引用了很多GSM 的协议,在9月份的版本中,3GPP将部分引用到的GSM的协议转化为3GPP的协议,所以在9月份的目录中多了01~12系列的协议(GSM协议是从01~12)。




5 Frequency bands and channel arrangement 5.1 GeneralThe information presented in this subclause is based on a chip rate of 3.84 Mcps.NOTE: Other chip rates may be considered in future releases.5.2 Frequency bandsa) UTRA/FDD is designed to operate in the following paired bands:Table 5.0: UTRA FDD frequency bandsb) Deployment in other frequency bands is not precludedc) DB-DC-HSDPA is designed to operate in the following configurations:Table 5.0AA DB-DC-HSDPA configurations5.3 TX-RX frequency separationa) UTRA/FDD is designed to operate with the following TX-RX frequency separationTable 5.0A: TX-RX frequency separationb) UTRA/FDD can support both fixed and variable transmit to receive frequency separation.c) The use of other transmit to receive frequency separations in existing or other frequency bandsshall not be precluded.d) When configured to operate on dual cells in the DL with a single UL frequency, the TX-RXfrequency separation in Table 5.0A shall be applied for the serving HS-DSCH cell. For bands XII, XIII and XIV, the TX-RX frequency separation in Table 5.0A shall be the minimumspacing between the UL and either of the DL carriers.e) When configured to operate on dual cells in both the DL and UL, the TX-RX frequencyseparation in Table 5.0A shall be applied to the primary UL frequency and DLfrequency of the serving HS-DSCH cell, and to the secondary UL frequency and thefrequency of the secondary serving HS-DSCH cell respectively.f) For bands XII, XIII and XIV, all the requirements in TS 25.101 are applicable only fora single uplink carrier frequency, however dual cell uplink operation may be consideredin future releases.5.4 Channel arrangement5.4.1 Channel spacingThe nominal channel spacing is 5 MHz, but this can be adjusted to optimise performance in a particular deployment scenario. In DC-HSDPA and DB-DC-HSDPA mode, the UE receives two cells simultaneously. In context of DC-HSDPA and DB-DC-HSDPA, a cell is characterized by a combination of scrambling code and a carrier frequency, see [21.905].5.4.2 Channel rasterThe channel raster is 200kHz, for all bands which means that the centre frequency must be an integer multiple of 200 kHz. In addition a number of additional centre frequencies are specified according to table 5.1A, which means that the centre frequencies for these channels are shifted 100 kHz relative to the general raster.5.4.3 Channel numberThe carrier frequency is designated by the UTRA Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number (UARFCN). For each operating Band, the UARFCN values are defined as follows:Uplink: N U =5 * (F UL - F UL_Offset), for the carrier frequency range F UL_low ≤ F UL ≤F UL_highDownlink: N D =5 * (F DL - F DL_Offset), for the carrier frequency range F DL_low ≤ F DL ≤ F DL_highFor each operating Band, F UL_Offset, F UL_low, F UL_high, F DL_Offset,, F DL_low and F DL_high are defined in Table5.1 for the general UARFCN. For the additional UARFCN, F UL_Offset, F DL_Offset and the specific F UL andF DL are defined in Table 5.1A.Table 5.1: UARFCN definition (general)Table 5.1A: UARFCN definition (additional channels)5.4.4 UARFCNThe following UARFCN range shall be supported for each paired bandTable 5.2: UTRA Absolute Radio Frequency Channel NumberNOTE: If the UE is on a network with Mobile Country Code set to Japan then it may assume that any DL UARFCN sent by the network from the overlapping region of Band V and BandVI is from Band VI. If the UE is on a network with a Mobile Country Code other thanJapan then it may assume that any DL UARFCN sent by the network from theoverlapping region of Band V and Band VI is from Band V.。



5 Frequency bands and channel arrangement 5.1 GeneralThe information presented in this subclause is based on a chip rate of 3.84 Mcps.NOTE: Other chip rates may be considered in future releases.5.2 Frequency bandsa) UTRA/FDD is designed to operate in the following paired bands:Table 5.0: UTRA FDD frequency bandsb) Deployment in other frequency bands is not precludedc) DB-DC-HSDPA is designed to operate in the following configurations:Table 5.0AA DB-DC-HSDPA configurations5.3 TX-RX frequency separationa) UTRA/FDD is designed to operate with the following TX-RX frequency separationTable 5.0A: TX-RX frequency separationb) UTRA/FDD can support both fixed and variable transmit to receive frequency separation.c) The use of other transmit to receive frequency separations in existing or other frequency bandsshall not be precluded.d) When configured to operate on dual cells in the DL with a single UL frequency, the TX-RXfrequency separation in Table 5.0A shall be applied for the serving HS-DSCH cell. For bands XII, XIII and XIV, the TX-RX frequency separation in Table 5.0A shall be the minimumspacing between the UL and either of the DL carriers.e) When configured to operate on dual cells in both the DL and UL, the TX-RX frequencyseparation in Table 5.0A shall be applied to the primary UL frequency and DLfrequency of the serving HS-DSCH cell, and to the secondary UL frequency and thefrequency of the secondary serving HS-DSCH cell respectively.f) For bands XII, XIII and XIV, all the requirements in TS 25.101 are applicable only fora single uplink carrier frequency, however dual cell uplink operation may be consideredin future releases.5.4 Channel arrangement5.4.1 Channel spacingThe nominal channel spacing is 5 MHz, but this can be adjusted to optimise performance in a particular deployment scenario. In DC-HSDPA and DB-DC-HSDPA mode, the UE receives two cells simultaneously. In context of DC-HSDPA and DB-DC-HSDPA, a cell is characterized by a combination of scrambling code and a carrier frequency, see [21.905].5.4.2 Channel rasterThe channel raster is 200kHz, for all bands which means that the centre frequency must be an integer multiple of 200 kHz. In addition a number of additional centre frequencies are specified according to table 5.1A, which means that the centre frequencies for these channels are shifted 100 kHz relative to the general raster.5.4.3 Channel numberThe carrier frequency is designated by the UTRA Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number (UARFCN). For each operating Band, the UARFCN values are defined as follows:Uplink: N U =5 * (F UL - F UL_Offset), for the carrier frequency range F UL_low ≤ F UL ≤F UL_highDownlink: N D =5 * (F DL - F DL_Offset), for the carrier frequency range F DL_low ≤ F DL ≤ F DL_highFor each operating Band, F UL_Offset, F UL_low, F UL_high, F DL_Offset,, F DL_low and F DL_high are defined in Table5.1 for the general UARFCN. For the additional UARFCN, F UL_Offset, F DL_Offset and the specific F UL andF DL are defined in Table 5.1A.Table 5.1: UARFCN definition (general)Table 5.1A: UARFCN definition (additional channels)5.4.4 UARFCNThe following UARFCN range shall be supported for each paired bandTable 5.2: UTRA Absolute Radio Frequency Channel NumberNOTE: If the UE is on a network with Mobile Country Code set to Japan then it may assume that any DL UARFCN sent by the network from the overlapping region of Band V and BandVI is from Band VI. If the UE is on a network with a Mobile Country Code other thanJapan then it may assume that any DL UARFCN sent by the network from theoverlapping region of Band V and Band VI is from Band V.。

WCDMA R99核心网介绍

WCDMA R99核心网介绍
• HLR和GMSC之间的接 口称为C接口,当有移 动用户被叫或移动用户 中止短消息时,GMSC 通过C接口向HLR查询 用户的路由信息。C接 口上采用的信令是MAP
• G口:VLR与VLR的接口,用于 VLR间信息交互,承载MAP信 令; • Gs口:VLR与SGSN的接口,用 于 VLR 与 SGSN 的 交 互 , 承 载 BSSAP+信令; • C 口 : MSC/GMSC 与 HLR 的 接 口,用于GMSC与HLR的交互, 这个接口只有信令,承载MAP 信令; • D口:VLR与HLR的接口,用于 HLR与VLR的交互,承载MAP 信令;
• 3GPP分为项目合作部(PCG)和技术规范部 (TSG) • 业务和系统部(TSG SA)负责整个WCDMA 体系结构和业务方面的工作,包括安全性、 编解码器和电信管理 • 核心网络部(TSG CN)负责GSM和WCDMA 系统核心网络部分的规范工作;
• 无线接入网络部(TSG RAN)负责WCDMA 的无线接入部分,包括体系结构和协议 • GSM EDGE无线接入网络部(TSG GERAN) • 终端部(TSG T) • 目标 3GPP的目标是实现由2G网络到3G网络的平 滑过渡,保证未来技术的后向兼容性,支持 轻松建网及系统间的漫游和兼容性。
• 用户提供“分 组型数据业 务”,PS域特 有的实体包括: SGSN GGSN

WCDMA 3GPP主要指标介绍

WCDMA 3GPP主要指标介绍

常见问题原因: 1、接收机异常
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Blocking Characteristics
---当存在特定频率(除去邻道频率和杂散响应频率)存在较强的干扰信号下,接收机 接收有用信号时,控制性能恶化的能力。 测试目的:大的Blocking信号进入接收机链路,接收机AGC因此产生动作降低增益以 确保动态范围;但是同时进入接收机的有用信号电平很低,此时增益不足,进入到 解调器的有用信号幅度不够。 带内阻塞(接收频段内或接收频段±15MHz以内),带外阻塞(接收频段 ±15MHz以外),窄带阻塞(GSM信号,频率位于标称信道间隔内)。如果阻塞指标 不好会降低通信距离,尤其在UE附近有其他用户在发射时。 指标要求: 常见问题原因: 1、平台芯片能力
Minimum Output Power
---该项测试的是手机的功率控制在最小功率时,手机的发射功率值。 测试目的:验证无线环境较好,且UE与基站很近时,UE能把自己的输出 功率降得很低,以确保对其它UE的最小干扰和对电池的最小消耗。 指标要求: 最小功率测试一个时隙的均值功率,门限要求不高于-49dBm。UE target power设置为-55dBm; UL CL Power Ctrl Mode 设 All down bits 常见问题原因: 1、此项出问题多出在功率切换点附近,多为射频参数配置问题 2、校准异常
常见问题原因: 1、此项出问题多出在功率切换点附近,多为射频参数配置问题 2、校准异常
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标准同时还规定了A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H 8段区域来测试,其中E段和F段是较容易出 现问题的两段,因为这两段的功率波动范围最大(Max-Min),且控制step比较 精细(1dB)
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3GPP常用英文缩写全称大全3G是3GPP的简写形式,3GPP在英文里的全称是:the 3rd Generation Partner Project 中文的全称是:第三代合作伙伴计划,是领先的3G技术规范机构,旨在研究制定并推广基于演进的GSM核心网络的3G标准,它负责WCDMA标准的制定,R4标准是其中较为成熟的一个版本。



3GPP常用英文缩写全称大全3GPP 3rd Generation Partnership ProjectAAL ATM Adaptation LayerAAL2 ATM Adaptation Layer of type 2AAL5 ATM Adaptation Layer of type 5A&C Authentication and CipheringACFE Access Control Function EntityAI Acquisition IndicationAICH Acquisition Indication ChannelALCAP Access Link Control Application PartAM Acknowledged Mode (of RLC)AMR Adaptive Multi Rate (Transcoder)AN Access NetworkAOA Angle Of ArrivalAP Application ProcessAPDU Application Protocol Data UnitAPId Access Point IdentifierAPN Access Point NameAPS Automatic Protection SwitchingARIB Association of Radio Industries and BusinessARQ Automatic Repeat RequestASAP Alarm Severity Assignment Pro ATM Transfer CapabilityATM Asynchronous Transfer ModeAUG Administrative Unit GroupAU-n Administrative Unit n with n being 4 or 3AUTN Authentication TokenAWGN Added White Gaussian NoiseBCCH Broadcast Control ChannelBCH Broadcast ChannelBER Bit Error RateBLER Block Error RateBMC Broadcast Multicast ControllerBPSK Binary Phase Shift KeyingBS Base StationBSC Base Station ControllerBSS Base Station SystemBTS Base Transceiver StationC- Control-CA Capacity AllocationCAA Capacity Allocation AcknowledgementCAC Connection Admission ControlCAMEL Customized Applications for Mobile network Enhanced Logic CAS Channel Associated SignallingCASC Current Alarm Summary ControlCBR Constant Bit RateCC Call ControlCCBS Call Completion Busy SubscriberCCCH Common Control ChannelCCH Control ChannelCCP Communication Control PortCCPCH Common Control Physical ChannelCCTrCH Coded Composite Transport ChannelCD Capacity Deallocation (radio context)CD Calibration Data (O&M context)CDA Capacity Deallocation AcknowledgementCDMA Code Division Multiple AccessCDR Charging Detail RecordCDV Cell Delay VariationCDVT Cell Delay Variation ToleranceCFN Connection Frame NumberCID Channel IdentifierCk Cipher KeyCLP Cell Loss PriorityCM Configuration ManagementCM Call Management (in e.g. CM Service Request)CmCH Common Transport ChannelCMIP Common Management Information ProtocolCMIS Common Management Information ServiceCMISE Common Management Information Service ElementCN Core NetworkC-n Container-n (n=1-4)COL Collocated EquipmentCP Chip PeriodCPCH Common Packet ChannelCPICH Common Pilot ChannelCPS Common Part SublayerCRC Cyclic Redundancy CheckCRCI CRC IndicatorCRC-N Cyclic Redundancy Check-NCRNC Controlling RNCc-RNTI RNTI allocated by CRNCCS Circuit SwitchedCSES Consecutive Severely Errored SecondCSN Ciphering Sequence NumberCSUM ChecksumCTCH Common Traffic ChannelCTDMA Code Time Division Multiple AccessCTP Connection Termination Point (OAM context)CTP Common Transport Protocol (Protocol context)DBR Deterministic Bit RateDC Dedicated Control (SAP)DCA Dynamic Channel AllocationDCCH Dedicated Control ChannelDCH Dedicated ChannelDCN Data Communication NetworkDL DownLinkDoCoMo Do Communication with MobilesDPCCH Dedicated Physical Control ChannelDPCH Dedicated Physical ChannelDPDCH Dedicated Physical Data ChannelDRAC Dynamic Resource Allocation ControlDRNC Drift RNCDRNS Drift RNSDRX Discontinuous ReceptionDS-CDMA Direct-Sequence Code Division Multiple Access DSCH Downlink Shared ChannelDT Data TransportDTCH Dedicated Traffic ChannelDTX Discontinuous TransmissionEBER Excessive Bit Error RatioECASC Extended Current Summary Alarm ControlEFCI Explicit Forward Congestion IndicationEFD Event Forwarding DiscriminatorEIR Equipment Identity RegisterEIRP Equivalent Isotropic Radiated PowerE-OTD Enhanced OTDES Errored SecondETSI European Telecommunication Standardisation Institute F8 access link encryption functionFACH Forward Access ChannelFAUSCH Fast Uplink Signalling ChannelFBI Feed Back IndicatorFCS Frame Check SequenceFDD Frequency Division DuplexFDMA Frequency Division Multiple AccessFEC Forward Error CorrectionFEEB Far End Errored BlockFEES Far End Errored SecondFER Frame Erasure RateFESES Far End Severely Errored SecondFFS For Further StudyFM Fault ManagementFP Frame ProtocolFTAM Access ManagementFTP ProtocolGb Gb interface (between SGSN and BSC)GC General Control (SAP)GCRA Generic Cell Rate AlgorithmGFR Guaranteed RateGGSN Gateway GPRS Serving NodeGMM MM for GPRS servicesGMSK Gaussian Minimum Shift KeyingG-PDU T-PDU plus GTP headerGPRS General Packet Radio ServiceGPRS-CSI GPRS CAMEL Subscription Information GPS Global Positioning SystemGRNC Generic RNCGSM Global System for Mobile communications GTP GPRS Tunnelling ProtocolGTP-u GTP user planeHCS Hierarchical Cell StructureHE Home EnvironmentHEC Header Error ControlHFN Hyper Frame NumberHHO Hard HandoverHO HandoverHOP High Order PathHOVC Higher Order Virtual ContainerIBTS uplink Interference signal power level at Node B ICB Inter Carrier BoardICD Interface Control DocumentICH Indicator CHannelICI Inter Carrier InterfaceIE Information ElementIEC Incoming Error CountIETF Internet Engineering Task ForceIK Integrity KeyIMA Inverse Multiplexing for ATMIMEI International Mobile Equipment IdentityIMEISV International Mobile Equipment Identity Software VersionIMSI International Mobile Subscriber Identity (identical for IMUI; used in GSM context)IMUI International Mobile User Identity (identical to IMSI; seems to replace IMSI in UMTS context) INI Inter Network InterfaceIP Internet ProtocolISCP Interference Signal Code PowerISDN Integrated Services Digital NetworkISF Incoming Signal FailureIS-FL Idle Slot Forward LinkISID Idle Signal IdentificationISO International Organisation for StandardizationIT Information TechnologyITU International Telecommunication UnionIu Reference point between Access and Serving Network domainsIub Iub interface (between Node B and RNC)Iu-CS Iu towards the Circuit Switched-Service Domain of the Core NetworkIu-PS Iu towards the Packet Switched-Service Domain of the Core NetworkIur Iur interface (between RNC and RNC)IWF Inter Working FunctionIWU Inter Working UnitJD Joint DetectionKbps kilo-bits per secondKSI Key Set IdentifierKsps kilo-symbols per secondL1 Layer 1 (physical layer)L2 Layer 2 (data link layer)L3 Layer 3 (network layer)L3-CE Layer 3 Compression EntityLAC Link Access ControlLAI Location Area IdentityLAN Local Area NetworkLAPD Link Access Protocol for D-channelLB Laser BiasLCAF Location Client Authorisation FunctionLCCF Location Client Control FunctionLCCTF Location Client Coordinate Transformation FunctionLCD Loss of Cell Delineation (transmission context)LCD Low Constrained Delay (traffic context)LCF Location Client FunctionLCS Localisation Client ServiceLDD Low Delay DataLIR Limited IP Routing entity (in the RNC)LLC Link Layer ControlLMT Local Maintenance TerminalLNA Low Noise AmplifierLOF Loss of FrameLOP Low Order PathLOP Loss of PointerLOS Loss of SignalLPA Linear Power AmplifierLSA Localised Service AreaLSB Least Significant BitLSBF Location System Billing FunctionLSCF Location System Control FunctionLSN Local Sub NetworkLSPF Location Subscriber Privacy FunctionLT Laser TemperatureLTOA Latest Time of ArrivalMA Multiple AccessMAC Medium Access ControlMAC-c MAC entity handling common channels (RACH, FACH)MAC-d MAC entity handling dedicated channels (DCH)MAC-I Message Authentication Code used for data Integrity of signalling messages MAC-sh MAC entity handling shared channel (DSCH)MAHO Mobile Assisted HandoverMBS Maximum Burst SizeMCC Mobile Country CodeMCD Manual Configuration DataMcps Mega-chips per secondMD Macro-diversityME Mobile EquipmentMEHO Mobile evaluated handoverMIB Management Information BaseMM Mobility ManagementMNC Mobile Network CodeMNRG Mobile station Not Reachable for GPRS flagMNRR Mobile station Not Reachable ReasonMO Mobile OriginatedMOHO Mobile Originated HandoverMS Multiplex Section (transmission context)MS Mobile Station (GSM or security context)MS-AIS Multiplex Section Alarm Indication SignalMSB Most Significant BitMSC Multi-Slot Cell (MPSR context)MSC Mobile services Switching Centre (Core Network Context) MSID Mobile Station IdentifierMSOH Multiplex Section OverheadMSP Multiplex Section ProtectionMS-RDI Multiplex Section Remote Defect IndicationMS-REI Multiplex Section Remote Error IndicationMSTE Multiplex Section Terminating ElementMT Mobile Terminated (call context)MT Mobile Terminal (equipment context)MTP Message Transfer PartMUI Mobile User IdentifierNAS Non Access StratumNBAP Node B Application PartNCP Node B Control PortNCSES Number of Consecutive Severely Errored Second NDF New Data FlagNE Network ElementNEHO Network evaluated handoverNEM Network Element ManagerNMC Network Management CentreNNI Network Node Interface (includes INI and ICI interfaces) NP Nectar PilotNPC Network Parameters ControlNRT Non-Real TimeNSS Network Sub SystemNT Nectar TelecomNt Notification (SAP)NW NetworkN-PDU Network PDUO&M Operation and MaintenanceOAM Operation Administration and MaintenanceOCCCH ODMA Common Control ChannelODCCH ODMA Dedicated Control ChannelODCH ODMA Dedicated ChannelODI Outgoing Defect IndicationODMA Opportunity Driven Multiple AccessODTCH ODMA Dedicated Traffic ChannelOEI Outgoing Error IndicationOFS Out of Frame SecondOMC Operation and Maintenance CentreOOF Out of FrameORACH ODMA Random Access ChannelOS Operation SystemOSF Offset FieldOSI Open System InterconnectionOSL Optical Signal LevelOTD Observed Time DifferenceOVSF Orthogonal Variable Spreading FactorPA Power AmplifierPC Power ControlPCCH Paging Control ChannelPCF Positioning Calculation FunctionPCH Paging ChannelPCM Pulse Code ModulationPCR Peak Cell RatePDCP Packet Data Convergence protocolPDH Plesiochronous Digital HierarchyPDN Packet Data NetworkPDP Packet Data ProtocolPDU Protocol Data UnitPG Processing GainPHY Physical layerPhyCH Physical ChannelPI Paging IndicatorPICH Page Indicator ChannelPID Packet IdentificationPJC Pointer Justification CountPJE Pointer Justification EventPkg PackagesPLM Payload MismatchPLMN Public Land Mobile NetworkPM Performance Management/Performance Monitoring PMM MM for PS domainPN Pseudo NoisePOH Path OverheadPPI Plesiochronous Physical InterfacePPM Parts Per MillionPRACH Physical Random Access ChannelPRCF Positioning Radio Co-ordination FunctionPS Packet SwitchedPSAP Presentation Service Access PointPSC Protection Switch CountPSD Protection Switch DurationPSMF Positioning Signal Measurement FunctionPSN Plane Switch NodePSTN Public Switched Telephone NetworkPTE Path Terminating ElementPVC Permanent Virtual ConnectionP-TMSI Packet TMSI (equivalent to P-TMUI, used in GPRS context)P-TMUI Packet TMUI – (equivalent to P-TMSI, new name for it in the UMTS context) PTR PointerPUF Power Up FunctionQE Quality EstimateQoS Quality of ServiceQPSK Quadrature Phase Shift KeyingRA Routing AreaRAB Radio Access BearerRAC Routing Area CodeRAC Radio Admission ControlRACH Random Access ChannelRAI Routing Area Identity (GPRS or Iu-PS context)RAI Remote Alarm Indication (transmission context)RAID Redundant Array of Independent DisksRAN Radio Access NetworkRANAP Radio Access Network Application PartRAND Random ChallengeRB Radio BearerRDI Remote Defect IndicationRDN Relative Distinguished NameREI Remote Error IndicationRF Radio FrequencyRFC Request For CommentRFN Reference Frame NumberRLC Radio Link ControlRLCP Radio Link Control ProtocolRLS Radio Link SetRLs Radio LinksRNC Radio Network ControllerRNCC Radio Network Connection ControlRNS Radio Network SubsystemRNSAP Radio Network Subsystem Application PartRNTI Radio Network Temporary IdentityRP Radio ProcessingRRC Radio Resource ControlRRM Radio Resource ManagementRS Regenerator sectionRSCP Received Signal Code Power after despreadingRSOH Regenerator Section OverheadRSSI Received Signal Strength IndicatorRT Real TimeRU Resource UnitRX ReceiveSAAL Signalling AAL (equivalent to SSCF over SSCOP over AAL5) SACCH Slow Associated Control ChannelSAP Service Access PointSBR Statistical Bit RateSC Service ControlSCCH Synchronization Control ChannelSCCP Signalling Connection Control PartSCD Selective Cell DiscardSCH Synchronization ChannelSCR Sustainable Cell RateSCTP Simple Control Transmission ProtocolSD Supervision Data (context configuration management)SD Signal Degrade (context SDH)SDCCH Stand-Alone Dedicated Control ChannelSDH Synchronous Digital HierarchySDU Service Data UnitSES Severely Errored SecondSF Signal Fail (transmission context)SF Spreading Factor (radio context)SFN System Frame NumberSG Study GroupSGSN Serving GPRS Support NodeSHO Soft Hand OverSIM Subscriber Information ModuleSIR Signal-to-Interference RatioSLM Signal Label MismatchSMS Short Message ServiceSN Serving NetworkSN Sequence NumberSNMP Simple Network Management ProtocolSOH Section OverheadSONET Synchronous Optical NetworkSP Switching PointSPA Signalling Point AccessibleSPI Signalling Point Inaccessible (SS7 context)SPI Synchronous Physical Interface (SDH context)SPROC System PROCessorSRNC Serving RNCSRNS Serving RNSs-RNTI RNTI allocated by SRNCSSA Signalling Subsystem AccessibleSSADT Service Specific Assured Data TransferSSCF Service Specific Coordination FunctionSSCOP Service Specific Connection-Oriented ProtocolSSP Signalling Subsystem ProhibitedSSSAR Service Specific Segmentation And ReassemblySSTED Service Specific Transmission Error DetectionSTF Start FieldSTM Synchronous Transport ModuleSTM(-N) Synchronous Transport Module (-N)STS(-N) Synchronous Transport Signal (-N)STTD Space Time Transmit DiversityTB Transport BlockTBC To Be ConfirmedTBD To Be DefinedTBF Transport Block FormatTBS Transport Block SetTCH Traffic ChannelTCM Tandem Connection MonitoringTCOH Tandem Connection OverheadTCP Transport Control ProtocolTCP Transport Control ProtocolTC-RDI Tandem Connection Remote Defect IndicationTC-REI Tandem Connection Remote Error IndicationTCT Tandem Connection TraceTCTE Tandem Connection Terminating ElementTDD Time Duplex DivisionTE Terminal EquipmentTEID Tunnel Endpoint IDTFCI Transport Format Combination IndicatorTFCS Transport Format Combination SetTFI Transport Format IndicatorTFS Transport Format SetTFT Traffic Flow TemplateTFTP Trivial ProtocolTIM Trace Identifier MismatchTLLI Temporary Logical Link IdentifierTM Transparent Mode (of RLC)TMN Telecommunication Management NetworkTMSI Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity (used in GSM context, equivalent to TMUI) TMUI Temporary Mobile User Identity (new name for TMSI in the UMTS context)TN Termination NodeTOA or ToA Time Of ArrivalTOAWE TOA Window End pointTOAWS TOA Window Start pointTP Termination PointTPC Transmit Power ControlT-PDU Original packet, for example an IP datagram, from UE or an external PDNTR Threshold ResetTRX Transmitter/ReceiverTSID Test Signal IdentificationTSS Telecommunication Standardization SectorTTC Telecommunication Technology CommitteeTTI Time Transmission Interval (Radio Context)TTI Trail Trace Identifier (O&M context)TTP Trusted Third Party (security context)TTP Trail Termination Point (transmission context)TU Tributary UnitTUG Tributary Unit GroupTUG(-n) Tributary Unit Group (-n)TU-n Tributary Unit-nTX TransmitU- User-UARFCN UTRA Absolute Radio Frequency Channel NumberUAS Unavailable SecondUBR Unspecified Bit RateUDD Unconstrained Delay DataUDP User Datagram ProtocolUE User EquipmentUEA UMTS Encryption AlgorithmUEFN User Equipment Frame NumberUIA UMTS Integrity AlgorithmUL UpLinkUM Unacknowledged Mode (of RLC)UMTS Universal Mobile Telecommunication SystemUNEQ UnequippedUNI User to Network InterfaceUP User PlaneUPC Usage Parameters ControlURA User Registration AreaUSCH Uplink Shared CHannelUSIM UMTS Subscriber Identity ModuleUTRA UMTS Terrestrial Radio AccessUTRAN UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access NetworkUu Reference point between User Equipment and Infrastructure domains, UMTS radio interface UUI User to User IndicatorVA Voice Activity (factor)VBR Variable Bit RateVC Virtual ChannelVCC Virtual Channel ConnectionVCI Virtual Channel IdentifierVC-n Virtual Container n (n is 11, 12, 2, 3 or 4)VLR Visitor Location RegisterVP Virtual PathVPC Virtual Path ConnectionVPI Virtual Path IdentifierW-CDMA Wideband CDMAWG Working GroupWG-n Working Group (of 3GPP)WTR Wait-to-RestoreXMAC-I eXpected Message Authentication Code used for data Integrity of signalling messages XOR eXclusive ORXPU AuXiliary Processing UnitXRES Expected Response。


( G N) 送 到 网关 G RS支 持 节 点 ( S , 至公 共 数 据 网 。在 R SS 传 P GG N) 出 4及 以后 的 版 本 中 , 组 分 话 音 也 可 承 载 于 I 到 P T 出 口网关 经 编 解 码 转 换 成 电 路 交 换 方 式 , 入 P T 反 之 则 进 P, SN 进 S N;
20 0 2年 9月 第 9期
3 P WCD GP MA 系统 技 术 特 点 和 标 准 状 况

2.14 1

WC MA 系 统标 准 目前 已有 R 9R , 5三 个 版 D 9 , 4R 本 , 中最新 的 R 其 5版 本 于 2 0 o 2年 6月 完 成 。 这 三 个版本各有特色 。
符合 3 P G P规 范 的 WC MA 系统 关 键 技 术 涵 盖 以下 六 个 方 面 : D
1 CD . MA 技 术
wC DMA 系统 包 含 了很 多 C MA 的关 键 技 术 , 软 切 换 、 软切 换 、 率 控 制 等 。从 话 音 D 如 更 功 业 务 的 角 度 来 说 , DMA 系统 上行 仍 然 受 限 。从 无 线 网络 规 划 角 度 而 言 , DMA 与 GS WC WC M 有 本 质 的 区别 。同 时 , 由于 WC DMA来 源 于 C MA, 容 量 由误 块 率 控 制 , 以 WC MA 仍 包 D 其 所 D

c D
R9 9接 入 部 分 主 要 定 义 了 全 新 每 载 频 5MH z
的宽 带 C DMA 接 入 网 , 纳 了 功 率 控 制 、 切 换 及 采 软
分组话音分 布式体系结构 ;





本文依据3GPP TS RRC协议以及物理层协议,对WCDMA网络进行了脆弱性分析。








关键字:WCDMA,随机接入过程,伪基站攻击方案,Kasumi算法,相关密钥Sandwich攻击算法ABSTRACTABSTRACTTargeted interference in WCDMA network is a science problem which can not wait to be solved. In this thesis, a new attack plan with a specific target has been proposed by analyzing the protocal vulnerability of WCDMA network. The new attack plan is based on the XXX project which aims at obtaining the solution of targeted interference.The analyzing is based on the 3GPP TS RRC protocol and physical layer protocol. The main content of this article is as follows:1.The classic Kasumi algorithm which plays an important role in WCDMA network has been analyzed in this thesis. The Kasumi-targeted attack–––related key Sandwich attack has been simulated to attack Kasumi algorithm. This thesis shows a way to improve the 7-round Kasumi discriminator by adjusting the rule of how to choose plaintext. The simulation result shows that the improved discriminator can reduce the storage complexity of the attack algorithm.2.Because Sandwich attack requires harsh condion–––lots of time and expensive hardware, it is difficult to implement the attack even the improved version. A better breakthrough point is the random access process. A pseudo station attack plan which targets the random access process have been showed in this thesis. The pseudo station attack is based on the RRC protocol and its simulation result shows that the target will discard the real station while the ordinary user communicates with the real station normally.3.The pseudo station attack’s critical module has been rewritten by C language in this thesis. The C code has been runned in the software condition––––CCS5.5. The CCS5.5 software simulation has the same result with Matlab simulation. The similarity ensures the correctness of the attack module logic. The purpose of coding in C language is to take the possibility of implementing the future attack with DSP-loaded UA V into consideration.Keywords: WCDMA, random access procedure, Kasumi algorithm, related key Sandwich attack algorithm目录第一章绪论 (1)1.1 研究背景与意义 (1)1.2 WCDMA网络安全防护概述 (1)1.3 WCDMA网络攻击概述 (3)1.4 本文主要内容与结构安排 (4)第二章Kasumi算法基础 (5)2.1 Kasumi算法在WCDMA网络中的应用 (5)2.2 Kasumi算法分析 (8)2.2.1 FL函数分析 (9)2.2.2 FO、FI函数分析 (11)2.2.3 密钥扩展算法 (14)2.3 本章小结 (14)第三章相关密钥Sandwich攻击算法及改进 (15)3.1 当前Kasumi加密算法攻击现状 (15)3.2 差分密码分析概述 (16)3.3 相关密钥Sandwich攻击概述 (17)3.3.1 相关密钥Boomerang攻击 (17)3.3.2 相关密钥Sandwich攻击 (19)3.4 七轮Kasumi算法的Sandwich区分器分析 (20)3.4.1 三轮Kasumi算法区分器分析 (21)3.4.2 第四轮Kasumi算法区分器分析 (22)3.5 Sandwich区分器仿真结果 (25)3.6 八轮Kasumi算法攻击步骤 (28)3.7 七轮Kasumi算法区分器改进 (30)3.8 本章小结 (32)第四章随机接入过程脆弱性分析 (33)4.1 移动通信网络的相关结构概述 (33)4.2 RRC(无线资源控制)的相关概念 (33)4.2.1 RRC状态和状态转移 (34)4.3 信道类型及其映射关系 (34)4.3.1 逻辑信道 (34)4.3.2 传输信道 (35)4.3.3 物理信道 (36)4.3.4 信道之间的映射关系 (36)4.4 随机接入过程详解 (37)4.4.1 同步过程 (37)4.4.2 同步码的产生与分配 (38)4.4.3 与接入过程有关的资源 (39)4.4.4 信道码的产生 (40)4.4.5 扰码的产生 (41)4.4.6 PRACH与AICH的接入时隙时间偏移 (43)4.4.7 PRACH的接入前导(Preamble)部分 (44)4.4.8 AICH的回应机制 (44)4.4.9 随机接入流程 (45)4.5 物理层功能 (48)4.6 物理层数据处理流程 (49)4.6.1 信道编码 (49)4.6.2 交织 (49)4.6.3 扩频、加扰和调制 (49)4.7 物理信道结构 (50)4.7.1 基本公共控制信道 (50)4.7.2 同步信道 (51)4.7.3 公共导频信道 (51)4.7.4 随机接入信道 (52)4.8 盲自适应多用户检测 (52)4.8.1 信号模型 (53)4.8.2 盲多用户检测器的典范表示 (53)4.8.3 基于最小输出能量准则的多用户检测 (54)4.9 多用户的随机接入过程仿真 (56)4.9.1 仿真流程 (56)4.9.2 小区广播、导频信号与同步信号仿真 (57)4.9.3 UE接入前导的发送 (63)4.9.4 接入应答信号的发送与接收 (65)4.9.5 RACH Message的发送与接收 (67)4.10 针对随机接入过程的伪基站攻击方案仿真 (71)4.10.1 仿真流程 (71)4.10.2 广播篡改 (72)4.10.3 UE接收广播信号 (74)4.10.4 接入前导与应答信号 (75)4.10.5 RACH消息的发送与接收 (76)4.11 针对随机接入过程的伪基站攻击与现有攻击的比较 (78)4.11.1 3G网络信令攻击简介 (79)4.11.2 信令攻击与针对随机接入过程的伪基站攻击对比 (79)4.11.3 传统伪基站攻击简介 (79)4.11.4 传统伪基站攻击与针对随机接入过程的伪基站攻击对比 (80)4.11.5 中间人攻击简介 (81)4.11.6 中间人攻击与针对随机接入过程的伪基站攻击对比 (81)4.12 本章小结 (82)第五章C语言重写仿真核心模块 (83)5.1 开发板简介 (83)5.2 分模块的C语言实现 (83)5.2.1 QPSK调制与解调模块 (84)5.2.2 盲自适应多用户检测模块 (87)5.2.3 加扰解扰模块以及交织解交织模块 (88)5.2.4 卷积模块与维特比译码 (90)5.3 同步模块的实现 (92)5.4 广播信号接收与篡改模块的实现 (95)5.5 本章小结 (98)第六章总结与展望 (99)6.1 文章工作总结 (99)6.2 本文的不足之处 (99)6.3 下一步研究工作 (100)致谢 (101)参考文献 (102)个人简历及攻读硕士学位期间取得的成果 (105)第一章绪论第一章绪论1.1研究背景与意义在移动通信的发展历程中,随着用户对无线通信的业务需求不断增长,第三代通信系统得到了迅猛的发展,该系统能够提供种类各异的服务,可实现数据的高速传输,保证了高质量的多媒体业务[1]。


扩频码选择采用相同M序列,通过不同的相位偏置区分不同的小区和用户; 射频带宽从1.25MHz到20MHz可调; 快速前向和反向功率控制;
在下行信道传输中,定义直扩和多载波传输两种方式,码片速率分别为3.6864Mchip/s和 1.22Mchip/s,多载波方式能很好地兼容IS-95网络; 支持F-QPCH,可延长手机待机时间; 核心网络基于ANSI-41网络的演进,并保持与ANSI-41网络的兼容性; 支持软切换和硬软切换;
TD-SCDMA系统比较适合用于人口密度高,频率资源紧张,移动速度要求不是很高,但需 要大量小半径、高容量的小区覆盖的地区。同时在这些地区数据业务,特别是Internet等 非对称数据业务的需求比较大时,TD-SCDMA更能够充分发挥其技术优势。
1. W-CDMA W-CDMA的主要技术指标是:支持高速数据传输(慢速移动时384Kbit/s,室内走动时 2Mbit/s),异步BS,支持可变速传输,帧长10ms,码片速率3.84Mbit/s。 其主要特点如下:
调制方式,上行为BPSK,下行为QPSK,解调方式为导频辅助的相干解调; 接入方式为DS-CDMA方式; 采用三种编码方式,在语音信道采用卷积码(R=1/3,k=9)进行内部编码和Veterbi解码, 在数据信道采用Reed Solomon编码,在控制信道采用卷积码(R=1/2,k=9)进行内部编码 和Veterbi解码;
适应多种速率的传输,可灵活地提供多种业务,并根据不同的业务质量和业务速率分配不 同的资源,同时对多速率、多媒体的业务可通过改变扩频比(对于低速率的32Kbit/s、 64Kbit/s、128Kbit/s的业务)和多码并行传送(对于高于128Kbit/s的业务)的方式来实现;
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3GPP TS 34.121-1 V8.8.0 (2009-09)Technical Specification3rd Generation Partnership Project;Technical Specification Group Radio Access Network;User Equipment (UE) conformance specification;Radio transmission and reception (FDD);Part 1: Conformance specification(Release 8)The present document has been developed within the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP TM) and may be further elaborated for the purposes of 3GPP. The present document has not been subject to any approval process by the 3GPP Organizational Partners and shall not be implemented.This Specification is provided for future development work within 3GPP only. The Organizational Partners accept no liability for any use of this Specification. Specifications and reports for implementation of the 3GPP TM system should be obtained via the 3GPP Organizational Partners' Publications Offices.KeywordsTesting, UMTS3GPPPostal address3GPP support office address650 Route des Lucioles - Sophia AntipolisValbonne - FRANCETel.: +33 4 92 94 42 00 Fax: +33 4 93 65 47 16InternetCopyright NotificationNo part may be reproduced except as authorized by written permission.The copyright and the foregoing restriction extend to reproduction in all media.© 2009, 3GPP Organizational Partners (ARIB, ATIS, CCSA, ETSI, TTA, TTC).All rights reserved.Change the copyright date above as necessary.UMTS™ is a Trade Mark of ETSI registered for the benefit of its members3GPP™ is a Trade Mark of ETSI registered for the benefit of its Members and of the 3GPP Organizational PartnersLTE™ is a Trade Mark of ETSI currently being registered for the benefit of i ts Members and of the 3GPP Organizational Partners GSM® and the GSM logo are registered and owned by the GSM AssociationContents Foreword (36)Introduction (36)1Scope (37)2References (37)3Definitions, symbols, abbreviations and equations (38)3.1Definitions (38)3.2Symbols (39)3.3Abbreviations (39)3.4Equations (41)4Frequency bands and channel arrangement (43)4.1General (43)4.2Frequency bands (43)4.3TX–RX frequency separation (43)4.4Channel arrangement (44)4.4.1Channel spacing (44)4.4.2Channel raster (44)4.4.3Channel number (44)4.4.4UARFCN (46)4A Reference Conditions (47)4A.1Generic setup procedures (47)4A.2System information (47)4A.3Message contents (48)4A.4Measurement configurations (48)5Transmitter Characteristics (49)5.1General (49)5.2Maximum Output Power (49)5.2.1Definition and applicability (49)5.2.2Minimum Requirements (50)5.2.3Test purpose (50)5.2.4Method of test (50) conditions (50) (50)5.2.5Test requirements (50)5.2A Maximum Output Power with HS-DPCCH (Release 5 only) (51)5.2A.1Definition and applicability (51)5.2A.2Minimum Requirements (51)5.2A.3Test purpose (52)5.2A.4Method of test (52)5.2A.4.1Initial conditions (52)5.2A.4.2Procedure (52)5.2A.5Test requirements (53)5.2AA Maximum Output Power with HS-DPCCH (Release 6 and later) (53)5.2AA.1Definition and applicability (53)5.2AA.2Minimum Requirements (53)5.2AA.3Test purpose (54)5.2AA.4Method of test (54)5.2AA.4.1Initial conditions (54)5.2AA.4.2Procedure (55)5.2AA.5Test requirements (55)5.2B Maximum Output Power with HS-DPCCH and E-DCH (55)5.2B.1Definition and applicability (55)5.2B.2Minimum Requirements (55)5.2B.3Test purpose (56)5.2B.4Method of test (56)5.2B.5Test requirements (59)5.2C UE relative code domain power accuracy (59)5.2C.1Definition and applicability (59)5.2C.2Minimum Requirements (60)5.2C.3Test purpose (60)5.2C.4Method of test (60)5.2C.4.1Initial conditions (60)5.2C.4.2Procedure (60)5.2C.5Test requirements (61)5.2D UE Relative Code Domain Power Accuracy for HS-DPCCH and E-DCH (62)5.2D.1Definition and applicability (62)5.2D.2Minimum Requirements (63)5.2D.3Test purpose (63)5.2D.4Method of test (63)5.2D.4.1Initial conditions (63)5.2D.4.2Procedure (65)5.2D.5Test requirements (66)5.2E UE Relative Code Domain Power Accuracy for HS-DPCCH and E-DCH with 16QAM (66)5.2E.1Definition and applicability (66)5.2E.2Minimum Requirements (67)5.2E.3Test purpose (67)5.2E.4Method of test (67)5.2E.4.1Initial conditions (67)5.2E.4.2Procedure (68)5.2E.5Test requirements (69)5.3Frequency Error (69)5.3.1Definition and applicability (69)5.3.2Minimum Requirements (70)5.3.3Test purpose (70)5.3.4Method of test (70)5.3.5Test Requirements (70)5.4Output Power Dynamics in the Uplink (70)5.4.1Open Loop Power Control in the Uplink (71) and applicability (71) requirements (71) purpose (71) of test (71) requirements (72)5.4.2Inner Loop Power Control in the Uplink (73) and applicability (73) requirements (73) purpose (74) of test (74) requirements (78)5.4.3Minimum Output Power (80) and applicability (80) Requirements (80) purpose (80) of test (80) requirements (81)5.4.4Out-of-synchronisation handling of output power (81) and applicability (81) Requirements (81) purpose (83) of test (83) requirements (84)5.5Transmit ON/OFF Power (84)5.5.1Transmit OFF Power (84) and applicability (84) Requirements (84) requirements (84)5.5.2Transmit ON/OFF Time mask (85) and applicability (85) requirements (85) purpose (87) of test (87) requirements (89)5.6Change of TFC (89)5.6.1Definition and applicability (89)5.6.2Minimum requirements (89)5.6.3Test purpose (91)5.6.4Method of test (91)5.6.5Test requirements (91)5.7Power setting in uplink compressed mode (92)5.7.1Definition and applicability (92)5.7.2Minimum requirements (92)5.7.3Test purpose (94)5.7.4Method of test (94)5.7.5Test requirements (102)5.7A HS-DPCCH power control (104)5.7A.1Definition and applicability (104)5.7A.2Minimum requirement (104)5.7A.3Test purpose (105)5.7A.4Method of test (105)5.7A.5Test requirements (106)5.8Occupied Bandwidth (OBW) (108)5.8.1Definition and applicability (108)5.8.2Minimum Requirements (108)5.8.3Test purpose (108)5.8.4Method of test (108)5.8.5Test Requirements (109)5.9Spectrum emission mask (109)5.9.1Definition and applicability (109)5.9.2Minimum Requirements (109)5.9.3Test purpose (111)5.9.4Method of test (111) conditions (111) (111)5.9.5Test requirements (111)5.9A Spectrum Emission Mask with HS-DPCCH (113)5.9A.1Definition and applicability (113)5.9A.2Minimum Requirements (113)5.9A.3Test purpose (114)5.9A.4Method of test (115)5.9A.4.1Initial conditions (115)5.9A.4.2Procedure (115)5.9A.5Test requirements (115)5.9B Spectrum Emission Mask with E-DCH (117)5.9B.1Definition and applicability (117)5.9B.2Minimum Requirements (117)5.9B.3Test purpose (118)5.9B.4Method of test (118)5.9B.4.1Initial conditions (118)5.9B.4.2Procedure (119)5.9B.5Test requirements (119)5.10Adjacent Channel Leakage Power Ratio (ACLR) (121)5.10.1Definition and applicability (121)5.10.2Minimum Requirements (121)5.10.3Test purpose (121)5.10.4Method of test (121)5.10.5Test requirements (122)5.10A Adjacent Channel Leakage Power Ratio (ACLR) with HS-DPCCH (122)5.10A.1Definition and applicability (122)5.10A.2Minimum Requirements (122)5.10A.3Test purpose (122)5.10A.4Method of test (123)5.10A.5Test requirements (124)5.10B Adjacent Channel Leakage Power Ratio (ACLR) with E-DCH (124)5.10B.1Definition and applicability (124)5.10B.2Minimum Requirements (124)5.10B.3Test purpose (124)5.10B.4Method of test (125)5.10B.5Test requirements (126)5.11Spurious Emissions (126)5.11.1Definition and applicability (126)5.11.2Minimum Requirements (126)5.11.3Test purpose (128)5.11.4Method of test (129)5.11.5Test requirements (129)5.12Transmit Intermodulation (132)5.12.1Definition and applicability (132)5.12.2Minimum Requirements (132)5.12.3Test purpose (132)5.12.4Method of test (132)5.12.5Test requirements (133)5.13Transmit Modulation (133)5.13.1Error Vector Magnitude (EVM) (133) and applicability (133) Requirements (133) purpose (134) of test (134) requirements (134)5.13.1A Error Vector Magnitude (EVM) with HS-DPCCH (134)5.13.1A.1Definition and applicability (134)5.13.1A.2Minimum Requirements (135)5.13.1A.3Test purpose (135)5.13.1A.4Method of test (135)5.13.1A.5Test requirements (137)5.13.1AA Error Vector Magnitude (EVM) and phase discontinuity with HS-DPCCH (137)5.13.1AA.1Definition and applicability (137)5.13.1AA.2Minimum Requirements (137)5.13.1AA.3Test purpose (138)5.13.1AA.4Method of test (138)5.13.1AA.5Test requirements (140)5.13.1AAA EVM and IQ origin offset for HS-DPCCH and E-DCH with 16 QAM (140)5.13.1AAA.1Definition and applicability (140)5.13.1AAA.2Minimum requirement (141)5.13.1AAA.3Test purpose (142)5.13.1AAA.4Method of test (142)5.13.1AAA.5Test requirements (143)5.13.2 Peak code domain error (144) and applicability (144) Requirements (144) purpose (144) of test (144) requirements (145)5.13.2A Relative Code Domain Error with HS-DPCCH (145)5.13.2A.1Definition and applicability (145)5.13.2A.2Minimum Requirements (145)5.13.2A.3Test purpose (146)5.13.2A.4Method of test (146)5.13.2B Relative Code Domain Error with HS-DPCCH and E-DCH (148)5.13.2B.3Test purpose (149)5.13.2B.4Method of test (149)5.13.2B.5Test requirements (151)5.13.2C Relative Code Domain Error for HS-DPCCH and E-DCH with 16QAM (152)5.13.2C.1Definition and applicability (152)5.13.2C.2Minimum Requirements (153)5.13.2C.3Test purpose (154)5.13.2C.4Method of test (154)5.13.2C.5Test requirements (155)5.13.3UE phase discontinuity (157) and applicability (157) requirements (157) purpose (158) of test (158) requirements (159)5.13.4PRACH preamble quality (160) and applicability (160) requirements (160) purpose (160) of test (160) requirements (161)6Receiver Characteristics (162)6.1General (162)6.2Reference Sensitivity Level (163)6.2.1Definition and applicability (163)6.2.2Minimum Requirements (163)6.2.3Test purpose (163)6.2.4Method of test (163)6.2.5Test requirements (164)6.2A Reference Sensitivity Level for DC-HSDPA (164)6.2A.1Definition and applicability (164)6.2A.2Minimum Requirements (164)6.2A.3Test purpose (165)6.2A.4Method of test (165)6.2A.5Test requirements (166)6.3Maximum Input Level (166)6.3.1Definition and applicability (166)6.3.2Minimum requirements (166)6.3.3Test purpose (166)6.3.4Method of test (166)6.3.5Test requirements (167)6.3A Maximum Input Level for HS-PDSCH Reception (16QAM) (168)6.3A.1Definition and applicability (168)6.3A.2Minimum requirements (168)6.3A.3Test purpose (168)6.3A.4Method of test (168)6.3A.5Test requirements (169)6.3B Maximum Input Level for HS-PDSCH Reception (64QAM) (169)6.3B.1Definition and applicability (169)6.3B.2Minimum requirements (169)6.3B.3Test purpose (170)6.3B.4Method of test (170)6.3B.5Test requirements (172)6.3C Maximum Input Level for DC-HSDPA Reception (16QAM) (172)6.3C.1Definition and applicability (172)6.3C.2Minimum requirements (172)6.3C.3Test purpose (173)6.3C.4Method of test (173)6.3C.5Test requirements (173)6.3D.2Minimum requirements (174)6.3D.3Test purpose (175)6.3D.4Method of test (175)6.3D.5Test requirements (175)6.4Adjacent Channel Selectivity (ACS) (Rel-99 and Rel-4) (176)6.4.1Definition and applicability (176)6.4.2Minimum Requirements (176)6.4.3Test purpose (176)6.4.4Method of test (176)6.4.5Test requirements (177)6.4A Adjacent Channel Selectivity (ACS) (Rel-5 and later releases) (177)6.4A.1Definition and applicability (177)6.4A.2Minimum Requirements (177)6.4A.3Test purpose (178)6.4A.4Method of test (178)6.4A.5Test requirements (178)6.4B Adjacent Channel Selectivity (ACS) for DC-HSDPA (179)6.4B.1Definition and applicability (179)6.4B.2Minimum Requirements (179)6.4B.3Test purpose (180)6.4B.4Method of test (180)6.4B.5Test requirements (180)6.5Blocking Characteristics (181)6.5.1Definition and applicability (181)6.5.2Minimum Requirements (181) Requirements (In-band blocking) (181) requirements (Out of-band blocking) (182) requirements (Narrow band blocking) (185)6.5.3Test purpose (185)6.5.4Method of test (185)6.5.5Test requirements (186)6.5A Blocking Characteristics for DC-HSDPA (189)6.5A.1Definition and applicability (189)6.5A.2Minimum Requirements (190)6.5A.2.1Minimum Requirements (In-band blocking) (190)6.5A.2.2Minimum requirements (Out of-band blocking) (191)6.5A.2.3Minimum requirements (Narrow band blocking) (193)6.5A.3Test purpose (193)6.5A.4Method of test (193)6.5A.5Test requirements (194)6.6Spurious Response (197)6.6.1Definition and applicability (197)6.6.2Minimum Requirements (197)6.6.3Test purpose (198)6.6.4Method of test (198)6.6.5Test requirements (198)6.6A Spurious Response for DC-HSDPA (199)6.6A.1Definition and applicability (199)6.6A.2Minimum Requirements (199)6.6A.3Test purpose (199)6.6A.4Method of test (200)6.6A.5Test requirements (200)6.7Intermodulation Characteristics (200)6.7.1Definition and applicability (200)6.7.2Minimum Requirements (201)6.7.3Test purpose (201)6.7.4Method of test (202)6.7.5Test requirements (202)6.7A Intermodulation Characteristics for DC-HSDPA (203)6.7A.1Definition and applicability (203)6.7A.2Minimum Requirements (203)6.7A.3Test purpose (204)6.7A.4Method of test (204)6.7A.5Test requirements (205)6.8Spurious Emissions (206)6.8.1Definition and applicability (206)6.8.2Minimum Requirements (206)6.8.3Test purpose (208)6.8.4Method of test (209)6.8.5Test requirements (209)7Performance requirements (214)7.1General (214)7.1.1Measurement Configurations (214)7.1.2Definition of Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) Interferer (214)7.2Demodulation in Static Propagation conditions (215)7.2.1Demodulation of Dedicated Channel (DCH) (215) and applicability (215) requirements (215) purpose (215) of test (215) requirements (216)7.3Demodulation of DCH in Multi-path Fading Propagation conditions (216)7.3.1Single Link Performance (216) and applicability (216) requirements (217) purpose (219) of test (219) requirements (219)7.4Demodulation of DCH in Moving Propagation conditions (222)7.4.1Single Link Performance (222) and applicability (222) requirements (222) purpose (223) of test (223) requirements (223)7.5Demodulation of DCH in Birth-Death Propagation conditions (224)7.5.1Single Link Performance (224) and applicability (224) requirements (224) purpose (224) of test (224) requirements (225)7.5A Demodulation of DCH in high speed train condition (225)7.5A.1Single Link Performance (225)7.5A.1.1Definition and applicability (225)7.5A.1.2Minimum requirement (225)7.5A.1.3Test purpose (226)7.5A.1.4Method of test (226)7.5A.1.5Test requirements (226)7.6Demodulation of DCH in downlink Transmit diversity modes (227)7.6.1Demodulation of DCH in open-loop transmit diversity mode (227) and applicability (227) requirements (227) purpose (227) of test (227) Requirements (228)7.6.2Demodulation of DCH in closed loop transmit diversity mode (229) and applicability (229) requirements (229) purpose (230) of test (230) Requirements (231)7.6.3Demodulation of DCH in Site Selection Diversity Transmission Power Control mode (232) and applicability (232) requirements (232) purpose (233) of test (233) Requirements (236)7.7Demodulation in Handover conditions (237)7.7.1Demodulation of DCH in Inter-Cell Soft Handover (Release 5 and earlier) (237) and applicability (237) requirements (237) purpose (238) of test (238) requirements (238)7.7.1A Demodulation of DCH in Inter-Cell Soft Handover (Release 6 and later) (239)7.7.1A.1Definition and applicability (239)7.7.1A.2Minimum requirements (239)7.7.1A.3Test purpose (240)7.7.1A.4Method of test (240)7.7.1A.5Test requirements (240)7.7.2Combining of TPC commands from radio links of different radio link sets (241) and applicability (241) requirements (241) purpose (242) of test (242) requirements (243)7.7.3Combining of reliable TPC commands from radio links of different radio link sets (244) and applicability (244) requirements (244) purpose (245) of test (245) 1 Initial conditions (245) 1 Procedures (245) 2 Initial conditions (245) 2 Procedures (246) requirements (246)7.8Power control in downlink (247)7.8.1Power control in the downlink, constant BLER target (Release 5 and earlier) (247) and applicability (247) requirements (248) purpose (248) of test (248) Requirements (249)7.8.1A Power control in the downlink, constant BLER target (Release 6 and later) (250)7.8.1A.1Definition and applicability (250)7.8.1A.2Minimum requirements (250)7.8.1A.3Test purpose (250)7.8.1A.4Method of test (250)7.8.1A.5Test Requirements (251)7.8.2Power control in the downlink, initial convergence (252) and applicability (252) requirements (252) purpose (252) of test (252) Requirements (253)7.8.3Power control in the downlink, wind up effects (Release 5 and earlier) (254) and applicability (254) requirements (255) purpose (255) of test (255) Requirements (256)7.8.3A Power control in the downlink, wind up effects (Release 6 and later) (257)7.8.3A.1Definition and applicability (257)7.8.3A.2Minimum requirements (257)7.8.3A.3Test purpose (257)7.8.3A.4Method of test (258)7.8.4Power control in the downlink, different transport formats (259) and applicability (259) requirements (259) purpose (260) of test (260) Requirements (260)7.8.5Power control in the downlink for F-DPCH (262) and applicability (262) requirements (262) purpose (262) of test (262) Requirements (265)7.9Downlink compressed mode (265)7.9.1Single link performance (Release 5 and earlier) (265) and applicability (265) requirements (266) purpose (266) of test (266) requirements (267)7.9.1A Single link performance (Release 6 and later) (268)7.9.1A.1Definition and applicability (268)7.9.1A.2Minimum requirements (268)7.9.1A.3Test purpose (269)7.9.1A.4Method of test (269)7.9.1A.5Test requirements (270)7.10Blind transport format detection (271)7.10.1Definition and applicability (271)7.10.2Minimum requirements (271)7.10.3Test purpose (271)7.10.4Method of test (272)7.10.5Test requirements (272)7.11Demodulation of Paging Channel (PCH) (273)7.11.1Definition and applicability (273)7.11.2Minimum requirements (273)7.11.3Test purpose (273)7.11.4Method of test (274)7.11.5Test requirements (276)7.12Detection of Acquisition Indicator (AI) (276)7.12.1Definition and applicability (276)7.12.2Minimum requirements (277)7.12.3Test purpose (277)7.12.4Method of test (277)7.12.5Test requirements (279)7.13UE UL power control operation with discontinuous UL DPCCH transmission operation (279)7.13.1Definition and applicability (279)7.13.2Minimum requirement (279)7.13.3Test purpose (280)7.13.4Method of test (280) conditions (280) (281)7.13.5.Test Requirements (283)8Requirements for support of RRM (284)8.1General (284)8.1.1Definition of Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) Interferer (284)8.2Idle Mode Tasks (284)8.2.1Cell Selection (284)8.2.2Cell Re-Selection (284) 1: Single carrier case (284) and applicability (284) requirement (285) purpose (285) of test (285) requirements (287) 2: Multi carrier case (288) and applicability (288) requirement (288) purpose (288) of test (288) requirements (291)8.2.3UTRAN to GSM Cell Re-Selection (293) 1: Both UTRA and GSM level changed (293) and applicability (293) requirement (293) purpose (293) of test (293) requirements (295) 2: Only UTRA level changed (295) and applicability (295) requirement (296) purpose (296) of test (296) requirements (298) 3: HCS with only UTRA level changed (298) and applicability (298) requirement (299) purpose (299) of test (299) requirements (302)8.2.4FDD/TDD Cell Re-selection (303) and applicability (303) 3.84 Mcps TDD Option (303) 1.28 Mcps TDD Option (303) requirement (303) purpose (303) of test (303) conditions (303) 3.84 Mcps TDD Option (303) 1.28Mcps TDD Option (305) (306) requirements (307)8.2.5UTRAN to E-UTRA Cell Re-Selection (307) is of higher priority (307) and applicability (307) requirement (307) purpose (307) of test (307) requirements (310) is of lower priority (311) and applicability (311) requirement (311) purpose (311) of test (312) requirements (314)8.3UTRAN Connected Mode Mobility (315)8.3.1FDD/FDD Soft Handover (315) and applicability (315) requirement (315) purpose (315) of test (316) requirements (322)8.3.2FDD/FDD Hard Handover (323) Hard Handover to intra-frequency cell (323) and applicability (323) requirement (323) purpose (324) of test (324) requirements (331) Hard Handover to inter-frequency cell (332) and applicability (332) requirement (332) purpose (333) of test (333) requirements (339)8.3.3FDD/TDD Handover (340) and applicability (340) requirement (340) purpose (340) of test (340) requirements (345)8.3.4Inter-system Handover from UTRAN FDD to GSM (346) and applicability (346) requirement (346) purpose (346) of test (346) requirements (355)8.3.4a Inter-system Handover from UTRAN FDD to E-UTRAN FDD (355)8.3.4a.1Definition and applicability (355)8.3.4a.2Minimum requirement (355)8.3.4a.3Test purpose (356)8.3.4a.4Method of test (356)8.3.4a.5Test requirements (359)8.3.4b Inter-system Handover from UTRAN FDD to E-UTRAN TDD (359)8.3.4b.1Definition and applicability (360)8.3.4b.2Minimum requirement (360)8.3.4b.3Test purpose (360)8.3.4b.4Method of test (360)8.3.4b.4.1 Initial conditions (360)8.3.4b.4.2 Procedure 3638.3.4b.5Test requirements (367)8.3.5Cell Re-selection in CELL_FACH (367) frequency present in neighbour list (367) and applicability (367) requirements (367) purpose (368) of test (368) requirements (370) frequencies present in the neighbour list (371) and applicability (371) requirements (371) purpose (372) of test (372) requirements (375) Reselection to GSM (375) and applicability (375) requirements (375) purpose (376) of test (376) requirements (378) Reselection during an MBMS session, one frequency present in neighbour list (379) and applicability (379) requirements (379)Contents of System Information Block type 5 (FDD) (384) requirements (385)8.3.6Cell Re-selection in CELL_PCH (386) frequency present in the neighbour list (386) and applicability (386) requirements (386) purpose (386) of test (386) requirements (389) frequencies present in the neighbour list (389) and applicability (389) requirement (390) purpose (390) of test (390) requirements (394) re-selection during an MBMS session, one UTRAN inter-frequency and 2 GSM cellspresent in the neighbour list (395) and applicability (395) requirement (395) purpose (395) of test (395) requirements (399)8.3.7Cell Re-selection in URA_PCH (401) frequency present in the neighbour list (401) and applicability (401) requirement (401) purpose (401) of test (401) requirements (405) frequencies present in the neighbour list (405) and applicability (405) requirement (405) purpose (406) of test (406) requirements (409)8.3.8Serving HS-DSCH cell change (409) and applicability (409) requirement (410) purpose (410) of test (410) conditions (413) (413) requirements (424)8.4RRC Connection Control (426)8.4.1RRC Re-establishment delay (426) 1 (426) and applicability (426) requirement (426) purpose (427) of test (427) requirements (429) 2 (429) and applicability (429) requirement (429) purpose (430) of test (430) requirements (432)8.4.2Random Access (432) behaviour when receiving an ACK (Release 5 and earlier) (432) and applicability (432)。
