1.2.1 无操作系统的计算机系统
1. 人工操作方式
从第一台计算机诞生 (1945 年 ) 到50 年代中 期的计算机,属于第一代,这时还未出现 OS。 计算机操作是由用户采用人工操作方式直接 使用计算机硬件系统,即由程序员将事先已 穿孔(对应于程序和数据 ) 的纸带( 或卡片) 装 入纸带输入机 ( 或卡片输入机 ),再启动它们 将程序和数据输入计算机, 然后启动计算机 运行。当程序运行完毕并取走计算结果后, 才让下一个用户上机。
3. 脱机输入/输出方式 (Off—Line I/O)
在采用脱机输入输出方式时,程序和数据的输入输出都 是在外围计算机的控制下完成的,即它们是脱离主机进行的, 故称之为脱机输入输出操作。
脱机I/O (1)减少了CPU的空闲时间。 (2) 提高I/O速度。
图 1-2 脱机I/O示意图
图 1-3 单道批处理系统的处理流程
2. 单道批处理系统的特征
单道批处理系统是最早出现的一种 OS,严格地说,它只能算作是OS的前身而 并非是现在人们所理解的 OS 。 该系统的
(1) 自动性
(2) 顺序性
(3) 单道性
1.2.3 多道批处理系统
(multiprogrammed batch processing system)
世 界 上 第 一 台 计 算 机 内 部 工 作 情 况
特点: • 用户独占全机(独占性) • CPU等待人工操作(串行性) 缺点:
• 计算机的有效机时严重浪费
• 效率低
计算机软件操作技巧大全集Chapter 1: 文件管理技巧计算机软件中,文件管理是日常操作中的重要部分。
1.1 创建和删除文件夹在文件管理中,合理的文件夹组织结构可以帮助我们更好地管理文件。
1.2 文件夹的重命名与复制当需要重命名文件夹时,选中该文件夹并点击右键,选择“重命名”,然后输入新的名字即可。
1.3 快速搜索文件当文件数量过多时,可以通过搜索功能来快速定位所需文件。
Chapter 2: 文本编辑技巧文本编辑是计算机操作中常用的技能。
2.1 快速选择文本在文本中使用鼠标可以进行快速选择。
2.2 剪切、复制和粘贴剪切文本可以通过选中所需文本后按Ctrl+X来实现,复制文本可以通过Ctrl+C来完成。
2.3 查找和替换文本在文本编辑器中,按Ctrl+F可以打开查找窗口,输入所需查找的文本后,点击“下一个”按钮可以定位到下一个匹配文本所在位置。
Chapter 3: 网络使用技巧互联网的普及使得网络使用成为我们生活中必不可少的一部分。
3.1 使用搜索引擎搜索引擎是我们获取信息的主要工具,善于使用搜索引擎可以提高信息查找的效率。
MODERNOPERATINGSYSTEMSTHIRD EDITION PROBLEM SOLUTIONSANDREW S.TANENBAUMVrije UniversiteitAmsterdam,The NetherlandsPRENTICE HALLUPPER SADDLE RIVER,NJ07458Copyright Pearson Education,Inc.2008SOLUTIONS TO CHAPTER1PROBLEMS1.Multiprogramming is the rapid switching of the CPU between multiple proc-esses in memory.It is commonly used to keep the CPU busy while one or more processes are doing I/O.2.Input spooling is the technique of reading in jobs,for example,from cards,onto the disk,so that when the currently executing processes arefinished, there will be work waiting for the CPU.Output spooling consists offirst copying printablefiles to disk before printing them,rather than printing di-rectly as the output is generated.Input spooling on a personal computer is not very likely,but output spooling is.3.The prime reason for multiprogramming is to give the CPU something to dowhile waiting for I/O to complete.If there is no DMA,the CPU is fully occu-pied doing I/O,so there is nothing to be gained(at least in terms of CPU utili-zation)by multiprogramming.No matter how much I/O a program does,the CPU will be100%busy.This of course assumes the major delay is the wait while data are copied.A CPU could do other work if the I/O were slow for other reasons(arriving on a serial line,for instance).4.It is still alive.For example,Intel makes Pentium I,II,and III,and4CPUswith a variety of different properties including speed and power consumption.All of these machines are architecturally compatible.They differ only in price and performance,which is the essence of the family idea.5.A25×80character monochrome text screen requires a2000-byte buffer.The1024×768pixel24-bit color bitmap requires2,359,296bytes.In1980these two options would have cost$10and$11,520,respectively.For current prices,check on how much RAM currently costs,probably less than$1/MB.6.Consider fairness and real time.Fairness requires that each process be allo-cated its resources in a fair way,with no process getting more than its fair share.On the other hand,real time requires that resources be allocated based on the times when different processes must complete their execution.A real-time process may get a disproportionate share of the resources.7.Choices(a),(c),and(d)should be restricted to kernel mode.8.It may take20,25or30msec to complete the execution of these programsdepending on how the operating system schedules them.If P0and P1are scheduled on the same CPU and P2is scheduled on the other CPU,it will take20mses.If P0and P2are scheduled on the same CPU and P1is scheduled on the other CPU,it will take25msec.If P1and P2are scheduled on the same CPU and P0is scheduled on the other CPU,it will take30msec.If all three are on the same CPU,it will take35msec.2PROBLEM SOLUTIONS FOR CHAPTER19.Every nanosecond one instruction emerges from the pipeline.This means themachine is executing1billion instructions per second.It does not matter at all how many stages the pipeline has.A10-stage pipeline with1nsec per stage would also execute1billion instructions per second.All that matters is how often afinished instruction pops out the end of the pipeline.10.Average access time=0.95×2nsec(word is cache)+0.05×0.99×10nsec(word is in RAM,but not in cache)+0.05×0.01×10,000,000nsec(word on disk only)=5002.395nsec=5.002395μsec11.The manuscript contains80×50×700=2.8million characters.This is,ofcourse,impossible tofit into the registers of any currently available CPU and is too big for a1-MB cache,but if such hardware were available,the manuscript could be scanned in2.8msec from the registers or5.8msec from the cache.There are approximately27001024-byte blocks of data,so scan-ning from the disk would require about27seconds,and from tape2minutes7 seconds.Of course,these times are just to read the data.Processing and rewriting the data would increase the time.12.Maybe.If the caller gets control back and immediately overwrites the data,when the writefinally occurs,the wrong data will be written.However,if the driverfirst copies the data to a private buffer before returning,then the caller can be allowed to continue immediately.Another possibility is to allow the caller to continue and give it a signal when the buffer may be reused,but this is tricky and error prone.13.A trap instruction switches the execution mode of a CPU from the user modeto the kernel mode.This instruction allows a user program to invoke func-tions in the operating system kernel.14.A trap is caused by the program and is synchronous with it.If the program isrun again and again,the trap will always occur at exactly the same position in the instruction stream.An interrupt is caused by an external event and its timing is not reproducible.15.The process table is needed to store the state of a process that is currentlysuspended,either ready or blocked.It is not needed in a single process sys-tem because the single process is never suspended.16.Mounting afile system makes anyfiles already in the mount point directoryinaccessible,so mount points are normally empty.However,a system admin-istrator might want to copy some of the most importantfiles normally located in the mounted directory to the mount point so they could be found in their normal path in an emergency when the mounted device was being repaired.PROBLEM SOLUTIONS FOR CHAPTER13 17.A system call allows a user process to access and execute operating systemfunctions inside the er programs use system calls to invoke operat-ing system services.18.Fork can fail if there are no free slots left in the process table(and possibly ifthere is no memory or swap space left).Exec can fail if thefile name given does not exist or is not a valid executablefile.Unlink can fail if thefile to be unlinked does not exist or the calling process does not have the authority to unlink it.19.If the call fails,for example because fd is incorrect,it can return−1.It canalso fail because the disk is full and it is not possible to write the number of bytes requested.On a correct termination,it always returns nbytes.20.It contains the bytes:1,5,9,2.21.Time to retrieve thefile=1*50ms(Time to move the arm over track#50)+5ms(Time for thefirst sector to rotate under the head)+10/100*1000ms(Read10MB)=155ms22.Block specialfiles consist of numbered blocks,each of which can be read orwritten independently of all the other ones.It is possible to seek to any block and start reading or writing.This is not possible with character specialfiles.23.System calls do not really have names,other than in a documentation sense.When the library procedure read traps to the kernel,it puts the number of the system call in a register or on the stack.This number is used to index into a table.There is really no name used anywhere.On the other hand,the name of the library procedure is very important,since that is what appears in the program.24.Yes it can,especially if the kernel is a message-passing system.25.As far as program logic is concerned it does not matter whether a call to a li-brary procedure results in a system call.But if performance is an issue,if a task can be accomplished without a system call the program will run faster.Every system call involves overhead time in switching from the user context to the kernel context.Furthermore,on a multiuser system the operating sys-tem may schedule another process to run when a system call completes, further slowing the progress in real time of a calling process.26.Several UNIX calls have no counterpart in the Win32API:Link:a Win32program cannot refer to afile by an alternative name or see it in more than one directory.Also,attempting to create a link is a convenient way to test for and create a lock on afile.4PROBLEM SOLUTIONS FOR CHAPTER1Mount and umount:a Windows program cannot make assumptions about standard path names because on systems with multiple disk drives the drive name part of the path may be different.Chmod:Windows uses access control listsKill:Windows programmers cannot kill a misbehaving program that is not cooperating.27.Every system architecture has its own set of instructions that it can execute.Thus a Pentium cannot execute SPARC programs and a SPARC cannot exe-cute Pentium programs.Also,different architectures differ in bus architecture used(such as VME,ISA,PCI,MCA,SBus,...)as well as the word size of the CPU(usually32or64bit).Because of these differences in hardware,it is not feasible to build an operating system that is completely portable.A highly portable operating system will consist of two high-level layers---a machine-dependent layer and a machine independent layer.The machine-dependent layer addresses the specifics of the hardware,and must be implemented sepa-rately for every architecture.This layer provides a uniform interface on which the machine-independent layer is built.The machine-independent layer has to be implemented only once.To be highly portable,the size of the machine-dependent layer must be kept as small as possible.28.Separation of policy and mechanism allows OS designers to implement asmall number of basic primitives in the kernel.These primitives are sim-plified,because they are not dependent of any specific policy.They can then be used to implement more complex mechanisms and policies at the user level.29.The conversions are straightforward:(a)A micro year is10−6×365×24×3600=31.536sec.(b)1000meters or1km.(c)There are240bytes,which is1,099,511,627,776bytes.(d)It is6×1024kg.SOLUTIONS TO CHAPTER2PROBLEMS1.The transition from blocked to running is conceivable.Suppose that a processis blocked on I/O and the I/Ofinishes.If the CPU is otherwise idle,the proc-ess could go directly from blocked to running.The other missing transition, from ready to blocked,is impossible.A ready process cannot do I/O or any-thing else that might block it.Only a running process can block.PROBLEM SOLUTIONS FOR CHAPTER25 2.You could have a register containing a pointer to the current process tableentry.When I/O completed,the CPU would store the current machine state in the current process table entry.Then it would go to the interrupt vector for the interrupting device and fetch a pointer to another process table entry(the ser-vice procedure).This process would then be started up.3.Generally,high-level languages do not allow the kind of access to CPU hard-ware that is required.For instance,an interrupt handler may be required to enable and disable the interrupt servicing a particular device,or to manipulate data within a process’stack area.Also,interrupt service routines must exe-cute as rapidly as possible.4.There are several reasons for using a separate stack for the kernel.Two ofthem are as follows.First,you do not want the operating system to crash be-cause a poorly written user program does not allow for enough stack space.Second,if the kernel leaves stack data in a user program’s memory space upon return from a system call,a malicious user might be able to use this data tofind out information about other processes.5.If each job has50%I/O wait,then it will take20minutes to complete in theabsence of competition.If run sequentially,the second one willfinish40 minutes after thefirst one starts.With two jobs,the approximate CPU utiliza-tion is1−0.52.Thus each one gets0.375CPU minute per minute of real time.To accumulate10minutes of CPU time,a job must run for10/0.375 minutes,or about26.67minutes.Thus running sequentially the jobsfinish after40minutes,but running in parallel theyfinish after26.67minutes.6.It would be difficult,if not impossible,to keep thefile system consistent.Sup-pose that a client process sends a request to server process1to update afile.This process updates the cache entry in its memory.Shortly thereafter,anoth-er client process sends a request to server2to read thatfile.Unfortunately,if thefile is also cached there,server2,in its innocence,will return obsolete data.If thefirst process writes thefile through to the disk after caching it, and server2checks the disk on every read to see if its cached copy is up-to-date,the system can be made to work,but it is precisely all these disk ac-cesses that the caching system is trying to avoid.7.No.If a single-threaded process is blocked on the keyboard,it cannot fork.8.A worker thread will block when it has to read a Web page from the disk.Ifuser-level threads are being used,this action will block the entire process, destroying the value of multithreading.Thus it is essential that kernel threads are used to permit some threads to block without affecting the others.9.Yes.If the server is entirely CPU bound,there is no need to have multiplethreads.It just adds unnecessary complexity.As an example,consider a tele-phone directory assistance number(like555-1212)for an area with1million6PROBLEM SOLUTIONS FOR CHAPTER2people.If each(name,telephone number)record is,say,64characters,the entire database takes64megabytes,and can easily be kept in the server’s memory to provide fast lookup.10.When a thread is stopped,it has values in the registers.They must be saved,just as when the process is stopped the registers must be saved.Multipro-gramming threads is no different than multiprogramming processes,so each thread needs its own register save area.11.Threads in a process cooperate.They are not hostile to one another.If yield-ing is needed for the good of the application,then a thread will yield.After all,it is usually the same programmer who writes the code for all of them. er-level threads cannot be preempted by the clock unless the whole proc-ess’quantum has been used up.Kernel-level threads can be preempted indivi-dually.In the latter case,if a thread runs too long,the clock will interrupt the current process and thus the current thread.The kernel is free to pick a dif-ferent thread from the same process to run next if it so desires.13.In the single-threaded case,the cache hits take15msec and cache misses take90msec.The weighted average is2/3×15+1/3×90.Thus the mean re-quest takes40msec and the server can do25per second.For a multithreaded server,all the waiting for the disk is overlapped,so every request takes15 msec,and the server can handle662/3requests per second.14.The biggest advantage is the efficiency.No traps to the kernel are needed toswitch threads.The biggest disadvantage is that if one thread blocks,the en-tire process blocks.15.Yes,it can be done.After each call to pthread create,the main programcould do a pthread join to wait until the thread just created has exited before creating the next thread.16.The pointers are really necessary because the size of the global variable isunknown.It could be anything from a character to an array offloating-point numbers.If the value were stored,one would have to give the size to create global,which is all right,but what type should the second parameter of set global be,and what type should the value of read global be?17.It could happen that the runtime system is precisely at the point of blocking orunblocking a thread,and is busy manipulating the scheduling queues.This would be a very inopportune moment for the clock interrupt handler to begin inspecting those queues to see if it was time to do thread switching,since they might be in an inconsistent state.One solution is to set aflag when the run-time system is entered.The clock handler would see this and set its ownflag, then return.When the runtime systemfinished,it would check the clockflag, see that a clock interrupt occurred,and now run the clock handler.PROBLEM SOLUTIONS FOR CHAPTER27 18.Yes it is possible,but inefficient.A thread wanting to do a system callfirstsets an alarm timer,then does the call.If the call blocks,the timer returns control to the threads package.Of course,most of the time the call will not block,and the timer has to be cleared.Thus each system call that might block has to be executed as three system calls.If timers go off prematurely,all kinds of problems can develop.This is not an attractive way to build a threads package.19.The priority inversion problem occurs when a low-priority process is in itscritical region and suddenly a high-priority process becomes ready and is scheduled.If it uses busy waiting,it will run forever.With user-level threads,it cannot happen that a low-priority thread is suddenly preempted to allow a high-priority thread run.There is no preemption.With kernel-level threads this problem can arise.20.With round-robin scheduling it works.Sooner or later L will run,and eventu-ally it will leave its critical region.The point is,with priority scheduling,L never gets to run at all;with round robin,it gets a normal time slice periodi-cally,so it has the chance to leave its critical region.21.Each thread calls procedures on its own,so it must have its own stack for thelocal variables,return addresses,and so on.This is equally true for user-level threads as for kernel-level threads.22.Yes.The simulated computer could be multiprogrammed.For example,while process A is running,it reads out some shared variable.Then a simula-ted clock tick happens and process B runs.It also reads out the same vari-able.Then it adds1to the variable.When process A runs,if it also adds one to the variable,we have a race condition.23.Yes,it still works,but it still is busy waiting,of course.24.It certainly works with preemptive scheduling.In fact,it was designed forthat case.When scheduling is nonpreemptive,it might fail.Consider the case in which turn is initially0but process1runsfirst.It will just loop forever and never release the CPU.25.To do a semaphore operation,the operating systemfirst disables interrupts.Then it reads the value of the semaphore.If it is doing a down and the sema-phore is equal to zero,it puts the calling process on a list of blocked processes associated with the semaphore.If it is doing an up,it must check to see if any processes are blocked on the semaphore.If one or more processes are block-ed,one of them is removed from the list of blocked processes and made run-nable.When all these operations have been completed,interrupts can be enabled again.8PROBLEM SOLUTIONS FOR CHAPTER226.Associated with each counting semaphore are two binary semaphores,M,used for mutual exclusion,and B,used for blocking.Also associated with each counting semaphore is a counter that holds the number of up s minus the number of down s,and a list of processes blocked on that semaphore.To im-plement down,a processfirst gains exclusive access to the semaphores, counter,and list by doing a down on M.It then decrements the counter.If it is zero or more,it just does an up on M and exits.If M is negative,the proc-ess is put on the list of blocked processes.Then an up is done on M and a down is done on B to block the process.To implement up,first M is down ed to get mutual exclusion,and then the counter is incremented.If it is more than zero,no one was blocked,so all that needs to be done is to up M.If, however,the counter is now negative or zero,some process must be removed from the list.Finally,an up is done on B and M in that order.27.If the program operates in phases and neither process may enter the nextphase until both arefinished with the current phase,it makes perfect sense to use a barrier.28.With kernel threads,a thread can block on a semaphore and the kernel canrun some other thread in the same process.Consequently,there is no problem using semaphores.With user-level threads,when one thread blocks on a semaphore,the kernel thinks the entire process is blocked and does not run it ever again.Consequently,the process fails.29.It is very expensive to implement.Each time any variable that appears in apredicate on which some process is waiting changes,the run-time system must re-evaluate the predicate to see if the process can be unblocked.With the Hoare and Brinch Hansen monitors,processes can only be awakened on a signal primitive.30.The employees communicate by passing messages:orders,food,and bags inthis case.In UNIX terms,the four processes are connected by pipes.31.It does not lead to race conditions(nothing is ever lost),but it is effectivelybusy waiting.32.It will take nT sec.33.In simple cases it may be possible to determine whether I/O will be limitingby looking at source code.For instance a program that reads all its inputfiles into buffers at the start will probably not be I/O bound,but a problem that reads and writes incrementally to a number of differentfiles(such as a compi-ler)is likely to be I/O bound.If the operating system provides a facility such as the UNIX ps command that can tell you the amount of CPU time used by a program,you can compare this with the total time to complete execution of the program.This is,of course,most meaningful on a system where you are the only user.34.For multiple processes in a pipeline,the common parent could pass to the op-erating system information about the flow of data.With this information the OS could,for instance,determine which process could supply output to a process blocking on a call for input.35.The CPU efficiency is the useful CPU time divided by the total CPU time.When Q ≥T ,the basic cycle is for the process to run for T and undergo a process switch for S .Thus (a)and (b)have an efficiency of T /(S +T ).When the quantum is shorter than T ,each run of T will require T /Q process switches,wasting a time ST /Q .The efficiency here is thenT +ST /QT which reduces to Q /(Q +S ),which is the answer to (c).For (d),we just sub-stitute Q for S and find that the efficiency is 50%.Finally,for (e),as Q →0the efficiency goes to 0.36.Shortest job first is the way to minimize average response time.0<X ≤3:X ,3,5,6,9.3<X ≤5:3,X ,5,6,9.5<X ≤6:3,5,X ,6,9.6<X ≤9:3,5,6,X ,9.X >9:3,5,6,9,X.37.For round robin,during the first 10minutes each job gets 1/5of the CPU.Atthe end of 10minutes,C finishes.During the next 8minutes,each job gets 1/4of the CPU,after which time D finishes.Then each of the three remaining jobs gets 1/3of the CPU for 6minutes,until B finishes,and so on.The fin-ishing times for the five jobs are 10,18,24,28,and 30,for an average of 22minutes.For priority scheduling,B is run first.After 6minutes it is finished.The other jobs finish at 14,24,26,and 30,for an average of 18.8minutes.If the jobs run in the order A through E ,they finish at 10,16,18,22,and 30,for an average of 19.2minutes.Finally,shortest job first yields finishing times of 2,6,12,20,and 30,for an average of 14minutes.38.The first time it gets 1quantum.On succeeding runs it gets 2,4,8,and 15,soit must be swapped in 5times.39.A check could be made to see if the program was expecting input and didanything with it.A program that was not expecting input and did not process it would not get any special priority boost.40.The sequence of predictions is 40,30,35,and now 25.41.The fraction of the CPU used is35/50+20/100+10/200+x/250.To beschedulable,this must be less than1.Thus x must be less than12.5msec. 42.Two-level scheduling is needed when memory is too small to hold all theready processes.Some set of them is put into memory,and a choice is made from that set.From time to time,the set of in-core processes is adjusted.This algorithm is easy to implement and reasonably efficient,certainly a lot better than,say,round robin without regard to whether a process was in memory or not.43.Each voice call runs200times/second and uses up1msec per burst,so eachvoice call needs200msec per second or400msec for the two of them.The video runs25times a second and uses up20msec each time,for a total of 500msec per second.Together they consume900msec per second,so there is time left over and the system is schedulable.44.The kernel could schedule processes by any means it wishes,but within eachprocess it runs threads strictly in priority order.By letting the user process set the priority of its own threads,the user controls the policy but the kernel handles the mechanism.45.The change would mean that after a philosopher stopped eating,neither of hisneighbors could be chosen next.In fact,they would never be chosen.Sup-pose that philosopher2finished eating.He would run test for philosophers1 and3,and neither would be started,even though both were hungry and both forks were available.Similarly,if philosopher4finished eating,philosopher3 would not be started.Nothing would start him.46.If a philosopher blocks,neighbors can later see that she is hungry by checkinghis state,in test,so he can be awakened when the forks are available.47.Variation1:readers have priority.No writer may start when a reader is ac-tive.When a new reader appears,it may start immediately unless a writer is currently active.When a writerfinishes,if readers are waiting,they are all started,regardless of the presence of waiting writers.Variation2:Writers have priority.No reader may start when a writer is waiting.When the last ac-tive processfinishes,a writer is started,if there is one;otherwise,all the readers(if any)are started.Variation3:symmetric version.When a reader is active,new readers may start immediately.When a writerfinishes,a new writer has priority,if one is waiting.In other words,once we have started reading,we keep reading until there are no readers left.Similarly,once we have started writing,all pending writers are allowed to run.48.A possible shell script might beif[!–f numbers];then echo0>numbers;ficount=0while(test$count!=200)docount=‘expr$count+1‘n=‘tail–1numbers‘expr$n+1>>numbersdoneRun the script twice simultaneously,by starting it once in the background (using&)and again in the foreground.Then examine thefile numbers.It will probably start out looking like an orderly list of numbers,but at some point it will lose its orderliness,due to the race condition created by running two cop-ies of the script.The race can be avoided by having each copy of the script test for and set a lock on thefile before entering the critical area,and unlock-ing it upon leaving the critical area.This can be done like this:if ln numbers numbers.lockthenn=‘tail–1numbers‘expr$n+1>>numbersrm numbers.lockfiThis version will just skip a turn when thefile is inaccessible,variant solu-tions could put the process to sleep,do busy waiting,or count only loops in which the operation is successful.SOLUTIONS TO CHAPTER3PROBLEMS1.It is an accident.The base register is16,384because the program happened tobe loaded at address16,384.It could have been loaded anywhere.The limit register is16,384because the program contains16,384bytes.It could have been any length.That the load address happens to exactly match the program length is pure coincidence.2.Almost the entire memory has to be copied,which requires each word to beread and then rewritten at a different location.Reading4bytes takes10nsec, so reading1byte takes2.5nsec and writing it takes another2.5nsec,for a total of5nsec per byte compacted.This is a rate of200,000,000bytes/sec.To copy128MB(227bytes,which is about1.34×108bytes),the computer needs227/200,000,000sec,which is about671msec.This number is slightly pessimistic because if the initial hole at the bottom of memory is k bytes, those k bytes do not need to be copied.However,if there are many holes andmany data segments,the holes will be small,so k will be small and the error in the calculation will also be small.3.The bitmap needs1bit per allocation unit.With227/n allocation units,this is224/n bytes.The linked list has227/216or211nodes,each of8bytes,for a total of214bytes.For small n,the linked list is better.For large n,the bitmap is better.The crossover point can be calculated by equating these two formu-las and solving for n.The result is1KB.For n smaller than1KB,a linked list is better.For n larger than1KB,a bitmap is better.Of course,the assumption of segments and holes alternating every64KB is very unrealistic.Also,we need n<=64KB if the segments and holes are64KB.4.Firstfit takes20KB,10KB,18KB.Bestfit takes12KB,10KB,and9KB.Worstfit takes20KB,18KB,and15KB.Nextfit takes20KB,18KB,and9 KB.5.For a4-KB page size the(page,offset)pairs are(4,3616),(8,0),and(14,2656).For an8-KB page size they are(2,3616),(4,0),and(7,2656).6.They built an MMU and inserted it between the8086and the bus.Thus all8086physical addresses went into the MMU as virtual addresses.The MMU then mapped them onto physical addresses,which went to the bus.7.(a)M has to be at least4,096to ensure a TLB miss for every access to an ele-ment of X.Since N only affects how many times X is accessed,any value of N will do.(b)M should still be atleast4,096to ensure a TLB miss for every access to anelement of X.But now N should be greater than64K to thrash the TLB, that is,X should exceed256KB.8.The total virtual address space for all the processes combined is nv,so thismuch storage is needed for pages.However,an amount r can be in RAM,so the amount of disk storage required is only nv−r.This amount is far more than is ever needed in practice because rarely will there be n processes ac-tually running and even more rarely will all of them need the maximum al-lowed virtual memory.9.The page table contains232/213entries,which is524,288.Loading the pagetable takes52msec.If a process gets100msec,this consists of52msec for loading the page table and48msec for running.Thus52%of the time is spent loading page tables.10.(a)We need one entry for each page,or224=16×1024×1024entries,sincethere are36=48−12bits in the page numberfield.。
1.计算机存储数据的基本单位是()A.bitB.ByteC.字D.字符2.多年来,人们习惯于以计算机主机所使用的主要元器件的发展进行分代,所谓第四代计算机使用的主要元器件是()A.电子管B.晶体管C.中小规模集成电路D.大规模和超大规模集成电路3.在计算机的不同发展阶段,操作系统最先出现在()A.第一代计算机B.第二代计算机C.第三代计算机D.第四代计算机4.运算器的主要功能是进行()A.只做加法B.逻辑运算C.算术运算和逻辑运算D.算术运算5.计算机硬件的五大基本构件包括运算器、存储器、输入设备、输出设备和()A.显示器B.控制器C.磁盘驱动器D.鼠标器6.关于冯.诺依曼计算机,下列说法正确的是()A.冯.诺依曼计算机的程序和数据是靠输入设备送入计算机的寄存器保存的B.冯.诺依曼计算机工作时是由数据流驱动控制流工作的C.冯.诺依曼计算机的基本特点可以用“存储程序”和“程序控制”高度概括D.随着计算机技术的发展,冯.诺依曼计算机目前已经被淘汰7.冯.诺依曼计算机的核心思想是(),冯.诺依曼计算机的工作特点是()(1) A.采用二进制 B.存储程序 C.并行计算 D.指令系统(2)A.堆栈操作 B.存储器按内容访问C.按地址访问并顺序执行指令D.多指令流单数据流8.一个完整的计算机系统包括()A.主机、键盘、显示器B.主机及外围设备C.系统软件与应用软件D.硬件系统与软件系统9.下列软件中,不属于系统软件的是()A.编译软件B.操作系统C.数据库管理系统D.C语言程序解析:计算机的软件分为系统软件和应用软件。
要求 DL 合闸瞬间 U S 的应尽可能的小,其最大值应使 冲击电流不超过允许值. 最理想的情况是 U S 的值为零.
并且希望并列后能顺利进入同步运行状态, 对电网无任 何扰动.
理想条件为 U G , U X 的三个状态量全部相等.
(1) f G = f X , 频率相等 , (ω G = 2 π f G , ω X = 2 π f X ( 2) U G = U X , 即电压幅值相等 (3) δ e = 0,即相角差为零
这时并列合闸的冲击电流等于零,并且并列后发电机 G 与电网 立即进入同步运行,不发生任何扰动现象. 5. 三个条件很难同时满足.
(一)电压幅值差 并列时:①频率
fG = fX ;
②相角差 δ e 等于零; ③电压幅值不等:
' i'hmax
1.8 2 (U G U x )
发电机的电压 U G 超前电网电压 U x ,发电 机发出功率,则发电机将制动而减速.
U G 落后 U x 时,发电机吸收功率,则发电
未加励磁电流的发电机升速到接近于电网频率, ω s 不超过允许 值,且加速度小于某一给定值的条件下,先合并列断路器,接着 立刻合上励磁开关,给转子加上励磁电流,在发电机电动势逐 渐增长的过程中,由电力系统将并列的发电机组拉入同步运行. 自同期方式,在投入瞬间,不可避免地要引起冲击电流. 自同期并列方法现已很少采用
Chapter3 运算方法和运算部件
P104习题 2.(2)(3) 7.(1) 12
Chapter4 指令系统
4.1指令格式设计 4.2指令系统设计 • 寻址方式的定义及分类 • 扩展操作码编码,P115 例4.1
Chapter4 指令系统
• 总线及其分类
8.5 I/O接口
• I/O接口的定义
• I/O接口的通用结构(P318图8.15)
• I/O端口的定义及其编址方式
Chapter8 互联及输入输出组织
8.6 I/O数据传送控制方式 • 三种方式及其比较(P332-333) • 中断优先级的动态分配(P331例8.3)
Chapter7 存储器分层体系结构
7.6Cache • 程序访问的局部性及其分类 • Cache-主存系统的平均访问时间(P256中的
公式) • 三种映射方式 • 替换算法,特别是LRU • Cache的一致性问题(两种写操作)
Chapter7 存储器分层体系结构
Chapter6 指令流水线
P232习题 2(1)
Chapter7 存储器分层体系结构
7.1存储器概述 • 存储器的容量,如何由引脚图推出其容量。 • 图7.2存储器层次结构 7.2 半导体RAM • 存储器芯片的内部结构,P241图7.6 7.3存储芯片的扩展 • 三种扩展方式
操作系统 题库 判断题
(对)5. 早期的计算机中没有操作系统,用户直接与硬件打交道。
(对)6 在一个批处理系统,“control is passed to a job”意味着处理器正在取指令和执行用户程序。
操作系统-精髓与设计原理 WILLIAM STALLINGS 课后答案
TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1 Computer System Overview...............................................................4 Chapter 2 Operating System Overview...............................................................7 Chapter 3 Process Description and Control........................................................8 Chapter 5 Concurrency: Mutual Exclusion and Synchronization .................10 Chapter 6 Concurrency: Deadlock and Starvation ..........................................17 Chapter 7 Memory Management .......................................................................20 Chapter 8 Virtual Memory ..................................................................................22 Chapter 9 Uniprocessor Scheduling...................................................................28 Chapter 11 I/O Management and Disk Scheduling ........................................32 Chapter 12 File Management ..............................................................................34
Linux常见命令使用方法Chapter 1 介绍Linux常见命令是指Linux操作系统中常用的一些命令,它们可以帮助用户在Linux系统上进行各种操作。
Chapter 2 文件和目录操作2.1 cd命令cd命令是Linux中进入目录的命令。
例如,如果想要进入主目录,可以使用以下命令:cd ~如果想要进入某个子目录,可以使用以下命令:cd 目录路径2.2 ls命令ls命令可以列出指定目录中的所有文件和子目录。
例如,如果要列出当前目录中的所有文件和子目录,可以使用以下命令:ls如果想要列出指定目录中的所有文件和子目录,可以使用以下命令:ls 目录路径2.3 mkdir命令mkdir命令可以创建新目录。
例如,如果想要在当前目录下创建一个名为“test”的目录,可以使用以下命令:mkdir test2.4 rm命令rm命令可以删除指定的文件或目录。
例如,如果要删除一个名为“example.txt”的文件,可以使用以下命令:rm example.txt如果想要删除整个目录及其子目录,可以使用以下命令:rm -rf 目录路径Chapter 3 系统管理3.1 su命令su命令可以用于切换用户,例如从普通用户切换到超级用户。
3.2 sudo命令sudo命令可以用于在不切换用户的情况下执行超级用户身份的操作。
例如,如果要以超级用户身份执行apt-get install命令来安装软件,可以使用以下命令:sudo apt-get install 软件包名3.3 ps命令ps命令可以显示当前系统中正在运行的进程。
C++和Java等高级语言与汇编语言及机器语言之间是一对 多的关系。例如,一条简单的C++语句会被扩展成多条汇编语 言或者机器语言指令。
高级语言与汇编、机器语言是一对多的关系 mov eax, Y add eax, 4
1.5 虚拟机的概念
由机器语言编写的程序可以由计算机直接执行,每条指令都简 单到能够用相对较少的电子电路单元即可实现。我们称这种语 言为L0。 由于L0语言不符合人的思维习惯,而且要考虑到很多细节,程序 员使用L0语言编程非常困难,因此人们考虑创建某种更加易于 使用的语言L1来进行程序设计。 L1源程序的执行有两种方法: –编译方式:用特别设计的编译程序将整个L1源程序翻译成L0程序,生
第1章 基本概念
1. 为什么学?
2. 学什么?
3. 虚拟机的概念 4. 数据的表示方法 5. 布尔运算
1.1 为什么学汇编
–游戏程序 –设备驱动程序
第一章 基本概念 第二章 IA-32处理器体系结构 第三章 汇编语言基础 第四章 数据传送、寻址和算术运算 第五章 过程 第六章 条件处理 第七章 整数算术指令 第八章 高级过程 第九章 字符串和数组 第十章 结构和宏
–教材:INTEL汇编语言程序设计(第五版) –学时:36(理论课)+ 12(上机课)
⑧输入结束 密码
考试时间到, 锁住屏幕
Chapter 1 无纸化考试系统概述
4、考试流程 (4)考试后(服务器)
统计 信息 ①备份 考生文 件夹 ②执行回收 ③显示回收情 况;确认考生 状态;
④一致 性校验 及上报 处理
Chapter 2 软件安装
载安装模 拟上机系 统。
考试系统,设置考场号、 导入BMK。(必须联系 考务管理员,确认该 BMK为最终上报库)
b.违纪舞弊 c.异常 d.续考
异常情况上报考试中心后,必须等考试中心回复成绩,然后合 并回收
、回收、 合并回收
一致性校验、上 报处理 (
②设置考点 及考场参数
③导入报名 库,检查信 息是否有误
④设置批次, 启动考试
⑤显示当 前批次考 生信息
Chapter 1 无纸化考试系统概述
①运行考 试系统
②登录(首次考试、 ③抽取相应科 二次登录、重新抽题) 目的试题
④开始考试 并计时
无纸化的回收等于传统的 评分+回收 注意:启动一批,备份一批,回收一批
Chapter 3 系统的使用
(1)当前批次成绩回收 将当前批次的考生成绩数据集中到回收库中。为了 考试数据的安全,要求每批次考试结束后应立即执行 当前批次成绩回收。
chapter1习题答案一、名词解释1、芽孢:某些细菌在其生长发育后期, 在细胞内形成的一个圆形或椭圆形、壁厚抗逆性强的休眠构造。
2、糖被:包被于某些细菌细胞壁外的一层厚度不定的透明胶状物质, 成分是多糖或多肽。
二. 填空1、芽孢的结构一般可分为孢外壁、芽孢衣、皮层和核心四部分。
4、细菌的核糖体的沉降系数是70s 。
Chapter1 the development of computer
Chapter1 the development of computer(计算机的发展)以课件及音频为主。
关于音频提问:1、2、3、4Chapter 1Computer Hardware FundamentalsIn this chapter, several topics on computer hardware fundamentals are discussed. Different hardware components of a computer are introduced in three sections: Central Processing Unit, RAM and ROM, and Input/Output systems.1 The Central Processing Unit:Learn about the central processing unit —one of the most important components of a computer’s hardware, which comprises the co ntrol unit and the arithmetic/logic unit (ALU)参考文章内容软件开发与应用专业“计算机专业英语”课程网上教学师资培训研讨会记录资料2004-12-23[电大在线]的录入员17 : 42说:大家好![四川电大]的张华8 : 38说:穆老师好啊![四川电大]的张华8 : 38说:会还没有开始吧?[四川电大]的张华8 : 39说:我先提个问题吧[四川电大]的张华8 : 40说:计算机相关专业的教学计划中,既有―计算机英语‖课程,[四川电大]的张华8 : 41说:又有一门―计算机英语‖课程,请问两门课程有什么不同?[四川电大]的张华8 : 41说:可不可以用同样的教材?[四川电大]的张华8 : 42说:请问两门课有什么区别?可否用一样的教材?[哈尔滨广播电视大学]的汪晓红8 : 47说:大家好!我是哈尔滨电大的汪晓红。
5、分别列出字符用户界面和图形用户界面的一个优点和一个缺点?答:CUI执行效率高,外观不美观;GUI 便于使用,缺乏可扩展性。
你现在使用的是哪一个UNIX系统?答:UNIX版本:AIX、BSD、FreeBSD、LINUX、system V。
3、UNIX系统的前身是什么?UNIX与其前身最初在哪里,由谁开发的?答:前身是MULTICS,由Dennis Ritchie 和Ken Thompson在AT&T中研制。
– 无交互能力
1.2 分时系统
• 原理:
– 时间片、轮流、暂停、快速响应、人机交互
• 特征:
– 多路性、独立性、及时性、交互性
• 实现关键
– 及时接收– 及时处理来自1.2 实时系统的特征
• 多路性 • 独立性 • 及时性 • 交互性 • 可靠性
★操作系统的目标和作用 ★操作系统的发展 ★操作系统的基本特征 ★操作系统的主要功能
• 同步信号量:S=100 • 互斥信号量:mutex=1 Begin L:P(S); P(mutex); 查找登记表,并置某座位为占用状态; V(mutex); 在座位上坐下阅览; P(mutex); 查登记表,并置某座位为空闲状态; V(mutex); V(S); goto L; End.
if S.value≤0 then wakeup(S,L)
• 信号量的应用
利用信号量实现前趋关系 P45页 例题
• 实现前趋关系
S1 S2 S4 S3 S5 a,b,c,d,e,f,g:semaphore : = 0,…,0 begin S1;signal(a);signal(b);end;
Chapter6 Chapter7 Chapter8
chapter1 概述
JAVA程序的基本组成单元--类是运行时 动态装载的。使 JAVA 可以动态地维护应用 系统及其支持类之间的一致性。
1.2Java的特点- 高性能
Java编译生成的字节码与机器代码 十分接近。 提供即时编译(Just In Time) 等 措施。
1995年 以James Gosling为首的编程小组在wicked. 网站 上发布了Java技术,Java语言的名字从"Oak"变为Java,Java 技术通过Sun world正式发布 1996年 第一次举办JavaOne 开发者大会 , JDK 1.0 软件发布 计算机深蓝色首次击败国际象棋大师Garry Kasparov
通过Java的URL类可以访问网上的各类信 息资源,访问方式完全类似于本地文件系统;
通过在3W页面中的小应用程序(Applet) 将计算从服务器分布至客户机,避免网络拥挤, 提高系统效率。
在计算机程序开发语言中,windows平台下Java和.net平分 秋色,但在非windows平台下,Java占据绝对的领导地位。 Java是计算机及其相关专业的核心基础课程,是软件工程师 应该真正掌握住的一门技术,尤其是在Web开发和移动开发 领域,Java已经成了事实上的企业应用标准。
编译器 编译
解释器 解释执行
September 2012
§1.2 Computer-System Organization
1.2.1 Computer-System Operation Fig. 1.2 A modern computer system
Commonly acknowledged classifications of OS PC/Desktop OS : Windows, Linux,Mac OS X Server OS : Unix, Linux, Windows NT Mainframe OS : Unix, Linux——open source!! Embedded OS : Vxworks, (Palm OS), (Symbian), (WinCE)/Windows Mobile/Phone, Android, iOS, embedded Linux (e.g. μcLinux)
September 2012 Operating System Concepts- Chapter1 Introduction 8
1.1.2 OS Concepts (cont.)
For OS definitions in other textbooks, refer to Appendix 1.B OS definitions
September 2012
Operating System Concepts- Chapter1 Introduction -
Fig.1.1-1 Components of a computer system
Application Software
操作系统课后习题答案(4~6章)Chapter 41、存储管理主要研究的内容是:内存存储分配;地址再定位;存储保护;存储扩充的⽅法。
ARM Cortex-A系列处理器
Cortex-A 系列 ARM Cortex™-A 系列的应用型处理器可向托管丰富的操作
系统平台的设备和用户应用提供全方位的解决方案,包括超 低成本的手机、智能手机、移动计算平台、数字电视、机顶 盒、企业网络、打印机和服务器解决方案。高性能的 CortexA15、可伸缩的 Cortex-A9、经过市场验证的 Cortex-A8 处理 器以及高效的 Cortex-A7 和 Cortex-A5 处理器均共享同一体 系结构,因此具有完整的应用兼容性,支持传统的 ARM 、 Thumb® 指令集和新增的高性能紧凑型 Thumb-2 指令集。 Cortex-A15 和 Cortex-A7 都支持 ARMv7A 体系结构的扩展, 从而为大型物理地址访问和硬件虚拟化以及启用 big.LITTLE 处理的 AMBA4 ACE 一致性提供支持。 Cortex-A 处理器的应用示例
BlackBerry OS Embedded Linux Access Linux Platform Android bada Firefox OS (project name: Boot to Gecko) Openmoko Linux OPhone MeeGo (from merger of Maemo & Moblin) Mobilinux MotoMagx Qt Extended Sailfish OS Tizen (earlier called LiMo Platform) webOS PEN/GEOS, GEOS-SC, GEOS-SE iOS (a subset of Mac OS X) Palm OS Symbian platform (successor to Symbian OS) Windows Mobile (superseded by Windows Phone)
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1.4 并行系统(paralel system)
这类系统有多个紧密通信的处理器 亦称为多处理器系统或紧耦合系统 紧耦合系统(tightly coupled system)- 处理器共享
计算机总线、内存、时钟;通信常通过共享内存的方 式来实现。 其主要优点:
操作系统是什么? 大型机系统 桌面系统 多处理器系统 分布式系统 集群系统 实时系统
功能迁移 计算环境
1.1 操作系统是什么?
用程序提供基础,并且充当计算机硬件和计算 机用户的中介。 操作系统的两大目标:
执行用户程序,并且更易于解决用户问题; 更便于使用计算机系统;
Hardware – provides basic computing resources
(CPU, memory, I/O devices) Operating System - controls and coordinates the use of the hardware among the various application programs for the various users Applications programs – define the ways in which the system resources are used to solve the computing problems of the users (compilers, database systems, video games, business programs) Users – (people, machines, other computers)
当OS执行完一条命令后,它将接收用户通过键 盘输入的下一条控制指令。
1.3 桌面系统
PC - 为单个用户服务的计算机系统 I/O设备 - 键盘,鼠标,显示器,打印机等 用户方便性和响应性
通常人们都可以拥有一台计算机,从而CPU的 利用率也不再是主要问题。所以,有些大型机 OS的设计决策可能不再适用于小系统
1.7 实时系统(real-time system)
当对处理器操作或数据流动有严格时间要求时,就需要使用实时系统。通常用于 控制特定应用的设备。如控制科学实验,医疗成像系统,工业控制系统等等 实时系统有明确和固定的时间约束。 实时系统分为硬实时系统与软件实时系统两类 硬实时系统(hard real-time system)保证关键任务按时完成
不提供通用分布式文件系统。因此,绝大多数 集群不允许对磁盘上的数据进行共享访问。因 此,分布式文件系统必须提供对文件的访问控 制和加锁,以确保不出现互为矛盾的操作。这 种类型的服务通常称为分布式锁管理器 (distributed lock manager, DLM) 全球集群
1.9 操作系统概念与功能的变迁
1950 大型机 无软件 编译器 批处理 驻留监 控程序 小型机 无软件 1960 1970 MULTICS 分时 支持多用户 支持网络 UNIX 编译器 分时 多处理器 支持多用户 容错 支持网络 集群 UNIX 编译器 交互性 多处理器 支持多用户 支持网络 手持式计算机 无软件 UNIX 编译器 1980 分布式系统 多处理器 容错 1990 2000
驻留监 控程序 桌面计算机 无软件
交互性 支持网络
1.10 计算环境
传统计算 PC, 服务器, 有限的远程访问 基于Web的计算 C/S和Web服务,便捷的远程访问,不用关心服务器的 位置 嵌入式计算
嵌入式计算机是现在最为普遍的计算机,如汽车发动机、 VCR、微波炉等等 系统功能比较简单,没有高级功能(如虚拟内存和磁盘) 只有少量或没有用户接口
增加吞吐量(throughput) 经济节约 增加可靠性(在某些情况下)
功能退化(graceful degradation) 容错系统(fault tolerant)
非对称处理(Asymmetric multiprocessing)
每个处理器被赋予一个特定的任务,主处理器为从处理 器调度和安排工作。 类似于超大型系统 每个处理器都运行同一个操作系统的拷贝,这些拷贝需 要互相通信 许多处理器可能同时运行而性能上不会有多大损失 例如N个处理器理念上可以同时运行N个进程 许多现代操作系统支持SMP Windows NT、Solaris、Digital UNIX、OS/2、Linux等
对系统内所有延迟都有限制,包括从获取存储数据到要求操作系统完成任何操作 的请求。通常只有少量或根本没有使用任何类型的辅助存储器,数据通常存在短 期存储器或ROM中。 硬实时系统没有绝大多数高级操作系统的功能,这是因为这些功能常常将用户与 硬件分开,导致难以估计操作所需时间。因此,硬实时系统与分时操作系统的操 作相矛盾,两者不能混合使用。 关键实时任务的优先级要高于其他任务的优先级,且在完成之前能保持其高优先 级。与硬实时系统一样,需要限制操作系统内核的延迟:实时任务不能无休止地 等待内核来执行它。 可以与分时系统集成在一起 在那些需要快速响应时间的应用程序(如多媒体、虚拟现实)中是非常有用的。
软件实时系统(soft real-time system)
1.8 手持系统(handheld system)
个人数字助理(Personal Digital Assistants,
PDAs) 蜂窝电话(Cellular telephones) 存在的问题
内存有限(32M – 64M) 低速处理器(只有个人计算机处理器速度的几 分之一) 屏幕小(5英寸×3英寸)
1.2 大型机系统
通过作业批处理以减少安装时间 作业自动序列化 - 作业操作之间的自动衔接。
第一个基本的操作系统 常驻监控器
0 操作系统 作业1 作业2
用户1 用户2 用户3 ... 用户n
操作系统 计算机硬件
资源分配器-管理与分配资源 控制程序-控制用户程序的执行和输入输出设
备的操作 内核-一直运行在计算机上的程序(其他程序 则为应用程序)
对称处理(Symmetric multiprocessing, SMP)
1.5 分布式系统(distributed system)
在若干个位于不同位置的处理器之间组成分布式计算 松耦合系统 (loosely coupled system) - 每个处理器都有自己
512 KB
系统提供I/O routine 内存管理 - 系统必须为作业分配内存 CPU调度 - 系统必须从就绪作业当中选择其
一运行 设备分配
分时系统 – 交互计算
存中或物理存储器上的作业(CPU只能分配给 那些在内存中的作业) 作业在内存与物理存储器之间来回交换(swap) 允许用户与系统之间的联机通信(交互)
通常用来提供高可用性(high availability) 非对称集群(asymmetric clustering): 一台机器处
于热备份模式(hot standby mode),而另一台运行 应用程序。热备份主机(机器)不做什么,只监视现 役服务器。如果该服务器失效,热备份主机会成为现 役服务器。 对称集群(symmetric clustering):两个或多个主机 都运行应用程序,它们互相监视。
客户 - 服务器系统的通用结构
...ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
1.6 集群系统(clustered system)
集群系统与并行系统不同,它是由两个或多个独立的 系统耦合起来的。
通常接受的定义是集群复读机共享存储并通过LAN网络 紧密链接
的内存;处理器相互之间通过不同的通信线路进行通信,如高速 总线或电话线 优点 资源共享 计算速度提高 可靠性 通信 需要网络基础结构 局域网(local-area network, LAN) 或 广域网(wide-are network, WAN) 根据节点间的距离来划分 可以是C/S系统或端对端系统