全⽂检索原理在介绍全⽂检索前,先简单说下全⽂数据搜索的两种⽅式: 顺序扫描法(Serial Scanning):所谓顺序扫描,⽐如要找内容包含某⼀个字符串的⽂件,就是⼀个⽂档⼀个⽂档的看,对于每⼀个⽂档,从头看到尾,如果此⽂档包含此字符串,则此⽂档为我们要找的⽂件,接着看下⼀个⽂件,直到扫描完所有的⽂件。
全⽂检索(Full-text Search) :对全⽂数据中的⼀部分信息提取出来,重新组织,使其变得有⼀定结构,然后对此有⼀定结构的数据进⾏搜索,从⽽达到搜索相对较快的⽬的。
这种先建⽴索引,再对索引进⾏搜索的过程就叫全⽂检索(Full-text Search)。
于是全⽂检索就存在三个重要问题:1. 索引结构?(Index)2. 如何创建索引?(Indexing)3. 如何对索引进⾏搜索?(Search)下⾯我们顺序对每个问题进⾏研究。
剑桥大学机构知识库由Cambridge University Library和University Computing Service维护,提供剑桥大学相关的期刊、学术论文、学位论文等电子资源。
jfgCERN Document Server主要覆盖物理学(particle physics)及相关学科,提供360,000多篇全文文献,包括预印文献、期刊论文、图书、图片、学位论文等等。
klArXivArXiv是属于Cornell University的非盈利教育机构,面向物理学、数学、非线性科学、计算机科学和定量生物学等学科提供16种免费电子期刊的访问。
NASA Technical Reports Server主要是关于航空航天领域研究的科技报告和会议论文。
National Service Center for Environmental PublicationsNational Service Center for Environmental Publications提供的是美国环境保护总署(EPA)出版物。
mysql索引类型normal,unique,fulltext问题1:mysql索引类型normal,unique,full text的区别是什么?normal:表⽰普通索引unique:表⽰唯⼀的,不允许重复的索引,如果该字段信息保证不会重复例如⾝份证号⽤作索引时,可设置为uniquefull textl: 表⽰全⽂搜索的索引。
FULLTEXT ⽤于搜索很长⼀篇⽂章的时候,效果最好。
⽤在⽐较短的⽂本,如果就⼀两⾏字的,普通的INDEX 也可以。
问题2:在实际操作过程中,应该选取表中哪些字段作为索引?为了使索引的使⽤效率更⾼,在创建索引时,必须考虑在哪些字段上创建索引和创建什么类型的索引,有7⼤原则:1.选择唯⼀性索引2.为经常需要排序、分组和联合操作的字段建⽴索引3.为常作为查询条件的字段建⽴索引4.限制索引的数⽬5.尽量使⽤数据量少的索引6.尽量使⽤前缀来索引7.删除不再使⽤或者很少使⽤的索引⼀、 MySQL: 索引以B树格式保存 Memory存储引擎可以选择Hash或BTree索引,Hash索引只能⽤于=或<=>的等式⽐较。
1、普通索引:create index on Tablename(列的列表) alter table TableName add index (列的列表) create table TableName([...], index [IndexName] (列的列表) 2、唯⼀性索引:create unique index alter ... add unique 主键:⼀种唯⼀性索引,必须指定为primary key 3、全⽂索引:从3.23.23版开始⽀持全⽂索引和全⽂检索,FULLTEXT, 可以在char、varchar或text类型的列上创建。
4、单列索引、多列索引: 多个单列索引与单个多列索引的查询效果不同,因为: 执⾏查询时,MySQL只能使⽤⼀个索引,会从多个索引中选择⼀个限制最为严格的索引。
As a result of the fast development of new materials, urged by the demand of more durable and resistant materials, fibre reinforced plastic composites (FRP) were introduced as replacement for the reinforcing steel. Carbon FRP has been used since the seventies in the space industry, where the requirement for lightweight, high-tensile strength, corrosion and high temperature resistance is essential. Recently, in Brazil and many other countries, FILl) composites (mainly carbon) have been used in strengthening slabs (of bridges and parking floors), beams (of
Materials and Structures/Mat~riaux et Constructions,Vol.35, Januanj-February 2002, pp 50-58
Strength of short concrete columns confined with CFRP sheets
1. I N T R O D U C T I O N
External confinement has been successfully applied to concrete columns in order to increase their strength and ductility or to recover them from eventual deterioration originated from different sources. In early constructions, concrete-filled steel tubes were used for some of the reasons mentioned above. The main disadvantages of this technique are the high cost for maintenance against corrosion, the low fire resistance and the heavy weight of the tubes. 1359-5997/02 9 R.ILEM 50
fulltext字段 英文处理
fulltext字段英文处理English Answer:Fulltext Search of English Text.Introduction.Fulltext searching is a powerful technique for finding relevant information within a large body of text. In the context of English language processing, fulltext search can be used to retrieve documents that contain specific words or phrases, even if those words or phrases appear in different forms or are misspelled.Tokenization and Normalization.The first step in fulltext search is to tokenize the text into individual words or phrases. This can be done using a variety of techniques, such as whitespace splitting or regular expressions. Once the text has been tokenized,the tokens are normalized to remove common variations such as case, punctuation, and stemming.Stemming.Stemming is a process of reducing words to their root form. This can be done using a variety of algorithms, such as the Porter stemmer or the Lancaster stemmer. Stemming can help to improve the recall of fulltext search queries by matching words that have different suffixes.Stop Words.Stop words are common words that do not add significant meaning to a query. Examples of stop words include "the", "and", and "of". Stop words can be removed from queries to improve efficiency and reduce noise.Indexing.Once the text has been tokenized, normalized, and stemmed, it is indexed. An index is a data structure thatmaps words or phrases to the documents in which they appear. This allows for fast and efficient searching.Querying.To perform a fulltext search, a user submits a query. The query is typically a string of words or phrases that represent the information the user is seeking. The query is then processed using the same techniques as the text, and the results are ranked based on their relevance to the query.Relevance Ranking.There are a number of factors that can be used to determine the relevance of a document to a query. These factors include:Term frequency: The number of times a term appears ina document.Document frequency: The number of documents in thecorpus that contain a term.Inverse document frequency: A measure of how common a term is in the corpus.Proximity: The distance between terms in a document.Boosting: A way to give certain terms or documents more weight in the ranking.Applications.Fulltext search has a wide range of applications, including:Document retrieval: Finding documents that contain specific keywords or phrases.Web search: Searching the web for information.E-commerce: Searching for products on an e-commerce website.Spam filtering: Identifying and blocking spam emails.Machine translation: Translating text from one language to another.中文回答:全文搜索对英文文本的处理。
EV2平台—ENGINEER VILLAGE—搜索后点击Full-text中打开全文,然后用自己的PDF浏览器(我的默认的是adobe acrobat)保存副本即可。
美国IEEE CS数据库(试用)
美国IEEE计算机协会(IEEE COMOUTER SOCIETY)全部会议录数据库收录的是美国计算机协会(Association for Computing Machinery)的各种会议录。
数据库收录了自1985年至今出版的990多卷会议记录的文章目录以及超过48,000 篇的引用文献。
Navicat建表MySQL索引类型mysql索引类型:FULLTEXT、NORMAL、SPATIAL、UNIQUE的详细介绍Normal 普通索引表⽰普通索引,⼤多数情况下都可以使⽤Unique 唯⼀索引表⽰唯⼀的,不允许重复的索引,如果该字段信息保证不会重复例如⾝份证号⽤作索引时,可设置为unique约束唯⼀标识数据库表中的每⼀条记录,即在单表中不能⽤每条记录是唯⼀的(例如⾝份证就是唯⼀的),Unique(要求列唯⼀)和Primary Key(primary key = unique + not null 列唯⼀)约束均为列或列集合中提供了唯⼀性的保证,Primary Key是拥有⾃动定义的Unique约束,但是每个表中可以有多个Unique约束,但是只能有⼀个Primary Key约束。
mysql中创建Unique约束Full Text 全⽂索引表⽰全⽂收索,在检索长⽂本的时候,效果最好,短⽂本建议使⽤Index,但是在检索的时候数据量⽐较⼤的时候,现将数据放⼊⼀个没有全局索引的表中,然后在⽤Create Index创建的Full Text索引,要⽐先为⼀张表建⽴Full Text然后在写⼊数据要快的很多FULLTEXT ⽤于搜索很长⼀篇⽂章的时候,效果最好。
⽤在⽐较短的⽂本,如果就⼀两⾏字的,普通的 INDEX 也可以。
SPATIAL 空间索引空间索引是对空间数据类型的字段建⽴的索引,MYSQL中的空间数据类型有4种,分别是GEOMETRY、POINT、LINESTRING、POLYGON。
创建空间索引的列,必须将其声明为NOT NULL,空间索引只能在存储引擎为MYISAM的表中创建btree索引和hash索引的区别1、BTREE(B树(可以是多叉树)) {主流使⽤}2、HASH(key,value)这种⽅式对范围查询⽀持得不是很好hash 索引结构的特殊性,其检索效率⾮常⾼,索引的检索可以⼀次定位,不像B-Tree 索引需要从根节点到枝节点,最后才能访问到页节点这样多次的IO访问,所以 Hash 索引的查询效率要远⾼于 B-Tree 索引。
fulltext 用法
fulltext 用法
"fulltext" 是一个单词,通常用作名词,指的是包含文本的完整文档或全文。
在不同的上下文中,"fulltext" 可能有不同的用法。
1.数据库搜索:在数据库查询中,"fulltext" 可以表示进行全文检索,而不仅仅是基于关键词或标签的检索。
例如,数据库的 "fulltext search" 功能允许用户搜索文本中的所有单词,而不仅仅是特定字段或标签。
2.搜索引擎:在搜索引擎领域,"fulltext search" 通常指的是对整个文档或网页进行搜索,以找到包含用户查询关键词的文本。
3.编程:在编程中,"fulltext" 可能用于描述支持完整文本搜索或处理的库或工具。
例如,全文搜索引擎库可以被称为 "fulltext search library"。
与翻译相关的重要网站1./report/reg/index.htm2./ltlawpackage/index.jsp?app=1&language=en¤tPage=1(中国投资指南laws & regulations中)这两个网站内含各种政府文件(主要是经济法规)的中英文版本3./(全国翻译培训网,有大量关于翻译的材料)4. /e_on118/news/index.asp (法律在线服务网英文版,很多法律文件译文版)5./e-signs(汉英公示语研究在线,很多原始材料和相关论文)/e-signs/news.asp(汉英公示语研究在线)6.(中国翻译协会<TAC>网站)7./english/lt/node_157895.htm(《中国日报》英语网站,有大量的资料可资查考,如各国政要人物讲话英文原文)8. /chn/ziliao/default.htm(中国外交部网站,有很多资料,如政府领导人在出访时的讲话全文等,查阅时输入“全文”和“full text”)9. /flfg/index.htm (中国政府网站,有很多资料,英汉对照,如政府工作报告、白皮书、各种统计数据、法令法规等)10. (“北京市民讲外语”网站,有很多对双语公共标识的建议和讨论)11. /Act/Act_Other_Trans.asp(大陆法规英译本网站)12. /journal/toc.htm (这是英文翻译理论期刊Translation Journal的网站,里面有历年英文版翻译理论论文全文可下载)13. / (St. Jerome Publishing网站,有很多翻译理论专著)14. /content/jbp/bab (美国翻译理论期刊Babel的网址)15. /cgi-bin/t_seriesview.cgi?series=Target (美国翻译理论期刊Target的网址)16. /herewego/index.shtml (“全国公共场所双语标识规范大行动”网站,中国日报主办)17. (英语宝库网站,有很多英汉对照方面的资料)18. /aboutus.asp?page=1&id=38&cid= (全国翻译资格考试培训网→ 翻译学习网站,有很多关于翻译理论和技巧方面的文章)19. /bbs/21689/ (“中国自由翻译人论坛”网站,有十分丰富的资料,包括各类辞典、法律英语逐句对照等)20. /article_list.asp?action=more&c_id=1&s_id=0&page=1 (“翻译中国”网站,有各种资料下载,包括词汇,英汉汉英译文对照,译论等,绝妙的网站)21. / (“晨星翻译”网站,有很多英汉对照的文章及各种词典可下载)22. /html/Article/Index.html (“泱华留学”网站,有各种证书、简历的翻译方法和样本)23. /translation (Oxford网站“翻译专区”,有很多翻译实例)24. /document/1_29_1.html (中国科技信息网站的“科技新词汇”栏目,有大量的科技新词汇汉英对照)25. / (文学视界网站,大量的文学作品)26. /n2442c36.aspx (北外中国英语网站,有大量的英语名著英汉对照文本下载)27. / (中国国家图书馆网址)28. /index.html (留学文书写作网站,提供各学科领域留学的写作方法和范文)29. /Article/Index.asp (译林翻译网“翻译园地”网站,有很多词语翻译的翻译)30. /eng/fun/index.htm (洪恩在线网站“轻松英语”栏目,有大量的时髦短文英汉对照文章及注解,改造后可用来上课)31. /bangong/he/469315.html (亚商英语频道,一个下载英语资料的好网站)32. /node2/node116/node119/node162/node1311//index.html (中国侨网)33. /le/paper/index.htm (法律语言学研究网刘蔚铭创建,很多法律翻译方面的论文)34. /news/159/ (有大量关于翻译技巧和理论、各翻译公司、全国各外语学院等的文章)35. /tran/index.htm (中国翻译协会网址)36. /govinfo/ (中国政府网页)37. / (“全国哲学社会科学规划办公室”网站)38. (中国政府网站)39. /chn/wjb/default.htm (中国外交部网站)40. /template/usgovlinkla.htm (美国政府网站)41. .sg/index.cfm?GPID=46 (世界华商网络网站:内含各政府网址)42. /web/webportal/W2037419/Uadmin/A5182766.html (中国台湾网)43. /library/china/usa/bldoc01.htm (中国文化网站:英文版)44. / (中央编译局网站)45. (白宫网站)46./pokerterms/poker-terms-a/ (在线扑克游戏词典,英汉对照)47. /Design/TMtranslate.asp?q=a (商标翻译网站)48./news/subject/v5003008-s5013007.html (“实用商务外语大全”网站,资料十分丰富,含写作及翻译)49. /special/e900/content/soldiers.htm (军事英语网站)50. /index.html (中国世界遗产网)51. /herewego/ (双语标识纠错大行动网站)52. /pdf/2005/48_p2.pdf (《北京中高级人才周刊》网站,由《中国日报网站》主办,内有英汉对照的招聘、广告等资料,内容相当丰富,非常实用。
navcat mysql fulltext 用法
navcat mysql fulltext 用法在MySQL 中,FULLTEXT是一种用于全文搜索的索引类型,它可以让你执行更复杂和更灵活的文本搜索操作。
在使用FULLTEXT索引之前,需要确保表的存储引擎是MyISAM 或InnoDB。
以下是使用FULLTEXT索引的基本用法:1.创建FULLTEXT 索引:首先,需要在表的一个或多个列上创建FULLTEXT索引。
例如,如果有一个名为content的列需要进行全文搜索:ALTER TABLE your_table ADD FULLTEXT index_name (content);这样就在content列上创建了名为index_name的FULLTEXT 索引。
2.执行全文搜索:创建了FULLTEXT索引后,可以使用MATCH ... AGAINST语法执行全文搜索。
例如:SELECT * FROM your_table WHERE MATCH(content)AGAINST('search_term');这将返回包含search_term的行,content列与搜索条件匹配。
例如:SELECT * FROM your_table WHERE MATCH(content)AGAINST('search_term' IN BOOLEAN MODE);4.限制搜索结果数量:可以使用LIMIT限制返回的搜索结果数量。
SELECT * FROM your_table WHERE MATCH(content)AGAINST('search_term') LIMIT 10;5.排除特定词:可以使用-符号排除包含特定词的行。
SELECT * FROM your_table WHERE MATCH(content)AGAINST('+search_term -excluded_term');需要注意的是,FULLTEXT索引在执行全文搜索时只能用于MyISAM 或InnoDB 存储引擎,并且只能应用于CHAR、VARCHAR或TEXT类型的列。
传统的索引结构如B 树索引只能进行“等值匹配”的查询,而全文索引则不仅可以进行“等值匹配”的查询,还可以进行模糊匹配和关键字搜索。
1. FULLTEXT类型的全文索引FULLTEXT类型的全文索引适用于MyISAM和InnoDB存储引擎。
想要使用FULLTEXT类型的全文索引,需要满足以下条件:- 列的数据类型必须是CHAR、VARCHAR或TEXT类型。
- 最多可以创建一个FULLTEXT类型的索引。
- 列的大小必须满足全文索引的最小长度限制,可以通过修改ft_min_word_length和innodb_ft_min_token_size参数来设置最小长度。
2. SPATIAL类型的全文索引SPATIAL类型的全文索引适用于MyISAM存储引擎。
mysql和sqlserver中的text数据类型MySQL和SQL Server是两种常用的关系型数据库管理系统(RDBMS),它们在数据类型的定义上有一些异同。
1. MySQL的TEXT数据类型:在MySQL中,TEXT数据类型是用来存储变长文本数据的列类型。
- TINYTEXT:最大长度为255个字符(2^8-1),占用1字节前缀长度。
- TEXT:最大长度为65,535个字符(2^16-1),占用2字节前缀长度。
- MEDIUMTEXT:最大长度为16,777,215个字符(2^24-1),占用3字节前缀长度。
- LONGTEXT:最大长度为4,294,967,295个字符(2^32-1),占用4字节前缀长度。
2. SQL Server的TEXT数据类型:在SQL Server中,TEXT数据类型也是用来存储长文本数据的列类型。
SQL Server中的TEXT类型也有类似的子类型,包括TEXT、NTEXT 和IMAGE。
- TEXT:用于存储非Unicode字符的文本数据,最大长度为2^30-1个字符。
- NTEXT:用于存储Unicode字符的文本数据,最大长度为2^30-1个字符。
- IMAGE:用于存储二进制数据,最大长度为2^30-1个字节。
⼀、介绍⼀下索引的类型Mysql常见索引有:主键索引、唯⼀索引、普通索引、全⽂索引、组合索引PRIMARY KEY(主键索引) ALTER TABLE `table_name` ADD PRIMARY KEY ( `column` ) UNIQUE(唯⼀索引) ALTER TABLE`table_name` ADD UNIQUE (`column`)INDEX(普通索引) ALTER TABLE `table_name` ADD INDEX index_name ( `column` ) FULLTEXT(全⽂索引) ALTER TABLE`table_name` ADD FULLTEXT ( `column` )组合索引 ALTER TABLE `table_name` ADD INDEX index_name ( `column1`, `column2`, `column3` )Mysql各种索引区别:普通索引(INDEX):最基本的索引,没有任何限制唯⼀索引(UNIQUE):与"普通索引"类似,不同的就是:索引列的值必须唯⼀,但允许有空值。
全⽂索引(FULLTEXT ):仅可⽤于 MyISAM 表,⽤于在⼀篇⽂章中,检索⽂本信息的, 针对较⼤的数据,⽣成全⽂索引很耗时好空间。
这个系统有⼀个会员表有下列字段:会员编号 INT会员姓名 VARCHAR(10)会员⾝份证号码 VARCHAR(18)会员电话 VARCHAR(10)会员住址 VARCHAR(50)会员备注信息 TEXT那么这个会员编号,作为主键,使⽤ PRIMARY会员姓名如果要建索引的话,那么就是普通的 INDEX会员⾝份证号码如果要建索引的话,那么可以选择 UNIQUE (唯⼀的,不允许重复)会员备注信息,如果需要建索引的话,可以选择 FULLTEXT,全⽂搜索。
SQLServer全⽂检索(full-text)语法sql server 全⽂检索有两种搜索⽅式,⼀种是contains,另⼀种是freetext。
前者是包含,类似于like '%关键词%',后者则是将⼀段⽂字分词以后对每个词进⾏搜索。
具体语法:contains: SELECT字段1,字段2 FROM表名 WHERE contains(字段,'"词⼀" or "词⼆"') 根据查找结果的相似度排序 SELECT字段1,字段2 FROM表名 inner join containstable(表名, 字段,'"词⼀" or "词⼆"',10) as k on表名.id = k.[key] order by k.RANK DESC freetext: SELECT字段1,字段2 FROM表名 WHERE freetext(字段,'词⼀词⼆') 根据查找结果的相似度排序 SELECT字段1,字段2 FROM表名 inner join freetexttable(表名, 字段,'词⼀词⼆',10) as k on表名.id = k.[key] order by k.RANK DESC上⽂中freetexttable或containstable的10表⽰取10条数据具体详细操作:数据库数据执⾏任意⽂本查询:1.使⽤FREETEXT谓词 FREETEXT接受两个参数。
例: select Title from Titles where FREETEXT(Title,'secret computer')该SQL语句将数据库表Titles中的Title列中的内容包括secret或computer的纪录查询出来。
不过需要注意的是,FULLTEXT索引只能应用于MyISAM和InnoDB引擎,且只能应用于CHAR、VARCHAR和 TEXT类型的列。
`index_name`(`column_name1`, `column_name2`);
接下来,我们可以使用MATCH AGAINST来进行全文搜索。
SELECT column_name1, column_name2 FROM table_name WHERE MATCH(column_name1, column_name2) AGAINST('搜索词');
tidb fulltext 索引
tidb fulltext 索引TiDB is an open-source, distributed SQL database that is designed to handle large-scale, real-time transactional and analytical workloads. One of the key features of TiDBis its support for full-text indexing, which allows users to efficiently search and retrieve data based on textual content. In this response, I will discuss the problem of full-text indexing in TiDB and outline the requirements and challenges associated with it.Full-text indexing is a technique used to create an index of words or terms present in a document or a set of documents. This index enables fast and efficient searching of textual content, making it an essential feature for applications that deal with large amounts of text data. In TiDB, full-text indexing allows users to perform complex searches on text fields, such as searching for specific words, phrases, or even fuzzy matching.One of the main requirements for a full-text indexingfeature in TiDB is scalability. TiDB is designed to handle massive amounts of data and high concurrency, so the full-text indexing solution must be able to scale horizontally across multiple nodes and handle a large number of concurrent queries. This scalability requirement ensures that TiDB can efficiently handle the indexing and searching of text data, even as the size of the database and the number of users grow.Another important requirement is performance. Full-text indexing involves creating and maintaining an index of the text data, which can be a resource-intensive task. Therefore, the indexing process should be optimized to minimize the impact on the overall system performance. Additionally, the search queries should be executed quickly and efficiently, providing users with fast response times, even when dealing with large amounts of text data.Accuracy is another crucial requirement for full-text indexing in TiDB. The index should accurately reflect the content of the text fields, ensuring that search queries return relevant results. This requires a robust indexingalgorithm that can handle different languages, word variations, and special characters. Furthermore, the index should be updated in real-time to reflect any changes in the underlying data, ensuring that search results are always up-to-date.One of the challenges in implementing full-text indexing in TiDB is the distributed nature of the database. TiDB is designed to run on a cluster of nodes, with data distributed across multiple partitions. This distributed architecture introduces additional complexity in maintaining and updating the full-text index. The indexing process needs to be coordinated across the cluster, ensuring that each node has an up-to-date index. Additionally, the search queries need to be distributed across the nodes, with results aggregated and returned to the user.Another challenge is the support for different languages and text processing capabilities. TiDB is used in a wide range of applications, each with its own requirements for text processing. The full-text indexingsolution in TiDB needs to be flexible enough to handle different languages, character encodings, and text analysis techniques. This includes support for stemming, tokenization, and other language-specific processing tasks to improve the accuracy and relevance of search results.In conclusion, full-text indexing is an important feature in TiDB that enables efficient searching and retrieval of textual content. It comes with requirements such as scalability, performance, and accuracy. Challenges include the distributed nature of TiDB and the support for different languages and text processing capabilities. By addressing these requirements and challenges, TiDB can provide a powerful and reliable full-text indexing solution for a wide range of applications.。
$7.8 Billion for Everglades Restoration:Why Do Environmentalists Look So Worried?Alice L. ClarkeFlorida International UniversityGeorge H. DalrympleEverglades Research Group, Inc.The Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan, enacted in 2000, is a $7.8 billionfederal/state investment in restoring the Florida Everglades ecosystem. The plan is a negotiated compromise between divergent interests in south Florida and promises to provide water and flood control for urban and agricultural users while maintain- ing a priority commitment to the natural system when allocating water ―produced‖ by the 30-year project. The environmental community calls for independent scien- tific review of un-tested technologies, early and substantial hydrologic benefits to the remaining Everglades, including Everglades National Park, and strong program- matic regulations of the federal project to ensure that ecological restoration remains its primary purpose in spite of inherently conflicting interests at the state and local level.KEY WORDS: ecological restoration, environmental community, Everglades, Florida.INTRODUCTIONThe largest and most expensive ecological restoration effort ever un- dertaken has now begun in south Florida, USA—the restoration of the Ever- glades ecosystem. In the mid-1800s, water, the defining characteristic ofPlease address correspondence to Alice L. Clarke, Department of Environmental Studies, Florida International University, 11200 SW 8th Street, Miami, FL 33199; e-mail: clarkea@ .Population and Environment, Vol. 24, No. 6, July 2003 2003 Human Sciences Press, Inc.541542POPULATION AND ENVIRONMENTthis system, flowed freely through the Kissimmee Chain of Lakes in central Florida into the Kissimmee River and south into Lake Okeechobee. During the subtropical rainy season, shallow Lake Okeechobee overflowed, send- ing water southward to Florida Bay (Figure 1). The landscape of the Ever- glades is extremely flat and so the water proceeded not as a typical river held within defined banks, but instead as a 30-mile wide sheet of flowing water (Figure 2, panel 1).South Florida was covered by a diverse set of landscapes from Cypress swamps and pine and mangrove forests along the coasts to the Everglades with its sawgrass ridges and open water sloughs in the interior. The land- scapes supported numerous wildlife species, including those with special- ized life history requirements (e.g., snail kite, Rostrhamus socialbilis plum- beus; wood stork, Mycteria americana) and those requiring large home ranges (e.g., Florida black bear, Ursus americanus floridanus; Florida pan- ther, Puma concolor coryi). Today, however, the landscape, hydrology, and ecology of south Florida bear little resemblance to this historical descrip- tion.Human settlers and agricultural interests brought with them to south Florida a demand for f lood control. By the early 1900s, more than 400 miles of canals, levees and dams acted to drain and otherwise ―manage‖ south Florida’s wetlands. This early manipulation of the system led to over-drain- age and irreversible soil loss on a scale exceeding that of the Dust Bowl (Sklar et al., 2000). In the mid-1900s, in response to the deteriorating soils and after several severe storm events caused massive flooding, the state of Florida requested help from the federal government in managing the re- gion’s water. The Central and Southern Florida Project (C&SF), authorized by the U. S. Congress, constructed and managed by the Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), and operated by the South Florida543Water Management District (SFWMD), resulted in the installation of thousands of miles of canals and levees, 150 water control structures, and 16 pump stations (SFWMD and USACE, 1998). By the 1970s, the ecological consequences of excessive drainage and changed water flow patterns were all too evident.The canal and pump architecture has created a host of problems for the natural system s of south Florida. Today, too much fresh water is routed in large pulses (1.7 billion gallons/day on average) directly to the sea in anticipation of, and during, storm events in order to minimize flooding. This unnatural flow significantly alters the fragile balance of fresh to salt water in the productive estuaries off the east and west coasts of south Florida, resulting in harm both to aquatic plants and marine animals. This flow regime simultaneously represents a loss of fresh water to the terrestrial natural system (as well as a loss of potable water in the face of burgeoning542ALICE L. CLARKE AND GEORGE H. DALRYMPLEFIGURE 1. The historic Everglades ecosystem from the Kissimmee chain of Lakes through Lake Okeechobee and south to Florida Bay is now compartmentalizedinto distinct hydrologic units.Source: Reprinted from South Florida Ecosystem Restoration Task Force, 1995.544POPULATION AND ENVIRONMENT FIGURE 2. Water once flowed freely from the southern rim of Lake Okeechobee through the Everglades to Florida Bay and the Gulf of Mexico. Today, the flow of water has been greatly altered by the C&SF canal and levee system. The CERP is intended to restore a more natural flow of water to the remaining Everglades. Source : Reprinted from SFWMD & USACE, 1999.545ALICE L. CLARKE AND GEORGEH. DALRYMPLEurban demand). Lake Okeechobee now is operated as a reservoir and un- natural fluctuationsin water levels damage the littoral vegetation andthe fish that depend on it. The natural overflowof lake water to the south during the wet seasonhas been eliminated. Releases of water, nowchan- nelized, from the managed lake have been redirected with negative conse- quences downstream. The remaining Everglades, including Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge, Everglades National Park (ENP), and Florida Bay,receive neither the historic quantity of water, northe seasonal timing of its delivery, nor the spatial distribution of flowing water with which the land-scape evolved (Figure 2, panel 2). These changesto the hydrology of the system, together with aregion-wide degradation of water quality resultingfrom nitrogen and phosphorus-rich agriculturaland municipal pollution sources have created significant ecological change throughout theeco- system.The Everglades are a naturally oligotrophic (nutrient poor) ecosystem and exposure to higher546nutrient levels contained in today’s polluted water creates ecological change beginning at the lowest levels of the trophic sys- tem. Highly productive algal-periphyton mats, which form at the water sur- face of the wetlands, disintegrate in response to minute increases in phos- phorus content of the water (Noe et al., 2001). A system change more easily witnessed by the untrained eye is the replacement of the dominant plant species of the sloughs, sawgrass (Cladium jamaicense), by the more phos- phorus-tolerant cattail (Typha latifolia, Typha domingensi s) across large tracts of the central and southern Everglades (Childers et al., 2003). Even more dramatic, and believed to be a result of altered water patterns, there has been an 85–90% decline in breeding populations of wading birds that nest and fledge their young in the Everglades (Bancroft, 1989). The cause of this decline may ultimately lie in changes to the flow of water through the sys- tem (see Restoring the Flow below).While the C&SF was designed to accommodate a projected population of 2 million people living in south Florida, the population now numbers over 6 million (Bureau of Economic and Business Research, 2001). The Everglades ecosystem that remains is only one-half its547 original geographic extent and 70% less waterflows through the system compared to historicflow volumes (USACE & SFWMD, 1999). Fragmented, the remaining natu- ral systems compete with a growing human population that demands not only flood control but also land for development, an abundant supply of fresh waterfor municipal and agricultural use, and a solutionto the dis- posal of its waste-waters. Recognitionof the ecological degradation and growing human demands on the system have led, through ahistory de- scribed in more detail below, to the establishment of an unprecedented548POPULATION AND ENVIRONMENTfederal-state effort to restore the remaining Everglades ecosystem through a process called the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Program (CERP; /). In 2000, legislation authorizing the CERP was passed through Congress and signed into law by President Clinton with Florida Governor Jeb Bush at his side. The CERP mandates a 50/50 split of federal/state funding for the estimated $7.8 billion, 30-year project.$7.8 billion pledged to restore an ecological treasure of national and international significance.1 Environmentalists had worked relentlessly for decades to obtain this type of commitment and with the formal initiation of the CERP, most were at once elated and filled with apprehension. There are several key reasons for their ambivalence. First, though the Everglades are perhaps not as ecologically unique as Marjorie Stoneman Douglas (1947) proclaimed in her landmark book ―Riv er o f Grass,‖ witness the growing number of large-scale national and international wetland restoration projects (e.g., Chesapeake Bay, lower Mississippi River System, San Fran- cisco Bay Delta, Okavanga Delta of Botswana, Mekong Delta, Mesopota- mian Marshlands), she was correct in calling the Everglades complex and ―never wholly known.‖ How will the Everglades respond to the restoration efforts? Is enough known about the system to predict successful restoration? Will effective monitoring be supported to track ecological change? Second, the CERP relies on several sophisticated and yet untested civil engineering technologies, including barriers to control seepage, huge limestone water storage pits, and ―aquifer storage and recovery‖ mechanisms (ASRs) to allow for capture, storage, and later use of fresh water in the system that is currently ―lost to sea.‖ Will these approaches provide promised benefits without creating new harmful effects of their own (see National Research Council, 2002)?549Last, and most importantly, the CERP began as a negotiated com- promise between divergent interests in south Florida. The review of the C&SF that led to the development of the CERP explicitly sought to balance enhancement of ecological values (increasing spatial extent of natural ar- eas, improving ecological functioning, improving native species abundance and diversity) with enhancement of economic and social well being (in- creased availability of fresh water to agricultural, municipal and industrial users, reduced flood damage to agricultural and urban areas, and improved recreational opportunities) (SFWMD and USACE, 1998). Though the guid- ing principles for the CERP promise that priority is to be given to the natural system, environmentalists worry that other powerful stakeholders will sub- vert the process. Will the natural system remain the primary beneficiary as promised or will the CERP simply serve as a well-endowed water supply550ALICE L. CLARKE AND GEORGE H. DALRYMPLEand flood control project subsidizing further growth and development in south Florida?Here, we focus on the response of environmental groups to the CERP; their concerns about the plan and strategies for ensuring that actual ecologi- cal restoration takes place. We 1) summarize the sequence of developments leading up to the CERP, 2) describe the environmental community and their primary concerns related to the CERP, and 3) analyze the challenges facing the environmental community in monitoring and influencing this unique large-scale, complex, and long-term restoration process.FROM T HE CENTRAL & SOUTHERN FLORIDA PROJECT TO THE COMPREHENSIVE EVERGLADES RESTORATION PLANToward a Comprehensive Restoration PlanIn the twenty-five years that passed between the completion of the C&SF in the mid-1970s and the enactment of the CERP in 2000, a series of state and federal laws and legal actions sought to rectify the ecological problems of south Florida. The passage of this legislation reflects the sincere efforts of environmentalists, public officials, and agency and academic scientists. In particular, scientists and officials with Everglades National Park, along with Florida Governor/U. S. Senator Bob Graham and Florida Gover- nor Lawton Chiles, played crucial roles.In 1972, the Florida Water Resources Act was passed by the state legis- lature with the goal of balancing human and natural system needs for water. In 1983, the Save Our Everglades federal/state interagency program was initiated to protect and restore the Kissimmee River basin, Lake Okeecho- bee, Big Cypress National Preserve, ENP, Florida Bay, and water-551conserva- tion areas managed by the state. In 1987, the state passed the Surface Water Improvement and Management Act directing the Florida water manage- ment districts to clean up environmentally significant water bodies.Despite the above actions taken by the state of Florida together with federal partners, water quality and ecological conditions in the Everglades continued to decline. The federal government filed suit in 1988 alleging that the state of Florida had failed to prevent discharge of phosphorus polluted waters into the Everglades. In 1991 then Governor Chiles, agreed to reach a settlement and mediation efforts began. A court settlement was achieved in 1992. The state of Florida agreed to reduce phosphorus run off from agricultural lands. In 1994, agreements on phosphorus reduction were552POPULATION AND ENVIRONMENTincluded in the Everglades Forever Act passed by the Florida legislature. The Everglades Forever Act called for the implementation of best manage- ment practices to reduce phosphorus contamination on agricultural lands and incentive-based regulations requiring farmers to meet state phosphorus- reduction standards. The Act set a 2006 compliance date for stopping phos- phorus pollution.The mid-1990s also saw the establishment of two important consen- sus-building forum s. Governor Chiles established the Governor’s Commis- sion for a Sustainable South Florida in 1994 with the goal of developing recommendations for regaining a healthy Everglades ecosystem while main- taining sustainable economies and communities. In 1996, the South Florida Ecosystem Restoration Task Force (SFERTF; ) was estab- lished by Congress to oversee the development of regional restoration ef- forts. These forums played key roles in building political support for Ever- glades restoration. The SFERTF continues to play an important role in interagency coordination of restoration (SFERTF, 2002).In 1996, the federal Water Resources Development Act (WRDA, an act typically re-issued on a two-year cycle) directed the USACE to conduct a comprehensive review of the C&SF for the purpose of restoring the hy- drology of south Florida. This ―Restudy‖ led to the development of the CERP (a 10-volume, 4,000 page document), which Congress authorized as a ―framework‖ for the restoration project as part of the 2000 WRDA. At the heart of the restoration plan is the assumption that the Everglades ecosystem will recover if natural hydrologic patterns and processes are restored to remaining lands. The focus, therefore, is on ―getting the water right,‖in- cluding quantity, quality, timing, and distribution of the flow (USACE & SFWMD, 1999).Though consensus among a variety of interests was a necessity to ―sell‖ the restoration553effort in the state of Florida, on the national stage, the CERP was strategically portrayed as a restoration project, a project to restore one of this country’s ecological ―crown jewels,‖the Everglades. In Washington circles, the USACE disseminated documents that stated, among other prom- ises, that 80% of ―new‖ water (captured fresh water that now flows to the sea) will be devoted to environmental restoration (USACE & SFWMD,1999). Only the remaining 20% is to serve to enhance urban and agricul- tural water supplies. More generally, the CERP promises to1. improve the health of over2.4 million acres of the south Florida eco- system, includingEverglades National Park2. improve the health of Lake Okeechobee3. virtually eliminate damaging freshwater releases to the estuaries554ALICE L. CLARKE AND GEORGE H. DALRYMPLE4. improve water deliveries to Florida and Biscayne bays5. improve water quality6. enhance water supply and maintain flood protection (USACE & SFWMD, 1999). Providing Water to the Everglades National ParkThe original C&SF Project had three goals: providing flood control, water supply for urban and agricultural development, and water flow to ENP. Over time, these goals came into increasingly frequent conflict, and ENP almost invariably emerged the loser. Environmentalists are adamant that the CERP should not repeat this error. To assess benefits that ENP is likely to receive from the CERP in the future, it is necessary to understand the existing system of water deliveries to ENP.Though virtually all water management activities within the overall Everglades ecosystem, from the Kissimmee southward, have the potential to affect ENP, projects closest to ENP are of particular importance. Water flows into the Park from the ―water conservation areas‖(WCAs, see Figure1) and much of the flow is directed through four water management struc- tures called the ―S-12‖structures into an area in the western part of ENP called Western Shark Slough. Although historically most flow into the Park occurred further to the east, into an area called Northeast Shark Slough,2 these flows have been largely eliminated. To the southeast, in the southern half of Miami-Dade County and along the east side of the Park, a system of canals and pumps, referred to as the South Dade Conveyance System, was authorized in 1968 (P.L. 90-483) and completed in 1983. This system was specifically authorized with the expectation that it would promote conservation and the delivery of water both to555the eastern portion of ENP and the expanding agricultural and industrial areas of south Miami-Dade County.This water management system, including even the South Dade Con- veyance System, has provided neither sufficient water quantity nor natural water flow patterns to ENP. Water levels in Western Shark Slough are gen- erally too high for too long, while water levels in parts of Northeast Shark Slough and in an area to the south called Rocky Glades are generally too low and short in duration. In addition, pulse releases from certain South Dade Conveyance System structures, particularly south of the Rocky Glades, disrupt the natural hydrologic regime in the surrounding marsh and in Flor- ida Bay. As a result of such alterations in hydrologic regime, ENP has suf- fered, among other impacts, from harmful vegetative changes, including changes caused by water pollution, increased fire risk, disruption of flows556POPULATION AND ENVIRONMENTto Florida Bay, and a decrease in the abundance of certain plant and animal species.Many of the problems are due to the fact that much of the land adja- cent to the South Dade Conveyance System remains in private ownership. The Corps and District has prioritized management of the canals and pumps for the flood protection interests of these owners, even though this resulted in massive seepage of water from the Park and other hydrologic disruptions.Several important water management projects aimed at restoring a more natural hydrologic system to ENP have been authorized separately from and prior to enactment of the CERP. In 1970, Congress authorized the Minimum Water Deliveries Schedule (91-282) requiring that the USACE and the SFWMD use the C&SF to deliver a minimum of 315,000 acre feet of water to ENP as a fixed monthly allotment. But the allocation was not enough, the artificial delivery schedule could not possibly mimic the strong variation that naturally occurs in seasonal and annual hydrologic flow pat- terns in south Florida, and the flows into Shark Slough were still too far west (Ogden, 1999). Ecological conditions in ENP continued to decline.In 1984, an Experimental Water Deliveries Program (P.L. 98-181) was enacted to allow for an experimental program, including allowing for an improved schedule for water deliveries to ENP based on actual rainfall amounts over the southern Everglades watershed and an improved distribu- tion of these flows. The monthly schedule set forth in the Minimum Deliver- ies Act was suspended for the duration of the Experimental Program. But again—primarily because of perceived conflicts with private property inter- ests around ENP—little ecological progress was seen in the Park. Ulti- mately, the experimental delivery program was terminated in January 2000 when the Corps implemented a water management plan that557was intended to protect the endangered Cape Sable Seaside Sparrow (Ammodramus mar- atimus mirabilis), which had been pushed to the brink of extinction by the disrupted water regime. A series of interim water delivery plans has fol- lowed and currently deliveries operate under the Interim Operational Plan that commenced in June 2002.Major improvements in ENP’s water regime remain limited by the ex- isting infrastructure (canals, levees, pump stations) and the interests of adja- cent private property owners. Two projects, the Modified Water Deliveries, or Mod-Waters (Everglades Expansion Act 1989, P.L. 101-229), and the C-111 canal (1996 WRDA) projects are intended to provide substantial structural improvements for water delivery to ENP. The law authorizing the Mod Water project included acquisition of much of Northeast Shark River Slough, so that historic flows could be restored there. However, the imple-558ALICE L. CLARKE AND GEORGE H. DALRYMPLEmentation of Mod Waters has been delayed by controversy and litigation related to an area outside Park boundaries but west of the South Dade Conveyance System, referred to as the 8.5 Square Mile Area. A portion of this land will experience increased flooding due to the restored water flows and the plan for Mod Waters calls for acquisition of the most affected pri- vate parcels (U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 2000). In February 2003, Con- gress clarified its authorization for the USACE to proceed with the plan, thus reviving the stalled Mod-waters project. Mod-waters and the C-111 projects await implementation and will play critical roles alongside the CERP in restoration of the southern portions of the Everglades ecosystem.ROLE OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL COMMUNITYA wide variety of environmental groups are actively involved in seek- ing restoration of the Everglades ecosystem. They range from the largest of the national environmental organizations (e.g., Sierra Club, National Wild- life Federation, Natural Resources Defense Council, World Wildlife Fund) to smaller state and local organizations (e.g., Arthur R. Marshall Founda- tion, Florida Keys Environmental Fund, Florida PIRG), including local affili- ates of the Sierra Club and the National Audubon Society. The groups vary in their primary focus from wildlife and biodiversity conservation (e.g., Na- tional Audubon Society, Florida Wildlife Federation), to land conservation (e.g., Redland Conservancy, Wilderness Society), to water resource conser- vation (Biscayne Bay Foundation, Clean Water Action), and finally, to those that focus specifically on the Everglades (e.g., Friends of the Everglades, Everglades Coordinating Council). Forty-one of these groups have joined559efforts through membership in the Everglades Coalition (Table 1). Through the Coalition, the groups work to present, when there is sufficient agree- ment among them, a unified stand on important policy considerations (e.g., Everglades Coalition, 2002).The Everglades Coalition has conducted an annual conference for the past 18 years. These conferences have grown to be so successful that they now serve not only to bring together representatives of the environmental community but also the principal decision-makers from local, state and federal agencies and political bodies. Today, the absence of a high-level bureaucrat or politician, such as the Governor of Florida, at the Conference can be as notable as their presence. Significant policy announcements have come to be expected. For instance, at this year’s conference (January 2003, Delray Beach, FL) Gale Norton, Secretary of the Interior, announced the Bush Administration’s support of the current plan for the Mod-Waters proj-560。
MySQL数据库⼏种常⽤的索引类型使⽤介绍⼀、简介MySQL⽬前主要有以下⼏种索引类型:1.普通索引2.唯⼀索引3.主键索引4.组合索引5.全⽂索引⼆、语句1 2CREATE TABLE table_name[col_name data type][unique|fulltext][index|key][index_name](col_name[length])[asc|desc]1.unique|fulltext为可选参数,分别表⽰唯⼀索引、全⽂索引2.index和key为同义词,两者作⽤相同,⽤来指定创建索引3.col_name为需要创建索引的字段列,该列必须从数据表中该定义的多个列中选择4.index_name指定索引的名称,为可选参数,如果不指定,默认col_name为索引值5.length为可选参数,表⽰索引的长度,只有字符串类型的字段才能指定索引长度6.asc或desc指定升序或降序的索引值存储三、索引类型1.普通索引是最基本的索引,它没有任何限制。
它有以下⼏种创建⽅式:(1)直接创建索引1CREATE INDEX index_name ON table(column(length))(2)修改表结构的⽅式添加索引1ALTER TABLE table_name ADD INDEX index_name ON(column(length))(3)创建表的时候同时创建索引1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8CREATE TABLE`table` (`id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , `title` char(255) CHARACTER NOT NULL, `content` text CHARACTER NULL,`time` int(10) NULL DEFAULT NULL,PRIMARY KEY(`id`),INDEX index_name (title(length)))(4)删除索引1DROP INDEX index_name ON table2.唯⼀索引与前⾯的普通索引类似,不同的就是:索引列的值必须唯⼀,但允许有空值。
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ORIGINAL PAPERDiversity of basidiomycetous phylloplane yeasts belonging to the genus Dioszegia (Tremellales)and description of Dioszegia athyri sp.nov.,Dioszegia butyracea sp.nov.and Dioszegia xingshanensis sp.nov.Qi-Ming Wang ÆJian-Hua Jia ÆFeng-Yan BaiReceived:9September 2007/Accepted:29November 2007/Published online:9December 2007ÓSpringer Science+Business Media B.V.2007Abstract From approximately 200basidiomycetous yeast isolates forming orange or orange-red colonies isolated from senescent leaves collected in different regions of China,29representative strains varying in their geographic distribution and ballistoconidium forming ability were selected for further phenotypic and molecular taxonomic studies.Sequence analysis of the large subunit (26S)rDNA D1/D2domain and the internal transcribed spacer (ITS)region including 5.8S rRNA from the strains resulted in the recognition of seven Dioszegia species,including four described species,namely D.aurantiaca , D.fristingensis ,D.hungarica and D.zsoltii var.zsoltii and D.zsoltii var.yunnanensis ,and three undescribed species.The three new species are described as Dioszegia athyri sp.nov.(type strain:CB 159T =AS 2.2559T =CBS 10119T ),Dioszegia butyracea sp.nov.(type strain:CB 261T =AS 2.2600T =CBS 10122T )and Dioszegia xingshanensis sp.nov.(type strain:HB 1.4T =AS 2.2481T =CBS 10120T )in the present study.Keywords Basidiomycetous yeasts ÁDioszegia ÁSpecies diversity ÁMolecular phylogenyIntroductionThe genus Dioszegia Zsolt in the Tremellales was revived and emended by Takashima et al.(2001)to accommodate both ballistoconidium and non ballis-toconidium-forming basidiomycetous yeast species which usually form orange-coloured colonies.Three species were originally included in the emended genus.Since then,the number of species in the genushas increased to ten (Bai et al.2002a ;Ina´cio et al.2005;Wang et al.2003).Recent studies on yeast isolates from plant leaves collected in different regions in China indicated that the natural distribu-tion of Dioszegia species in the phylloplane is common.Approximately 200basidiomycetous yeasts forming orange or orange-red colonies were isolated from senescent leaves collected directly from plants in different regions of China.On the basis of morphological grouping,29representative strains isolated from different plants or different places were selected for rDNA sequence analysis and physiolog-ical characterization.Seven Dioszegia species including four described and three undescribed taxa were recognized from the strains studied.The three new species are described as Dioszegia athyri sp.nov.,Dioszegia butyracea sp.nov.and Dioszegia xingshanensis sp.nov.in the present study.Q.-M.Wang (&)ÁJ.-H.Jia ÁF.-Y.BaiSystematic Mycology and Lichenology Laboratory,Institute of Microbiology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,China e-mail:wangqm@Antonie van Leeuwenhoek (2008)93:391–399DOI 10.1007/s10482-007-9216-9Materials and methodsYeast strainsThe strains studied are listed in Table1.They were isolated from senescent plant leaves using the improved ballistoconidia-fall method as described by Nakase and Takashima(1993).The leaves were collected from August to October during the years 1998–2004.All were still attached to the plants when collected.Morphological,physiological and biochemical characterizationMost of the morphological,physiological and bio-chemical characteristics were examined according to standard methods(Yarrow1998).Extraction,purifi-cation and identification of ubiquinones were carried out according to Yamada and Kondo(1973).Assim-ilation of nitrogen compounds was investigated on solid media with starved inoculum(Nakase and Suzuki1986).Table1Yeast strains studiedSpecies Strain SourceD.aurantiaca CB166Brachybotrys paridiformis,Changbai Mountain,Jilin,northeast ChinaCB170Brachybotrys paridiformis,Changbai Mountain,Jilin,northeast ChinaCB323Leptolepidium sp.,Changbai Mountain,Jilin,northeast ChinaHX4.4Ranunculus sp.,Xingshan,Hubei,central ChinaHX6.2Smilax stans,Xingshan,Hubei,central ChinaHX9.2Viburnum betulifolium,Xingshan,Hubei,central ChinaHX12.13Lindera communis,Xingshan,Hubei,central ChinaHX13.13Decaisnea fargesii,Xingshan,Hubei,central ChinaHX20.10Porana henryi,Xingshan,Hubei,central ChinaHX21.6Artemisia sp.,Xingshan,Hubei,central ChinaSH67Ligustrum sp.,Taigu,Shanxi,north ChinaD.fristingensis SH47Rhododendron oroedoxa,Taigu County,Shanxi,north ChinaXJ4E3Rubus sachalinensis,Xinjiang,northwest ChinaD.hungarica CB145Tilia amurensis,Changbai Mountain,Jilin,northeast ChinaCB247Dryopteris sp.,Changbai Mountain,Jilin,northeast ChinaHX21.3Artemisia sp.,Xingshan County,Hubei,central ChinaSH24Salix yanbianica,Taigu County,Shanxi,north ChinaD.zsoltii var.zsoltii BH4Deutzia sp.,Baihua Mountain,Beijing,north ChinaBH19Betula platyphylla,Baihua Mountain,Beijing,north ChinaCB167Brachybotrys paridiformis,Changbai Mountain,Jilin,northeast ChinaST5.13Zanthoxylum sp.,Taibai Mountain,Shaanxi,northwest ChinaSH12Vitex negundo,Taigu,Shanxi,north ChinaD.zsoltii var.yunnanensis BH3Deutzia sp.,Baihua Mountain,Beijing,north ChinaD.athyri sp.nov.CB159T Athyrium sp.,Changbai Mountain,Jilin,northeast ChinaD.butyracea sp.nov.CB261T Betula ermanii,Changbai Mountain,Jilin,northeast ChinaCB320Leptolepidium sp.,Changbai Mountain,Jilin,northeast ChinaSB4.7Euonymus verrucosoides,Taibai County,Shaanxi,northwest ChinaXJ7E2Betula platyphylla,Xinjiang,northwest ChinaD.xingshanensis sp.nov.HB1.4T Artemisia sp.,Xingshan County,Hubei,central ChinaSequencing and molecular phylogenetic analysis Nuclear DNA was extracted by using the method of Makimura et al.(1994).ITS(including5.8S rDNA) and26rDNA D1/D2domain sequences were deter-mined as described previously(Bai et al.2002b). Sequences were aligned with the Clustal X program (Thompson et al.1997).Phylogenetic trees were constructed from the evolutionary distance data cal-culated from Kimura’s two parameter model(Kimura 1980)by using the neighbor-joining method(Saitou and Nei1987).Bootstrap analyses(Felsenstein1985) were performed from1,000random resamplings.Results and discussionSeven species belonging to the genus Dioszegia were recognized among the29representative strains on the basis of D1/D2domain and ITS region sequence analysis(Table1).Eleven isolates from north,north-east and central China were assigned to D.aurantiaca. Their sequences matched that of the type(JCM2956) of the species in the ITS region and differed by zero to two substitutions in the D1/D2domain.All isolates formed ballistoconida.The present study shows that D.aurantiaca is widespread in nature and that its geographic distribution may not be restricted to colder regions as suggested by Ina´cio et al.(2005).The species was frequently isolated in Xingshan,Hubei Province,a subtropical area of central China(Table1).Strains SH47and XJ4E3isolated in north and northwest China were assigned to D.fristingensis. This species was described recently based on a single isolate from Germany(Ina´cio et al.2005).Strains SH 47and XJ4E3differed from each other by three substitutions in each of the D1/D2and ITS region. They differed from the type(PYCC5861)by one or two substitutions in the D1/D2and two orfive mismatches in the ITS region.Whereas D.fristing-ensis was originally described as producing ballistoconidia abundantly(Ina´cio et al.2005),the two Chinese isolates only rarely formed ballistocon-idia.The species was not found among phylloplane yeasts identified in Portugal(Ina´cio et al.2005).Four isolates from central,north and northeast China belonged to D.hungarica.They were identical to the type in the D1/D2domain but differed by two substitutions in the ITS region.This species contains both ballistoconidium and non ballistoconidium-form-ing strains(Takashima et al.2001).Among the four Chinese representatives of D.hungarica,ballistocon-idia were observed only in strain HX21.3on artificial media.Six strains isolated from north,northeast and northwest China were assigned to D.zsoltii based on their sequence identity to the type in the D1/D2domain. This species was originally described based on six isolates from the subtropical part of Yunnan Province in southwest China(Bai et al.2002a).Two varieties that differed by three substitutions in the ITS regions were recognized based on their intermediate DNA–DNA relatedness values(45–55%).Of the six strains of D.zsoltii identified in the present study,strain HB3 was assigned to D.zsoltii var.yunnanensis based on a matching ITS sequence.The otherfive strains were assigned to D.zsoltii var.zsoltii.Three(BH4,CB167 and SH12)had identical ITS sequences to the type, whereas strains HB19and ST5.13differed by one substitution in that region.This species was also identified among phylloplane yeasts in Portugal(Ina´cio et al.2005).D.zsoltii therefore appears to be widely distributed across areas with different climate types.Analysis of D1/D2and ITS sequences(Fig.1) placed strain CB159in a clade that included also D.takashimae,D.catarinonii,D.zsoltii,an unnamed strain Dioszegia sp.TY-217,and‘Cryptococcus hun-garicus’CBS6576with strong bootstrap support.In the D1/D2domain,strain CB159differed from ‘C.hungaricus’CBS6576by28mismatches and from the other four taxa by three to six substitutions. Differences of13–20mismatches were found with the latter in the ITS region.On this basis,we regard strain CB159as representative of a novel species,for which the name D.athyri sp.nov.is proposed.The four strains CB261,CB320,SB4.7,and XJ7E2 possessed identical ITS sequences and thefirst two, from northeast China,differed from the last two,from northwest China,by one substitution in the D1/D2 region.We interpret this as evidence that the four strains are conspecific and distinct from D.statzelliae and D.fristingensis(Fig.1).The isolates differ from the types of the two described species byfive and nine mismatches in the D1/D2and by13and26mismatches in the ITS regions,respectively.We propose the name D.butyracea sp.nov.for this new species.Strain HB1.4from Hubei Province,central China, occupied a basal position(Fig.1)with respect toD.crocea,D.aurantiaca and D.changbaiensis,with which it formed a well supported clade in the tree drawn from ITS sequences(bootstrap=94%,not shown).The strain differed from D.crocea,D.aur-antiaca,and D.changbaiensis by11,13and23 mismatches in the D1/D2domain,respectively,and by24,23and18mismatches in the ITS region.These data support our proposal of a new species,which we name D.xingshanensis sp.nov.Latin diagnosis of Dioszegia athyri Q.M.Wang&F.Y.Bai sp.nov.In YM(Difco)liquido post dies7ad17°C,cellulae vegetativae ellipsoideae,ovoideae,2.5–695–10l m,singulae aut binae.Sedimentum formatur.Post unummensem ad17°C,annulus et sedimentum formantur.Inagaro YM post unum mensem ad17°C,culturaaurantiaca,glabra,nitida,butyracea,margine glabra.Pseudomycelium non formantur.Ballistosporae ellip-soideae,ampulliformes,4–695–10l m.Fermentationulla.Glucosum,galactosum,saccharosum,maltosum,cellobiosum,trehalosum,melibiosum,raffinosum,melezitosum,inulin(lente et exigue),amylum solubile(lente et exigue),D-xylosum,L-arabinosum,D-arabino-sum(lente et exigue),D-ribosum(lente et exigue), L-rhamnosum(lente et exigue),galactitolum(exigue),D-glucitolum(lente et exigue),methyl a-D-glucosidum (lente et exigue)et salicinum(lente et exigue)assim-ilantur at non L-sorbosum,lactosum,D-glucosaminum,methanolum,ethanolum,glycerolum,erithritolum,ribitolum,D -mannitolum,acidum DL -lacticum,acidum succinicum,acidum citricum,inositolum nec hexdecanum.Ammonium sulfatum,natrum nitrosum et L -lysinum assimilantur at non kalium nitricum,ethylaminum nec cadaverinum.Vitamina externa ad crescentiam necessaria sunt.Maxima temperatura cres-centiae:29°C.Materia amyloidea iodophila non formatur.Urea finditur.Diazonium caeruleum B pos-itivum.Ubiquinonum majus :Q-10.Typus :Isolatus ex folio Athyrium sp.,CB 159T ,depositus in collectione China General Microbiological Culture Collection Center,Academia Sinica (AS 2.2559T =CBS 10119T ).Description of Dioszegia athyri Q.M.Wang &F.Y.Bai sp.nov.In YM broth,after 7days at 17°C,cells are ovoid,ellipsoidal, 2.5–695–10l m and single or pairs,budding is polar,sediment is formed (Fig.2).After 1month at 17°C,a ring and sediment are present.On YM agar,after 1month at 17°C,the streak culture is orange,butyrous,smooth,shining.The margin is entire.In Dalmau plate culture on corn meal agar,pseudohyphyae are not formed.Ballistoconidia are napiform or ellipsoidal,4–695–10l m.Fermenta-tion is negative.Glucose,galactose,sucrose,maltose,cellobiose,trehalose,melibiose,raffinose,melezitose,inulin (delayed and weak),soluble starch (delayed and weak),D -xylose,L -arabinose,D -arabinose (delayed and weak),D -ribose (delayed and weak),L -rhamnose (delayed and weak),galactitol (weak),D -glucitol (delayed and weak),methyl a -D -glucoside (delayed and weak)and salicin (delayed and weak)are assim-ilated.L -sorbose,lactose,D -glucosamine,methanol,ethanol,glycerol,erythritol,ribitol,D -mannitol,DL -lactic acid,succinic acid,critic acid,inositol and hexdecane are not assimilated.Ammonium sulfate,sodium nitrite and L -lysine are assimilated.Potassium nitrate,ethylamine hydrochloride and cadaverine dihydrochloride are not assimilated.Maximum growth temperature is 29°C.Growth in vitamin-free medium is negative.Starch-like substances are not produced.Growth on 50%(w/w)glucose-yeast extract agar is negative.Urease activity is positive.Diazonium Blue B reaction is positive.The major ubiquinone is Q-10.The type strain of Dioszegia ,CB 159T ,was isolated from a senescent leaf of Athyrium sp.collected in Changbai Mountain,Jilin province,China in October 1998.This strain has been deposited in the China General Microbiological Culture Collection Center (CGMCC),Academia Sinica,Beijing,China,as AS 2.2559T ,and in the Centraalbureau voor Schimmel-cultures,Utrecht,The Netherlands,as CBS 10119T.Fig.2Dioszegia athyri sp.nov.CB 159T vegetative cells grown in YM broth for 7days at 17°C (left)and ballistoconidia produced on corn meal agar after 14days at 17°C (right).Bars,10l mEtymology:the specific epithet athyri refers to plant genus Athyrium from which the type strain of the species was isolated.Physiologically,D.athyri sp.nov.differs from its phylogenetically close relatives D.catarinonii ,D.takashimae ,and D.zsoltii by its inability to assimilate succinic acid,DL -lactate and inositol.Latin diagnosis of Dioszegia butyracea Q.M.Wang &F.Y.Bai sp.nov.In YM (Difco)liquido post dies 7ad 17°C,cellulae vegetativae ellipsoideae,ovoideae,3–695–12l m,singulae or binae.Annulus et sedimentum formantur.Post unum mensem ad 17°C,annulus,pellicula et sedimentum formantur.In agaro YM post unum mensem ad 17°C,cultura aurantiaca,glabra,nitida,butyracea,margine glabra.Mycelium formantur vel non.Ballistosporae ellipsoideae ad ovoideae,4–595–10l m.Fermentatio nulla.Glucosum,galac-tosum,saccharosum (exigue),maltosum,cellobiosum,trehalosum,melibiosum,raffinosum,melezitosum,inulin,D -xylosum,L -arabinosum,D -arabinosum,L -rhamnosum (exigue),D -glucosaminum (lente et exigue),galactitolum,D -mannitolum et methyl a -D -glucosidum (exigue)assimilantur at non L -sorbo-sum,lactosum,amylum solubile,D -ribosum,methanolum,ethanolum,glycerolum,erithritolum,ribitolum,D -glucitolum,salicinum,acidum DL -lacti-cum,acidum succinicum,acidum citricum,inositolum nec hexdecanum.Ammonium sulfatum,natrum nitro-sum et L -lysinum assimilantur at non kalium nitricum,ethylaminum nec cadaverinum.Vitamina externa ad crescentiam necessaria sunt.Maxima temperatura crescentiae :25°C.Materia amyloidea iodophila formatur.Urea finditur.Diazonium caeruleum B positivum.Ubiquinonum majus :Q-10.Typus:Isolatus ex folio Betula ermanii Cham.,CB 261T ,depositus in collectione China General Microbiological Culture Collection Center,Academia Sinica (AS 2.2600T =CBS 10122T ).Description of Dioszegia butyracea Q.M.Wang &F.Y.Bai sp.nov.In YM broth,after 7days at 17°C,cells are ovoid,ellipsoidal,3–695–12l m and single or pairs,bud-ding is polar,a ring and sediment is formed (Fig.3).After 1month at 17°C,a ring,pellicle and sediment are present.On YM agar,after 1month at 17°C,the streak culture is orange,butyrous,smooth,shining.The margin is entire.In Dalmau plate culture on corn meal agar,true hyphae are formed or not.Ballistoconidia are ellipsoidal,ovoid.4–595–10l m.FermentationisFig.3Dioszegiabutyracea sp.nov.CB 261T vegetative cells grown in YM broth for 7days at 17°C (left)andballistoconidia produced on corn meal agar after 7days at 17°C (right).Bars,10l mnegative.Glucose,galactose,sucrose(weak),maltose,cellobiose,trehalose,melibiose,raffinose,melezitose,inulin,D-xylose,L-arabinose,D-arabinose,L-rhamnose(weak),D-glucosamine(delayed and weak),galactitol, D-mannitol and methyl a-D-glucoside(weak)are assim-ilated.L-sorbose,lactose,soluble starch,D-ribose,methanol,ethanol,glycerol,erythritol,ribitol,D-gluci-tol,salicin,DL-lactic acid,succinic acid,critic acid,inositol and hexdecane are not assimilated.Ammoniumsulfate,sodium nitrite and L-lysine are assimilated.Potassium nitrate,ethylamine hydrochloride and cadav-erine dihydrochloride are not assimilated.Maximumgrowth temperature is25°C.Growth in vitamin-freemedium is negative.Starch-like substances are pro-duced.Growth on50%(w/w)glucose-yeast extract agaris negative.Urease activity is positive.Diazonium BlueB reaction is positive.The major ubiquinone is Q-10.The type strain,CB261T,was isolated from a senescentleaf of Betula ermanii Cham.collected in ChangbaiMountain,Jilin province,China,in October1998.Thisstrain has been deposited in the China General Micro-biological Culture Collection Center(CGMCC),Academia Sinica,Beijing,China,as AS2.2600T,andin the Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures,Utrecht,The Netherlands,as CBS10122T.Etymology:the specific epithet butyracea refers tothe butyrous colony texture of the strains of thisspecies.Phenotypically,Dioszegia butyracea sp.nov.dif-fers from its closest relative D.statzalliae by its abilityto assimilate inulin and its inability to assimilate D-glucitol and DL-lactate.The inulin utilizing ability can also differentiate the new species from all the otherdescribed Dioszegia species(Table2).Latin diagnosis of Dioszegia xingshanensisQ.M.Wang&F.Y.Bai sp.nov.In YM(Difco)liquido post dies7ad17°C,cellulaevegetativae ellipsoideae,ovoideae,2–594–10l m,singulae or binae.Sedimentum formatur.Post unummensem ad17°C,annulus et sedimentum formantur.Inagaro YM post unum mensem ad17°C,culturaaurantiaca,glabra,nitida,butyracea,margine glabra.Pseudomycelium non formantur.Ballistoconidia napi-forma aut ellipsoidea,4–695–10l m.Fermentationulla.Glucosum,galactosum(exigue),saccharosum,maltosum,cellobiosum,trehalosum,melibiosum,raffinosum,melezitosum,D-xylosum,L-arabinosum,Table2Diagnostic physiological characters of taxa in the genus DioszegiaTaxon Assimilation of St Bc25°C1234567891011D.athyri sp.nov.+lw lw lw--lw lw----++ D.butyracea sp.nov.++---+-----+++ D.xingshanensis sp.nov.+----+-w--w+++ D.aurantiaca a+-l w-++l w+-++-D.buhagiarii b---+l+l+-+-+-+ D.catarinonii b+--+,l--,l-++,l+-,l++,-+ D.changbaiensis c+-+--l l+-+-+-+ D.crocea a+-w+++++++-+++ D.fristingensis b+--l l++l l+-++-D.hungarica a----++++-++++,-+ D.statzelliae d w--w w++w+w-+--D.takashimae b+--+,l-+,l-++,l+l+++ D.zsoltii var.zsoltii e+-+--+(w)-+,--+,w-w++ D.zsoltii var.yunnanensis e+-+----+,--(w)+,w-w++Data from a Takashima et al.(2001);b Ina´cio et al.(2005);c Wang et al.(2003);d Thomas-Hall et al.(2002);and e Bai et al.(2002a) Abbreviations:1,melibiose;2,inulin;3,soluble starch;4,Ribose;5,ribitol;6,D-mannitol;7,D-glucitol;8,salicin;9,lactate;10, succinate;11,inositol;St,starch-like substance formation;Bc,ballistoconidia formation;25°C,growth at25°C;+,positive;l, delayed positive;w,weakly positive;lw,delayed and weakly positiveD -arabinosum,L -rhamnosum,galactitolum (lente etexigue),D -mannitolum (exigue),methyl a -D -glucosi-dum (exigue),salicinum (exigue)et inositolum (exigue)assimilantur at non L -sorbosum,lactosum,inulin,amylum solubile,D -ribosum,D -glucosaminum,methan-olum,ethanolum,glycerolum,erithritolum,ribitolum,D -glucitolum,acidum DL -lacticum,acidum succinicum,acidum citricum nec hexdecanum.Ammonium sulfa-tum,natrum nitrosum et L -lysinum assimilantur at non kalium nitricum,ethylaminum nec cadaverinum.Ad crescentiam vitamina non necessaria sunt.Maxima temperatura crescentiae :26°C.Materia amyloidea iodophila formatur.Urea finditur.Diazonium caeru-leum B positivum.Ubiquinonum majus :Q-10.Typus :Isolatus ex folio Artemisia sp.,HB 1.4T ,depositus in collectione China General Microbiological Culture Collection Center,Academia Sinica (AS 2.2481T =CBS 10120T ).Description of Dioszegia xingshanensis Q.M.Wang &F.Y.Bai sp.nov.In YM broth,after 7days at 17°C,cells are ovoid,ellipsoidal,2–594–10l m and single or pairs,bud-ding is polar or bipolar,sediment is formed (Fig.4).After 1month at 17°C,a ring and sediment are present.On YM agar,after 1month at 17°C,the streak cultureis orange,butyrous,smooth,shining.The margin is entire.In Dalmau plate culture on corn meal agar,true or pseudohyphae are not formed.Ballistoconidia are ellipsoidal,napiform,4–695–10l m.Fermentation is negative.Glucose,galactose (weak),sucrose,malt-ose,cellobiose,trehalose,melibiose,raffinose,melezitose,D -xylose,L -arabinose,D -arabinose,L -rhamnose,galactitol (delayed and weak),D -mannitol (weak),methyl a -D -glucoside (weak),salicin (weak)and inositol (weak)are assimilated.L -sorbose,lactose,inulin,soluble starch,D -ribose,D -glucosamine,meth-anol,ethanol,glycerol,erythritol,ribitol,D -glucitol,DL -lactic acid,succinic acid,critic acid and hexdecane are not assimilated.Ammonium sulfate,sodium nitrite and L -lysine are assimilated.Potassium nitrate,ethyl-amine hydrochloride and cadaverine dihydrochloride are not assimilated.Maximum growth temperature is 26°C.Growth in vitamin-free medium is positive (delayed and weak).Starch-like substances are pro-duced.Growth on 50%(w/w)glucose-yeast extract agar is negative.Urease activity is positive.Diazonium Blue B reaction is positive.The major ubiquinone is Q-10.The type strain,HB 1.4T ,was isolated from a senescent leaf of Artemisia sp.collected in Hubei province,China in October 2002.This strain has been deposited in the China General Microbiological Culture Collection Center (CGMCC),Academia Sinica,Beijing,China,as AS 2.2481T and intheFig.4Dioszegiaxingshanensis sp.nov.HB 1.4T vegetative cells grown in YM broth for 7days at 17°C (left)andballistoconidia produced on corn meal agar after 14days at 17°C (right).Bars,10l mCentraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures,Utrecht,The Netherlands,as CBS10120T.Etymology:the specific epithet xingshanensis refers to the geographic origin of the type strain of this species.D.xingshanensis sp.nov.is physiologically sim-ilar to D.butyracea sp.nov.,however,the former can be distinguished from the latter by its inability to assimilate inulin(Table2).Acknowledgements This study was supported by grant no. 30470005from the National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC)and the Youth Association of the Institute of Microbiology(IMYA),Chinese Academy of Sciences. 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Communicated by H. Nybom S. R. Beedanagari Æ S. K. Dove Department of Horticulture, University of Georgia, 1111 Miller Plant Science Building, Athens, GA 30602-7273, USA B. W. Wood U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Southeastern Fruit and Tree Nut Research Laboratory, 21 Dunbar Road, Byron, GA 31008, USA P. J. Conner (&) Department of Horticulture, University of Georgia-Tifton Campus, 115 Coastal Way, Tifton, GA 31793, USA E-mail: pconner@ Tel.: +1-229-3863903 Fax: +1-229-3863356
Pecan [Carya illinoinensis (Wangenh.) K. Koch] is one of the most commercially important nut crops grown in the United States and the most economically important member of the genus Carya Nutt. (hickory) (Wood 1994). Most pecan cultivars are diploid, with a chromosome number of 2n=2x=32. Pecan trees are very large and long-lived trees with a juvenile period of 5– 10 years. These characteristics, in combination with a high degree of heterozygosity maintained through dichogamy, have limited genetic studies in this crop. Consequently, the genetic control of important traits, including disease resistance and nut quality, are poorly understood. Pecan is monoecious, with male and female flowers produced on the same individual. The staminate flowers are organized into an ament or catkin, and the female flowers are borne on a spike (Wetzstein and Sparks 1986). Self-pollination in pecan is usually limited by dichogamy, whereby the male and female flowers mature at different times. Pecan cultivars differ with respect to maturity of the staminate and pistillate flowers, leading to both protandrous and protogynous patterns of flowering, termed heterodichogamy. In protogynous types, stigmas become receptive prior to pollen shed, and in protandrous types, pollen begins to shed before the stigmas are receptive. The only trait in pecan for which the genetics has been established is dichogamy,
Theor Appl Genet (2005) 110: 1127–1137 DOI 10.1007/s00122-005-1944-5
Sudheer R. Beedanagari Æ Sue K. Dove Bruce W. Wood Æ Patrick J. Conner
which is controlled by a single locus such that protandry (pp) is recessive to protogyny (PP or Pp) (Thompson and Romberg 1985). The potential of molecular markers to increase our understanding of the pecan genome has been demonstrated in several studies. Isozyme systems have been used to study the genetic diversity of pecan populations (Marquard 1987, 1989, 1991; Marquard et al. 1995; Ruter et al. 2000, 2001). Conner and Wood (2001) used random amplified polymorphic DNAs (RAPDs) to identify pecan cultivars and estimate their genetic relatedness. Vendrame et al. (2000) used amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs) for the molecular evaluation of pecan trees regenerated from somatic embryogenic cultures, and Grauke et al. (2003) evaluated simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers for genetic studies. Grauke et al. (2001) determined the mean 2C genome size of pecan to be approximately 1.7 pg. Aside from these studies, little information exists on the pecan genome. With the advent of several PCR-based methodologies, molecular markers became common tools for genetic studies. Molecular markers are particularly valuable in perennial crops for linkage map construction and the mapping of qualitative and quantitative traits (Crespel et al. 2002). Molecular linkage maps are also being used successfully in many crop species for directed germplasm improvement (Pearl et al. 2004). Though most agronomically important crops have saturated, or nearly saturated, linkage maps, mapping studies in perennial fruit and nut crops have lagged behind. Molecular linkage maps of several tree fruit and nut crops have been recently produced, including pear (Pyrus communis) (Yamamoto et al. 2002), apricot (Prunus armeniaca) (Vilanova et al. 2003; Lambert et al. 2004), Citrus (Sankar and Moore 2001), macadamia (Macadamia sp.) (Peace et al. 2003), apple, (Malus · domestica) (Conner et al. 1997), and walnut, (Juglans sp.) (Fjellstrom and Parfitt 1994). Linkage maps facilitate the identification and localization of genes controlling important traits, subsequently allowing marker-assisted selection and positional cloning of genes (Staub et al. 1996; La Rosa et al. 2003). Like many tree fruit and nut crops, pecan is an outbreeding heterozygous crop and inbreeding depression limits the ability to produce F2 or backcross populations for mapping. Instead, F1 progenies obtained from crossing two highly heterozygous parent clones and the double pseudo-testcross strategy are used to generate linkage maps. This method produces two independent maps, one for each of the parents (Weeden 1994; Atienza et al. 2002; Yin et al. 2002; La Rosa et al. 2003). In this report we describe the construction of genetic linkage maps for the pecan cultivars ‘Pawnee’ and ‘Elliot’ using a combination of RAPD and AFLP markers. Both ‘Pawnee’ and ‘Elliot’ are important cultivars to the breeding program. ‘Pawnee’ is one of the most widely planted pecan cultivars and combines the desirable characteristics of large nut size, high quality,