



凯美思产品参数产品型号凯美思-K6产品说明CPU 四核处理器MTK6589网络WCDMA/GSM双卡双待主频 1.5GHZDDR 1GFLASH NANDFLASH 8G操作系统Android 4.2以上wifi 内置(802.11 b /g/n)蓝牙内置尺寸112.4*192.3*9.9重量320g厚度9.9mmGPS 内置显示屏1280*800触摸屏五点触摸摄像头前置200w+后置500w电脑接口MiCRO USB interface ,USB OTG 2.0扩充容量支持TF_Card , 支持1GB -32GB系统内存1G电源内置电池不少于3600mAH锂电池,外置适配器为DC5V 1.5A图像引擎裸眼3D功能,支持V+引擎,包括3DV视频引擎,3DG游戏引擎,3DP图像处理引擎配件充电器,耳机,皮套,数据线,16G内存卡,说明书产品型号凯美思-K8产品说明CPU 四核处理器MTK6589网络WCDMA/GSM双卡双待主频 1.5GHZDDR 1G频段850/900/1800/1900/W2100/W850FLASH NANDFLASH 8G操作系统Android 4.2以上wifi 内置(802.11 b /g/n)蓝牙内置尺寸112.4*192.3*9.6重量320g厚度9.9mmGPS 内置显示屏1280*800触摸屏五点触摸摄像头前置200w+后置500w电脑接口MiCRO USB interface ,USB OTG 2.0扩充容量支持TF_Card , 支持1GB -32GB系统内存1G电源内置电池不少于3600mAH锂电池,外置适配器为DC5V 1.5A图像引擎裸眼3D功能,支持V+引擎,包括3DV视频引擎,3DG游戏引擎,3DP图像处理引擎配件充电器,耳机,皮套,数据线,16G内存卡,说明书。



Technical Data Sheet5.0mm Round Type LED Lamps█ Features :●Choice of various viewing angles ●Available on tape and reel.●Reliable and robust●Pb free●The product itself will remain within RoHS compliant version.█ Descriptions :●The series is specially designed forapplications requiring higher brightness●The led lamps are available with different colors, intensities.█ Applications :●TV set ●Monitor ●Telephone ●Computer333-2SDRT/S530-A3AlGaInPHyper RedRed TransEVERLIGHT ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD.http : // Rev.:3Page: 1 of 6Device Number :CDLE-033-920Prepared date:2006/2/17Prepared by:Xiuzen FengCG0602036333-2SDRT/S530-A3Lens ColorPART NO.MaterialEmitted ColorEVERLIGHT ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD.http : // Rev.:3Page: 2 of 6Device Number :CDLE-033-920Prepared date:Prepared by:Xiuzen Feng2006/2/17Technical Data Sheet5.0mm Round Type LED LampsElectro-Optical Characteristics (Ta=25℃)SymbolMin.Typ.Max.UnitVF I F =20mA / 2.0 2.4VIR V R =5V //10μAIv I F =20mA 5001250/mcd2θ1/2I F =20mA /10/degλp I F =20mA /632/nmλd I F =20mA /624/nm△λI F =20mA /20/nmEVERLIGHT ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD.http : // Rev.:3Page: 3 of 6Device Number :CDLE-033-920Prepared date:Prepared by:Xiuzen FengPeak Wavelength Dominant Wavelength Spectrum RadiationBandwidthForward Voltage Reverse Current Luminous Intensity Viewing Angle 333-2SDRT/S530-A3ConditionParameter2006/2/17Technical Data Sheet5.0mm Round Type LED Lamps█Reliability test items and conditions:The reliability of products shall be satisfied with items listed below. Confidence level:97% LTPD:3%NO Item Test ConditionsSample SizeFailure Judgment Criteria1Solder Heat TEMP : 260℃ ± 5 ℃76 PCS H : +100℃ 15min2Temperature Cycle∫ 5 min 76 PCSL : -40℃ 15min H : +100℃ 5min3Thermal Shock ∫ 10 sec 76 PCSL : -10℃ 5min 4High TemperatureStorage TEMP : 100℃76 PCS 5Low TemperatureStorage TEMP : -40℃76 PCS TEMP : 25℃I F = 20mA 7High Temperature /High Humidity85℃ / 85% RH76 PCSNote:Ivt:To test Iv value of the chip before the reliablility testIv:The test value of the chip that has completed the reliablility test U:Upper Specification Limit L: Lower Specification LimitEVERLIGHT ELECTRONICS CO., http : // Rev.:3 Page: 5 of 6Device Number :CDLE-033-920Prepared by:1000 HRS 1000 HRS 1000 HRS333-2SDRT/S530-A36DC Operating Life Ac/Re0/10/10/10/10/10/1Iv≦Ivt*0.5 or Vf≧U orVf≦LXiuzen FengPrepared date:2006/2/17Test Hours/Cycle 10 SEC0/176 PCS 300 CYCLES 300 CYCLES1000 HRSTechnical Data Sheet5.0mm Round Type LED LampsEVERLIGHT ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD. http : // Rev.:3 Device Number :CDLE-033-920Prepared date:2006/2/17 Prepared by:Page: 6 of 6 Xiuzen Feng分销商库存信息: EVERLIGHT333-2SDRT/S530-A3。





1. 尺寸与重量:- 6m33d633e200的尺寸为X厘米(长)×Y厘米(宽)×Z厘米(高)。

- 6m33d633e200的重量约为W千克。

2. 处理器:- 6m33d633e200采用先进的处理器技术,具有高性能和低能耗的特点。

- 处理器速度为S GHz,能够快速处理各种任务和数据。

3. 存储容量:- 6m33d633e200拥有大容量的内部存储空间,可用于存储大量数据和文件。

- 内部存储容量为C GB,足够满足日常使用的需求。

4. 内存:- 6m33d633e200配备了高速的内存,能够提供流畅且高效的操作体验。

- 内存容量为M GB,能够支持同时运行多个应用程序和任务。

5. 屏幕:- 6m33d633e200配备了高分辨率的液晶显示屏,能够呈现清晰、鲜艳的图像和视频。

- 屏幕尺寸为P英寸,具有宽广的视野和舒适的观看体验。

6. 摄像头:- 6m33d633e200内置了高像素的摄像头,能够拍摄出高质量的照片和视频。

- 摄像头像素为A万像素,支持自动对焦和光学防抖功能。

7. 电池续航:- 6m33d633e200搭载了容量较大的电池,能够提供长时间的使用时间。

- 电池续航时间约为B小时,可满足一天的正常使用需求。

8. 网络与连接:- 6m33d633e200支持多种网络连接方式,如Wi-Fi、蓝牙等。

- 支持的网络频段为X GHz至Y GHz,确保稳定的网络连接。

9. 操作系统:- 6m33d633e200采用先进的操作系统,提供丰富的功能和良好的用户体验。

- 操作系统版本为Z,具有稳定性和安全性。

10. 其他功能:- 6m33d633e200还具有其他一些特殊功能,如指纹识别、面部识别等,提供更高的安全性和便利性。



DL-酒石酸133-37-9;87-69-4;526-83-0 4J4Z8788N8 DL-苹果酸6915-15-7;617-48-1 817L1N4CKP L-苹果酸97-67-6 J3TZF807X5 α-维生素E乙酯7695-91-2 9E8X80D2L0 阿法环糊精10016-20-3 Z1LH97KTRM 阿拉伯胶9000-01-05 5C5403N26O 阿司帕坦22839-47-0 Z0H242BBR1 巴西棕榈蜡8015-86-9 R12CBM0EIZ 白凡士林8009-03-8 4T6H12BN9U 白蜂蜡8012-89-3 7G1J5DA97F 白陶土68515-07-1;1332-58-7 24H4NWX5CO 半胱氨酸盐酸盐7048-04-6 ZT934N0X4W 薄荷脑15356-70-4;1490-04-6;89-78-1BZ1R15MTK7 薄荷油8006-90-4 AV092KU4JH 倍半油酸山梨坦8007-43-0 0W8RRI5W5A 倍他环糊精7585-39-9 JV039JZZ3A 苯甲醇100-51-6 LKG8494WBH 苯甲酸65-85-0 8SKN0B0MIM 苯甲酸钠532-32-1 OJ245FE5EU 苯甲酸苄酯120-51-4苯氧乙醇122-99-6 HIE492ZZ3T苯乙醇60-12-8 ML9LGA7468苯扎氯铵8001-54-5 F5UM2KM3W7 苯扎溴铵7281-04-1 IRY12B2TQ6蓖麻油8001-79-4 D5340Y2I9G冰醋酸64-19-7 Q40Q9N063P冰片507700丙二醇57-55-6 6DC9Q167V3 丙二醇单月桂酸酯27194-74-7 M4AW13H75T 丙二醇二辛酸酯/二癸酸酯68583-51-7丙二醇二乙酯623-84-7 5Z492UNF9O 丙二醇二月桂酸酯22788-19-8丙二酸二乙酯105-53-3丙酸79-09-4丙酸钠137-40-6 DK6Y9P42IN丙酸乙酯105-37-3丙酸异戊酯105-68-0丙酸苄酯122-63-4丙酮67-64-1 1364PS73AF丙烯酸树脂包衣液[24938-16-7];[9010-88-2];[25806-15-1];[25212-88-8];[25086-15-1]玻璃酸钠9067-32-7 YSE9PPT4TH 泊洛沙姆124 9003-11-6 1S66E28KXA 泊洛沙姆188 106392125 LQA7B6G8JG 泊洛沙姆237 009003116泊洛沙姆338 009003116泊洛沙姆407 9003-11-6 TUF2IVW3M2 醋酸64-19-7 Q40Q9N063P 醋酸苯汞62-38-4 OSX88361UX 醋酸钠6131-90-4 4550K0SC9B醋酸纤维素9004-35-7;9035-69-2;9012-09-33J2P07GVB6大豆磷脂8030-76-0 1DI56QDM62 大豆油8001-22-7 241ATL177A 单糖浆57501 C151H8M554 单硬脂酸甘油酯31566-31-1单硬脂酸山梨坦1338-41-6胆固醇[57-88-5]氮酮59227-89-3蛋黄卵磷脂Lecithin [8002-43-5](卵磷脂) 卵磷脂的化学专有名词和CAS注册号很复杂。



TCL王牌彩电遥控器大全编号品牌型号款式遥控器IC物编机器MCU物编遥控器组件物编备注1 TCL 2502RC-C09T 13-0SC301-0SB13-M06VAT-00P08-002502-RMY2 TCL 2911RC-E16T 13-M34280-M1P13-M19V2P-Z3408-002911-RMY3 TCL 1418TRC-C16T 13-LC7461-M0B13-A01V01-A0P06-RMT008-XX4 TCL 1420ERC-C12T 13-LC7461-M0B13-86F344-8AP08-01420E-RMY5 TCL 1425ERC-C12T 13-LC7461-M0B13-A01V01-A0P08-01425E-RMY6 TCL 1436A RC-B0113-6134G6-48B 13-TCLM5C-03P08-01436A-RMY7 TCL 1437A RC-B0113-6134G6-48B 13-TCLM5C-03P08-01437A-RMY8 TCL 1475S RC-F2813-00AS12-13-A04V02-08-01475S-RMT 13B TOP Y9 TCL 2101AS RC-03813-9028F0-22P 13-TCLM5C-01008-0178A-RMY10 TCL 2101C RC-B0113-9028F0-22P 13-TCLM5C-03P08-02101C-HSY11 TCL 2103C RC-B0113-9028F0-22P 13-TCLM5C-03P08-2101FR-HSY12 TCL 2103CF RC-B0113-9028F0-22P 13-TCLM5C-03P08-2103CF-RMY13 TCL 2109ERC-C07T 13-LC7461-M0B13-TCLM16-V2P08-2109E0-RMY14 TCL 2110G13-KS5185-0DE 13-TCLM5C-03P08-02110G-RMY15 TCL 2110GW13-LC7461-M0B 13-TCLM16-V2P08-2110GW-RMY16 TCL 2111DIRC-E09T 13-M34280-M1B13-M19V1P-Z3408-2111DI-RMY17 TCL 2113EIRC-C07T 13-TDA980-1AP13-TCLM16-V3P08-2113EI-RMY18 TCL 2113TRC-C14T 13-LC7461-M0B13-A01V01-A0P08-02113T-RMY19 TCL 2113TWRC-C14T 13-LC7461-M0B13-A01V01-A0P08-2113TW-RMY20 TCL 2115DRC-E03T 13-M34280-M1P13-00Z902-34P08-02115D-RMY21 TCL 2116DRC-E03T 13-M34280-M1B13-M19V2P-Z3408-02116D-RMY22 TCL 2116DIRC-E09T 13-TDA980-1AP13-M19V2P-Z3408-2116DI-RMY23 TCL 2116ERC-C01T 13-LC7461-M0B13-TCLM16-V2P08-02116E-RMY24 TCL 2116EFRC-C01T 13-LC7461-M0B13-TCLM16-V2P08-2116EF-RMY25 TCL 2116EGRC-C01T 13-LC7461-M0B13-TCLM16-V2P06-011W32-A101X26 TCL 2118ERC-C07T 13-LC7461-M0B13-TCLM16-V2P08-02118E-RMY27 TCL 2118EF RC-C0113-LC7461-13-TCLM16-08-2118EF-RMT M0B V2P Y28 TCL 2118EWRC-C01T 13-LC7461-M0B13-TCLM16-V2P08-2118EW-RMY29 TCL 2133ERC-C07T 13-LC7461-M0B13-TCLM16-V2P08-02133E-RMY30 TCL 2135ARC-B07T 13-6134G6-48B13-TCLM05-V4P08-02135A-RMY31 TCL 2136ARC-B06T 13-6134G6-48B13-TCLM5C-03P08-02136A-RMY32 TCL 2136CRC-B06T 13-6134G6-48B13-TCLM5C-03P08-02101C-HSY33 TCL 2136GRC-E33T 13-M34280-M1P13-00Z902-34P08-02136G-RMY35 TCL 2139ARC-B02T 13-KS5185-0DE13-TCLM5C-03P08-02166B-RMY36 TCL 2139D13-M34280-M1B 13-00Z902-34P08-02139D-RMY37 TCL 2139W13-9028F0-22B 13-274020-00P08-02139W-RMY38 TCL 2156ARC-B06T 13-9028F0-22P13-TCLM5C-03008-02156A-RMN39 TCL 2169A R-B06T13-9028F0-22P 13-TCLM5C-03P08-02101C-HSY40 TCL 2175DIRC-E19T 13-M34280-M1P13-M19V2P-Z3408-2175DI-RMY41 TCL 2175ERC-C01T 13-LC7461-M0B13-TCLM16-V2P08-02175E-RMY42 TCL 2175EBRC-C01T 13-LC7461-M0B13-TCLM16-V2P08-2175EB-RMY43 TCL 2175EIRC-C01T 13-LC7461-M0B13-TCLM16-V3P08-2175EI-RMY44 TCL 2178ARC-B06T 13-6134G6-48B13-TCLM5C-03P08-02178A-RMY45 TCL 2180BE13-LC7461-M0B 13-TCLM16-V2P08-2180EB-RMY46 TCL 2180GRC-E13T 13-M34280-M1B13-M19V2P-Z3408-02180G-RMY47 TCL 2188BD 13-M34280-13-M19V2P-08-2188BD-RMM1B Z34 Y48 TCL 2188DIRC-E50T 13-M34280-M1B13-M19V2P-Z3408-2188DI-RMY49 TCL 2188EB13-LC7461-M0B 13-TCLM16-V2P08-2188EB-RMY50 TCL 2188G13-M34280-M1B 13-M19V2P-Z3408-02180G-RMY51 TCL 21A106RC-B07T 13-6134G6-48B13-TCLM05-V4P08-21A106-RMY52 TCL 2588DB13-M34280-M1B 13-M19V2P-Z3408-2588DB-RMY53 TCL 2588DBRC-E16T 13-M34280-M1B13-M19V2P-Z3408-2588DB-RMY54 TCL 25A106RC-F30T 13-0SC301-0SB13-TCLM06-VBP08-TCA106-RMY55 TCL 25A106F13-0SC301-0SB 13-TCLM06-VBP08-TCF106-RMY56 TCL 2901A13-0SC301-0SB 13-TCLM06-V6P08-02901A-HSY57 TCL 2129C13-9028F0-22P 13-274020-00P08-02129C-HSY58 TCL 2511F13-M34280-M1B 13-M37221-M6R08-02511F-RMY59 TCL 2515DZ13-M34280-M1B 13-M11V3P-M6S08-2515DZ-RMY60 TCL 2515DZRC-E07T 13-M34280-M1B13-M11V3P-M6S08-2515DZ-RMY61 TCL 2516B13-M34280-M1P 13-M11V3P-M6S08-02516B-RMY62 TCL 2516BIRC-E11T 13-M34280-M1P13-M18V3P-M8B08-2516BI-RMY63 TCL 2516BP13-M34280-M1B 13-M11V3P-M6S08-2516BP-RMY64 TCL 2516BZ13-M34280-M1B 13-M11V3P-M6S08-2516BZ-RMY65 TCL 2516EF13-LC7461-M0B 13-A04V01-A0P08-2516EF-RMY66 TCL 2518E RC-C0813-LC7461-13-A04V01-08-02518E-RMT M0B A0P Y67 TCL 2518EF13-LC7461-M0B 13-A04V01-A0P08-2518EF-RMY68 TCL 2518EWRC-C08T 13-LC7461-M0B13-A04V01-A0P08-2518EW-RMY69 TCL 2535ARC-C11T 13-SAA301-0TP13-TCLM06-VBP08-02535A-RMY70 TCL 2536F13-0SC301-0SB 13-TCLM06-V6P08-02536F-HSY71 TCL 2536G13-M34280-M1B 13-M19V2P-Z3408-02510G-RMY72 TCL 2536W13-0SC301-0SB 13-M06VAT-00P08-02536W-RMY73 TCL 2539DRC-E06T 13-M34280-M1B13-M37221-M6R08-02539D-RMY74 TCL 2566B13-0SC301-0SB 13-0CTV22-2SP08-002566-HSY75 TCL 2575D13-M34280-M1P 13-M19V2P-Z3408-02575D-RMY76 TCL 2580DB13-M34280-M1P 13-M19V2P-Z3408-2580DB-RMY77 TCL 2906ARC-C11T 13-SAA301-0TP13-TCLM06-VBP08-02906A-RMY78 TCL 2906E13-LC7461-M0B 13-A04V01-A0P08-02906E-RMY79 TCL 2906ERC-C10T 13-LC7461-M0B13-A04V01-A0P08-02906E-RMY80 TCL 2909A13-0SC301-0SB 13-TCLM06-V6P08-02909A-HSY81 TCL 2909B13-0SC301-0SB 13-TCLM06-V6P08-02909B-RMY82 TCL 2909BRC-C09T 13-0SC301-0SB13-TCLM06-V6P08-02909B-RMY83 TCL 2910GRC-E16T 13-M34280-M1B13-M19V2P-Z3408-02910G-RMY84 TCL 2910GW13-0SC301-0SB 13-TCLM06-V7P08-2910GW-RMY85 TCL 2911 13-M34280-13-M19V2P-08-002911-RMM1B Z34 Y86 TCL 2911DIRC-E10T 13-M34280-M1B13-M18V3P-M8B08-2911DI-RMY87 TCL 2911DZRC-E04T 13-M34280-M1B13-M37221-M6R08-2911DZ-RMY88 TCL 2913A13-0SC301-0SB 13-TCLM06-V6P08-02913A-RMY89 TCL 2913ERC-C08T 13-LC7461-M0B13-A04V01-A0P08-02913E-RMY90 TCL 2913EBRC-C08T 13-LC7461-M0B13-A04V01-A0P08-2913EP-RMY91 TCL 2913UIRC-F46T 13-SAA301-0TB13-TDA938-3NP08-2913UI-RMY92 TCL 2915DZRC-E27T 13-M34280-M1B13-M11V3P-M6S08-2915DZ-RMY93 TCL 2916DRC-F06T 13-M34280-M1B13-M11V3P-M6S08-02916D-RMY94 TCL 2916P13-SC9028-23B 13-TCLM03-V1P08-02916P-RMY95 TCL 2916PRC-D01T 13-SC9028-23B13-TCLM03-V1P08-02916P-RMY96 TCL 2918ERC-C10T 13-LC7461-M0B13-TCLM28-V1P08-02918E-RMY97 TCL 2918EWRC-C10T 13-LC7461-M0B13-A04V01-A0P08-2918EW-RMY98 TCL 2919AZ RC-04113-0SC301-0SB 13-TCLM06-V6P08-2919AZ-RMY99 TCL 2926UIRC-F46T 13-SAA301-0TB13-TDA938-3NP08-2926UI-RMY100 TCL 2927DRC-E59T 13-M34280-M1P13-M19V2P-Z3408-02927D-RMY101 TCL 2927DRC-E35T 13-M34280-M1P13-M19V2P-Z3408-02927D-RMY102 TCL 2939D13-M34280-M1B 13-M37221-M6R08-02939D-RMY103 TCL 2939DR13-M34280-M1P 13-M37221-M6R08-2939DR-RMY104 TCL 2939R 13-M34280-13-M37221-08-02939R-RMM1B M6R Y105 TCL 2939W13-0SC301-0SB 13-TCLM06-V7P08-02939W-RMY106 TCL 2952AL13-0SC301-0SB 13-274020-00P08-2952AL-RMY107 TCL 2952B13-0SC301-0SB 13-TCLM06-V6P08-02952B-RMY108 TCL 2956D13-M34280-M1B 13-M19V2P-Z3408-02956D-RMY109 TCL 2956DRC-F64T 13-M34280-M1B13-M19V2P-Z3408-02956D-RMY110 TCL 2966A/G RC-04213-SAA301-0TP 13-TCLM06-V3P08-02966A-RMY111 TCL 2966DG13-M34280-M1B 13-M37221-M6R08-2966DG-RMY112 TCL 2966F13-0SC301-0SB 13-TCLM06-V6P08-02966A-RMY113 TCL 2966G13-0SC301-0SB 13-TCLM06-V6P08-02966A-RMY114 TCL 2966G-213-0SC301-0SB 13-8C3216-40P08-2966G2-RMY115 TCL 2966GLRC-C04T 13-0SC301-0SB13-TCLM06-V7P08-2966GL-RMY116 TCL 2966GL13-0SC301-0SB 13-TCLM06-V7P08-2966GL-RMY117 TCL 2966GLRC-C04T 13-0SC301-0SB13-TCLM06-V7P08-2966GL-RMY118 TCL 2966NRC-076N1 13-SAA301-0TP13-8C3216-40P08-02966N-HSY119 TCL 2966T13-SC9028-23B 13-8C3216-40P08-02966T-RMY120 TCL 2966X13-0SC301-0SB 13-TCLM06-V6P08-02966X-RMY121 TCL 2968AZ13-0SC301-0SB 13-TCLM06-V6P08-2968AZ-RMY122 TCL 2968SZ RC-07513-SAA301-0TP 13-8C3216-37P08-288200-002123 TCL 2969A RC-035 13-SAA301-13-0CTV22-08-277320-000TP 2SP 1124 TCL 2969C13-0SC301-0SB 13-TCLM06-V6P08-02969C-RMY125 TCL 2975D13-M34280-M1B 13-M11V3P-M6S08-02975D-RMY126 TCL 2977E13-LC7461-M0B 13-A04V01-A0P08-02977E-RMY127 TCL 2977ERC-C10T 13-LC7461-M0B13-A04V01-A0P08-02977E-RMY128 TCL 2980DBRC-E16T 13-M34280-M1B13-M19V2P-Z3408-2980DB-RMY129 TCL 2980GRC-F02T 13-M34280-M1B13-M37221-M6R08-02980G-RMY130 TCL 2980GI13-M34280-M1B 13-M18V2P-M8B08-2980GI-RMY131 TCL 2980P13-SC9028-23B 13-TCLM03-V1P08-02980P-RMY132 TCL 2980PRC-D01T 13-SC9028-23B13-TCLM03-V1P08-02980P-RMY133 TCL 2988BD13-M34280-M1B 13-M11V3P-M6S08-2988BD-RMY134 TCL 2988BDRC-F02T 13-M34280-M1B13-M11V3P-M6S08-2988BD-RMY135 TCL 2988DBRC-E16T 13-M34280-M1B13-M19V2P-Z3408-2988DB-RMY136 TCL 2988DBRC-E35T 13-M34280-M1B13-M19V2P-Z3408-2988DB-RMY137 TCL 2988DF13-M34280-M1B 13-M11V3P-M6S08-2988DF-RMY138 TCL 2988DIRC-F13T 13-M34280-M1P13-M18V3P-M8B08-2988DI-RMY139 TCL 2988G13-M34280-M1B 13-M37221-M6R08-2988GT-RMY140 TCL 2999UZRC-F18T 13-0SC301-0SB13-TDA938-3NP08-2999UZ-RMY141 TCL 2999UZRC-F39T 13-0SC301-0SB13-TDA938-3NP08-2999UZ-RMY142 TCL 29U186Z 13-0SC301-13-TDA938-08-BU186Z-RM0SB 3NP Y143 TCL 29U186ZGRC-F41T 13-SAA301-0TP13-TDA938-3NP08-BU186G-RMY144 TCL 3416DF13-M34280-M1B 13-M18V3P-M8B08-3416DF-RMY145 TCL 3416DIRC-F09T 13-M34280-M1B13-M18V2P-M8B08-3416DI-RMY146 TCL 3416P13-0SC301-0SB 13-8C3216-40P08-03416P-RMY147 TCL 3416PB13-0SC301-0SB 13-S88P83-24P08-3416PB-RMY148 TCL 3418DRC-F11T 13-M34280-M1B13-M11V4P-M6S08-03418D-RMY149 TCL 3418ERC-C08T 13-LC7461-M0B13-TCLM28-V1P08-03418E-RMY150 TCL 3433DRC-F11T 13-M34280-M1B13-M11V3P-M6S08-03433D-RMY151 TCL 3433DZRC-F11T 13-M34280-M1B13-M11V4P-M6S08-3433DZ-RMY152 TCL 3438D13-M34280-M1B 13-M37221-EAP08-03438D-RMY153 TCL 3438DR13-M34280-M1B 13-M37221-M6R08-3438DR-RMY154 TCL 3438FPRRC-07FP 13-SC9028-23B13-TCLM03-V1P08-272880-003155 TCL 3438PB RC-07413-0SC301-0SB 13-S88P83-24P08-3438PB-RMY156 TCL 3438R13-0SC301-0SB 13-8C3216-40P08-273900-001157 TCL 3460DRC-F10T 13-M34280-M1B13-M11V4P-M6S08-03460D-RMY158 TCL 3480GIRC-F09T 13-M34280-M1B13-M18V2P-M8B08-3480GI-RMY159 TCL 3488BDRC-F09T 13-M34280-M1B13-M18V3P-M8B08-3488BD-RMY160 TCL 3488DRC-F06T 13-M34280-M1B13-M18V3P-M8B08-3488BD-RMY161 TCL 3488GI 13-M34280-13-M18V2P-08-3488GI-RMM1B M8B Y162 TCL 34D106RC-F10T 13-M34280-M1B13-M11V3P-M6S08-AD1060-RMY163 TCL 3811DIRC-F01T 13-M34280-M1B13-M18V3P-M8B08-3811DI-RMY164 TCL AT2570UBRC-F55T 13-C73C03-02B13-A01V01-PHP08-2570UB-RMY165 TCL AT257513-M34280-M1B 13-M11V3P-M6S08-AT2575-RMY166 TCL AT2575DRC-E18T 13-M34280-M1P13-M19V2P-Z3408-T2575D-RMY167 TCL AT2575F13-M34280-M1B 13-M11V3P-M6S08-T2575F-RMY168 TCL AT2575IRC-E23T 13-M34280-M1B13-M18V3P-M8B08-T2575I-RMY169 TCL AT2575S RC-N13-00AS12-13B 13-A01V10-TOP06-0N0030-B1102170 TCL AT2588DRC-E18T 13-M34280-M1B13-M19V2P-Z3408-T2588D-RMY171 TCL AT259013-M34280-M1B 13-M11V3P-M6S08-AT2586-RMY172 TCL AT2590IRC-E26T 13-M34280-M1P13-M18V3P-M8B08-T2590I-RMY173 TCL AT2590UB RC-R13-00AS12-13B 13-A01V01-PHP06-0R1035-D014X174 TCL AT2590UBRC-F48T 13-00AS12-13B13-A01V01-PHP06-0R1035-D014X175 TCL AT2590UBRC-F63T 13-00AS12-13B13-A01V01-PHP06-0R1035-D014X176 TCL AT25E15913-LC7461-M0B 13-86F354-8AP08-TCE159-RMY177 TCL AT25S135RC-F30T 13-0UPD61-34B13-A8809C-PNP08-TCS135-RMY178 TCL AT25S16813-0UPD61-34B 13-A8809C-PNP08-TCS168-RMY179 TCL AT25U15913-0SC301-0SB 13-TDA938-3NP08-TCU159-RMY180 TCL AT29106/S 13-00AS12-13-A01V01-08-TBS106-RM13B TOP Y181 TCL AT29106BRC-R10T 13-ASC121-2CB13-A01V01-PHP08-TBU106-RMY182 TCL AT2911P13-SC9028-23B 13-P88PS3-8NP08-T2911P-RMY183 TCL AT29128 RC-R13-00AS12-13B 13-A01V01-PHP06-0R1035-D007X184 TCL AT2915RC-E37T 13-M34280-M1P13-M11V3P-M6S08-AT2915-RMY185 TCL AT2915DZ13-M34280-M1P 13-M11V3P-M6S08-T2915Z-RMY186 TCL AT29166GRC-R02T 13-0SC301-0SB13-A01V01-PHP08-TBU166-RMY187 TCL AT29166GF/UL13-C73C03-02B 13-A01V01-PHP08-TB166F-RMY188 TCL AT29166UL13-00AS12-13B 13-A01V01-PHP08-T29166-RMY189 TCL AT2916URC-F42T 13-PCA852-1BB13-TDA938-0MS08-T2916U-RMY190 TCL AT2916URC-F22T 13-PCA852-1BB13-TDA938-0MS08-T2916U-RMY191 TCL AT2916UGRC-F22T 13-C73C03-02B13-TDA938-3NP08-T2916G-RMY192 TCL AT2916UG/UL(F) RC-R13-C73C03-02B 13-TDA938-3NP08-T2916G-RMY193 TCL 2918E,2513E13-LC7461-M0B 13-TCLM28-V1P08-02918E-RMY194 TCL 2938SZ,2868SZRC-099SZ 13-SAA301-0TP13-0CTV22-2SP08-272050-004195 TCL 2916D,3488DRC-F06T 13-M34280-M1B13-M11V3P-M6S08-02916D-RMY196 TCL 2910DZ,2911DZ13-M34280-M1B 13-M18V3P-M8B08-2911DI-RMY197 TCL 2911D,2910RC-E05T 13-M34280-M1B13-M37221-M6R08-02911D-RMY198 TCL 1425E,1418T13-LC7461-M0B 13-A01V01-A0P06-RMT008-XX199 TCL 2106A,21A106 RC-B0713-6134G6-13-TCLM05-08-02106A-RMT 48B V4P Y200 TCL 2113E,2188EBRC-C07T 13-LC7461-M0B13-TCLM16-V2P08-02113E-MAN201 TCL 2169,2509S,2908 RC-03513-SAA301-0TP 13-0CTV22-2SP08-297280-001202 TCL 2118E,2518E13-LC7461-M0B 13-TCLM16-V2P08-02118E-RMY203 TCL 2136D,2139DRC-E03T 13-M34280-M1P13-00Z902-34P08-02139D-RMY204 TCL 2516D,2511DRC-E06T 13-M34280-M1P13-M37221-M6R08-02511D-RMY205 TCL AI296013-6134G6-48B 13-A03V01-TOP08-AI2960-RMY206 TCL AT2110613-ASC121-2CB 13-A04V01-TOP08-TDS106-RMY207 TCL AT21106/S13-00AS12-13B 13-A04V02-TOP08-TDS106-RMY208 TCL AT2116/Y RC-C13-TK7461-TDB 13-WS9301-A0P06-0C0244-B001X209 TCL AT21166G13-0SC301-0SB 13-A02V02-PHP08-TD166G-RMY210 TCL AT21166G/U13-0SC301-0SB 13-A02V02-PHP08-TD166G-RMY211 TCL AT21266/Y RC-R13-TK7461-SPB 13-A02V02-PHP06-0R0235-I001X212 TCL AT2126ERC-C19T 13-LC7461-M0B13-A01V01-SYP08-T2126E-RMY213 TCL AT2127/S13-00AS12-13B 13-A04V01-TOP08-T2127S-RMY214 TCL AT2928613-C73C03-02B 13-A01V01-PHP08-T29286-RMY215 TCL AT29286/UL13-C73C03-02B 13-A01V01-PHP08-T29286-RMY216 TCL AT29286/UL(I) RC-R13-C73C03-02B 13-A01V01-PHP08-T29286-RMY217 TCL AT29329/UL RC-R13-00AS12-13B 13-0TDA93-73P06-0R1735-H009X218 TCL AT2935I RC-E4113-M34280-13-4X21QW-08-T2935I-RMT M1B R4B Y219 TCL AT2956RC-E20T 13-M34280-M1B13-M11V3P-M6S08-AT2956-RMY220 TCL AT2956BRC-E43T 13-M34280-M1B13-M11V3P-M6S08-T2956B-RMY221 TCL AT2960/S13-0UPD61-34B 13-A01V01-TOP08-T2960S-RMY222 TCL AT2960BRC-R05T 13-C73C03-02B13-A01V01-PHP08-T2960B-RMY223 TCL AT2965RC-F61T 13-PCA852-1BB13-TDA938-0MS08-T2965U-RMY224 TCL AT2965URC-F38T 13-00AS12-13B13-A01V01-PHP06-0R0036-A1151225 TCL AT2970IRC-E41T 13-M34280-M1P13-4X21QW-R4B08-T2927I-RMY226 TCL AT2970U13-0SC301-0SB 13-TDA938-3NP08-T2970U-RMY227 TCL AT2975RC-F62T 13-C73C03-02B13-A01V01-PHP08-T2975U-RMY228 TCL AT2975DRC-E47T 13-M34280-M1B13-M11V3P-M6S08-T2975D-RMY229 TCL AT2975IRC-E24T 13-M34280-M1B13-M18V3P-M8B08-T2975I-RMY230 TCL AT2975ZRC-E21T 13-M34280-M1B13-M11V3P-M6S08-T2975Z-RMY231 TCL AT2980DB13-M34280-M1B 13-M11V3P-M6S08-T2980B-RMY232 TCL AT2986ZRC-F15T 13-M34280-M1B13-M11V3P-M6S08-T2986Z-RMY233 TCL AT2988DRC-E18T 13-M34280-M1P13-M19V2P-Z3408-T2988D-RMY234 TCL AT2988D(P)13-M34280-M1P 13-M19V2P-Z3408-T2988D-RMY235 TCL AT2988DB13-M34280-M1B 13-M11V3P-M6S08-T2988B-RMY236 TCL AT2988URC-F63T 13-C73C03-02B13-A01V01-PHP08-T2988U-RMY237 TCL AT2990B 13-R01V1R-13-M11V4P-08-T2990B-RMMSK M6S Y238 TCL AT2990I13-R01V1R-MSK 13-M18V3P-M8B08-T2990I-RMY239 TCL AT2990URC-F48T 13-00AS12-13B13-A01V01-PHP08-T2990U-RMY240 TCL AT29S16813-0UPD61-34B 13-A01V01-TOP08-TBS168-RMY241 TCL AT29S168B13-00AS12-13B 13-A01V10-TOP08-TB168B-RMY242 TCL AT29U159RC-F43T 13-0SC301-0SB13-TDA938-3NP08-TBU159-RMY243 TCL AT29U18613-0SC301-0SB 13-TDA938-3NP08-TBU186-RMY244 TCL AT3416URC-F26T 13-PCA852-1BB13-TDA938-0MS08-T3416U-RMY245 TCL AT3416URC-F40T 13-PCA852-1BB13-TDA938-0MS08-T3416U-RMY246 TCL AT34189B RC-R13-18L901-SCB 13-H13V02-TOP06-0N0930-C008X247 TCL AT34276RC-R02T 13-M34280-M1B13-M18V3P-M8B08-T3480I-RMY248 TCL AT34276/UL RC-R13-M34280-M1B 13-M18V3P-M8B08-T3480I-RMY249 TCLAT34276/UL,AT34286/UL RC-R13-M34280-M1B13-M18V3P-M8B08-T3480I-RMY250 TCL AT3460DRC-E49T 13-M34280-M1B13-A01V01-MIP08-T3460D-RMY251 TCL AT3480GIRC-F14T 13-M34280-M1B13-M18V3P-M8B08-T3480I-RMY252 TCL AT3486DIRC-F14T 13-M34280-M1B13-M18V3P-M8B08-T3486I-RMY253 TCL AT3486DZRC-F15T 13-M34280-M1B13-M11V4P-M6S08-T3486Z-RMY254 TCL AT3486IRC-E41T 13-M34280-M1B13-4X21QW-R4B08-T3486I-RM1255 TCL AT3488DZ RCF14T13-M34280-M1B 13-M18V3P-M8B08-T3488Z-RMY256 TCL AT3488S 13-00AS12-13-A01V01-06-0N0030-B113B TOP 102257 TCL AT34U186/UL RC-R13-00AS12-13B 13-A01V01-PHP06-0R0034-B1132258 TCL B2180I13-M34280-M1B 13-M19V2P-Z3408-B2180I-RMY259 TCL B258013-M34280-M1B 13-M11V3P-M6S08-0B2580-RMY260 TCL B298013-M34280-M1B 13-M37221-M6R08-02980G-RMY261 TCL C2133RC-B03T 13-LC7461-M0B13-M16V1P-00P08-002133-RMY262 TCL C2133E13-LC7461-M0B 13-TCLM16-V2P08-C2133E-RMY263 TCL C253313-0SC301-0SB 13-TCLM06-V6P08-0C2533-RMY264 TCL DTV2912RC-E08T 13-SC9028-23B13-274020-00P08-DT2912-HSY265 TCL DTV2912BRC-E25T 13-SC9028-23B13-274020-00P08-D2912B-HSY266 TCL DTV2912U13-SC9028-23B 13-274020-00P08-D2912U-RMY267 TCL HID25192PRC-G01T 13-SC9028-23B13-P88PS3-8NP08-HC192P-RMY268 TCL HiD31A01H/GU21 RC-Q13-18L901-SCB 13-P88PS3-4NP06-0Q1932-A005X269 TCL HiD3290H/GU21 RC-Q13-18L901-SCB 13-P88PS3-4NP06-0Q1931-A004X270 TCL HiD329SW.PRC-G01T 13-SC9028-23B13-274020-00P08-H329WP-RMY271 TCL HiD34181P13-SC9028-23B 13-4X21QW-R4BW8-H34181-RMY272 TCL HiD34181P/R13-SC9028-23B 13-4X21QW-R4BW8-H34181-RMY273 TCL HiD360SW.PRC-G01T 13-SC9028-23B13-274020-00P08-H360WP-RMY274 TCL HiD361SW RC-G13-SC9028-23B 13-274020-00P06-0G3336-A006X275 TCL HiD38215P RC-G 13-SC9028-13-274020-06-0G0334-AA23B 00P 231276 TCL HiD432 RC-R13-18L901-SCB 13-A8827P-0NP06-0R1936-A001X277 TCL HiD4328G13-SC9028-23B 13-274020-00P08-H4328G-RMY278 TCL HID4328S RC-G13-SC9028-23B 13-274020-00P06-0G3336-B005X279 TCL HiD435B.r13-SC9028-23B 13-274020-00P08-H435BR-RMY280 TCL HiD438BR13-SC9028-23B 13-274020-00P08-H438BR-RMY281 TCL HiD438SB.r13-SC9028-23B 13-274020-00P06-0G3336-B005X282 TCL HID522613-SC9028-23B 13-274020-00P08-HD5226-RMY283 TCL HiD522613-SC9028-23B 13-274020-00P08-HD5226-RMY284 TCL HiD5228G13-SC9028-23B 13-274020-00P08-H5228G-RMY285 TCL HiD5228S RC-G13-SC9028-23B 13-274020-00P06-0G3336-B11D1286 TCL HiD522B.R13-SC9028-23B 13-274020-00P06-0G3336-B008X287 TCL HiD525 RC-G13-SC9028-23B 13-274020-00P06-0G3336-B001X288 TCL HiD525BR13-SC9028-23B 13-274020-00P08-H525BR-RMY289 TCL HiD526BR13-SC9028-23B 13-274020-00P08-H526BR-RMY290乐华29B1P/MV22 RC-R13-00AS12-13B13-P93CS4-5FB06-0R1035-D025X291乐华29V1P/N22 RC-Q13-18L901-SCB13-CF2V01-NTP06-0Q0936-B001X292乐华34V1P/N22 RC-N13-18L901-SCB13-CF2V01-NTP06-0N0929-C001X293 TCL HiD2960P13-SC9028-23B 13-P88PS3-8NP08-H2960P-RMY294 TCL HiD296S.p 13-SC9028-13-274020-08-H296SP-RM23B 00P Y295 TCL HiD2988IRC-E41T 13-M34280-M1B13-4X21QW-R4B08-H2988I-RMY296 TCL HiD299.N13-SC9028-23B 13-274020-00P08-DT2990-HSY297 TCL HiD299.P13-SC9028-23B 13-274020-00P08-D2990B-RMY298 TCL HiD2990PRC-G01T 13-SC9028-23B13-P88PS3-8NP08-H2990P-RMY299 TCLHiD2990p,HiD29166p RC-G01T13-SC9028-23B13-P88PS3-8NP08-H2990P-RMY300 TCL HID2992IRC-F47T 13-SC9028-23B13-7281EK-SPP08-H2992I-RMY301 TCL HiD299S.p13-SC9028-23B 13-274020-00P08-H299SP-RMY302 TCL HiD291PRC-G01T 13-TC9028-23B13-274020-00P08-HI291P-RMY303 TCL HiD291SPRC-G01T 13-9028F0-23P13-274020-00P08-H291SP-RMY304 TCL HiD29206P RC-N13-18L901-SCB 13-0CF3V1-NTP06-0N0930-C008X305 TCL AT29189B/UL RC-R13-00AS12-13B 13-A01V01-PHP06-0R0035-B1121306 TCL AT2919213-C73C03-02B 13-TDA938-3NP08-TBU192-RMY307 TCL AT29192U13-C73C03-02B 13-TDA938-3NP08-TBU192-RMY308 TCL AT29215ZRC-R05T 13-C73C03-02B13-A01V01-PHP08-TA2152-RMY309 TCL AT29215Z/U13-C73C03-02B 13-A01V01-PHP08-TA2152-RMY310 TCL AT2565/UL(F) RC-R13-00AS12-13B 13-A01V01-PHP06-0R0032-B1151311 TCL AT2565/UL(I) RC-R13-00AS12-13B 13-A01V01-PHP06-0R0032-B1151312 TCL AT2565A/US21 RC-R13-18L901-SCB 13-TDA937-6PP06-0R1935-J024X313 TCL AT2570B,AT2570U RC-F2113-0SC301-13-TDA938-08-T2570B-RMT 0SB 3NP Y314 TCL HiD34286P13-M34280-M1B 13-4X21QW-R4B08-T2970I-RM1315 TCL HiD3460IRC-E41T 13-M34280-M1B13-4X21QW-R4B08-H3460I-RMY316 TCL HiD34728P/N RC-G13-SC9028-23B 13-P88PS3-8NP06-0G3334-A005X317 TCL HiD34728S/R RC-L13-SC9028-23B 13-P88PS3-8NP06-0L0342-A001X318 TCL HiD348.e13-9028F0-23P 13-274020-00P08-HI348P-RMY319 TCL HiD348PRC-G01T 13-9028F0-23P13-274020-00P08-HI348P-RMY320 TCL HiD348S.P13-TC9028-23B 13-274020-00P08-H348SP-RMY321 TCL HiD348SPRC-G01T 13-TC9028-23B13-274020-00P08-H348SP-RMY322 TCL HiD2960P13-SC9028-23B 13-P88PS3-8NP08-H2960P-RMY323 TCL HiD296S.p13-SC9028-23B 13-274020-00P08-H296SP-RMY324 TCL HiD2988IRC-E41T 13-M34280-M1B13-4X21QW-R4B08-H2988I-RMY325 TCL HiD299.N13-SC9028-23B 13-274020-00P08-DT2990-HSY326 TCL HiD299.P13-SC9028-23B 13-274020-00P08-D2990B-RMY327 TCL HiD2990PRC-G01T 13-SC9028-23B13-P88PS3-8NP08-H2990P-RMY328 TCLHiD2990p,HiD29166p RC-G01T13-SC9028-23B13-P88PS3-8NP08-H2990P-RMY329 TCL HID2992IRC-F47T 13-SC9028-23B13-7281EK-SPP08-H2992I-RMY330 TCL HiD299S.p13-SC9028-23B 13-274020-00P08-H299SP-RMY331 TCL HiD291PRC-G01T 13-TC9028-23B13-274020-00P08-HI291P-RMY332 TCL HiD291SP RC-G0113-9028F0-13-274020-08-H291SP-RM。



L C M标准组装产品目录表尺寸宇华型号分辨率视角LCD AA尺寸外形尺寸AspectRatioPIN数接口亮度(cd/㎡)对应IC型号备注3.5寸YH035MQ5401320*240 6 O'Clock QC70.08*52.5676.9*63.9*3.264:35424位RGB接口250HX8238D背光焊接YH035MQ5402320*240 6 O'Clock QC70.08*52.5676.9*63.9*3.264:35424位RGB接口350HX8238D背光焊接YH035MQ6001320*240 6 O'Clock QC70.08*52.5676.9*63.9*3.264:36024位RGB接口350HX8238D背光焊接YH035NM54-00320*240 6 O'Clock QC70.08*52.56FOG4.3寸YH043MD4001480*272 6 O'Clock QC95.04*53.856105.5*67.2*2.916:94024位RGB接口250ILI6480B背光焊接YH043MD4002480*272 6 O'Clock QC95.04*53.856105.5*67.2*2.916:94024位RGB接口350ILI6480B背光焊接YH043MD4003480*272 6 O'Clock QC95.04*53.856105.5*67.2*2.916:94024位RGB接口450ILI6480B背光焊接YH043MD40-00480*272 6 O'Clock QC95.04*53.85616:94024位RGB接口ILI6480B FOG5.0寸普清YH050MD4001480*272 6 O'Clock QC110.88*62.832120.7*75.8*3.116:94024位RGB接口250ILI6480B背光焊接YH050MD4002480*272 6 O'Clock QC110.88*62.832120.7*75.8*3.116:94024位RGB接口400ILI6480B背光焊接YH050MD40-00480*272 6 O'Clock QC110.88*62.83216:94024位RGB接口ILI6480B FOG5.0寸高清800*480YH050MH4002800*480 6 O'Clock QC108*64.8120.7*75.8*2.816:94024位RGB接口250ILI5960&ILI6122背光焊接YH050MH4002800*480 6 O'Clock QC108*64.8120.7*75.8*2.816:94024位RGB接口350ILI5960&ILI6122背光焊接YH050MH4003800*480 6 O'Clock QC108*64.8120.7*76.3*2.816:94024位RGB接口500ILI5960&ILI6122背光焊接YH050MH5001800*480 6 O'Clock QC108*64.8120.7*76.3*2.816:95024位RGB接口300ILI5960&ILI6122背光焊接YH050CH4001800*480 6 O'Clock QC108*64.8120.7*76.3*2.816:94024位RGB接口350ILI5960&ILI6122背光焊接YH050CH4002800*480 6 O'Clock QC108*64.8120.7*76.3*2.816:94024位RGB接口500ILI5960&ILI6122背光焊接YH050MH40-00800*480 6 O'Clock QC108*64.816:94024位RGB接口ILI5960&ILI6122FOGYH050CH40-00800*480 6 O'Clock QC108*64.816:94024位RGB接口FOGYH050MH50-00800*480 6 O'Clock QC108*64.816:94024位RGB接口ILI5960&ILI6122FOG7.0寸普请YH070MD5001/YH070SD5001800*480 6 O'Clock QC/CT154.08*85.92165*100*5.716:95024位RGB接口(短排)250ILI5960&ILI6122背光焊接YH070MD5002/YH070SD5002800*480 6 O'Clock QC/CT154.08*85.92165*100*5.716:95024位RGB接口(长排)250ILI5960&ILI6122背光焊接YH070MD5003/YH070SD5003800*480 6 O'Clock QC/CT154.08*85.92165*100*5.716:95024位RGB接口(短排)450ILI5960&ILI6122背光焊接YH070MD5004/YH070SD5004800*480 6 O'Clock QC/CT154.08*85.92165*100*5.716:95024位RGB接口(长排)450ILI5960&ILI6122背光焊接YH070MD5005/YH070SD5005800*480 6 O'Clock QC/CT154.08*85.92165*100*5.716:95024位RGB接口(原装短排)450ILI5960&ILI6122背光焊接YH070MD5006/YH070SD5006800*480 6 O'Clock QC/CT154.08*85.92165*100*5.716:95024位RGB接口(原装长排)450ILI5960&ILI6122背光焊接YH070MD5007/YH070SD5007800*480 6 O'Clock QC/CT154.08*85.92165*100*3.516:95024位RGB接口(短排)250ILI5960&ILI6122背光焊接YH070CD5001/YH070BD5001800*480 6 O'Clock CPT/BOE154.08*85.92165*100*5.716:95024位RGB接口(短排)250NA背光焊接YH070CD5002/YH070BD5002800*480 6 O'Clock CPT/BOE154.08*85.92165*100*5.716:95024位RGB接口(短排)450NA背光焊接YH070CD5003/YH070BD5003800*480 6 O'Clock CPT/BOE154.08*85.92165*100*3.516:95024位RGB接口(短排)250NA背光焊接YH070CD5003/YH070BD5003800*480 6 O'Clock CPT/BOE154.08*85.92165*100*2.816:95024位RGB接口(短排)250NA背光焊接YH070MD50-00/YH070SD50-00800*480 6 O'Clock QC/CT154.08*85.9216:95024位RGB接口(短排)NA FOGYH070MD50-01/YH070SD50-01800*480 6 O'Clock QC/CT154.08*85.9216:95024位RGB接口(长排)NA FOG7.0高清1024*600YH070MS50011024*600 6 O'Clock QC154.21*85.92165*100*5.516:95024位RGB接口(短排)450NA群创新款7SDYH070MS40021024*600 6 O'Clock QC154.21*85.92165*100*5.516:94024位RGB接口(短排)450NA群创新款7SDYH070MS50031024*600 6 O'Clock QC154.21*85.92165*100*3.516:95024位RGB接口(短排)450NA群创新款7SDYH070SS40011024*600 6 O'Clock CT153.6*90165.75 *105.39*2.816:94024位LVDS接口(短排)250NA深超7SD 105宽YH070SS40021024*600 6 O'Clock CT153.6*90165.75 *105.39*2.816:94024位LVDS接口(短排)400NA深超7SD 105宽YH070SS40031024*600 6 O'Clock CT153.6*90165.75 *105.39*2.4516:94024位LVDS接口(短排)250NA深超7SD 105宽YH070CS5001/YH070BS50011024*600IPS CPT/BOE154.08*85.92165*100*2.816:95024位RGB接口(短排)250NA CPT 和BOE IPS 7寸1024*600 YH070MS50-001024*600 6 O'Clock QC154.21*85.9216:95024位RGB接口(短排)NA群创新款7SD 50pin FOG YH070MS40-001024*600 6 O'Clock QC154.21*85.9216:940LVDS接口(短排)NA群创新款7SD 40pin LVDS FOG8.0寸普请800*600YH080MD5001800*600 6 O'Clock QC162*121.5183*141*5.8/6.34:35024位RGB接口(短排)500NA YH080MD5002800*600 6 O'Clock QC162*121.5183*141*5.8/6.34:35024位RGB接口(短排)250NA8.0寸高清1024*768YH080MH40011024*768IPS QC162.05*121.54174*136*2.45/2.84:340 LVDS接口350NA背光焊接YH080MH40021024*768IPS QC162.05*121.54174*136*5.5/6.34:340 LVDS接口250NA背光焊接9.0寸800*480YH090MD5001800*480 6 O'Clock QC198*111.7210.7*126.5*5.316:95024位RGB接口350ILI5960&ILI6122背光焊接YH090MD5002800*480 6 O'Clock QC198*111.7210.7*126.5*3.516:95024位RGB接口300ILI5960&ILI6122YH090MD50-00800*480 6 O'Clock QC198*111.716:95024位RGB接口ILI5960&ILI612210.1寸1024*600YH101CS5001/YH101BS50011024*600 6 O'Clock CPT/BOE222.72*125.28235*143*5.116:95024位RGB接口300NA10.1寸 1024*600 50PIn10.1寸1280*800YH101MH40-001280*800IPS QC216.96*135.6229.46*149.1* 1.07 mm16:1040 LVDS接口NA FOGYH101MH40011280*800IPS QC216.96*135.6229.46*149.1*2.5016:1040 LVDS接口300-350NA10.1寸 1280*800带铁框YH101MH40021280*800IPS QC216.96*135.6229.46*149.1*2.5016:1040 LVDS接口300-350NA10.1寸 1280*800包教YH101MH40031280*800IPS QC216.96*135.6229.46*149.1*2.5016:1040 LVDS接口500NA10.1寸 1280*800 500亮度 带铁框。


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(1)10 月 15 日星期二中午 12 点 10 万台

MIC33050 600mA 4MHz 切换电源调节器说明书

MIC33050 600mA 4MHz 切换电源调节器说明书

MIC33050 Evaluation Board4MHz Internal Inductor PWM Buck Regulator with HyperLight Load ®HyperLight Load is a trademark of Micrel, Inc.MLF and Micro LeadFrame are registered trademarks of Amkor Technology, Inc.Micrel Inc. • 2180 Fortune Drive • San Jose, CA 95131 • USA • tel +1 (408) 944-0800 • fax + 1 (408) 474-1000 • General DescriptionThe MIC33050 is a 600mA 4MHz switching regulatorfeaturing HyperLight Load ®mode. The MIC33050 is highly efficient throughout the entire output current range, drawing just 20µA of quiescent current inoperation. The tiny 3mm x 3mm MLF ®package, in combination with the 4MHz switching frequency, enables a compact sub-1mm height solution with only three external components. The MIC33050 provides accurate output voltage regulation under the most demanding conditions and responds extremely quickly to a load transient with exceptionally small output voltage ripple. Factoring in the output current, the internal circuitry of the MIC33050 automatically selects between two modes of operation for optimum efficiency. Under light load conditions, the MIC33050 goes into HyperLight Load mode. HyperLight Load uses a pulse-frequency modulation (PFM) control scheme that controls the off time at light load. This proprietary architecture reduces the amount of switching needed at light load, thereby increasing operating efficiency. The MIC33050 attains up to 83% efficiency at 1mA output load. As the load current increases beyond approximately 100mA, the device operates using the pulse-width modulation (PWM) method for up to 93% efficiency at higher load. The two modes of operation ensure the highest efficiency across the entire load range.The MIC33050 operates from an input voltage range of 2.7V to 5.5V and features internal power MOSFETs that deliver up to 600mA of output current. This step-down regulator provides an output voltage accuracy of ±2.5% across the junction temperature range of 40ºC to +125ºC. The MIC33050 is available in fixed or adjustable versions supporting an output voltage as low as 0.7V. RequirementsThe MIC33050 evaluation board requires an input power source that is able to deliver greater than 650mA at 2.7V. The output load can either be an active (electronic) or passive (resistive) load.Getting Started1. Connect an external supply to the V IN (J1)terminal . Apply the desired input voltage to V IN (J1) and ground (J2) terminals of the evaluation board, paying careful attention to polarity and supply voltage (2.7V ≤ V IN ≤ 5.5V). An ammeter may be placed between the input supply and the V IN (J1) terminal. Be sure to monitor the supply voltage at the V IN (J1) terminal, since the ammeter and/or power lead resistance can reduce the voltage supplied to the device. 2. Connect a load to the V OUT (J3) and groundterminal (J4). The load can be either passive (resistive) or active (electronic load). An ammeter may be placed between the load and the output terminal. Ensure the output voltage is monitored at the V OUT (J3) terminal. 3. Enable the MIC33050. The MIC33050 evaluationboard has a pull-up resistor to V IN . To disable the device, apply a voltage below 0.5V to the EN (J5) terminal. In the absence of the pull-up resistor, the device is enabled by applying a voltage greater than 1.2V to the EN (J5) terminal. The enable pin must be either pulled high or low for proper operation. Removing the pull-up resistor and leaving the pin floating will cause the regulator to operate in an unknown state. Output VoltageThe MIC33050 evaluation board is available with the following output voltage options listed in Ordering Information .Ordering InformationOutput Voltage (Adjustable Option Only)The output voltage of the MIC33050-AYHL is set by the feedback resistors R2 and R3. Follow the equation and circuit below to determine V OUT :⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+⨯=R3R210.4V V OUT Eq. 1Figure 1. Typical Circuit for MIC33050-AYHL (V OUT = 1.8V)The default output voltage for the evaluation board is set to 1.8V (R2=348k Ω, R3=100k Ω). A different output voltage can be obtained by removing R2 and replacing it with the desired resistance. The equation below can be used to find R2:⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛-⨯=10.4V V R3R2OUTEq. 2Changing the output voltage to 2.5V, assuming R3=100k Ω, can be accomplished via the equation below:⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛-⨯=10.4V 2.5V 100k ΩR2 Eq. 3The result is 523k Ω for R2 which gives an output voltage of 2.5V.HyperLight Load ModeMIC33050 uses a minimum on and off time proprietary control loop (patented by Micrel). When the output voltage falls below the regulation threshold, the error comparator begins a switching cycle that turns the PMOS on and keeps it on for the duration of the minimum-on-time.This increases the output voltage. If the output voltage is over the regulation threshold, then the error comparator turns the PMOS off for a minimum-off-time until the output drops below the threshold. The NMOS acts as an ideal rectifier that conducts when the PMOS is off. Using a NMOS switch instead of a diode allows for lower voltage drop across the switching device when it is on. The asynchronous switching combination between the PMOS and the NMOS allows the control loop to work in discontinuous mode for light load operations. In discontinuous mode, the MIC33050 works in pulse frequency modulation (PFM) to regulate the output. As the output current increases, the off-time decreases, thus provides more energy to the output. This switching scheme improves the efficiency of MIC33050 during light load currents by only switching when it is needed. As the load current increases, the MIC33050 goes into continuous conduction mode (CCM) and switches at a frequency centered at 4MHz. The equation to calculate the load when the MIC33050 goes into continuous conduction mode may be approximated by the following formula:⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛⨯⨯->f 2L D )V (V I OUT IN LOAD Eq. 4As shown in the previous equation, the load at which MIC33050 transitions from HyperLight Load mode to PWM mode is a function of the input voltage (V IN ), output voltage (V OUT ), duty cycle (D), inductance (L) and frequency (f). As shown in Figure 1, as the Output Current increases, the switching frequency also increases until the MIC33050 goes from HyperLight Load mode to PWM mode at approximately 120mA. The MIC33050 will switch at a relatively constant frequency around 4MHz once the output current is over 120mA.Figure 2. SW Frequency vs. Output CurrentMIC33050 Typical Circuit (Fixed)Bill of MaterialsNotes:1. TDK: .2. Vishay: .3. Micrel, Inc: .MIC33050 Typical Circuit (Adjustable)Bill of MaterialsNotes:1. TDK: .2. Vishay: .3. Micrel, Inc: .PCB Layout RecommendationsTop LayerBottom Layer。



INFRARED RECEIVER MODULE MIM-5xx3K3F DescriptionFeaturesl Photo detector and preamplifier in one packagel Internal filter for PCM frequencyl High immunity against ambient lightl Improved shielding against electric field disturbancel 5.0-Volt supply voltage; low power consumptionl TTL and CMOS compatibilityMIM-5xx3K3F Series Modelsl MIM-5303K3F 30.0KHz l MIM-5383K3F 38.0KHzl MIM-5333K3F 33.0KHz l MIM-5403K3F 40.0KHzl MIM-5363K3F 36.0KHz l MIM-5443K3F 44.0KHzl MIM-5373K3F 36.7KHz l MIM-5563K3F 56.0KHzBLOCK DIAGRAMREV: A1INFRARED RECEIVER MODULE MIM-5xx3K3F Absolute Maximum RatingsItem Symbol Ratings Unit RemarkSupply voltage V CC-0.3 ~ 6.0VSupply Current Is 5.0mAOperating temperature T opr-25 ~ + 85o CStorage temperature T stg-25 ~ + 85o CSoldering temperature T sd260o C t≦5 s, 1mm from casePower dissipation at Ta=25oC P tot30mWElectro-optical characteristics (Vcc=5.0V)Parameter Symbol Min.Typ.Max.Unit RemarksSupply Voltage Vs 4.5 5.0 5.5VCurrent consumption Icc 1.4 2.0mA Under no signal Response wavelength l p940nmOutput form - - - - - active low output - - - - -H level output voltage V0h 4.2VL level output voltage V0l0.5VH level output pulse width Twh400800m sL level output pulse width Twl400800m sDistance between emitter & detector L110.0m Note 1Half angle Dq±45deg Horizonal directionTest MethodA. Standard TransmitterREV: A1B. Detection Length TestC . Pulse Width TestApplication CircuitREV: A1Dimensions in mmREV: A1CHARACTERISTIC CURVES (T A=25o C)REV: A1INFRARED RECEIVER MODULE MIM-5xx3K3F ReliabilityTest item Test condition StandardHigh temparature Ta=+80o C t=240H Note 2.High temp. & high humi.Ta=+40o C 90%RH t=240H Note 2.Low temparature Ta= -30o C t=240H Note 2.Temperature cycle -30o C(0.5H) ~ +80o C(0.5H) 20cycle Note 2.Dropping Test devices shall be dropped 3 times naturally Note 3.onto hard wooden board from a 75cm height position.NOTE 1. Distance between emitter & detector specifies maximum distance that output wave form satisfiesthe standard under the conditions below against the standerd transmitter.(1)Measuring place ………Indoor without extreme reflection of light.(2)Ambient light source… Detecting surface illumination shall be 200±50Lux under ordinaryhite fluorescense lamp of no high frequency lighting.(3)Standard transmitter … Burst wave indicated in Fig 1. of standard transmittershall be arranged to 50mVp-p under the measuring circuit specified in Fig 2.NOTE 2. (electro-optical charactistics) shall be satisfied after leaving 2 hours in the normal temperature .NOTE 3. (electro-optical charactistics) shall be satisfied and no conoid deformsand destructions of appearance .(excepting deforms of terminals)Inspection standard1.Among electrical characteristics , total number shall be inspected on items blow.1-1 front distance between emitter & detector1-2 Current consumption1-3 H level output voltage1-4 L level output voltage2.Items except above mentioned are not inspected particularly , but shall fully satisfyCAUTION ( When use and storage of this device )1.Store and use where there is no force causing transformation or change in quality .2.Store and use where there is no corrosive gas or sea(salt) breeze .3.Store and use where there is no extreme humidity .4.Solder the lead-pin within the condition of ratings. After soldering do not add extra force .5.Do not wash this device . Wipe the stains of diode side with a soft cloth. You canuse the solvent , ethylalcohol or methylalcohol or isupropylene only .6.To prevent static electricity damage to the Pre-AMP make sure that the human body, the soldering iron is connected to ground before using .7.Put decoupling device between Vcc and GND for reduse the noise from power supply line .8.The performance of remote-control system depends on environments condition and abilityof periferal parts. Customer should evaluate the performance as total system in those conditionsafter system up with components such as commander , micon and this receiver module .Others1.This device is not design to endure radiative rays and heavily charged particles .2.In case where any trouble or questions arise,both parties agress to make full discussioncovering the said problem .REV: A1。



• Voltage Supply - 1.8V device(K9F56XXQ0B) : 1.70~1.95V - 3.3V device(K9F56XXU0B) : 2.7 ~ 3.6 V • Organization - Memory Cell Array - X8 device(K9F5608X0B) : (32M + 1024K)bit x 8 bit - X16 device(K9F5616X0B) : (16M + 512K)bit x 16bit - Data Register - X8 device(K9F5608X0B) : (512 + 16)bit x 8bit - X16 device(K9F5616X0B) : (256 + 8)bit x16bit • Automatic Program and Erase - Page Program - X8 device(K9F5608X0B) : (512 + 16)Byte - X16 device(K9F5616X0B) : (256 + 8)Word - Block Erase : - X8 device(K9F5608X0B) : (16K + 512)Byte - X16 device(K9F5616X0B) : ( 8K + 256)Word • Page Read Operation - Page Size - X8 device(K9F5608X0B) : (512 + 16)Byte - X16 device(K9F5616X0B) : (256 + 8)Word - Random Access : 10µs(Max.) - Serial Page Access : 50ns(Min.)

映美 针平推式点阵打印机 FP-530K FP-530K+ 说明书

映美 针平推式点阵打印机 FP-530K FP-530K+ 说明书

尊敬的用户您好在安装和使用本打印机之前请您先仔细阅读本用户手册这本手册可以帮助您正确和有效的使用FP-530K/FP-530K+打印机FP-530K与FP-530K+打印机的主要功能及操作方法基本相同它们之间的主要区别在于1 FP-530K+打印机使用性能更高的打印头2拷贝能力FP-530K为1原件+3副件FP-530K+为1原件+6副件3打印速度不同详见附录B4保修期限 FP-530K整机及打印头保修1年FP-530K+整机保修3年打印头保修1年i安全指导重要安全指导请阅读以下指导并保存好以备将来参考请遵照打印机上所有的提醒和指导如果您刚使用过打印机打印头可能很热请不要马上去碰它不要把打印机放在不稳定表面上或接近辐射和热源把打印机放在平面上如有倾斜打印机将不能正常工作不要堵上或盖住插孔开口不要将物品插入开口只能使用打印机标签上标明的电源类型把所有的设备连接到坚固的电源插座上并确保电源插座的地线必须连接大地且插座应避免与复印机或空调等经常开关的设备在同一电路中不要使用已破坏或磨损的电缆如果该打印机需要使用加长电缆请注意插在加长电缆上的设备的总安培数不可超过电缆的额定安培数并且所有插在墙上插座上的所有设备的总安培数不要超过墙中插座的额定安培数在清洁打印机之前要拔下电源插头用一块湿布清洁打印机不要将液体溅到打印机上ii除非用户手册中已有措施否则请不要自行检修打印机出现以下情况时请拔下插头并由专业人员维修电缆线或插头损坏液体物质溅入打印机内打印机被摔或机壳被损坏打印机不能正常工作或特性有明显的改变只能调整本手册中提到的控制iii目录第一章产品特点 (1)第二章准备工作 (4)2.1 打印机拆封 (4)2.2 查核零件 (5)2.3 安装打印机 (6)2.4 连接打印机 (6)2.5 连接电源 (7)2.6 更换色带 (8)第三章装纸程序 (11)3.1 调整打印头 (11)3.2 使用单页纸 (12)3.3 使用连续纸 (15)3.4 安装连续纸 (16)3.5 撕连续纸 (18)第四章控制面板 (19)4.1 控制面板按键与指示灯 (19)4.2 操作控制面板的基本方法 (20)4.3 调整纸张打印的起始位置 (21)4.4 调整撕纸位置 (21)4.5 改变打印机设定 (22)4.6 V UE P RINT系统功能 (30)4.7 使用打印机测试功能 (32)附录A 打印机维护 (35)附录B 规格参数 (39)iv第一章产品特点第一章产品特点首先感谢您购买FP-530K/FP-530K+打印机它将是一部符合您使用的24针高品质平推式打印机您可以用来打印电脑处理的各种资料或您自己所需的事项平推式进纸机构解决卡纸问题创新的平推式进纸机构可使纸张不因牵引器的转动而扭曲变形所以一些特殊文件可以平顺印出而不发生卡纸现象如多联发票信封名信片标签纸等等简易安装打印纸本打印机提供许多实用的功能帮助您解决装纸过程中出现的问题 自动进/退纸功能单页纸由打印机前方输入且自动进纸打印完毕后纸张会自动送回打印机前端连续纸安装在牵引器上只要按下进纸/退纸键就可将纸自动送至打印位置打印完毕后纸张再由前端送出以便撕纸撕纸功能此功能使连续纸自动送到打印机盖子旁的撕纸位置以利于打印完毕后对准撕纸线撕纸真正达到零误差的功能退纸功能此功能允许使用者通过控制面板上的简单功能操作键即可将单页/1第一章产品特点连续纸退出打印机高打印品质使用24点阵打印头LQ信函品质的打印模式可实现每秒60个ASCII码字符60cps打印速度下的高打印品质高图象解析度最高360dpi水平360dpi垂直的解析度图象清晰增强控制面板现在可以由控制面板的简单功能操作键来了解打印的状况和打印机的功能不会再因DIP开关的设定而伤脑筋我们现在所选择的设定参数都已列在我们的VuePrint系统手册中详见第四章产品兼容性命令兼容OKI 5530和Epson LQ-1600K两种市场通用的产品大容量数据缓冲区68KB的大容量数据缓冲区将最低限度占用您电脑主机的时间允许您的电脑主机很快释放正在打印的缓冲区给其它工作信函品质的字型Roman, Sans Serif, Courier, Prestige, Script, OCR-A&B等字符将媲美其它品牌的打印机可使您打印出来的文件更漂亮条码储存器内置以下标准条码Code 39EAN 8EAN 13Code128 B&C2第一章产品特点NW 7Interleaved 2 of 5Industrial 2 of 5Matrix 2 of 5在线宏指令集可将您喜欢的打印机初始设定值存于宏命令内并允许您从打印机存储器中回存其设定打印模式一键通特设票据智能键在脱机的状态下重复按下控制面板的票据键便能在常规打印和票据+拷贝1及票据+拷贝2三种打印模式之间任意切换无需进行任何设置操作简单易懂方便3第二章 准备工作第二章 准备工作2.1 打印机拆封请核对图2-1示包装清单如有任何东西遗失请联络经销商备 注小心将箱子内的打印机取出并去除其包装材料保留所有包装材料它们是专为保护打印机而设计方便您再次搬运打印机FP-530K/FP-530K+4第二章准备工作2.2 查核零件图2-2和图2-3标示FP-530K/FP-530K+打印机的主要部份5第二章准备工作2.3 安装打印机安装打印机前请先参考下列原则1请将打印机放在一个平稳的平面上避免不当安装色带2请勿将打印机安放在下列地方高热潮湿处激烈震动处3请勿在下列情况下使用打印机太多尘土的地方布满油或金属灰尘处阳光直射处容易着水处2.4 连接打印机此打印机采用并行口界面如图2-4所示警告请确定在您连接打印机时电脑主机和打印机电源都已关闭第二章 准备工作2.5 连接电源连接电源线 把电源线已提供插入打印机后面的电源插口检查电源开关位于O位置在关闭状态才能将电源线插入电源插座如图2-5口第二章准备工作电源开关操作方式见图2-6按下标志I 方向打印机即打开按下标志O 方向打印机即关闭OFFON2.6 更换色带1关闭电源开关2由打印机盖子下方边缘向上掀开即打开打印机盖子如图2-7第二章准备工作3按住进纸辅助滚筒左右侧的凹洞并往上推直到发出声响将其置留于打印机上方(如图2-8)4如果打印头未置于中央请手动移至中央5拿住色带夹将有圆状旋柄的一面朝向自己并旋紧色带夹6用双手将色带夹置入打印机中(如图2-9)请确定下列事项安置色带于打印头的塑料头与字车导片之间确定色带与色带夹放置正确后轻轻的将色带夹推入直到发出响声第二章准备工作色带导片7来回移动打印头确定色带已在色带导片与打印头之间8色带安装好后请放下辅助滚筒及打印机盖子第三章装纸程序第三章装纸程序3.1 调整打印头调整纸张厚度不论装单页纸或连续纸您必须先调整打印机右侧的纸张厚度调整杆如果您要打印较厚或多层的纸张请您调整纸张厚度整杆于标准设定位置调整杆会使打印头的底盘提高从而增大打印厚度设定合适的纸张厚度调整以达到良好的打印品质及防止发生卡纸等问题您必须上下移动如图3-1示中的纸张厚度调整杆来设定刻度图3-1中1为标准纸张刻度大部分的纸张都以此为标准表3-1为其它纸张设定标准表图3-1 纸厚调节杆第三章装纸程序表3-1设定纸张厚度表纸张厚度杆位复印张数包括原稿纸张厚度mm1标准位置1或2 0.06-0.122 3或4 0.18-0.243 5 0.304 6 0.365 7 0.45“ ”表示FP-530K+机型专有3.2 使用单页纸当您想用单页纸打印方式时安装延伸导纸板方法如下将导纸板水平插入打印机前方的三个长方形洞口设定单页纸打印方式第三章装纸程序 设定进纸选择杆于单页打印方式状态(如图3-3)安装单页纸打开打印机电源确认进纸选择杆已置于单页打印方式状态根据打印机盖子左边的标示控制单页纸调整位置A4和信纸的大约位置如图3-4标示在机盖的左下边缘第三章装纸程序如图3-5插入纸张纸张会自动进入打印位置如果您将纸斜测定设置为开若纸张有歪斜打印机会自动检查到并退出纸张至导纸板备注若您已将打印机系统设定参数的纸插入等待时间项设为推键则装纸时纸张不能自动进到打印位置但此时按进纸/退纸键即可使纸张进到打印位置第四章关于改变打印机设定段落会详细介绍如何操作VuePrint系统设定功能第三章装纸程序3.3 使用连续纸打印机的牵引器将连续纸由后往前送如图3-6在选择连续纸打印方式前请先设定好电源线将电源线镶入打印机下部的凹洞处如图3-7第三章装纸程序3.4 安装连续纸1打开电源详见图2-62把单页/连续进纸选择杆移到连续纸的位置如图3-83打开左边牵引器控制锁快速调整控制锁至连续纸适用范围4打开牵引器将纸装入牵引器齿轮上如图3-9第三章装纸程序备注请将连续纸的顶端对齐牵引器的边缘(如图3-10)5调整右边牵引器控制锁确定纸张安装正确6如纸张皱折请修正右边控制锁于正确位置(如图3-11)第三章装纸程序7调整纸张于可打印位置检查连续纸是否符合打印机打印要求如果纸张发生皱折请调整右边牵引器控制锁于适当位置3.5 撕连续纸撕连续纸前请确定纸张已达撕纸位置如果没有请按进纸/退纸健纸张可沿打印机盖子边界撕起(如图3-12)如果纸张不够靠近盖子边缘请调整撕纸位置参考第四章控制面板第四章控制面板第四章控制面板4.1 控制面板按键与指示灯控制面板包含四个按键和三个指示灯(如图4-1)图4-1 打印机控制面板指示灯意义如表4-1表4-1控制面板上的指示灯指示灯开闪亮灭电源橙色打印机电源接通打印机电源切断联机绿色打印机与主机联机打印机与主机脱机票据黄色票据+拷贝1 票据+拷贝2 常规打印第四章控制面板使用纸张厚度调整杆适当的使用纸张厚度调整杆才能产生良好的打印品质您可移动如图3-1的纸张厚度调整杆使调整杆位于1符合大部份用纸标准厚度刻度请参考表3-1设定其它用纸4.2 操作控制面板的基本方法您可使用控制面板上四个键来操作您的打印机联机使用联机键决定联机情况进纸/退纸未联机情形下按下进纸/退纸键可控制单页/连续纸打印位置第一次按下时纸张就进至打印位置第二次按下时纸张至撕纸位置第三次按下时纸张退回安装位置换行/换页未联机情形下按下换行/换页键使单页/连续纸前进一行当纸张于撕纸位置时按住此键则纸将前进一页即换至下一张纸票据在脱机状态下重复按下票据转换键当黄色指示灯亮表示票据+拷贝1打印模式黄色指示灯闪亮表示票据+拷贝2打印模式黄色指示灯灭时为常规打印模式(注当为票据打印模式时票据的打印头出量按发票头出量进行设置拷贝2的拷贝能力比拷贝1更强)第四章控制面板4.3 调整纸张打印的起始位置纸张打印的起始位置设定决定于纸张开头与开始打印第一行间的空隙在联机模式下按下换行/换页键约三秒种打印机处于调整纸张打印起始位置的模式此时打印机的联机指示灯与电源灯为闪烁状态使用进纸/退纸与换行/换页键来改变页首位置设定的方式进纸/退纸每次前进的大小为1/60英寸最大可移动60/60英寸最小为0/60英寸换行/换页每次倒退的大小为1/60英寸最大右移动10/60英寸最小为0/60英寸当按下联机键电源指示灯和联机指示灯将闪烁两次且同时发出哔哔声则可离开调整纸张打印起始位置模式而此时更改后的模式已被储存4.4 调整撕纸位置撕纸功能的设定主要是让连续打印的报表纸到达容易撕纸的位置便于让使用者容易将打印纸撕开在联机模式下按下进纸/退纸键和换行/换页键约三秒钟则进入调整撕纸位置设定模式使用进纸/退纸与换行/退页键来调整撕纸位置的设定进纸/退纸每次前进的大小为1/60英寸最大可移动15/60英第四章控制面板寸最小为0/60英寸换行/换页每次倒退的大小为1/60英寸最大可移动15/60英寸最小为0/60英寸当按下联机键电源指示灯和联机指示灯将闪烁两次且同时发出哔哔声则可离开调整撕纸位置设定模式而此时更改后的模式已被储存4.5 改变打印机设定厂商对打印机的设定是适合大部份的使用者然而您可能必须使用到不同语言的字符或可能喜欢用不同的打印格式请使用VuePrint系统设定菜单来改变你的参数VuePrint系统设定有很多功能菜单将列出全部所有可能的设定您可以在菜单内更改您想要的设定或只是选择跳至下个设置菜单备注您可以只更改您欲更改的部份而不必更改完所有菜单才离开VuePrint系统设定菜单当您关机后再次使用时打印机已使用新的设定 进入VuePrint系统设定菜单仅以FP-530K机型为例1将打印机设定联机状态2按进纸/退纸键3秒钟电源指示灯和联机指示灯同时闪烁两次表示已进入设定状第四章控制面板态第一页设定值和标题会被打出如图4-2打印头会打印出底线标示的出厂缺省设定值3按联机键进入下一个设定值每按一次打印下一项设定值4按下进纸/退纸键挑选设定菜单中的设定值每按一次打印头移动到新的设定位置进纸键使打印头停在选项位置换行键存储新的设定并转下一个菜单联机键转下一个菜单而不保存新的设定是当前设定被打印填充图4-2进入VuePrint系统设定菜单打印示例5按下换行/换页键储存系统设定菜单的新设定值被选择的系统菜单会加深该标示颜色如图4-3第四章控制面板进纸键使打印头停在选项位置换行键存储新的设定并转下一个菜单联机键转下一个菜单而不保存新的设定是当前设定图4-3 系统设定菜单的打印示例6重新开启打印机系统设定菜单的设定会遵循最近一次更改内容新设定值会储存于系统设定菜单中7按换行/换页键三秒钟纸张退出打印机第四章控制面板操作系统设定菜单的功能键如下联机直接跳过未更改系统设定菜单进纸/退纸设定打印头移动位置并选择系统设定菜单的选项换行/换页储存打印头设定位置离开并储存VuePrint系统设定菜单的功能键如下联机打印完最后一张系统设定菜单后按下联机键电源开关打印机重新启动最近一次更改的系统设定菜单会成为最新的设定值VuePrint系统设定参数示例仅以FP-530K机型为例打印机在联机状态先按下进纸/退纸键3秒再重复按下联机键直到最后一张菜单打印出为止带有下划线的选项为出厂设定值选择以英文模式打印出VuePrint系统设定菜单Jolimark FP-530K命令集设定菜单系统使用进纸/退纸键使打印头停在选项位置使用换行/换页键存储新的设定并转下一个菜单使用联机键转下一个菜单而不保存新的设定是当前设定新设定项将被打印填充安装1语言仿真EPSON打印模式汉字打印字体字库汉字字库常规间距 10CPI字库锁定关纸张设定行距页长A4跳过页缝打印方式字符方式图形方式单向字符模式零号加斜体字符设定国际字符设定安装2用户自定义字符静音方式自动回车自动换行切纸功能0.5秒纸插入等待时间 1.0秒倾斜测定关倾斜水平缺纸传感器开关掉然后再打开打印机电源来启动新存的设定图4-4打印Vue Print系统设定菜单中文Jolimark FP-530KVuePrint TM MENU SYSTEMUse the PARK/LOAD key to point the print head to the desired setting.Use the LF/FF key to store the new setting and go to the next menu.FILLED.INSTALL1LANGUAGE ENGLISHEMULATION EPSONCHAR.MODE CHINAPRINT STYLEFONTCHINA FONT NORMALPITCH 10CPIFONT LOCK OFFPAGE LAYOUTLINE SPACINGFORM LENGTH A4PAGE SKIP OFFPRINT MODETEXT DIR BI-DIRGRAPHIC DIR UNI-DIPCHARACTERSLASH ZERO OFFCHARACTER SET ITALICSINTL CHAR SETINSTALL2DOWNLOAD RAMQUIET MODE OFFAUTO CR ONAUTOLF OFFTEAR OFF 0.5SEC.LOADING 1.0SEC.SKEW DETECTION OFFSKEW LEVELPE SENSOR ONTo activate the newly stored settings, power the printer OFF, then ON again图4-5打印VuePrint系统设定菜单英文第四章控制面板VuePrint初始设定值仅以FP-530K机型为例先按住进纸/退纸键和换行/换页键再打开电源有下划线的选项为出厂设定值选择以英文模式打印出VuePrint系统设定菜单Jolimark FP-530K出厂设定报告出厂设定值项被填充安装1语言汉语仿真打印模式汉字打印字体字库汉字字库常规间距 10CPI字库锁定关纸张设定行距页长A4跳过页缝关打印方式字符方式图形方式单向字符模式零号加斜体字符设定国际字符设定安装2用户自定义字符静音方式自动回车自动换行切纸功能0.5秒纸插入等待时间 1.0秒倾斜测定关倾斜水平缺纸传感器开图4-6 打印VuePrint系统设定菜单中文第四章控制面板Jolimark FP-530KDefault Setting ReportDefault Settings are FILLED.INSTALL1LANGUAGEEMULATION EPSONCHAR.MODE CHINAPRINT STYLEFONTCHINA FONT NORMALPITCH 10CPIFONT LOCK OFFPAGE LAYOUTLINE SPACING 6LPIFORM LENGTH A4PAGE SKIP OFFPRINT MODETEXT DIR BI-DIRGRAPHIC DIR UNI-DIPCHARACTERSLASH ZERO OFFCHARACTER SET ITALICSINTL CHAR SETINSTALL2DOWNLOAD RAMQUIET MODE OFFAUTO CR ONAUTO LF OFFTEAR OFF 0.5SEC.LOADING 1.0SEC.SKEW DETECTION OFFSKEW LEVEL006PE SENSOR ON图4-7 打印VuePrint系统设定菜单英文第四章控制面板4.6 VuePrint系统功能表4-2列出VuePrint系统设定菜单的选项及设定其意义如下表4-2菜单内容LANGUAGE语言选择VuePrint系统设定菜单中欲设定的语言菜单内容会依您设定的语言方式打印EMULATION仿真选择仿真EPSON LQ-1600K或OKI 5530确定您的电脑软件设定与打印机硬件设定相同CHAR.MODE打印模式选择ASCII码1字节或中文码2字节FONT字库软件未指定字符的基本设定CHINA FONT汉字字库选择高密打印中文字符40CPS或高速打印中文字符80CPSPITCH间距水平间距决定ASCII码下水平打印的字距FONT LOCK字库锁定选用或放弃锁定字符功能当选用锁定字符功能时由软件送出的字符会被忽略直接打印出VuePrint系统设定菜单内定字符LINE SPACING行距设定打印字符的行距可设行距1/6英寸初始值或1/8英寸FORM LENGTH页长设定打印单页/连续纸的长度PAGE SKIP跳过页缝选用或放弃页底保留一英寸才跳页TEXT DIR打印方向设定打印方向为单向或双向双向打印较快因打印头可来回打印单向打印方式较慢但可产生较好的打印品质第四章控制面板GRAPHIC DIR图形方式只与EPSON兼容设定图形打印方式为双向或单向打印SLASH ZERO零加斜线协助使用者分辨数字0与英文字母O的差别CHARACTER SET字符设定选择斜体或图形字符集INTL CHAR SET国际字符设定只与EPSON兼容选择内部字符集美国德国英国丹麦瑞典意大利西班牙日本挪威丹麦西班牙拉丁美洲韩国LEGAL DOWNLOAD用户自定义字符选择下载到SRAM或FLASH存储体QUIET MODE静音方式选择或关闭静声模式AUTO CR自动回车选择或关闭每打印一行完毕后打印头自动回复左边界AUTO LF自动换行选择或关闭色带每转动一次纸张前进一行TEAR OFF切纸功能选择0.3sec,0.5sec或1.0sec或关闭连续纸打印方式至撕纸位置自动回复讯息打印机在接收到进纸指令并且没有任何数据再打出则纸张会自动进到撕纸位置LOADING纸插入等待时间选择0.3sec,1.0sec或2.0sec或关闭自动安装单页纸当进纸位置设定为0.5sec,1.0sec或2.0sec则纸张会自动进到设定位置SKEW DETECT倾斜测定选择或关闭检测纸张倾斜模式若纸张倾斜度超过设定值则自动退纸如果使用该功能设定值请参考倾斜度SKEW LEVEL倾斜水平倾斜度仅可使用于检测纸张倾斜度功能开启时倾斜度每次可设定左右页顶垂直误差值0.5mm但范围由1.0至5.5mmPE SENSOR缺纸感应器使用或关闭纸末感应器第四章控制面板4.7 使用打印机测试功能H样板打印模式先同时按住联机键和换行/换页键再开启电源就会打印出一张H样板若同时按住联机键进纸/退纸键和换行/换页键再开启电源就会打印出连续H样板维修打印方式PRG. Version530LV1.4 PRG. Date DEC-24-02FONT Version AK01XX03 FONT Date AUG-01-94 HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH图4-8H样板打印模式ASCII码样板打印模式先按住联机键再开启电源就会打印出一张ASCII码样板若同时按住联机键和进纸/退纸键再开启电源就会打印出连续ASCII 码样板检测打印方式!"#$%&’()*+-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_` !"#$%&'()*+-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`a !"#$%&'()*+-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`ab图4-9 ASCII码样板打印模式第四章控制面板 16进制模式先按住进纸/退纸键再开启电源就会打印出一张16进制模式****HEXADECIMAL DUMP****00004A 4F 4C 49 4D 41 52 4B 20 46 50 2D 35 33 30 4B JOLIMARKFP-530K/FP-530K+001050 52 49 4E 54 45 52 20 4A 4F 4C 49 4D 41 52 4B PRINTER JOLIMARK 002046 50 20 20 20 20 35 33 30 4B 2D 50 52 49 4E 54 FP 530K-PRINT图4-10 16进制模式中文全角打印模式先按住换行/换页键再开启电源就会打印出一张全角字符样板此打印样本非标准中文字型中文字型由A1A1h码开始打印检测打印方式˙‐‥-~$!# &'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST UVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}¯图4-11中文全角打印模式初始设定打印模式先按住进纸/退纸键和换行/换页键再开启电源就会打印出一张初始设定报表打印格式如同VuePrint系统设定菜单一般第四章控制面板点缀式排列模式先按住进纸/退纸键和联机键再开启电源三秒钟后打印机就会打印出一张点缀式排列模式点缀式排列模式中联机进纸/退纸换行/换页指示灯储存目前设定至EEPROM 中电源联机指示灯一起闪烁一秒钟左移30步右移30步电源指示灯和联机灯一同闪烁您重新开启打印机即可离开此模式附录A打印机维护附录A 打印机维护A-1 清理打印机清理硬件用干布清理打印机上有油的零件请用钳子取出碎纸备注清理时请小心不要刮伤或扭曲机器等等清理字车轴字车轴上覆盖着一层油以保证字车运行平稳请用柔软布清理附录A打印机维护备注涂过多的油在字车轴上会导致太多尘土堆积在字车轴上而影响打印机的正常打印清理送纸底盘请用柔软布清理打印机送纸底盘定期清理及清理工具清理打印机内部应依据下列规定备注定期清理每六个月或300个工作小时视哪一项先到达的定期清理时间为准清理工具干布金属部分请用柔软布A-2 控制面板上错误指示灯五种报警装置1报警装置1显示特征报警装置若发现错误打印机打印头会自动移动指示灯报警反应方式如下电源灯亮联机灯闪烁36附录A打印机维护原因打印头高过标准值打印头热度错误解决方法打印头籍着来回移动降低打印头温度至标准值2报警装置2显示特征报警装置若发现错误打印机会自动脱离联机状态移动单页/连续纸选择杆至正确位置打印机恢复正常指示灯报警反应方式如下电源灯与联机灯交替闪烁原因纸张位于打印位置但单页/连续纸选择杆操作错误单页/连续纸选择杆选择错误解决方法移动单页/连续纸选择杆至正确位置打印机恢复正常3报警装置3显示特征报警装置若发现错误打印机会自动脱离联机状态重新开启打印机打印机恢复正常指示灯报警反应方式如下电源灯与联机灯交替快闪原因打印头未归位归位错误37。



The MKP keypads are a service product, designed to work with legacy M-Series alarm panels and some from the TS-series.External prox reader connections, the keypad contains a coil that detects proximity tags employed by the user to set and unset the system. The coil works at a low radio frequency and hasa spherical detection area, which extends for approximately 120mm from the keypad. Proximity tags can be detected through wood, brick, plaster, glass and plastic.At a glance...• It can also be wired to an KEY-EP external proximity tag reader• The LCD has a two-line 20-character LCD,which shows options, system status and alarm information.• A status LED that can be turned on or off from within the keypad menu• Built in panic button enabled in programmingMKP3 KeypadsCompliance or Grade 3, EN50131-3 Enivronmental Class II Zones2, double-pole or FSL, with anti-masking Proximity reader Built inDimensions150(w) x 104(h) x 30(d) mmWeight0.26kgOperating Temperature -10 to 55°COperating Humidity96% RHDisplay LCD, 2-lines of 16 charactersOutput Switched -ve, 100mA max.Current consumption90mA max @12VdcTS-series control panels The MKP3 is compatible (with some limitations) with the some of the TS range: -If you put an MKP3 on a TS panel:• Make sure the mask link is unlinked. (Some TS panels do not support masking).• Instead of having the A, B, C, D keys, you will have a UP, TOGGLE, DOWN and HASH keys. The keys will do the same function, but you will need to instruct the end user to press the equivalent key (e.g. when it says press the A key in the manual, you would have to press the UP key).• Using proximity tags on the MKP3 keypad would be dependent on the panel software: -• TS690/M/iD/iDM Version 5.1• Avoid mixing old keypads(TSNETLCD) and new keypads(MKP3) on the same network.• The MKP3 cannot be used with flush mount kits.• The MKP3 keypad is NOT compatible with the TS690R (a wireless control panel) or a TS700.EatonElectrical Sector EMEA,Route de la Longeraie 7.1110 Morges, SwitzerlandEatonSecurity House,Vantage Point Business Village,Mitcheldean, Gloucestershire,GL17 0SXTel: +44 (0)1594 545 400Fax: +44 (0)1594 545 401Email:***********************Web: © 2020 EatonAll Rights ReservedPrinted in UKPublication No. DSOX0030EN/BDecember 2020Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks are propertyof their respective owners.。

Lenovo IdeaCentre K3系列 说明书

Lenovo IdeaCentre K3系列 说明书



介绍拯救系统系列应用软件的使用方法 注意:
• 使用一键恢复可以将电脑中的系统盘(C 盘)恢复为出厂状态或前次系统备份状态。

在此操作中, 系统盘(C 盘)上原有的所有数据将丢失,硬盘上的其他分区的内容及格式将不改变。

• 如果你使用Windows 光盘安装操作系统并且使用拯救系统进行备份,必须将系统盘(C 盘主分区)格式化成NTFS 格式,并且,将操作系统安装在(C 盘)。


介绍随机软件的使用方法 注意:
• 电脑附带的软件可能会根据机型的具体型号而有所不同。


• 联想提供的宽带服务需要视您所在地区的网络/ 或运营商提供的服务状况而定。


• 娱乐地带部分所涉及的宽带服务内容将受到网络带宽的影响,有可能会出现下载或观看不流畅的现象。


• 在应用本机型配置的刻录功能时,请使用质量有保证的正规刻录光盘,否则,有可能造成刻录失败。



DESCRIPTIONThe SM5K3/5K4/5K5 are CMOS 4-bit single-chip microcomputers incorporating 4-bit parallel pro-cessing function, ROM, RAM, 10-bit A/D converter and timer/counters.It provides three kinds of interrupts and 4 levels subroutine stack. Being fabricated through CMOS process, the chip requires less power and available in a small package : best suitable for Low power controlling, compact equipment like a precision charger.FEATURES• ROM capacity : 2 048 x 8 bits• RAM capacity : 128 x 4 bits• Instruction sets : 50• Subroutine nesting : 4 levels• I/O port :Input8Output4Input/output12 (36QFP/32SOP)11 (30SDIP)8 (28SOP)• Interrupts :Internal interrupt x 1 (timer)External interrupt x 2 (2 external interruptinputs)• A/D converter :Resolution10 bitsChannels4• Timer/counter : 8-bit x 1• Built-in main clock oscillator for system clock Ceramic/crystal oscillator (SM5K3/5K5)CR oscillator (SM5K4)• Signal generation for real time clock∗(SM5K3/5K5)• Built-in 15 stages divider(for real time clock∗: SM5K3/5K5)• Instruction cycle time :1 µs (MIN.) (2 MHz, at 5 V ±10%) (SM5K3/5K5)2 µs (MIN.) (1 MHz, at 2.2 to 5.5 V) (SM5K3/5K5)1 µs (MIN.) (1.67 MHz ±20%, at 5 V ±10%) (SM5K4)• Large current output pins (LED direct drive) : 15mA (TYP.)x 4 (sink current)• Supply voltages:2.2 to 5.5 V (SM5K3/5K5)2.7 to 5.5 V (SM5K4)• Packages :30-pin SDIP (SDIP030-P-0400)32-pin SOP (SOP032-P-0525)36-pin QFP (QFP036-P-1010)28-pin SOP (SOP028-P-0450) (SM5K3/5K5)24-pin SSOP (SSOP024-P-0275) (SM5K4)∗In case of using crystal oscillatorSM5K3/SM5K4 SM5K54-Bit Single-Chip Microcomputers (Controllers With 10-Bit A/D Converter)In the absence of confirmation by device specification sheets, SHARP takes no responsibility for any defects that may occur in equipment using any SHARP devices shown in catalogs, data books, etc. Contact SHARP in order to obtain the latest device specification sheets before using any SHARP device.NomenclatureA : A registerA/D : A/D converter unitALU : Arithmetic logic unitB M, B L: RAM address registerC : Carry flagIFA, IFB, IFT : Interrupt request flagIME : Interrupt master enable flag INST. DEC. : Instruction decoder INT : Interrupt control unit P0-P5 : Port registerP U, P L: Program counterR8, R9, RC, RE, RF : Mode registerRA : Count registerRB : Modulo registerSB : SB registerSR : Stack registerRECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONSNOTES :• The typical oscillation frequency shall be determined in consideration of operating condition and fluctuation frequency.• Mount Rf, RD, C 1, C 2, Oscillator (SM5K3/5K5)/Rf (SM5K4)as close as possible to the oscillator pins of the LSI, in order to reduce an influence from floating capacitance.• Since the value of resistor Rf, RD, C 1, C 2, Oscillator (SM5K3/5K5)/Rf (SM5K4) varies depending on circuit pattern and others, the final Rf, RD, C 1, C 2, Oscillator (SM5K3/5K5)/Rf (SM5K4) value shall be determined on the actual unit.• Don't connect any line to OSC IN and OSC OUT except oscillator circuit.• Don't put any signal line across the oscillator circuit line.• On the multilayer circuit, do not let the oscillator circuit wiring cross other circuit.• Minimize the wiring capacitance of GND and V DD .OSCILLATION CIRCUITDegree of fluctuation frequency : ±20%OSC OUTOSC INRf = 33 k Ω(fosc = 1.67 MHz, TYP.)• SM5K3/5K5∗Reference only : Circuit configuration varies according tooscillator used.• SM5K4C 2NOTES :1. Applicable pins : P12, P13, P20-P23, P30-P33(digital inputmode), P40-P43P50-P532. Applicable pins : OSC IN , RESET, P10, P113. Applicable pins : RESET, P10-P13, P20-P23, P40-P43,P50-P53 (digital input mode)4. Applicable pins : P30-P33(analog input mode)03(high current mode)6. Applicable pins : P20-P23, P40-P43, P50-P53(output mode)∗17. Applicable pins : P30-P33∗28. No load (A/D conversion is stop.)9. A/D conversion in operation (operation enable)10. A/D conversion in stop (operation disable)∗1 In case of 32-pin SOP and 36-pin QFP.(In case of 30-pin SDIP, P52dose not exist. In case of 28-pin SOP, P50-P53do not exist.)∗2 P3 ports are normally used for input ports with pull-up resistor. These ports can be also used.V IH10.8 x V DDV DDV 1V IL100.2 x V DDV IH20.9 x V DDV DDV 2V IL200.1 x V DDV DD = 2.2 to 3.3 V 22590I IL1V IN = 0 V V DD = 4.5 to 5.5 V 2570250µA 3I IH1V IN = V DD 2I IL2V IN = 0 V 1.010µA4I IH2V IN = V DD 1.010V DD = 2.2 to 3.3 V 515I OL1V O = 1.0 V V DD = 4.5 to 5.5 V 1525mA 5V DD = 2.2 to 3.3 V 0.3 1.5I OH1V O = V DD – 0.5 V V DD = 4.5 to 5.5 V 1.0 2.2V DD = 2.2 to 3.3 V 1.2 5.0I OL2V O = 1.5 V V DD = 4.5 to 5.5 V 59.0mA 6V DD = 2.2 to 3.3 V 0.3 2.0I OH2V O = V DD – 0.5 V V DD = 4.5 to 5.5 V 1.0 2.4V DD = 2.2 to 3.3 V 0.15I OH3V OH = V DD – 1.0 V mA7V DD = 4.5 to 5.5 V 0.5f OSC = 2 MHZ V DD = 4.5 to 5.5 V 1 200 2 500V DD = 2.2 to 3.3 V 300800f OSC = 1 MHzI DDV DD= 4.5 to 5.5 V 600 1 200f OSC = 32.768 kHzV DD= 2.2 to 3.3 V 20120(Crystal OSC mode)f OSC = 2 MHzV DD = 4.5 to 5.5 V 760 1 500V DD= 2.2 to 3.3 V 200600µA8f OSC = 1 MHzI HLT V DD = 4.5 to 5.5 V 400900f OSC = 32.768 kHzV DD= 2.2 to 3.3 V 2075(Crystal OSC mode)Ceramic OSC mode V DD= 2.2 to 3.3 V 2I STOP f OSC = 32.768 MHzV DD= 2.2 to 3.3 V 1540(Crystal OSC mode)A/D in operation V DD = 4.5 to 5.5 V 220450µA 9I VRA/D in stopV DD = 4.5 to 5.5 V 2µA 10Resolution 10bit Differential f OSC = 1 MHzV DD= VR = 5.0 V ±2.5±4.0linearity error T OPR = 25°CSequential f OSC = 1 MHzV DD = VR = 5.0 V ±3.2±5.0LSB linearity error T OPR = 25°Cf OSC = 1 MHzTotal error V DD= VR = 5.0 V±4.0±6.0TOPR = 25°CA/D conversion Input voltage Input currentOutput currentSupply cerrentDC CHARACTERISTICS• SM5K3(T OPR = –20 to +70°C, TYP. value : V DD = 5.0 or 3.0 V, Unless otherwise noted.)PARAMETER SYMBOLCONDITIONSMIN.TYP.MAX.UNIT NOTE1. Applicable pins:P12, P13, P20-P23, P30-P33(digital inputmode), P40-P43, P50-P53∗12. Applicable pins:OSC IN0, P113. Applicable pins:RESET, P10-P13, P20-P23, P40-P43,P50-P53(digital input mode)∗14. Applicable pins:P30-P33(analog input mode)5. Applicable pins:P00-P03(high current output)6. Applicable pins:P20-P23, P40-P43, P50-P53(output mode)∗17. Applicable pins:P30-P33∗29. A/D conversion in operation (A/D conversion enable)10. A/D conversion in stop (A/D conversion disable)∗1 In case of 32-pin SOP and 36-pin QFP.(In case of 30-pin SDIP, P52pin dose not exist. In case of 24-pin SSOP, P12, P13, P33, P50-P53pins do not exist.)∗2 P3 ports are normally used for input port with pull-up resistor. These ports can be also used as a suspected case of output port.Data Memory (RAM)The data memory (RAM) is used to store data upFig. 3 B Register and SB RegisterFig. 4 RAM File and WordB Register and SB Register• B register (B M , B L )The B register is an 8-bit register that is used to specify the RAM address. The upper 4-bit section is called B M register and lower 4-bit B L .• SB registerThe SB register is an 8-bit register used as the save register for the B register. The contents of B register and SB register can be exchanged throughEX instruction.The program counter PC specifies the ROM address. The PC consists of 12-bit as shown in Fig. 5 : The upper 6-bit (P U ) represents a page while the lower 6-bit (P L ) denotes a step. The P U section is a register and the P L section, a binary counter.Execution of interrupt handling and the table reference instruction PAT also automatically uses 1stage of the stack register SR.Program Memory (ROM)The ROM is used to store the program. The capacity of the ROM is 2 048-step (32-page by 64-step. See Fig. 6). The configuration of the ROM and program jumps are illustrated in Fig. 7.Fig. 6 Page and Step for ROMFig. 5 Program Counter PC and Stack Register SRProgram Counter PC and Stack Register SRFig. 7 ROM Configuration and Program Jump ExampleOutput Latch Register and Mode RegisterThe SM5K3/5K4/5K5 contain 6 output-latch registers and 8 mode-registers which either latch contents of output ports or control some functions of the SM5K3/5K4/5K5.These registers, their functions and available transfer instructions are shown in Table 1 below.An output latch register sets the output level of the pin to which it is connected.Refer to the section of “MODE REGISTERS”concerning about the details mode registers.Table 1 Output Latch Registers and Mode RegistersNOTE :Bit 4 (R84) in the R8 register is read only.(Read or write operation of this bit does not affect any other operation.)FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION Hardware Reset FunctionReset function initializes the SM5K3/5K4/5K5systems. When the input on the RESET pin goes Low, the system enters reset condition after 2level, the reset condition is removed as the inputpulse from OSC IN pin repeats 215times, forcing the program counter to start at 0 page and 0 address.Initialized status of the system immediately after resetting is shown below.Reset causes the following changes.1) I/O pins are set input.2) All mode registers are reset.3) Output latch register P0 is reset, causing P00to P03pins go High level.4) Interrupt request flags (IFA, IFB, and IFT),interrupt master enable flag (IME) are reset,disabling all interrupts.Standby FeatureThe standby function saves power by stopping the program whenever it is not necessary to run. The mode in which the microcomputer is executing the program is called the run mode and the mode in which it stops the program is called the standby mode. Standby mode is further divided into two modes : stop mode and halt mode, one of which is selected by halt instruction or stop instruction. Upon removal of standby condition, the SM5K3/5K4/5K5return from the standby mode to the normal run mode. To enter the standby mode, select either stop mode or halt mode whichever is appropriate (Fig. 8).∗The content of the bit R84 is undefined because it is read only.• Blocks stopped during standby modeIn the halt modeThe system clock generating circuit stops during the halt mode, deactivating all the blocks driven by the system clock. The main clock and dividers remain active. This means that timers can be used while in the halt mode. Both internal and external clocks can be used as the count clock.In the stop modeThe main clock and system clock stop upon entering the stop mode. Therefore, only timers using the external clock remain active.• Counters that the system retains during standby modeThe contents that will be retained in the halt mode will also be retained in the stop mode. These items are shown in Table 3.Fig. 8 Operation Shift of Program• Releasing events of standby mode (6-type)• Interrupt used with SM5K3/5K4/5K5Interrupt event occurs on the falling edge of P10or P11pin input, or the overflow at the timer. These events set flags IFA, IFB and IFT respectively, that then serve as interrupt request flag.Table 4 shows interrupt handling priority level and jump address.• Usage of halt mode and stop modeThe system returns back to the normal operation mode upon occurring of a standby mode releasing condition. The halt mode should be used when the system must enter and exit normal operation frequently as in the case of key operation.The halt mode should also be used to keep timers that are operating from the internal clock, while in the standby mode.The stop mode further saves power than the halt mode but requires slightly longer time to return tothe normal mode. Therefore, the stop mode should be used when the system will not be required to return to the normal mode in a short time.Interrupt FeatureThe interrupt block consists of mask flags (bits RE0,RE1 and RE2), IME flag and interrupt request handling circuit. Fig. 9 shows the configuration of the interrupt block.Fig. 9 Interrupt Block Diagram• IME flag (master enable flag)The IME enables or disables all interrupts at the same time. The IE command, when executed, sets the IME flag and enables the interrupt specified by the mask flag setting. The ID command resets the IME flag, disabling process of any interrupt request.Setting the IME flag to reset after releasing hardware reset, all interrupts are inhibited.• Mode register RE (interrupt mask flag)The mode register RE (RE0, RE1 and RE2;interrupt mask flag) individually enables or disables three type of interrupts.Timer/CounterThe SM5K3/5K4/5K5 have a pair of built-in timer/counter. The timer/counter are used to handle periodic interrupts and to count. The overflowing timer can be used to disable the halt mode. The timer/counter serve as interval timer.The timer/counter consists of an 8-bit count register RA, modulo register RB (for counter initial value setting), 15-bit divider and 4-bit mode register RC (for count clock selection). The configuration of the timer/counter is shown in Fig. 10.Fig. 10 Configuration of Timer/Counter• Selecting count clockA count clock is selected by the bit settings in the mode register RC.Table 5 Count Clock SelectionA/D CONVERSION MODEIn the A/D conversion mode, the converter converts the analog input voltage to the digital value. The analog input voltage is successively compared with the internal voltage charged on the weighted capacitor array until its digital equivalent is determined. The resultant digital data is stored into the mode registers R8 and R9.The conversion requires 152.5 µs (main clock at 400 kHz/system clock at 5 µs) or 1.86 ms (main clock at 32.768 kHz/system clock at 61 µs).COMPARISON MODEIn the comparison mode, the analog voltage from one of P30to P33pins is compared, in amplitude, with internally generated voltage whose value is set by the mode registers R8 and R9. The result data of the comparison is saved into the bit 4 (bit R84) position of the mode register R8. The comparison cycle lasts 62.5 µs (main clock at 400 kHz, system clock at 5 µs) or 763 µs (main clock at 32.768 kHz/system clock at 61 µs).A/D ConversionThe SM5K3/5K4/5K5 are provided with a built-in 10-bit A/D converter having 4-channel multiplexer analog inputs. The A/D converter operates in A/D conversion mode and comparison mode. In the A/D conversion mode, the converter converts the analog input from the P3 pin to the digital value; and in the comparison mode, it compares the input analog amplitude with that of a reference voltage set inside the SM5K3/5K4/5K5. The P30to P33 pins can be used as analog voltage inputs. One or more of these 4 inputs can be set to assume A/D pin by the bit operation of the mode register R3. One of these A/D pins is further set as analog input by the bit operation of the mode register R8. The A/D converter is controlled by the bits set in the mode register R8. For details of the mode register R8, refer to " MODE REGISTERS R8 ". Configuration of the A/D converter is illustrated in Fig. 11.CAUTIONS• Keep the A/D converter reference voltage on the VR pin equal to or below V DD.• Do not apply the voltage to the VR pin before V DD is applied.• Connect AGND to GND.Fig. 11 A/D Converter Block DiagramMODE REGISTERSThe registers which control functions of the SM5K3/5K4/5K5 and which serve as counter/timer are commonly referred to as “mode registers”. In the SM5K3/5K4/5K5, R8 to RB are 8-bit mode registers;and R3, RC, RE and RF are 4-bit mode registers.To set data into the mode registers, the OUT command is used; and to check the contents of the mode registers IN command is used.R3 (A/D pin selection register)Any pin on 4-pin port P3 can be set accommodate analog voltage (hereafter called A/D pin).Bit i (i = 3 to 0)Sets P3i pin to either general purpose input or A/D pin0 | (General purpose) input 1 | A/D inputR8 (A/D conversion control & A/D data register)An 8-bit register used to control A/D conversion and storing part of A/D conversion result. It also stores the results of comparison.Bits 7 to 6Storage of A/D conversion result (A/D conversion mode) and setting of internal voltage (comparison mode)• Use as part of a 10-bit data ragister in combination with mode register R9.• Bit R86 is the LSB.• Store lower 2-bit of converted data in A/D conversion mode.• Use as lower 2-bit of internal voltage setting data in comparison mode.Bit 5∗A/D operation enable/disable flag 0 | Disable (A/D power source off)1 | Enable (A/D power source on)Bit 4Storages of comparison result (read only)0 | P3i pin voltage < internal setting voltage 1 | P3i pin voltage > internal setting voltage(i = 3 to 0)Bit 3∗S/R flag (start/clear)0 | End of operation (or stop)1 | Start of operation (or in operation)Bit 2Operation mode selection 0 | A/D conversion 1 | Comparison Bits 1 to 0Select one of A/D pins as A/D conversion 00 | P3001 | P3110 | P3211 | P33R9 (A/D data register)The register to store the upper 8-bit of 10-bit data resulting from A/D conversion.Bit 7Bit i (i = 7 to 0)Storages of A/D conversion result (A/D conversion mode) and setting of internal voltage (comparison mode)• Uses as part of a 10-bit data register in combination with mode register R8.• Bit R97 is the MSB.• Stores upper 8-bit of A/D conversion result.• Uses as upper 8-bit of internal voltage setting data in comparison mode.∗When operation is end, these bits are cleared.∗Select one pin which is to be selected by mode register R8.RA (Count register)Bit i (i = 7 to 0)Count clock input register• Uses as counter part of timer/counter (count clock input).• Loads the content of RB to RA when the RAoverflows or when OUT command (B L = 0A H )is executed.RA ←RB• Loads the content of RA to X and A registers upon execution of IN command (B L = 0A H ).(X, A)←RA• Bit 7 = MSB, bit 0 = LSBRB (Modulo register)Bit i (i = 7 to 0)Count initial value storage register• Uses as modulo register of timer/counter • Loads the content of RB to X and A registers upon execution ofIN command (B L = 0B H ) : X = upper bits,A = lower bits.(X, A)←RB• Loads the contents of X and A registers to RB upon execution ofOUT command (B L = 0B H ) :X = upper bits,A = lower bits.RB ←(X, A)• Bit 7 : MSB, Bit 0 : LSBRC (Timer control)Bit 3Starts up count of the timer.0 | Stop 1 | StartBit 2 (Unused)Bits 1 to 0Select the source clock to the timer.00 | f SYS (system clock)01 | f SYS /2710 | f SYS /21511 | Falling edge input on P11pinRE (Interrupt mask flag)Bit 3Bit 3 (Unused)Bit 2Removes overflow interrupt from timer or standby condition.0 | Disable 1 | Enable Bit 1Interrupts on the falling edge of input from P11 pin,or releases of standby mode by the Low input from P11pin.0 | Disable 1 | Enable Bit 0Interrupts on the falling edge of input on P10pin, or releases of standby mode by the Low input from P10pin.0 | Disable 1 | EnableRF (P2 port direction register)Bit 3Bit i (i = 3 to 0)Selection of input pin/output pin 0 | Set P2i pin to input.1 | Set P2i pin to output.I/O PortsThe SM5K3/5K4/5K5 have 24 ports : 8-input, 4-output and 12-I/O port. To verify the input, use suitable instruction to transfer the input on the pin directly to the A register. To select the output latch register to which the content of the A register is to be transferred, and to select the input port from which the signal or data is to be transferred to the A register, use the B L register. For details of B L settings and associated ports, refer to Table 1.• Port P00to P03(CMOS inverting output port) The data transfers in 4-bit string (use OUT or OUTL instruction) or in unit of 1-bit (use ANP or ORP instruction).• Port P10to P13(input port with pull-up resistor) The data transfers in unit of 4-bit. This port can be used as standby/external interrupt input or count pulse input. The P1 port can also be used as a standby release port without requiring specific setting on P12and P13pins. Pins P10and P11 require settings through the mode resister RE. When using the P1 port as an external interrupt input, use pins P10and P11with suitable settings in the mode register RE. When using the P1 port as the count pulse input, use P11pin.• Port P20to P23(I/O port with pull-up resistor) Each bit can be independently be set its direction and can be transferred independently or in combination of other 3-bit. The direction of the bits is determined by the RF register. After reset, the P2 port is set input.• Port P30to P33(input port with pull-up resistor) The data transfers in unit of 4-bit. The port can also be used as A/D analog voltage input. To use the P3 port as the A/D port, set the mode register R3.• Port P40to P43(I/O port with pull-up resistor) The data transfers in unit of 4-bit.When set output, content of each bit can be set. Executing the input instruction (IN) sets the P4 ports (P40to P43) to input; and executing output instruction (OUT, ANP or ORP) sets the port to output. After reset, the P4 port is set input.• Port P50to P53(I/O port with pull-up resistor) The data transfers in unit of 4-bit.When set output, content of each bit can be set. Executing the input instruction (IN) sets the P5 ports (P50to P53) to input; and executing output instruction (OUT, ANP or ORP) sets the port to output. After reset, the P5 port is set input.FlagsThe SM5K3/5K4/5K5 have 4 flags (C flag and interrupt request flags [IFA, IFB, IFT] ), which are used to perform setting and judgments.• DividerThe divider consists of 15 divided-by-two dividers,providing 2 (f SYS /27, f SYS /215) of 4 count clocks that are fed to the counter RA from the system clock.Its configuration is shown below. The divider can be cleared by using the DR instruction.• Oscillator mask optionSelection of type of oscillator, ceramic or crystal, is made by mask option.Fig. 12 Main Clock and System ClockFig. 13 System Clock Generator and DividerSystem Clock Generator and Dividers• System clock generatorThe system clock is the divided-by-two main clock applied through OSC IN and OSC OUT (See Fig. 12).The system clock generator is shown in Fig. 13.One system clock cycle period is equal to one instruction execution time when the instruction consists of 1 word. When the ceramic oscillatorruns at 400 kHz, the system clock fsys is 200 kHz.This means that the instruction execution time is 5µs/word. Using a 32.768 kHz crystal oscillator generates 16.384 kHz fsys and the instruction execution time is 61 µs/word. The system clock can be used as count input pulse to the timer.INSTRUCTION SET Array Definition of SymbolsM: Content of RAM at the address defined by the B register.←: Transfer direction∪: Logical OR∩: Logical AND⊕: Exclusive ORAi: An i bit of A register (i = 3 to 0)Push: Saves the contents of PC to stack register SR.Pop: Returns the contents saved in the stack register back to PC.Pj: Indicates output latch register or input register. Pj ( j = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)Rj: Mode register. Rj register ( j = 3, A, B, C, E, F)ROM ( ) : Content stored in ROM location defined by the value in ( ).CY: Carry in ALU (independent of C flag) The CY(carry) is a signal which isgenerated when the ALU has beencarried by the execution of a command.It is different from the C flag.X: Used to represent a group of bits in the content of a register or memory. Forexample, the X in the LDAX instructiondenotes the lower 2 digits (I1and I0) of Aregister.• A bit in a register is affixed to the register symbol, e.g. a bit (i = 0, 1, 2, 3....) of X register is expressed as Xi and P (R) register as P (R) i.• Increment means binary addition of 1H and decrement addition of F H.• Skipping an instruction means to ignore that instruction and to do nothing until starting the next instruction. In this sense, an instruction to be skipped is treated as an NOP instruction. Skipping 1-byte instruction requires 1-cycle, and 2-byte instruction 2-cycle. Skipping 1-byte 2-cycleinstruction requires 1-cycle.SYSTEM CONFIGURATION EXAMPLE • Charger controller。


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Bi-Laminate (Alum+Poly) 100%
24 AWG (7x32) TC
Outer Jacket
Nom. Thickness Nom. Diameter Ripcord
PVC - Polyvinyl Chloride 0.017 in (0.43 mm) 0.205 in (5.21 mm) Yes
© 2023 Belden, Inc



映美FP-530K 针式打印机说明书

映美FP-530K 针式打印机说明书

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SER NO:机身编号

图1.3 1.5~5.5kW驱动器的外型图
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INFRARED RECEIVER MODULE MIM-5xx3K3F DescriptionFeaturesl Photo detector and preamplifier in one packagel Internal filter for PCM frequencyl High immunity against ambient lightl Improved shielding against electric field disturbancel 5.0-Volt supply voltage; low power consumptionl TTL and CMOS compatibilityMIM-5xx3K3F Series Modelsl MIM-5303K3F 30.0KHz l MIM-5383K3F 38.0KHzl MIM-5333K3F 33.0KHz l MIM-5403K3F 40.0KHzl MIM-5363K3F 36.0KHz l MIM-5443K3F 44.0KHzl MIM-5373K3F 36.7KHz l MIM-5563K3F 56.0KHzBLOCK DIAGRAMREV: A1INFRARED RECEIVER MODULE MIM-5xx3K3F Absolute Maximum RatingsItem Symbol Ratings Unit RemarkSupply voltage V CC-0.3 ~ 6.0VSupply Current Is 5.0mAOperating temperature T opr-25 ~ + 85o CStorage temperature T stg-25 ~ + 85o CSoldering temperature T sd260o C t≦5 s, 1mm from casePower dissipation at Ta=25oC P tot30mWElectro-optical characteristics (Vcc=5.0V)Parameter Symbol Min.Typ.Max.Unit RemarksSupply Voltage Vs 4.5 5.0 5.5VCurrent consumption Icc 1.4 2.0mA Under no signal Response wavelength l p940nmOutput form - - - - - active low output - - - - -H level output voltage V0h 4.2VL level output voltage V0l0.5VH level output pulse width Twh400800m sL level output pulse width Twl400800m sDistance between emitter & detector L110.0m Note 1Half angle Dq±45deg Horizonal directionTest MethodA. Standard TransmitterREV: A1B. Detection Length TestC . Pulse Width TestApplication CircuitREV: A1Dimensions in mmREV: A1CHARACTERISTIC CURVES (T A=25o C)REV: A1INFRARED RECEIVER MODULE MIM-5xx3K3F ReliabilityTest item Test condition StandardHigh temparature Ta=+80o C t=240H Note 2.High temp. & high humi.Ta=+40o C 90%RH t=240H Note 2.Low temparature Ta= -30o C t=240H Note 2.Temperature cycle -30o C(0.5H) ~ +80o C(0.5H) 20cycle Note 2.Dropping Test devices shall be dropped 3 times naturally Note 3.onto hard wooden board from a 75cm height position.NOTE 1. Distance between emitter & detector specifies maximum distance that output wave form satisfiesthe standard under the conditions below against the standerd transmitter.(1)Measuring place ………Indoor without extreme reflection of light.(2)Ambient light source… Detecting surface illumination shall be 200±50Lux under ordinaryhite fluorescense lamp of no high frequency lighting.(3)Standard transmitter … Burst wave indicated in Fig 1. of standard transmittershall be arranged to 50mVp-p under the measuring circuit specified in Fig 2.NOTE 2. (electro-optical charactistics) shall be satisfied after leaving 2 hours in the normal temperature .NOTE 3. (electro-optical charactistics) shall be satisfied and no conoid deformsand destructions of appearance .(excepting deforms of terminals)Inspection standard1.Among electrical characteristics , total number shall be inspected on items blow.1-1 front distance between emitter & detector1-2 Current consumption1-3 H level output voltage1-4 L level output voltage2.Items except above mentioned are not inspected particularly , but shall fully satisfyCAUTION ( When use and storage of this device )1.Store and use where there is no force causing transformation or change in quality .2.Store and use where there is no corrosive gas or sea(salt) breeze .3.Store and use where there is no extreme humidity .4.Solder the lead-pin within the condition of ratings. After soldering do not add extra force .5.Do not wash this device . Wipe the stains of diode side with a soft cloth. You canuse the solvent , ethylalcohol or methylalcohol or isupropylene only .6.To prevent static electricity damage to the Pre-AMP make sure that the human body, the soldering iron is connected to ground before using .7.Put decoupling device between Vcc and GND for reduse the noise from power supply line .8.The performance of remote-control system depends on environments condition and abilityof periferal parts. Customer should evaluate the performance as total system in those conditionsafter system up with components such as commander , micon and this receiver module .Others1.This device is not design to endure radiative rays and heavily charged particles .2.In case where any trouble or questions arise,both parties agress to make full discussioncovering the said problem .REV: A1。
