Drilling Office 4.0 安装指南




在完成环境变量设置后,可以直接在操作系统中启动 Pro.Engineer野火4.0。启动后,软件将自动加载相关配置和 模块,并进入主界面。
在首次启动Pro.Engineer野火4.0时,需要检查许可证是否有 效。许可证是确保软件合法使用的关键,因此需要确保已正 确安装并激活许可证。
04 常见问题与解决方案
确保您具有足够的权限来访问和修改 安装目录,并确保磁盘空间足够。
检查许可证服务器是否正在运行,并 确保您的计算机在许可证服务器允许 的范围内。
检查许可证是否正确配置,并确保许可证未 过期。
尝试重新安装Pro.Engineer野火4.0,并确 保使用正确的安装文件。
在安装过程中无法选择其他路径来安装 Pro.Engineer野火4.0。
充分利用Pro.Engineer野火4.0提供 的在线帮助文档和教程,以便快速学 习和掌握软件的高级功能。
确保计算机已连接到互联网,以便下 载和安装更新。
确保计算机上的防火墙允许 Pro.Engineer野火4.0的正常运行。



Direct4.0 软件技术手册Direct简介 (4)关于本手册 (4)Direct及相关功能简介 (5)1、如何建立数字工区 (7)1.1、如何进行工区管理 (7)1.2、设置 (8)1.3、工具 (10)2、数据收集整理 (12)2.1、单井数据 (12)2.2、地质分层及断点数据 (14)2.3、层面数据 (15)2.4、断层数据 (16)2.5、数据处理工具介绍 (18)3、单井 (19)3.1、如何输入单井数据 (19)3.2、如何进行数据查询 (22)3.4、如何编辑单井模版 (23)3.5、如何进行单井数据管理 (26)3.6、如何开展测井二次解释 (28)3.7、如何进行沉积相自动识别 (32)4、多井 (33)4.1、如何添加连井线 (33)4.2、如何开展地层对比 (33)4.3、如何开展砂体连通剖面关系分析 (38)4.4、如何绘制油藏剖面图 (39)4.5、如何绘制沉积相剖面 (40)4.6多井投影剖面功能应用............................... 404.7剖面成果显示与输出.. (41)5、构造 (42)5.1、如何加载三维点或三维线数据 (42)5.2、如何进行层面插值 (42)5.3、如何进行构造层面的显示控制设置 (43)5.4、如何进行构造层面的点校正 (43)5.5、如何添加虚拟数据线和数据点 (43)5.6、如何定义断层名 (44)5.7、如何加载断层stick数据 (44)5.8、如何加载断层多边形数据 (44)5.9、如何生成断面 (45)5.10、由断面如何生成断层线 (46)5.11、由断层线如何产生断层多边形 (46)5.12、如何编辑断层多边形 (46)5.13、如何拾取断层Z值 (46)6、平面层 (48)6.1、如何定义平面层 (48)6.2、如何进行平面层井数据提取 (48)6.3、如何进行原始数据检查分析 (49)6.4、如何计算地层厚度 (50)6.5、如何计算井点处地层真厚度 (50)6.6、如何进行微构造表征 (50)6.7、如何开展沉积相研究 (51)6.8、如何开展流体分布研究 (55)6.9、如何开展参数分析 (56)6.10、如何开展地质储量计算 (61)6.11、如何开展储层非均质性研究 (63)目录6.12、变差函数理论方法 (64)6.13、曲流河构型分析 (65)7、三维层 (68)7.1、如何定义角点网格层模型 (68)7.2、如何进行骨架网格剖分 (68)7.3、如何进行构造层面插值 (70)7.4、如何进行地层创建(层面内插计算) (70)7.5、如何进行垂向网格划分 (71)7.6、如何进行BW创建(井数据网格化) (71)7.7、如何建立三维相模型 (72)7.8、如何建立三维流体模型 (75)7.9、如何建立相控孔渗参数模型 (75)7.10、如何建立油水界面模型 (76)7.11、如何建立净毛比模型 (77)7.12、如何计算地质储量 (77)7.13、如何进行模型粗化 (78)7.14、如何进行模型输出 (79)7.15、如何导入Eclipse模型 (80)7.16、如何进行亚层合并 (81)7.17、如何进行构型界面建模 (81)8、图胜 (83)8.1、如何打开文件(.bts图件) (83)8.2、如何进行图层管理 (83)8.3、如何编辑图元属性 (83)8.4、如何导出位图 (83)8.5、如何导出数据 (84)8.6、如何进行文档设置 (84)8.7、如何进行打印设置 (84)8.8、如何进行图册管理.................................... 848.9、如何数字化图件. (85)8.10、如何打开其他软件提供的图件 (86)8.11、如何进行散点数据成图 (86)8.12、如何绘制矿物组分三角形图 (86)8.13、如何绘制粒度概率曲线 (87)8.14、如何绘制C-M图 (87)8.15、如何绘制裂缝玫瑰图和方位图 (88)8.16、如何绘制地震测线网图 (88)8.17、如何绘制地震剖面图 (88)8.18、如何绘制产能柱状图 (88)8.19、如何绘制饼图 (89)8.20、如何绘制小层平面图 (89)8.21、如何把图胜绘制的各类等值线图网格化输入direct软件 (90)8.22、如何用图胜进行井名简化 (91)Direct简介关于本手册本文档为Direct软件技术手册。

Doble M4000软件版本4.1安装指南说明书

Doble M4000软件版本4.1安装指南说明书

72A-3154-01 Rev. A 12/20091M4000 Version 4.1 Installation GuideThis document explains how to install the M4000 software version 4.1 on a laptop or the M4200C Controller.RequirementsLaptop requirements are as follows:•Operating system—Windows 2000 or newer •Web browser—Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.0 or newerThe M4200C Controller must run the M4200 Thermal printer driver as the default.To confirm that the M4200 Thermal driver is the default printer driver:1.Open the Start menu and select Control Panel .2.Select Printers and Other Hardware .3.Open View installed printers and fax printers .4.Confirm that M4200 Thermal is selected as the default (a black circle with a checkmark in it should appear next to the driver name in the list).•If it is not the default printer, highlight the M4200 Thermal printer icon, open File on the menu and select Set as Default Printer . •If the M4200 Thermal printer is not listed, please contact your Dobleprincipal engineer or local representative.Downloading M4000To download M4000 from the Doble web site:1.Go to .2.Open the Support menu and click Downloads .3.Click the M4000 link, and on the M4000 page, click the M4KV41.exe link.4.Click Save to save the file to your hard disk, or click Run to run Setup.exe immediately. Go to “Installing the Software” on page 2. 1981M4000 Version 4.1 Installation Guide272A-3154-01 Rev. A 12/2009Installing the SoftwareTo install M4100:1.Double-click the Setup.exe file.The Choose Setup Language window appears. It enables you to select thelanguage in which the remaining setup instructions will be presented.2.Select a language from the drop-down list and click OK.3.Read the Welcome advisory information and, if acceptable, click Next.4.Read the software license agreement and, if acceptable, click Yes.5.In the Choose Destination Location window:•Click Next to accept the default folder for the M4000 software.or•Browse to another folder and click Next.6.In the Select Program Folder window, choose a location for the M4000program icon and click Next.The Laptop/M4200 Controller Options window appears.7.Select these options as appropriate:•Launch M4000 at Startup—Automatically starts M4000 each time thePC or M4200 Controller is turned on.•Set the serial port to COM2 (default is COM1)—Select this option ifyou use an M4200 Controller, which always requires COM2.8.Click Next.The Safety Settings window appears. These settings are stored as Registryentries and can be changed by users through the Tools/Configurationmenu, unless access is restricted.Check marks appear in the options that are turned on by default.M4000 Version 4.1 Installation Guide72A-3154-01 Rev. A 12/200939.In the Safety Settings window, select the safety options as appropriate:•Beeper is enabled —Enables the warning beep that signals the beginning of each test (recommended).•Both LV Leads must be inserted to run test —Requires that both the red and blue leads be inserted into the test set to run a test (rarely used).•Safety strobe is required to run test —If the strobe bulb or cable fails, you can disable it so that you can continue testing. •Safety switch must be released between tests —Discourages users from artificially holding the safety switch down for the duration of several tests.•Restrict the Safety Configuration settings —Locks the above fourselections so that they cannot be changed from within the application.10.Click Next .The Auto-fill the Company Field window appears. Any name entered in this field automatically appears in the Company field whenever a new test form is created.11.Enter a name or leave the field blank. Click Next.M4000 Version 4.1 Installation Guide472A-3154-01 Rev. A 12/200912.In the M4000 Language Support window, select one or more languages forthe M4000 user interface. Click Next.The Choose the M4000 Data Directory window appears. This directory will store all results of tests run with the M4100 clipboard.13.Accept the default directory or browse to a different directory. Click Next.The Start Copying Files window appears. It summarizes the configuration options you have selected.14.If necessary, click Back to modify the setup options. Then click Next tostart file installation.The Copying Resource Files window appears and displays a progress bar.When the process is complete, the Setup Complete window appears. 15.As appropriate, select these options:•Yes, I want to view the ReadMe file.•Yes, I want to launch M4000.16.Click Finish.Running Multiple Versions of M4000You can run multiple versions of M4000 by installing them in differentdirectories. Be aware that whenever you switch from one version to another,M4000 prompts you to download new firmware. To prevent this prompt fromappearing:1.Locate the M4i.x0, BootBlok.x0, and Loader.x0 in the directoryin which version 3.4 or 4.0 is installed. The default directory isC:\Program Files\Doble\M4000.2.Copy these three files into the other M4000 directories.Updating the FirmwareThis section is for newer M4100 instruments only, with a serial number formatof four digits, a numeral one, and four more digits (xxxx1xxxx).IntroductionWhen M4000 is updated, new firmware is downloaded with it but notinstalled. The updated M4000 automatically checks the currently installedfirmware and, if appropriate, displays a message stating that new firmware isavailable. Immediate upgrade is not required; you can wait for a suitable time.M4000 Version 4.1 Installation Guide72A-3154-01 Rev. A 12/20095Time RequirementsThe firmware upgrade takes 25 to 30 minutes. The associated amplifier upgrade, which is sometimes required, takes an additional 15 minutes.Cable RequirementsThe USB cable supplied with the M4100 is required for this upgrade. You must manually install the USB driver for this cable.If the upgrade is attempted using a USB-to-RS232 adapter with the old serial cable, the upgrade will fail.Procedures for Firmware and Amplifier Firmware UpdateThe following procedures describe how to upgrade the firmware, and how to upgrade the amplifier (PUC) firmware if necessary.Read This First!As you begin upgrading, please keep the following information in mind:•Do not power cycle the M4100 during the upgrade. Power cyclingduring a firmware or amplifier firmware upgrade causes theM4100 to become unusable . You will have to ship the unit back toDoble for reconfiguration.•If M4000 is accidentally closed during an upgrade, power cycle theM4100 and start the upgrade over again.•Depending on the version of the firmware or amplifier firmware youare upgrading, an Error 101 message may appear after the upgradecompletes successfully. Close it and continue with the upgradeprocess.M4000 Version 4.1 Installation Guide672A-3154-01 Rev. A 12/2009Upgrading the FirmwareTo upgrade the firmware:1.Open the Tools menu and select Update the Firmware.A warning message appears.N OTE Do not power cycle the M4100 during the upgrade for any reason!If power cycling occurs, the M4100 becomes unusable and must be shipped back toDoble for reconfiguration.2.To start the upgrade, click Yes.Several progress bars appear during the upgrade.Depending on the version of the firmware being updated, an Error101message may appear after the upgrade is completed successfully.3.Click OK and power cycle the M4100.Upgrading the Amplifier (Power Unit Control)To determine if the Amplifier (PUC) firmware needs to be updated:1.Open the Diagnostic menu and select System Status.The M4000 - System Status Diagnostic window appears.2.Press F2 to run the test.When complete, the Reported Status for each item should be Enabled.3.Look at the M4100 Instrument Amplifier Version field. If it displays a:•Blank—The Amplifier/PUC cannot be upgraded in the field and unitmust be returned to Doble for upgrading.•Number—Go to step 4.M4000 Version 4.1 Installation Guide72A-3154-01 Rev. A 12/200974.Open the Tools menu and select Update the Amplifier Firmware .One of these messages appears:•Error 105—Indicates that the amplifier firmware cannot be upgradedin the field. Click OK and power cycle the M4100. You can continue to use the instrument while you make arrangements to ship it to Doble for upgrade.•Update the M4100 Amplifier Firmware N OTE Do not power cycle the M4100 during the upgrade for any reason! If powercycling occurs, the M4100 becomes unusable and must be shipped back to Doble for reconfiguration.5.To start the upgrade, click Yes .Several progress bars appear during the upgrade.Depending on the version of the firmware being updated, an Error 101 message may appear after the upgrade is completed successfully.6.Click OK and power cycle the M4100.7.Run another System Status test.The following data should appear:•M4100 Instrument Firmware Version: 3.4555•M4100 Instrument Amplifier Version: 1.31Reporting ProblemsPlease communicate any problems or enhancement requests to your Dobleprincipal engineer or local Doble representative.M4000 Version 4.1 Installation Guide872A-3154-01 Rev. A 12/2009。

PRO E野火4.0安装方法

PRO E野火4.0安装方法


(请在下面点击下载,下载“野火4.0软件”时先安装"米人"来进行下载,)2、中文版设置流程:桌面上右击【我的电脑】→ 【属性】→ 【高级】→ 【环境变量】→ 在用户变量中点击【新建】→ 弹出新建用户变量对话框,然后输入变量名:lang,变量值:chs → 【确定】→ 【确定】→ 【确定】。

二、设置许可证文件及安装1、查找电脑的网卡ID号1)开始菜单里点【运行】→ 输入 cmd → 输入命令行ipconfig /all → 回车后找到其中一行:Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 00-F0-CF-83-1A-0B如果不会显示就要安装虚拟网卡,方法请查看后面安装方法。


2、复制许可证的文件1)在安装文件中找到【CRACK】文件夹,把【CRACK】复制到安装盘(如D盘)中的【Program Files】文件夹里。

温馨提示:也可以再在【Program Files】文件夹里新建【proe4.0 CRACK】文件夹来存放,因为当你的电脑还有2001版安装的许可证文件在里面时,可能会出现重名,此做法可避免替换掉了其它版本安装好的许可证文件。



2)在【license-记事本】中选【编辑】→ 【替换】出现如图所示。

【查找内容】中输入【license-记事本】中自带的网卡ID号→ 【替换为】中输入电脑上的网卡ID号→ 【全部替换】即可替换→ 关闭对话框。




每次的保存操作并不覆盖以前的文件,例如,第一 次保存的文件名为“ex-1-1.prt.1”,第二次保存的文件 将自动命名为“ex-1-1.prt.2”,依此类推。这种保存方 式有利于用户在出现错误时进行修复,以提高建模过程 的可靠性。
1.4 保存文件与备份文件
1.1 新建文件
假设需要新建一个名为“ex-1-1.prt”的零件,使用长 度单位为“mmns_part_solid”的模板,结合这样一个实例 来介绍新建文件的一般步骤:
1.1 新建文件
(1)启动Pro/ENGINEER中文野火版4.0后,在菜单栏中 选择“文件”→“新建”,或在工具栏中单击“新建”按 钮 ,系统弹出“新建”对话框,如图1-5所示。






在桌面右击“我的电脑”再点属性-高级-环境变量-新建-变量名:lang 值:chs (这样就保证了你打开proe后是中文的)2.右键点击ptc-li-4.0.dat文件点打开方式为记事本打开后会看到有一串数字这就是网卡地址,你要把它全部换成你自己电脑的网卡地址。




继续下一步,单击“添加”-“锁定的许可证文件(服务器未运行)”-找到前面修改过的ptc_li-4.0.dat(路径限英文,须将路径中的数字和其他符号去掉),下一步直至安装完Pro/ENGINEER 安装.中间可能有个两个小细节A当提示插入光盘2的时候,把1改为2就行,当提示插入光盘3的时候,把数字该为3就行。



选择文件,找到proewildfire/i486_nt/obj,这时你要选择文件类型,选择第二个类型.exe,然后找到XTOP.EXE--- -打开,弹出对话框,选择;是,还是找到XTOP.EXE,如此三次。










方法,打开名为SHOOTERS,找到名为"ptc.pro engineer.wildfire.4.0.win32-patch.exe"的文件,图(6)复制粘贴到你安装的目录,找到文件i486_nt,打开,找到文件obj,打开,粘贴到里面,然后再运行此文件,出现界面(7)点Patch,在出现的所有提示中都点NO,然后破解完成。




1.1 Pro/ENGINEER 中文野火版4.0的界面
状态栏位于Pro/ENGINEER中文野火版4.0界面的底 部。将鼠标放置在菜单栏、工具栏按钮或某些对话框上 时,状态栏左侧将会出现相应的文字提示。状态栏的右 侧有一个过滤器,通过在过滤器中选择适当的选项,可 以对模型中的各种元素进行过滤,从而使选择过程更精 确、更容易。
1.2 常用文件操作
“文件”菜单提供了对文件进行操作的各种命令,本节简要 介绍“文件”菜单中的一些常用命令和一些相关知识,主要包括 新建文件、打开文件、设置工作目录、保存文件与备份文件、拭 除文件与删除文件。
1.1 Pro/ENGINEER 中文野火版4.0的界面
提示:要进入Pro/ENGINEER中文野火版4.0,可以通过以下 两种方法:

(2)在WindowsXP系统中,选择“开始”→“所有程 序”→“PTC”→“ProENGINEER”→ 中文野火版4.0的界面
提示:将鼠标停留在任一按钮上,系统将自动显示该按钮的功能, 如图1-3所示。
1.1 Pro/ENGINEER 中文野火版4.0的界面
默认状态下,Pro/ENGINEER中文野火版4.0的信息栏位于工具栏的 下方。初始状态下,信息栏中提示“欢迎使用Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire4.0”。在用户使用Pro/ENGINEER中文野火版4.0进行工作的过程 中,系统会结合用户正在进行的操作,通过信息栏提示信息。
Pro/ENGINEER中文野火版4.0的菜单栏显示在标题栏的下面。菜单 栏包含文件、编辑、视图、插入和工具等选项,如图1-2所示。



一般视图通常为放置到页面上的第一个视图,它是最易于变动的 视图。因此,可根据任何设置对其进行缩放或旋转。 1)新建绘图文件 2)插入一般视图的步骤 3)对视图进行定向

(5)“模型边可见性”选项组中的“区域”单选项用于显示视图的 几何剖面。选取该单选项可以定义区域视图,绘图效果如图6-30(c)所 示。
当细化模型时,通过“绘图视图”对话框可以定义视图的可见区 域,右击绘图窗口,在系统弹出的快捷菜单中选取“属性”选项,系 统弹出“绘图视图”对话框。在“类别”下拉列表框中选择“可见区 域”,在“可见区域选项”选项组的“视图可见性”下拉列表中包含 全视图、半视图、局部视图和破断视图四个选项,如图6-22所示。



1、将Crack文件夹下的Pro_WF5_Win32_crk.exe文件复制到安装目录: D:\PTC\Proe4.0\proeWildfire 4.0\i486_nt\obj下粘贴。然后双击此文件以运行直 接点击“Next”直到运行完成。
Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0
❖ 1、设置电脑环境变量:
❖ 操作过程:我的电脑→属性→高级→环境变量→新建→变量名为:lang,变 量值为:chs。
❖ 2、拷贝安装文件中的Crack文件:
Thinking In Other People‘S Speeches,Growing Up In Your Own Story
经常不断地学习,你就什么都知道。你知道得越多,你就越有力量 Study Constantly, And You Will Know Everything. The More
You Know, The More Powerful You Will Be
Thank You
Pro/E 安装前工作
❖ 3、编辑Licesne文件:
以记事本方式打开Crack文ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้夹下的Licsen.dat文件进行编辑,将文件中的主 机ID替换为本机ID号,然后保存以备用。



Table of ContentsPage Enclosure with Pre-Drilled Handle Cutout 2- Install Disconnect Switch- Install Disconnect Switch StandoffsEnclosure without Pre-Drilled Handle Cutout 3- Locate Handle- Drill Handle HolesEnclosure Requiring Door Catch Mounting Bracket4Fuse Block Adapter Plate Installation (Switch Rating 30A - 60A - 100A)5, 6Fuse Block Adapter Plate Installation (Switch Rating 200A) 7Phase Barrier Replacement Kit and Fuse Clip Installation (Switch Rating 30A - 60A)8Phase Barrier Replacement Kit and Fuse Clip Installation (Switch Rating 100A)9Phase Barrier Replacement Kit (Switch Rating 200A) 10Fuse Clip Installation (Switch Rating 200A) 11Dimensions 12Fuse Clip Installation (200A) 12Installation--Vault Hardware Latching (1494F-L1)13Installation-- Vault Hardware Latching (1494F-L2, -L3, -L4)14Testing Vault Hardware Latching and Enclosure Seal 15Installation-- Vault Hardware Latching (Non Pre-Drilled Enclosures) 16, 17Bulletin 1494F Disconnect Switch Kits18Bulletin 1494F Disconnect Switch Kit Optional Accessory List19The following proc edures are c ritic al to the proper operation of the disc onnec t handle and switc h. Failure to follow these steps can result in damage to the equipment and/or serious injury or death to the operator.To prevent elec tric al shoc k, disc onnec t from power sourc e before installing or servic ing. Follow NFPA 70E requirements. Install in suitable enclosure. Keep free from contaminants.Bulletin 1494F Fixed Depth Disconnect Switch Installation Instructions(Cat 1494F-N30; -N60; -N100; -N200) (Series B)Install Disconnect Switch (Left-hand installation unavailable.)12Install Disconnect Switch StandoffsProvided by User or Enclosure with Pre-Drilled Handle CutoutEnclosure without Pre-Drilled Handle CutoutEnclosure Requiring Door Catch BracketRight-hand installation shown with or without enclosure door vault hardware (Left-hand installation unavailable)Door Catch Mounting Bracket:L Provided with projections for welding.L Projections can also be used as a guide for drilling holes.L Can be used as a template to drill corresponding holes in the enclosure door.L User to supply the hardware for fastening the bracket.L The bracket hardware must be inaccessible to unauthorized personnel.L Fasteners must provide the degree of ingress protection for the environmental rating of the enclosure.Dimension K (3/4" to 1")L When installed in any size enclosure without door vault hardware, use door catch provided with disconnect switch kit.L When installed in small and intermediates size enclosures (15 inches to 40 inches) using door vault hardware kits(1494F-L1, 1494F-L2 and 1494F-L3), use door catch with pivot lever provided with disconnect switch kit. Discard the door catch supplied with the door vault hardware kit.Dimension K (1-1/8" to 1-3/8")L When installed in large enclosure using door vault hardware kit (1494F-L4), use the door catch assembly with the pivot leverincluded with the disconnect switch. Discard the door catch supplied with the door vault hardware kit.Hardware Torque (lb-in)Hardware Torque (lb-in)40-6022-3720-2520-25Fuse Block Adapter Kit Fuse Amps Fuse Clip Lug to Terminal Wire into Lug 40-6022-3740-6045-5040-6016-2240-6045-50Fuse Block Adapter Kit Fuse Amps Fuse Clip Lug to Terminal Wire into Lug Fuse Block Adapter Plate Installation (Switch Rating 30A - 60A - 100A)D FuseAmps Voltage Class PositionPositionD 2 - 13/16”5 - 5/8”2 - 13/16”4 - 3/16”3 - 5/8”6 - 1/8”3”4 - 3/16”Fuse3030303060606060250600600600250600600600H/R H/R J HRCII-C H/R H/R J HRCII-CAmps 30603060100Voltage Class 66234153160 Amp Fuse Block Adapter Plate Kit (1494F-F60)Hardware Torque (lb-in)40-6022-3790-110150-16540-6016-2290-110150-165Fuse Block Adapter Kit Fuse Amps Fuse Clip Lug to Terminal Wireinto Lug Fuse Block Adapter Plate Installation (Switch Rating 30A - 60A - 100A) - (Cont’d)60100200100 Amp Trailer Fuse Block (1494F-F100)DPositionFuseAmps Voltage Class 23Hardware Torque (lb-in)40-6016-22160-190275-30540-6016-22160-190275-305Fuse Block Adapter Kit Fuse Amps Fuse Clip Lug to Terminal Wire into Lug Fuse Block Adapter Plate Installation (Switch Rating 200A)100200400D Position5277314665 - 7/8”7 - 7/8”4 - 5/8”4 - 5/8”6 - 3/4”9 - 1/4”5 - 3/8”5 - 3/8”6 - 1/4”200 Amp Trailer Fuse Block (1494F-F200)Fuse100100100100200200200200400250600600600250600600600600H/R H/R J HRCII-C H/R H/R J HRCII-CJAmps Voltage Class 213Phase Barrier Replacement Kit (Switch Rating 30A - 60A)1494F-PH230 Amp Disconnect Switch and Fuse Block Shown Fuse Clip Installation (Switch Rating 30A - 60A)30 Amp Disconnect Switch and Fuse Block Shown1494F-PH31494F-PH422Fuse Clip Installation (Switch Rating 200A) for 400A Class J Fuses (Cat. No. 1401-N171)21Fusible Disconnect SwitchNon-Fusible Disconnect SwitchDimensions9 - 3/16” 9 - 3/16” 9 - 3/16”9 - 5/8”30A Switch Size60A 100A 200A4 - 5/16”4 - 5/16”4 - 5/16”4 - 3/4”1 - 1/8”1 - 1/8”1 - 1/8”1 - 5/32”3/8”3/8”3/8”1 - 9/16”1 - 9/16”1 - 9/16”2”10 - 1/2”10 - 1/2”10 - 1/2”10 - 29/32”8 - 1/2”8 - 1/2”9 - 3/4”9 - 3/4”6 - 7/8”6- 7/8”8 - 1/8”8 - 1/8”7/16”6”A B C E F GH (Min)J D 6”6”8 - 3/16”8”8”8”8”15/16”15/16”15/16”3 - 21/32”3 - 21/32”3 - 21/32”3 - 3/4”7 - 5/16”7 - 5/16”7 - 5/16”7 - 1/2”5 - 7/16”5 - 7/16”5 - 7/16”5 - 7/16”3”3”3”3”1 - 5/16”8 - 1/2”K M N P Q RL 8 - 1/2”8 - 1/2”8 - 1/2”Vault Hardware Latching (1494F-L1) - Top and Side Latching (40 Inches Maximum Enclosure Height)12 34Drive-Lok Pin(Optional screwand nut includedwith kit)Drive-Lok Pin1Vault Hardware Latching (1494F-L2, -L3) - Top and Bottom Latching or Top, Side and Bottom Latching(40 Inches Maximum Enclosure Height-1494F-L2)(60 Inches Maximum Enclosure Height-1494F-L2, -L3)Vault Hardware Latching (1494F-L4 for Large Enclosures) - Top, Side and Bottom Latching(84 Inches Maximum Enclosure Height)4Installation-- Vault Hardware Latching (Non Pre-Drilled Enclosures)- 1/8”- 1/8”* Non applicable for 1494F-L12 - 1/8” 2 - 1/8” 2 - 1/8” 2 - 1/8”30ASwitch SizeVault HardwareKits 1494F-L1 *1494F-L2 *1494F-L3 *1494F-L4 *60A 100A 200A3 - 1/16”3 - 1/16”3 - 1/16”3 - 1/16”3 - 13/16”3 - 13/16”3 - 13/16”3 - 13/16”1/4”1/4”1/4”1/4”8 - 1/8”8 - 1/8”8 - 1/8”8 - 1/8”3 - 7/8”3 - 7/8”3 - 7/8”3 - 7/8”4 - 1/2”A B C(Min)E(Min)Small and Intermediate EnclosuresLarge EnclosuresF G(Min)H(Min)K L D 4 - 1/2”4 - 1/2”4 - 1/2”2 - 1/8” 2 - 1/8” 2 - 1/8” 2 - 1/8”30A60A 100A 200A3 - 3/4”3 - 3/4”3 - 3/4”3 - 3/4”3 - 13/16”3 - 13/16”3 - 13/16”3 - 13/16”13”14”18 - 7/8”23 - 25/32”13 - 1/8”13 - 5/8”18 - 1/2”23 - 13/32”5/16”5/16”5/16”5/16”1/2”1/2”1/2”1/2”N3/4”3/4”3/4”3/4”1/2”1/2”1/2”1/2”5/8”5/8”5/8”5/8”9 - 13/16”9 - 13/16”9 - 13/16”9 - 13/16”3/8”3/8”3/8”3/8”1/2”1/2”1/2”1/2”4”4”4”4”5”5”5”5”-.0035”5”5”5”J(Min)6”6”6”6”M 11/16”11/16”11/16”11/16”1-1/4”1-1/4”1-1/4”1-1/4”* When using 1494F-L1, -L2, -L4 vault hardware kits with Series A 1494F-N30, 1494F-NF30, 1494F-N60, 1494F-NF60, 1494F-N100, 1494F-NF100, 1494D-N4, 1494D-N5, 1494M-N30, 1494M-NF30, 1494M-N60, 1494M-NF60, 1494M-N100 or 1494M-NF100 it may be necessary to order adapter 1494F-N13. (Required for Hoffman A22 Series B or later enclosures.)Testing Vault Hardware Latching and Enclosure SealClose door against enclosure base. The door handle should be in the 6 o’clock position in line with the length of the door when fully latched and the enclosure is sealed.Turn release screw counterclockwise and hold screw in that position to release initial catch from beneath enclosure flange.Handle should rotate clockwise to approximately the 9 o’clock position under spring action. The locking bars should have retracted from top and bottom of door and center latch cleared right hand flange.Reclose door against enclosure base. Turn door handle counterclockwise to the 6 o’clock position. You should hear two distinct clicks as you turn the handle.Handle should remain in this position.1234Testing Vault Hardware Latching and Enclosure Seal (Cont’d) Return to Step 3 to open door. Close the door on the base and turn the handle to the 6 o’clock position. Door should be sealed securely to the enclosure base.latching handle sooner.56Close the door and turn the door handle counterclockwise until the first “click” is heard. Move the disconnect handle to the ON position (do not force). If the disconnect handle can be moved, the defeater lever actuator is properly adjusted.Bulletin 1494F Disconnect Switch KitBulletin 1494F Disconnect Switch Optional Accessory List。



1. 设置环境变量
2. 安装proe
进入安装→下一步→接受协议,下一步→单击pro/ENGINEER→显示“定义安装组件”界面,选取“选项”下的mold component catalog进行安装,设置路径,选取pro/plastic advisor进行安装→将ptc提供的许可证文件复制到相应的盘符下,如C:PTC4.0,在单击“下一步”按钮→显示“flexnet许可证服务器”界面,单击“下一步”,弹出“指定许可证服务器’对话框,选中“锁定的许可文件”单选按钮,单击“打开“,弹出“选取文件”对话框,选取Ptc提供的许可文件,单击“打开”,单击“确定”返回“flexnet许可证服务器”界面,单击“下一步”显示“windows优先选项”界面选第一个,单击下一步,显示“可选配置步骤”界面,选ole设置,选简体中文,点下一步,单击安装,单击下一步,单击退出
3. 破解



PROE wildfire 4.0 m070安装教程第一步:改变环境变量将鼠标移动到我的电脑(计算机)右键→属性→高级系统设置→高级→环境变量→administrator的用户变量→新建→变量名:lang 变量值:chs→确定→确定;第二步:建立本机服务器我的电脑本身设立了共三个分区C,D,E区,我将软件放在了E区,便于管理。

(1)在E区建立文件夹,文件夹的名称可自行设立,我设立的是wildfire 4.0。


如图(3)我提供的安装软件中已经提供了服务器文本,服务器文本存放在wildfire 4.0 m070文件夹中的SHooTERS文件夹中,服务器名称:ptc_licfile(.dat)。







第四步破解:(1)在SHooTERS文件夹中有破解补丁,分别是(2)将补丁ptc.pro engineer.wildfire.4.0.win32-patch.exe 复制到文件所在的目录下的i486_nt/obj双击进行安装,双击后出现这个然后按Patch,进行安装,安装过程中会出现一直点否。


FieldSpec4 使用手册中文网络版V4.0

FieldSpec4 使用手册中文网络版V4.0

ASD FieldSpec 4 使用手册北京理加联合科技有限公司第一章入门指南 (1)1.1 介绍使用手册 (1)1.2 技术支持 (1)1.3 FieldSpec 4 仪器概述 (2)1.4 仪器的拆包 (3)1.5安装仪器 (4)1.6 安装RS3软件和保存光谱数据 (5)第二章使用和维护仪器 (8)2.1 系统要求 (8)电脑要求 (8)软件要求 (9)2.2 通风要求 (9)2.3 电源选择 (9)电池的使用方法 (9)更换NiMH 电池 (10)电池状态图标 (11)2.4安装以太网和无线网通讯 (11)2.5 了解光纤线缆 (12)操作光纤线缆 (12)检查光纤线缆是否破损 (12)2.6 采集光谱数据的选择 (14)手枪式把手的使用方法 (14)配件光源的使用方法 (16)前置光学系统的使用方法 (16)了解视场角 (16)远程触发器的使用方法 (17)2.7 装载和携带仪器 (18)装载仪器 (18)野外运输仪器 (18)便携式运载器(短腹板)的使用方法 (19)首次使用时安装便携式运载器 (19)背包的使用方法 (20)调适背包带 (23)组装手枪式把手 (24)携带配件件和设备 (27)恶劣天气情况仪器的保护 (27)2.8 安装GPS (27)设置GPS 设备 (29)安装USB-串口转换器 (29)安装一个USB-串口转换器 (29)安装和配置GPSGate 客户端软件 (29)设置一个蓝牙连接 (30)设置仪器控制器的COM 端口 (30)3设置RS3 软件 (31)采集光谱时GPS 设备的使用方法 (32)2.9 维护仪器 (32)清洗光纤线缆末端 (32)维护风扇通风口 (33)维护光谱参考板 (33)年度维护 (33)仪器的返回服务 (34)第3章故障修理 (35)3.1通常通讯维修 (35)3.2 仪器控制器没有连接到仪器 (35)3.3 仪器控制器没有无线连接到仪器 (36)3.4 使用一个无线网访问点却不能连接 (37)3.5 仪器丢失它的无线连接 (37)3.6当你试图连接时,Windows防火墙信息显示 (38)3.7 ASD 软件显示饱和错误 (39)附录A 规格 (40)A.1 物理规格 (40)A.2 电源输入与输出 (40)A.3 电池规格 (40)A.4 电池充电规格 (41)A.6 波长设置 (41)A.7 网络接口要求 (42)A.8 WEEE规范 (42)A.9 证书 (42)附录B:设置以太网和无线网通讯 (43)B.1使用仪器设置单元(推荐) (43)在仪器控制器上自动设置无线连接 (43)使用仪器设置软件在仪器控制器上设置一个无线连接 (44)使用仪器设置单元更改仪器网络设置 (45)B.2 使用Windows更改仪器控制器的网络设置 (46)B.3通过Windows安装和使用无线网连接 (47)使用Windows建立一个无线连接 (47)连接到无线通讯 (48)断开无线网络连接 (49)附录C:FAQs (50)C.1 概述 (50)光谱仪的定义 (50)仪器预热时间需要多久? (50)纤维损坏的界定 (51)电池的寿命 (51)仪器串口号码的位置 (51)C.2采集光谱 (52)优化操作频率 (52)建立基线或参考白板的频率 (53)室外使用 (53)使用多少光谱平均次数(样品计数)? (53)怎样采集光斑尺寸比光谱板大的参考? (53)什么时候使用绝对反射率? (53)怎样计算视场角? (54)辐射单位 (54)C.3 处理数据 (55)是否可以后续处理数据? (55)为什么要查看数据中的振荡(正弦波)? (55)数据中这两个大的噪声是什么? (55)VNIR 向上或向下的尖峰时什么? (56)光谱中的阶跃是什么? (56)到底是什么导致数据中产生更多的噪声? (56)采集完暗电流后,为什么VNIR 降低到零? (57)怎样转换数据? (57)C.4 网络和GPS (57)怎样安装GPS? (57)使用哪种类型的以太网电缆设置静态IP? (57)C.5 仪器控制器 (57)可以在仪器控制器上安装配件软件吗? (58)为什么软件会出现未预料的问题? (58)附录D 标准配件 (59)D.1 光源和探头的附件 (59)附录E 了解地物测量条件 (60)E.1照明光源 (60)自然照明特征 (61)人工照明特征 (61)E.2天气特点 (62)E.3 云层 (63)测量卷云影响强度 (64)E.4 风力 (64)E.5 植物 (64)E.6 岩石、土壤和人造材料 (65)E.7 参考白板 (65)附录F 操作理论 (67)F.1 概述 (67)F.2 采集光纤反射/透射光 (67)F.3仪器内部 (67)F.4 可见和近红外光 (67)F.5 短波红外光 (68)F.6 前置光学系统 (68)F.7 测量暗电流 (68)F.8 参考白板 (69)F.9 增益和偏移量 (70)第一章入门指南下面这部分内容帮助你初次使用FieldSpec®4 仪器。



ProE4.0正式版安装方法安装前首先设置好环境变量我的电脑→属性→高级→环境变量→Administrator的用户变量→新建变量名为lang变量值为chsProE4.0正式版总共有五个安装盘和一个破解文件crack1.将破解文件夹复制一份出来放在其他的文件夹里面,我这里就以放在C:program files 为利。

2.打开第一个盘打开setup.exe进行安装3.进入C:program files/crack用文本文档打开文件ptc_li-4.0.dat4.手动在buy it!下面加入SERVER computer name PTC_HOSTID=YOUR_HOST_ID 7788DAEMON ptc_d __PTCD_PATH__5.用文本文档的替换功能把YOUR_HOST_ID替换为自己的主机ID,computer name替换为自己的主机名,然后保存。

6.直接单击下一个,选择Pro/ENGINEER进行安装7.直接选择下一个,单击添加 锁定的许可证文件(服务器未运行),把刚刚修改的那个破解文件添加进去(这是可能要耐心等一定时间,这时计算机有假死现象)。







12.把破解文件ptc.pro engineer.wildfire.4.0.win32-patch.exe复制粘贴到X:\ProgramFiles\proeWildfire 4.0\i486_nt\obj里面X为安装所在盘。




DrillingOffice4.0安装指南Drilling Office 4.0安装指南安装环境:Windows XP 32位简体中文版,空白的电脑没有安装其他程序。


1、安装Oracle 数据库进入Oracle 8.1.7 安装文件夹,如下图不要点击这个setup,这个很坑爹,点了半天没反应。


点击下一步保持默认选择第一项即可保持默认的选择典型,下一步全局数据库名和SID随便输一个,咱们这次是安装DrillingOffice 所以我写的是DO。







然后有一个Oracle Http Server的窗口正在运行,直接关闭就好了。

到此为止,Oracle 8i安装完毕。






下一步安装Drilling Office 2、安装Drilling Office打开安装文件夹。





5737561J a n u a r y,2002I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N SD I ME N S I O N S A N D S U B M I T T A L D A T Ap o w e r e x h a u s t a c c e s s o r yf o rg r a v i t y v e n t e d g a s-f i r e d e q u i p m e n tTHIS MANUAL IS THE PROPERTY OF THE OWNER.PLEASE BE SURE TO LEAVE IT WITH THE OWNER WHEN YOU LEAVE THE JOB.➀Where 4 and 5 appear it is the customer’s choice.T ypically the smaller flue pipe diameter that meets all the requirements is used.I N S T A L L A T I O NP o w e r E x h a u s t e r I n s t a l l a t i o n I n s t r u c t i o n sT o install the power exhaust, proceed as follows:1.Verify that the correct adapter is to be installed on the unit.The carton is marked with the part number suffix for reference.For example, for a PD250 unit, the power exhauster box would be marked with suffix C11.This number can then be found in the following corresponding table.For a PD unit table2.1 identifies a part number of 5H602696C11 where the suffix is C11.The adapter should also be checked against the adapterdimensions listed in table 3.1 by again using the part number of the adapter found in tables 2.1, 2.2, or 3.1.2.F o r P D /B D /D J E /D H E /I J E /I H E ,assemble adapter over outletcollar of flue.Drill two (2) 1/8" diameter holes into flue collarthrough holes provided in adapter flange, and fasten with two (2) #10 sheet metal screws.The “S”type clip will hold the bottom mounting plate flange to bottom of flue collar.Sheet metal screws may also be used here if desired.(see figure 2.1)F o r D F G /D B G /D C G /I F G /I B G /I C G , assemble adapter over outlet collar of flue.Drill three (3) 1/8”diameter holes into flue collar through adapter in evenly spaced intervals around adapter.Fasten with three (3) #10 sheetmetal screws.3.Assemble exhaust over collar of the adapter.Rotate exhaust to desired discharge position and fasten securely in place with sheet metal screws.4.Refer to tables 2.1, 2.2, and 3.1 for vent pipe diameter.T ypically a smaller diameter flue pipe will be used if all requirements can be met.F i g u r e 2.1 T y p i c a l P o w e r E x h a u s t e r I n s t a l l a t i o n2T a b l e 3.2D i m e n s i o n a l D a t a – F l u e A d a p t e rF i g u r e 3.3F l u e A d a p t e r s 3H 36369 B 1-B 3A d a p t e r D i m e n s i o n s A d a p t e r N o .A B C 3H602696C1 4.88 3.0 1.253H602696C2 6.12 3.62 1.623H602696C37.12 4.62 2.253H602696C48.12 5.62 2.883H602696C59.0 6.75 4.03H602696C610.07.7 4.123H602696C711.257.7 4.123H602696C119.0 6.75 4.123H602696C12 4.88 3.0 1.623H602696C13 6.12 3.62 2.253H602696C147.12 4.62 2.883H602696C158.12 5.62 4.03H36369B1 5.0 2.0N/A 3H36369B2 6.0 2.0N/A 3H36369B3 6.0 2.38N/A 3H36369B47.0 4.0N/A 3H36369B58.0 4.0N/A 3H36369B610.0 4.0N/AF i g u r e 3.4F l u e A d a p t e r s 3H 36369 B 4-B 65.88P r e s s u r e i n U n i t L o c a t i o n ("W .C .) o d e l A d a p t e r P a r t V e n t P i p e s i z e N o .D i a m e t e r (i n ) ➀A l l o w a b l e L e n g t h o f V e n t P i p e (f t )4*****8768493011----5********9435----4*********96724824-5************75-4**988776655443332211---5*********6834---429272523211917151311975259286807467615549423630241754262423211917161412109752583787267615650443933282217644441393633302724211816131045*****9586776859494031134403735322927242219171412945****9486786961534537291357771666155504539342923181326********887460473355*95888275686255484135282186**********897255215534945413733292521171395-6****968575645444332312-5605551464237322823181495-6*****9583715948362412-I N S T A L L A T I O NT a b l e 3.1D F G /D B G /D C G /I F G /I B G /I C G - A l l o w a b l e H o r i z o n t a l V e n t P i p e L e n g t h s f o r M o d i n e P o w e rE x h a u s t s*In excess of 100'.N O T E : Subtract 7 equivalent feet for each elbow.Subtract 8 equivalent feet for vent cap.➀Where 4 and 5 appear it is the customer’s choice.Typically the smaller flue pipe diameter that meets all the requirements is used.5.88ABF i g u r e 3.2F l u e A d a p t e r s3H 602696 C 5-C 7 a n d C 11F i g u r e 3.1F l u e A d a p t e r s3H 602696 C 1-C 4 a n d C 12-C 15FLANGE .219 DIA.1.75A6.881.8AB INSIDE DIM.B5.881.756.88.5A B753H 36369B 11003H 36369B 21253H 36369B 31503H 36369B 41753H 36369B 42003H 36369B 42253H 36369B 42503H 36369B 53003H 36369B 63503H 36369B 64003H 36369B 63V e n t i n gWARNING1.Gas fired heating equipment must be vented - do notoperate unvented.2.A built-in draft diverter is provided - additional externalpower exhausters are not required or permitted.3.Gas-fired heating equipment which has been improperlyvented, or which experiences a blocked vent condition may have flue gasses accidentally spilled into the heated space.See unit installation and service manual for specificinformation about the blocked vent safety switch suppliedon the unit.4.If you are replacing an existing, heater, it may be necessary to resize the venting systems.Improperly sized venting systems can result in vent gas leakage of the formulationof condensate.Refer to the National Fuel Gas Code ANSI Z223.2 or CAN/CGA B149.1 or .2 latest edition.Failure to follow these instructions can result in serious injury or death.G e n e r a l I n s t r u c t i o n s F o r D o u b l e W a l l (T y p e B ) V e n t P i p e I n s t a l l a t i o n :A single section of double wall vent pipe used with a positive pressure vent system (cat III or IV as listed in table 4.1) must follow installation requirements for single wall vent pipe.Under no circumstances should two or more sections of double wall vent pipe be joined together within one positive pressure vent system due to the inability to verify a complete seal of the inner pipes.Multiple sections of double wall vent pipe may be used with a negative pressure vent system (cat I or II as listed in table 4.1).1.How to attach a single wall vent cap to double wall (type B)vent pipe:A.Look for the “flow”arrow on the vent pipe.Attach the ventcap to the exhaust end of the double wall vent pipe.B.Slide the vent cap inside the pipe.C.Drill a hole through the pipe and the vent ing 3/4”long sheet metal screws, attach the cap to the pipe.2.How to connect a single wall vent system to a double wall(type B) vent pipe:A.Slide the single wall pipe inside the inner wall of thedouble wall pipe.B.Drill a hole through both walls of the double wall pipe andthrough the single wall ing 3/4”sheet metalscrews, attach the two pieces of pipe.Do not over tighten.C.Repeat Step B drilling and inserting (2) additional screws,evenly spaced around the pipe.D.To seal the annular opening, run a large bead of 350°Fsilastic.The “GAP”between the single and double wall pipe must be sealed but it is not necessary to fill the full volume of the annular area.A d d i t i o n a l R e q u i r e m e n t s f o r H o r i z o n t a l l y V e n t e d C a t e g o r y I I I U n i t s1.Seal all vent joints with a metallic tape or silastic suitable fortemperatures up to 350°F .(3M tapes 425, 433 or 363 are acceptable.) Wrap tape two full turns around the vent pipe.2.Limit the total equivalent vent pipe length to that listed in table2.1, 2.2, or3.1 as it pertains to your model and job conditions,making the vent system as straight as possible.(Theequivalent length of a 3 inch elbow is 1 foot;a 4 inch elbow, 5feet;a 5 inch elbow, 6 feet;a 6 inch elbow, 7 feet;and a 7inch elbow, 11 feet.)3.The vent terminal must be a Gary Steel 1092, Breidert T ypeL.4.The vent must extend 6 inches beyond the exterior surface ofan exterior wall as shown in Figure 3b.Precautions must be taken to prevent degradation of building materials by flue products.I N S T A L L A T I O N6"F i g u r e 5.1V e r t i c a l V e n t i n g (p i t c h e d r o o f )➀F i g u r e 5.2V e r t i c a l V e n t i n g (o b s t r u c t e d )➀METAL SLEEVEFIBER GLASS INSULATION MIN. 2"2" MIN.VENT TERMINATION SUPPORT BRACKET (where required)(Make from 1" x 1" steel angle)9"9"45°1"METAL SLEEVE2" MIN.VENT PIPE DIAMETERMETAL FACEPLATE1"F i g u r e 5.3V e n t C o n s t r u c t i o n T h r o u g h C o m b u s t i b l e W a l l sF i g u r e 5.4H o r i z o n t a l V e n t i n g - B r e i d e r t o r G a r y S t e e l V e n t T e r m i n a l ➀HX12Roof Pitch is X/121/4”1’0”Listed TerminalUse Thimble with Through CeilingRoof FlashingDrip Leg with Cleanout CapSlope 1/4”to the footUnit1/4”1’0”Listed T erminalUse Thimble with Through CeilingRoof FlashingDrip Leg with Cleanout CapSlope 1/4”to the footUnit* Size according to expected snow depth2’* Min.10’Min.6”T erminalSupport Bracket(See Fig.for Detail)T ee with Drip Leg and Cleanout Cap at Low Point of Vent SystemPitch Combustion Air Pipe Downward from Appliance 1/4”Per Foot5T o wall Adjoining BuildingUnit➀Duct furnace unit shown for demonstration purposes only.Venting configuration also applies to system units and unit heaters listed in the manual.S p e c i f i c a t i o n s—P V-124B l o w e r-Wheel type, forward curved, statically balanced.M o t o rMotor type — permanent split capacitor with T.O.L.HP — 1/9Voltage — 115/208-230/60/1Amps — 1.6/.8 (Fasco) - 1.7/.87 (Universal)RPM — 3000Sealed ball bearings1.Built-in automatic reset, thermal overload protection.2.Ball bearings permanently lubricated for long life.3.Centrifugal safety switch having normally open contactswhich, when connected in series with the heater controls, prevents burner gas flow when the power exhaust fan is not operating.C o n t r o l S y s t e mA built-in centrifugal motor switch prevents gas flow to burner before sufficient draft is established.The PV-124 includes a 24-volt, factory-mounted, relay for operation on gas-fired units utilizing 25V low voltage control systems.F a n H o u s i n g A s s e m b l yThe housing and discharge flange are fabricated of steel having baked-on electrostatically applied polyester resin powder paint finish.A d a p t e rRequired to connect the power exhaust to the heater flue outlet.Built-in restrictors are used to obtain optimum combustion and efficiency for all size heaters.M a i n t e n a n c eThe exhaust motor does not require periodic lubrication.The bearings are permanently lubricated with a special high temperature lubricant.A periodic cleaning of blower wheel blades, motor, and centrifugal switch is recommended.E l e c t r i c a l C o n n e c t i o n sInstallation of wiring must conform with local building codes, or in the absence of local codes, with the National Electric Code ANSI/NFPA 70 - Latest Edition.Unit must be electrically grounded in conformance to this code.In Canada, wiring must comply with CSA C22.1, Part 1, Electrical Code.T y p i c a l P o w e r E x h a u s t W i r i n g—P D/B D1.Remove the factory installed buss bar (jumper) frombetween terminals “C”and “V”of terminal board.2.Connect one red lead from centrifugal switch (CS) of powerexhaust to terminal “C”on terminal board.Connect theother red lead from centrifugal switch (CS) to terminal “V”of terminal board.3.Connect terminal (3) of power exhaust relay to terminal“T2”of terminal board.4.Connect terminal (1) of power exhaust relay to terminal “G”of terminal board.5.Connect terminal (2) of power exhaust relay to L1 of powersupply in unit junction box.6.Connect L2 lead from power exhaust motor to L2 lead ofpower supply in unit junction box.7.Connect thermostat between terminals “T1”and “T2”ofterminal board.C h e c k-O u t P r o c e d u r eWith the power and gas supply turned off, set the thermostat to its lowest setting.1.If the unit has a standing pilot, turn on the gas supply onlyand light the pilot according to the instructions on the unit’s serial plate, then proceed with Step 2.If the unit isequipped with an intermittent pilot ignition system, turn on the gas supply to unit and proceed with Step 2.2.Turn on power supply to unit.Nothing should happen.3.Turn up the thermostat to call for heat.The power exhaustmotor should start, the centrifugal switch of the powerexhaust should close, and the main burner should light.After a delay of approximately 30 seconds, the fan motorshould start.4.Turn the thermostat down again.The main burner andpower exhaust motor should shut off.The fan motorshould continue to run for approximately 1 to 1 1/2minutes.Modine units are equipped with a time delayrelay, and the fan motor is delayed for approximately 30seconds on start-up, and 1 to 1 1/2 minutes on shut-down.5.Check the power exhaust centrifugal switch for properfunction.To do this, remove the centrifugal switch leadfrom terminal “V”of the terminal board.T urn up thethermostat to call for heat.The power exhaust motorshould run, but the main burner should not light.After a30 second delay, the fan motor should operate.The mainburner should still not light.6.Turn down the thermostat and allow the power exhaustmotor and fan motor to stop running.Reconnect thecentrifugal switch lead to terminal “V”of the terminalboard.Recycle the unit as described in Steps 3 and 4.If the unit does not operate in the sequence described above, recheck all wiring until the necessary correction to the wiringis found and corrected.Set the thermostat to the desired set point.The unit is now ready for use.F i g u r e6.1T y p i c a l W i r i n g–P o w e r E x h a u s t A c c e s s o r y(M o d i n e#79858o r#79861)6C h e c k -O u t P r o c e d u r eWith the power and gas supply turned off, set the thermostat to its lowest setting.1.If the unit has a standing pilot, turn on the gas supply only and light the pilot according to the instructions on the unit’s serial plate, then proceed with Step 2.If the unit is equipped with an intermittent pilot ignition system, turn on the gas supply to unit and proceed with Step 2.2.T urn on power supply to unit.Nothing should happen.3.T urn up the thermostat to call for heat.The power exhaust motor should start, the centrifugal switch of the power exhaust should close, and the main burner should light.4.T urn the thermostat down again.The main burner and power exhaust motor should shut off.5.Check the power exhaust centrifugal switch for proper function.T o do this, remove the centrifugal switch lead on limit control.T urn up the thermostat to call for heat.Thepower exhaust motor should run, but the main burner should not light.6.T urn down the thermostat and allow the power exhaust motor to stop running.Reconnect the centrifugal switch lead to limit control.Recycle the unit as described in Steps 3 and 4.If the unit does not operate in the sequence described above,recheck all wiring until the necessary correction to the wiring is found and corrected.Set the thermostat to the desired set point.The unit is now ready for use.I M P O R T A N T :After installing the power exhaust and adapter kit, as per instructions on front cover, and wiring the power venter perFigure 7.1 for DJE, IJE, IHE and DHE models, use the following check-out procedure to check final installation.F i g u r e 7.1T y p i c a l P o w e r E x h a u s t W i r i n g M o d e l s D J E /D H E /I J E /I H ET Y P I C A L P O W E R E X H A U S T W I R I N G - D J E /D H E /I J E /I H E 7C o m m e r c i a l H V A C &RD i v i s i o n • Modine Manufacturing Company • 1500 DeKoven Avenue • Racine, Wisconsin 53403-2552Phone:1-800-828-4328 (HEAT) • Fax:414-636-1665 • © Modine Manufacturing Company 20021/02 - 1M Litho in USAT Y P I C A L P O W E R E X H A U S T W I R I N G - D F G , I F G , D B G , I B G , D C G , I C GF i g u r e 8.1T y p i c a l P o w e r E x h a u s t W i r i n g M o d e l s D F G , I F G , D B G , I B G , D C G , I C G w i t h d i g i t 13=4F i g u r e 8.2T y p i c a l P o w e r E x h a u s t W i r i n g M o d e l s D F G , I F G , D B G , I B G , D C G , I C G w i t h d i g i t 13=0, 1, 2, o r 3I M P O R T A N T :After installing the power exhaust and adapter kit, as per instructions on front cover, and wiring the power venter perFigure 8.1 or 8.2 for DFG/IFG duct furnace and system units, use the following check-out procedure to check final installation.1.If the unit has a standing pilot, turn on the gas supply onlyand light the pilot according to the instructions on the unit’sserial plate, then proceed with Step 2.If the unit is equippedwith an intermittent pilot ignition system, turn on the gassupply to unit and proceed with Step 2.2.Turn on power supply to unit.Nothing should happen.3.Turn up the thermostat to call for heat.The power exhaustmotor should start, the centrifugal switch of the powerexhaust should close, and the main burner should light.After a delay of approximately 30 seconds, the fan motorshould start.4.Turn the thermostat down again.The main burner andpower exhaust motor should shut off.5.Check the power exhaust centrifugal switch for proper function.To do this, remove the centrifugal switch lead on limit control (R) or terminal “6”.T urn up the thermostat to call for heat.The power exhaust motor should run, but the main burner should not light.After a 30 second delay, the fan motor should operate.The main burner should still not light.6.Turn down the thermostat and allow the power exhaust motor and fan motor to stop running.Reconnect the centrifugal switch lead to limit control (R) or terminal “6”.Recycle the unit as described in Steps 3 and 4.C h e c k -O u t P r o c e d u r e。

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Drilling Office 4.0安装指南
安装环境:Windows XP 32位简体中文版,空白的电脑没有安装其他程序。


1、安装Oracle 数据库
进入Oracle 8.1.7 安装文件夹,如下图









然后有一个Oracle Http Server的窗口正在运行,直接关闭就好了。

到此为止,Oracle 8i安装完毕。






下一步安装Drilling Office 2、安装Drilling Office



按照惯例,继续点Next> 然后选择安装文件夹,保持默认即可继续点Next>

继续Next> 会让你选择数据文件夹,没啥特殊要求默认就好了。

继续Next> ,然后继续Next> 开始安装,会花费一些时间。



你可以去Project Manager里面去改密码。



这时候你会发现还有一个确认框在哪里,问你是否准备好了License 文件。





打开你下载的那个drilling office 4.0文件夹下的license.dat,使用记事本可以打开,你在文件上右键–> 打开方式-> 从列表中选择,然后选择记事本
SERVER a2471a5da217467any 27000

SERVER xp-32 any 27000
选择Configuration using Services
然后点击Configure Services
Path to license file 后面点击Browse 然后选择刚才你拷到c:\flexlm 下的license.dat。

再选择的时候文件类型要选License Files (*.dat)如下图
每次开机都运行,所以要选上Start Server at Power Up如下图
然后点击Save Service
然后进入Start/Stop/Reread 界面
点击Start Server,然后关闭窗口就好了。

还有一步需要做,在程序里面找到License File Location Editor 如下图

点击Log In就OK了
第一次进入会让你选择Common Data Path默认的就OK


Power By Helix
