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Part1 Old and Medieval English Period
1Old English Period古英语时期(1)Roman Conquest罗马征服
(2)English Conquest英国征服
2 Medieval English Period中世纪英语时期
(1)Danish Invasion丹麦人入侵(2)Noman Conquest诺曼底征服
◆Representative Writers and Their Works
1 Beowulf《贝奥武甫》
2 Geoffrey Chaucer《杰弗里﹡乔叟》founder of English poetry; The
Canterbury Tales (main contents; 124 stories planned, only 24 finished;
written in Middle English; significance; form: heroic couplet)英国诗歌之父,《坎特伯雷故事集》。
(1)Troilus and Criseyde《特洛勒斯和克莱西》——是乔叟唯一一首完整的长诗,也是他保留下来最伟大的作品。
(2)The Canterbury Tales《坎特伯雷故事集》——代表了乔叟最终的诗歌成就,是英国文学史上最具有纪念意义的作品之一。
3 King Alfred the Great (849~901)and The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle(阿尔
4 Robin Hood Ballads《罗宾汉民谣》
. Character of Robin Hood
1.Robin Hood--- A legendary English hero of many ballads, who robbed the rich to give to the poor; a popular model of courage, generosity and justice.
2. strong, brave, clever, tender-hearted, affectionate. Hatred to the cruel oppressors, love for the poor and the downtrodden
5William Langland and Piers the Plowman威廉﹡朗兰和《耕者皮尔斯》——威廉﹡郎兰主胜在英国西部的内陆地区,在莫尔文山上的一个修道院学校接受教育。
(1) Piers the Plowman《耕者皮尔斯》——是中世纪最伟大的英诗之一,他以梦幻的形式书写,在这些梦境中交织着一序列寻求真理的旅程。
Literaty T erms名词解释
1 Allegory寓言——It loosely describes any writing in verse or prose that has a double meaning 它指任何具有双重含义的诗歌和散文作品。
2 Alliteration头韵——It refers to a repeated initial consonant to successive words and it is the most stricking feature in its poetic form 头韵指的是连续几个单词中首个辅音的重复出现,他是诗歌形式中最明显的特点。
3 The lyrical ballads民谣——a ballad is a narrative poem consisting of quatrains of iambic tetrameter alternating with iambic trimeter 民谣指的是抑扬格四音步与抑扬格三音步诗行交替出现的四行叙述诗。
Common traits of ballad are that (1)the beginning is often abrupt 诗歌的开头通常十分出其不意(2)the story is told through dialogue and action故事通过对话和行为讲述(3)the language is simple or “folksy”语言简单,民风十足(4)the theme is often tragic——through comic ballad do exist尽管存在喜剧民谣但大多数民谣的主题具有悲剧意味(5)the ballad contains a refrain repeated several times 民谣通常包含重复多遍的叠句。
2.the subjects of Ballad:
(1) the struggle of young lovers who are fight against the feudalism (2)
the conflict between love and wealth (3) the cruelty of jealousy (4) the criticism of the civil war (5) the matters of class struggles.
4 Epic史诗Epiphany——An epic is a long oral narrative poem that
operates on a grand scale and deals with legendary or historical events of national or universal significance .史诗是长篇口头叙事诗,内容广泛,通常以重要传说或者重大历史事件为题材
5 Lay短叙事诗——It is a short poem ,usually a romantic
narrative ,intended to be sung or recited by a minstrel 由游吟诗人歌唱或背诵的一首短诗,通常是浪漫叙事诗。
6 Romance传奇—It is a long composition in verse or in prose which
describes the life and chivalric adventures of a noble hero 传奇是一篇较长的作品,通常采用诗歌或者散文的形式,描述贵族英雄的生活和骑士冒险故事。
Part2 The English Renaissance文艺复兴时期文学
◆The Renaissance and Humanism文艺复兴与人文主义
◆The Flourishing of English Literature英格兰文学的繁荣
1 The English Bible 英文圣经霍尔希德的《编年史》
2 The English Drama
◆Representative Writers and Their Works
1 Bacon*francis佛朗西斯*培根(1561~1626)——伊利莎白女王1558~79年间掌玺大臣尼古拉斯*培根爵士的第五个儿子,培根出生于伦敦斯特兰大道的约克家族。
被逐离职后,他潜心写作,写了A History of the Life and Reign of King HenryⅦ《亨利七世王朝史》(1622)、The Advancement of Learning《学问的演进》(1623)、The Essays《随笔》(1625)、以及死后才出版的New Atlantis《新大西岛》(1627)。
2 Howard*Henry,Earl of Surry亨利*霍德华,萨里伯爵(1517~47)
3 Jonson*Ben本*琼森(1572~1637)——本*琼森出生于伦敦威斯敏斯特。
(1) Everyman in His Humour《个性互异》——琼森的第一部戏剧,琼森用气质来说明人占主导地位的偏好,琼森的戏剧以伦敦正在膨胀
(2)Barthlomew Fair《巴梭罗缪市集》——这部戏剧记录了琼森时代英国社会状况的非常有用的历史资料
4 Lyly*John (1554?~1606)——“大学才子”中年纪最大的,出身于学者世家,他先到过牛津大学,后来到伦敦,在博莱勋爵的资助下从事创作。
1578年,在他24岁的时候就出版了他的第一部小说Euphues《优浮绮斯》或Anatomy of Wit《智慧的剖析》。
1580年又出版了Euphues and His England《优浮绮斯及其英国》
5 Marlowe*Christopher克里斯托弗*马洛(1564~93)——文艺复兴最早的伟大剧作家,与莎士比亚同年。
(1)Tamburlaine the Great《帖木儿大帝》——讲述的是关于一个塞西亚牧羊人首领的故事,剧本讲述了他地球上最强大的军队一系列的征服活动,把其极大的野心和残忍表现的淋漓尽致。
(2)Doctor Faustus《浮士德博士》——是马洛最著名的剧本,讲述的是一个人将灵魂卖给魔鬼以换取24年的权利、知识和欢乐的故事。
(3)The Jew of Malta《马耳他的犹太人》——剧本主要审视了对财富的贪欲问题,其中心人物是巴拉巴这个丑恶老迈的犹太放款人,很容易使人联想到莎士比亚的《威尼斯商人夏洛特》
6 More*Thomas托马斯*莫尔(1478~1535)——1478年2
文学作品有代表作《乌托邦》和两部传记:The Life of John Picus ,Earl of Myrandula《约翰*皮库斯,米兰杜拉伯爵的一生》、The History of King RichardⅢ《理查三世的历史》。
另外,Dialogue of Comfort against Tribulation 《关于苦难之慰藉的对话》被认为是英国宗教文学的代表作,也是他忏悔祈祷作品中最上乘之作。
7 Sidney*Sir Philip菲利普*锡德尼(1554~86)
(1)Astrophel and Stella《爱星者和星星》(2)Defence of Poesie (or Apology for Poetry)《为诗辩护》
8 Spenser*Edmund 埃德蒙*斯宾塞(1552~99)
(1)The Faerie Queene 《仙后》(2)The Shepherd’s Calender 《牧羊人日记》(3)Amoretti《爱情小唱》
9 Shakepeare*William威廉*莎士比亚(1564~1616)
(1)Hamlet《哈姆雷特》(2)Othello《奥赛罗》(3)King Lear《李尔王》(4)Macbeth 《麦克白》(5) The Merchant of V enice《威尼斯商人》(6) Henr yⅤ《亨利五世》
Literaty T erms名词解释
1 Alexandrine亚历山大诗行——an iambic line of six feet ,which is the French heroic verse 一种六音步抑扬格诗行,是一种法国英雄体诗
2 Blank verse无韵诗或素体诗——Also called unrhymed poety typically in iambic pentameter 也被称为不押韵的抑扬格五音部诗。
3 Comedy喜剧——Comedy is a light form of drama that aims
primarity to amuse and that ends happily喜剧是一种主要旨在娱乐的轻松戏剧形式,有快乐的结局。
4 Essay小品文——The terms refers to literary composition devoted
to the presentation of the writer’s own ideas on a topic and generally addressing a particular aspect of the subject 这个术语用于指专门阐述作者自己对某个特殊方面的思想观点的文学作品。
5 Euphuistic style绮丽体——Euphuistic style or euphuism is the
peculiar style of Euphues .绮丽体是《优浮绮斯》的特殊文体风格绚丽体
6 History Plays历史剧——History plays aim to present some
historical age or character ,and may be either a comedy or tragedy 历史剧旨在表现某个历史时期或历史人物,可能是喜剧,也可能是悲剧。
7 Humanism人文主义——Broadly ,this term suggests any attitude
which tends to exalt the human element or stress the important of human interests ,as opposed to the supernatural,divine elements ——or as opposed to the grosser ,animal elements .In a more specific sense ,humanism suggests a devotion to those studies supposed to
promote human culture most effectively ——in particular,those dealing with the life,thought,lauguage ,and literature of ancient Greece and Rome.这个术语广义上是指一切提升人类因素或重视人类利益,反对超自然,超人的因素或反对粗野、动物的因素的态度。
8 Interlude插剧——Existing at about the same time as the moralities were the interludes与道德剧几乎同时代存在的是插剧。
9 Masques,or masks假面具——dramatic entertainments invoving dances and disguises ,in which the spectaculer and musical elements predominated over plot and character .包括舞蹈和化妆的戏剧的戏剧娱乐形式,其壮观场面和音乐成分压倒了情节和角色。
10 Miracle Plays or Mystery Plays神秘剧
11 Morality Plays道德剧——A kind of medieval and early Renaissance drama that present the conflict between the good and evil through allegorical characters 中世纪及文艺复兴初期盛行的一种戏剧流派,主要通过寓言式的人物展现善与恶的矛盾冲突。
12 Reformation 宗教改革
13 Renaissance文艺复兴——It is commonly applied to the movement or period in western civilization ,which marks the transition from the medieval to the modern world 文艺复兴指的是西方文明中
14 Sonnet 十四行诗——a poem consisting of 14 lines ,with r rthymes arranged according to one or ohter of certain definite schemes ,of which the Petrarchan and the Elizabethan are the principal ,namly (1)abba abba ,followed by two ,or three ,other rhymes in the remaining six lines,with a pause in the thought after the octave (2)abab cdcd efef gg .The sonnets of Shakespeare are in the latter form . 一种由14行组成的诗歌,主要有皮特拉克体十四行诗
(1)abba abba ,和伊利莎白时期的十四行诗,有一定的押韵格式,即:
(2)abab cdcd efef gg .莎士比亚十四行诗属于后一种形式。
15 Spenserian stanza 斯宾塞诗节——the stanza invented by Edmund Spenser in which he write The Faerie Queene,It consists of eight five—foot iambic lines ,followed by an iambic line of six feet ,rhyming ababbcbcc斯宾塞创作《仙后》时创作的诗节。
16 Stanza 诗节——a stanza is a group of lines forming a structural unit or division of a poem 诗节是指一首诗中形成一个结构或一组的几行诗
17 Three Unites三一原则——(时间一致,地点一致,情节一致。
)the unit of time ,which limits a play to a single day ;the unity of place,which limits a play’s setting to a single location ;and the unity of
action ,which limits a play to a single story line 时间一致是指剧本故事限定在一天之内,地点的一致是指剧本的场景限定在一个场所内,情节的一直是指剧本限定在一个故事情节内。
18 Tragedy悲剧——tragedy is concernd with harshness and apparent injustice of life.悲剧表现的生活的艰辛和明显的不公平。
Part 3 The Period of English Bourgeise Revolution英国资产
◆Literaty Features and Work in the Period of the English
Bourgeoise Revolution资产阶级革命时期文学特点及作品1最著名的诗人:Milton*John约翰*米尔顿(1608~1674)
作品:史诗Paradise Lost《失乐园》Paradise Regained《复乐园》诗歌戏剧:Samson Agonistes《力士参孙》
2玄学派:Donne*John约翰*邓恩(1572~1631) Herbert*George乔治*赫伯特(1593~1633) Marvell*Andrew安德鲁*马维尔(1621~1678)
作品:The Pilgrim’s Progress《天路历程》
作品:剧本~All for Love 《一切为了爱》;长诗~《亚布萨伦与阿奇图菲儿》;散文An Essay of Dramatic Poesy《论戏剧诗》
◆Representative Writers and Their Works
1 Browne*Sir Thomas托马斯*布朗爵士(1605~1682)
(1)Religio Medici《医生的宗教》(2)Hydriotaphia ,or Urn Burial 《翁葬》
2 Bunyun*John约翰*班杨(1628~1688)
(1)The Pilgrim’s Progress《天路历程》
3 Burton*Robert罗伯特*波顿(1577~1640)
(1)The Anatomy of Melancholy《忧郁的解剖》
4 Donne*John约翰*邓恩(1572~1631)
(1) Songs and Sonnets《歌与十四行诗》(2) Holy Sonnets《圣诗》5 Dryden*John约翰*德莱顿(1631~1700)
(1) All for Love 《一切为了爱》(2)An Essay of Dramatic Poesy 《论戏剧诗》
6 Herbert*George乔治*赫伯特(1593~1633)
(1)The T emple《圣堂》
7 Herrick*Robert罗伯特*赫瑞恩(1591~1674)
8 Marvell*Andrew安德鲁*马维尔(1621~1678)
9 Milton*John约翰*米尔顿(1608~1674)
(1) Paradise Lost《失乐园》(2) Paradise Regained《复乐园》(3) Samson Agonistes《力士参孙》(4) L’Allegro andⅡ Penseroso 《快乐的人》和《幽思的人》(5) Lycidas《莱西达斯》
Literaty T erms名词解释
1 Baroque巴罗克式风格——It is characterized by the unclassical use of classical forms ,and emotional effects 这种风格主要是指对古典形式的非经典运用,经过阐释建筑、雕塑和绘画来产生富丽堂皇和情感充沛的效果
2 Cavalier Poet骑士派诗人
3 Conceit奇思妙喻——An elaborate metaphor comparing two apprarently dissimilar objects or emotions ,often with an effect of shock or surprise .一种把表面上不类似的两种物体或情感加以比较的精密比喻,常造成震惊效果。
4 Elegy挽歌——it is invariably melancholy and centers on death挽歌无一例外指的是诗人对死亡等主题的忧郁及思考。
5 Metaphysical Poet玄学派诗人
6 Pueianism清教主义
7 Restoration Comedy复辟时期的喜剧
Part 4 The Eighteenth Century18世纪与古典主义英
◆Literary Feature and Works in 18th Century18世纪文学
1 The Dominant ideology in the Literary Field文学领域中的主流意识形态
18世纪的英格兰也称为(Age of Enlightment)启蒙主义时代或(Age of Reason)理性主义时代,启蒙主义思想在整个18世纪居于主导地位。
因此这一时期的文学具有浓厚的说教意味和道德主题(heavily didactic and moralizing),文学变成了大众教育的一种方式
◆Representative Writers and Their Works
1 Blake*Wlliam威廉*布莱克(1757~1827)~英国poet诗人、painter画家、visionary mystic and engraver视觉神秘主义者。
作品:(1)第一部诗集,Poetical Sketches《诗歌素描》~1783
Songs of Innocent 《天真之歌》~1789 Songs of Innocent《经验之歌》~1794 最著名的诗歌:The Tiger《老虎》是Songs of Innocent《经验之歌》中的作品
(2)“Prophetic Book预言诗”中,比较著名的作品有The Book of Thel《赛尔记》~1789、The Marriage of Heaven and Hell《天堂与地狱的婚姻》~1790、America《亚美利加》~1793、Milton《米尔顿》(1804~08)以及Jerusalem《耶路撒冷》(1804~20)。
在布莱尔的后期作品中我们可以看到Dante’s Divine Comedy但丁的《神曲》的绘画和雕刻以及《约伯书》的21幅插图。
2 Burns*Robert 罗伯特*彭斯(1759~1796)——1759年出生于一个贫困的农民家庭
作品:(1)O,My Luve is Like a Red Red Rose《一朵红红的玫瑰》(2)Auld Lang Syne《往昔时光》
3Dafoe*Daniel丹尼尔*笛福(1660~1731)——英国novelist 小说家,pamphleteer政论手册作家、journalist记者同塞缪尔*理查逊一起被视为英国小说的founder奠基人。
丹尼尔*笛福是首批使用simple prose质朴简单的语言描述现实情况下可信人物的作家之一。
以Robinson Crusoe《鲁滨逊漂流记》~1719为大众所熟记。
将写作重心从政论手册转移到小说后的作品Capital Singletion《辛格顿船长》~1720 Moll Flanders《摩尔*弗兰德斯》~1722以及Capitain Jack
4Fielding*Henry 亨利*菲尔丁(1707~1754)——novilist 小说家、plywright戏剧家、journalist记者、英国现实主义小说的创始人之一。
这部作品之后,菲尔丁又写了《已故的大伟人江奈生*魏尔德一生的历史》以及The History of Tom Jones,A Founding1. 0《一个弃儿汤姆*琼斯的历史》
5Golden*Oliver奥利弗*歌尔德斯密斯(1730~1774)作品:The Vicar of Wakefild《威克菲尔德牧师传》
6Johnson*Samuel塞缪尔*约翰逊(1709~1784)——english poet ,essayist ,critic ,journalist ,lexicographer(词典编纂家),
作品:The Rape of the Lock 《卷发遭劫记》
作品:Pamela,or Virtue Rewarded《帕米拉》
9Sheridan*Richard*Brisley理查德*布林斯利*谢里丹作品:The Rivals《情敌》
10 Smollet*Tobia George托比亚斯*斯摩莱特
作品:Peregrine Pickle《皮克尔传》
作品:Tristram Shandy 《项狄传》
作品:Gulliver’s Travels《格里芙游记》
Literaty T erms名词解释
1 Action(情节)
2 Adventure(探险小说)
3 Allusion(典故)——A brief reference within a literary work to a
historical, literary, or biblical character, place, or event, a quick reminder outside but related to the work.
4 Anti—hero(反英雄主角(反英雄)
5 Archaism(古语)
6 Atomosphere(基调)
7 Canto (诗章)
8 Classism(古典主义) ——a term that ,when applied generally ,means clearness ,elegance , symmetry ,and repose produced by attention to traditional forms .More precisely ,the term refers to the admiration and imitation of Greek and Roman literature ,art ,and architecture .广义上讲,古典主义意味着从传统形式借鉴而来的清晰、优雅、对称以及和谐。
9 Characterization(人物塑造) ——the way of an author or poet using description of dialogue ,appearance ,and action of a character to create in the reader an emotional or intellectual reaction to the character or to make him more vivid and realistic作者或诗人通过描绘人物的行为、思想、语言、外表等方式来使读者产生对该人物的感性或理性认识,或者使该人物形象更为生动现实的表达方法
10 Diadactic Literature(说教文学) ——writing that is “preachy”or seeks overtly to convince a reader of a particular point of lesson .具有讲道性质或者公开以说服读者接受某种特定观点或教训为目的的文学作品。
11 Englightenment(启蒙运动) (also called neoclssic movement) 也称新古典主义运动——the philosphical and artistic movement growing out the Renaissance and continuing until the nineteenth century是一场发轫于文学复兴时期,一直持续到十九世纪的哲学及艺术运动。
12 Epigram(警句) ——A short ,pointed and witty statement,either constituting an entire poem or contained in a larger one.指内含机智思想的短诗或散文体著作中出现的短小、机智的句子。
13 Farce(闹剧)——a farce is a form of designed to provoke laughter through highly exaggerated caricatures of people in imporbable or silly situation 通过对身处不可能或愚蠢可笑情境的人物进行高度夸张的讽刺描述从而达到搞笑的目的的低俗喜剧。
Part 5 Romanticism in England英国浪漫主义
◆Literary Features and Works in Romanticism浪漫主义时
以下两作品播下了浪漫主义萌发的种子:《新爱洛伊斯》~1761 《爱弥尔》~1762
4 浪漫主义时期的作品有以下特点:强调人的感情、想象、直觉。
◆Representative Writers and Their Works
1 Byron*Geoge*Gorden乔治*戈登*拜伦(1788~1824)
She Walk in Beauty 《她走在美的光影中》
1Coleridge*Samuel*Taylor柯勒律治*塞缪尔*泰勒(1772~1834) 2De*Quincey*Thomas汤姆斯*德*昆西
On First Looking into Chapman’s Homer《初读贾普曼译荷马有感》
6Scotte*Sir W alter沃尔特*司各特
Ivanhoe 《艾凡赫》
7Shelly*Percy*Bysshe波西*比西*雪莱(1792~1822) Ode to the W est Wind《西风颂》
Thalaba the Destroyer《撒拉巴》
9W ordsworth*William威廉*华兹华斯(1770~1850)
I Wandered Loney as a Cloud 《我如行云独自游》
Literaty T erms名词解释
1 Foreshadowing预示——the use of hints or clues in a novel or drama to suggest what will happen next.指小说或戏剧中为后来发生的事件做铺垫而预先提供的线索。
2 Genre流派——a type or category of literature marked bycertain shared features or customas以某些共同特点或惯例为标志的文学类型或范畴。
3 Irony反讽——a constract or discrepancy between appearance and reality 反讽指外表与现实之间的对比差异(有三类:(1)言辞反讽verbal irony ;(2)戏剧性反讽dramatic irony ;(3)情境反讽situational irony)
4 Lyric抒情诗——it usually refers to the poem that expresses a speaker’s personal thoughts ,perceptions or feeling现在它通常指的是任
5 Moke Epic诙谐史诗——it is a long poem that burlesques the classical epic by treating a trivial subject in the lofty style它是一种用庄严崇高的英雄史诗形式来处理微不足道的主题事件的喜剧性文学形式。
6 Ode颂歌——long,often elaborate formal lyric poem of varying line lengths dealing with a serious subject matter and treating it revently .只篇幅较长,结构较为复杂的抒情诗。
7 Occasional Poem应时诗——a poem written or recited to commemorate a specific event such as a wedding ,an anniversary ,a military victory or failure ,a funeral ,a holiday ,or other notable date ,it may be light or serious为纪念诸如婚礼、周年、战役胜利或失败、葬礼、假期或其他值得纪念的日子而创作或背诵的诗歌。
8 Picaresque Novel流浪汉小说(from Spanish picaro ,a rogue or thief ;also called the picaresque 又称流浪汉叙述故事。
)——a humorous novel in which the plot consists of a young knave’s adventures and escapades narrated in comic or satiric scenes 这种小说以幽默的笔调记述了社会底层一个年轻的无赖在戏剧或讽刺的场景上所经历的种种奇遇及恶作剧。
9 Pastoral田园诗——(Latin pastor ,“shepherd”来自拉丁词汇pastor ,有“牧羊人”之义);A literary work dealing with and often
celebrating a rural world and a way of life lived close to nature .it is usually idealized shepherds’lives in order to create an image of peacefull and uncorrupted existence . Typically ,pastoral liturgy depicts beautifull scenery ,carefree shepherd ,seductive nymphs ,and rural songs and dances 田园诗通常讲述或讴歌乡村世界既贴近大自然的生活方式,以优美的风景、无忧无虑的牧羊人、诱人的仙女以及乡间的歌舞为特色,将牧羊人的生活理想化以此来创造一种平和洁净的生活状态。
10 Parody滑稽模仿——a parody imitates the serious manner and characteristic feature of a particular literary work in order to make fun of those same feature . 是为了取消某部文学作品的特色而故意以严肃的方式对其进行的诙谐模仿
11 Romanticism浪漫主义——指18世纪末,19世纪初发生的文学和艺术运动。
The term refers to literary and artistic movement of the late 18th and early 19th century ,Romanticism rejected the earlier philosophy of the Enlightenment ,which stressed that logic and reason were the best。