八年级全英文说课Lesson Plan Presentation
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八年级全英文备课LeSSOn Plan Presentation Good morning, everyone! It' s my honor to present my Iesson plan here. The teachi ng mater iaI comes from PEP Go for it 8B U6. The title of the reading part is I, ve been studying history in China. Hi story i s the top i c of this passage. The story is narrated by an AustraI ian, Leo, who tells his I ife in China, his fami Iy hi story and hi s study of history. This reading mainly focuses on developing Ss, reading skill, especia I Iy scanning. So this is one of the Ianguage focuses. As for the content, because of many new words and phrases i n the context and Ss, I ack of the knowledge about “history” , it is a I ittIe difficult for them to understand the passage. So the Ss may have a bit difficulty in reteI Iing the passage in the Iast activity role-pI ay. Thus I rearrange the mater i a I Ii ke this: The 3 questions in pre-reading are modified. I,I I choose some easier and funnier questions to lead Ss into the topic Hi story. The grammar review i n Exerci se 3b, 3c i s not the Ianguage focus in this Iesson, thus it, s considered as the homework.
According to the New EngI i sh Curr icul urn, the teaching shouId not on Iy focus on the deveIopment of Ss, reading
strategy, a I so the Ss,i nterest i n Engli sh. So I appIy communicat i ve approach, making use of rea ∣-∣ ife situat ions to mot i vate the i r des i re to commun i cate i n mean i ngfu I ways about meani ngfu I top ics. Ss wi I I enjoy the i r part i ci pat ion in this lesson by discussion and role-playing. As for the teaching aids, PPT, bI ackboard and aud io tape are needed.
Based on those ana I yses, I set the fo I I ow i ng 5 teach i ng object i ves. By the end of the c I ass, Ss wi I I be able to:
1.Linguistic knowledge
Master new words and expressions, such as emperor, dynasty, capital etc. (this is the Ianguage focus)
Be fami liar with the topic history.
nguage skills
Deve I op the i r readi ng skills, especialIy scann i ng. (This is the Ianguage focus I, ve mentioned before.)
Tel I Mike Leo, s I ife i n Harbi n dur i ng the ro I e-p I ay i ng.
(This is the anticipated difficulty.)
Love our country by learning more about Chinese hi story.
4.Cultura I awareness
Know more about history of other countr ies.
5.Learn i ng strategy
Learn to get more information both from books and the Internet.
Ok, now let,s move to the most important part: teachi ng procedure. I adopt 3-stage mode I : pre-reading, while-reading and post-read i ng. The duration i s 45 mi nutes.
In pre-reading stage, there, re 2 activities for 9mins.
I, d I ike to i ntroduce Leo to Ss as a new f r i end. The first activity is Leo, s sei f-i ntroduct i on through a short record. The record i s prepared before the c I ass with some key information about Leo. As a foreigner, Leo Ioves Chinese hi story very much, so he has many questions to ask Ss. The f i rst one i s about the emperors and the dynast i es. Ss shou I d be abIe to do the match between them. Those emperors are a I I famous characters in the Chinese hi story, such as Tang Taizong, Cheng Jisihan, Kang Xi and so on. The second one i s about the famous capita I s in the history. Ss shouId pick out the city which was not the capital in the history. By the way, I wiI I provide some information about Harbin, which is the city where Leo Iives. This introduction can a I so build Ss, knowledge structure. Th i s kind of lead-in
could be funnier and easier, and the comfortable atmosphere can help Ss, to acqui re new knowledge easi ly.
In the second stage whiIe-reading, there are 2 steps; they are fast-reading for 6mins and careful-reading for 15mins. There, re 2 activities in fast-reading: skimming for the main idea of each paragraph and scanning for the specific and important information to fill in the blanks. These tasks can he Ip them get the genera I i dea of the passage.
I n careful-read i ng step, I , I I guide them to I earn the passage paragraph by paragraph, from Leo, s introduction to Leo, s fami Iy history, and Leo, s study of hi story, the Iast is Leo, s dream. Different tasks are designed for Ss: For the f i rst paragraph, Ss are asked to f ind some key words about Leo: AustraI ian, Jewish, etc. For the second paragraph, Ss are requi red to f i I I in the t ime tab Ie about Leo, s fami Iy history. As for Leo, s study, Ss are asked to make a compar ison between Leo and his fr iends. The Iast is Leo, s dream, I, I I ask Ss severaI simple questions. I wi I I make sure that Ss won, t be bored by the tasks and participate i n a I I the activities act i veIy.
In post-reading, there, re 2 activities for 14mins:
discussion for 5mins and role-playing for 9mins. I, I I ask Ss two questions: Q1: Why are some old bui Idings in Harbin built in Russian style? Q2: Why does Leo want to go to Bei j i ng for the OIymp i c Games i n 2008? What can we i nfer from that? Ss are supposed to I earn more about the hi story of China and other countr ies, and develop thei r patr iotic fee I i ng. The ro I e-p laying i s Leo' s ta I ki ng with hi s fr i end Mike. They are talking about Leo, I ife, work and the future p I an. What Ss have learned in thi s lesson i s needed i n the ta Iking. In order to Iower the degree of the difficulty, I, I I provide some sentence structures, some questions and key words. So thi s can be cons i dered as a rev i ew of the who I e Iesson. And this i s the r i ght time to practice Ss, ora I Engl i sh and they shou Id ta Ik in the correct tense to practice the grammar we have learned before.
The Iast minute is for explaining homework: Suppose that Leo, s f r i end Mike i s com i ng Chi na for the OI ymp i c Games, we shouId give him some tips. Ss are asked to get more i nformat i on through the books and the Internet, and then wr ite down at I east 3 tips in the fol lowing structure: I f you want to go to the Great Wall, you wi I I have to take No. 15 bus∙∙∙. Th i s task comes from Exerc i se 3b, 3c. Ss can not on I y
review adverb i a I cIauses of condition introduced by If accord i ng to the requ i rements of the teach i ng mater i a I but a I so enjoy learning with the given s ituation. As t ime, s Iimited i n the cI ass, the task i s I eft as the homework.
Final ly, making a good use of the blackboard can help Ss learn better. So thi s is my blackboard design: the title i s i n the middle of the bI ackboard, the I eft part i s for some information re I ated to Leo and a I so the structure of the whole passage, the r ight part is for some new words and expressions.。