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在一定程度上评价结直肠癌的诊断尧手术效果及后期转移袁4 项指标联合检测能有效提高检测特异性与敏感度袁对患
者的长期生存率具有重要价值遥[关键词] 血清肿瘤标物曰结直肠癌曰转移曰复发曰监测
[中图分类号] R5
[文献标识码] A
[文章编号] 1674-074圆渊圆园员9冤08渊b冤原园192-03
The Value of Four Serum Tumor Markers in the Monitoring of Metastasis and Recurrence of Colorectal Cancer
癌患者的检测结果中发现袁CEA 特异度与灵敏度最高袁分别为 78.4%和 65.2%袁其次为 CA242袁分别为 71.6%尧59.7%遥
采用平行法进行检查袁可将灵敏度提高到 89.7%袁采用系列检测袁可将特异度提高到 91.5%袁患者经结直肠癌根治术治
疗后的第 3 周起袁体内各项血清肿瘤标记物均明显降低袁术后发生远处转移共 59 例袁占比 42.7%袁远处转移渊+冤组患
者相比远处转移渊-冤组患者的 CEA尧CA19-9尧CA242尧CA724 值均明显提升袁差异有统计学意义渊标记物 t=9.24尧8.19尧
12.04尧9.45曰生物学行为 t=9.76尧11.82尧9.94尧11.28袁P约0.05冤遥 结论 通过监测血清 CEA尧CA19-9尧CA242 和 CA724 值袁能
中外医疗 2019 NO.23 China &Foreign Medical Treatment
4 种血清肿瘤标志在结直肠癌转移、复发监测中的 应用价值
樊成红 1袁樊成丽 2 1.山西医科大学汾阳学院检验系袁山西汾阳 032200曰2.汾阳市人民医院手术室袁山西汾阳 032200
[摘要] 目的 研究 4 种血清肿瘤标记物对结直肠癌术后转移和复发的判定价值遥 方法 该次研究方便选择该院住院
部 2017 年 1 月要2018 年 12 月收治的结直肠癌患者 138 例袁 采用 ELISA 分析法对患者的 CEA尧CA19-9尧CA242 和
CA724 血清肿瘤标记物进行检测袁比较单项检测和联合检测的意义袁并对患者进行术后 2 年随访遥 结果 在对结直肠
FA N Cheng-hong1, FA N Cheng-li2 1.Department of Laboratory, Fenyang College, Shanxi Medical University, Fenyang, Shanxi Province, 032200 China; 2.Op鄄 erating Room of Fenyang People's Hospital, Fenyang, Shanxi Province, 032200 China [Abstract] Objective To study the value of four serum tumor markers in the metastasis and recurrence of colorectal cancer. Methods In this study, 138 patients with colorectal cancer admitted to our hospital from January 2017 to December 2018 were convenient selected and enrolled. The serum tumor markers of CEA, CA19-9, CA242 and CA724 were detected by ELISA. The significance of single and combined tests was compared and patients were followed up for 2 years. Results In the test results of colorectal cancer patients, CEA specificity and sensitivity were the highest, 78.4% and 65.2%, respective鄄 ly, followed by CA242, 71.6%, 59.7%. Using the parallel method to check, the sensitivity can be increased to 89.7%, using a series of tests, the specificity can be increased to 91.5%, the patient's serum tumor markers in the third week after the treatment of colorectal cancer radical surgery significantly reduced, a total of 59 cases of distant metastasis occurred after surgery, accounting for 42.7%, the distant metastasis (+) group compared with the distant metastasis (-) group of CEA, CA19-9, CA242, CA724 values were significantly improved. The difference was statistically significant (markers t=9.24尧 8.19尧12.04尧9.45; biological behavior t=9.76尧11.82尧9.94尧11.28袁P约0.05). Conclusion By monitoring the serum CEA, CA19-9, CA242 and CA724 values, the diagnosis, surgical effect and metastasis of colorectal cancer can be evaluated to some extent. The combined detection of four indicators can effectively improve the detection specificity and sensitivity. The long -term survival rate has important value. [Key words] Serum tumor markers; Colorectal cancer; Metastasis; Recurrence; Monitoring