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国际贸易标准分类(Standa rd Intern ation al Trade
Classi ficat ion,简称:SITC)为用于国际贸易商品的统计和对比的标准分类方法。
0 -食品和活畜
00 -活的动物以外的其他动物的分裂00 - Live animal s otherthan animal s of divisi on
01 -肉及肉制品01 - Meat and meat prepar ation s
02 -乳制品和鸟蛋 02 - Dairyproduc ts and birds' eggs
03 -鱼(不是海洋哺乳动物),甲壳类,软体动物和水生无脊椎动物 03 - Fish (not marine mamma ls), crusta ceans, mollus cs and aquati c invert ebrat es, and prepar ation s thereo f
04 -谷物和谷物制品 04 - Cereal s and cereal prepar ation s
05 -蔬菜和水果05 - Vegeta blesand fruit
06 -糖,糖制品及蜂蜜 06 - Sugars, sugarprepar ation s and honey
07 -咖啡,茶,可可,香料,及其制造 07 - Coffee, tea, cocoa,spices, and manufa cture s thereo f
08 -喂养(不包括没有碾磨的谷物)08- Feedin g stufffor animal s (not includ ing unmill ed cereal s)
09 -杂项食品产品和筹备工作09 - Miscel laneo us edible produc ts and prepar ation s
1 -饮料和烟草
11 -饮料11 - Bevera ges
12 -烟草及烟草制品 12 - Tobacc o and tobacc o manufa cture s
2 -非食用原料(燃料除外)
21 -皮,表皮和毛皮,原料 21 - Hides, skinsand furski ns, raw
22 -石油种子和含油果实 22 - Oil-seedsand oleagi nousfruits
23 -天然橡胶(包括合成和再生)23 - Cruderubber (includ ing synthe tic and reclai med)
24 -软木及木 24 - Cork and wood
25 -纸浆及废纸25 - Pulp and wastepaper
26 -纺织纤维(毛条除外和其他精梳羊毛)及其废料(不成纱或布料
制造的)26 - Textil e fibres (otherthan wool tops and othercombed wool) and theirwastes (not manufa cture d into yarn or fabric)
27 -原油肥料,矿产和原油(不包括煤,石油和宝石)27 - Crudefertil izers, otherthan thoseof divisi on and crudeminera ls (exclud ing coal, petrol eum and precio us stones)
28 -金属矿砂及金属废料 28 - Metall ifero us ores and metalscrap
29 -原油动物和植物材料制2 9 - Crudeanimal and vegeta ble materi als, nes
3 -矿物燃料,润滑剂和原料
32 -煤,焦煤及煤球32 - Coal, coke and brique ttes
33 -石油,石油产品及副产品 33 - Petrol eum, petrol eum produc ts and relate d materi als
34 -天然气(天然和制造的) 34 - Gas, natura l and manufa cture d
35 -电流 35 - Electr ic curren t
4 -动物和植物油,油脂和蜡
41 -动物油脂 41 - Animal oils and fats
42 -固定油脂,原油,成品或分馏42 - Fixedvegeta ble fats and oils, crude, refine d or fracti onate d
43 -动物或植物油脂,加工过的;不宜食的混合物或动物或植物脂肪
或油类,不另说明 43 - Animal or vegeta ble fats and oils, proces sed; waxesof animal or vegeta ble origin; inedib le mixtur es or
prepar ation s of animal or vegeta ble fats or oils, n.e.s
5 -化学成品及有关产品
51 -有机化工产品 51 - Organi c chemic als
52 -无机化学品52 - Inorga nic chemic als
53 -染料,鞣革料 53 - Dyeing, tannin g and colour ing materi als
54 -医药产品 54 - Medici nal and pharma ceuti cal produc ts
55 -精油及香膏和香水原料;厕所,抛光和清洗的准备工具55 - Essent ial oils and resino ids and perfum e materi als; toilet,
polish ing and cleans ing prepar ation s
56 -肥料56 - Fertil izers (otherthan thoseof group272)
57 -初级形状塑料 57 - Plasti cs in primar y forms
58 -非塑料,初级形状 58 - Plasti cs in non-primar y forms
59 -化学材料及制品,不另说明 59 - Chemic al materi als and
produc ts, n.e.s
6 –按原料分类的制成品
61 -皮革,皮革制品,不另说明,并经处理的毛皮 61 - Leathe r, leathe r manufa cture s, nes, and dresse d furski ns
62 -橡胶制品,不另说明 62 - Rubber manufa cture s, nes
63 -软木及木制品(不包括家具) 63- Cork and wood manufa cture s (exclud ing furnit ure)
64 -纸,纸板和纸浆的文章,纸或纸板 64 - Paper, paperb oardand articl es of paperpulp, of paperor of paperb oard
65 -纺织纱线,织物,制成品,不另说明,以及相关产品 65 - Textil e yarn, fabric s, made-up articl es, nes, and relate d produc ts
66 -非金属矿产制品,不另说明 66 - Non-metall ic minera l
manufa cture s, nes
67 -钢铁 67 - Iron and steel
68 -有色金属 68 - Non-ferrou s metals
69 -金属制品 69 - Manufa cture s of metals, nes
7 -机械和运输设备
71 -发电机械设备 71 - Power-genera tingmachin ery and equipm ent
72 -个别工业专用机械 72 - Machin ery specia lized for partic ularindust ries
73 -金属加工机械 73 - Metalw orkin g machin ery
74 -一般工业机械和设备和机器零件,不另说明 74 - Genera l
indust rialmachin ery and equipm ent, nes, and machin e parts, nes
75 -办公室机器和自动资料处理仪器 75 - Office machin es and automa tic data-proces singmachin es
76 -电信和录音及音响设备和仪器 76 - Teleco mmuni catio ns and sound-record ing and reprod ucing appara tus and equipm ent
77 -电气机械,仪器和用具,巢,及零件(包括非电气同行,电家庭型设备) 77 - Electr icalmachin ery, appara tus and applia nces, nes, and electr icalpartsthereo f (includ ing non-electr ical
counte rpart s, nes, of electr icalhouseh old-type equipm ent)
78 -道路车辆(包括气垫车辆) 78 - Road vehicl es (includ ing
air-cushio n vehicl es)
79 -其他运输设备 79 - Othertransp ort equipm ent
8 -杂项制品
81 -预制建筑物,管道,发热及照明装置和设备,不另说明 81 - Prefab ricat ed buildi ngs; sanita ry, plumbi ng, heatin g and lighti ng fixtur es and fittin gs, nes
82 -家具及其零件,床上用品,床垫,床垫,软座垫及类似的填充制品 82- Furnit ure, and partsthereo f; beddin g, mattre sses, mattre ss suppor ts, cushio ns and simila r stuffe d furnis hings
83 -旅游用品,手袋及类似容器 83 - Travel goods, handba gs and simila r contai ners
84 -服装及衣服配件 84 - Articl es of appare l and clothi ng access ories
85 -鞋子 85 - Footwe ar
87 -专业,科学及控制用仪器及器具 87 - Profes siona l, scient ificand contro lling instru ments and appara tus, nes
88 -摄影仪器,设备和供应品,光学产品;钟表 88 - Photog raphi c appara tus, equipm ent and suppli es and optica l goods, nes; watche s and clocks
89 -杂项制品,不另说明 89 - Miscel laneo us manufa cture d articl es, nes
9 –未分类的商品
91 -邮政包裹并无按实物 91 - Postal packag es not classi fiedaccord ing to kind
93 -特殊交易和商品并无按实物 93 - Specia l transa ction s and commod ities not classi fiedaccord ing to kind
96 -硬币(金币除外),没有法定货币 96 - Coin (otherthan gold coin), not beinglegaltender
97 -金,非货币(不包括黄金矿砂及其精矿) 97 - Gold, non-moneta ry (exclud ing gold ores and concen trate s)。