关 键 词 : 料 实验 ; 处 理 ; 0 r SNiA; 学 性 能 ; 相 组 织 材 热 3 C Mn i 2 力 金
中 图 分 类 号 : 4 . O3 73 文献标 识码 : A
1 3 Cr n i 2 钢 热 处 理 实 验 及 结 果 分 析 0 M S NiA
域 有 着 广 泛 的 应 用 。 同 的 工 况 对 钢 的 硬 度 、 度 和 不 强 物 理 性 能 等 有 不 同 的 要 求 ,这 些 要 求 可 以 通 过 热 处
理 使 钢 的 性 能 发 生 改 变 来 满 足 。因 此 , 不 同 热 处 理 对 后 的钢 进 行 力 学 性 能 分 析 , 有 非 常 重 要 的 意 义 【 。 具
钢 试样 , 研 磨抛 光 经
显 微 镜 下 观 察 到 的
在读 , 从事动力学技术 的
体 束 , 束 由 大 量 近 乎 平 行 板 条 组 成 。 条 内具 有 很 每 板
高 的位错 密度 , 缠结 的方 式结 成位 错胞 。 钢部 分 以 该
下 贝 氏体 在 淬 火 时 先 于 马 氏 体 形 成 ,它 不 同 程 度 的 分 割 了原 A 晶 粒 ,从 而 细 化 了 马 氏 体 。所 以 , 经
文 章 编 号 : 6 2 0 2 (0 00 — 0 0 0 1 7 — 1 12 1 ) 4 0 8 — 3
Hale Waihona Puke 热 处 理 对 3 Cr n i 2 钢 组 织 0 M SNiA 与 动 态 性 能 的 影 响
周 义 清 张 治 民
(. 1 中北 大 学, 山西 太 原 0 0 51 30 ; 2太 原 理 工 大 学 应 用 力 学 与 生 物 医 学 工 程 研 究所 , 西 太 原 0 0 2 . 山 3 0 4)
金属的热处理 毕业论文外文文献翻译
![金属的热处理 毕业论文外文文献翻译](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/fc45cae7910ef12d2af9e7e4.png)
英文及翻译Heat Treating of metalsHeatingFor this discussion, I will take you through the hardening process that I use on a high carbon steel blade, but first a few asides. When you place the steel in the fire it begins to gain heat. The steel will begin to give off visible color just above 900F it will continue to pick up color until it reaches a point where it seems to hang. It is still gaining heat, but it is undergoing an internal transformation from its cold structure into a metastable condition called austenite. This point at which it seems to hang is called decalescence and it represents the bottom of the critical temperature. It usually begins around 1335FIn carbon steel depending on the carbon content. Once it passes through this point, the crystal structure of the steel changes as the ferrite reacts with some of the carbide and begins to pool into austenite. As the temperature increases more of the austenite will begin to form in other places and continue until it reaches a point 10 or 15 degrees above the critical temperature where all of the ferrite should be consumed. At this point the steel should consist of austenite and undissolved carbides. The austenite grains start from a small nucleus and continue to grow until they impinge on other growing grains. The initial grain size is established at this point and if the excess carbide is in large quantities it will maintain this size with little increase, pinned by the carbide.You can see this transformation if you watch the steel carefully and bring the steel up slowly. The Japanese talked about watching the shadows on the blade and quenching when the shadows turned to liquid. If you take the blade out of the fire at this point and watch the colors drop, you will notice a point where the steel will brighten even as it is cooling. On a tapered cross section like a knife blade it will appear to travel up from the edge to the spine of the blade. This is call recalescence and represents the transformation from austenite back to pearlite. After I am done forging a blade, I cycle the blade just above critical and down to dark heat at leastthree times. I watch for these two points to establish critical in my mind and to set up a very fine grain pearlite structure in the steel.After reaching critical temperature, the steel should be fully austenized, but the carbides will continue to dissolve. It may be necessary to soak at temperature to fully dissolve all the carbides. In some steels it may be necessary to continue to raise the temperature for this to be accomplished especially in the presence of alloying elements that retard the transformation.Once the steel is above critical and austenite, it may be quenched and hardened. The structure of the steel can be established by carefully controlling the time it takes the steel drop from critical through the various temperature sensitive points.Transformations on CoolingAnnealing, normalizing, quenchingThe structure and hardness of the steel is established by the rate of cooling from the austenitic condition. If brought down slowly the steel will be annealed and soft. The structure will be mostly ferrite and cementite, carbides. This can be done in a temperature controlled furnace by dropping the temperature through a known rate over a set period of time dependent on the type of steel. Another method is to preheat a heavy bar of low carbon to the same temperature as critical for the steel and bury both of them together in vermiculite. It will slow the cooling rate down so that the blade will still be hot to the touch the next day. For most of the carbon steels this will be enough to anneal the piece.If allowed to air cool it will be normalized, a tougher condition comprised of fine pearlite and carbides. Blades can be prepared for heat treatment in either normalized or annealed states. Another treatment that is particularly effective for workability and for dimensional stability is called sphereodizing. With the steel in a normalized condition you reheat, usually in salt to inhibit oxidization, to a temperature just below lower critical, 1300F and hold for at least an hour. What occurs is that the carbideswill begin to aglomulate or pool into larger more evenly spaced particles in a ferrite matrix. It makes handfinishing much easier.It is important to precondition your blades not only because it helps workability, but also to stress relieve the steel after forging. This will reduce chances of cracking and warping in the quench. It is helpful to think of the forging stage as the beginning of the heat treatment and to pay careful attention to the heats especially in the final forging. My last heats are always at critical. When the blade is finally shaped, I cycle the blade just above critical and down to almost black heat at least three times, cooling between by moving it back and forth in the air gently.HardeningYou have a lot of options when it comes to hardening carbon steel. Even the slightest change in alloy content can make a remarkable difference in the hardening characteristics of the steel, so I would again encourage you to study the steels you will be using.The transformation temperatures and times are described using a chart that shows the Ae1 line, the temperature at which austenite begins to form and the Ms line, the temperature at which martensite starts to form from austenite.The time line at the bottom of the chart is in seconds and side bars give temperature. This is called an "S" curve chart and it is very useful in determining the quench speeds for each steel. The top curve of the "S" is known as the nose of the curve. When quenching from critical, the temperature of the steel must drop below the nose of the curve within a precise amount of time in order for the steel to harden to martensite. In this case, it must get below 900F in under five seconds to form martensite.MarquenchingIf the steel is quenched to below the Ms, martensite will be the predominate structure, however if the blade is quenched to a point slightly above the Ms point, say around 500F and held until it has stabilized at that temperature, the steel has thepromise to form martensite, but will not set up until it drops below Ms. This is called marquenching and is commonly used because it is less stressful particularly in difficult cross sections like we encounter in knife blades. When the blade is removed from the quench it is still above the Ms point and has very unusual properties. It can be easily bent or straightened and is still quite soft. As it cools however, it begins to setup martensite and will harden at room temperature. Again, you need to look at the chart for each steel you will be using because the Mf, or martensite finish point can be well below room temperature on some highly alloyed steels. These steels benefit from sub zero quenching because the colder temperatures are necessary to complete the austenite transformation and to reach the martensite finish. Care must be taken that the blade is not chilled by placing on a cold surface or even by being placed in a breeze or draft. The safest method is to allow it to cool in still air. The blade should be tempered after it has cooled to the point where it can be handled with bare hands.AustemperingIf the steel is quenched from Ae3, critical, to a point between the Ms and the nose of the curve, say 600F and held at temperature for a long time, the austenite will convert to banite. Banite is a much tougher structure than martensite and will maintain the hardness of the steel as tempered to that temperature. This process requires a salt bath and good controls, but makes an really tough spring and is being used by some makers on steels like 52100.QuenchantsThe method of controlling the speed of cooling is the quenchant. The quench rate is determined by how quickly the quenchant can remove the heat from the steel. When a piece of hot steel enters the quenchant the area surrounding the blade absorbs heat from the blade until it is heated itself.金属的热处理加热加热这种讨论,我将以高碳钢为例向你介绍其硬化过程.首先,你把钢铁放在火上加热时。
一、热处理代号和材料标注方法(一)热处理代号1. 适用于结构钢和铸件代号:0—自然状态1—正火(或正火+回火)2—退火3—精锻+回火(如精锻或精辊叶片在精锻后只需高温回火)4—淬硬5—调质6—化学热处理(渗碳或氮化)7—除应力(包括活塞环定型处理)9—表面淬火或局部淬火2.适用铸造有色金属和奥氏体钢的代号:0—原始状态1—再结晶退火T—除应力退火T1—人工时效T4—淬火(固溶处理)T5—淬火和不完全时效T6—淬火和完全时效(固溶处理和完全时效到最高硬度)3.压力加工有色金属代号:0—原始状态M—退火C—淬火CZ—淬火和自然时效CS—淬火和人工时效(二)材料的标注方法:1.零件的材料或毛坯(包括铸锻件)如不作任何处理,也不作机械性能检查,则只标材料牌号(其热处理代号“0”在图纸上不标注)如:A3,20,35,ZQSn6-6-3。
25Cr2MoV A-5 25Cr2MoV A-5如:735-Ⅲ7355. 有些零件或者是比较重要或者是技术要求比较复杂,用上述标注方法不能说明全部要求者,则应注明标准号,在同一热处理状态中有不同的强度级别时,还应注明强度级别。
35CrMoA-5 35CrMoA-5如:Q/CCF M 3003-2003 590×Q/CCF M 3003-20036. 大锻件如叶轮、铸造轴、整体转子等的材料标注方法钢号锻件级别×标准编号7. 铸钢件:铸铁、铜件:材料牌号类别材料牌号标准号标准号8.铸铁件及有色金属等直接按上述方法标注可能引起误解时,热处理代号加上括号。
关键词:超高强度钢,力学性能,回火马氏体,无碳化物贝氏体1 前言30CrMnSiNi2A是一种常见的低合金超高强度钢,热处理后可获得高的强度和较好的塑、韧性,广泛应用于我国航空工业[1]。
2 试验材料及方法2.1试验材料试验用30CrMnSiNi2A材料试样均从某钢厂生产的Φ45mm热轧退火态钢棒上截取,其化学成分如表1所示。
表1化学成分元素C CrMnSiNiS P含量,%.311.试验方法试验材料按表2规格加工后按表3所列工艺进行热处理,1~6组试样奥氏体化保温后采用油冷淬火工艺,7~10组试样奥氏体化保温后采用等温淬火工艺,奥氏体化加热(含油淬和等温淬火)设备为多用途炉,回火设备为空气井式回火炉。
表1 材料的化学成分和力学性能C Si Mn Cr Mo V S P K1C/MPa·m1/2技术要求0.27~0.321.40~1.700.70~1.001.00~1.300.40~0.550.08~0.15≤0.010≤0.0150≥80现用材料0.30 1.50 0.92 1.18 0.44 0.13 0.090 0.013 54.4 58.3(2)试验方法将φ180mm的棒料经锻造后进行等温退火→粗加工→等温淬火→回火→精加工→标准拉伸、断裂韧度试样→性能测试,试样按国标GB/T228选取。
热处理工艺对30CrNiWVA钢的组织和力学性能的影响王毛球 董 瀚( 钢铁研究总院结构所 北京 100081 )李建新( 抚顺特殊钢股份有限公司 抚顺 112001 )文 摘 研究了一种新型低合金超高强度钢30Cr NiW VA经不同温度淬火、回火后的力学性能和微观组织的变化规律。
结果发现,淬火温度在900 ~940 、回火温度在340 左右时,30Cr NiW VA钢回火马氏体组织均匀细小, b1700MPa、 0.21500MPa、 512%、55%、A ku50J,可以满足某些航空结构件在350 回火后高强度和高韧性的要求。
关键词 超高强度钢,热处理,力学性能Effect of Heat Treatment on Mic rostructure and Mechanical Propertiesof High Strength Steel30CrNiWVAWang Maoqiu Dong Han( Central Iron&Steel Research Institute Beijing 100081 )Li Jianxin( Fushun Special S teel Co.Ltd. Fushun 112001 )Abstract In this paper,high strength steel30Cr Ni W VA was thermally treated under different quenching and tem pering temperatures so as to investigate the effec t of heat treatment on its microstructure and mechanical properties.The results show that,after900 ~940 quenching and about340 tempering,the steel was composed of fine martensitic microstructure and had superior mechanical properties as follo ws: b1700MPa, 0.21500MPa, 512%, 55%,A ku50J.30CrNiW VA can meet with the require ment of both high strength and high toughness of aerospace com ponents with high resistance to tempering softening.Key words High strength steel,Heat treatment,Mechanical property1 前言低合金超高强度钢如4340和300M等经淬火和低温回火后获得回火马氏体组织,具有较高的强度和比强度[1~4],在航空航天应用范围较大。
[1] 宫藤久元,细川弓,津野理一. リードフレーム用强化铜合 金 KFC-SHおよびKLF-SHTの特性[J]. 伸铜技術研究会誌, 1990,(29):225-232.
different heat treatment
加而应力下降的现象,说明 30CrMnSi 钢在拉伸
时出现缩颈现象。由此可见,30CrMnSi 钢经常规 淬火 + 低回、中回、高回,均表现出一定的塑性。
从图 1 还可以看出,高温回火试样的塑性要 高于中温回火,由于高温回火时得到回火索氏体 组织,从而使其具有良好的塑性,但低温回火试样 的应变量最大,产生这一现象的原因是工艺控制 得当,使得晶粒细小所致。 2. 3 分析及讨论
2 实验结果分析及讨论
2. 1 30Cr MnSi 钢热处理后的硬度
对经不同工艺热处理后的 30CrMnSi 钢试样
进行洛氏硬度测试,结果如表 1 所示。可见超高温
表 1 不同热处理工艺的硬度值 Tab. l The har dness value of 30Cr MnSi Steel
摘 要:利用万能电子试验机对热处理后的 30CrMnSi 钢进行常温拉伸试验,分析热处理对其常温拉伸性能
的影响;利用洛氏硬度实验机对不同热处理后的 30CrMnSi 钢进行硬度测试,找出硬度的变化规律;同时利用扫描
电镜对拉伸断口进行形貌分析。结果表明:常规淬火+中温回火和常规淬火 + 高温回火的硬度较高,塑韧性较高,
对两组合金进行一次时效后其性能是不能满 足要求的,尤其是抗拉强度还达不到 400 MPa。为 了获得更高的抗拉强度对合金进行二次时效,二 次 时 效 温 度 分 别 为 460 ℃ 和 420 ℃ 。 时 效 后 Y-C194 合金的电导率和抗拉强度分别为 62.83% IACS 和 470.28 MPa,而 C194 合金的电导率和抗 拉强度则分别为 55.8%IACS 和 464MPa。两组合金 的导电性能和力学性能均优于一次时效后的性能, 实验数据也进一步说明了二次时效的意义所在。
热处理工艺对CrMnSiA组织————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:热处理工艺对30CrMnSiA组织与性能的影响ﻩ学科:材料成型及控制工程本科生:康仕高 (签名)指导老师:邹军涛讲师(签名)摘要本文通过对30CrMnSiA复合钢进行的不同工艺条件下的热处理。
关键词:高温退火,淬火,回火,30CrMnSiA钢,淬火介质Effectof heat treatment on Microstructure andproperties of30CrMnSiASubject:material forming and controlName:S.G.Kang(Signature)Supervisor: ZouJunTao (Signatur e)AbstractInthis paper,through different heat treatmentconditions on 30CrMnSiA compositesteel. Transformation ofthe microstructure and properties ofthe different heat treatments and different heat treatment temperatureof 30CrMnSiA.The microstructurewasobserved bymeans ofopticalmicroscope, X-ray diffractionanalysisand30CrMnSiA in phase change, measured in different heattreatmentconditionstheperformance of steel.The results showthat:(1)30CrMnSiAsteel at 1100℃-1160 ℃high temperature annealing process, withtheincreaseof annealing temperature, the gra insize in the structureof steel increases, butthe hard ness decreased first andthen increasedsharply.(2) 30CrMnSiA steel at 820 ℃-880℃temperature quenchingconditions,the hardness increases with the increase oftemperature, different mediaconditions after quenching, air-co oled low hardness and water quenching hardness up to HRC50.(3) 30CrMnSiA steel during tempering at 520℃, part ofbodyto austenite martensite,hardness decreasedplasticity increase.Keywords: High-temperatureannealing, quenching, tempering, 30CrMnSiA steel, quenching mediu第一章前言1.1调质钢所谓调质钢,一般是指含碳量在0.3-0.6%的中碳钢。
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热处理对30CrMnSiNi2A钢组织与动态性能的影响一、绪论1.1 研究背景和意义1.2 国内外研究现状和发展趋势1.3 研究内容和方法二、 30CrMnSiNi2A钢的组织和性能特点2.1 30CrMnSiNi2A钢的组成和晶体结构2.2 30CrMnSiNi2A钢的热处理工艺2.3 30CrMnSiNi2A钢的组织特征2.4 30CrMnSiNi2A钢的机械性能三、热处理对30CrMnSiNi2A钢组织的影响3.1 固溶处理对30CrMnSiNi2A钢的影响3.2 固溶处理过程中的相变行为3.3 淬火工艺对30CrMnSiNi2A钢的影响3.4 淬火处理过程中的相变行为四、热处理对30CrMnSiNi2A钢动态性能的影响4.1 热处理对30CrMnSiNi2A钢动态拉伸性能的影响4.2 热处理对30CrMnSiNi2A钢动态压缩性能的影响4.3 热处理对30CrMnSiNi2A钢动态应变率敏感性的影响五、结论5.1 热处理对30CrMnSiNi2A钢组织和性能的影响机理分析 5.2 热处理工艺优化建议5.3 未来研究展望第一章绪论1.1 研究背景和意义30CrMnSiNi2A钢是一种高强度、高韧性、高耐磨性的工程结构钢,在航空、航天、船舶、核电站、大型机械等领域有广泛的应用。
文 章 编 号 :1 7 - 4 7 2 1 ) 10 0 — 5 6 4 6 5 ( O 0 0 — 0 50
文献标 识码 : A
Ef e to if r n e tTr a m e o e s s o e h nia o e te f c fD fe e tH a e t ntPr c s e n M c a c lPr p r i s
2. le a e il in e a gi e i Co lgeofM t ra sSce c nd En ne rng, Gua gxiU nve st n i r iy,N a ni 0 4, n ng 53 00 Chi a) n
Ab ta t Efe t ifr n a r a m e oc s e ir tuc u e t nsl e ha ia r pe te nd fa t gr p sr c : f c sofd fe e the tte t ntpr e s son m c os r t r , e ie m c nc lp o ris a r c o a hy ofFe30M n 3S一 1TW l t e r t id b e i e tn 一 一 i4A P s e lwe es ude y t nsl t s ig,op ia ir tu t r e tc lm e osr c u e,SEM nd EDS,a heph e c po a nd t as om — sto s m e s r d by X—a fr c i (XRD ) The r s t i ia e ha eo a i nd te gt iin wa a u e r y difa ton . e uls ndc t d t t l ng ton a s r n h ofTW I s e li c e s P te n r a e w ih i r a ig c ln a e; is m ir tu t e w ih he r a m e s u t n t t ne i wi s;a h u t n t r i t nc e sn oo ig r t t c osr c ur t atte t nti a s e ie wih an al ng t n nd t e a s e ie g an a nn a ig t is sz nc e ew ih c ln a ede r a i g. Thef a t e m e h nim fTW I s e 1i yp c 1t ghn s r c nd a e ln w n ie i r as t oo ig r t c e sn r c ur c a s o P t e st ia ou e sfa —
30mnsi 呢,其实就是一种特殊的钢,它的热处理工艺,那可真是讲究。
1. 应先进行预热处理,将齿轮加热到适当的温度,通常选择温度为700℃-750℃,保持一段时间以均匀加热。
2. 预热后进行淬火处理,将齿轮迅速冷却,使其组织转变为马氏体组织。
3. 淬火后进行回火处理,将齿轮加热到一定温度范围,一般选择300℃-550℃之间的温度,保持一段时间,然后冷却到室温。
4. 可选的处理方式还包括低温淬火和高温回火。
30号钢热处理摘要:一、30 号钢的概述二、30 号钢的热处理过程三、30 号钢热处理的影响因素四、30 号钢热处理的应用领域正文:一、30 号钢的概述30 号钢,又称30CrMnSiA,是一种高强度、高韧性的合金结构钢。
在我国,30 号钢广泛应用于各种工程机械、汽车、船舶、石油化工等领域的零部件制造。
由于其良好的综合性能,30 号钢成为了工程领域中的优选钢材。
二、30 号钢的热处理过程30 号钢的热处理主要包括退火、正火、调质和渗碳等过程。
这些热处理过程可以改善30 号钢的组织结构和性能,以满足不同工程应用的需求。
1.退火:退火是将30 号钢加热到一定温度,保持一段时间后,缓慢冷却至室温的过程。
2.正火:正火是将30 号钢加热到临界温度以上,保持一段时间后,迅速冷却至室温的过程。
正火可以提高30 号钢的强度和硬度,但会降低其韧性。
3.调质:调质是将30 号钢加热到适当的温度,保持一段时间后,进行冷却处理,使其具有一定的强度和韧性。
调质处理可以提高30 号钢的综合性能,使其满足各种工程应用的要求。
4.渗碳:渗碳是将30 号钢表面加热至高温,并在含碳介质中进行碳渗入的过程。
渗碳可以提高30 号钢表面的硬度和耐磨性,以满足某些特殊工程应用的需求。
三、30 号钢热处理的影响因素在进行30 号钢热处理过程中,影响热处理效果的因素主要包括:1.加热温度:加热温度的过高或过低都会影响30 号钢的组织结构和性能。
保温时间过长或过短都会影响30 号钢的热处理效果。
3.冷却介质:冷却介质的种类和冷却速度对30 号钢的热处理效果有较大影响。
四、30 号钢热处理的应用领域经过热处理的30 号钢在各个工程领域中都有广泛的应用,如:1.工程机械:30 号钢经过热处理后,具有良好的强度、韧性和耐磨性,可用于制造工程机械的各类零部件。
关键字:30MnSi 工艺优化脱氧合金化Discussion on the practice process optimization of 30MnSiLiu Gang Wang Zhingming Zhang WangshengAbstract: this article from two practice process about 30MnSi to analysis is up to optimize this 30MnSi practice process and reducing the cost, meanwhile research the method of de-oxygen process about 30MnSi.Keywords: 30MnSi optimization process de-oxygen and alloying process一、前言30MnSi钢属于预应力钢棒又称预应力混凝土用钢棒、PC钢棒等,随着后现代工业的发展由城市发展转向城镇发展,高强度预应力钢棒用盘条的使用量逐年增加,各大中小型钢铁企业也加大了生产、开发研究的力度[1-6]。
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f o r m a l s o o b v i o u s l y c h a n g e s .T h e v o l u me f r a c t i o n o f f e r r i t e i S a l s o a f f e c t e d b y t h e h o l d i n g t i me o f q u e n c h i n g .W i t h t h e q u e n c h i n g t e mp e r a t u r e i n c r e a s e f r o m 7 8 0 % t o 8 6 0 % a t h o l d i n g t i me a t 1 5 s ,t h e
第3 1卷 第 4期
2 0 1 3年 8月
贵州师 范大学学报 ( 自然科学版)
J o u r n a l o f G u i z h o u N o r m a l U n i v e r s i t y( N a t u r a l S c i e n c e s )
V0 1 . 3 1 . N o . 4
Au g 2 01 3
文章编号 : 1 0 0 4 -5 5 7 0 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 0 4~ 0 0 6 4— 0 4
Ef f e c t s o f h e a t t r e a t me n t p a r a me t e r s o n t h e 3 0 Mn S i S t e e l
T e c h n o l o g y a n d Ma t e r i a l s C o .L t d , C h i n a I r o n a n d S t e e l R e s e a r c h I n s t i t u t e G r o u p , B e r i n g 1 0 0 0 8 1 ,C h i n a )
组织结构受 到热处理 工艺参数 ( 快淬温度和时间) 的影 响。在 7 8 0 ℃至 8 6 0 %的温度范 围内 , 随着快淬 温度 的升
高, 合金 中的铁素体含量逐渐减少 , 且铁素体在合金基体 中的分布也有 明显变化 ; 此外 , 铁素体 的含量 也受快淬
时间的影响 , 当快淬时间为 1 5 s , 快淬温度达到 8 6 0 ℃ 时, 合金 钢中铁素体的含量 由 9 . 6 % 降低至 2 . 1 %。 关 键 词: 快淬 ; 时间; 微观组织结构
ZHANG F e i . p e n g ,Z ENG Ho n g
( 1 .I n s t i t u t e o f A p p l i e d S c i e n c e , He n a n U n i v e r s i t y o f U r b a n C o n s t r u c t i o n , P i n g d i n g s h a n , H e n a n 4 6 7 0 3 6 , C h i n a ; 2 . A d v a n c e d
Ab s t r a c t :Th e e f f e c t l a w o f he a t t r e a t me n t p a r a me t e r s,na me l y t h e q u e n c h i n g t e mp e r a t u r e a n d h o l i n g
v o l u me f r a c t i o n o f f e r r i t e d e c r e a s e s ro f m 9. 6% t o 2. 1% . Ke y wor ds:q u e n c h i n g;t i me;mi c r o s t r u c t u r e
t i me o n t h e mi c r o s t r u c t u r e o f 3 0 Mn S i s t e e l wa s s t u d i e d .T h e r e s u l t s s h o w t h a t w i t h i n t h e q u e n c h i n g
t e mp e r a t u r e r a ng e o f 78 0 —8 6 0 ̄ C ,t h e f e r r i t e c o n t e n t d e c r e a s e s g r a d u a l l y a n d t h e f e r r i t e d i s t r i bu t i o n
热 处理 工 艺对 3 0 M n S i 合 金钢 的影 响
张飞 鹏 ,曾 宏
( 1 . 河南城建 学院 数理 系, 河南 平顶 山 4 6 7 0 3 6 ; 2 .中国钢研科技集 团 安泰科技股份有限公司 , 北京 1 0 0 0 8 1 )
摘 要: 研究了热处理工艺参数对 3 0 Mn S i 合 金钢微 观组织结 构 的影 响。结果表 明, 3 0 M n S i 合 金钢 的成分 和微观
文献标识码 : A
s t r e n g t h h i g h e r t h a n 1 2 7 0 MP a ,e l o n g a t i o n p e r c e n t a g e
中 图分 类 号 : T G 1 1 5 . 5+ 7