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一类袁其他产区聚为一类遥 结论 浙贝母中功效成分存在明显的地理变异现象袁暗示不同产区浙贝母存在一定的
质量差异遥 本研究为浙贝母规范化化种植及进一步开发利用提供参考依据遥
[关键词] 浙贝母曰功效成分曰形成原因曰道地产区
[中图分ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ号] R284.1
[文献标识码] A
[文章编号] 1673-7210渊2020冤01渊c冤-0110-05
[基金项目] 浙江省卫生计生委中医药科技计划项目渊2015Z A229冤曰浙江省丽水市重点科技创新团队建设项目渊2018cxt d06冤曰浙江省基础公益研究计划项目渊LGF19H280002冤遥 [作者简介] 张晓芹渊1988.11-冤袁女袁硕士曰研究方向院药用植 物与分子生药学遥 [通讯作者] 陈礼平渊1968.1-冤袁男袁主任医师袁硕士曰研究方 向院民族医学尧中药鉴定与中药质量分析遥
Quantification of chemical compositions in Fritillaria thunbergii from dif鄄 ferent geographical origin by HPLC-ELSD
ZHA NG Xiaoqin LY U Hongyan LAN Y an CHEN Liping Department of Pharmaceutical, Lishui Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Zhejiang Province, Lishui 323000, China [Abstract] Objective To investigate the contents of the functional components in Fritillaria thunbergii from different geographical locations. Methods Kromasil ODS C18 column (200 mm 伊 4.6 mm, 5 滋m) column was used as the column, acetonitrile-0.03% diethylamine was used as the mobile phase, the flow rate of 1.0 mL/min. The colomn temperature maintained at 40益. Multivariate statistical analysis was carried out by SPSS 20.0. Results The total contents of ver鄄 ticine and verticinone were the highest in Longbu village, Yunhe county, Lishui city (LS-YH-LB). The content of ver鄄 ticine was higher than that of verticinone in 14 producing areas, and the verticinone was higher than that of verticine in 5 producing areas. In the cluster analysis, eight high-content producing areas, such as LS-YH-LB and Leqing city, Wenzhou city, were grouped into one category, while other producing areas were grouped into one category. Conclusion There are obvious geographical variations in the functional components of Fritillaria thunbergii, which indicats that there are some quality differences in different producing areas of Fritillaria thunbergii. This study provides reference for the standardized planting and further development and utilization of Fritillaria thunbergii. [Key words] Fritillaria thunbergii; Chemical compositions; Cause of formation; Genuine producing area
窑 药品检验 窑
中国医药导报 2020 年 1 月第 17 卷第 3 期
基于 HPLC-ELSD 对浙贝母功效成分 地理变异的研究
张晓芹 吕虹艳 蓝 艳 陈礼平 浙江省丽水市中医院药剂科袁浙江丽水 323000
[摘要] 目的 探讨浙贝母的功效成分地理变异情况及其形成的原因遥 方法 采用 Kromasil ODS C18 色谱柱渊200 mm伊
4.6 mm袁5 滋m)袁流动相为乙腈-0.03%二乙胺水袁流速为 1 mL/min袁柱温 40益曰运用 SPSS 20.0 软件进行数据分析遥
结果 丽水市云和县龙埠村渊LS-YH-LB冤贝母素甲尧乙的总含量最高曰14 个产区的贝母素甲含量高于贝母素乙袁
5 个产区贝母素乙含量高于贝母素甲曰聚类分析中袁LS-YH-LB尧温州市乐清市盛家塘村等 8 个高含量产区聚为
浙贝母为百合科渊Liliaceae冤植物浙贝母渊Fritillar鄄 ia thunbergii冤的干燥鳞茎袁具有化痰止咳尧清热散结之 功效袁生物碱为其化痰尧止咳的主要成分[1-2]遥 不同产区 浙贝母中总生物碱含量和指纹图谱均存在一定的差 异[3-7]遥 针对贝母素甲尧贝母素乙的含量而言袁是否存在 明显的地理变异规律及其形成的原因很少有人研究遥