Unit2 English around the world英语课件

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枣庄十八中 周艳
Tell the sentences which are true or false .
1.Chinese is a language spoken all
around the world. ( F )
2. There are 375 million people learn
5.English is the working language of all
international organisations. ( F)
1.Read the Para.I and Para.II and do the Exx
1.__A__people learn English as a mother tongue.
_le_a_r_n_English as a second language.However, most people learn English at school as a_f_o_r_e_ig_n__language. The English language is the _w__o_r_k_in__g _la_n_g_u_a_g_e_ of most
Read the text again and try to tell your classmates something about English in your own words.
The end !
Thank you!
4.当努力到一定程度,幸运自会与你不期而遇。 91.没有人有耐心听你讲完自己的故事,因为每人都有自己的话要说。 84.你所做的事情,也许暂时看不到成果,但不要灰心或焦虑,你不是没有进步,而是在扎根! 17.你以什么样的心态去面对生活,你就会收获什么样的心情! 81.希望,只有和勤奋作伴,才能如虎添翼。 52.千万人的失败,都有是失败在做事不彻底,往往做到离成功只差一步就终止不做了。 59.人生,任何时候开始都不晚,只要行动就有机会!世上最浪费时间的两种行为:一是思而不学,二是犹豫不决。 43.勤勉而顽强地钻研,永远可以使你百尺竿头更进一步。 11.毁灭人只要一句话,培植一个人却要千句话,请你多口下留情。 44.人生短短数十载,最要紧是证明自己,不是讨好他人。 82.命运一半掌握在上帝手中,另一半掌握在自己手中。成功就是用自己手中的一半去赢得上帝手中的另一半。 70.要做一件事,成功之前,没有必要告诉其他人。成功之后不用你说,其他人都会知道的。这就是信息时代所带来的效应。 50.因为在这个世界上,到头来我们注定都是孤独的。 37.人生旅程中,平坦顺畅也好,泥泞低谷也罢,都应该坦然面对! 119.青霄有路终须到,金榜无名誓不归。 62.已经失去的不妨让它失去,至少不再耽于等待。 114.精诚所至,金石为开。 92.你所浪费的今天,是昨天死去的人奢望的明天;你所厌恶的现在,是未来的你回不去的曾经。 17.你以什么样的心态去面对生活,你就会收获什么样的心情! 18.人的价值,在遭受诱惑的一瞬间被决定。
A. 375,000,000
B. 37,500,000
B. C.750,000,000
2. __A__people learn English as a second language.
A. 375,000,000
B. 37,500,000
From these we can see ….
It’s more and more important to have a good knowledge of English.
From these we can see ….
Listen to the tape carefully and pay attention to your pronunciation, intonation and stress.
international organisations ,as well as in international
_t_ra_d_e__ and _t_o_u_r_is_m_.With so many people communicating in English everyday ,it will become_m__o_r_e_and m__o_r_e____ important to have a good knowledge of __E_n_g_l_is_h___.
Fill in the blanks
English is a languages_p_o_k_e_nall around the world. For more than___3_7_5__million people in countries
such as the United Kingdom,America,Canada,English is their_m__o_t_h_er_t_o_n_g_u_e_,Another 375 million people
3. __C__people learn English as a foreign language.
2.Read the Para.III and complete the sentences
1.English is the most widely_s_p_o_k_e_n_a_n_d_ __u_s_e_d__la_n_g_u_a_g_e_. _. 2.English is_t_h_e_w_o_r_k_i_n_g_l_a_n_g_u_ag_e__o_f_m__o_st___ __i_n_te_r_n_a_ti_o_n_a_l _o_rg_a_n_i_sa_t_io_n_s_,_T_r_ad_e__a_n_d_t_o_u_ri_s.m. 3.you can listen to_E_n_g_l_is_h__so_n_g_s__o_n_t_h_e_r_a_d_io_. 4.you can use English_t_o__co_m__m__u_n_ic_a_te__w_i_th__ _pe_o_p_l_e_a_r_o_u_n_d_t_h_e_w__o_rl_d_t_h_r_o_u_g_h_t_h_e_I_n_te_r_n_e_t _
English as a second language.(T )
3. Everywhere in the world children go
to school to learn English. (T )
4.Students in Hong Kong learn English
as a foreign language . ( F)