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structure is greatly affected by lateral load, and the safety checking of position-limitation structure is the
key to the design of repairable track. Under the same large subsidence filling conditions, the program of
finite element models of position-limitation program. On this basis, the influence of large subsidence area
filling on the safety of the track structure is studied. The results show that: ( 1) The easily repaired
心排水沟+顶升预埋件” 的易修复板式无砟轨道能更好地应用于富水软土沉降地段的运营环境,并便于后期维护施
工;(2) 正常情况下 2 种结构设计方案均能满足强度设计要求,但发生沉降填充修复后,限位结构受力受横向荷载
影响较大,其安全性检算是该类轨道设计的关键;在相同大沉降填充条件下,从限位结构受力方面来看,板下 4 凸
台方案明显优于 2 凸台方案;(3) 在进行地铁易修复板式无砟轨道结构设计时,应保证在最不利荷载工况下单块轨
道板范围内限位结构受力对称均匀,并考虑长期使用条件下轨道板的横向稳定性,推荐采用板下 4 凸台方案。
关键词:地铁; 沉降地段; 板式无砟轨道; 限位方案; 数值模拟
中图分类号:U213. 2 + 42 文献标识码:A DOI:10. 13238 / j. issn. 1004-2954. 201908020004
(1. MOE Key Laboratory of High-speed Railway Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China;
2. China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group Co. , Ltd. , Chengdu 610031, China)
4 convex platform under the slab is obviously superior to that of 2 convex platform in view of the force on
the position-limitation structure. (3) In the design of the easily repaired ballastless slab track structure of
(1. 西南交通大学高速铁路线路工程教育部重点实验室,成都 610031;
2. 中铁二院工程集团有限责任公司,成都 610031)
摘 要:为研究易修复板式无砟轨道在地铁中应用的可行性,通过建立 2 种限位方案的非线性有限元模型,分析该
结构在直、曲线段的承载能力,并在此基础上考虑大沉降地段填充后对轨道结构安全性的影响。 研究表明:(1) “ 中
ballastless slab track of “ central drainage ditch and jacking embedded parts” can be better applied to the
operating environment of the water-rich and soft soil subsidence area and facilitate post-maintenance
construction. (2) Under normal circumstances, the two structural design programs can meet the strength
design requirements, but after the subsidence and filling recovery, the force of position-limitation
Abstract: In order to study the feasibility of easily repaired ballastless slab track in subway, the bearing
capacities of the structures in straight and curved sections are analyzed based on two kinds of nonlinear
第 64 卷 第 7 期
铁 道 标 准 设 计
2020 年 7 月
Vol. 64 No. 7
Jul. 2020
文章编号:1004 2954(2020)07 0086 05
李 昕1 , 杨明辉2 , 张沐然1 , 王绍华1 , 韦 凯1
the subwa of position-limitation structure within the scope of the
single track slab is symmetrically uniform under the most unfavorable load conditions. Considering the
Research on the Position-limitation of Easily Repaired Ballastless Slab
Track in the Subsidence Area of Subway
LI Xin1 , YANG Minghui2 , ZHANG Muran1 , WANG Shaohua1 , WEI Kai1
key to the design of repairable track. Under the same large subsidence filling conditions, the program of
finite element models of position-limitation program. On this basis, the influence of large subsidence area
filling on the safety of the track structure is studied. The results show that: ( 1) The easily repaired
心排水沟+顶升预埋件” 的易修复板式无砟轨道能更好地应用于富水软土沉降地段的运营环境,并便于后期维护施
工;(2) 正常情况下 2 种结构设计方案均能满足强度设计要求,但发生沉降填充修复后,限位结构受力受横向荷载
影响较大,其安全性检算是该类轨道设计的关键;在相同大沉降填充条件下,从限位结构受力方面来看,板下 4 凸
台方案明显优于 2 凸台方案;(3) 在进行地铁易修复板式无砟轨道结构设计时,应保证在最不利荷载工况下单块轨
道板范围内限位结构受力对称均匀,并考虑长期使用条件下轨道板的横向稳定性,推荐采用板下 4 凸台方案。
关键词:地铁; 沉降地段; 板式无砟轨道; 限位方案; 数值模拟
中图分类号:U213. 2 + 42 文献标识码:A DOI:10. 13238 / j. issn. 1004-2954. 201908020004
(1. MOE Key Laboratory of High-speed Railway Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China;
2. China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group Co. , Ltd. , Chengdu 610031, China)
4 convex platform under the slab is obviously superior to that of 2 convex platform in view of the force on
the position-limitation structure. (3) In the design of the easily repaired ballastless slab track structure of
(1. 西南交通大学高速铁路线路工程教育部重点实验室,成都 610031;
2. 中铁二院工程集团有限责任公司,成都 610031)
摘 要:为研究易修复板式无砟轨道在地铁中应用的可行性,通过建立 2 种限位方案的非线性有限元模型,分析该
结构在直、曲线段的承载能力,并在此基础上考虑大沉降地段填充后对轨道结构安全性的影响。 研究表明:(1) “ 中
ballastless slab track of “ central drainage ditch and jacking embedded parts” can be better applied to the
operating environment of the water-rich and soft soil subsidence area and facilitate post-maintenance
construction. (2) Under normal circumstances, the two structural design programs can meet the strength
design requirements, but after the subsidence and filling recovery, the force of position-limitation
Abstract: In order to study the feasibility of easily repaired ballastless slab track in subway, the bearing
capacities of the structures in straight and curved sections are analyzed based on two kinds of nonlinear
第 64 卷 第 7 期
铁 道 标 准 设 计
2020 年 7 月
Vol. 64 No. 7
Jul. 2020
文章编号:1004 2954(2020)07 0086 05
李 昕1 , 杨明辉2 , 张沐然1 , 王绍华1 , 韦 凯1
the subwa of position-limitation structure within the scope of the
single track slab is symmetrically uniform under the most unfavorable load conditions. Considering the
Research on the Position-limitation of Easily Repaired Ballastless Slab
Track in the Subsidence Area of Subway
LI Xin1 , YANG Minghui2 , ZHANG Muran1 , WANG Shaohua1 , WEI Kai1