

四川省成都市高考英语二轮复习 阅读理解基础训练80集连载(45)

四川省成都市高考英语二轮复习 阅读理解基础训练80集连载(45)


【2016高考训练】At one time no one could travel on an English road faster than four miles an hour. That was the law until 1896. A man had to walk in front of a car which could not go faster than the man. At night the man had to carry a red lamp.Once Charles Rolls brought a car from France to England, but he wanted to drive faster than four miles an hour. In order to have no trouble with the police, he had a talk with some of the police officers, who ordered their policemen to look the other way when the car came along the road. This was a good plan in the country, but not so easy to follow in the busy streets of London.One night Rolls and some friends started from London on their journey to Cambridge. One of the men walked in front with the red lamp, but he walked as fast as he could. The police became very interested in walls and shop-fronts when they heard the car and not one of them saw it.They reached a hill, but what a waste of time it was to drive down the hill at four miles an hour! Rolls was getting ready to jump into the car, but then he noticed a policeman who was not looking the other way. The slow car reached him. “Good evening,” said the policeman, looking at the car.“Good evening,” said Rolls, holding the lamp.“One of these horseless things,” said the policeman, looking at it with interest.“Yes,” said Rolls, and waited.“I’ve often wanted a ride in one, but of course policemen can’t buy things like that.” He turned and looked hopefully in Rolls’s face.“Jump in,” said Rolls.“Thanks,” said the policeman, and did so. “Now,” he said, sitting down, “You can let it go just as you like down this hill. There isn’t another policeman on this road for a mile and a half.”1.The po licemen were told “to look the other way” so that _______.A. they could watch the car coming from the other directionB. Rolls’s car could go faster than four miles an hourC. they could make sure no one was in the wayD. the car would not hit them on the road2.In what way did the policemen carry out the order from their officers?A. They greeted Rolls when the car came along.B. They walked in front of the car with a red lamp.C. They pretended to be attracted by something else.D. They stood on duty every 1.5 miles along the road.3.The policeman who said “Good evening” to Rolls wanted to _______.A. teach Rolls a lessonB. take a free ride homeC. have a talk with RollsD. have a car ride experience4.After the policeman jumped into the car, Rolls _______.A. dared not drive the car faster than he was allowed toB. could drive as fast as he wished within a certain distanceC. could drive on any road he liked for the rest of the journeyD. drove his car as fast as he could down the hill to Cambridge参考答案1—4、BCDB阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。




【2016高考训练】The London Pass is the final sightseeing package that has been specially tailor-made for visitors to the city。

It allows holders to make the most out of their trip , saving them both time and money .With the London Pass you will get the following :●Free entry to your choice of over 60 popular attractions,tours,sights and museums●A useful 160’ page Guidebook about the attractions plus helpful tips about the city●Abili ty to skip the lines at the selected attractions to save time●Optional Travel card to cover all of your transport needsThe London Pass Saves You MoneyLondon can be an expensive city , and its tourist attractions are no exception 。

However,go sightseeing with a London Pass you could make some great savings. Take a look at the normal gate price for some popular London attractions:Tower of Londonξ19。






Bamboo (竹子) is one of nature’s (自然) most surprising plants. Many people call this plant a tree, but it is a kind of grass.Like other kinds of grass, a bamboo plant may be cut very low to the ground, but it will grow back very quickly. A Japanese scientist reported one bamboo plant which grew 1.5 metres (4 feet) in 24 hours! Bamboo grows almost everywhere in the world except Europe. There are more than 1, 000 kinds of bamboo.Not all bamboo looks the same. Some bamboo plants are very thin. They may only grow to be a few centimeters wide while others may grow to more than 30 centimetres (1 foot) across. This plant also comes in different colors, from yellow to black to green.Bamboo has been used to make many things such as hats and kitchen tools. Because it is strong, bamboo is also used to build buildings.Many Asian countries have used bamboo for hundreds of years. They often use bamboo for buildings and supporting new buildings and bridges while they are being built.In Africa, poor farmers are taught how to find water using bamboo. These African countries need cheap way to find water because they have no money, and their crops often die from no rain and no water. Bamboo pipes help poor farmers bring water to their thirsty fields without spending a lot of money.1.How is bamboo like grass?A. It grows quickly.B. It’s wood.C. It is easy to cutD. It is very thin2.Though you can see bamboo everywhe re, it doesn’t grow ______.A. in ChinaB. in EuropeC. on mountainsD. in Africa3.Why is bamboo used by African poor farmers?A. Because it is cheap.B. Because it has different colors.C. Because it is strong.D. Because it has been used by Asians.4.Bamboo pipes can ______.A. make moneyB. be treesC. grow quicklyD. carry water试题分析:本文主要告诉我们竹子的分布、作用以及人们使用竹子的情况。




Getting rid of dirt,in the opinion of most people,is a good thing。

However,there is nothing fixed about attitudes to dirt。

In the early 16th century, people thought that dirt on the skin was a means to block out disease, as medical opinion had it that washing off dirt with hot water could open up the skin and let ills in。

A particular danger was thought to lie in public baths. By 1538,the French king had closed the bath houses in his kingdom. So did the king of England in 1546. Thus began a long time when the rich and the poor in Europe lived with dirt in a friendly way. Henry IV,King of France, was famously dirty。

Upon learning that a nobleman had taken a bath, the king ordered that, to avoid the attack of disease,the nobleman should not go out。

四川省成都市高考英语二轮复习 阅读理解提升选练80集

四川省成都市高考英语二轮复习 阅读理解提升选练80集


Former Hollywood child star Shirley Temple died onMonday at home in Woodside,California,from naturalcauses.“she was surrounded by her family andcarers ,” astatement said.With her charm and blonde curls(金色的卷发),shewas one of the most popular stars of the 1930s.in hitmovies like Bright Eyes and Stand Up and Cheer.Hersinging,dancing and acting won over fans worldwide.Shewas given a special Oscar for child in 1935, when shewas just six years old.To this day,she is still the youngest child to receive an Academy Award.After retiring from films in 1950 at the age of 21,Temple returned to the spotlight as a politicianand diplomat(外交家).Shirley Temple started her film career at three.Between 1934 and 1938 she appeared in morethan 20 feature films and was the top US movie star.She wore a grass skirt and played a ukulele(四弦小吉它)to promote the musical Captain January,directed by David Butler,in 1936.Sheattended her first big public performance for her film Wee Willie Winkie in Hollywood on 26 June,1937.As well as being the youngest receiver of an Oscar(at the age of 6 years and 3 1 0 days),Templewas also the youngest child to present one of the statuettes(小金人).She stood on a chair to giveClaudette Colbert the best actress prize for it Happened One night in 1935.At the age of 12Temple’s star burnt out——her parents bought out the remaining time of her contract and sent her toan expensive girl’s schoo1.Her final film,A Kiss for Corliss,is available to watch online for free.This is the star’s final ever moment on the big screen.The actress retired from Hollywood in 1950,but she still appeared occasionally on TV.In 1958 she wore a fairy godmother costume to promoteher series of dramatised fairy tales,Shirley Temple’s Storybook.In 2006,she accepted the Life Achievement Award at the 12th Annual Screen Actors GuildAwards.1.Shirley Temple was popular with the world mainly because of_______.A.her charm and blonde cuffs B.her singing,dancing and actingC.her young age as an actress D.her career being a diplomat2.According to the passage,Shirley Temple was born in______.A.1929 B.1932 C.1934 D.19353.From the passage we can infer that_____.A.Temple involved herself actively in political work after she was twenty—one B.the Life Achievement Award was given to Temple when she was youngC.her parents sent her to an expensive girl’s school by contractD.the film of her first public performance was Captain January4.Which of the following statements is TRUE about Shirley Temple ?.A.She ever received the Oscar award for the best actress.B.She was the best child movie star in the world.C.She was once a presenter at an Oscar Awarding ceremony.D.She stopped appearing on any kind of media after 1950.【参考答案】1—4、BAAC【阅读理解】人物故事类阅读下列四篇短文,从每小题后所给的A,B,C或D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。




(2015年湖北襄阳四中、龙泉中学、荆州中学联考)Are you an optimist? Do you look at your glass and see it as half full? Do you believe that every cloud has a silver lining and that things generally turn out for the best? Do you believe that if something is meant to be, it will be? If you reply “yes” to all of these questions, then you are an optimist. You probably are enthusiastic, cheerful and outgoing. You may be successful at work and in love.But you may be misguided because things don't turn out for the best. You may believe that when on door closes another one opens(for example, you may fail to obtain a new job; another chance will come around soon). Wrong. When one door closes, another door slams(砰然关上)in your face. That's bitter reality.Now a book has been published which confirms what pessimists(悲观者)have suspected all along. it's called The Positive Power of Defensive Pessimism. Its author argues that defensive pessimism can lead to positive results. Defensive pessimism is a strategy used to manage fear, anxiety and worry. Defensive pessimists prepare for the tings by setting low outcomes for themselves. They carefully consider everything that may go wrong and plan for ways to handle these problems. And this gives them a sense of control. Lawrence Sanno, a psychology professor, says, “What's interesting about defensive pessimists is that they tend to be very successful people, so their low opinion of the situation's outcomes is not realistic. They use it to motivate themselves to perform better.”So far,so good. This is not rocket science. Defensive pessimists prepare carefully and consider what might go wrong, whether at work, on date or even in a sports game. It makes sense to have a back-up plan. There are many sayings in English urging caution. For example, “Don't put all your eggs in one basket.”And “Don't count your chickens until they hatch.” To have a confident and optimistic approach to life's problems is good. But listen to what Woody Alien, the American comedian says ,”Confidence is what you have before you understand the problem.”There are pros and cons to being an optimist and a pessimist. Don't feel bad if you see the glass half empty. You are a realist But lighten up and hook up with someone who sees the same glass half full.1.What's the passage mainly about?A. A book that has recently been published.B.How to become successful in lifeC.The dangers of being too optimistic.D.The benefits of defensive pessimism.2.The underlined sentence “ This is not rocket science”(Para.4)means .A.it's not a dangerous thing to doB.it is quite simple to understandC.the cost is not so highD.there is no real proof3.which of the following English expressions would a defensive pessimist believe?A.Don't put all your eggs in one basket.B.The glass is half full not half empty.C.Whatever will be, will be.D.Every cloud has a silver lining.4.The writer would probably describe himself as .A.An optimistB. a defeatistC. a realistD. a scientist语篇解读本文是一篇说明文,主要说明的是防御非观主义的积极力量。




Expensive perfumes(香水) come in tiny bottles, but many hide a whale-sized secret. To perfect a particular smell, perfume-makers often use an ingredient that comes from sperm whales, called ambergris. But using ambergris, which helps a perfume last longer, is strongly opposed by many people who think it is wrong to kill whales just so we can sweet, Joerg Bohlmann is neither a perfumer nor a whale expert, He's a plant biologist at the University of British Columbia in Canada. But his discovery of a new plant gene(基因) might push whales out of the perfume business.The gene comes from fir trees, found throughout North America and commonly used as Christmas trees. The trees produce a chemical that can be used in perfume in place of ambergris—but with a catch.“There's a problem that many people wouldn't consider. In the tree, the chemical is mixed with many others. That makes separation a challenge,” Bohlmann says.”It's like trying to isolate sugar from a biscuit.”This is where science becomes useful. When Bohlmann learned that fir trees produce the ambergris-like chemical, he decided to use his gene know-how to find the instructions for how to make the ambergris-substitute.Bohlmann found that gene and took it out of the tree cells. Then he did something that might sound strange to someone who doesn't work in genetics: Bohlmann put the gene from the tree into yeast(酵母) cells.Yeast may sound familiar because it's used to make things like bread, wine and beer. Biologists like to work tith yeast because it easily adopts new genes and changes its features and behavior. When Bohlmann put the fir tree into the yeast, the yeast started making the same chemical that had seen produced by the tree.Perfumers pay big money for ambergris because it is a fixative, which means it holds a smell in place on a person's body.“Cheap perfumes smell good in the first hour or so and then everything it gone.” explains Bohlmann. “But expensive perfumes are much more stable. Their smell lastsmuch longer, for hours or even a day after you appl y them.”The new chemical, made from the tree genes, can be used as a fixative, too. And using yeast to make it is far cheaper than acquiring ambergris.Bohlmann admits he never thought he'd get into the perfume business. But now, he says, producers have been calling to find out how to use his technology in mew perfumes.1.It can be inferred from the passage that if a perfume contains ambergris, .A.Its user probably supports whale huntingB.Its smell will last for about an hourC.There will be a whale symbol on hourD.It is probably very expensive2.The underlined expression “with a catch” in Paragrph 3 means .A.Being difficult to holdB. having a hidden problemC. needing further testingD. being too similar3. According to the passage, why are yeast cells often used in genetic research?A. They can take on the characteristics of other genesB. They can reproduce much faster than other cells.C. They share some of the qualities of plant genes.D. They're much cheaper to use than ambergris.4. What can we learn about Joerg Bohlmann from the passage?A. He is opposed to whale hunting.B. He made his discovery during Christmas.C. He has worked in the perfume industry for many years.D. He has previously done genetic esearch.语篇解读本文是一篇科普说明文。




Whenever we turn on the TV or radio,read the newspapers,surf the Internet, we’ll be surrounded by the word "diet” everywhere。

We have so easily been attracted by the promise of diet products that we have stopped thinking about what diet products are doing to us. We are paying for products that harm us psychologically(心理上地)and physically.It’s obvious that diet products weaken us psychologically. They allow us to jump over the thinking stage that our weight problems lie not in actually losing the weight,but in controlling the consumption of fat。

All we have to do is to swallow or recognize the word "diet” in food labels。

What’s more, diet products have greater psychological effects。

Every time we have a zero—calorie drink, we are telling ourselves that we don’t have to work to get results.Diet products make people believe that gain comes without pain, and that life can be without resistance and struggle。




(2015年河北唐山模拟)My16-year-old son, Anton, had gone to the local swimming hole. Most of the kids swim there, and there are plenty of rocks for them to use as safe harbors, so I had no fears for his safety.S till, the firefighter's first words” You need to come up here to the Still water River” made me catch my breath, and his follow-up words gave me relief: “You son is OK.”When I got to the river, I immediately saw the fire truck, ambulance and Anton, wrapped with a towel about his shoulders, sitting quietly on a low platform of the fire engine.I hurried over to him. “You OK?” I asked.“Yeah,” was all he said. But my eyes begged for an explanation, I didn't get it from my son, however, who tends to play his cards close to his vest.The story was this; a woman was being swept under water. Hearing the cries, Anton and his friend Tyler, without hesitation, swam out to her, and brought her safely to shore.In an age in which the wore “hero” is broadcast with aban don and seemingly applied to anyone who make it through the day, I realized the real thing in my son. The teens are stubborn and self-centred, but that didn't mean they have no desire to do good. Still shocked by my son's daring, I drove him home. Along the way, I tried to dig out some more information from him—but he had precious little to say. The only words he said were, “What's for supper?”I spent some time alone that evening, thinking about the tragedy that might have been. The next morning, when Anton got up, I half expected him to tell me the story. But all he did was toast some bread, pull himself together, and head for the door to starta new day. Watching from the window. I was reminded that still water often runs deep.1.Why did the mother allow her son to swim there?A.He was an excellent swimmer.B.The water of the river is shallow.C.He was old enough to swimD.The rocks can be of help of there's danger2.The underlined part “who tends to play his cards close to his vest” probably means .A.Anton is a boy fond of swimming with other kidsB.Anton is unwilling to tell others what he thinksC.Anton always has a desire to help othersD.Anton seldom changes his mind3.In the mother's eyes, what her son did wasA.Dangerous but interestingB. meaningful but difficultC. unexpected and courageousD. awful and absurd4. What might be the best title for the passage?A, My Son, My Hero B. Anton, A Silent BoyC. A Good DeedD. A proud Mother语篇解读本文主要讲述的是作者的儿子去游泳时救人的故事。




Harriet Tubman was an African-American woman who fought against slavery。

She was born in 1820。

She helped many people escape from slavery through the Underground Railroad。

It was an organized effort to help slaves from the southern states to areas that banned slavery.Slaves could be sold freely. Families were often separated。

Harriet married a free black man named John Tubman in 1844, yet she remained a slave。

In 1849,the farmer who owned her died. Then she ran to the home of a white woman who had offered to help her。

This woman told her how to reach another home where she could hide. Harriet Tubman want from place to place in this way。

This was how the Underground Railroad operated. Finally,she went into the northern state of Pennsylvania。

During the next ten years,she led an expanded Underground Railroad, and helped 300 slaves escape。





Several years ago I was diagnosed with cancer。

It was the most difficult time I have ever faced。

I think it was my sense of humor that allowed me to hold onto my sanity (心智健全). Like many people who have gone through chemotherapy (化疗),I lost all of my hair,being bald as a golf ball。

I always had enjoyed wearing hats, so I ordered several special hats with the hair already attached。

It was easy and I never had to worry about how my hair looked。

I have always been a big golf fan. At one point during my cancer treatments,my husband John and I decided to get away from the cold Minnesota winter and took a trip to Scottsdale, Arizona。

There was a Senior PGA Tour even cal led “The Tradition” being played, and that seemed like just the ticket to lift my spirits.The first day of the tournament brought out a huge crowd。



四川省成都市2016高考英语阅读理解二轮基础训练80集连载(38)【2016高考训练】阅读下列短文, 从给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出最佳选项。

In the mid­1950s,I was a somewhat bored early­ado lescent male student who believed that doing_any_more_than_necessary_day,this approach threw me into embarrassment.In 's e ighth­grade math class at Central Avenue School in Anderson,Indiana,we were learning to add and subtract decimals (小数).Our teacher typically assigned daily homework,which would be recited in class the following most days,our grades were based on our oral answers to homework questions. usually walked up and down the rows of desks requesting answers from student after student in the order the questions had appeared on our homework would start either at the front or the back of the classroom and work toward the other end.Since I was seated near the middle of about 35 students,it was easy to figure out which questions I might have to particular time,I had completed my usual two or three problems according to my calculations.What I failed to expect was that several students were absent,which threw off my made her way from the beginning of the class,I desperately tried to determine which math problem I would tried to work it out before she got to me,but I had brain freeze and couldn't function.When reached my desk,she asked what answer I'd got for problem .“I...I didn't get anything,”I answered,and my face felt warm.“Correct,”she said.It turned out that the correct answer was zero.What did I learn that day?First,always do all your ,in real life it isn't always what you say but how you say it that ,I would never make it as a mathematician.If I could choose one school day that taught me the most,it would be that one. 1.What does the underlined part in Paragraph 1 indicate?A.It is wise to value one's time.B.It is important to make an effort.C.It is right to stick to one's belief.D.It is enough to do the necessary.2.Usually, asked her students to ________.A.recite their homework togetherB.grade their homework themselvesC.answer their homework questions orallyD.check the answers to their homework questions3.The author could work out which questions to answer since the teacher always ________.A.asked questions in a regular wayB.walked up and down when asking questionsC.chose two or three questions for the studentsD.requested her students to finish their usual questions4.The author failed to get the questions he had expected because ________. A.the class didn't begin as usualB.several students didn't come to schoolC.he didn't try hard to make his estimateD. didn't start from the back of the class5.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?A.An Unforgettable Teacher B.A Future MathematicianC.An Effective Approach D.A Valuable Lesson答案:【语篇解读】本文为记叙文。




(2015年河南周口模拟)A small piece of fish each day may keep the heart doctor away. That's the finding of a study of Dutch men in which deaths from heart disease were more than 50 percent lower among those who consumed at least an ounce of salt-water fish per day compared to those who never ate fish.The Dutch research is one of three human studies that give strong scientific support to the long held belief that eating fish can provide health benefits, particularly to the heart.Heart disease is the number-one killer in the United States, with more than 550,000 deaths occurring from heart attacks each year. But previous research has shown that the level of heart disease is lower in cultures that consume more fish than Americans do. There are fewer heart disease deaths, for example, among the Eskimos of Greenland, who consume about 14 ounces of fish a day, and among the Japanese, whose daily fish consumption averages more than 3 ounces.For 20 years, the Dutch study followed 852 middle-aged men, 20 percent of whom ate no fish. At the start of the study, average fish consumption was about two-thirds of an ounce each day, with more men eating lean fish than fatty fish.During the next two decades, 78 of the men died from heart disease. The fewest deaths were among the group who regularly ate fish, even at levels far lower than those of the Japanese or Eskimos. This relationship was true regardless of other factors such as age, high blood pressure, or blood cholesterol(胆固醇)levels.1.In which section of a newspaper can we read this passage?A.AdsB. MoviesC. Briefs.D. Health and Diet.2.The passage is mainly about .A.The high incidence of heart disease in some countriesB.The changes in people's dietC.The effect of fish eating on people's healthD.The daily fish consumption of people in different cultures3.The underlined phrase “this relationship” in Paragraph 5 refers to the connection between and the level of heart disease.A.Then amount of fish eatenB. regular fish-eatingC. the kind of fish eatenD. people of different areas4. From the passage we know the author is most probably .A. a heart doctorB. a science researcherC. a supporter of healthy eatingD. a university student语篇解读本文主要介绍的是有关吃鱼对人身体的影响的一个研究报告。




(2015年湖北省黄冈中学等三校联考)I remember the first time that I was about 8 years old when for the first time, there was a computer in the classroom. I remember that my teacher allowed each student to take turns to play various educational games on the computer. One day, I found the source code for one of these games. Without knowing or being taught any programming language, I was able to figure out some of the BASIC code. I just gave myself a limitless number of lives in the game, so I could continue playing it forever. This was also my first introduction to algebra, and I didn't even know it at the time. This was a decisive moment in my life. I was quite excited because of what I was learning and what I was able to do. As a result, I was enthusiastic for the rest of my life about self-learning and computers, and I was quite happy doing them too.I've noticed that people who are truly content with life are enthusiastic about what they do. This enthusiasm, along with good health, is the key to being happy. It also leads to self-confidence and content in life too. It may also lead to success, wealth and achievements.Success, wealth or achievements can also bring some people happiness, yet I know plenty of rich people who are unhappy. I know many people with successful businesses that are not happy with what they are doing. I know people who continuously buy themselves new toys, such as cars, computers, and televisions, yet never seem content for too long. Please remember, happiness is the journey of life, not the destination.1.What can we know from paragraph 1?A.The author has a great talent for algebra.B.Creative thinking is necessary for every child.C.The BASIC code of the computer is not difficult.D.The author's experience in his childhood changed his life2.The author wants to tell us through the first paragraph that .A.Interest is the best teacherB.Children are the hope of the futureC.Young people are fearlessD.Where there's a will, there's a way3.What is the secret of happiness in the author's opinion?A.Success and wealth.B.Gifts and self-confidence.C.Enthusiasm and good health.D.Knowledge and achievements.4.We can infer from the last paragraph that .A.Rich people generally feel unhappyB.Wealth can't bring people any happinessC.One will feel unhappy once he has gained all the things he wantsD.Being enthusiastic about what you are doing is more important than wealth语篇解读本文通过作者小时候的一次经历引入“兴趣是最好的老师”这一观点。




(2015年山东潍坊一中模拟)Many experts say that Billy Wilder changed the history of American movies. He is often called the best movie maker Hollywood has ever had.He was known for making movies that offered sharp social comment. Wilder was one of the first directors to do this. Between the middle 1930s and the 1980s, Billy Wilder made almost fifty movies. During that time he received more than twenty nominations(提名) from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. He won six of the Oscar awards. His movies have been seen by people around the world.In 1944, Billy Wilder made the film Double Indemnity. Some critics said this movie established him as one of the greatest Hollywood directors. Wilder directed The Lost Weekend in 1945. Ray Milland plays the part of an alcohol rules his life, yet he does not admit it. He hides alcohol in his home and says he is not drinking.In 1950, Wilder made Sunset Boulevard. This movie told of an aging actress in silent movies. She plans to return to movies though facing many problems. In 1954, Billy Wilder became an independent producer. The next year, Wilder's first movie as an independent filmmaker was a huge success. It was The Seven Year Inch. In this movie, a married man wants to cheat on his wife with some of his friends. In 1959, wilder made a funny movie that was very popular. It was Some Like It Hot. It tells about two jazz musicians being chased by criminals. They decide to wear women's clothes and join a band in which all the musicians were women.Wilder died in March, 2002. He was ninety-five. A current Hollywood producer said, “Billy Wilder made movies that people will never forger.”1.The text is mainly aboutA.The background of American moviesB.wilder's achievements in American moviesC.wilder's attitude to American moviesD.the development of American movies2.What was Wilder famous for according to Paragraph 2?A.Sharp remarks on society in his moviesB.His unique style of making moviesC.More than twenty awards he received.D.Almost fifty movies he produced himself.3.Which of the following made Wilder among the greatest Hollywood directors?A.The lost weekendB. Sunset BoulevardC. Double IndemnityD. Some Like It Hot语篇解读本文讲述的是Billy Wilder 对于美国电影的贡献。

四川省成都市高考英语二轮复习 阅读理解提升选练80集

四川省成都市高考英语二轮复习 阅读理解提升选练80集


In my experience, freshmen today are different from those I knew when I started as a professor 25 years ago. College has always been demanding both academically and socially. But students now are less mature and often not ready for the responsibility of being in college.Many of today’s students lack resilience (适应力)and at the first sign of difficulty are unable to think out strategies. The hardship can be a failing grade on a test, a cut from the team, or a romantic breakup.It is really too easy to point the finger at parents who protect their children from life’s obstacles. Parents, who handle every difficulty and every other responsibility for their children from writing admission essays to picking college courses, certainly may contribute to their children’s lack of coping strategies. But we can look even more broadly to the social trends of today.How many people do you know who are on medications (治疗) to prevent anxiety or depression? The number of students who arrive at college already medicated for unwanted emotions has increased dramatically in the past 10 years. We, as a society, don’t want to“feel” anything unpleasant and we certainly don’t wan t our children to“suffer”. The resulting problem is that by not experiencing negative emotions, one does not learn the necessary skills to tolerate and solve problems.Our world is more stressful in general because of the current economic and political re alities, but I don’t believe that the college experience itself is more intense today than the past 10 years. What I do think is that many students are often not prepared to be young “adults”with all the responsibilities of life.As parents, we should expect young people to meet challenges. To encourage them in this direction, we have to step back and let them fail and pick themselves up andmove forward. This approach needs to begin at an early age so that college can actually be a passage to independent adulthood.1. The best title of the text probably is_____A. Have College Freshmen Changed?B. What Should College Faculty and Staff Do Today?C. What Difficulty Are Freshmen Facing?D. How to Get Used to College Life for Freshmen?2. According to the text, today’s freshmen_____.A. are not good at dealing with problemsB. often fail in the examsC. can’t get along well with classmatesD. have to experience more intense college life3. If freshmen become more mature to face and solve problems, they should______.A. experience negative emotions themselvesB. ask parents, teachers and coaches for more helpC. receive medications to prevent anxiety or depressionD. put their hearts and soul into the study4. The text is mainly written for_____.A. teachersB. parentsC. studentsD. psychologists【参考答案】1—4、AAAB阅读下列四篇短文,从每小题后所给的A,B,C或D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

四川省成都市高考英语二轮复习 阅读理解提升选练80集

四川省成都市高考英语二轮复习 阅读理解提升选练80集


The word proactivity is fairly common in management literature, but you won`t find it in the dictionary. It means that as a human being you take responsibility for your own life.Look at the word responsibility: ability to choose your response, response-ability. Effective people are proactive because they take responsibility. Their behavior is a product of their own decisions, based on values, rather than being a product of their own conditions, based on feelings. For instance, you are planning a picnic with your family. You`re excited. You have all the preparations, You've decided where to go, and then it becomes stormy, killing your plan. Proactive people carry weather within them. They realize what their purpose really was, and they creatively have a picnic elsewhere even if it's in their own basement with some special games, and make the best of that situation. The opposite of being proactive is to be reactive. Reactive people would say, “What's the use?””We can't do anything.” “Oh this is so upsetting after all of our preparations and arrangements.” They try to persuade the people around them and usually the picnic will be cancelled.Being proactive is really just being true to your human nature. Your basic nature is to act, and not to be acted upon. That's true, despite widely accepted theories of determinism used to explain human nature. Determinism says that you don't really choose anything and that what you call choices are nothing more than automatic responses to outside conditions.The language of reactive people is lie:”I can't .” “Don't have time.”” I have to .” I must.” The whole spirit of that language is the transfer of responsibility. They think things are determined by their environment, or by their conditions, or by their conditioning or their genetic makeup. Psychologically, people who believe they are determined will produce the evidence to support the belief, and they increasingly feel victimized and out of control. They're not in charge of their life at all.On the contrary, a proactive person exercises free will, the freedom to choose the response that best applies to his values. In that way, he gains control over the circumstances, rather than being controlled by them.1.According to the passage, a proactive person's behavior can result from .A.The environmentB. an inner beliefC. the genetic makeupD. a temporary feeling2. When a picnic plan is threatened by a sudden storm, reactive people will probably .A. have the picnic as plannedB. make the best of the picnicC. complain and give up the picnicD. find somewhere else for the picnic3. What does” carry weather within them” in the second paragraph probably mean?A. Manage to improve the weather.B. Give in to the weather passively.C. Stress the influence of the weather.D. Find a solution to the weather problems.4. It can be concluded from the passage that determinists(宿命论者) .A. accept things passivelyB. are in charge of themselvesC. are similar to proactive peopleD. respond to outside conditions actively语篇解读本文主要介绍了积极的人和消极的的之间的区别,例如在遇到天气不好野餐计划搁浅的时候,积极的人会想办法进行野餐,而消极的人却由周围的环境左右其决定。





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Going on holiday not only makes you feel good while you're there -—- you gain the health benefits for months,new research shows。

Jetting off to exotic destinations such as the Maldives cuts your blood pressure,helps you sleep better and bounce back from stress,it found。

The benefits last at least a fortnight longer than the vacation and can be felt for months in some cases where it is claimed。

Experts say workers should always take their full holiday entitlement each year ——— as many as one in three don’t ——- to get the benefits.The study compared key health markers in holidaymakers visiting Thailand,Peru or the Maldives, with people who stayed at home and continued working。

The average blood pressure of those on holiday dropped by six percent while the workers saw their blood pressure rise by two percent over the same period。




(2015年甘肃甘谷一中检测一)By knowing what king of learner you are,you can organize your study to best suit your particular way of learning。

Visual learning styleThese learners like to draw,build,design and make things. They like looking at pictures and enjoy jigsaw puzzles and mazes。

They tend to think in pictures rather than words。

Verbal learning styleThese learners are very good at listening and are often very good speakers and story tellers。

They think in words rather than pictures. They like to read and write, and usually have good memories for such things as names,dates and places。

Logical learning styleThese learners are very logical。

They easily recognize numerical and word patterns and look for logical connections between ideas。

They like to figure things out for themselves and love solving problems。

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(2015年甘肃甘谷一中检测一)By knowing what king of learner you are, you can organize your study to best suit your particular way of learning.Visual learning styleThese learners like to draw, build, design and make things. They like looking at pictures and enjoy jigsaw puzzles and mazes. They tend to think in pictures rather than words.Verbal learning styleThese learners are very good at listening and are often very good speakers and story tellers. They think in words rather than pictures. They like to read and write, and usually have good memories for such things as names, dates and places.Logical learning styleThese learners are very logical. They easily recognize numerical and word patterns and look for logical connections between ideas. They like to figure things out for themselves and love solving problems. They enjoy working with abstract(抽象) ideas. Bodily learning styleThese learners like to move around a lot and to touch objects and people. They often wave their hands around then they are talking. They are good at physical activities, such as sport and dancing, and they enjoy making things with their hands. Naturalistic learning styleThese learners love to be outside. They are interested in nature and are usually fond of animals. They are often involved with nature conservation groups. They are excellent at planning picnics and other outdoor activities. They like to understand how things in nature work.Music learning styleThese learners appreciate music. They are usually good at singing or playing musical instruments and can often compose music. They are often very sensitive to noises aroundthem and are sometimes easily distracted(分散注意力)by background noises. Interpersonal learning styleThese learners like to be surrounded by people. They usually have lots of friends and like to join groups and clubs. They are often the leaders of any group they join and they are very good peace makers/Intrapersonal learning styleThese people are quite happy in their own company. The spend a lot of time thinking about things such as their dreams and hopes and their relationships with other people. They prefer to work alone and to follow their own interests.1.If a person usually puts things into categories and sorts when thinking, he is most probably .A. A bodily learnerB. a visual learnerC. a logical learnerD. a verbal learner2. naturalistic learners learn best .A. through music and rhythm(旋律)B. in a natural setting rather than a built environmentC. with pets around themD. in the condition that there is loud natural noise3. An intrapersonal learner may be different from an interpersonal learner in the way that .A. he/she is not good at communicating with othersB. his/her individual ability is rather goodC. he/she is slow in thinking out the answers to problemsD. his/her relationship with others is always bad4. The best title for this passage would beA. How Should You LearnB. How to Learn BestC. Choose Your StyleD. Learning Sty les语篇解读本文主要讲述的是通过了解自己是哪种类型的学习者,从而更好的认识自己,找到适合自己的学习方式。

1. C 细节理解。

根据They easily recognize numerical and word patterns and look for logical connections between ideas. They like to figure things out for themselves and love solving problems. They enjoy working with abstract ideas. 可知选C 项。

2. B 细节理解题。

根据倒数第四段They are often involved with nature conservation groups. They are excellent at planning picnics and other outdoor activities. They like to understand how things in nature work.可知,这种类型的学习者非常擅长制定计划与户外活动,他们喜欢了解事物是如何在自然界中起作用的。

3. A 细节理解题。

根据最后一段They spend a lot of time thinking about things such as their dreams and hopes and their relationships with other people.可知,他们会花很多的时间思考他们的梦想、希望和与他人的关系。


4. D 主旨大意题。



The literal meaning of philosophy is “love of wisdom”. But this meaning does not tell us very much. Unlike the other disciplines(学科),philosophy cannot be defined by what you study ,because it is actually unlimited. Anything can be the subject matter of philosophy: are, history, law, language, literature, mathematics, and in fact, the other academic disciplines are directly related to philosophy. For this reason you get a Doctorate(博士学位)of Philosophy (Ph. D.) in biochemistry, or computer science, or psychology.Two broad sub-fields of philosophy are logic and the history of philosophy. Logic is the science of argument and critical thinking. It provides sound methods for distinguishing good from bad reasoning .The history of philosophy involves the study of major philosophers and period in the development of philosophy.Of what use is philosophy? First it is useful in educational advancement. It is necessary for understanding other disciplines. Only philosophy questions the nature of the concepts used in a discipline, and its relation to other discoveries. And through the study of philosophy, one develops sound methods of research and analysisthat can be applied to any field.There are a number of general uses of philosophy. It str engthens one’s ability to solve problems, to communicate, to organize ideas and issues, to persuade, and to take what is the most important form a large quantity of data. These general uses are of great benefit in the career field, not necessarily obtainin g one’s first job after graduation, but for preparing for position of responsibility, management and leadership later on. It is very shortsighted after all, to take a course of studies only for the purpose of getting one’s first job. The useful skills deve loped through the study of philosophy have significant long-term benefits in career advancement. No other discipline systematically follows the ideals of wisdom, leadership, and capacity to resolve human conflict.1.According to Paragraph 1. Philosophy can best be described as the study of .A.social sciencesB.natural sciencesC.both social and natural sciencesD.the subject matter of politics2.With the study of philosophy, you can .A.become a great leaderB.succeed in everythingC.find a good job soon after graduationD.make progress in your career development3.According to the passage, which of the follwing statements is TRUE?A.Philosophy is an independent discipline.B.Logic helps you to become a better thinker.C.The study of philosophy brings you immediate benefits.D.The meaning of philosophy is too limited to define.4. From the passage, we can concludeA.not all the subjects have to do with philosophyB.a person will get a Ph. D. if he/she studies philosophyC.philosophy can be helpful for the study of any other subjectsD.philosophy is the only solution to all the problems in the world【参考答案】C D B C2016高考训练题。
