
24VDC 1/4NPT 1/2NPT Exd IIC T6
ZW-15J G 1/2" AC220V

推力杆总成 推力杆总成 推力杆总成 推力杆总成 推力杆总成 推力杆总成 推力杆总成 推力杆总成 推力杆总成 推力杆总成 推力杆总成 操纵阀 操纵阀修理包 操纵阀 操纵阀 操纵阀 操纵阀 变速箱操纵接头总成 球铰接头总成 球头销总成 球形接头总成 活塞杆接头总成 球铰接头总成 球铰接头总成
288.00 369.00 350.00 310.00 252.00 260.00 276.80 272.00 278.00 280.00 292.00 55.00 21.60 55.00 65.00 179.00 164.00 23.00 78.00 100.00 78.00 90.00 30.00 30.00 99018470024 189000240031 99018470025 29AH4D-09460 DZ9114520174 DZ9114520175 29AH4D-09410//WG9114521175/2//99014520174//199014520174 99014520175//99014520175//199014520175
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
22141100010 22141100020 22142100010 22142180010 22253200020 22253500010 22263500010 22263500020 22264000030 22300000020 22300000030 22420060014 22420060024 22430010024 22440010024 22530010014 22540010014 23115200010 23115200020 23115200030 23115200040 23115200050 23115200060 23115200070 23115200090
伺服电动机 - 首页东方马达(ORIENTAL MOTOR)中国官 …

●带电磁制动电动机用 13日
免增益调整 NX
长度 L( m) 1 2 3 5 7 10 15 20
含税定价 678元 823元 969元
NX系列附属有连接电动机与驱动器的1m、2m或3m长度的电缆线。 电动机及驱动器之间间隔3m以上时,请使用连接用电缆线套件或中继电缆线套件。 标准电动机附属电动机用电缆线、编码器用电缆线,带电磁制动电动机附属电动机用电缆线、编码器用电缆线、电磁制动用电缆线。 如需要反复弯曲电缆线,请使用可动电缆线。
长度 L(m ) 1 2 3 5 7 10 15
含税定价 670元 767元 864元
1,058元 1,251元 1,542元 2,026元
◇ 可动中继电缆线套件
52316-2019(Molex) 54331-1201(Molex)
54331-1201(Molex) 300+030
ϕ7.5 43.46 33.3
ϕ6.4 6.2 mm以下
12.7 18

液压注意 – 用户方责任 错误或不当地选择或使用本样本或有关资料阐述的产品,可能会导致人生伤亡及财产损失! 本样本以及其它由派克汉尼汾公司及其子公司、销售公司与授权分销商所提供的资料,仅供用户专业技术人员在对产品和系统的选型进行深入调查考证时参考。
目录目录页次概述 1 订货代号 2 技术参数 4 变量控制器 5 控制选项 “C”, 压力限定(恒压)变量控制器 5 控制选项 “L”, 负载传感及压力限定变量控制器 6 控制选项 “AM”, 带遥控口的标准型先导式压力限定变量控制器 7 控制选项 “AN”, 带ISO 4401 NG06先导阀安装界面的先导式压力限定变量控制器 8 控制选项 “AE”及“AF”, 带电磁比例调节的先导式压力限定变量控制器 9 控制选项 “AMT”, “ALT”及“LOT”, 带最高压力限定的扭矩限定(恒功率)变量控制器 10 P1性能特性 11典型流量特性 11 典型总效率特性 13 典型轴输入功率特性 15 典型噪声特性 18 典型轴承寿命 20 PD性能特性 22典型流量特性 22 典型总效率特性 24 典型轴输入功率特性 26 典型噪声特性 29 典型轴承寿命 31 安装尺寸 33 P1/PD 018 33 P1/PD 028 36 P1/PD 045 40 P1/PD 060 44 P1/PD 075 49 P1/PD 100 54 P1/PD 140 59 变量控制器安装尺寸 65 可提供的扩展的液压产品 75派克汉尼汾备记派克汉尼汾概述简介, 优点派克汉尼汾简介 • 开式回路用轴向柱塞式变量液压泵 • 中压,连续工作压力280 bar • 高驱动转速型,适用于行走机械; 低噪声型,适用于工业应用 • 静音及高效的控制效能 优点 • 总结构尺寸紧凑 • 低噪声• 流量脉动小,进一步降低噪声• 采用弹性密封,不使用密封垫,从而避免外泄漏的产生• 总效率高,功耗小,减小发热• 采用带无泄漏调节装的简单变量控制器 • 符合SAE 及ISO 标准的安装法兰及油口 • 采用圆锥滚柱轴承,使用寿命长 • 全功率后驱动能力• 后部或侧面油口配置可选• 泄油口的配置对水平安装及驱动轴向上垂直安装均适用• 带有最大及最小排量调节选项 • 具有壳体至吸口单向阀选项,可延长轴封寿命 • 使用、维修方便 脉动容腔技术下列图表所示为侧向油口配置P1/PD 18, 28及45泵采用 “脉动容腔” 技术的效果,脉动容腔可降低泵出口处的压力脉动幅值40-60%,这样,无需增加成本来加装噪声缓冲元件,便可大大降低液压系统的整体噪声,P1系列 PD 系列出口压力p / bar平均压力脉动 / b a rP1 045出口压力脉动2600 rpm 无脉动容腔2600 rpm 带脉动容腔订货代号18 ml, 28 ml, 45ml派克汉尼汾P 类型 01 驱动轴 转向R 5密封材料E 油口配置0 壳体-吸口 单向阀 0 排量调节 018 排量 S 安装法兰 及油口 S 轴封 M 应用范围A 设计系列0 通轴驱动选项 C0控制选项0附加控制选项 00油漆 00修改代号系列 P D * 仅适用于045排量, “S”型安装法兰及油口00 标准型, 无修改M2 按要求修改 代号修改代号 * 适用于028及045排量 ** 仅适用于045排量 代号设计系列 A 现行设计系列5 氟碳橡胶 (FPM) 代号密封材料 A 82-2 SAE A M33x2 M27x2 BSPP 1/4”, 3/8” 101-2 SAE B M42x2 M27x2 BSPP 1/4”, 1/2” 101-2SAE B M48x2M33x2Ø38/25DN51/25BSPP 1/4”, 1/2”B ISO M33x2 M27x2 BSPP 1/4”,3/8”ISO M42x2 M27x2 BSPP 1/4”, 1/2” ISO M48x2M33x2Ø38/25DN51/25BSPP 1/4”, 1/2”代号 018排量 028排量 045排量 安装法兰及油口 安装 法兰 螺纹 油口 辅助 油口 安装 法兰 螺纹 油口 辅助 油口 安装法兰螺纹油口法兰 油口辅助 油口 S 82-2 SAE A SAE 16/12 SAE 4/6 101-2 SAE B SAE 20/12 SAE 4/8 101-2SAE B SAE 24/16Ø38/2561系列SAE 4/10M ISO M33x2 M27x2 M12x1.5 M16x1.5 ISO M42x2 M27x2 M12x1.5 M22x1.5 ISO M48x2M33x2Ø38/25DN51/25M12x1.5M22x1.5代号 018驱动轴 028驱动轴 045驱动轴 01 SAE A 11T 花键SAE B-B 15T 花键 SAE B-B 15T 花键02 SAE 19-1平键Ø0.75” SAE B-B 平键Ø1” SAE B-B 平键Ø1” 08— SAE B 13T 花键 SAE B 13T 花键 04 ISO/DIN 平键, Ø20ISO/DIN 平键, Ø25ISO/DIN 平键, Ø25 06 SAE A 9T 花键— — PD 工业液压用 代号 系列P1 行走机械用 代号 排量 018 18 ml/rev (1.10 in 3/rev) 028 28 ml/rev (1.71 in 3/rev) 045 45 ml/rev (2.75 in 3/rev) 代号 类型 P 开式回路用变量柱塞泵 U*通用 代号应用范围 S 工业液压 (PD) M 行走机械 (P1) R 顺时针 (右转)L 逆时针 (左转)代号 转向 代号 轴封 S 单唇轴封 * 并不具有控制功能,仅在运输时予以防护,详情见第7页的控制说明。
VFA Series Butterfly Valves Instruction Manual

VFA SeriesInstruction Manual D103670X012January 2015 - Rev. 00TMVFA Series Butterfly ValvesSummaryIntroduction ........................................................................ 1P .E.D. Categories and Fluid Group ................................... 1Characteristics ................................................................... 2Labelling ............................................................................ 2Overpressure Protection .................................................... 2Transport and Handling ..................................................... 2Atex Requirements ............................................................ 2Dimensions and Weights ................................................... 3Installation ......................................................................... 4Shutdown ........................................................................... 4Maintenance ...................................................................... 4Spare Parts ........................................................................ 5Parts Lists .......................................................................... 6Schematic Assemblies . (7)INTrODuCTION Scope of ManualThis manual provides instructions for installation, shutdown, maintenance and spare parts ordering for the VFA series butterfly valves.Product DescriptionThe butterfly valves series VFA are "wafer" flangeless type and are used typically in gas reducing stations for a on-off service.This series of butterfly valves is designed basically for trans-mission/distribution grids of the natural gas and for industrial/commercial applications.This product has been designed to be used with fuel gases of 1st and 2nd family according to EN 437, and with other non aggressive and non fuel gases. For any other gases, other than natural gas, please contact your local sales agent.Figure 1. Type VFA-MR Butterfly ValveThe following versions are available:VFa : Lever operated VFa-mr : Gear operatedVFa-mrO : Gear operated for use with absorbingodorizing systemsP .E.D. CaTEGOrIES aND FLuID GrOuPThis product is Pressure Equipment classified in the following categories in according to Directive 97/23/EC PED.Table 1. P.E.D. Categories And Fluid GroupTypeCaTEGOryFLuID GrOuPDN 50 PN 16 - ANSI 150I 1DN 65 ÷ 150 PN 16 - ANSI 150II DN 200 PN 16II DN 250 PN 16III DN 200 ÷ 250 ANSI 150IIIVFA Series2CharaCTErISTICSBody Sizes and End Connection StylesVFa • VFa-mr • VFa-mrODN 50 - 65 - 80 - 100 - 125 - 150 - 200 - 250PN 16 - ANSI 150 flangedThe pressure/temperature limits indicated in this instruction manual or any applicable standard or code limitation should not be exceeded.Maximum Operating Inlet PressurePN 16: 16 bar ANSI 150: 19 barAt average ambient temperature.Minimum/Maximum Allowable Temperature (TS)See labelTemperatureStandard Version:Working -10° to 60°CLow Temperature Version: Working -20° to 60°CMaterialsBody: Steel Disk: Pressed steel Shaft:Stainless steelGaskets: Nitrile NBR rubber (FKM on request)LabELLINGFigure 2. Label for VFA SeriesNote 1: See “Characteristics” Note 2: Year of manufacture Note 3: Temperature class -10°/60°C or -20°/60°C Note 4: PN 16 PS: 16 bar ANSI 150 PS: 19.3 barThe Category I pressure equipments will not have on label any Notified Body reference.OVErPrESSurE PrOTECTIONThe recommended safety pressure limitations are stamped on the valve nameplate (PS). Some type of overpressure protec-tion is needed if the actual inlet pressure exceeds this limits.Personal injury, equipment damage, or leakage due to es-caping fluid or bursting of pressure-containing parts may re-sult if this relief valve is over-pressured or is installed where service conditions could exceed the design operative limits.Valves operation below the maximum pressure limitations does not preclude the possibility of damage from external sources or debris in the line.The valves should be inspected for damage after any over-pressure condition..TraNSPOrT aND haNDLINGEstablished transport and handling procedures shall be fol -lowed to avoid any damage on the pressure containing parts (valve body) by shocks or anomalous stresses.In case of necessity of a harness, a nylon harness will have to be used in order to protect the surface and possible valve accessories.aTEX rEquIrEmENTSIf the provisions of EN 12186 & EN 12279, national regulations, if any, and specific manufacturer recommendations are not put into practice before installation and if purge by inert gas is not carried out before equip -ment’s start-up and shut-down operations, a potential external and internal explosive atmosphere can be present in equipment & gas pressure regulating/measuring stations/installations.VFA Series3If a presence of foreign material in the pipelines is foreseen and purge by inert gas is not carried out, the following procedure is recommended to avoid any possible external ignition source inside the equipment due to mechanical generated sparks :• drainage to safe area via drain lines of foreign materials, if any, by inflow of fuel gas with low velocity in the pipe-work ( 5m/sec)In any case,• provisions of Directive 1999/92/EC and 89/655/EC shall be enforced by gas pressure regulating/measuring station/installation’s end user • with a view to preventing and providing protection against explosions, technical and/or organizational measuresappropriate to the nature of the operation shall be taken (e.g. : filling/exhausting of fuel gas of internal volume of the isolated part/entire installation with vent lines to safe area - 7.5.2 of EN 12186 & 7.4 of EN 12279 ; monitoring of settings with further exhaust of fuel gas to safe area ; connection of isolated part/entire installation to downstream pipeline; ….)• provision in 9.3 of EN 12186 & 12279 shall be enforced by pressure regulating/measuring station/installation’s end user • external tightness test shall be carried out after each reassembly at installation site using testing pressure in accordance with national rules • periodical check/maintenance for surveillance shall be carried out complying with national regulations, if any, andspecific manufacturer recommendations.VFA SERIESVFA-MR AND VFA-MRO SERIESTable 2. VFA Series Dimensions (mm) and Weights (kg)Figure 3. VFA Series DimensionsDImENSIONS aND WEIGhTSVFA Series4INSTaLLaTIONOnly qualified personnel should install or service a butterfly valve.Butterfly valves should be installed, oper -ated, and maintained in accordance with international and applicable codes and regu -lations, and Emerson instructions.Clean out all pipelines before installation of the regulator and check to be sure the regu -lator has not been damaged or has collected foreign material during shipping.Possible fails that cause the shutdown of the valve can create hazard conditions.Personal injury, equipment damage, orleakage due to escaping fluid or bursting of pressure-containing parts may result if this valve is over pressured or is installed where service conditions could exceed the limits given in the Specifications section, or where conditions exceed any ratings of the adja -cent piping or piping connections.Additionally, physical damage to the valve could result in personal injury and property damage due to escaping fluid. To avoid such injury and damage, install the regulator in a safe location..To avoid this, install the butterfly valve:• In a safe area where the is protected from exposure to physical damage and/or corrosive substances • service conditions are within valve capabilities Don’t exceed any ratings of the adjacent flanges or piping connections.Install the valve in any position desired, unless otherwise specified, but be sure flow through the body is in the direction indicated by the arrow on the body.If using a VFA series butterfly valve on hazardous or flam-mable gas service, personal injury and property damage could occur due to fire or explosion of vented gas that may have accumulated.To prevent such injury or damage, provide piping or tubing to vent the gas to a safe, well-ventilated area in accordance also with international and applicable codes and regulations. In particular, when venting a hazardous gas, the piping or tubing should be located far enough away from any buildings or win-dows so to not create a further hazard, and the vent opening should be protected against anything that could clog it.For outdoor installations, the butterfly valve should be located away from vehicular traffic.In order to avoid damaging of the valve disc, special care has to be done in carrying out accurate measurements to assess that it can rotate in the flange of connection and in the pipe without difficulties.Furthermore, center correctly the valve on the connection flanges.A suggested bolt tightening sequence is to process “three o’clock, nine o’clock, twelve o’clock, six o’clock, etc.”. Not ap-ply never the pressure to only partially installed valve.Further the ENs 12186 & 12279, where this product is used : • provide the cathodic protection and electrical isolation to avoid any corrosionShuTDOWNTo avoid personal injury resulting from sud -den release of pressure, isolate the valve from all pressure before attempting disas -sembly and release trapped pressure from the equipment and pressure line.In case of disassembly of main pressure retaining parts for checks and maintenance procedures, external and internal tightness tests have to be done according to appli -cable codes.maINTENaNCE(See Figure 4 and 5)All maintenance procedures must be carried out only by qualified personnel.If necessary, contact our technical support representatives or our authorized dealers.Butterfly valve and its pressure accessories are subject to normal wear and must be inspected periodically and replaced as necessary.VFA Series5The frequency of inspection/checks and replacementdepends upon the severity of service conditions and upon applicable codes and national standards/rules .In accordance with applicable National or Industry codes, standards and regulations/recommendations, all hazards covered by specific tests after final assembling beforeapplying the CE marking, shall be covered also after every subsequent reassembly at installation site, in order to ensure that the equipment will be safe throughout its intended life.Before proceeding with any maintenance work, shutoff the gas upstream and downstream from the regulator, also ensure that there is no gas under pressure inside the body by loosening the upstream and downstream connections.Upon completion, check for leaks using suds.General Maintenancea. Turn valve to “close” position and remove “open” control. Servicing mode will depend on the type of valve control.b. Remove screws (key 23 for sizes DN 50 to DN 200 and key 27 for DN 250), slide off valve body from pipe and replace O-ring (key 7). Note: It may sometimes be neces-sary to widen counterflanges so as to remove valve.c. Remove screws (key 12), hub (key 1) and upper bushing (key 9), and replace O-ring (key 13 and 14).d. On sizes DN 50 to DN 200: Remove dowels (key 6).On size DN 250: Remove bush (key 22), pin (key 6) and replace O-ring (key 20 and 21) if worn.e. Remove shaft (key 4).f. Remove disk (key 8).g. Remove screws (key 11) and plate (key 5).h. Replace gasket unit (key 3) and O-ring (key 6) if worn.i. On sizes DN 125 to DN 200: remove screws (key 17), plug (key 19) and replace O-ring (key 18 and 24).On size DN 250: remove screws (key 19), plug (key 17) and replace O-ring (key 18, 23 and 7).ReassemblyLubricates all seals with “MOLYKOTE 55 M” molybdenum grease.Use the greatest care to avoid damage to seals.Reassemble by reversing the above steps.Tighten all screws uniformly to ensure proper sealing.SParE ParTSSpare parts storage shall be done by proper procedures according to national standard/rules to avoid over aging or any damage.VFA Series6ParTS LISTSVFa Series DN 50 to DN 200 (See Figure 4)Key Description 1 Hub 2 Body 3* Gasket unit 4 Shaft 5 Plate 6 Dowel 7* O-ring 8 Disk9 Upper bushing 10 Lower bushing 11 Screw 12 Screw 13* O-ring 14* O-ring 15 Label 16 Rivet 17 Screw 18* O-ring 19 Plug 20* Gasket 21 Flange 22 Washer 23ScrewVFa Series DN 250 (See Figure 5)Key Description 1 Hub 2 Body 3* Gasket unit 4 Shaft 5 Plate 6 Pin 7* O-ring 8 Disk9 Upper bushing 10 Lower bushing 11 Screw 12 Screw 13* O-ring 14* O-ring 15 Label 16 Rivet 17 Plug 18* O-ring 19 Screw 20* O-ring 21* O-ring 22 Bush 24* Gasket 25 Flange 26 Washer 27ScrewRubber parts marked with (*) are supplied in the “spare parts kit”, recommended as stock.To order the kit it is necessary to communicate to us the type of the valve and its serial number.VFA Series SChEmaTIC aSSEmbLIESLM/7124Figure 4. VFA Butterfly Valve DN 50 to DN 2007VFA SeriesThe Emerson logo is a trademark and service mark of Emerson Electric Co. All other marks are the property of their prospective owners. Tartarini is a mark of O.M.T. Officina Meccanica Tartarini s.r.l., a business of Emerson Process Management.The contents of this publication are presented for informational purposes only, and while every effort has been made to ensure their accuracy, they are not to be construed as warranties or guarantees, express or implied, regarding the products or services described herein or their use or applicability. We reserve the right to modify or improve the designs or specifications of such products at any time without notice.Emerson Process Management Regulator Technologies, Inc., does not assume responsibility for the selection, use or maintenance of any product. Responsibility for proper selection, use and maintenance of any Emerson Process Management Regulator Technologies, Inc., product remains solely with the purchaser.©Emerson Process Management Regulator Technologies, Inc., 2015; All Rights ReservedIndustrial RegulatorsEmerson Process Management Regulator Technologies, A - HeadquartersMcKinney, Texas 75070, USA Tel: +1 800 558 5853Outside U.S. +1 972 548 3574Asia-PacificShanghai 201206, China Tel: +86 21 2892 9000EuropeBologna 40013, Italy Tel: +39 051 419 0611Middle East and AfricaDubai, United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 4811 8100For further information visit /regulatorsNatural Gas Technologies Emerson Process Management Regulator Technologies, A - HeadquartersMcKinney, Texas 75070, USA Tel: +1 800 558 5853Outside U.S. +1 972 548 3574Asia-PacificSingapore 128461, Singapore Tel: +65 6777 8337EuropeO.M.T. Tartarini s.r.l. Via P . Fabbri 1, I-40013 Castel Maggiore (Bologna), Italy Tel: +39 051 419 0611Francel SAS, 3 ave Victor Hugo, CS 80125 - Chartres 28008, France Tel: +33 2 37 33 47 00Middle East and AfricaDubai, United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 4811 8100TESCOMEmerson Process ManagementTescom CorporationUSA - HeadquartersElk River, Minnesota 55330-2445, USA Tels: +1 763 241 3238 +1 800 447 1250Asia-PacificShangai 201206, China Tel: +86 21 2892 9499EuropeSelmsdorf 23923, Germany Tel: +49 38823 31 287O.M.T. Officina Meccanica Tartarini S.R.L., R.E.A 184221 BO Cod. Fisc. 00623720372 Part. IVA 00519501209 N° IVA CEE IT 00519501209, Cap. Soc. 1.548 000 Euro i.v. R.I. 00623720372 - M BO 020330Francel SAS , SIRET 552 068 637 00057 APE 2651B, N° TVA : FR84552068637, RCS Chartres B 552 068 637, SAS capital 534 400 Euro Figure 5. VFA Butterfly Valve DN 250LM/7125。
伺服电动机 - 首页东方马达(ORIENTAL MOTOR)中国官 …

12.7 18
● 适用压接端子 · 端子螺丝尺寸 :M3 · 紧固转矩 :1.2N·m · 最小适用导线 :AWG22( 0.3mm2 )
请注意 ● 不能使用圆形端子。
12.7 13.9 3.2mm以上
5.8 mm以上 4.2 mm以下
CAD、选型 官方网站 使用说明书
52316-2019(Molex) 54331-1201(Molex)
54331-1201(Molex) 300+030
ϕ7.5 43.46 33.3
ϕ6.4 6.2 mm以下
12.7 18
300+300 1000+080
◇ 电磁制动用电缆线
5559-02P-210(Molex) 棒状端子 :AI0.5-8WH (PHOENIX CONTACT)
CAD、选型 官方网站 使用说明书
+30 0
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
进口 国产 型号对照表

序号进口件型号零件名称国产型号1 828904-1 防水栓 MFD006-42 1-1393449-1 保险 1393449-13 140760-4 端子 DJ622-D6.3C4 144431-1 端子 DJ623B-E3.5A-15 144998-5 护套 DJ7041K-3.5-216 160759-3 端子 DJ624-D6.3A7 160762-1 端子 DJ611-2.8*0.5A~B8 160824-6 端子 DJ621-A6.3C9 160869-5 端子 DJ612-6.3A10 160870-3 端子 DJ621-A6.3A11 170032-2 端子 DJ626-D6.0B12 170032-5 端子 DJ626-6.3C13 170233-1 端子 DJ624-D6.3B14 170340-1 端子 DJ6118-6.0B15 170341-1 端子 DJ6118-6.0B16 170341-3 端子 DJ6118-6.0B17 170349-1 端子 DJ6118-6.0A18 170384-1 端子 DJ626-6.0A19 170384-2 端子 DJ626-6.0A20 170452-1 端子 DJ6210-6.3A21 170454-1 端子 DJ6210-6.3B22 170454-2 端子 DJ6210-6.3A23 171630-1 端子 DJ624-G1.8A24 171631-1 端子 DJ614-G1.8A25 171661-1 端子 DJ613-2×0.6A26 171662-1 端子 DJ623-2*0.6A27 171809-1 护套 DJ7015-6.3-2128 172131-1 护套 DJ7034-6-1129 172134-1 护套 DJ7042-6-2130 173630-1 端子 DJ624-G1.8S31 173631-1 端子 DJ624-G1.8A32 173633-1 端子 DJ614-G1.8A33 173645-1 端子 DJ614-G1.8A34 173716-1 端子 DJ6210-1.2A35 174195-1 护套 DJ7012-6-1136 174198-1 护套 DJ7022-6.3-2137 174202-1 护套 DJ7042-6-2138 174204-1 护套 DJ7068-6.3-2139 174259-2 护套 DJ7046-2-1140 174353-7 保险 DJ7026-2-21锁件41 174357-2 护套 DJ7026-2-2142 174465-1 护套 DJ7101-1.8-2143 175090-1 端子 DJ622-4.8*0.8B45 179631-1 护套 DJ7163-1.8-2146 180464-1 端子 DJ627-D6.3B47 180984-5 护套 DJ7019-6.3-2148 282080-1 护套 DJ7021-1.5-2149 282087-1 护套 DJ7031-1.5-2150 282088-1 护套 DJ7041-1.5-2151 282089-1 护套 DJ7051-1.5-2152 282103-1 护套 DJ7011-1.5-1153 282106-1 护套 DJ7041-1.5-1154 282107-1 护套 DJ7051-1.5-1155 282109-1 端子 DJ611-1.5*0.8A56 282110-1 端子 DJ624-1.8A57 282189-1 护套 DJ7023-3.5-2158 282191-2 护套 DJ7033-3.5-2159 282192-1 护套 DJ7043-3.5-2160 282403-1 端子 DJ624-1.8S61 282404-1 端子 DJ611-1.5*0.8A62 282438-1 端子 DJ624C-1.8A63 2-964302-1 端子 LC968H.1.1-4LC968H.1.1-3 护套 LC968H.1.1-364 345208-1 端子 DJ624-G1.8A65 348793-3 护套 DJ7023-1.8-2166 348794-3 护套 DJ7022-1.8-1167 353376-3 端子 DJ221-2S68 353377-7 护套 DJ3021-2-2169 353378-7 护盖 DJ3021-2-21-170 368047-1 护套 DJ7166-2-2171 368049-1 保险 DJ7166-2-2072 368290-1 护套 DJ7811-1.2/3.5-21-173 368293-1 护套 DJ7811-1.2/3.5-21-374 368294-1 护套 DJ7811-1.2/3.5-21-575 368297-1 护套 DJ7811-1.2/3.5-21-676 368333-1 上盖 DJ7811-1.2/3.5-2177 368501-1 护套 DJ7042-1.8-2178 368510-1 护套 DJ7201-1.8-1179 368511-1 护套 DJ7201-1.8-2180 368546-1 护套 DJ7062-1.8-2181 776001-1 端子 DJ624B-1.8B82 828840-1 护套 DJ7033-6.3-2183 936201-1 护套 DJ7163-2.2-2184 936211-1 护套 DJ7163-2.2-1185 962835-1 端子 DJ621-E9.5*1.2C86 962875-2 端子 DJ623-E1.5A88 962881-2 端子 DJ613-2.8*0.8A89 962882-2 端子 DJ613-2.8*0.8A90 962883-2 端子 DJ613-2.8*0.8A91 962884-2 端子 DJ613-2.8*0.8A92 962885-1 端子 DJ613-2.8*0.8A93 963293-1 防水栓 MFD005-494 963530-1 防水栓 MFD001-895 963887-2 黄端子 DJ628A-6.3B96 964273-2 端子 DJ623B-E3.5B97 964284-2 端子 DJ623B-E3.5A-198 964286-2 端子 DJ623-E3.5A/S99 964328-1 端子 DJ6218-E6.3C100 969042-1 端子 DJ6218-E6.3B101 N0174612 端子 DJ612-6.3B102 N904890大众号端子 DJ615-4.8*0.8B103 N907327大众号端子 DJ629-6.3*0.8A/B104 IJO919321大众号护套 DJ7032-4.8-21105 357919321大众号护套 DJ7032-4.8-11106 1-967644-1(安普号) 护套 DJ7021-1-21107 610 360 护套 DJ7161-1-21108 610 360锁件护套 DJ7161-1-20109 4-1437287-5(安普号) 护套 DJ3241-1-21110 174 047-2(安普号) 护套 DJ7201-1-21111 329959718 护套 DJ7022-1.2-21112 1205 2634(德尔福) 护套 DJ7023-1.2-20113 1205 2644(德尔福) 护套 DJ7023-1.2-21114 1216 2188(德尔福) 护套 DJ7024-1.2-21115 1216 2193(德尔福) 护套 DJ7025-1.2-21116 1205 2485(德尔福) 护套 DJ7032-1.2-20117 1211 0293(德尔福) 护套 DJ7032-1.2-21118 PCD0006 护套 DJ7033-1.2-21119 PCD0015 护套 DJ7033-1.2-21120 1207 8090(德尔福) 护套 DJ7035-1.2-21121 174966-2(安普号) 护套 DJ7041-1.2-21122 1216 2144(德尔福) 护套 DJ7042-1.2-21123 1216 2834(德尔福) 护套 DJ7044-1.2-21124 PCD0010 护套 DJ7046-1.2-21125 PCD0004.2 护套 DJ7046-1.2-21126 156544 护套 DJ7151-1.2-21127 156544 锁件 DJ7151-1.2-21 128 179054-6(安普号) 锁件 DJ7161-1.2-20129 179054-6(安普号) 护套 DJ7161-1.2-21130****0250(德尔福) 护套 DJ7161F-1.6-21132 282103-1(安普号) 护套 DJ7011-1.5-11 133 282080-1(安普号) 护套 DJ7021-1.5-21 134 282104-1(安普号) 护套 DJ7021-1.5-11 135 282087-1(安普号) 护套 DJ7031-1.5-21 136 282105-1(安普号) 护套 DJ7031-1.5-11 137 282088-1(安普号) 护套 DJ7041-1.5-21 138 282106-1(安普号) 护套 DJ7041-1.5-11 139 444515-1(安普号) 护套 DJ7045-1.5-21 140 282089-1(安普号) 护套 DJ7051-1.5-21 141 282107-1(安普号) 护套 DJ7051-1.5-11 142 282090-1(安普号) 护套 DJ7061-1.5-21 143 282108-1(安普号) 护套 DJ7061-1.5-11 144 15326423(德尔福) 护套 DJ7042-1.5-11 145****0826(德尔福) 护套 DJ7042-1.5-15 146 348794-3(安普号) 护套 DJ7022-1.8-11 147 174922-1(安普号) 护套 DJ7042-1.8-21 148 444046-1(安普号) 护套 DJ7044-1.8-21 149 7123-8365(矢崎号)护套 DJ7062-1.8-21 150 7157-4588-10(矢崎号)护套 DJ7101-1.8-20 151 7183-4000(矢崎号)护套 DJ7101-1.8-21 152 179631-1(安普号) 护套 DJ7163-1.8-21 153****0888护套 DJ7181-1.8-21 154 174 936-1(安普号) 护套 DJ7201-1.8-11 155 174 952-1(安普号) 护套 DJ7201-1.8-21 156 MG60396(吉士号) 护套 DJ7043-1.8-21 157 348793-3(安普号) 护套 DJ7023-1.8-21 158 MG640322(吉士号) 护套 DJ7021-1.8-11 159 MG640320(吉士号) 护套 DJ7021-1.8-21 160 MG630326-7(吉士号) 护套 DJ7021-1.8-10/20 161 MG640337(吉士号) 护套 DJ7061-1.8-11 162 MG610335(吉士号) 护套 DJ7061-1.8-21 163 MG630338-7(吉士号) 护套 DJ7061-1.8-10/20 164 174352-2(安普号) 护套 DJ7026-2-21165 174353-7(安普号) 护套 DJ7026-2-20166 174354-2(安普号) 护套 DJ7026-2-11167 174355-7(安普号) 护套 DJ7026-2-10168 6180-1181(矢崎号)护套 DJ7012-2-21169 368049-1(安普号) 护套 DJ7166-2-20170 368047-1(安普号) 护套 DJ7166-2-21171 6180-1181(矢崎号)护套 DJ7012-2-21172****1520(矢崎号)护套 DJY7021-2-21173 6242-1011(矢崎号)护套 DJY7021-2-11174 6242-1011(矢崎号)护套 DJY7011-2-11176 353378-2(安普号) 护套 DJ3021-2-21-1177 174655-2(安普号) 护套 DJ7106-2-21178 11848 锁件 DJ7023-2.2-20179 11148 护套 DJ7023-2.2-21180 11074 锁件 DJ7024-2.2-10181 11074 护套 DJ7024-2.2-11182 11074 卡套护套 DJ7024-2.2-11-1 183 11074 密封圈护套 DJ7024-2.2-12 184 7283-7029(矢崎号)锁件 DJ7024-2.2-20185 7283-7029(矢崎号)护套 DJ7024-2.2-21186 82821-47020(矢崎号)护套 DJ7026-2.2-20187 7283-1096-30(矢崎号)护套 DJ7026-2.2-21 188 6189-0443(矢崎号)护套 DJ7031-2.2-21189 6189-0443(矢崎号)锁件 DJ7031-2.2-20190 6189-0443(矢崎号)密封圈 DJ7031-2.2-22 191 11841 护套 DJ7044-2.2-21192 936269-1(安普号) 护套 DJ7063-2.2-20193 936268-1(安普号) 护套 DJ7063-2.2-21194 11780 护套 DJ7064-2.2-21195 10801 护套 DJ7104-2.2-21196 936203-1(安普号) 护套 DJ7163-2.2-10/20 197 936211-1(安普号) 护套 DJ7163-2.2-11198 936201-1(安普号) 护套 DJ7163-2.2-21199 936211-1(安普号) 护套 DJ7163-2.2-11装配体200 62343-1011(矢崎号)护套 DJ7011-2.3-11201 6243-1011(矢崎号)护套 DJY7011-2.3-11 202 6188-0375(矢崎号)护套 DJY7121-2.3-11 203 6181-2594(矢崎号)护套 DJY7121-2.3-21204 6185-0510(矢崎号)护套 DJY7161-2.3-21 205 6188-0353(矢崎号)护套 DJY7161-2.3-11 206 61890763(矢崎号)护套 DJ7042-2.3-21207 69181659(矢崎号)护套 DJ7042-2.3-20208 61890154(矢崎号)护套 DJ7032-2.3-21209 69180358(矢崎号)护套 DJ7032-2.3-20210 6189-0552(矢崎号)护套 DJ7024-2.3-21211 69181260(矢崎号)护套 DJ7024-2.3-20212 MG620153(吉士号KET) 护套 DJ7061-2.3-11213 MG610152(吉士号) 护套 DJ7061-2.3-21214 MG620053(吉士号) 护套 DJ7081-2.3-11215 MG610054(吉士号) 护套 DJ7081-2.3-21216 MG620055(吉士号) 护套 DJ7101-2.3-11217 MG610056(吉士号) 护套 DJ7101-2.3-21218 15326614(德尔福) 护套 DJ7033-2.8-21219 1532 6905(德尔福) 护套 DJ7063-2.8-21锁件220 7.865.362北京格瑞特护套 DJ7081A-2.8-21 221 8.078.121北京格瑞特护套 DJ7081A-2.8-21 222 610207-5(安普号) 护套 DJ7021-3-21223 7123-1933-30(矢崎号)护套 DJ7032-3-21 224 7157-6830-20(矢崎号)护套 DJ7032-3-20 225 15318080(德尔福) 护套 DJ7022-3-21226 12147502(德尔福) 护套 DJ7022-3-20227 4F0440-0000 护套 DJ7044-3-21228 321665507(武汉友德)护套 DJ7112-3-21229 321665515(武汉友德)护套 DJ7092-3-21230 321665556(武汉友德)护套 DJ7052-3-21231 282189-1(安普号) 护套 DJ7023-3.5-21 232 037906240G 护套 DJ7022-3.5-21 233 357972752 护套 DJ7024-3.5-21 234 357972762 护套 DJ7024-3.5-11 235 443906233 护套 DJ7031-3.5-21 236 282246-1(安普号) 护套 DJ7031A-3.5-21 237 282191-1(安普号) 护套 DJ7033-3.5-21 238 144998-5(安普号) 护套 DJ7041K-3.5-21 239 282192-1(安普号) 护套 DJ7043-3.5-21 240 282092-1(安普号) 护套 DJ7551-3.5-21 241 963534-1(安普号) 护套 DJ7553-3.5-21 242 1.928.403,736(BOSCH-4) 护套 DJ7042-3.5-21 243 7282-7041-30(矢崎号)护套 DJ7041-4.8-11 244 10990(矢崎号)护套 DJ7041-4.8-21 245 321751042(武汉友德)护套 DJ7032-5.5-21 246 321750960(武汉友德)护套 DJ7022-5.5-21 247 7.865.176(北京格瑞特)护套 DJ7011-5.5-21 248 MG610 263(吉士号) 护套 DJ7023-6-21249 7122-2810(矢崎号)护套 DJ7012-6-11250 7123-2810(矢崎号)护套 DJ7012-6-21251 7122-2820(矢崎号)护套 DJ7022-6-11252 7122-2830(矢崎号)护套 DJ7034-6-11253 7123-2830(矢崎号)护套 DJ7031-6-21254 7123-2840(矢崎号)护套 DJ7042-6-21255 7122-2840(矢崎号)护套 DJ7042-6-11256 7123-2860(矢崎号)护套 DJ7062-6-21257 1JO 906 233(大众号)护套 DJ7033-6.3-21258 MG640 188-4(吉士号) 护套 DJ7025-6.3-21259 MG630 537-7(吉士号) 护套 DJ7025-6.3-20260 10214 护套 DJ70225-6.3-21 261 MG610 043(吉士号) 护套 DJ70226-6.3-21 262 443 972 995 护套 DJ7052-6.3-21263 8250-6P 护套 DJ7067-6.3-21264 7123-9028(矢崎号)护套 DJM7021-6.3-21265 1JO 971.971(大众号)护套 IJO 971.971266 171 959 999 护套 171 959 999267 7.865.270(北京格瑞特)护套 DJ7041-6.5-21268 8.078.118(北京格瑞特)护套 DJ7041-6.5-25269 7.865.166(北京格瑞特)护套 DJ7061-6.5-21270 8.078.103(北京格瑞特)护套 DJ7061-6.5-25271 10838 护套 DJ7021-8-11272 10839 护套 DJ7021-8-21273 321683518灰(武汉友德)护套 DJ7022A-8-11274 321683500黑(武汉友德)护套 DJ7022C-8-11275 321683526棕(武汉友德)护套 DJ7022B-8-11276 7122-4129-90(矢崎号)护套 DJ7021-9.5-11277 7157-6420-80(矢崎号)护套 DJ7021-9.5-10278 7123-4123-30(矢崎号)护套 DJ7021-9.5-21279 7157-6421-80(矢崎号)护套 DJ7021-9.5-20280 94509-5610(矢崎号)护套 DJY7061-1281 7225-2483-90(矢崎号)护套 DJY7132-1282 7225-2482(矢崎号)护套 DJY7161-1283 7123-1550-90(矢崎号)护套 DJ7181-2/6-21284 7123-1421(矢崎号)护套 DJ7221-2/6-21285 4G0880-0000 护套 DJ7081-2.3/6-11286 4F0860-0000 护套 DJ7081-2.3/6-21287 368290-1(安普号) 护套 DJ7811-1.2/3.5-21-1 288 368333-1(安普号) 护套 DJ7811-1.2/3.5-21-3 289 368293-1(安普号) 护套 DJ7811-1.2/3.5-21-4 290 368294-1(安普号) 护套 DJ7811-1.2/3.5-21-5 291 368297-1(安普号) 护套 DJ7811-1.2/3.5-21-6 292 6098-1998(矢崎号)护套 DJ7171-1.2/2.2-21 293 6098-1164(矢崎号)护套 DJ7181-1.2/2.2-21 294 7.865.193(北京格瑞特)护套 DJ7141-1.8/2.8-21 295 8.078.117(北京格瑞特)护套 DJ7141-1.8/2.8-20 296 C82711-87726 护套 82711-87726297 3724285J11 护套 SXK-H2-7298 C82711-87729 护套 82711-87730299 3724400J81 护套弹簧卡头300 C2711-87728 护套 82711-87725301 3724273J11 护套 SXK-H1-7302 C82711-87725 护套 82711-87728303 C82711-87723 护套 82711-87723304 C82711-87724 护套 82711-87724305 C82711-87730 护套 82711-87729306 7147-8749(矢崎号)护套 JZ-XK-05307 255-3510-0010 护套 JZ-XK-06308 455-4455-0080 护套 JZ-XK-07309 DJ7032-6-21(7.865.110) 护套 DJJ7033-6.3-21 310 DJ7051-6-21(7.865.113) 护套 DJJ7054-6.3-21 311 1725003 保险盒三路分电器盒312 SL-3P 护套 DJD031-1313 1393449-1(安普号) 护套 1393449-1314 730 517-3(吉士号) 端子 DJ621-1A315 173 716-1(安普号) 端子 DJ6210-1.2A316 1210 3881(德尔福) 端子 DJ624-1.2A317 1204 8074(德尔福) 端子 DJ625-1.2A318 1212 9484(德尔福) 端子 DJ626-1.2A319 8100-0544(矢崎) 端子 DJ629-1.2T320 7116-4231-02(矢崎) 端子 DJ629-D1.2T321 1212 4075(德尔福) 端子 DJ627-1.2A322 962 876-1(安普号) 端子 DJ623-E1.5A323 282 109-1(安普号) 端子 DJ611-1.5×0.8A324 7116-1305(矢崎) 端子 DJ621-F1.5B325 173 645-1(安普号) 端子 DJ614-G1.8A326 7116-1486-02(矢崎) 端子 DJ622-1.8A327 282 466-1(安普号) 端子 DJ624C-1.8B328 776 001-1(安普号) 端子 DJ624B-1.8B329 173 631-1(安普号) 端子 DJ624-G1.8A330 ST730495-3(吉士号) 端子 DJ621-1.8A331 ST740484-3(吉士号) 端子 DJ611-1.8A332 171 662-1(安普号) 端子 DJ623-2×0.6A333 171 661-1(安普号) 端子 DJ613-2×0.6A334 730 365-3(吉士号) 端子 DJ621-G2×0.6S335 730 366-3(吉士号) 端子 DJ621-G2×0.6A336 1500-0110(德尔福) 端子 DJ621A-G2×0.6A337 7116-4027(矢崎) 端子 DJ621A-F2.2×0.6C338 1500 0105(德尔福) 端子 DJ612-2.2×0.6A339 8230-4408(矢崎) 端子 DJ612-2.2×0.6C340 7114-4021(矢崎) 端子 DJ611-F2.2×0.6A341 7116-4020(矢崎) 端子 DJ621-F2.2×0.6S342 7116-4021(矢崎) 端子 DJ621-F2.2×0.6A343 7116-4022(矢崎) 端子 DJ621-F2.2×0.6B344 ST730 676-3(吉士号) 端子 DJ622-F2.2×0.6A 345 7114-4025(矢崎) 端子 DJ611A-2.2×0.6A346 7114-4026(矢崎) 端子 DJ611A-2.2×0.6B347 7116-4025(矢崎) 端子 DJ621A-F2.2×0.6A348 8100-3808(矢崎) 端子 DJ622A-2.2×0.6A349 740 367-3(吉士号) 端子 DJ611-2.3×0.6S350 8230-4282(矢崎) 端子 DJ611-2.3×0.6B351 8240-4862(矢崎) 端子 DJ625A-2.3S352 1530-4722(德尔福) 端子 DJ612-2.8×0.8A353 1530-4720(德尔福) 端子 DJ612-2.8×0.8B354 1530-4724(德尔福) 端子 DJ623-2.8×0.8A355 N904 886.02 端子 DJ613-2.8×0.8A356 8240-4050(矢崎) 端子 DJ623-E2.8×0.5B 357 N904 886.02(大众号)端子 DJ616-2.8×0.8A 358 962841-1(安普号) 端子 LC968H.1.1-4359 142754-1(安普号) 端子 DJ614-2.8*0.8A360 740 187-3(吉士号) 端子 DJ611-3×0.6B361 730 383-3(吉士号) 端子 DJ621-F3×0.6A362 730 186-3(吉士号) 端子 DJ621-F3×0.6B363 925590-1(安普号) 端子 DJ6232-E3A364 144 431-1(安普号) 端子 DJ623B-E3.5A-1365 144 432-1(安普号) 端子 DJ623B-E3.5B-1366 928 781-1(安普号) 端子 DJ611-3.5A367 185 026-1(安普号) 端子 DJ623-E3.5A/S368 185 027-1(安普号) 端子 DJ623-E3.5B/S369 2-964 286-1(安普号) 端子 DJ623B-E3.5A/S 370 ST730 646-3(吉士号) 端子 DJ624-4.8×0.8C 371 7116-4036(矢崎) 端子 DJ624-4.8×0.8B 372 ST740 633-3(吉士号) 端子 DJ613-4.8×0.8C 373 1500-0177(德尔福) 端子 DJ622-4.8×0.8A 374 54-0160430-7(安普号) 端子 DJ622-D4.8B 375 7114-2631(矢崎) 端子 DJ6118-6.0B 376 7114-2630(矢崎) 端子 DJ6118-6.0A 377 7116-2640(矢崎) 端子 DJ626-6.0A378 7116-2641(矢崎) 端子 DJ626-6.0B379 7116-2642(矢崎) 端子 DJ626-6.0C380 170 032-1(安普号) 端子 DJ626-D6B381 N 017 852.04(大众号)端子 DJ624-D6.3B 382 154 717-1(安普号) 端子 DJ624-D6.3C 383 NO17 851 3(大众号) 端子 DJ624- D6.3A 384 N907 326.01(大众号)端子 DJ6218-E6.3A 385 N907 327.01(大众号)端子 DJ6218-E6.3B 386 N907 966.01(大众号)端子 DJ6218-E6.3C 387 NO17 491 9(大众号)端子 DJ628-6.3B388 170 454-1(安普号) 端子 DJ6210-6.3B389 171 632-1(安普号) 端子 DJ6211-6.3B390 ST730 468-1(吉士号) 端子 DJ6212-6.3A391 ST730 469-1(吉士号) 端子 DJ6212-6.3B392 ST730 411-3(吉士号) 端子 DJ621-C6.3A393 730 188-3(吉士号) 端子 DJ621-F6.3A394 170 032-5(安普号) 端子 DJ626-6.3395 927 847-2(安普号) 端子 DJ6232-E6.3A396 0-0928962-3(安普号) 端子 DJ612-6.3B397 MT025-23200 端子 O124601398 MT025-23300 端子 O124602399 S7730267-3 端子 O124603400 160 861-1(安普号) 端子 DJ627-D6.3A401 963887-2(安普号) 端子 DJ628A-6.3B402 2-0180464-1(安普号) 端子 DJ627-D6.3B403 8100-0452(矢崎) 端子 DJ627-7.8×0.8D404 8100-2980(矢崎) 端子 DJ627-7.8×0.8E405 8100-0507(矢崎) 端子 DJ611F-8×0.8D406 8100-0508(矢崎) 端子 DJ611F-8×0.8E407 17116-3250(矢崎) 端子 DJ621-9.5408 17114-3250(矢崎) 端子 DJ611-9.5409 1540 1440(德尔福) 端子 DJ221-1.8A410 353376-3(安普号) 端子 DJ221-2S411 1437284-9(安普号) 端子 DJ221-1S412 SN860-99280A 端子 DJD035-2413 SN860-99362A 端子 DJD036-2414 42511 端子 QR-P005-TR415 1500 0601(德尔福) 端子 DJY7161-2416 7125-1481(矢崎) 端子 DJY7162-2417 ST710504-3(吉士号) 端子 DJ471A-ZL6B418 ST710505-3(吉士号) 端子 DJ471A-ZL6C419 ST710506-3(吉士号) 端子 DJ471A-ZL6C420 ST710507-3(吉士号) 端子 DJ471A-ZR6C421 ST710559-3(吉士号) 端子 DJ471A-ZR8C422 1-13-3-062(上海金亭) 端子 1214 6365423 1-13-3-066(上海金亭) 端子 1533 5993424 8100-1236 (矢崎) 端子 24601-6.3A21B425 8240-4242 (矢崎) 端子 24601-6.3A21C426 PP0338401(南通号) 端子 DJJ7042-4.8/6.3-21 427 I2670J1 端子 20061201428 311045 端子 20061202。

每日练习商品编码第一次1、一盒零售食品,内有少量薯条和番茄酱,以及一个牛肉汉堡(上下两层面包片,中间是牛肉,牛肉重量占60%)2、美味鸭舌,一种风味小吃,真空包装,15克/包3、远洋牌烤鱿鱼丝,用新鲜的鱿鱼配以白砂糖、盐、味精后烤制而成,125克/袋4、日本手卷水果寿司,用紫菜裹以大米饭、少许水果丁和调料后切成小卷5、绿豆汤罐头,由绿豆煮熟并加糖制成,含固体形物约35%6、照明路灯用水银灯泡8539.32907、闪光灯用灯泡9006.69108、汽车用刹车灯8512.20909、十字路口的交通信号灯8530.800010、医疗用红外线灯泡8539.4900第二次1.不适合食用的死甲鱼 0511.91902. 加糖、加DHA、加维生素的奶粉1901.90003. 装入肠衣的熏腌牛肉(未经绞碎、未经调味、供食用)0210.20004. 鱼占10%,牛肉占15%,马铃薯占75%的罐头食品1602.50105. 含猪肉18%,22%甜玉米,萝卜40%,马铃薯20%的罐头食品2005.99916. 鲜榨菠萝汁(白利糖度值为30)2009.49007. 掺有30%水的鲜榨菠萝汁2202.90008. 船舶弦外发动机(点燃往复式活塞内燃发动机)8407.21009. 自行车充气用手动打气筒8414.200010. “帅康”牌抽油烟机(罩平面尺寸为80×45厘米)8414.6010第三次1、光电池 8541.40202、锂电池(手机用)8507.60003、锂电池(石英表用)8506.50004、光盘驱动器 8471.70305、牵动式混凝土搅拌机 8474.31006、用于飞机发动机的转动轴 8483.10907、机动车辆上供人使用的空气调节器 8415.20008、宝马2.8L轿车用的汽车滤油器8421.23009、吊秤,最大称重为200千克8423.829010、惠普静电感光多功能一体机,具有复印、扫描、打印和传真功能,可通过与电脑的连接进行激光打印,与电话网络连接收发传真8443.3110第四次1、鲜马铃薯 0701.90002、冷冻马铃薯(用油半炸过) 2004.10003、冷冻马铃薯(蒸煮过) 0710.10004、马铃薯粉 1105.10005、燃气(天然气或煤气)快速热水器8419.11006、分体式冷热两用型空调器,室内机为立柜型,制冷量1266大卡/小时8415.81107、电子防丢器,由子机和主机组成,工作时子机发出稳定的无线电波,主机接收到子机的无线电信号时不报警,当主机和子机之间的距离超过预定的距离时,主机接收不到子机的无线电信号,立即发出报警声,提醒使用者注意。

Safety Data SheetDocument number First issued Revised date Revision Issued by Page 1796009-ENG-06 1998-02-18 2008-01-29 5 Jeanette Hasseson 1 of 4Alpacon 0091. Identification of the substance/preparation and of the company/undertakingTrade Name: Supplier:Alpacon 009 ALFA LAVAL ABHans Stahles vägProduct Type: S-147 80 TumbaEmulsion breaker SwedenTel: +46 8 530 650 00e-mail:Emergency number: +46 8 33 70 43 open 24 h2. Hazard identificationThe surfactant might cause serious damage to eyes and may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environmentIf the product is used as recommended the surfactants will be soluble in oil and therefore they will be excluded in the water- phase.3. Composition/information on the ingredientsHazardous ingredients Weight-% CAS No ECNoClassification Risk PhrasesPolymer 5 – 15 - - NoneSurfactants 5 – 10 68989-03-7 - Xi, N R41, 51/53 See section 16 for explanations to R-phrases.4. First –aid measuresFirst aid – Inhalation Move to fresh air.First aid – Skin contact Wash off with plenty of water.First aid – Eye contact Rinse immediately with tepid water for several minutes. Proceedthe rinse during transport to hospital.Obtain medical attention.First aid – Ingestion Rinse mouth and drink at least 1-2 glasses of water. Do notinduce vomiting.Obtain medical attention.5. Fire- fighting measuresExtinguishing media All extinguishing media are suitable.Special hazards of product The product is not flammable. In case of fire the product mightform hazardous gases as NOx and COx.Protective equipment for fire fighting Not applicable.Fire –fight If the fire is extinguished with water environmental dangeroussubstances might be entering the environment.6. Accidental release measuresPersonal precautions Wear suitable goggles and gloves.Environmental precautions Prevent spills from reaching sewage, wells and watercourses. Spillage Absorb spills with sand, earth or other inert material. Collect andremove for destruction.Large spillage Contact local authority7. Handling and storageHandling Do not mix with other chemicals. Use recommended personalprotection according to section 8.Storage Store in a closed container.8. Exposure control / personal protectionRespiratory protection Appropriate ventilation. Provide facilities for rinsing eyes.Skin protection Protective gloves of nitrile.Eye protection Safety goggles.Ingestion Do not eat or drink during use. Wash hands before eating.9. Physical and chemical propertiesPhysical state Clear liquid.Colour Slightly yellow.Odour Weak smell.Density at 20 °C (g/ml) 1.025± 0.005.pH (as is) at 20 °C 7-9°brix 17.8±0.6.Viscosity at 25 °C (SP01/20 rpm) (cP) 1368±130.Cloud point during heating (°C) 50ºC.Flash point >100 º C10. Stability and reactivityStability The product is stable under normal conditions, but it decomposesat high temperatures.Conditions to avoid Extreme heatMaterials to avoid None knownHazardous decomposition products None known if the product is handled as recommended. In caseof fire the product might form hazardous gases as NOx and COx.11. Toxicological informationSkin At prolonged or frequently use of the product blush might occur.Eyes The product might cause serious damage to eyes.Consumption Low acute toxicity . Might be irritating to mucous membrane.LD50 oral rat 4500mg/kgSkin irritation test rabbit Slightly irritatingEye irritation test rabbit Strongly irritatingSensibillisation Not allergenicGen toxicity Not mutagenic12. Ecological informationLC50 96h (fish) >100mg/lNOEC 96 h (fish) > 100mg/lEC50 48h (Daphnia magna) > 100mg/lNOEC 48 h (Daphnia magna) > 100 mg/lDegradation No readily bodegradable13. Disposal considerationsDisposal of product: State and local disposal regulations may differ from federaldisposal regulations. Always dispose in accordance with federal,state and local requirements.Disposal of containers: Containers should be reused or disposed of by landfill orincineration as appropriate.14. Transport informationNot classified as a hazardous substance according to transport regulations.15. Regulatory informationLabel Symbol(s): XiIrritantRisk Phrases: R36 Irritating to eyes.R52/53 Harmful to aquatic organisms, may cause long-termadverse effects in the aquatic environment.Safety Phrases: S39 Wear eye/ face protection.16. Other informationExplanations to R-phrases in section 2 R41 Risk of serious damage to eyes.R51/53 Toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment.See also product label for product applications.Important changes have been made in section: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 15.DISCLAIM OF RESPONSIBILITYAlfa Laval provides the information contained herein in good faith but makes no representation as to its comprehensiveness or accuracy. This document is only a guide to the potential hazards of the product. All individuals working with or around the product should be properly trained. Persons coming into contact with the product must be capable of exercising their own independent judgment concerning the conditions or methods of handling, storage and usage of the product. Alfa Laval will not be responsible for claims, losses, or damages of any kind resulting from the information provided in this Safety Data Sheet or the use, handling, storage or disposal of the product. Alfa Laval makes no representations or warranties, either express or implied, including without limitation any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose with respect to the information set out herein or the product to which the information refers.。

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01.03 01.03.001 01.03.002 01.03.003 01.03.004 01.03.005 01.03.006 01.03.007 01.03.008 01.03.009 01.03.010 01.03.011 01.03.012 01.03.013 01.03.014 01.03.015 01.03.016 01.03.017 01.03.018 01.03.019 01.03.020 01.03.021 01.03.022 01.03.023 01.03.024 01.03.025 01.03.026
平垫φ41 平垫φ45 平垫φ50 平垫φ55 平垫φ60 弹垫φ6 弹垫φ8 弹垫φ10 弹垫φ12 弹垫φ14 弹垫φ16 弹垫φ18 弹垫φ20 螺母M6 螺母M8 螺母M10 螺母M12 螺母M14 螺母M16 螺母M18 螺母M20 螺母M22 开口销8 开口销10 开口销3 开口销4 开口销6
轴承、卡簧类 轴承6201 轴承6202 轴承6204 轴承6205 轴承6206 轴承6207 轴承6208 轴承6004 轴承7012 轴承1206 轴承6212 轴承51210 压力轴承51308 压力轴承51305 轴承6900 轴承51208 轴承6308 压力轴承51205 轴承207 轴承6305 轴承6006 轴承6309 轴承6408 轴承6211 轴承6306 轴承6007
高强螺栓18*50 高强螺栓20*60 高强螺栓20*120 高强螺栓20*170 高强螺栓22*180 高强螺栓24*80 高强螺栓24*190 高强螺栓24*240 高强螺栓33*360 高强螺栓33*405 高强螺栓36*340 高强螺栓18*70 高强螺栓18*155 高强螺栓20*110 高强螺母M16 高强螺母M18 高强螺母M20 高强螺母M22 高强螺母M24 高强螺母M27 高强螺母M30 高强螺母M33 高强螺母M36 高强螺母M39 高强螺栓27*265 8.8级内六角 内六角螺栓
序号 件号 中文名称 英文名称

序号件号中文名称规格型号英文名称No.Part No.Chinese DescriptionTypeEnglish Description序号件号中文名称规格型号英文名称No.Part No.Chinese DescriptionTypeEnglish Description172130027汽缸体密封垫273010519回油道矩形圈φ14×φ19×2.5327010002汽缸体472130041汽缸头密封纸垫573010459张紧轮615160008正时链条773010518翻口销矩形圈φ9×φ12×1.5872060012定位销φ8×14972060024汽缸通油衬套1073010519回油道密封圈1172040160回油道铁垫圈1273010460导向轮1372040162垫片1472010524导向轮轴销E-1 气缸头部件CYLINDER ASSEMBLY1522010136汽缸头总成1615170033正时从动链轮1772040161铝垫片1872010409螺栓M6×110 1972010487螺栓M5×12 2072130057左小盖纸垫2122120001汽缸头左小盖2272150003O型圈30.8×3.2 2322140001气门盖2472010480连接螺栓2572130061汽缸头盖密封垫2622150052汽缸头盖2772040155铁垫片2872040157铜垫片2972020075盖型螺母M6E-2 配气机构 VALVE MECHANISM序号件号中文名称规格型号英文名称No.Part No.Chinese Description Type English Description 122010136汽缸头组合222020003进气门INLET VALVE322020004排气门EXHAUST VALVE 473130487气门弹簧座圈Seat,Valve Outer Spring 572110025挡油罩Seal,Valve Stem672120001气门内弹簧Outer Spring,Valve 772120007气门外弹簧Inler Spring,Valve822040001气门锁夹Clip,Valve922030001气门弹簧上座Retainer,Valve Spring 1031170008火花塞1122050001气门摇臂1222070001摇臂轴1372010420双头螺栓M6×321472130060汽缸头右盖密封垫1522130028右小盖组件1672010159螺栓M6×201722080002凸轮轴装配组合序号件号中文名称规格型号英文名称No.Part No.Chinese Description Type English Description 172060013定位销φ8×12DOWEL PIN φ8×12272130021右曲轴箱盖密封垫GASKET, CRANKCASE COVER, RH 313010474右曲轴箱盖组合CRANKCASE COVER, RH 424130017离合器分离凸轮524130017O型圈624130017螺母724130017垫片873010517机油尺DIPSTICK973130481高压线夹1072010177螺栓M6×85BOLT1172010176螺栓M6×80BOLT1272010392螺栓M6×65BOLT1372010389螺栓M6×40BOLT1472060013定位销φ8×121514030142左曲轴箱盖L.CRANKCASE COVER1672010393螺栓 M6×70BOLT M6×701772010173螺栓 M6×50BOLT M6×501872010389螺栓 M6×32BOLT M6×32E-3曲轴箱盖 CRANKXASE COVER序号件号中文名称规格型号英文名称No.Part No.Chinese DescriptionTypeEnglish Description124120018离合器组件224020026初级从动齿轮69齿324020002初级主动齿轮17齿424130017初级主动齿衬垫524130017初级主动齿衬套624130017轴用挡圈724130017平垫824130017止退垫片924130017蝶形垫圈1024130017锁紧螺母1124130017离合器端盖纸垫1224130017离合器端盖1324130017凸轮板组合1424130017螺栓M5×12E-4离合器 CLUTCH序号件号中文名称规格型号英文名称No.Part No.Chinese DescriptionTypeEnglish Description120020001机油泵轴套272130063机油泵密封垫320010001机油泵总成472010092螺栓M6×16572010386螺栓M6×22E-5 机油泵 OIL PUMP序号件号中文名称规格型号英文名称No.Part No.Chinese DescriptionTypeEnglish Description131140089磁电机定子组合STATOR 272010769螺栓 M5×16BOLT M5×16331150001磁电机转子组合ROTOR472020024磁电机紧固螺母LOCK NUT (图片和实物有差别)E-6 磁电机 MAGNETO序号件号中文名称规格型号英文名称No.Part No.Chinese DescriptionTypeEnglish Description112010101右曲轴箱组合CRANKCASE, RH 270090011滚针轴承6203Bearing 6203370090015滚动轴承NK1412Bearing NK1412411030001张紧臂组合572010528张紧臂螺钉611030002张紧杆组合772120025张紧杆弹簧872040152铝垫片972010474M14六角螺栓1020040001机油泵轴1111020001机油泵主动链轮1215080001限位块1372010159螺栓M6×201472060012定位销φ8×14DOWEL PIN φ8×141572130002曲轴箱密封垫GASKET, CRANKCASE 1611010096左曲轴箱组合CRANKCASE, LHE-7曲轴箱 CRANKCASE1770090013滚针NK13.5/12 1870090011轴承6203 1972040159铝垫圈12 2072010582放油螺栓2172010470回位弹簧止动螺钉2272010174螺栓M6×60 2373130479箱体废气管夹2472010390螺栓M6×45 2573130480溢流管夹2672010392螺栓M6×65 2711130005档显动触头2872010468内六角螺栓2911130005档位线组合3011130005档位线压板3172010380十字螺栓M6×12 3272060012定位销Φ8×14 3372010442气缸螺栓A M6×196 3472010449气缸螺栓B M6×188序号件号中文名称规格型号英文名称No.Part No.Chinese DescriptionTypeEnglish Description121020002活塞Φ47PISTON Φ39221040002活塞销PISTON PIN372080008活塞销挡圈CIRCLIP, PISTON PIN 421030501活塞环(一)PISTON RING I 521030501活塞环(二)PISTON RING II621030501油环721030501侧环821010001曲柄连杆组合CRANKSHAFT & CONNECTING RODE-8 曲轴 /活塞 /连杆部件CRANKSHAFT & PISTON&CONNECTING RODCOMP序号件号中文名称规格型号英文名称No.Part No.Chinese DescriptionTypeEnglish Description115020002主轴组合MAIN SHAFT ASSY 215030001副轴组合COUNTERSHAFT ASSY315010001启动轴组合415100001启动轴垫片E-9 传动机构 TRANSMISSION序号件号中文名称规格型号英文名称No.Part No.Chinese DescriptionTypeEnglish Description115050002变速鼓组件215070004变档轴总成372120075启动轴回位弹簧415100003启动轴限位块515100016挡圈672120013定位板弹簧Spring 715080001档位定位板组合Limit Block 872030168螺栓M6×22BOLT M6×22915130002操纵臂组合E-10变档凸轮 GEARSHIFT DRUM。

商品名称编码附加编码附加序号说明10S纯棉纱 52053200 - 001 多股本⾊粗梳,除缝纫线,⾮零售10S纯棉纱 52053200 - 002 多股⾮本⾊粗梳,除缝纫线,⾮零售10S棉坯纱 52053200 - 003 多股粗梳,缝纫线除外,⾮零售10S棉纱 52053200 - 004 多股本⾊粗梳,除缝纫线,⾮零售10S棉纱 52053200 - 005 多股⾮本⾊粗梳,除缝纫线,⾮零售10S棉纱线 52053200 - 006 多股本⾊粗梳,除缝纫线,⾮零售10S棉纱线 52053200 - 007 多股⾮本⾊粗梳,除缝纫线,⾮零售10S全棉棉纱 52053200 - 008 多股本⾊粗梳,除缝纫线,⾮零售10S全棉染⾊筒⼦纱 52053200 - 009 多股粗梳,缝纫线除外,⾮零售10S全棉⾊纱 52053200 - 010 多股粗梳,缝纫线除外,⾮零售10S全棉纱线 52053200 - 011 多股本⾊粗梳,除缝纫线,⾮零售10S全棉纱线 52053200 - 012 多股⾮本⾊粗梳,除缝纫线,⾮零售10S全棉筒⼦纱 52053200 - 013 多股本⾊粗梳,除缝纫线,⾮零售10S全棉筒⼦纱 52053200 - 014 多股⾮本⾊粗梳,除缝纫线,⾮零售12S纯棉纱 52053200 - 015 多股本⾊粗梳,除缝纫线,⾮零售12S纯棉纱 52053200 - 016 多股⾮本⾊粗梳,除缝纫线,⾮零售12S棉坯纱 52053200 - 017 多股粗梳,缝纫线除外,⾮零售12S棉纱 52053200 - 018 多股本⾊粗梳,除缝纫线,⾮零售12S棉纱 52053200 - 019 多股⾮本⾊粗梳,除缝纫线,⾮零售12S棉纱线 52053200 - 020 多股本⾊粗梳,除缝纫线,⾮零售12S棉纱线 52053200 - 021 多股⾮本⾊粗梳,除缝纫线,⾮零售12S全棉棉纱 52053200 - 022 多股本⾊粗梳,除缝纫线,⾮零售12S全棉染⾊筒⼦纱 52053200 - 023 多股粗梳,缝纫线除外,⾮零售12S全棉⾊纱 52053200 - 024 多股粗梳,缝纫线除外,⾮零售12S全棉纱 52053200 - 025 多股本⾊粗梳,除缝纫线,⾮零售12S全棉纱线 52053200 - 026 多股本⾊粗梳,除缝纫线,⾮零售12S全棉纱线 52053200 - 027 多股⾮本⾊粗梳,缝纫线除12S全棉筒⼦纱 52053200 - 028 多股本⾊粗梳,除缝纫线,⾮零售12S全棉筒⼦纱 52053200 - 029 多股⾮本⾊粗梳,除缝纫线,⾮零售16S纯棉纱 52053200 - 030 多股⾮本⾊粗梳,除缝纫线,⾮零售16S棉坯纱 52053200 - 031 多股粗梳,缝纫线除外,⾮零售16S棉纱 52053200 - 032 多股本⾊粗梳,除缝纫线,⾮零售16S棉纱 52053200 - 033 多股⾮本⾊粗梳,除缝纫线,⾮零售16S棉纱线 52053200 - 034 多股⾮本⾊粗梳,除缝纫线,⾮零售16S全棉棉纱 52053200 - 035 多股本⾊粗梳,除缝纫线,⾮零售16S全棉染⾊筒⼦纱 52053200 - 036 多股粗梳,缝纫线除外,⾮零售16S全棉⾊纱 52053200 - 037 多股粗梳,缝纫线除外,⾮零售16S全棉纱 52053200 - 038 多股本⾊粗梳,除缝纫线,⾮零售16S全棉纱 52053200 - 039 多股⾮本⾊粗梳,除缝纫线,⾮零售16S全棉纱线 52053200 - 040 多股本⾊粗梳,除缝纫线,⾮零售16S全棉纱线 52053200 - 041 多股⾮本⾊粗梳,除缝纫线,⾮零售16S全棉筒⼦纱 52053200 - 042 多股本⾊粗梳,除缝纫线,⾮零售16S全棉筒⼦纱 52053200 - 043 多股⾮本⾊粗梳,除缝纫线,⾮零售20S纯棉纱 52053200 - 044 多股本⾊粗梳,除缝纫线,⾮零售20S棉坯纱 52053200 - 045 多股粗梳,缝纫线除外,⾮零售20S棉纱 52053200 - 046 多股本⾊粗梳,除缝纫线,⾮零售20S棉纱 52053200 - 047 多股⾮本⾊粗梳,除缝纫线,⾮零售20S棉纱线 52053200 - 048 多股本⾊粗梳,除缝纫线,⾮零售20S棉纱线 52053200 - 049 多股⾮本⾊粗梳,除缝纫线,⾮零售20S全棉染⾊筒⼦纱 52053200 - 050 多股粗梳,缝纫线除外,⾮零售20S全棉⾊纱 52053200 - 051 多股粗梳,缝纫线除外,⾮零售20S全棉纱 52053200 - 052 多股⾮本⾊粗梳,除缝纫线,⾮零售20S全棉纱线 52053200 - 053 多股⾮本⾊粗梳,除缝纫线,⾮零售20S全棉筒⼦纱 52053200 - 054 多股本⾊粗梳,除缝纫线,⾮零售20S全棉筒⼦纱 52053200 - 055 多股⾮本⾊粗梳,除缝纫线,⾮零售纯棉纱(股线) 52053200 - 056 本⾊粗梳,714.29>单纱≥232.56dT纯棉纱(股线) 52053200 - 057 ⾮本⾊粗梳,714.29>单≥232.56dT粗梳棉纱 52053200 - 058 多股本⾊,714.29>单纱≥232.56dT粗梳棉纱 52053200 - 059 多股⾮本⾊,714.29>单≥232.56dT⾮零售粗梳本⾊棉多股纱线 52053200 - 060 棉≥85%714.29>单纱≥232.56分特⾮零售粗梳⾮本⾊棉多股纱线 52053200 - 061 棉≥85%714.29>单纱≥232.56分特棉坯纱 52053200 - 062 多股粗梳,714.29>单纱≥232.56dT棉纱(股线) 52053200 - 063 本⾊粗梳,714.29>单纱≥232.56dT棉纱(股线) 52053200 - 064 ⾮本⾊粗梳,714.29>单≥232.56dT棉纱线(股线) 52053200 - 065 本⾊粗梳,714.29>单纱≥232.56dT棉纱线(股线) 52053200 - 066 ⾮本⾊粗梳,714.29>单≥232.56dT全棉棉纱(股线) 52053200 - 067 ⾮本⾊粗梳,714.29>单≥232.56dT全棉染⾊筒⼦纱 52053200 - 068 多股粗梳,714.29>单≥232.56dT全棉⾊纱 52053200 - 069 多股粗梳,714.29>单≥232.56dT全棉纱(股线) 52053200 - 070 本⾊粗梳,714.29>单纱≥232.56dT全棉纱(股线) 52053200 - 071 ⾮本⾊粗梳,714.29>单≥232.56dT全棉纱线(股线) 52053200 - 072 本⾊粗梳,714.29>单纱≥232.56dT全棉纱线(股线) 52053200 - 073 ⾮本⾊粗梳,714.29>单≥232.56dT全棉筒⼦纱(股线) 52053200 - 074 本⾊粗梳,714.29>单纱≥23256dT全棉筒⼦纱(股线) 52053200 - 075 ⾮本⾊粗梳,714.29>单≥232.56dT26S棉纱 52053300 - 001 多股本⾊粗梳,除缝纫线,⾮零售26S棉纱线 52053300 - 002 多股⾮本⾊粗梳,除缝纫线,⾮零售26S全棉染⾊筒⼦纱 52053300 - 003 多股粗梳,缝纫线除外,⾮零售26S全棉筒⼦纱 52053300 - 004 多股本⾊粗梳,除缝纫线,⾮零售26S全棉筒⼦纱 52053300 - 005 多股⾮本⾊粗梳,除缝纫线,⾮零售纯棉纱(股线) 52053300 - 006 本⾊粗梳,232.56>单纱≥192.31dT粗梳棉纱 52053300 - 007 多股本⾊,232.56>单纱≥192.31dT⾮零售粗梳本⾊棉多股纱线 52053300 - 008 棉≥85%232.56>单纱≥192.31分特棉纱线(股线) 52053300 - 009 ⾮本⾊粗梳,232.56>单≥192.31dT全棉棉纱(股线) 52053300 - 010 ⾮本⾊粗梳,232.56>单≥192.31dT全棉染⾊筒⼦纱 52053300 - 011 多股粗梳,232.56>单≥192.31dT全棉纱(股线) 52053300 - 012 ⾮本⾊粗梳,232.56>单≥192.31dT全棉纱线(股线) 52053300 - 013 本⾊粗梳,232.56>单纱≥192.31dT全棉筒⼦纱(股线) 52053300 - 014 本⾊粗梳,232.56>单纱≥192.31dT全棉筒⼦纱(股线) 52053300 - 015 ⾮本⾊粗梳,232.56>单≥192.31dT。
AWWA C542-2009 阀门及滑动闸门用电动马达执行器---呕心沥血个人翻译版

一、 介绍C540 第一版1987年发布主要用于电站执行器设备阀门和水闸门/阀C540 第二版1993年发布主要由国外总监批准,增加了角行程执行器C540 第三版2002年批准,增加了叶片旋转式执行器和数字控制2006年 原来一个标准分成了C542电动马达执行器和C541 气动或液动旋转叶片式执行器.这两个标准取代了原来的C540标准.2009年 C542第一版审批通过.二、 特殊问题除C542这个标准外,还有9个AWWA标准用于阀门和滑动闸门,会由电动执行器控制。
ANSI/AWWA C500 供水系统用金属密封闸阀ANSI/AWWA C504 橡胶密封蝶阀ANSI/AWWA C507, Ball Valves, 6 In. Through 48 In. (150 mm Through 1,200 mm)ANSI/AWWA C509, 弹性密封闸阀ANSI/AWWA C513, 明渠预制金属滑动闸门和明渠预制金属溢流堰闸门ANSI/AWWA C517, 弹性座式铸铁偏心塞阀ANSI/AWWA C560, 铸铁水闸ANSI/AWWA C561,装配式不锈钢推拉门ANSI/AWWA C563, 预制合成滑动门AWWA C542描述了设计和操作,执行器设备运用在水处理控制压力系统. 采购电动马达执行器应仔细了解该标准 提供评估信息给生产厂家,生产厂家应评估采购订单要求。
AWWA C542参考NEMA/美国电气制造协会标准发布的标准和运用指导,电气设备、外壳、零件运用在危险和非危险服务。
运用AWWA C542标准应指明应用要求和服务。

4-53MIL-STD-883 / SMD # 5962-94599LOGIC BLOCK DIAGRAMA A A A A A DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQA A V A A A A A A A A DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ V SS76543A 28 - LCC28 - 300 C-DIPPIN NAMESA 0 - A 12Address Inputs W Write Enable DQ 0 - DQ 7Data In/Out EChip Enable G Output Enable V CCX Power (+5V)V SSGround V CAP CapacitorHSBHardware Store/BusyFEATURES• 40, 45 and 55ns Access Times • 15 mA I CC at 200ns Access Speed• Automatic STORE to EEPROM on Power Down • Hardware or Software initiated STORE toEEPROM• Automatic STORE Timing • 100,000 STORE cycles to EEPROM • 10 year data retention in EEPROM • Automatic RECALL on Power Up • Software initiated RECALL from EEPROM • Unlimited RECALL cycles from EEPROM • Single 5V ±10% Operation• Available in multiple standard packagesA A A A A A A D Q D Q D Q D Q DQ DQ V s PXDESCRIPTIONThe Simtek STK12C68-M is a fast static RAM (40, 45and 55ns), with a nonvolatile EEPROM element incor-porated in each static memory cell. The SRAM can be read and written an unlimited number of times, while independent nonvolatile data resides in EEPROM.Data transfers from the SRAM to the EEPROM (the STORE operation) take place automatically upon power down using charge stored in an external 100 µF capacitor. Transfers from the EEPROM to the SRAM (the RECALL operation) take place automatically on power up. Software sequences may also be used to initiate both STORE and RECALL operations. A STORE can also be initiated via a single pin.The STK12C68-M is available in the following pack-ages: a 28-pin 300 mil ceramic DIP and 28-pad LCC.STK12C68-M4-54ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS aVoltage on typical input relative to V SS . . . . . . . . . . . . . –0.6V to 7.0V Voltage on DQ 0-7 and G. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .–0.5V to (V CC +0.5V)Temperature under bias . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . –55°C to 125°C Storage temperature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . –65°C to 150°C Power dissipation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1W DC output current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15mANote a: Stresses greater than those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only, and functional operation of the device at conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect reliability.(One output at a time, one second duration)DC CHARACTERISTICS(V CC = 5.0V ± 10%)dSTK12C68-M4-55NO. PARAMETER UNITS 1t ELQV t ACS Chip Enable Access Time 404555ns 2t AVAV t RC Read Cycle Time 404555ns 3t AVQV g t AA Address Access Time 404555ns 4t GLQV t OE Output Enable to Data Valid 202535ns 5t AXQX t OH Output Hold After Address Change 555ns 6t ELQX t LZ Chip Enable to Output Active 555ns 7t EHQZ h t HZ Chip Disable to Output Inactive 172025ns 8t GLQX t OLZ Output Enable to Output Active 0ns 9t GHQZ h t OHZ Output Disable to Output Inactive 172025ns 10t ELICCH e t PA Chip Enable to Power Active 0ns 11t EHICCL c,et PSChip Disable to Power Standby354555nsREAD CYCLES #1 & #2READ CYCLE #1 f,gDQ (Data Out)ADDRESSSRAM MEMORY OPERATIONADDRESSEGDQ (Data Out)I CCREAD CYCLE #2 f#1, #2Alt.MINMAX MINMAX MINMAX SYMBOLSSTK12C68-40M STK12C68-45M STK12C68-55M Note c:Bringing E ≥V IH will not produce standby currents until any nonvolatile cycle in progress has timed out. See MODE SELECTION table.Note e:Parameter guaranteed but not tested.Note f:For READ CYCLE #1 and #2, W is high for entire cycle.Note g:Note h:Measured ± 200mV from steady state output voltage.(V CC = 5.0V ± 10%)dSTK12C68-M4-56#1#2Alt.MIN MAXMIN MAXMIN MAX12t AVAV t AVAV t WC Write Cycle Time 354555ns 13t WLWH t WLEH t WP Write Pulse Width303545ns 14t ELWH t ELEH t CW Chip Enable to End of Write 303545ns 15t DVWH t DVEH t DW Data Set-up to End of Write 182025ns 16t WHDX t EHDX t DH Data Hold After End of Write 000ns 17t AVWH t AVEH t AW Address Set-up to End of Write 303545ns 18t AVWL t AVEL t AS Address Set-up to Start of Write 000ns 19t WHAX t EHAXt WR Address Hold After End of Write 0ns 20t WLQZ h,j t WZ Write Enable to Output Disable 172025ns 21t WHQXt OWOutput Active After End of Write555nsiWRITE CYCLE #2: E CONTROLLED iWRITE CYCLES #1 & #2ADDRESSEWDATA INDATA OUTADDRESSEWDATA INDATA OUTSYMBOLSSTK12C68-40M STK12C68-45M STK12C68-55M NO.PARAMETER UNITS Note h: Measured ±200mV from steady state output voltage.Note i: E or W must be ≥ V IH during address transitions.(V CC = 5.0V ± 10%)dSTK12C68-M4-57Note e: These parameters guaranteed but not tested.Note n: HSB is an I/O that has a weak internal pullup; it is basically an open drain output. It is meant to allow up to 32 STK12C68-Ms to be ganged together forNote o: A RECALL cycle is initiated automatically at power up when V CC exceeds V SWITCH . t RECALL is measured from the point at which V CC exceeds 4.5V.22t RECALL RECALL Cycle Duration 20µs Note o 23t STORE t HLHH STORE Cycle Duration 10ms V CC ≥ 4.5V24t DELAY t HLQZ HSB Low to Inhibit On 1µs 25t RECOVER t HHQX HSB High to Inhibit Off 300ns Note e 26t ASSERT t HLHXExternal STORE Pulse Width 250ns Note e V SWITCH Low Voltage Trigger Level 4.0 4.5V I HSB_OL HSB Output Low Current 3mA HSB = V OL , Note e, n I HSB_OHHSB Output High Current560µAHSB = V IL , Note e, nNONVOLATILE MEMORY OPERATIONNote k: The six consecutive addresses must be in order listed - (0000, 1555, 0AAA, 1FFF, 10F0, 0F0F) for a STORE cycle or (0000, 1555, 0AAA, 1FFF, 10F0,0F0E) for a RECALL cycle . W must be high during all six consecutive cycles. See STORE cycle and RECALL cycle tables and diagrams for further details.Note l: I/O state assumes that G ≤ V IL . Activation of nonvolatile cycles does not depend on the state of G.Note m: HSB initiated STORE operation actually occurs only if a WRITE has been done since last STORE operation. After the STORE (if any) completes, thepart will go into standby mode inhibiting all operation until HSB rises.HARDWARE STORE /RECALLSYMBOLSNO.PARAMETERMINMAX UNITS NOTES HSB RECALL STORE SRAM InhibitV SWITCHV CAPHARDWARE STORE /RECALLSTK12C68-M4-5828t AVAV t RCSTORE/RECALL Initiation Cycle Time 354555ns 29t ELQZ p Chip Enable to Output Inactive 858585ns 30t AVELN t AE Address Set-up to Chip Enable 000ns 31t ELEHN q,r t EP Chip Enable Pulse Width 253545ns 32t EHAXNt EA Chip Disable to Address ChangensSOFTWARE STORE/RECALL CYCLE q,r,tADDRESSEDQ(Data Out)Std.Alt.MIN MAXMIN MAXMIN MAXNO.PARAMETERUNITS SYMBOLSSTK12C68-40M STK12C68-45M STK12C68-55M Note p:Once the software STORE or RECALL cycle is initiated, it completes automatically, ignoring all inputs.Note q:Noise on the E pin may trigger multiple read cycles from the same address and abort the address sequence.Note r:If the Chip Enable Pulse Width is less than t ELQV (see READ CYCLE #2) but greater than or equal to t ELEHN , then the data may not be valid at the endof the low pulse, however the STORE or RECALL will still be initiated.Note s:W must be HIGH when E is LOW during the address sequence in order to initiate a nonvolatile cycle. G may be either HIGH or LOW throughout.Addresses #1 through #6 are found in the MODE SELECTION table. Address #6 determines whether the STK12C68-M performs a STORE or RECALL .Note t:E must be used to clock in the address sequence for the Software STORE and RECALL cycles.SOFTWARE STORE/RECALL CYCLE(V CC = 5.0V ± 10%)dSTK12C68-M4-59address locations. By relying on READ cycles only, the STK12C68-M implements nonvolatile operation while remaining compatible with standard 8Kx8 SRAMs. During the STORE cycle, an erase of the previous nonvolatile data is first performed, followed by a pro-gram of the nonvolatile elements. The program opera-tion copies the SRAM data into the nonvolatile ele-ments. Once a STORE cycle is initiated, further input and output are disabled until the cycle is completed.Because a sequence of addresses is used for STORE initiation, it is critical that no other read or write ac-cesses intervene in the sequence or the sequence will be aborted.To initiate the STORE cycle the following READ se-quence must be performed:1. Read address0000 (hex)Valid READ2. Read address1555 (hex)Valid READ3. Read address0AAA (hex)Valid READ4. Read address1FFF (hex)Valid READ5. Read address10F0 (hex)Valid READ6. Read address0F0F (hex)Initiate STORE CycleOnce the sixth address in the sequence has been entered, the STORE cycle will commence and the chip will be disabled. It is important that READ cycles and not WRITE cycles be used in the sequence, although it is not necessary that G be LOW for the sequence to be valid. After the t STORE cycle time has been fulfilled, the SRAM will again be activated for READ and WRITE operation.SOFTWARE RECALLA RECALL cycle of the EEPROM data into the SRAM is initiated with a sequence of READ operations in a manner similar to the STORE initiation. To initiate the RECALL cycle the following sequence of READ opera-tions must be performed:1. Read address0000(hex)Valid READ2. Read address1555 (hex)Valid READ3. Read address0AAA (hex)Valid READ4. Read address1FFF (hex)Valid READ5. Read address10F0 (hex)Valid READ6. Read address0F0E (hex)Initiate RECALL Cycle Internally, RECALL is a two step procedure. First, the SRAM data is cleared and second, the nonvolatile information is transferred into the SRAM cells. The RECALL operation in no way alters the data in theDEVICE OPERATION The STK12C68-M has two separate modes of opera-tion: SRAM mode and nonvolatile mode. In SRAMmode, the memory operates as a standard fast staticRAM. In nonvolatile mode, data is transferred fromSRAM to EEPROM (the STORE operation) or fromEEPROM to SRAM (the RECALL operation). In this modeSRAM functions are disabled.STORE cycles may be initiated under user control via asoftware sequence or HSB assertion and are alsoautomatically initiated when the power supply voltagelevel of the chip falls below V SWITCH. RECALL opera-tions are automatically initiated upon power-up andwhenever the power supply voltage level rises aboveV SWITCH. RECALL cycles may also be initiated by asoftware sequence.SRAM READThe STK12C68-M performs a READ cycle whenever Eand G are LOW and HSB and W are HIGH. The addressspecified on pins A0-12 determines which of the 8192data bytes will be accessed. When the READ is initiatedby an address transition, the outputs will be valid aftera delay of t AVQV. If the READ is initiated by E or G, theoutputs will be valid at t ELQV or at t GLQV, whichever islater. The data outputs will repeatedly respond toaddress changes within the t AVQV access time withoutthe need for transitions on any control input pins, andwill remain valid until another address change or untilE or G is brought HIGH or W or HSB is brought LOW.SRAM WRITEA write cycle is performed whenever E and W are LOWand HSB is high. The address inputs must be stable priorto entering the WRITE cycle and must remain stableuntil either E or W go HIGH at the end of the cycle. Thedata on pins DQ0-7 will be written into the memory if itis valid t DVWH before the end of a W controlled WRITEor t DVEH before the end of an E controlled WRITE.It is recommended that G be kept HIGH during the entireWRITE cycle to avoid data bus contention on thecommon I/O lines. If G is left LOW, internal circuitry willturn off the output buffers t WLQZ after W goes LOW.SOFTWARE STOREThe STK12C68-M software STORE cycle is initiated byexecuting sequential READ cycles from six specificSTK12C68-M4-60EEPROM cells. The nonvolatile data can be recalled anunlimited number of times.AUTOMATIC RECALLDuring power up, or after any low power condition (V CAP < V SWITCH ), when V CAP exceeds the sense voltage of V SWITCH , a RECALL cycle will automatically be initiated. After the initiation of this automatic RE-CALL , if V CAP falls below V SWITCH , then another RE-CALL operation will be performed whenever V CAP again rises above V SWITCH .If the STK12C68-M is in a WRITE state at the end of power-up RECALL , the SRAM data will be corrupted.To help avoid this situation, a 10K Ohm resistor should be connected between W and system V CC .HARDWARE PROTECTThe STK12C68-M offers hardware protection against inadvertent STORE operation during low voltage conditions. When V CAP < V SWITCH, all externally initiated STORE operations will be inhibited.HSB OPERATIONThe Hardware Store Busy pin (HSB) is an open drain circuit acting as both input and output to perform two different functions. When driven low by the internal chip circuitry it indicates that a STORE operation (initi-ated via any means) is in progress within the chip.When driven low by external circuitry for longer than t ASSERT , the chip will conditionally initiate a STORE operation after t DELAY .READ and WRITE operations that are in progress whenHSB is driven low (either by internal or external cir-cuitry) will be allowed to complete before the STORE operation is performed, in the following manner. After HSB goes low, the part will continue normal SRAM operations for t DELAY . During t DELAY , a transition on any address or control signal will terminate SRAM operation and cause the STORE to commence. Note that if an SRAM write is attempted after HSB has been forced low, the write will not occur and the STORE operation will begin immediately.Hardware-Store-Busy (HSB) is a high speed, low drive capability bi-directional control line. In order to allow a bank of STK12C68-Ms to perform synchronized STORE connected together. Each chip contains a small inter-nal current source to pull HSB HIGH when it is not being driven low. To decrease the sensitivity of this signal to noise generated on the PC board, it may optionally be pulled to V CCX via an external resistor with a value such that the combined load of the resistor and all parallel chip connections does not exceed I HSB_OL at V OL . Do not connect this or any other pull-up to the V CAP node.If HSB is to be connected to external circuits other than other STK12C68-Ms, an external pull-up resistor should be used.During any STORE operation, regardless of how it was initiated, the STK12C68-M will continue to drive the HSB pin low, releasing it only when the STORE is complete. Upon completion of a STORE operation, the part will be disabled until HSB actually goes HIGH .AUTOMATIC STORE OPERATIONDuring normal operation, the STK12C68-M will draw current from V CCX to charge up a capacitor connected to the V CAP pin. This stored charge will be used by the chip to perform a single STORE operation. After power up, when the voltage on the V CAP pin drops below V SWITCH , the part will automatically disconnect the V CAP pin from V CCX and initiate a STORE operation.Figure 1 shows the proper connection of capacitors for automatic store operation. The charge storage capaci-tor should have a capacity of at least 100µF (± 20%) at 6V. Each STK12C68-M must have its own 100µF capacitor. Each STK12C68-M must have a high quality, high frequency bypass capacitor of 0.1µF connected between V CAP and V SS , using leads and traces that are as short as possible.If the AutoStore ™ function is not required, then V CAP should be tied directly to the power supply and V CCX should be tied to ground. In this mode, STORE opera-tions may be triggered through software control or the HSB pin. In either event, V CAP (Pin 1) must always have a proper bypass capacitor connected to it.In order to prevent unneeded STORE operations, auto-matic STOREs as well as those initiated by externally LOW will be ignored unless at least oneSTK12C68-M4-61access cycle time is longer than 55ns. Figure 2 below shows the relationship between I CC and access times for READ cycles. All remaining inputs are assumed to cycle, and current consumption is given for all inputs at CMOS or TTL levels. Figure 3 shows the same relation-ship for WRITE cycles. When E is HIGH , the chip consumes only standby currents, and these plots do not apply.The cycle time used in Figure 2 corresponds to the length of time from the later of the last address transi-tion or E going LOW to the earlier of E going HIGH or the next address transition. W is assumed to be HIGH ,while the state of G does not matter. Additional current is consumed when the address lines change state while E is asserted. The cycle time used in Figure 3corresponds to the length of time from the later of W or E going LOW to the earlier of W or E going HIGH .The overall average current drawn by the part depends on the following items: 1) CMOS or TTL input levels; 2)the time during which the chip is disabled (E HIGH ); 3)the cycle time for accesses (E LOW ); 4) the ratio of reads to writes; 5) the operating temperature; 6) the V CC level; and 7) output load.WRITE operation has taken place since the most recent STORE cycle. Note that if HSB is driven low via external circuitry and no WRITE s have taken place, the part will still be disabled until HSB is allowed to return HIGH .Software initiated STORE cycles are performed regard-less of whether or not a WRITE operation has takenplace.PREVENTING AUTOMATIC STORESThe AutoStore ™ function can be disabled on the fly by holding HSB HIGH with a driver capable of sourcing 15mA at a VOH of at least 2.2V as it will have to overpower the internal pull-down device that drives HSB low for 50ns at the onset of an AutoStore ™.When the STK12C68-M is connected for AutoStore ™operation (system V CC connected to V CCX and a 100uF capacitor on V CAP ) and V CC crosses V SWITCH on the way down, the STK12C68 will attempt to pull HSB LOW ; if HSB doesn't actually get below V IL ,the part will stop trying to pull HSB LOW and abort the AutoStore ™attempt.LOW AVERAGE ACTIVE POWERThe STK12C68-M has been designed to draw signifi-LOW (chip enabled) but the1008060402050100150200A v e r a g e A c t i v e C u r r e n t (m a )Cycle Time (ns)1008060402050100150200A v e r a g e A c t i v e C u r r e n t (m a )Cycle Time (ns)100uF ± 20%Power SupplyNote: Typical at 25° CFigure 1Schematic DiagramFigure 2I CC (Max) ReadsFigure 3I CC (Max) WritesSTK12C68-MORDERING INFORMATIONSTK12C68 - 5 C 40 MTemperature RangeM = Military (-55 to 125 degrees C)Access Time40 = 40ns45 = 45ns55 = 55nsPackageC=Ceramic 28 pin 300-mil DIP with gold lead finishK=Ceramic 28 pin 300-mil DIP with solder DIP finishL=Ceramic 28 pin LCCRetention / Endurance10 years / 100,000 cycles5962-94599 01 MX XLead FinishA=Solder DIP lead finishC=Gold lead DIP finishX=lead finish "A" or "C" is acceptablePackageMX = Ceramic 28 pin 300-mil DIPMY = Ceramic 28 pin LCCAccess Time01 = 55ns02 = 45ns4-62。

序号组号分组号中文名称Chines英文名称English 10发动机Engine11000发动机总成Engine assembly 21001发动机悬置engine mounting 31002汽缸体cylinder block 41003汽缸盖cylinder head 51004活塞与连杆piston and connecting rod 61005曲轴与飞轮crank and flywheel 71006凸轮轴camshaft81007配气机构valve gear91008进排气歧管intake and exhaust manifold 101009油底壳及润滑组件oil pan and lubrication group 111010机油收集器oil trap121011机油泵oil pump131012机油粗滤器oil coarse filter 141013机油散热器oil radiator 151014曲轴箱通风装置crankcase ventilator 161015发动机启动辅助装置engine and additional device 171016分电器传动装置distributor drive 181017机油细滤清oil fine filter 191018机油箱及油管oil tank and oil line 201019减压器debooster211020减压器操纵机构debooster controller 221021正时齿轮机构timing gear 231022曲轴平衡装置crank balancer gear 241023发动机标牌engine rating plate 251024发动机吊钩engine hanger 261025皮带轮与张紧轮pulley and tensioner 271026发动机电控单元执行装置engine ECU actuator 281030发动机工况诊断装置engine diagnostic package 11供给系supply system 291100供给系装置supply device 301101燃油箱fuel tank311102副燃油箱aux fuel tank 321103燃油箱盖fuel tank cover 331104燃油管路及连接件fuel line and connector 341105燃油粗滤器fuel coarse filter 351106输油泵fuel pump 361107化油器carburetor 371108油门操纵机构throttle control 381109空气滤清器air filter391110调速器governor401111燃油喷射泵fuel injection pump 411112喷油器injector421115发动机断油机构fuel cut device ,engine 431116燃油电磁阀fuel solenoid valve/SOL 441117燃油细滤清fuel fine filter 451118增压器supercharger/SC461119中冷器intercooler/IC471120燃油压力脉动衰减器fuel pressure damper 481121燃油分配器fuel distributor 491122燃油喷射泵传动装置fuel injection pump drive 501123电控喷射燃油泵ECI pump511124电控喷射喷油器ECI injector521125油气分离器oil water separator 531126冒烟限制器smoker limiter 541127自动提前器automatic advance unit 551128高压燃油管路hight-pressure fuel line 561129燃油喷射管路FIL571130燃油蒸发物排放控制系统FECS581131燃油压力调节器fuel pressure regulator 591132进气系统intake system601133释压阀relief valve611134怠速控制阀IAC valve/IACV 621136燃油供给系装置fuel gan supply device 631140贮气瓶gas tank641141燃气管路gas passage651142蒸发器evaporator661143过滤器filter671144混合器fuel gas mixer681145燃气空燃比调节阀air fuel ratio control valve/AFCV 691146燃气压力调节阀pressure regulator 701147气体流量阀gas flow valve 711148气体喷射器gas injector721149充气口总成inflation opening 731150充气(出气)三通总成inflation there-way assembly 741151燃气减压阀gas pressure relief valve 751152燃气安全装置gas safety device 761153燃料选择开关fuel selection switch 771154空气预滤器air pre-cleaner781156供给系电控单元执行装置supply system ECU actuator 12排气系统exhaust system 791200排气系装置exhaust device 801201消声器muffler811202谐振器resonator821203消声器进排气管intake or exhaust pipe,muffler 831204消声器隔热板heat shield,muffler 841205排气净化装置(催化转化器)catalytic converter 851206二次空气供给系统secondary air supply system 861207排气再循环系统EGR system871208隔热板heat shield881209尾管tailpipe 13冷却系cooling system 891300冷却系装置cooling device 901301散热器radiator911302散热器悬置radiator mounting921303散热器软管与连接管radiator house and connecting pipe 931304散热器盖radiator cover941305放水开关water drain tap951306调温器temperature regulator961307水泵water pump971308风扇fan981309风扇防风罩fan shroud991310散热器百叶窗radiator shutter1001311膨胀箱expansion tank1011312水式热交换器water type heat exchanger 1021313风扇离合器fan clutch1031314冷却系电控单元执行装置cooling system ECU actuator 15自动液力变速器automatic transmission1041500 自动液力变速器总成automatic transmission assembly 1051501液力变矩器torque converter1061502自动变速器总成auto transmission subassembly 1071503冷却器cooler1081504自动液力变速器操纵机构automatic transmission controller 1091505液力变速器电控单元执行装置automatic transmission ECU actuator 1101506液力耦合器fluid coupling1111507锁止离合器lock-up clutch1121508单向离合器one-way clutch 16离合器clutch1131600离合器总成clutch assembly1141601离合器clutch1151602离合器操纵机构clutch operation1161603液力耦合器fluid coupling1171604离合器助理阀clutch booster1181605储液罐fluid reservoir1191606离合器取力器power take-off,clutch 1201607离合器操纵管路clutch control line1211608离合总泵clutch master cylinder1221609离合器分泵clutch release cylinder 17变速器transmission1231700变速器总成transmission assembly1241701变速器transmission1251702变速器换挡机构transmission shifting mechanism 1261703变速器换挡操纵装置transmission shift control 1271704变速器油泵transmission pump1281705起动机构starting gear1291706变速器悬置transmission mounting1301707AMT电控单元执行装置AMT ECU actuator1311708同步器synchronizer1321709油压调节器transmission governor1331710油压开关总成transmission hydraulic switch assembly/THS 1341711润滑油滤清器transmission filter1351712冷却器transmission cooler1361720副变速器总成splitter assembly1371721副变速器 splitter1381722副变速器操纵机构splitter controller 18分动器transfer case1391800分动器总成transfer case assembly 1401801分动器悬置transfer case mounting 1411802分动器transfer case1421803分动器换挡机构transfer case shifting mechanism 1431804分动器操纵装置transfer case control 1441805分动器选择开关transfer case selection switch 1451806换挡气缸总成shift cylinder assembly 1461807分动器电控单眼执行装置transfer case ECU actuator 20超速器overspeed machine 1472000超速器总成overspeed machine assembly 1482001超速器overspeed machine 1492002超速器连轴器connection shaft ,overspeed machine 1502003超速器结合器overspeed connector 1512004超速器操纵机构overspeed machine controller 21电动汽车驱动系统electric vehicle driving system 1522100电动汽车驱动装置electric vehicle drive 1532101电池组battery pack1542102主开关main switch1552103驱动电动机traction motor1562104驱动控制系统drive control system 1572105电缆及连接器cable and connectons 1582106断路器chopper1592107充电器charger1602108车辆控制器vehcle controller 1612109接线盒junction box1622110变压器transformer1632111传感器sensor1642120燃料电池fuel cell/FC1652121耦合器coupler1662122逆变器inverter1672123AC/DC变换器AC/DC converter 1682124电池过热报警装置battery overheat warning device 1692126插头service plug1702127冷却系装置cooling device1712128电机过速报警装置motor over revolution warning device 1722129电机过热报警装置motor overheat warning device 1732131电机过电流报警装置motor over current warning device 1742132整流器rectifier1752133漏电报警装置insulation failure warning 1762134接触器converter1772136运行显示装置standby indicator 1782137电制动显示装置electric retarding indicator 1792138故障诊断装置diagnosis tester1802139变流器converter1812141锁止机构lock actuator1822142电机控制器motor controller1832143继电调整器与变向器relay adjuster and reverser 1842144联轴节coupler1852146变速系统EV transmission1862147传动系统EV drive train1872148制动系统EV brake system1882149动力单元EV power unit1892151驱动单元EV drive unit 22传动轴drive shaft1902200传动轴装置drive shaft device1912201后桥传动轴drive shaft,rear drive axle 1922202中间传动轴mid drive shaft1932203前桥传动轴drive shaft,front drive axle 1942204后桥第一中间传动轴1st mid drive shaft,rear drive axle 1952205中桥传动轴drive shaft,center drive axle 1962206中桥中间传动轴mid drive shaft,center drive axle 1972207后桥第二中间传动轴2nd mid drive shaft,rear drive axle 1982208前桥第一中间传动轴1st mid drive shaft,front drive axle 1992209前桥第二中间传动轴2nd mid drive shaft,front drive axle 2002210后桥第三中间传动轴3rd mid drive shaft,rear drive axle 2012211中桥第二中间传动轴2nd mid drive shaft,center drive axle 2022212传动轴保护架protective bracket,drive shaft 2032241传动轴中间支承drive shaft intermediate mount 23前桥front drive axle2042300前桥总成front drive axle assembly 2052301前桥壳及半轴套管front drive axle housing and axle sleeve 2062302前桥主减速器front drive axle final drive 2072303前桥差速器及半轴front drive axle differential and axle shaft 2082304转向节steering knuckle2092305前桥轮边减速器front drive axle wheel reductor 2102306前桥差速锁front drive axle differential lock 2112307前桥差速锁操纵机构front drive axle differential lock controller 2122308变速驱动桥transaxle2132309前桥变速操纵机构speed changing controller,front drive axle 2142310前桥轴头离合器front drive axle shaft clutch 2152311前桥限位带stop belt,front drive axle 24后桥rear drive axle2162400后桥总成rear drive axle assembly 2172401后桥壳及半轴套管rear drive axle housing and axle sleeve 2182402后桥主减速器rear drive axle final drive 2192403后桥差速器及半轴rear drive axle differential and axle shaft 2202404转向节steering knuckle2212405后桥轮边减速器rear drive axle wheel reductor 2222406后桥差速锁rear drive axle differential lock 2232407后桥差速锁操纵机构rear drive axle differential lock controller 2242408变速驱动桥transaxle2252409后桥变速操纵机构speed changing controller,rear drive axle 25中桥center drive axle2262500中桥总成center drive axle assembly 2272501中桥壳及半轴套管center drive axle housing and axle sleeve 2282502中桥主减速器center drive axle final drive 2292503中桥差速器及半轴center drive axle differential and axle shaft 2302505中桥轮边减速器center drive axle wheel reductor 2312506中桥差速锁center drive axle differential lock 2322507中桥差速锁操纵机构center drive axle differential lock controller 2332510轴间差速器interaxle differential2342511轴间差速锁interaxle differential lock 2352512轴间差速锁操纵机构interaxle differential lock controller 2362513中桥润滑油泵center drive axle lubricating pump 27支承连接装置supporting and coupling device 2372700支承连接装置supporting and coupling device 2382701挂车台架trailer saddle piece2392702牵引装置trailer coupling2402703连接机构connection2412704挂车转向装置trailer steering device2422705转向装置的止位机构suspension stop,steering device 2432706挂车台架转向装置trailer saddle piece steering device 2442707牵引连接装置draw bar2452720挂车支承装置总成trailer supporting device assembly 2462721挂车支承装置trailer supporting device2472722挂车支承装置的轴及滚轮shaft and roll wheel,trailer supporting device 2482723支承装置升降机构hoisting gear,supporting device 2492724支承装置升降驱动机构hoisting drive unit,supporting device 2502725支承装置升降驱动机构操纵装置hoisting drive controller,supporting device 2512728挂车自动连接机构automatic coupling2522730鞍式牵引座saddle coupling seat2532731铰接车转盘装置run tray device,articulated vehicle 2542740辅助支承装置总成auxiliary supporting device assembly 2552741辅助支承装置auxiliary supporting device 28车架chassic frame2562800车架总成chassis frame assembly2572801车架chassis frame2582802发动机挡泥板engine fender2592803前保险杆front bumper2602804后保险杠hear bumper2612805牵引装置draw bar2622806前拖钩(拖拽装置)front hook2632807前牌照架front license-plate bracket 2642808后牌照架rear license-plate bracket 2652809防护栏fence rail2662810副车架总成auxiliary frame assembly 29汽车悬架suspension2672900汽车悬架装置suspension system2682901前悬架总成front suspension assembly 2692902前钢板弹簧front leaf spring2702903前副钢板弹簧front assist leaf spring2712904前悬架支柱及臂prop and arm,front suspension 2722905前减震器front shock absorber2732906前悬架横向稳定装置stabilizer bar installation,front suspension 2742908调平控制系统level control system2752909前推力杆front pusher2762911后悬架总成rear suspension system2772912后钢板弹簧rear leaf spring2782913后副钢板弹簧rear assist leaf spring2792914后独立悬架控制臂IRS control arm2802915后减震器rear shock absorder2812916后悬架横向稳定装置stabilizer bar installation,rear suspension 2822917侧向稳定后拉杆rear pull rod,side stability 2832918平衡悬架balanced suspension2842919后悬架反作用杆reactive link,rear suspension 2852920限位器suspension stopper2862921附加桥钢板弹簧leaf spring,additional axle 2872922附加桥附加弹簧additional spring,additional axle 2882923附加桥减震器shock absorber,additional axle 2892924附加桥横向稳定杆additional axle stabilizer2902925前横臂独立悬架系统independent suspension system,frontcrossarm2912926后横臂独立悬架系统independent suspension system,rear crossarm 2922930前空气悬架front air suspension2932935后空气悬架rear air suspension2942940第二前悬架总成2nd front suspension assembly 2952941第二前悬钢板弹簧2nd front leaf spring2962942第二前悬减震器2nd front shock absorber2972945悬架电控单元执行装置suspension ECU actuator2982950空气悬架电控单元执行装置air suspension ECU actuator 2992955液压悬架电控单元执行装置hydraulic suspension ECU actuator 3002960油气悬架hydropneumatic suspension 3012965限位拉索stop cable 30前轴front axle3023000前轴总成front axle assembly3033001前轴及转向节front axle and steering knuckle 3043003转向拉杆steering link3053010第二前轴总成2nd front axle assembly3063011第二前轴及转向节2nd front axle and steering knuckle 31车轮及轮毂wheel and wheel hub3073100车轮及轮毂装置wheel and wheel hub system 3083101车轮wheel3093102车轮罩wheel arch3103103前轮毂front wheel hub3113104后轮毂rear wheel hub3123105备胎架及升降机构spare wheel bracket and regulator 3133106轮胎tire3143107备胎举升缸总成spare wheel lifting eylinder assembly 3153109备胎举升手压泵spare wheel lifting hand pump 3163117附加轴轮毂wheel hub,additional axle3173112联接法兰connecting flange 3183113轮辋rim 32附加桥(附加轴)additional axle 3193200附加桥总成additional axle assembly 3203201摆臂轴及摆臂rocker shaft and arm 3213202附加桥举升机构additional axle lifting gear 3223203举升机构管路系统lifting gear line 33后轴rear axle3233300后轴总成rear axle assembly 2343301后轴及转向节rear axle and steering knuckle 3253303转向拉杆steering link 34转向系统steering system 3263400转向系装置steering device 3273401转向器steering gear 3283402转向盘及调节机构steering wheel and regulator 3293403转向器支架steering gear bracket 3303404转向轴及万向节steering shaft and universal joint 3313405转向操纵阀steering control valve 3323406动力转向管路power steering line 3333407动力转向油泵power steering pump 3343408动力转向油罐power steeringoil reservoir 3353409动力转向助力缸power steering cylinder 3363411整体动力转向器integral power steering gear 3373412转向附件steering accessorics 3383413紧急动力转向装置emergency power steering derive 3393415转向转换装置steering change-over device 3403417助力转向控制阀power steering control spool valve 3413418助力转向电控单元执行装置power steering ECU actuator 35制动系brake system 3423500制动系装置brake device 3433501前制动器及制动鼓front brake and brake drum 3443502后制动器及制动鼓rear brake and brake drum 3453504制动踏板及传动装置braking pedal and drive 3463505制动总泵brake master cylinder 3473506制动管路braking line3483507驻车制动器parking brake 3493508驻车制动操纵装置parking brake control device 3503509空气压缩机air compressor 3513510气压或真空增力机构air pressure or vacuum booster 3523511油水分离器oil water separator 3533512压力调节阀pressure regulator 3543513贮气筒及支架air storage and bracket 3553514空气制动阀air brake valve 3563515保险装置insurance device 3573516快放阀quick release valve 3583517紧急制动阀emergency braking valve 3593518加速阀(继动阀)relay valve3603519制动气室brake chamber3613520空气制动分离开关air brake shut-off switch 3623521空气制动管接头air brake pipe fitting3633522挂车制动阀trailer braking valve3643523感载阀load-sensing valve3653524缓速阀retarder3663525制动压力调节阀BPMV3673526手制动阀hand braking valve3683527辅助装置auxiliary device3693529防冻泵antifreeze pump3703530弹簧制动气室spring braking chamber3713533双路阀dual-eirecuit protection valve 3723534压力保护阀pressure protection valve 3733540真空助力器带制动泵总成vacuun booster with master cylinder assembly 3743541真空泵vacuun pump3753548发动机进气制动inlet brake system,engine 3763549发动机排气制动exhaust brake system,engine 3773550防抱死系统antilock brake system/ABS 3783551制动调节臂brake adjusting arm3793555空气干燥器总成air dryer assembly3803556制动截止阀brake stop valve3813561制动软管及连接管brake hose and connection 3823562制动带brake band3833565车辆稳定性辅助装置VSA3843567车辆稳定性辅助装置电控单元执行装置VSA ECU actuator3853568EBS电控单元执行装置EBS ECU actuator 36电子装置electronic installation3863600整车电子装置vehicle electronic installation 3873601车载诊断系统vehicle diagnosis device 3883602自动驾驶装置automatic guidance3893603防撞雷达装置guide radar detector3903604巡航装置cruise control3913605防盗系统theft protection system3923606IC卡识读器IC card identifier3933607电子报站器electronic station announcement machine 3943610发动机系统电控装置engine system ECU3953611发动机系统电控用传感器engine system ECU sensor 3963612电子喷射电控单元及传感器ECI ECU and sensor3973613化油器电控单元及传感器carburetor ECU and sensor 3983614供给系电控单元及传感器supply system ECU and sensor 3993615EGR电控单元及传感器EGR ECU and sensor4003616冷却系电控单元及传感器cooling system ECU and sensor 4013621液力变速器电控单元及传感器automatic transmission ECU and sensor 4023623AMT电控单元及传感器AMT ECU and sensor4033624分动器电控单元及传感器transfer case ECU and sensor 4043629空气悬架电控单元及传感器air suspension ECU and sensor 4053630ABS电控单元及传感器ABS ECU and sensor4063631缓速器电控单元及传感器retarder ECU and sensor 4073634转向系电控单元及传感器steering system ECU and sensor4083635EBS电控单元及传感器EBS ECU and sensor 4093636车辆稳定性辅助装置电控单元及传感器VSA ECU and sensor 4103658安全气囊电控单元及传感器air bag ECU and sensor 4113665集中润滑系统电控单元及传感器centralized lubrication ECU and sensor 4123682卫生间电控单元及传感器toilet ECU and sensor 37电气设备electric equipment 4133700电气设备electric equipment 4143701发电机generator4153702发电机调节器generator regulator 4163703蓄电池battery4173704点火开关ignition switch4183705点火线圈ignition coil4193706分电器ignition distributor 4203707火花塞及高压线spark plug and ignition wire 4213708起动机starter4223709灯光总开关master lighting switch 4233710变光开关dimmer switch4243719遮光罩light shield4253721电喇叭electric born4263722电路保护装置electrical protective device 4273723接线器terminal4283725点烟器cigar lighter4293728磁电机magneto4303730挂车供电插座trailer cable socket 4313735各种继电器relay of all kinds4323736电源总开关main switch4333737搭铁开关earth switch4343740微电机small-power motor 4353741刮水电机及开关wiper motor and switch 4363742中隔墙电机及开关inter-partition wall motor and switch 4373743座位移动电机及开关seat adjustment motor and switch 4383744暖风电机及开关heater motor and switch 4393745空调电机及开关air conditioner motor and switch 4403746门窗电机及开关window life motor and switch 4413747洗涤电机及开关washer motor and switch 4423748后风窗除霜装置rear defroster unit 4433749散热器风窗电机及开关cooling fan motor and switch 4443750变换开关change-over switch 4453751接触器electromagnetic contactor 4463752爆震限制器knock limiter4473753行程电磁铁travel electromagnetic 4483754电磁开关electromagnetic switch 4493755制动位液压装置brake fluid level device 4503757气压警报开关air pressure warming switch 4513758车门信号开关door signal switch 4523759座椅加热器及开关seat heater and switch 4533761真空信号开关vacuum signal switch 4543763车辆限速装置vehicle speed limiter4553764ABS系统调节电机ABS control motor4563765电子节气门electronic throttle4573766闪光器flasher4583767燃油泵电机fuel pump motor4593768电子点火模块electronic ignition mould 4603769进气预热器lntake air heater4613770预热塞glow plug4623774组合开关multi-function switch 4633775主副油箱转换阀change-over,main or aux fuel tank 4643776倒车监视系统reverse monitoring television 4653777分动器控制装置transfer case electronic control device 4663778电子防盗装置electronic theft protection 4673779取力指示器及开关power take off indicator and switch 4683780电压装换开关voltage change-over switch 4693781空挡开关neutral-position switch 4703782电动外后视镜开关electic rear mirror switch 4713783冷风电动机cooling motor4723784逆变器inverter4733785防暴电子装置anti-riot electronic equipment 4743786天线电动机antenna motor4753787中央门锁central locking mechanism 4763788火焰塞flame plug4773789润滑泵电机lubricating pump motor 4783790电子门锁electronic lock for door 4793791遥控门锁及遥控器wireless door lock and remote controller 4803792翘板开关rocker switch 38仪器仪表instrument4813800仪器仪表装置instrument device4823801仪表板instrument panel assembly 4833802车速里程表、传感器及软轴speedometer and sensor and flexible shaft 4843803远光指示灯full-beam indicator4853804点钟electronic clock4863806燃油表fuel gauge4873807机油温度表oil temperature indicator 4883808水温表water temperature indicator 4893809气体温度表air temperature indicator 4903810机油压力表oil pressure gauge4913811电流表ammeter4923812电压表voltmeter4933813转速表tachometer4943814真空表vacuum indicator4953815混合气点火器mixture igniter4963816空气压力表air gauge4973818警报器装置alarm device4983819蜂鸣器buzzer4993820组合仪表combination instrument 5003822燃气显示装置gas indicator5013824稳压器总成voltage signal assembly5023825水位报警器water lever tell-tale 5033826气制动贮气筒压力表air brake reservoir pressure indicator 5043827发动机油压表engine oil pressure indicator 5053828冷却液温度计coolant thermometer 5063832变速器操纵信号指示装置transmission control signal indicator 5073833举升信号装置lifting signal device 5083834差速操纵信号指示装置differential control signal sign indicator 5093850车辆行驶记录仪vehicle traveling data recorder 5103853挂车自动连接信号显示装置trailer auto connecting signal indicator 5113865集中润滑系统显示装置centralized lubrication indicator 5123871预热温度开关及指示器总成preheat temperature switch and indicatorassembly5133872蓄电池欠压报警装置battery low-voltage warming device 39随车工具及组件tool set and component 5143900随车工具及组件tool set and component 5153901通用工具general tools5163903说明牌descriptive label5173904铭牌label5183905铲子spader5193907牵引钢绳towing steel string5203908防滑链antiskid chain5213909备用锤spare pail5223910灭火器及附件extinguisher and accessory 5233911油脂枪grease gun5243912轮胎气压表tire air pressure gauge 5253913起重器crane5263914保温套cosy5273915活动扳手adjustable spanner5283916特种工具special tools5293917轮胎充气手泵tire inflator5303918拆卸工具disassemble tools5313919工具箱tool box5323920厚薄规及量规 feeler stock and gauge 5333921装饰标牌gamish label5343922备品包箱spare tools box5353923车辆识别代号标牌vehicle identification number label 5363924发动机修理包engine repair kit5373926三角警告牌triangular warming plante 40电线束wiring harness5384000汽车线束装置vehicle wiring harness system 5394001发动机线束engine wiring harness 5404002车身线束body wiring harness 5414003仪表板及控制台线束instrument panel and console harness 5424004座舱线束passenger compartment wiring harness 5434006装货空间线束loading space wiring harness 5444010车架线束chassis wiring harness 5454011前线束front wiring harness 5464012中间线束center wiring harness 5474013后线束rear wiring harness5484014空调线束air condition harness 5494016线束固定器(线夹)harness clamp5504017线束接插器harness connector 5514018灯具线束lamp wiring harness 41汽车灯具automatic lamp5524100汽车灯具装置automatic lamp system 5534101前照灯head lamp5544102前小灯side light5554103仪表灯instrument lamp 5564104内部照明灯及开关interior lamp and switch 5574106工作灯working lamp5584107尾灯tail lamp5594108牌照灯license lamp5604109停车灯parking lamp5614111转向灯及开关turn lamp and switch 5624112投光灯projection lamp5634113倒车灯及开关reversing lampand switch 5644114示廓灯marker lamp5654116雾灯及开关fog lamp and switch 5664117侧标志灯(侧反射器)side lamp (side reflector)5674118半挂车标志灯semi-trailer signal lamp 5684119防空灯及开关black-out lamp and switch 5694121组合前灯combination head lamp 5704122壁灯bracket lamp5714123顶灯roof lamp5724124阅读灯reading lamp5734126踏步灯courtesy lamp5744127行李箱照明灯luggage compartment lamp 5754128应急报警闪光灯hazard warming lamp 5764129警告灯emergency warming lamp 5774131门灯door lock warming lamp 5784133组合后灯rear combination head lamp 5794134制动灯及开关stop lamp and switch 5804135回复反射器retro reflector5814136闪光器flasher 42特种设备special equipment 5824200特种设备special equipment 5834201机械打气泵mechanical tire inflator 5844202一档取力器(动力输出装置)1st gear power take-off 5854203增压泵及减速器supercharging pump and reducer 5864205二档取力器2nd gear power take-off 5874207三档取力器3rd gear power take-off 5884209发动机拆卸器engine stripping attachment 5894210特种设备气压操纵装置special equipment air pressure control 5904211取力器power take-off5914212水下部件通气管underwater components breather pipe 5924221轮胎充气系贮气筒tire air inflation reservoir 5934222轮胎充气系压力控制阀tire air inflation pressure valve5944223轮胎阀体tire valve body5954224轮胎充气接头tire air inflation fitting 5964225轮胎充气管路tire air inflation pipeline 5974240车门自动开关机构door auto switch device 5984250集中润滑系统centralized lubrication 5994260集中气动助力伺服系统centralized servo system,air assisted 45绞盘winch6004500绞盘总成winch assembly6014501绞盘winch6024502绞盘传动轴winch drive shaft 6034503绞盘操纵装置winch control device 6044504绞盘钢索、链条及钩winch steel cable and chain and hook 6054505绞盘鼓winch drum6064506绞盘驱动装置winch drive device 6074507绞盘支架winch bracket6084508液压泵、液压马达hydraulic pump or hydraulic motor 6094509液压管路及连接器hydraulic line and connection 50车身body6105000车身总成body assembly6115001车身固定装置body fixing device 6125002车身翻转机构body tilting gear 6135004车身锁止机构body locking gear 6145005放物台body exterior trimming 6155006车身外装饰article bed6165010车身骨架body skeleton6175012伸缩棚装置flexible aulin device 6185014铰接栅及转盘机构joint grille and roll system 51车身地板body floor6195100车身地板总成body floor assembly 6205101车身地板零件body floor parts6215102车身地板护面body floor shield 6225107车身地板盖板body floor cover plate 6235108工具箱tool box6245109地毯carpet6255110地板隔热层floor heat insulator 6265111进气口罩inlet air vent mask 6275112售票台conductor table6285120驾驶区地板总成(前地板总成)front floor assembly 6295121驾驶区地板driver's compartment floor 6305122纵梁longeron6315123横梁crossmember6325124压条batten6335130乘客区地板总成(后地板总成)rear floor assembly 6345131通道地板passage floor6355132侧面地板side floor6365133后地板rear floor6375134纵梁longeron6385135横梁crossmember6395136压条batten6405140前踏板总成front step assembly6415150中间踏板总成middle step assembly 6425160后踏板总成rear step assembly6435172车身下护板装置body lower protection 6445173车身下防护板body lower shield6455174车身下导流板body lower flow guide 52风窗windshield6465200风窗总成windshield assembly 6475201风窗框windshield frame6485202风窗铰链windshield hinge6495203风窗侧面玻璃windshield side glass 6505204风窗升降装置windshield regulator 6515205刮水器wiper6525206风窗玻璃及密封条windshield glass and sealing strips 6535207风窗洗涤器washer 53前围front wall6545300前围总成front wall assembly 6555301前围骨架及盖板front wall skeleton and cover plate 6565302前围护面front wall shield6575303杂物箱glove box6585304前围通风孔vent hole,front wall 6595305副仪表板console6605306仪表板instrument panel6615310前围隔热层front wall heat protector 6625315高架箱elevated box 54侧围side wall6635400侧围总成side wall assembly6645401侧围骨架及盖板side wall skeleton and cover plate 6655402侧围护面side wall shield6665403侧围窗side wall window6675404侧围升降机构side wall regulator6685405中间支柱central pillar6695406三角窗quarter window6705409内行李架inside luggage6715410侧围隔热层side wall heat protector 6725411行李舱门luggage compartment door 55车身装饰件body trim6735500车身装饰body trim6745501顶盖装饰件roof trim6755502喷水口装饰件spray water port trim 6765503安全带装饰件safety belt trim6775504车身底部装饰件body bottom trim6785506牌照及照明装置装饰件license plate and illumination device trim 6795507活动入口装饰件entrance trim6805508中间支柱装饰件central pillar trim6815509散热器护栅装饰件radiator grille trim6825511大灯、信号灯装置装饰件head lamp and signal lamp trim6835512轮罩装饰件wheelhouse trim6845513排气口出气装饰件exhaust port trim 6855514散热器导流板装饰件radiator flowguide trim 6865516变速杆装饰件gear shift lever trim 6875517空调装饰件air condition trim 6885518行李箱装饰件luggage box trim6895519驾驶台装饰件driving table trim 6905521地板装饰件floor trim6915522车壁装饰件interior rim of side wall trim 6925523豪华座椅装饰件executive limousine seat trim 6935524行李架装饰件luggage rack trim 6945526乘客扶手装饰件passenger armrest trim 6955527卧铺装饰件sleeping berth trim 6965528车门搁物袋door stuff bag6975529座椅背搁物袋seat back stuff trim 6985531专用隔热、隔音装饰件special heat and sound insulation trim 6995532专用防尘、防雨密封装饰件special dust and rain proof seal trim 56后围rear wall7005600后围总成rear wall assembly 7015601后围骨架及盖板rear wall skeleton and cover plate 7025602后围护面rear wall shield7035603后围窗rear wall window 7045604行李箱盖luggage box cover 7055605行李箱盖铰链及支柱luggage box cover hinge and pillar 7065606行李箱盖锁及手柄luggage box cover lock and handle 7075608行李箱护面luggage box shield 7085610后围隔热层rear wall heat protector 7095611刮水器wiper7105612洗涤器washer7115613格栅grille7125614导流板flowguide 57顶盖roof7135700顶盖总成roof assembly7145701顶盖骨架及盖板roof skeleton and cover plate 7155702顶盖内护面roof interior shield 7165703顶盖通风窗roof vent window 7175704顶盖外护面roof exterior shield 7185709行李架总成luggage rack assembly 7195710顶盖隔热层roof heat protector 7205711顶盖升降机构roof regulator7215713应急窗(安全窗)emergency window(safety window)58乘员安全约束装置passenger safety restraint system 7225800乘员安全约束装置passenger safety restraint system 7235810安全带总成seat belt assembly 7245811前安全带front seat belt7255812后安全带rear seat belt7265813中间安全带central seat belt7275814安全带收紧器seat belt retractor7285820安全气囊总成air bag assembly7295821前气囊袋front air bag7305822侧气囊袋side air bag7315823气体发生器gas generator7325824安全气囊电控单元执行装置air bag ECU actuator7335825微处理器microprocessor7345826安全气囊触发器air bag activator7355830儿童约束保护系统child restraint system 7365831儿童安全座椅child restraint seat7375832儿童安全门锁child restraint lock7385833儿童安全带child restraint belt7395834童车和轮椅约束装置baby carriage and wheelcheelchair restraintdevice 59客车舱体与舱门bus compartment body and door 7405901大行李舱体large luggage compartment body 7415902大行李舱门large luggage compartment door 7425918小行李舱体small luggage compartment body 7435919小行李舱门small luggage compartment door 7445903蓄电池舱体battery compartment body 7455904蓄电池舱门battery compartment door 7465915配电舱体distribution compartment body 7475916配电舱门distribution compartment door 7485909空调舱门A/C compartment body 7495910空调舱门A/C compartment door 7505907除霜器舱体defroster compartment body 7515908除霜器舱门defroster compartment door 7525920其他舱体及舱门other compartment body and door 60车篷及侧围roof head lining and side wall 7536000车篷总成roof head lining assembly 7546001车篷骨架及附件roof head liningskeleton and accessory 7556002车篷及侧围roof head lining and side wall 7566003车篷后窗roof head lining rear window 7576004车篷升降机构roof head lining regulator 7586005车篷座roof head lining seat 61前侧面车门front side door7596100前侧围门板总成front side door assembly 7606101车门骨架及盖板door skeleton and cover plate 7616102车门护面door shield7626103车门窗door window7636104车门玻璃升降机构door glass regulator7646105车门锁及手柄door lock and handle7656106车门铰链door hinge7666107车门密封条door sealing strips7676108车门开关机构door switch system7686109车门滑轨及限位机构door slide rail and stop system 7696110车门气路door air circuit7706111车门气泵air pump,door7716112车门应急开启装置emergency opening of the door device 62后侧门车门rear side door。