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Unit 1 Playing Sports
Topic 1 I’m going to play basketball.
Section A
Ⅰ. Material analysis
本课时的主要活动为1a 和2。

通过Michael 和Kangkang 的对话,呈现了本课所要学的语法重点:将来时be going to do
P laying Sports, 呈现了重点短语:play basketball/football, have a 结构。

basketball/football game, cheer ⋯on, win (the game), prefer doing 等。

Playing Sports 这个话题和学生们的生活紧密相连,容易激发学生的学习兴趣。

用be going to do 对学生

困难一:be 动词和主语不一致(多数学生);困难二:不会正确地将do 替换成具体动词(少数学生)。

用be going to do 谈论自己的运动计划,并能用书面表达形式实际生活,引导学生正确地使

Ⅱ. Teaching aims
Knowledge aims :
1. 能根据音标正确朗读出下列单词表中的单词:team, win, cheer, row, quite, during, against,
2. 能正确拼读并运用单词表中的黑体单词。

3. 能正确运用be going to do 表达运动计划。

4. 能正确地运用prefer doing 结构表达喜好,如:prefer swimming, prefer rowing 等。

5. 能运用本课所学语言,就自己的运动计划与他人交流。

Skill aims :
1. 能听懂有关运动计划和运动爱好的简单对话和陈述。

2. 能正确地口头表达有关运动计划和运动爱好的话题。

3. 能正确朗读课本的文本材料,准确把握语音、语调及连读。

4. 能正确地运用书面表达写出自己的运动计划及运动爱好。

Emotional aims :
通过对Section A 的学习,学生能够写出自己的运动计划,并讨论各自喜好的运动,激发学生的运动意识,帮助学生养成运动的好习惯,学会强身健体。

Ⅲ. The key points and difficult points
Key points :
能正确、熟练地运用be going to do 句型。

Difficult points :
1. be going to do 句型中的be 动词和主语的一致性。

2. see sb. do和see sb. doing 的区别。

Ⅳ. Learning strategies
1. 学生通过看图猜测单词,锻炼他们的预测能力。

2. 学生模仿例子编写对话,提高他们的改写能力。

Ⅴ. Teaching aids
Computer multimedia projector
Everyday saying: Reading is to the mind while exercise to the body. 读书健脑,运动强身。

Ⅵ. Teaching procedures
Student activity Teacher activity
1. The whole 1. Focus their attention on 1. Get students ready for class work the teacher. learning.
2. The whole 2. Read the saying aloud. 2. Show everyday saying for class work the students.
(one saying a week)
3. One or two 3. The student reports in 3. Ask the students to design Students’w ork front of the whole a special topic of sports and
class. The topic is give the everyday report.
Introduction (7 minutes)4. The whole
class work
related to sports.
4. The whole class listen
carefully and try to
4. Revision: Teacher says
something about sports.
repeat what the teacher E.g. I often play table
says. Guess the words’tennis in the morning.
meanings with the I am going to play table
help of the pictures. tennis tomorrow morning,
too. (The picture of
playing table tennis is
shown on the computer
1. Group work 1. Group A’s members 1. Write“I am going to play
help B and C to make table tennis.”o n the
their own sentences. blackboard. Ask the
They may know the students to replace“p lay
Presentation (8 minutes) meaning of “b e going
to do”after making
sentences. Students
table tennis”. Teacher
shows pictures in 2 on the
computer screen with the should try to use the following words under each new words and phrases, picture: swim, row, cycle, such as: I’m going to skate, play tennis.
row / cycle / skate.
2. The whole 2. Students listen to 1a 2. Finish 1b. Teacher introduces
class work carefully, focusing on something about 1b.
the information of Michael is talking about
nouns about sports, and sports with Kangkang.
then answer together. Let’s listen and find:
What are they talking
about? Teacher plays the
recording without stopping.
Check 1b.
3. The whole 3. Students try to understand3. Finish 1c. Teacher presents
class work what the symbol “←new words “a gainst”and
→”mean. They should
“p ractice”in different
guess what the teacher ways.
Presentation does with the help of Against: Teacher puts his/ (8 minutes) the teache’s r actions. her two fists against each
Students should follow other.
what the teacher says and Practice: I am going to
catch the meaning. play table tennis. We can
Students listen to 1a also say “I am going to
again carefull,ypaying practice table tennis”. Here
more attention when “p ractice”means “p lay”.
pause appears.
4. Group work 4. Students check the 4. Finish 1c. Teacher plays
(In fact, every- answers in their the recording twice.
one should groups first, and then The first time: stop when
participate in exchange their answers necessary.
the activity.) with other groups. The second time: check
the answers.
1. The whole 1. Students read each 1. Read 1a.
class work sentence after the Teacher plays the recording
recording, imitating in 1a sentence by sentence.
the pronunciation and
the intonation.
2. The whole 2. Students try to follow 2. Teacher plays the recording
class work the speed. without stopping.
3. Pair work 3. Students read 1a in 3. Teacher gives 1 or 2
pairs, trying to read minutes for the students to
correctly and fluentl.y read 1a in pairs.
There are A, B, C three
4. Group work 4. A pair will make a 4. Teacher designs a
and pair work score of 10 points. (B competition: Students in
pair: 6 points ; C each group do pair work
pair :7 points.) first to read 1a in pairs,
and then each group
choose out one pair to Consolidation perform the dialogue. To (10 minutes) avoid only the excellent
students performing the
show, teacher gives the
equal chance to different
5. Individual 5. Students fill in the blanks: 5. Teacher explains some key
①—_____(be) you
work points and difficult points to
going to play tennis? the students:
—Yes, I ____(be). (1) The structure o“f be going
②He saw her _______
to do”
(cross) the road. (2) The differencesbetween
③I saw her _______ “s ee⋯do”a nd“s ee⋯doing”.
(row) at this time
6. The whole 6. Students only write down 6. Finish 1d. Teacher shows 1d
class work the answers to see if on the screen, checking if the
they have understood students are able to write the
the dialogue. new words correctly while
the students are writing.
Practice 2:
1. The whole 1. Studentsread the words 1. Teacher shows the following
class work correctly, paying attention words on the screen:
to the changing form. play-playing, skate-skating,
row-rowing, cycle-cycling.
2. Individual 2. Every student in the class 2. Teacher organizes group
work makes his/her own work. Divide the whole
conversation similar to 2. class into six groups.
Each group will make up
their own conversation and
write them down, and then
they exchange it with Practice another group.
(10 minutes) 3. Group work 3. Students read the new 3. Teacher asks each group
and individual conversation one by one to read their conversations
work in their own groups, one by one at the same
correcting each other’s time, walking around the
mistakes at any time. class to check or to help.
4. The whole 4. Students listen generally 4. Teacher plays the recording
class work to catch the main idea. of 3a without stopping.
5. The whole 5. Students pay more 5. The recording stops when
class work attention to the special the long and difficult
information relating to sentences appear.
the keys.
6. The whole 6. Students manage to fill 6. The recording stops when
class work in the blanks correctly. the answer appears.
1. The whole 1. Students summarize 1. Teacher shows summary
class work Section A together on the screen.
with the teacher.
2. The whole 2. Students write an 2. Teacher assigns homework.
class work essay according to 3b Write an essay about your
after class. own sports plan.
3. The whole 3. Students learn Section B 3. Ask students to prepare
class work by themselves after class. Section B after class. Production
(8 minutes)
It’s easy for the students to use the structure of “b e going to do ”after teaching. But it ’s hard for them to use “s ee sb. do”and “s ee sb. doing”
correctly. Teacher should adjust the teaching procedure according to the Teaching
situation in their own class.
Ⅶ. Blackboard design
Unit 1 Playing Sports
Topic 1 I ’m going to play basketball.
Section A
—What are you going to do? against
—I’m going to play table tennis. a ball game against ⋯
I prefer rowing. practice: play basketball
Are you going to join the school rowing club? team / group
Yes, I am. win the game
No, I am not. cheer ⋯on
Unit 1 Playing Sports
Topic 1 I’m going to play basketball.
Section B
Ⅰ. Material analysis
本课时的主要活动为1a 和3a, 3b。

M ichael 和Maria 谈论最喜爱的运动和最喜爱的运动员,将话题拓展到对梦想职业通过
的谈论,引出本课语法重点:be going to be +职业名称。

围绕本单元的话题Playing Sports, 呈现了重点短语:favorite sport, favorite player, play for, grow up 等。



正确运用be going to be 将是一个难题。

所以,要求老师要运用活动 2 的职业名称,结合学生的梦想,引导学生正确地运用be going to be 的句型谈论有关自己和他人的运动爱好及梦想的话题,并能用书面形式写出自己的梦想及运动爱好。

Ⅱ. Teaching aims
Knowledge aims :
1. 能根据音标,正确朗读出单词表中的单音节单词及简单短语。

2. 能在老师的引导下,分音节读出多音节单词:
scientist, musician, pilot, policeman, policewoman ⋯
3. 能区分元音音素[e] 和[e I ] 并能正确朗读单词,注意相对应字母组合的书写。

4. 能正确朗读句子中的不完全爆破。

5. 能正确运用be going to be 谈论运动爱好及梦想,并在课后写成作文。

Skill aims :
1. 能听懂有关运动爱好和梦想的简单对话和陈述。

2. 能正确地口头表达有关运动爱好和梦想的话题。

3. 能正确朗读课本的文本材料,准确把握语音、语调及连读。

4. 能正确地运用书面表达写出自己和他人的运动爱好及梦想。

Emotional aims :
,教师运用对Section B 的学习,要求学生写出自己最喜爱的运动及运动员的相关信息


Ⅲ. The key points and difficult points
Key points :
正确、熟练地运用be going be 句型。

Difficult points :
1. be going to be 句型中的第一个be动词和主语的一致性。

2.为他人作报告时主语是he 和she 时, 谓语动词形式的正确变化以及物主代词his 和
her 的正确运用。

3. I am going to be an office worker. 不定冠词an + 元音。

Ⅳ. Learning strategies
1. 学生运用线索词改写对话,有助于提高学生的复述能力。

2. 学生根据音标拼读单词,发展学生拼读音标的能力。

Ⅴ. Teaching aids
Computer multimedia projector, phonetic cards, word cards in 3a
Everyday saying: Reading is to the mind while exercise to the body. 读书健脑,运动强身。

Ⅵ. Teaching procedures
Student activity Teacher activity
1. The whole class1. Focus their attention 1. Get students ready for work on the teacher. learning.
2. The whole class2. Read the saying aloud. 2. Show everyday saying for work the students.
(one saying a week)
3. One or two 3. The student reports in 3. Ask the students to design Students’w ork front of the whole a special topic of sports
class. The topic is and give the everyday
related to sports. report.
4. The whole class4. The whole class retell 4. Revision: Teacher shows work the conversation in pairs. pictures in 2 of Section A
on the screen, and asks
the students to retell the
Introduction dialogue they wrote last (7 minutes) class in pairs.
5. The whole class5. Students listen carefully 5. Teacher asks a good student
work and try to imitate what to make the conversation
the teacher says. Guess with the teacher, to learn
the meanings of the new “I’m going to be a ⋯”and
words. the new word “p layer”.
T: Are you going to join
the school rowing club?
S: Yes, I am. What about
T: I’m going to join the
school table tennis
club. I ’m going to be a
table tennis player.
1. The whole class1. Students answer together.1. Teacher shows 3 pictures
work I’m going to be a in 2 of Section A on the
rowing player. sereen, with new phrases
I’m going to be a under each picture: a
tennis player. rowing player, a tennis
I’m going to be a table player, a table tennis
tennis player. player. The teacher asks:
What are you going to
be? The students answer
according to the pictures.
2.The whole class 2. Students listen carefully, 2. Start on 1b.
work and find the sentences. Teacher: I have a dream. I
“I am going to be a am going to be a table
basketball player.”tennis player. Michael also
“I like Yao Ming best.”has a dream, and let’s Presentation listen to 1a and find out: (6 minutes) What is Michael going to
be? Who is Michael ’s
favorite player? Le’t s listen.
3.The whole class 3. Students listen carefully 3. Go on with 1b.
work and try to understand Teacher says “I like table
the meaning of tennis best. My favorite
“f avorite ”with the sport is table tennis.”to
help of their own help students understand
memory. After listening, the meaning of “f avorite ”,
they should find out then asks students two
the answers to the two questions: ①What is
questions “B asketball, Michael ’s favorite sport?
②What is Maria ’s favorite
of course. Me , too”.
“T hat’s OK ”.sport?
4. The whole class4. Listen and complete 4. Finish 1b. Listen to 1a for
work the table in 1b. the third time and finish1b.
1. The whole 1. Students read sentence by1. Read 1a. Teacher plays class work sentence,imitating the the recording of 1a sentence
pronunciation. by sentence.
2. The whole 2. Students try to follow 2. Teacher plays the
class work the speed. recording without stopping. 3. Pair work 3. Students read 1a in 3.Teacher offers students 1 or 2
pairs, trying to read minutes to read 1a in pairs.
correctly and fluent.ly
4. Individual work 4. Students read 1a 4. Design a competition:
individually as quickly To see who can read the
as they can. fastest in class.
5. The whole class5. Students underline the 5. Explain 1a.
work and language points in the (1) favorite player;
individual work text book, and finish (2)“s omething”a nd
Consolidation (15 minutes)
the exercises in summary
on the computer screen.
“a nything”;
(3)“p lay for”a nd“p lay
(4) prep“l ike”and verb“l ike”;
(5)“m en compound word”s;
(6)“w hen”c lause.
6. Several stude’n ts6. The first six excellent 6. Finish1c: Teacher limits the work students write the time for the students to
answers of 1c on the finish1c, and the first six
blackboard. students write their essays
“M y⋯”on
the blackboard.
7. Several stude’n ts7. Volunteers correct the 7. Correct the essays: Teacher work essays. Students should asks another 6 volunteers to
develop the habit of correct the essays. Teacher
checking by themselves. helps to correct if necess.ary
1. The whole 1. Students read the words 1. Teacher offers 2 or 3
class work individually, asking for minutes to the students to
help when necessa.ry read all the words.
2. The whole 2. Students read and pay 2. Teacher encourages students
class work more attention to the to read the phonetic syllable
vowel phonemes. phoneme by phoneme.
3.Group work 3. Students read in groups. 3. Teacher asks students to
read 2 word by word.
4.Group work 4. Studentsask and answer 4. Relaxing time. Practice the
in pairs as quickly as reviewing words.
they can.
—What are you going to
be when you grow up?
—I’m going to be a / ⋯an
5. The whole 5. Students read together. 5. Teacher shows phonetic
class work cards /e / and /e I /.
6. Several 6. Students read one by one.6. Teacher asks the students
student’s work to read /e/ and /e I / one by
7. Several 7. Six Member Bs read 7. Teacher shows word
Practice student’s work the words one by one. cards, calling Member B from (10 minutes) each group to read one by one.
8. The whole 8. Students read together, 8. Teacher plays the
class work paying attention to the recording of 3a.
sound of /e/ and /e I /.
9. The whole class9. Students pay attention to 9. Teacher shows“n ext
work the changing of e/I /. weekend”. Read “n ext”
and“w eekend”s eparately,
and then read together.
10. Pair work 10. One student reads, while10. Teacher lets students
the other listens and read 3b in pairs.
judges if it is right.
11. The whole 11. Students read together. 11. Teacher leads the
class work students to read.
12. The whole 12. Students read after 12. Teacher plays the
class work the recording, trying recording.
to imitate the sound.
13. Group work 13. Find the one who 13. Teacher encourages
can’t read and help students to read 3b in
him / her. groups, making sure everyone
can read correctly.
1. The whole class 1. Students summarize 1. Teacher summarizes.
work Section B together
with the teacher.
2. Individual work 2. Students finish writing 2.Teacher assigns 1d as
two essays after class. homework. They should
finish 2 tasks.
(1) Write something about
Production your favorite sport, your
(7 minutes) favorite sports stars and
your dream.
(2) Write something about
other’s favorite sport,
other’s favorite sports
stars and other’s dream.
3. Individual work 3. Students preview 3. Prepare for the learning of
Section C after class. Section C.
Students are very interested in talking about their favorite sports stars, but it’s difficult for them to say their different dreams when they grow up.
Ⅶ. Blackboard design
Unit 1 Playing Sports
Topic 1 I’m going to play basketball.
Section B
What are you going to be when you grow up? something, anything
I’m going to be a basketball player. play for , play against
Do you know anything about him? like (prep), (verb)
He played for the team in NBA. fisherman- fishermen
Unit 1 Playing Sports
Topic 1 I’m going to play basketball.
Section C
Ⅰ. Material analysis
本课时的主要活动为1a 和2a。

Section A 谈论了运动计划,Section B 谈论了运动爱好及梦想,Section C 将计划、梦想付诸实践行动,并谈到了参与各种运动的意义。

通过介绍Ann 的运动习惯,呈现了重点短
语:spend time (in) doing sth, be good at doing sth, take part in +activity 等。

通过A nn 主动参与
义时,运校运会,引出本课将来时涉及的语法句型:There is going to be ⋯在谈论运动的意
用了It’s good for ⋯句型,出现了重点短语:make sb. / sth +adj, keep sb. / sth. +adj, keep fit / keep healthy 等。

学以致用,本课要求学生能模仿Ann 的运动习惯,写出自己的一周运动安

Ⅱ. Teaching aims
Knowledge aims :
1. 能根据音标,正确朗读出单词表中的单词及短语:
jump, spend, baseball, be good at, weekend, part, take part in,
be good for, all over, heart, lung, fit , keep fit, supper
2. 能在老师的引导下,分音节读出多音节单词或一些读音较难的短语:
exercise, world, the day after tomorrow, healthy, relax
3. 能正确拼读并运用单词表中黑体单词。

4. 能准确把握单数第三人称做主语时谓语的变化形式,并能谈论他人的运动爱好和梦想以

5. 能模仿本课课文,写出自己或他人一周的体育活动安排。

Skill aims :
1. 能听懂本课文本材料以及与运动相关的交际用语。

2. 能正确地口头介绍自己和他人平时的运动安排。

3. 能正确朗读课本的文本材料,准确把握语音、语调及连读,并能读相关的材料。

4. 能正确模仿本课课文,写出自己或他人一周日常的体育活动安排。

Emotional aims :
学生能模仿课文写出自己的一周体育活动安排并付诸行动,鼓励学生要学习Ann, 养成健康而规律的生活习惯。

Ⅲ. The key points and difficult points
Key points :
1. 有关体育活动及户外活动的短语。

2. 重点短语的用法,如:spend ⋯in/on ⋯, take part in ⋯, There is going to be ⋯
Difficult points :
1. spend time (in) doing sth./ spend time on sth.;
2. make / keep sb./ sth. + adj ;
3. the differences between “h ealth”and “h ealthy”;
4. There is going to be ⋯
Ⅳ. Learning strategies
1. 培养学生养成预习的习惯,提前预习单词、朗读课文。

2. 训练学生整体阅读课文的习惯,有意识侧重训练学生的skimming 和scanning 阅读技巧。

Ⅴ. Teaching aids
Computer multimedia projector
Everyday saying: If you can ’t pass, you can’t play. (乔丹教练对乔丹说的话。

Ⅵ. Teaching procedures
Student activity Teacher activity
1. The whole class1. Focus their attention 1. Get students ready for work on the teacher. learning.
2. The whole class2. “I f you can ’t pass, 2. Show everyday saying for work you can’t play.”Read the students.
the saying aloud. (one saying a week) 3. One or two 3. One begins with “I 3. Call two students to students’like ⋯very much”; the report their homework. work other begins with “H e One reports something
/ She like⋯s very much”.about himself/herself
Introduction (7 minutes)
while the other reports
something about his/her
4. The whole class4. The whole class retell 4. Teacher asks each group to work in pairs. retell their homework in
pairs: A1-A2; B1-B2;C1-C2.
All the students retell at
the same time and check
each other’s essay.
Teacher walks around the
class and helps the
students when necessary.
1. The whole class1. Students look at the 1. Teacher lets the students
work pictures in 1b and guess, finish the pre-reading
and choose out which task.
sporAt nn likes very much.
2. The whole class2. Students find out the 2. Teacher asks the students
work sentence“A nn likes to skim 1a and find out
sports very much”at the topic or general idea
once. as quickly as they can.
3. The whole class3. Students scan the 3. Teacher asks the students
work passage quickly, and to scan 1a and answer the
find out the question: How often does
sentence“S he goes Ann go cycling?
cycling twice a week. ”
4. The whole class4. Students scan the 4. Teacher asks the students
work passage quickly again, to scan 1a again and
and find out the answer the question: How
sentence“S he spends long does Ann spend
half an hour exercising exercising?
in the gym every day. ”
(6 minutes)
5. The whole class5. Students scan the 5. Teacher asks the students
work passage the third time, to scan 1a the third time
and find out “T he and answer the question:
high jump and the What sports is Ann
long jump. ”going to take part in?
6. The whole class6. Students fill in the 6. Teacher asks the students
work missing information in to read 1a carefully and
1b. finish 1b.
7. The whole class7. Students read the passage7. Teacher plays the recording
work after the recording sentence by sentence.
sentence by sentence.
8. The whole class8. Students read at the 8. Teacher plays the recording
work same speed as the without stopping.
recording, imitating
the pronunciation and
the intonation.
1. The whole 1. Students read 1a 1. Finish 1c. Teacher asks class work carefully, trying to the students to read 1a to
complete the missing prepare for the retelling:
parts in the sequence, the sequence of 1a is on
one by one. Students the blackboard: Ann ⋯
try to retell 1a without goes cycling⋯twice a week
books. goes mountai⋯n Sundays⋯
learns baseba⋯ll Saturday⋯s
plays⋯well⋯is good a⋯t
⋯is going to be ⋯the
high jump ⋯the long
jump⋯cheer her on⋯will
2. Group work 2. Six students retell 1a 2. Teacher organizes the
cooperative.lyEach student students to cooperate with
says one sentence. their partners in retelling
1a together.
Consolidation 3. The whole class3. Studentstry to retell the
3. Teacher
organizes a work and whole passage individu.ally
to retell
(15 minutes)
individual whole text individually.
4. The whole class4. Students describe the 4. Teacher asks the students
work and pictures in 1b individual.ly to retell the passage
individual according to the pictures
work in 1b.
5. The whole class5. Students underline the 5. Teacher explains the
work language points in their language points:
books and do the (1) spend time (in) doing
exercises on the screen. sth./ spend time on sth.;
(2) play⋯very well;
(3) be good at doing;
(4) There is going to be⋯;
(5) be sure that ⋯
6. The whole class6. Students read by 6. Read 1a. Teacher offers 1
work themselves. or 2 minutes for the
students to read 1a.
1.The whole 1. Students read the 1. Relaxing time. Teacher asks
class work and example. Each group the students to read the
pair work makes three dialogues in example in 2a, then students
pairs, and each pair make other three
makes one dialogue. dialogues by following the
2. Group work 2. Students try to understand2. Teacher explains some
the explanation. phrases: make/ keep sb./sth.
+adj; keep sb. healthy / fit.
3. Group work 3. The students show their 3. Time for show: Teacher
and pair work dialogues brave.ly asks three pairs of students Practice from different groups to (10 minutes) show their dialogues.
4. Group work 4. Students ask the teacher t o4.Necessary help: Teacher
read some difficult leads the students to read
sentences. some sentences that the
students can’t read correctly
and fluently.
5. The whole class5. Students write down 5. Finish 1d. Teacher asks
work the answersand correct students to answer the
the answers together. questions in 1d and write
down the answers.
1. The whole 1. All the students should 1. Teacher summarizes what
class work know the meaning of the students learned today.
the summary. Important language points
are shown on the
computer screen.
2. The whole 2. Each student rewrites 2. Teacher asks the students
class work the passage, noticing to rewrite 1a, changing
to change the third “A nn”into “I”to introduce
single forms of verbs something about themselves.
into the base form.
Production 3. The whole 3. Finish writing the essa,y s 3. Teacher assigns writing
(7 minutes) class work and answering the question: homework, which includes
individual What are you going to do the following information:
work when there is going to be A short passage about
a school sports meet in students’f avorite sport,
your school? students’f avorite sports
stars , student’s daily sports
life and students’d ream.
4. Individual work 4. Students should review 4. Teacher assigns the
Sections A-C to prepare students to review Sections
for Section D. A-C to prepare for
Section D.
Students are able to accept the reading strategies of skimming and Teaching scanning easily, but it ’s a little difficult for the students to understand the
Reflection structure “m ake / keep sb./ sth.+ adj”. Teacher should design more exercises to help them understand the difficult points.
Ⅶ. Blackboard design
Unit 1 Playing Sports
Topic 1 I’m going to play basketball.
Section C
She spends half an hour (in) exercising. It makes / keeps him strong.
She plays it very well. It ’s a good way to keep healthy.
She is good at jumping.
There is going to be a school sports meet next weekend.
Is it good for your health?
Unit 1 Playing Sports
Topic 1 I’m going to play basketball.
Section D
Ⅰ. Material analysis
1a 和2。

Section D 是一节复习课,在综合复习Sections A-C 的词汇、语法和功能句的基础上,巩固学生本周的学习内容。


Ⅱ. Teaching aims
Knowledge aims :
1. 能正确朗读出单词表所有单词及短语,能正确拼读、书写并运用黑体单词。

2. 复习并能熟练运用be going to do ; There is going to be 句型。

3. 能准确运用本单元重点短语进行写作练习:
play basketball / football; have a basketball game against⋯; win (the game) ; cheer sb. on;
prefer doing sth.; one ’s favorite player; play against; play for; grow up; in the future; spend time (in) doing sth. / on sth.; do sth. very well ; be good at doing sth.; take part in ⋯;
play with; arrive in; leave for 等短语。

4. 能正确完成教师设计的补充词汇对比的练习:
see sb do sth,see sb doing sth
play against,play for, play with
take part in,join sb, join+ 组织名称, join in + 活动
arrive in ,arrive at
be good at,do well in
5. 能综合运用本课短语、句型写出自己或他人的运动计划或周末计划。

Skill aims :
1. 能听懂与课本内容难度相当的、有关体育运动及体育明星话题的材料。

2. 能正确运用本单元所学内容,比较流利地谈论自己和他人的运动计划、运动日程、

3. 能阅读有关运动计划、运动日程、简单的梦想以及相关话题的文章,理解文章并

4. 能综合运用本单元的语法、词汇、句型写出自己和他人的运动计划、运动日程、

Emotional aims :


Ⅲ. The key points and difficult points
Key points :
复习be going to 结构及表示计划意愿的功能句。

Difficult points:
1. see sb do sth/ see sb doing sth.
2. take part in / join / join in.
Ⅳ. Learning strategies
1. 通过短语辨析的学习,鼓励学生学会归纳总结。

2. 通过看图写话,看信息补全文章等多种方法,帮助学生提高写作能力。

3. 学生通过整体复习Sections A-C,了解到复习是一种很好的学习方式。

Ⅴ. Teaching aids
Computer multimedia projector ,poster of David Beckham
Everyday saying: If you can ’t pass, you can’t play.
Ⅵ. Teaching procedures
Student activity Teacher activity
1. The whole class1. Focus their attention 1.Get students ready for work on the teacher. learning.
2. The whole class2. Read the saying aloud. 2. Show everyday saying for work the students.
( one saying a week )
3. Individual 3. Choose three students 3. Teacher asks three students work to report as well as to report their homework
Introduction (7 minutes)
they can.
4. The whole class4. The whole class read
one by one. Choose the
best one to award.
4. Teacher asks each group work in pairs. to read their homework in
pairs:A1-A2; B1-B2; C1-C2,
checking each other’s
essay. Teacher walks
around the class and helps
the students when
