

《牛津小学英语》6A Unit 5 On the farm Part B&C

《牛津小学英语》6A Unit 5 On the farm Part B&C
的事 。 2 引 导 学生 根 据 图意 分 组 . 讨论 、 练 : 操
W h td d y u d … ? W e 1 a i o o /
t e p a o h in .
— —
A : d o lk p Di y u i e
te h
pa ? i no
( ) l e ls,O S we 2 mi d,at C W , , k we k n ( e e d .) ( ) in’, i , o wok, 3 dd ths h me r
2 根 据 你 的体 验 ,试 着 完 .
成 下列 单词 :
2 .听 B 部 分 的 录 音 并 跟
读 。
() 1 m
() 2t ( )i 3 p ( c 5)
k 牛奶 , 奶 ) ( 挤
t( 尝 ) e品 ( ) 摘 k烧饭 ) (
3 根 据 图 片 ,试 着 写 出 下 .
3 .重 难 点 的 突 破
点搭 建 了平 台。教 师 正是 在 理
清语 篇思 路 的过程 中 ,引导 学 生 去理解 名 词性 物 主 代 词 的语
言 意 义 ,感 悟 它 与 形 容 词 性 物
主 代 词 在 用 法 上 的 差 异 。这 种
【 书 1从 表 面 上 看 , 师 板 】 教
( 者 单 位 : 苏 省 海 安 县 作 江 海 安 镇 隆政 小 学 ) 责任编辑 马丽莎
【 书2 板 】虽 然 没 有 直 接 呈
现 语 篇 重 难 点 ,但 为 突 破 重 难
路 ,便 于学 生从 整 体 上 把握 语 篇 的主要 信 息 ,同时 也 为 复述
语 篇 奠 定 了 基 础 ,提 升 了 学 生 语 篇 学 习的实效 性 。

苏教版(凤凰)牛津英语教案6A U5 A

苏教版(凤凰)牛津英语教案6A U5 A

苏教版(凤凰)牛津英语教案20116A Unit 5 教学方案(第一课时)第一部分简要说明一、年级:6年级二、单元:Unit 5三、课题:On the farm 四、课型:新授课五、教学内容:单元Part A六、教学目标:1.掌握单词、词组National Day, last week, parents, holiday, carrots, watched, visit, watered, pulled up, milked collected, picked, tasted.2.能听懂、会说、日常交际用语Wonderful! Did you like the film? We all liked it very much. Really?七、重点难点:初步了解掌握句型:What did you do last week? What else did you do?I …第二部分教学过程第一步:重难点突破T: Hi, boys and girls. Nice to meet you!T: Today, we’ll learn Unit 5 On the farm Part A. (同学们,今天我们将学习第五单元A部分。

)T: First, look at some pictures and answer my questions. (PPT①) 同学们,让我们一起来看这些图片,并回答老师提出的问题。

Now, let’s look at the pictures.现在,看看图片。

Q1.T: What are they doing?T: Yes. They are watering flowers and milking a cow..Q2. T: What do they often do on Monday?T: Yes. They collect eggs and pulled carrots.T: Here is a new phrase. (指银幕,教读1个新词,慢)Q3. T: What do they often do on Tuesday?T: Yes. they pick up oranges and taste them.T: Here are two words.(指银幕,带读2个新词,慢)T:询问对方经常做什么时,可以用句型What do you do? 询问对方过去做了什么事情,就要用句型What did you do?(PPT②) (指银幕,重复,慢) 请大声跟我读——。



教学内容:牛津译林版小学英语学科六年级下册第48-57页Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标1. 能听懂、会读、会说:Wet floor, No littering, No eating or drinking, a restaurant,centre, smell, careful。

2. 能听懂、会读、会说日常用语:What does it mean? It means … No littering/parking/smoking/ … You can/can’t …3. 能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述课文内容。

4. 能初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常用语谈论公共场所标志的含义。

Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点:能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,教学难点:能初步用句型:What does it mean?It mean s … (No littering/parking/smoking/…) You can/can’t …。

教学准备:PPT课时安排:五课时第一课时第(一)课时总第(二十三)课时Teaching contents 教学内容Story timeTeaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标1. 能听懂、会读、会说:Wet floor, No littering, No eating or drinking, a restaurant,centre, smell, careful。

2. 能听懂、会读、会说日常用语:What does it mean? It means …No littering/parking/smoking/ … You can/can’t …3. 能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述课文内容。

牛津小学英语 6A Unit5 On the farm

牛津小学英语  6A Unit5 On the farm

牛津小学英语 6A Unit5 On the farm 《牛津小学英语 6A Unit5 On the farm》在牛津小学英语 6A 的第五单元“On the farm”中,我们仿佛走进了一个充满生机与乐趣的农场世界。






在句型方面,“What did you do last week?”(你上周做了什么?)和“I … last week”(我上周……)这样的句型,让孩子们能够用英语谈论过去的活动。

例如:“I picked apples on the farm last week”(我上周在农场摘苹果了。









牛津小学英语6A Unit 5 On the farm整理笔记

牛津小学英语6A  Unit 5  On the farm整理笔记

Unit 5 On the farm一、词组。

1.National Day(国庆日)2.the National Day holiday(国庆假期)st week(上个星期)/ last year(去年)4.after the holiday(假期后)5.go to school early(很早上学)/ early -- late6.in the school playground(在学校操场上)7.before class(上课前)/ before -- after8.watch a film with my parents(和我的父母一起去看电影)/ watched9. a funny cartoon(一部有趣的卡通片)/ funny(形容词)10.visit a farm with my family(和我的家人一起参观农场)/ visited11.on the farm(在农场里)12.water trees(浇树)/ watered13.pull up carrots(拔胡萝卜)/ pulled upk cows(挤牛奶)/ milked15.That was fun!(那是件有趣的事!)/ fun(名词)16.collect eggs(收集鸡蛋)/ collected17.fruit trees(果树)18.pick a lot of oranges(摘许多橘子)/ picked19.taste them(品尝它们)/ tasted20.Wonderful!(太好了!)21.go to the farm(去农场)/ went22.at the weekends(在周末)23.watch cartoons(看动画片)/ watched24.visit the zoo(参观动物园)/ visited25.listen to music(听音乐)/ listened26.play football(踢足球)/ played27.play volleyball(打排球)/ played28.clean the house(打扫房子)/ cleaned29.visit Liu Tao’s grandparents(拜访刘涛的祖父母)/ visited30.camping trip(野营旅行)31.at a camp(在一个营地上)32.walk in the mountains(登山)/ walked33.cook a lot of food(做许多食物)/ cooked34.play a lot of games(玩许多游戏)/ played35.go camping(去野营)/ went36.plant flowers(种花)/ planted37.have a good time(玩得很高兴)/ had二、语法。

新版牛津英语6A教案Unit5 Review and check[1]

新版牛津英语6A教案Unit5 Review and check[1]

Unit5 Review and check单元教学目标:1、通过复习,能比较熟练地听、说、读、写所学过的词汇和句型。











教学准备:图片、磁带和录音机教学过程:Step 1 Warm up1.师生齐唱歌曲Two jackets。

2.Free talk。

Step 2 Revision1.教师出示第一单元会话挂图,创设情景,学生表演对话。


2.教师出示词汇卡片,师生问答复习第一单元词汇和句型:T:What can you see in the picture?S:I can see a building.T:Is there a reading room in the building?S:Yes,there is.(No,there isn’t.)T:Are there any computer rooms?S:Yes,there are.(No,there aren’t.)T:How many classrooms are there?S:There are ….(a toilet,a garden,a table tennis room,a swing,a slide,的方法同上)3.教师引导学生运用所学词汇和句型,根据实际情况自由交际。

苏教版牛津小学英语六年级6A Unit 5 On the Farm

苏教版牛津小学英语六年级6A Unit 5 On the Farm

Greeting & Warm up:
Let’s chant (拍手,根据节奏齐说)
Revision: --What did you do?–I played football. (展示一些学过的图片和动词短语,让学生和老师对话)
Step 7: Play a game : Lucky number.(抽自己的幸运数字,每个幸运数字对应一个练习或奖励。)
Step 8: Free talk. (Mike想知道你的上周,假如同桌是Mike,请你和同学编一个对话吧。)
Make a summary.
Do some exercise.
Step 2: Learn the words of week. (将单词挡住,然后给出星期的单词,让学生们在问句中加入“What did you do on Sunday?”,学生根据问句继续操练动词过去式短语。)

牛津英语6A教案 Unit 5 On the farm

牛津英语6A教案 Unit 5 On the farm

牛津英语6A教案Unit 5 On the farm教案一、教学内容:6A Unit 5 On the farm The first lesson二、教学目标:1.知识目标(1)听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词及短语plant, milk, a cow, else,taste, pull up 及其中动词的过去式。

(2)能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语和句型Did you like the film? Itwas a funny cartoon. We all liked it very much. Were there any fruit trees on the farm? There were apple trees, orange trees and pear trees. What did you do …? I …(3)能理解A 部分课文,并基本回读2.技能目标(1)能听懂回话和回读单词和短语(2)能正确理解掌握本课回话,初步表演对话。


三、教学重难点1.掌握三回和四会单词及句型2.能初步运用动词的过去式四、教具准备1.教师准备:录音机,磁带,教学挂图,单词卡片等等2.学生准备:练习本课堂作业本五、课堂教学模式:小组讨论,质疑,解答和一学一练一测六、教学过程Step1 Warm upFree talk:1.When’s your birthday?2. What date is it today?3. What day is it today?Step 2.Presentation and practice:1. T: Do you know something about the farm.. Now let’s go to the farm. 出示词汇部分图片。

T: What he/she doing? Do you know?S: He/she is …其中八个词语中cook, collect, milk, pick, water是已学过的词语,稍微复习一下学生遍掌握了。

牛津小学英语6A Unit5教案Onthefarm

牛津小学英语6A Unit5教案Onthefarm

牛津英语6A教案Unit 5 On the farm第一课时教学目标:1.听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词及短语last, cook, collect, milk, pick, water, taste, pull up 及其动词的过去式。

2.能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语和句型What did you do …?I ( )ed…What else did you do?3.能听懂、会说、会读单词cow ,carrot.4 掌握规则动词过去式的构成及读音。

二、教学重点1 milk, pick, taste, pull up的读音。

2 句型What did you do…? I…的读音及运用。

3 规则动词过去式的读音。

三、教学难点1句型What did you do…? I…的读音及运用。


四、教学准备1 日历、牛奶、图片、若干橘子、小黑板五、教学过程一、Rhyme.T: First , Let’s say a rhyme. Follow me please.Open, open, open the door.Clean, clean, clean the house.Listen, listen, listen to music.Play, play, play volleyball.Watch, watch, watch cartoons.二、Free talk:What date is it today?What date was it yesterday?(出示日历)What day is it today?What day was it yesterday?二、Presentation and practice :1.T: Do you know something about the farm?Now let’s go to the farm. 出示词汇部分图片。

(1)T: What can you do on a farm?S: I can cook.板书并读C-o-o-k cook |u|Cook means 厨师?what does it mean?Can you cook food? Can you cook nice food?(2) T : we can cook on a farm, what else can you do on a farm?S : I can collect eggs.板书并让学生边读边做动作Collect c-o-l-l-e-c-t (ABC的曲)let’s collect eggs. collect,collect,collect eggs.collect ,collect----(stamps)(3)T: do you like milk?(出示牛奶) You may milk cows on a farm .(做动作) then have some milk.板书Milk cows ,拼读m-I-l-k ,milk means牛奶?what does it mean? 。









“let me try! let me try!”的呼声说明了学生多想再玩一次游戏。

本课没有教学对话,我通过do a survey的活动让学生通过小组合作进行调查,在调查的过程中,学生很自然运用的所学的句型,并且编出了较好的对话。




苏教版牛津译林版小学六年级英语6A Unit5On the farm(2)教案

苏教版牛津译林版小学六年级英语6A Unit5On the farm(2)教案

牛津小学英语6A Unit5On the farm 第二课时教案西渚中心小学 陈琳一.教学目标1. Review seven phrases: milk cows,pull up carrots,pick oranges,taste the food, collecteggs, cook food,water flowers.2. 能听懂,会说,会读和会写单词last 和did 。

3. 能听懂,会说,会读和会写句型What did you do …?/What else did you do…?及其答句。

4. 初步了解一般过去时中规则动词的过去式变化规律及其变化中的不同读音。

二.教学重点1. 四会单词和句型的初步掌握及运用。

2. 了解规则动词过去式的变化规律。

三.教学难点1. 规则动词过去式中ed 的不同读音。

四.教学准备多媒体课件、单词卡片、若干水果 五.教学过程anization 1. Listen and act( fly a kite,play the guitar,jump up and down,taste the food,milk cows …) 2. Free talk(1) What day/What date is it today?(2) What do you (usually)do at theweekend? What else do you do? (3) T :What does your father usually do?(预先安排好一位同学)S :He works on the farm.T: Your father is a farmer,right?Just like A Li BaBa.(课件展示)We call him Uncle Li. He is a farmer,too.Let ’s say ‘ hello ’to Uncle Li ! Ss: Hello,Uncle Li.Li:Hello,boys and girls.Welcome to my farm. Step2.Presentation1.T:Let ’s visit Uncle ’s farm,OK? Ss:OK!T:Uncle Li didn ’t stay at home last weekend.He worked on the farm last weekend. Do you know last weekend?(Teach:last,last weekend)2. T:Hey,Uncle Li!What did you do last weekend? (Teach:did 及该句型)T :Let ’s ask Uncle Li, what did you do last weekend? Ss: Uncle Li, what did you do last weekend? Li: I milked cows.(repeat) T: (Teach:milked /t/)3. T:What else did you do,Uncle Li?S1:What else did you do,Uncle Li?(个别问)Li:You can have a look.(快速飞过若干图片)(Teach:pulled up carrots/d/,collected eggs/id/watered flowers.)4.T: Miss Chen visited the farm with Uncle Li last weekend.Can you guess what did I dolast weekend?(多媒体播放奶牛声)S:You milked cows.T:(课件播放)Yes,you are right.What else did I do?(通过遮盖图片猜词组)S:(picked grapes, watered trees , tasted an apple)5.Say a chant:Uncle Li was on the farm,Milked,milked,milked cows.Hey,hey!Miss Chen was on the farm,Cooked, cooked,cooked food.Hey,hey!Boys, girls were on the farm,Picked,picked,picked grapes.Hey,hey!Happy,happy,they were happy!Hey,hey,hey!Step3.Practice1.T:Boys and girls,are you happy?But look at this boy,is he very happy?Do you have any questions about the boy? (有可能提问以下问题)S1:What’s the boy’s name?S2:What’s wrong with him?2.T: Listen carefully,answer the question you have raised .S:(S回答自己所提问题)He’s Peter./He forgot his homework.T:What did he do last weekend?S: He played computer games.T: What else did he do?S:He watched TV.T:So he forgot his homework. It’s not good.Don’t forget your homework,OK?3.试着编写小对话,选择以下三个场景中的一个。

牛津苏教版-英语-六年级上册-6A Unit5 On the farm教学教案

牛津苏教版-英语-六年级上册-6A Unit5 On the farm教学教案

6A Unit5 On the farm教学教案第一课时一、教学目标:1、能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词: milk, a cow, taste, pull up及其中动词的过去式。

2、能听懂、会说、会读单词yesterday, a farm, a carrot, collect.3、能将所学动词进行组词。

二、教学重点、难点:1、能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词: milk, a cow, taste, pull up及其中动词的过去式。

2、能听懂、会说、会读单词yesterday, a farm, a carrot, collect.三、教具准备:录音机、磁带、图片或投影等。

四、教学过程:Step 1 Free talk1. What’s the date today?What day is it today?What was the date yesterday?Teach: yesterdayDrill: It was the 23rd of October yesterday.It was there yesterday.They were there yesterday.2. Do you like stamps?Can you play football?What do you usually do on Sundays?Step 3 Presentation1. T: Yesterday was Sunday, some children went to the farm.Show a picture. Teach: farm2. T: What can they do on the farm?Teach: on the farmRead : Unit 5 On the farm3. T: Let’s have a look.T: What is she doing?S: She is cooking.Teach: cook Make a phrase: cook food, cook rice, cook dinner, cook a nice lunch4. 同上教学下列动词并组词,边学边做动作。

牛津小学英语6A Unit5《On thefarm》教学公开课教学设计(有配套课件)

牛津小学英语6A Unit5《On thefarm》教学公开课教学设计(有配套课件)

牛津小学英语6A Unit5《On thefarm》教学公开课教学设计(有配套课件)6AUnit 5 On thefarm集体备课主备人王芳内容PartB C复备栏二、教学目标:1、知识目标:1、四会单词:taste, milk, pull up, did, last2、三会单词:farm, carrot, cow, pick.3、四会句型:What did you do? What else did you do? I….2、能力目标:通过介绍我去农场参观的这个情境,引导学生学会理解和运用一般过去时,让学生从语境中感知语言规律,从语境中学会技能,从语境中升华语言交际功能。


三、教学重点:pull up carrots等词组的熟练表达。

熟练运用句型What (else) did you do … ?及其回答。



六、教学过程Step1. Greetings1.师生问好2.Free talk:T: What day is it today?T: What date is it today?T: What day was it yesterday?T: What date was it yesterday?T: Where were you yesterday?T: I like … What do you like ?T: Do you like …? How about you ?Step2.Presentation and practice1. 教学新句型。

T: I usually watch TV .l.I watched TV yesterday. (重复几遍并板书)学习watched, 教读ed的发音。

学习yesterday.教学What did you do yesterday?(整体读,组读,个体读,男女生读)T: I also did other things yesterday. So, you can ask me like this: What else did you do? (教读该句型并板书)S:What else did you do?T: I listened to music.学习listened, 教读ed的发音。

牛津小学英语 6A Unit5 On the farm

牛津小学英语  6A Unit5 On the farm

牛津小学英语 6A Unit5 On the farm(实用版)编制人:__________________审核人:__________________审批人:__________________编制单位:__________________编制时间:____年____月____日序言下载提示:该文档是本店铺精心编制而成的,希望大家下载后,能够帮助大家解决实际问题。

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牛津小学英语6A Unit5 On the farm一、教学内容:第一课时A Read and say 前半部分二、教学目标:1知识目标:(1)能听懂、会说、会拼读单词last,early ,meet,before,pull up carrots,holiday 。

(2)能熟练运用句型What (else) did you do …? I …ed.2、技能目标:培养学生灵活运用所学语言知识进行初步交际的能力。


三、教学重点:功能句型What (else) did you do ? I…(ed)的教学。



五、教学过程:Step1 Warm up.1.Greetings.T:Good morning , boys and girls.Ss:Good morning ,Miss Zhong.T:Are you happy ?Ss:Yes, we are.T:If you’re happy, let’s say a chant, OK ?Ss:OK .2.Say a chant.Open , open , open the books,Clean , clean , clean the desks ,Play , play , play the violin,Watch , watch , let’s watch a cartoon.(设计意图:教师在一旁边做示范,边带读。

说说做做相结合,紧接着呈现课前准备好的Flash动画《Old Macdonald Had a Farm》。


接下来出示课题《Unit5 On the farm》,并以多种形式朗读。

六年级英语上册 Unit5 period1教案 苏教牛津版

六年级英语上册 Unit5 period1教案 苏教牛津版
出示:last weekend板书引出:last
T: When I’m free .I often go to visit the farm .领读farm及Unit 5 On the farm.
出示B部分图片T:Here,there were many children on the farm . They visited the farm last Sunday. What did they do ? Let’s have a look.
2.能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语和句型What did you do…? I….What else did you do…? I….
1.Listen and act
1) Jump up and down
2) fly like a bird
T: Please look at the blackboard ,read the phrases. Find out the differences between them.



Unit 5On the farmA 部分:1. on the farm 在农场2. the National Day holiday国庆假期3. last week 上礼拜last month 上个月last year 昨年4.the first day of school 上学的第一天5.after the holiday 假期此后6.go to school early 早早地去上学early 反义词 latego to school late 去学校去得迟be late for迟了be late for school 去学校迟了be late for the party去聚会迟了7.meet sb 遇到某人8.in the school playground 在学校操场上9. before class 课后before 反义词 afterrun after 追赶look after 照看,照料10.watch a film with sb 与某人一同看电影11.my parents 我的父亲母亲亲12.on Wednesday 在周三13.I watched a film with my parents on Wednesday.同义句: My parents and I watched a film on Wednesday.14.a funny cartoon 一部风趣卡通片15.like very much 特别喜爱16.water flowers 浇花17.pull up carrots 拔胡萝卜k cows 挤牛奶19.on Tuesday 在周二20.fun 名词,风趣的事情funny 形容词,风趣的,可笑的,风趣的21.what else = what other things 其他什么22.collect eggs 采集鸡蛋23. fruit trees 果树apple trees 苹果树orange trees 桔子树pear trees 梨树24. pick a lot of oranges 摘很多桔子25. taste apples 品味苹果26. wonderful形容词,出色的wonderfully副词,出色地近似的词: beautiful — beautifully careful —carefully27. at the weekends在周末B部分:1.read a book about sth. 读一本对于的书2.want to know 想要知道3.on a farm 在农场4.learn the words 学单词5.cook food 烧食品6.collect eggs 采集鸡蛋k cows 挤牛奶8.pick oranges 摘桔子9.water flowers 浇花10.taste oranges品味桔子11.pull up carrots 把胡萝卜D部分:1. visit Liu Tao ’s grandparents 拜见刘涛的祖父亲母亲2. live in a small town near Nanjing住在一个在南京旁边的小城镇3. a really nice house 一座特别美丽的房屋really=very4.be glad/happy to do sth. 很快乐去做某事5.from different countries 来自不一样的国家6. cook sb sth = cook sth for sb为某人烧/烹调某物cook us a nice lunch = cook a nice lunch for us7.show sb sth = show sth to sb 展现某物给某人看8.work for about two hours 工作连续大概两小时9. be happy 玩得高兴= have a lot of fun = have a good time ( = enjoy oneself )10.that day 那一天 , ( 过去时态的时间状语 )D部分听力原文:Wang Bing: Yang Ling, what did you do on Sunday?Yang Ling: I visited Liu Tao ’s grandparents.Wang Bing: Where do they live?Yang Ling: They live in a small town near Nanjing. They have a really nice house. I went there with Su Hai, Su Yang, Gao Shan, Liu Tao and Ben. They were very glad to see us. Liu Tao’s grandpa showed us a lot of stamps from different countries. His grandma cooked us a nice lunch. We liked the food very much. Wang Bing: What did you do there?Yang Ling: In the morning, we cleaned their house. In the afternoon, we worked in their garden. Su Hai, Su Yang and Ben watered the trees and the flowers. Liu Tao, Gao Shan and I picked apples. We worked for about two hours. Wang Bing: Were you tired?Yang Ling: No! I like working in the garden. We had a really good time.Wang Bing: Great! I ’d like to visit them, too.E部分:1.have a camping trip举行一次野营旅游2.at a / the camp 在野营3.at a camp site 在野营阵营4.go camping 去野营5.walk in the mountains 山中闲步 /行走6.cook a lot of food 煮很多食品F部分1. last weekend 上周末G部分1. the light on my right我右侧的灯H部分1.have lots of fun = have a good time 过得快乐2.plant trees/ flowers 植树 /栽花3.by the campfire 在篝火旁4.dance and sing song for hours 跳舞唱歌几个小时5.不规则的过去式have –had sing –sang一般过去时1.Be动词的一般过去时态.在没有实义动词的句子中使用be 动词,am, is的过去式为was; are 的过去式为were.组成:(1)一定句:主语+was (were) + 其余如:I was late yesterday.(昨天我迟到了。

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Unit 5 On the farmA部分:1. on the farm 在农场2. the National Day holiday 国庆假期3. last week 上星期last month上个月last year去年4. the first day of school上学的第一天5. after the holiday假期以后6. go to school early早早地去上学early反义词latego to school late去学校去得迟be late for……迟了be late for school去学校迟了be late for the party去聚会迟了7. meet sb遇见某人8. in the school playground在学校操场上9. before class 课后before反义词afterrun after追赶look after照看,照顾10. watch a film with sb 与某人一起看电影11. my parents我的父母亲12. on Wednesday在周三13. I watched a film with my parents on Wednesday.同义句:My parents and I watched a film on Wednesday.14. a funny cartoon一部有趣卡通片15. like… very much 非常喜欢…16. water flowers 浇花17. pull up carrots拔胡萝卜18. milk cows挤牛奶19. on Tuesday在周二20. fun 名词,有趣的事情funny 形容词,滑稽的,可笑的,有趣的21. what else = what other things别的什么22. collect eggs收集鸡蛋23. fruit trees果树apple trees 苹果树orange trees桔子树pear trees梨树24. pick a lot of oranges摘许多桔子25. taste apples品尝苹果26. wonderful 形容词,精彩的wonderfully 副词,精彩地类似的词:beautiful—beautifully careful—carefully27. at the weekends 在周末B部分:1. read a book about sth. 读一本关于…的书2. want to know想要知道3. on a farm在农场4. learn the words学单词5. cook food烧食物6. collect eggs收集鸡蛋7. milk cows挤牛奶8. pick oranges摘桔子9. water flowers浇花10. taste oranges品尝桔子11. pull up carrots把胡萝卜D部分:1. visit Liu Tao’s grandparents拜访刘涛的祖父母2. live in a small town near Nanjing住在一个在南京旁边的小城镇3. a really nice house一座非常漂亮的房子really=very4. be glad/happy to do sth.很高兴去做某事5. from different countries来自不同的国家6. cook sb sth = cook sth for sb 为某人烧/烹饪某物cook us a nice lunch = cook a nice lunch for us7. show sb sth = show sth to sb展示某物给某人看8. work for about two hours工作持续大约两小时9. be happy玩得开心= have a lot of fun = have a good time ( = enjoy oneself )10. that day那天, (过去时态的时间状语)D部分听力原文:Wang Bing: Yang Ling, what did you do on Sunday?Yang Ling: I visited Liu Tao’s grandparents.Wang Bing: Where do they live?Yang Ling: They live in a small town near Nanjing. They have a really nice house. I went there with Su Hai, Su Yang, Gao Shan, Liu Tao and Ben. They were very glad to see us. Liu Tao’s grandpa showed us a lot of stamps from different countries. His grandma cooked us a nice lunch. We liked the food very much.Wang Bing: What did you do there?Yang Ling: In the morning, we cleaned their house. In the afternoon, we worked in their garden. Su Hai, Su Yang and Ben watered the trees and the flowers. Liu Tao, Gao Shan and I picked apples. We worked for about two hours. Wang Bing: Were you tired?Yang Ling: No! I like working in the garden. We had a really good time.Wang Bing: Great! I’d like to visit them, too.E部分:1.have a camping trip 举行一次野营旅行2. at a / the camp在野营3. at a camp site在野营营地4. go camping去野营5. walk in the mountains山中漫步/行走6. cook a lot of food煮许多食物F部分1. last weekend上周末G部分1. the light on my right我右边的灯H部分1. have lots of fun = have a good time过得愉快2. plant trees/ flowers 植树/种花3. by the campfire在篝火旁4. dance and sing song for hours跳舞唱歌几个小时5. 不规则的过去式have – had sing – sang一般过去时1.Be 动词的一般过去时态.在没有实义动词的句子中使用be动词,am, is 的过去式为was; are的过去式为were.构成:(1)肯定句:主语+was (were) +其它如:I was late yesterday. (昨天我迟到了。

)(2)否定句:主语+was (were) +not+其它如:We weren't late yesterday. (我们昨天没迟到)(3)疑问句:Was (Were) +主语+其它如:Were you ill yesterday? (你昨天病了吗?)肯定回答:Yes, I was. (是的,我病了。

)否定句:No, I wasn't. (不,我没病。

)(4)特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+was (were) +主语+其它如:When were you born? 你是什么时候出生的?2.实义动词的一般过去时态(1)肯定句为:主语+动词过去式+其它如:I went home at nine o'clock yesterday.(我昨天九点钟回的家。

)(2)否定句:主语+didn't +动词原形+其它如:I didn't go home yesterday. (我昨天没回家。

)(3)疑问句:Did +主语+动词原形+其它如:Did you go home yesterday? (你昨天回家了吗?)肯定回答:Yes, I did. (是的,我回了。

)否定回答:No, I didn't. (不,我没回家。

)一般过去时态的“三变”技巧一变:肯定句变为否定句【技巧1】当句中含有系动词was,were 时,可直接在其后加not构成否定句。

例如:I was on the Internet when you called me.→ I was not / wasn't on the Internet when you called me.【技巧2】没有系动词was,were 时,在该动词之前加did not / didn't,动词还原,构成否定句。

例如:The famous singer sang some Chinese songs.→ The famous singer did not / didn't sing any Chinese songs.二变:陈述句变为一般疑问句【技巧1】移动词语的位置。


例如:The camera was in the bag a moment ago.→Was the camera in the bag a moment ago?【技巧2】添加助动词did。

没有系动词was,were 时,在主语之前加did,动词还原。

例如:Mr Li looked very old. → Did Mr Li look very old?三变:陈述句变为特殊疑问句【技巧1】确定疑问词:人who / whom,物what,地点where,时间when / what time,原因why,频率how often,长度how long,距离how far等等。

例如:They went to the park last Sunday.→ When did they go to the park ?【技巧2】辨认结构形式:疑问词+ / was / were / did +主语+...?例如:The camera was in the bag a moment ago. →Where was the camera a moment ago?I went home at nine o'clock yesterday. →When did you go home at nine o'clock yesterday?总结一般过去时并不难,表示过去动作、状态记心间。
