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Agreement of Cooeration
This Agreement is made on [Date] y and etween [arty A], with its rincial lace of usiness at [Address], and [arty ], with its rincial lace of usiness at [Address].
Article 1: urose of the Agreement
The urose of this Agreement is to estalish a collaorative relationshi etween arty A and arty in the field of [secific area of cooeration]. The arties herey agree to work together to achieve mutual enefits and romote the develoment of their resective usinesses.
Article 2: Scoe of Cooeration
The scoe of cooeration shall include, ut not limited to, the following activities:
1. [Activity 1]
2. [Activity 2]
3. [Activity 3]
The arties may also exlore other areas of cooeration as agreed uon in writing.
Article 3: Roles and Resonsiilities
1. arty A shall e resonsile for [secific resonsiility 1].
2. arty shall e resonsile for [secific resonsiility 2].
Each arty shall erform its oligations in good faith and with due diligence.
Article 4: Terms of Cooeration
The term of this cooeration shall commence on [Start Date] and continue until [End Date], unless otherwise extended y mutual agreement.
Article 5: Financial Arrangements
The financial arrangements etween the arties shall e as follows:
1. [Financial Term 1]
2. [Financial Term 2]
All exenses related to the cooeration shall e shared y the arties according to their agreement.
Article 6: Intellectual roerty
Any intellectual roerty rights created during the course of cooeration shall e owned y [secified arty], unless otherwise agreed uon in writing.
Article 7: Confidentiality
The arties agree to maintain confidentiality regarding any information disclosed during the cooeration that is marked as confidential. This oligation shall survive the termination of this Agreement.
Article 8: Termination
Either arty may terminate this Agreement uon [conditions for termination], rovided that a written notice is given to the other arty.
Article 9: Governing Law and Disute Resolution
This Agreement shall e governed y and construed in accordance with the laws of [governing law country or state]. Any disutes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall e resolved through [method of disute resolution], such as negotiation, mediation, or aritration.
Article 10: Entire Agreement
This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement etween the arties and suersedes all rior negotiations, reresentations, and understandings. Any amendments or modifications to this Agreement must e made in writing and signed y oth arties.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the arties have executed this Agreement as of the date first aove written.
[arty A]
y: _____________________ (Name)
Title: _____________________ (Title)
Date: _____________________ (Date)
[arty ]
y: _____________________ (Name)
Title: _____________________ (Title)
Date: _____________________ (Date)。