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1.The capital of Bahrain is ________ (麦纳麦).
2.We visit the ______ (历史遗迹) to learn about the past.
3.I have a pet . (我有一只宠物_。

4.The _____ (果树) is full of ripe fruit.
5. A puppy needs lots of ______ (关爱) and attention.
6.ecological footprint) reflects human activity's impact. The ____
7.When I write a card to my friend, I start with "To my dear __." (当我给我的朋友写卡片时,我开始写“致我亲爱的。

8.My dad makes the best ________ (比萨).
9.Many plants have __________ (不同的) colors.
10.What do we call the distance around a circle?
A. Area
B. Circumference
C. Diameter
D. Radius答案: B
11. A ______ (海豹) is playful and loves to swim.
12.I have a _______ (wonderful) idea.
13.The park has _______ (很多设施).
14.I enjoy assembling my ________ (火箭模型) with my friends.
15.The particles in a solid are ______ packed together.
16.The flamingo stands on one _______ (腿).
17.What do we call the science of studying rocks?
A. Biology
B. Geology
C. Chemistry
D. Physics答案:B.Geology
18.We celebrate Christmas in ______.
19.The _______ of a plant can be very long.
20.What is the term for the process of water falling from the sky?
A. Evaporation
B. Condensation
C. Precipitation
D. Transpiration答案:C
21.The __________ is a famous area known for its historical landmarks.
22.Electricity can create a ______.
23. A ____(mixed-use development) combines residential and commercial spaces.
24. A wave can be classified as transverse or ______.

26. A ________ (湿地) is important for wildlife.
27.The chemical formula for -octanol is ______.
28. A _______ can be a good project for students.
29.My mom enjoys gardening and planting ____ (vegetables).
30.Each time I play, I discover something new about my ________ (玩具名) and how to use it.
31.The ______ (小鸟) sings a beautiful melody in the ______ (清晨).
32.What do you call the event where you celebrate a milestone in life?
A. Celebration
B. Party
C. Gathering
D. Occasion答案: A
33.I want to _____ (go/stay) at home.
34.Chemical formulas provide information about the composition of ______.
35.My ________ (玩具名称) has a fun design that I love.
36.I have a _____ of chocolate in my bag. (bar)
37.The __________ (美国独立战争) was fought between the Thirteen Colonies and Britain.
38.She has a ______ of ice cream. (cone)
39.The ancient Greeks established the concept of ________ (民主).
40.What do we call the act of breaking down food in the body?
A. Digestion
B. Absorption
C. Circulation
D. Respiration答案:A
41.I can ___ (sing) in the shower.
42.My dog guards the _______ (家) fiercely.
43.Chemistry is the study of matter and its _____ (interactions).
44.The candy is _______ (colorful).
45.I help my mom _____ (洗碗).
46.__________ are used in the production of batteries.
47.What is the name of the famous ancient city in Iran?
A. Persepolis
B. Isfahan
C. Tehran
D. Shiraz答案:A.Persepolis
48.The snow is ___. (cold)

50.The ______ (水循环) plays a role in plant growth.
51.The sloth is known for moving _________ (缓慢).
52.We have a ______ (丰富的) class schedule.
53.What is the name of the fairy tale character who loses her glass slipper?
A. Snow White
B. Cinderella
C. Jasmine
D. Belle答案: B
54.In summer, the days are ______ (更长).
55.I can ___ (build) a sandcastle.
56.What is the capital of New Zealand?
A. Auckland
B. Wellington
C. Christchurch
D. Hamilton答案: B
57. A __________ has a definite volume but no definite shape.
58.The _____ (小狗) loves to wag its tail.
59.We have a _____ (比赛) next month.
60.What is the capital of Kazakhstan?
A. Almaty
B. Nur-Sultan
C. Astana
D. Shymkent答案:B.Nur-Sultan
61.The Milky Way is the galaxy that contains our _______.
62.__________ (化学制剂) can enhance the effectiveness of medications and treatments.
63.Metals tend to lose _______ in reactions.
64.The __________ (社会责任) is important for community well-being.
65.My brother loves to __________ (尝试新事物).
66.My brother is very ________ (聪明).
67.My grandma enjoys making ____ (candies).
68.__________ are used to enhance the performance of chemical reactions.
69.The weather is _______ for a picnic.
70.The ________ (appliance) helps with chores.
71.I want to _______ (学习) about geography.
72.I have a __________ (形容词) __________ (玩具名) that I take everywhere.
73.I love to ______ (跳舞) at parties.
74.How many legs does a dog have?
A. 2
B. 4
C. 3
D. 6答案:B 4
75.I drink _____ milk in the morning. (cold)
76.ts can thrive in ______ (极端环境). Some pla
77.I think volunteering is a great way to help others. I want to volunteer at __________.
78. A material that resists the flow of electric current is called a _____.
79.The capital of Georgia is ________ (第比利斯).
80.My grandpa tells stories about ____.
81.The coldest planet in our solar system is ______.
82.What is the capital of Switzerland?
A. Zurich
B. Geneva
C. Bern
D. Basel答案:C
83.The chemical formula for butane is _______.
84.We are going to ___ a festival. (attend)
85.Hamsters like to run on a ________________ (轮子).
86.My _____ (叔叔) is a great storyteller.
87.The puppy is ______ at the ball. (playing)
88.Water is made up of ______ and oxygen.
89.The ________ grows brightly in the sun.
90.Which of these animals can fly south for the winter?
A. Squirrel
B. Bear
C. Bird
D. Fish答案:C
91.I like to go _______ (探险) in the forest.
92.The study of how landscapes evolve can provide insights into ______ change.
93.The chemical formula for ammonia sulfate is _______.
94.The duck waddles to the ______.
95.What do we call a young otter?
A. Pup
B. Kit
C. Calf
D. Chick答案:B.Kit
96.The library is full of _______ (书籍).
97.The soup is too ___ (spicy/sweet).
98.The dog is ______ with its ball. (playing)
99.I enjoy picking _____ (野花) in the fields.
100.My sister is a good ________.。
