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My Best Friend Jenny
I have a really cool best friend named Jenny. Jenny is the funnest and nicest person I know! We have been best friends since we were babies because our moms are best friends too. Jenny lives right next door to me so we get to play together every single day after school.
Jenny has pretty brown hair that is a little curly. She has green eyes that sparkle when she laughs. She is a tiny bit taller than me but not by much. I think Jenny is the cutest girl in our whole class! I like the fun shirts and dresses she wears with rainbows and unicorns on them. Her favorite color is pink so she has lots of pink clothes too.
Even though Jenny is a girl, she doesn't like boring girl stuff. We both love playing outside and getting dirty! Our favorite game is pirates. We use sticks as swords and dig for treasure in the backyard. Sometimes we even bury treasure for each other to find. Jenny is really good at climbing trees and I try to keep up
with her. One time we both fell out of the tree and got grass stains all over our clothes. Our moms weren't too happy about that!
Jenny is really smart and gets good grades in school. She is really good at math and always gets 100% on her math tests. I'm better at spelling than her but she is better at reading than me. We help each other with our homework a lot. If I don't understand something, Jenny explains it really good. She is a much better explainer than our teacher!
The best thing about Jenny is that she is the nicest friend ever. She never gets mad at me even when I accidentally break her toys. She always shares her snacks with me. She sticks up for me when mean kids tease me. I feel so lucky that Jenny is my best friend. We will be best friends forever and ever until we are a hundred years old! I hope every kid can have a best friend as awesome as Jenny. She really is the bestest friend in the whole wide world.
My Best Friend
I have a really good friend named Jessica. She is my best friend in the whole wide world! Jessica and I have known each
other since we were just little babies. Our moms were best friends too, so we got to grow up together.
Jessica lives just down the street from me. Her house is the yellow one with the big oak tree in the front yard. I go over to her house almost every day after school to play. We like to pretend we are explorers discovering uncharted lands in her backyard. Sometimes we make maps of her backyard in the dirt with sticks and leave "treasure" like pretty rocks or bottle caps buried to find again later. Other times we are princes and princesses and have royal ball games and tea parties on her patio. Her mom makes us snacks with lemonade or apple juice and little sandwiches cut into triangle shapes without the crusts.
On the weekends, Jessica comes over to my house and we have sleepovers. We get to stay up way later than on school nights watching movies and giggling so much under our blanket forts. My mom makes us popcorn and hot chocolate and we eat it while the movie is playing. Jessica always picks movies with talking animals or fairy tales. Her favorite is The Lion King. Mine is Cinderella. We both love the mice named Jaq and Gus! After the movies, we read stories with our flashlights until we finally fall asleep.
In the summer, our families go to the swimming pool together. Jessica is a real fish in the water! She can hold her breath and swim under water longer than anyone. I'm still working on that. We have swimming races and see who can make the biggest splash. We chase each other around the pool and play mermaids and pirates. Afterwards we get ice cream sandwiches from the snack bar. Jessica always gets strawberry and I get chocolate!
Jessica is the greatest friend. She is so much fun to be around and we have the best adventures every day just using our imaginations. I'm the luckiest kid to have Jessica as my buddy. We have been best friends forever and I just know we will be best friends forever and ever and ever!
My Best Friend Jessica
I have a best friend named Jessica and she is the coolest! Jessica and I have been best friends since we were in pre-k together. That was like a million years ago! We do everything together.
Jessica is really good at art. She can draw awesome pictures of animals and people and anything else you can think of. One
time for my birthday she drew a huge picture of us playing together at the park. It's hanging up in my bedroom. I'm not as good at drawing as Jessica but she always lets me color and paint with her. We made handprint turkeys together last Thanksgiving and they turned out so cute!
At recess, Jessica and I always play on the swings and the monkey bars. Jessica is super brave and can hang upside down from the monkey bars. I get too scared I'll fall! But she never does. One time she fell off trying to jump from the swingset to the monkey bars but she just got back up and tried again. I admire how fearless she is.
We also both love watching movies together. Our favorite is Finding Nemo because we think the fish are so funny, especially Dory who can't remember anything. We'll act out scenes from movies and make our parents laugh. Jessica does the best Dory impression!
Jessica is the best friend anyone could ever ask for. She's kind, caring, talented, and fun to be around. We've been best buds for so long and I just know we'll be friends forever. I'm so lucky to have a bestie like Jessica in my life. She's simply the coolest girl I know and I hope we're friends until the end of time!
My Best Friend
I have a best friend named Lily. Lily is the nicest girl I know. We met in kindergarten and we have been super close ever since. She always makes me laugh with her silly jokes and funny stories.
Lily and I do everything together. We sit next to each other in class, we eat lunch together every day, and we play on the swings and seesaws during recess. After school, we go to each other's houses to play and have sleepovers all the time. My mom says Lily is like a second daughter to her because she is over at our house so much!
One of my favorite things about Lily is how kind and caring she is. If someone is feeling sad or left out at school, Lily always goes over to cheer them up and ask them to play with us. She never makes fun of anyone and she's friends with everybody. Lily is also really good at sharing her toys and snacks. I don't have a sister, but I think Lily is what it's like to have one.
Another great thing about Lily is that we have so much fun together. We use our imaginations to play pretend games like house, princess, or explorer. We also love doing arts and crafts like painting pictures, making jewelry out of beads, and building
things out of popsicle sticks and glue. Sometimes we just run around outside playing tag, jumping rope, or bouncing on my trampoline. We laugh until our tummies hurt!
Lily is truly the best friend anyone could ask for. We rarely fight or argue because we are so close. Even if we do get in a little disagreement, we always make up quickly because our friendship is too important. I hope Lily and I stay best friends forever. We pinky promised that we will live next door to each other when we grow up and our kids will be best friends too! I am so lucky to have such an amazing person in my life. Everyone should have a great pal like Lily.
My Best Friend Lily
I have a super awesome best friend named Lily! She is the funnest and nicest person I know. Lily and me have been best friends since we were just little kids in kindergarten. We do everything together and she is like a sister to me.
Lily has beautiful long brown hair that goes down past her shoulders. Her eyes are a pretty green color, like emeralds. She is a tiny。