
陶氏纳滤膜简介陶氏纳滤膜(Dow Nanofilration Membrane)是一种高效、可靠的膜分离技术,由美国陶氏化学公司研发并广泛应用于水处理、食品饮料、生物医药等领域。
应用领域1. 水处理陶氏纳滤膜在水处理中扮演着重要的角色。
2. 食品饮料在食品饮料行业,陶氏纳滤膜被广泛应用于浓缩、纯化、澄清等工艺过程中。
3. 生物医药陶氏纳滤膜在生物医药领域有着重要的应用。
4. 化工行业在化工行业,陶氏纳滤膜可应用于溶剂回收、废水处理、反应产物分离等方面。

二、产品介绍1. 反渗透膜元件我们将从反渗透膜元件的原理、结构和应用展开讨论。
2. 纳滤膜元件我们将重点讨论纳滤膜元件在水处理领域的应用。

这种大颗粒过滤形式仅仅对粒径大于1 微米的不溶性固体颗粒有效。
微滤(MF)微滤能截留0.1~1 微米之间的颗粒,微滤膜允许大分子有机物和溶解性固体(无机盐)等通过,但能阻挡住悬浮物、细菌、部分病毒及大尺度的胶体的透过,微滤膜两侧的运行压差(有效推动力)一般为0.7bar。
超滤(UF)超滤能截留0.002~0.1 微米之间的颗粒和杂质,超滤膜允许小分子物质和溶解性固体(无机盐)等通过,但将有效阻挡住胶体、蛋白质、微生物和大分子有机物,用于表征超滤膜的切割分子量一般介于1,000~100,000 之间,超滤膜两侧的运行压差一般为1~7bar。
纳滤是一种特殊而又很有前途的分离膜品种,它因能截留物质的大小约为1 纳米(0.001 微米)而得名,纳滤的操作区间介于超滤和反渗透之间,它截留有机物的分子量大约为200~400 左右,截留溶解性盐的能力为20~98%之间,对单价阴离子盐溶液的脱除率低于高价阴离子盐溶液,如氯化钠及氯化钙的脱除率为20~80%,而硫酸镁及硫酸钠的脱除率为90~98%。

其中,超滤的孔径大小为0.001~ 0.1微米(μm),对于高分子物质、胶体等系统的分离具有独特的优势。
而本文所介绍的O膜纳滤膜设备,则是陶氏公司针对生物制药、食品饮料、水处理等领域,以O膜(Organic Membrane, 有机膜)为基础,利用超滤膜的纳孔作用,以基础滤液为驱动力,将溶液中微生物、淀粉、蛋白质等高分子物质拦截下来。


2-4.13陶氏苦咸水系列产品概述............................................................................................... 24
XLE-440极低能耗反渗透元件........................................................................................ 69
BW30-365-FR抗污染型反渗透元件............................................................................... 71
SW30-2514 SW30-2521 SW30-2540 SW30-4021 SW30-4040 ............Βιβλιοθήκη ...............77
BW30-400-FR抗污染型反渗透元件............................................................................... 73
BW30-400/34i-FR端面自锁高产水量抗污染型苦咸水反渗透膜元件............................. 75

1.1 任务背景
1.2 任务目的
1.3 任务范围
2.1 纳滤膜的定义
2.2 纳滤原理
2.3 纳滤膜分类
2.3.1 膜材料
2.3.2 分离模式
2.4 纳滤膜的性能指标
2.4.1 通量
2.4.2 选择性
2.4.3 耐久性
3.1 内容简介
3.2 手册结构
3.3 使用指南
4.1 纳滤膜的选型
4.1.1 渗透压选择
4.1.2 分离效果评估
4.1.3 膜面积计算
4.2 纳滤膜的操作
4.2.1 设备准备
4.2.2 膜元件安装
4.2.3 清洗过程控制
4.2.4 纳滤操作条件
4.3 纳滤膜的维护与保养
4.3.1 膜清洗
4.3.2 除气处理
4.3.3 膜存放
4.3.4 膜更换
5.1 生物制药领域的应用
5.1.1 纳滤膜在药物提纯中的应用
5.1.2 纳滤膜在疫苗生产中的应用
5.2 食品与饮料领域的应用
5.2.1 纳滤膜在葡萄酒生产中的应用
5.2.2 纳滤膜在果汁生产中的应用
6.1 陶氏纳滤膜技术的优势与发展前景
6.2 陶氏纳滤膜技术手册的作用与意义
6.3 陶氏纳滤膜技术的未来挑战与解决方案
参考文献: 1. 参考文献1 2. 参考文献2 3. 参考文献3。

一是截留分子量为200 ~2000Da,其值介于反渗透和超滤之间。

陶氏反渗透和纳滤膜元件产品与技术手册1. 引言陶氏公司作为世界知名的化工企业,其反渗透和纳滤膜元件产品与技术手册备受行业关注。
2. 反渗透膜技术反渗透膜作为一种高效的膜分离技术,被广泛应用于水处理、海水淡化、工业废水处理等领域。
3. 纳滤膜元件技术纳滤膜作为一种新型的膜分离技术,具有高效、节能、环保等优点,在食品饮料、生物医药、化工等行业得到了广泛应用。
4. 全面评估陶氏公司的反渗透和纳滤膜元件产品与技术手册涵盖了膜材料、工艺技术、产品特性、应用案例等方面的内容,内容深度和广度兼具。
5. 个人观点作为一名从事水处理行业多年的从业者,我对陶氏公司的反渗透和纳滤膜元件产品与技术手册给予了高度评价。
6. 总结通过对陶氏公司的反渗透和纳滤膜元件产品与技术手册的全面介绍,我们对其在膜分离领域的技术实力和市场地位有了更加深入的了解。
7. 结语陶氏反渗透和纳滤膜元件产品与技术手册的内容丰富、深入,对于了解和应用相关技术具有重要价值。


陶氏★陶氏FILMTEC NF200-400纳滤元件面积大,产水量高。
产品名称GMID 有效膜面积ft2(m2) 产水量gpd(m3/d) 稳定透盐率%NF200-400 135847 400(37)CaCl2 8,000(30.3) 50~65MgSO4 6,800(25.7) 3莠去净51.产水量和脱盐率是基于测试条件:500ppm CaCl2,70psi(0.48Mpa),25℃,15%回收率。
2000ppm MgSO4,70psi(0.48Mpa), 25℃,15%回收率。
【运行极限值】膜的类型:聚酰胺复合膜最高运行温度:45℃最高运行压力:600psi(41bar)最大压差:15psi(1.0bar)连续运行pH范围a:3-10短时清洗pH范围(30分钟):1-11最大给水流量:70gpm(15.9m3/h)最大给水污染指数: SDI5最大给水浊度:1NTU游离氯容忍量b:<0.1ppma当pH>10时,连续运行的最高温度为35℃(95°F) ;b在某些条件下,进水含有游离氯和其它氧化剂会引起严重的膜性能破坏,由于氧化破坏不属于产品质保条款范围,FilmTec推荐在膜前的预处理中除去残余游离氯。
★FILMTEC NF270-400纳滤元件面积大,产水量高。
产品名称GMID 有效膜面积ft2(m2) 产水量gpd(m3/d) 稳定透盐率%NF270-400 148822 400(37)CaCl2 14,700(55.6) 40~60MgSO4 12,500(47.3) <31.产水量和脱盐率是基于测试条件:500ppm CaCl2,70psi(0.48Mpa),25℃,15%回收率。


氯碱厂膜元件更换方案2015年4月2日目录目录 0一、膜元件布置方式 (1)二、RO系统化学维护药剂的确认及设备维护、完善 (1)三、膜元件更换准备工作 (1)四、拆、装膜元件 (2)五、系统调试 (2)六、运行方式的要求 (3)七、水样分析报告 (4)膜元件更换方案一、膜元件布置方式根据前期系统运行的情况,为便于更加准确、客观的分析陶氏膜和易膜的运行参数的变化,在本次更换易膜时,把陶氏膜和易膜放置于同一系统,以便在相同运行工况情况下,根据两种RO膜的运行参数的变化,更加客观、准确地分析各膜元件的优缺点。

An innovative backwash cleaning technique for NF membrane in groundwater desalination:Fouling reversibility and cleaning without chemical detergentWenli Jiang a ,b ,Yi Wei a ,b ,Xueli Gao a ,b ,⁎,Congjie Gao a ,b ,Yuhong Wang ca Key Laboratory of Marine Chemistry Theory and Technology,Ministry of Education,Ocean University of China,Qingdao 266100,Shandong,Chinab College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Ocean University of China,Qingdao 266100,China cNational Center of Ocean Standards and Metrology,Tianjin 300112,ChinaH I G H L I G H T S •A novel cleaning method was developed.•This method was used in nano filtration membrane cleaning for the first time.•Direct osmosis backwash was worked by injection of high salinity solution.•There was a strong driving force to lift and sweep the foulants from membrane.•The permeate water flux recovery was more than 99.78%with cleaning for 10min.a b s t r a c ta r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 2November 2014Received in revised form 17December 2014Accepted 18December 2014Available online 29December 2014Keywords:Membrane fouling Nano filtration Direct osmosis High salinityBackwash cleaningMembrane fouling is the main problem during the nano filtration (NF)process of brackish water desalination due to the existence of natural organic matter,especially humic acid (HA).Moreover,the conventional membrane cleaning method would do great harm to the environment because large amount of chemicals were employed.In order to control organic fouling,a novel cleaning method via direct osmosis backwash (DOBW)by injecting high salinity (HS)solution was developed.Different operating conditions for HS-DOBW technology in the actual process were systematically investigated.The results demonstrated that there was a strong driving force to lift and sweep the foulants from the membrane surface which would be carried over to the brine.The optimal conditions in terms of HS (150kg/m 3NaCl solution)flow rate of 0.121L/min were selected for the subsequent experiments.The results showed that the fouling could be almost fully reversible (more than 99.78%permeate water flux recovery),and the membrane needed to be cleaned for about 10min because of the appearance of HA on membrane surface at the fouling time of 24h.Most importantly,the HS-DOBW technology is very effective in keeping the membrane continuously clean and ensuring stable permeate production.©2014Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionPotable water scarcity is one of the greatest challenges around the world,because of the increasing water demand and the decreasing availability of pure natural water resources [1,2].Especially in some hydroponic inland places,the groundwater is rich in fluorine,arsenic and salinity.Nano filtration (NF)is a pressure driven membrane-based desalting process and is considered world-wide as one of the most promising technology among various water treatment processes [3].Groundwater desalination with NF membrane,an effective means to obtain fresh water,eases the worries about the water resource crisis.Galanakis et al.[4]have successfully conducted NF of brackish ground-water using a polypiperazine membrane with a high mineral fouling resistance.This study contributed to the development of NF applica-tion for the production of low cost drinking water in touristic regions (i.e.,islands,coasts and hotel areas),where water de ficiency is mainly a seasonal but growing problem.However,membrane fouling is an unavoidable long-standing prob-lem which has a strong impact on the ef ficiency of this process.When fouling occurs on the membrane surface the permeation decreases,the trans-membrane pressure increases,the permeate quality may de-crease and the membrane may be damaged [5].In order to minimize NF plant deterioration due to fouling,the fouled membranes are ad-dressed through extensive pretreatment and periodic chemical cleaningDesalination 359(2015)26–36⁎Corresponding author at:Key Laboratory of Marine Chemistry Theory and Technology,Ministry of Education,Ocean University of China,Qingdao 266100,Shandong,China.E-mail addresses:gxl_ouc@ ,haichaodiyin123@ (X.Gao)./10.1016/j.desal.2014.12.0250011-9164/©2014Elsevier B.V.All rightsreserved.Contents lists available at ScienceDirectDesalinationj o u r n a l h o m e pa ge :ww w.e l s e v i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /d e s a land disinfection[6–9,27].In any case,due to the downtime resulting from frequent NF operation stoppage,these widely used methods will not only result in low effectiveness of production and high cost of cleaning agents,but also create environmental issues related to the waste chemical disposal.Therefore,it is strongly desired tofind a new method to reduce or even eliminate chemical cleaning.Pressure-driven backwashing,which is a common practice in microfiltration and ultrafiltration processes,is an effective means of fouling control.But it is not applied in NF membranes,as the high back-pressure may rupture the composite membranes[6,10].Spiegler and Macleish[6,11]proposed the means of introducing an osmotic driv-ing force for backwashing.Osmotic backwashing can be induced when the feed-side osmotic pressure exceeds the applied hydraulic pressure across the membrane.Development of direct osmosis(DO)technology has been in-creasingly attractive for backwash cleaning of reverse osmosis(RO) because it is highly efficient and eco-friendly[11].Spiegler,Macleish, Semiat's group,Avraham and Liberman et al.[3–6,12–19]have al-ready studied DO technology.Spiegler and Macleish[4,11]investi-gated DOBW of RO membranes and they found thatflux of the RO membrane fouled with ferric hydroxide could be restored after DOBW.However,it took at least30min for each backwash opera-tion.Ando et al.[20,21]implemented a permeate back pressure in the range of0.05–0.3MPa for backwash of a spiral wound RO mem-brane module.Rychen et al.[22]studied a new DOBW process run-ning with no pressure supplied at the permeate side.And then Semiat's group[5,13,23]conducted fundamental research on this conclusion.They studied the effects of feed concentration,backwash time and feed operating pressure on the DOBWflow rate.Soon after-wards,Avraham et al.[5]reported that there were two distinct stages for the permeate backflow rate vs.time.In Stage I,the back-washflow rate was the highest at the beginning and sharply declined with time.In Stage II,the backwashflow rate then slowed down until leveled off[4,13].They suggested that the DOBW period should be controlled within Stage I,maybe less than20s.And theflux of the RO membrane newly fouled by CaCO3could be resumed to its origi-nal level after the DOBW with0.5%NaCl solution over20s.Liberman[24–27]reported a new DOBW technology for RO mem-brane cleaning,where a high salinity solution(HS)was injected into the feed water over a few seconds.It was reported that in a seawater RO desalination process,a super-saline solution made of17%NaCl could be injected to create a net driving force of55bar for the DOBW process[4,26].And now with the development of this technology,it had been applied in four brackish water RO trains at Dshanim Factory in Israel[28].Hitherto a lot of studies on the DOBW method have been con-ducted and all of the above-mentioned researches are about RO membrane.However,there is no study on the DOBW method used for NF membranes.Both RO and NF are all pressure-driven processes, so the HS-DOBW technology may be applied in the NF membrane cleaning.The study of its application in potable water production from salinity-rich groundwater with NF membrane has not been re-ported.Therefore,previous studies provide a preliminary indication regarding the potential of employing the HS-DOBW technique for NF membrane cleaning.In this paper,the main purpose is to investigate the HS-DOBW mechanism for a singleflat sheet NF membrane and identify its main parameters.A simplified mathematical model was developed to predict the DOBW stage accurately and verified by corresponding experiments which is possible to understand and control the back-wash process of zero-applied pressures.Effects of major parameters and operating conditions were systematically investigated and opti-mized via a laboratory-scale operation for future practical imple-mentation in the case of zero-applied pressure,where osmosis forces alone drive the DOBW process,i.e.,atmospheric pressures al-lows on both sides of the NF membrane.2.Theory2.1.Driving force of the HS-DOBW processFig.1illustrates a comparison of the driving force in NF and HS-DOBW processes.Just like reverse osmosis(RO),NF is also a pressure-driven process.And the pressure is provided by exoteric power energy. Unlike NF,osmosis or FO or DO process is driven by the different osmo-sis pressures between two solutions separated by a semi-permeable membrane[29].The semipermeable membrane allows water to sponta-neously pass through it from higher water chemical potential side to the lower side,i.e.,passage of water is from the lower salt concentration side to the higher one because the lower the salt concentration is,the higher the water chemical potential is,which phenomenon was observed in1748[16].And the theoretical osmosis pressureΠof a salt solution can be calculated using the Van't Hoff Eq.(1).Π¼nc∅RTð1Þwhere n is the number of ions;c is the salt concentration(M),ϕis the osmosis coefficient;R is the universal gas constant (0.082057L·atm·K−1·mol−1),and T is the temperature(K).2.2.Simplest mathematical modelThe present simplest mathematical model together with experi-mental data that were assigned to point at two backwash stages com-prises the backwash mechanism.Measurable variables of the DOBW process were needed to verify the theory[23].One of these variables was the DOBWflux through the membrane,dV/dt′:dV t0ÀÁdt0¼A m DdÂ106∂C0;tðÞ∂yð2Þwhere A m(m2)was the membrane area,D(m2/s),d(m),t'(s)and V(t') (mL).C,t and y were dimensionless.A second measurable variable of the DOBW process was the DOBW accumulated volume,V(t'),entering the feed channel at a dimensional time,t'.V(t'),obtained by integrating Eq.(2)with DOBW time,t':V t0ÀÁ¼A m dÂ106Zt∂C0;tðÞ∂y dt:ð3ÞEq.(3)was the main outcome of the DOBW model.It may be applied to experimental data sets for the model's verification,predictability and further understanding,followed by control of the DOBW process.Eq.(3)parison of the driving force in NF and HS-DOBW processes.27W.Jiang et al./Desalination359(2015)26–36has one adjustable parameter,α,which may be determined by fitting Eq.(3)to a speci fic data set.2.3.Foulant lifting and sweepingFig.2shows a schematic of foulant accumulation in NF process and foulant lifting and sweeping during HS-DOBW cleaning [16,28].The ex-perimental situation that underlined the present model is as follows:the DOBW process starts as soon as the NF stops.Physically,after HS solution is injected into the feed water over a few seconds,the start mo-ment of the backwash process is when the net applied pressure drops below the osmotic pressure,Δπ.The HS solution enters the feed channel like a wave which occupies one or two membrane elements and moves towards the brine outlet.This is the moment at which the permeate water start to diffuse through the NF membrane and through the CP layer into the feed region,and then drain away [13].As a result,the foul-ing and/or scaling components are lift up vertically from the membrane surface.Meanwhile,velocity of the HS solution in the feed channel grows on its way to the brine due to the permeate “up ”suction,which induces an additional horizontal force to flush the feed bi-nation of the lifting up with the increased velocity of HS solution pro-vides both stripping and sweeping effects to effectively clean the membrane surface and remove the foulants from the feed spacer.The water,when transfers through the membrane and CP layer,dilutes the salt concentration subject to diffusion and flow laws while possibly removing the fouled layer.It was reported [1]that there were two distinct stages for the permeate back flow rate vs.time.The first backwash stage,characterized by high backwash flow rate,ends when the salt concentration in the CP layer becomes lower than the salt bulk concentration.In Stage II,the backwash flow rate then slows down until leveled off and water keeps diffusing into the feed space against the salt concentration.When no water feed to the membrane,it is reasonable to assume that time dependent water concentration in the feed side of the membrane is continuously reduced towards asymptot-ically pure water level.At the same time,transient process of salt con-centration dilution continues at the feed side.3.Experiments3.1.Reagents and NF membranesAll of the reagents were analytical grade except NaCl,and deionized water (DIW)was used throughout.HS solutions were prepared with in-dustrial grade NaCl.The NF membranes employed in this study were purchased from Zhejiang Mei Technology Co.,Ltd (China).The membranes employed in this experiment were installed in a laboratory-scale NF stack purchased from Shandong Tianwei Mem-brane Technology Co.,Ltd (Shandong,China).The main characteristics of the membranes are listed in Table 1.boratory-scale experimental set-up and synthetic groundwater qualitySchematic diagram of the fouling and subsequent HS-DOBW cleaning experiments performed with the NF-3A membrane in a laboratory-scale cross-flow test unit was shown in Fig.3.The membrane test unit was equipped with a feed reservoir,a pressure vessel containing the mem-brane module,a circulation and pressurization pump with a security value and two pressure gauges,a thermometer for temperature measure-ment in the circulation reservoir [30]of a membrane cell,an automatic circulating cooling device for temperature control,and a flow meter on the feed water pipe.A HS tank,a DIW tank and two peristaltic pumps were added for the process of HS-DOBW.The membrane cell was a rect-angular plate-and-frame unit,containing a flat membrane sheet placed in a rectangular channel of 12.6cm 2effective membrane area.Both perme-ate and retentate were recirculated.The cross flow velocity and the oper-ating pressure were adjusted by using a bypass valve in conjunction with a back-pressure regulator.In this paper synthetic groundwater was prepared according to the ratio of each ion in groundwater in northwest China,and the main ions in the synthetic solution and their corresponding concentrations are shown in Table 2.3.3.Analytical methodsAll the membrane samples were dried at 303.15K in hood for 24h.Subsequently,many relevant tests were measured.The contamination degree of NF membrane and cleaning ef ficiency of HS-DOBW method were measured with attenuated total re flectance-Fourier transform in-frared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR),energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS)and atomic force microscope (AFM).Permeate flux recovery was also tested to demonstrate the cleaning ef ficiency of the novel technique.In the whole experiment,all samples were diluted to suitable levels for analysis.The content of arsenic in permeate samples was analyzed by using the AFS-230dual-channel atomic fluorescence spectropho-tometer.Each sample was measured five times,so as to get more accu-rate results.The salinity was analyzed by using a conductivity meter (DDS-307A).Table 1The main characteristics of the NF membranes.ItemNF-3AUnit Type bFlat sheet membrane –Material bPolyamide –Surface charge b Negative –NaCl rejection b 38.0%MgSO 4rejection b 99.5%DIW permeability a 57.84L·m −2·h −1Operation pressure b 15–27kg Operation pH b2.0–10.0–Cleaning temperature b54°CNF test condition:NaCl 2g/L &MgSO 42g/L in water at 1.0MPa.aThe values were measured in the study.bInformation was provided by themanufacturer.Fig.2.Schematic of NF:foulant accumulation and HS-DOBW cleaning:foulant lifting and sweeping.28W.Jiang et al./Desalination 359(2015)26–363.3.1.ATR-FTIR analysisIn order to investigate the changes in chemical bonds in membrane surfaces,ATR-FTIR (Tensor 27,BRUKER OPTIK GmbH)was employed.The spectra were recorded in the range of 600–4000cm − –EDS analysisThe membrane samples were cut into 6mm ×6mm size and coated with gold powder in the surfaces by a sputter coating machine before the observation of SEM –EDS (XL 30,Philips).The images of membrane surface were taken by SEM,and the surface element contents were analyzed by EDS.To get the average values,5different sites on each of three membrane samples prepared under the same fouling conditions were tested for the element contents [31].3.3.3.Roughness measurementAFM was used to measure the roughness of the membrane surface and examine the cleaning ef ficiency.The force measurements were carried out with a NanoScope 3D multimode AFM controller (Veeco Metrology Group/Digital Instruments).Measurements were per-formed in tapping mode with etched silicon TESP probes (spring constant 42N/m).Resolution of 512×512data points at 1Hz per image was used to collect the images.Membrane samples were cut into 10mm ×10mm size and then were put onto the substrate to be observed.A high accuracy morphology diagram of the membrane surface could be achieved and it re flected the ion repulsion between the membrane surface and the probe.Then the roughness of the membrane surface and the degree of pollution could be reached.3.3.4.Permeate flux analysisFlux (J )is the volume of permeate (V )collected per unit membrane area (A )per unit time (t ),which is calculated as:J ¼V =At :ð4ÞPermeate samples were collected for arsenic concentration and sa-linity determination and the membrane permeate flux was measured at speci fied time intervals.In order to assess the cleaning ef ficiency of HS-DOBW method,flux recovery ratio (FRR)was calculated based on Eq.(5).FRR %ðÞ¼J w −J f wJ iw −J f wÂ100ð5Þwhere J iw is the pure water flux before fouling;J fw is the pure water flux after fouling;and J w is the pure water flux after cleaning.Pure water flux of membrane before and after fouling was measured.It was measured again after chemical cleaning.And all the pure water fluxes were mea-sured under applied pressure of 1.0MPa,cross-flow velocity of 1L/min,and temperature of 20.0±0.3°C.123450.81.01.2J / (L /m 2/h )Time / (min)Fig.4.Effects of HS and DIW flow rate on cleaning ef ficiency.Table 2The main compositions in the synthetic groundwater.Main parameters Concentration Unit K +7.500ppm Na +882.9ppm Ca 2+58.92ppm Fe 3+0.375ppm Cl −653.2ppm SO 42−1271ppm NO 3−0.605ppm Mg 2+61.00ppm HCO 3−108.8ppm As(V)0.7ppm HA30ppmFig.3.Schematic experimental unit for NF fouling and cleaning.29W.Jiang et al./Desalination 359(2015)26–363.4.Membrane fouling and cleaning protocolsEach backwash experiment was conducted after running the exper-imental system for about 15min to assure steady state NF operation.Backwash time starts at the stop moment of the NF process,by stopping the applied pressure as quickly as possible,to minimize the shift time between NF and backwash processes.Several operation conditions such as HS-DOBW feed-flow rate of both draw solution and feed solu-tion,valence state of ions,concentration of HS,the moment to start cleaning and the duration time.Three simple steps were added for HS-DOBW treatment orderly:(1)close the permeate valve V P ,concen-tration valve V C and feed flow valve V F to pause the NF process (full lines in Fig.3);(2)open valve V H ,V HE and V D ,V DE over the desired time to inject HS and DIW into the NF membrane module by two peri-staltic pumps (BT/101S,Baoding Lead Fluid Technology Co.,Ltd,China)to start the HS-DOBW process (dotted lines in Fig.3);and (3)re-sume the normal NF operation via opening V P ,V C and V F after comple-tion of a HS-DOBW treatment.It should be pointed out that one to four conditions were tested in one day during the HS-DOBW trials for optimization of operating conditions and the ef ficiency of HS-DOBW method on NF fouling control would be validated in a long-term contin-uous plant operation in the next study.4.Results and discussion4.1.Optimization of operating conditions for HS-DOBW treatment 4.1.1.Effect of HS-DOBW feed-flow rate on permeate rateFig.4summarized the results of a set of experiments which tested the in fluence of the HS and DIW flow rate.A HS-DOBW run was operat-ed using a HS solution and DIW at a certain flow rate.After the system reached a steady operation,the backwash process was operated for each flow rate.It could be observed that the permeate flux of DIW through the membrane decreased dramatically with the cleaning timefrom 0to 2min and then decreased gently as the cleaning time increased.The reason for this behavior was related to a concentration polarization (CP)effect on the membrane wall.Then the high salinity solution was diluted by the backwash permeate water with cleaning time and the backwash driving force was reduced subsequently.It made no difference among different flow rates by reason of their ana-logical performances.Taking into consideration economic and other fac-tors comprehensively,the flow rate of 0.121L/min was selected for the subsequent experiments.4.1.2.Selection of HS solutions on permeate rateOsmotic pressure (Π)of salt solution was calculated according to Eq.(1)with known density,so as to investigate the effect of valence state on HS-DOBW cleaning ef ficiency and obtain a feasible HS solution.We could clearly see the results in Table 3that the dose of NaCl was the least under the condition of producing the same osmotic pressure.Apparently,the ion quantity of Na 2SO 4and MgCl 2was 1.5times of NaCl and MgSO 4.So the concentration of NaCl and MgSO 4was 1.5times of Na 2SO 4and MgCl 2with the purpose of gaining the same osmot-ic pressure.Meanwhile,effect of different HS solutions on permeate rate were shown in Fig.5.It demonstrated that the permeate fluxes produced by high salinity solutions did not change very signi fipared with the other solutions,NaCl was the most effective one.On the whole,NaCl was selected as the final HS solution thanks to its utmost ef ficiency and least dose.4.1.3.Effect of HS concentration on permeate rateIt was understood that a higher feed concentration will induce a larger driving force and a bigger backwash flow rate according to Eq.(1).Some studies [3,14,16]have found that a HS with osmotic pressure of 35–100bar was needed and the corresponding NaCl con-centration should be 43–136kg/m 3[3]during backwash in RO.NaCl so-lutions with concentration in the range of 50–200kg/m 3were studied,0123451. / (L /m 2/h )Time / (min)Fig.6.Effect of HS concentration on permeate rate in HS-DOBW cleaning.Table 4Calculation of osmotic pressure for different potential HS solutions.NaCl concentration (kg/m 3)Osmotic pressure/Π(bar)5040.9310081.8611493.32125102.33136111.33150122.79200163.72123451. / (L /m 2/h )Time / (min)Fig.5.Effects of different HS solutions on permeate rate.Table 3The osmotic pressure and required dose of the representative four salts.Salt type Osmotic pressure (MPa)Concentration (mol/L)Salt dose (g)NaCl 7.183 1.587.75MgSO 47.183 1.5180Na 2SO 47.1831142MgCl 27.18319530W.Jiang et al./Desalination 359(2015)26–36so as to obtain a feasible osmotic pressure for NF membrane backwash.Osmolality of the corresponding NaCl solutions at different concentra-tions was measured and then was converted to osmotic pressure (Π)with the known density.The results were also shown in Table 4.The effect of HS concentration on permeate rate was shown in Fig.6.In the case presented,the permeate flux of the HS-DOBW with different NaCl feed concentrations was calculated based on the backwash flow rate.As shown,the flux increased with driving force (osmotic pressure)in the range of 50to 150kg/m 3NaCl solution.While the permeate flux was almost the same with NaCl concentration increased when it went beyond 150kg/m 3.So in order to economize the consumption of chem-ical salts and make it eco-friendly,the NaCl concentration of 150kg/m 3was engaged in the subsequent HS-DOBW cleaning processes.4.2.Membrane foulant identi ficationIt was found that at the initial stage of NF process,the deposition of sulfate and carbonate of calcium was the main cause of membrane fouling.At the later fouling stage,besides calcium salts,complex organic foulant functional groups also deposited onto membrane surface and gradually formed a densely packed fouling layer [31].By contrast with organic foulant,the inorganic one was much easier to be cleaned.The membrane foulants of different operation time were identi fied in detail by ATR-FTIR and SEM –EDX,for the sake of understanding the mem-brane fouling process during NF of brackish groundwater.4.2.1.Analysis by ATR-FTIRIn order to identify the compositions of organic and inorganic deposits on the membrane surfaces at different fouling stages,the FTIR spectra of membrane samples including virgin membrane andfouled membrane were compared and shown in Fig.7.HA was the only organic matter in the NF feed water,so it was necessary to know its molecular structural formula (Scheme 1).As shown in Scheme 1,HA was a complex organic matter with many functional groups of hydroxide radical (–OH)and carboxyl (–COOH).The FTIR spectrum for the virgin NF membrane showed characteristics of both polyamide barrier layer and polysulfone support layer [32–34].The broad band centered at 3550cm −1was attributed to the overlapping of bands from the stretching vibrations of O –H.The band at the range of 1680–1750cm −1was attributed to C _O stretching and blending vibra-tions.It was obvious that the transmittance was getting stronger and stronger with operating time,especially after 24h fouling with the band at the ranges of 3200–3650cm −1and 1680–1750cm −1.This was just because the existence of hydroxide radical (–OH)and carboxyl (–COOH),which indicated the deposition of HA on the membrane surface after 24h fouling.So in order to clean the mem-brane more easily,the cleaning time should be fixed on the operating time of 24h.4.2.2.Analysis by SEM –EDXIn order to characterize the changes in morphology at different fouling stages,membrane samples including virgin membrane,and membranes of different time fouling were analyzed by SEM.From Fig.8,it was observed that after 5h and 12h operation,a large amount of white crystal substances appear in the fouling layer,which should be sulfate and carbonate of calcium as con firmed by ATR-FTIR analyses.After 24h and 36h operation,a densely packed fouling layer which could consist of both organic matters and inorganic salts was observed on the membrane surface.Combined with SEM,EDX was used to analyze the element contents in fouling layers [31,35].The results were shown in Table 5.It was observed that the content of carbon and oxygen was kept changing with fouling time.But the ratio of carbon/oxygen vs.operation time was almost the same as the virgin membrane when the operation time was in the range of 12h.The ratio began to decrease at the fouling time of 24h,which just meant that the HA appeared on the membrane surface after 24h operation,and its weight percent decreased from 5.533to 5.435,while the change was not very obvious.In order to fur-ther con firm the accurate time of HA appearing on membrane surface,the backwash (with NaCl solution,150kg/m 3)cleaning ef ficiencies for membranes with different filtration time had been studied.As shown in Fig.9,at the cleaning time of about 10min,the FRR of membrane with 24,36and 48h filtration reached 99.78%,92.87%and 86.95%,re-spectively.This should be caused by the deposition of organic foulants during NF of brackish groundwater as discussed above,and the osmotic pressure formed by high salinity solution was not suf ficient to remove them.Many studies [2,14,31,36]have suggested that it was easier for the inorganic matters to be cleared from the membrane surface than the organic pollutants.So the critical point of HS-DOBW cleaning was fixed on the operation time of 24h.Then the membrane was easier to be cleaned and its service life could be extended.T r a n s m i t t a n c eWave numbers / (cm -1)parison of the FTIR spectra of NF membrane samples at different fouling stages:(a)virgin membrane,(b)membrane of 5h fouling,(c)membrane of 12h fouling,(d)membrane of 24h fouling and (e)membrane of 120hfouling.Scheme 1.Chemical formula of humic acid (HA).31W.Jiang et al./Desalination 359(2015)26–36。

8. 取膜壳微生物样
膜壳完成最终清洗,棉签 擦拭确认清洗效果,并和之 前的分析结果进行对比。
9. RO膜及构件安装
1. RO设备进行表面清洗 2 RO膜构件拆卸,构件清洗并在高压灭菌锅内消毒 3. RO膜拆卸 4 RO膜清洗前,取膜壳微生物样 5. 泡沫清洗膜壳 6. 人工清洗膜壳 7. 膜壳消毒(100ppm的过氧乙酸,10分钟) 8. 取膜壳微生物样. 9. RO膜及构件安装 10.RO系统消毒(非氧化性消毒剂循环15分钟) 11、人工清洗过滤器 12、人工清洗助剂(如阻垢剂)系统 13、人工清洗中间水箱 14.系统运行,微生物取样及检测
将拆卸后的膜置于区域工作台上,膜片的放置都依照拆卸的顺序以免 混乱或不对应的相应外壳。
4 .RO膜清洗前,取膜壳微生物样
在每个膜壳上用棉签进行微生物取 样。
5. 泡沫清洗膜壳
6. 人工清洗膜壳
对膜壳进行人工擦洗以去除附着在上面的薄膜片。含有0.5%的次氯酸 钠泡沫洗涤剂进行擦洗。
7. 膜壳消毒(100ppm的过氧乙酸,10分钟)
1. RO设备进行表面清洗
2. RO膜构件拆卸,构件清洗并在高压灭菌 锅内消毒
取出RO设备构件(密封件、连 接件)并清洗。
在膜壳塞子处能见到一层胶状生物膜异 物。
2. 拆卸RO膜部件,清洗部件并在高压灭菌 器内消毒

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