冀教版-英语-七上-2单元 Colours and Clothes-第13课教案

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Lesson 13: Skirt and Shirt


【教学目标】1. 学习我们生活中常见的四种服装类的名词

2. 掌握含有be动词句子的一般疑问句的构成


【教学重点】1. New words and phrases of the section.

2. Express an old thing and a new thing

3.. Express that your like ……

【教学难点】1. Understand the meaning of the text

2. Alternative Questions.

3. General Questions.


Good morning, class. Young girls like talking about clothes in their lives. What clothes do they like best? I think dresses and skirts are their favourite clothes. What about you ? Do you often ask your parents to buy clothes for you? What clothes do you like? This lesson, we will learn some nouns about clothes.


Step 1. Demonstrate: Hold up real clothing you have brought to class, or point to clothing that the students are wearing and introduce skirt, shirt and sweater. Repeat each word several times with the class. Make sure they understand the meaning of each word. And then let them read after you many times.

Step 2. Play the audiotape as the students follow in their books. With the following questions.

T: Look at the Picture One, what is it? S: ……

T: Look at the Picture Two, what is it? S: ……

T: Look at the Picture Three, what is it? S: ……

Step 3. Hold up a picture of clothing or point to clothing the students are wearing and ask “ What is it?” Make them answer with right word. You can also use other questions such as “Is it a ____ ?” “What colour is it?”

Step 4. Show two shirts to the students. One is new, the other is old. Point the old one, say “old”, point the new one, say “new”, say the words many times. Let the know about their meanings. And then you ask the students pointing one shirt. New or old?/Is it new or old? Choose “old” or “new”.

And then explain alternative questions. Is it new or old? It’s new./It’s old.

Step 5. Lead them to answer the following questions.

T: Are you a student or a teacher?

S1: I am a student.

T: Am I a student or a teacher?

S2: You are a teacher.

T: Is this a book or a pen?

S3: It is a book.

T: Is this book new or old?

S4: It is new.

Step 5. Let the student read the Part Two, and then act it out.

Step 6. Listen to the Part Three with these questions.

T: What does Li Ming like? S: ……

S: What does Jenny like ? S: ……

T: Where is Jenny’s skirt from S: ……

T: Is Li Ming’s shirt new or old? S: ……

If the students don’t know the word, Explain the word to the students.

Step 7. And then the teacher say “ I like you shirt.” to a boy. Let him say, “Thanks./Thank you.”

A. I like B: Thanks/Thank you.

Step 8. Make up a dialogue according the Part Three. Give the students a model.

A: I like your .

B: Thanks/Thank you.

A: Is it new?

B: No./Yes. It’s form

A: It’s nice.

B: I like .

A: ……


Step 9. Homework. Recite the Part Three.


Lesson 13: Skirt and Shirt

skirt shirt what sweater new old like from no

be from

an old shirt

I like your →Thanks/Thank you.


1. Finish the remaining exercises in the activity book.

2. Preview the next reading in the student book.

3. Go on talking about your favourite clothes.


